Annual Report 2008
Annual Report 2008
08 ANNUAL REPORT Commemorating Comfort, Care, and Compassion NORWELL VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION AND HOSPICE 08 ANNUAL REPORT B ringing quality care into the home is no small feat! Without bricks and mortar, what we do is invisible until someone you know or love needs us. This year we commemorate some of the best people in healthcare who make sure that the families in our community receive comfort, compassion and the very best care at home. Our community deserves nothing less; we know it and we are determined to continue our tradition of care you can count on. Throughout this report you will see the many, many awards and accomplishments of 2008, but perhaps the most significant was the state licensure and Medicare certification of the NVNA hospice program, allowing us to meet the needs of our patients, and the needs of their families, at the end of their lives. This followed a year of planning by the board hospice committee, and the hiring of the best people to develop, launch and manage this important program. In this inaugural year, we have beat our initial admissions goal by 200%, further supporting our analysis that we were meeting a community need. This change also resulted in a new name: Norwell Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice. Norwell Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice is the only free standing non-profit Visiting Nurse Association from Boston to the Cape. For the past 89 years we have been the beneficiaries of a vibrant community partnership: loyal, countless hours of volunteerism, the support of our local civic and business community and the wonderful generosity of individual donors. Our successes are your successes and your dollars and hard work have made a difference. Your support helps offset the expenses of un-compensated and undercompensated home care (Medicare is the only insurer that pays what it costs for care); free community benefit programs like tele-health, hundreds of community health screenings and support groups throughout the year, friendly visitors for hospice patients, technology for field clinicians and their continuing education so that they can remain the team of top level home health professionals you and your families deserve. We appreciate that, despite the current fiscal downturn, our donors have continued to support us at the same, or even higher, levels as in the past. We have set lofty goals for ourselves in 2009…to be the home health care provider of choice for our community. We are committed to attracting and retaining only the best employees, to continue to improve the quality of care we provide, to reach more people who need our services (and to meet or exceed last year’s 14% increase in new patients) and to involve more people in knowing about and helping us serve our community in the best ways possible. We offer our sincere appreciation to our board, management and staff for their hard work, and to all of you for your continued trust in us. Meg Doherty MSN, ANP, MBA Chief Executive Officer Bruce W. Graham President, Board of Directors PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2008 - 2010 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2007 - 2010 Bruce Graham, President Ann Allegrini Robert Dwyer, Chair Jeff Helm, Vice President Kevin Callanan, Esquire David Barcomb Robert Dwyer, Treasurer Lola Cohen, LICSW Francine Coluci, COO Illana Quirk, Secretary Sue Carson, RN Chris Fahey David Barcomb Francine Coluci, RN, BSN, MSM Bruce Graham Susan Carson Kara Connerty, OTR Ralph Gordon Donald J. Beaudette, Ed.D Jackie Crossen-Sills, PT, MS, PhD Jeff Helm Kevin Callanan Joanne Dalton, RN, PhD B. Jean Snow Kathleen Donahue Meg Doherty, MSN, ANP, MBA Richard Sulc Chris Fahey Ralph Gordon David Tagliamonte, CFO Gerard B. Hayes, MD, MPH Ellen Hoadley Ralph Tedeschi Ellen Hoadley Ronald Kearns, Esquire Meg Doherty, Executive Director Carol MacNeill Elaine Kelter, RN, MS Robert Norris Dr. Robert Lille Chris Perkett Shelley MacDonald B. Jean Snow Dr. Michelle Mudgett Therese Redmond Thomas O’Regan Sean Ryan Jean Roy Dr. Richard Seibert Richard Sulc Irene Toomey, RN, MBA Denise West, RPh Commemorating Comfort, Care, and Compassion 08 ANNUAL REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2007 - 2010 2008 TIME Commemoratin JANUARY Mary Ann McCue, RN, CHPN, joins NVNA and Hospice as Hospice Coordinator, bringing with her extensive experiences in hospice care. JUNE NVNA and Hospice receives notice from Massachusetts Department of Public Health that it can begin operations as a Certified Hospice Program. JULY 10th Annual Golf Tournament features TV personality Scott Wahle as host and nets funds. l nua ament th An r 0 u n 1 lf To o G rity Cha FEBRUARY Our certified home care division receives JCAHO certification. MAY Sheila DeWolfe, RN, presents as panelist at “Aging is Everyone’s Future” conference. Kelley Luttrell, RN, CHPN, receives hospice and palliative care certification. First class of hospice volunteers complete training. .nvn www a .org NVNA and Hospice’s quality improvement efforts are recognized by Masspro the Medicare quality improvement organization for Massachusetts, significantly decreasing our acute hospitalization baseline rate by 10% and improving oral medications by a 10% increase. At the presentation, Performance Improvement Director Irene Toomey, RN, MBA, receives an award for her graphic storyboard display illustrating our acute hospitalization rates. MAY University of Massachusetts in Boston presents Meg Doherty, RN, MSN, ANP, MBA, with their Preceptor Award for her contributions in nursing education. NVNA and Hospice hosts its first annual Alzheimer’s Forum featuring leading authorities in the field to address a sell-out crowd of family and professional caregivers. Bring it outside July 28! AUGUST Lori