FIRE - Hillsdale Library
FIRE - Hillsdale Library
HILLSDALE'S ONLY NEWSPAPER 'THE HERALD COVERS HILLSDALE LIKE A ROOF" VoL V, No. 36, Whole No. 343 Single Copy, Three Cents H i i l s d a 1 e, New J e r s e y, T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 3, 19 3 1 MAN IS SENT TO JAIL COMPLETED FOR DRUNKEN DRIVING CLOSE GAME IS FIREMEN EXPEL PLANS 'FIRE'IS PUT OUT FOR FLOWER SHOW iDBYSOX IN QUICK TWO FIREBUGS IS INVESTIGATED Westwood Department Votes Unanimously to Drop Hayward and Wittnebert. OTHER FIRES HINTED Investigation Is Under Way to Link More Suspicious Blazes to Members of Same Group A meeting was held on Tuesday eve rung at Mr. and Mrs. R- Lenmann's home, on Stockton street, for the heads ' of various committees to complete ar- ' rangementts for the Sower show of the Sun Dial Garden C_ub, of Hillsdale. We wish to mate a correction in the lists of prizes published in last week's paper. The prize won by Frank Palm, of the Manor, iast year, was $2.50 in geld—and not $10 as stated. Mr. Palm has donated this gold piece to the club, to be used as a prize this year. Ths sweepstake prize offered by the club for the largest number of points, open to members only, will be the siliver loving cup won last year by Mrs. S. A. Kirfcpatrlck, of River Vale, which becomes a possession when won for three years, not necessarily successively. Robert Norton was sent to Hackensaclc jail on Sunday when he was unable to pay a fine of $200, $5 doctor's fees, and $1 court costs, after being cund guilty of drunken driven before Hillsdale Team Nosed Out By Hillsdale Firemen Took Only Twelve Minutes to Reach Piermont At- Stadium, Scene at Tappan. Score 2 to 1. HAD CHANCE IN FIFTH SCHOOL WAS 'BURNING' Recorder Walter J. Mclntyre, in Hills- jM a y o r antj Commissioner Ex- dale. Norton :'s from New York City, and sneraie Police Chief of was picked up early Sunday hy Chief Bulach and Officer Beissbarth, who Deliberate Neglect. noticed him driving In an unsteady mannsr. He was traveling south on Broadway at the time. He was taken to Dr. James W. Fox j for examination, and the doctor pro-, nounced him under the influence of j m a n M a a e B a s i l f OI" L i b e r t y liquor and unfit to operate an automo- I -cm -R.T p . T_L7 T. " ALL INVOLVED QUIZZED Travolta Tripled But Was Out Other Companies Also Responded and Some Stood biie. At Plate On MuIIer's By to "Cover Up." Bunt. f LEAKY REFRIGERATOR When Nobody W a s Expecting Such A n Attempt. — - BATTLED WITH MASK Police Chief William, of Last Saturday afternoon the Truck The Hiilsdale Blue Sox dropped anClarence Hayward and Harry.Witt; Hillsdale, was exonerated from any cther game on Sunday at the Hillsdale Company of the Hillsdale Fire Departmebert, of Westwood, both under arrest One butcher in Hillsdale this week I deliberate neglect in the escape of Stadium, when they were defeated by ment responded to an emergency call for their part in setting ithe Overbrook it necessary to wear a gas mask Stanley Post when he was being C O _rt e » *T~»1VI'TTWE"WT Piermont in a stiffly contested game froin Tappan to fight a fire that had found Country Club building in Hillsdale on when went to the refrigerator to get • brought back .to Hillsdale from Philthat proved interesting from start to broken out in the school building there. a side he fire, were expelled from the Westwood ofbeef to cut up. j lipsburg last- week. Police CommisThe Hillsdale boys reached the scene Miss Florence Walker, of Hillsdale, j finish. The result was close, the final IFire Department at a special meeting Gas masks were not furnished the j sioner Harvey Hering and. Mayor W. W. of the fire in twelve minutes, and raisof the Company on Tuesday evening, j and Miss Bessie Heale, of Park Ridge,' score being, Piermont 2, Hillsdale 1. customers, so they had to remain out- i Livengcod conducted a thorough invesThe members of the Company cast a) two teachers in Hillsdale school, re- j The splendid pitching of Nick Swetz, ed ladders on the building and aided sids the store. jtigaticn on Tuesday evening, and found unanimous vote in favor of the action, j turned to town on Wednesday after a for Piermont, bottled up the Hillsdale in checking the flames. Of course, the story Is not so bad as {that there was no evidence of deliberwonderful trip across the continent. ! sluggers and held them down to three Both men had previous good records, The Fire Departments of Nyack, may at first appear, as the need for a j ate conspiracy in the escape of Post, as members of the Department. J Leaving here the end of June, they' singles. Hillsdale made the meagre Sparkill, Piermont, Nanuet and River gas mask had nothing to do with the but that Chief Bulach was guilty of The action of the Company will be sailed to San Francisco, via the Pana- ! hits count, however, and with the aid j Yale ~ also responded and participated .strength of the meat. No, the gas mask simple carelessness in the matter. submitted to .the Board of Fire Officers ' ma Canal, making stops in Panama; of a misplay on the part of Piermont, \ i n successfully fighting the fire. The was necessary because, through a leak i There were probably some extenuatfor approval, and will later be referred i and Havana. Some interesting places were able to bring in one run. qU=ck a c t i o n of-the Fir- Departments in the pipes of., the refrigerator, the '• ing circumstances for the Chiefs easy •to the Mayor and Council for that m San D:ego were visited, after which j L e f t y M]lVsl% hurling tor me home of the surrounding communities saved chemicals used in the refrigeration handling of the prisoner, chiefly the body's approval. i they continued on to Los Angeles, •t e a m , was plastered around the lot for ithe school building from being com- escaped and the fumes filled the store, j fact that Post was well known to the Hayward is being held in the County where they spent two weeks. While n i n e saSetieSi w h i c h o n j y produced two j pletely demolished and prevented what The leak was discovered by the j Chief, and that -he hesitated to handjail in Hackensack, under $7500 bail, : there they visited John W. Voorhis and r l m s t o l the visitors, because the hits! might have become a menacing fire, butcher when he entered the store, so ! cuS him for that reason. He did not not having been able to furnish that ms daughters, who formerly lived here; ;w e r w W e i y . scattered. 1 and which might have threatened the i-.e rushed immediately to the firehouse ] realize that he was handling a desamount of bail, Wittnebert, who was also Mr. ajid Mrs. Elmer De Motit, who j Fi er mont opened strong and scored j entire block, •M and obtained a gas mask. Wearing the jperate type of criminal, but considered held in the same amount, was released was the former Miss Anms Barwick, of «,„> f.wr, m-no m t_w» n-r^t innino•»-. -u i _.-.._ _, " mask he entered the ice house and > that he was merely bringing back one this week, bail having been secured. TTtiicrioia , two runs m we in si inning., N o £Chool children were in any dan- turned off the.flow of chemicals. Later i cf the boys who had gotten into a jam. Arthur Bates, who was also in Hack-' inusaa-ie. . __. „ . iBraiman was the first man at bat and: o ? r fnr thr^p M « , n . - mrot it wsq =sat mechanics from the manufacturer of Chief Btilach did some excellent ensack jail under the same amount of In Pasatiena, Miss Walker and Miss masons. Fust, it v,as Sat- the refrigerator arrived and repaired work in tracing the disappearance of walki H e a d v a n c e d to s e c O nd ° bail as one of the accused in the Over- • Herbert W. Pender, of Hillsdale, who Sd Cr eQWr e da Brarman. Hetriek singled and the mechanical apparatus, Heale stopped to visit the family of o a a p a s s e d b a l l . MiUer singled and; fcion. a n d ^ . ^ fireme 5le ! Fost, who ran away with Nathalie brook fire, was released when bail was live out there. _ ^ i Miller advanced to third on the hit. h the response of Those who witnessed the incident, j Krueder and in running down clues furnished. Anthony Hellstern, who is The return trip across the continent T h e n j ^ g - . e a m e home when Muller only a, drill in and saw the butcher moving in the j t h a ; t eventually led to the couple's locharged with having driven the fire was made by rail, with stops at the t - a _. ew ^ ^ i n a n a t t e m p t t o &£& H e t _ r-up system store with the mask on his face, were ]cat = O n in Easton Penr>. car, is at liberty on $2500 bail. i Ycsemite Valley National Park; also r i c f c oS g ^ b a s e the N. J. & reminded of the gas attacks that were In the investigation conducted by the Bates is a Special Officer, and was Bryce and Zion National Park, in south; Blue sox earned their only run ! N. Y.isVolunteer Association. the secondFiremen's test given the plan, a big feature cf the World War. The;. and Police Commissioner, all doing more or less regular duty at- the western "Utah, a week being spent at' third inning when F. Travolta 1 irnt'al tett havin-teen mad- in butcher won in the attack, for .the ! Mayer tne tne t h time. So far, no action has been taken each place. 'singled and was sent to third on Tisch- \ we**wonri meat was not in any way damaged o r ! t e Pfiticipante involved were quesmonth ago. _>y the Westwood police authorities Crossing the Grand Canyon, m north •m a l V s M t _ . M a j s a l a t h e n m t t o s hort! turned in detail separately and in the Tap- affected by the chemical leakage ; -the western Arizona; also climbing to tne ^ r ^ ^ ^ s c o r e d W h e n an attempt' Imam their jibed. Those questop of Pikes Peak m Colorado, were f o r a d o u b l e p l a y o n t he part of Coates tioned were Chief Bulach, E. O. Philand scene in ten * ^ a ^ . ^ to fi^t Since the arrest of the four young ether incidents in their ti-ip.Contm- f a i ] f i d t ^ ^ f~H?r"1i-il7Q'TI? A jj lips, who accompanied the Chief to umg .urther East, fr.endsm.Cleveland . 3 ^ , ^ ^ ^ t e n men, which caused a sensation in Westafter waj3 to t h e hase Vw. t\\ T » Fhillipsburg as a friend of the Krueder , oy at its own tore House 10 cover wood and Hillsdale, further investiga- . and Chicago were visited before re- o t „-„,,,, J r O R A L U M N I D A N C E family; R. E. Smith, of Montvale, and tion has gone forward, and it is re- ' turning 1 .it, bvcona. ;d a j e ^ c a s e o j ^^ emergency call from Nathalie Krueder herself. ported that information is being sought : JEullsdale threw away a fine o p p o r - j t h a t t o w n whjle its apparatus w a s a t Bud Fisher, popular radio artist, and j '-We questioned each of them very in an effort to link a number of other j tun_ty j his orchestra, will dispense latest dance thoroughly," said Commissioner Herg to tie the score in the fifth in- ! iTanpan. fires in the neighborhood of suspicious ' ning F. Travolta one 1 ihits at the Park Ridge alumni dance ing, "and there is no doubt that the dewn.when Muller, the nexttripled batter,with decided origin to at least one of "the four under ; nd escape of Post was simply a matter of BY NURSING SERVICE *° bunt and laid one down to Coates j COUNTY GARDEN CLUBS allaU reunion, heldP ain arrest. j o f t h e P ato r k be Club> r k the Rid banquet .at shortstop, but Travolta was tagged tR K_-Twtri> t f h party DTTIVT V f C U*V\*W7i Se, on j carelessness. None of'the ex- ., £>I LX^t\OlLV1J. • J V I V / E . . 'cut ^ y V_" _ _ *_*±T -** ^ ^ " ^ I h u l l nf thp Partnh,h Part P i t o «n < i t A m + r f m . K i i + rn.amltxi m o c tQTOOrt S *JrLiAiX An official from the National Fire Saturday evening, rJLvJW___Iv a n U W ij Saturday evening-, September 12, 12. at at!j pected ri an an escape ..w.™ was -Kra.q to ta take take "place • before he could reach the home At- the September business meeting plate. Underwriters Association has been in '8:30. when it happened, and were all taken Westwcod working on the case and f Pascack Valley Nursing Service, at 1 -Swetz pitched superior ball for Pier- The Federation of Garden Clubs of Don't forget to -come, and bring your by surprise. There was no evidence has been, in „ _ - - , _ - _ , . friends. You will meet your old school- that the escape was in any way plan•:.^ief;SaEl up of local Garden Clubs and garden mates, and have a fine time. E e d, and ithe facts intimate that even arrangements "were .Bee; :#fe%^ departments of various Woman's Clubs I Come '-and help make this annual Post himself acted on impulse when he 16 for the annual appeal for funds for the ton Township has also been at work throughout the County, will hold its j get-together of the Alumni something js a w a possible chance for a getaway. on several clues regarding fires thaifc inaintenanee of the Service for 1932. The box score: tenth "annual flower show in the gym-i t o l c o S : forward to in the future. The It was careless of the Chief not to have ceci.rred in that Township within the To accomplish this, letters are being i th Ramsey B H i h School S h l on ! committee is Soing everything in its his prisoner handcuffed, and he has ab r h e iiaslum off the High PIERMONT past months, in an attempt to find out sent to individuals, clubs and the varipiwer to make this dance an outstand- been reprimanded for this act of carei September 12 and 13. 0 if any of the four young men might ous organizations. Brarman, rf 4 i The exhibition hall will be open to ing affair. Now it is up to you. j lessnes?." Since the percentage of free work is Castravlaei, 3b have been implicated. 5 A great night is looked forward to. j Post escaped while the party were the public on Saturday, from 5 to 10 As a result of these investigations expected to be higher next year, . , the Miller, cf 4 P. M., and on Sunday from 2 to 6 P. j resting at a tourist stand near Washmany rumors have been circulated to need for funds is more urgent than, H e t r i c k i l b M., and for the arrangement 4 | ing-ton, N. J., where they had stopped the effect that other arrests might take ever before. ^ i hibits on Saturday morning E. Coatss, ss 4 I for food. Post asked permission to go : The Service has two registered nurses ! BJretchman, place. It was thought that further If 4 t-T_Y U U If i U Ojc"eloek, Oil exhibits must be in place F_ (flRCl! F „£_-*»_--1 n?R5[FY.'to washroom, which was in plain C1K^1_£_ j . £ . gthe revelations were- pending, a_ad it was cn duty who are kept constantly busy. Dawsdn, 2b h t o f t h e r e s t Qf ^ party) a n d o n 4 0! by 3 P. M., at which time the judging whispered around that other members Each one averages nine or ten visits Donovan, c .,. 4 ;°! will commence. i.,..i. o ,.. T. ...1 _,=. v, -^,,1 his return, in walking around the stand of the Westwocd Fire Department daily, spending from one-half to one Swetz, p While the — ^ ~__o___ TO__^_ i , _ - ^ , , . _ m a d e aa Esuud dd et no ddash a s h f ote r ubertyj 4 " i All exhibitors must be members of an might be implicated. So far, no defi- tour, or more if necessary, on each c-ffiliated club. Entry blanks should be I thpti^T^feffl "Ca- ^^/ir"mU+^ r'.^? i running first toward a brook, which he nite information to this effect has been visit. Every minute of the day is as- \ • • 3 7 2 S 1 filed with one of the show secretaries | ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | swam across, and then into the woods established, and it is not likely that ccuntsd for, a record of which is kept; Totals by Friday evening, September 11. The j now boast of reversing this ; dur i ^ a ^ w e r e situated on the other side of there is any foundation in fact to such by the nurses at the close of the day's \ HELLSDALE BLUE SOX s.'.ow secretaries are Mrs. Howard Bel- • „ ;+~ I the brook. a rumor. duties. Her duties include the carry-1 ab r h lows, Mrs. M. A. Dineen and Mrs. W. j'} It was easy for him to hide in the It was also rumored that Hayward ing out of doctors' orders for persons Tischman, cf 3 0 1 1 made a n extent3ed search 110 t r a c e o i end Wittnebert had attacked Bates in needing daily but not constant care. Marsala, ss 4 0 0 ' S f amateur Exhibits must be grown -j ^ t ^ e J ^ 4 ^ o ? " rtanti^ ^P o s t w a s d l s c o v e r e : L > the County jail and beaten him up She gives advice to expectant mothers, S. Travolta, 3b 4 0 0 ana arranged by the exhibitor. An iff t£ Ultimo! 1V.31? %STfiSh^ The State Police 0 because he was the first to confess. and. cares for new-born babes. She Hcare, lb be needed to change a surgical Tatem, 2b 0 Wittnebert and Hayward' also signed 1 0 confessiens, but Hellstern has refused dressing or give a hypodermic. J. Travolta, If No calls are ever refused, and people Tledeman, rf to make any statement. Jail officials 0 denied that Bates had been attacked in any circumstances whatsoever may P. Travolta, c 2 A splendid programme has been ar- | T J " ' fcund> a - he ' R ' a s without coat or hat a'deouat= ir'-a cf thw rnr fcy his accomplices. Care is Muller, p 0 : call upon the nurses for aid. w h e n he 1 ; ranged by .the committee. The show | ^ ° « f 3 New J e r ^ t o freTvcatei-1 and Hhis clothes were t r s catteredescaped, w i t h mud The complete test of -the resolution gi\ en as cheerfully, as freely, and as will include 72 classes of various ar-1^1^° the ^.ortsmS^nausi te ablfto ^ - e h a s a l s o lost st be able 30 1 3 3 rangemeEte of amateur blooms; ^ i & ^ . J ^ , ^ m ™ i t , t * ™ !«« « r he used, as flat ra tatm over Totals of ths firemen follows. It was intro- well to eases where there is a lack of ze a school of fish reaching from I duced by William. L. Best, and seconded funds, as to those who can give the perennials of all kinds, miniature gar- i y Chief Bulach when they caught moderate fee that is asked for. It must Yonkers on the Hudson to Score by innings: by Herman Schwerdt: dens, club displays and commercial ex'cst at Phillipsburg. ' be remembered, however, that there is 3ay; thence 200 000 000—2 hibits. Many special prizes will be "Whereas, Clarence Hayward -and 110 such thing as free service. Someone Fiermcnt Fost ran away with Nathalie Kruecf the New Jersey coast to Cape Blue Sox 001 CCO 000—1 awarded for special exhibits named. Harry Wittnebert, members of Contin- pays. Will it be" you? up the Delaware Bay and river to the er, 17-year-old High School girl, some ental Hose Company, No. 1, have been Summary: Two-base hits^Hetrick 2.|| An added feature cf the show Harbor of Camden-Fhiiadelphia, and accused' of conduct unbecoming a fireree-base h i t - P . Travolta. Base on | year will be the pester contest. on up the river to its headwaters above man; and left in a car which 2 Swet7 2 Struck | chairman in charge of this department! Port Jervls. This school, if connecting j it,1 "Whereas, they have both admitted had "borrowed' and toured the out-By Muller 3, ' Swetz " is! Passed ] Is Mrs. A. Fedden, cf Hillsdale. Judges | w a t e l w a y s •-"•- provided, could swim' their guilt under a sworn statement to balls—P. Travolta, Umpires—Brill and j *b<m Si-rs-^edden ^has secured are, I circle entirely around I Raymond Wilcox, of Tenafly; Frank the State. police authorities; and i PShay. Scorer—Margolis. I Streat, of Leonia; and C. Rutledge Agof Post to find work forced them "Whereas, they have, through their I K- looks as if the Junior Order of . Of the grand total of fish planted, ability j new, of Tenafly. to appeal for money to Nathalie's desire to create excitement, unneces- : Bergen .County will have the largest • Seen _a_d Heard at the Ball Game Last week Nathalie telephonBy Benny Margolis sarily exposed xo danger tiie lives of demonstration in its history at the i yellow perch, erappie and cat- mother. ed her mother from Easton and asked '.F..-U ether members cf Continental Hose eighth annual visitation to Bergen ! the State Fish Hatchery, at her to send $75. In this way their Company, and it-ae Westwood Fire De- 1 Fines on Sunday, September 13. ' The largest crowd of the season shad and 4; whereabouts revealed and the popartment, and the public; HILLSDALE TEACHERS jI APPEAL FOR FUNDS FISH PLANTED I in displaying £ ? £ ^ f £ - S V b 2 | * " » * a h o v e MANY DIGNITARIES TO BE AT VISITATION Hancock's Bridge, and 222,194 fish of j at Phillipsbin-g, N. J., just across the •tne members of Continental Hose Com- j Among those who will be there are with the exhibition. j pany, No. 1 recommend to the Boara' officers cf the State Council. Jr. Order Nick Swetz, the Piermont hurler, had I An automobile accident that resulted various kinds transferred from reser- j riv-sr from Easton. j cf _ J E Officers of the Westwcod of New Jersey; officers of the Supreme the boys swinging. He struck out sis-j in damage to both cars but no injuries vcirs, ca._ials and other waters. . In the distribution of trout New Jer- ; FIIE-^ Department, tnat Clarence Hay- j court of the Orient, with Patrols from teen men. j to any of the occupants, occurred on ward ana xlarry Wit-nebert be expelled i at least six of the Courts; County offi-' A f Lefty Muller pitched a good game.: sm_" • ' ter m m Continental Hose Company, No.! cials, :nc!udm°- members of the Board the first inning Muller was in- ir^=seholders and the Board of Directors of Bergen Pines. 5-iO-25c and up store The response from the various Counopened in Hillsdale this week, next to i eiis cf the Jr. Order the A. & P. market, on Broadway, with I intention of being present in large I. Gersten, well known Hillsdale busii numbers, with their families and J st c l o s e d ness man, as proprietor. The stock is Members' of the ConimisAs sn efficient arm of State service j friends is an indication that an excep- ! Art Mehlirig cracking his jokes. Art j north on the Highwav. " j• ? as E:on £e a all new, Mr. Gersten having disposed prospect ior continI in enforcing laws within their own Uionally large gathering can be looked k a good &e_ise of _r_nnor. } Accident tickets were issued to b o t h ' * snt cf the sport in .every i of the r__erc_3a-_d_se l_s carried at his partacular sphere of activity. New Jer- j forward to. J Bud Hoare was kept busy at first, Florance was given a ticket for operssy F1sr_ and Game Wardens scored 1 The competitive drill among tine 'Piling down wild throws. Bud made ja ting an automobile without having a 1 County, with the increased restocking! former place of business on Park street. j piogi amme and the equally important j One of the features of the new store again during the last fiscal year ofjFatrols has created a friendly rivalry , t ^ 0 fine stops. driver's license on his person. j progress of ths campaign against 1 is a completely equipped shoe departtheir department, with a record oi 99 i among the ones who will participate, '• Russ. Tompkins was a visitor at the '. • stream pollution. j ment, with a full line of shoas for all per cent, of convict-Ions out cf a total land as a arize will be awarded the win- game. Bet the chickens are not laying members of the family, at unusually/ of 1419 air-33ts. Tiiis was the largest j ner, a. keen interest in this part of the »* present, and Euss. took advantage | W O U L D S H A R E I N lew prices. number of prcsecutions in the history! .»V's D-'-ogramme is being shown. i°- this opportunity. | This week and nest special prices are; cf tr.e force. | The" ceremonies will start promptly! . But Travolta-made a couple of-nice] being made on school clothing and: That the way of the transgressor j at 2 P. M., so as to permit,including all .stops. But, like everyone else, he was school supplies. . 