Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9
Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9
Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Table of Contents WebInfo 3.9 - Reference ................................................................................................ 5 Overview .................................................................................................................... 5 About...................................................................................................................... 5 Abbreviations ......................................................................................................... 5 Web.config Reference................................................................................................ 6 Parameter Reference .................................................................................................. 7 Recordset Parameter Reference ................................................................................. 8 Server Scripting Reference ...................................................................................... 11 Javascript Helper Functions Reference .................................................................... 13 Object Reference ...................................................................................................... 18 Agressodocumentsource ...................................................................................... 18 Agressodropdown ................................................................................................ 18 Agressoperiod ...................................................................................................... 19 Agressoperiodslider ............................................................................................. 20 Agressotextbox .................................................................................................... 22 Applicationbutton ................................................................................................ 22 Appversion ........................................................................................................... 23 Blob ...................................................................................................................... 23 Bounce ................................................................................................................. 24 Bulletedlist ........................................................................................................... 24 Button ................................................................................................................... 25 Buttonx ................................................................................................................. 26 Chartfx ................................................................................................................. 26 Charttypexml........................................................................................................ 26 Checkbox ............................................................................................................. 27 Checkboxlist ........................................................................................................ 28 Clientscriptonchange............................................................................................ 28 Clientscriptvalidator ............................................................................................. 29 Code ..................................................................................................................... 30 Column ................................................................................................................. 30 Combinationpicker ............................................................................................... 32 Commentobject .................................................................................................... 33 Connection ........................................................................................................... 33 Control ................................................................................................................. 34 Control permission ............................................................................................... 34 Datawarehouse ..................................................................................................... 35 Datawarehousefilter ............................................................................................. 35 Datepicker ............................................................................................................ 36 Datetimevalidator ................................................................................................. 36 Decimalvalidator .................................................................................................. 37 Dialog ................................................................................................................... 37 Docpopulator........................................................................................................ 38 Documentation ..................................................................................................... 38 Documentselector ................................................................................................ 38 Dropdown ............................................................................................................ 39 Executescript ........................................................................................................ 40 Executesql ............................................................................................................ 40 Favourites ............................................................................................................. 41 Fieldset ................................................................................................................. 41 Sida 2(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Fileuploader ......................................................................................................... 42 Fileviewer ............................................................................................................ 42 Filterinfo .............................................................................................................. 43 Frame ................................................................................................................... 44 Frameset ............................................................................................................... 44 Gaugefx ................................................................................................................ 45 Gaugetypexml ...................................................................................................... 46 Hidden .................................................................................................................. 46 Iframe ................................................................................................................... 46 Image.................................................................................................................... 47 Includeconfigdelete .............................................................................................. 47 Includeframe ........................................................................................................ 48 Indicator ............................................................................................................... 48 Inputcontrol .......................................................................................................... 49 Integervalidator .................................................................................................... 49 Keymapping ......................................................................................................... 50 Layoutframe ......................................................................................................... 50 Licence ................................................................................................................. 51 Link ...................................................................................................................... 51 Listbox ................................................................................................................. 52 Menu .................................................................................................................... 53 Menuitem ............................................................................................................. 53 Navigation ............................................................................................................ 53 Onchange ............................................................................................................. 54 Page ...................................................................................................................... 54 Pageid permission ................................................................................................ 56 Pagelayout ............................................................................................................ 57 Park ...................................................................................................................... 57 Picker ................................................................................................................... 58 Pivotgrid ............................................................................................................... 58 Pivotsql ................................................................................................................ 59 Portal .................................................................................................................... 59 Previousnext ......................................................................................................... 60 Promptpicker ........................................................................................................ 61 Propmapping solution .......................................................................................... 61 Radiobuttonlist ..................................................................................................... 61 Raisesql ................................................................................................................ 62 Regexpvalidator ................................................................................................... 62 Reportgenerator.................................................................................................... 63 Row ...................................................................................................................... 64 Savebutton............................................................................................................ 64 Script .................................................................................................................... 65 Scriptonchange ..................................................................................................... 66 Scriptvalidator ...................................................................................................... 66 Setupsql ................................................................................................................ 67 Signature .............................................................................................................. 67 Silverlightcontrol ................................................................................................. 68 Slider .................................................................................................................... 68 Sparkline .............................................................................................................. 69 Sql ........................................................................................................................ 70 Sqlonchange ......................................................................................................... 70 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc 2013-06-10 Sida 3(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Sqlvalidator .......................................................................................................... 71 Startmenu ............................................................................................................. 72 Suggestpicker ....................................................................................................... 72 Systitle.................................................................................................................. 73 Tabitem ................................................................................................................ 73 Table .................................................................................................................... 73 Tablezoomlink ..................................................................................................... 76 Tabstrip ................................................................................................................ 76 Text ...................................................................................................................... 77 Textarea................................................................................................................ 77 Textbox ................................................................................................................ 78 Threshold ............................................................................................................. 79 Title ...................................................................................................................... 79 Toolbar ................................................................................................................. 79 Toolbarbutton ....................................................................................................... 80 Toolbarpanel ........................................................................................................ 80 Trash .................................................................................................................... 81 Tree ...................................................................................................................... 81 Treeitem ............................................................................................................... 82 Users .................................................................................................................... 82 Validation ............................................................................................................. 83 Validator .............................................................................................................. 83 Validatorgroup ..................................................................................................... 84 Variable ................................................................................................................ 84 Window ................................................................................................................ 85 Xmldefinition ....................................................................................................... 86 Sida 4(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference Overview About The object reference lists each object in alphabetical order for easy access. Every object first gets a brief description and then a table lists and describes all the available properties. There is also a reference for common JavaScript functions, predefined CSS classes and a parameter reference. Abbreviations A list of abbreviation used in this document. Abbreviation AJAX ASP ASP.NET Meaning Asynchronous JavaScript And XML Active Server Page(s) CSS Active Server Page(s) for .NET framework Cascading Style Sheets HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer HyperText Markup Language JavaScript HTML JavaScript OLE DB RSS Object Linking & Embedding Data Base Really Simple Syndication SQL Structured Query Language SSO Single Sign-On URL VBScript Uniform Resource Locator Visual Basic Scripting Edition XML eXtensible Markup Language WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description AJAX is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. ASP is Microsoft's server-side script engine for dynamicallygenerated web pages. ASP.NET is a set of web application development technologies marketed by Microsoft. CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. HTTP is a communication protocol used to transfer information on intranets and the Internet. HTTPS is the use of SSL together with HTTP for encrypting the HTTP communication. HTML is the predominant markup language for the creation of web pages. JavaScript is scripting language used in web pages to add client script functionality to the page. OLE DB is an API designed by Microsoft for accessing different types of data stores in a uniform manner. RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated pages, such as blogs or news feeds. SQL is the most popular computer language used to create, modify, retrieve and manipulate data from relational database management systems. SSO is a specialized form of software authentication that enables a user to authenticate once and gain access to the resources of multiple software systems. The address of a web page on the world wide web. VBScript is an Active Scripting language interpreted via Microsoft's Windows Script Host. XML is a W3C-recommended general-purpose markup language that supports a wide variety of applications. 2013-06-10 Sida 5(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Web.config Reference This reference contains the web.config settings that can be used. Setting WebInfoTheme WebInfoSerialNumber WebInfoLicencedUsers WebInfoLicenceTable WebInfoConfigLoad WebInfoConfigName WebInfoConfigTable WebInfoConfigEncrypt WebInfoCultureInfo WebInfoCultureInfoDefault WebInfoCultureInfoCached WebInfoLogFile WebInfoLogToEventLog WebInfoLogVerbose WebInfoServerSideJavascriptEngine WebInfoModuleTable WebInfoSessionLocation WebInfoDebug WebInfoShowErrors WebInfoDisableClientCaching WebInfoDisableNonce WebInfoLoggerTable WebInfoDisableSaveConfig Sida 6(86) Description The theme used for WebInfo. Can be “Agresso” or “CarbonLight” if no custom themes have been created. If no theme or a wrong theme is set WebInfo will default to the Agresso theme. The licence key. This key is based on the installation key, numbers of licenced users and if WebInfoConfigLoad = 2 the name of the virtual directory else if WebInfoConfigLoad = 1 unique database information. The maximum number of different users allowed for the current licence. Can be 0 which indicates an unlimited number of users. Changing the numbers of users in an already licenced installation will break the licence and WebInfo will switch to Demo mode. The name of the database table to hold runtime licence data. Used only if licencing is kept in a database instead of in a file. This table is typically built by the Setup program. Specifies where the configuration is stored. 1=Database 2=File The default configuration that WebInfo will use if WebInfoconfig parameter has not been used in the URL. The database table that holds the configuration if WebInfoConfigLoad = 1. This table is typically built by the Setup program. Changing the name of the config table will break the licence and WebInfo will switch to Demo mode. Specifies if the WebInfo.config file and the connectionsstrings located in the web.config file should be encrypted. 1=Enable encryption 0=Disable encryption A hardcoded culture info that will be used regardless of what is suggested by the client browser settings. Sample: sv-SE The culture info to be used if not specified by the browser. Specifies if the user’s culture info should be reloaded on every page load or cached and used during the whole user session. 1=Cache culture info during user session 0=Reload culture info on every page load The path to a file where all errors and page access will be stored. This file needs to be writable by the web server. If set to 1 all errors will be available in the Windows event log. Specifies the amount of detail of the logging. If empty Managed JScript will be used. Can also be set to “Jint”. The database table used to store favourites, uploaded files etc. This table is typically built by the Setup program. Where the session is stored. 1=InProc Other values deprecated. Developer tool. Determines if WebInfo will display detailed error messages including stack traces and SQL queries to the client. 0=Do not show errors 1=Show errors Developer tool. Will disable CSRF protection if set to 1. This will also make it possible for users to navigate using back and forward buttons and make it possible to change the url manually without getting logged out. The database table that holds the logs when logging to database. Uesd to force a readonly configuration. This can be useful when installing prepackaged applications or signed solutions. 0=Allow saving configuration changes (Default) 1=Disable all writes to configuration (except patching) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Parameter Reference This reference contains the parameters that can be set using the variables view or the URL. This table contains parameters that can be set for a pageid or for a whole solution using the variables view: Parameter Name AgressoDefaultPage Description Default page in Agresso Self Service normally Default.aspx. WebInfo will default to Default.aspx if this parameter is not set. If this parameter is set to 1 the web service cache is disabled. This parameter is for debugging purposes and slows down performance. Hides the _TOOLBAR panel and all its contents. Hides the _MENU panel and all its contents. If this parameter is set to 1 WebInfo will not show the error message that the column was not found in the recordset. The column will get a blank value instead. When set to 1, skips saving configuration to file when configuration is in table. Will still save to file the first thing each day when the daily backup is made. If this parameter is set to 0 will all tail labels be placed directly after its input control otherwise will all tail labels be placed underneath its input control. [Width],[Height] Width and height of the WebInfo browser window. DisableWebServiceCache HideToolBar HideMenu NoColumnValidation NoFileSave TailLabelBr WindowSize This table contains parameters that can be set on the URL: Parameter Name logon logoff newsession webInfoconfig control_id Description If this parameter is set to a value, a new login is forced. If this parameter is set, a logoff is forced. If this parameter is set to 1, a new WebInfo session will be started. The new session gets a copy of all variables from the previous one but will not interfere with the previous session. A link with this parameter should preferably also have the target set to _blank. Name of the configuration to be used. If this oarameter is set WebInfo willonly render the control with the given Id. WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc 2013-06-10 Sida 7(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Recordset Parameter Reference This reference contains the parameters, keywords and functions that can be used in SQL statements. Parameters that can be set in the SQL statement for the TABLE: Parameter Name collapsed hidedetails updated altclass class [recordset column]_altclass [recordset column]_class [recordset column]_input selected_input extraforecast [recordset column]_extraforecast [recordset column]_factor Description Whether or not the row should be collapsed (1=collapsed 0=expanded 2=always visible). This parameter overrides the collapse/expand state of the group that the row belongs to. Whether or not the details row should be hidden (1=hidden 0=visible). This differs from the collapsed parameter by not writing the row to the page at all. The summary row that the detail row belongs contains the values of the hidden row. Whether or not the row should be updated when saved. By default the updated flag is set to 0 which means that it is only saved when a value on the row has been changed. If the parameter is set to 1, it will always be saved. Stylesheet class for the row if row number is even. Stylesheet class for the row. Stylesheet class for the column displaying the value with the recordset column preceding the _altclass suffix if the row number is even. Stylesheet class for the column displaying the value with the recordset column preceding the _class suffix. Whether or not the column displaying the value with the recordset column preceding the _input suffix should be enabled or disabled (0 hidden, 1 enabled, 2 disabled, 3 display as label, 4 do not render, 5 disabled updatable) if it is an input column. Whether or not the checkbox column used for selecting rows should be enabled or disabled (0 hidden, 1 enabled, 2 disabled) if it is an input column. Whether or not the extra forecast