2012 Summer Newsletter - The Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland


2012 Summer Newsletter - The Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland
Summer 2012
At the heart of the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland
are the devoted volunteers who serve on the front lines of
our efforts to stop hunger in its tracks. These are the people
who day after day administer to the needs of the almost
60,000 people who receive nutritious emergency meals
from our pantries and hot meal programs throughout Cuyahoga County every month Many of the 1,100 volunteers at
our centers are seasoned veterans who have devoted upwards of thirty years helping feed the hungry.
work operation requirements. Before
anyone can become
a Manager, she (he)
is trained by the
Hunger Network
staff for the position.
They learn how to
buy, what to buy,
and all food hanIn the past, we have spotlighted the efforts of individual
dling procedures.
volunteers & centers, but you may not be aware of the spe- They learn about intake procedures and maintaining conficial corps of 104 dedicated Hunger Center managers who
dential records. Much attention is paid to the skill of treatwork together as a team to in- ing clients with respect and dignity and making sure that all
sure that all the Network's hun- eligible clients are served regardless of religion, race, age,
ger centers are meeting the
sex or disability. The Hunger Network Operations Manual
needs of the people they serve. is the comprehensive guide for all Managers.
Heading up this constituency
is the Manager's Steering
Every one of these special individuals is really managing a
Committee which is comprised business and the product is putting nutritious food directly
of: Diane Zelmer, Redeemer into the hands of the food insecure clients in their geoHunger Center, Chuck Dickey, graphic area. Managers oversee food deliveries and they
South East Clergy Hunger Center, Ray Bolden, Cory Hun- must arrange for enough volunteer help to get the pallets
ger Center and Sara Haynes, Lane Hunger Center. This
that have been offloaded on the sidewalk inside the hunger
group meets monthly with the Hunger Network's CEO,
center. Most of our centers are housed in the basements of
Dana Irribarren, and Dana Cook, the Network’s
churches and community centers, therefore,
Program Manager to discuss all issues affecting
getting the groceries down rickety stairs and
the centers and clients. Chuck Dickey says " the
into the hunger centers can be challenging.
Steering Committee meetings give us an opportunity to learn from one another and share ideas
Hunger Network Managers supervise their
that can be helpful for the entire organization.
volunteers; managing and motivating the
We advocate for better quality and healthier
center volunteers is a task. Volunteers are
food and have recently been able to encourthe heart of this organization and without
age the Foodbank to provide low salt items
the Managers and Assistant Managers,
and whole wheat pastas."
there would be no Hunger Network of
Greater Cleveland. Our hats off to all of
Managing a hunger center or hot meal proyou for your gift of time and good works
gram is a huge job. The entire responsibilto help our most vulnerable citizens!
ity for running the center rests on their
shoulders. Every aspect of the process is
orchestrated by the Managers and Assistant
Managers who must follow Hunger Net-
Feed the Children
The Hunger Network was chosen by Feed The Children to
receive truck loads of boxed food and personal items that
went directly into the hands of 400 families. At 11 A.M.,
on June 14, 2012, the semi pulled up to Bethany Baptist
Church where Hunger Network clients from Bethany Baptist Hunger Center, Cory Hunger Center, New Covenant,
Calvary, Adams Pantry and Changing Lives Hot Meal programs converged to pick up their boxes. Concord Hospitality Enterprises sponsored the truck and 45 Concord employees volunteered to help. These packages are designed to
help supplement a family of four for up to one week.
The process was seamless and by 1 P.M. all the
boxes had been distributed. This gift of food and other necessities is part of the National Feed the Children's Americans Feeding Americans Caravan
which has helped more than
245,000 families across the country since 2009. Hunger Network
of Greater Cleveland was grateful
to be chosen to partner with the
wonderful international organization. Thank you Feed the Children...Hunger Network clients are
singing your praises.
Saluting an Exceptional Congregation
It is truly difficult to put into words how extremely grateful and blessed we are to have had
the support of the Bay Presbyterian Church congregation over the last two decades. The impact their Lenten Project has had on the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland and the people
we serve is enormous. This year's proceeds of $47,334.55 put their total contributions to the
Hunger Network well over one half of a million dollars! They truly are hunger heroes. Year
after year the Deacons of the Bay Presbyterian Church set their campaign goals higher and
higher and each year the congregation surpasses their expectations. During the holidays, the
Hunger Network is especially thoughtful of our client families who would not have food, let
alone, special Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners, if it were not for the Hunger Network food
pantries. In November and again in December, the Hunger Network provides holiday bags of food, including the chickens provided by the BPC Lenten Project, plus all the trimmings. Chickens are the centerpiece to their holiday meals.