1 EaymoEd L. Ta;dcr, 01 Nyack, trustee against fish and game laws in New j items which the committee has sched- ( Alpine-Yonkers Ferry announces that Cilnt Rich says lie has iinished the j in bankruptcy, will apply an fieptemYou are invited to inspect the new jersey is hard, is Indicated toy the an- I uied for its programme. | nursing for liis arm. this year. It is a j ber 9 to Referee E. w." Hofstatter, at this Saturday and Sunday service will store and see for yourself the large varn-ua? report cf Protector Janus H. thing Glint doesn't play football. Ms office in Nyack, recommsn-ding- a commence at 5 A. M., in order to serve iety of goods ear_:ed. you will find Strattc.1. of Long Branch, who directs Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koenigs, of Bo- ! Harry Meyers giving the boys the sale of the E. and O. Homebuilders these who plan an early start for the everything attractively arranged and fi-3 activities cf the Wardens. By day a__d of-tea by night, this mobile "ior'-e gc'ta, are receiving congratulations enhast minute" talk. He tells them all properties in Eockland County, of Labor Day holiday. An additional boat conveniently placed for your selectioa. You will note that the store also preci Wardens was on the jo'a 385 davs In the birth of a son, Robert, on We&nss- ; what he expects. Of ten. wonder whether which he is now in possession. There wall be added, making a three-boat a year, with the result that violators iday, August IS, at Hackensack: Hbspi-I.Mr. Meyers isn't disappointed some- are about twenty creditors who would ser\?ice for Saturday, Sunday and sents a very attractive appearance from share in the proceeds qf the sale, Labor Day. the -outside, with the show windows paid approximately $35,000 in fines into!ta_~. Both mother and baby are doing'times. The " Ferry Company maintains a neatly arranged and many articles dis_.. Satin, of the Hu- among wham are Paul Franzetti, of the State funds, others went to jail,J nicely, having returned to their home j. _..,Superintendent £ome lost then licenses, and still others on Saturday. Mrs. Kcen'gs was for- !ma__e Society, p_e___i_g up Ills ml, Mas.. WecdeliS Lake; and Lizzi= ? a m of i tourin<-- -bureau and the tic'-et a«»-nt- played. The shoe department is in a hed their giuis csnSscated. Fishing merly Miss Rose White, daughter of and taking _Hm to Westwood. My pal 1 Hlllsdale. Five liens are recorded I at the term'rals wni be ^ a - " UT;O5"= section by itself, and will have its own. ana huntin.3 out of season also ngured- Mr. and Mrs. WiUjam White, of Large _g-- r -r- r -r. asainsi the picpertv, and Paul FTan- quest, to eive i>ee m°T_s°"»__d Ifunpw display windows when a few finishing touches me completed. laigely in t-fre violations. : avenue, Hillsdale. (contintiea cn page 4_ _:s.t5 iiolc-. cne of rliese for $5^810 ciTect;or= "to desrra=+ior= " " • 5-10u25e STORE OPENS IN HILLSDALE VERY FEW POACHERS BANKRUPTCY SALE FERRY E X P A N D S HOLIDAY SCHEDULE PAGE TWOP-liZK TTfQ CHEHALIS MAKES THE WORLD'S BIGGEST OMELET f SCRAPS The Australian capital, Canberra; has S.00O citizens. The cotton fabric in tires costs more - . Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or fngrhteneil, but go on In fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock in a thunder storm, Crowd Hysterical a s Ghost than the raw rubber. Flees Into Cornfield. SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS 'TPHIS is the time of the year when •*- a chilled soup is often more agreeable than a hot one. Orange Soup. Heat a quart of orange juice in the top of a doable boiler, over hot water; \r5;er; hot add a tabiespoonful of eornstarch which has been cooked until sniootli in boiling water after moistening with cold water. Cook and stir until perfectly well blended, adding a clove or two for additional flavor, and removing tuem when serving. Glorified Pudding. Wash one-half cupful of rice and put it, with two-thirds of a cupful of brown sugar, one-fourth of a package of sliced dates, and one quart of milk, in a deep baking flish. Sprinkle with a half teaspoonfulr of salt and bake in a moderate o\ en for two to three hours. Stir often during the first half hour of cooking to prevent a crust from forming. By adding a half cupful of suet lightly mixed with two tablespoonfuls of flour, this will make a very good suet pudding-. Have the suet put through the food chopper. This forms a rich brown crust on top. Serve with a hard sauce or with, cream if the suit is not used. Orange Blossom Salad. Peel the oranges carefully and separate into sections, to resemble a flower. Place the orange on a curled leaf of lettuce, moisten the whole with french dressing, dredge with the coconut frostettes and top with a spoonful of mayonnaise and whipped cream. i Cherry Pudding. Beat the yolks of two eggs with one-fourth of a cupful of sugar. Blend two tablespoonfuls of .cooking oil with one-fourth cupful of sugar and add to the egg yolks. Sift one and one-half eupfuls of flour, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, with onehalf teaspoonful of salt and add to the first mixture with three-eights of a cupful of cheery juice, beating and mixing well. Boil one-half cupful of sirup until it threads and pour over the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Fold this into the cake mixture, flavor •with almond, pour into a well greased cake pan, cover the top with fresh, cherries. Bake one hour. Jam Cake. Cream one-half cupful of sweet fat, add one cupful of sugar, and two well beaten eggs.- Sift one and one-half eupfuls of floor with one-half teaspoonful each of soda, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and allspice, and add the creamed sugar mixture alternately with Trae-half cupful of buttermilk. Fold in $ne-half cupful of jam, onehalf cupful each of citron cut thin and chopped nuts. Bake forty-five minutes in a moderate oven in a square pan. Cover with aay desired icing. •• A simple and most delightful cocktail for a company luncheon is grapefriut juice or canned grapefruit with a maraschino cherry and a bit of ths cordial for flavor. YELLS E L y D E § SEARCHERS J^HEHAJLIS, aa attractive town in Washington, is the V* center of the great egg and poultry producing district of the Pacific Northwest, and every year it lets the world know this by holding a festival. The feature of this year's doings there was the making of the largest omelet ever cooked. Ten thousand eggs were used, and the cooks were armed with huge paddles and salt and pepper shakers. To grease the immense frying pan, Miss Thora -Teaser skated about it with slabs of bacon strapped to her shoes. The pan '•was eight feet in diameter and weighed a thousand pounds. HEAVY DEMAND FOR FEDERAL BOOK ON CHILD CARE r Alligators receive legal protection only in Florida-and Louisiana. Media, Pa.—The "ghost" of - Glen ) Milts still roams the wooded slopes of The California quail has been chosDelaware county overlooking the winding little country road, where it first < ea as the state bird of California. appeared some weeks ago. It eluded j More than 2,000 California scliooia "ghost hunt" staged recently. | teachers have been retired on pension. The lean, cadavorous "thing" which sits atop a boulder and slinks into Salmon of the Pacific die after the thickets of an apple orchard with i spawning, but those of the Atlantican eerie scream when closely ap- ! do not. proached appeared promptly as the clock pointed to midnight . . A cannon more than one hundred : The apparition was seen to rise from | v e a ( , s . o W w a g f o x m d E e a r watsonthe stand, weeds silhouetted and tall grass on the thelight eliir j • and against of a hot yellow moon, and plainly visC. L. Duhem, age ninety, of Oroville, ible to the hundreds of persons, who Calif., cast his first vote for Abraham•-. had congregated on the narrow road Oncoln In 1S60. for' the liunt. • j Eludes Deputy; Crowd Hysterical. j Giant sugar cane with stalks 30 feet As a special deputy sheriff of £>el- j high has been brought to Florida from • aware county, Thomas Kelly, dashed \ New Guinea for a planting test. up the hill, the "ghost" vanished into j a cornfield.. Instantly the crowd beThe peak hour for radio listening is ; came hysterical as hundreds surged between eight and nine o'clock a t : forward for a glimpse. night, current statistics indicate. The tenants of the nearby farmhouse, toward which the apparition More than $1,000,000,000 worth of" fled, rushed to the bill and threatened the old, large-sized paper money is to shoot anyone who trespassed on still m circulation in the United their property. j States. Within a few minutes two girls in i a roadster several hundred yards down A canal which is to connect Liege the road near a springhouse, screamed and Antwerp will shorten the water as the "ghost" dashed across a field journey between these cities from and darted for the low stone spring- eight days to a little over a day. house beside their car. Their screams brought hundreds. QUIET QUIPS When efforts were made to organize a posse to search the house the owner Happiness, when noisy, is sometimes ; refused permission. doubted. Hatchet Murder Recalled. On the incline, above the road and A good deal of denunciation of: near to the rock where the "ghost" has mobs is done perfunctorily. appeared every other night during the last ten days, stands an old farmhouse. Keeping up appearances sends someKow some of the superstitious folks pretty good clothing to the junkman.; claim that the house and the apple orchard are responsible for the appearance of the apparition because it was j Men who borrow a small sum and • <., , , . , ., . i promptlv pay it back seldom borrow, L the locale for a hatchet murder some ! L - L three years ago. You are young only once, and a l Shortly after an old man who hacked ways your program is mostly u n his son-in-law to death, finished the planned. deed he walked to the apple orchard. He was founa by neighbors swinging j A w o r d t 0 t h e w i s e i s s o sufficient from a tree in the morning. that often no one thinks it is neces- : sary to speak it. ll. S. Ambassador Starts Rome Antinoise Drive Planting a tree is good, but resting under one that has been planted 10CK years before is better. Home.—John Work Garrett of Baltimore, American ambassador to Italy, Most of the laws against real crime; has devised his own formula for combating the sleep-wrecking noises of are broken by men who are psychologically incapable of obeying laws. . Roma The" ambassador, like all arriving A farmer doestft have to ask auyAmericans, found his sleep disturbed by the roaring of motors and contin- body for work. If be isn't careful heual horn-tooting of taxicabs. His own can waste a good deal of his own. car,' of America"-mate, haa " a^silent THE EDUCATED MAN motor and an effective but pleasantsounding horn. Garrett, realizing the value of startYou can't sell him magic. ing at the problem at the fountain head, Instructed his chauffeur to quietHe never laughs at new ideas. D AltENTS of America are eager to learn how to look after their offspring. The children's bureau of the Depart- ly demonstrate to Italian chauffeurs •*• ment of Labor has just issued a revised handbook on child care, and several days before its publication the how a horn can be tooted without He cross-examines his day dreams. advance requests for copies numbered more than 35.000. Two of the bureau's clerks are seen-above sorting out the waking up the dead, and the advanf(c). 1531. Western Newspaper Union.) requests. tages of a silent motor. The ambasHe listens to the man who knows. sador has great hopes for his little THEY'RE G«5O£> BOOTS scheme. He cultivates a love of the beau) Splendid Records Made Small Things That May Training Librarians tiful. by Old Clipper Ships The first school in the world estabHandicap the Worker The clipper ships wUicb were con- Hulled Corn and Milk He knows his strong, point ami: Study of more than a million work- lished solely for the professional trainers, made by Statistician James Lay- ing of librarians was started at Co- structed for the California trade were plays it. Favorite of Coolidge field, show that the following are the lumbia college, Xew York city, in 18S7, built with extreme care, although, as Plymouth, Vt.—That once popular He fives the forward-looking outeleven best ways to annoy a boss— by Slelvil Dewey, then librarian of the far as possible, everything was sacri- j New England dish-—hulled corn and fieed to speed, for freights were high college. Dewey's plan for such a school "minor characteristics in employees milk—-is still a favorite of former j ward-looking life. which keep them from moving ahead had been presented to the American and prices depended upon the quick- President Calvin Coolidge. Library association as early as 1SS3, ness with which goods could be de- A few hours after he arrived in his in the world": He knows the value of good habits Wisecracking in the presence of the hut was opposed by some of the lead- j Uvered to the Pacific coast. | native Plymouth for a vacation re- and how to form them. boss; affecting of a southern accent; ing librarians. Opposition gradually ! Clippers costing as high as 380,000 cently the hulled corn peddler from Re keeps his mind open on every a weak memory which requires its gave way, however, as the value of sometimes paid for themselves ou their Bellows Falls appeared in front of the owner to be introduced to folks five formal professional training for li- first v< yage. There is the story of Coolidge homestead. Mrs. Coolidge question until the evidence is all in. or sis times before he is able to recog- brary workers was demonstrated, and j one old sea captain who was anxious purchased some, and it was then nize them; giggling; know-it-all; hold- other schools were established in fa- j to-carry sail as long as possible and learned from villagers that the es- He knows when not to think ati-J ing the folk backwards in cutting rious parts of the country beginning j padlocked his gear so that sailors President had enjoyed this dish for when to call in the expert to thinlc for him.—American Magazine. beefsteak; furtive manners; wearing with the Pratt Institute of Library couid not take in sail without orders. many years. of vivid red neckties; bappy-go-lucky; Science in 1800. The Flying Cloud, which was built inferiority complex; superiority comHIS PRACTICE in East Boston by Donald McKay, was plex. one of the fastest clippers ever Georgia Negro Couple North Dakota Settlement "These are a few of the qualities in At four, he used to run away.from Has Four Sets of Twins shattered believed that a party of French- iaunehed. She had a figurehead of an mortal man which the bosses of a mil- m eItn is windows. angel ou the wing carrying a speaking led b p err lion workers tabbed as 'little habits i ? i e de la Verendrye Jones, Ga.—Four sets of twins, in trumpet. Her mainmast, including the with big consequences,'" says Mr. I w ere the first Europeans to set foot topmast and skysail pole, was 200 feet addition to nine other children, have At five, lie used to run away when Layfield in the American Magazine, i o n t h e territory now comprising t h e ! high; her main yard measured S2 feet blessed the wedded life of Ben and he was wanted to run an errand; "The surprising fact is that bosses are I state of North Dakota. This party ' and her bowsprit and jib-boom project- Julia Roberts, negro farmers, near here. Ben is forty-nine ana Julia forAt sis, .lie used to run away, witli. Here is Jacob Miller of Pleasant so sensitive toward idiosyncrasies ! crossed from the Assiniboine river in ed 58 feet. Sue sailed from New Fork to Sail ty. The oldest twins were born eight- his pants stuffed full'of apples. Hill, Mo., ninety-three years old, which one might think were too trivial Canada to the Missouri river, "in 173S wearing the pair of boots that lie h§s to have any bearing on success or fail- and were searching for a "river to the Francisco in S9 days and 21 hours, cov- een years ago and the youngest four worn for 73 years. He bought them ure. In other words, you would be as- west." In 1742 two sons of Verendrye ering in one day 4o3 statute miles. 42 months ago. The remaining nine RobAt seven, he used to play hooUey. at Mifflinsburg, Pa., in September, tontshed to learn exactly how much passed over the same region on the miles faster than any steamship hud erts children were between the four your boss knows about you—how viosame mission, but after months of then done in the same time. On this twin sets. 1S5S. They still have the original At eight, he used to run away froin lently he may be swayed for or against j wandering southwest of the Missouri trip some of the crew had to be put in soles and heels. home for a day. you by the repeated exhibition of some j they were forced to return. In 1780 Cat Resembles Kangaroo irons, although subsequently released O trait of which you may not even be | ian French trader settled at Peinbina to work the ship, and the first officer Camden, Tenn.—A cat at the home At nine, he used to run away from aware." ' * i what is now North Dakota. was suspended Jroia duty because he of G. M. Spence here has features and company. disobeyed the captain's orders and cut characteristics resembling those of a _ ! the rigging. . For a number of days kangaroo—rear feet larger and longer At ten, he used to run away when ^ j, j % PasseisgsSr Might Have than fore feet, leaps like a kangaroo, a cop spied the erap game. In the Same Beat j ^ j ] ]y yi i nn gg CC j 00 ]] ]] dd aa TT ee rr aa ss ee dd 11 33 % using its short, heavy tail for balance "Do you know what1 the hanging , a n 3 s a i i e d f o r 5 9 1 2 m i l e g &t a n Figured It for Himself and propeller, and sits like a kangaroo. day At twenty, he ran away from everyThere's a long steep climb when the committee have done.' said the first age of 227 miles a day. body in an international track meet. train to California ascends the Con- artist. "They've ruined my picture by I tinental divide and usually an extra putting it next to the worst daub in I m e introduction of a course In Jugj The world marveled. engine or so is added to make the the exhibition." "I've got the same complaint," said j gling, by the directress of a large jDied as Baby, but $ puli. But there was no extra on this English school, may find favor with the second artist. "I looked in.jesterj particular section of overloaded tourTRIFLES OF TRUTH those of her pupils, yrho have been i?. Is Couri-Martialed * ist traffic pouring into the Golden state day, and I found they've hung my pie- j the habit of manipulating their re- * ture beside an absolutely frightful • * Paris.—All France is again -.* and the singie locomotive, taxed to its port marks. Some people mistake patience for J laughing at the ridiculous work- ^ utmost, staggered along and stopped thing. Don't know what the place is | sense. coming to." j * ings of a French court-martial. * and staggered until even the conductor "How do you do, you fellows?" saia jj Announcement that "slacks" will re- J Napoleon Klein, who was born * got nervous. Ask for bread and you may be given artist number three, Joining them. "I IIplace knickers for men's sports wear * in 190S near Belfort, was called * Finally one of the passengers, more see they've hung your pictures sids by ]jthis year is Sacking in detail. But the the stony stare. J. to the colors in 192S. He failed J temperamental than the rest, could side this year." . '-. : )I fact that "they will prove welcome to * to make his appearance. * stand it no longer and began to call i spindly-legged men" indicates ...that Small talk is responsible for the. use * In 1929, having been declared * of many big words. down the conductor, "What on earth's I. thev are long as well as slack. : Test Not Positive j 4: an absentee, he was .sentenced * the matter" he demanded, as if the Scientists at the Department of Ag- ' If ail men were chloroformed, as a j by a military court to a year's * "Among politicians," says Enfran- conductor knew any more about it A woman's tongue is often respon-: riculture fed an infusion of green tea jfemale psychologist, suggests, they jj; imprisonment. * sible for her shortness of breath. chised Fannie, "they seem to have it: than he himself did. 1 If at first you don't mislead, try, try "That s a fool question," snapped the [ leaves to guinea pigs to test the as- jought to he, 'at least they wouldn't ijj I t has since been discovered % again." irate conductor. "Xou ought to know ', sertion that green tea is rich in vita- i have to listen ' to'psychologists •• any * that Napoleon Klein died in 1909 4= No man with a torpid liver can be (©. 1931. Bell Syndicate.!—WNTJ Service, as well as I do that the engineer is C, but no appreciable amount of j „; $ at the age of four months. % a successful optimist. a r u l p r e ttv soon the world would ' '. ; O teaching Ms wife how to drive."