norwegian films 2009 - Norsk filminstitutt


norwegian films 2009 - Norsk filminstitutt
norwegian films 2009
norwegian films 2009
P.O.Box 482 Sentrum N-0105 Oslo tel +47 22 47 45 00 fax +47 22 47 45 97 mail [email protected]
norwegian films 2009
Happy New Film Year
feature films
O’Horten O’Horten
Olsenbanden jr. og det sorte gullet The
Jakten på hukommelsen Hunting
2009 will be a year of great challenge for the Norwegian film industry.
genres. Among last year’s premieres, O’Horten, Cold Lunch and The Man
Down Memory
Last year’s high audience numbers for Norwegian films in Norwegian
Who Loved Yngve are among the films in demand at leading festivals.
Appelsinpiken The Orange Girl
Junior Olsen Gang and the Black Gold
Moderne slaveri Modern Slavery
cinema theatres create a desire for more, and a number of films are
De gales hus House of Fools
Prøvetid Trying Freedom
presently ready to be launched internationally. The grand-scale film Max
The Norwegian film wave, which started in 2001 after reorganizations of
De usynlige Troubled Water
Respekt Respect
Robert Crumptons Shakespeare
Manus, which at the time of writing has been seen by 900,000 people,
the State support system, has elevated Norwegian film to a higher level,
Den siste revejakta The Last Joint Venture
Rottenetter 27
Sannhetsjegeren Nemesis
deals with the Norwegian resistance struggle during the Second World
both regarding quality and quantity. This includes many important ele-
Død snø Dead Snow
Rovdyr Manhunt
Snøhulemannen The Snow Caveman
War, and represents a new, modern style within the comprehensive occu-
ments. A great number of films, a star team made up of younger actors,
Engelen The Angel
Sammen Together
To brødre Brothers
pation drama genre in Norwegian film history. The Kautokeino Rebellion
writers who write directly for film, The Norwegian Film School, and a
Yodok Stories Yodok Stories
also reached great box office numbers in 2008 (350,000), and in addition
deliberate focus on children’s film, documentaries for the cinema, and a
to Long Flat Balls II, The Last Joint Venture, Fatso, Kurt turns Evil, and
high number of short films, are the major components.
Fatso Fatso
Skjult Hidden
Fritt vilt 2 Cold Prey 2
Snarveien Shortcut
I et speil, i en gåte Through a Glass, Darkly 12
SOS – Svartskjær SOS – Summer of Suspense32
in production
Iskyss Icekiss
Ulykken The Accident
(22.5%) of Norwegian films in Norwegian cinema theatres. In addition,
The Government’s focus on culture, media and film production is a good
Jernanger Shooting the Sun
Ulvenatten Night of the Wolf
Bastøy King of Devil’s Island
DVD sales are among the highest in Europe.
basis for this. In the new film policy, which a reorganized Film Institute
Upperdog 35
Troubled Water, it constitutes a solid base for the high market share
has been set to execute, some of the central elements will be women on
The Kautokeino Rebellion
Varg Veum – Falne engler Fallen Angels
Nytt norsk håp
This year’s new Norwegian films are met with great expectations. The
both sides of the camera, and the importance of the regions, not least for
Knerten 16
Vegas Vegas
Pax Pax
Orange Girl is based on Jostein Gaarder’s novel of the same title. Gaarder
the presentation of locations and co-productions. In view of all this, we
Kurt blir grusom Kurt Turns Evil
Yatzy Yatzy
Pelle politibil går i vannet
has previously written the international success Sophie’s World, which
welcome you to a fruitful engagement with Norwegian film at interna-
Lange flate ballær II Long Flat Balls II
Yohan – barnevandreren Yohan – the Child
has later been filmed for the cinemas and made into a TV series. The
tional festivals and markets.
Lønsj Cold Lunch
Who Loved Yngve
documentary films
vals around the world, along with other “scary movies” like Cold Prey 2
Oslo, January 20, 2009
Max Manus Max Manus
99% ærlig 99% Honest
and Manhunt. We are also looking forward to Shooting the Sun, which
Nina Refseth
Nord North
Blod & ære Big John
opened the Tromsø International Film Festival in January, and which
Mannen som elsket Yngve The Man
norwegian films 1999-2008
genre-transcending Nazi-zombie film Dead Snow was selected for this
year’s Sundance Festival, and is expected to be in great demand at festi-
is expected to become a sought-after film within the more artistic film
De gales hus
the orange girl
House of Fools
Drama | 81 min | Colour | 5 reels | Scope | Dolby SR·D
Drama | 102 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Eva Dahr
director: Eva Isaksen
screenplay: Andreas Markusson and Axel Helgeland
screenplay: Åse Vikene based on Karin Fossum’s novel
based on Jostein Gaarder’s novel Appelsinpiken
De gales hus
director of photography: Harald Gunnar Paalgard
director of photography: Harald Gunnar Paalgard
producer: Axel Helgeland for Helgeland Film AS
cast: Ingrid Bolsø Berdal | Thorbjørn Harr | Fridtjov
cast: Mikkel Bratt Silset | Harald T. Rosenstrøm | Annie D.
Såheim | Rolf Lassgård | Andrea Bræin Hovig | Hildegunn
Nygaard | Rebekka Karijord | Emilie K. Beck
Riise | Rolf Kristian Larsen | Anneke von der Lippe
release date: February 22, 2009
producers: Hilde Berg and Bent Rognlien for Norsk
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
contact: Beta Cinema | Grünwalder Weg 28d | DE-82041
release date: September 12, 2008
Oberhaching | Tel: +49 89 67 34 69 80
norwegian distributor: Norsk Filmproduksjon
Fax: +49 89 67 34 69 888 | Mail: [email protected]
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvi-
| feature films
dovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
Mail: [email protected] |
It could have been a perfectly normal day, if he had missed that streetcar...
But Jan Olav just catches that streetcar, on a cold autumn day in Oslo. And on that exact streetcar,
on that exact day, there she is. A beautiful girl in a red coat, holding a large bag of oranges in her
arms. She smiles, and as their eyes meet she drops the bag and the oranges roll all over the streetcar.
She gets off at the next stop, but Jan Olav cannot forget her. Who is she, what if he never sees her
again? The quest for the girl with the oranges leads him through winter-cold Oslo and all the way to
colourful Seville, where the air is warm and the trees are full of oranges.
Twenty years later Georg receives a letter from his father, Jan Olav, about a mysterious girl he
calls the Orange Girl. But what can a father who is no longer alive have to tell his 16-year-old son?
Georg starts reading the letter on his way to ski in the Norwegian mountains. On this ski trip he
meets Stella. Through his father’s letter and a magical encounter under the starry Easter sky, Georg
realizes that he and his father have something in common – the dream of true love. Does Georg dare
take the chance?
After having studied
Eva Dahr is one of
Norway’s most prolific
theatre and film at the
filmmakers these days. She
Aina wants to get away from it all, but the house of fools is certainly not a peaceful place to be. After
University of Oslo (1982),
was the conceptual direc-
throwing herself through a shop window, Aina is taken in to the institution Varden for treatment.
Eva Isaksen (1956) made
tor of the acclaimed TV
Reluctantly she joins therapy groups, riding lessons and cleansing conversation with those who wants
her debut in 1985 with
series Himmelblå, which
to help her. At Varden, Aina meets with both anxiety, pain, laughter and mad humour – life in its wide
set a ratings record for
drama productions in Norway in 2008. She also cowrote and directed the feature film Mars & Venus,
range of shades and colours. Through the eyes of twentyfour year old Aina, we meet a crazy group of
both patients and helpers, all together bringing back the spark of life and wish to go on. In the house
of fools, Aina learns that sheer madness usually makes a lot of sense!
the feature film Burning
Flowers (in co-directing
with Eva Dahr Death at
Oslo Central (1990) was
a block-buster, and the comedy Stork Staring Mad
which obtained 130,000 admissions in Norwegian
was released in 1994, also with a large audience.
theatres and was nominated as Norwegian Movie of
From 2000 to 2007 Eva directed a large number of
the Year in 2007. She has also directed a number of
mini-series for NRK. In 2003 she directed Mother´s
highly acclaimed short films for which she has re-
Elling. Eva Isaksen has received numerous awards,
ceived a string of national and international awards.
both nationally and internationally.
De usynlige
Den siste revejakta
Troubled Water
The Last Joint Venture
Drama | 121 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 7 reels | Dolby SR·EX
Comedy | 84 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Erik Poppe
director: Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
screenplay: Harald Rosenløw Eeg
screenplay: Thomas Seeberg Torjussen and Mette M. Bølstad
director of photography: John Christian Rosenlund
based on Ingvar Ambjørnsen’s novel Den siste revejakta
producers: Finn Gjerdrum | Stein B. Kvae for Paradox
director of photography: Gaute Gunnari
Rettigheter AS
producer: Synnøve Hørsdal for Maipo Film & TV-produksjon AS
cast: Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen | Ellen Dorrit Petersen
cast: Kristoffer Joner | Nicolai Cleve Broch | Kåre Conradi
| feature films
Trine Dyrholm | Trond Espen Seim
Bjørn Sundquist | Marte Germaine Christensen
release date: September 26, 2008
release date: August 29, 2008
norwegian distributor: Scanbox Entertainment
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
sales: Bavaria Film International | Bavariafilmplatz 7
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvidovre
DE-82031 Geiselgasteig | Tel: +49 89 6499 3687 | Fax:
Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
+49896499 3720 | Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected] |
How do you find light, joy and purpose in life after the worst imaginable tragedy hits you?
Jan Thomas is released from prison after having served eight years for murder.
He is a divinely gifted organist, and gets a deputyship in a church. Here he meets Anna, a single
Troubled Water is the
third film in Erik Poppe’s
trilogy which started with
Schpaa,a story about a
gang of criminal boys, and
mother and priest. As his relationship with Anna becomes stronger, he also develops a close relation-
continued with Hawaii,
ship to her son. One day, Jan Thomas picks up the little boy in the kindergarten. For one short mo-
Oslo, five potent stories
ment, he is distracted, and suddenly the boy is gone... Agnes is married to Jon. Agnes is a teacher on
a school visit to the church. She recognizes the organist as the young boy who was convicted of the
murder on their son. She decides not to tell her husband about it, and is increasingly drawn towards
Jan Thomas’ life and away from her own.
Troubled Water are two potent stories about people who try to come to terms with the past – and
with their own fate.
about love. Erik has won a
number of awards for his
The hippie decade is coming to an end, and the eighties are approaching fast. Carl and Robert are two
The Last Joint Venture is
slacker characters who live in harmony with the world around them, and let life pass them by in a
based on Ingvar Ambjørn-
perpetual hash high. They earn a little dough on minor sales of pot, in their own opinion providing
essential stimulus to a suffering population.
After the worst drought of all times in the streets of Oslo, they are now ready for their last great
first two feature films, among them several Crit-
scoop. Their dream of a hippie community in the countryside will finally become a reality! Enter
ics’ Awards for Best Film at various international
Glenn, a financial backer with ambitious yuppie plans. Carl and Robert awake from their hazy har-
festivals, and an Amanda for Norwegian Feature
mony, and are forced to fight back. They’re about to enter a wild, dramatic and hysterically funny trip
Film of the Year in 2005. Erik was educated as a
film photographer at the University College of Film,
Radio, Television and Theatre in Stockholm.
through the Oslo underworld and all the way to Finnskogen.
sen’s cult novel about the
transition from the innocent idyll of the seventies
to the tough individualism
of the yuppie era. The film
is directed by Ulrik Imtiaz
Rolfsen, who has formerly
been behind films like Izzat and Bitter Flowers.
dead snow
the angel
Black comedy | 91 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | Dolby Digital
Drama | 120 min | Colour | 1:1,66 | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Tommy Wirkola
director: Margreth Olin
screenplay: Stig Frode Henriksen and Tommy Wirkola
screenplay: Margreth Olin
director of photography: Matt Weston
director of Photography: Kim Hiorthøy
cast: Charlotte Frogner | Stig Frode Henriksen | Vegar Hoel
cast: Maria Bonnevie | Gunilla Röör | Antti Reini
| Jeppe Beck Laursen | Evy Kasseth Røsten | Jenny Skavlan |
producer: Thomas Robsahm for Speranza Production AS
Bjørn Sundquist | Ane Dahl Torp | Lasse Valdal
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
Ørjan Gamst
release date: August 2009
producers: Tomas Evjen and Terje Strømstad for Miho Film
contact: Speranza Production AS | Waldemar
norwegian distributor: Euforia Film
Thranes gt. 84 C | N- 0175 Oslo | Tel: +47 22 04 48 30
release date: January 9, 2009
Fax: +47 22 04 48 31 | Mail: [email protected]
sales: Elle Driver | 66 rue Miromesnil | F-75008 Paris
| feature films
Død snø
Tel: +33 1 56 43 48 70 | Fax: +33 1 45 61 46 08
Tommy Wirkola (1979)
Margreth Olin graduated
is the director and script-
from Volda University Col-
writer of Dead Snow. From
lege and the Universities of
The Angel is a story about women. About carrying and inheriting Mummy’s traumas. When addiction
Alta, Northern Norway.
Bergen and Oslo. She made
rules all your decisions.
Student of media at the
her debut as documentary
Finnmark University Col-
film maker with her gradu-
anticipated not returning home alive! However, the Nazi-zombie battalion haunting the mountains
lege and a student of Film
ation film In the House of
surrounding the aptly named Øksfjord (Axefjord) had other plans ...
Science at the Lillehammer
Love in 1995. In 1998, her
University College. Bach-
first full feature documen-
The group of friends had all they would need for a successful Easter vacation; cabin, skis, snowmobile, toboggan, copious amounts of beer and a fertile mix of the sexes. Certainly, none of them had
Lea grows up in a home characterized by a lack of protection. From being a cheerful, curious little
girl, Lea changes dramatically when her mother Madeleine returns to her ex-husband Ole. The death
dance between two adults harms the child growing up between them.
Dope enables Lea to hold out everyday life with her family. Then Lea gives birth to her daughter
elor in Film & Television at the Bond University
tary In the House of Angels premiered in Norwegian
Sonja. She wishes to break with her family and start a new life. She wants to take care of her child
in Australia. Motion picture debut as director/
cinema theatres, and won a number of prizes. Her
and give her the protection she herself never got. But Lea soon realizes that she lacks the ability to
scriptwriter of Kill Buljo - The Movie in 2007 (sold
breakthrough came with the film My Body (2002),
do so. Consequently, she has to make an impossible decision.
90.000 movie tickets and 95.000 DVDs), and has
which won several awards nationally and interna-
also made short films. Together with Stig Frode
tionally. Her latest film was Raw Youth.
Henriksen he has made Project Adonis and The Kill
Buljo Show.