Without this funding the Network wouldn't be able to afford this initiative. Because of the generosity of Bay Presbyterian
Church and the Lenten Project thousands of families will receive Holiday meals again this year. We extend our appreciation to this wonderful church that does so much in so many ways to help our community.
P.S. The Hunger Network needs to match the Bay Presbyterian gift in order to see that all the families in our network receive their holiday birds. If you, your church or company would like to help, send us your check with a note that you
would like your contribution to go to chickens. Or call Sandee: 216.619.8155 ext. 12 for more information.
Rolling on the River
Join the Friends of the Hunger Network for a fabulously fun party!
Friday, October 5, 2012
7:30 p.m.– 11:30 p.m.
Windows on the River, 2000 Sycamore, Cleveland
Las Vegas comes to Cleveland with the 6th Annual Rolling on the River
which includes: Casino Style Gambling, Live Entertainment from Frank,
Dean and Then Some, Complimentary Food, Wine, Beer and a
great Silent Auction.
Limited amount of tickets available.
Ticket Prices: Individual Tickets are $55 through September 21;
$65 September 22-October 4; $70 at the door
Sponsorship Opportunities available, starting at $500
Purchase tickets online at www.hungernetwork.org
For more information contact Sandee Ralston at 216-619-8155, ext. 12 or email
[email protected]
Presenting Sponsor
VIP Sponsors
High Roller Sponsors
The Treasured Donor Reception 2012
“Special Honors for Exceptional Partners"
Highlighting The Stay Well Program
The Hunger Network in partnership with University Hospital's
Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Funded by Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation
Wed., October 10, 2012
5:30 p.m
Shoreby Club
We are grateful to Board Member, Barbara P. Ruhlman
for sponsoring and underwriting the evening!
Dealer Sponsors
One of the most touching donations we have ever received
was delivered around the Holidays. In a small envelope
Last year, the Hunger Network was fortunate to receive
was a rather well circulated one dollar bill and a note from a
many special gifts. Gifts as small as a one dollar bill and as long time donor, Eleanor W. She wrote, “I am so sorry, I
large as $43,000. We are grateful for every donation. In a have been ill and don't have much to give. I want you to
year that found the Hunger Network with a thirty percent
know that I appreciate all you do to make sure that the chilcut in Federal funding, a loss of another large contribution, dren have enough food to eat. I wish I could do more but I
and skyrocketing food costs, we still came very close to
had a health setback this year and this is all I can afford to
making our projected budget. We could not have accomgive.” Eleanor has been a donor to the Hunger Network for
plished this without all of our wonderful donors. Individual over 34 years and we treasure her support. Thanks to all of
donors, corporate donors and sponsorships, Foundations,
our loyal donors, we continue to be a safety net for our
and churches...all helped the Network remain the safety-net communities most vulnerable citizens. There is more need
for close to 60,000 people every month. Because of your
than ever before and we hope that you will continue to help.
help we were able to serve 5,740,800 meals to 654,584 people...233,426 families.
Third year was the charm. Majestic Steel USA partnered again with the Lake Erie Monsters to present the "Shut Out Hunger" event to benefit the Hunger Network of Greater
Cleveland. Through the month of
February, at the Monster's home games, volunteers from Majestic
Steel collected money and non-perishable food items from fans as
they entered The Q. Thousands of food items and over $1,500 was
collected throughout the campaign. Just the cash donated from Shut
Out Hunger will purchase 6,000 nutritious meals for hungry families.
Special thanks to Majestic Steel, the Lake Erie Monsters and everyone who participated.
Friday, December 7, 2012
7:00 p.m.- 11:30 p.m.
Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center
A fabulous gala event complete with food, drink, music,
dancing and silent auction. Guaranteed to be a
wonderful evening!
To have a reminder postcard mailed to you in September or for sponsorship opportunities or
auction donations contact Sandee at the Hunger Network at 216-619-8155, ext. 12 or
email [email protected]
Visit www.hungernetwork.org for details.
Your support made the 2012 Walk for Hunger a Great Success!
Thank you to the following businesses, organizations and people who helped make the
2012 Walk for Hunger absolutely outstanding!
On Saturday, May 12, 2012, 2,000 Hunger
Network supporters participated in the 24th
Annual Majestic Steel Walk for Hunger.