—Los vitamin C was foenfi present. he" happy, too, because there wouldn't Angeles Times. i hi. any more psychologists. THAT'SHOW IT LOOKS TOPNOTCHERS To t h e Man Looking On by KET his? 2 4 .years of playing Committing crime for a thrill is j something that the average person; -cannot•understand. Mbst-.of us eanj realize that it is not enormously diffi-' cult to risk getting into trouble where j -there is some motive and possible garni behind the act, but to risk the penal- j ties of a serious misdemeanor simply j to get a kick out out of it is beyond j the normal mind. And yet, four West-1 wood young men are under arrest for | having had part in setting afire the OVerbrook Country Club building. None ; : of tihe four, who all had splendid repu- j tations, with possibly one exception, j can give any reason why they did suchj a foolish thing. The sympathy of t h e ; neighborhood is extended to the pa- i rents of the young men, who are made ! to suffer through such a meaningless • caprice. • _i * * *, , J Such outbreaks are reminders ol the i restless condition of society in this day j oi mad rush and aimless pursuit. I t i seems that old and young alike are en- ] gaged'in thrill hunte. The simple life j of long ago has been thrown into t h e ! discard, and we are no longer happy! to be a t ease but must be on the go, j searching for excitement. This genera- ! tion is not happy unless it is unhappy, I it seems. i HIGHWAY CHATTER By J . HAKTUEY ROBINSON CLdTS and CRASHES YOU.YOUR CAR 3NDTHE. the realization that speed and ccngsst:on are tli-s chief factors in accidents. Congestion is going to increase -when 1650,000 children resume their elass| rcom work. Speed in certain areas w.'H have to be reduced accordingly. Thctt is distinctly up to the motorist, i If this requires that he start a few \ minutes earlier toward his morning | destination in order to reach it on time, ; that indeed is a small price for him to | pay for the safety of a child. If it- n e ! eessitates that- he concentrate more of 1 his attention upon his driving, that coo, is certain to bring a reward more than . worthy of the effort involved. I There is large room for improvement • in the child safety situation, and tha reopening of school stands as a challenge to New Jersey motorists. The big buses ean stop "on a dime, so don't try to follow one so closely that you can't get a razor Wade between your bumper and the bus' tailboard. * **• School The countryside! is dotted with beauSafety tiful plants and wonderful Sowers now, but they are not for the driver of the car. . They should only be admired by Gold Has "String" Attached the passengers, if any. We axe close upon tlie time when Sooner or later the tourist «iio is New Jersey's schools will open again, really a tourist, and not merely a * * ** bringing anew to our streets and highCommuters clog up the main cross- ways a traffic hazard that has been tripper, turns up in Johannesburg, the ings when they get off the trains. The j largely abated during the months just most interesting city in the southern cops hold up traffic while the bread- | past. It should be unnecessary to re- hemisphere, says a traveler, and winner gently jogs to his home with | mind motorists of the recurrence of when he does lie wunts to learn al! the family bankroll. this hazard and the premium it puts about the goh) they dig up in sueli * **« upon the exercise cf especial care. In gre£it quantities from the Wilwaters' ... , , the case of the majority of drivers it rand mines. The raining cw.ipnuies The price of ures has not come down, u n d o u b t e d i y i s superfluous to issue this are ready for him, arid trips down lu much, bra we predict a big business for ;2 e a s o n a l . warning. A minority, unfor- tlie depths of Village Deep. 7,000 feet the rubber manufacturers when the old J t - d nately. must have their attention below the-surface, can always be arshoes finally give. It's the " r e p r e s - | f o r a s e d . u p o n t h s c o n d l t l o n . ranged. They will even let you UiiM sion,' they tell us. Jersey's The reopening oi N e w * *** schools means that approximately 650,- away as much gold as you like—if jcu ;he can carry it—but they take the preStreet-corner debates will soon be the j 00 children will be forced to use to caution of puting it into half-ton slabs twice dans' in their_ .,, rage with the coming elections just! astreets , . ,. , to prevent accidents. .__ , <. around the corner. "Off what stre4?" | n d * i o m t h e classroom, m the moma<*Pr! thP npronnisl w i w r a r l w inghours. particularly, they will be asked the perennial wisecraeKer. brought into contact with traffic at its * * =5 j Growth of Fire Engines peak. i Expensive operations need no longer; Primo Camera, "the big canal boat When the greater part of London The condition is one of which the TOTAL be a luxury enjoyed only by the rich,; man from Venice," was in town re- car owner cannot have too much was burned in 1600, fire engines were at least not in Essex County, for a plan! PASES' cently. Out of which comes the nat- awareness. His is the burden of re- operated by band, and water was is being considered by the Essex Coun- • for seeing that it is met ejected oy means of a giant syringe. ural question—did the inspector look sponsibility ty Hospital Council, whereby suehj over the roads after the 275-pound j with safety, for to him is given that operations may be paid for on t h e in- j "midget" traversed over them? ! maturity of judgment whicn is lacking A tank and a pump worker! by hand stallment plan. So the man of ordi- ] were introduced later, but water eouli * * » « in the child. (Copyright, W. N. 0.) nary means in Essex County need no j be squirted by this device only a short While New Jersey's record of child longer be ashamed of the fact t h a t h e ; After an accident the investigators traffic fatalities is nothing of wh:ch to distance. It frequently happened that Once-Glorious Babylon cannot boast of a recent operation. j Big Western White Pine always measure the distance of the i be proud, it is favorable to the extent the engine itself was destroyed by Pathetic in Its Fall car's skid to find out if the brakes held. of shewing a steady improvement fire. The pumps were gradually imTree in National Park We have been trying to figure how ; Always the hostile nations of the If you had skidded about ten feet they through the years. The calendar year proved, and flexible pipes were usul, the plan will work in the case of the \ A grand old western white pine tree, Near East have largely prevented figure it's not enough rope to hang you, 1930 shows a total of 209 deaths among but pumps driven by steam were not delinquent patient. Suppose a man is i believed to be one of the largest of archeologists from digging into the re- but if you skidded about fifty yards, children under 15 years of age. That invented until the Nineteenth century. several m o n t h s behind in his payments' its kind in the world and estimated tells a poignant story, yet it mains of the ancient cities there; but then they go for you. Ask Benney, he figure for having his~ appendix removed, will j at more than one thousand years of represents a decline of 44 fatalities Horse-clrawn engines were employed knows. until 1903, when the first self-prothe surgeon perform another operation j age, is in Crater Lake National park, since the World war overturned aufrom the previous year. and put the appendix back in place? j thority there, the excavations are beThe ratio of child fatalities to the pelled fire engines were built. Oregon. It is 23 feet, 2 inches in cirginning to look like the Kimberley diaA fellow in Pearl River wants to total number of New Jersey's streets cumference, the measurements being Louis C. Meyer, of HiUsdale, has just: mond mines. Museums in all civilized know where we get all these ideas. If and highways last year was 16.4 per taken breast-high In accordance with Unity been entertaining us with reminiscen- j countries are piling up the remnants you knew that, ol' fella, you'd have c e n t a s compared with 19.8 per cent, The behavior of the men to the ces of his experiences on the old Con- ; the Spalding .rules of measurements. of the eariy peoples. this job. the year before. That also reflects an stitution, America's most famous battle: Its height is 140 feet. The pine is lo* *** improvement but it leaves motordom lower animals, and their behavior to But we learn little about them. Potvessel. He served on the Constitution • cated in a canyon on the middle fork tery, though it be collected by tons, each other, bear a constant relationm We are not automobile mechanics, j T l l e a N ^ ? Jersey Traffic Act <*ives the ship.—Spencer. back in 1881, as an apprentice seaman. j of Auna creek, two and a half miles and necklaces, earrings and indestrucbut someone has asked us what to do m o t o r i s t c e r t a - l n s ^ ^ Speaking of the rigid discipline of; south of government camp. The east m c those days in the Navy, he said he was; side of the gorge has been subject to tible personal adonnnents tell us little when you get stack m the ram and the w i t h w hich he must comply for the of the inhabitants of Ur, of Assyria car refuses to budge because of the p i o t e c t i o n o f children. The most immost frequently punished for smoking: heavy erosion, causing the roots of "RAISE RABBITS cigarettes, it teeing an offence back in : trees in that section to become almost and Babylon. The lack of a literature water m the motor or;.somethin' The; ^ o r t a n t o f t h e s e ^ t h a t w h l c h p r o . for us. We buy all you raise. «exceedlng t e n miles a n 1881 for a young man of 18 to smoke, j trunks In their own right. But this makes everything lack. We can un- nrst; correct answer will be sent to o u r : M b i t e a fi Contract, details, free Old Judge was the name of the brand ! great tree, growing on the west side derstand what the Greeks thought, correspondent, the second goes in t h e ^ ^ w h e n passillg a scuool d u r i n g re_ See our stock before buying" waste basket. j ^^ QI w h i l e children are going to or of cigarettes used in those days, as well what they said and their daily beEabbit Meat for Sale as Sweet Cap-oral, of course. In those; of the canyon, has never suffered from havior; but the older races are dumb. * *** | leaving school, during open or closing G. H. STARK days, young Meyer had his friends send | the effects of such action. The great As Bill Kye said, "Babylon, is a gooS Rumor has it that if the new gas- i hours." Park Ridge Tel. 97 him. cigarettes in letters, pressed flat size of this giant tree is particularly so they would not be detected. Times, amazing because Idaho, and not Ore- illustration of a town that does not electric trains have their cowcatchers' a s Important as this regulation is, and explicit as its wording, it does not keep up with the procession. Compare in front of the car instead of under i t . ' cave changed since then, Mr. Meyer, i gon, is recognized as the real home of ber today with Kansas City." We then there would be a better chance i approach^covering the issue of chila the western white pine. exercise extraor- | HERING & WESTPHAL were reading about this Babylon, jnst for some dumb cluck who was s m y ! safety. One should Pat Rellly, Sheriff of Bergen County, • in the enough to race the train to the cross-: dmary caution m the vicinity vicinity of the other day. Every twenty-four had a medal pinned on him last Thursschools, but at all times and under all I Civil Engineers and Surveyors ing. hours the train to Bagdad snorts by day at Sea Girt, during Bergen County circumstances the intelligent driver I 261 BROADWAY No Oil In Car Babylon that way. It whistles, but Day celebration. .No, it wasn't because , will be watchful of children. j Phone 534 1 The wife of a Longmeadow man re_he_has joined the Baird-Harper band doe* not stop, and if the traveler Is ^ ^ _ wSert we 1 I t is an interesting thing that while Listen: Many years ago, WESTWOOD. N. X wagon. I t was the New Jersey Distin- cently learned to operate their rather rapid of eye Sse may read on a rail- took our driver's license test, a woman! child fatalities are being steadily re- 1 guished Service Medal, given for deeds antique automobile. The man himself, road sign: "Babylon—Train Halt was asked w-hat she would do if she! duced in proportion to total traffic of valor performed on the battlefield to make his garage more clean, now Here to Pick Up Passengers." Could ! were driving to a railroad, crossing on! deaths, credit for it is given to safety of France during the World War. The that his wife would use it, placed an any of the shattering denunciations of a slippery highway and she couldn't I education among children. Perhaps Governor pinned the medal en Pat's oijflrip pan under the car. For two this great" and terrible city to be read stop when she saw the train close by. i such a disposition of credit is unfair Lawyer coat. • -• . • \ weeks he was gone on a business trip, in the Bible be more bitter?—St. Louis She answered Con paper) that she ] to motorists. I am of the impression Westwood Trust Building would get out and put a barrel of ashes ! that this is the case; that drivers are of such a flying nature that he used Globe Democrat. 'Tis said that there were over 7000: the train, leaving the care of tlie car under the wheels, I playing their part, too, in the favorable WESTWOOD at the Bergen County rally at Sea Girt j to his wife. I * „ ,. „ j progress being made. Tel. Westwood 781 last Thursday, and someone estimated : ! • • " The fact remains, however, that it j iiL Last evening he returned home, t h a t those who paid for the affair fed: A pretty girl came in our office just • is to the child and not the motorist i Scientists on Track of at least 4000 Democrats that day. j went to the garage and noted the pan now to pay a bill or somethin'. When i that the award for progress is made, j Phone Westwodd 2283 had been removed from in under the Sun's Effect on Plants ' she asked us to whom she should give ! All New Jersey drivers should ap- ; : Upon going in tne bouse, he we started to stutter! I proach the- reopening of schools with | The old astrologers imagined that I tlie money Considerable excitement prevailed car. UPHOLSTERING some days ago around the Saddle River asked friend wife. How come? Said the configuration of the planets eon! SHADES and AWNINGS neighborhood when it became known: the little woman (she feels pretty trolled the destinies of individual men. Telephone Park Eidse 492 ! SLIP COVERS i that a man, believed to be demented,, small now, anyway), "Oh, 1 guess the The modern astronomer regards as- j Should this come to the attention of I j a party signing "E. M.," please get in I Munro Construction Co. ! had taken to the woods, fully armed, ! children moved it. Anyway, there isn't trology as nonsense. DRAPERIES—CUSHIONS | this department at once. Note: w e j after he had attempted to strangle h i s ; itny oil in the car. 1 looked a couple J 41S Fourth Ave. WESTWOOB, N. J . Incorporated It is interesting, however, to note wife. The man is Alexander Hash, Sr.,i of days ago, and thought when yoa that each day brings to light more con- i believe that someone has sent in a let- ; Masonry Work a Specialty ; ter under someone else's name. If the • and after eluding a posse that went' came home you conld put some in."— Office—Le Hoy Piace and Main St. Telephone Westwood 572 nections between the earth and the ! story contained therein is true, it would j out in search of h!m, he walked quietly" Springfield Union. rest of the universe, not erratic and i deserve a six column headline with 90- j Park Ridge, N. J. into the Prosecutor's office in Hacksn- I I. L. LOGAN superstitious connections such as the ! point capitals. sack and surrendered. ! old astrologers imagined, but physical Attorney-at-Law Glad She Was Fooled connections which can be explained on j Incidentally, this is the sixty-second i < Westwood Trust Building "Garden Lovers Meet," says heading: After overhearing a remark by his the basis of science. in the current' issue of the Ridgewood •. JAMES N. HALSEY i column we have written for this paper.!' . The" sun is important to life. WithNews, Yes, yes, go on. No doubt gar- father that the age of a tree mny be Funeral Director den lovers have less to fear than high- i estimated by the number of rings out its heat and light life would not 55 CENTEB AVE. way levers these days. i about its trunk, a small boy threw a be possible. . The process by which I Next Monday is Labor Day. And all j # j scare at his mother's party. The boy plants convert the carbon dioxide of I the motorists know it. Westwood Some workmen exca\'ating in New ^ looked confidently into the face of one the air and the water of the soil into J. J. KELEMEN PHONE WESTWOOD 292 Jersey recently dug up several pennies j of the guests, who was on the further starches and sngars is only possible j I t has been suggested that we give) bearing the coinage date of 1776. The: side of forty and was fondling her with the energy of sunlight. j our readers an idea where the best | one who buried them evidently felt; necklace, and remarked, "Lady, I can In addition, recent studies at the i place is in a traffic j a m or a long line t h a t in getting their liberty everything j HENRY HINCK tell how old you are." Amifl frantic Mayo foundation tend to indicate that • —in front, in the middle, in back, or else might be taken away from them. attempts at hushing he managed to the various wavelengths of sunlight } where. Yes, oh where. The best place Real Estate and Insurance FAIRVIEW AVE. have varying effects upon plants, some | is on our front porch. Robert Wyder. of Pair Lawn, Presi- j get out: : | * * * * | "You are twenty-two. I counted the even acting as brakes or-cheeks upon dent of the Textile Dyeing Company, Phone Westwood 601 PARK RIDGE, N. J. "believes that contented workers are the number of rings on your necklace." certain processes. I We caught two couples in a car a t j 18 WESTWOOD AVE. Estimates Furnished On Al! Kinds of ' best kind, and has installed a number i The lady hugged the boy and the mothFinally, there are the mysterious night in front of a house "When thei Wiring and Eepair Wort of recreational facilities for his em- j er sighed her deep relief. cosmic rays coming in from outer stel- shades of darkness were falling fast."] WESTWOOD, N. J. ployees, including a large swimming; TELEPHONES: lar space. These rays are so penetratpool. Good idea, but what about the; Park Eidge 15S1 — Teanecfc 7-7060 ing that they pass through and j So our esteemed editor wants us workman who is in the habit of duck- I * Noted Educator torough all living organisms. Perhaps "shot at sunrise," eh. Well, ol' fella, ing ei'ery time the boss comes around? j ARTHUR CHURUTI William H. MeGuffey, author of Mc- some day they will be found to play | the copy is in early this week, so let Dealer In Guflfey's school reader, was born In some fundamental role in life proc- us know what's in store for us Ocean Traditions Used Parts for All Make Cars Washington county, Pa., in 1S0O, and Genuine A tradition of tlie sea of Biblical graduated at Washingtor college, Pa., AUTO WRECKING Vol. VI. No. 2. origin explains the use of the term in 18'2£>. He was professor, first, of Permanent HILLSDALE, N. J. Jonah, applied to 8 shipmate who is ancient languages and later of moral Too Mucli Tel. Westwood 1688 considered unlucky or a iiringer of il! philosophy in Miami university in Early Days of SteamsHxps An actress who has a standing inluck. Numerous and strange have been 1S30-1839, president of Ohio university vitation to visit any theater she The first voyage of the steamship the reasons ascribed by ship com- in 1S39-1S43 and professor of moral chooses and asfe for a bos, took adGreat Western across the Atlantic panies for electing one of their num- philosophy in the University of Vir- vantage of this privilege a night or CESSPOOL CLEANING lasted from April 8, 1SSS, to April 23, ber to be a hoodoo or a Jonah. Mar- ginia from 1845 until his death, in two ago, with disastrous results! her average Bay's run being 215 miles, i and BUILDING iners of a century ago believed that 1873. He compiled the so-called "EcPresenting herself at the box office, Altogether she made five double pas- j UP TO DATE APPARATUS DO one could so effectual?y raise a wind Sectic Series" of readers and other she gave her name ana aemanfled a sages in 1838, sis in 1839, and before as natives of Finland, or Russian school books, of which immense num- free pass. GEO. BUSCHBAUM she was disposed of in 1S46 crossed Finns, as" they were almost reproach- bers were so!d. -. • and recrossed 74 times. No other ship "Never heard of you," replied the CORINNE MARIE HiHsdale, N. J. fully called. Dana preserves the hafl a finer recorfl and none attracted booking cierk, tersely. "It can't be Tel. Westwood 1374 legend in bis "Two Years Before the 23 Westwood Avenge more attention. While she was stil] T. O. Box, HillsdaJe 277 done." Mast" in one of the tales of the cook, Bargain Hunter running on the Atlantic Sir John Furious, she sought the managePhone Westwood 599 telling of the loss of one of the crew Don received a penny for candy. He Eennie referred to her first passage, t>y drowning; Conrad also, in Wamibo went to one of the two neighborhood ment, who apologized profusely, and remarking that "the suecess of this sent a commissionaire bad; with her of that sea classic, "The Nigger of the stores and asked: voyage across the Atlantic having exto the box office. Narcissus." STEPHEN J. LYONS PHONE WESTWOOD 300 "How many of those do you get for ceeded the mos£ sanguine expectations But an even worse hnmiliatioii a penny?" and he pointed to some awaited her here, for the good fellow of its promoters and, indeed, of the candy. world, there seemed no bounds to the blundered horribly, Says He j "Five," was the reply. "Give this lady a free seat at onee," extension of steam navigation." If she stands behind a counter all-.: I "Is that ail?" sail! Don, ana he he insisted, pompously. "She's a wellday, that is freedom; if she uses a i walked out. He went to tlie other known actor's mother!" — London Non-Sectarian ean opener twice daily, that is eco- j store unil-rtsketl the same question. Opinion. •_ . ' . ' - . ' Needed More Fire nomic servitude. "Three," was the grocer's rep5y. My littlt; ihc-.vcsr-old nojshoiv. u-Jii!? Don wen! bncli to Hie "first store, COMPLETELY EQUIPPED MORTUARY Everybody's Mistalce on tis first visit t o ' t h e country was tossed his pe::ny on (he counter and Imr^ejise Loss by Rest It's almost universal, the trror c* Iielpicg gather He pklr.i;] up :i WITH PIPE ORGAN snifi; The annual loss doe. tsv "list tUrsiyf.v thinldng v:e can size people up tne f glass egg, looker! at it a moment,-ihen -."Well, gimme •'em." ont t! o '"•i"-l;i lias bsazi estimated c! first time . we see 'them.—Amerieen put it back in the nest, sayint. '-This Kinderkamack Road and Jefferson Ave., Westwood Mnsazrne. . ono foi't d-inn ya:."'—n-icr-is T.-;b;inn 5865 HARRY RANDALL Hi! KARL WETTIG ' WESTWGGD, N. J, ••'.•• ? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR --i- II STEAM LYONS FUNERAL HOME PAGE HHXSOAI.E HERAM3 PACEFOUE Bergen County History Entered as second-class mail 'Hilla&ale, New Jersey. matter at TBBMBU1A Hillsdale Social News PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY of NEW YORK A newspaper devoted to the interests of the We were sitting in most comfortable people of Hillsdale and vicinity. Telephone Westwood 2204 chairs, in the side yard where one The Herald's platform is, "A Bigger and Better HiJIsiiale." could see miles of Connecticut roll itOFFICE self away in green undulations to dis7 West Hillsdale Avenue tant hills. On. our own hilltop, the sun Telephone West wood 1102 Mr and Mis. S. Michel and family i t:onal flowsr show, which is held in the fell, just properly filtered by trees, in •--STORMS BEOS. spent Sunday at Fopolo Lake, N. Y. spacious auditorium there. pleasurable and lazy warmth. I could PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS have stayed there for hours in con- Janvs Springer and Howard Travis Extensive plans are progressing, un- templative contentment, but life is nevAddress all communications to the Hillsdni Herald, Hillsdale, N. Jj o f t *=2Viy this "week for a two -weeks j der the chairmanship of Fred Bader, Subscription Rate: §1.00 per year, payable for a public card party at Parish Hall er as perfect, as that. The big, powerful vacation camping. in advance; Single co-pies 3c. sn Thursday evening, September 10, blond, sprawled opposite me, turned To insure insertion, items of local nev.'s Mrs. P. Hartmaa. of Brookside Place, sponsored bv the local American Legion handsome, but rather accusing blue should be received not later than Wednesday noon. Subscribers failing' to receive the recently enjoyed a vacation with rela- Post, eyes in my direction. paper promptly through the mails or from their newsdealers, are requested to notify our tives in Worthington, Mass. 