Mahoney, RN, CDE, e it th u rse and Allison Sheridan, RN, become f e n N e to b isi ting certified to teach My Life, My Health, a l V iation l chronic disease self-management program, e w !! Nor Assoc developed by Stanford University. E T E DA , 2008 ohasset H T •C 342 E 28 59-2 SAV y, July erts Lane 81-6 7 SEPTEMBER NVNA and Hospice b A da Lam ell, M • w r put best feet forward in Alzheimer’s b Mon o u l N cle olf C r Cir set G s wate g a n h o Co 91 L MARCH OCTOBER HomeCare Elite announces NVNA Hospice chosen for the THIRD consecutive year as one of the top home healthcare agencies in the country. Memory Walk. Renee McInnes, RN, and Joan Wright are invited to co-facilitate Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Support Group program in Weymouth. NVNA and Hospice receives two Title III federal grants from the Older Americans Act to support the My Life, My Health chronic disease self-management program and the Hospice Bereavement Support Program. ng Comfort, Care, and Compassion ELINE HEA LT H CAR E Norw ell Vis iting Nurs e Ass ociati on Busi nes fromses can this In 1918 nonp , Am Marshfie y Sylvester rofit sold pi ld Fair es establis to help at the ’s hment fund th of the Associ e BY P LY learn MOU TH C OUN TY B US INE SS S TAF F pe succ ess nd Norwel atio burd ent. Tha l Visitin t plac en on imagin n. She neve es g Nurs r co ed e withPlymouth its staff andthe entire organi that, 90 year uld have finan volu Cou Doh zation s later, ntee nty er an r bo cial d w ou th million its im ty to lear Busines ard. $8 m also s budget ld have an an at surrou pact no n more ab met rece futu illion. 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Teresa Colacitti, RN, BSN, CWCN, is featured in The Boston Globe’s annual Salute to Nurses, nominated by a patient for whom Teresa cared over the past eight years and whose daughter stated that “Teresa cushioned her heart with her caring hands.” OCTOBER Hospice Team launches Veterans Appreciation Program and presents the first Veteran Appreciation Certificate to a hospice patient. Laurie Galvin, PT, presents at the National Association of State Units on Aging “Preventing Falls and Promoting Health Through Community Collaboration.” 11 APRIL Gail Gazelle, MD, FACP, FAAHPM, an assistant clinical professor at Harvard, joins NVNA and Hospice as Medical Director for Hospice. NOVEMBER Board of Directors and Staff participate in strategic planning weekend to identify agency priorities and direct initiatives for future. Hospice Open House includes announcement of partnership with Campus of Caring, a non-profit organization developing a hospice house on the South Shore and introduces Dr. Gail Gazelle and hospice staff to the public. Renee McInnes, RN, and Joan Wright are invited to co-facilitate Caregivers Support Group in Duxbury. Lori Mahoney, RN, CDE, and Jackie Crossen-Sills, PT, PhD, present for VNA of New England (VNANE) at the Fall Managed Care Forum on the NVNA and Hospice Diabetic Education Program. DECEMBER Renee McInnes, RN, and Jackie Crossen-Sills, PT, PhD, present the NVNA and Hospice’s Telehealth Program at Commonwealth Care Alliance. Bob Crea joins NVNA and Hospice as IT Manager. Joint Commission (JCAHO) grants full accreditation for NVNA Hospice program. NORWELL VNA AND HOSPICE COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENTS FOR YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 21, 2008 and 2007 08 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Operating Revenue 2007 Net Patient Service Revenue Other Operating Revenue $11,333,724 38,830 Total Operating Revenue 11,372,554 $10,239,559 33,712 10,273,271 Operating Expenses Salary and Benefits 7,823,973 Other Operating Expenses 2,200,023 Interest Depreciation Total Operating Expenses - 66,700 10,090,696 Operating Income 7,148,354 1,962,556 93,012 9,203,922 1,281,858 1,069,349 102,521 66,639 Realized Gain on Investment Transaction (723,115) 118,489 Recognized Loss in Fair Value of Investments (918,304) 177,757 Investment Income 278,779 212,205 (1,260,119) 575,090 Other Revenue and Gains Contributions Total Other Revenue and Gains EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 21,739 1,644,439 STATISTICS OF NOTE 08 vs 07 Information is exclusive of Hospice 2008 2007 % Change 73,122 1% Admits 2,723 2,520 8% Private Self-Pay Visits 6,167 4,444 39 % 1,675,009 1,038,343 61 % 285,188 273,017 4% Net Underfunded Revenue and Free Care Total Telemed Expense Medicare Certified Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice Annual Drive Returns January - December 08 Donations Donors Average $36,935 395 $93.51 Accreditation Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Member Visiting Nurse Associations of America Visiting Nurse Associations of New England, Inc. VNA Consortium, Inc. Hospice Information Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts Visits Admits 2,111 60 Hospice and Palliative Care Federation of Massachusetts National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Awards National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers • Visiting Nurse Association of New England Pinnacle Award for excellence in patient satisfaction. • Fazzi Associates’ BestWorks Award of Distinction as a National Best Practice Agency presented to home health organizations that have demonstrated superior performance in both financial results and patient outcomes. • HomeCare EliteTM Award for third year in a row! HomeCare EliteTM is the definitive compilation of the most successful Medicare-certified home health care providers in the U.S. It recognizes the Top 25 percent of those agencies whose performance measures in quality outcomes, quality improvement, and financial performance are the best. Commemorating Comfort, Care, and Compassion INCOME STATEMENT 74,202 Visits Outstanding Outcomes NVNA and Hospice consistently demonstrates high clinical and functional outcomes. Our hospitalization and emergent care rates continued to decline by more than 5% in 2008. 