column configurations should be used when saving a forecast table input table (1 true, 0 false). The extra column configurations have the ForecastInput set to ExtraInput and are not visible in the page. They are linked to a matching forecast input column by having the save recordset column set in the Value property. The extra column configurations are only used the first time a row is saved. Whether or not the extra forecast column configurations should be used for the column displaying the value with the recordset column preceding the _extraforecast suffix. Overwrites the forecast factor setting for the column displaying the value with the recordset column preceding _factor suffix. Database independent keywords that can be used in SQL statements: Keyword WSQL_FROMDUAL WSQL_ISNULL WSQL_GETDATE WSQL_CONCAT WSQL_BEGIN WSQL_END WSQL_SEMICOLON WSQL_SUBSTRING WSQL_TIMESTAMP WSQL_ASON WSQL_ASOFF MS Sql Server Oracle FROM DUAL NVL SYSDATE || BEGIN END ; SUBSTR ,SYSDATE " " ISNULL GETDATE() + SUBSTRING [ ] Database independent functions that can be used in SQL statement: Function Name WSQL_FORMATDATE(dateString, format) Description Summary: Converts the given date string to the given date time format. dateString: Date string to be converted. format: .NET Date time format to convert the date string to. This input parameter can be left blank and will then default to “yyyy-MMdd HH:mm:ss”. Returns: The converted date surrounded with the apostrophe character. Sida 8(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 WSQL_EQUALS(columnName, value, excludeValue) E.g. WSQL_FORMATDATE(':date_value', 'yy-MM-dd') Returns '09-03-21' if the date_value is 2009-03-21 Summary: This function returns a WHERE statement with the format "columnName = value" if the value does not match the exclude value otherwise the function returns 1=1. If the value is not a parameter the function will regard the value as a string value. Sample: WSQL_EQUALS('col1', :@var1, '') is replaced with col1 = :@var1 when variable var1 is not empty and 1=1 when var1 is empty. columnName: Column name in the WHERE statemet value: Value that equals the column excludeValue: Exclude value when equals to the value replaces the function with a empty string WSQL_IN(columnName, value, excludeValue) Returns: A WHERE statement with the format "columnName = value" if the value does not match the exclude value otherwise 1=1 Summary: If the value does not match the exclude value, this function returns a WHERE statement with the format "columnName IN(value)". Otherwise the function returns 1=1. If the value is not a parameter, the function will regard the value as a string value. Sample: WSQL_IN('col1', :@var1, '%') is replaced with 1=1 when variable var1 = '%' and col1 IN( :@var1) otherwise. Also, :@var1 can contain multiple commaseparated values to create a list of allowed values. columnName: Column name in the WHERE statemet value: Value to be included in IN-statement. excludeValue: Value that will cause expression to be replaced with 1=1 WSQL_LIKE(columnName, value, excludeValue) Returns: A WHERE statement with the format " columnName IN( value)" if the value does not match the exclude value. Otherwise it will be replaced by 1=1. Summary: This function returns a WHERE statement with the format "columnName LIKE value" if the value does not match the exclude value otherwise the function returns 1=1. If the value is not a parameter the function will regard the value as a string value. Sample: WSQL_LIKE('col1', :@var1, '%') is replaced with col1 LIKE :@var1 when variable var1 is not equal to '%' and 1=1 when var1 equals '%'. columnName: Column name in the WHERE statemet value: Value that equals the column excludeValue: Exclude value when equals to the value replaces the function with a empty string WSQL_DWHWHERE(dataWarehouseId) WSQL_DWHWHERE(dataWarehouseId, controlId) Returns: A WHERE statement with the format " columnName LIKE value" if the value does not match the exclude value otherwise 1=1 Retrieves the current filter statement of the datawarehouse with the id of the dataWarehouseId parameter. If no filters are selected, the function will return 1=1. Sample: WSQL_DWHWHERE('mywarehouse') is replaced with the WHERE statement containing the filters for datawarehouse with id set to dataWarehouseId when the warehouse is filtered or 1=1 if no filters are currently active. dataWarehouseId: The id of the data warehouse for which you want the current WHERE statement returned. controlId: Parameter that should be provided when datawarehouse WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc 2013-06-10 Sida 9(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 can work against a warehouseservice. Function will then generate an appropriate where statement depending on whether a serviceendpoint exists or not. WSQL_DWHTABLE(dataWarehouseId) Returns: A WHERE statement containing the current warehouse filter or 1=1 if no filters are currently active. Retrieves the appropriate table name of the datawarehouse with the id of the dataWarehouseId parameter. Sample: WSQL_DWHTABLE('mywarehouse') is replaced with PREFIX_WAREHOUSE if no serviceendpoint is attached and PREFIX_RESULT if a serviceendpoint exists. dataWarehouseId: The id of the data warehouse for which you want the current table name returned. Returns: A string containing the appropriate warehouse table name. Sida 10(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Server Scripting Reference WebInfo contains a great number of different objects. Some of these objects are available for scripting purposes. Listed below are the available objects and the most commonly used functions: Functionname Description Request Request.Form(name) Summary: Get the form variable with the given name. name: Variable name Request.QueryString(name) Returns: String value of the form variable Summary: Get the query string variable with the given name. name: Variable name Request.ServerVariables(name) Returns: String value of the query string variable Summary: Get the server variable with the given name. name: Variable name Request.Cookies(name) Returns: String value of the server variable Summary: Get the cookie with the given name. name: Cookie name Returns: String value of the server variable Response Response.Write(htmlstring) Response.Redirect(url) Summary: Write a string to the page by adding it to the WebInfo main frame as a literal control. htmlstring: Html string to write to page Summary: Redirect to the given URL url: Url to redirect to Logger Logger.Log(message) Summary: Logs a message string to file, debugger and event log. Logger.LogToFile(message) message: Log message Summary: Logs a message string to file. Logger.LogError(errorMessage) message: Log message Summary: Logs an error string to file, debugger and event log. errorMessage: Error string Variables Variables.SetValue(key, value, setSessionValue) Variables.GetValue(key) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Summary: Sets the value of the given key and value. If setSessionValue is true the value will also be saved to the session object. key: Key to set session value for value: Value to set for the key setSessionValue: Set value to session as well if true Summary: Gets the the variable value for the given key. 2013-06-10 Sida 11(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 key: Key to get value for Returns: The variable value Config Config.GetControlById(controlId) Summary: Gets the control matching the given controlId. controlId: Id of the control Config.GetResultById(sqlId) Returns: WebInfo control Summary: Generates a data table with the results from for the specified sqlId. sqlId: Sql id to run Config.GetQueryResult(connectionId, query) Returns: Data table containing the recordset from the SQL Summary: Gets the data rows returned when the query is run connectionId: Id of the connection to use query: Query to execute Config.ExecuteQuery(connectionId, query) Returns: Collection of data rows Summary: Executes the given sql query connectionId: Id of the connection to use query: Query to execute Config.ResetAllInputControls() Config.ResetInputControlsOnPage(pageId) Config.ResetInputControl(controlId) Returns: Number of rows affected by the query Summary: Resets all input controls by resetting the input control values and setting the initstates to reset. Summary: Resets the input control values and sets initstate to reset for a specific page. pageId: PageId to reset controls for Summary: Resets the input control values and sets initstate to reset. controlId: ControlId to reset Sida 12(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Javascript Helper Functions Reference WebInfo contains a vast number of JavaScript functions. Most of these functions are used by the kernel and are of no use for a customer solution but a number of functions could be useful when developing a customer solution. These JavaScript helper functions are described in the table below: Functionname Description Print functions WebInfo.Print() WebInfo.Preview() WebInfo.PrintPage(tableIds, filterInfoIds, headerFrameIds) Shows a print friendly version of the current page and displays the print dialog. Shows a print friendly version of the current page without displaying the print dialog. Summary: Opens a print friendly page with the given tables with corresponding filter info objects and header frame objects. The objects are displayed in the following order headerFrame1, filterInfo1, table1, headerFrame2, filterInfo2, table2, etc. If no parameters are set all tables and filter info objects are printed in the order of their sort property. tableIds: Ids of tables to export separated by semicolon filterInfoIds: Ids of filter info objects to export separated by semicolon headerFrameIds: Ids of header frames to export separated by semicolon Export functions WebInfo.ExportReport(tableIds, filterInfoIds) Summary: Exports the selected objects to Excel, HTML or XML format and opens the associated program or prompts user to save the file. tableIds: Ids of tables to export separated by semicolon filterInfoIds: Ids of filter info objects to export separated by semicolon Link functions WebInfo.GoToLink(url, target, noWaitSymbol) Summary: Submits the WebInfo with the processform flag set to zero so that it represents clicking a link. url: Url to submit to target: Target frame to show submit page in noWaitSymbol: Disable wait symbol Form functions WebInfoSubmitForm(url, target, validationId, novalidation, skipWaitPanel, validScript) Summary: Submits the WebInfo form after setting the url and target frame given as parameters. WebInfoValidateForm(validationId, validScript, invalidScript) url: Url to submit to target: Target frame to show submit page in validationId: Id of the validation object to activate. If the id is null no validation is made novalidation: Wether no validation should be made. skipWaitPanel: Whether to skip showing the wait panel. validScript: Script to run if form validation was successful Summary: Validates the WebInfo form and returns true if the form was valid. validationId: Id of the validation object to activate. If the validationId is a zero-length string will all validation objects be checked. validScript: Script to run if validation return true invalidScript: Script to run if validation return false Value functions WebInfo.GetUnit(val) Summary: Returns the int unit value of a string containing a possible px after the int value. val: String value WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc 2013-06-10 Sida 13(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 WebInfo.GetValue(object, separator, nullIfNoValue) Returns: Int value representation of the value Summary: Gets the value of a input object or WebInfo control. object: Object to get value from separator: Separator for multiselect controls nullIfNoValue: Set empty value to null else "" WebInfo.SetValue(object, value, separator, cacheOnChange, noOnChange) WebInfo.SaveAjaxValues(values, saveToSession, returnScript) Returns: Value of the object Summary: Sets the value of the input object or WebInfo control and fires the onchange event. object: Object to set value for value: Value to set separator: Separator for multiselect controls cacheOnChange: Put OnChange Events in Cache queue instead of immediate fire. noOnChange: Do not run OnChanges after setting value Summary: Saves a list of variables to the server. Values: Ampersand-separated list of variable-value pairs. E.g. ‘myvariable1=myvalue1&myvariable2=myvalue2’ saveToSession: Saves the variables in session memory. Should normally be set to true. returnScript: Script to execute upon return from callback. Text functions WebInfoStringHelper.Left(text, length) WebInfoStringHelper.Right(text, length) WebInfoStringHelper.EndsWith(text, findText) Summary: Gets the number of leftmost chars of a string. text: Original text. length: Number of leftmost characters to get Summary: Gets the rightmost chars of a string. text: Original text. length: Number of rightmost characters to get Summary: Checks whether or not the text ends with the find text. text: Text to check findText: Text to find WebInfoStringHelpe.StartsWith(text, findText) Returns: Whether or not the text ends with the find text Summary: Checks whether or not the text starts with the find text. text: Text to check findText: Text to find WebInfoStringHelper.Trim(text) Returns: Whether or not the text starts with the find text Summary: Trims the text by removing leading and trailing blank spaces, tabs and new line characters. text: Text to trim WebInfoStringHelper.RTrim(text) Returns: Trimmed text Summary: Right trims the text by removing trailing blank spaces, tabs and new line characters. text: Text to trim WebInfoStringHelper.LTrim(text) Returns: Trimmed text Summary: Left trims the text by removing leading blank spaces, tabs and new line characters. text: Text to trim Sida 14(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 WebInfoStringHelper.Replace(text, findText, replaceText) Returns: Trimmed text Summary: Replaces the found text with the replace text text: Text replace in findText: Text to find replaceText: Text replace the found text with Returns: Replaced text Numeric functions WebInfoNumericHelper.Round(number, decimals) Summary: Rounds a number to specified number of decimals number: Number to round decimals: Decimals to round up to WebInfoNumericHelper.ParseFloat(number, setToZeroIfNaN) Returns: Rounded number Summary: Removes the thousand number separator, sets the correct javascript decimal separator and parses the value as a float number: Number to parse to float setToZeroIfNaN: Whether or not number is set to 0 if the parsing returned NaN WebInfoNumericHelper.ParseInt(number, setToZeroIfNaN) Returns: Float number Summary: Parses the number as a an integer number: Number to parse to int setToZeroIfNaN: Whether or not number is set to 0 if the parsing returned NaN Returns: Int number Table functions WebInfo.CollapseExpandAllRows(tableId) Summary: Collapses or expands all collapsible rows in the table with the given table Id WebInfo.SaveTable(tableId, pageId, returnScript , validationId) tableId: Table id Summary: Saves the table. WebInfo.SaveAndReloadTable(tableId , validationId) tableId: Id of table pageId: Pageid to jump to after saving the table returnScript: Return script to run after table was saved if no pageid is set(NOTE! Not valid for save type Postback) validationId: Validation to validate updated rows against Summary: Saves and reloads the table via AJAX. WebInfo.AddNewRow(tableId) WebInfo.SaveTables(tableIds, saveType, pageId, returnScript, preview) WebInfo.DeleteSelectedRows(tableId) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc tableId: Id of table validationId: Validation to validate updated rows against Summary: Adds a new row to the table, empty or populated according to insert row template. tableId: Id of table to add row to. Summary: Saves multiple tables. tableIds: Ids of tables separated with ; saveType: 1=Postback, 2=Callback pageId: Pageid to jump to after saving the table returnScript: Script to execute upon return from callback. preview: Preview SQL (only valid for AJAX save methods). Summary: Deletes checked rows. DeleteSqlId and SaveType are required on the Table object. 2013-06-10 Sida 15(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 tableId: Id of table DOM object functions WebInfo.GetParentWithTagName (node, tagName) Summary: Searches for the closest parent with the given tag name to the node. node: DOM node tagName: Tag name to find WebInfo.GetParentWithAttribute(node, attribute) Returns: The parent with the given tag name or null if nothing was found Summary: Searches for the closest parent with the given attribute to the node. node: DOM node attribute: Attribute to find Returns: The parent with the given attribute or null if nothing was found WebInfo.GetParentWithAttributeValue (node, attribute, value) Summary: Searches for the closest parent with the given attribute value to the node. node: DOM node attribute: Attribute to find value: Attribute value WebInfo.AddField(form, fieldType, fieldName, fieldValue) WebInfo.GetFirstChildNodeIndex(object) Returns: The parent with the given attribute value or null if nothing was found Summary: Adds a new field to a form with a given type, name and value. form: Form to add field to fieldType: Type of field e.g. hidden fieldName: Name of the field fieldValue: Value of the field Summary: Gets the index of the first real child node object: Object with child nodes WebInfo.GetChildNodesCount(object) Returns: Index of the first real child node Summary: Gets the number of child nodes not counting the first text node object: Object with child nodes WebInfo.GetChildNode(object, index) Returns: Number of child nodes Summary: Gets the child node with the given index object: Object with child nodes index: Index of the child node to get WebInfo.GetFirstChildNode(object) Returns: The child node with the given index Summary: Gets the first child node object: Object with child nodes WebInfo.GetNodeText(object) Returns: The first child node Summary: Gets the text child node value object: Object with a text child node Returns: Text node value AJAX functions WebInfo.ExecuteSql (sqlId, ajaxValues, returnFunction , returnXml) Sida 16(86) Summary: Execute an SQL statement via AJAX if the AjaxExcecuteSqlAndScript 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 parameter is set to 1. WebInfo.ExecuteSqlAndSaveVariables (sqlId, saveToSession, ajaxValues, returnFunction) WebInfo.ExecuteScript(codeId, ajaxValues, returnFunction) WebInfo.GetTitle(titleId) sqlId: Id of the SQL statement to execute ajaxValues: HttpForm post formatted string of AJAX values to pass to the server returnFunction: Return function to run when the SQL statement has been executed returnXml: True if DataTable xml should be returned sqlId: Id of the SQL statement to execute saveToSession: True if save to session, false is save to page. ajaxValues: HttpForm post formatted string of AJAX values to pass to the server returnFunction: Return function to run when the SQL statement has been executed Summary: Execute a server side script via AJAX if the AjaxExcecuteSqlAndScript parameter is set to 1. codeId: CodeId of the script to execute ajaxValues: HttpForm post formatted string of AJAX values to pass to the server returnFunction: Return function to run when the script has been executed Summary: Gets the title for a given titleId. titleId: Title id WebInfo.GetVariableValue(variable) Returns: Title matching the title id Summary: Gets the value of a given variable. variable: Name of the variable WebInfo.UpdateControl(controlId, ajaxValues, returnFunction, saveToSession, jsonObject) Returns: Value of the variable AJAX refreshes the control with the given controlId. The jsonObject parameter can configure the loading of some specific WebInfo controls. This is currently not part of the public API and is only used internally by the WebInfo engine. Other functions WebInfo.FindPosX(obj) Summary: Finds the x position of an object. obj: Object to find position for WebInfo.FindPosY(obj) Returns: The x position of the object Summary: Finds the y position of an object. obj: Object to find position for WebInfo.FireEvent(object, eventName) WebInfo.HideDialog(boxId) WebInfo.ShowDialog(boxId) WebInfo.HideWindow(windowId) WebInfo.ShowWindow(windowId) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Returns: The y position of the object Summary: Fires the event with the given event name for the object. object: Object to fire event for eventName: Name of the event Hides the WebInfo dialog object with the id specified. Shows the WebInfo dialog object with the id specified. Hides the WebInfo window object with the id specified. Shows the WebInfo window object with the id specified. 2013-06-10 Sida 17(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Object Reference Agressodocumentsource The document source contains parameters required to fetch a batch of documents from Agressos document archive. Property Wbuid DocSourceId Sort Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(200) Int.4 DocType ImageViewerMimeTypes Varchar(50) Varchar(200) StreamerMimeTypes Varchar(200) index_1 index_2 index_3 index_4 index_5 index_6 index_7 index_8 index_9 index_10 index_11 index_12 index_13 index_14 index_15 index_16 index_17 index_18 index_19 EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identifier within the configuration for this document source. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Document type for this document source. A commaseparated list of mimetypes that should always use agresso viewer. Common mime types are image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/tiff, application/pdf, text/html A commaseparated list of mimetypes that should always use agresso streamer. Common mime types are image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/tiff, application/pdf, text/html Filters documents on index_1. Filters documents on index_2. Filters documents on index_3. Filters documents on index_4. Filters documents on index_5. Filters documents on index_6. Filters documents on index_7. Filters documents on index_8. Filters documents on index_9. Filters documents on index_10. Filters documents on index_11. Filters documents on index_12. Filters documents on index_13. Filters documents on index_14. Filters documents on index_15. Filters documents on index_16. Filters documents on index_17. Filters documents on index_18. Filters documents on index_19. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Agressodropdown The dropdown object is an input object that displays a dropdown that can be used to select a singe value. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) Sida 18(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FrameName DropDownList.Width DropDownList.Height Label.Text SubmitOnChange Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 Disabled Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo AttributeId Client Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Status AgressoSqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 OnChangeSqlId Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width of this dropdownlist. Height of this dropdownlist. Text label that appears before this control. Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Attribute ID of the Dimension. (Mandatory) Client to filter on. Will default to the client variable if left empty. (Optional) Status of entries to show. Will default to N if left empty. (Optional) SqlId of the Agresso sql. Default should suffice for normal Agresso installtions. Uses the agressoconnectionid variable. (Optional) SqlId of the Agresso onchange object. Will default to the description field if left empty. Uses the agressoconnectionid variable. (Optional) Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Agressoperiod The agressoperiod object is an input control that displays period values from Agresso in a dropdown list. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName DropDownList.Width DropDownList.Height Label.Text DisplayColumn Disabled Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 PeriodId Varchar(10) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels of this dropdown. Height in pixels of this dropdown. Text label that appears before this control. Sets which column value from the period table should be dispalyed. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Agresso period_id in acrperiod of the period to display in this 2013-06-10 Sida 19(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 AttributeId Varchar(10) ConnectionId AjaxValue Varchar(10) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo StartPeriod.Period Int.4 Int.4 StartPeriod.StaticPeriod Varchar(50) StartPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 EndPeriod.Period Int.4 EndPeriod.StaticPeriod Varchar(50) EndPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 DefaultPeriod.Period Int.4 DefaultPeriod.StaticPeriod Int.4 DefaultPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 PeriodInterval Varchar(50) PeriodStatuses Int.4 GreaterThanPeriodId Varchar(50) LessThanPeriodId Varchar(50) SortOrder NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) dropdown. The property AttributeId overrides this value. AGRESSO attribute_id from agldimvalue that holds the periods to display in this dropdown. Overrides period_id. Id of the connection that connects to the agresso database. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Start period constant that togehter with the adjustment defines the starting period of this dropdown. Sets the StartPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. Start period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the starting period of this dropdown. End period constant that togehter with the adjustment defines the end period of this dropdown. Sets the EndPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. End period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the end period of this dropdown. Default period constant that togehter with the adjustment defines the default period of this dropdown. The dropdown is set to the default period when it is intializing or reseting. Sets the DefaultPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. Default period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the default period of this dropdown. The dropdown is set to the default period when it is intializing or reseting. Interval on the format [start period]-[end period] e.g. 1-12 for which periods in a year that should be displayed in this dropdown. Defines which period statuses are allowed for the periods that should be displayed in this dropdown. The agressoperiod can only be of greater values than the referenced period. The agressoperiod can only be of lesser values than the referenced period. Sort order of this dropdown. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Agressoperiodslider The agressoperiodslider object is an input control that displays period values from Agresso in a slider that can select the two outer values in a period range. When the slider sets two values in a range, the values of the range are stored in the [ControlId]_value variable comma separated. A single value in the range can be adressed using the syntax [ControlId]_value_[Index 1-x] e.g. slider_value_1 for the first value. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) Sida 20(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FrameName Varchar(50) Width Height Label.Text SliderTooltipColumn Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 SliderType Int.4 SliderLabels Varchar(50) SliderLabelsAdjustment Int.4 HideValueLabels Disabled Int.4 Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 PeriodId Varchar(10) AttributeId Varchar(10) ConnectionId AjaxValue Varchar(10) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo StartPeriod.Period Int.4 Int.4 StartPeriod.StaticPeriod Varchar(50) StartPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 EndPeriod.Period Int.4 EndPeriod.StaticPeriod Varchar(50) EndPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 FromDefaultPeriod.Period Int.4 FromDefaultPeriod.StaticPeriod Int.4 FromDefaultPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 ToDefaultPeriod.Period Int.4 ToDefaultPeriod.StaticPeriod Int.4 ToDefaultPeriod.Adjustment Int.4 PeriodInterval Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels for this slider. Height in pixels for this slider. Text label that appears before this control. Sets which column value from the period table should be dispalyed in the slider tooltip. Defines if the slider should be used to select one value or a range consisting of two values. Defines how many slider labels the slider should display. If the last slider labels is located to close to the end it will be excluded, causing the number of displayed slider labels to differ from the value set in this property. Defines an adjustment for the slider lablels except for the max and min labels. The adjustemnt shifts the labels forward or backwords depending on the value. Negative values will shift the labels to the left and positive values will shift the labels to the right. Hides the value labels to enable more dense stacking of sliders. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Agresso period_id in acrperiod of the period to display in this slider. The property AttributeId overrides this value. AGRESSO attribute_id from agldimvalue that holds the periods to display in this slider. Overrides period_id. Id of the connection that connects to the agresso database. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Start period constant that togehter with the adjustment defines the starting period of this slider. Sets the StartPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. Start period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the starting period of this slider. End period constant that togehter with the adjustment defines the end period of this slider. Sets the EndPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. End period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the end period of this slider. Default period constant that together with the adjustment defines the default from period of this slider. The slider's from value is set to the default from period when it is intializing or reseting. When the SliderType is set to Value, the FromDefaultPeriod is the same as the DefaultPeriod for the slider. Sets the FromDefaultPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. Default from period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the default from period of this slider. Default period constant that together with the adjustment defines the default to period of this slider. The slider's to value is set to the default to period when it is intializing or reseting. When the SliderType is set to Value, the ToDefaultPeriod is ignored. Sets the ToDefaultPeriod to a static value. This property should be selected with static type, and cannot be combined with adjustment. Default period adjustment integer that together with the period constant defines the default to period of this slider. Interval on the format [start period]-[end period] e.g. 1-12 for 2013-06-10 Sida 21(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 PeriodStatuses Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) which periods in a year that should be displayed in this slider. Defines which period statuses are allowed for the periods that should be displayed in this slider. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Agressotextbox The textarea object is an input control that displays a single row text input area. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName TextBox.Width TextBox.Height Label.Text GhostText TextBox.MaxLength Disabled Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId EmptyValue AjaxValue Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo PickerSelect AttributeId Client Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Status AgressoSqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 OnChangeSqlId Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels of this textbox. Height in pixels of this textbox. Text label that appears before this control. Text label that appears before this control. Max number of characters that are allowed to input in the textbox. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Value for this textarea if the user leaves it empty. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Selects the type of picker attached to the textbox. Attribute ID of the Dimension. (Mandatory) Client to filter on. Will default to the client variable if left empty. (Optional) Status of entries to show. Will default to N if left empty. (Optional) SqlId of the Agresso sql. Default should suffice for normal Agresso installtions. Uses the agressoconnectionid variable. (Optional) SqlId of the Agresso onchange object. Will default to the description field if left empty. Uses the agressoconnectionid variable. (Optional) Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Applicationbutton Sida 22(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 The applicationbutton object is control that is a special button that can only be placed in a flowlayout and resembels the buttons in Agresso Self Service in the left hand corner. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Text ImageUrl CssClass Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) SubmitUrl Varchar(200) Target Varchar(50) ValidationId Varchar(50) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Text that will appear inside button. URL for showing an image inside the button. Sets the stylesheet class of the button. If using Agresso theme it is possible to add a matching border to the top by setting class to bordertop. The URL which the user will be linked to when pressing the button. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Target window or frame for the button. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Validation object that will be called before linking to SubmitUrl. If validation fails the Postback will be cancelled. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Appversion The appversion object contains information about which application version a configuration belongs to. Property Wbuid Major Minor Build Revision LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Major version integer. Minor version integer. Build version integer. Revision version integer. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Blob The blob object is used to display blob files from a database. Property Wbuid ControlId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 FileType Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Type of file of file extension. This property can also be set in the SQL statement 2013-06-10 Sida 23(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FileName Varchar(50) SqlId Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) for the blob by using the recordset parameter mime_type or file_type. Name of the file. This property can also be set in the SQL statement for the blob by using the recordset parameter file_name. Id of the SQL statement that populates this blob. The SQL statement must contain the column data with the blob data. The SQL statement can also contain the columns mime_type (for the mime type of the file e.g text/html), file_type (the file extension of the file) and file_name (the name of the file when it is opened). Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Bounce The bounce object is used for bouncing the user to another PageId. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Key Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 BouncePageId Varchar(50) SqlId Int.4 CodeId Int.4 ExecutePosition Int.4 ClientSideBounce Int.4 Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique key for the bounce. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. PageId to which this bounce should be performed. This means that BouncePageId overrides the other to poperty and SqlId overrides the CodeId property. Id of the SQL statement that will determine to which PageId this bounce should be performed. The bounce address should be located in the first column of the first row in the recordset. The bounce parameters BouncePageId, SqlId and CodeId are checked in given order to get the bounce PageId. This means that BouncePageId overrides the other to poperty and SqlId overrides the CodeId property. Id of the code block that will determine to which PageId this bounce should be performed. This means that BouncePageId overrides the other to poperty and SqlId overrides the CodeId property. Position in the execution of the WebInfo engine when the bounce should be performed. Whether or not the bounce should be performed on the client side. Execute position should be set to None when this property is used. Descriptive text of what this bounce is used for. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Bulletedlist The bulleted list object is a control for displaing multiple text or link items in a bulleted list. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) Sida 24(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FrameName Width Height Label.Text List.DisplayMode List.BulletStyle SqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 EditToolTip NormalToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels for this bulleted list. Height in pixels for this bulleted list. Text label that appears before this control. Displaymode of the bulleted list. Style of the bullets in the bulleted list. Id of the SQL statement that populates this bulledlist. The SQL statement must contain the column description which is displayed as the text in the bulleted list. If the list is used as a link list the SQL statement must contain the column url and optional the column target where url is the url to link to and target is the window of the link. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Button The button object is a control. When clicked it will typically perform a Submit or link to a new page. This will most often mean that a PostBack is performed where the page is refreshed and variables are loaded from the form where the Submit originated from. Most button properties controls the visual aspects of the button. Two properties deal with the action part namely SubmitUrl and ValidationId. If the button is clicked and a ValidationId is present what will happen is that the validation will be performed first. If successful the normal Submit action will follow. However if the validation fails for some reason the Submit will be cancelled. This is useful in order to prevent for example the saving of a form until the user has filled in certain mandatory fields. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Text ImageUrl HideImageBackground Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 ButtonType CssClass Int.4 Varchar(50) SubmitUrl Varchar(200) Target Varchar(50) ValidationId Varchar(50) SkipWaitPanel NormalToolTip EditToolTip Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels of this button. Text that will appear inside button. URL for showing an image inside the button. Some themes allow for a background for the button image. They are only meant to be used with transparent images. Disable the background with this property if you use a non-transparent image. Sets which type of button to use. Sets the stylesheet class of the button. If using agresso theme, it is possible to increase height of button with the following classes: large, larger, largest The URL which the user will be linked to when pressing the button. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Target window or frame for the button. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Validation object that will be called before linking to SubmitUrl. If validation fails the Postback will be cancelled. If set, supresses the call for the wait panel when the button is clicked. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. 2013-06-10 Sida 25(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Buttonx Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Property EditToolTip Data Type Varchar(200) Description Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Chartfx The chart object is used to display charts. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName ChartType Title Width Height View3D Stacked Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 ShowToolBar SqlId Int.4 Int.4 XMLId Int.4 WarehouseId Grouping Varchar(10) Varchar(200) ZoomUrl Varchar(200) ZoomTarget Varchar(50) AddSeriesDrillText AddPointDrillText LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Int.4 datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Prefedefined chart type. Chart title displayed above the chart. Width of the chart in pixels. Height of the chart in pixels. Whether or not the chart should be displayed in 3D. Whether or not the bars from different series should be stacked in a bar chart. Whether or not the chart toolbar should be displayed above the chart. Id of the SQL statement that populates this chart. For predefined pie chart types the SQL can contain the following columns: label (value label), value. For other predefined chart types the SQL can contain the following columns: label (x-value label), series[1-10]_value (series values) and series[110]_name (series name). The SQL can also contain a title column to override the matching title property on the chart for all prediefined chart types. The xml definition that defines all properties of the chart. XML that hold Value_X and Name_X where X is an integer, will replace those strings with columns having the suffix _value. The datawarehouse to connect the chart to Set this to a commaseparated list of columns to group on when using a serviceendpoint and the query is not defined using the queryid he URL which the user will be linked to when clicking on the button or link. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Target window or frame for the zoom. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Series will appear as drilltext and thus in filterinfo. Point will appear as drilltext and thus in filterinfo. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Charttypexml Sida 26(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 The setupsql object contians an SQL statement to setup WebInfo in a specific database type. Property Wbuid ChartType Sort XMLCode LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(4000) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Checkbox The checkbox object is an input object that displays a checkbox that the user can check and uncheck. The checkbox can take two different values valueon (checked) and valueoff (unchecked). Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Label.Text CheckBox.Text DirtyMarksPage Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 ValueOn ValueOff InitValue Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text label that appears before this control. Text label that appears after this control. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Value that represents that this checkbox is checked. Value that represents that this checkbox is unchecked. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 Sida 27(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Checkboxlist The checkboxlist object is an input object that displays a number of checkboxes in a list. This object is used for multiple value selection when the number of choices is limited. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Varchar(50) Label.Text CheckBoxList.RepeatDirection CheckBoxList.RepeatColumns DirtyMarksPage Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) EmptyValue AjaxValue Varchar(50) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo SqlId Int.4 Int.4 InitSqlId Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Text label that appears before this control. Direction to repeat checkboxes in this list. Number of columns to display checkboxes in for this list. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). Value for this checkboxlist if the user leaves it empty. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Id of the SQL statement that populates this checkboxlist. The SQL statement must contain the columns value and description where value is the value of checkboxlist option and description is the text the user sees. The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Clientscriptonchange The clientscriptonchange object calls a client script method when a value in a control is changed. The returned value is either set as a tail text to the change control or as a value for another control. Property Wbuid Sida 28(86) Data Type uniqueidentifier Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 PageId Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 OnChangeControl OnChangeClientScript Varchar(50) Varchar(200) ValueControl Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control which value change triggers this onchange action. This field should only contain the javascript method name without paranthesis and arguments. The method can recieve two parameters. The first parameter is the input object that has changed value and the second parameter is the onchange object itself. A special javascript method called WebInfo.OnChangeUpdateValueControl can be used to AJAX refresh another control, by setting this property to WebInfo.OnChangeUpdateValueControl and the ValueControl property to the controlId of the control that needs to be refreshed. Another special javascript method called WebInfo.OnChangeUpdateDataWarehouseControls can be used to AJAX refresh all controls belonging to a datawarehouse, by setting this property to WebInfo.OnChangeUpdateDataWarehouseControls and the ValueControl property to the WarehouseId of the warehouse that needs to be refreshed. ControlId of the control where the return value from the onchange action is set. If this property is left blank the value will be displayed as a tailtext to the OnChangeControl. If the onchange is used in a table the onchange value can be returned to another column by setting its ColumnName in this property. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Clientscriptvalidator The clientscriptvalidator object validates the value of a control with a clientscript method. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) ValidationClientScript Varchar(200) ValidateOnChange Int.4 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. This field should only contain the javascript method name without paranthesis and arguments. The method can recieve two parameters. The first parameter is the object that is being validated and the second parameter is the validator object itself. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to 2013-06-10 Sida 29(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Code The code object contains client or server script code. Property Wbuid Sort Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 CodeId SourceCode LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(4000) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Unique identifier within the configuration for this code block. Script code for this code block. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Column The column object is a column definition for the table. Property Wbuid Sort Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 TableId RowId Varchar(50) Varchar(10) ColumnName Varchar(50) TablePart Int.4 ColumnType Int.4 Value Varchar(50) CodeId DocSourceId Decimals Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 ThousandSeparator Int.4 Format Varchar(50) Class Varchar(200) Width AltClass Int.4 Varchar(200) ImageUrl Varchar(200) ColSpan Varchar(50) Align Varchar(10) Separator Int.4 Sida 30(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. The sort order of this column defintion which defines in which order the columns are presented in the table. ControlId of the table that this column definition belongs to. RowId of this column definition which has the format [row type].[row number] e.g d.1, h0.2, s1.1 etc. Name of the rendered cell for this column defintion. This property must be set when using the table for editing values and saving the via SQL statements. If the table consists of several parts this property sets which part this column defintion belongs to. Default is 0 which is the left most part. Type of column that together with the Value property defines what to display in this column. Value of this column defintion that together with the ColumnType property defines what to display in a cell rendered from this column definition. Id of the formula statement that populates this column. Chooses which document source the column is bound to. Number of decimals to show for a numeric cell rendered from this column definition. Whether or not a thousand separator should be displayed for a rendered numeric cell for this column defintion. A .NET format string (<a href="" target="_blank">Link to MSDN</a>) that defines how the cell value should be formated. The cell value as is passed as the first format item referred to as {0} in a .NET format string. E.g. {0}% formats the value to display as 99%, {0:yyyy MM dd} formats a date value to display as 2009 12 20. Css stylesheet class for this column definition. The css class can consists of several css classes separated with a blank space e.g "grid_white gray1 bold" which means that the cell has a white grid around it a gray tone background color and that the text is bold. Width in pixel for a cell rendered from this column defintion. Css stylesheet class for this column defintion when the row number during render is even. URL for an image to be displayed in the column. If this property matches a column name in the recordset the URL will be replaced by the recordset column value. Number of cells that the rendered cell from this column defintion spans over. Algnment of the content for the cell rendered from this column defintion. Whether or not this cell rendered from this column defintion should have a leading separtor. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Wrap Int.4 IndicatorControlId Varchar(50) EditControlId Varchar(50) SortColumns Varchar(50) VisibilityExpression Varchar(50) Encrypted Int.4 NoSummary Int.4 DocSelector Varchar(200) DisableXSSProtection Int.4 ZoomDrillValues Varchar(200) ZoomDrillTexts Varchar(200) ZoomUrl Varchar(200) ZoomTarget Varchar(50) ZoomValueNullBehaviour Int.4 TableZoomControlId Varchar(50) ExpandZoomControlId Varchar(50) Pivot Rss Raise PreviousValue Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) ForecastInput Factor Int.4 Decimal(15,3) BudgetType Varchar(10) AggregateId Varchar(10) AmountVariant Varchar(10) SaveColumn Varchar(10) Prefix Varchar(10) DistSqlId Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Whether or not this cell rendered from this column defintion should wrap its text content if it exceeds the width of the cell. ControlId of the indicator to be shown for an indicator column defintion. ControlId of the control that act as a template for an editable column defintion. Comma separated list of columns in the recordset that are set in the :orderby variable when a sort action is made for this column defintion. The vairable :orderby can be used in the SQL statement for the table. This could either be the ControlId of a checkbox that will set the visibility of the column defintion or an expression. If the the checkbox is checked or the expression value is 1 or true, the column defition is visible. Specifies whether column should be encrypted, e.g. if contents should be encrypted on saving and decrypted on retrieval. Sets that the value presented in a summary column should contain the value of the current recordset row and not the summarized value. This property only affects column defintions with rowid type s and column type Sql. Which documentselector to send documents to, when using document column. Disables XSS protection. This allows for displaying HTML in column. It is vital for security that you do not display user input data in this column if this is enabled. Comma separated list of columns in the recordset that will be passsed to the next page as variables when the a zoom button or link is clicked. The drill value names are formated as [PageId]_drillvalue_[drillvalue column number] e.g 10_drillvalue_1. Comma separated list of columns in the recordset that will be passsed to the next page as texts when the a zoom button or link is clicked. The drill text names are formated as [PageId]_drilltext_[drilltext column number] e.g 10_drilltext_1. The URL which the user will be linked to when clicking on the button or link. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". If this property matches a column name in the recordset the URL will be replaced by the recordset column value. Target window or frame for the zoom. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Specifies how the column should be displayed if the first zoom value is null in the recordset. This property sets the ControlId of the TableZoom object which contains all zoom links for this column. Only unvisited pageids among the zoom links are displayed in a dropdown when clicking on this column. ControlId of the frame that will be expanded in a new row when the cell is clicked Pivot column type for this column defintion. Rss column type for this column defintion. Raise column type for this column defintion. Specific property used for forecast where this property contains the column in the recordset that contains the value of the previous forecast. Whether or not this column is a input column for forecasts. Specific property used for forecast where this property contains the factor to multiply the forecast value with before storing it. Specific property used for forecast. The value of this property is referred to with :budget_type in the update sql. Specific property used for forecast. The value of this property is referred to with :aggregate_id in the update sql. Specific property used for forecast. The value of this property is referred to with :amount_value in the update sql. Specific property used for forecast where this property contains the name of the column to store the forecast value in the import table. The value of this property is referred to with :save_column in the update sql statement. Specific property used for forecast where this property contains a prefix which is used when certain columns in the recordset should be used when saving a specific forecast column. Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property contains the SQL statement that returns the distribution data for a given table cell. The page parameter AjaxExcecuteSqlAndScript must be set to 1 for this property to work. 2013-06-10 Sida 31(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 DistType Int.4 DistTypeSelectId Varchar(50) DistFirstPeriod Varchar(10) DistLastPeriod Varchar(10) DistPeriodInterval Varchar(10) DistDefaultInput Int.4 NormalToolTip Varchar(200) EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) All data columns in the recordset entry that the cell displays data for, can be used in the SQL statement as variables. The SQL statement must contain the column period and the column with the distribute value, which must be named the same as the data column that it distributes values for. Whether or not input should be allowed or denied can be set by adding an extra column with the same name as the distribute value column suffixed with the keyword _input (1=Input allowed, 0=Input denied). Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property sets the type of distribution to be used for this column. Predefined distribute types: 1=Linear distribution, 2=Manual distribution, 3=Distribution type controlled by the value of a DropDown which ControlId is set in DistTypeSelectId property Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property sets the ControlId of the DropDown that is used to select the distribute type for this column if the distribute type is set to 3. Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property sets the first period in the distribution with the format yyyypp. The property can be set using a variable. Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property sets the last period in the distribution with the format yyyypp. The property can be set using a variable. Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property sets the interval for the distribution periods e.g. 1-12 or 0-14. Specific property used for distributing a value over a period of time. This property sets whether or not input is allowed or denied on default. 1=Input allowed, 0=Input denied. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. A recordset column can be used as tooltip by setting this property to the name of the recordset column that should be displayed as tooltip. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Combinationpicker A picker that helps select a value for a textbox or textarea input control by selecting a value from a table. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 PickerTitle PickerControlId PickerSqlId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 PickerTable PickerMode Varchar(50) Int.4 AutoFilter Int.4 RenderOnTop Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Sida 32(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. A title text for the picker. ControlId of the control that the picker helps to select a value for. Id of the SQL statement for the combination picker table. The SQL statement must contain a column named value, which should contain the picker value, and at least one more column. To filter the content the variable combinationvalue can be used in the SQL statement. Combinationvalue contains the value of the combination search field. ControlId of a table used by the prompt picker. Mode of the picker: Normal mode lets you search in all columns simultainiously using only one search field, Advanced gives you one search field per column. If checked, the combinationpicker will add an automatic filter that the value should start with the current filter. AutoFilter should not be used when the number of unfiltered rows exceeds DataMaxRows since it will yield unpredicatable results. If checked, the picker will be rendered in the document node. This will cause it to always render on top of all other controls. A side effect of checking this is that no scrollbars will be generated if the picker does not fit in page. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Commentobject The Comment Object enables comments to be attached to individual controls. If used with the WebInfo table control it also allows commenting on row or cell level. Property Wbuid ControlId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) PageId Varchar(50) TargetControlId ConnectionId Varchar(50) Varchar(10) TableName NoCellComments RelationId Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) Contributor Varchar(50) Application Varchar(50) PresentationMode Int.4 UpdateMode Int.4 DefaultWindowWidth DefaultWindowHeight Title ContributorText DatetimeText DisableResultSetKeys Key1 Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) Key2 Varchar(50) Key3 Varchar(50) Key4 Varchar(50) Key5 Varchar(50) Key6 Varchar(50) Key7 Varchar(50) Key8 Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identity of this control inside the page (pageid) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. Page where this control will be shown. If the pageid is left blank will the control be shown on every page. The control id of the control that the comments should attach to. Id of the connection that this controls SQL statement uses when executing. The name of the module table used to store the comments. If checked, will not allow comments to made on specific cells in a table. The relation that describes which comments should be visible for the user. Could be any combination group memberships, periods, clients etc. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. Whether the comments should be displayed with history (Conversational), or if users only keep updating the same comment (Collaborational). It is also possible to record the history of the single comment, but this history will not be shown to the end user (VersionControlled). If deletion is not denied by permission objects, this property describes what posts are allowed to be deleted: no posts, your own posts or any posts. Sets the default width of the window in pixels Sets the default height of the window in pixels The text shown in the head of the comment window. The text or title to replace the default Contributer: text in the comments. The text or title to replace the default Created: text in the comments. If set, improves performance by not looking for keys in result set. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. A distinguisher that marks up the entries in the module table for logging or monitoring purposes. Timestamp of latest change. Which mode the comments should presented in, As a conversation with comments following eachother, as a single mass of text where everyone edit the same text, or as a single mass of text but where each change generates a historical snapshot. Connection The connection object contains information about a connection to a database, webservice or rss feed. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ConnectionId Varchar(10) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of the of this connection within the configuration. 2013-06-10 Sida 33(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Sort Int.4 ConnectionString ImpersonateUser Varchar(4000) Varchar(50) ImpersonateDomain Varchar(50) ImpersonatePassword Varchar(50) Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. OleDb, Rss or WebService connection string for this connection. Impersonates the domain user during executions when connection uses integrated security. Impersonates the domain during executions when connection uses integrated security. Impersonates the domain password during executions when connection uses integrated security. Descriptive text for this connection. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Control The control object is a object that can be added to a frame in a page. This object is the parent for all controls. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Type ControlId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) FrameName Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Name of the type of this control. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Control permission The control_permission object sets the permissions for a specific control. Property Wbuid Name ControlToCheck Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(50) ControlIdRange ApplyTo Varchar(200) Int.4 DenyAction AlwaysApprove AlwaysDeny Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 SqlId Int.4 CodeId Int.4 RedirectPageId Varchar(50) UserSecurityLevel AgressoRoleIds Int.4 Varchar(200) Sida 34(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Name of the control permission ControlId of the control that this permissions object grants or denies access to. Comma separated list of IDs the permission applies to. Under which cirsumstances permission will be applied. "All" means always applied. "Page" means permission is only applied for displaying a page. "Export" means permission is only applied when creating an export. Action to be taken when access is denied for this permission. If set to true, always approves security check. If set to true, always denies security check. However, If another equally or more specific permission allows access, access will be granted.) Id of the SQL statement that determine if this permission is grants or denies access. The permission grants access if the value of first column in the first row in the first row equals 1. The variables that are set and can be used in the SQL query are permission_control and permission_control_value. The variable permission_control is set to the id of the control that is beeing checked and permission_control_value to the value of the control. Id of the code block that determine if this permission is grants or denies access. The script must set the variable permission_script_return which should be set to 1 if permission object grants access. The variables that are set and can be used in the script are permission_control and permission_control_value. The variable permission_control is set to the id of the control that is beeing checked and permission_control_value to the value of the control. pageid to where the user is redirected when access to the pageidToCheck is denied. Minimum security level (built in) for this permission to grant access. Semi-colon separated list of Agresso role ids that are valid for this permission 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 AgressoMenuId Users UserGroups Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) object. Id of the Agresso menu that the permission rules are retrieved from. Semi-colon separated list of users that are valid for this permission object. Semi-colon separated list of user groups that are valid for this permission object. If windows authentication is used the groups should have the format domain\name. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Datawarehouse The datawarehouse object populates a data warehouse and refreshes it at set intervals. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) WarehouseId Sort Varchar(10) Int.4 DataSqlId FilterColumns ValueColumns Int.4 Varchar(4000) Varchar(200) StorageConnectionId TargetConnectionId Varchar(10) Varchar(10) TablePrefix ReloadInterval Varchar(10) Int.4 ReloadSqlId Int.4 MaxWarehouseRows Varchar(50) LastReloadedString PopulateFromMemory Varchar(50) Int.4 ServiceEndpoint Varchar(200) ApplyFiltersGlobally Int.4 AjaxUpdateControls Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of the of this data warehouse within the configuration. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The Sql that populates this datawarehouse. Commaseparated list of the columns that will be used to filter the data. Commaseparated list of the columns that will be considered values (summarized by group). The connection that the datawarehouse will use to store the data in. The connection that the datawarehouseservice will use to store the result table in. Not used unless warehouseservice is used. The prefix that the datawarehouse will use when naming the tables. The conditions for which the datawarehouse will update itself automatically. If this Sql returns 1 in the first column of the first row the datawarehouse will repopulate itself. The max no of rows that the warehouse will work with. If more rows than this number are returned after filtering, WebInfo will show an information message (Title: NarrowYourSelection) telling the user to narrow their search. Also, all datawarehouse value controls will be hidden until the filter returns fewer rows than this number. The last time this datawarehouse was updated. Tells the datawarehouse to load the entire source data into memory before populating the data warehouse. While this will increase performance while populating a small dataset, it will cause memory issues if the data warehouse is too large. If set, will cause the datawarehouse to manage population through the given external service. The value set in ServiceEndpoint should point to an appsetting in web.config that contains the service url. If set, tells the datawarehouse to behave as if all filter controls exist on every page. That is - a filter selection made on a previous page will filter the data on a page on which it is not present. Will also update controls listed here, separated by commas. Descriptive text for this datawarehouse. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Datawarehousefilter The warehousefilter object allows you to write a sql filter that is automatically appended to all selections against the connected data warehouse. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Key Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 CodeId Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique key for this warehousefilter. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Id of the SQL statement that contains the query filter. 2013-06-10 Sida 35(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 WarehouseId Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(10) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) The warehouse to which this filter should be appended. Descriptive text of what this executesql is used for. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Datepicker A picker that helps select a value for a textbox or textarea input control by selecting a value from a calendar. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 PickerControlId LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that the picker helps to select a value for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Datetimevalidator The datetimevalidator object validates the value of a control against the ISO date time format. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidateOnChange Int.4 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Sida 36(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Decimalvalidator The decimalvalidator object validates that the value of a control is a decimal value. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidateOnChange Int.4 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Dialog The text object is a control that displays a text. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 Title Content Button1.Label Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Button1.Action Varchar(200) Button2.Label Varchar(50) Button2.Action Varchar(200) Width Int.4 Height Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The text to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. The text to be displayed in the content area of the dialog box. The text to be displayed on button 1. If this is left blank, the button will not be rendered. The javascript function call that you want to execute when this button is pressed. The text to be displayed on button 2. If this is left blank, the button will not be rendered. The javascript function call that you want to execute when this button is pressed. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be 2013-06-10 Sida 37(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Modal Closable Int.4 Int.4 Resizable Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Whether the dialog box gray out the background and become modal. Should the dialog box have a close X in the corner and be closable by pressing Esc. Should the dialog box have a resize handle in the corner and be resizaable by the user. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Docpopulator The docpopulator object takes a document ands populates it with data from an sql query. The document should contain markups. |TAG will replace tag from variable or sql. $TAG will replace with title. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Key Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 SqlId Int.4 DocType SourceDocPath Int.4 Varchar(200) GeneratedDocFolder Varchar(200) GeneratedDocFileName Varchar(50) ExecutePosition Int.4 SendToPage SendToNewPage Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Id of the SQL statement that populates this document. Any occurrence of |COLUMN in the doc will be replaced by the contents of column COLUMN on the first row. Document type to edit. Path to document to use as source. Columnvariable from sql expression can be used. If set, generates document on server in this folder. Columnvariable from sql expression can be used. File name of document to generate. Columnvariable from sql expression can be used. Position in the execution of the WebInfo engine when the doc populating should be performed. If set, will output document to user. If set and document is sent to page, will send document to a new page allowing rest of page to be rendered as normal. If not set, document is sent by itself and replaces whole page. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Documentation The documentation object allows a WebInfo administrator to document the function of a object. Property Wbuid DocWbuid Text LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(4000) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identity of the object to which Documentation text for the object. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Documentselector The frameset object is a frame control that can contain other controls. Property Wbuid Sida 38(86) Data Type uniqueidentifier Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 PageId Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 DocSourceId Overflow CssClass ColumnsTableId Varchar(200) Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetFrame Collapsible Title Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) TitleImageUrl Varchar(200) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Unique identifier within the configuration for this document source. Overflow style for this frameset. Css class for this frameset. ControlId of another table that this table copies column definitions from. Available columns are: doc_guid, title, description, lat_rev_no, entry_status, user_id, last_update, doc_system_id, doc_library, mime_type, max_pages, link. Frame to open document in. Collapsible type for this control. Title for this control which will be shown if the Collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle of ExpanedWithTitle. URL to the title image for this control which will be shown if the Collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle of ExpanedWithTitle. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Dropdown The dropdown object is an input object that displays a dropdown that can be used to select a singe value. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Label.Text DropDownType SqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width of this dropdownlist. Text label that appears before this control. Sets which type of dropdown to use. Id of the SQL statement that populates this dropdown. The SQL statement must contain the columns value and description where value is the value of dropdown option and description is the text the user sees. 2013-06-10 Sida 39(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo WarehouseId WarehouseFilter OrderByValue Int.4 Varchar(10) Varchar(50) Int.4 OrderDescending Int.4 DirtyMarksPage Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. The datawarehouse to connect the dropdown to Which datawarehouse column to connect the dropdown to. If this is checked, the values will be order by value instead of by description. If this is checked, the values will be ordered descending instead of ascending. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Executescript The executescript object execute an script block on a specified position in the WebInfo execution. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Key Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 CodeId ExecutePosition Int.4 Int.4 Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique key for this executesql row. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Id of the script block to execute for this executescript. Position in the execution of the WebInfo engine when the executescript should be executed. Descriptive text of what this executesql is used for. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Executesql The executesql object execute an sql statement on a specified position in the WebInfo execution and can set WebInfo variables values from the values in the recordset. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Key Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 SqlId ExecutePosition Int.4 Int.4 LoadVariables Int.4 Sida 40(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique key for this executesql row. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Id of the SQL statement to execute for this executesql. Position in the execution of the WebInfo engine when the executesql should be executed. Whether the values of the executesql recordset should be loaded into variables in the session or just for this page. If the recordset contains the column variable the variables will be loaded rowwise with the column variable as variable name and value as variable value or variable plus column name as variable name and column value as value. If the recordset does not cotain the column variable the first row of the 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 VariablePrefix Varchar(50) SetProtectedVariables Varchar(4000) RunOnce MultiValue Int.4 Int.4 Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) recordset will be loaded with the column names as variable and the values as value. Prefix name that all variables that are loaded from the recordset are prefixed with. Comma separated list of protected variables which are set with this object. If the variable does not exist it is created as protected. The SQL object should have the setting "Only Protected Variables" enabled. Run this executeSQL only once. If checked, will cause WebInfo to take all values in the first column and concatenate them with commas when saving result as a variable. Descriptive text of what this executesql is used for. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Favourites The favourites object is a menu control that can be added to a toolbar so that the user can save a image of the current session data as a favourite. (auth parameter has to be set) The favourites are stored in a separate database table called the module table. This table has to be created manually, e.g. using the SQL in the Setup SQL listing. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 FrameName Header ConnectionId Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(10) TableName ExcludeVariablePrefixes Varchar(50) Varchar(200) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Text that will be displayed as a header for this favourites control. The connection id used. Default connection id will be used if left blank. (Optional) The name of the modules table used to store the favourites. Comma separated list of variable prefixes. All variables matching any of the prefixes will be excluded when saving a favourite. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Fieldset The fieldset object is a frame control that can contain other controls and has a border around it and a legend text on top. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. 2013-06-10 Sida 41(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Legend Varchar(50) FieldSet.CssClass FrameLayout Varchar(50) Int.4 Overflow ZIndex Int.4 Int.4 DefaultButton Varchar(50) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Legend text for this fieldset which is displayed on the top border of the fieldset. Css class for the fieldset. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Overflow style for this fieldset. Integer value that detirmines where in z-plane this control is located. Default value is 0. If this control should be placed behind other controls a negative value can be used and if it should be placed in front of other controls a positive value can be used. ControlId of the default button that will be clicked if enter is pressed inside an input control. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Fileuploader The File Uploader is a control that alows you to select files from your computer and upload them to a selected data base. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName TableName ConnectionId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(10) Application Contributor RelationId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) HideHeader WelcomeMessage SubmitMessage FileExistsMessage CssPrefixClass Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. The name of the data base table where you wish to store uploaded files. Id of the data base connection you wish to use. If left blank, it will choose the default connection. File information field. Is saved with the file. File information field. Is saved with the file. File information field. Is saved with the file. Groups files and controls which files are displayed with the file viewer control. Hides the header message. Message to show in the header of the file uploader. Text on the submit button. Message to present if the file already exists. Extra class to be added to the uploader. Used for advanced modification of the control. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Fileviewer Sida 42(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 The File Viewer is a control that alows you to view files from a database usually uploaded using the File Uploader component. Files are seperated using a relation id, which groups files having the same relation id together. This field could be a composite of several variables to allow complex seperation on users and roles. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName TableName Varchar(50) Varchar(50) ConnectionId Varchar(10) DeletableCondition Varchar(50) RelationId Varchar(50) Retrievable CssPrefixClass Int.4 Varchar(10) FileNameColumnHeader FileSizeColumnHeader RemoveImageUrl Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. The name of the data base table where you wish to store uploaded files. Id of the data base connection you wish to use. If left blank, it will choose the default connection. Sets the condition that needs to be met to allow a file to be deleted. Syntax is in the form: $title|:variable|columnname|'string' =|<|>|<=|=> $title|:variable|columnname|'string' File information field. Is saved with the file. Groups files and controls which files are displayed with the file viewer control. Decides if files are retrievable or not. Extra class to be added to the uploader. Used for advanced modification of the control. Sets the title for the File Name column. Sets the title for the File Size column. The url of the image to be displayed beside files that can be removed. If left blank it will default to the WebInfo Delete.gif icon. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Filterinfo The filterinfo object is a control that displays drill texts and input control values for a number of PageIds. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a 2013-06-10 Sida 43(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 ZoomTextPageIds InputControlPageIds LabelCssClass ValueCssClass DisplayCheckBoxValues DisplayEmptyValues Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 ExcludePageIds Varchar(200) ExcludeControlIds Varchar(200) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. PageIds from where zoom texts are added to this filterinfo. PageIds from where input control values are added to this filterinfo. Css class for the labels in this filterInfo. Css class for the values in this filterinfo. Whether or not to display checkbox values. Whether or not to display input controls with empty values or values set to %. Comma separated list of PageIds which input controls and zoom values should not be listed as filter info. Comma separated list of ControlIds for input controls that should not be listed as filter info. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Frame The frame object is a container for other controls. This object is the parent object for all frame controls. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Type ControlId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 FrameName LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Name of the type of this frame. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Frameset The frameset object is a frame control that can contain other controls. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Sida 44(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Height Int.4 FrameLayout Int.4 Overflow CssClass ZIndex Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 DefaultButton Varchar(50) NoLateLoad Collapsible Title Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) TitleType TitleImageUrl Int.4 Varchar(200) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Overflow style for this frameset. Css class for this frameset. Integer value that detirmines where in z-plane this control is located. Default value is 0. If this control should be placed behind other controls a negative value can be used and if it should be placed in front of other controls a positive value can be used. ControlId of the default button that will be clicked if enter is pressed inside an input control. Forces the panel to be loaded from start and not later via ajax. Collapsible type for this control. Title for this control which will be shown if the Collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle of ExpanedWithTitle. Sets which type of title to use for this frameset. URL to the title image for this control which will be shown if the Collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle of ExpanedWithTitle. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Gaugefx The chart object is used to display charts. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName GaugeType Title Width Height MinValue MaxValue TargetValue SqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 XMLId WarehouseId Grouping Int.4 Varchar(10) Varchar(200) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Prefedefined chart type. Gauge title displayed above the chart. Width of the gauge in pixels. Height of the gauge in pixels. Mininum value displayed in the gauge. Maximum value displayed in the gauge. Target value which is displayed as a separate value in certain gauge types. Id of the SQL statement that populates this gauge. For predefined gauge types the SQL can contain the following columns: value (needle value which is mandatory), title (title text), targetvalue (target needle value if gauge has a target), minvalue (min value of the guage) and maxvalue (max value of the gauge). All predefined gauge type columns but value overrides there matching properties set on the guage. The xml definition that defines all properties of the gauge. The datawarehouse to connect the gauge to Set this to a commaseparated list of columns to group on when using a serviceendpoint and the query is not defined using the queryid Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 Sida 45(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Gaugetypexml The setupsql object contians an SQL statement to setup WebInfo in a specific database type. Property Wbuid GaugeType Sort XMLCode LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(4000) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Hidden The hidden object is a control that adds a hidden value to a PageId. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Value EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Value of the hidden field. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Iframe The iframe object is a control that shows the content from another URL. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Sida 46(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Height Int.4 Url Varchar(200) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. The URL of the page to display in this iframe. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Image The image object is a control that displays an image. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Image.Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Image.Height Int.4 ImageUrl Varchar(200) ZIndex Int.4 EditToolTip NormalToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. URL for the image. If you want to retrieve image from blob in DB you can set url to blob=blobid. Integer value that detirmines where in z-plane this control is located. Default value is 0. If this control should be placed behind other controls a negative value can be used and if it should be placed in front of other controls a positive value can be used. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Includeconfigdelete The park object sets whether or not a WebInfo object should be unrendered or invisible in normal or editmode. Property Wbuid IncludeConfig Type KeyColumnNames KeyColumn1 KeyColumn2 KeyColumn3 KeyColumn4 KeyColumn5 Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(4000) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Name of the config for the deleted object. Deleted object type. Name of the key columns for the delete object. Key column 1 value. Key column 2 value. Key column 3 value. Key column 4 value. Key column 5 value. 2013-06-10 Sida 47(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 KeyColumn6 KeyColumn7 KeyColumn8 KeyColumn9 KeyColumn10 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) datetime Varchar(200) Key column 6 value. Key column 7 value. Key column 8 value. Key column 9 value. Key column 10 value. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Includeframe The includeframe object is a frame control that displays all the controls from another frame in another PageId. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 IncludePageId Varchar(50) IncludeRootFrameName Varchar(50) Overflow FrameLayout Int.4 Int.4 EditToolTip NormalToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. PageId to include controls and frames from into this includeframe. The PageId cannot be the same as the PageId of this includeframe. Root frame in the IncludePageId to include controls and frames to this includeframe. This property must be set for the includeframe to work. Overflow style for this includeframe. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Indicator The indicator object is a control that displays different threshold controls depending of the value of the indicator. The value can be set with an sql query. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 Sida 48(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Height Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Label.Text Thresholds SqlId NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(10) Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width of control. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text label that appears before this control. Threshold values assigned to this indicator. Id of the SQL statement that sets the threshold value for this indicator. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Inputcontrol The inputcontrol object is a control that can input data. This object is the parent for all input control objects. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Type ControlId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) FrameName Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) ExcludeFromFilterinfo LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Name of the type of this inputcontrol. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). If the control should be added to the filterinfo. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Integervalidator The integervalidator object validates that the value of a control is a integer value. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidateOnChange Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Whether or not this validator should validate its 2013-06-10 Sida 49(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Keymapping The keymapping object calls a client script method when a key short cut combination has been pressed. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Key Varchar(50) Event Varchar(200) Description EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Keyshortcut that triggers the event for this keymapping. E.g Ctrl-U or Shift-CtrlAlt-O etc. Function keys such as F1, F2 etc can also be used but the original event for this button cannot be escaped and is always started after the one defined for this keymapping. Javascript method to execute when the keys defined in the property Key are pressed. Descriptive text of what this keymapping is used for. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Layoutframe The LayoutFrame object is a frame control that can contain other controls. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Sida 50(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FrameLayout Int.4 FrameType Int.4 Overflow CssClass Background Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(200) ZIndex Int.4 DefaultButton Varchar(50) LinkUrl Target NoLateLoad NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Which graphical layout that the frame should have, indicating its use on the page. MenuFrame being used only for creating a menu in the _LEFT frame, and FilterFrame being used to hold controls used to filter data on the page. Overflow style for this frameset. Css class for this frameset. Background color for this panel in hex. e.g. ffba13. Only supported for thinframes. Integer value that detirmines where in z-plane this control is located. Default value is 0. If this control should be placed behind other controls a negative value can be used and if it should be placed in front of other controls a positive value can be used. ControlId of the default button that will be clicked if enter is pressed inside an input control. If set the frame becomes a clickable link with the given target URL. The target frame of the LinkUrl Forces the panel to be loaded from start and not later via ajax. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Licence The licence object contains information about the licence file. Property Wbuid HashCode LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Major version integer. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Link The link object is a control that displays a link text and possibly an image. When the link is clicked a URL is opened or a client script method is called. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Link.Text Link.CssClass Varchar(200) Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text that will appear for this link. Css class for the link of this link object. 2013-06-10 Sida 51(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 ImageUrl Link.NavigateUrl Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Link.Target Varchar(50) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) URL for showing an image for this link. The URL which the user will be linked to when clicking on the link. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Target window or frame for the link. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Listbox The listbox object is an input control for multiple selection in a list. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Height Label.Text ListBoxType Disabled Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 DirtyMarksPage Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 SqlId Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId EmptyValue AjaxValue Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo InitialRowCount WarehouseId WarehouseFilter OrderByValue Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(10) Varchar(50) Int.4 OrderDescending Int.4 DisplayFormat Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Sida 52(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels for this listbox. Height in pixels for this listbox. Text label that appears before this control. Sets which type of listbox to use. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Id of the SQL statement that populates this listbox. The SQL statement must contain the columns value and description where value is the value of listbox option and description is the text the user sees. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Value for this listbox if the user leaves it empty. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Sets the number of list items that are displayed for the listbox initially. The datawarehouse to connect the listbox to Which datawarehouse column to connect the listbox to. If this is checked, the values will be order by value instead of by description. If this is checked, the values will be ordered descending instead of ascending. Selects the format to display the listitem in. Allows you to show both value and description in the dropdown. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) User that commited the latest change on object. Menu The menu object is a control that displays a dropdown menu in a toolbar. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 FrameName MenuDirection NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Menuitem The menuitem object is an item in a menu object that can have a text and an image. When the item is clicked an URL is opened or a client script method is called. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 MenuId ParentId Text ImageUrl NavigateUrl Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Target Varchar(50) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the menu that this menuitem belongs to. ControlId of the parent menuitem of this menuitem. Text that will appear for this menuitem. URL for showing an image for this menuitem. The URL which the user will be linked to when clicking on the menuitem. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Target window or frame for the menuitem. The target can refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Navigation The navigation object displays the navigation path (path that the user took to the current PageId). Only the PageIds that have a matching navitem that belongs to the navigation object are displayed. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. 2013-06-10 Sida 53(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Onchange The onchange object performs an action when a value in a control is changed. The returned value is either set as a tail text to the change control or as a value for another control. This is the parent object for all onchange objects. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Type Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 OnChangeControl OnChangeSqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 OnChangeCodeId Int.4 OnChangeClientScript Varchar(200) ValueControl Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. Name of the type of this onchange object. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control which value change triggers this onchange action. Id of the SQL statement that gets the onchange value for this onchange object. The onchange value is collected from the column of the first row in the recordset. Variable that are set and can be used in the sql are onchange_control_value. Id of the code block that gets the onchange value for this onchange object. The script should set the onchange value in the variable onchange_script_return. This field should only contain the javascript method name without paranthesis and arguments. The method can recieve two parameters. The first parameter is the input object that has changed value and the second parameter is the onchange object itself. A special javascript method called WebInfo.OnChangeUpdateValueControl can be used to AJAX refresh another control, by setting this property to WebInfo.OnChangeUpdateValueControl and the ValueControl property to the controlId of the control that needs to be refreshed. ControlId of the control where the return value from the onchange action is set. If this property is left blank the value will be displayed as a tailtext to the OnChangeControl. If the onchange is used in a table the onchange value can be returned to another column by setting its ColumnName in this property. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Page The page object represent a page in WebInfo. Each page has a unique id called pageid. The page with a blank pageid is the master page which properties will be acive if the current page does not override them. Property Sida 54(86) Data Type Description 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Wbuid PageId Title TitleImageUrl Auth LogOffUrl OpenIDAttributes uniqueide ntifier Varchar(5 0) Varchar(2 00) Varchar(2 00) Varchar(5 0) Varchar(2 00) Int.4 AuthAttributes Varchar(4 000) FacebookAppId Varchar(5 0) Varchar(5 0) Varchar(2 00) Int.4 FacebookAppSecret FacebookPermission s Backup IncludeConfig NavigateUrl Varchar(5 0) Varchar(2 00) NavigationGroup Varchar(5 0) ExcludeFromNavigat ion ClearCurrentDrillVal ues Int.4 ResetAllInputControl s ResetInputControls OnPage Int.4 DisableLeavingPage Warning Int.4 DisableRuntimeCont extMenus DefaultButton Int.4 DefaultFocus DirtyWarningText AgressoBaseUrl AgressoConnectionI d AgressoTitles ExportFileName ExportFileType ExportDataStyle Int.4 Varchar(5 0) Varchar(5 0) Varchar(5 0) Varchar(2 00) Varchar(2 00) Varchar(5 0) Int.4 Varchar(5 0) Int.4 Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Title of the page object. The title is displayed in the navigation path. The master page title is displayed in the top menu panel as a solution title. Title image displayed together with the master page title in top menu panel. Sets the login type that is used for the WebInfo solution. Login types that can be used are: none, windows, form, agresso_url, agresso_sso, openid, facebook, facebookbutton and tokenlogin. URL that WebInfo sends the user to after the user has logged off. Whether openid should fetch extra data about the authenticated user from the provider. Options are none, claims and attributes. If attributes are used they must be specified in the AuthAttributes property. A list of extra attributes alternated with variables and requirementlevel (o,r) to fill in a commaseparated list. I.E. ",homecountry,R,http://schem,birthDate,O" will cause OpenID to fetch the attributes and store them in their respective variables. Homecountry will be required and Birthdate will be optional. The id of the facebook application WebInfo will use for authentication. Secret of the facebook app used for authnentication. Commaseparated list of permissions to ask the user for. Sets how many days back WebInfo should backup its configuration file. This parameter can also be used when the configuration table is stored in a database. Name of the configuration to include as a template into the current configuration. The URL which the user will be linked to when clicking on the navitem. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Name of the group that this navigation item belongs to. If a user navigates to a PageId that belongs to a navigation group, the navigation path will be reduced to only contain the items preceding any PageId belonging to the navigation group. If this property is set to true the page will not be displayed in navigation objects. If this property is enabled drill values belonging to the current pageid are cleared. By default all drill values from pageids not present in the navigation path are cleared. If this property is enabled all input controls for all pageids will be reset. The controls are reset at the execute position AfterReadingVariables. A comma separated list of pageids for which all input controls are reset when this page loads. The controls are reset at the execute position AfterReadingVariables. If this property is enabled WebInfo will disable the warning message box which WebInfo displays when the user tries to navigate without using the links and buttons in WebInfo. If this property is set to true the runtime context menues will be removed. ControlId of the default button that will be clicked if enter is pressed inside an input control. ControlId of the input control that will have focus when the page is loaded. Message which is displayed when the user tries to leave the page when controls or tables that marks the page as dirty has changed. The text can contain titles and variables. Base URL to Agresso Self Service. This parameter is primarily used when linking to a invoice image in Agresso Self Service. Id of the connection that connects to the Agresso database. This parameter is used by all Agresso integrations that need to connect to Agresso. If this property is enabled all Agresso titles for the current language will be imported to the WebInfo title database and can then be used in the WebInfo solution. Name of the exported file. If this parameter is not set the name of the exported file will be “WebInfoExcelExport”. Which type of format to export to. How to format the exported data. Print yields graphical components such as 2013-06-10 Sida 55(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 OneSheet Int.4 DataMaxRows Int.4 LogSlowSql Int.4 DisableLeavingPage Message Int.4 DisableRowErrorStyl e TableSaveTimeout Int.4 DefaultScriptLangua ge Int.4 AjaxExecuteSqlAndS cript Int.4 PermitEditScriptingI nRuntime DisableWaitPanel DisableWaitPanelFa de Int.4 InvisibleWaitPanel Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(2 00) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 checkboxes whereas Data yields pure data. (Not applicable to all export types) If this parameter is set to true, the default value of an export will combine alla data to one sheet. If an export format does not support multiple pages, this setting will be ignored. Limitation of how many rows that an SQL statement can return. If the limit is exceeded a variable called DataMaxRowsMessage will be set to an error message. If this property is set to an integer all SQL statements that executes slower or equal to this number in seconds will be written to the log file. If this property is enabled WebInfo will disable the confirmation message box which WebInfo displays when the user tries to leave the page without saving the current table changes first. If this property is enabled the error style displayed on non saved table rows are not set. Number of seconds before WebInfo displays an alert box telling the user that the table save action has timed out. Default value is 10. Name of the default server script language. Possible languages are VBScript (only x86), JavaScript (only x86), Lua and ManagedJScript (similar to JavaScript and works on both x86 and x64). If this property is enabled the functions WebInfo.ExecuteSql and WebInfo.ExecuteScript can be used. This parameter is turned off by default for security reasons. This parameter must be set to 1 when using distributions in a forecast input table. If this property is enabled the edit mode scripting functions can be used. If this property is enabled the panel with the AJAX symbol will be disabled. If this property is enabled the fade out of the panel with the AJAX symbol will be disabled. This improves performance when running WebInfo over remote desktop. If this property is enabled the transparent grey background of the panel with the AJAX symbol will be disabled. This improves performance when running WebInfo over remote desktop. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Pageid permission The pageid_permission object sets the permissions for a specific pageid. Property Wbuid Name PageIdToCheck PageIdRange DenyAction RedirectPageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Int.4 Varchar(50) AlwaysApprove AlwaysDeny Int.4 Int.4 SqlId Int.4 CodeId Int.4 UserSecurityLevel AgressoRoleIds Int.4 Varchar(200) AgressoMenuId Users UserGroups Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Sida 56(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Name of the control permission pageid to activate this permission for. Comma separated list of IDs the permission applies to. Action to be taken when access is denied for this permission. pageid to where the user is redirected when access to the pageidToCheck is denied. If set to true, always approves security check. If set to true, always denies security check. However, If another equally or more specific permission allows access, access will be granted.) Id of the SQL statement that determine if this permission is grants or denies access. The permission grants access if the value of first column in the first row in the first row equals 1. The variable permission_pageid is set and can be used in the SQL query. The variable is set to the pageid that is beeing checked. Id of the code block that determine if this permission is grants or denies access. The script must set the variable permission_script_return which should be set to 1 if permission object grants access. The variable permission_pageid is set and can be used in the script. The variable is set to the pageid that is beeing checked. Minimum security level (built in) for this permission to grant access. Semi-colon separated list of Agresso role ids that are valid for this permission object. Id of the Agresso menu that the permission rules are retrieved from. Semi-colon separated list of users that are valid for this permission object. Semi-colon separated list of user groups that are valid for this permission object. If windows authentication is used the groups should have the format domain\name. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Pagelayout The pagelayout object defines the layout of a PageId. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 PageLayoutType ToolbarAndMenuOnTop Int.4 Int.4 MainPanelLayout Int.4 PageLayoutWidth Int.4 BackgroundImageUrl Varchar(200) WatermarkImageUrl Varchar(200) LeftPanelLayout Int.4 LeftPanelWidth LeftPanelCollapsible LeftPanelTitle Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) LeftPanelBorder RightPanelLayout Int.4 Int.4 RightPanelWidth RightPanelCollapsible RightPanelTitle Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) RightPanelBorder TopPanelLayout Int.4 Int.4 TopPanelHeight TopPanelCollapsible TopPanelTitle Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) TopPanelBorder BottomPanelLayout Int.4 Int.4 BottomPanelHeight BottomPanelCollapsible BottomPanelTitle Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) BottomPanelBorder LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Layout type. Whether or not the toolbar and menu should be positioned above the the left and right panel. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Sets the width of the pagelyaout and centers the pagelayout in the browser window. Image url of the background image for the pagelayout. The background image is streched in the background of the pagelayout. Image url of the watermark image for the pagelayout. The watermark image is layed repeated on top of the background image and should therefore be transparent. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Width in pixels of the the left panel. Collapsible type for the left panel. Title for the left panel. The title is only shown if the collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle or ExpandedWithTitle. Whether or not the left panel should have a border. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Width in pixels of the the right panel. Collapsible type for the right panel. Title for the right panel. The title is only shown if the collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle or ExpandedWithTitle. Whether or not the right panel should have a border. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Height in pixels of the the top panel. Collapsible type for the top panel. Title for the top panel. The title is only shown if the collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle or ExpandedWithTitle. Whether or not the top panel should have a border. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Height in pixels of the the bottom panel. Collapsible type for the bottom panel. Title for the bottom panel. The title is only shown if the collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle or ExpandedWithTitle. Whether or not the bottom panel should have a border. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Park The park object sets whether or not a WebInfo object should be unrendered or invisible in normal or editmode. Property Wbuid PageId ParkControlId NormalParkState EditParkState PrintParkState ExportParkState Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. PageId where the park object acts. ControlId of the control that the park object refers to. Park state in normal mode. Park state in edit mode. Park state when printing. Park state when exporting. 2013-06-10 Sida 57(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Picker A picker that helps select a value for a textbox or textarea input control by selecting a value from a table. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 Type PickerTitle PickerControlId PickerSqlId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 PickerTable PickerMode LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Int.4 datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Name of the type of this picker object. A title text for the picker. ControlId of the control that the picker helps to select a value for. Id of the SQL statement for the prompt picker table. The SQL statement must contain a column named value, which should contain the picker value, and at least one more column. To filter the content the variable promptvalue can be used in the SQL statement. Promptvalue contains the value of the prompt search field. ControlId of a table used by the prompt picker. Mode of the picker, which can be normal, advanced etc. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Pivotgrid The pivotgrid object is a control that displays a data analyze viewer that can be used to pivot and analyze data. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Label.Text Theme Varchar(200) Int.4 SqlId ConfigSqlId Int.4 Int.4 Sida 58(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text label that appears before this control. The theme to style the pivotgrid with. None means WebInfo will use its preferred look. Id of the SQL statement for pivot grid. Id of the SQL statement used to customize grid settings. Each row should contain two columns, setting and value. The allowed settings are [ColumnName]_caption (columncaption), exportformats (commaseparated list of 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 FilterFields Varchar(4000) DataFields Varchar(200) RowFields ColumnFields Varchar(200) Varchar(200) HideFilters WarehouseId NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(10) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) values - allowed values: pdf, xls), exportdefault (allowed values: pdf, xls), [ColumnName]_summarytype (allowed values: weightedaverage, average, count, min, max, stddev, stddevp, var, varp, sum), [ColumnName]_weightedagainst (name of column to calculate weighted average against) Comma separated list of recordset columns to add as filter fields to the pivot grid. Comma separated list of recordset columns to add as data fields to the pivot grid. Comma separated list of recordset columns to add as row fields to the pivot grid. Comma separated list of recordset columns to add as column fields to the pivot grid. If checked, disables ability for users to apply additional filters in pivotgrid. The datawarehouse to connect the pivotgrid to Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Pivotsql The pivot sql object attaches to a sql object and pivots the data. Property Wbuid SqlId KeyColumn Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Varchar(50) NameColumn ValueColumn SummaryColumn PivotForChartSeries Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. SqlId of the sql block that the pivot sql attaches to. Specifies the column containing the key values for pivoting the table. This column changes value when a new pivot row should be created. Specifies the column containing the name of the pivot columns. Specifies the column containing the value of the pivot columns. Specifies the column containing the summary of the value columns. If set to true, will pivot the table so that each unique NameColumn value becomes a serie. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Portal The portal object is a set of buttons which have one selected and a mathcing value. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description and image. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Height PaddingLeft Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(10) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels for this listbox. Height in pixels for this listbox. Number of pixels to displace text to the right in all buttons in the portal object. Useful if having both an image and text inside buttons. 2013-06-10 Sida 59(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 SqlId Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId AgressoMenuNode PortalEdit Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Id of the SQL statement that populates the portal. The description will yield the button text and the value will yield the controls value if a button is pressed. If an imagecolumn is included that relative path will generate an icon fore the portal item. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Menu id in agresso from where menu item rendering should start. Tells WebInfo that the control should be used to edit, and thus disable authentication checks. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Previousnext The PreciousNext object is an input object that displays a a previous and a next link and a value inbetween and lets the user cycle through the values. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Height Label.Text CssClass CenterWidth Current.CssClass Next.Text Next.ImageUrl Next.CssClass Previous.Text Previous.ImageUrl Previous.CssClass DirtyMarksPage Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 SqlId Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo NormalToolTip EditToolTip Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Sida 60(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width of this dropdownlist. Height of this dropdownlist. Text label that appears before this control. The CssClass(es) of the Object. The width of the center element containing the controls value text. The CssClass(es) of the Object. The link text for the link going to the next item The image of the link going to the next item. (Overrides the text) The CssClass(es) of the Object. The link text for the link going to the previous item The image of the link going to the previous item. (Overrides the text) The CssClass(es) of the Object. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Id of the SQL statement that populates this control. The SQL statement must contain the columns value and description where value is the value of control and description is the text the user sees. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Promptpicker A picker that helps select a value for a textbox or textarea input control by selecting a value from a table. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 PickerTitle PickerControlId PickerSqlId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 PickerTable PickerMode Varchar(50) Int.4 AutoFilter Int.4 RenderOnTop Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. A title text for the picker. ControlId of the control that the picker helps to select a value for. Id of the SQL statement for the prompt picker table. The SQL statement must contain a column named value, which should contain the picker value, and at least one more column. To filter the content the variable promptvalue can be used in the SQL statement. Promptvalue contains the value of the prompt search field. ControlId of a table used by the prompt picker. Mode of the picker: Normal mode lets you search in all columns simultainiously using only one search field, Advanced gives you one search field per column. If checked, the promptpicker will add an automatic filter that the value should start with the current filter. AutoFilter should not be used when the number of unfiltered rows exceeds DataMaxRows since it will yield unpredicatable results. If checked, the promptpicker will be rendered in the document node. This will cause it to always render on top of all other controls. A side effect of checking this is that no scrollbars will be generated if the picker does not fit in page. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Propmapping solution The propmapping_solution object makes it possible to add extra property mapping rows to a configuration. Property Wbuid ObjectType Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ObjectProperty ConfigProperty Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Category Collapsed EditLevel FieldHelp Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(4000) Int.4 Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Name of the object type to extend with solution specific propertymapping properties. Name of the property for the object. Name of the column in the configuration. This column should not be used by the system propertymapping. Category that this propertymapping belongs to. Whether or not this property is collapsed in a edit window. Editlevel for this propertymapping. 1000 is advanced. Helptext for this property. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Radiobuttonlist The radiobuttonlist object is an input control for selecting a singel value. The object displays a list of radiobuttons with a text next to the button. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. Property Wbuid WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Data Type uniqueidentifier Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. 2013-06-10 Sida 61(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 PageId Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Varchar(50) RadioButtonList.RepeatDirection RadioButtonList.RepeatColumns Label.Text DirtyMarksPage Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 SqlId Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId Int.4 AjaxValue Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Direction to repeat radiobuttons in this list. Number of columns to display radiobuttons in for this list. Text label that appears before this control. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Id of the SQL statement that populates this radiobuttonlist. The SQL statement must contain the columns value and description where value is the value of radiobutton and description is the text next to the radiobutton. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Raisesql The raise sql object attaches to a sql object and raises the data by setting rows to columns. Property Wbuid SqlId HeaderColumnName DataColumnNamePrefix LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(50) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. SqlId of the sql block that the raise sql attaches to. Name of the first column with the headers from the original recordset. Prefix for the names of the data columns. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Regexpvalidator Sida 62(86) 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 The regexpvalidator object validates that the value of a control against a regular expression. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidationExpression Varchar(200) MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) ValidateOnChange Int.4 MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Regular expression that this validator uses to validate its ControlToValidate. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Reportgenerator The dropdown object is an input object that displays a dropdown that can be used to select a singe value. The list is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Varchar(50) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. 2013-06-10 Sida 63(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 DropDownList.Width DropDownList.Height Label.Text InitValue Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 DisableHTMLExport DisablePDFExport DisableRTFExport DisableTEXTExport DisableTIFFExport DisableXLSExport UsePortraitLayout ExportFrame NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Width of this dropdownlist. Height of this dropdownlist. Text label that appears before this control. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Exporting to HTML will be disabled. Exporting to PDF will be disabled. Exporting to RTF will be disabled. Exporting to TXT will be disabled. Exporting to TIFF will be disabled. Exporting to XLS will be disabled. Changes from landscape to portrait layout on export. Selects frame to export. Defaults to _MAIN. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Row The row object is a row definition for the table. Property Wbuid TableId RowId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(10) Class Varchar(200) AltClass Varchar(200) Height Int.4 Indentation BreakColumn Int.4 Varchar(50) Collapsible TableZoomControlId Int.4 Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. ControlId of the table that this row definition belongs to. RowId of this row definition which has the format [row type].[row number] e.g d.1, h0.2, s1.1 etc. Css stylesheet class for this row definition. The css class can consists of several css classes separated with a blank space e.g "grid_white gray1 bold" which means that the cell has a white grid around it a gray tone background color and that the text is bold. Css stylesheet class for this row defintion when the row number during render is even. Height of the row. If this property is set for a multipart table will the adjust row heights be executed to optimize performance. Number of pixels to indent the the text of the first column in the row This property is set for rows of type sX and hX rows where X is greater than 0. The BreakColumn is the name of the column in the recordset that when it changes value the header or summary should be displayed. Collapsible type for this control. This property sets the ControlId of the TableZoom object which contains all zoom links for this column. Only unvisited pageids among the zoom links are displayed in a dropdown when clicking on this column. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Savebutton The save button is a button control that saves a specific frame or a whole pagelayout frame when clicked. The save button saves all input controls within the frame by executing a SQL statement and/or a script block via AJAX. All tables located in the frame are also saved via AJAX using the table callback save technique. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 Sida 64(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Text ImageUrl ButtonType CssClass Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 Varchar(50) SaveFrameName Varchar(50) ValidationId Varchar(50) SaveSuccessfulText SaveFailedText SaveSqlId Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 SaveCodeId Int.4 PostSaveSqlId Int.4 SaveSuccessfulPageId SaveFailedPageId SaveSuccessfulScript SaveFailedScript PlannerServiceUrl PlannerServiceName PlannerUser Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) PlannerPassword Varchar(50) PlannerRequestIdVariable Varchar(50) ExecutePlannerService Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels of this button. Text that will appear inside button. URL for showing an image inside the button. Sets which type of button to use. Sets the stylesheet class of the button. If using agresso theme, it is possible to increase height of button with the following classes: large, larger, largest Name of the frame to save. If this property is left blank, the parent frame of the save button will be saved. Id of the validation object to validate when the save button is clicked. All input controls and table input controls that should be validated when clicking on the save button, should belong to this validation. Text that is displayed when saving was successfull. Text that is displayed when saving failed. SQL statement to execute as save action when the save button is clicked. The save action is considered successful when the SQL statement executes without errors. The SQL statement supports two special recordset columns; save_frame_return and save_frame_message. The column save_frame_return sets whether or not the save action was successful by returning 1 for successful and 0 for failed. The column save_frame_message adds a customized save message that is displayed to the user after the save action has been executed. Code block to execute as save action when the save button is clicked. The save action is considered successful when the code block executes without errors. The code block supports two special return variables; save_frame_return and save_frame_message. The variable save_frame_return sets whether or not the save action was successful by returning 1 for successful and 0 for failed. The variable save_frame_message adds a customized save message that is displayed to the user after the save action has been executed. SQL statement to execute as save action after the table sqls have been executed. PageId to link to when save action was successful. PageId to link to when save action failed. Javascript to execute when save action was successful. Javascript to execute when save action failed. Url to the planner service that handles the batch in aplpostback. Name of the service of planner. The name of the agresso user to use as credentials for the service request. The password of the agresso user to use as credentials for the service request. The name of a variable that contains a unique id for the current batch of aplpostback rows to be handled by the planner service. If this is checked to true, the savebutton will execute a call to the currently setup planner service after the postsavesql has been called. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Script The script object is a control that adds a server or client script to the page. WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc 2013-06-10 Sida 65(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Environment Language Int.4 Int.4 CodeId EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Script environment. Can be server or client side. Langauge of the script. Supported server side languages are lua, vbscript and javascript and supported client side languages are javascript and vbscript (only IE). Unique identifier within the configuration for this code block. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Scriptonchange The scriptonchange object calls a server script via AJAX when a value in a control is changed. The returned value is either set as a tail text to the change control or as a value for another control. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 OnChangeControl OnChangeCodeId Varchar(50) Int.4 ValueControl Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control which value change triggers this onchange action. Id of the code block that gets the onchange value for this onchange object. The script should set the onchange value in the variable onchange_script_return. ControlId of the control where the return value from the onchange action is set. If this property is left blank the value will be displayed as a tailtext to the OnChangeControl. If the onchange is used in a table the onchange value can be returned to another column by setting its ColumnName in this property. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Scriptvalidator The scriptvalidator object validates the value of a control with a server script method via AJAX. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sida 66(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidationCodeId Int.4 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) ValidateOnChange Int.4 MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Id of the code block that determine if this validator is valid or not. The script must set the variable validator_return which should be set to 1 if the validator returns valid. The code can set the variable validator_message to the invalid message for this validator. Variable that are set and can be used in script are validator_id, validator_control and validator_control_value. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Setupsql The setupsql object contians an SQL statement to setup WebInfo in a specific database type. Property Wbuid Database Name SqlQuery Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(10) Varchar(50) Varchar(4000) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Database type that this setupsql should be used for. Name of this setupsql. Setup SQL statement. Descriptive text of what this setup sql is used for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Signature Signature of solution. If available, the licence does not need to be environment specific. Property Wbuid Signature Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(4000) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Signature of solution. If available, the licence does not need to be environment specific. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 Sida 67(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Silverlightcontrol The silverlight object is used include a silverlight control on the page. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Silverlight.Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Silverlight.Height Int.4 XAPUrl HtmlAccessPrivilege SqlId Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Url to the XAP of the silverlight control to be shown in this control. Whether the silverlight object should have access to the html page. If set, will provide extra initvariables to the silverlight control. First rwos column names will be variables and first rows values will be variable values. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Slider The slider object is an input control for selecting one value or a range consisting of two values with a slider. The slider is built from an SQL statement with the keycolumns value and description. The SQL keycolumn valuegroup can also be used to group values in the slider. When the slider sets two values in a range, the values are stored in the [ControlId]_value variable comma separated. A single value in the range can be adressed using the syntax [ControlId]_value_[Index 1-x] e.g. slider_value_1 for the first value. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Sida 68(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels for this slider. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Height Label.Text SliderType Int.4 Varchar(200) Int.4 SliderLabels Varchar(50) SliderLabelsAdjustment Int.4 HideValueLabels Disabled Int.4 Int.4 DirtyMarksPage Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 SqlId Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Height in pixels for this slider. Text label that appears before this control. Defines if the slider should be used to select one value or a range consisting of two values. The number of values divided by the SliderLabels value defines the increment size between labels. If the last slider labels is located to close to the end it will be excluded, causing the number of displayed slider labels to differ from the value set in this property. Defines an adjustment for the slider labels except for the max and min labels. The adjustment shifts the labels forward or backwards depending on the value. Negative values will shift the labels to the left and positive values will shift the labels to the right. Hides the value labels to enable more dense stacking of sliders. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Id of the SQL statement that populates this slider. The SQL statement must contain the columns value and description where value is the value of slider option and description is the text the user sees in the slider tooltip. An extra column called valuegroup can also be used to group a number of values together which is displayed visually in the slider. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Sparkline The text object is a control that displays a text. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 SqlId Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. The sql can contain the following columns series1_value, series2_value, x, xlabel, series1_name, series2_name, series1_suffix, series2_suffix, drillvalue1, drillvalue2 ..., drilltext1, drilltext2 .... Atleast one seriesX_value 2013-06-10 Sida 69(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 DrillPage Varchar(50) Sparkline1Type Sparkline2Type ChartRangeMin ChartRangeMax TooltipTitleText SameYAxis Int.4 Int.4 Decimal(15,3) Decimal(15,3) Varchar(50) Int.4 LineColor Varchar(50) FillColor SpotColor NormalRangeMin NormalRangeMax NormalRangeColor BarColor NegBarColor StackedBarColors Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Decimal(15,3) Decimal(15,3) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) MultiSeries SliceSeparation Int.4 Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) column has to exist in the result set. For multiseries bar charts further series can be added. Drilltvalue and drilltext columns must start at index 1 and be continous. Drilltexts without matching drillvalues will be ignored. Sparklines without a set drillpage property will ignore the drillvalue and drilltext columns. The PageId of the page to trill to when clicking on the sparkline. Drillvalues and drilltexts will be retrieved from the sql. What type of sparkline to use for the first graph. What type of sparkline to use for the second (topmost) graph. The minimum value for the y axis. Defaults to minimum data value. The maximum value for the y axis. Defaults to maximum data value. Title for the hover tooltip shown when hovering over the graph or chart. If true, multiple graphs will use the same y-axis. Requires that the values are in the same range. Color of the line in a line graph, also changes the line color of the pie chart when SliceSeparation is used. Color of the area underneath the line, defaults to transparent. Color of the points on the line graph. The minimum value for the normal range. Defaults to zero. The maximum value for the normal range. Defaults to zero. The color for the field between the normal max and min values. Color of the bars in the bar graph. Color of the the bars with negative value in the graph. A comma separated list of colors to use for the different series of bars if multiple series are used. Makes the bar chart use multiple series to render stacked bar charts. Weather to show the outline of the pie chart and there by separate the slices from eachother. Default color is white but that can be changed using the LineColor property. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Sql The sql object contains an sql query that has a specific connectionId. The result from the SQL statement can be cached in the ASP.NET application cache. WebInfo can store 100 different cached queries. Property Wbuid SqlId Sort ConnectionId SqlQuery OnlyProtectedVariables Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(10) Varchar(4000) Int.4 Cached Int.4 CommandTimeout WsShared Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identifier within the configuration for this SQL statement. The sort order for this SQL statement row. Id of the connection that this SQL statement uses when executing. SQL statement. Whether or not only protected variables should be replaced in the SQL statement. Whether or not WebInfo should cache the result from the SQL statement. WebInfo can cache 100 unique SQL results. This should not be used for large recordset and sql queries with parameters that changes often. Maximum time for a sql query in seconds. Decides if the SQL is shared through WebService Comment to the sql query. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Sqlonchange The scriptonchange object executes an SQL statement via AJAX when a value in a control is changed. The returned value is either set as a tail text to the change control or as a value for another control. Property Wbuid Sida 70(86) Data Type uniqueidentifier Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 PageId Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 OnChangeControl OnChangeSqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 ValueControl Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control which value change triggers this onchange action. Id of the SQL statement that gets the onchange value for this onchange object. The onchange value is collected from the column of the first row in the recordset. Variable that are set and can be used in the sql are onchange_control_value. ControlId of the control where the return value from the onchange action is set. If this property is left blank the value will be displayed as a tailtext to the OnChangeControl. If the onchange is used in a table the onchange value can be returned to another column by setting its ColumnName in this property. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Sqlvalidator The scriptvalidator object validates the value of a control by executing an SQL statement via AJAX. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidationSqlId Int.4 ValidateOnChange Int.4 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Id of the SQL statement that determine if this validator is valid or not. The SQL statement must contain the column validator_return which should return 1 if the validator returns valid. The SQL statement can contain the column validator_message which has invalid message for this validator. Variable that are set and can be used in the sql are validator_id, validator_control and validator_control_value. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 Sida 71(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Startmenu The startmenu object is a control that can be used to display a startmenu options. The control must be placed in a flowlayout and has a title with a link and description text underneath the link. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Link.Text Description.Text Link.NavigateUrl Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Text that will appear as a header with the link for this startmenu control. Text that will appear as a description for this startmenu control. The URL which the user will be linked to when clicking on the startmenu control. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId or a javascript method if it starts with "javascript:". Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Suggestpicker A picker that helps the user to select a value for a textbox or textarea by selecting a value from a table The table is displayed when the user stops inputing text into the textbox or textarea. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 PickerControlId PickerSqlId Varchar(50) Int.4 PickerTable AutoFilter Varchar(50) Int.4 RenderOnTop Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Sida 72(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that the picker helps to select a value for. Id of the SQL statement for the suggest picker table. The SQL statement must contain a column named value, which should contain the picker value, and at least one more column. Every non numeric column is auto filtered with the input field of the picker. The variable suggestvalue can be used in the SQL statement for further filtering. ControlId of a table used by the suggest picker. If checked, the suggestpicker will add an automatic filter that the value should start with the current filter. AutoFilter should not be used when the number of unfiltered rows exceeds DataMaxRows since it will yield unpredicatable results. If checked, the picker will be rendered in the document node. This will cause it to always render on top of all other controls. A side effect of checking this is that no scrollbars will be generated if the picker does not fit in page. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Systitle The systitle object is a language dependant text that is used internally by the WebInfo engine. These titlels should not be changed and will be overwritten when WebInfo is upgraded. A normal title with the same id overwrites a systitle. Property Wbuid Language TitleId Value Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(10) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Language for when this title is active. Id of this title. Title text. Descriptive text of what this system title is used for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Tabitem The tabitem object is a frame control that displays a a tab in a tabstrip and a panel underneath it where other controls can be added. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 TabName ImageUrl FrameLayout Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Int.4 Overflow AlwaysReloadTab NoLateLoad DefaultButton Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Name of this tab that is displayed on the tab. URL for showing an image for this tabitem. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Overflow style for this tabitem. Whether or not the tab will be reloaded via AJAX every time they are selected. Forces the panel to be loaded from start and not later via ajax. ControlId of the default button that will be clicked if enter is pressed inside an input control. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Table The table object is a control that displays table with content from a SQL statement. The table can have a number of row and column defintion to help it present the data. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value 2013-06-10 Sida 73(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Varchar(50) Width Int.4 Height Int.4 Scroll Int.4 ScrollPadding Int.4 AdHocType Int.4 CssClass Varchar(50) EmptyRecordsetTitleId Varchar(50) SaveSuccessfullTitleId Varchar(50) SaveFailedTitleId Varchar(50) InvalidTitleId Varchar(50) RowActiveStyle Int.4 RowChangedStyle Int.4 RowHoverStyle Int.4 SqlId UpdateSqlId Int.4 Int.4 InsertSqlId Int.4 DeleteSqlId Int.4 InsertTemplateSqlId Int.4 RowCountSqlId Int.4 Sida 74(86) indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Whether or not the table is scrollable and sets it height to height of its parent frame if its height exceeds the parent frame height. Sets the number of pixels from the bottom and right hand side of the border to its parent when scrollbars are displayed. The Ad Hoc Type decides which layout will be the default when the table is created. After generating a column definition for the table this can be altered manually. The row table is the standard table with headers for each column, and the left most column denoting item names. The header table turns the data 90 degrees and displays the record set's column names as the first columns rows and the data row as the second column. Css stylesheet class for this table. The css class can consists of several css classes separated with a blank space e.g "grid_white gray1 bold" which means that the cell has a white grid around it a gray tone background color and that the text is bold. TitleId for the title that will be shown when the recordset for the table is empty. TitleId for the title that shown when the table was saved successfully. Variabel :nbofrows can be used in the title to display number of saved rows. TitleId for the title that will be shown when saving the table failed. TitleId for the title that will be shown when validation of the table failed. Sets whether or not a special style should be set for the currently active row and cell in the table. Sets whether or not a special style should be set for changed rows in the table. Sets whether or not a special style should be set for the row and cell that the mouse pointer moves over in the table. Id of the SQL statement that populates this table. Id of the SQL statement that executes for each modified row when saving this table. Normally this SQL statement executes once for each modified row but when the table property SaveType is set to Forecast this SQL statement executes once for each forecast column on every modified row. When saving a table with more than one distribution column, a variable dist_column_name can be used in the SQL statement to determine which distribution column is the subject of the update. Id of the SQL statement that executed for new rows for this table. Id of the SQL statement that executed for delete rows for this table. Id of the SQL statement that will load default values for rows that are being added to the table. Id of a SQL statement that retrieves the number of rows returned by the select query. If set, can increase performance noticably for paged tables with large resultsets. Query should return number of rows in the first column of the first row. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 DistTypeSqlId Int.4 SaveType Int.4 EditActivation Int.4 UpdateWithVariables SelectWithVariables WarehouseId Grouping Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(10) Varchar(200) SortType Int.4 OrderByDefault PageSize Varchar(50) Varchar(50) PagingModel Int.4 PostBackPaging CollapseExpandRowsType Int.4 Int.4 RememberCollapseExpandRows Int.4 RowsTableId Varchar(50) ColumnsTableId Varchar(50) PivotGridId Varchar(50) TablePartsCount Rss NoColumnValidation Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 DisableExport ResizableColumns Int.4 Int.4 WaitForImages Int.4 Collapsible Title Int.4 Varchar(50) TitleImageUrl Varchar(200) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Id of the SQL statement that loads distribute types for the table. The SQL statement must contain the following columns: dist_type (Id of the distribute type that must be an integer larger than 3), calc_type (Calculate type for the distribute type that can be either 1=[value to distribute]*[distribute key for the period] or 2=([value to distribute]-[sum of disabled period values])*[distribute key for the period normalized over the enabled periods]), period_number (Number of the period that starts with 1 and is increased with one for each new period) and factor (Decimal number that is multiplied with the value to distribute to get the period value). Save type for this table which can be postback or callback (AJAX). Defines if only the active cell or the entire active row should be edit activated when clicked. Turns off variable translation when updating tables. Turns off variable translation when retrieving tables. The datawarehouse to connect the table to Set this to a commaseparated list of columns to group on when using a serviceendpoint and the query is not defined using the queryid. Sort type for this table which can be client side with javascript or server side for more advanced sorting with AJAX. Default value for the orderby variable for this table. Size of each page (number of rows) if paging is used for this table. The property has to be larger than 0 for paging to be activated. Normal mode minimizes the data WebInfo must handle and is suitable for large datasets but will not handle full table summaries. The extesive mode will force WebInfo to go through all data rows to generate a correct summary at each page. Extensive mode is suitable for smaller datasets. If the table should force a postback on page changes. Collapse expand rows type for this table which can be client side (everything is loaded when the page loads) or server side (rows are loaded via AJAX when needed). Column RecId must be present in the recordset for AJAX collapse expand to work and the details rows whithin a collapse expand group must always sort in the same RecId order. If column RecId is present in the recordset this property can be se to true to remember the collapse expand state of each row in the table. The details rows whithin a collapse expand group must always sort in the same RecId order. ControlId of another table that this table copies row definitions from. Setting this property will disable ad-hoc generation of column and row definitions. ControlId of another table that this table copies column definitions from. Setting this property will disable ad-hoc generation of column and row definitions. ControlId of a pivot grid to show when right click "Analyze..." is clicked. Number of table parts that this table consists of. Whether or not this table should be exposed as an rss feed. Turns off error message if column did not exists in the recordset. Disables possiblity to export table to excel or xml in runtime. Enables simple drag-and-drop like resize functionality. This functionality only works with simple tables with single headers and matching detail and summary rows. Tells table to resize after all images have been loaded. This property needs to be set if you display images without fixed width and height in your table. Collapsible type for this control. Title for this control which will be shown if the Collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle of ExpanedWithTitle. URL to the title image for this control which will be shown if the Collapsible type is set to CollapsedWithTitle of ExpanedWithTitle. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 Sida 75(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Tablezoomlink The table zoom link object is a control that represent a zoom link for a specific column in a table. Several table zoom links are contained in a table zoom object. When a user clicks on a column is with a table zoom object linked to it all table zoom links of pageids that are not present in the navigation path are displayed in a dropdown. Property Wbuid ControlId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) TableZoomControlId Sort Text ImageUrl ZoomUrl ZoomTarget ZoomDrillValues Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) ZoomDrillTexts Varchar(50) ZoomGroup Varchar(50) Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. ControlId of the table zoom object that this link belongs to. The sort order in which to display links for a column. Text that will appear in the column drop down for this link. URL for showing an image for this link. Navigate url or pageid for this link. Target frame for this link. Comma separated list of columns in the recordset that will be passsed to the next page as variables when the a zoom button or link is clicked. The drill value names are formated as [PageId]_drillvalue_[drillvalue column number] e.g 10_drillvalue_1. Comma separated list of columns in the recordset that will be passsed to the next page as texts when the a zoom button or link is clicked. The drill text names are formated as [PageId]_drilltext_[drilltext column number] e.g 10_drilltext_1. Zoom group defining a group of zoom links. A zoom link with lower sort value than a link that is hidden due to that it is part of the navigation path is also hidden. Descriptive text of what this link is used for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Tabstrip The tabstrip object is a frame control that can only contain tabitems. When a tablitem is selected that has not previously been shown it is loaded via callback (AJAX). Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 DefaultIndexSqlId Int.4 TabstripType Int.4 Sida 76(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Sets which tabindex to have loaded on start. The first row of the first column should contain an integer with the default tab index. The type of tabstrip to use. Integrated is meant to be used within a LayoutFrame. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Text The text object is a control that displays a text. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Label.Text Label.CssClass NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(4000) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text label that appears before this control. Css class for the label of this text object. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Textarea The textarea object is an input control that displays a mulit rowed text input area. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Height Label.Text GhostText TextAreaType Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels of this texteara. Height in pixels of this texteara. Text label that appears before this control. Text label that appears before this control. Sets which type of textarea to use. 2013-06-10 Sida 77(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 TextArea.MaxLength DirtyMarksPage Int.4 Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId EmptyValue AjaxValue Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Max number of characters that are allowed to input in the textarea. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Value for this textarea if the user leaves it empty. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Textbox The textarea object is an input control that displays a single row text input area. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Label.Text GhostText TextBox.CssClass TextBoxType TextBox.MaxLength TextBox.TextTransform DirtyMarksPage Varchar(50) Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId EmptyValue AjaxValue Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo NormalToolTip EditToolTip Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Sida 78(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixels of this textbox. Text label that appears before this control. Text label that appears before this control. CssClass of the textbox. Sets which type of textbox to use. Max number of characters that are allowed to input in the textbox. Sets if the text should be transformed when inputed into the textbox. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Value for this textarea if the user leaves it empty. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Threshold The threshold object is a control that displays an image and a text for an indicator when the indicator value meets or exceeds the value or the threshold value. Property Wbuid ControlId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) IndicatorControlId Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 Threshold Int.4 CssClass ImageUrl Text Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. ControlId of the indicator that this threshold belongs to. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Threshold value. The threshold matches a value when the value is greater or equal to the threshold value and less than the next threshold value. To set threshold value to minus infinity use the special number -987654. CssClass for the container of this threshold. URL for showing an image for this threshold. Text that will appear for this threshold. Descriptive text of what this threshold is used for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Title The systitle object is a language dependant text. The language is detirmined from the current CultureInfo which can be set for whole installation or be browser dependand. When the CultureInfo is browser dependant a default CultureInfo is set which is used if the CultureInfo could not be detirmined from the browser. Property Wbuid Language TitleId Value Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(10) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Language for when this title is active. Id of this title. Title text. Descriptive text of what this title is used for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Toolbar The toolbar object is a frame control that can contain other toolbar items. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 FrameName Position FrameLayout Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Position of this toolbar within a toolbarpanel. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 Sida 79(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Toolbarbutton The toolbarbutton object is a button control that can be added to a toolbar. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Text ImageUrl Separator SubmitUrl Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Int.4 Varchar(200) Target Varchar(50) ValidationId Varchar(50) NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text that will appear inside button. URL for showing an image inside the button. Whether or not the toolbarbutton should have a leading separator. The URL which the user will be linked to when pressing the button. This link can be relative i.e. inside WebInfo or an external link to another web site or a PageId. Target window or frame for the button. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Validation object that will be called before linking to SubmitUrl. If validation fails the Postback will be cancelled. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Toolbarpanel The toolbarpanel object is a frame control that contain serveral toolbars. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 FrameLayout Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Sida 80(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. The width must be a positive number otherwise it will be set to 0. Height in pixel of this control. The height must be a positive number otherwise it will be set to 0. Direction in which to place controls within the frame when they are added to the flowlayout of the frame and not x,y positioned. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Trash The control object is a object that can be added to a frame in a page. This object is the parent for all controls. Property Deleted Wbuid PageId Type ControlId LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Data Type smalldatetime uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) datetime Varchar(200) Description Date and time when the object was deleted Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. PageId of the object if the object has a PageId property. Name of the type of this object. ControlId of the object if it has the ControlId property. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Tree The tree object is an input or link control that dispalys a tree with nodes that can select a value or link to an URL. The tree is populated with SQL statement. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 X Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Width Varchar(50) Int.4 Height Int.4 Label.Text TreeView.ShowLines Varchar(200) Int.4 ImageSet ShowCheckBoxes Int.4 Int.4 ExpandDepth Int.4 Overflow SelectedNodeCssClass LoadType Int.4 Varchar(50) Int.4 DirtyMarksPage Int.4 Disabled Int.4 SubmitOnChange Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the control. The margin can be set on all four sides of the control by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the control by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the control will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Width in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this control. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Text label that appears before this control. Whether or not to show lines in the tree. There seem to be a problem with the lines and this built in ASP.NET tree control that WebInfo uses together with IE7. Image collection for this tree. Sets whether or not the tree will allow multiple value input and indicates which node types will display a check box. Depth to which the tree should be expanded on first load. Special values are 0: Collapse all and -1: Expand all. Overflow style for this tree. Css class of the selected node. Load type for this tree which can be static, everything is loaded on startup, or dynamic, when each node is expaned the child nodes are loaded via AJAX. Whether or not the page should be marked as dirty when this control is changed. A dirty page displays its DirtyWarningText when the user tries to leave the page without saving. Whether or not the input control is disabled (its value can not be changed by the user). Whether or not the page should be submited when the value of this control changes. 2013-06-10 Sida 81(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 SqlId Int.4 InitValue Varchar(200) InitSqlId AjaxValue Int.4 Int.4 ExcludeFromFilterinfo SourcePortal Int.4 Varchar(50) PortalTarget Varchar(50) PortalEdit Int.4 NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Id of the SQL statement that populates this tree. <br/><br/>For a static tree node_id, parent_id and description are mandatory columns. <br/><br/>For a dynamic tree node_id and description are mandatory columns. <br/>A column called has_children, with 0 and 1 as valid values can be used to make a node expandable. <br/>A variable called treenode_parent_id is available in query for dynamic trees that tells which node_id the query should fetch children for. The value -1 means it should get root nodes. <br/>The variable treenode_depth tells the depth of the child nodes to generate.<br/><br/>Other special columns are image_url, url, target and value. Only one of url and value should be set. When the recordset contains the value column the tree is used as a value picker. If the recordset contains the column url the tree is used as a navigation tree. The target column sets the target frame for the url and image_url sets the image for the node. Initial value of the input control that will be loaded when the control is intializing (first load) or reseting (a resetinputcontrols has been done for this control). The SqlId used to populate the InitValue if no InitValue is present. Whether or not the value of this control should be passed along and saved when an AJAX call is made in the application. E.g. when a collapsed frame is expanded the first time. Whether or not to exclude the input control from the filterinfo. Instead of setting an SqlId to build the tree a control id to a Portal control can be set. Thus creating menu tree from agresso. When using tree with a sourceportal, this parameter sets which Iframe to display links in. When using tree with a sourceportal, tells WebInfo to remove all authentication checks and links. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Treeitem The treeitem object contains the information about a static tree item that can be managed by a user with solution edit permissions. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) TreeId NodeId ParentId Description ImageUrl Url Target Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(200) Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. ControlId of the tree that this treeitem belongs to. Id of the treeitem that must be unique for the tree that it belongs to. Id of the parent treeitem of this item. Text that will appear for this treeitem. URL for showing an image for this treeitem. The URL that this treeitem links to. Target window or frame for the link. The target ca refer to a WebInfo frame if it is prefixed with WB_ e.g WB_MAIN. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Users The users object represent a WebInfo user. Property Wbuid UserName Password SecurityLevel Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Int.4 Disabled Attempts EditLevel Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Sida 82(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. User name. Password for this user. The password is not saved in clear text. Security level for this user. These levels are used by the WebInfo engine: 1000 developer (full access), 100 solution (access to user table in the configuration) and 0 viewing access. Whether or not the user is disabled. Number of unsuccessful login attempts. Which edit level to use. Higher means you can see more advanced 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 LimitData ShowAgressoObjects DisableBounces OrderSqlsByPerformance Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 HashCode Varchar(50) LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) objects. None=0, Normal=10, Advanced=100, Expert=1000 Whether to limit data to 50 rows. Whether to show agresso objects in menus. Whether to stay on page during bounces in edit mode.. If enabled, shows executed sqls in order by worst performance. Otherwise "Show Sqls" will order sqls by order of execution. Hashcode that contains information about the user password and securitylevel. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Validation The validation object contains validators and validator groups and performs validation when a page is submited. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ValidationMessageTitleId EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(50) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. TitleId with a message to return when the validation returned invalid. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Validator The validator object is an object that validates the value of a control. This is the parent object for all validators. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Type Sort Varchar(50) Int.4 ControlToValidate ValidationId ValidatorGroupId Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) TargetVariable Varchar(50) ValidationExpression Varchar(200) ValidationSqlId Int.4 ValidationCodeId Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. Name of the type of this validator object. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. ControlId of the control that this validator validates. Id of the validation object that this validator belongs to. Id of the validator group object that this validator belongs to. Comma separated list of variables that this control will validate. Regular expression that this validator uses to validate its ControlToValidate. Id of the SQL statement that determine if this validator is valid or not. The SQL statement must contain the column validator_return which should return 1 if the validator returns valid. The SQL statement can contain the column validator_message which has invalid message for this validator. Variable that are set and can be used in the sql are validator_id, validator_control and validator_control_value. Id of the code block that determine if this validator is valid or not. The script must set the variable validator_return 2013-06-10 Sida 83(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 ValidationClientScript Varchar(200) ValidateOnChange Int.4 MinLength Int.4 MaxLength Int.4 OnChangeValidationMessageTitleId Varchar(50) MessageOnlyOnFirstFail Int.4 AllowEmptyValue DisableServerValidation Int.4 Int.4 LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy datetime Varchar(200) which should be set to 1 if the validator returns valid. The code can set the variable validator_message to the invalid message for this validator. Variable that are set and can be used in script are validator_id, validator_control and validator_control_value. This field should only contain the javascript method name without paranthesis and arguments. The method can recieve two parameters. The first parameter is the object that is being validated and the second parameter is the validator object itself. Whether or not this validator should validate its ControlToValidate control when the value of the control changes. Minimum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. NOTE! This property is only accepted when the validator does not belong to a validator group or belongs to a ValidatorGroup with the type set to None. Maximum length for the value of the control that this validator validates. Id of the the title that will be shown to the user if the value of the ControlToValidate control is invalid. If set, will only display error message if no other validations has failed before it. If set, will accept empty string as a valid value. Disables the extra server validation which must be done to ensure that hostile users manipulates data before it is posted to the server. If the extra server validation fails the [controlId]_value variable will be set to an empty string. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Validatorgroup The validatorgroup object contains validators and has property how these validators must validate together. E.g. one of the validators must have a value or all must have a value or no validators must have a value. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 ValidationId ValidatorGroupType Varchar(50) Int.4 EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Id of the validation object that this validator group belongs to. Type for this ValidatorGroup which tells the validation process how the validators belonging to this group should perform their validation. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Variable The variable object sets a variable for a PageId or for a whole configuration. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) Name Value DataType Varchar(50) Varchar(200) Int.4 IsNull Int.4 Sida 84(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this variable will be set. If the PageId is left blank will the variable be set on every page. Name of this variable. Value of this variable. Descripes the type of value the variable can hold. If not set it will default to STRING. Whether this variable should be non-existing (null) or the chosen type's default value when not set. Default values are the empty string for 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 DefaultValue Varchar(50) IsProtected DisableXSSProtection Int.4 Int.4 IsGlobal Int.4 Description LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) variable type STRING and 0 for variable type INTEGER. Default value for this variable. The default value is used when the variable has not yet been set to a value. Whether this variable should be protected from ajax updating. Disables XSS protection. This allows for containing HTML in variable. It is vital for security that you do not allow user input data in this variable if this is enabled. Makes a variable global over all WebInfo sessions. This can be used when two windows of same WebInfo application needs to communicate with eachother. Descriptive text of what this variable is used for. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Window The window object is a frame control that can contain other controls. Property Wbuid PageId Data Type uniqueidentifier Varchar(50) ControlId Varchar(50) Sort Int.4 Title X Varchar(50) Int.4 Y Int.4 Margin Varchar(50) FrameName Varchar(50) WindowX WindowY WindowMargin Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) Width Int.4 Height Int.4 Containment Varchar(50) WindowSort WindowHeight WindowWidth Minimized Closed FrameLayout Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 Int.4 IconImageUrl Varchar(200) RestoreText DisplayRestoreIcon Varchar(50) Int.4 CssClass Minimizable Closable Varchar(50) Int.4 Int.4 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Page where this control will be shown. If the PageId is left blank will the control be shown on every page. Unique identity of this control inside the page (PageId) that the control belongs to. The ControlId should preferably be unique within a whole configuration especially if it is supposed to be reused on other pages. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. Title for this control which will be shown in the Window title bar. Left position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the right side of the parent frame. Top position in pixels relative parent frame. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as relative the bottom side of the parent frame. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the restore icon. The margin can be set on all four sides of the restore icon by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the restore icon by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. The frame where the window restore icon will be put in. Default value is _MAIN. Left position in pixels relative to the Page. Top position in pixels relative to the Page. This property is used for flowlayout when a margin is needed on the window. The margin can be set on all four sides of the window by setting this property to the number of pixels needed as margin. The margin can also be set on invidual sides of the window by setting this property to a commma separted list of values in the order: top, right, bottom and left. Width in pixel of the window restore icon. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to right edge of its parent frame minus the given width. Height in pixel of this window restore icon. Can be a negative number which will be interpreted as stretch the control to bottom edge of its parent frame minus the given height. Name the frame that constraints the windows movement, defaults to to page. Sort order of the window. Default height of the window. Blank value defaults to 200 px. Default width of the window. Blank value defaults to 200 px. Minimizes the window at start. Closes the window at start. Direction in which to place controls within the window when they are added to the flowlayout of the window and not x,y positioned. The icon shown in the top left corner of the window as well as the icon used when restoring a window. The text shown under the restore icon. Displays or hides the windows restore icon. Also makes the window dockable. Css class for the window's frameset Makes the window minimizable into a restore icon. Makes the window closeable, removing the window and restore icon from the page. 2013-06-10 Sida 85(86) Reference Agresso WebInfo 3.9 Draggable Resizable DefaultButton Int.4 Int.4 Varchar(50) NoLateLoad NormalToolTip EditToolTip LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Int.4 Varchar(200) Varchar(200) datetime Varchar(200) Makes the window draggable. Makes the window resizable. ControlId of the default button that will be clicked if enter is pressed inside an input control. Forces the panel to be loaded from start and not later via ajax. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in normal mode. Descriptive text that will appear as a tooltip in editmode. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. Xmldefinition The xml definition object contains an xml definition for an object. Property Wbuid XMLId Sort Data Type uniqueidentifier Int.4 Int.4 XMLCode LastUpdated LastUpdatedBy Varchar(4000) datetime Varchar(200) Sida 86(86) Description Unique identity. Handled internally by WebInfo. Unique identifier within the configuration for this xml block. The sort order when all objects are created. A lower sort value indicates that this object will be instanced before those with a higher value. XML definition for this xml block. Timestamp of latest change. User that commited the latest change on object. 2013-06-10 WebInfo 3.9 - Reference.doc