a user facility for coherent THz synchrotron synchrotron radiation
a user facility for coherent THz synchrotron synchrotron radiation
IKNO a user facility for coherent THz synchrotron radiation Caterina Biscari and Augusto Marcelli INFN - LNF, 00044 Frascati, Italy Fernando Sannibale LBNL, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Plinio Innocenzi University of Sassari, 074041 Alghero, Italy LNF INFN – Frascati – 2 February 2009 – CSN V Meeting Outline • Scientific case • Accelerator • Site proposal IKNO (Innovation and KNOwledge) Proposal for a multi-user facility in Sardegna based on an electron storage ring generation of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in the THz frequency range and of broadband incoherent synchrotron radiation (SR) ranging from the IR to the VUV. The THz Gap (0.3 – 20 THz) THz 1THz ~ 1ps ~ 300µm ~ 33 cm-1 ~ 4.1meV ~ 47.6K From http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.html THz science International interest http://www.sc.doe.gov/BES/reports/files/THz_rpt.pdf http://www.thznetwork.org www.thznetwork.org/wordpress/index. php/archives/category/conferencesetc • A widely-acknowledged “THz gap” exists between about 0.3 and 20 THz. This gap usually refers to the paucity of technology – especially sources and detectors of electromagnetic radiation – available at these frequencies relative to higher and lower frequencies. • Below the THz gap, electronics is the dominant paradigm for technology and scientific instrumentation. Above the gap, the paradigm is photonics. • Optics and electronics converge in the THz gap, and are currently filling it in a wide variety of very creative ways. • The terahertz spectrum has a number of exciting properties: 1) it is non-ionising (and therefore safer than comparable technologies such as X-ray) 2) metal reflects and optically opaque materials can appear transparent (such as packaging, soil, brick, fabrics etc) 3) many substances have a readily identifiable frequency “fingerprints” so identification and inspection solutions are possible • Terahertz Applications Early adopters needing non-destructive testing (NDT), imaging and substance identification in industries as aerospace, pharmaceutical, healthcare, food & drink, militars, semiconductors and specialist communications. For example: the technology is now used routinely for inspection of NASA’s space shuttle heat shield foam. Emerging terahertz based products are starting to work at full production speeds. Italian Scenery 1 day - Workshop held at ENEA Frascati 13 October 2008 100 registered partecipants strong interest from industry X.C.Zhang – Rensselaer Polytech Inst. Troy, NY USA – ‘Recent progress of THz wave sensing and applications’ Phil Taday – Teraview, Cambridge –’THz technology from an enterprise perspective’ K. Fukunaga – NICT Tokio – ‘Application of THz radiation to cultural heritage studies’ A.Tredicucci, SNS Pisa – ‘Engineering photonic structure for THz devices’ A.Ramundo Orlando, CNR-INMM Roma – ‘Review of Biological Applications’ M.Ortolani, CNR-IFN Roma – ‘Development of THz detectors and arrays’ R.Marcelli,CNR-IMM/P.Perfetti, CNR-ISM Roma – ‘Development of MEMs components and SNOM microscopy in the THz region’ A.Di Carlo, univ. Tor Vergata – ‘The European project OPTHER’ P.Calvani, Univ. La Sapienza ROMA –’THz spectrocopy o superconductors and Charge-order insulators’ THZ sources Table 11.1 Table of typical performance parameters for experimentally realized (existing) and predicted (anticipated) table-top laser and electron accelerator sources of high-field THz pulses. From DOE-NSF-NIH 2004 workshop CIRCE Designed to be located on top of the ALS Booster Ring shielding and sharing the injector with the ALS Storage Ring. The accelerator CSR Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) has been matter of great interest and study in the last years: • As something to carefully avoid or at least control in every short bunch high charge accelerator where CSR can jeopardize the performances (linear colliders, short pulses synchrotron radiation sources, damping rings, ...); • As a powerful diagnostic for bunch compressors in free electron lasers (FEL) (FLASH, LCLS, FERMI, …); • But also as a ‘dream’ for potential revolutionary synchrotron radiation (SR) source in the THz frequency range. A Multi-Year Effort 2002: The microbunching instability (MBI): First experimental proof. (J.M.Byrd et al., al., PRL 89, 89, 224801, 2002.) 2003-2004: Stable CSR in storage rings: Development of a model accounting for experimental observations. (F. Sannibale et al., al., PRL 93, 93, 094801, 2004.) 2004-2005: CSR from “femtoslicing” experiment: First experimental data and characterization. (J.M.Byrd et al., al., PRL 96, 96, 164801, 2006.) 