08 ANNUAL REPORT *CMS Home Health Compare Improvement in Transferring Acute Hospitalization Rate (lower is better) 30% 25% 29% 29% 57% 60% 55% 55% 25% 53% 50% 20% NVNA Nation State NVNA Improvement in Bathing Improvement in Ambulation 49% 50% 45% 70% 44% 40% State NVNA Nation 75% 80% NVNA State Nation 73% 69% 70% 82% 75% State 64% Patients who stay home after episode of home care ends 90% 80% 65% 60% Improvement in Wound Status 90% 69% 65% 47% NVNA Nation State Nation 68% 65% NVNA State Nation Norwell VNA and Hospice Memorial Donations Catherine J. Holmes Donald Holmes Helen Huskins Arthur Joseph Eleanor Killeen Charles Klemovich Elfriede Korsh Evelyn Lane Richard Leahy Shelby Leasure, Jr. Joseph Lee Charlotte Levin Christopher Lincoln Dr. Clarence Ludlow Drucilla Madigan Margaret Maguire Matty & Millie Mallen Flagg Maloney Beverly Martini Dorothy McAdam Donny McLeod Marilyn McNally James McNeill William J. McNulty Emerson Merritt Alice Messikian Clement Micarelli William Migre Howard Miller Rita Morton William Morton Estelle Mosher Donald Murphy Ann Oteri George Page Mary Campbell Patterson Grace Pecoraro Mary Phelan Anne & Joseph Pilalas Adolf Polak Virginia Reardon Ronald Reed Maureen Reidy Joseph Richardson Bud Rifkin Louise Rochow Margaret Rossi Patricia Roy John Sadler Barbara Schow Phil Snow Elizabeth Soshin John Stark, Jr. Heinz Stelzer Judith Stempeski Virginia Stone Eleanor Veale Josephine Vella Ann Walker Virginia Walsh James Ward, M.D. Mary R. Waters John Welsh Joyce Wilson Peggy Wynne 08 MEMORIALS Kathleen Anderson Vincent Anderson Marjorie Antoine John Arnold Linda Auger Donald Baldridge Alex Barghout Ruth Barry Agnes Buckman Richard Burbank James Call Robert Carson Joan Casey Edward Chambers Francis Cooley Edward Cunningham Charles & Marion Curran Mae Cusick Alba D’Angelo Jim Davey Rena Davey Frank & Virginia DeBruin Gladys DeCosta Catherine Deveau Elmer Dillon Cornelia Donici Peter Dromeshauser Robert Ferrick Catherine Ferris Anthony Finegan Elsi Flannery William Fletcher Elwood Ford Adolph Friedman, M.D. Margaret Gallagher Letty Garafalo Tammy Ann Gasset-Roberts Barbara Goldsworthy Ruth Goodwin Willow Gray Mildred Grinnell Sandra Hamblin Betty Hand Margaret Hatch Mary Margaret Hoar Commemorating Comfort, Care, and Compassion Our Donors 08 ANNUAL REPORT January to December 2008 Platinum Circle $2,000.00 + Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA Mrs. John D. Brewer Ms. Ann Buchanan Mrs. Susan J. Carson Mr. Robert Forman Foxrock Longwater Realty, LLC Mr. Bruce Graham Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelley Ms. Mildred Mallen Ms. Sally McIntyre Mr. Scott Olszyna Mr. Ralph Tedeschi Ms. Kate Wilson Gold Circle $1,000 – 1,999.00 Anderson Insulation Business Trust Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Callanan Chapman Waterproofing Company, Inc. The Colonnade Hotel Federated Securities Corp. Mr. Richard Gaudette Dr. Gail Gazelle Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. George McCall Olden’s Pharmacy Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Pouliot Queen Anne Nursing Home South Shore Medical Center Professor John Stilgoe Silver Circle $500 - 999.00 Mr. Robert Ahearn IGS Systems, Inc. Mr. David Barcomb Ms. Robin Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyle Mr. David Burr Burr Memorial Fund Ms. Judith Calcutt Mr. Michael Collins The Conrad Group, Inc. Mr. Robert Conrad Diagenix Corporation Mr. Robert Doak Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Doherty Mrs. Mary Donovan Mr. Philip Edmundson William Gallagher & Associates Mr. David Ennis, Jr. The Falconi Companies Mr. Robert Falconi Mr. Geoffrey Forney Dr. Carole Friedman Dr. Alan Egelman Mr. & Mrs. John Galvin H.H. Arnold Company, Inc. Mr. William Arnold Mr. Todd Hamilton Mrs. Ellen Hoadley Mr. Bruce Humphrey Lexington Insurance Company Mr. Kevin Kelley Dr. Robert Lille Mr. Robert McClellan Mr. John McCormack Ms. Karen McElwey Ms. Elizabeth McMullan Mr. Ken Melanson Mr. Paul Nardozzi Mr. John Nedrow Norwell Women’s Club Mr. Jonathan O’Flynn Lord Abbott Investments Mrs. Linda Owens Dr. & Mrs. Charles Patterson Ms. Ilana Quirk Mr. Lee Zazofsky Mr. Jack Rubino Mr. & Mrs. John Spurr Mr. Peter Sullivan AIM Investments Sun Life Financial Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sweeney Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services Mr. Nate Murray Mr. David Waters Dr. & Mrs. Richard Whitney Copper Circle $1 - 499.00 1000 Southern Artery Senior Citizens Center, Inc Ms. Gaynel Abadie Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott Ms. Michele Abreau Ms. Barbara Adami Mr. Peter Adams Mr. Steve Adelman Ms. Estelle Adler Dr. Vincent Agnello Ms. Patricia Aizenstadt Mr. Douglas Allen Ms. Michelle Greene-Allen Allen Dental Associates, PC Craig M. Allen, DMD Alvin Hollis & Company, Inc. Mr. Alan Amaral Ms. Ruth Amelang Mr. & Mrs. Achilles Anastos Ms. Rita Andersen Mrs. Pauline Anderson Ms. Marion Anderson Mr. A. J. Antoine Mr. & Mrs. Kristo Apostol Apothecare South Shore, Inc. Mr. Anton Arapoff Diagenix Corp. Ms. Betty Arkush Lee Davis Mrs. John Arnold Artistic Dentistry of Hanover Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ash Mr. Noa Ashman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Atherton Mr. & Mrs. Terry Atherton Atlantic Advisers Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey Helm Mr. John Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Avery Ms. Marie Azemar Ms. Shirley Baer Mrs. Phyllis Baldridge Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Barden Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Bardsley Mr. William Barr Ms. Beatrice Barrett Ms. Lillian Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry Mr. & Mrs. Leo Barry Mrs. Marjorie Barry Mr. Gino Bastanza