(15-1299/2496 Vedado Street).
(15-1299/2496 Vedado Street).
1 CITY OF NORTH PORT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE HEARING MINUTES OF HEARING THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2015 Present: Special Magistrate Robert K. Robinson; Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett, Neighborhood Development Services; and Recording Secretary Strong. Staff: Property Standards Inspectors Shellee Hall; Kyle Hoffman; Charles Day; Gary Kromer; and Kevin Raducci, Neighborhood Development Services. The June 29, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing was called to order by Special Magistrate Robinson at 9:00 a.m.in Meeting Room 244. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Special Magistrate Robinson followed by roll call. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (MAY 28, 2015) Special Magistrate Robinson approved the May 28, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing minutes as presented. C. E ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING DATE - AUGUST 27, 2015 - ROOM 244, CITY HALL Special Magistrate Robinson announced the next Special Magistrate Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, August 27, 2015 in Meeting Room 244 at 9:00a.m. D. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE REVIEW OF HEARING PROCEDURES Subsequent to providing an overview of hearing procedures, Special Magistrate Robinson requested all parties wishing to provide testimony stand for the administration of the oath. E. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Recording Secretary Strong, a Notary Public of the State of Florida, swore in all potential witnesses. F. CODE COMPLIANCES: Lien Specialist Bassett read into the record the cases listed on the Agenda which have achieved compliance and require no further action including: H.6 (15-1516/2046 Van Raub Street); H.8 (151644/2770 Cartwright Lane); H.9 (15-1678/1847 Braddock Road); H.14 (15-1740/6158 Pan American Boulevard); H.15 (15-1742/2608 Parkmount Terrace); H.16 (15-1744/1419 Kirkwood Street); H.17 (151798/1847 Braddock Avenue); H.18 (15-1808/8628 Agress Avenue); H.19 (15-1820/8471 Dorothy Avenue); H.21 (15-1838/2256 DeVore Street); H.23 (15-1855/3619 N. Chamberlain Boulevard); H.24 (15-1864/1984 Norvell Avenue); H.25 (15-1866/4435 Adelaide Avenue); H.26 (15-1878/4626 Flint Drive); H.28 (15-1897/5912 Talbrook Road); H.30 (15-1921/8030 Cristobal Avenue); H.31 (151956/4745 Kiska Road); H.33 (15-1966/3900 Pepper Lane); H.34 (15-1982/4942 Trekell Street); and 1.8 (15-1299/2496 Vedado Street). 1 Cases which were closed and re-opened under new ownership and have achieved compliance include: H.11(15-1710/5329 Malamin Road); and H.27 (15-1880/4612 Flint Drive). 2nd Hearing - Code Violations which have achieved compliance include: 1.8 (15-1299/2496 Vedado Street). 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 1 of 16 G. CONTINUANCES: G.I. Owner: Case: Arthur D. Swander Sr. 14-1855 Property: 8681 Shumock Violation(s): Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris in front of property creating junk-like conditions) Recording Secretary Strong, a Notary Public of the State of Florida, swore in all potential witnesses. Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15 with receipt returned signed and undated on 06/08/15. Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that as of June 26, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. Previous photographic evidence 1 - 2 were reviewed. Respondent Arthur Swander, being duly sworn, testified that he has had difficulty obtaining assistance in resolving the issues. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#I5-185518681 Shumock to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port city Code - Accumulation of Debris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $10.00 per day thereafter. G.2. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Brelee Holdings LLC 15-1619 6037 Otis Road Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permit on file for enclosed carport) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/18/15; 06/18/15; sent via email 06/18/15; posted on property 06/19/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/18/15. Special Magistrate Robinson noted that this case was continued from the May 28, 2015 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing to enable time to review all submitted evidence prior to rendering a decision. Special Magistrate stated the following for the record: and subsequently read the following Order into the record regarding Case No. 15-1619/6037 Otis Road: I received sworn testimony at the Hearing on May 28, 2015. 1 received a number of documents that were submitted, some by the City, mostly by the property owner. I have read all of those documents; in addition I looked at North Port City Code. In Code Enforcement cases the City has the burden of proof to show by a preponderance of the evidence that a violation does exist and that the violator has committed or responsible for maintaining or allowing the violation to continue per Section 2-508 (C) of the North Port City Code. In this case the specific charge that was levied was that the owners had maintained or allowed to maintain an enclosed space without having obtained a proper building permit to enclose that carport. There were no other violations that were brought as a result of this case, including the issue of the bathroom or the shower. So based upon the testimony and written evidence I make the following findings of facts: The property address is 6037 Otis Road, North Port, Florida. The property was sold by Deborah Squires to Brelee Holdings, LLC on approximately June 5, 2014. The house was constructed in approximately 1969, based upon the records of the Sarasota County Property Appraiser. The City of North Port did not have a Building Department or Land Use Department until approximately 1984 