WashJam 2016 Unit Leader`s Guide


WashJam 2016 Unit Leader`s Guide
WashJam 2016
Unit Leader's Guide
Preview Edition
August 25 – 28, 2016
Fort Lewis, WA
Pacific Harbors Council, BSA
GPS: 47.137177,-122.599611
Note: Activities listed in this guidebook are proposed at this time, and subject to change.
WashJam 2016 Leader's Guide Preview Edition - Pacific Harbors Council, BSA Revised 6/30/16 - Page 1
Welcome to WashJam 2016!
Welcome to the biggest Northwest Scouting event of 2016! We are excited to have members of our Scouting
community from Washington, Oregon, Canada, and others join us for WashJam 2016. Over 4,000 participants
are expected to attend WashJam 2016, making it the biggest Scouting event in Washington State this year.
Thousands of hours of preparations and effort have gone into the planning and production of this exciting
three day event.
We hope you will receive a taste of a National Jamboree experience while participating in this awesome event.
Our goal is to provide you with unique adventures that you will remember "I was at WashJam 2016" for many
years to come.
This year will feature many activity areas for our participants to enjoy. As they travel around the different
'Worlds' of WashJam, they will discover new activity areas such as the Technology Challenge, Land of
Adventure, Venturing Land, Advancement Challenge and Survival Challenge, and other themed areas.
Cub Scouts will enjoy the "Western Town" themed area, with activities, games, climbing walls, and much
WashJam will also include a Mountain Man Encampment, military displays, Order of the Arrow Indian Village,
archery range, rifle range, food vendor midway, Friday and Saturday night arena shows and a 'Zombie
Invasion Night Hike'.
We will also have many of the traditional Scout craft areas to test your skills and practice your team building
and outdoor skills knowledge.
Here's to another great WashJam experience, the Ultimate Adventure!
Ralph Voelker
John Ohlson
Scout Executive
Pacific Harbors Council
Event Chairman
WashJam 2016
Al Plank
Candy Snyder
Program Chairman
WashJam 2016
Cub World Chairman
WashJam 2016
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Welcome to WashJam 2016! .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
WashJam 2016 Activities ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Cub Adventure World ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Shooting Sports ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Land of Adventure........................................................................................................................................................ 5
The Land of Advancement .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Technology Challenge – STEM@WashJam ......................................................................................................................... 6
Venturing Land .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Survival Challenge ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Mountain Man Rendezvous Encampment ......................................................................................................................... 6
OA Indian Village ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Civil War Reenactors & Roman Legion Soldiers .................................................................................................................. 6
Midway ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Program Area Stages ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Arena Shows ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
WashJam 2016 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
WashJam 2016 Program Area Map ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Camp Check-in Procedures ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Check-in............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Visitors .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Vehicles ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Security ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Check Out .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Water ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Waste Water ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Trash.................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Digging of Holes ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Camp Fires, Portable Fire Pits, Stoves and Grills .............................................................................................................. 13
Unexploded Ordnance ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Miscellaneous Information & Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 14
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Worship Services ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Vendors ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Commercial Food Vendors................................................................................................................................................ 15
WashJam Packing List ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
WashJam 2016 Program Features (proposed) ..................................................................................................................... 18
Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Fees & Registration ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
WashJam 2016 Event Pricing ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Facilities: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Logistics: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Directions: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
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Welcome to WashJam 2016, The Ultimate Adventure!
This Unit Leader's Guide will help you prepare for a great WashJam experience. Please read it carefully, and
refer to the FAQ section if you have questions.
WashJam 2016 Activities
The activities at WashJam are organized into eight different areas, each with a Scouting theme. Campers are
encouraged to visit each of the program areas, experience the activities, and collect a bead in your WashJam
Cub Adventure World
This program area is specifically designed for Cub Scouts and is all about Western adventures! Cub World
features a variety of activities including stage shows, arcade of challenges, rain gutter regatta, craft projects,
games, climbing walls, face painting, treasure hunts, and a Western themed town! And don't forget canoeing
on 'Lake Disney', the man-made canoeing lake that is a WashJam signature feature.
Cub World is limited to Scouts 10 years and under.
