CITY OF NORTH PORT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE HEARING MINUTES OF HEARING THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 • Present: Special Magistrate Robert K. Robinson; Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett, Neighborhood Development Services; and Recording Secretary Strong. Staff: Property Standards Inspectors Shellee Hall; Gary Kromer; Kyle Hoffman; Charles Day; and Kevin Raducci, Neighborhood Development Services. The March 26, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing was called to order by Special Magistrate Robinson at 9:00 a.m.in Meeting Room 244. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Special Magistrate Robinson followed by roll call. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE NEXT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE HEARING: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 IN MEETING ROOM 244 A 9:00 A.M. Special Magistrate Robinson announced the next Special Magistrate Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2015 in Meeting Room 244 at 9:00a.m. C. • APPROVAL OF MINUTES (FEBRUARY 26, 2015) Special Magistrate Robinson approved the February 26, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing minutes as presented. D. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE REVIEW OF HEARING PROCEDURES Subsequent to Special Magistrate Robinson providing an overview of hearing procedures, all parties wishing to provide testimony were requested to stand for the administration of the oath. E. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Recording Secretary Strong, a Notary Public of the State of Florida, swore in all potential witnesses. F. CODE COMPLIANCES: Lien Specialist Cindi Bassett read into the record a list of cases listed on the Agenda which have achieved compliance including: GA (14-1761/1668 Tropicare Boulevard); H.3 (14-1986/6333 S. Biscayne Drive); H.5 (14-2044/2345 Penfield Terrace); H.12 (15-062/2608 Parkmount Terrace); H.14 (15-103/6828 Ketona Road); H.15 (15-140/2783 Thomas Lane); H.18 (15-232/8273 Aero Avenue); H.21 (15-291/2836 Abbeville Road); H.23 (15-310/6385 Freemont Street); H.24 (15-330/2304 Johannesberg Road); H.25 (15-334/1635 Japan Street); H.27 (15-343/3024 Congress Street); H.29 (15-375/4595 McKibben Drive); H.30 (15-384/8384 Agress Avenue); H.31 (15-387/6048 Merril Street); H.33 (15-453/4374 Watova Avenue); H.34 (15-458/8029 Larrimore Avenue); H.35 (15-491/3369 Trapper Lane); H.36 (15-495/4343 Dekle Avenue); H.39 (15-567/3189 Bobcat Village Center Road); H.40 (15-640/3117 Idlewood Street); and 1.2 (14-1831/4047 Clearfield Street). • CONTINUANCES: G. G.I. Owner: Michael Schoeff Case: 14-1761 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 1 of 18 Property: Violation(s): 1668 Tropicare Blvd. Section 53-240A, Unified Land Development Code - Permitted Accessory (Shed on back left of property not permitted) Agenda Item G.1 (14-1761/1668 Tropicaire Boulevard) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H. • CODE VIOLATIONS (1sT Hearing): H.I. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Thomas Wells/Marc Marois/Anna M. Bruner 14-1820 6588 Taneytown Road Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Large piles of garbage and miscellaneous debris creating junk like conditions) Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (No house numbers on residence) Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Open bed green truck full of debris) Section 25-19B (1), Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Green truck is inoperable) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Boat trailer does not have tag) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/09/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/17/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the Respondent is in compliance with Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Section 25-19B (1), Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and these violations should be removed. Subsequent to noting that Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles was not included on the Affidavit of Violation, Inspector Hall reported that she has been contact with the bank that has taken ownership of the property and the property is now vacant and secured. Photographs 1 - 12 were entered into evidence. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#14-182016588 Taneytown Road in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code -Assigned Numbers and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. H.2. Owner: Sandra Brady Case: Property: 14-1843 6402 Otis Road Violation(s): Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking &Storage of Certain Vehicles (Expired Tag on RV) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/03/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/13/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that she has had contact with the Respondent who faxed a note stating that the required tag should be on the RV in question within one week. Staff is requesting a continuance to afford staff the opportunity to re-inspect the property to ensure the RV is properly tagged prior to the next scheduled Special Magistrate Hearing. 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 2 of 18 • • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson continued Case#14-184316402 Otis Road to the April 23, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing to enable staff time to re-inspect the property to ensure the Respondent in in compliance with Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking &Storage of Certain Vehicles. H.3. Owner: Gina L. Corl Case: 14-1986 Property: Violation(s): 6333 S. Biscayne Drive Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris in yard creating junk like conditions) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Inoperable grey/silver Dodge on property) Agenda Item H.3 (14-1986/6333 S. Biscayne Drive) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.4. Owner: Nicki & Steve Timmons Case: 14-2008 Property: Violations(s): 6747 Ketona Road Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Open trailers with debris) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/07/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/17/15. Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that several inspections of the property have occurred with the property still in violation of Section 25-19J, • Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles. Subsequent to noting that there has been no contact with the Respondent, photographs 1- 2 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#14-200816747 Ketona Road in violation of Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafter. H.5. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Aleskey & Nataliya Groshev 14-2044 2345 Penfield Terrace Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris in front of garage and old lawn mowers and debris on rear property creating junk like conditions.) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Black dodge w/expired tag; Maroon Nissan Altima, expired tag and inoperable; Boat trailer w/no tags; jet ski trailer w/no tags; small open black trailer w/no tags) Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Three trailers on property - only two permitted) Agenda Item H.5 (14-2044/2345 Penfield Terrace) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. • H.6. Owner: Case: 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Steven Wagner 14-2071 Page 3 of 18 Property: Violation(s): 5025 San Luis Terrace Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Deflated pool in yard needs to be removed) Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (Permit required for hot tub/spa) • Chapter 42-24, North Port City Code - Responsibility of Property Owners (Rocks in City Right-of-Way need to be moved) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/03/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris is in compliance and should be removed. The property was last inspected on 03-25-15 and found to be still in violation of Chapter 42-24, North Port City Code - Responsibilities of Property Owners, and as of 03-26-15 still in violation of Chapter 105. 1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required. Photographs 1- 6 were entered into evidence. Respondent Steven Wagner, being duly sworn, presented information regarding a Land Patent, which the Respondent is claiming. Mr. Wagner requested a continuance to the April 23, 2015 meeting to enable staff time to review the information provided. City Attorney Moriarty, being duly sworn, recommended Special Magistrate Robinson proceeds with the case at hand, noting that the Respondent has the right to the appeal process. Respondent Wagner further testified that he has had contact with a City employee by the name of Steve with the Public Works Department who allegedly told the Respondent that he was allowed to have the rocks in question in the City's right-of-way. Subsequent to reading a definition of "right-of-way", Respondent reported that a permit was not obtained for the hot tub in question as the hot tub is unused and is not functioning. • Addressing concerns, Property Inspector Day reported that he has had contact with Public Works who verified that rocks are prohibited in the City's right-of-way. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#14-207115025 San Luis Terrace in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required, and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of ,$50.00 per day thereafter and in violation of Chapter 42-24, North Port City Code - Responsibility of Property Owners and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $10.00 per day thereafter. H.7. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Robert L. & Rose Scott 14-2074 1131 Gaucho Terrace Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Trash cans being stored in front of house) Section 4101.17, Florida BuildinLy Code (Pool inspected and deemed unsafe) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/03/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/05/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that he has had contact with the Respondents who reported that they are in the process of resolving all the issues contained in the violation of Section 4101.17, Florida Building Code. Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers is now in compliance and should be removed. Staff is recommending a 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 4 of 18 • continuance to afford the Respondents time to come into compliance for Section 4101.17, Florida Building Code. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson continued Case#14-207411131 Gaucho Terrace to the April 23, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing to afford Respondents time to come into compliance with Section 410137, Florida Building Code. H.B. Owner: Howard E. Shelton Case: 15-018 Property: Violation(s): 7912 Hyde Park Avenue Section 53-240M, Unified Land Development Code (No permit for fence made from natural wood materials) Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris on left side of front yard creating junk like conditions) Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code Permit Required (Permit required for work in progress for front door fascia repair) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/09/15 to the tenant and owner/Respondent with tenant receipt returned signed and dated on 02/11/15 and owner/Respondent receipt returned signed and dated on 02/12/15. Walter Murphy representing Respondent Howard E. Shelton, being duly sworn, stated for the record that the Respondent has had contact with Property Standards giving Mr. Murphy permission to speak on the Respondent's behalf. • Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the property has been inspected several times including on March 24, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation of Chapter 105. 1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required. Section 53240M, Unified Land Development Code and Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris have come into compliance and should be removed. Photograph 1 was entered into evidence. Mr. Murphy testified that he has hired a contractor to ensure the property comes into compliance. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-01817912 Hyde Park Avenue in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required, and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafter. H.9. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Victoria L. Paul 15-042 5940 Brickell Drive Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code (Air conditioner changed without permit) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/17/15 and returned unclaimed on 03/16/15; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the initial inspection occurred on January 6, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter and that the property was found to be still in violation of Chapter 105. 1, Florida Building Code.. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-04215940 Brickell Drive in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required, and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $50.00 per day thereafter. H.10. Owner: 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Rachel Higgs Page 5 of 18 Case: 15-044 Property: Violation(s): Menzler Street Chanter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Large amounts of debris and household items creating junk like conditions) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (RV with no tag; van with no tag) Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (RV and van stored on undeveloped property) Article IV, Illicit Discharge Regulations (Large hole dug on property for human waste) • Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/03/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that as of last inspection, the property is still in violation of all listed violations. It was noted that there has been no contact with the Respondent. Photographs 1- 25 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-044IMenzler Street in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation ofDebris and Article IV, North Port City Code - Illicit Discharge Regulations and to give Respondent seven (7) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter for each violation and in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent seven (7) to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. H.11. • Owner: Bill Welk Case: Property: Violation(s): 15-049 1508 Gardenside Circle Chapter 42-24, North Port City Code - Responsibility of Property Owners (Large pile of pepper tree clippings in City Right of Way) Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Open trailer stored on the lot to the left of the property which is not combined with the primary structure) Section 25-19R, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Oversize box truck and bob cat machine parked in a residential district) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/09/15 and returned unclaimed on 03/03/15; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that initial inspection occurred on January 22, 2015. January 22, 2015 was the last contact Inspector Hall had with the Respondent. Upon subsequent inspections it was determined that Chapter 42-24, North Port City Code has come into compliance and should be removed. Photographs 1 - 4 were entered into evidence. The bob cat machine as listed in violation of Section 25-19R, Unified Land Development Code has been removed leaving the oversize box truck still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#I5-04911508 Gardenside Circle in violation of Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Section 25-19R, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 6 of 18 • Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $25.00 per day thereafter for each violation. • H.12. Owner: Lyudmila Shchavlinskiy Case: 15-062 Property: Violation(s): 2608 Parkmount Terrace Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Inoperable car in driveway) Agenda Item H.12 (15-062/2608 Parkmount Terrace) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 11.13. Owner: Robert J. & Angel Barlow Case: 15-101 Property: Violation(s): 2636 Altoona Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris observed in front of residence consisting of tires, pails, boxes, satellite dish and other miscellaneous items) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/05/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that initial inspection occurred on January 8, 2015 with subsequent inspections on multiple occasions including March 25, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation. There has been no contact with the Respondents. Photographs 1 - 3 were entered into evidence. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#I5-10112636 Altoona Avenue in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris, and to give Respondents ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $10.00 per day thereafter. 11.14. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Linda Boyd 15-103 6828 Ketona Road Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (No assigned numbers on front of residence) Agenda Item H.14 (15-103/6828 Ketona Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.15. Owner: Serhiy & Iryna Tymoshchuk Case: 15-140 Property: Violation(s): 2783 Thomas Lane Section 25-19F(2) & H, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Boat parked in City Right-of-Way) Agenda Item H.15 (15-140/2783 Thomas Lane) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.16. Owner: Case: Ronald & Cheryl A. Reber 15-214 Property: Violation(s): 2523 Belvidere Street Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris • (Debris in front of garage) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Vehicle without current license tag) 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 7 of 18 i Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Miscellaneous debris in open truck and trailer) Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Vehicle stored in City Right-of-Way) • Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/07/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/10/15. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that an email was received from the Respondent the night of March 25, 2015 reporting that he had addressed the issues as listed in the violations. Inspector Hoffman noted that he had inspected the property on the morning of March 25, 2015 and found the property still in violation. Photographs 1 - 9 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-21412523 Belvidere Street in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation ofDebris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter, and in violation of Section 2519A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles; Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles; and Section 25-19M, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. H.17. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Marvin S. Mitchell 15-229 2273 Kalani Street Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous trash & debris on left side of property) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking &Storage of Certain Vehicles (Unlicensed vehicles on property - one red car of driveway; one black car on City Right-of Way) Chapter 14-20, North Port City Code, Section 108.1.3 - Structure Unfit for Human Occupancy (No water in house - unsanitary conditions - well equipment not operable) • Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/05/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Gary Kromer, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Chapter 14-20, North Port City Code, Section 108.1.3 - Structure Unfit for Human Occupancy have come into compliance and should be removed. Inspector Kromer has had no contact with Respondent since the initial inspection on January 14, 2015. The property was inspected on March 24, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code. Photograph 1 was entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-22912273 Kalani Street in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris, and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $10.00 per day thereafter. H.18. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Devon D. Shepard & Liza. M. Shepard Revocable Trusts 15-232 8273 Aero Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Household Items on right side of front yard) Page 8 of 18 • Agenda Item H.18 (15-232/8273 Aero Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. • H.19. Owner: Mordekhay & Mary Amsalem Case: 15-243 Property: Violation(s): 3749 Needle Terrace Chapter 70-5, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (No house numbers visible from roadway) Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris consisting of metal and miscellaneous items on outside of fence and right side of yard) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/05/15 and returned unclaimed on 03/18/15; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that initial inspection occurred on January 14, 2015 with several subsequent inspections thereafter, at which time the property was found to be still in violation. Photographs 1- 3 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-24313749 Needle Terrace in violation of Chapter 70-5, North Port City Code -Assigned Numbers and Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation of Debris and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a frne of $10.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. • H.20. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Dorotha Boggess 15-258 8468 San Pablo Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris on left, right and front side of house) Section 25-19A, Unfired Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Grey Chevrolet parked on grass of left side of property does not have tags; black truck on driveway does not have tags; white trailer on right side of property does not have tags) Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Black truck in driveway is inoperable) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/26/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/28/15. Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the property has been inspected several times including March 24, 2015, at which time the property was found to be still in violation. Photographs 1 - 4 were entered into evidence. William Boggess, being duly sworn, acting on behalf of Respondent testified that he is the son of Respondent and is aware of the violations and is in the process of resolving all issues. Mr. Boggess requested a continuance. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-25818468 San Pablo Avenue in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation and give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter and in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code -Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 9 of 18 H.21. Owner: Vera Kushnir Case: Property: 15-291 2836 Abbeville Road Violation(s): Chapter 42-24, North Port City Code - Responsibilities of Property Owners (City Right of Way damaged due to semi-truck) Chapter 25-19G(1), Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Semi-tractor trailer parked in residential • district) Agenda Item H.21(15-291/2836 Abbeville Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.22. Owner: Tim Pruitt Case: Property: 15-302 3500 W. Price Blvd. Violation(s): Section 25-19R, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Wrecker parked on property) Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris on property creating junk like conditions) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/07/15 returned unable to forward on 03-18-15; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview and entered into evidence photographs 1- 2. Respondent Tim Pruitt, being duly sworn, testified that the wrecker truck in question is in the process of being converted to an RV for personal use and is no longer used in the Respondent's towing business. The majority of the debris has been removed and the Respondent is in the process of removing all remaining debris. Addressing concerns, Mr. Pruitt noted that all the tow truck equipment has been removed, the tow truck has been repainted with all business information removed, and the interior is in the process of being refurbished. When the interior refurbishment is complete, the light bar attached to • the truck will be removed. The tags are current and registered to the Respondent. The Respondent is the owner of North Port Towing. Staff recommended a continuance. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson continued Case#15-30213500 W. Price Boulevard regarding Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles to the April 23, 2015 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing and on violation Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris the Respondent was found to be in violation and given ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $10.00 per day thereafter. H.23. Owner: Roland V. Neuhaus Case: 15-310 Property: Violation(s): 6385 Freemont Street Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris in front of front door) Agenda Item H.23 (15-310/6385 Freemont Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. • H.24. Owner: John & Brenda Jabara Case: 15-330 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 10 of 18 Properly: Violation(s): • 2304 Johannesberg Road Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (Fence installed without permit) Agenda Item H.24 (15-330/2304 Johannesberg Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.25. Owner: Joseph C. Hill Case: Property: 15-334 1635 Japan Street Violation(s): Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris all over property creating junk like conditions) Section 25-1913, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Three trailers (2 are closed trailers); one open trailer) Agenda Item H.25 (15-334/1635 Japan Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.26. Owner: William B. Johnson Case: 15-340 Property: Violation(s): 6124 Hoffinan Street Section 25-19F (2) & H, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Boat and black trailer with two ATV's on property) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/07/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/14/15. • Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that he was unable to inspect the property prior to the Special Magistrate Hearing and requested a continuance. Based on evidence presented, Special_Magistrate Robinson continued Case#15-34016124 Hoffman Street to the April 23, 2015 Special Magistrate Hearing to afford staff time to re-inspect the property. H.27. Owner: Mary E. Flynn Case: 15-343 Property: Violation(s): 3024 Congress Street Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (No permit to enclose front entry of the house) Agenda Item H.27 (15-343/3024 Congress Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.28. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): • 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Patrick J. Love 15-364 1847 Braddock Avenue Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required (Hot tub permit never picked up and has expired) Section 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles) (Debris inside open trailer in back yard) Section 25-19F(2) & H, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Jet Ski in back yard is not on a licensed trailer) Page 11 of 18 Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/09/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/11/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly, provided an overview and testified that the initial inspection occurred on January 22, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter, including researching the required permit on March 25, 2015 and found that the permit has been approved and ready for Respondent to pay for the permit fee since January 23, 2013. Photographs 1 - 4 were entered into evidence. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-36411847 Braddock Avenue in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit Required and to give Respondent 10 days to comply or impose a fine of $50.00 per day thereafter and in violation ofSection 25-19J, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Section 25-19F(2), Unified Land Development Code - Parking and Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent 10 days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafterfor each violation. H.29. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Ann M. Barkenquast 15-375 4595 McKibben Drive Section 53-240M, Unified Land Development Code (Metal fence installed without permit) Agenda Item H.29 (15-375/4595 McKibben Drive) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 11.30. Owner: Thomas E. Greer & Sheryl L. Shaw Case: 15-384 Property: Violation(s): 8384 Agress Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris in rear yard) • Agenda Item H.30 (15-384/8384 Agress Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.31. Owner: Clay & Nancy Johansson Case: 15-387 Property: Violation(s): 6048 Merril Street Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris on property, includes tires, household furniture and tree trimmings) Agenda Item H.31 (15-387/6048 Merril Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 11.32. Owner: Raymond & Kristine Winiecke Case: 15-426 Property: Violation(s): 4527 Bamonte Street Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Trailer with boat needs to have current tag) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/26/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 12 of 18 • • Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the property was last inspected on March 24, 2015 at which time the property was found to be still in violation. Photographs 1- 2 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-42614527 Bamonte Street in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose afine of $25.00 per day thereafter. H.33. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 15-453 4374 Watova Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Debris in front, side and rear yard) Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Trash cans being stored in street) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Silver SUV parked in driveway does not have tag) Agenda Item H.33 (15-453/4374 Watova Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.34. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Secretary of Housing & Urban Development 15-458 8029 Larrimore Avenue Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Fence in disrepair - needs to be fixed, replace or moved) Agenda Item H.34 (15-458/8029 Larrimore Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, • Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.35. Owner: Louis J. Weinstein Case: 15-491 Property: Violation(s): 3369 Trapper Lane Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Wood and other miscellaneous items on right side of property) Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Brown Acura on driveway is not registered) Agenda Item H.35 (15-491/3369 Trapper Lane) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.36. Owner: Carol Moran Case: 15-495 Property: Violation(s): 4343 Dekle Avenue Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (Silver Grand AM not registered) Agenda Item H.36 (15-495/4343 Dekle Avenue) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. • H.37. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Federal National Mortgage Assn. C/O OCWEN Loan Servicing LLC 15-543 4436 Putnam Avenue Chapter 66-62(c), North Port City Code Page 13 of 18 (In ground basketball hoop installed in City Right-of-Way) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/26/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 02/28/15. • Property Standards Inspector Charles Day, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that initial inspection occurred on February 3, 2015 with subsequent inspections thereafter. The property appears to be vacated be maintained and still in violation of Chapter 66-62 (c), North Port City Code. Photographs 1 - 2 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-54314436 Putnam Avenue in violation of Chapter 66-62 (c), North Port City Code for in ground basketball hoop installed in City Right-of-Way and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter. H.38. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): David W. Rhodes 15-552 2771 Ridgewood Drive Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris on right side of house) Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers (Garbage containers and recycling bins are stored in driveway) Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (There are no assigned numbers on the house) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 02/26/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. • Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, provided an overview and testified that the property was initially inspected on February 3, 2015 with subsequent inspections occurring thereafter. There has been no contact with the Respondent. Photographs 1- 2 were entered into evidence. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-55212771 Ridgewood Drive in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris, Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placement of Containers; and Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers and to give Respondent ten (10) days to comply or impose a fine of $10.00 per day thereafter for each violation. Recess from 10:36 a.m. to 10:41 a.m. H.39. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): BVCC ELEVEN LLC 15-567 3189 Bobcat Village Center Road Chapter 34-21, North Port City Code - Business Tax Receipt (Business tax has expired) Agenda Item H.39 (15-567/3189 Bobcat Village Center Road) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. H.40. Owner: Virginia L. Thomas Case: 15-640 Property: 3117 Idlewood Street 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing • Page 14 of 18 Violation(s): • Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous debris on right side of property) Section 25-19B (1), Unified Land Development Code - Parking & StoraLre of Certain Vehicles (Inoperable blue Chevrolet pickup on right side of property) Agenda Item H.40 (15-640/3117 Idlewood Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 1. STATUS OF CODE VIOLATIONS (2"" Hearing): 1.1. Owner: Christopher Raphial Case: 14-1769 Property: Violations: Dunbarton Street Chapter 66-62(f), North Port City Code (A culvert pipe shall be installed and permitted, for either permanent or temporary, to access property through City Right of Way) Chapter 70-21, North Port City Code (It shall be unlawful to construct or drive construction equipment to clear land through the City Right of Way without first obtaining a right-of-way use permit) Section 45-5A, Unified Land Development Code - Prohibitions (Before clearing any land or under brush, trees or dirt, you must first obtain a land clearing permit and survey and all other permits for any clearing or construction. Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 with no receipt returned; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. • Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, testified that the property is still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-1769/Dunbarton Street to be in violation of Chapter 66-62 (1), North Port City Code and Chapter 70-21, North Port City Code and to impose the previously assessed fine of $10.00 per day beginning March 16, 2015 for each violation; and in violation of Section 45-5A, Unified Land Development Code - Prohibitions and to impose the previously assessedfine of $25.00 per day beginning March 16, 2015. 1.2. Owner: Case: Jorge Chavaino 14-1831 Property: 4047 Clearfield Street Violation(s): Chapter, Florida Building Code Permits Period of (Permit for fence and enclosing lanai expired with outstanding inspections) Validi Agenda Item 1.2 (14-1831/4047 Clearfield Street) achieved compliance as listed per Agenda Item F, Code Compliances, with no further action required. 1.3. Owner: Ingrid Wend (Estate of) c/o Patricia Slagle Case: 14-1845 Property: Violation(s): 3137 Cascabel Terrace Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code (No permit for water heater when installed) • Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 03/10/15. 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 15 of 18 i Property Standards Inspectors noted that the property is still in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code. • Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-184513137 Cascabel Terrace to be in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code and to impose the previously assessedfine of $50.00 per day beginning March 15, 2015. 1.4. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Renay M. Kaczenski-Varney 14-1861 8161 Porto Chico Avenue Chanter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Miscellaneous household items stored in front yard) (Garbage cans stored in front yard) Section 25-19A & 25 19P, Unified Land Development Code Parkin2 & Storage of Certain Vehicles (White caravan, expired tag and house guests staying in recreational vehicle for more than 20 days) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 03/07/15. Property Standards Inspector Shellee Hall, being duly sworn, reported that Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris and Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code - Placementof Containers are in compliance and should be removed. The property is still in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Code and Section 25-19P, Unified Land Development Code. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-186118161 Porto Chico Avenue to be in violation of Section 25-19A, Unified Land Development Cod - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and Section 25-19P, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles and to impose the previously assessed fine of $25.00 per day beginning March 16, 2015for each violation. 1.5. Owner: Kyle & Amy Smith Case: Property: Violation(s): 14-1873 6338 Kenwood Drive Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Loose debris, old tires and several bags of trash on right side yard) Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles (One enclosed utility trailer and two boat s r' trailers on property) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 with receipt returned signed and undated on 03/09/15. Property Standards Inspector Kevin Raducci, being duly sworn, testified that the property is in compliance with Chapter 42-22, North Port Code - Accumulation of Debris and should be removed. The property is still in violation of Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code - Parking & Storage of Certain Vehicles. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-1873/6338 Kenwood Drive to be in violation of Section 25-19B, Unified Land Development Code and to impose the previously assessedfine of $10.00 per day beginning March 15, 2015.. 1.6. Owner: Milton Cranford Case: 14-1883 Property: 2100 Palo Alto Avenue 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing • Page 16 of 18 Violation(s): Chapter, Florida Buildinu Code - Permits (Air conditioning permit expired due to no final inspection) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 and returned unable to forward on 03/24/15; on 03/11/15 Notice was posted on property; and on 03/13/15 Notice was posted in City Hall. Property Standard Inspectors reported that Respondent is still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-188312100 Palo Alto Avenue to be in violation of Chapter, Florida Building Code - Permits, and to impose the previously assessedfine of $50.00 per day beginning March 15, 2015. 1.7. Owner: Bank of New York Mellon TTEE (CWABS INC CERTS 2007-SEA1) Case: Property: 14-1890 5465 Cambay Street Violation(s): Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code - Accumulation of Debris (Several sections of fence have fallen and are laying in back yard; other sections are ready to fall in) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 with receipt returned signed and undated on 03/09/15. Property Standards Inspectors reported that Respondent is still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-189015465 Cambay Street to be in violation of Chapter 42-22, North Port City Code -Accumulation of Debris and to impose the previously assessedfine of $10.00 per day beginning March 15, 2015. • I.B. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): JPMorgan Chase Bank NA 14-1953 3120 Lucaya Avenue Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers (No visible house numbers) Lien Specialist Cindi Basset stated for the record that the Notice of Mandatory Hearing was sent certified mail on 03/05/15 with receipt returned signed and dated on 03/09/15. Property Standards Inspectors reported that Respondent is still in violation. Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case #14-195313120 Lucaya Avenue to be in violation of Chapter70-56, North Port City Code - Assigned Numbers and to impose the previously assessedfine of $10.00 per day beginning March 15, 2015. 1.9. Owner: Case: Property: Violation(s): Michael Schoeff 15-391 1668 Tropicare Blvd. Section 53-27, Unified Land Development Code Special Exceptions AG District (Kenneling puppies on property for commercial gain) Joseph Newman, acting on behalf of Respondent Michael Schoeff, has been duly sworn. • Property Standards Inspector Kyle Hoffman, being duly sworn, provided an overview and reported that the Special Exemption the Respondent filed has gone before the Planning & Zoning Advisory Board and is scheduled to go before the City Commission in the month of April, 2015 for consideration. 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 17 of 18 Mr. Newman noted that he is awaiting the decision of the City Commission regarding the application for a Special Exemption. City Attorney Moriarty, being duly sworn, noted that the City Commission approved the filing of an injunction against the property in question and the Respondent is in violation of Section 53-27, Unified Land Development Code - Special Exceptions - AG District while awaiting the determination of the Special Exemption application. 0- Based on evidence presented, Special Magistrate Robinson found Case#15-39111668 Tropicare Boulevard in violation of Section 53-27 Unified Land Development Code - Special Exemptions - AG District, and to impose the previously assessedfind of $25.00 per day beginning March 15, 2015. K. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. L. GENERAL BUSINESS Special Magistrate Robinson requested that staff note a request for a continuance at the beginning of the Property Standards Inspector's presentation if a continuance is appropriate. This would save meeting time and if the Respondent is still in violation at the next scheduled meeting, at that time the presentation would be heard. Discussion ensued regarding: 1) the purpose of Property Standards presenting the case prior to requesting a continuance; and 2) criteria for requesting a continuance including: a) staff agrees with the Respondent requesting a continuance; b) staff requesting a continuance if the Respondent is in the process of addressing the issues and coming into compliance; and c) if Respondent attends the Special Magistrate Hearing and requests a continuance for good cause. 0 Property Standards staff agreed to request a continuance at the beginning of a case when appropriate. Discussion ensued regarding: 1) Land Patent document distributed by Respondent Steven Wagner - Case #14-2071; and 2) portable basketball hoops within the City's right-of-way. M. ADJOURNMENT Special Magistrate Robinson adjourned the March 26, 2015 Code enforcement Special Magistrate Hearing at 10:58 a.m. Minutes were approved at the Special Magistrate Meeting this 23rd day of April, 2015. • 03-26-15 Special Magistrate Hearing Page 18 of 18
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(15-1299/2496 Vedado Street).
Code Compliances, with no further action required.