Introduction to Database Communication using ASP.NET Web Forms
Introduction to Database Communication using ASP.NET Web Forms
Database Communica/on in Visual Studio/C# using ASP.NET Web Forms Hans-‐PeBer Halvorsen, M.Sc. Web Programming Hans-‐PeBer Halvorsen, M.Sc. Web is the Present and the Future 3 History of the Web • Internet (1960s) • World Wide Web -‐ WWW (1991) • First Web Browser -‐ Netscape, 1994 • Google, 1998 • Facebook, 2004 • Smartphones, 2007 • Tablets, 2010 4 O. Widder. (2013). geek&poke. Available: hBp://geek-‐and-‐ The Web Browser Chrome Internet Explorer Opera Firefox Safari 5 Web Pages Examples 6 The Web Programming Triangle HTML Use HTML to define the content of web pages Web Programming CSS Use CSS to specify the layout of web pages JavaScript Use JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages CSS Web Server JavaScript 8 Web Architecture Server-‐side Client Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Firefox Safari Web Browser HTML CSS JavaScript Web Server 9 Web Plaaorm The Web Browser creates the visual web page you see in the browser based on the HTML code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>My First Heading</h1> <p>My first paragraph.</p> </body> </html> HTML, CSS, JavaScript Web Browser The code runs on the server and converted to HTML before sending to client (Web Browser) ASP.NET, PHP, ... Client-‐side Web Page (HTML) Web Server Server-‐side Internet Informa/on Services (IIS), Apache, etc. 10 HTML • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) • The Visual appearnce of a Web Site • “Web Browser Language”: All Web Browser understand HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html> • HTML 5 is the latest <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> • Maintened by W3C <title>Title of the document</ title> -‐ World Wide Web </head> Consor/um <body> Content of the document...... </body> </html> 11 CSS • CSS – Cascading Style Sheets • Styles define how to display HTML elements • CSS is used to control the style and layout of mul/ple Web pages all at once body { background-color: #d0e4fe; } h1 { color: orange; text-align: center; } p { font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 20px; } 12 JavaScript • JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. • All modern HTML pages are using JavaScript. • JavaScript is the default scrip/ng language in all modern browsers, and in HTML5. • JavaScript is probably the most popular programming language in the world. • It is the language for HTML, for the Web, for computers, servers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and more. • JavaScript can Change HTML Elements! – which makes it very powerful! 13 Why JavaScript? JavaScript is one of 3 languages all web developers must learn: • 1. HTML to define the content of web pages • 2. CSS to specify the layout of web pages • 3. JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages This tutorial is about JavaScript, and how JavaScript works with HTML and CSS. 14 Web Server The term web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the sohware (the computer applica/on) that helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet. The most common use of web servers is to host websites, but there are other uses such as gaming, data storage or running enterprise applica/ons. • IIS -‐ Internet Informa/on Services – Microsoh Windows • Apache Web Server – Open Source – Cross-‐plaaorm: UNIX, Linux, OS X, Windows, ... • Nginx (pronounced "engine x") -‐ Has become very popular latly • GWS (Google Web Server) 15 Web Server hBp://‐halvparten-‐bruker-‐apache 16 • • • • • • • HTML/HTML5 ASP.NET PHP AJAX JavaScript CSS ... HTTP Error 500 Internal Server Error O. Widder. (2013). geek&poke. Available: hBp://geek-‐and-‐ Web Programming 17 HTML ASP.NET IIS XML AJAX SQL JQuery PHP Web Services Web API Web Programming CSS JavaScript 18 Basic Web Programming • HTML • CSS • JavaScript For more Dynamic Web Programming we use e.g., • ASP.NET • SQL • AJAX • PHP • etc. (But these are not part of this Tutorial) 19 Client-‐Server Example Client Web Browser Response Web Server Request Database Internet Informa/on Services (IIS), Apache, etc. 20 ASP.NET Hans-‐PeBer Halvorsen, M.Sc. Web & ASP.NET Client Web Browser HTML JavaScript CSS Server-‐side Web Server ASP.NET C#/VB.NET .NET Framework 22 ASP.NET Web Sites Web Pages Web Forms MVC ASP.NET C#/VB.NET .NET Framework 23 ASP.NET Example Hans-‐PeBer Halvorsen, M.Sc. ASP.NET WebForm App This is the WebForm App we are going to create: ASP.NET is a Web Framework available from Visual Studio. Easily explained, it is just a Template for crea/ng Web Pages using C# 25 Database This is our Example Database (Designed with ERwin) Students: Create the Tables in ERwin and implement the Tables in SQL Server 26 SQL Script -‐ Tables if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[AUTHOR]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) CREATE TABLE [AUTHOR] ( [AuthorId] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [AuthorName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Address] [varchar](50) NULL, [Phone] [varchar](50) NULL, [PostCode] [varchar](50) NULL, [PostAddress] [varchar](50) NULL, ) GO if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[PUBLISHER]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) CREATE TABLE [PUBLISHER] ( [PublisherId] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [PublisherName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Description] [varchar](1000) NULL, [Address] [varchar](50) NULL, [Phone] [varchar](50) NULL, [PostCode] [varchar](50) NULL, [PostAddress] [varchar](50) NULL, [EMail] [varchar](50) NULL, ) GO if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[CATEGORY]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) CREATE TABLE [CATEGORY] ( [CategoryId] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [CategoryName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Description] [varchar](1000) NULL, ) GO if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[BOOK]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) CREATE TABLE [BOOK] ( [BookId] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [Title] [varchar](50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [ISBN] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [PublisherId] [int] NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES [PUBLISHER] ([PublisherId]), [AuthorId] [int] NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES [AUTHOR] ([AuthorId]), [CategoryId] [int] NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES [CATEGORY] ([CategoryId]), [Description] [varchar](1000) NULL, [Year] [date] NULL, [Edition] [int] NULL, [AverageRating] [float] NULL, ) GO 27 SQL Script – Insert some Data into the Tables -‐-‐CATEGORY -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ INSERT INTO CATEGORY (CategoryName) VALUES ('Science') GO INSERT INTO CATEGORY (CategoryName) VALUES ('Programming') GO INSERT INTO CATEGORY (CategoryName) VALUES ('Novel') GO -‐-‐AUTHOR -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AuthorName) VALUES ('Knut Hamsun') GO INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AuthorName) VALUES ('Gilbert Strang') GO INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AuthorName) VALUES ('J.R.R Tolkien') GO INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AuthorName) VALUES ('Dorf Bishop') GO -‐-‐PUBLISHER -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ INSERT INTO PUBLISHER (PublisherName) VALUES ('Prentice Hall') GO INSERT INTO PUBLISHER (PublisherName) VALUES ('Wiley') GO INSERT INTO PUBLISHER (PublisherName) VALUES ('McGraw-‐Hill') GO 28 SQL Script – Insert some Data into the Tables -‐-‐BOOK -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ INSERT INTO BOOK (Title, ISBN, PublisherId, AuthorId, CategoryId) VALUES ( 'Introduction to Linear Algebra', '0-‐07-‐066781-‐0', (select PublisherId from PUBLISHER where PublisherName='Prentice Hall'), (select AuthorId from AUTHOR where AuthorName='Gilbert Strang'), (select CategoryId from CATEGORY where CategoryName='Science') ) GO INSERT INTO BOOK (Title, ISBN, PublisherId, AuthorId, CategoryId) VALUES ( 'Modern Control System', '1-‐08-‐890781-‐0', (select PublisherId from PUBLISHER where PublisherName='Wiley'), (select AuthorId from AUTHOR where AuthorName='Dorf Bishop'), (select CategoryId from CATEGORY where CategoryName='Programming') ) GO INSERT INTO BOOK (Title, ISBN, PublisherId, AuthorId, CategoryId) VALUES ( 'The Lord of the Rings', '2-‐09-‐066556-‐2', (select PublisherId from PUBLISHER where PublisherName='McGraw-‐Hill'), (select AuthorId from AUTHOR where AuthorName='J.R.R Tolkien'), (select CategoryId from CATEGORY where CategoryName='Novel') ) GO 29 ASP.NET Web Form Create a New Project in Visual Studio 30 Add a New Web Form (“Books.aspx”) Right-‐click in the Solu/ons Explorer and select “Add New Item” Books.aspx 31 Create the following GUI (“Books.aspx”) Header GridView (Drag and Drop from the Toolbox) 32 Create the following Code (“Books.aspx.cs”) using System.Web.Configuration; using DatabaseWebApp.Data; Reference to our Class that communicates ... with the Database public partial class BookList : System.Web.UI.Page { private string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LibraryDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString; void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { FillBookGrid(); } } private void FillBookGrid() { List<Book> bookList = new List<Book>(); Book book = new Book(); bookList = book.GetBooks(connectionString); gridBookList.DataSource = bookList; gridBookList.DataBind(); } } We shall create the Connec/on String to the Database in the “Web.config page” See next slides for implementa/on of the Book Class 33 Create Database Code – Create a new Class (“Books.cs”) Books.cs 34 Create the Following Class in “Books.cs” using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Data; public class Book { public int BookId { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Isbn { get; set; } public string PublisherName { get; set; } public string AuthorName { get; set; } public string CategoryName { get; set; } public List<Book> GetBooks(string connectionString) { List<Book> bookList = new List<Book>(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string selectSQL = "select BookId, Title, Isbn, PublisherName, AuthorName, CategoryName from GetBookData"; con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectSQL, con); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr != null) { while (dr.Read()) { Book book = new Book(); book.BookId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BookId"]); book.Title = dr["Title"].ToString(); book.Isbn = dr["ISBN"].ToString(); book.PublisherName = dr["PublisherName"].ToString(); book.AuthorName = dr["AuthorName"].ToString(); book.CategoryName = dr["CategoryName"].ToString(); bookList.Add(book); } } return bookList; } } GetBookData is a View (see next slide) 35 SQL Script – Views – “GetBookData” IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'GetBookData' AND type = 'V') DROP VIEW GetBookData GO CREATE VIEW GetBookData AS SELECT BOOK.BookId, BOOK.Title, BOOK.ISBN, PUBLISHER.PublisherName, AUTHOR.AuthorName, CATEGORY.CategoryName FROM BOOK INNER JOIN AUTHOR ON BOOK.AuthorId = AUTHOR.AuthorId INNER JOIN PUBLISHER ON BOOK.PublisherId = PUBLISHER.PublisherId INNER JOIN CATEGORY ON BOOK.CategoryId = CATEGORY.CategoryId GO 36 Create Database Connec/on String in “Web.config” Your Database <connectionStrings> <add name="LibraryDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=macwin8;Initial Catalog=BOOKS;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=xxx" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> Where “xxx” is your SQL Server Database Password Finally, Run your applica/on: UserName and Password for your SQL Server Congratula/ons! It works! 37 You are finished with the Exercise 38 Recommended LiBerature • Tutorial: Introduc/on to Database Systems hBp:// • Tutorial: Structured Query Language (SQL) hBp:// • Tutorial: Using SQL Server in C# • Tutorial: Introduc/on to Visual Studio and C# hBp:// 39 Hans-‐PeSer Halvorsen, M.Sc. Telemark University College Faculty of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering, InformaYon Technology and CyberneYcs E-‐mail: [email protected] Blog: hSp:// 40
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