'You need exercise," he said a bit Mesdames W. Wentz, W. M. Hoffman office at once. We will greatly appreciate the co-operation of our readers in notifying us of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas and family, and George Decker; also the Misses sternly. "Come on, we'll go for a births, marriages, deaths, and social events in of CoTonial Boiilevard. are home again, j Betty Swartwout, Gertradfi Vanderi their localities. following a vacation in Uhlan, N. Y. JClute and Margaret Welding, of West- j Sow that was a bit unfair, because, iwcca and Hillsdale, were entertained! as he very well knew, 1 tatt" taken a Thursday. September 3, 1931 Frank. Stewart, Qf Conklin avenue, j on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. > \valk with him a short time before. It returned to town on Tuesday, from j Swartwout, of Brookside Place. j was, to be exact, only some four years Maine. ago, when he was a speculator, doing Alton Kinmonth, of Central avenue, a bit of training for Jack Dempsey. answered the call at Bergen i „„„_„/, „ „ „„* 4 meeting of the Sun Dial Garden recently ^ .3 -u tie coaseu me out Hospital ^ OradeU OradeU. Club will be held on Monday evening-, P i n ^ s o l a t ^ Hospital, September 14. present epidemic of infantile paralysis. remember it. A fallow has to take a (continued from page 1) I little rest after a walk such as that. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, of Broadway, Alton was a victim of this dread disBut, after all, he was my host and, if Al. Tieleman is playing a good game recently enjoyed a, motor trip through ease fifteen years ago. he was set OE w._ Iking all the time, it these days. the Adirondack Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Weston, of Large was only polite to go with him. BeThe Inter-Boro—not the subway, but avenue, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Beuer- sides, Rolfe, the German police dog, the ball team—under the management Clyde Strohsahl, of Central avenue, of Frank Garcin, will meet the Blue has "been vacationing on the Jersey lein and family, of Westwood; also voted emphatic:! !Iy, with voice and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gar- tail, in favor of the proposition, so Sox at the end of the current season, dener, W. Gardener, Jr., Miss M. Klein, in a game series for the benefit of the uhore with friends. they were two to one. unemployed. -ur « , and o ^ ridaughtr O1,<rVit»r Clara I William Smith a n d Mrs. S. Davis, of * * * Mrs. TT H. Mather Clara^ E I m h u r s t L_L m o t o r e d t o Greenwood approval by modern doctors, but one consolation is theirs—prison . authorities, at any rate in Japan, look upon them with considerable respect * aistf esteem. A medical officer at one Japt The history of Bergea County, 163ft1923, tells us that Washington reached anese jail has just received a dipiom;r HackensacE after Ms retreat from Fort from the Imperial university .for a Lee on November 14, 1778, and imme-. thesis on the proposition that fat-men diately established Ms residence in the! are rarely criminals and the tnos! Mansion House, lacing •tiff Green, That! crime is committed by tbe lean and building seems to have been erected in slender sort.—Manchester Guardian. 1751 and was then, in 1776,. the residence of Peter Zabriskie. i This same history tells us: j Suj-i3tut= far Solid Gc=Id with about three thousand men, having i Filled gold, is a substitute for solid sent forward his baggage to Acouac-j knonck. An eye witness has given the j gold, consist! tsg of gone base metal, following statement: generally brass, covered with a thin CLOSE GAME IS DROPPED BY SOX Fedel seems to be a man of few words. Instead of the old saying: "I a vacation at Ocean Grove. fr m ° ! Lake and spent the past weekend with }Mr. and Mrs. W. Mabie, who ha,ve a came, I saw, I conquered," Fetters large estate there. modern interpretation seems to be: "I Mrs M. Kenney. of Harrington | came, I saw, I collected." street,' recently returned from a vaca- j is.. Sadler has returned to tion par led at Inlet, N. Y. Skeleton In Yale's "Cioset*'Fifty years ago the late Othniel Marsh, famous geologist, discovered • and dug from Wyoming's soil the huge skeleton of a beast believed to have lived more than 120,000,000 years ago. This keleton, classified as that of a giant Brontosaurus— also called the "thunder saurian"— has just been assembled and placed on exhibition in the Peabody museum at Yale university. And what a stack of bones! From nose to tip c" tail it measures 70 feet, stands 16 feet high and weighs more than G tons. T l l n t s_ Now, frankly, I like walking about as much as I do creamed codfish, and I can't say less than that, but Gene Tunney and Rolfe and I started down the road from that lovely old house IJ/Us| Brooklyn after several weeks in town ana!, at first, it was not so bad. Even | at the tome of her daughter, Mrs. E. when we turned into a wooded road, Rowland, of Patterson street. Mr. d Mrs. Rowland have their daughter which leads across the Tunney land, land husband, Mi\ and Mrs. H. Bach- the going appeared to be fairly easy; j formerly of especially as our progress was leisure- j Mrs. E. Boyle, of Jackson Height?, L. j " at their home l.v. We made one stop to recall Rolfe, j I., was a guest this past week of Mrs. • -'• who had started a partridge hunt, anil , ! Viola Bartz, of Conklin avenue. " another while he drank from a cool j Mrs. T. J. Nairn, and daughter Miss and bubbling sjring; but, about a mile I Mrss R. Eberth, of Buckman P^ad,, Q ^ Schrae- beyond, I noticed what I thought was j t is visitmg frienas ana relatives m Bal- ^ Q f R i y e r s !.de d e Drive, Hillsdale, axe a suoden rain, only to discover that it j timore jj moving from, town this Friday, and was perspiration. I paused a moment .! timore. ;will take up a residence in Medford. . ... 4.1,, : . !,„„, to wring out the handkerchief with j Recent. visitors a,i. the Tillotson hom ^ b D u t 16 miles outside of Philadelphia, on Maple avenue were Mis. F Harvey, | lawn will be situated near which I had mopped my brow and j Jean and Robert Harvey, of Wcod-,I relatives. Miss Schraeder will enter Uolfe improved the rest period by leaphaven, L. I. |! business, having recently accepted a ing back and forth over a tree, which Mr. and Mrs. O. Frost and family, of j f^ition with one of the large concerns had fallen across the road with Destoning Land branches supporting its trunk about i i t •*"««> A new means of converting fields West Hfflsdale, are enjoying a visit i four feet from the ground. from Mrs. Frost's mother Mrs. A.j ^ stee]e s ( m dotted with sandstone formations into * * * . {jacK Q£ M a g n o l i a aTCmus> m o t o r e d t o rich farming land has been found by Cummmgs, of St. Petersburg, Ma. The woods were full of a peculiar -, -,,- -n x T, or,/!= ™ o iNew Yerk on Sundav to view the "Con•M. Andre Piedallu in France. In n buzzing sound, which I recognized. I Mr. a n d M r s R . I£hmannand sons, ^ report before the Academy of Agri3 reet t h e H u d s o n Eiver . Stockton ZZltl. " paHon > ™ » and is had often heard it in the Adironclacks, street, !j£^tYrppf culture, M. Piedallu outlined a new Arthur and Walter, Jof i n fyto W l rlso have black flies. A w]iere method of blasting out these rocky recently enjoyed a contributions from, school children Mack fly.belongs to the army of the formations and by adding the proper in Maine. the authorities to finance ex- [ tmemployed. It always is looking for fertilizers make them productive. His Mr. and Mrs. M. Webb and daughter enabled tensive repairs on the vessel which! a meal. As Mr. Tunney broke off a system requires a curious placing of MargaTet, of Maple avenue, are home were recently completed at the Boston small branch and proceeded to brush many small blasting charges, which, again from a delightful motor tour Navy Yard. through the South. a few dozen of the hungry insects off electrically discharged, completely break up the obstructing formation I sngfHSted that he might also On Wednesday evening the Misses Rolfe, a Betty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. and open the land for cultivation. bit o f w o r k o n m e - Evidently Marjsris and Natalie Piercey enter- j 3° Banta, cf Eastern Highway, has en- tained the members of their bridge j these were <• • :-rion flies, as they were :irs!y recovered from a recent opera- club at their home on Demarest ave- j doing their hest to bore through to a Naturally tion for removal of tonsils. mie. Supper was served after the eve-j brain which must have been dead, or Amelia Earhai-t, the noted aviatrix. air. and Mrs..J. Ehrhart and daugh- nlng's games. Those attending were! ft never wonld have permitted me to is said to be as witty as she is pretty. ths Misses leathering and Alicia Van. It was during a Washington dinner Ur Marguerite, of Large avenue, are Valksnburg, Julia Milan and Eileen be led to thr- bottom of a long hill, up given in her honor that a woman said home, following a vacation in Sullivan Hart, of Westwood; V;ncenza Marsala, which one had to climb to get back^ County. to her: Evelyn Hobbs, Virginia Rich and Mar- home. Gazi: -r at the long return slope, tha Mount, of Hillsdale; Dorothy Pys- Isaid: "Here's another lovely debutante Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bailey, of Pater"Didn't yov say Sam Pryor was comgone and got herself engaged to an son, former residents, were dinner ner, cf Park Ridge. ing over? It wouldn't be very polite old man. Yes, Helen Summers is go- ,-vuests on Thursday evening at the! if you wer.» not there when he aring to marry old man Calhoun, the Weston home, on Large avenue. l rived." banker. What is it that makes these old fellows such -.vinners with the All services will be resumed at the "That me ins you want to go back," girls?" MLthedist church this Sunday; also at said Sir. Tunney unfeelingly. "Well, Holy. Trinity church, including early all right. You have ha<3 a little exer"Must be checks appeal," laughed communion sen7ice. cise, anyhow." Miss Earhart. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. Bartz, of Conklin Died House of Glass in Paris So we turned about and started a.venue,. left on Tuesday for an autoy Paris is to have a house of gkiss. It a v e n . back. I kr.ow a number of men who tour of the New England States I GTJYETTE—On August 31, is under construction, ?nd the glass is mobile Eugene GuyetteMonday, of Pearl River, in have climbed the Alps, but they never and Canada. his 50th year. in the form of bricks, which are supdid it blinded by perspiration and A meeting of the sewing, committee ported by a metal framework. The chased by man-eating flies. I now diswalls are translucent, but not trans- of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methcovered that Connecticut is not only parent, so that although one cannot odist church was held on Tuesday at hilly, but that the hills run only one the home of Mrs. M. Ptolk, of Magnolia see through them the light enters way, and that is up. No wonder New avenue. Eugene Gnyetie E Eriglanders are a sturdy race. I think freely. Eugene Guyette, of South Main Mr. and Mrs. W. Zoubeck, of Brook- : beet, Pearl River, died at the Suffern we passed the spring again, but T am One Way—If it Works lyn, and William Madlener, of New Hospital on Monday, August 31. He not sure. Anyhow, we came at last to Ihe mam road and proceeding from "1'oung man, are you working hard City, spent the weekend in town as was in his 50th year. there eventually got back to where we to win a fortune? . : guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mann, of Mass was held in St. Margaret's "i'es, sir; I am writing love poems Schumaker avenue. church. Pearl River, on Thursday, at had been so comfortable and peaceful, to an heiress." „ , . . ^ TT 10 A. M. Interment was in St. Cath- looking back at it, I can see that Gene Miss Helen Cook returned- ,o Has- s r j n e > s cemetery, a t Blauvelt. Fisher Tunney is right Exercise is a great crcuck He;ghts on Monday, having i & D a hl, Pearl River undertakers had thing. I must take another walk soon His Favorite Expression spent a week in town at tbe home of, c h a s e o f f u n e r a i arrangements, —say hi about 1935. "Those girls look exactly ali: \ Are; fcsr aunts, the Misses Nelson, of Wash-J Deceased is survived by his wife, I©. 1931. Bell Syndicate.)—WXTJ Service. they twins?" ; iug-ton avenue. Marie, and several small children. "Oh, no. They merely .wsnt to thei ', ~T . ,, T .. , Mr. Guyette was employed in the ;same plastic surgeon." ~~ j The first fall meeting of the Ladies D e x t e r Folder Co. shop since coming 22 Troighs Refute Aid Society of the Methodist church t o P e a r l R i v e i , f r o m Massachusetts "One-Horse" Statement will be held this Thursday afternoon, a b o u t : f c h r e e a n d o n e . h a l f y e a r s a g 0 . it Mrs. S. Gardenier's home, on BroadJacksonville, Mich.—While some Birds' Sense of Smell critics ,of this village might refer to The sense of smell in birds is not way. it as a "one-horse town," loyal navery acute, although their olfactory A benefit card party will be given Region of Fierce Heat tives are well able to refute such organs are well developed physically. Just Above the Earth? statements. next Wednesday, September 9, at- the It is doubtful whether the sense of home of Mrs. H. Steih, of Conklin aveJust a mere 50 miles above our Jacksonville, by actual count, has giucll is of rau^h use to birds. nue. Any donations to increase the heads the temperature is between 1,000 proceeds for a worthwhile cause, will and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, accord- 22 horse troughs. Six of the equine be appreciated by those hi charge. ing to a new theory of the earth's at- drinking fountains have been installed mosphere presented by Prof. B. Guth- in the ln.;t several years. The oldest Alex. Namoilo, of Eastern Highway, enberg, of the California Institute of trough, built 35 years ago, is a monuhis cousin John Coumo, of New York, Technology. mental a.Tair. HIIXSDALE M. E. CHURCH This extremely hot and Charles Slater, of town, with a weafher a few miles up, according to Rev. H. N. Smith, Pastor party of friends, motored to Long Sunday school 9:30 A. M. Beach, where they spent the weekend Professor Guthenberg's novel .theory. Cornell Expert Tells of Morning service 10:45 A. M. at the Namoilo family's summer cot- Is because the atmosphere is practiEvening service 7:45 P. M. tage. Right Sirup for Canning cally the same in composition throughout and not exclusively helium in some Uttiea, N: Y.—A home economics CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Invitations are out for the we-dding high layers, as other physicists have expert of Cornell university says that "MAN" will be the subject of the of Miss Caroline Rich, daughter of Mrs. concluded. Although the tempera- in canning fruit a thin sirup is needLesson^Sermon in all Churches of Bessie Rich, of Central avenue, and tures are high, in the heights of the ed for apples, pears and sweet berChrist, Scientist, on Sunday, Septem- Hans E. Pause, son of Mrs. S. Pause, of stratosphere, the air is very diffuse ries; medium sirup for blackberries ber 6. hillsdale Manor, to take place this Sat- and thin. Only a rocket could actualand sweet cherries and plums, and The Golden Text is: "Lo, this only urday at Holy Trinity church. ly penetrate the atmospheric heights thick sirup for rhubarb, gooseberries, have I found, that God hath made man upright," (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Mrs. W. Hance and her mother, Mrs. to bring back evidence of what actual- eurrants and other sour fruit. Among the citations which comprise W. Smock, of Red Bank, were visiting ly exists there, Professor Guthenberg Mrs. Paul Clerke, c nue, is confined to bed this week a severe cold. m n f Q j _ i n s p e c t i o n ^ A h m t a • y e a r a g o By JOSEPH FREDERICK BRATT vm— WASHINGTON AT HACKEKSACK 'It was about dusk when the head of the troops entered Hackensack. The night was dark, cold and rainy, but I had a fair view of them from, the light of the- windows as thej' passed on our side of the street. They marched two abreast, looked ragged, some without a shoe to^ then- feet, and most of them r a p ped up hi their blankets. Washington then, and for some time previous, had his headquarters at the residence of Mr. Peter Zabriskie, a private house, now called "The Mansion House," the supplies for the General's table being furnished by Mr. Archibald Campbell, the tavern keeper. The next evening after the Americans had passed through, the British encamped on the opposite side of the river. We could see their fires, about one hundred yards apart, gleaming brilliantly in the gloom CHURCH NOTES at Mrs. L. Lewis' home, on Large avenue, recently. Mrs. Hance was the former Miss Jeannette Smock, instructor €l music at the local school. but as my Father hath taught Me, I speak these things," (John 8:28). The Lesson-Sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook: "Science and Health with. Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Divine Science rolls back the clouds oJ error with the light of Park Ridge High school will reopen for the fall session next Wednesday, September 9. A meeting for the teachers will convene on the day previous, s^o registration of pupils entering High School. said. The shells of the long-range gun used by the Germans in bombarding Paris probably traveled in a highly heated region of thin atmosphere, but since they exploded, it is not known how they were affected by the heat tbsit thev encountered. xJse of Promises "K is so easy to make promises,", Thomas A. Wsston, cf Large avenue, said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, truth, end lifts the curtain on man. as"ill leave early Friday morning for "that many attempt to gain a live!inever born and as never dying, but as Atlantic City, where he will serve as 1 hood by doing nothing else."—Washco-existsnt with his Creator," (p. 557). one Q'i ths jtids^s ai the annual na- ington Sisr, Prodigy Learns Quickly Memphis, Tenn.—Andrew Brown, Jr., six, scored a perfect grade hi a irst-grade examination, mafle a high layer Bridge. Washington was still at his quarters, and had with him his regiment of cavalry, and some soldiers from the rear of the army. In the morning, before the General left, he rode down to the dock, where the bridge now is, viewed the enemy's encampment about ten or fifteen minutes, and then returned to Mr. Campbell's door and called for some wine and water. After he dank, and Mr. Campbell had taken tne glass from him, the latter, with tears streaming down his face, said: "General, what shall I do? I have a family of small children, and a little property here, shall I leave them?" Washington kindly took his hand, and replied: "Mr. Campbell, stay by your family and keep neutral," then bidding him goodbye, rode ofl. of I process. I hard gold by mechanical j John A. Schlotterbeck I Prime Meats and Poultry | BROADWAY —:— HILLSDALE j Phone Westwood 1S3! t i TAILOR—CLEANER I ! !•• HERMAN WEISS Suits Made to Order From $22.50 ! PARK STREET HlXLSJBAiE Tel. Westwcod 2386 of the night, extending; some distance below the town and more than a mile up towards New B. Sartori Construction Co. General Contractors MASON 4"d CQNJDBET1J WOODCLIFF LAKE, N . J. P. O. Box 123. Tel. Westwood 1558 > 1 NOW UNDER WAX AT XHE I BOCCI TOURNAMENT HUXSDALE MANOR, N. J . Tel. Westwood 773 i J We call for and deliver your clothes BROADWAY TAILORING CO. H. TICHMAN Fine Custom Tailors Suits Made to Order a t Reasonable Prices Careful Cleaning—Pressing Neat Repairing HILLSDALE, N. J. Tel. Westwood 49 VINO SANO GRAPE BRICK GRAPE, LEMON, ORANGE BRICKS A! Juice Produce, the Following Flavors - - 7 •'.'••.• PORT, SHERRY. ORANGE. LEMON, (Sweet Types) CHAMPAGNE, BURGUNDY, MUSCATEL, RHINE, {Dry Types) ORDERS TAKEN AND DELIVERED SOLE DISTRIBUTOR Park Ridge Restaurant GEORGE GRANT, Prop. RAILROAD AVENUE, PARK RIDGE, N. J. ANNUAL ALUMNI DANCE OF THE PARK RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL Saturday, Sept. 12th, 8:30 P. M. Banquet Hall of the Park Club, Park Ridge, N. J. BUD FISHER'S ORCHESTRA f COME AND MEET YOUR OLD FRIENDS Admission—Membership Card — Friends, $1.00 MOUILLESSEAUX'S Start the School Year Off Right When school commences next Wednesday morning, September 9, be prepared by having everything you will need. We have a complete selection of all the necessities and will be glad' to help you hi your purchases. COMPOSITION BOOKS PADS PENCIL SETS PENCILS COMPASSES CRAYONS PROTRACTORS RULERS And Many Other Items Too Numerous NOTEBOOKS THERMOS BOTTLES BOOK STRAPS ERASERS to Mention Free Balloons to AH Children Purchasing School Supplies During First Week Orphans Gel Game Dyersburg, Tenn.—All gaine killeil •iut of season in this district Is turned ;)ver to the orphans' home here and ! he hunters fined. i VILLA MARCHISIO mark in second-grade tests and was promoted without delay to the third cracle. 