The ABC of the CBA - Clarksville
The ABC of the CBA - Clarksville
The ABC of the CBA VBS Director’s Preview Brunch The monthly newsletter of the Cumberla nd Ba ptist Associa tion Rick Stevens, Associa tiona l Missiona ry Saturday • February 7 • 2015 9:00-11:00 a.m. Hillcrest Baptist Church Cumb e rla nd Ba ptist Asso ciation November 2014 Register before February 1 online at or by calling 931.358.9036 Childcare will NOT be provided for this event P.O. Box 3837 Clarksville, TN 37043-0837 850 Highway 76 Clarksville, TN 37043-5391 Our Web site Ad d ress: w w w .c umb erla nd b a .org Phone: 931.358.9036 Fax: 931.358.9094 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Notice: Cumberland Baptist Association 931.358.9036 or fax to 931.358.9094, write P.O. Box 3837, Clarksville, TN 37043-0837, or email [email protected] Schedule of Events DATE EVENT November 17-21 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection November 27-28 Office Closed for Thanksgiving LOCATION Nov 30-Dec 7 Week of Prayer for International Missions Dec. 4,11,18 Prayer Ministry CBA Shoulder’s Building December 8 CBA Minister/Wife Banquet BCM Building @ APSU December 13 Copper Basin Gifts Due Dec. 23 -J an 6 CBA Office closed for Christmas and New Year January 8 Jan 8,15,22,29 7:30 a.m. In 2013 Southern Baptists celebrated 125 years of annual giving to support international missionaries. More than 3.5 billion has been given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, whose namesake inspired the first collection of gifts in 1888 so the world might know Christ. Then, as now, every penny you give to Lottie Moon supports missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas. For graphics and information go to: Inside this issue: From the Missionary 2 Church News 2 CBA Minister and Wives’ Christmas Dinner 2 Copper Basin Christmas Ministry 2 Southeast Conclave 3 Seminary Extension 3 Churches Without Pastors 3 Christmas Sign Ministry 3 January’s CBA Executive Board Meeting 3 Bi-Vocational/ SmallChurch Minister and Wives Retreat 3 VBS Directors’ Preview Brunch 4 Schedule of Events 4 Merry Christmas! Minister Conference Prayer Ministry TIME Our m ission is to p rom ote c oop era tive King d om w ork a m ong her c hurc hes, a nd to help resourc e those c hurc hes to fulfill the Grea t Com m ission Noon CBA Shoulder’s Buidling 7:30 a.m. DiscipleNow 2015 January 19 Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 26 Executive Board Meeting Memorial Baptist 6:30 p.m. January 28 D-Now Kickoff Rally Hilldale Baptist’s FLC 6:30 p.m. January 30 –February 1 CBA Offices will be closed for Christmas Holidays Kick off Rally January 28 • 6:30 p.m. • Hilldale’s FLC December 23-January 6 From the Missionary As we move into the Christmas season and to the end of the year, I look around and see many signs of a broken world. There is constant threat of wars and of national conflicts. There is fear of the future and regret about yesterday. There are political, economic, and social Rick Stevens puzzles that seem to have no solution. Yet, Immanuel came. If you had asked a resident of Jerusalem or Bethlehem some questions back about 2000 years ago, you might have gotten similar responses. The uncertainty of life and the brokenness of the world would have been all too real. Yet, Immanuel came. Immanuel…God With Us! He did not come immediately correcting every vestige of wrong in our world, but He came with the answer to all those issues. He came to walk with us and to show a glimpse of God’s amazing grace and hope to us. He came to usher in a time when we might benefit from the patience of God and find that He is with us. This Christmas season, remember that He is With Us! Looking toward this season, enjoy the fellowship. Celebrate the hope. Share Jesus with someone. Invite someone into your home or to your church. Worship Him. Point your family to the meaning of Christmas. Give to the causes beyond your family that God puts on your hearts. As an association of churches, we know that He is with us and we can do nothing without Him. But, with Him, all things are possible. We are stronger together. Let’s share His Hope this season and beyond, despite the many challenges of our world. This is a season that we can make a difference. I read a blog by a former Clarksville pastor, who said that Christmas is the New Easter. By that he is referring to the fact that our world is more open to hear the gospel at Christmas than at Easter. Most of our secular world recognizes that something took place at Christmas, but may have no idea that Easter has a significant meaning. Let’s share that hope this season! Rick Stevens Page 2 Church News Churches Without Pastors ALVA is seeking a volunteer Student Ministry Leader. Pleasant View • Spring Creek Contact Pastor Dan Richard at 931.362.4784. EXCELL is seeking a part time Associate Pastor/Student Pastor. Send resumes to: Attention Associate Pastor Search Committee 328 Excell Rd Clarksville, TN 37043 or email [email protected]. ONE HEART BAPTIST CHURCH is seeking a Senior Pastor. He must be bilingual and expected to minister to the whole congregation, Korean and English speaking members, on a full time basis . Please submit resumes to: One Heart Baptist Church, 3350 Royster Lane Clarksville, TN 37042 or email to [email protected] Click here to go Conclave’s website for more information concerning: schedule, program personalities, registration information and pricing. If you can only invest in one training event for your student ministry team this year, invest in this conference. CBA Minister’s Christmas Dinner All ministers and their wives are invited to come and celebrate the birth of our Savior together. Come and be a part of Christian fellowship and encouragement. Copper Basin Ministry Again this year, it is our privilege to partner with the Crisis Center Ministry of the Copper Basin Baptist Association. Associational missionary Al Patterson and his wife, Margaret, are doing an outstanding job ministering to hundreds of needy families each month. Each year they seek to provide Christmas to these families. This year the CBA will be receiving multiple letters from families needing help. Please drop off your wrapped gifts to the CBA office no later than December 13, 2014. Books Registration TOTAL Suggested Donation $3.00 Large Sign Suggested Donation $89.00 Monday • January 26 • 2015 Memorial Baptist Church $26.00 $70.00 $96.00 A study of the family from a Christian perspective, focusing on human sexuality, dating and courtship, marriage, childrearing, financial matters and various developmental stages of family life. How to Understand the Bible Dr. Jeff Burris, Teacher Thursday evenings starting January 8, 2015, 6:30 p.m. CBA SHOULDERS BUILDING Books Registration TOTAL Small Yard Sign CBA Executive Board Meeting Wally Vinson, Teacher Tuesday evenings starting January 20, 2015, 6:30 p.m. CBA SHOULDERS BUILDING Monday • December 8 • 6:00 p.m. High Road will be the Musical Guest Pastor Jimmy Terry, of Tabernacle Baptist Church, is spearheading a ministry to place signs stating, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” all around the Cumberland Baptist Association. If you are interested as a church or as an individual contact ,Pastor Terry, at 931.552.3944. The suggested donations for the signs are: Marriage and Family BAPTIST COLLEGIATE MINISTRIES CENTER Christmas Signs Emphasis The meal will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting to start at 7:15 p.m. Please bring a covered dish. The CBA will provide the meat. Bi-Vocational/ Small Church Ministers and Wives Retreat March 27-28 • 2015 PARIS LANDING STATE PARK Cost: $100.00 per couple Theme: Keys to Renewal $18.00 $70.00 $88.00 Program Personalities: Larry Robertson, Pastor Hilldale Baptist Church Bob and Linnie Brown and Paul Clark An introduction to the doctrinal, historical and literary nature of the Bible and other general questions involved in reading the Bible with understanding. The course also deals with the authority, purpose, and message of the Bible, the history reflected in the Old Testament, and principles of interpretation. The ABC of the CBA The ABC of the CBA Page 3
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