1) Settlement Strategy
1) Settlement Strategy
Graabrødre Torv 1 DK – 1154 Copenhagen K www.mastervision.dk Presentation by Ole Ørum Founder Mobile + 45 2614 2814 [email protected] Phone + 45 3534 8111 1 THE MICROPOL TOOLBOX From Vision to Mission Graabrødre Torv 1 DK – 1154 Copenhagen K www.mastervision.dk Mobile + 45 2614 2814 [email protected] Master Vision Work Model 5 Master Vision Work Model THE FUTURE IS ON ITS WAY SOMEBODY CREATES IT AND IT JUST AS WEEL COULD BE US 6 MICROPOL STARTED WITH TUEN A very small city’s transformation to an adventure park Tekstes 7 7 TUEN = Turism meets food – a cluster in disguise as an adventure park Vi ønsker at tiltrække turister ved at tiltrække fødevare producenter fra hele regionen Vi ønsker helårs produktinnovation, netværk, kompetence og organisations udvikling indenfor fødevarer og turisme Vi ønsker at sende turister ud på fødevare ferie oplevelser 8 8 And in Winter: The Mikropol course and conference Center 9 9 ADVENTURE meets LOVE of FOOD 10 10 3 EXPERIENCE ECONOMY offers from TUEN: - Learn from your customer – Learn from your fellow manager -Be wiser , kickstart company development and increase -your earnings’. 11 11 Mobile ’Wildness’ cabs 12 12 Hytteby CABS Hytteby Hytteby 13 13 14 14 Storytelling paths leads to the center Grøntsags Stien Korn Stien Fiske Stien Kød Stier Mejeri Stien 15 15 Only 300 meters away from car and cab you will meet working shops and…… Fri adgang En gåtur i Tuen tilbyder et ’Oplevelsesøkonomisk butiks liv’. Alle butikker er arbejdende virksomheder og i Torvehallen sælges der varer fra 50 – 100 Nordjyske producenter. Torvehal og Oplevelsesbutikker i Centrum Gourmetrestaurant ved Tuen krydset 16 16 17 17 Tuen Torvehal = MARKET HALL En italiensk torvehal på nordjysk 50 – 100 fødevareproducenter v. Smagen af Nordjylland & Vifu 18 18 Market Hall in winter disguise 19 19 Tuen Project: A Micropol was born ! •NETVÆRKET • Producenter • Fødevare Netværk • Kompetence Fyrtårne • Visit Nordjylland --------------------------------• KUNDER I HELÅRSDRIFT • Turister i hytteby • Dagsbesøgende • Lokale • Weekend/svipture Norway • Møde & oplevelses turisme • Nationale Konferencer • Regionale Skolebørn • 20 20 Tool No. 1 : Define Attraction 1)…. 2)….. 3)…. 4) …… 21 Tool No. 2: Define Target Group 1)…. 2)….. 3)…. 4) …… 22 1)…. 2)….. 3)…. 4) …… It’s all about SUPLY… and DEMAND ! 23 We created our own story frame : MIKROPOL - METROPOL 24 MIKROPOLES understanding MIKROPOL - METROPOL • We understand Mikropol as the opposite of Metropol. • We believe that Mikropol, even the in smallest scale, has it’s own attraction, radiance and charisma. • We believe that every Mikropol’s self-perception comes from the Mikropols natural surroundings, cultural- and business life. • We believe that every Mikropol will be stronger by reaching out and create good contacts to Metropoles. 25 MIKROPOL - METROPOL 26 We created our own Story Frame : MIKROPOL - METROPOL To sides of the same coin – named growht 27 And the MIKROPOL - METROPOL story got a Headline: How virtual organizing can secure business development and settlements in the municipalities and urban communities, outside the major urban growth centers! 28 "WORK FREE OF TIME AND PLACE ‘ will become a breeding ground for settlement and industrial development With the example of Frederikshavn municipality we investigated, that a life like Remote Workers with same job content, the same income combined with lower prices and many good opportunities an attractive balance between work and leisure (Work / Life Balance), and a new identity with a BALANCE LIFE with both MICROPOL AND METROPOLIS connection, is an offer, more and more people will find interesting. Illustration fra Kronik desangående, i Weekendavisen 29 ‘WORK FREE OF TIME AND PLACE‘ will become a breeding ground for settlement and industrial development In A Common MODERN WORK CENTER with IT supported collaborative tools work each remote worker and is in daily colleague who also works for all sorts of businesses in cities both nationally and internationally as private and public. COMMON HOUSE is because research shows that people will work at home 2 days and it will be social contact. Such a beacon may contain features that are in synergy with the council's other initiatives. This makes the house into something more and something other than the already existing office communities. E houses, working places, companies and public authorities can consciously focus on exploiting their strategy to get close to growth centers and create 'action gives transformation'. Illustration fra Kronik desangående, i Weekendavisen Inspired by the dairy from the Danish cooperative movement 30 MIKROPOL definition A Mikropol is defined by: • 1) Regardless of the size of the municipalities and urban communities, is offering facilitation of Telework • 2) The municipality has a policy with RECRUTING - , WELCOMING- AND RESTRAININGEFFORTS. • 3) All MIKROPOLES in DK will work together on MIKROPOLERNE.DK 31 