Ms. Rebecca Bates-McArthur Ms. Wendy Bawabe Mrs. Mary Ann Bayer The Beal Companies, LLC Mr. Robert Beal Mr. & Mrs. James Bean Mr. & Mrs. George Bearce Mr. & Mrs. Donald Beaudette Mr. Norman Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beharrell Ms. Carol Belcher Ms. Marjorie Belcher Ms. Barbara Hilliard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Belisle Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bello Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bellofatto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Mr. Robert Benoit Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benting Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bergsten Mr. William Berigan Best Western Inn at Longwood Medical Center Brian Stiglets Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bizzozero R. P. Bizzozero Plumbing Co. BJ’s Auto Repair Bernard J. Roussos Black Pond Veterinary Service, Inc. Dr. Dana Pantano Mr. & Mrs. Scott Blair Ms. Anne Bliven Mr. Fred Blossom Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blucke Bo Line Boutique Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bogaty Mr. & Mrs. Walter Boggio Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boland Ms. Jean Booth Ms. Jo Anne Borek Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clemente Ms. Janet Clifford Ms. Ruth Cochran Mr. Michael Cody Cohasset Firemen Benefit Assn. Mr. Ernest Colarullo Ms. Mary Cole Mr. & Mrs. David Colella Mr. Laurence Collins Ms. Francine Coluci Mr. & Mrs. Louis Columbo Ms. Deborah Conners Ms. Jennifer Connolly Mr. & Mrs. John Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Leo Connolly Mr. Cornelius Connolly Ms. Kathleen Connolly Owen Leonard Connolly, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Consalvi Ms. Joyce Contrucci Mr. & Mrs. John Conway Mr. James Conway Mr. & Mrs. John Cooley Mr. Paul Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Coplon Newfield Mr. Robert Cormier Smith Barney Ms. Patricia Coryell Mr. & Mrs.Stavros Cosmopulos Mr. & Mrs. James Costello Mr. & Mrs. James Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Coukos Ms. Susan Cooper Cronyn Jacqueline Crossen-Sills Ms. Karen Crostas Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Croushore Mrs. Lorraine Crowley Mr. & Mrs. James Cummings Mrs. Shirley Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Curley Ms. Nancy Curran Mr. & Mrs. David Curry Mr. & Mrs. James Curtin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curtin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curtis Mr. & Mrs. William Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Curtis Cushman Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cusick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cutler Mr. Albert Cutting Ms. Claire Dalco Ms. Ellen Daley Ms. Kathryn Dalton Mr. & Mrs.James Daly Mr. & Mrs.Joseph Daly Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Danielson Ms. Dorothy Darby Ms. Elizabeth Davey Ms. Elizabeth Davidson Davis Property Group, LLC Mr. Theodore Dawe Ms. Margaret Dawson Mr. Richard DeBruin Mr. & Mrs. Dexter DeBrusk Mr. Joseph Deery Ms. Alice DeGuglielmo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deininger Mr. & Mrs. David Deltano Mr. & Mrs. Gary DeMinico Mr. & Mrs. Mario DeMinico Ms. Marion Dempsey Mr. Robert Dempsey Mr. Thomas Dempsey Mrs. Francis Deneault Ms. Mary Denver Ms. Donna Vitello Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Depperman Mr. & Mrs. John Desmond Mr. & Mrs. Roger Desrosiers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Detwiller Mr. & Mrs. Peter Devens Dr. & Mrs. James Devin Ms. Mary Devine Mr. Matthew Dickinson Ms. Alison Joseph-Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Dillon Ms. Elizabeth Dinsmore Mr. & Mrs. Jack Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Donahue Mr. & Mrs. David Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Donahue Ms. Judith Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Brian Donald Mr. Harold Dondero Mrs. Nancie Donelan Ms. Margaret Donovan Ms. Lillian Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donovan Mrs. Patricia Donovan Mr. David Doody Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dorney Mr. John Doucette Mr. & Mrs. Martin Downey Mr. John Draheim Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drea Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duggan Ms. Margaret Duggan Ms. Theresa Duggan Mr. Robert Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dunham Mr. Robert Duquet Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dwyer Mr. William Earley Ms. Kathleen Plummer Mr. William Eaton Mrs. Teri Eaton Mr. A. Edward Ecclestone Edgewater Landscaping Peter Plottke Mrs. Louise Edmonds Ms. Phyllis Yanarella Ms. Theodora Edson Mr. & Mrs. Terry Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ellis Ms. Carole Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Carl Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Engstrom E Path Learning Mr. Dudley Molina Ms. Elaine Epstein Mr. & Mrs. James Fagan Mr. Jim Fagan Mr. Paul Falkowski 08 DONOR LIST Mr. William Boris Mr. James Bournazos Mrs. Alice Bowker Mr. & Mrs. Eansley Boyce Dr. & Mrs. John Boyle Ms. Betty Brabazon Mrs. Doris Brackett Brad Borbidge PA Mr. William Brady Mr. & Mrs. John Brady Mr. & Mrs. Steven Braley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Breen Mr. & Mrs. William Brickley Ms. Judith Briggette Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brinkman Mr. Bob Brogna Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown Ms. Alice Brown Mr. & Mrs. Philip Brown Mr. James Brown Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brown Ms. Jane Brundige Mr. & Mrs. Carleton Bryant Mr. & Mrs. C.P. Buckley Ms. Claudia Buening Ms. Kimberly Buffam Mr. & Mrs. L.H. Buffam Ms. Gretchen Buitta Mr. Robert Bunnell Mrs. Philippine Burbank Mr. & Mrs. David Burg