The walk raised over $170,000 which will
help provide meals to children during the
summer months when they don’t have
school lunches to rely on.
Special Thank You to:
 Title Sponsors: Majestic Steel
 Corporate Sponsors, Media Partners &
 Walk for Hunger Speakers
Jonathan Leebow, Majestic Steel
Ed Gallek & Jeff Tanchak ,
19 Action News
 73 Team Captains
 1105 team members
 485 individual walkers
 200 volunteers
 Honorary Chair– Jonathan Leebow,
Executive Vice President, Majestic Steel
 Event Chair– Chris Szuch
 Event Committee Members
The Walk for Hunger would not be as successful
without your support and dedication,
New World Ideas
and Inventions, LLC
Top Individual Fundraisers
1. Mary Levtzow- $6,894.22
2. Wanda Null- $6,534.00
3. Henry Doll- $5,950.00
4. Lynette Czehut- $3,511.00
Top Fundraising Teams by Category
Top Business Teams
Majestic Steel- $9,988.00
Baker Hostetler- $6,613.00
3. Marc’s- $5,801.06
Cliff’s Natural Resources- $4,954.00
Top Single Religious Teams
Fairmont Presbyterian Church- $7,791.00
2. Mayfield Church Walkers- $6,000.00
3. Windermere U.M.C.- $3,201.00
4. Lakewood Baptist Church- $1,775.55
Top Business Teams including Company Match
1. Barnes- $12,177.00
2. Marc’s- $9,001.06
3. Cliff’s Natural Resources- $7,454.00
Top Multiple Religious Team
Lutherans Against Hunger- $16,250.22
Top Family/Civic Team
Hope Worldwide Cleveland- $4,213.00
2. Rose & Friends- $1,425.00
Cleveland Dietetic Association- $1,135.00
2011 Treasured Donor Levels
Bader Society
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Gordon
Gifts of $10,000 or more for endowment, Grain Processing Corporation
Grant Thornton LLP
general operation or restricted use
Bay Presbyterian Church
George Garretson Wade Charitable
Majestic Steel USA, Inc.
Marc Glassman, Inc.
Margolius Margolius & Associates
P.C. Miller, Jr.
Minute Men Staffing
The Plain Dealer
U.S. Bank
President's Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 in a single
Allied Witan Co
Baker & Hostetler
Beverage Distributors
Charna E. Sherman Law Offices
Corning Chisholm Foundation
Dominion East Ohio
Ferro Foundation
Ms. Trish Gleason
Mr. Leonard Horvitz
Kraft Foods
Old Stone Church
Orlando Baking Co
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Prince & Izant Co.
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Director's Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 in a single
AK Steel Foundation
Aleris International Inc.
Mr. Joseph Anselmo
Applied Industrial Technologies
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Armold
ASI International Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Beggs
Mr. Alok Bhaiji
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Bond
Breakfast Club of America
Mr. Theodore J. Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Calleri
Mrs. Marguerite Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Homer Chisholm
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Marathon Charities
Cliff's Natural Resources
Ms. Lynette Czehut
Dave's Supermarket
David & Inez Myers Foundation
Mr. Zach Davidson
Mr. Thomas DeChant
Dollar Bank
Ms. Lisa Drazil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ebert
Employees of Harding & Jacob
Ms. Sabrina Eppich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ernst
Ms. Sarah Evans
Fedeli Group
Forest City Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frank
Glazer's Distributors of Ohio
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gnepp
Mr. Steven Goldfarb
Mr. Donald Gross
Mr. & Mrs. John Guinness
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Harris
Hathaway Brown School
Mr. Robert Hetzel
The Hoffman Group
Mr. David Humphrey
Independence Presbyterian Church
Mr. Raymond Isabella
Jacobs Entertainment, Inc.
John P. Murphy Foundation
Ms. Annette Johnson
Ms. Carol Jordan
J.P. Morgan Chase
Mr. James Kendis
KeyBank Foundation
Ms. Ann Killian
Mr. John Koncar
Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Kowal
Ms. Charlotte Kramer
Ms. Mary Kredel
Mr. Theodore Kurz
Lake Erie Monsters
Legacy Village
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maimbourg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Marshall
Ms. Nicole Mawby
Mr. Brian McBride
McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Meisel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Melzak
Mr. Robert D. Merckle
Merrill Lynch
Mgt Network Services
Mr. Allan Miner
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moll
Mr. Paul J. Murphy
New Channel Direct
Northwest Lutheran Thrivent Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nowak
Oatey Company
OM Group, Inc
Mrs. Phyllis Omerza
Mr. Robert Onorato
Mr. & Mrs. A. George Palmer
Ms. Kathryn Patton
Ms. Shelley Peet
Mr. James Perkins
Mr. Donald Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Protzik
Providence Baptist Church
Quicken Loans
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ratner
Reed Financial Services Inc.
Mr. John Reynolds
Ms. Roberta Rubinski
Ms. Barbara P. Ruhlman
Dr. Gopal Saha
Ms. Deborah Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Sherman Scott
Mrs. Meredith Seikel
Mr. Frank Shemik
Mr. Chad Silverstein
Ms. Kristin Sinnenberg
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. John Steinbrunner
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Szuch
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Taylor
Mr. Michael Teichman
The Theosophical Soc. in Cleveland
Tri-C Pottery Club
Trinity Lutheran Church
UMC Church of the Saviour
United Health Care Services
University Hospitals of Cleveland
Mr. & Mrs. James Vail
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Vedder
Mr. Gregory Vogel
Mr. Jim Wainscott
Ms. Mary Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weller
Weltman Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA
Ms. Lisa Wiggins
Mr. Wiley Wolfe
Solon High School Young Association
of Comedians
Ms. Christene Zeh-Coyne
Ms. Susan Ziegler
Sustainer's Assembly
Gifts of $500 to $999 in a single year
Ms. Pamela Achter
Arem Company
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ayers
Ms. Karen Baker
Ms. Stacy Banks
Mr. Michael Barkoot
Dr. Barbara Barna
Ms. Gert Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Beeler
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Block
Ms. Susan Bocian
Ms. Irene Boers
Mrs. Estelle Bonchek
Brecksville UMC
Mr. Rudolf Bredenbeck
Mr. Thomas Brick
Ms. Barbara Brown
Mr. David Michael Browne
Mr. James Burnosky
Ms. Susan Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Carlini
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Case
Mr. & Mrs. Jerod Cherry
Mr. Thomas Cizmar
Cleveland Bakers' Local No. 19
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corrigan
CT Logistics - Commercial Transport
Mr.Dave Dobranic
Ms. Fran Doris
Dott Products
Downing & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Dudas
Mr. & Mrs. Edsel Dunford
Ms. Rose Dziak
Ms. Amanda Eckerle
Efficient Collaborative Retail
Envirocare Technologies, LLC
Mr. Alan Shawn Feinstein
Ms. Kara Fistek
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Foos
Ms. Katherine Funkner
Ms. Tracy Gamber
Ms. Emily Gilbert
Mr. Michael Gleespen
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Greber
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Greene
Ms. Louise Haar
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hala
Mr. & Mrs. James Hayes
Hitachi Medical Systems
Hyland Software
Interpak Inc.
Iron Workers Local #17
John Knox Presbyterian Church
Ms. Sharon Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kamins
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kaniecki
Mr. James Kenst
Mr. Michael Kovach
Mr. Gregory Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Krejci
Mr. Jacob Kronenberg
Mrs. Anita Krsak
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Litzler
Ms. Deb Lonzer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lorber
Ms. Mary Loud
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Mabee
The Madav IX Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Margolius
Ms. Shelly Marks
Mr. Declan McCarthy
R. McKeon
Ms. Margaret Meiring
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Messina
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. John Miller
Mr. & Mrs. David Miraldi
Mr. Richard Mohar
Ms. Suzann Moskowitz
Mr. Daniel O'Boyle
Order of Eastern Star Chapter 127
Mr. John Anthony Orlando
Mr. Steven Papadatos
Mr. Joel Peerless
Mr. David Pfeil
Ms. Lois Pickett
Mr. & Mrs. William Prakap
Mr. Daniel Reiber
Mr. Richard Riccardi
Mr. Mark Rice
Ms. Shannon Ross
Ms. Anne Rossi
Mr. Raymond Roth
Mr. Alan Ruben
Mr. & Mrs. John Saccany
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Schroen
Mr. Paul Shapiro
Mrs. Barbara Shelar
Mr. John Snyder
Mr. Rick Sofka
Mr. John Sparano
Star Crane & Hoist Service
Mr. William Stinchcomb
Sullivan Family Fund
Ms. Betsy Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sylak
Mr. Scott Thomason
Thrivent East Cuyahoga Chapter
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent South Cuyahoga Chapter
Ms. Virginia Vetor
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vicarel
Mr. Christopher Vliet
Mr. Perry Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Whetzel
Ms. Sylvia Wildner
Ms. Dolores Witzler
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Wohlfeiler
Mr. George Yarbrough
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zendarski
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Ziegler
Mr. Justin Zuchowski
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Zuchowski
We regret any omissions or errors.
The Hunger Network has received gifts to honor or memorialize the following individuals.
Gifts made in memory of a loved one or in honor of an individual’s birthday, anniversary
or other special occasion, help provide emergency food to the 60,000 people who visit our
pantries and hot meal programs every month.
In Honor of:
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Badar
John Koncar and Claudio Caviglia
Sarah Evans
Thomas Thatcher
Stephen Wertheim
Congregant Donations from Purim
My Lenten Giving Promise…
The Lord God & All Nations
In Memory of:
Carl J. Ciero
Hugh Callaly
Mary Ann "Rusty" Davis
Bernart de Ventadon
Helen A. Grendzinski
Edw. B. Gutta
Virginia L. Gobel
Demettrius Hewlin
Eugene F. James
Roger Mae Johnson
Russell King
Ralph Klein
to the Hunger Network of
Greater Cleveland
Complete the enclosed envelope
and send it to the Hunger
Network, donate online at
www.hungernetwork.org or call
Hunger Network of Greater
Stopping Hunger in its Tracks!
Josephine Krajewski
Matthew Dean Lucas
Jackie Maiher
Jack H. Mine
Patty Orlando
Anna Paravalos's Parents
Daniel Parmertor
Nancy Saada
Arthur W. Todd
James Williams
Al Yano
We are pleased to welcome Sara Continenza, Project
Coordinator for the Hunger Network's new Stay WellPilot Project. A graduate of OSU currently working on
her Master's in Public Administration, Sara is passionate about non-profit work and
helping people overcome daily
life struggles. She credits her
two years serving in the Peace
Corps with her intense desire
for wanting to reach out to
those in need and provide them
with the tools to promote their
own well-being.
Dana Irribarren
Laurie Lewers
Amy Ratajczak
Executive Director
Account Manager
Office Manager
Program Staff
Program Coordinator
Client Information Specialist
Project Coordinator
Dana Cook
Rashidah Abdulhaqq
Sara Continenza
Save a tree….
To receive the Mealtimes Newsletter via
email, sign up by sending an email to
Kristin at [email protected]
Sandra Ralston, CNM
Kristin Okel
Development Staff
Development Director
Development Associate
Phone: 216-619-8155
Web: www.hungernetwork.org
Like the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland on Facebook.
Follow the Hunger Network on Twitter at hungerinfo.
Rev. Ben Gohlstin
Vice President
Michael Teichman
Vice President
Stuart Mabee
Christopher Szuch
Jeffrey A. Crossman
Past President
Allison Chance
Day Armelli
Mark W. Biche
Estelle Bonchek
Bradley Bond
Jerod Cherry
Rev. Henry Curtis
Donna Dudas
Rose Dziak
Rev. Dan Edgerly
Ann Killian
Jay Lucarelli
Andrew L. Margolius
Lance T. Mason
Marcia L. McCoy
Stanley Miller
Robert Onorato
John A. Orlando
Laura Rodriguez
Barbara P. Ruhlman
Richard F. Sofka
John Steinbrunner
Steve Wertheim
Rev. Ogden White
Donald A. Woods
George Yarbrough
Diane Zellmer
Susan Ziegler
Yvonne Zuchowski
Dolores Badar
Jerry Hoegner
Sharon Jones
Community Resource
Umberto P. Fedeli
Jerry Kelsheimer
Bill Litzler
Jay Lucarelli
James M. Malz
Sonny Orlando
Barbara A. Reynolds
tax-deductible contribution of $_________.
Here is my
Please fill in:
Thank You!
Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland
614 W. Superior Ave., Ste. 744
Cleveland, OH 44113
Please make checks payable to and send to:
CVV Number:
614 W. Superior Ave., Ste. 744
Cleveland, OH 44113
Expiration Date:
MasterCard, VISA, AMX or Discover Number:
I would like more information about Planned Giving. ______
I have included the Hunger Network in my will. ________
$__________ each month.
I will send
$500 = 2000 MEALS
$300 = 1200 MEALS
$100 = 400 MEALS
$50 = 200 MEALS
Every donated dollar provides four meals to hungry children.
Your contribution stays in Cleveland and will directly benefit over 60,000 of our
neighbors, 41% of whom are children, each month.
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Summer 2012