Shooting Sports
A favorite among all Scouts, shooting sports teaches safety and responsibility. Teaching Scouts to use the bow
and age appropriate firearms has been an integral part of Scouting from the beginning of the movement. This
program area will offer several activities with the following non-negotiable restrictions:
Archery: Open to all participants, featured in Cub World and the Boy Scout areas
Small bore rifle: Youth 11 and older, at the rifle range
BB Guns: open to Youth 10 and under, in Cub World
Scouts wishing to shoot at the rifle range will assemble at the bus stop in the main camp, ride the bus to the
range, shoot their targets, and return via bus to the main camp. For safety reasons NO ONE will be allowed to
walk to the range.
The Land of Adventure
This is the place to be for lots of fun. Cross a monkey bridge or try your hand at a number skill-oriented
activities including our climbing walls, Low COPE course and a mini golf course. Find out what kind of gear is
best in the outdoors with our "Gear Guy" Ryan Yee, watch blacksmithing demos and a host of other experts.
Scouts will have a great time trying out all of the activities in this program area.
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The Land of Advancement
Advancement skills and merit badges are the focus in the Advancement themed area. Build a lashing project,
raise a signal tower, take the Trail to First Class, show off the skills you have learned or come learn a skill that
will help you get to First Class. Our merit badge midway offers a wide variety of topics to choose from,
including Soil and Water Conservation, Fish & Wildlife, Insect Study, Photography, Nature, Chess, Radio, Coin
and Stamp Collecting Pioneering and more.
Technology Challenge – STEM@WashJam
This program area includes technology related elements that make the Scouting program unique in the 21st
century. Learn about how a computer works, go on a 5 mile geocache course, watch robotics in action, see a
science show or two, visit science exhibits, and more.
Venturing Land
This themed area focuses on Venturing age youth 14 and up. Play ultimate Frisbee, take an Obstacle Course
challenge, or find out about Sea Scouts, Venturing and occupational based Explorer posts (Law enforcement,
Fire, Medical, Aviation, etc.).
Representatives from the 2017 National Jamboree at The Summit will be there, as well as the National Eagle
Scout Association (NESA), the Scout Alumni project, Philmont, Woodbadge, Pacific Harbors' Scout Camps and
Survival Challenge
Survival in the woods is the theme of this area. Learn essential skills to survive in the woods, find out about
edible plants, learn to build a shelter, make a survival bracelet, find out about wilderness first aid, and earn
the Wilderness Survival merit badge. If you get lost, we have a full Search and Rescue activity area, where
you can learn how to find people in the woods, and work on one of the newest merit badges that made its
debut at WashJam 2012: the Search and Rescue merit badge.
Mountain Man Rendezvous Encampment
Go back to the mid 1800’s at our Rendezvous Camp. This program area will give a glimpse into how life was in
the not so distant past. Throwing a tomahawk, shooting an arrow, and tossing a stick at our 'critters', are a
few of the skills a Scout will be able to experience on the Coulter Trail Walk at this program area.
OA Indian Village
Visit with fellow members of the Order of the Arrow, explore our Indian Tee Pee, play 'Human Foosball', hear
stories and trade patches in the OA Indian Village.
Civil War Reenactors & Roman Legion Soldiers
Reenactors from the Civil War era and Roman Legion will be on hand to demonstrate life during those periods
in history. Get some of your American Heritage merit badge requirements signed off, learn how to march like
a Union Soldier, handle a Roman sword & shield, and see how soldiers lived back then.
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The midway will have a variety of commercial and informational booths for the Scouts to visit. Places to get a
bite to eat during the day and just hang out and relax.
The Midway will close Saturday night.
Program Area Stages
There will be two entertainment stages in the program areas, one in Cub Scout Adventure World, and one in
the STEM@WashJam themed area. Programs will run daily from 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM.
Boy Scout Program Stage:
Friday, August 26th:
9:00 AM - US Air Force Thunderbirds – meet & greet and autograph session
Saturday, August 2th:
9:00 AM – TBD
Cub Scout World Program Stage:
Friday, August 26th:
11:00 AM – Science Guy
11:30 AM – OA Ceremonies – Legends of the Blanket
Saturday, August 27th:
11:00 AM – Science Guy
11:30 AM – OA Ceremonies – Legends of the Blanket
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Arena Shows
All items and schedules are tentative, and subject to change as plans are confirmed.