Mr. & Mrs. E. Scott Burke Ms. Nancy Burns Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bushey Ms. Arlene Byrne Mr. Vincent Cahill Ms. Gerta Call Mr. & Mrs. Richard Callahan Ms. Wendy Callahan Ms. Dorothy Campbell Mr. James Campbell Ms. Marcia Campbell Mr. & Mrs. David Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Campbell Mr. Raymond Canastra Mr. & Mrs. David Capaldo Mr. & Mrs. Cosimo Cariolo Ms. Nancy Carle Mr. Michael Caron Dr. & Mrs. A. Alden Carpenter Ms. Wendy Carson Ms. Ann Carter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Catabia Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cataldo Ms. Jennie Cavicchi Ms. Clara Chaffee Ms. Muriel Chapman Ms. Diana Charles Ms. Mary Chase The Choi Family Ms. Lynda Chuckran Mr. & Mrs. Edward Churchill Ms. Gail Ciampi Ms. Margrit Clapp Ms. Patricia Clark Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. Jim Clark Mr. & Mrs. James Cleary Our Donors January to December 08 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Ms. Susan Fagundus Ms. Jane Fallon Mr. Charles Fallon Ms. Karen Farmer Ms. Barbara Farnsworth Mr. Richard Farwell Ms. Joan Port-Farwell Ms. Joan Faulkner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Faulkner Ms. Mary Fay Mr. Walter Feehily Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fennessy Mr. & Mrs. Gar Ferguson Ms. Julie Fernandez Mr. Myles Ferrick Mr. George Ferris Ms. Maria Damian Fishlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fiske Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald Ms. Ann Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Flavin Ms. Anna Fleming Mrs. Verdella Fletcher Mr. & Mrs.Paul Flood Ms. Judith Flynn Law Office of Judith M. Flynn Mrs. Patricia Foley Mr. & Mrs. Edward Foley Ms. Elaine Foley Ms. Virginia Gould Foley Hoag LLP Julie Hackett, HR Director Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Ford Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ford Mr. Lee Forker Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fortier Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foss Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fournier Ms. Joanne Francis Mr. Robert Frank Ms. Jennifer Coplon Ms. Janet Frankenfield Mr. D.A. Freeman Mrs. Adolph Friedman Mr. & Mrs. George Frigard Ms. Kim Frye Furniture Consignment Gallery Ms. Joan Gabriel Ms. Kathleen Gaffy Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Gallagher Ms. Ellen Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Galvin Ms. Mary Gammon Mrs. Jacqueline Garceau Ms. Grace Garcia Ms. Nancy Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Richard Garvey Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gaudet Ms. Caryl Gaudette Ms. Dorothy Gaughan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul Mr. Kenneth Gay Ms. Dianne Boretti Mr. Brian Geany Norwell Knoll Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geary Gem Gravure Company, Inc. Mr. David Gemelli Mr. & Mrs. David Gemelli Mr. & Mrs. Robert Genereux Mr. Fred Gennelly Mr. Shawn George Citizens Bank Mr. Jason Gerry Mr. & Mrs. James Gianelis Mr. & Mrs. Dino Gigante Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Ginches Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Giroux Law Offices of Eugene Giroux Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glanz Ms. Sandra Glynn Mr. Carleton Goff Dr. Emanuel Goldberg Mr. Michael Goldberg Ms. Kristin Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Golemme Ms. Wilma Goodhue Ms. Kathleen Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gordon Ms. Barbara Gorichs Mr. Richard Gosselin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gotter Mr. & Mrs. David Gove Governor Winslow Et Cetera Fund Ms. Barbara Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Harry Grady Mr. James Grady Mr. Charles Grafton Mr. James Graham Ms. Barbara Graham Mr. & Mrs. Frank Granara Mr. Thomas Grandmaison Ms. Kathy Granigan Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gravina Mr. Michael Gray Mr. & Mrs. Donald Greenlaw Mr. Daniel Griffin Ms. Beatrice Griffiths Mr. William Grimm Ms. Deborah Shadd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guilbault Ms. Mary Guilfoyle Mrs. Betty Gulick Ms. Dorothy Gullicksen Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Gurney Mr. Richard Gustin Ms. Deborah Petrell Ms. Natalie Hager Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hainer Ms. Margaret Haith Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hall Mr. Russell Hamblin Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Hanson Harbor Medical Associates, PC Ms. Phyllis Harper Mr. Bradley Harring Mrs. Francesca Harring Ms. Angela Harrington Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington Ms. Olive Harris Ms. Anne Harris Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Hartigan Mr. & Mrs. John Hartshorne Mrs. Lillian Hartstone Mrs. Kathleen Harvey Ms. Virginia Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Haskell Ms. H. Claire Haverty Mr. Thomas Healy Mr. Jeremy Healy Diagenix Corporation Ms. Virginia Heffernan Mr. Lee Heiler Heiler & Roberts, CPAs Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Heiler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Heitkamp Mr. & Mrs. John Henderson Ms. Janice Henley Ms. Mary Herlihy Connolly Mr. Gordon Hersey Mr. Richard Hibgee Mr. & Mrs. John Hietala Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hill Mr. David Hines Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Company Hingham Youth Hockey Mite A Team Ms. Laure Concannon Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hoar Mr. & Mrs. John Hoey Mrs. Marion Hoffses Mr. & Mrs. William Hogan Ms. Patricia Hoitt Holiday Hill Improvement Association Mr. James Melville Ms. Sally Holmgren Home Care Partners, LLC J.D. Miller Ms. Anita Honkonen Ms. Sally Hopfner Ms. Ruth Horgan Mr. & Mrs.Robert Horte Ms. Sheila Howard Ms. Christine