2004-2006: Laser seeding of the MBI: First experimental observation and model for the phenomenon. (J.M.Byrd et al, al, PRL 97, 97, 074802, 2006.) CSR Basic The power spectrum of the radiation from a bunch with N particles is given by: { } dP dp = N [1 − g (ω )] + N 2 g (ω ) dω dω Single particle power spectrum for the radiating process under consideration (including shielding effects) PSR ∝ N incoherent PCSR ∝ N 2 coherent g (ω ) = 2 ∞ i ω cos (θ ) z ( ) dz S z e ∫ c −∞ Normalized Bunch Longitudinal Distribution CSR for: g (ω ) ≥ 1 N 0 ≤ g (ω ) ≤ 1 observation θ≡ angle Frequency range of CSR in a bending magnet g (ω ) = 2 ∞ i ω cos (θ ) z ( ) dz S z e ∫ c −∞ High frequency Low frequency Synchrotron radiation from a bend The CSR factor g(ω) determines the high frequency cutoff for CSR, while the vacuum chamber (shielding) defines the low frequency one. CSR Form Factor vs. Bunch Length and Distribution 1.0 ps - Gaussian Distribution 1.5 ps - Gaussian Distribution 2.0 ps - Gaussian Distribution Very sensitive knob! S (z ) = 1 2π cσ τ − e z2 2 c 2σ τ2 To extend the CSR spectrum towards higher frequencies the bunches must be shortened and the saw-tooth distribution is more effective. Interaction of an electron beam with a femtosecond laser pulse copropagating through a wiggler modulates the electron energies within a short slice of the electron bunch with about the same duration of the laser pulse. The bunch develops a longitudinal density perturbation due to the dispersion of electron trajectories, and the resulting hole emits short pulses of temporally and spatially coherent terahertz pulses synchronized to the laser. STABLE CSR Entire terahertz range from wavelengths of about 10 µm (30 THz) to about 10 mm (0.03 THz). FEMTOSLICING MODE From CIRCE to IKNO World Synchrotron Light Sources > 50 R&D on CSR ~ 5 ALS ANKA BESSY MLS UVSOR II Example at ANKA Incoherent radiation (60 mA) Quadratic behaviour THZ intensity Coherent radiation (30 mA) Bunch current Bielawski et al.- Nature Physics 08 Tunable narrowband THz emission from mastered laser-e beam interaction UVSOR II Center of Mediterraneum A dedicated CSR ring will be unique CIRCE not yet funded => European Project => Italy => Sardinia IKNO IKNUSA – from the greek word Iknòs (sandal footprint) God’s footprint who saved this country from drowning together with the rest of Tirrenide with his foot Daniele Curedda Fabrizio Pusceddu Facoltà di architettura di Alghero Università degli Studi di Sassari Feasibility study of IKNO infrastructure in Sardinia 3 possible sites PORTO TORRES IKNO ring layout Dipole beam lines up to 4 lines per dipole ⇒ 36 lines ⇒+ 4 straight sections for insertion lines i.e. femtoslicing DIPOLE vacuum chamber (defines the low frequency range of the radiation) 3D CAD photon extraction chamber Dipole chamber prototype where measurements on the resonating modes that can be excited by the e- beam have been done (CIRCE team) Collecting 300 mrad horizontally 140 mrad vertically CSR from dipoles In the ultra-stable mode, IKNO generates a photon flux of CSR many order of magnitude higher than in existing 3rd generation light sources. Tunable ring Different bunch length CSR from undulators The 3.1 m straight sections, allow for CSR for femtoslicing systems, extending the spectrum to few tens of THz, allowing for pulse shaping and opening to multicolor pump and probe experiments sub-ps THz CSR pulses with energy per pulse approaching the 10 µJ and with spectrum extending to up few tens of THz IKNO – Accelerator Main Parameters ENERGY 600 MeV CIRCUMFERENCE 60 m # DIPOLES 12 BENDING RADIUS # LINES IN DIPOLES # INSERTION IN STRAIGHTS CURRENT 1.34 m 36 4 < 400 mA RF FREQUENCY 1.5 GHz RF VOLTAGE 1.2 MV # BUNCHES Perché in Sardegna? • Geograficamente: centro del Mediterraneo • Regione Sardegna principale ente finanziatore • Interesse di Sardegna Ricerche alla creazione del laboratorio • Sardegna energeticamente autonoma • Disponibilità di terreni per la costruzione del laboratorio • Forte interesse delle Università della regione per l’infrastruttura Ricadute sulla regione • Nascita di un polo scientifico di interesse internazionale • Offerta di lavoro • Sviluppo tecnologico e industriale di alto livello • Attrazione di fondi esterni (BEI + FP7 call 2 - 2010) http://www.sardegnaricerche.it/ 2007 Very preliminary cost and schedule estimation INFRASTRUCTURES HARDWARE COST 13 13 10 + (ring) (Injector) Beam lines 40 < TOTAL < 45 M€ Expression of interest by users community Project approval and funding T0 CDR Preparation TDR Design Infrastructure Construction Hardware realization Installation Commissioning +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 YEARS Conclusions IKNO Infrastructure Proposal for a Multi user facility • Accelerator Project based on CIRCE • Infrastructure feasibility study developed in collaboration with Architecture Faculty in Sassari Univ. • Presented to 2007 ESFRI Road Map • Presented to the 2008 Italian Road Map • Sardinia region interested in the project (Sardegna Ricerche) Acknowledgements Architects: Daniele Curedda and Fabrizio Pusceddu Prof. Giovanni Maciocco- Preside Facoltà Architettura Sassari Dr. Guliano Murgia – Presidente Sardegna Ricerche Collaborations for accelerator design • • • • INFN ALS BESSY JAPAN: UVSOR-KOBE-Spring8