Friday, August 26, 2016
6:30 Patrol flag and flag bearer gather at the entrance of the arena for practice of the “Parade of Patrol Flags”
7:00 PM Gathering, and pre-show
• Live Music TBD
8:00 – 9:30 PM Main Show includes:
• Opening Ceremonies
• William Rogers, President, Pacific Harbors Council
• Parade of Patrol Flags
• A video presentation about the 2017 National Jamboree
• High Adventure Bases promo
• Keynote Speaker
• Entertainment TBA
• Closing remarks
• Movie – Scout Camp
9:30 PM Zombie Invasion Night Hike
Saturday, August 27, 2016
7:00 PM Gathering, and pre-show
• Live Music
8:00 – 10:30 PM Main Show includes:
• Special guest speakers
• Ceremonies celebrating the Order of the Arrow Centennial
1. OA Button Blanket parade
2. OA Centennial video presentation
• Photo slideshow of day's activities
• Comedy Sportz Show
• Awards & recognitions
• Baden Powell on the history of Scouting
• Closing Ceremonies
• Laser Show
Note: upon arriving at the arena be sure a patrol member from each patrol arrives at 6:30 p.m. on Friday
night to practice the “Parade of Patrol Flags”.
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WashJam 2016 Schedule
1:00 PM
Event Arrival and Check-in
Units arrive, check-in and set-up camp in their
assigned sub-camp
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
New Units Arrive and Check-in, LDS Fireside
9:30 PM
Leader’s Meeting
7:00 AM – 8:50 AM
10:00 PM
Welcome New OA Ordeal Members
8:50 AM – 9:00 AM
Morning Flags
At the main flag pole
11:00 PM
Please respect your fellow campers
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cub Activity Area Open
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Activities Area Open
Boy Scouts and Venturing
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Evening Flags
7:10 PM – 8:00 PM
Gather at the Main Stage - Pre-Show
8:00 PM – 10:30 PM
Saturday Evening Show
Entertainment show
11:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
New Units Arrive and Check-in
7:00 AM - 8:45 AM
8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
Morning Flags
At the main flag pole
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cub Activity Area Open
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Activities Area Open
Boy Scouts and Venturing
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
7:00 AM
7:00 PM
Evening Flags
7:00 AM - 8:50 AM
7:10 PM – 8:00 PM
Gather at the Main Stage - Pre-Show
8:50 AM – 9:00 PM
Morning Flags
At the main flag pole
8:00 PM – 10:30 PM
Friday Evening Show
Entertainment and Movie
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
9:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Zombie Invasion Night Hike
Religious Services
A wide variety of services will be offered. Please
consult list given at check-in for times and locations.
11:00 PM
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Pack-up and check out of Sub-camp
“A Scout is Clean” – Please leave the area better than
you found it.
This schedule is subject toWashJam
change 2016
as the
event Guide
nearer.Edition - Pacific Harbors Council, BSA Revised 6/30/16 - Page 9
WashJam 2016 Program Area Map
(Actual Layout and activities offered are subject to change)
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Camp Check-in Procedures
Everyone on site must check in at a Sub-camp or Headquarters (HQ).
Camper Check-in: Thursday, August 25 – Participants to Sub-camps (assigned by colors)
Daily Check-in: Friday and Saturday, August 26 – 27 – Staff to Headquarters area
1. Upon arrival at WashJam, temporarily park your vehicle(s) in your sub-camp, HQ
parking area. Youth should remain at this location under adult supervision.
2. Send only one adult representative from your pack/troop/team/crew to the sub-camp
registration/HQ tent. This unit representative must have the final count of attendees
broken down by the following:
CUB SCOUTS Yellow wristbands
Orange wristbands
BOY SCOUTS Green wristbands
Red wristbands
3. Payment for individuals not previously registered for WashJam must be made at camp
HQ’s before entry in to WashJam. Make sure that the unit representative is prepared to
pay for these individuals via cash, check or credit/debit card. $10 surcharge will be
added to the basic fees as per payment schedule.
4. A WashJam packet will be given to the unit representative. It will include useful
information, wristbands for all paid attendees in your unit, parking passes, and the unit
sub-camp assignment.
5. Upon arrival to your sub-camp, the sub-camp staff leader & staff will direct you to your
camping site.
6. Late arrivers to WashJam may learn where their unit is located at the registration tent or
HQ. Wristbands will be obtained from unit representatives. Walk-ins (unregistered
participants) must pay to receive their wristbands at the Registration tent.
All visitors must check in at the camp HQ Registration tent to register and pay the appropriate
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Vehicles will not be allowed to stay in the camping areas. After unloading, all vehicles must be
moved to the parking area. Vehicles should unload at campsites in 30 minutes or less. If there
is a special needs situation, please clear that with the camp headquarters’ personnel.