Hudanich Mr. John Hudanich Mr. & Mrs. David Hughes Hughes & Associates Law Office Mrs. Caroline Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huguenin Mr. & Mrs. William Humberd Ms. Virginia Huntwork Mr. Michael Isserman IUE-CWA Local 201 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ivas Ms. Sallie Jardim Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jefferson Ms. Betty Jefferson Mr. & Mrs. James Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jenkins JGE Awards & Promotions Mr. John Anastasia John Hancock Financial Services Ms. Deborah Johnson Mr. Edward Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Francis Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Johnson Ms. Helen Jones Ms. Marilyn Marvill Ms. Margery Lapp Ms. Ellen Laramee Mr. Albert Larocco Ms. Nancy Larsen Ms. Rosemary Lavelle Ms. Ann Leach Ms. Patricia Leasure Ms. Deborah Lee Mr. A.J. Legere Mr. Richard Legg Mr. Peter Lehtola Lehtola Homes, Inc. Ms. Ellen Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Leonard Atty. William Leonard Ms. Mary Levangie Atty. Henry Levin Atty. Richard Levin Ms. Eileen McCormack Mr. William Levin Ms. Lois Levine Ms. Sheralyn Lewis Ms. Ellen Leyba Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lincoln Ms. Emily Litchfield Mr. Allen Litchfield Mr. & Mrs. Bayard Livingston Mr. & Mrs. David Lizotte Lockheed Martin Corporation Mr. Frank Vrla Dr. & Mrs. Richard LoGuercio Mrs. Camille Lombardi Ms. Mary Londergan Mrs. Jennie Lopilato Ms. Evelyn Loud Mrs. Arline Lounsbury Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lowe Mrs. Eugenia Ludlow Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Lynch Ms. M. Helen Lynch Ms. Jane Lyons Mr. & Mrs. James MacAllen Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Macaulay Mr. Frederick MacDonald Ms. Penelope Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Matthew MacDonald Ms. Catherine MacDougall Mr. & Mrs. William MacNeill Ms. Claudia Macomber Mr. Robert Maglathlin Ms. Leona Magnarelli Dr. Sandra Maguire Mr. Christopher Maguire Mr. & Mrs. James Maguire Mr. Frank Mahoney Ms. Barbara Mahoney Ms. Lori Mahoney Ms. Linda Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Maloney Mr. & Mrs. John Malvesti Mr. Samuel Mancini Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mancuso Mr. & Mrs. James Mandeville Mr. & Mrs. Gary Manfra Mr. & Mrs. John Mann Ms. Jean Manners Ms .H. Rita Manning Mr. & Mrs. Robert Manning Mr. & Mrs. Ennio Manto Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manzella Mr. & Mrs. David Marcel Mrs. Clare Marchionne Ms. Beth Marcus-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Margosian Mr. John Mariano Mr. Andrew Marresse Mr. John Marshall Ms. Jane Marshall Ms. Beth Martel Mr. & Mrs.Edwin Martin Mr. John Martin Ms. Sharon Simons Mr. John Martini Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Martino Massasoit School, Inc. Ms. Shelley Meada Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mastrorilli Mr. & Mrs. John Matchett Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mathews Mayflower North Pomana 40 Ms. Rebecca Bates-McArthur Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mayo Mr. & Mrs. Ed McAdam Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBride Ms. Brenda McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Scott McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCord Ms. Elizabeth McCorkle Mr. Mark McCormack Ms. Joan McCormick Ms. Mary Ann McCue The McFarland Family The Lopez Family Mrs. Alice McGillicuddy Ms. Mary McGowan Mr. & Mrs. James McHugh Ms. Renee McInnes Ms. Ellen Louise McKenna Mr. & Mrs. James McKenney Mr. & Mrs. D.B. McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Herbert McMeekin Mr. & Mrs. James McNamara Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Richard McNeil Ms. Marie McNulty Mr. & Mrs. Terrence McNulty McSweeney & Ricci Insurance Agency, Inc. Deborah Hutchings Mr. Bruce Meacham Ms. Anne Mealey The Medline Foundation Ms. Laura Knudson Mr. & Mrs. Denis Mehigan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Melia Ms. Betty Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Warren Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Harry Merritt Ms. Margaret Merzbacher Ms. Rochell Mevorah The Midtown Hotel Mrs. William Migre Mr. Howard Miller Mr. & Mrs. James Miller Mr. & Mrs. Harold Miller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller Ms. Virginia Miller Mr. & Mrs. Donald Milley 08 DONOR LIST Ms. Alice Jones Ms. Hillary Jones Egan Ruie Jones Ms. Barbara Jordan Ms. Deborah Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Joseph Mr. & Mrs. E. Arnold Joseph Mr. George Joseph Ms Kathleen Joseph Ms. Rita Joseph Ms. Linda Johnston Mr. Philip Joseph Ms. Lois Joyal Ms. Shirley Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kachagian Ms. Cynthia Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Edward Karas Mr. Philip Katz Ms. Linda Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Keane Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keane Mrs. Rosemary Keaveney Ms. Ann Keefe Ms. Elizabeth Keene Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. William Keirnan Ms. Helen Keleher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelleher Dr. M. David Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. William Kelley Mr. Paul Kelley Ms. Nancy Kelliher Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly Ms. Helen Kelly Ms. Stephanie Kelsch Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Kemp Ms. Gail Kenerson Ms. Thomasine Kennedy Ms. Maureen Kenney Ms. Donna Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Denny Kerns Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Keymont Ms. Janice King Ms. Joan King Mrs. William King Ms. Cathleen Kingsbury Ms. Jean Kinnear Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kittredge Ms. Katherine Klemovich Mr. Joseph Klier