1 ENTEB. THE 'About noon the . next day the British took possession of the*town, and in the afternoon the Green was covered with Hessians, a horrid, frightful sight to the inhabitants. There were between three and1 four thousand, with their whiskers, brass caps, and kettles or bass drums. A part of these troops were taken prisoners two months after a t Trenton.' " • Obituary the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Then .said Jesus unto them: When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am •he, and that I do nothing of myself; Fat Men Not Criminals _ Fat men may not be regarded with Broadway, Cor. Park Street * PAGE FIVE CARELESS BIDS THROWNOUT H1LLSDALE HERALD Visits Coal Mine LICH EXPLAINS MAYOR BREAKS POLICE STAND PAGE FIVE ALUMNI D A N C E IS COMING ATTRACTION Ready, get set, go! And the officers and membership committee are off on! the obstacle race toward the goal of Finds Same a Palace, •the annual dance of the Park Ridge High School Alumni Association, which With White Wails according- to the enthusiasm of the Woodcliff Lake Finds ConIssues Statement Denying At- Westwood Mayor and Council committee, will beat last year's dance Westwood Board of Education all hollow. For one thing, we all know tractors Negligent and Will tempt To Conceal Any . Evenly Divided on Newark Recorder E. H. Leddy, of Westwood, what a good time we had last year, and j Experiencing Difficulty In accompanied by Mrs. Leddy, returned are anxious to have another like it. Readvertise. Information. Ave. Assessment Protests. Filling School Vacancies. last week from an interesting visit to The committee has set the date of the Pittston coal mines, at Pittston, the Alumni dance and reunion at a "Having had brought to my atten- Mayor E. G. Ringrose voted to break time when almost everybody will be The Westwood Board cf Education SANDBERG COMPLAINS Penn. The mines at Pittston are among the tion an article (which, appeax-ed in a a deadlock hi the Council, at the meet- back from vacations, and before our is experiencing some difficulty in findmost modern and up to date in the Bergen County daily paper), of August ing Tuesday of last week, for the first college friends leave us for another ing suitable teachers to fill the many and Mr. and Mrs. Leddy thor- 26, I would like to bring to the atten- time since he took office. Strangely year's grind, namely, Saturday evening, vacancies existing through several reInsists Borough O w e s Him country, oughly enjoyed then- trip into the dark tion of the public that it is not the enough, he was called upon a second September 12. The banquet hall of the cent resignations, it became known at where the black diamonds are policy or desire of the Mayor and time to cast his vote and break an- Park Club, Park Radge, gaily decorated, a meeting of the Board last week when $10 for Services As Wit- caverns cut out to furnish warmth for man- Council or myself, to protect any vio- other deadlock at the same meeting. will be the scene of the big event. The it was announced that two teachers kind. ness In Suit. lators or hush up knowledge or report The first deadlock developed over the selection of the orchestra is still a deep engaged to fill two of the vacancies. "Why, it was just like being in a ter- of any violations or crimes that may question of allowing an appeal from dark secret, but ao one was disappoint- h ad ehangsd their minds about coming last .year, and the committee is not •o Westwood, and decided to retain minal of the subway' to land at the brought to our notice by any per- the Assessment Commissioners' report ed Although it is apparent from, the bottom of the shaft," Mr. Leddy stated. be of the Newark avenue improvement, going to disappoint us this time. In fhsir old positions. son or persons. number of bids that Woodcliff Lake "There were offices and a station for made by F. Desmaison, a property own- lact, they have promised to set our feet The resignation of Principal R. E. Borough. Council received for con- the locomotives that haul the coal, and "Taking the newspaper article as a er affected by the work. The Council apraneing, and our heads aspinning Taylor, which was officially accepted with such music as you never heard structing the extensions of its water everything was painted white, the guide, I feel that I should make the stood, three to three on the matter, and at the meeting, has had a detrimental . mains that there is a lack of work in walls, ceiling and buildings. There are following statements to clarify a situ- Mayor Rrngrose voted in favor of the before. effect upon the reputation of the WestAnd do yoii remember the delicious this line, and that contractors are offices and a completely equipped hos- ation which I feel is misunderstood. appropriation assessed by the Commiswood schools, especially as it has been we had last year? And the noised' around in educational circles .anxious for the job, yet it was evident pital." . "First: The case of the Overbrook sioners. Desmaison claimed that it was punch splendid dance floor? And the lovely unfair to assess him for the improvethat some of the bidders had been exAmcng the most interesting improve- burning. My first knowledge that there ment on Newark avenue, inasmuch as decorations in the Maroon and White that he resigned because of difficulties tremely negligent in preparing their with Supervising Principal W. O. Lipwere any known suspects was on TuesMater? Ibicts. This was the cause for setting ments, Mr. Leddy said, was a large pitt. Mr. Taylor had tenure of office y, August 25. I immediately, that he had paid for the same improvement. of our Alma oaUed obstacle race in Westwood, and it is believed that he aside all of the offers, and after con- breaker which cost a million dollars,' same afternoon, called in one of the on a side street which bordered part of I sidering the matter in a brief execu- that takes the impurities and refuse suspects and obtained a signed state- his property. He said that he could at the beginning of this article. Whv? would not relinquish such an advantive session on August 24, of or- out of the coal before it is shipped from ment from him, in which he implicated receive no benefit from the added ex- W ?. ul f. ?on believe it? It's slow work tage unless a serious situation existed. dering readvertising and beginning all the mines. Another interesting fea- three more parties. On that same day, ] tension on Newark avenue. collecting membership dues. Not that For that reason good teachers are reture is what is called the "fire boss," a to be giving Westwood' a vrde I informed Commissioner Trimble and „ .. _.„„,.,, anyone ever actually says "No" when ported berth. Deputy Commissioner Demarest of my Councilman C. F. Trflnble protested I approached by one of the committee, intentions to investigate thoroughly, the assessment on property on Newark r accosted Six vacancies at present exist wnicn by keep a postal cardoffinfilling the but they putting larities exist, a suiit against the Bor- A, M., to see that there are no gas de- and that I would probably have a com- avenue owned by the Fidelity Finance cmaS, have to be filled before the school plete case by Wednesday afternoon. and Realty Co., of which he is Presi- in their card and sending it with their opens on September 14, and include be instituted by disReferring to the part of She article dent. The vote in this case stood iden-, remittance to the Secretary. Every teachers for the kindergarten, comiheld up for a long time. says that no report of the case tical as in the case of Desmaison, and" single alumnus and alumna knows from h and ornrlp away any gas deposits when they are which was made to the Council at Tuesday's Mayor Ringrose again voted to uphold class experience how hard it is to put j -jjjn - p *s reported as having There were ten bids offered for the discovered. In this way the modern a dance over when the class is organ-' Tvork. The offers ran from a little less! m i n e s a r e n o w practically as safe as meeting, as the investigation was the Assessment Commissioners, voting ized and together, and that it is doubly started that afternoon and was natur- against Mr. Trimble's protest. Junior Order requesting an investiga•than eleven thousand dollars to . well j a n y building or regular subway. ally incomplete at the time of the Councilmen Walker, Meyer and Ray hard when our members are scattered tion as to why local help had not been over fourteen thousand dollars. Con- • Mr. stated that his visit was Council meeting that night, there could voted in both cases to uphold the re- and busy with personal interests. on the Third avenue extension recently sent out a broadside to used without jeopnow under construction, and the genp j p port. Councilmen Demarest, Trimble allWe Counties were on the list. The whole i were not being reduced in line with the be no report made public of our members listed in our recmatter will be taken up aga&i on Tues- i general reducing in prices prevailing ardizing the chances of further suc- and Randall voted to allow the pro- ords (if you are a Park Ridge graduate eral contractor was again absent from meeting, although he had been orday evening, September 8, when the everywhere. He found the reason and cessful investigation. As the case is tests. did not receive a card, remember, the dered to appear before the' Board by now complete and the four persons i n - Dominic Canissario also protested cand ur new bids will be opened. on coal, are not complete and far states prices will w not ot go go down w o c o , volved stand charged with arson, there against the assessment made against f r o m records Arthur Dore, the architect. one During t h e course of t h e evening's I because t h e governmentt h ha s control t l off will be a complete report at the Coun- his property, and eloquently and loudly hundred per cent, perfect), The calendar for the next school year session it was decided to insist on the the mines and their output, and is cil meeting at which Police Department laid his case before the Council. His but due tc vacation laxness the re- was and approved. The caluse of Sandspun iron pipe and Eddy spending large sums for modern equip- activities are reported. oratory, however, according to the re- sponse has not been very satisfactory. endarsubmitted shortens the Christmas vacation v&lves and hydrants, but later this acj n t . These expenditures and the So, dear Alumni, give us, the officers sult of the -voting, evidently hindered m e "Second: The fining of an officer rather than helped his cause for, in his and committee, your hearty co-opera- by three days, and reduces the Easter tioh was1 rescinded and the matter left j maintenance costs of them are keeping for misconduct. Under the Police Or- case his protest- was rejected by a vote tion, and when canvassed by the repre- holidays to two days, so that the school to the option of the Council when the! £j, e p r j c e o f COzl up. dinance a report of all police activities of five to one, Councilman Trimble sentative of your class or another year will end earlier in June and contract is awarded. j " ._ j for the preceding month must be turn- voted against accepting the report. worker, say "Yes" with a smile, and lengthen the summer vacation for the Arthur Sandberg is not satisfied with him what he asks. Then boost faculty. the official notification that the Coun- j ROCKLAND CO. MOVES ed in to the Council on the first meet- Canissario hinted in his appeal that give A diploma was ordered Issued to ne ing of the month following. Commissomeone wjastryangltomakaia "sucker?'i * Alumni dance for the glory of our Adelaide oil does hot regard itself indebted to; Moll as graduating from the him for the $10 which he asks for ser- \ TO BUILD NEW ROAD sioner Trimble's report on Tuesday out cf him, and when the vote was an- !P Ta nr k s R-dge High. High School. Miss Moll was unable to evening on the matter was only a pre- nouneed lie stated, as he left the room, j * dance is also for the friends of viices when he was a witness in the suit; graduate last June because of a serious he Alumni. Here's hoping to see you illness, from which she is now -steadily of the Borough against R. F. Berry-' M u c h discussion has prevailed liminary report and the complete re- "You haven't heard the last of this ta11 at tne port will be at the designated meeting. yet. I give Trimble credit for what he I big Alumni dance and re- recovering. She took the examinations man, recently. He was not subpoenaed; throughout this section during t i e past union on September 12, at the Park later and passed in every subject with The officer at the house did." by the Borough nor used as its witness, jw e e k . regarding the proposition to! Club. This information came to me It was agreed, at the meeting, to ask He complained in his communication i eliminate the railroad grade crossings Party. high marks. HELEN K. CLAYTON, that the expert witnesses from P a r k ! at Montvale and Pearl River, by build- also on Tuesday P. M., at the same for State aid for the improvement of Other miner and incidental matters Secretary, Ridge and from Westwood had both ing a new road on the east side of the time as the information on the fire, and Sand Road, in Hegeman Park, the occupied the remainder of the meeting. Park Ridge H. S. Alumni Ass'n. was naturally laid over until the investracks between the two towns. been paid, and thought it unfair that State to pay 75 per cent, of the work. of the more important offense This action followed a discussion onj a resident1 of Woodcliff Lake was not; T £ e " c o m m i t t e e from Pearl River has tigation was completed, after which I had the reimbursed . He also desired to know notified Mayor Nichols, of MontvaleT the subject, during which it was asked | I Man cf Sciia!! Inisrsst Histcr;;; Paris Gats how much the Mayor and Building In- . that the authorities of Orangetown are officer involved before me and obtained whether the Board of Freeholders had ! ! "Dere's no -r.:::i]," s:iid Unt-Ie Eben, Paris origin-ally Imd 5 U g::*c-3, but a statement from him as to his actions spector received for their attendance jr e a i jy t 0 build -their- part of the road as not been requested to assume this im- j | "as uniijioresiin' as de one tint knows at the court proceedings. The com- js o o n ' a s the New Jersey end is agreed and whereabouts on that particular provement. Road Commissioner Gus- j only one, the Porte du Point du Jour, j so mud; dat he ilasn't talk fob. fear. | night, and I filed the same with the now remains in its original state; it tave Meyer stated that the Board of j .munieation was laid on the table. j upon somethin'."—Washington S Commissioner. officer's statement Freeholders had'been requested to take i has been set aside as a historical [ lie'll tell There was still complaint that ConOn Wednesday evening the Town | Star. tractor Bums has not properly attend- Board of Orangetown held a special tlle consideration, but • monument.' e d to certain road repairs. He sent a ggg^jj a ^ which hi p it passed t h neces- fceen invited to a friend's home, and that they had not as yet discussed it, went there, staying for about one- It was then agreed to appeal for State \ man to fill a hole in the roadway and s a J y r a s o lutions for building its section he Haw Aboi:£ in-Laws half hour. As a man when off duty, aid. The improvement will extend on \ ' Pigeon Unique the man shoveled in some dirt, dirt but but ^ Thi is i to t be b a continuati r o a c ii. This SoUinioii, says uu authority, had can certainly visit his friends and stay Sand Road from Old Hook Road to; The pigeon is the only bird thai this is not sa>ti!sfaetcry. and the Clerk t i o n o f t he present South Main street, •he i I cannot see Harrington avenue. j drmks by suet-inn. All other birds take 1,000 wives am! wivts 1,005 lyrics. Our ^—^as-instructed to_no±ify Mr. Burns that p e a r x River," for one-tenth of a mile, there. If, however, the re-j Commissioner Meyer asked the Coun- Hie water into their mouths ncd throw office cynic wonders r.imt the_fiveotha hard finished surface must be made. . ^ 0 ^ e State Line. All of this land is cr persons cil to approve his calling a meeting; their heads hark in order to swallow. er grievances wei-c.—Hamilton (OnTwo accidents within a, few days at , ioeafcecl on ,property of the Dexter tario) Sl)PP!:l'f'i'the Magnolia and Frospecn, avenues in- p 0 lder Co., which is very much in favor j J. P. Burns, contractor, who did : you that there will be no hush- with tersection was cause for consideration. o j ^be movement considerable road work by contract in; ing up of evidence protecting the Westwocd last year. He asked that the; The Council ^vants the County to place ; M^tvale^ i n crdel, t 0 carry o n t n e officer on the part any official to Borough Attorney and the Borough; Modeled on Stars and Stripes seme sort cf traffic regulation there, xvu.iii.vmc, j Plar-i Life anJ D=2t!i . as both of these are County roads. projject, must now secure land through whom this evidence is presented. Life, clesith and old age in plants Engineer be at the meeting, and any : The flag of Liberia is identical with "As to the reference to the meeting member of the Mayor and Council who ours, except for the fact that it has may be called the direct result of elecAttorney DeTurck offered to take the cf the Mayor and Council and the Po- wished to attend. The meeting is to a single star upon its fieltl. In fact, trical phenomena, experiments conlice Department on Tuesday after the b e k e M s o m e t i m e n e x t w e e i j . ers, and it was turned over to him for our flag was taken as a " model for ducted at tlie University of Arizona paia taxes some time ago. , Council meeting. It was our regular 4 resolution war handling. theirs. indicate. this is put into passage con-1 Department meeting which we hold to a contract with Evergreen street has some features When the Board of Freeholders of Bsr- •every two weeks, held on that night at jj e w York newspaper, for a $4(?0 adverthat the Council. considers should be ditinn County will be asked to accept the my request for the purpose of discus- tisement, advertising Westwood in the; •changed before it is accepted as a Bor- gen as a County road, after sing a very important question, namely, special supplement to be issued at the ough road. Among these are the pre- new highway probably be made a fine the Pension Fund. -senting to the Council of a plan of the opening of the Fort Lee bridge, pTovjdr concrete street. The "I wish to plainly state in this letter ed road, clearing it to not less than forty the transaction is adjudged legal. j proposed road was fully that if any person, or persons know of Borough Attorney Weller questioned ieet, and then making it passable. paper last week, and outlined m any crime, violation or infraction of the legal right of the Council to spend These requirements will be presented i likely. the police rules committed by any offi- this money for advertising, inasmuch to Zanoni Brothers, and if complied . of which cer or special officer, or of any crime as it had not been previously appro- ; with the road will doubtless be accepttoll-of or violation by any or p persons, priated in the budget. He was asked ed. Bt is an accepted principle of the will be done away with y person p Council that all such roads be improved -—the Grand avenue and Magnolia ave- , a n d to give an opinion and the contract s u f f i c i e n t evidence to will be entered into if his opinion is. .-on a 100 per cent.-cost basis assessed nue crossings :agaaist the property. favorable. ; It was decided to have red reflector .Rose avenue has been put ha good signs placed' at Mill street and First condition for the 925 feet north of the route between the two towns will "Woodcliff avenue, and the Street Com- be shortened bv one quarter of a mile. I "I also wish to call the attention of j avenue as- a precaution for motorists' mittee recommended that it be for- - traffic over the neTlastern High- j the public to the fact that at no time unaccustomed to the sharp turn that mally accepted as a Borough -road. I w a v through northern Bergen County i have- any of these violations, infrac- exists at that point. It was pointed This will probably follow at the next; l s | ncr . e aslng at a rapid rate, it seems! tions or crimes been committed by a cut that since Washington avenue has: • closed for repairs, motorists have meeting. ' necessary that every means possible! member of the regular Police Depart- been using Mill street, and that several; •Two n<=w ordinances are about to be! t o lessen the liability of accident should I ment, but in all instances, have been been narrow escapes from serous accidents introduced. One :s for regulating hunt-:: be taken. the acts or omissions of a special offi- have occurred at that corner. '• ing in the Borough. 1'mits, and the : cer." The remainder of the meeting POPULAR BRANDS —half or whole ether to forbid brush and rubbiish: . - T- *~mTr<T* P i i r k t i r ' • n:le statement was signed1 by Clilef taken up with routine matters was and burning. The Council is anxious to; L . E G I O N F L O W E R b n O W Lich and approved by Police Commis- regular committee reports. C. F. Trimble and Dsputy Comaccomplish these ends without impos- i 19 AND 20 sioner missioner I. J. Demarest. ing any unnecessary hardship on resi- { dents.' So t t e Borcush Attorney will C A R D PARTY FOR Park Ridge High School gymnasium This Mackine Age CHARITY ANNOUNCED! show of Pascack Valley Post, Studies of how machinery causes BROILING OR FRYING the other much more lax. The Coun- flower American Legion, on Saturday and cil will consider these drafts at its next Sunday, September 19 and 20. Last unemployment by replacing man pow- Mollie Pitcher Unit, S.. S. A., invites; session and adopt one, or else combine 5-ear's snow was remarkable for its siie- er have been made from time to time members and friends, as well as the | 2!S to 3 Tb. the extremes iinto a suitable one for cess, and the Post's committee is con- during the past fifty years. The latest general public, to a card party on Sep- j passage. study of this kind, made for Collier's fident that an even larger and better tember 23, at Odd Fellows Hall, the, All the members of the Council were affair is in store on the coming occa- Weekly, reveals a razor-blade machine entire net proceeds of which will go to ] in attendance at the meeting, which sion,1 which takes the place of 500 men. and the Westwood Community Guild, Inc., \ adjourned at 1C:3O P. M., until Sep- Several innovations are planned. a railroad switching device which su- for the succor of those who are in want tember 8. Among these is the labeling of all ex- persedes 1GS men. Macnineo have now owing to unemployment. Arrange-' hibits with the botanical name of the displaced 0 out of 10 shoe workera ments for the success of the affair are ! being made by the Chairlady of the j plant plainly marked, on its tag, as it is shown. Immense Grape Clustrr Entertainment Committee, Mrs. Mag- j well as its common name. Also, the The biggest buncii of grapes ever various species are to be grouped sepnus Hartung, who is a delegate of the I Not the Water brought into the United States ar- arately, so as to show all of that parMollie Pitcher Unit to the Guild. | Bobby went swimming with his farived at Fall River, Mass., recently ticular flower together. These are ideas She will "be assisted by the Ladies' aboard the Red Star liner Western- along the educational line, in line with thei- one evening. When he returned Auxiliary Committee. There will be attractive prizes for he enthusiastically told his mother lanci ft-om Brussels. Tlie cluster the civic betterment of the community. pinochle, bridge and dominoes, also forj It has been" suggested that irery brief what a good time he had had. weighed SO pounds, was 41 inches loner TOP non-players. After the award of prizes, \ "Was the water coWS" she asked. and 2 feet in diameter, ancl TT;IS in- talks on flowers and flower raising, by j experts, may be Interspersed through "rio, the water wasn't cold," replied refreshments will be served. sured for S.JOO. Mollie Pitcher Unit also announces \ the first evening's programme, and Bobby, "but I was!"—Rochester Courits programme of card games for the; tfcerg may be singing on Sunday after-, ier. Says Animals Will Talk coming season. j noon. There will be six sessions to be held j Friday evening- the Post's committee That animals n;n,v iearn tf> talk is respectively on October 14, November; tile belief of Dr. Bastian Schmid of will arrange the room and get. everyReal Test of Size SLICED 11, December 9, January 13, February j Germany, who. hap been studying- thing in readiness, so that on Saturday The size of every man depends upon 10, and March 9, at Odd Fellows HalL j morning the exhibits may early be photographs of the dog's bark and placed Prizes will "be awarded for the high- | to good advantage. Judging by the height of his Iflejus, the depth of other sounds made by supposedly three experienced judges takes place his convictions and the breadth of his est'stores in pinochle, bridge, dominoes j dumb beasts. He has found evidence at 4 P. M., so the flowers must all be sympathies .and interests.