All vehicles that enter the WashJam site must have a parking permit completed and placed in a
viewable location on their dashboard. You will receive the permit when you enter the site. Enter
your information, place it on your dash in plain sight. Vehicles without a parking permit will be
subject to being towed at the owner's expense.
The WashJam site is on JBLM military base property. Vehicles or persons may be subject to
search and prohibited items seized. Criminal events will be under military jurisdiction. Our
parking lots will be patrolled by Explorer Police Post personnel and Washington State Patrol
Check Out
Before your unit can check out you must:
Remove all garbage and equipment from your assigned campsite.
Have your campsite inspected by a member of the Sub-camp staff.
Complete your “WashJam Good Turn” assignment (given by Sub-camp staff leader)
AND, your unit must receive a “Good Turn Card” from a member of Staff.
Upon completion of the above items, return to your sub-camp staff leader to receive
your unit’s WashJam patches. The WashJam patch quantity in your checkout packet will
equal the exact number of registered/paid attendees.
Check at your Sub Camp Headquarters for more information about the “Good Turn
Cards” and checkout procedures.
The WashJam site has no running water. All water for the event will be trucked in. It would be
very helpful if all units can bring as much water with them as possible. Please respect the water
supply units by turning off all water spigots after drawing your water.
Waste Water
All gray water (dirty dish water) must be strained of all food particles and collected in the
proper containers. Do not pour gray water into the portable toilets.
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Do not put trash in any container marked “RECYCLE”.
Do not overfill any trashcans. Any trash left on the ground will have to be picked up by others.
If you find a trashcan starting to overflow, please notify a staff member about it as soon as
Digging of Holes
JBLM does not allow any digging on this event site.
Camp Fires, Portable Fire Pits, Stoves and Grills
1. Campfires of any size or type are not authorized on WashJam grounds.
2. The only fuels allowed on site for cooking are propane, isobutene and white gas. Clear an
area 15 feet in diameter of all flammable material around your grill, commercial fire pit or stove.
If you have any questions contact your sub-camp headquarters.
3. All BBQs, stoves and commercial fire pits are prohibited in any tent, building, under any
overhang, on any porch, in any garage or within 15 feet of any JBLM structure.
4. All BBQ's, stoves, Dutch ovens and commercial fire pits shall not be left unattended, and be
under the supervision of an adult at all times.
5. All BBQ's, stoves, Dutch ovens, and commercial fire pits shall use a nonflammable platform
(concrete blocks, nonflammable stand, etc.) AND clear said area of not less than 15 feet in
diameter of any/all flammable materials.
6. Any BBQ utilizing charcoal shall be completely quenched with water after use to ensure
7. All Washington State burn bans are observed on JBLM.
Unexploded Ordnance
Please remember the WashJam event is located in a training area of JBLM. If anyone at the
WashJam event locates something that looks like a flare, smoke bomb or ammunitions of any
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Miscellaneous Information & Rules
UNIFORMS will be worn at all times, unless directed by staff. Remember, this is a
SCOUT activity.
Please stay out of any area marked as closed or off limits as indicated by yellow or red
caution tape.
Leaders are responsible to monitor your Scout’s actions while at WashJam. Respect the
other participant’s camping areas and properties.
Absolutely NO horseplay or fighting will be tolerated. Scout safety is the Unit Leader’s
All participants are to obey the Scout Oath and Law. Do your best to live up to these
Scout standards.
All accident, illness or injuries are to be reported immediately to the first aid personnel
at the first aid station. They must be recorded in a incident ledger book no matter how
small it may seem.
Dishwashing is not permitted at common water source areas. Wash in your own
campsite and dispose of your gray water property.
There will be NO SMOKING or VAPING in any Scout activity area or campsite. Smoking
or Vaping will only be allowed in marked areas.
As always, illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted.
Please do not enter other unit’s campsites without permission. Use the pathways or
aisles for traffic concerns.
Electronic equipment such as radios, iPods, cell phones, video games, CD players, etc.
are the responsibility of the participant who brings it, and Pacific Harbors Council takes
no responsibility for loss or theft of these devices.
There will be no charging stations available for cell phones.
Remember we are guests of JBLM for the weekend and you will be representing the BSA
so please be on your best behavior.
Worship Services
Worship services are planned on Sunday for all interested Scouts and Scouters. Service times
and locations will be posted at WashJam.