Mrs. Michael Knapp Knauf Insulation Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Knowles Ms. Sharon Korody Ms. Mary Koukol Ms. E. Catherine Kroeger Ms. Mary Kustka Mr. George Kyller Mrs. Paulette LaCoursiere Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lafauce Mr. & Mrs. Lenny LaForest Mrs. Cecilia LaMattina Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lamprey Mr. Kevin Lane Ms. Karen Smith Mr. Robert Lannin Lapels Cleaners Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laplante Our Donors January to December 08 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mills Ms. Nicole Mills Mr. & Mrs. L. Bradford Milne Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Miner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Minier Mister Tire, Inc. Mr. Stephen Schnitzer Mr. Edward Montani Mr. Juvenal Monteiro Mr. Robert Monteleone Ms. Marian Montgomery Mr. Joseph Moran Ms. Marie Morello Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morin Ms. Mary Morin Mr. Robert Morley Ms. Lucy Morris Ms. Helen Morrissey Ms. Kathleen Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mortland Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moscaritolo Mr. Robert Mosher Mr. Edward Mosher Mr. & Mrs. William Mullane Ms. Judith Mullins Mr. Arthur W. Murphy Ms. Maureen Murphy Mr. John Murphy Mr. J. Richard Murphy Murphy Insurance Group Mr. William Murphy Ms. Sherry Robin Nadworny Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nasson Dr. Savita Nautiyal Needel, Welch & Stone PC Mr. James. Welch Ms. Maureen Neelon Mr. Charles Rodericks Mr. & Mrs. Mark Newby Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Newman Mr. Nestor Nicholas John Niclas Mr. Mark Nittel Ms. Kathryn Patch Mr. Brian Noble Noble Camera Shops Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Noga Mrs. Eleanor Norris Mr. & Mrs. Robert Norris North River Home Care Ms. Heather Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Norton Mr. John Norton Norwell Grange 410, Patrons of Husbandry Norwell Housing Authority Ms. Sharon Sylvester Norwell Town Hall Sunshine Fund Linda Murphy Ms. Helen Nover Mr. Edwin Nummelin Ms. Nancy Oates Mr. & Mrs. Edward O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Charles O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Richard O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O’Connor Ms. Rosemary O’Dea Mr. & Mrs. John O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L.P. O’Donnell Ms. Gail Ogilvie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Horo Ms. Nancy Oldham Ms. Sara Oldham Ms. Susan Oldham Mr. & Mrs .James Oldham Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Richard O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. H. Gordon O’Reilly Ms. Ann Ornella-Hughes Arbella Insurance Group Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pace Mrs. Barbara Page Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pagliuca Mr. & Mrs. Donald Palmer Ms. Patricia Panetta Ms. Dianne Pappafotopoulos Mr. David Papuga Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paradis Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parsons Mrs. Lorraine Pascone Mr. Robert Pashkowsky Ms. Karen Joseph P. S. Patoyian Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Patterson Mr. & Mrs .William Paul Ms. Flora Paul Ms. Hilary Knight Mr. Paul Peccia Ms. Roberta Pecinovsky Ms. Adele Peckham Mr. & Mrs. James Peers Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pepsoski Mr. Thomas Perret Mr. & Mrs. H. Bradlee Perry Ms. Kim Perryman Dr. John Peters Ms. Jessie Petkus Southwood at Norwell Nursing Home Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Petrucci Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pettinelli Eole Pineo Mr. Roger Pinkos Avis Breyan Pinkos Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pistorino Plymouth County Registry of Deeds Employees Marilyn Marvill Mr. & Mrs. Richard Poitras Cdr. & Mrs. Lyle Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ponte Mr. Thomas Poor Ms. Sylvia Pope Mr. & Mrs. James Power Ms. Mary Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pula Quincy Retiree Association, Inc. Mr. Authur Keefe Ms. Karen Raccuia Mr. Gary Rachins Suburban Hearing Aid Mr. & Mrs. John Ragusa Mr. & Mrs. Leon Raiche Mrs. Donna Rapa Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rapoport Mr. & Mrs. David Raymond Mr. & Mrs. William Reagan Mr. & Mrs. William Reardon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reardon Ms. Elaine Reardon Ms. Diane Reed Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reilly Ms. Mary Reiter Ms. Carolyn Rennie Mr. & Mrs. G. Herbert Repass Ms. Kathryn Reynolds Rhumbline Advisers Corporation Ms. Paula Ricci Mr. & Mrs. Albert Richardson Dr. & Mrs. John C. Richmond Rietzl Corporation Ms. Lisa Orcutt Mr. Chris Rifkin Ms. Judith Ripley Robinson & Cole Law Offices Ms. Nancy Hayes Mr. & Mrs.Clemont Robson Rockland Trust Company Mr. Wallace Rockwell Mr. & Mrs.Roland Rodrigues Mr. & Mrs.James Rogan Mr. & Mrs.Peter Rogerson Mr. Thomas Rose Ms. Mary Rose Ms. Nancy Ross Ms. Sharon Ross Ms. Winifred Rounds Mr. Stephen Ruggerio Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sacco Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salamone Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Saleski Ms. Janice Saltalamacchia Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Salvucci Mr. & Mrs. James Samson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sanderson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sanderson Ms. Marylou Sandry Ms. Cynthia Saraiva Ms. Augustine Saucedo Ms. Gail Savage Mr. Peter Savage Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scammell Ms. Joan Schow Mr. & Mrs. Santo Sciaba Scituate Grange No. 389 Mr. William Eaton Scituate Harbor Yacht Club Scout Investment Advisors Ms. Nicole Raphaelson, CFA Sedgewick