THE VISION: GOOD BYE UDKANT/ fringe – HELLO MIKROPOL - METROPOL STORY MIKROPOL AMBITION is our way to the press and media Mikropol is the word that mental paves way for new opportunities and a new self-perception in areas with net out-migration and declining private enterprise New opportunities New selfperception New growth 32 THE MISSION: To change A SUPLY & DEMAND MODEL into A SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL 33 The starting point / foundation / The good questions was formulated: What can it DANISH community enterprises, institutions and citizens get out of intensifying awareness of the benefits and options for strengthening / establishment of: - Remote Management? - Teleworking facilitation? - IT supported mobility and collaboration tools? 34 We identified Generel ’Key Drivere’ of this development: - Teleworking is for companies that may have value by changing industrial society 8-16 culture out with a work culture that is task-and goal-oriented - A new mindset - 'Work free of time and place. " - New collaborations and new motivation systems! - An crucial value is that companies and employees both has motivation and framework conditions that encourages this development – POLICY MAKING. 35 We identify the local keydrivers • WHO • WHAT • HOW 36 Tool No. 3 : Define Keydrivers • • 1: Define attraction (s) 2: Define target group (s) • 3: Define Keydrivers - National/Global : ………………………… - Local/Regional : …………………………….. 37 We listed the political arguments for a MIKROPOL Movement ? Personal Family Work place Local Regional National Global And we identified benefits on all level of society 38 We have listed some of the main benefits …… 1) We can increase citizens 'choice of habitat and increase families' quality of life. 39 We have listed some of the main benefits …… ….. 2) We can strengthen Denmark's colonization of sparsely populated areas. 3) We can keep people in Denmark provincial areas through options such as the 'Common Remote Worker House 4) We can attract the desired competencies to the local economy. 40 We have listed some of the main benefits …… ….. 2) We can strengthen Denmark's colonization of sparsely populated areas. New opportunities New self-perception New growth 3) We can keep people in Denmark provincial areas through options such as the 'Common Remote Worker House 4) We can attract the desired competencies to the local economy. 41 We have listed some of the main benefits …… . 1) We can create a Danish national and global-oriented virtual entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset ........ 42 We have listed some of the main benefits …… 1) 6) We can increase quality while reducing investments in infrastructure around Denmark Metropoles 7) We can strengthen Denmark's Climate Accounting 43 We have listed some of the main benefits …… 7) We can strengthen Denmark's international positioning, competition and innovation 44 All the main benefits …… 1) We can increase citizens 'choice of habitat and increase families' quality of life. 2) We can strengthen Denmark's colonization of sparsely populated areas. 3) We can keep people in Denmark provincial areas through options such as the 'Common Remote Worker House 4) We can attract the desired competencies to the local economy. 5) We can create a Danish national and global-oriented virtual entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset ........ 6) We can increase quality while reducing investments in infra-structure around Denmark Metropoles 7) We can strengthen Denmark's Climate Accounting. 8) We can strengthen Denmark's international positioning, competition and innovation 45 And the benifits can also be seen from a national level : 1) We can strengthen Denmark's international positioning, competition and innovation. 2) We can increase quality and simultaneously reduce investments in infra-structure around Denmark Metropolises 3) We can strengthen Denmark's Climate Accounting. 4) We can create a Danish national and global-oriented virtual entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset 5) We can attract the desired competencies to the local economy 6) We can keep people in Denmark provincial areas through options such as the 'Common Remote Worker House 7) We can strengthen Denmark's colonization of sparsely populated areas. 8) We can increase citizens 'choice of habitat and increase families' quality of life. 46 Tool No. 4: Choose your main messages • • • 1: Define attraction (s) 2: Define target group (s) 3: Define Keydrivers – national, regional and local • 4: Your main messages And you always use this backbone story to add specifik journalistic angels depending your target group messages 47 NOW COMPINE ………Benefits on all level of YOUR society Personal Family Work place Local Regional National Global 48 With the MIKROPOL - METROPOL Story MIKROPOL AMBITION is our way to the press and media Mikropol is the word that mental paves way for new opportunities and a new self-perception in areas with net out-migration and declining private enterprise New opportunities New selfperception New growth 49 …..Add the Generel as the local ’Key Drivere’ - Teleworking is for companies that may h value by changing industrial society 8-16 culture out with a work culture that is task-and goal-oriented - A new mindset - 'Work free of time and place. " - New collaborations and new motivation systems! - An crucial value is that companies and employees both has motivation and framework conditions that encourages this development – POLICY MAKING. 