An LDS morning-side (Fireside) featuring Elder Larry Blunck, an Area Authority of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will be held at WashJam Saturday Morning August
27, 2016 at 8:00 am. This morning-side is open to all who attend the WashJam event. LDS
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Team, and Venture crew members and their leaders are
attending this year's WashJam event.
Elder Lawrence P. Blunck, Canby, Oregon; managing partner, Blunck & Walhood, LLC; is
former bishop, mission president, and stake president’s counselor. He was mission president in
the Peru Lima North Mission. He currently serves as an Area Seventy in the Northwest United
States Area.
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Open Friday and Saturday
Retail Vendors
WashJam Trading Post – Branded merchandise
Pacific Harbors Council Scout Shop
Sandpiper of California – Backpacks
Game Matrix – video & board games
WashJam 2016 Branded Merchandise
Scout Unit Fundraisers
Candy, Pop, and Snack Items – Boy Scout Troop 1549
Misc. Food & Snacks – National Jamboree Troop fundraiser
Tacos, Nachos, Taco Salads – Girl Scout Troop 43928
Candy, Pop, and Snack Items – Boy Scout Troop 436
Commercial Food Vendors
Dell's Trav'lin Smoke House – BBQ
Bates "Urban Cuisine" Food Truck
Park –n– Grind Espresso
Old Red Barn Popping Co. Kettle Corn
Sponsors/Info Providers
LeMay Car Museum
Girl Scouts of Western Washington
Museum of Flight
Washington National Guard
National Wildlife Federation
Hands Across The Border
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WashJam Packing List
_ Uniform Shirt
_ Neckerchief
_ Clasp
_ Hiking Boots
_ Hiking Socks
_ Pants/Shorts
Base Layer
_ Underwear
_ Extra Socks
_ Short Sleeve Shirt (Not Cotton)
_ Long Sleeve Shirt (Not Cotton)
_ Extra Pants/Shorts
Insulating Layer
_ Jacket (Fleece)
_ Sweat Shirt/Sweater
_ Hat
Waterproof Layer
_ Rain Gear: Hat, Coat, and Pants
_ Sleeping Bag
_ Foam Sleeping pad
_ Tent
_ Pruning Shears or garden clippers*
_ Trail Food/Snacks
_ Bag to hang food in tree
(keeps it away from critters)
_ 2 Water Bottles + Water
_ Eating Utensils (fork, spoon)
_ Mess Kit
(unbreakable plate, cup, bowl)
_ Toothbrush
_ Toothpaste
_ Sun Screen
_ Lip Balm (i.e. Lip sol or Blistex)
_ Soap in Container
_ Packet of Tissue & TP
_ Towel/Hand Towel
_ 10 Essentials (See next page)
_ Scout Book
_ Flashlight
_ Spare Batteries and Bulb
_ Sun Glasses
_ Note Pad & Pencil
_ Personal First Aid Kit
_ ID Card
*Please bring a pair of garden clippers or pruning shears, to snip off Scotch broom stubs in
your tent areas.
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10 Outdoor Essentials:
_ Pocket Knife
Folding blade knife, not sheath type.
_ First Aid Kit
Band-Aids, Moleskin & Neosporin (see list below)
_ Extra Clothing
A change of clothes; shirt, pants, socks, underwear, sweater
_ Rain Gear
Poncho – able to cover backpack: fabric type, no thin plastic
and/or Rain Suit with waterproof hat, pants and jacket.
_ Water Bottle
Water for drinking & cooking
_ Flashlight
Extra batteries and bulb - recommend AA type or 'headlight'
Avoid 'crank type' battery-free lights.
_ Trail Food
Trail mix, granola bars, etc. For emergency use only.
_ Matches
Store in watertight container, or get waterproof type.
_ Fire Starters
Small candle or wax dipped cardboard, egg crates, etc.