Associates Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seibert Ms. Virginia Settle Ms. Debra Severo Mr. Richard Sgarzi Black Cat Cranberry Corporation The Shanahan Family Mr. and Mrs. William Shanley Ms. Susan Shapiro Ms. Gail Sullivan Sullivan Tire Mr. Robert Sullivan Mr. Benjamin Summers Mr. Alfred Svelnis Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Sweeney Ms. Carol Swope Mr. & Mrs .E. Stanley Szejnar Mr. David Tagliamonte Mr. Alex Tanguay Mr. John Taska Mr. Phillip Tazbier Mrs. Marion Teague Mr. Richard Tedeschi Mr. Ralph Tedeschi Tedeschi Realty Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tedeschi Mr. Robert Tedeschi Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tedesco Ms. Mary Ternullo Miss Rose Terry Ms. Marie Terry Ms. Geraldine Tevenan Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Thalin Mr. & Mrs. Norman Therrien Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Theye Mrs. Roberta Thomae Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thurlow Ms. Amy Thurness Ms. Jean Tierney Ms. Geraldine Tobin Ms. Irene Toomey Ms. Helen Torney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tousley Ms. Claudia Trevor-Wright Mr. & Mrs. Paul Troy Mr. & Mrs. John Truelove Mr. & Mrs. James Tsiumis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tubman Ms. Elizabeth Tuplin Mr. & Mrs. David Turner Mr. William Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Twigg Mr. John Twohig Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Tyler United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mr. Donald Uppendahl Ms. Jean Valicenti Mr. Mark Mederos Ms. Judy Van Tilburg Ms. Janet Vanderweil Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vannata Estate of Eleanor Veale Mr. & Mrs. John Vella Verint System Mr. & Mrs. John Vlassakis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vondrasek Ms. Louise Voveris Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wadleigh Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wagner Mr. Stuart Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Walkins Mr. George Walsh Mr. James Waples Ms. Maureen Watts Mr. & Mrs. A. Douglas Wauchope Ms. Martha Weber Mr. & Mrs. James Wechsler Mr. & Mrs. D. R. Weedon Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group, Inc. Lynda Chuckran Mr. & Mrs. M. Scott Wells Mr. & Mrs. John Wells Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Wessman Mr. & Mrs. Victor Westbrook Weymouth United Methodist Church Laura Damstra Mr. David Whipple Mrs. Jacqueline Conant Whipple A.P. Whitaker & Sons, Inc. Ms. Linda Whitcomb Mr. Douglas White Ms. Dorothy White Mr. Stephen White Mr. & Mrs. Roger Whitley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilber Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wilderoter Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wilds Ms. Gwen Williams Ms. Tiffanie Williams Tiffanie Williams & Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Winiewicz Ms. Roslyn Wiseman Ms. Renee Wolff Ms. Kathleen Womersley Ms. Cyndi Wong Mr. Charles Wood Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Wood Dr. Edward Woods Ms. Joanne Woods Mr. William Woomer Mrs. Elizabeth Worthley Mrs. Jean Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wright Ms. Marilyn Wright Ms. Barbara Wright Mr. & Mrs. John Wright Dr. & Mrs. Peter Wright Ms. Joan Wright Mr. & Mrs. Al Wright Mr. & Mrs. Warren Yanarella Ms. Louise Edmonds Yarmouth Housing, Authority Bd of Commissioner Ms. Marianne Milton, Commissioner Mr. & Mrs. Todd Young Mrs. Virginia Young Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Zambuto Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zarick Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Zdancewicz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zeller Ms. Marion Zelms Ms. Deborah Zetterberg Mr. Stanley Startzell Avedis Zildjian Company Ms. Wendy Pease Mr. John Zirinsky Ms. Rose Marie Zirkle Ms. Shannon Zlotnik 08 DONOR LIST Ms. Barbara Shea Ms. Patricia Shea Mr. & Mrs. Brian Shea Ms. Shirle Shea Ms. Lora Shea Ms. Karen Sheedy Mr. Patrick Sheedy Mr. & Mrs. James Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. John Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Alan Shepherd Ms. Allison Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Sherman Mr. & Mrs. G. Brian Shontz Mr. & Mrs. Philip Shorey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shovak Ms. Mary Sides Mr. Herbert Simmons Mrs. Eileen Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sisk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sisti Mr. Jeff Skerry Mr. Edward Smiley Ms. Diana Smith Mr. & Mrs. Kent Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Ms. Deborah Blount-Smith Ms. B. Jean Snow Mr. & Mrs. Robert Snowber Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Snyder Sounder Systems, Inc. South Humarock Civic Association Ms. Catherine Kwesell South Shore Elder Services, Inc. South Shore Senior News Mr. Greg Porell Mr. John Spence P.F. Spencer, Jr, Inc Mr. Paul Spencer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Spigel Mr. & Mrs. Donald Spradlin Ms. Marcia Sprague Mr. & Mrs. H.V. Spurway Squires of Hanover Paul Squires St. Andrews Episcopal Church Jody Wood Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred St. Martin Mr. Paul Stanley Ms. Margaret Stapleton Ms. Arline Stark State Street Matching Gift Program Mrs. Donna Stearns Mr. & Mrs. John Steffens Ms. Judith Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Stempleski Ms. Karen Stephenson Mr. Michael Wrek Ms. Barbara Stevens Mr. & Mrs. John Stoddard Ms. Lisa Stone-Miller Mr. Thomas Miller Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stornaiuolo Ms. Eileen Suddath Mr. & Mrs. John Sugrue Mr. & Mrs.Richard Sulc Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan 08 ANNUAL REPORT Commemorating Comfort, Care, and Compassion 91 Longwater Drive Norwell, MA 02061 781.659.2342