Fritt vilt 2
COld Prey 2
Comedy | 94 min | Colour | 1:1,66 | 6 reels | Dolby SR EX
Thriller | 91 min | Colour | scope | 5 reels | dolby sr·d
| feature films
director: Arild Fröhlich
director: Mats Stenberg
screenplay: Lars Gudmestad and Arild Fröhlich based
screenplay: Thomas Moldestad
on the novel Fatso by Lars Ramslie
director of photography: Anders Flatland fnf
director of photography: Askild Vik Edvardsen
producers: Martin Sundland and Kristian Sinkerud for
cast: Nils Jørgen Kaalstad | Josefin Ljungman | Kyrre
Fantefilm AS
cast: Ingrid Bolsø Berdal | Marthe Snorresdatter Rovik
producers: Finn Gjerdrum and Stein B. Kvae for Para-
Kim Wifladt | Johanna Mørck | Fridtjov Såheim | Per
dox Rettigheter AS
release date: October 24, 2008
norwegian distributor: Nordisk filmdistribusjon
norwegian distributor: Scanbox
release date: October 10, 2008
contact: Paradox Rettigheter AS | Maridalsvn. 89
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvi-
N-0461 Oslo | Tel: +47 23 22 71 50
dovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
Fax: +47 23 22 71 51 | Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected] |
| feature films
Rino lives in the apartment he has taken over from his grandmother. He is thirty years old. He eats
Arild Fröhlich made his
Nugatti chocolate spread straight from the box. He daydreams on, and chats all
feature film debut with the
night under his alter ego Knullegutt. He has one friend, Filip.
Rino lives a deplorable life. But at least he lives his pathetic life in peace. Without witnesses. Until
Rino’s father decides that one of the rooms should be rented out. He has already found a tenant. She
is Swedish, his father says. She? Says Rino. Yes, she, his father says.
She will move in the next weekend. Rino’s pitiful existence is about to be exposed. He is about
to be stripped naked. And before him stands a sexy, Swedish 19-year-old, with the coolest gang of
friends in Oslo.
Fatso is not the story of a horny fat guy who has wanked himself into a corner. It is a story of
someone who wants to be just like everyone else. And about how hard it is to be big and soft.
success film and Amanda
Cold Prey II is Mats Sten-
During the winter of 2006 five youth faced a brutal tragedy in the Norwegian mountains. Only one
award winner Pitbull
berg’s feature film debut.
He has a long experience
girl survived. Cold and weak she struggles back to civilization. A bloody and beaten Jannicke is
Terje (2005). As director
of popular NRK series,
from directing commercials
Arild’s specialty has for
starting as early as 1990,
many years been humour
collaborating with compa-
on film. He graduated from
nies in Sweden, Norway
Volda University College in 1997. Since then, he
and Denmark. He begun
has worked as a freelance director of documenta-
working in Fantefilm in
ries, short films, commercials and music videos. In
2002, he also directed one of the contributions to
the episode film Utopia – Nobody’s Perfect in the
Perfect Country.
brought to the local hospital.
When she slowly awakes in her bed the hospital is dark and silent, without a living soul around.
She steps out in the corridors....
Is the nightmare not over?
I et speil, i en gåte
Through a Glass,
director: Jesper W. Nielsen
screenplay: Jesper W. Nielsen based on Jostein
Gaarder’s novel I et speil, i en gåte
director of photography: Philip Øgaard
producer: Turid Øversveen for Spillefilmkompaniet
4 ½ AS
cast: Marie Haagenrud | Aksel Hennie | Liv Ullmann
Mads Ousdal | Trine Wiggen | Espen Skjønberg | Maria
Sundell | Alex Batllori
release date: October 17, 2008
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
| feature films
| feature films
Youth drama | 100 min | Colour | Scope | Dolby SR·D
Drama | 83 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
director: Knut Erik Jensen
screenplay: Knut Erik Jensen and Alf R. Jacobsen
based on Jacobsen’s novel Iskyss
director of photography: Svein Krøvel
producer: Egil Ødegård for Filmhuset Produksjoner AS
cast: Ellen Dorrit Petersen | Aleksandr Bukharov
Per Egil Aske | Yevgeny Sidikin | Vladimir Chernyshov
Morten Traavik
release date: September 3, 2008
norwegian distributor: SEG Distribusjon
contact: Filmhuset Produksjoner AS | Riddervoldsgt. 10
N-0258 Oslo | Tel: +47 22 54 33 50
Fax: +47 22 54 33 51 | Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected] |
Knut Erik Jensen (1940)
”My own mother country I could betray, but never you and our love…”
Through a Glass, Darkly is a film for children and youth based on Jostein Gaarder’s book of the same
The film’s director and
started his career as a
title, a novel which has sold two million copies worldwide. It’s short before Christmas. Cecilie (13) is
scriptwriter, Danish Jesper
documentary film maker
W. Nielsen, has, among
for TV in the early 70’s,
other films, directed The
and has since directed 3
Last Viking, Little Big
feature films and countless
Sister, Okay and Big Plans.
documentaries both for
how fateful one single decision may be for an individual. What would have been your decision in
He has also written the
the screen and for televi-
such an extreme situation?
TV series Sommer, and
sion. His documentary Cool
seriously ill, and spends most of her time in bed, dreaming about Sebastiano whom she fell in love
with on a trip to Southern Europe last summer. One night, a weird little guy called Ariel turns up in
her room and tells her he’s an angel. They make a pact; they will tell each other the secrets of earth
and heaven.
written and directed The
& Crazy reached a large audience nationally as well
as internationally.
Norway’s only known female spy, Gunvor Galtung Haavik, was willing to do anything for love. She
had to pay an agonizing price. Icekiss gives us her moving story about love and espionage in the
chilliest period of the Cold War. The film is a tribute to great, all-consuming love, and demonstrates
Shooting the Sun
Drama | 93 min | Colour | Scope | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Pål Jackman
The Kautokeino
screenplay: Pål Jackman | Eigil Jansen | Hans Erik
Drama | 96 min | Colour | 1:2,35 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
Voktor based on an idea by Pål Jackman and Marianne
director: Nils Gaup
screenplay: Nils Gaup | Tone Pelone Wahl | Reidar Jöns-
director of photography: Jakob Ingimundarson
son | Nils Isak Eira
cast: Bjørn Sundquist | Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen | Mary
director of photography: Philip Øgaard
Sarre | Rikke Lie | Nils Utsi
producers: Börje Hansson | Jørgen Storm Rosenberg for
producers: Maria Ekerhovd and Torleif Hauge for
Rubicon TV AS
Kong Film AS
cast: Anni-Kristiina Juuso | Aslat Mathis Gaup | Mikkel
norwegian distributor: SF Norge AS
Gaup | Nils Peder Isaksen Gaup | Mikael Persbrandt
release date: January 16, 2009
Bjørn Sundquist | Mikael Nyqvist | Jørgen Langhelle
contact: Kong Film AS | Tollbodallmeningen 1 B
release date: January 18, 2008
N-5004 Bergen | Tel: +47 95 18 81 18 | Fax:+47 53 51
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
80 01 | Mail: [email protected] |
sales: NonStop Sales AB | Döbelnsgatan 24 | SE-113 52
Stockholm | Tel. +46 8 673 9980 | Fax: +46 8 673 9988
Mail. [email protected] |
Pål Jackman (b 1967) made
Shooting the Sun is a tale about the ill-tempered Eivind who isn’t scared of anything – except love.
his feature debut with
Eivind lives aboard a boat in Southern Norway.
Detector in 2000. This was
For centuries the windswept mountain plateau of northern Scandinavia has been inhabited
Nils Gaup is back with a
story from the Sami com-
The boat lies low and lopsided in the water. Thirty years ago, Eivind left his homestead and his
by the native sami population and their reindeers. But modernisation is about to enter the desolate
teenage sweetheart behind, and he has not been back since. He meant to return when everything was
village of Kautokeino where the authority is held by the prosperous and ruthless liquor dealer Ruth,
honky-dory, only that never happened. Then young Kris appeared. He wanted to travel the world,
staring Mikael Persbrandt. One of the native tribes, led by the young woman Elen, refuses to pay their
tector created a new wave
but never made it further than to the lifeboat in Jernanger. The two men hit it off, and together they
unjust debt to Ruth. Without a trial, Ruth manages to imprison most of Elen’s tribe, leaving Elen alone
in Norwegian film, a kind
hatch a great plan.
to take care of the reindeers. Elen gets help to set up a trial in which the men are released, but Ruth
a huge success both with
critics and at the box office.
It has been claimed that De-
of film that was embraced
claims ownership of the tribe’s reindeers to cover the cost of the trial. Loosing the basis of their lives,
by the audience. In addition to directing and acting,
Elen and her tribe have little choice but to oppose to Ruth’s claim, leading to one of the most dramatic
Jackman has enjoyed great success with his orches-
episodes in northern Scandinavian history.
munity. His first feature film,
The Pathfinder which was
nominated for an Academy
Award in 1987, was based
on a Sami legend. In the
period between these two
films, he has made several
feature films in Norway and abroad, such as Haakon
tra, Wunderkammer, which has released two critically
Haakonsen, Head above Water, Tashunga and Misery
acclaimed albums.
| feature films
Kurt blir grusom
English title tba
Kurt turns Evil
Children’s film | 75 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | dolby sr·ex
| feature films
director: Åsleik Engmark
Children’s animation | 74 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels |
Dolby SR·D
director: Rasmus Sivertsen
screenplay: Birgitte Bratseth based on the novel
screenplay: Karsten Fullu and Per Schreiner based on
Lillebror og Knerten by Anne Cath. Vestly
Erlend Loe’s novels about Kurt
director of photography: Ari Willey
producers: Cornelia Boysen for Nordisk Film and Ove
cast: Adrian G. Smith | Petrus Andreas Christensen | Jan
Heiborg for Qvisten Animation
Gunnar Røise | Pernille Sørensen
release date: October 31, 2008
producers: Finn Gjerdrum and Stein B. Kvae for
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
Paradox Rettigheter AS
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650
norwegian distributor: Scanbox
Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
release date: November 6, 2009
Mail: [email protected] |
contact: Paradox Rettigheter AS | Maridalsvn. 89
N-0461 Oslo | Tel. +47 23 22 71 50
Fax: +47 23 22 71 51 | Mail: [email protected]
Rasmus A. Sivertsen is a
second generation anima-
The film Knerten is all about a tough, naughty, quick-witted and brave boy. Lillebror has just moved,
Åsleik Engmark makes
Kurt is a clever guy. He is an incredibly good truck driver, but not everyone sees Kurt as he really is.
and has not made any new friends yet, when his imaginary friend – the wooden twig Knerten – ap-
his debut as film director
One day, someone tells Kurt that doctors are more important than truck drivers.
pears in the middle of a pile of firewood. When Lillebror’s mum gets a job in a store while Dad is
out travelling as an underwear salesman, Lillebror has to manage on his own most of the day. With
Knerten in his hand, he encounters a new everyday life filled with excitement and drama. But can a
pine twig be a real friend – and can the family afford to stay in the run-down house?
The film Knerten is based on the first book in Anne Cath Vestly’s classical children’s book series
about Lillebror and Knerten.
with Knerten. Engmark
is known as an actor and
stand-up comedian, and
throughout the past 20
years, he has been working in most fields within
entertainment - music,
theatre, opera and film. He was one of the driving
forces behind establishing the show and cabaret
group Lompelandslaget in 1987.
Kurt’s self confidence is deeply injured, and the same goes for his moustache. Together with his
son Bud, Kurt does everything to become important. But Kurt turns evil.
tor. He made short cartoon
films already as a 9-yearold. After two years of
animation studies at Volda
University College, he
worked as main animator
with Gurin with the Foxtail. In 1997, he became a joint owner of Qvisten
Animation. His short film debut, Guggen – The Big
Cheese, was nominated for the Amanda Award in
2002. The last few years in Qvisten, he has worked
on the children’s TV series 5 Friends on Cattlehill
and the feature film Kurt turns Evil.
| feature films
Lange flate
ballær ii
Cold Lunch
Drama | 90 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
| feature films
Long Flat Balls II
director: Eva Sørhaug
Comedy | 95 min | Colour | Scope | 6 reels | Dolby SR·D
screenplay: Per Schreiner
director: Harald Zwart
director of photography: John Andreas Andersen
screenplay: Pål Sparre-Enger
Producers: Håkon Øverås and Aagot Skjeldal for
director of photography: Geir Hartly Andreassen
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½
producers: Espen Horn and Harald Zwart
cast: Ane Dahl Torp | Aksel Hennie | Pia Tjelta | Bjørn
cast: Jan Edgar Fjell | Anders Fjell | Petter Jørgensen
Floberg | Anneke von der Lippe | Jan Gunnar Røise
Eirik Stener Tobiassen | Kai Helge Hansen | Henrik
Ingar Helge Gimle | Nicolai Cleve Broch | Birgitte Victoria
Morken Nielsen | Frode Lie | Don Johnsen
Svendsen | Kyrre Haugen Sydness
release date: March 13, 2008
release date: February 1, 2008
norwegian distributor: SF Norge AS
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
contact: Zwart Arbeid | Kirkegt. 27 | N-1632 Gamle Fre-
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650
drikstad | Tel: +47 69 32 22 33 | Fax: +47 69 32 20 50
Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
Mail: [email protected]|
Mail: [email protected] |
Eva Sørhaug (1971). got
her BA in Social Science
at Oslo University. A
few years later she left
Harald Zwart ascended
In this sequel to the Norwegian 2006 blockbuster, Hollywood director Harald Zwart presents the
Cold Lunch is a multi-plot drama about five people who all live in the same neighbourhood in Oslo.
into the Hollywood elite as
most action packed comedy ever made in Norway. The hilarious story of its predecessor is taken to
While Christer is down in the basement laundry room, he suddenly remembers he’s got his houserent
a new level as the six beer-bellied guys from the EdGarage find their plans for the imminent week
money in the shirt pocket. In an attempt to save the money, he disconnects the main fuse in order to
Francisco Academy of Art
totally changed by a draft for a national guard maneuver. After an accidental meeting with a U.S. Ad-
stop the washing machine. As the caretaker puts in a new fuse, an old man is fumbling with the fuses
College where she got
miral (Don Johnsen), we find our six misfits being the only ones between us and a nuclear holocaust…
in a fuse box upstairs and dies instantly. His daughter, Leni is now alone for the first time in her life.
director of Pink Panther
2. He has also directed
the films One Night at
McCool’s, and Agent Cody
Banks, the Swedish film
As the fresh mother Heidi is in the washroom to get her laundry, she discovers that the machines
Hamilton, as well as hav-
have stopped. She is in a hurry, and has to bring with her the wet clothes. Without being aware of it,
ing produced and directed
Christer has set unavoidable processes in motion.
the Norwegian success films Long Flat Balls and
Long Flat Balls II. As the only Norwegian, he is a
member of the Directors Guild of America.
Norway for studies abroad
and enrolled at The San
her MFA in filmmaking in
1999. She lived in the US for a total of 5 years. She
moved to Stockholm and went to Stockholm Dramatic Institute for one year as a part of completing
her Master degree in Filmmaking. Cold Lunch is her
first feature film after having directed several short
films since 2000.
Mannen som
elsket Yngve
Max Manus
Max Manus
Drama | 118 min | Colour | Scope | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
directors: Espen Sandberg and Joachim Rønning
screenplay: Thomas Nordseth based on Max Manus’ own books
director of photography: Geir Hartly Andreassen
Drama | 99 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby digital
producers: John M. Jacobsen and Sveinung Golimo for Film-
director: Stian Kristiansen
kameratene AS
screenplay: Tore Renberg based on his own novel
cast: Aksel Hennie | Kyrre Haugen Sydness | Mads Eldøen
director of photography: Trond Høines
Christian Rubeck | Nicolai Cleve Broch | Agnes Kittelsen | Ken
producer: Yngve Sæther for Motlys AS
Duken | Victoria Winge | Knut Joner
cast: Rolf Kristian Larsen | Ida Elise Broch | Arthur Bern-
release date: December 19, 2008
ing | Ole Christoffer Ertvaag
norwegian distributor: Nordisk filmdistribusjon
release date: February 15, 2008
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
sales: NonStop Sales | Döbelnsgt. 24 | SE-1123 52 Stock-
Mail: [email protected] |
holm | Tel: +46 8 673 9980 | Fax:+46 8 673 9988
Mail: [email protected] |
November 1989. The Berlin wall collapses. In Stavanger town, Jarle Klepp (17) has no idea that
Stian Kristiansen (1972)
Max Manus is the true story of the resistance fighter of the same name, who in spite of
has studied directing in
being one of the most wanted men by the Gestapo in Norway, participated in some of the
Stavanger, and graduated
everything is about to change. So far he has got everything; the best girlfriend in the world, and the
as a director from The
world’s coolest buddy. Together they will soon launch Stavanger’s toughest punk band, Mathias Rust
Norwegian Film School
Band. But then the new boy in class, Yngve, appears. He is not like anyone else, and Jarle is confused.
in 2006. He has worked
He does not know what to do. All he knows is that he cannot stop meeting Yngve, even if it involves
doing things he really hates. Slowly but steadily Jarle lets everyone around him down, and finds out
what it means to stand alone.
home to a Norway occupied by the Germans, in the spring of 1940. Before long, he and his
actor at Rogaland Teater,
buddies Gregers Gram and Gunnar Sønsteby start making trouble for the Germans. They
and acted in films such as
build up a resistance network, collect weapons and explosives, and undergo training in Eng-
the short films Adam and Eve, Blindsight, Kiss me,
god damn it!, Bad Investment and Hidden. The
man who loved Yngve is his feature film debut as
After having fought as a volunteer in the Finnish-Russian Winter War, Max Manus returns
for several years as an
Benny and Mongoland. He has previously directed
berg and
most daring sabotage attacks during the Second World War.
land. From their safe apartment in Oslo, they carry out sabotage attacks against important
Nazi targets, and they become increasingly more scheming. But the Gestapo investigator
Siegfried Fehmer works determinedly and patiently to stop Max, and soon he starts to
unravel the network around him.
graduated from
School, Sweden, in 1996. Under their professional name
Roenberg, they are credited with hundreds of outstanding commercials made all over the world. Sandberg and
Rønning’s first feature film was Bandidas, starring Penelope
Cruz and Salma Hayek, for producer Luc Besson and
Europa-corp in Mexico.
| feature films
The Man who Loved
Drama | 79 min | Colour | scope | 5 reels
Drama | 90 min. | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Rune Denstad Langlo
director: Bent Hamer
screenplay: Erlend Loe
screenplay: Bent Hamer
director of photography: Philip Øgaard
director of photography: John Christian Rosenlund
producers: Sigve Endresen and Brede Hovland for
producer: Bent Hamer for BulBul Film AS
Motlys AS
cast: Bård Owe | Espen Skjønberg | Ghita Nørby | Kai
cast: Anders Baasmo Christiansen
Remlov | Per Jansen
| feature films
release date: February 6, 2009
release date: December 26, 2007
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
norwegian distributor: Scanbox
sales: Memento Films | 6 Cité Paradis | F-75010 Paris
sales: The Match Factory, Balthasarstr. 79-81,
Tel. + 33 1 53 34 90 20 | Fax. +33 1 42 47 11 24
DE-50 670 Köln | Tel: +49 221 539 709 30 | Fax:
Mail: [email protected]
+49 221 539 709 10 | Mail: [email protected]
North is an antidepressive offroad film about the former athlete Jomar, who has isolated himself in
North is Rune Denstad
Odd Horten has spent his whole working life as a train engineer on the Bergen line. He will make
a sad and lonely existence after a mental breakdown. On a snowmobile, with pills and moonshine as
Langlo’s first full feature
one last journey over the mountain before he retires. But when the train leaves the station without
provisions, he embarks on a strange and poetic journey towards the north to meet his unknown son.
On this journey through amazing arctic landscapes, Jomar seems to do everything in his power to
avoid reaching his destination. On his way he meets other tender and confused souls, who all contribute to push Jomar further along his reluctant journey, and towards facing reality.
film, but Rune made his
cinema debut with the
documentary film Too
Much Norway, and also
premiered with his second
Horten on board, he realizes that the remainder of the journey will take place without printed time-
most exciting and distinctive film makers. His films
have won many awards
O’Horten is a melancholy comedy about engineer Odd Horten’s first arduous days and nights en
Honest in 2008. Through
situations, we become acquainted with the somewhat timid Horten. This portrait of him becomes a
to depict characters in a credible manner.
garded as one of Norway’s
to remain.
route from his working life to his post-retirement existence. Through warmly humorous and absurd
a skilfull storyteller, and has shown that he is able
producer, director) is re-
tables and familiar stations. Odd Horten has retired, and the platform does not feel like a safe place
cinema documentary 99%
his documentaries, Langlo has proved himself to be
Bent Hamer (scriptwriter,
captivating depiction of an elderly man losing his sense of direction – and refinding it.
worldwide. Eggs and Kitchen Stories (2003) were
both awarded an Amanda
as Best Cinema Film. Kitchen Stories also won the
European Distribution Award in Cannes in 2003.
His films have been screened in cinema theatres in
more than 40 countries, and have been selected for
the Cannes Film Festival four times.
Olsenbanden jr. og
det sorte gullet
English title tba
Children’s film | 85 min | Colour | 1:1,66 | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
| feature films
The Junior Olsen Gang
and the Black Gold
director: Atle Knudsen
screenplay: Kjetil Indregard and Atle Knudsen
Children’s film | 90 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
director of photography: Theodor Vogt Kris-
director: Arne Lindtner Næss
tensen fnf
screenplay: Peder Halmdahl Næss and Arne Lindtner Næss
cast: August Ekanger, Ann Kristin Sømme, Cecilie
director of photography: Kjell Vassdal
Mosli, Henrik Mestad, Elisabeth Sifsdatter Larsen,
producer: Roy Anderson for Nordisk Film og TV
Moin Deljou, Oriana Brut-Christensen
cast: Oskar Øiestad | Fridtjof Tangen | Jonas Hoff Oftebro
producer: Olav Øen for Monster Film AS
Jan Grønli | Lina Sørlie Strand
norwegian distributor: SF Norge AS
release date: January 30, 2009
release date: March 6, 2009
norwegian distributor: Nordisk filmdistribusjon
contact: Monster Film AS, Tullinsgt. 4C, N-0160
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvidovre
Oslo | Tel: +47 21 06 30 00 | Fax: +47 21 06 30 01
Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
Mail: [email protected] | www.
Mail: [email protected] |
Orps is about the group of friends Ikko, Amalie, Babb, Murmel and Ling, who all play in the Gamle Tomter
Brass Band. The annual great event is approaching: The Norwegian Championships. The band is going travelling! And there’s a chance to get a sweetheart! At least this is the goal of the gabby, impatient and bub-
Arne Lindtner Næss has
worked with all the Junior
Olsen Gang films. In 2005,
he directed Finding Friends,
and in the winter of 2008,
he worked with the family
bling Amalie. Meanwhile, Ling hopes that her great talent will finally be discovered – and Ikko hopes that
The story is set in the early 1960’s.
Egon Olsen persuades his friends to buy oil shares in order to take part in the approaching oil
adventure. At the same time, Egon gets on the trail of some sinister crooks who try to intercept
tests showing there is oil in the North Sea.
Director Atle Knud-
Ling will discover HIM. Murmel will possibly manage to play one entire tune without fainting, and maybe
sen (born 1971) has
the quiet, modest Babb will manage once and for all to tell everyone her opinion about bullying? But one
directed several TV
series for children.
ORPS was originally a
great obstacle, or rather a person, stands in their way: Their conductor, the famous cornetist Elsebeth Bull.
Elsebeth is an extremely evil, manipulating lady, who in a treacherous way decides to push the gang out
of the band. She is determined to win the Championships, and she won’t let anything stand in her way.
success SOS - Summer of
The Junior Olsen Gang want to convey the news to the authorities, but it doesn’t turn out quite
TV series for children.
Suspense. Arne Lindtner
as planned. Valborg is kidnapped and kept prisoner in the Cheops Pyramid. The Junior Olsen
This is Knudsen’s
Næss has worked as an actor
Gang travel to Egypt as stowaways on a ship in order to set Valborg free. But finding the way
feature film debut. He
former conductor – the eccentric Morris – they take up the fight for the Norwegian Champion title. And
has also worked as
despite great obstacles, the friends stick together – because this is what good brass band spirit is all
on several Norwegian theatre and cabaret stages, as
well as in feature films and TV series. Since 1985,
he has been working as a stage director, and later as
screenplay writer for several TV series.
through the labyrinth in the pyramid proves to be a tough challenge. First, the gang has to solve
the Sphinx’ riddle. And if they manage, a major problem remains: The ghost of the Pharaoh...
a director for Teater
The friends decide to start their own band, “Orps”. Together with the tomboy Jannik and the band’s
about! With great eagerness, enthusiasm and genuine joy of music, they inspire all the other bands in the
Norwegian Championship – because sometimes, it’s enough if you play from the heart.
English title tba
Youth drama | 74 min | Colour | Scope |
drama | 100 min | color | scope | dolby sr·ex
| feature films
director: Johannes Joner
director: Arild Østin Ommundsen
screenplay: Johannes Joner based on Nigel Williams’
screenplay: Arild Rein and Arild Østin Ommundsen
theatre play
director of photography: Trond Tønder
director of photography: Anders Flatland
cast: Christian Rubeck | Fridtjov Såheim | Silje Salomon-
producer: Aage Aaberge and Per Jørgen Østby for
sen | Kristoffer Joner
Nordisk Film AS
producers: Finn Gjerdrum and Stein B. Kvae for Para-
| feature films
cast: Fredrik Stabenfeldt | Daniel Karlsson | Mikael Dis-
dox Rettigheter AS
eth | Israel Jesus Elias Haroldo | Vikram Kee Damslora
release date: August 28, 2009
Svend Von Krogh Erichsen | Knut Joner
norwegian distributor: Scanbox
release date: March 7, 2008
contact: Paradox Rettigheter AS | Maridalsvn. 89,
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
N-0461 Oslo | Tel: +47 23 22 71 50 | Fax: +47 23 22 71
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650
51 | Mail: [email protected] |
Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
Mail: [email protected] |
The class room fills up, but no teacher arrives. The boys in 3F are left on their own.
Mikael never lets go of his bat. He needs his daily dose of smashed windows. Svend hates everyone, and likes to bully people. Especially Knut, who actually tries to be nice. Kee wants to throw out
all foreigners, particularly the Paki who dumped his mother. David is sick to death of being bullied
for the colour of his skin. While Jesus lives in his own world, and the world does not understand
Johannes Joner graduated from the Norwegian
National Academy of
Performing Arts in 1981.
associated with Rogaland
the global financial crisis is looming.
TV teatret, Chat Noir, The
teachers dare teach them. What happens when the students start teaching each other? Respect plays
National Theatre and Oslo
with alternative reality techniques, and offers unique insight into students’ school days, which are all
about solidarity and the fight for respect from both fellow students and the world.
Nye Teater. Joner was last seen on the silver screen
in Hilde Heier’s Second Half, and on stage as Charlie
in the production of The Foreigner at Oslo Nye.
Respect is Joner’s first film as a director.
the audience success and
the houses more luxurious. The old wooden houses are demolished to give way to large residential
complexes and gigantic food festivals. French acrobats dominate the cultural life. And behind it all,
In this youth film, we meet 12 boys. The bad guys who are left alone in the class room when no
first full feature film was
self on titles like “oil capital” and “culture capital”. People are wealthier, the cars more expensive and
Subsequently, he has been
Teater, Nordland Teater,
Arild Østin Ommundsen’s
We’re in 2008. Stavanger is no longer a small fishing town on the West Coast. The town may pride it-
Gullklapper winner Mongoland in 2001. In 2005, his
second feature film Monstertorsdag was selected,
In the middle of this materialistic everyday reality, we meet Jonny Kristiansen, an up-and-coming
as the first Norwegian film
25 year old broker. Hungry for money and success, he is pulled into an unscrupulous financial world.
With cigars, champagne and exclusive escort girls, Jonny takes off and aims at the top of the finance
pyramid. Jonny’s goal is to become best, richest and most powerful, whatever the cost. But if someone wins, others will have to lose. Is the price worth paying?
ever, to participate in a
competition at the Sundance Film Festival. It won
the Audience Award at the Mannheim International
Film Festival, and has been screened at a number of
festivals around the world. Arild Østin Ommundsen
has also made music videos, commercial films, and
a number of short films.
Thriller | 78 min | Colour | Scope | 4 reels | Dolby SR·D
drama | 100 min | colour | scope | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Patrik Syversen
director: Matias Armand Jordal
screenplay: Nini Bull Robsahm and Patrik Syversen
screenplay: Matias Armand Jordal
director of photography: Håvard Byrkjeland
director of photography: Odd Reinhardt Nicolaysen
producer: Torleif Hauge for Fender Film AS
producer: Tom Rysstad for Mirmar Film Production AS
cast: Henriette Brusgaard, Nini Bull Robsahm, Lasse
cast: Fridtjov Såheim | Pål: Odin Waage | Evy Kasseth
Valdal, Jørn-Bjørn Fuller-Gee
Røsten | Kristine Rui Slettebakken | Marianne Mørk Lar-
release date: January 11, 2008
sen | Torbjørn Eriksen
norwegian distributor: Euforia
release date: January 23, 2009
sales: NonStop Sales | Döbelnsgt. 24 | SE-1123 52
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
Stockholm | Tel: +46 8 673 9980 | Fax:+46 8 673 9988
contact: Mirmar Film Production AS | Nestoppen 21B
Mail: [email protected] |
N-1344 Haslum | Tel: +47 67 52 53 25
| feature films
Fax: +47 67 52 53 24 | Mail: [email protected]
The summer of 1974. Four young people; Camilla, her boyfriend Roger and the siblings Mia and
Manhunt is Patrik
Jørgen, are on their way to a relaxing long weekend in the woods. They drive through the wilderness,
Syversen’s feature film
it’s a long car ride, and tensions between the four of them are surfacing.
During a break at a remote roadside café, the four youngsters provoke some of the locals.
When leaving the café, the gang picks up an unknown hitch hiker. They have not been driving very
far when the hitch hiker wants them to pull over. She appears to be frightened. There’s somebody out
there. Somebody who is after them.
Suddenly, the four of them are assaulted, knocked unconscious, and carried off. Soon after, they
wake up deep inside the forest. There’s no one in sight. Only dark trees. Then they hear the sound of
a hunting horn. Someone’s conducting a gruesome chase. And they are the prey.
debut. He is a typical
film fanatic, and loves
horror film just as much
as character drama. He
combines the two in this
character-driven horror
film. He graduated from
Oslo Film and TV Academy, and has formerly made
Matias Armand Jordal (b.
A father, a mother and their son are looking forward to their vacation. On their way, they are caught
1970) in Stockholm, Swe-
in an accident, and their lives are suddenly and unexpectedly turned upside down.
den. He has over the last 8
years directed commercials
and short films and has
won several awards for
This is a story about the journey of a father and son through a landscape of sorrow, after they tragically lose the one person they love the most. The film depicts how they deal with their new everyday
life without her, and their struggle to gain control over the new situation. The deceased woman was
his films. Together is his
the “glue” that kept the family together, and without her they feel like they have to make a new start,
feature film debut.
a situation which wears them both out. They realize that they haven’t spent much time together, and
have a hard time communicating with each other. Even simple things like making a meal becomes a
challenge. The father feels the loss of this woman so strongly that he isn’t able to pull himself together
and take responsibility for his own and his son’s life. In pure desperation he meets with Childcare,
the novella film Utkant, among others, in collabora-
and when his son is temporarily sent to an orphanage, he isolates himself from his surroundings and
tion with Nini Bull Robsahm.
rejects every attempt of contact, even from his own son. But the son refuses to give up the hope that
they can become a family again, and fights bravely to get his father back to life.
Thriller | 90 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
Thriller | 90 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Pål Øie
director: Severin Eskeland
screenplay: Pål Øie
screenplay: Severin Eskeland
director of photography: Sjur Aarthun
director of photography: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog
producer: Jan Aksel Angeltvedt for Alligator Film
cast: Marte Germaine Christensen | Sondre Krogtoft
cast: Kristoffer Joner | Cecilie Mosli | Marco Kanic
Larsen | Jens Hultén | Inga Didong Harrie | Mikkel Gaup
Bjarte Hjelmeland | Eivind Sander | Karin Park
producer: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog for Exposed Film
release date: April 3, 2009
Prods AS
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
norwegian distributor: SF Norge AS
contact: Alligator Film | Georgernes Verft 12 | N-5011
release date: September 9, 2009
Bergen | Tel: +47 55 21 40 40 | Fax: +47 55 21 40 55
sales: AB Svensk Filmindustri | SE-169 86 Stockholm
Mail: [email protected] |
Tel: +476 8 680 3500 | Fax: +46 8 680 3783
| feature films
Mail: [email protected] |
Pål Øie (1961) has exten-
A small boy races through the woods. Blinded by fear he crosses a desert road without noticing the
Shortcut is Severin
Lina and Martin are smuggling cheap booze from Sweden across the border to a wedding in Norway.
sive experience in film
truck that speeds along it. A series of events are thus set in motion, events that will deprive another
Eskeland’s debut as a full
At a roadblock, they are told to take a detour, due to an accident. Deep inside the Swedish woods,
making, both as scriptwriter and director. He has
made several awardwinning shorts, but his
little boy of his entire family. As the boys’ eyes meet in the woods, their destinies part.
KK (Kristoffer Joner) returns to his hometown – a small, remote place with an enormous wild
waterfall, surrounded by a dense, dark forest – the place he ran away from years ago. Now the hated
great breakthrough came
mother he ran from is dead, and has left him a house deep in the forest. With his heritage comes the
with Dark Woods in 2003.
burden of dark secrets, and his return to the sordid place of his past brings to life all the evils he has
Dark Woods was recently
spent years surpressing.
feature film director, but
he has previously directed
and edited several short
films and novella films,
among them The Cabin and
The Chamber. Eskeland
was educated at the Nor-
elected the scariest Norwegian movie ever, and
wegian Institute for Stage and Studio (NISS), and at
positioned Øie as Norway’s leading horror director
Westerdals School of Communication.
– a film maker with a strong sense of the dark side
of human nature, and a solid conveyor of disturbed
emotions and ambiances.
their car suddenly suffers a tire blowout, and they seek assistance at an abandoned gas station. Soon
after, they encounter a girl screaming for help. They assist a policeman in returning the now unconscious girl to a spooky house in the middle of the woods, unaware that they are under constant video
surveillance. Without their knowledge they have landed leading roles in an Internet film…
SOS – Summer of Suspense
Night of the Wolf
Family film | 87 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby·SR
Action | 83 min | Colour | 1:1,78 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Arne Lindtner Næss
director: Kjell G. Sundvall
screenplay: Arne Lindtner Næss
screenplay: Tom Egeland based on his novel Ulvenat-
director of photography: Sjur Aarthun
producer: Rune H. Trondsen for Nordisk Film
director of photography: Harald Gunnar Paalgard
cast: Amina Hegvold Sanca | Øyvind Haugland Vaktskjold | Sander Berglund Francis | Ragnhild M. Gudbrandsen
producers: Kaare Storemyr for Nordisk Film
Banthata Mokgoatsane | Christian Rubeck | Bjørn Vilberg Andersen
cast: Dejan Cukic | Anneke von der Lippe | Jørgen
release date: February 15, 2008
Langhelle | Christian Skolmen | Ingar Helge Gimle
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
release date: February 29, 2008
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
Mail: [email protected] |
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650
| feature films
SOS – Svartskjær
Hvidovre | Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
Mail: [email protected] |
Arne Lindtner Næss has
In high winds a large ship ploughs northwards. From a lighthouse they receive the agreed signal, and
worked on the Junior
two red buoys are thrown overboard. A small boat sets off from land. They only find one buoy. At the
Olsen Gang series since it
bean in 2001 as creative
same time a baby seal is separated from its mother in the high waves at cormorant reef. Noora (12)
lives on the island together with her family. She discovers the baby seal in a bay. The seal is playing
The veteran Kjell Gösta
Sundvall has directed 10
feature films, and 21 TV
During a live broadcast of a debate programme on channel ABC, a group of armed Chechens take
productions in Sweden,
several hostages. The terrorists demand that the hostage drama be broadcast live all over the world.
Olsen Gang’s First Haul.
hunts seals on the reefs around the island. At the same time some of the other visitors have started
among them The Guy in
Behind the scenes, the police negotiator and the police special unit are working hard to rescue as
Since then he has written
an intense search along the beaches for the missing package. Noora’s mother, who is 8 months
the Grave Next Door and
pregnant, slips and falls. Her father has to take her to the hospital. The children are left alone on the
The Hunters. For the latter,
many as possible out of Studio 2 alive. We follow the drama from moment to moment, until it all
and directed four Junior
producer and director of
the TV series The Junior
Olsen Gang-films. In addition he has directed Finding Friends, with a child, a dog and a bull in the
leading roles. The film won the Amanda prize for
the best children’s film in 2005 and has appeared
in festivals all over the world.
with a buoy. Staying on the island are a German couple and three youths. The German Dieter mainly
island with both the seal hunters and drug smugglers. A storm blows up again. Finally they are abandoned in the big lighthouse, with the night approaching..
he received the Swedish
film award Guldbaggen in
the film year 1996. He was also recently appointed
Honorary Doctor at Luleå University of Technology.
ends in a bloody shootout underway to the airport, where an airplane is awaiting the terrorists.
the accident
drama | 72 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 4 reels | Dolby SR·D
Drama/Comedy | 95 min | Colour |1:1,85 | Dolby SR·D
| feature films
director: Marcelino Martin Valiente
director: Sara Johnsen
screenplay: Marcelino M. Valiente and Morten Thomte
screenplay: Sara Johnsen
director of photograpy: Rolv Håan
director of photography: John Andreas Andersen
producer: Torleif Hauge for Fender Film AS
producers: Christian Fredrik Martin and Asle Vatn for
cast: Rune Temte | Sven Nordin | Lars Arentz-Hansen
Friland AS
Trine Wiggen | Hassan Briany
cast: Mads Sjøbård Pettersen | Agnieszka Grochowska
release date: April 2009
Hermann Sabado | Bang Chau
norwegian distributor: Scandinavian Entertainment
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
release date: September 18, 2009
contact: Fender Film AS, Kongleveien 18, N-0875 Oslo
contact: Friland AS | Torggt. 33 | N-0183 Oslo
Tel: + 47 90 10 80 80 | Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 17 47 00 | Fax: +47 22 17 47 01
| feature films
Mail: [email protected] |
Marcelino Martin Valiente
The Accident is the story of the car dealer Jonas, who has achieved “the good life”; success at
studied at the International
work, a large house and a successful family. However, in the course of a few days, he is de-
Theatre School Jacques Lecoq
(Paris), Charles Dullin’s School
of Dramatic Art (Paris) and the
University of Reims; (psycholo-
prived of all these things, one by one, and he becomes entangled in a net of misfortune.
It all starts when a boy is hit by a car. A witness tells the police that the car was a black
Audi. Jonas is linked to an identical car in connection with his last sale, and becomes the princi-
In 2005 Sara Johnsen
In her employer’s house, Maria discovers a photograph taken at the airport the day Axel and Yanne
made her feature film
were adopted away. She has seen the picture before, in Yanne’s apartment. But here, someone has
debut with Kissed by
Winter. The film won many
national and international
removed Yanne from the photo. This is how Maria discovers that the adopted Asian son in the house
in which she is a maid is Yanne’s brother, and that he has no knowledge of his half-sister.
Yanne does not want her kid brother to remember the past, and Maria promises her to keep silent.
gy and drama). He has attended
pal suspect. Jonas attempts to prove his innocence, but thereby only makes himself look more
several theatre and dance work-
suspicious. By and by he loses his job, the confidence of his family, and the freedom to move
recting, Johnsen worked as
But Maria falls in love with the handsome, cheeky younger brother, and she initiates a turbulent
shops in London, Paris and Oslo.
about. He initiates his own investigation in order to clear his name, but the more he tries to find
a teacher in dramaturgy,
relationship with Axel. Maria thinks Axel’s fear of love stems from a yearning for the sister he doesn’t
He established B. Valiente Contemporary Dance Company
the truth, the more he ruins the relationship with his loved ones and his surroundings. Suddenly
visual storytelling and
know he has.
in 1997 (Oslo, Norway). He works as choreographer, film
and theatre director, and teaches various forms of art
Jonas finds himself in solitude, beyond his familiar settings.
awards. In addition to di-
in screen acting. She has also written two novels
published by Gyldendal. The first one, in 2005, was
direction (drama, dance, performance etc.) He has made
titled He Knows Something She Should Try, the
the short films Touched (2006) and Cargo (2005). This is
second, White Man, was published in 2008.
his feature film debut.
Per settles in Oslo, and gets acquainted with Yanne. She falls in love with this tormented man,
whom Maria nicknames “Mr. I Hurt So Much.” One day as Per dines at Yanne’s restaurant, he discovers that a photo of him as a soldier serving in Afghanistan is being used in an anti-war campaign. He
wants revenge, and seeks out the photographer.
Varg Veum –
Falne engler
| feature films
Fallen Angels
Drama | 93 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | Dolby SR·D
director: Gunnar Vikene
Action | 95 min | Colour | Scope | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
screenplay: Gunnar Vikene and Torun Lian
director: Morten Tyldum
director of photography: Marek Wieser
screenplay: Thomas Moldestad based on Gunnar
producers: Tanya N. Badendyck | Silje Eik | Maria Eker-
Staalesen’s novel Falne engler
hovd for Cinenord Spillefilm and Kong Film
director of photography: John Andreas Andersen
cast: Karoline Stemre | Jørgen Hausberg Nilsen | Sindre
| feature films
producers: Jonas Allen and Peter Bose for SF Norge
Kvalvåg Jacobsen | Ellen Birgitte W. Johannessen
and Miso Film
Kyrre Haugen Sydness | Anders Baasmo Christiansen
cast: Trond Espen Seim | Bjørn Floberg | Endre Hel-
Helge Jordal | Eindride Eidsvold
release date: September 25, 2009
release date: April 4, 2008
norwegian distributor: SF Norge AS
norwegian distributor: SF Norge AS
sales: AB Svensk Filmindustri | SE – 169 86 Stockholm
sales: AB Svensk Filmindustri | SE-169 86 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 680 35 00 | Fax: +46 8 680 37 83
Tel: +46 8 680 3500 | Fax: +46 8 680 37 83
Mail: [email protected] |
Mail: [email protected] |
It’s late summer. Thomas has to move to the grey zone – a depository for youth who no longer have a
Gunnar Vikene (1966) is
home. His younger brother has also been sent away, but no one will tell Thomas where he is. Thomas
one of the few Norwegian
The director of the film, Morten Tyldum,
Fallen Angels is the second cinema film in the series about the private investigator
sneaks away at night to look for him. Thomas meets Marianne and Terje in the grey zone. Marianne is
made his debut as a feature film director
Varg Veum.
the craziest and wildest person Thomas has ever met. She changes boyfriends every week and foster
with the success Buddy in 2003. He has
made a number of short films, novella
films and commercial films. Among others,
he directed the film about the conservative
political party Høyre in Utopia – Nobody
is Perfect in a Perfect World. Fallen Angels
will be Tyldum’s second feature film.
A chance meeting with an old class mate takes Varg Veum back in time, for instance
homes four times a year. Terje accidentally pushed his mother into the open sea on a boat trip to
to the popular Bergen rock band Angel Anatomy in the late 1980’s. Then a murder
Denmark. She has been missing ever since, and Terje believes she is waiting to be found in Denmark.
occurs, and Veum starts unravelling a thread leading him all the way back to his own
A friendship evolves, and the bond between them grows stronger as they fight to get away from the
childhood and adolescence.
grey zone. It’s a battle filled with hope and expectations, a journey of life and death where no one
ends up where they planned, but everyone finds a home..
filmmakers who have
succeeded both as a scriptwriter and as a director. In
2002 he directed his first
feature film Falling Sky.
The film was both critically
acclaimed, a success at
the box-office, and has won a number of awards at
national and international film festivals. In 2006,
Vikene directed Trigger. The film was selected for
the Berlin International Film Festival 2007.
– barnevandreren
youth drama | 80 min | colour | 1:1,85
| feature films
director: Katja Eyde Jacobsen
Yohan – The Child Wanderer
screenplay: Harald Rosenløw Eeg
drama | 90 min | colour
director of photography: Øystein Mamen
director: Grete Salomonsen
producer: Karin Julsrud for Spillefilmkompagniet 4 1/2 AS
screenplay: Grete Salomonsen
cast: Kastriot Kastrati | Hanna Maria Khalid | Fredrik
director of photography: Odd Hynnekleiv
cast: Robin Pedersen Daniel | Mathilde Berg | Adam Eftevaag
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Film Distribusjon AS
Dennis Storhøi | Agnete Haaland
release date: March 20, 2009
producer: Odd Hynnekleiv for Penelope Film
contact: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvidovre
release date: September 4, 2009
Tel: +45 3686 8788 | Fax: +45 3677 4448
norwegian distributor: Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
Mail: [email protected] |
Contact: Penelope FIlm | Box 618 | N-4665
| feature films
Kristiansand S | Tel: +47 38 17 70 50
Fax: +47 38 02 60 59 | Mai: [email protected]
A newcomer in the world’s tiniest community. In love with the wrong woman. Persecuted by a past
Katja Eyde Jacobsen
which proves that however fast you’re running, you can never run away from yourself.
makes her debut as a full
Daggi is sent away from Oslo to a tiny community in the countryside. All he wants is to escape. The
problem is he has nowhere to go. Everything he came from is ruined.
As he gets to know his classmate Gloria, he is finally brought to see the possibility of a better
feature film director with
this project. She was
educated at the Lillehammer Film School, and has
previously made a name
life. But the secrets of his video camera, the memories no one is allowed to see, mess up everything.
for herself within short
Whatever Daggi attempts to do, Dennis always finds him.
film. To the Moon has won
Little Gustav in Daggi’s new foster family has wanted an elder brother for a long time,and Gloria
dreams of extraordinary events. For both of them, Daggi represents a new opportunity, but is he able
to accept them?
Yatzy is a film about being 15 and enduring everything – except oneself.
a number of international awards, and Interlude
was nominated for the Amanda Award. Youth is the
subject matter of both these films.
Writer and director Grete Salomonsen
The child wanderer, ten year old Yohan, tackles life’s hardships with optimism and inven-
and producer Odd Hynnekleiv created
tiveness. But is it enough to save the hard-working 8 year old Anna at the neighbouring
the classic Kamilla and the Thief, and are
once more ready to make an unforgettable film about love, hardships, struggles
and family. This is going to be a roller-
farm? Yohan is challenged by the tough life in the Norway of a hundred years ago. He is
sent away to work on a farm miles away from home, and finds himself in an adventure
battling wolves and bears.
coaster ride through time and history,
Yohan – The Child Wanderer tells the story about the period during which a lot of
with the greatest smallest adventurer:
Norwegians emigrated to America, when a dream was a necessary incentive in order to
Yohan – The Child Wanderer!
survive. This is a story about never giving in.
99% ærlig
Blod & ære
99% honest
Big John
documentary | 70 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 4 reels | Dolby SR·D
documentary | 86 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels | Dolby SR·D
| documentary films
director: Rune Denstad Langlo
director: Håvard Bustnes
screenplay: Khalid Maimouni
screenplay: Bjørn-Erik Hanssen
director of photography: Anna Myking
director of photography: Nils Petter Devold Midtun
producer: Sigve Endresen for Motlys AS
producer: Dag Hoel for Faction Film AS
cast: Amina Sewali | Haji Saleem | Assad Arif | Emir
release date: August 22, 2008
norwegian distributor: Coriander Film
release date: August 18, 2008
contact: Faction Film AS | Box 2093 | N-7411
| documentary films
norwegian distributor: Sandrew Metronome Norge
Trondheim | Mail: [email protected]
contact: Motlys AS | Sagveien 18 | N-0459 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 80 83 70 | Fax: +47 22 80 83 71
Mail: [email protected] |
Emir, Amina, Haji and Assad are all members of the hip hop group Forente Minoriteter (United Mi-
Rune Denstad Langlo
Big John is a documentary about a father that loves his son above everything in the world. His way
Håvard Bustnes (1973)
norities). The film follows them through their musical process, with its ups and downs.
(1972) works as producer
of loving him is to train him and get him mixed up with one of the world´s most dubious sports: pro-
studied TV directing at the
The film crew has followed the band for two years, resulting in an intimate encounter with some
very charming and open young people. They are all different but still find common ground through
their passion for music and, not least, in finding their own space and identity amid conflicting demands from friends, family and Norwegian society.
and director at the production company Motlys. In
2009, his first feature film
fessional boxing. ‘Ole Lukkøye’ is just a hair´s breadth from becoming World Champion. But success
has a price. Who´s living ‘Ole Lukkøye´s’ life?
Lillehammer University College and NTNU.
He started the production
North will be released. He
company Klapp Media in
has earlier directed Too
1998 and helped establish
Much Norway (feature
Faction Film in 2003.
length documentary, 2005)
Today he is a full-time
and Did You Leave Us, Blake? (short, 2002).
producer and director.
Jakten på
| documentary films
documentary | 90 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | 5 reels | Dolby·SR
director: Thomas Lien
director of photography: Patrik Säfström
producer: Petter Vennerød for Merkur Film Produksjon AS
release date: February 20, 2009
norwegian distributor: CCV/Oro Film
contact: Merkur Film Produksjon AS | Sofiesgt. 60
documentary | colour
| documentary films
Hunting Down
Moderne Slaveri
director: Thomas Robsahm
screenplay: Thomas Robsahm and Margreth Olin
producers: Thomas Robsahm and Margreth Olin
directors of photography: Gaute Gunnari and others
release date: Autumn 2009
contact: Speranza Film | Waldemar Thranesgt. 84C
N-0157 Oslo | Tel: +47 22 04 48 30
Fax: +47 22 04 48 31 | Mail: [email protected]
N-0168 Oslo | Tel: +47 22 59 50 40 | Fax: +47 22 59 15 49
Mail: [email protected] |
Who are you if you do not know yourself? Who am I if my whole past is gone? What is identity? In
Thomas Lien (1971) has
Thomas Robsahm (1964)
An encounter with people living under extremely restricted conditions, in Uganda, India, Moldova,
which way is identity connected to memory?
worked in the film indus-
made his first feature film
try since 1991 in various
debut in 1992 (Rebels
Kambodia and France. The film is also a critical investigation of the negative consequences of neolib-
capacities (production
with a Cause). He has also
and camera assistant on a
made the Amanda-winning
number of feature films;
S.O.S. (1999) and The
assisting editor on two
Greatest Thing (2001) in
feature films and editor
addition to several shorts
Imagine waking up tomorrow without recalling today. All recollections are deleted. Imagine living
without a background history, without recognizing those who know you. Imagine encountering the
world as if it were for the first time. And finally, imagine this happening to you while travelling alone
on a train in China.
Hunting Down Memory is a true story about Øyvind Aamodt, who suddenly lost 27 years of his
memory. He remembered nothing from his life. NOTHING! For most people, this would have been a
dreadful experience, an ominous and frightening event in their life. For Øyvind, it was an adventure.
He is neither traumatized nor paralyzed, he is just curious. He wants to know what happened, but he
would also like to know what cottage cheese and blueberry pie taste like.
of several short films
and documentaries. He is
and commercials). From 1996 to 2003 he was
also a producer in his own company Speranza Film,
captain on a cruise around the world. He made his
who have produced films by Margreth Olin, Unni
directorial debut in 1995, with the shortfilm Depth
Straume, Maria Fuglevåg Warsinski, Jannicke Systad
Solitude (co-directed with Joachim Solum).
Jacobsen, Solveig Melkeraaen, Vibeke Ringen and
eral economical politics. The project examines the claim that it’s in the interest of certain economical
and social forces to preserve modern slavery, and that these forces are supported by corrupt authorities and indirect participation by multinational companies.
– With a powerful political message and intense human portrayals, this may turn out to be an
important political film from two of our most distinguished documentary film makers.
Robert Crumptons Shakespeare
Trying Freedom
documentary | colour
release date: October 3, 2008
director: Jørgen Friberg
contact: Indiefilm | Ostadalsveien 35 | N-0753 Oslo
director of photography: Svend Even Herra
Tel: +47 90 86 52 03 | Fax: +47 22 73 44 03
producer: Kjell Eriksen for AS Videomaker
[email protected] |
cast: Robert Crumpton, Petter Amundsen
director: Thor Bekkavik
release date: August 2009
contact: AS Videomaker, Maridalsvn. 87, N-0461 Oslo |
Tel: +47 22 80 96 20 | Mail: [email protected]
More than 12,000 people are released from Norwegian prisons every year. Trying Freedom is a
Thor Bekkavik (1967)
This is the film about the organist Petter Amundsen, who believes that he can prove that Francis
Jørgen Friberg gradu-
documentary about four ex-cons trying to break a vicious cycle – and not ending up behind bars
has since completing his
Bacon and not William Shakespeare wrote the greatest plays and sonnets in the English Language.
ated from Lillehammer
studies at Brooks Institute
again. Together they struggle against their own worst enemy; themselves.
of Photography and The
Three drug addicts, and a man convicted of attempted murder are released from prison. Through
London International Film
a theater group, they are given an opportunity to show a different side of themselves. They are used
School, worked as free-
to standing alone, but now they are forced to work together in order to complete a shared goal - the
lance director and script-
The story will be told by a young ambitious actor and academic Robert Crumpton who in turn is a
staunch Stratfordian. Crumpton travels to Norway to confront Petter and together they embark on an
extraordinary voyage of discovery. .
Robert Crumpton’s Shakespeare will be the definitive account of the centuries old debate – did
University Collage 2001,
(Documentary – Directing).
From 2001 untill 2004 he
participated on several
productions in NRK, and
opening night. Full of ambition, they begin by making a pact. Not long after, the battle begins with
writer. He has directed
Shakespeare write Shakespeare? In examining both the lives of William Shakespeare and Francis Ba-
has worked as a freelancer
cheating, deceit and self-betrayal. In order to act you have to know who you are; you have to be
several short films, among
con it will delve into an exciting and dangerous period in our history. Juxtaposing the historical story
since 2004.
ruthlessly honest. Opening night steadily approaches and slowly but surely they discover that they
all are struggling against the same enemy – themselves. Some fall. Some give up. A few stand tall and
fight on.
Trying freedom shows how difficult it is to trust anyone, when you deep inside don’t trust your-
them Solitaire which premiered at the Venice Film
Festival. Trying Freedom is Bekkavik’s first feature
and driving the narrative forward are the two compelling characters of Petter and Crumpton – their
journey into the past becomes for both men a personal odyssey.
As they travel around the UK in search of the truth, their opposing viewpoints form the basis of
an unlikely friendship. Despite vehemently disagreeing with one-another’s arguments they are forced
self. Tears, laughter and excitement – a strong and entertaining tale about creativity, lies, enemies
to respect the other’s scholarship –but which one will finally be convinced that everything they’ve
and friendship, but most of all an exciting film about the importance of having someone believe you
build their reputation on is false; and could history be changed forever?
can do it – breaking the vicious cycle
| documentary films
producer: Carsten Aanonsen for Indiefilm
documentary | 80 min | colour | 4 reels
| documentary films
director of photograhpy: Nils Petter Midtun
Robert Crumpton’s
The Snow Caveman
documentary | colour | 90 min | 1:1,85 | 5 reels
documentary | 80 min | colour | 1:1,85 | 4 reels | Dolby SR·D
| documentary films
director: Erlend E. Mo
director: Fridtjof Kjæreng
director of photograhpy: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog
director of photograhpy: Fridtjof Kjæreng
producers: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog for Exposed
producers: Egil Ødegård fro Filmhuset as, Fridtjof
release date: March 2009
Kjæreng for f(x) produksjoner
contact: Exposed Film Production as | Møllergt. 28
release date: March 2009
N-0178 Oslo | Tel: +47 22 20 77 00
contact: Filmhuset as | Riddervoldsgt 10 | N-0258 Oslo
Fax: +77 22 20 77 01 | Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 54 33 50 | Fax: +47 22 54 33 51
Mail: [email protected] |
| documentary films
Fridtjof Kjæreng (1964),
The Snow Caveman has lived in snow caves high up in the icy Norwegian mountains for 20 years.
In the 70’s, the university city of Trondheim is shocked by the gruesome rape and murder of two
Erlend E. Mo has primar-
has worked 12 years as an
ily made documentary
independent producer/di-
Like Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, he has developed his own morale code and a biting sense of humour.
young female students. The young TV journalist Tore Sandberg reports on the investigation which
films, but enjoys the grey
rector in the film and tele-
zone between fiction and
vision industry in Norway.
documentary. His fiction
He has background from
film Forbidden Love was
studies of philosophy from
She leaves behind a clear message to him in the form of an ultimatum: In her last will and testament
awarded the Terje Vigen
the University in Tromsø,
he inherits her apartment in the city, valued at € 100 000, but on the condition that he lives in the
prize in 1999, Welcome
Norway. After a year of
apartment or uses the money to purchase permanent housing and settles down like a normal person.
ultimately leads to severely disabled Fritz Moen serving close to 19 years in prison.
30 years later: Tore Sandberg is now a successful private investigator, who specialises in solving
miscarriages of justice. But this case has been nagging him for years. He digs ever deeper: exposing
lies and criminal negligence all the way up to the Supreme Court. But Fritz is a broken man. Can Tore
clear his name before he dies?
to Denmark received the
Film- and TV studies in Australia he completed his
prize for Best Documentary Film at Odense Inter-
film and TV education in 1987. Kjæreng has varied
national Film Festival in 2003, and the children’s
TV experience. In 1995 he founded f(x) produc-
film Can You Die in Heaven? has won a number of
tions AS to concentrate on developing progressive
documentary content for national TV.
His life is far from the bourgeois materialistic life of the modern Scandinavian welfare state. He is
a true environmentalist, but in his own way, living among the blizzards and reindeer high up in the
Norwegian mountains. The Snow Caveman is shocked to receive the news that his mother has died.
What will The Snow Caveman do? Give up his life as a free spirit in the mountains - or forfeit the
money from his inheritance? The film about the Snow Caveman centres on the quest for liberty and
the human cost of complete freedom.
To brødre
Yodok Stories
Yodok Stories
documentary | 90 min | colour
documentary | 75 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | Dolby Stereo
| documentary films
director: Aslaug Holm
director: Andrzej Fidyk
directors of photography: Aslaug Holm and
screenplay: Andrzej Fidyk and Torstein Grude
Kjell Vassdal
directors of photography: Tore Vollan | Torstein
producer: Tore Buvarp for Fenris Film AS
Grude and Marcin Koszalska
norwegian distributor: Euforia Film
producers: Torstein Grude and Bjarte Mørner Tveit for
release date: Spring 2010
Piraya Film AS
contact: Fenris Film AS | Sagvn. 23A | N-0459
release date: October 2008
| documentary films
Oslo | Tel: +47 23 12 17 10 | Fax: +47 23 12 17 11
norwegian distributor: Tour de Force
Mail: [email protected] |
contact: Piraya Film AS | Lervigsveien 22 | N-4014
Stavanger | Tel: +47 51 11 63 36
Fax: +47 51 11 63 37 | Mail: [email protected]
A film about the close relationship between two brothers. Markus (10) and Lukas (7) live in an old,
Aslaug Holm has directed
yellow townhouse in the middle of Oslo. The river runs close to their home. A paradise in the heart of
about ten documentary
films and photographed
a big city. Here the brothers grow up with their dreams and longings for the future. Markus loves soc-
approximately 30 films,
cer, and wants to be a professional. He has played soccer since he was five, and Liverpool is the only
of which several have
and best team. In the film we experience his struggle and passion for achieving his goals. Lukas is the
North Korea is a country where human rights are non-existent. Dictator Kim Jung Il holds all of North
Andrzej Fidyk has directed
Korea’s inhabitants as hostages; they are observed, brainwashed and threatened into total submis-
more than 40 documen-
sion. In short all dissidents disappear, and today more than 200.000 men, women and children are
locked up in North Korea’s concentration camps. They are systematically starved and tortured.
The film follows a 36 year old North Korean defector, Jung Sung San, who has managed to escape
received awards. She was
through China to South Korea. Here he organizes a controversial theatre play about his experiences
documentary film photog-
as prisoner in the concentration camp Yodok in North Korea. He inspires eight other refugees to
is about. “Mummy, what happens with my dreams after I`m dead, will they still be alive?” This close
rapher and film editor for
and personal documentary is filmed by their mother. Aslaug Holm is both a director and photogra-
Norway’s fifth most suc-
recreate the past, and together they work to develop a musical about the concentration camps. The
philosophic one, and likes to think all kinds of thoughts. About the world, him self and what the all
pher, and wants to go in to the childrens’ authentic world and discover the truth and original life. In a
period of three years she films her boys, and the result will turn into a unique document about childhood and brotherhood – and life, for a grown up audience.
cessful theatrically released film, Cool & Crazy. Her
latest project was the film The Rich Country about
Jens Stoltenberg before him being elected Prime
Minister in 2005.
film follows the characters through this difficult process. Yodok Stories is their only chance to get
their story told.
tary films for Polish and
British television, and has
been awarded a number of
prizes for his work. Many
regard Fidyk as one of
Poland’s best documentary
film directors, and his filmography includes favourites like Battu’s Bioscope
(aka Mobile Cinema of Dreams, 1998) and The
Parade (1989). He is now working on two films for
Piraya Film; Yodok Story and Belarusian Waltz.
In the morning of the 5th of April 2004, the greatest bank robbery in Norwegian history was carried
One day, Mette and Julie’s best friend Naisha runs away from the refugee centre where she lives. She
out in Stavanger. The day everyone was waiting for finally arrived.
and her mother have been told that their refugee application has been rejected, and that they will be
sent back home. Mette and Julie decide they will find Naisha and her mother, and help them so they
can stay in Norway. The problem is only that Julie’s dad is a policeman; that Julie and Mette are only
english title tba
nine years old, that Oslo is a long way from home, and that Christmas is approaching.
director: Christian Lo
screenplay: Morten Hovland
police officer Klungland’s life. The story is credibly narrated through minor details in a non-dramatic,
| in production
The film traces the development of the robbery from early morning on until the fatal shot which took
| in production
08:17 is the story of the NOKAS robbery, which took place at the central cash service in Stavanger.
director: Erik Skjoldbjærg
everyday manner. Routines and daily activities at the police station and the cash service centre, the
screenplay: Christopher Grøndahl
unaffected civilians at the Cathedral Square who politely ask the heavily armed robbers if they may
by the police, and the three girls have to manage on their own. With courage and ingenuity, they
producer: Trine Aadalen Lo for Filmbin
producer: Jan Aksel Angeltvedt for Alligator Film
pass with their pram, and the robbers who restlessly get dressed, take a leak, kid around, and wait
manage to enter a question time session in Parliament, and Julie creates hullabaloo when she poses
release date: October 30, 2009
release date: February 2010
for the great event. And when the robbery is carried out, it’s totally unreal for everyone. Even if it’s
a direct question about why Naisha is not allowed to stay in Norway. The girls are thrown out of the
contact: Filmbin | Fabrikken | Løkkegt. 9 | N-2615
contact: Alligator Film | Georgernes Verft 12 | N-5011
actually taking place.
Parliament building. Naisha is sent to the police, and Mette and Julie return home and grieve the loss
Lillehammer | Tel: +47 90 20 65 56
of their friend.
Mail: [email protected] |
Bergen | Tel: +47 55 21 40 50 | Mail: [email protected]
The robbery itself is the main character of the story, and it is illuminated from several angles in
the course of the film, from the perspective of the police, the robbers, the central cash service per-
Mette and Julie embark on a dramatic journey. They find Naisha, but her mother is apprehended
But at the end-of-term Christmas celebration at school, it turns out that Julie’s petition has been
sonnel, and ordinary people. It’s a credible and realistic, but fictitious reconstruction, the way it could
heard by the authorities anyway. Naisha and her mother are allowed to stay in Norway, and Christ-
have happened. The story is poetically and filmatically depicted, with sober use of various genre
mas turns out to be a joyful season for the three best friends.
techniques. Drama, thriller and action, balancing throughout between reality and fiction.
Nytt norsk håp
king of Devil’s Island
English title tba
Drama | 110 min | Colour | Scope
Winter in Norway, early 20th century. On the island Bastøy, in the Oslo Fjord, a group of young
This is the story of commander Arne Treholt and his ninja group who saved Norway during the Cold
director: Thomas Malling Cappelen
director: Marius Holst
outcast boys live under a sadistic regime. Mental and physical abuse is employed by the guards and
War and shows a different version of our latest history than what most people experienced
screenplay: Thomas Malling Cappelen based on his
screenplay: Dennis Magnusson | Lars Saabye Chris-
the superintendent to castigate the boys. Instead of being educated, the boys are exploited as cheap
Arne Treholt is the commander of the tiny, enthusiastic ninja group which uses Gressholmen islet
tensen | Mette Marit Bølstad
manual labour. Aged 11 to 18, the boys survive by adapting to these inhumane conditions. They are
as its base. They are directly under King Olav’s command, and report to him, but also to the shadow
Usynlighet i strid 1978
director of photography: John Andreas Andersen
rough, they negotiate and they buy and sell.
cabinet, which is formed by paranoid USA worshippers. The shadow cabinet collaborates with the
producer: Eric Vogel for Tordenfilm
warmonger guerilla organization Stay Behind (SB) on operations which are meant to resemble Rus-
release date: August 2010
producer: Karin Julsrud for 4 ½ Film
One day Erling, another young outcast, arrives at the island, but he has a different agenda. In
novel Kommandørkaptein Arne Treholt Ninjateknikk II –
norwegian distributor: Euforia Film
self-defence, he has beaten a military police officer to death, and will be transferred to an adult
sian sabotage. For the most part, Treholt and his ninjas manage to avert and limit the damages, since
norwegian distributor: Euforia Film
release date: August 2010
prison next spring, leading to his certain death. Time is running out for Erling, he must accomplish the
they have supreme insight into the SB operations, and have foreseen most of their plans. Therefore,
contact: Tordenfilm AS | Marstandgata 9 | N-0566 Oslo
sales: Les Films du Losange, 22 avenue Pierre 1er de
impossible – escape from Bastøy – Devil’s Island.
Treholt carries out special training of the young ninja Bumblebee, the new Norwegian hope, whom
Tel: +47 22 38 90 00 | Fax: +47 22 38 90 01
Treholt has great plans for: Operation Saga Night..
Mail: [email protected] |
Serbie | FR-75116 Paris |
NORWEGIAN cinema releases 1999-2008
director: Annette Sjursen
Seven people are on their way from Stockholm to Oslo, a heart is on its way from one body to
| in production
screenplay: Annette Sjursen
another, and a piece of music is in the process of being composed. A conductor, a physician, a nun, a
producers: Finn Gjerdrum and Svein B. Kvae for
journalist, a photographer, a publisher and a ten year old girl are among the passengers on board a
1998: Thirst – Crimes of Karoline Frogner,
Paradox Film AS
fully booked airplane. One of the plane’s engines explodes, the cabin pressure falls, and the plane has
the Future
Maria Fuglevaag Warsinski,
cast: Ellen Dorrit Petersen | Samuel Fröler | Marika
to descend to a lower altitude, with turbulent weather conditions. The next day, nothing is like it used
Nathilde Overrein Rapp
Absolute Hangover
Lagerkrantz | Kyrre Haugen Sydness | Ida Elise Broch
Kristoffer Joner | Anneke von der Lippe
release date: February 2010
norwegian distributor: Scanbox
contact: Paradox Rettigheter AS | Maridalsvn. 89,
to be.
Pax is a grand-scale drama. An intimate and powerful romantic film about seven people’s encounter with themselves as life forces them into the raging storm. They all have someone waiting.
Pax, the Latin word for peace, is also flight terminology for flight passengers. When flying in an
airplane, we are all “pax”.
N-0461 Oslo | Tel: +47 23 22 71 50
Fax: +47 23 22 71 51 | Mail: [email protected]
production company
release date
Norsk Film AS
Petter Næss
Monolith Prod. AS
Eva’s Eye
Berit Otto Nesheim
Northern Lights AS
Fumblebody in a Petter A. Fastvold
Yellow Cottage AS
Misery Harbour
Nils Gaup
Motlys AS
Knut Bohwim
Nordisk Film & TV
The Prompter
Hilde HeierWildhagen Prod. AS
Sophie’s World
Erik Gustavson
NRK Drama
Thomas Robsahm
Speranza Film
Cat-astrofic Jam
Pelle Politibil går i vannet
english title tba
Hans Petter Moland
Norsk Film AS
Cabin Fever
Mona Hoel
Dis Film AS
Pål Jackman
Christiania Film AS
Eye Ball
Catrine Helle
Norsk Film AS
Get Ready to be Boyzvoiced
Espen Eckbo,
Nordisk Film &TV
Henrik Elvestad,
Mathis Fürst
Gifted Beauties
Anne Kjersti Bjørn
Ragg Film
Odd Little Man
Stein Leikanger
Nordic Screen AS
Passing Darkness
Knut Erik Jensen
Barentsfilm AS
Children’s animation | 70 min | Colour | 1:1,85 | Dolby SR·D
In a powerful autumn storm, the power line providing Bodø town with electricity is cut off. Pelle
director: Rasmus Sivertsen
Politibil acts responsibly and pulls a new cable across the mountain against the wind, so that the
The Seven Deadly Sins
Lars Gudmestad, Dag Johan Kool Productions AS
Haugerud, Ørjan Karlsen, Frank Medieoperatørene AS
screenplay: Arthur Johansen based on a character by
town can have light and heating back again. But when the job is finished, Pelle backs into the severed
Mosvold, Margreth Olin, Maria Motlys AS
Sødahl, Marit Åslein
Speranza AS
The Wedding
Leidulv Risan
Åge Magnussen
cable, and is jolted by a powerful electric shock. Everyone in Bodø fears that the strain was too much
producer: Aage Aaberge for Neofilm
for little Pelle, but once again a miracle occurs. Pelle comes back to life – now as an electric car! Full
norwegian distributor: Nordisk filmdistribusjon
of pure energy, Pelle puts up a fight against the Badger brothers. The brothers bottle the water and
release date: December 26, 2009
sell it at a high price in the excruciating summer heat. In addition, they endanger the fauna when
sales: TrustNordisk | Filmbyen 12 | DK-2650 Hvidovre
they build a huge, monstrous dam above the peaceful little town. Together with his little girl friend
Tel: +45 36 86 87 88 | Fax: +45 36 77 44 48
Oda Otter, Pelle exposes their plan, but a long, hard battle is fought before Pelle is finally able to
Mail: [email protected] |
settle the score with the two environmental criminals.
Cool & Crazy
Knut Erik Jensen Norsk Film AS
Marius Holst
Motllys AS, 4 ½ , Final Cut
Petter Næss
Maipo Film- og
Nathilde Overrein Rapp
Arild Østin Ommundsen
production company
release date
Norsk Film AS
Muz AS, Deadline Film, 26.01
Tres Cojones
The Greatest Thing
Thomas Robsahm
Norsk Film AS
You Really Got Me
Pål Sletaune
4 ½
Even Benestad
Exposed Film
All About my Father
Productions AS
Coastal Life
Øyvind Sandberg
Cool & Crazy on the Road
Knut Erik Jensen
Barentsfilm AS
Falling SkyGunnar Vikene
Motlys AS, Alligator Film, Final Cut
Hold my Heart
Trygve Allister Diesen
Norsk Filmproudksjon AS
I am Dina
Ole Bornedal
Northern Lights AS, 08.03
Nordisk Film AS, Felicia Film AB,
Germini Film & Televisjon,
Mandarin Film, Apollo media
Karlsson on the Roof
Filmkameratene AS, Vibeke Idsøe
AB Svensk Filmindustri
Music for Weddings and Funerals Unni Straume
Christiania Film AS
My Body
Margreth Olin
Speranza Film
Pelle the Police Car
Thomas Kaiser
Yellow Cottage AS
Lars Berg
Paradox AS
The Smile in the Eye
Piotr Kuzinski
Frameline Film AS
Utopia – Nobody is perfect
Martin Asphaug, Arild Frølich, Motlys AS
in the perfect country
Sara Johnsen, Magnus Martens ,
Hans Petter Moland, Terje Rangnes,
Thomas Robsahm, Ingebjørg
Torgersen, Morten Tyldum
Sigve Endresen
Motlys AS
Welcome Home
Trond Kvist
Piraya Film
7th Heaven
Steffan Strandberg
Exposed Film Production AS 21.02
Lars Göran Petterson
Filbmagoahti AS
Beast of Beauty
Hilde Heier
Paradox Produksjon
The Black Lapp
Erik Smith Meyer
Filmfalken AS
Morten Tyldum
Happy Endings AS
production company
release date
production company
release date
production company
release date
production company
release date
Captain Sabertooth
Stig Bergqvist
Seven Seas Production
An Enemy of the People
Erik Skjoldbjærg
Nordisk Film & TV AS
Joachim Trier
4 ½ AS
Arild Fröhlich
Paradox Films AS
Dark Woods
Pål Øie
Spleis AS
Bent Hamer
BulBul Film/Stark Sales
The Rich Country
Aslaug Holm
Fenris Film AS
House of Fools
Eva Isaksen
Norsk filmproduksjon AS
Erik Richter Strand
Destination Moscow
Jo Strømgren/Runar Hodne
Nordisk Film Production AS 19.09
Finding Friends
Arne Lindtner Næss
Nordisk Film & TV AS
Tordenfilm AS
Knut Erik Jensen
Filmhuset produksjoner AS
Disa Moves to Japan
Benedicte M. Orvung
Benedicte Orvung Film
The Giant
Hallvard Bræin/Arne B. Rostad
Paradox AS
Svein and the Rat
Maipo Film & 03.03
The Kautokeino Rebellion
Nils Gaup
Rubicon TV AS
Elsa Kvamme
Dinamo Story AS
Grandpa is a Raisin
Pjotr Sapegin
TV-produksjon AS
Kurt Turns Evil
Rasmus Sivertsen
Nordisk Film and
Gunnar Goes ComfortableGunnar Hall Jensen
Agitator AS
Import – Export
Khalid Hussain
Filmhuset Produksjoner AS
TriggerGunnar Vikene
Cinenord 11.08
Qvisten Animation
The Junior Olsen Gang
Nordisk Film Production AS 06.02
Friland AS
The Last Joint Venture
Maipo Film- og
Arne Lindtner Næss
goes Submarine
Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
Filmkameratene AS
Kissed by Winter
Sara Johnsen
Friland AS
Stefan Faldbakken Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
TV-produksjon AS
Jonny Vang
Jens Lien
Maipo Film &TV Prouksjon
Le Regard
Nour-Eddine Lakhmari
Filmhuset Produksjoner AS
Long Flat Balls II
Harald Zwart Zwart Arbeid AS
Kitchen Stories
Bent Hamer
BulBul Film AS
Sjur Paulsen
Sub Productions
5 Lies
Lars Daniel Krutzkoff Jacobsen
Viafilm AS
The Man Who Loved Yngve
Stian Kristiansen
Motlys AS
The Man Who Loved Haugesund Jon Haukeland, Tore Vollan
Love Me Tomorrow
Petter Næss
Maipo Film & TV 23.09
Elias and the Royal Yacht
Espen Fyksen/Lise I. Osvoll
Filmkameratene AS
Patrik Syversen
Fender Film AS
Mother’s Elling
Eva Isaksen
Maipo Film & TV Produksjon 10.10
Produksjon AS
Hanne Myren
Max Manus
Espen Sandberg
Filmkameratene AS
John Sullivan
Dinamo Story AS
Next Door
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 11.03
Gone with the Woman
Petter Næss
Monster Film
and Joachim Rønning
Arne Lindtner Næss
Nordisk Film AS
Night of the Wolf
Kjell Sundvall
Nordisk Film
Johannes Joner
Nordisk Film
Pål Sletaune
United Magnus Martens
4 ½ AS
Arild Fröhlich
Paradox AS
The Junior Olsen Gang Wolf Summer
Peder Norlund
Nordisk Film Production AS 28.02
The Professor and Dag Johan Haugerud
Mikrofilm AS
– The Silvermine Mystery
The Woman of My Life
Alexander Eik
Filmkameratene AS
the Story of the Origami Girl
Jeremy Robøle
Kill Buljo Tommy Wirkola
Yellow Bastard Productions 23.03
SOS – Summer of Suspense
Arne Lindtner Næss
Nordisk Film
Carl Eugen Johannessen
Filmkollektivet AS
Summers Past
Ole Giæver
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 22.02
Bastard Film
Man Woman Coffee
Tommy’s Inferno
Ove Raymond Gyldenås
Friland AS
Mars & Venus
Eva Dahr
Cinenord AS
Through a Glass, Darkly
Jesper W. Nielsen
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 24.10
A Cry in the Woods
Erich Hörtnagl
Paradox Film AS
Too Much Norway
Rune Denstad Langlo,
Motlys AS
Marius Holst
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 02.03
Troubled Water
Erik Poppe
Paradox Films AS
Arctic Cabaret
Knut Erik Jensen
Barentsfilm AS
Sigve Endresen
Natural Born Star
Even Benestad
Fredrik Fiction AS
Trying Freedom
Thor Bekkavik
Beautiful Country, The
Hans Petter Moland
Dinamo Story AS
Bent Hamer
BulBul Film
Piraya Film AS
Chlorox, Ammonia and Coffee
Mona J. Hoel
Freedom from Fear
The Color of Milk
Torun Lian
Painswick Film
The Art of Negative Thinking
The Crossing
Martin Asphaug
Dinamo Story AS
Bård Breien
Maipo Film & 03.11
TV-produksjon AS
On a Tightrope
Petr Lom
Pining for the Fjords
Are Syvertsen/Jon Martin FørlandIncakola Productions
Porn Star?