_ Sun Protection
Sunscreen & sun glasses
_ Map & Compass
Map of area & liquid filled compass with plastic bearing finder
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WashJam 2016 Program Features (proposed)
1. Technology Challenge
Science Shows/Exhibits
o Engineering Exhibits
o Science Shows
(Science Technology Engineering Math)
Cub Scout NOVA Award:
 Science Camp
o Science Shows
o Webelos Scientist
o Webelos Naturalist
o Lego League Demo
o Ham Radio
 SWING! (Motion — Engineering)
o Sports
 TECH TALK (Technology)
o Computer Camp
o How 911 Works
o Map & Compass
o Video games
o Robotics
o Go Figure! (Math)
o Calculators
o Weights/Measures
o Geocaching
o Secret Codes
Boy Scout and Venturing NOVA Award:
 SHOOT! Projectiles & Space
o Computers
o Model Rocketry
o 2L Water Bottle Rockets
o Space Exploration
o Astronomy
o Ham Radio
o Blow Stuff Up
o Robotics
Games & Things
 Game Design
 Board Game area
 Chess
Talent Contest – “Scouts Got Talent”
Geocaching Course
Geocaching Merit badge
2. Land of Adventure
Monkey Bridges
Survival Bridge
Climbing Walls
Shooting Sports –
 .22 Rifle Range
 Archery Range
 Archery Target Trail
 Big Slingshot ‘Target Hunting’
 Walking A-Frame
 Nitro Shuffle
 Big Knot
 Pail on a Pole
 Hot Isotope
 Pole in a Hole
Skills Challenges
 Low COPE Course
 Blind Escape
 First Aid
 Fire Building
 2-liter Bottle Rockets
Blacksmithing Demos
 Metalworking
 Guest Blacksmiths
 Welding Demos
Backpacking Gear Demo
 Backpacking Stoves
 Gear Selection Demos
 Car Camping demo area
 High Adventure Clothing demo
Athletic Challenge
 Baseball Throw
 Football Throw - distance
 Field Goal Kick - targets
 Soccer ball kick - targets
 Mini Golf
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3. Venturing World
Mountain Bike Race Track
Ultimate Frisbee
Mountain Man Encampment
 Spear Throw
 Tomahawk and Knife Trail Walk
 Bowstring Fire Starting
 Flint Napping (arrowheads)
 Primitive Fire Starting
 Blacksmithing
 Tanning leather
4. Survival Challenge
Search & Rescue Merit Badge
Fish Casting Contest
Survival Challenge
 Obstacle Course
 Lashings challenge
 Survival Bracelets
 Knots & more
Wilderness Survival Classes
Climbing Wall
Cooking demos
Survival food – edible plants
Zombie Invasion Training
OA Indian Village
14 OA Lodge Displays
15 Tee Pee display
16 Patch Trading
6. Zombie Invasion Night Hike
7. Land of Advancement
5. Cub Scout Western Adventure
Western Frontier Adventure
Mountain Climbing Adventure
Space Adventure Land
BB guns & Archery
Canoeing on "Lake Disney"
Rope Bridge
Push Car Race
Bouncing Ball Race
Rest Area
Knot Corral
Stage shows
Game Arcade
Rain Gutter Regatta
To participate, Scouts must complete 'Zombie
Defense Training' in the Survival Challenge area
Scouts will follow the ‘Zombie Trail’, visiting
activity stations along the route.
Zombies will ‘infect’ Scouts at random along the
Scouts must be ‘cured’ by designated ‘Medics’;
they get 3 lives, then they are out of the game.
Survivors will be recognized when they complete
the course... alive!
Merit Badge Workshops
 Genealogy
 Coin Collecting
 Stamp Collecting
 Pioneering
 Citizenship in the Community
 Public Health
 Radio
 Nature
 Sports
 E-Prep
 Photography
Trail to First Class
 Camping gear
o Leave no trace campsite
o 10 Essentials
o Clothing
o Boots & footwear
o Survival gear
 Survival Outpost
 Knot Gauntlet
 Lashings
 Dutch Oven Cooking
 First Aid
 Land Navigation/Orienteering
 Plant ID
Note: Activities listed in this guidebook are proposed at this time, and subject to change.
WashJam 2016 Leader's Guide Preview Edition - Pacific Harbors Council, BSA Revised 6/30/16 - Page 19
Frequently Asked Questions
Fees & Registration
Q: I am a Scoutmaster/Cubmaster, and some members of my unit have already registered
individually. How do I know if someone has already registered from my unit?
A: Unit Leaders are encouraged to consolidate WashJam registrations as a single unit, however many
individual Scouts have already registered. Check the 'Who is Coming to WashJam' list, to see how many
people from your unit have registered so far. Even if you don't have payments from every member of your
unit, we encourage you to pre-register your unit, with an estimated number of youth and adults, for our event
organizers to use for planning purposes.
Q: Is it an overnight event for Cub Scouts or is it a day camp for them?
A: Both. Cub Scouts and their parents & siblings are encouraged to spend the weekend camping in the Cub
Scout Family Subcamp, but everyone is free to go home at night, if they wish. There are no 'day passes'.
Q: Are Cub Scout parents and siblings ok for overnight?
A: Yes. 2 Parents are included in the Cub Scout Family Weekend Pass, and Siblings 6 years old & up and
youth guests pay the regular youth rate. They may spend the entire weekend camping as a family in the Cub
Scout Family Subcamp.
Q: Do Boy Scouts and Venturers spend the entire weekend camping?
A: Yes, the Boy Scout weekend pass covers Thursday night through Sunday morning.
Q: Do you want Adult Leaders to attend this event with their Scouts and if so, how much do the
adults pay?
A: Yes, two deep leadership is required when Scouts attend without their parents, so adult leaders are
expected to camp with their units, as they would on normal campouts or Camporees. There should be an
adequate adult leadership ratio for the number of youth attendees. Adult leaders pay the same as the youth
for the weekend pass, unless you are a parent of a Cub Scout.
Q: What is the appropriate age limit for siblings to participate and can siblings be female?
A: 'Participant' siblings should be of Scouting age (6 - 21), and female siblings are OK.
Q: Do children who will be camping with their family but not otherwise participating in activities
have to pay the sibling fee?
A: If they are aged 6 - 21, and on the WashJam site, it is assumed they will 'tag along' with the Cub or Scout
and their parents, and will participate in the activities. The siblings must pay the youth event fee, but the
parents are included in the Cub Scout's Family Weekend Pass. Each paid participant will receive a
WashJam participant patch.
Q: I am a parent of a Cub Scout, but I am also a Cub Scout Leader. Do I have to register and pay
separately, or am I included in my 'Family Pass'?
A: Cub Scout parents who are also Adult Pack/Den Leaders are encouraged to register as a participant. Those
adults not registered as Adult Leaders at WashJam will not receive a participant patch. Cub Scout families
who purchase a Cub Scout Family Weekend pass will receive only one patch per family.
Q: Are Girl Scouts, Campfire and American Heritage Girls Invited to WashJam?
A: Yes, Girl Scouts and other similar Scouting program members are encouraged to participate in WashJam.
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Q: Is there a minimum and max number of Scouts that can sign-up for a unit?
A: There is no minimum or maximum number of scouts you can sign up at once. Individual Scouts can
register separately or they can register with their unit. There are no limitations for Scout Unit sizes. If your
group is over 100 people, please contact us to make camping arrangements.
Q: Do you need volunteers to help out on Staff?
A: Yes, volunteers are needed to help run activity stations, and other things. Sign up online as a volunteer
staff member for $30, and you will receive staff recognition items (staff t-shirt and patch), all meals, and a
25% discount off the regular prices of WashJam branded gear. Registered Staff members may purchase and
receive the branded gear in June, 2016, so they may proudly display them to help promote WashJam.
WashJam 2016 Event Pricing
Weekend Passes: (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Fee Type
2/1/2016 4/1/2016 6/1/2016 8/24/2016
Boy Scout & Venturing
Youth Weekend Pass
Adult Weekend Pass
Cub Family Weekend Pass*
*The Cub Family Weekend Pass includes one Cub Scout and two parents
(two parents attend for an additional $10). Siblings of Cubs ages 6 - 21 are at the normal youth rate.
All participants who register and pay by February 1, 2016 will receive an additional 'WashJam Early Bird Patch'.
Early bird pricing ends on February 1, 2016.
Discounted pricing ends on August 24, 2016.
Pacific Harbors Council Event Refund Policy: To continue providing quality Scouting programs at affordable pricing, we have instituted
the following refund policy for programs offered by the Pacific Harbors Council. 1. All cancellations and/or refund requests must be submitted
in writing. 2. Refunds are based on the date the written request is received at the Council Office. 3. Requests received two weeks or more
prior to an event will receive a full refund. 4. Requests received from 5 to 13 days before the event will receive a 50% refund. 5. No refunds
are available 4 or fewer days prior to an event.
Register online at http://www.WashJam.org and pay online, in person or by mail*
Pay in person at the Creighton Scout Center in Tacoma:
Pacific Harbors Council, BSA
Creighton Scout Center
WashJam Registration Dept.
4802 S. 19th St
Tacoma, WA 98405
Download the Pay By Mail Registration Form:
*If mailing in your payment, please Register online first, then enclose the email confirmation with your payment.
Mail in payments must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, August 20, 2016.
WashJam 2016 Leader's Guide Preview Edition - Pacific Harbors Council, BSA Revised 6/30/16 - Page 21
Q: Will there be showers?
A: No, there will be water available for drinking and dishwashing, but no showers.
Q: Can you have campfires?
A: Open wood campfires on the grounds are prohibited.
Q: Can we bring our own firewood?
A: No, open fires are not permitted, so do not bring your own firewood.
Q: Can we bring a BBQ Grill?
A: Yes, as long as the hot part of the grill does not come in contact with the ground. See the section on
Campfires and Stoves for details.
Q: Will meals be provided for the Units?
A: No, all participants are responsible for their own meals and preparation.
Q: Are RV's or other recreational vehicles allowed in the Sub Camps?
A: No. We are not set up to accommodate RV's at WashJam. If you must bring one due to health reasons or
for any other reason, it will be restricted to the off-site parking area, with no hookups. Your unit must be selfcontained.
Q: Are we going to need a Fort Lewis guest pass to get into the area where WASHJAM is being
A: No, the event is held 'off-base', just adjacent to North Fort Lewis.
Q: Will all cooking be done in our subcamp or will there be food for purchase?
A: Yes, cooking is done at the Troop and Pack campsites, but no 'unit meals' will be provided for participants.
Some 'fast food' will be available for purchase, but should not be relied upon to feed your unit.
Q: Will there be food, propane and camping supplies available for sale at WashJam?
A: WashJam is located near several big cities such as Olympia, Lakewood and Tacoma, so you can purchase
groceries and propane most anywhere along the I-5 corridor. No camping supplies will be available for sale on
the WashJam site, except for souvenirs. There is a Cabelas, Bass Pro, REI and Sportsman's Warehouse
Q: Can Webelos II participate all weekend in the Boy Scout events?
A: Yes, all Cub Scouts can participate in all of the event areas at WashJam, except for certain activities, such
as rifle shooting.
Q: How do we sign up for activities ?
A: There is no formal sign up for most activities, everything will be open to all participants. Sign up for some
structured classes, such as STEM, certain merit badges, and other workshops will be offered for online preregistration in early August. An email announcement will be sent out to all registered attendees who have
paid their fees.
Popular activities such as Rifle Shooting, Aquatics and others will have a paper ticketing system to access the
bus transportation on the day of the event. Tickets may be obtained in the morning, on Friday and Saturday.
WashJam 2016 Leader's Guide Preview Edition - Pacific Harbors Council, BSA Revised 6/30/16 - Page 22
Q: Are unit programs scheduled, or are activities first come, first served?
A: First come, first served. There will be an Arena Show on Friday and Saturday nights, plus a Zombie
Invasion night hike on Friday night after the show. There will be no formal scheduling of programs for
individual units.
Q: What will be happening at WashJam?
A: Lots of things! Some event details will change for 2016, however you can get an idea of what it will be like,
by reviewing the Boy Scout and Venturing activity list, or the Cub Scout Pirate's Realm activity list, found on
the WashJam.org website.
Q: Will there be religious services at WashJam?
A: A wide variety of services will be offered. Please consult list given at check-in for times and locations.
“A Scout is Reverent” – please respect your fellow Scouts.
Q: Where is WashJam Located?
A: WashJam is located at Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) just off Interstate 5 near American Lake, in
Tillicum, WA. GPS Coordinates: 47.137177,-122.599611
From I-5, take exit 119 west, and follow the Dupont-Steilacoom Road for 3.6 miles, until you reach the
traffic light at East Drive and Dupont-Steilacoom road.
Turn right, and go one block to the WashJam entrance, and take a left on the gravel road.
Detailed directions and a map may be found on the next page.
WashJam 2016 Leader's Guide Preview Edition - Pacific Harbors Council, BSA Revised 6/30/16 - Page 23
The WashJam site is located at the intersection of the Dupont Steilacoom Rd and East Drive, near Tillicum,
WA. GPS Coordinates: 47.137177,-122.599611
 Take Exit 119 from Southbound I-5 and turn right at the end of the ramp.
 Turn right on the Dupont Steilacoom road, and go 3.6 miles to the traffic light and turn right.
 Turn left on the gravel road approximately 1 block from the traffic light.
 Follow the gravel road to the event headquarters.
Click for Google Map directions
Details may be found on the event website: http://www.WashJam.org
This map shows the layout of the program area.
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