and those services were provided by, prior to that day, Sarasota County. Sarasota County no longer maintains records such as building permits dating back to that time in which those services were handled on behalf of the City of North Port. The house was owned at one time by 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 2 of 16 1 7 Catholic Priest Father Joseph Dugan, while he was the Parish Priest at San Pedro Catholic Church in North Port. There were newspaper articles that allowed me to establish the approximate time frame that he was here, actually he as the very first one to operate here as a Parish, and that was actually before San Pedro was actually constructed. The records of the Sarasota County Property Appraiser indicate that the effective year build of the property is 1986. It is not clear to me why it says 1986, but there are drawings which are part of the Sarasota County Property Appraiser's records concerning this property which reflect that the space at issue is shown as being as part of drawings or diagrams. There is hearsay testimony from a third party contractor that such drawings would not have been verified by the Property Appraiser's office unless a building permit had been issued. Prior owner of the property, Deborah Squire owned the home from approximately 1997 to 2014 when it was sold to Brelee Holdings, LLC. Further she rented the property from 1990 to 1997. The Affidavit submitted by Ms. Squires indicates that the space in question has always been enclosed since the time of her occupation, which takes us back to at least 1990 and has always been utilized as a 4 h bedroom. The only work Ms. Squires indicated in her Affidavit that she did to it was the unpermitted installation of a bathroom which is not at issue in this case. In addition there is hearsay evidence that Father Joseph Dugan enclosed the garage to create an office for the purpose of receiving parishioners at his home, but there is no other collaborating evidence to that effect, just his statement from the phone call made to Father Dugan, and he did not testify. Real Estate listings for this property indicate that renovations, but not specifically what renovations, were done to the property in approximately 1981. So based upon all of that I find that the City of North Port has not met its burden by a preponderance of the evidence to show that the carport in question was enclosed without an appropriate building permit. The City did not perform building inspection services prior to 1984 and any records which may exist for that time period from Sarasota County have either been lost or destroyed. Record evidence from the Sarasota County Property Appraiser's office together with drawings and diagrams of the property indicate that some renovations were done between 1981 and 1986. The plans or diagrams reflect the space in question as being enclosed and a part of the structure. Written evidence of the phone call from Father Dugan concerning this matter is hearsay and cannot be used for the purpose of formulating a finding of fact, but it can be used to collaborate already established facts. So, the facts that are established is that some form of renovations were done to the property between 1981 and 1986 and hearsay testimony from Father Dugan as to what he did would collaborate that fact. It appears to me that based upon the records of the Sarasota County Property Appraiser's office some form of renovation was done to the property at a time prior to the City of North Port handling its own building permits. There is no further evidence to substantiate that a building permit was in fact not obtained for the purpose in closing this space. The specific charge relates only to the failure to obtain a permit to enclose the carport and the charge is not specific as to what type of use would be allowed within that enclosed space. Therefore I do not make any determinations with regard to the space originally being closed as an office and now subsequently used as a bedroom. Further there are no specific alleged violations concerning the bathroom and therefore I make no determination relative to the issues with the bathroom. I therefore do not find a violation of Section 105.1 of the Florida Building Code relative to the enclosure of the carport and will thereafter dismiss the complaint in its entirety. Recess from 10:01 a.m. to 10:09 a.m. CODE VIOLATIONS (1sT Hearing): H.I. E Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Agoston T. Andacs 15-1145 8598 Aero Avenue Chapter 105.1, Florida Building (Windows/doors changed out without permit) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/27/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 05/30/15. 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 3 of 16 Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that Respondent has made contact with Inspector Hoffman and Neighborhood Development Services staff. The Respondent's last contact was approximately March 1, 2015 at which time options were provided to resolve the issue at hand. Respondent Agoston Andacs, being duly sworn, provided photographs and testified that he has been out of the country until June 24, 2015. Respondent requested a continuance to enable time to resolve the issue at hand and apply for the required permit. 7 Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-114518598 Aero Avenue to be in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $50.00 per day thereafter. H.2. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Daniel R. Rice 15-1375 6006 Dundee Avenue Section 37-50C (1) & (2), North Port City Code -- Lights (Bright lights on front of residence extend beyond property lines) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/05/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 06/17/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview of Case No. 151375 and testified that the initial inspection occurred on March 23, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter. Photographs 1 - 3 were entered into evidence. Respondent Daniel R. Rice, being duly sworn, provided several documents including; 1) As-Built Survey depicting the area illuminated by the Security Lights; 2) Code Enforcement Inspection Details; 3) Sarasota County Property Appraiser receipt for Tax Exemption Renewal; 4) claim information from the Department of Veterans Affairs; 5) Notice of Denial(s); 6) letter to Carol Kazabo regarding Respondent conversation with North Port Police Officer Blender; 7) produce description for Outdoor Security Sensor Motion Light Led; 8) Respondents Answer to Case No. 15-1375; 9) photographs depicting outside of residence with lights illuminated; and 10) DVD of property with lights illuminated. P Addressing questions from Special Magistrate Robinson, Respondent testified that the lights are related to his disability which has been diagnosed as "Anxiety Disorder" and Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall reported that this case was dropped prior to this due to the inspectors inability to inspect the property Inspector Hoffman further testified that the initial at night when the lights would be illuminated. complaint was initiated by a neighbor complaining of the bright lights shining in their windows and on their lanai. Although the lights do appear to be a hazard to vehicle traffic, there has been no complaints from drivers utilizing the street in question. Respondent Rice testified that the lights are on low beam from 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Special Magistrate summarized for the record North Port City Code Section 37-50C (1) & (2) including, "...so as not to create a nuisance by projecting or reflecting objectionable light onto a neighboring use or property." Respondent Rice noted that the DVD provided will demonstrate that the lighting in question does not reflect onto the neighbor's property. Special Magistrate Robinson will take all evidence provided under advisement and render a decision within 30 days of this hearing date. The Respondent will be notified when a decision has been rendered. H.3. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Jacob Hernandez & America Chavez 15-1480 4268 Killdeer Terrace Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris and inoperable hot tub in side yard) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 4 of 16 1 (Unlicensed silver Toyota Tundra) Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Silver Toyota Tundra and open trailer stored in City Right of Way) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/08/15; with receipt returned signed and undated on 05/15/15. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that initial inspection occurred on April 1, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter. Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code has come into compliance and should be stricken. On June 26, 2015 the property was last inspected and found to be still in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code Accumulation of Debris and Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles. Photographs 1 - 4 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-148014268 Killdeer Terrace to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter and in violation of Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafter. HA. E Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Jennifer R. Titus 15-1484 4198 Chamrade Road Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous trash/debris on property & fence in disrepair) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/08/15; returned unable to forward on 05/18/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that this residence is vacant and no contact with the owner of the property has been established, but there was contact with a property management company which did not address the issue of the violation at hand. Photographs 1 - 3 were entered evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-148414198 Chamrade Road to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter. H.5. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Dhamajee K. Khan 15-1515 2256 Van Raub Street Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (Assigned numbers not properly displayed on residence) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/18/15; returned unclaimed on 06/18/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffinan, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that he has attempted to make contact with the property owners but all attempts have failed. E Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-151512256 Van Raub Street to be in violation of Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $10.00 per day thereafter. H.6. Owner: Case: Mohammad & Dhandrajee Khan 15-1516 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 5 of 16 Property: Violation(s): 2046 Van Raub Street Chapter 62-62(c), North Port City Code - City Right of Way (Basketball hoop in City right of way) Agenda Item H.6 (15-1516/2046 Van Raub Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.7. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Dwell Well Inc. 15-1602 8690 Bumford Avenue Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (White Cadillac stored for several years with flat tires and a tarp hanging off) Chapter 42-76(b), North Port City Code - Responsibilities (Graffiti painted containing vulgar language on white Cadillac) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/11/15; returned unclaimed on 06/02/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that violation Section 42-76 (b), North Port City Code has come into compliance and should be stricken. The property owner reported on June 26, 2015 that the car in question (White Cadillac) has been sold and will be removed from the property on July 2, 2015. Staff recommended Special Magistrate Robinson give the Respondent ten (10) days to come into compliance. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-160218690 Bumford Avenue to be in violation of Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $25.00 per day thereafter. H.B. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): n John W. & Vivian Hill 15-1644 2770 Cartwright Lane Section 53-240, Unified Land Development Code - Permitted Accessory (No permit for tan canopy on right side of property) Agenda Item H.8 (15-1644/2770 Cartwright Lane) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.9. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Patrick J. Love 15-1678 1847 Braddock Road Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Cargo trailer parked in City Right-of-Way) Agenda Item H.9 (15-1678/1847 Braddock Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.10. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Dorothy H. Watt 15-1702 Fielders Road Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (White commercial size truck being stored on this undeveloped residential lot) Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris consisting of old boats, jet ski, scrap metal, scrap wood and numerous other items) Chapter 29-6P, North Port City Code - Obscene Signs 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 6 of 16 E (Homemade wooden sign with racial slur and a threat to bodily harm) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/18/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. E Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided and overview and testified that this property is a vacant lot and there has been no contact with the property owner. Photographs 1 - 13 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-1702/Fielders Road to be in violation ofSection 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $25.00 per day thereafter, and in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation ofDebris and Chapter 29-6P, North Port City Code - Obscene Signs to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. H.11. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Dana Brannon 15-1710 5329 Malamin Road Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris on property consisting of household trash, automotive parts, furniture and appliance) Agenda Item H.11 (15-1710/5329 Malamin Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.12. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Richard L. DeYoung 15-1711 4339 Tollefson Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Several piles of furniture and other miscellaneous debris on property, creating junk like conditions) Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permit to convert shed in rear property to living quarters with full kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Also sewer line coming out of bathroom connection going into the ground) Chapter 104.5, Florida Building Code - Unsafe Buildings or Systems (No power or water, creating life safety and unsanitary conditions) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/22/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the initial inspection occurred on April 29, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter including June 26, 2015 and June 29, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation. Photographs 1 - 18 were entered into evidence. The Respondent, Richard DeYoung, contacted Property Standards when the violations were first written, but there has been no contact subsequently. North Port Police notified Property Standards and escorted Inspector Hall to the property subsequent to receiving complaints of "squatters" occupying the residence. 1 Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-171114339 Tollefson Avenue to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation ofDebris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter and in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required and Chapter 104.5, Florida Building Code Unsafe Building or Systems and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $50.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. H.13. Owner: Case: Francis R. & Elisia Cook 15-1720 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 7 of 16 Property: Violation(s): 6630 S. Biscayne Drive Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Large amounts of debris around entire property/stored outside of home) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parkins & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Boat trailer in rear yard has no valid tag) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/05/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the initial inspection occurred on April 30, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter including June 26, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation. Photographs 1 - 5 were entered into evidence. Respondent Francis Cook, being duly sworn, testified that he does not have a driver's license and is unable to obtain a current tag for the boat and trailer in question. Rebecca Vega, being duly sworn and acting on behalf of Respondent, testified that the debris in question was removed on Saturday, June 27, 2015 and placed inside the residence, Inspector Hall noted that case is an ongoing issue and the debris is located in the front, side and back of the residence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-172016630 S. Biscayne Drive to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter and in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $25.00 per day thereafter. H.14. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Max R. Francois 15-1740 6158 Pan American Blvd. Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (Green Saturn in carport - no license tag; Ford truck in City Right of Way w/expired tag) Agenda Item H.14 (15-1740/6158 Pan American Boulevard) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.15. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Lyudmila Shchavlinskiy 15-1742 2608 Parkmount Terrace Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (Wrong house numbers attached to residence) Agenda Item H.15 (15-1742/2608 Parkmount Terrace) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.16. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Phebes Florist & Gifts 15-1744 1419 Kirkwood Street Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (Assigned numbers on residence not visible from street) Agenda Item H.16 (15-1744/1419 Kirkwood Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.17. Owner: Patrick J. Love 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 8 of 16 E Case: Property: Violation(s): 1 15-1798 1847 Braddock Avenue _Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris in and near driveway consisting of several large boxes, packaging material and ladder) Agenda Item H.17 (15-1798/1847 Braddock Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.18. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Svetlana & Ronnie Elkhatib 15-1808 8628 Agress Avenue Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Garbage cans not stored properly) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (Black Honda with expired tag XRC-3534) Agenda Item H.18 (15-1808/8628 Agress Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.19. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Trajko & Lubca Gorgievski 15-1820 8471 Dorothy Avenue Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (No license tag on RV) Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (RV stored on property more than three months) Agenda Item H.8 (15-1820/8471 Dorothy Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.20. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Clayton Palmer 15-1834 3751 Nemo Street Section 53-240M, Unified Land Development Code -- Fences (No permit on file for fence on right side of property) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 05/27/15; returned unable to forward on 06/04/15; posted on property on 06/12/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and in checking with Neighborhood Development Services on June 29, 2015 found that there has been no permit application submitted. Photograph 1 was entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-183413751 Nemo Street to be in violation of Section 53-24 M, Unified Land Development Code - Fences and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafter. H.21. E Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): David Barichivich 15-1838 2256 De Vore Street Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement Of Containers (Automated garbage cans not stored correctly) 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 9 of 16 Agenda Item H.8 (15-1838/2256 De Vore Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.22. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Aleksey & Nataliya Groshev 15-1840 2345 Penfield Terrace Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris stored in front of garage - prior warnings for same violation) Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Garbage cans stored in front of garage door - prior warnings for same violation) Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (House numbers not visible from street due to bush overgrowth - prior warnings for violation) Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Rust colored truck stored on property more than twenty (20) consecutive days) r Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/05/15; with receipt returned signed and dated 06/08/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that Chapter 42-22 - Accumulation of Debris; Chapter 62-50 - Placement of Containers; and Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers have come into compliance and should be stricken. Contact was made with the Respondent who requested a continuance to enable the Respondent time to obtain parts for the truck in question so that the vehicle can be relocated. Photographs 1 - 4 were entered into evidence. Staff recommended this case be continued. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson continued Case#14-184012345 Penfield Terrace to the August 27, 2015 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing. H.23. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Robert Ruck 15-1855 3619 N. Chamberlain Blvd. Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permit for above ground pool) P Agenda Item H.23 (15-1855/3619 N. Chamberlain Boulevard) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.24. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Anthony J. Gustitus Sr. & Rhonda M. Gustitus 15-1864 1984 Norvell Avenue Section 25-19B (1), Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Black Ford SUV on jack stands with front tire removed) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Black Ford SUV without current tags) Agenda Item H.24 (15-1864/1984 Norvell Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.25. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Manuel Moniz & Lisa Paul 15-1866 4435 Adelaide Avenue Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Vehicle in driveway needs current tag) 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 10 of 16 1 Agenda Item H.25 (15-1866/4435 Adelaide Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.26. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Marshall T. Parr & Jacqueline E. Baker 15-1878 4626 Flint Drive Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (House numbers not affixed to residence) Agenda Item H.26 (15-1878/4626 Flint Drive) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.27. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Primestar-H Fund 1 Trust/Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB TTEE 15-1880 4612 Flint Drive Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (House numbers not affixed to residence) Agenda Item H.27 (15-1880/4912 Flint Drive) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.28. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Christopher Toral 15-1897 5912 Talbrook Road Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Garbage cans improperly stored) Agenda Item H.28 (15-1897/5912 Talbrook Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.29. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Charles A. Hummer 15-1913 2617 Jaylene Road Chapter 29, Section 29-8A, North Port City Code -- Banners (Banners on property after 30 day maximum) Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permit for enclosure of rear lanai) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/04/15; posted on property06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Lien Specialist Bassett provided Special Magistrate with a written request from the Attorney for Respondent requesting a continuance for this case. Staff had no objection to a continuance. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson continued Case#14-191312617 Jaylene Road to the August 27, 2015 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing. H.30. E Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Lurie Lopez TTEE 15-1921 8030 Cristobal Avenue Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (No license tag on RV) Section 53-240A, Unified Land Development Code - Permitted Accessory Uses (Chicken Coop on property not permitted) Agenda Item H.30 (15-1921/8030 Cristobal Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.31. Owner: Gilberto & Lida Ramirez 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 11 of 16 Case: Property: Violation(s): 15-1956 4745 Kiska Road Section 25-19R, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicle (Box truck parked in front of home is prohibited in residentially zoned area) Agenda Item H.31 (15-1956/4745 Kiska Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 11.32. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): L' Eden M. Lusma & Jean Ronald 15-1957 2700 W. Price Blvd. Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris consisting of metal bed frame, chair, coolers and plastic containers in driveway and on right side of property) Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Automated garbage containers at roadway - not stored correctly) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Two vehicles - tan Saturn with expired tag FL 986DF 3/15 and green Pontiac without tags) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/05/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that inspections occurred on several occasions including June 29, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation. Photographs 1 - 3 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-195712700 W. Price Boulevard to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers and to give Respondent seven (7) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter for each violation, and in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent seven (7) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafter. 11.33. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): E Christian L. & Elizabeth Grover 15-1966 3900 Pepper Lane Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Green Ford Explorer parked on left side of property without current tag) Agenda Item H.33 (15-1966/3900 Pepper Lane) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 11.34. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Branch Banking and Trust Company 15-1982 4942 Trekell Street Section 25-19R, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (White Mitsubishi Fuso diesel "Box" truck parked in driveway over size/weight limit) Agenda Item H.34 (15-1982/4942 Trekell Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 1. I.I. STATUS OF CODE VIOLATIONS (2"d Hearing): Owner: Bank of America 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 12 of 16 j Case: Property: Violation(s): 14-1323 4518 Maraldo Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Fence in disrepair) Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permits for window change out and air conditioner condenser) Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall reported that as of this hearing date, Case No. 14-1323/4518 Maraldo Avenue is still in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and Chapter 105. 1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required. Attorney Jennifer Miller, being duly sworn, representing Respondent Bank of America, testified that the contractor hired to resolve all issues discovered a rat infestation and an exterminator had to be contracted to address the problem. The Respondent requested a continuance to enable all issues to be addressed. Inspector Hall noted that this case has been an ongoing issue and recommended that a continuance not be granted. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#14-132314518 Maraldo Avenue to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation ofDebris and to impose the previously assessedfine of $10.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015 and in violation of Chapter 1053, Florida Building Code - Permit Required and to impose the previously assessedfine of $50.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015. 1.2. 1 Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Laura Johnson 15-394 Sheila Lane Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Cement blocks piled on property) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; returned unable to forward; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 29, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-394/Sheila Lane to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to impose the previously assessedfine of $10.