—6. K. Ches- and non-players at each session. | that animals have the beginnings of in order by 3 o'clock. The doors will terton. At the sixth and final game, how-j Vforfls like those of human language. be open to the public Saturday evenever, three extra fine prizes, in addi-j ing and Sunday afternoon. tion. to the regular prizes of the even- j ing, will reward those who show the] It should be noted that the dates When Travel Bares Sh-hl 156 BROADWAY HILLSDALE three highest scores of the entire seaThe unliappiest people in the worfd son. It is therefore important to a Gamekeeper (to mistress of estate) mentioned above are a week later than were oniginally announced, the pestTea —Somebody is poaching on your pre- ponemsnt being made so that is will says an observer, are too-rich Ameri- player to attend all six games of the The driven'hysterically'from'place tr. tournament. serves, Madam. Co. not conflict-with- a number of other cans, Great lAttie William (with a smeared .flower shows in this vicinity that are place by the fear that some pleasure j As usual, refreshments ~.ill be served might cS::d? them.—Country Home. '^tter ,3vsry play. jnoutTi)—Tattle, tale J .to ts-ks n'ace on September 12. HARD TO GET Thrifty housewives buy QUALITY MEATS LEGS ./LAMB SMOKED HAMS»23 MACKEREL »lfr FRESH SHRIMP^ ROUND STEAK »39 BOILED HAM » 4 3 ATLANTIC & PACIFIC PAGE PAGE SIX THE CRANDALLS - AND THE STENDHALS flowed around them in rivers brown as mud. The young Frenchman who had married Adeline because to him she was a flower almost too sweet to pluck, pulied in the beginning against the drag of this environment. But In the end he, too, began to succumb. By the time Adeline's baby girl was born, the young pair were part and parcel of the house located on Wittegar street. It cannot be said for Jacaues Stendhal that he was of the stnfl: that p a r ents would select as the husband,of a loved daughter. He was a frail fellow, probably in character, too. A constitutional dilettante, unstable by nature, playful, and in a way that was forever to be adorable to Adeline, dependent upon her for decision. Then, too, he loved her. There was no doubt of that This volatile Frenchman, fall of traditions that were alien to the very life and being of Adeline, had one quality of stability that was impeccable. He loved Adeline. Word from a Vacdtiotiist BLACK SEAL IN FAVOR j Larry Ramsay Saved S I Girl's Beads * By LEETE STONE -S-SX X » " T. K3H (Copyrisbt.l r AERY RAMSAX was one of the *-* best of university specimens, wi»v possessed a generous income and a thirst for first tend glimpses of ail the seven seas and the countries that By FANNIE HURST are scattered on their shining surfaces. Larry was an idealist, too: (21 by McCl-ure Newspaper Syndicated about life, women, horses and dogs. (WNTI Service.) Font! of ail four, he was nothing less than particular in his choice of perHE house of the Crandalls in sonal favorites. Wittegar street was one of those massive briek-and-stone affairs Aboard the steamer Gatatia, Plythat looked as if it had been mouth and Havre: bound, from Ne«" built and passed on for a few generYork, be was chatting sociably with ations from father to son. And so it a typical globetrotter the third day had, except in the case of the Crandall out. This chance acquaintance was of branch now in occupancy, it had been the type that are never seen without a case of from father to daughter. their black or tan cased glasses strung Martha Crandall had married Deepover their shoulder; their snapeless It was curious, but within that ing Johnson in her father's home and cloth hats and their tan belted fopremained there after her marriage, household, slowly, surely, steadily, as coats, the pockets of which are usualand after the death of the elder Cran- relentlessly as the progress of a Greek ly bulging. with the kniekknaeks of drama, unspoken plans for the destiny dall. world travel. Martha Crandall Johnson's daughter I of Adeline Stendhal began to shape "Know England at all?" the older I themselves in the mind of Martha Adeline had been born in that same man inquired idly between puffs of house, in the same stodgy, high-ceil- Crandall and her husband Deeping the inevitable shipboard pipe. ing, wainscoated bedroom in which Johnson. "London—a little," Larry respondThis catastrophe that had come to she herself was born. ed in the same key. them was not to be borne. This frail, It was a somber house, heavy wood"You're an appreciative sort," the work, wooden pillars between arch- blond, volatile, young outsider, with stranger pursued, "I'd like to warn the stage-like name of Jacques Stendways, folding doors, long halls, pieryou not to miss the quaintest town in glasses, hot-air furnace, push window- hal, music teacher, was not to be enCornwall—or for that matter in all hangings, balcony-fronted china clos- dured within the substantial walls of England. It's got the most beautiful ets, hatracks, what-nots, great bronze the Crandall mansion. name there is . . . LostwitMel . . . And it must be admitted, that as figures for bric-a-brac, and a bronze pronounced Lostwith-eaL You lose the clock with two bronze warriors for the time marched on, Jacques himself Black seal has been revived as a music of it unless you slightly accent ' gave justification to their enormous centerpiece on the parlor mantel. er and his followers had had time to the 'with'. MORE VISITORS TO You lana at Plymouth, ! Trimming fur. Tlie black boucle coat I resentments against him. He twadgo to sleep. And yet withal, there was within yon say. It's not far from there and 1 here shown has kirnona sleeves ami PADDY'S POND Ileddy and Granny Fox had heard there are busses. Man alive, don't j an iinmttiisa collar'Of this handsome this house, the feeling of stability. Its dled away his days. After his mari fur. silent old walls had soaked into their riage, his slight income from the teachthat message from the sky and they, HES Honker the Goose dropped too, had seen Honker lead the way miss it 1" I. ,, timbers the emotions of sane, steady- ing of piano, fell off entirely. It was The man's earnestness compelled nothing for him to spend hours on end into the pond of Paddy the Beav- down into the Green Forest and had going folks. Larry to note down the name. in the narrow strip of garden behind er deep in the Green Forest on his You felt about the house of the the Crandall house, dandling his baby way to the Sunny Southland other guessed just where he had gone. RedThat night Larry lay sleepless due dy was for going over ttfere at once, Crandalls that the people who inhabit- girl on his knees. eyes than those of Peter Rabbit saw but wise old Granny knew better than to a rough ^ea and the deadly insisted it had not made their money overence of the fog siren. Toward morning Jn vain Adeline, as if she sensed the him. That clear "Honk, honk, k'honk, to do that. night, so to speak. Crandalls, ever he dozed off and in his sleep dreamed honk," with which he had shouted to menace that was forming between them, "You think; you know it all," she since Crandalls had lived there, had the world below the message that Jack said sharply, "but you've got a lot to of meeting a beautiful girl on one of pleaded with him to stabilize his life; been able to afford the substantial to either resume his own profession Frost and Rough Brother North Wind learn yet, Ileddy Fox. It isn't every the lanes of Lostwithiel. Due to his things of life. Celtic ancestry, Larry was a believer were coming had been heard by many of piano instruction, or adapt himself Little Adeline Crandall Johnson to some form of work in her father's ears. It had reached way in to the day that we have a chance to get a in the portent of dreams. He found goose for fHnner, and if it were left grew up hi that environment, as blithe- vast cotton organizations. den of Old Man Coyote up in the Old to you we wouldn't have any chance himself looking forward eagerly to the day when he might follow this ly as if the somber old house had been It was no use. To all intents and at all. Ho:.ker isn't like those fool- lead. a rose garden. She flitted through its purposes, Adeline had married a ne'erish geese in Fanner Brown's yard. halls. She danced through its dark At least it would give him, Larry do-well. Oh, my no'. You've got to have all corridors as brilliantly as a butterfly, argued, some definite objective in his your wits a!>out you when you try to When the baby was three years old, caught in' some strange netherworld catch Hon!:er. In fact, I don't expect present entirely elastic itinerary. And a phantom of delight if ever there environment. that we art' going to catch Honker sit that, more than all else, was what he was one, affairs in that household beHer parents, her staid, cotton merall, smart sis we are. But I do think needed; for Larry's mania for congan to shape themselves toward a clichant of a father and her mother we may eat:.-h one of the youngsters of stant travel was due to deep-seated max. For thirty months Jacques Martha Crandall, who had been reared whom he is the leader, and that will loneliness and the fact be was forStendhal had not turned his hand in to be stolid, marveled at the electrical be much better. Honker is old and ever trying to run away from the an earning capacity, the threats, the kind of brilliancy of this girl, their tough. Pe^iaps we can catch two. memory of a girl he had cared for in aspersions, the abhorrence of his parchild. They marveled, and it was as But whatever you do, Eetlily Fox, don't his college days. She had broken her ents-in-law notwithstanding. if they warmed their icy fingers go near th^ pond of Paddy the Beaver engagement to him and married someFor thirty months, until her sweet around the luminous flame of her peruntil I te'l you it is time. Honker one else. eyes were rimmed with weeping, Adsonality. She was something so alien "Don't forget Lostwithiel!" was the mustn't ev»n suspect that we know to them and yet so incalculably fasci- eline had importuned, begged, coaxed. -last'. thing his shipboard companion that he hns'some." And to what end? To the end that nating. She had been born in the chill said to him as they shook hands when nerltly j >mised to do just as old Larry boardea the tender which came autumns of their lives, when. Martha after these importuning^, Jacques, remorseful for the moment, would promGranny F»x said, although he was so was forty-two and her husband fifty. to meet the ocean liner in Plymouth impatient ••liat lie jtiot had to go down harbor* Almost any way yon. looked at her she ise, and the scene would end in one of play; the young father, the young on the ff: >en Meadows and hunt for was a phenomenon, the last creature in For the first time in several years "You Think You Know I t A l l " She Danny 51 :dow House so as to keep SHE HAS HEARD THAT— the world you would have expected to mother, their child between them Said Sharply. from thi: Icing of Honker the Goose of wandering over the face of the spring from the union of two such an- romping in their youth and vitality globe Larry felt himself buoyed up by If you are lucky enough in these . gular souls at Martha Crandall and through the somber rooms of the som- - Pasture and he had hastily thrust his and his r blowers. So it was that a queer sense of both elation and ex! days when horses are few and far bsher mansion. Honker u 1 the other geese, of whom Deeping Johnson. • head out to look up in the sky. He he was tli-- leader, went to sleep with- citement. By turns he laughed at his I tween to find a horseshoe—and then It was at the end of the fourth year, "Unconscious of the incongruity of : had seen Honker turn and lead his out hear".sk.^ or seeing a sinple thing dream of the quaint corner of Corn- | perchance to loss it—oh, woe for you, 'her young presence in the deep brown however, that the older Crandalls did followers down, down, and finally disto make rliim anxious or suspicious. wall with a lovely girl awaiting him ! for that's a sign of double trouble. succeed in creating a schism. It was plush of the Crandall-.Tohnson environappear in the Green Forest. And so i* was that in the still small at the opening of an English lane, and I But cheer up, danger may be avoided finally borne in upon even Adeline herment, AdeliDe rushed into the flush of Old Man Coyote had licked his chops hours of flie night when those who by turns he believed in its reality. [ by tying up.a Jock of your hair, if you self that life with this play boy was her adolescence. hungrily and grinned as he watched. sleep at iiisrht are usually deepest in His first morning in Plymouth Larry i have any. unendurable; it was not only unfair (ic). 1331, McChire Newspaper Syndicate,} By this time the Crandall-Johnsons "They are tired and are going to dreamlar I stealthy feet trotted softly was disappointed in the weather, to herself and to her parents, but to (WNU Service. \ ._ were at the peak of the financial his- the youngster at their knees, to con- spend the night in the pond of Paddy through the Green Forest toward the which was rainy and threatening. Even tory of all the Crandalls who had oc- tinue as his wife. the Beaver," thought he. Then lie pond of i'addy the Beaver, the feet this did not daunt his enthusiasm, cupied that house on Wittegar street. yawned and went back to finish his of Old ?!un Coyote coming from the however, so he bought a serviceable SINGLE SCULLS CHAMP Just why it was unfair, Adeline nevIN'ot only had Martha come into a nap and dream pleasant dreams of a Old Pas' are, and the feet of Granny specimen of the Englishman's inevier stopped to ask herself, escept, thnt vaster than ever accumulation of fat goose for dinner. You see he and Reij'iy Fox coming from the Green table umbrella, and boarded a bus according to all the traditions of the Crandall's monies, but Deeping Johnknew that it would be of no use to go Meadow.-. which included Lostwithiel in its toar. Crandalls and the Johnsons, every man son had practically cornered one of over to Paddy's pond until after HonkAnd for a wonder, after a half hour's (© in- J. G. Lloya.}—WSC Service. must produce. It never occurred to the most important cotton markets in riding the skies cleared and the clouds Adeline that the fact that the Cranthe history of the industry. dissolved into that wonder of wondall-Johnsons had seven millions ders, a perfect day of sunshine in When Adeline Crandall Johnson was should be more than sufficient to offEngland. seventeen she was heiress to seven set the congenital shortcomings of IUTTY NATURAL JJ million dollars. More than that, and Jacques. With the driver's comment, "Apwith an obsolete kind of solemnity of proaching Lostwithiel," Larry knew When the little girl was four years By DOUGLAS MALLOCH which they were totally unconscious, that his dream of seeing the quaintest 3Y HUGH HUTTON • <g to the day, Adeline consented to the the parents of Adeline had picked out of English hamlets was coming true. divorce. Curious, but the reality of for her in marriage the son of another He glimpsed it nestling in a valley T H E KOOKOO KLUXER the situation never seemed to come OMETIMES in summer you will local millionaire. It was one of those through a wide break in the tall, find a lake , home to Jacques. He could not take predetermined affairs about which thorned hedges that rise from every strange-appearing bird is seriously the fact that this sweet girl No storms disturbs. No rolling billows there had not been much family disEnglish road. -*• found nesting near the foot of glabreak cussion. It is doubtful if Adeline her- of his life and heart was about to walk Larry alighted from the bus at the ciers in the mountainous regions of Upon its shore. It is a place of self, in those years when she and the out of them. And yet she did. eastern Georgia and South Carolina. foot of the hill and prowled into the peace. One year after Adeline's incredible fat young boy were so consciously sent first lovely, narrow lane that invited. It derivi-s its name from the peculiar to dancing school together, was even acquiescence to a divorce Jacques Yes, here it seems the things that Old houses with thatched roofs curved way it has of clucking at marauding trouble cease found himself back in his humble stuconscious of the import of what was over dormer windows, old hedges, lovepicaniniiies, and cooing at its young. And trouble man no more. No thundio as piano teacher, pounding out his happening. ly old colorful gardens—here indeed ders roll It lives chiefly on tar and feathers, but living at the keyboard. was English tradition epitomized, and Certainly she never took Donald Across the sky, across the human soul. when it cannot find regular tar, will The situation in the Crandall-Johnfor the first time "Larry wished he Dugan seriously enough to even resent Be not deceived; no lake, however j get along on tar soap or tarpaulins. possessed the camera habit of most him. The fact that at seventeen and son house had progressed. With an still, acquiescence which seemed to denote tourists. eighteen they were unofficially considWilliam G. Miller of the Bachelors But has its winters, as all waters will. that the strength for conflict had ered engaged, glanced off her bright As he passed a particularly beautiful Barge club of Philadelphia who won llowed out of her heart, Adeline reyoung conscience with scarcely an imana sheltered holly-fringed gate he | the national championship in the sinsumed life according to the dictates Sometimes in living someone you may pact. heard a sharp little gasp. He turned gle sculls in the fifty-ninth annual find of her parents. Not even the prospect One night, however, in the great of their designs for an approaching To whom Dame Fortune must be alquickly to look in and there, sure championship regatta on the Schuyldeep brown plush parlor, the young Du- marriage with Donald Dugan seemed enough, stood the very girl of his kill river course. ways kind, gan, probably on the crest of his first dream. Her hands were tensely to penetrate the icy stolidity that had The voice so quiet, dignified, the mein, fierce wave of adolence, caught her enensed her since her official separa- That they remind you of that sylvan clutched at her throat and her face exinto his short round arms and kissed tion from Jacques Stendhal. pressed dire distress. scene. her wetly, patly, roundly, and with pos"Oh, please!" she cried softly. "My Pain, grief and anger, they know none, Life resumed its even flow. She had sessiveness on the lips. beads—they're very old and valuable of these. her chile!, a small beauty, who was Four weeks later Adeline Crandall —and dear to me. The string has brokpermitted by court agreement, to visit The little lakes so far from wider Johnson eloped with her music teacher. en. I think they're all here in my seas. her father once every month, and It was one of those seven-day-won- Donald Dugan as eager as ever to Be not deceived. The calm may have hands; but I don't dare take a step der, local catastrophies. The town —oh . . . " their care, TpOEGET-me-nots may be old-fashmarry her was reconciled to taking the shivered. The town stood aghast. little step-daughter along with his A greater burden they more bravely Although it has no wings, it can fly "Righto!" Larry Eamsay was a " ioned but they have never lost their The newspapers, muted, as if stunned with astonishing speed. bear. quick thinker. "I'll save your beads popularity, and are prized for growmarriage contract to Adeline. Into semisilence, carried news of that Although its composition is Dot cer- if you'H promise to show me Lost- ing under tulips and other early Two nights before the wedding Admarriasa as if they were printing the eline, still in what seemed to be her There is no shelter from the storms tain; scientists from the American Mu- withiel." flowers as a ground cover. The seeds tstory of a death. seum of Nutty History generally agree of life, Her eyes answered him. Wita lithe can be sown in the open ground but it icy mantle of reserve, walked out of The house of the Crandall-Johnsons the Crandall-Jolinson household with We do but differ in the way its strife that a pecan and a peanut form the motion he was at her side; Ms de- is better to use "a cold-frame, in. •might be said to have shivered to its her chiHl in her'firms. At ten o'clock Ts suffered, in the way its grief Is head and body respectively, and that spised umbrella was opened and its either case, a light protection will be wery timbers. the tail is a small feather fastened to ground end punched in the gravel di- necessary when winter, comes. When borne. that same night she eloped witli Fs>r (three months the great, solemn, Jacques Stendhal and was remarried They.feel the most who do least loudly a toothpick. The feet are toothpicks rectly in front of the girl. they^have once been established, forand split almond'kernels, and the beak brown doors wer.e closed to Adeline to him in the office of a local magismourn. "Step into that, lean over a > trifle, get-me-nots often self sow bat gradand her slender blond husband. Then trate. The aspen, quivers when unmoved the a sawed-off split peanut. The head is and drop your hands gently," Larry ually deteriorate, for which reason i t . . . paintod white with black eye spots. is well to start new plants frequently. solemnly, inevitably and rather terricommanded. palm; The Stendlia!s,-there are five of them (S3 Metropolitan Newspaper Service. > Forget-me-nots like a little shade but bly, with the news that Adeline was by now, are a playful, unstable, hilari- In controversy greatness is most calm. (WNTJ Service.) . _ i\ _ _ _ will grow-almost anywhere and are ivitb child, they swung open, taking ous group. There are a pair of solemn And they perhaps may hold the dear Pasteurizing Milk not out of place in a rock garden. into the silent maw of that house on brown __ doors tlisit remain closed most dear Pasteurization, simply de&ne'd, is the And Stacii Like The kind that commonly grows in Who pay the tribute of the unshed Wittegar street, the young figures of against them. heating of raw milk to a temperature "We ought to have a pr>el Imirenfe." swamps has only a short blooming tear. Adeline ami Jacques Stendhal. of 142 to 145 degrees Fahrenheit, holdThe Stcndhals, both- Jacques am! "But we have no .royal family. 'Wbfii season, and for garden use it is better (S). 1831. Douglas Mal'oeb. I—WJJTJ Service. rro'.r.ptly it swallowed them. Adeline, try to feei solemn about Hint. ing at that temperature for 30 min- to grow the kind catalogued as Myosi-, vyivuld !ie write about?" •"'-." J'minptiy it engulfed them. Prompt- Somehow they ennnnt. utes, following which period it is rap•"•"Oli,, baseball.and golf." ,: tis sylvestris, whicb ^»?-t- "inchiQiyrer. ly the .solemnity of that environment idly cooiet). to 38 or 40 degrees, .-.season, '.-' : : ' •'. '•'•-• .' • # * * * * * - T Bedfim ho ThornfortW/ <y Jkivgess W SUPERSTITIOUS CALM S .PAGE: SEVEN PAGE SEVEN AFFLICTION CAUSES | - PATIENT TO SHRINK I lillsdale Social News Old Soldier Loses Ten Inches in Nine Years. THOSE ODD CHINESE His compass points south. His mourning color is white. | LITTLE-KNOWN FACTS | & India contains more dairy X Jv cows than ao"v other country, •** He puts MB hat on in salutation. When the air is calm bees fly SawteHe, Calif.