50 Tool No. 4: NOW you make your BACKBONE STORY • • • • 1: 2: 3: 4: Define attraction (s) Define target group (s) Define Keydrivers – national, regional and local Choose your main messages • 5: Your backbone story And you always use this backbone story to add specifik journalistic angels depending your target group messages 51 1) The settler To target groups: 2) The decision maker Get a life without traffic jam ! What would you say to have same job content, the same income and a double up house combined with generel lower prices and an attractive balance between work and leisure ? We offer you the best of MICROPOL AND METROPOLIS. Visit www.mikropolerne.dk How virtual organizing can secure business development and settlements in the municipalities and urban communities, outside the major urban growth centers. 52 To make a sustainable Suply and Demand succes, you need this required delta: Local project participant Public authority External alliance or expert parcipant 53 OUR SUPLY & DEMAND MODEL : The Schwitzer Knife 54 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy • 2) Local Business Development 55 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts 56 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts 57 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts C) Retention efforts 58 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts C) Retention efforts • 2) Local Business Development 59 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts C) Retention efforts • 2) Local Business Development A) To maintain companies through attracting the desired competencies through virtuel organisationel development. 60 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts C) Retention efforts • 2) Local Business Development A) To maintain companies through attracting the desired competencies through virtuel organisationel development. B) To develop a local/global oriented virtual entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset 61 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts C) Retention efforts • 2) Local Business Development A) To maintain companies through attracting the desired competencies through virtuel organisationel development. B) To develop a local/global oriented virtual entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset C) Identify the society synergies 62 The SUPLY & DEMAND MISSION has two main action areas • 1) Settlement Strategy A) Recruiting efforts B) Welcome efforts C) Retention efforts • 2) Local Business Development A) To maintain companies through attracting the desired competencies through virtuel organisationel development. B) To develop a local/global oriented virtual entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset C) Identify the municipally synergies 63 Tool No. 6: NOW you create your ’Settlement strategy ’ • • • • • 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Define attraction (s) Define target group (s) Define Keydrivers – national, regional and local Choose your main messages Write your backbone story • 6: Create your ’Settlement strategy ’ recruit - welcoming – retention 64 Tool No. 7: NOW create local business development strategy • • • • • • • 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Define attraction (s) Define target group (s) Define Keydrivers – national, regional and local Choose your main messages Write your backbone story Create your ’Settlement strategy ’ Create local ’Business development strategy’ - develop local companies through attracting the desired competencies - development. entrepreneurial businesses based on a strengthened 'Freedom of the time and place' mindset - develop the society synergies 65 7 TOOLS TO BUILD A MICROPOL STRATEGY • • • 1: Define attraction (s) • • • 3: Define Keydrivers – national, regional and local • 5: Write your backbone story • 6: Create your ’Settlement strategy ’ • 7: Create local ’Business development strategy’ 2: Define target group (s) 4: Choose your main messages 66 It’s all about SUPLY… and DEMAND ! 67 And to create an operationel ability and skill to live a life of …… VIRTUEL NEARNESS 68 And to create an operationel ability and skill to live a life of …… VIRTUEL NEARNESS 69 And to create an operationel ability and skill to live a life of …… VIRTUEL NEARNESS 70 THE END • • • • • • Kontakt Ole Ørum Founder Mobile + 45 2614 2814 [email protected] Phone + 45 3534 8111 • • • Graabrødre Torv 1 DK – 1154 Copenhagen K www.mastervision.dk 71