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015. 1.3. 1 Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Steven J. & Meagan Redding 15-739 6189 Jordan Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Several piles of yard waste all over property) Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permit on file to install support posts in carport) Section 104.5, Florida Bsuildine Code - Unsafe Buildings & Systems (Carport has been deemed unsafe due to rotten posts) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; returned unclaimed 06/08/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 26, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 13 of 16 Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-739/6189 Jordan Avenue to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to impose the previously assessedfine of $10.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015; and in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required and Chapter 104.5, Florida Building Code - Unsafe Buildings & Systems and to impose the previously assessed fine of $50.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015for each violation.. 1.4. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Chrystal A. & Daniel R. Ingersoll 15-1117 4672 Maraldo Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous Debris on Property) Section 104.5, Florida Building Code, Unsafe Buildings or Systems (Holes in the roof creating mold throughout the inside of residence and residence is not secure) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; returned unable to forward 06/15/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 26, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-111714672 Maraldo Avenue to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to impose the previously assed fine of $10.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015; and in violation of Section 104.5, Florida Building Code, Unsafe Buildings or Systems and to impose the previously assessed fine of $50.00 per day beginning June 10, 2015. I.S. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Patrick J. Love 15-1132 1847 Braddock Avenue Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Boat parked in City Right of Way; tags expired) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 26, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-113211847 Braddock Avenue to be in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to impose the previously assessed fine of $25.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015. 1.6. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Robert G. & Jennifer L. Johnston 15-1143 5550 Gabo Road Chapter, Florida Building Code - Permits - Period of Validity (Residential permit #12-3184 expired on 10/21/14 - no required inspections) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffinan, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 29, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 14 of 16 E Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-1143/5550 Gabo Road to be in violation of Chapter, Florida Building Code - Permits = Period of Validity and to impose the previously assessedfine of $50.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015. 1.7. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): John Pierkowski 15-1178 7873 McPhail Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris in driveway and front path as well as tarp covering car staring to fall apart) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Purple and white car in driveway does not have current tag) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 26, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-117817873 McPhall Avenue to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and to impose the previously assessed find of $10.00 per day beginning June 10, 2015; and in violation of Section 2519A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to impose the previously assessedfine of $25.00 per day beginning June 10, 2015. I.B. E Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Scott D. & Laura K. Lott 15-1299 2496 Vedado Street Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Automated garbage cans not stored properly-residents have been previously warned) Agenda Item 1.8 (15-1299/2496 Vedado Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 1.9. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): John M. Alexander 15-1331 4403 Bullard Street Chapter, Florida Building Code - Permits - Period of Validity (Electric permit #13-4044 expired without final inspection) Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 06/02/15; posted on property 06/11/15; and posted in City Hall on 06/12/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, testified that as of June 29, 2015 the property was found to be still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-133114403 Bullard Street to be in violation of Chapter, Florida Building Code - Permits - Period of Validity and to impose the previously assessedfine of $50.00 per day beginning June 13, 2015. E K. PUBLIC COMMENT - There was no Public Comment. L. GENERAL BUSINESS 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 15 of 16 Special Magistrate announced that this is the last meeting of Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett prior to her retirement. Gratitude was expressed to Ms. Bassett for her help and dedication in ensuring the Special Magistrate Hearings were held in an accurate and professional manner. M. ADJOURNMENT Special Magistrate Robinson adjourned the June 29, 2015 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing at 10:51 a.m. 7 Robert K. Robinson, Special Magistrate Minutes were approved at the Special Magistrate Meeting this 27th day of August, 2015. 1 E 06-29-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Minutes Page 16 of 16
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