—In. nine years Joe •:• at a speed of about 15 miles an A His left hand is the place of honor. Mayott, a patient at the Soldier's home i f hotfr-. X here, has shrunk ten inches. He is sinking into his shoes, and his head He faces the bow wHen rowing a | | ~eratefl by com. | A bom flpm Mrs Henry Jaeger and daughter ily, of Magnolia avenue, attended t_e is getting larger. | <• pressed air has been invented ••• ' Ruth 'of Broadway, are spending a few; party on Thursday, Mr. and] Joe was horn in the Catskills, near „ . . 7~. -, ', I X by a London suraeon. V weeks at Highland, N. Y. i Mrs. C. J. Hutchison, of _Woodcliffj South Cairo,. If. "?., a sturdy youngster i Lake, to celebrate the third birthday j He keeps out of step when walking I .*. " *j> in the best of health. When war broke .A cousin, Marjorie Ann Wilken, .of j of: f: ttheir h i daughter, Betty Jean j out in the Philippines Joe went over. with you. ^ ;v arinijing vvater % A combined East Oange, recently visited Mr. andj „. , ., , , ., 4. IV bag and food cooler has been • Mrs C L SimoBson, of West Hillsdale. j Mrs. James Westervelt, of Central When he carqe back he enlisted for His fevonte present to U s parents , £ p a t e n t e d b y a n M a h o , n v e n t 0 $ ' ' ' _____ j avenue, was hcstess to the following work as a heavy-timber carpenter in is aa cou_. | .;. ^ " — ' j • ! * • • » • • • • • • • • Foster, of New j members of her card club last Friday Panama, where he fought numerous The children of a Chinese school j W o n S u _ - afternoon:.-.Mrs, A. Gejger, Mrs. W. | engagements with fever and heat. j When he came out he didn't feel study out loud, HOW TO FAIL of Broadway. | g f well. He had recurring pains in his Miss Polly Swartwout, of \ Helen Westervelt Mrs G. Covey sub- j back and legs and he found that his He whitens bis boots Instead of Complain. is visiting with the Swart- s t o r e d ior Mrs. J. Williams. hat was getting too small. Sow, at blackening them. wont family, on Brookside Place. 1 fifty-four, possessed of a sense of huExaggerate. Mrs. J. Moulton, of Floral Park, was The Chinaman shakes Ms own hand Joseph has one of the strangest Mrs. Elmer G. Tewes, of Conklin agreeably surprised last Saturday eve- j mor, Instead of yours. known to medical science. Be sarcastic. avenue, is enjoying a vacation of a few ning' when a number of relatives from. I afflictions Floral Park. Hackensack, River Vale! .. Physicians describe, in scientific weeks at Astrary Park. He rides with his heels in his stirand Hillsdale gathered at the home of ! terms,- his trouble as "osteitis defor- rups instead of his toes. Be a glutton. A recent guest at the Gustafson her son, W. J. Moulton, of Central ave- ; manus" ana more famiiiarly as "Pahome, in Glentaook: Park, was Miss nue, in honor of her birthday. Mrs. I get's." Its progress ordinarily is slow Be conceited. Often he throws away the fruit of Moulton has been v:siting with her son i and the changes are involved in the Gertrude Sauter, of New York. for the past few weeks. ' bones. The weight-bearing bones are the melon and eats the seeds. Scorn advice. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brietenbach, of most frequently involved, resulting in He laughs on receiving bad news Washington avenue, recently returned A dinner party was given by Mr. and; a bowing similar to that seen in rickProcrastinate. from a tour of the New England States. Mrs. O. S. Hammack, of the Crest, on \ ets, and the absorption of cartilages (this is to deceive evil spirits). Saturday evening. Then- guests -in- j in joints. Be indifferent. Mrs. Alfred, Tiedeman, of Broadway, eluded Mrs. A. McArthur, of Boston;! His women folks are often seen in In 1922 Joe was 5 feet T inches tall. trousers accompanied by men in left en Thursday to spend a few weeks also her daughter and husband, Mr. Praise no one. on the Jersey shore. and Mrs. C. L. Langstroth, of Newark, In 1928 he was 5 feet. Now, he meas- j gowns.—Exchange. [ and Mr. and Mrs. W. McClatchey, Mrs. ures i feet, 9 inches. Be a pessimist. Mr. and Mrs. J. Meaney and family, E. Stewart and daughter Virginia, of! "I've got an occupation," he says. ] BIRTH STONES of town, are occupying Herman Baek- Westwood. . I "I knit women's scarfs. Imagine that, I man's bungalow, on Magnolia avenue. will you! I built a whole town once Repeat rumors. Word was received this week from in Chili—and now I've got the 'some- ] For burglars, the keystone. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cobleigh, of Pier- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and son! thing doforniaus'—and they say It's i Ridicule others. mont avenue, recently enjoyed a vaca- John, who recently left town to take up [ pretty bad!" For editors, the grindstone. ' tion of several weeks at Copake, N. Y. a residence in the West, saying they j Break promises. * T-r-n J i« a r e comfortably located in PheonixJ For cooks, the puddingstone. Scotchman Lives Up Mrs. Helen Klenimmg. of Hillsdale ^..^ & y e r y begLumtil piacej b u t very| Refuse to learn. avenue, who has been quite ill, entered i ,hQ^ 11Qa a t t h e t i m e - o f -writing. But! For soldiers, the bloodstone. to Nation's Reputation Holy Name Hospital on Thursday, as a t h e _ ^ looking forward to a nice win- j Travel the ruts. i patient under observation. ! t e r _ Making the trip out West by car, j Glasgow, Scotland.—During these For beauties, the peachstone. _ I days of fast changing records a mu— . • . . they covered 3100 miles. j nicipal- election expense record of Keep late hours. " j Air and Mrs. O. L. Simonson and j §2.16 has been established. It is exFor motorists, the milestone. -—• | family, of Hillsdale avenue recently Lawrence Wandell and! pected to stand as an all-time record. Neglect your health. ' ! For tourists, the Yellowstone. J attended a family reunion at The home ^ wmgx ^ m& m o t h e r m.s L j Inglis Milton, contesting the park Evade responsibility. j of Mr. S:monson's parents in verona.. W a n d e l l ; o f B s r g e n s t r s e t > a r e h o m e j ward at the recent municipal ward i For borrowers, the touchstone. ! Harold Unger returned home on j again after a trip to Virginia.stopping i election, returned his expenses to the Be a chronic grouch. | __. dna iv_&. a., uu—iu |\vno are vacationmg there. While in town clerk's Milton statea that For laundresses, the soapstone. ! vacati0_]ng water Park. — they stopped to' lie published no election address and I Washington, D. C , addressed no public meetings. Work without a plan. i For architects, the cornerstone. | Mesaames E. P. Daviss, J. N. Neither, so far as he knows, did lived T. E. Mullen and H. Schuette, of town, Do as little as possible. • any of his supporters solicit votes on For politicians, the blarneystone. weve luncheon and bridge guests on Miss Edith Horskey, of Woods——"! his behalf. Tuesday of Mrs B. Spier, of Westwood. Always have an excuse. ; For policemen, the pavingstone. j Lake, was hostess on Friday evening [ Incidentally, Milton did not get a : G'lb»rt- Kelly of Passaic. is visiting to a gathering cf friends, entertaining j seat in the town council. He polled Be a chronic borrower.—Ex" Mr" and Mrs C Hillabrant, of | with music, dancing -and card games., 246 votes, while his opponent, Tietor For stock brokers, the curbstone. change. . _ar°-e~ avenue, this week. They all A late supper was served. Those in-i D. 'Warren, got the seat with a ma<T)ent the weekend at Lake Grinnell. vitsd were the Misses Marjorie Piercey,; jority of 3,502. Warren's expense acFor shoemakers, the cobblestone. ! A SIMILE COLLECTION. ~* Madaline Michel, Dorothy and Elsie j count has not been made public so Br " Janie* W Fox of West Hillsdale j Brcckmeysr, Josephine Horskey, Ray-j far. For pedestrians, the tombstone.— avenue was among the visiting Bo-1 mend Slater, Charles Hillabrant, Scott j As magnetic as a sunburned back, j The Paraae, with slight variations, in tarians at the Friday luncheon lasfZihell, James Hailett and Stonerj the Literary Digest. Russian Girls Lack week in Park Ridge. Springer. As useless as "It" when you're deaf! \ broke. I Flag, So No Year-Book | GRANDMA WAYBACK Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kraeger have re- j f,^z Hetrsr sprmger, of Magnolia i turned home after visiting Mi\ Xrue-j avenue, entertarned on Thursday eve-j Paris, France.—.Plans for a year j ger's mother and toother at Ossining, j ulng with three tables of bridge, after | book for the 1931 graduating class of j . , . ,. , i As busy as people watching a steam i jj". T. : i which a buffet supper was served. Her | nurses at the : American hospital of A man may reel __ oats and yet shoveI in operation. . j guests included-'the Misses Elsie and! _ ; Miss Marion Sharp left on Monday Borpitiy .Brockmeyer, Madaline Michel I Paris, went awry because the Russian lack horse sense. for a two weeks vacation at Asfouxy and Marjorie Lockwcod; also George; girls could not decide about the de"' „,, . , , . " j As narrow as a drug store lunch- ! Park, where she will visit Miss Rose La Chappelle, Ben Collins, Stoner and; sign of the flag whtich. was to appear 1,'s easy to laugh at worries when e o n e t t e l e c e o f -e_ | Murphy, formerly of Hillsdale. James Springer and Howard Travis,! over their names. None of the girls As idle as the colored thumb tacks [ belong without to somebody Froze winners of games were Miss Elsie! is sympathetic with the soviet regime they Marrying love iselse. worse than I on a salesmanager's chart. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graser and Brockmeyer and Miss Miehel. in Russia, all of them being White going shopping without any money. family and, Mr, and Mrs. J. Snglehart, Russians. But Russia had so many ,, ,. „ ., ,, ,, I As smeary as potato salad after an \ of Glenteook Park, are home this week Bob L>avies, of Park street, gave a; flags between the time of the czarist after a vacation at Mantauk, L, I. party, at his home on Saturday even- !j regime and the rise to power of Lenin Many a chip off the old hlock today ; h o m , g r i ( J e i n t h e s l m t 0 t h ; ing to a group of young folks, who had and Trotzky that the Russian nurses needs to be taken out to the woodshed, i i Mr. and Mrs. John Kinmonth, of ja wonderful tune playing games, danc- I Before we were married Pa usta \ A s h a r d t o c I o s ^ g a S l l i t c a g e a f t e r j Central avenue, are enjoying a visit •. i n g a n a singing. His sister, Mrs. HI.! didn't know which was proper. Since ^ ft. f : from their daughter and her husband, j Gamer, served a late supper. Present I the Swedish girls, the American girls offer me a penny for my thoughts, but j t h e w i f e h a s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long, of Phila-1 w e r e the Misses Laura- Moore, Rut_' and the Canadian girls had their flags now he often offers me $5 to shut up. j w e e k s . t r i p j in the book, it was decided not to delphia. . . j Williams and Edyth Muller, of West- \ : Betty Goucher and Gladys: print the book unless the Russian girls The reason some women don't brag j A s o v e r j o y e ( 1 a s ~ w i a o _ ,. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Davis, of Pier- Fcuire, of Park Ridge; Clifford Hopper, could, have a flag. about their husbanas is that they are , e e t l mMQ insi3rance 0 I / a n u s .j ment Road, spent the weekend in Phil- j John siley, Raymond Slater, Robert ashamed to brag about nothmg.-Es- | b a n d _h- w a s n , t r e a ] ] v tt 30 ; adelp_ia with relatives. Their daugh-1 conover, George Strohsahl, Ehnerj , change. cents.—Pathfinder Magazine. ter, Miss Evelyn, returned with them, Ewald, Bob Davies, his mother, Mrs. C.! T r i o OF I n d i a n T r i b e s foUcfiving a vacation spent there. Davies, snd Ms sister, Mrs. Osmer. Telephone Westwood 2204 End Ancient Feud MISCELLANY EARNINGS FOR 184 . COMPANIES ARE UP Reports for Sacond Quarter Shew an Upward Trend. New 1'ork.—A distinctly better trend in earning.? as second-quarter reports continue to appear is notetl by Moofly'sInvestors' service in an analysis based upon results announced !>y 1S4 large Industrial companies, which show aggre.^ite profits for the June qnurter 35.C per cent higher than in the preceding three months. The extra-seasonal character of this advance, the .survey states, contrasts with a gain of only 5.1 per cent for the same corporations from the first to the second quarter of 1030. Including 171 railroads and 40 utilities which have reported on a fivemouth basis, total net of G20 companies for the first half of this year was 44.0 per cent. "Further reduction of operating costs doubtless contributed in largemeasure to improved second-quarter industrial earnings," Moody believes. "The picture is more shadowed when comparison is made with the same period in 1930, and a 3S.2 per cent decrease is seen. Nevertheless the substantial average gain over the early months of the year indicates that business has been operating somewhat more profitably than many have realized." Industrial groups which made the best contrast with 1930 on a half-year basis included 12 automobile companies, with a drop of 19.9 per cent; drugs, with a decrease of only 5.1 petcent, and biscuits, where earnings were off 6 per cent. Poorest results were found in the case-of automobile accessories (with a decrease of 6S.4 per cent), cement C6G.3 per cent), machinery (T1.7 per cent), steel and iron (SS.2 per cent), petroleum (95.2 per cent) and copper (with a 1031 deficit for five companies). U. S. Has Three-Fourths of the World's Autos Washington. — Nearly three-fourths of the motor vehicles in the world are registered in the United States. This is shown by Department of Commerce figures based on a census as of January 1, 1931. World registration totaled 35,805,632, of which 20,097,398 were the United States. If motor cars of all sorts were evenly distributed, every fifty-fourth person in the world would have one, according to the census. In the UnitedStates there is one for every 4.59 persons. Per capita registration for theworld outside the United States was 200. France was second in registration, with 1,459,650; England third, w.itli i,30S,272. Then followed Canada, witft 1,224,O9S; Germany, 079.300; Australia, 503,657; Argentina, 366,324; Italy, 291,5S7; Brazil, 139,570; and Spain and the Canary Island, with 189,650. First place among foreign countries in proportion of automobiles to population went to Canada and Xew Zealand, with one registration for every eight persons. Australia was next wftli one for every eleven. Trailing the list were Yemen and. Oman, in Arabia; China, Ethiopia, the Solomon islands, and Spitzbergen. Spitsbergen had one—a truck. Despite the depression during 1930, world registrations increased by G7S234 over 1929, says Charles F." Baldwin, assistant chief of the automotive division. He points out that there were 4,109,231 motor vehicles produced in the world in 1030, leaving 3,430,238 to be accounted for largely by scrapping or other withdrawal from oper-. ation. HAPPY THOUGHTS elaborate celebration was given j Seniinola, Okla.—A feud of several on Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. \ centuries* standing between the SemOnly the wisest know what fools best Even tree has its ; j . j . Finnan, of Hillsdale Manor, in inole and Sae and Fox Indians has they are. j honor of the fifth birthday of a grand- j ended Bat>y Thrives With Pin son, Chauncey J. McGill, of Nanuet.: are plentiful when it comes ; 1 Relatives and friends who gathered for i No one knows how far back it ex- to Methods The real hero of many a novel is killing time. i Lodged in His Throat Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Getz and son 1 the party were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Itended, but although there have been the publisher. j El Paso, Texas.—Gary "Farmer Richard, of Cedar street, returned on Faton, of Park Ridge; Miss Jean Mar- j no violent outcroppings recently, the A clergyman Is a man who talks in j Saturday, after a delightful vacation tin, of East Orange; Mrs. A. Firman,) bitterness was perpetuated by ambushPetrol removes beauty spots as well . Turner, nine-week-old baby, has an open safety pin lodged in his throat on the Isle of Pines, in Museongus Bay, of Brooklyn; Harold Berkner, of Sear-! ings of one tribe or the other years other people's sleep. as grease spots. * j but ney; Miss Hilda Firman, of Brooklyn; | ago. off the ccast of Maine. thinks little of it. Mr. and. Mrs. A. Churuti of the Manor; | Almost anyone can see the humor j When the baby was six weeks old The Misses Marion Sloat and Doro- N. Fricola, of Emerson; M;ss Theresa j During the recent powwow here, of the situation when it is some one | You'll have a good holiday if you go he swallowed the pin. For several at a smile a minute. j thy Slater, of town, attended the an- Wibish, of Teaneck; Miss Josephine! when more than 5,000 Indians gath- else who is situated. days he was in a critical condition nual _ico_l:g_l excursion to Rye, on _G_go, of Hackensack; Mr. and Mrs.! ered, Sac and Fox eMeftains !iid for as doctors attempted to remove the peace. Chili Pish, Seminole cliief, j George McGill, of Nanuet. j believes in keeping to by the De Thursday evening, given pin. Failing in that, they allowed the accepted the offer and the two tribes ! We know a friend wbo talks to i t h e path. Molay. talk to a j baby to rest, to regain his strength, crowded around the barbecue spits j ^ ^ ^ j and Gary grew despite the pin in his & ^ . ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyons and Look Forward to Much and broke the bread of peace. 1 sensible man and hear a sensible man | ^ throat. family, of Large avenue, returned to j her depth she is usually fishing. I Immunity From Disease town on Monday, after summering at So improved is his condition that Mankind of the future probably will Experts Find Eradicator Long Beach, with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. JUST A MOMENT he was discharged from the hospital A woman's voice is naturally higher | develop immunity against many, comHynn, former residents of town. than a man's yet she insists on rais- | and no further attempts will be made for Canadian Thistle municable diseases that are now cou: Men receive deserved honor at _ i ing it. j for the present to remove the obstrucMr. and Mrs. Henry Toensmann, of sidered most fatal, says the PublicColumbus, Ohio.—A sure eradieator Qeserved occasion. tion. Brccklyn,. are renting the Roy Blau- Health service. for the Canadian thistle, obnosious and Tt s e a s t0 run a velt home on Plermont avenue. Mr. persistent weed7 has been discovered _ » . „ . . _ . . ,, . • , _ ' ? way with a girl i racial groups already are able snd Mrs. Blauvelt have moved intoj to Some Such is the inflation of desire, the i nowadays, but it's hard work trying ! Slot Typewriters Are develop partial immunity to meas- after three years of experiments at their nsw hcuse, recently built on t h e ' more we have the less it's worth. i to keep up with her. i Ohio State university here, Prof. C. les, mnmps, chicken pox and similar Used in Berlin Cafes adjoining lot. — I i diseases of childhood after once com- J. Willard of the department of farm Berlin.—If you wish to type a letWhat gain to forego a present good crops has announced. The thistle deRANDOM REMARKS Mr. and Mrs. Julius Huhi-.and nine ing in contact with them, it is pointed ter in Berlin just drop into a cafe, in the rush for a future no better? children, who were former residents, out, although several centuries ago stroyer is a simple solution of sodium deposit a coin in a slot, and use a Wllen U comes to mabin arrived recently in town, after spend- these maladies may have been very chlorate in water, which is sprayed Life wouia have no immortal hopes S a g°0<3 ] t typewriter. Public maeiiines are beon the weeds several times. The ln s r o u llave to h a n d t 0 a majA ing ever three years in California. They deadly. hnd id it to flo only with the transient. '!? " - \ i ing installed in public places of the have rented a house on North Central . The human body develops immunity comparative high cost of the treatCD ri St. German capital. For the equivalent of ment will likely limit the use of the avenue, owned by James Meaney. against disease either by normal con2 cents one may type 1,000 letters or Consciousness at its full is without chlorate to small areas, it was saj_ A few good coaches on a golf course spaces, then another coin must be inwith the disease or by artificial identity, because universal ana everThe Ladies' Guild cf Holy Trinity tact liisting.—Stephen B. Stanton, in Wash- yelling "Keep your eye on t h e ball" serted for further service. churcii will hold a public card party at contact through use of antitoxins and Eggs Hatched on Dumps i" would also be helpful. ington Post. the Parish Eall on Friday evening, vaccines. Davenport, Iowa.—There is more i September 25. Mrs. Clarence Shuttle- j Measles, for example, though not *s'- ., •worth, of the Crest, is in charge of ar- highly dangerous among people of the than one kind of incubator for chick- WHAT EVERY DOG KNOWS \ Mahatma Gandhi isn't satisfied to j Michigan Town Puts civilized world, still is fatal to persons ens, according to H. S. Thompson. He rangements. : scratch the hide of the British lion. / Boys to Bed at 9 p. nr.. who have oot come in contact with the discarded a. dozen eggs on the city but he rubs salt in the wounds. | Eaton Rapids, Mich.—At the behest: Children in danger are friends inJoe Higgins, of town, and Mrs. ;M. disease sufficiently to build up immu- dump. A few days later, as he passed — i E-dsback, cl Jersey City, spent Sunday i nity against it. The young man who tried to get of a large number of citizens the eiiiv the spot, he was attracted by a vig- deed. with .Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mullen at their — fresh with a telephone operator quick- j council has revived the 9 o'eteelt curSimilarly with other ailments which orous cheeping. Investigation disr tungalOTV at Lake Ersklne. . Mrs. Hos- have lost their* severity on the white closed that the eggs had. batched sevWhen in church, elude the vestry- j i y discovered that she had his number. I few ordinance here. All males « ilo. tack is spending the week in Hillsdale race, peoples exposed' for the first time eral healthy chicks. man. 1 — j are not sixteen years old must h&u. w*t_ her sister, Mrs. Mullen. are notably of low resistance.—Detroit — ! A minister said that "success in life 1 their girls home, bid them good night Free Press. What is so rare as a ride in an j j s nfter all a matter of degree," which and reach their own before the dead•'"Mr. arid Mrs. K. Ludwig liave returnStem Connects Eggs j auto? | Khrmid be comforting- to the college line, the ordinance provides. ed from their wedding trip, touring the Kelso, Wash.