John Sullivan
Navillus Film
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 14.09
Hawaii, Oslo
Erik Poppe
Paradox Film AS
The Bothersome Man
Jens Lien
Tordenfilm AS
The Radio Pirates
Stig Svendsen
Just Bea
Petter Næss
Maipo Film & TV Produksjon 23.01
Comrade Pedersen
Hans Petter Moland
Motlys AS
Second Half
Hilde Heier
Paradox AS
Just Working
Kjell Hammerø
Dreamfactory AS
Cold Feet
Alexander Eik
You Are Here/Nordisk Film
Svein and the Rat and
Vibeke Ringen
Maipo Film- og
Little Grey Fergie – Trond Jacobsen
Cold Prey
Roar Uthaug
Fantefilm AS
the UFO Mystery
TV-produksjon AS
Free Jimmy
Christopher Nielsen
Storm Studio 21.04
Rubicon Film AS
Arild Østin Ommundsen
Muz Film
The Junior Olsen Gang
Arne Lindtner Næss
Nordisk Film
The Ten Lives of Titanic the CatGrethe Bøe
Nordisk Film AS
USA vs Al-Arian
Line Halvorsen
Dalchows verden
Øyvind Sandberg
Øy-Film AS
Varg Veum – Bitter Flowers
Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
SF Norge/Miso Film
Speranza Film AS
Hisham Zaman
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 19.01
the Secret on the Farm
My Jealous Barber
Annette Sjursen
Maipo Film & TV Produksjon 03.09
at the Circus
Raw Youth
Margreth Olin
Speranza AS
The Junior Olsen Gang Rocks It
Arne Lindtner Næss
Nordisk Film Production AS 06.02
It’s Hard to be a Rock’n RollerGunhild Asting
Ole Martin Hafsmo
This is the Song You Need
Tore Rygh
Motlys AS
The Lion – Henrik Ibsen
Alexander Wisting
Tellus Works
Karoline Frogner
Integritet Film
Long Flat Balls
Bjørn Fast Nagell
Zwart Arbeid AS
Aksel Hennie
Maria’s Men
Vibeke Ringen
Maipo Film & 29.09
99% Honest
Rune Denstad Langlo
Motlys AS
Big John
Håvard Bustnes
Faction Film AS
TV-produksjon AS
Nordisk Film
Cold Lunch
Eva Sørhaug
Spillefilmkompaniet 4 ½ AS 01.02
Thomas Kaiser
37 and a Half
Vibeke Idsøe
Ole Bull
Aslak Aarhus
Visions AS
Cold Prey II
Mats Stenberg
Fantefilm AS
100% Human
Trond Winterkjær/Jan Dalchow
Dalchows Verden
Tone Grøttjord
Motlys AS
Fallen Angels
Morten Tyldum
SF Norge and Miso Film
Fond for lyd og bilde
Norsk Filmforbund
Norsk Filmvederlagsfond
Agicoa Norge
Norsk kulturråd, Grev Wedels plass 1
Norwegian Film Workers’ Association
Norwegian Film Foundation
Dronningens gt 8 A
P.O. Box 984 Sentrum, N-0151 N-Oslo
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
P.O. Box 629 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 47 83 30
Tel: +47 22 47 46 40
Tel: +47 22 47 46 40
Tel: +47 23 01 01 52
Fax: +47 22 33 40 42
Fax: +47 22 47 46 89
Fax: +47 22 47 46 89
Fax: +47 23 01 01 11
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Sverre Pedersen
Contact: Sverre Pedersen
Contact: Tom G Eilertsen
Den norske filmskolen
Norwegian Media Authority
Norsk filminstitutt
Norsk Skuespillerforbund
The Norwegian Film School
Nygata 4, N-1607 Fredrikstad
Norwegian Film Institute
Norwegian Actor’s Equity Association
N-2626 Lillehammer
Tel: +47 69 30 12 00
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16
Welhavensgt. 1, N-0166 Oslo
Tel: +47 61 28 74 68
Fax: +47 69 30 12 01
P.O. Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo
Tel: +47 21 02 71 90
Fax: +47 61 28 81 10
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. switchboard: +47 22 47 45 00
Fax: +47 21 02 71 91
Mail: [email protected]
International Department:
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: + 47 22 47 45 79
Nasjonalbiblioteket, Rana
Fax: + 47 22 47 45 97
Contact: Agnete Haaland
The Norwegian National Library, Rana
Mail: [email protected]
Det kongelige kulturdepartement
Sound and Image Archive/Media Laboratory
Royal Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Finsetveien 2, N-8624 Mo i Rana
P.O. Box 8030 Dep, N-0030 Oslo
Tel: +47 75 12 11 11
Norsk Filmklubbforbund
Rådhusgt. 7,
Tel: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 75 12 12 22
Norwegian Federation of Film Societies
P.O. Box 579 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo
Fax: +47 22 24 95 50
Mail: [email protected]
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 47 89 50
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 47 46 80
Fax: +47 22 42 03 56
Contact: Lars Gaustad
Fax: +47 22 47 46 92
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Eva Sevaldson
Contact: Malte Wadman
Det kongelige utenriksdepartement
Norske Dramatikeres Forbund
Norwegian Playwrights’ Association
Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nordisk Film & TV-Fond
P.O. Box 8114 Dep, N-0032 Oslo
Nordic Film & TV-Fund
Contact: Jon Iversen
Tel: +47 22 24 36 00
Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36
Fax: +47 22 24 95 80/81
P.O. Box 275, N-1319 Bekkestua
Norsk Filmkritikerlag
Norwegian Film- and TV Producers’ Association
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 64 00 60 80
The Norwegian Filmcritic’s Association
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Fax: +47 64 00 60 87
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Tel: +47 23 11 93 11
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 23 11 93 21
Fax: +47 23 11 93 16
National Association of Municipal Cinemas
Mail: [email protected]
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Contact: Hanne Palmquist
[email protected]
Contact: Dag Sødtholt
P.O. Box 446 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 47 46 10
Fax: +47 22 47 46 99
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Lene Løken
Norske film- og TV produsenters forening
Contact: Leif Holst Jensen
Norske Filmbyråers Forening
Corianderfilm AS
Scanbox Entertainment Norway AS
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Cinenord AS
Fenris Film & TV Produksjon
Norwegian Film Distributors Association
Georgernes Verft 12 USF
Kringsjåvn. 25B, N-7032 Trondheim
Dronningensgt. 10-14, P.O. Box 1097 Sentrum,
Sjølyst plass 4, P.O. Box 456 Skøyen, N-0213 Oslo
Akersbakken 33, N-0172 Oslo
Sagvn. 23A, N-0459 Oslo
Vaskerelven 8, N-5014 Bergen
Øvre Slottsgt. 12, N-0157 Oslo
N-5011 Bergen
Tel: +47 99 44 80 40
N-0104 Oslo
Tel: +47 24 11 73 50
Tel: +47 22 95 55 80
Tel: +47 23 12 17 10
Tel: + 47 55 32 74 08
Tel: +47 22 42 48 44
Tel: +47 55 90 01 09
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 39 62 62
Fax: +47 24 11 73 51
Fax: +47 22 95 55 81
Fax: +47 23 12 17 11
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 42 30 93
Fax: +47 55 36 50 44
Fax: +47 22 39 62 82
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: kristin.hoenvoll@norskefilmbyraaersforen-
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Ola Lund Renolen
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Elin Sander
Contact: Inger Warendorph
Contact: Silje Hopland Eik, Tanya Nanette
Contact: Tore Buvarp
Contact: Kristin Hoenvoll
Contact: Eli Stangeland
Fox Film AS
Contact: Jim Frazee
Dronningensgate 8 A
Friland AS
Filbmagoahti AS
Torggt. 33, N-0183 Oslo
Norske filmregissører
Europafilm AS
P.O. Box 719 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo
SEG Distribusjon
4 1/2 AS
Dalchows verden
P.O. Box 350, N-9521 Kautokeino
Tel: +47 22 17 47 00
Norwegian Film Director’s Guild
Stortingsgt. 30
Tel: +47 22 00 78 00
Riddervoldsgt. 10
Krusesgt. 8, N-0263 Oslo
Møllergata 28, N-0179 Oslo
Tel: +47 78 48 66 66
Fax: +47 22 17 47 01
Filmparken, Wedel Jarlsbergs vei 36
P.O. Box 3126 Elisenberg, N-0207Oslo
Fax: +47 22 00 78 01
N-0258 Oslo
Tel: +47 40 00 63 28
Tel: +47 22 20 47 00
Fax: +47 78 48 65 66
Mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 275, N-1319 Bekkestua
Tel: +47 22 83 42 90
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 54 33 50
Fax: +47 22 85 43 16
Fax: +47 22 20 47 01
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 67 52 51 58
Fax: +47 22 83 41 51
Fax: +47 22 54 33 51
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Nils Thomas Utsi
Contact: Asle Vatn, Christian Fredrik Martin
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Bjørn Jacobsen
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Egil Ødegård
Contact: Karin Julsrud
Contact: Jan Dalchow
Helgeland Film AS
Contact: Lars Berg
Contact: Erik Sælen
Fabrikken, Løkkegt. 9
Øvre Storgt. 59, N-3018 Drammen
Nordisk Filmdistribusjon
Sandakervn. 118
SF Norge AS
Alligator AS
Exposed Film Production AS
N-2615 Lillehammer
Tel: +47 32 89 17 90
Samisk filmforbund
Euforia Film
P.O. Box 4884 Nydalen, N-0422 Oslo
Dronningensgt. 8 A
Georgernes Verft 12, N-5011 Bergen
Møllergata 28, N-0179 Oslo
Tel: +47 90 20 65 56
Mail: [email protected]
Sami Film Workers’ Association
Nedregate 5, N-0551 Oslo
Tel: +47 21 54 47 00
P.O. Box 639 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo
Tel: +47 55 21 40 50
Tel: + 47 22 20 77 00
Mail: [email protected]
Ersfjordveien 32, N-9100 Kvaløysletta
Tel: +47 21 37 99 92
Fax: +47 21 54 47 01
Tel: +47 22 00 78 00
Fax: +47 55 21 40 55
Fax: + 47 22 20 77 01
Contact: Axel Helgeland
Tel: +47 95 92 62 91
Fax: +47 24 20 05 01
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 00 78 01
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Filmhuset AS
Contact: Bjarne Store-Jakobsen
Contact: Bjørn Hoenvoll
Contact: Jan Aksel Angeltvedt
Contact: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog
Riddervoldsgt. 10, N-0258 Oslo
Ostadalsv. 35, N-0753 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 54 33 50
Tel: +47 90 86 52 03
Contact: Kjetil Omberg
Contact: Guttorm Petterson
Oro Film AS
Barentsfilm AS
Fantefilm AS
Fax: +47 22 55 33 51
Fax: +47 22 73 44 03
Actionfilm AS
Exposed Film AS
Øvre Vollgt. 6, N-0158 Oslo
Tour de Force
Welding Olsens v. 50, N-0694 Oslo
Parkvn. 5, N-0350 Oslo
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Vålerenggata 47, N-0658 Oslo
Møllergata 28, N-0179 Oslo
Tel: +47 23 10 30 80
Georgernes Verft 12, N-5011 Bergen
Tel: +47 22 28 06 70
Tel: +47 22 59 39 00
Tel: +47 22 70 90 50
Tel: + 47 22 20 77 00
Fax: +47 23 10 30 99
Tel: +47 55 30 08 40
Fax: +47 22 28 06 70
Fax: +47 22 59 39 01
Contact: Egil Ødegård
Contact: Carsten Aanonsen
Fax: +47 22 70 90 55
Fax: + 47 22 20 77 01
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 55 30 08 41
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Jan-Erik Gammleng
Filmkameratene AS
Kongfilm AS
Contact: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog
Contact: Pål Kreim
Contact: Martin Sundland
Dronningensgt. 8 A
Tollbodallmenningen 1B, N-5004 Bergen
P.O. Box 629 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo
Tel: +47 91 61 41 61
Contact: Tor Fosse
Contact: Tore Erlandsen
Fidalgo Filmdistribusjon AS
Sandrew Metronome Norge AS
Henrik Wergelandsgt. 52
Stortorget 2, P.O. Box 753 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
P.O. Box 666, N-4666 Kristiansand
Tel: +47 22 47 46 85
BulBul Film A/S
Høyåsvn. 24, N-3216 Sandefjord
Fender Film AS
Tel: +47 23 35 53 00
Fax: +47 53 51 80 81
United International Pictures AS
Tel: +47 33 46 48 95
Konglevn. 18, N-0875 Oslo
Fax: +47 23 35 53 01
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 23 35 82 00
Hegdehaugsvn. 27
Fax: +47 33 46 48 95
Tel: +47 90 10 80 80
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 38 02 40 04
Fax: +47 23 35 82 10
P.O. Box 7134 Majorstuen, N-0307 Oslo
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: John M. Jacobsen
Contact: Lars Erik Ørgersen
Fax: +47 22 47 46 92
Fax: +47 38 02 23 54
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 85 37 37
Contact: Bent Hamer
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 85 37 38
Contact: Frida Ohrvik
E-mail: [email protected]
Akershusstranda skur 35, N-0155 Oslo
Contact: Svend B. Jensen
Contact: Arild Frøyseth, Frank Stavik
Tel: +47 22 20 80 00
Contact: Liv Jacobsen
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Torleif Hauge
Fredrik Fiction AS
Contact: Fredrik Pryser
Maipo Film- og TV-Produksjon
Motlys A/S
Paradox Film A/S
Rubicon Film AS
Tordenfilm AS
Kristiansand International Children’s Film Festival
Oslo International Film Festival | November
Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36,
Sagvn. 18, N-0459 Oslo
Maridalsvn. 89, N-0461 Oslo
Sandakervn. 24 C
Marstrandgt. 9, N-0566 Oslo
Bergen International Film Festival | October
| April
Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
P.O. Box 275, N-1319 Bekkestua
Tel: +47 22 80 83 70
Tel: +47 23 22 71 50
P.O. Box 4414 Nydalen, N-0403 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 38 90 00
Georgernes Verft 12, N-5011 Bergen
Kristiansand kino, P.O. Box 356, N-4663 Kris-
Tel: +47 22 20 07 66
Tel: +47 67 52 51 90
Fax: +47 22 80 83 71
Fax: +47 23 22 71 51
Tel: +47 23 23 45 00
Fax: +47 22 38 90 01
Tel: +47 55 30 08 40
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 67 52 51 96
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 23 23 45 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 55 30 08 41
Tel +47 38 10 42 05
Mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 38 10 42 01
Contact: Tommy Lørdahl
Contact: Sigve Endresen
Contact: Finn Gjerdrum
Contact. Eric Vogel, Kari Moen Kristiansen
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Tor Fosse
Oslo Gay and Lesbian Film Festival | June
Contact: Dankert Monrad-Krohn
P.O. Box 954 Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo
Contact: Dag Alveberg
Contact: Lars Hognestad
Navillus Film
Penelope Film AS
Medieoperatørene AS
Utgardveien 15, N-1368 Stabekk
Kongensgt. 4 B
SF Norge AS
Prost Christies vei 19A, N-1362 Hosle
Femmina International Film Festival | October
Nedre Vaskegang 6, N-0186 Oslo
Tel: +47 92 26 19 22
P.O. Box 618, N-4665 Kristiansand
Dronningensgt. 8 A
Tel: +47 90 72 30 63
Kjøpmannsgt. 51, N-7011 Trondheim
Minimalen Short Film Festival | March
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 99 31 20
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 38 17 70 50
P.O. Box 639 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo
Fax: +47 67 14 90 22
Tel: +47 98 63 00 60
Filmhuset Rosendal, Innherredsveien 73
Fax: +47 22 99 31 21
Fax: +47 38 02 60 59
Tel: +47 22 00 78 00
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 1083 Lademoen, N-7446 Trondheim
Contact: Bård Ydén
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: John Sullivan
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 00 78 01
Tel +47 73 52 27 57,
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Anders Tangen
Contact: Marit Bakken
Fax: +47 73 53 57 40
Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival | January
Contact: Odd Hynnekleiv
E-mail: [email protected]
Tromsø International Film Festival
Contact: Hanne Myren
Neofilm AS
Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36
Viafilm AS
Contact: Gudnmy Hummelvoll
Tel: +47 47 28 28 93
Videomaker AS
Films from the South | October
Storgata 93 B, P.O. Box 285, N-9253 Tromsø
Maridalsvn. 87, N-0461 Oslo
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Contact: Per Fikse
Tel: +47 77 75 30 90
Merkur Film Produksjon AS
Box 272, N-1319 Bekkestua Norway
Piraya Film AS - Bergen
Sofiesgt. 60, N-0168 Oslo
Tel: +47 67 52 53 26
Olav Kyrresgate 28
Speranza Film as
Tel: +47 22 80 96 20
Telephone +47 22 82 24 80/81
Tel: +47 22 59 15 40
Mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 926 Sentrum, N-5808 Bergen
Waldemar Thranesgt. 84C, N-0175 Oslo
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 82 24 89
The Norwegian Documentary Film Festival | April
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 59 15 49
Tel: + 47 55 32 55 10
Tel: +47 22 04 48 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Høgskulen i Volda, P.O. Box 500, N-6101Volda
Fax: +47 55 32 85 69
Fax: +47 22 04 48 31
Tel: +47 40 48 46 36
Contact: Martha Otte
Contact: Lasse Skagen
E-mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 77 75 30 99
Nordisk Film & TV AS
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Visions AS
Contact: Petter Vennerød
Sandakervn. 118
Kongens gt. 3, N-0156Oslo
P.O. Box 4884 Nydalen, N-0422 Oslo
Contact: Stian Indrevoll
Contact: Thomas Robsahm
Tel: +47 95 10 15 90
Fredrikstad Animation Festival | November
E-mail: [email protected]
Kasernegt. 47, P.O. Box 1405, N-1602 Fredrikstad
Contact: Ole Bernt Frøshaug
Tel: +47 69 32 00 75
The Norwegian International Film Festival |
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16
Fax: +47 69 32 00 77
Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo
Contact: Åge Andre Breivik
Filmcommission Norway
Mirmar Film Production AS
Tel: +47 21 54 47 00
Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36
Fax: +47 21 54 48 10
Piraya Film AS – Stavanger
Storm Rosenberg AS
Nestoppen 21 B, N-1344 Haslum
Mail: [email protected]
Lervigsveien 22
Maridalsvn. 87, N-0461 Oslo
Tel: +47 67 52 53 25
Contact: Stein Roger Bull
NO-4016 Stavanger
Tel: +47 21 37 80 81
Zwart Arbeid AS
E-mail: [email protected]
Knut Knutsen 4
Tel: +47 22 47 46 07
Tel: +47 51 11 63 36
Mail: [email protected]
Kirkegt. 27, N-1632 Gamle Fredrikstad
P.O. Box 145, N-5501 Haugesund
Fax: +47 22 47 45 97
Contact: Trond Ola Mevassvik
Tel: +47 52 74 33 70
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 52 74 33 71
Contact: Truls Kontny
Fax: +47 67 52 53 24
Mail: [email protected]
Norsk filmproduksjon AS
Fax: +47 51 11 63 37
Tel: +47 69 32 22 33
Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Jørgen Storm Rosenberg
Fax: +47 69 32 20 50
Contact: Tom Rysstad
P.O. Box 275, N-1319 Bekkestua
Tel: +47 67 52 54 20/21
Contact: Torstein Grude
c/o Norwegian Film Institute
Mail: [email protected]
Kosmorama | April
E-mail: [email protected]
Storm Studio
Trondheim International Film Festival
Nedre gate 5, N-0551 Oslo
Contact: Espen Horn
Prinsensgt. 2 B, N-7012 Trondheim
Contact: Gunnar Johan Løvvik, Håkon Skogrand
Monster Film
Fax: +47 67 52 54 44
Tullinsgt. 4C
Mail: [email protected]
Qvisten Animation
Tel: +47 24 20 05 00
P.O. Box 7143 St. Olavs Plass, N-0130 Oslo
Frimanns gt. 20, N-0165 Oslo
Fax: +47 24 20 05 01
Fax: +47 73 19 89 71
The Norwegian Short Film Festival | June
Tel: + 47 55 56 05 10
Tell: +47 21 06 30 00
Contact: Hilde Berg, Bent Rognlien
Tel: +47 22 20 97 40
Mail: [email protected]
N-5915 Hjelmås
E-mail: [email protected]
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Fax: + 47 55 56 03 55
Fax: +47 21 06 30 01
Fax: +47 22 20 97 39
Tel: + 47 56 35 33 72
Tel: +47 22 47 46 46
E-post: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Kristin Hellebust, Lars Andreas Hellebust
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Ola Lund Renolen
Fax: +47 22 47 46 90
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Sigmund Elias Holm
Contact: Olav Øen
Contact: Ove Heiborg
Tel: +47 73 19 89 70
Contact: Øyvind Sandberg
Western Norway Film Commission
Georgernes Verft 12, N-5011 Bergen
Contact: Torunn Nyen
Filmkraft Rogaland AS
Norsk Filmstudio AS
TVNorge A/S
Kino 1, Stavanger
FilmMagasinet AS
Actors Agent Norge AS
Rogaland Fylkeskommune
Drammensvn. 130, N-0277 Oslo
Wedel Jarlsbergsvei 36
Canal +
Biskop Gunnerusgt. 6, N-0155 Oslo
Sølvberggt. 2, P.O. Box 194, N-4001 Stavanger
Gjerdrums vei 19
Kongens gate 15, N-0153 Oslo
P.O. Box 130, N-4001 Stavanger
Tel: +47 24 11 62 00
P.O. Box 272, N-1319 Bekkestua
C More Entertainment
Tel: +47 21 02 20 00
Tel: +47 51 51 07 00
P.O. Box 5336 Majorstuen, N-0304 Oslo
Tel: +47 92 40 83 13
Tel: +47 51 51 69 72
Fax: +47 22 13 51 71
Tel: +47 67 52 54 00
P.O. Box 80 Bryn, N-0611 Oslo
Fax: +47 22 05 10 00
Fax: +47 51 51 07 01
Tel: +47 24 11 85 50
Fax: +47 22 42 18 55
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 67 52 54 11
Tel: +47 22 93 93 33
Fax: +47 24 11 85 04
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 65 72 52
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Hans Erik Voktor, Sjur Paulsen
Contact: Morten Nagel
Aurora kino Fokus
Contact: Frode Nilsen
Contact: Christina A. Ulrichsen
Contact: Knud Bjørne-Larsen
E-mail: [email protected]
Grønnegata 100, N-9299 Tromsø
Midtnorsk Filmsenter AS
Digital Video Norge AS
Tel: +47 77 75 63 00
Kristiansand Kino
Hobbart & Hobbart AS
P.O. Box 964 Sentrum, N-7410 Trondheim
Sagvn. 23 F, N-0459 Oslo
Norwegian Broadcasting Corp.
Fax: +47 77 75 63 01
P.O. Box 356, N-4663 Kristiansand
Film & Kino
Munkedamsveien 35
Tel: +47 73 51 55 50
Tel: +47 22 71 03 93
Nes terrasse 45, N-1394 Nesbru
N-0340 Oslo
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 38 10 42 00
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16
PB 2048 Vika, N-0250 Oslo
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: 98 99 11 84
Tel: +47 66 77 81 80
Tel: +47 23 04 70 00/
Fax: +47 38 10 42 01
P.O. Box 446 sentrum, N-0104 Oslo
Tel: +47 46 55 27
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 66 98 15 55
Drama department: +47 23 04 89 22
Contact: Geir Martin Jensen
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 22 47 46 28
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Heidi Sandberg
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 23 04 74 35
Fax: +47 22 47 46 98
Contact: Arild Hansen
Contact: Hans Rossiné
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Martin Braathen
Contact: Einar Aarvig
Contact: Petter Benestad
Neumannsgt. 4
Contact: Michael Simonsen
Nordnorsk Filmsenter A/S
Bergen Kino
Øvergata 1
TV 1000 Norge A/S
P.O.Box 6153 Postterminalen, N-5892 Bergen
Oslo Kino AS
P.O. Box 94, N-9751 Honningsvåg
Gladengvn.14, N-0661 Oslo
Royal Filmservice A/S
Hammersborg Torg 1
Tel: +47 55 56 90 50
Roald Amundsensgt. 6, P.O. Box 1584 Vika,
Rush Print
Film3 AS
Tel: +47 78 47 64 00
Tel: +47 23 12 22 50
Hedmarksgt. 15, N-0658 Oslo
P.O. Box 8864 Youngstorget, N-0028 Oslo
Fax: +47 55 56 90 56
N-0118 Oslo
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16
Fax: +47 78 47 64 10
Fax: +47 23 12 22 51
Tel: +47 22 68 51 40
Tel: +47 22 99 01 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 99 43 20 00
N-0152 Oslo
Løkkegata 9, N-2615 Lillehammer
E-mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 19 73 93
Fax: +47 22 99 01 35
Fax: +47 22 42 48 80
Tel: +47 22 47 46 43
Tel: + 47 92 80 52 50
Contact: Ellen Tobiassen
Contact: Dag Petersen
Contact: Stein Sandvik
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 47 46 93
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Eva Charlotte Nilsen
E-mail: [email protected]
Medieparken AS
Soundfactory AS
Nøstegaten 72
Edda Kino, Haugesund
Contact: Inge Tenvik
Vestnorsk Filmsenter
K. G. Meldalsvei 9
Riddervoldsgt. 10, N-0258 Oslo
P.O. Box 7222, N-5020 Bergen
P.O. Box 488, N-5501 Haugesund
Contact: Geir Kamsvåg
TV 2 A/S
Contact: Geir Bergkastet
Western Norwegian Film Centre
P.O. Box 908, N-1670 Kråkerøy
Tel: +47 47 22 54 33 20
Tel: +47 55 90 80 70
Tel: +47 52 71 90 07
Trondheim Kino
FilmCamp AS
Georgernes Verft 12, N-5011 Bergen
Tel: + 47 99 56 06 06
Fax: +47 22 54 33 51
Fax: +47 55 90 80 90
Fax: +47 52 71 90 00
Prinsensgt. 2 B, N-7012 Trondheim
Z Filmtidsskrift
Postboks 144, N-9335 Øverbygd
Tel: +47 55 56 09 05
Mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 73 80 88 00
Filmens Hus, Dronningensgt. 16, N-0152 Oslo
Tel + 47 77 83 35 00
Fax: +47 55 56 03 55
Karl Johansgt. 14
Fax: +47 73 80 88 01
Tel: +47 22 47 46 80
e-mail: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Stein Georg Lillemoen
P.O. Box 2 Sentrum, N-0101 Oslo
Contact: Grete Grinde
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 47 46 92
E-mail: [email protected]
Comtact: Svein Andersen
Contact. Irmelin Nordahl
Contact: Kjetil Lismoen
Contact: Ingrid Rommetveit
Nordisk Film Post Production AS
Gullhaugvn. 12
Filmfondet FUZZ AS
P.O. Box 4264 Nydalen, N-0401 Oslo
Georgernes verft 12, N-5011 Bergen
Chimney Pot
Tel: +47 92 89 81 00
Tel: + 47 55 62 63 93
Drammensvn. 130, N-0277 Oslo
Fax: +47 22 95 12 70
Kulturmeglerne A/S
Fax: + 47 55 62 63 39
Tel: +47 22 13 51 70
Mail: [email protected]
Stortingsgt. 12, N-0164 Oslo
Mail: [email protected]
Fax: +47 22 13 51 71
Tel: +47 22 40 59 90
Mail: [email protected]
Contact: Espen Skjetne, Åge Paulsen
Fax: +47 22 40 59 96
Contact: Lars L. Marøy
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Svanhild Sørensen
Contact: Martin Thorkildsen
Zone 5 studios AS
Tel: +47 22 31 47 00
Enebakkvn. 69, N-0192 Oslo
Fax: +47 22 31 47 01
Fredrikstad Kino
P.O. Box 1405, N-1602 Fredrikstad
Tel: +47 22 19 48 40
Fax: +47 22 19 49 41
Tel: +47 69 30 60 70
Mail: [email protected]
Hammersborg Torg 1, N-0179 Oslo
E-mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box TV3 Youngstorget, N-0028 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 99 00 33
Contact: Olav Kjeldsen
Fax: +47 22 99 00 19
Contact: Egil Akselsen
Publisher | Norwegian Film Institute
Editor | Astri Dehli Blindheim
Design | Blæst design AS
Translation | Bjørn Giertsen
Published by | Norwegian Film Institute
Department of International Relations
Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 47 45 79/00
Fax: +47 22 47 45 97
Mail: [email protected]
ISBN | 978-82-8025-022-3
Front cover | North | Max Manus | The Orange Girl | Kurt turns Evil
Back cover | Upperdog | The Angel | Yohan – The Child Wanderer
norwegian films 2009
norwegian films 2009
P.O.Box 482 Sentrum N-0105 Oslo tel +47 22 47 45 00 fax +47 22 47 45 97 mail [email protected]