—Freak eggs, connect- j New England States for the past: two j ad by a stem of shell about the size ! Pin-ograplss should be seen, not j Woman, 101; Oldest Child, 73 weeas, stopping in New Hampshire! Motorist Not Alone of a lead pencil, were found by Jack j heard.: Jonesboro, Ark.—Mrs. Sarah James A magazine aslcs: "Do you lifer with relative^ of Mrs. Ludwig, and are' Motorists who have explored.the de- Beelilraui. son--of Deputy Sheriff Beck- j new occupying their new _oi_s on your job?" • It would receive a cre.-i? has celebrated her one hundred and tours for wayside produce stands may ham; They ijavt; dubbed them. "The I A pariiage pail contains a multitude first birthday. She has eleven chilMaple -avenuj?, Hillsdale. more answers by : be interested to know that the bee, Siamese- x\vins." -Cue eirg :s siauda.-d I dren, the oldest of whom is seveatr.von like n job?" Mr. a_d Ste- i->. tasyer, ol Lawrence also, travels 40,000. miles to collect a three years of age. street, w_t_ Mrs. S. Springer and fam- pound of honey.—Detroit-News. Mi-, and Mrs. Walter Herbert, of Central avenue, have been spending the past week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, at Ocean Grove. PAGE EiC:iX. HIZX-SBALE 'TRADER HORN' PAGE EIGHT CCH13S a story packed with power, jamSNAPPY SAYINGS med with drama and driven through I with a motivation that is as fast mov-1 Gooa looks are pure, not full hands. Ing as life itself. j —Syrus/ Such, a story has been transferred to j M-J the talking motion picture screen in a Hen don't object to work if they production said to be better than the Help Wanted Female For Sale novel :n its scope and in its strong hupick it out 'ie Film of Jungle. Adventures Clever Infant Takes Fart In m&n appeal. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS, finish1 FOR SALE—"Easy" oil stove with oven '•White Shoulders" opens Sunday at Friendship grows in tHe soil of un- ers, pressers on ladies' coats wanted. j attached. Tel. Park Ridge' 365-Vsf. (35-tf Brings Actual Sounds of "Night Nurse." Starring I the Pases cb Theatre, with Mary Astor, derstanding. Apply Park Ridge Cloak and Dress Jack Holt, Ricardo Cortez, and Sidney SALE—Second .hand " lumber; Life in Africa. Shop, Magnolia Ave., Park Ridge. (36 ;FQR Barbara Stanwyck. Tcler heading a distinguished cast of | cheap. D. W. Hoffman. Kidge Avenue. A mortgage begins inflating as soon featured players. iFark Ridge. (36 as It is made. The sweep of its locales is far-reachi . Thrills of the wildest jungles, beasts Boarders Wanted William Wellman, who directed Bar- ing, with scenes laid in South AmeriFOR SALE—Jacobean oak bujtet, table L-?.r3, Stanwyck in "Night Nurse," the can geld mines, Monte Carlo gaining in their struggles for life, savage tribesNo man was ever great by ImitaROOM and BOARD for 1 or 2; home and chairs, S10; worth §75. Tel. WestWarnar Bros, picture which comes to hci-ses, Monaco villas, Parisian fashion men in the strange, fanatical and tion.—Johnson. (34-36 ; cooking. Mrs. H. N. Totten, Magnolia jwood 508-R. the Paseaek Theatre Tuesday next, de- salons and New York penthouse apart- deadly rites of the juju; crocodiles, Ave., Park Ridge. (35-38 j FOR SALE—2 Iron beds, complete with clares with what appears to be deep ments. rhino—every peril an explorer could It is better to have an* open mind ccnvieticn that he has discovered a | face—these are filmed, with actual than an open month. i mattress and spring; very reasonable. iv:ture screen star in a five-week old I sound, in "Trader Horn," Mfetro-GoldI Tel. Park Ridge 961. (36-37 ' Real Estate for Sale or Rent batj;, one of the ten seen in a thrilling PUBLIC AGAIN TO SEE wyn-lvlayer'3 gigantic, pageant of savi • — — ._ Taxpayers are people who scold and STqusncs cf "Night Nurse." 1 FOR SALE—Par of a s gas outfit, first; age Africa, playing at the Granada FOR SALE or FOR RENT—3 Houses, , class condition, large tanks. I. Sturm. In the 20 minutes the authorities al- ARMY FOOTBALL GAMES Theatre. Pearl River, on September 8 do nothing else about it. 7 rooms and bath; all improvements, jTel. 792 Park Ridge. l i e d the baby to be recorded for the (24-ti Every man has to pass through ex- Zanoni Bros., Lincoln Ave., Woodcliffj The general public will again be en-and 9. ej-is an:i ears of the millions, It had an FOR SALE—DAHLIAS, gladiolas, flowLake. Tel. 'Park Ridge 268-M. (35-38 ! But it differs from anything of the o:i rub, a hand and foot print, an iden- abled to witness Army- home football periences that test his faith. ers and bulbs; very reasonable. Come tification tag stuck on its midget back, games at West Point this fall, with the kind aver seen, for its thrills and its FOR RENT or SALE—8-Room house, see them. Park Ridge 1387-W. (35-tf: bath under a spray shower, and itsexception of the Harvard contest, ac- wonders surround a dramatic story— Don't expect much of the world, steam neat, running water, garage,! cording to Major P. B. Fleming, Gradu- the tale of the adventurous trader, his -.•eight. FOR SALE—Grapes, this week; very, and you will be far less unhappy. chickenepop, fruit trees, big plot, near] Manager of Athletics. Fleming apprentice, and the beautiful "White These operations were ;olerated with ate school. Reasonable rent; very easy reasonable while they last, at the Wal_J.^J * i5 L T L ,_. T_J: i C^y^HrJocrr" r*r i-Vic* s a T r o w o Te/wt Goddess" of the savage Isorgi. The : stated that last year's policy of adc-jch dignity by the baby that Mr. Wellterms for buyers. Call Park Ridge ker home, on Orchard St.. Hillsdale. (36 man on the following day, when a bit vance sales to ithe public would be dis-famous book lives in -actuality, as, in It depends on your .grandparents '371-R. (34-tf ~as to be added to the scene, instantly continued, but that one hour before the original locales of its dramatic nar- what part of your anatomy gives out FOR SALS—i Complete beds and games, tickets would go on sale at therative, it Is enacted in talking pictures. first. c?J!ed for his discovery. dressers, table and chairs; very cheap. entrance to Michie Stadium. Jungle Noises Recorded Bailanco, Franklin Ave., Montvale. Real Estate for Sale "White Shoulders" Vigorous What gives a woman real indeFleming also stated that preceding (36-37 Not only do we hear the voices of its From ifche pages of a Rex Beach novel y each game a full dress review of the pendence of mind is "money of my FOR SALE—-Fins corner lot near staactors, but the voices of the jungle. FOR SALE—Diningroom table, 6 dinentire corps of cadets would take place IOI tion; suitable for business or residence. The roars of the lions, the songs of the own." higroom chairs, coal range with hot on the main parade ground. DON'T FORGET TO J. C. Storms, Park Ridge. (ti jungle birds, the eerie laugh of the water attachment, kitchen sink. Tel. Living one day at a time, Is merej hyena and the deep throated gurgle of Park Ridge 885. ~ (36 DANCE AT FOR SALE—14-Acre plots, ideal for I the crocodile—all these were recorded ly one of the many ways of eluding Orchids Need Much Care chicken farms, $100 down, $10 a month, jFOn SALE—Beautiful 3-piece livm=LEIN'S GROVE Orchids, of which there are numer- Jon the spot, with the first and only anxiety. Near school^ and station. Q. Lips ir o o m s u l t , £oUd mah frame° WITH 6-PEECE OBCHESTRA | sound apparatus ever taken into Africa, Woodchg Lake, N. J. (36-39 .a l s Q 9 x l 2 r u g > j j b r a r y s e t j 3 _ p i e c e c o z y _ ous varieties, are the most costly of cut Every Friday and Saturday Nignt i One thrills at the dramatic battles Prejudices of our grandfathers are flowers, for good reason. It takes between wild beasts, out there in the n c o i c sst OLDTAPPAN, N. J. > 5 4 - i n c h diningroom table. particularly effective in how we ob-FOR SALE—Attractive shingled h o m e , ' seven to eight years for the plant to jungle, where everything eats some6 large rooms, large closets, tiled bath j Smithkowski, Chestnut Ridge, near seaor ion serve Sunday. reach the flowering stage, and in all thing else to live. And through it runs and shower, sun parlor; oak floors. I 8s ' im-31 that long period it must be cultivated the tender human love story of the boy chestnut finish in livingrooms; fire/poR SALE—Perennials—Archilia, 10c A man who is always promising under a uniform temperature and oth- and the girl, the young adventurer and much is always forgetting much.— place, steam heat, city water; shaded, j h, $i dozen; Canterbury Bells. 10c eaC erwise cared for, jevjg after it begins the golden haired priestess of a savage Spanish proverb. paved street; terms. E. B. Scott, Mont- each, $1 dozen; Delphimrms Hybrids, tribe. its single bloom" a"yearT~~-T•• - - — vale. (31-tf I iOc each, $1 dozen; Gaillardia, 5c each, The sowing and incubation of tlie ; ; '• : 50c dozen; Fox Gloves, 10c each. $1 MOOC. It is far better to be a minute or RECALLING SOLOMON seeil are Sone in the laboratory 3D dozen; Hibisceus Mollow, red, white two late than to take chances that NEW JERSEY Wanted to Rent AND SHEBA'S QUEEN may lead to weeks in a hospital. flasks or test tubes, in which the seedland yellow, 25e each; Veronica, 25c [clump; Oriental Poppies, Seedlings, 10c lings germinate under sterilized conSATURDAY WANTED TO RENT—2 or 3 Unfur-1 each, $1 dozen; Peonies, white, pink, ditions. „,-. . . If the queen of Sheba could behold SEPTEMBER 5th It is distressing for a couple of the million-dollar crowns, of gold which young lovers to reach the crisis in nished rooms. Tel. Park Ridge 20. (36 jold rose, 35c each, 3 for $1; Apple. Pear'_ Plum and Cherry Trees, 5.0c each; -»-• 5 ACTS were placed, October 21, upon the their quarrel while they are on a Evergreens, 3Go and up; Shrubs, 25c> Sad Name for Good Dog* heads of her reputed descendants in street car. For Rent Evergreen Nurssry, Faiview Ave., Park. Nero must not have been as bad as Abyssinia, and witness the ceremoniRidge. • (35-38 tradition painted him. Mcmy noble dogs ous splendor of the homage paid to Business men can't always make a j FOR RENT—4 or 5 Furnished rooms; have been named in his memory.— her country that has now been admitsuccess of public administration be- Improvements; reasonable. Tel. Park! Toledo Elade. (36 ! ted to a seat among independent na- cause politics won't let them fire those I Ridge 20. Miscellaneous tions, she might be expected to ex- who deserve it. FOR RENT—House, 6 rooms ac-d bath; j SEVERAL ACSES of land for qultivaPioneer High School claim, as she did in the presence of —in— all improvements. Apply Mittag & Vol- j tion may |pe had free by inquiring at The first high school in the United Solomon's glory, that the half had not ger office, Park Ridge. (35-tf [the "Local" office, Park Ridge; also States was founded in Boston in Hay been told her. But when it is remem- Influence of Forests ; small plot" for garden, in village. CIS-tf bered that one of her gifts to Solomon 1S21. ', Proved by Experiment FOR RENT—5-Rooms and bath, steam j amounted to approximately $4,000,000, heat, hot. water. Call 123 Seventh Ave., IFIFR REPAIRING—Mme. Girard, 15Forests influence" the amount of WHEN YOU NEED GLASSES (34-tf! years in business hi Paris; repairing in addition to spices of great abun- moisture in the air as well as con-or telephone Westwood 1390. dance and precious stones, the crowns serve tlie water in tlie ground. Hu- FOR RENT-Woodclifx Lake; a - r c . m » f ^ — M r i ^ ' ^ t of gold and the Kaiser Wilhelm coach midity records taken by the Pacifie Vanishing Legion, No. 6 Dr. F. A. Fischlein for Mrs. Girand the gifts which the duke of Glou- Northwest forest experiment station 1 35-36 ' ar.d . (34-37 OPTOMETRIST cester bore from the only other emper- in a Douglas fir forest before and aftSUNDAY and MONDAY F O R RENT—7-Rocm house with b a t h ; i or in the West would seem meager to er the trees were cut indicated a rea n d CATS BOARDED WeekSEPTEMBER. 6th and 7th 7 Westwood Ave. her, however lavish in the eyes of a markable difference in atmospheric garage; all improvements M. o r . l o n .g e r . clean individual quarm a n n . Tel. P a r k Ridge 150. modern democracy. (MJjters. Kind treatment. LeMaire's Kenhumidity, according to the forest servWestwood, N. J. F O R RENT—Apartment of 4- rooms j nels, opposite Arcola Amusement Park, Though Christianity was not adopt- ice, United States Department of AgOffice Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P . M. a n d bath, all improvements; central j Tel. Hackensack 2-4669. (22-3S riculture, ed before the Fourth century, the 0rst : — ————-•" ' ' — In the forested area tlie relative hu- location. J . C Storms, P a r k Ridge. Tel.;' . _ . dweller in the part of the world to be Eyes Glasses 20 o r 88. <3gtf j LAWNMOWESS, h a n d a n d power, —with— baptized as a Christian was the treas- midity fell below 35 per cent in only : '—— : —__ . . — ^ - ' s h a r p e n e d ' a n d repaired; old-saws r e Examined Supplied urer of Queen Candaee, whom Philip one-third as many hours as in an open FOR RENT—4 Rooms, all improve- s:oothsd, sharpened; new, easy-running, Jack Holt—Mary Astor saw sitting and reading in his chariot area nearby. After the forested tract m e n t s ; enclosed porch; n e a r Kinder-"j lawnmowers adjust w i t h thumo' a n d Telephone 402 ' on the road to Gaza. So the emperor was cut over, the atmosphere above it kamack Road. Tompkins, 90 Lake S t . S g u g e - o n l y , Sa's Repair Shop, P a r k who kept vigil In meditation and pray- appeared to become almost as dry as Westwood. (36-37 iR i d g e T e L 5 1 8 . . . (19-tfOUR GANG COMEDY H E R E I AM er at St. George's cathedral at Addis that over the open space. The tests i F O R RENT—Bungalow, 5 rooms a n d j Ababa should have recalled in bis lit- showed that the removal cf the trees bath, h o t water h e a t ; garage; $50 p e r ; Bad Break Danger Island, No. 7 any of thanksgiving not only the queen increased the number of hours during m o n t h . Mrs. A. J . Higgins, Hillsdale.' The late Kaymond Hitchcock was of Sheba •• but also the nameless man which the humidity was below 35 per Tel. Westwood 92. (25-tf| asked .in Los Angeles one day if it TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY cent by two and one-half times. who "had great authority" under was true that when he was presentSEPTEMBER 8th and 9th FOR RENT—6 Rooms a n d bath, all ed to. Queen Alexandra he said: PEARL KIVER Queen Candaee, who went to Jerusaimprovements; garage; 2 minutes from lem "for to worship" and who on his Tel. Pearl River 9S2 Crabs C u t Fishing Lines BARBARA STANWYCK "Well, queen, I am sure glad to depot. J . B . Hering, Montvale. Tel. Matinees—Wed., Sat., San., 2 F . M. way back to Ethiopia went down into Crabs with bony shears cut t h e fish- 543 P a r k Ridge. (32-tf have you know me." Every Night—7 and 9 P. M. the water with Philip and was bap- ing lines and nets of fishermen in the The comedian denied .the story. tized.—New Xork Times. Elbe a t Hamburg, Germany. T h e "That would have l-een a ft:ux pas SAT., SEPT. a—ONE DAY ONLY Fish Story crabs a r e nearly a s large a s a man's or bad break," he said. "It would DOUBLE FEATURES ; _ Sst. Bathers have been cut by Hit Jimmie's sole acquaintance with have been worse than:. Cornelius Rural Hygiene crabs which garb and shear througn nsh was as a commodity in a market Huck's hospitable inv'tation to hi-, city "THE LAST PARADE" COLOR ROMANCE League of Nations experts have the leg muscles of those careless so when his daddy took him recently guests at supper, 'Have some more, with—Jack Holt, Tom Moore—and completed a project for recommenda- enough t o come in contact with them. to the creek to watch some fish in folks. Ye jest got to have some more,' tion to all nations of a standardized The crabs were brought to Elbe liv their native environment, Jimmie, re said. 'We're goin' tr give it to the NEWS REEL—COMEDY "SEA DEVILS" system of rural hygiene. Leaguers ships returning from t h e F a r Bast. nearly four, experienced a new sen-hawgs anyway.' " with Molly O'Day, Walter Long are convinced that one element in the They seem to thrive in t h e German sation. Barrel of Fun—Wed. Nite SUN. and MON., SEPT. 6 and 7 j present world-wide economic crisis is river, increasing in great numbers. "They were taking a bath," he exJOE E. BROWN in the necessity of beeping the health Moons Named Months They cling by hundreds t o the under- plained to a grownup who questioned THURSDAY and FRIDAY and productive capacity of rural workThe names of the Indian months or pinnings of wharves and docks. "BRGADMINDED" him about the trip. SEFTEMBER 10th and 11th ers up to that of their urban brothers. moons were usually derived from nav/ith Ona Munson, Win. Collier, Jr. The project provides amongst other PETER jB. KYNE'S ture, says Dan Beard, famous woodsValuable Discipline Selfish Man things one physician for every 2,000 TUES. and WED., SEPT. 8 and 9 "Josh says he's going to take up man in Boys' Life. Thus,, the BlackWilma Corcoran, t h e physically fitpersons, an auxiliary nursing and SPECIAL MATINEES BOTH DAYS feet say winter is the first moon, after technical staff, with facilities in the test girl student a t Mount Holyoke aviation." The most stupendous achievement in the first snowfall, the time when the "If he does," replied Farmer Corncollege, said a t a South Sadley t e a : smallest rural unit to render first aid the history of motion pictures! year changes. What we call January tossel, "he'll learn to be a heap more "Men a r e nice enough t o girls b u t and carry out prescriptions. The thaw they call Chinook, the thawing 'TRADER HORN" coreful about keepin' machinery hi reproject is to be submitted to an inter- they consider them in a selfish way. pair than he ever was while workin' wind; the moon . when the buffalo national conference on rural hygiene A m a n said to a girl once: calves are black. In speaking of spring THUHS. and FKI-, SEPT. 10 and 11 for final adoption. " 'A jolly girl is one who'll let youaround the farm." they say, "when the geese come," DOUBLE FEATURES kiss her. A sensible girl is one who Grant Withers and Evalyn Knapp in June is time for high waters. July won't l e t anybody else.' " Appeal to Ambition KEVIVAL OF Got Whole Owl Family and August are home days. October "SINNERS' HOLIDAY" •"Tommy," pleaded his teacher, "why At Kinston, N. C, Jacob Deavev is a real fall month, for it is the moon if and—a Comedy of 2 Many Husbands won't you practice your writing?" The Immediate Audience caught and caged a baby owl, and parwhen the leaves fall. "Ain't no excitement in being a "Future generations will applaud ental love resulted in catching the "MEET THE WIFE" bookkeeper." j your -speeches," remarked the sincere owl's father and mother. The birds Laura La Plant, Lew Cody, Joan Marsh "But you might get to be a sky- ! Uncle Sam's Battleships FRIDAY NITE—"BARREL OP FUN" found their offspring in the cage 'and admirer. MARIE POLLY 1 Under existing statute laws our bat"Im not trying to reach that far," writer." Coming—"Big Business Girl," "5 & 10" visited it at night. Deaver trapped replied Senator Sorghum. "Im satisDRESSLER MORAN the male owl and found beside the tleships and armored cruisers are "Laughing Sinners," John Gilbert cage a mangled chicken, parts of fied if I can be correctly quoted in my His Mind Relieved earned for states of the Union; our ———7OS3OI —TO13Og= which had been thrust through the home town newspapers." Creditor—Now, look here. I want j cruisers for cities. Torpedo boat decage to the infant. Deaver caged the IOCS my money. j stroyers are named for. distinguished old owl and set the trap again. Tbfi Maybe So Debtor—Oh, that's all right. 1 naval officers, tor heroic -enlisted men, nest morning he had caught the mothWife (after medico had gone)—The thought you wanted mine.—Stray for SPcretarlfs of tiie navy, and in uer owl. A dead chicken and a headless doctor was very particular about Stories. few instances for United States senj rabbit were close by. Now the owl knowing what we had to eat. tiUirs ntid congressmen distinguished i family lives in Beaver's cage, apparHub—-Wonder why. Do you supin the-nsiva'l fommitte'es. and for disMeasurement I. GERSTEN ! ently peaceful and contented. pose he expected us to invite him to Bobby — Please, sir, my mother tinguished inventors. Mine sweepers dinner? a.'e named for tl:e various birds. Subwants some clothes pins. BROADWAY HILLSDALE marines are desitrnatPd by letters and Yosemite Hears Hardware Man—How many, son? - Advancement m Mexico Bobby—Enough for a line 50 feet- numerals.. ./' A "bumper crop'' of bear cubs is The .war and marine department of long. reported in Yoseniite National park this year. Many of the proud mothers Mexico has announced that only men Saving Her From Herself are displaying twins, and some trip- who can read and write will be adNewly-Weds The lata David Echiseo, at a tiai* lets. This is a great contrast to last mitted to the army and navy, ant! He—We'll stop at the best hotel, spring, when hardiy a cub was seen soldiers and sailors who refuse to go dear. We only marry once, yon know. some'years ago wiien Isadora Duncan in Yosemite valley. The special bear to school will be discharged. She—How delightfully old-fashioned was in hard luck, said to a Kew York art critic: ( patrol is still functioning, and any you are, John. Going, Going, Gone bears which damage cars or tents, or "Isadora, like all' great' artists, Is fire in any way a nuisance, are caught, Husbacd:—From the glimpse I had too generous, iker generosity is prodl-.A Book-Mark WITH A COMPLETE LINE O F daubed with white paint for identifiof her this morning, I rather like our Sou—I've forgotten how far I've gal, reckless add ruinous. I think I'll cation purposes, and removed to the new cook.^ There seems to be plenty read in this' book. dress up as a ,beggar ano* call at her lower end of the valley, away from I collect may of go about her. SCHOOL CLOTHING Mother—Jnst look for the place the apartment, anfcS what he various centers of activity. keep her till ^W S e t s another engageWife—Xesr, she's gone. clean pnges start. AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES ment."—Springfield Union, The Blooming Desert One- of Our Special Lines Is The areas of the West which have W o ; ' i Pondering Over The Aarairable Friend been reclaimed by the government If tlia tiavll. can ••Imve first You care more for your friend, - Fk-tions in l:iv,-, m.a.i:tiy?Tibo'.i.i.!ied to| HIGH GRADE SHOES AT VERY LOW PRICES irrigation projects last year pro- writes a contemporary philosopher, if at enr ebiUL'en it doesn't make a'-parday, \\'3"e Inverifed by English lawyers duced crops valued at $161,179,000. he has some points of superiority. But as a .means of ctirry/iii.T .ca'sas: f rorrf one ticle of difference to him how high 2 Cs-me m and Inspect Our Stock The work i s still going on. wo build our church steeples.—Capnot if he points out tli^ss points.—-Ar- court to'smother, w":-c:-i.ji- t!:e- courts-: per's AVcehly. became-- e&ecDs-to -. etrciv c-tfcr-.: kansas Gazette. , ' . • Tl VAUDEVILLE ADOLPH MENJOU CALL IT LOVE" "WHITE SHOULDERS" til* "NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET" II 25c & up Store § NEW STORl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING