Parts of Powder and Light - Fraunhofer Allianz Generative Fertigung
Parts of Powder and Light - Fraunhofer Allianz Generative Fertigung
12 Rapid Prototyping FUTUR 1–3/2010 13 Parts of Powder and Light Over the past few decades, development of Generative Manufac- Human-machine interface Exposure of part contour Complete assembly of a part layer turing Techniques has made enormous strides. Originally applied to Rapid Prototyping (RP) for the fabrication of functional and technical prototypes, their area of application has been vastly extended by the introduction of Rapid Tooling and Rapid Manufacturing. The The following SML processing runs in ►►Individualized Products ►►Potentials and Perspectives range of substances they work with has also been broadened so that three phases which repeat in cycles until With SLM development goals that once Even though there have been significant »The range of substances SLM works nowadays, apart from the ubiquitous synthetics found in the RP area, the part is fully assembled. In the first seemed far off and difficult to reach – such advances in the surface quality of the with has been broadened so that now standard metallic materials such as stainless and tool steels or alloys phase the substrate plate is lowered by a as replacement of expensive cumbersome generated structures over the past few adays standard metallic materials such of titanium, aluminum, cobalt, chrome and nickel or even ceramics preset thickness usually of between tools by digital manufacturing; produc- years, there is still a great deal of room as tool steels or alloys of titanium can can be processed. To engineer metallic parts that require no form of 10 and 60 μm. In the second phase a tion of integrated functional parts; or the for further improvement. For instance, be processed.« binding or other additives, in 2002 the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser coating mechanism evenly distributes a switch-over from serial mass production to if surface roughness is not calibrated to Technology (ILT) developed the »Selective Laser Melting Technique«. layer of metal powder over the substrate mass production of customized individual allow for a better bonding of implants, it Processing materials which are hard to Fraunhofer IPK took this technology on board in its new »Generative plate, while the third phase uses a laser products – are now within easy reaching now needs to be corrected using molding machine are required in a wide range of ap- Technologies« field of expertise and is now developing it still further beam to completely fuse the powder layer. distance. Particularly in areas which need or milling techniques. To meet the increas- plication fields, e.g. for die and tool making in a series of targeted parameter studies. The laser does not only completely weld small parts in minimal series of batches, ingly stringent requirements placed on or for producing certain medical products. the applied powder layer, but also partly SLM technology is now a compelling parts, their roughness, and their geometri- Common manufacturing techniques experi- ►►Selective Laser Melting welds the solid material layers beneath it. alternative. Metallic underparts of dental cal and dimensional stability need to be ence extensive wear when working with Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive In terms of set process parameters, the crowns can be fabricated within a mere increased while their degrees of warping such materials. Selective Laser Melting is a manufacturing process that uses 3D CAD layer thus produced by metallurgic weld- 48 hours using SLM technology. In com- and residual stress must be reduced. promising technology for the required tasks, data as a digital information source. In the ing shows a relative thickness of almost parison to the traditional process chain next stage of process preparation (»slicing«) 100 percent. Both the physical and me- with its complicated precision casting Scientists at Fraunhofer IPK began production series. special software cuts the parts model into chanical characteristics of parts produced and lost moulds, this offers time savings researching this technique in early 2010 Electrical Discharge Machining could be an- superimposed layers of defined thickness. by this method are the same as in their of no less than five days. On top of this, using MTT’s SLM 250HL selective laser other solution. It produces contours of high the enormous freedom of scope offered melting machine. This unit has the most geometrical complexity, form accuracy and by the technology enables fabrication of powerful laser now on the SLM market surface quality. What’s more, this technique constructs that would not be possible and can bring up to 400 watt intensity to can also be applied to electroconductive with standard methods of manufacturing. bear on its focus level. Engineers use this materials no matter what their mechanical Hollow cavities, undercuts and complex machine to conduct parameter studies material properties. inner geometries such as close-contoured with a view to reducing component warp- cooling channels and intermeshed support ing and residual stress in generated parts, The final stage of data preparation (»hatching«) involves cutting of each layer into individual laser vectors. counterparts produced by traditional casting which makes the process suitable for serial production. structures can all be fabricated using Generative Manufacturing techniques. but it is also predestined for small scale Read more on p. 18 but also to enable targeted programming of specific materials and characteristics for parts. Another research focus is on the qualification of new materials for the SLM process. Parts will be built from these Most diverse parts can be manufac- materials and their quality then validated tured in one SLM process. in implementation studies. Your contact Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Kamilla Urban Phone: +49 30 39006-107 E-Mail: [email protected] Kurzprofil Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (PTZ) Berlin Das Produktionstechnische Zentrum PTZ Berlin umfasst das Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb IWF der Technischen Universität Berlin und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Kons truktionstechnik IPK. Im PTZ werden Methoden und Technologien für das Management, die Produktentwicklung, den Produktionsprozess und die Gestaltung industrieller Fabrikbetriebe erarbeitet. Zudem erschließen wir auf Grundlage unseres fundierten Know-hows neue Anwendungen in zukunftsträchtigen Gebieten wie der Sicherheits-, Verkehrs- und Medizin technik. Besonderes Ziel des PTZ ist es, neben eigenen Beiträgen zur anwendungs orientierten Grundlagenforschung neue Technologien in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaft zu entwickeln. Das PTZ überführt die im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten erzielten Basisinnova tionen gemeinsam mit Industriepartnern in funktionsfähige Anwendungen. Wir unterstützen unsere Partner von der Produktidee über die Produktentwicklung und die Fertigung bis hin zur Wiederverwertung mit von uns entwickelten oder verbesserten Methoden und Verfahren. Hierzu gehört auch die Konzipierung von Produktionsmitteln, deren Integration in Ihre Ansprechpartner im PTZ Berlin Unternehmensmanagement Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Mertins Telefon +49 30 39006-233, -234 [email protected] Virtuelle Produktentstehung, Industrielle Informationstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark Telefon +49 30 39006-243 [email protected] Produktionssysteme, Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Telefon +49 30 39006-101 [email protected] Füge- und Beschichtungstechnik (IPK) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Rethmeier Telefon +49 30 8104-1550 [email protected] Füge- und Beschichtungstechnik (IWF) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark (komm.) Telefon +49 30 314-25415 [email protected] Automatisierungstechnik, Industrielle Automatisierungstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Telefon +49 30 39006-181 [email protected] Montagetechnik und Fabrikbetrieb Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Telefon +49 30 314-22014 [email protected] Qualitätsmanagement, Qualitätswissenschaft Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem Telefon +49 30 39006-118 [email protected] Medizintechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erwin Keeve Telefon +49 30 39006-120 [email protected] komplexe Produktionsanlagen sowie die Innovation aller planenden und steuernden Prozesse im Unternehmen. FraunhoferInnovationscluster Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) in Energie und Verkehr Dipl.-Ing. Markus Röhner Telefon +49 30 39006-279 [email protected] Sichere Identität Dipl.-Phys. Thorsten Sy Telefon +49 30 39006-282 [email protected] Fraunhofer-Allianzen AdvanCer Hochleistungskeramik Tiago Borsoi Klein M.Sc. Telefon +49 30 39006-154 [email protected] Reinigungstechnik Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bilz Telefon +49 30 39006-147 [email protected] Verkehr Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schönewolf Telefon +49 30 39006-145 [email protected] Arbeitskreise Werkzeugbeschichtungen und Schneidstoffe Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg Telefon +49 30 314-21791 [email protected] Keramikbearbeitung Dipl.-Ing. Vanja Mihotovic Telefon +49 30 314-23473 [email protected] Trockeneisstrahlen Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bilz Telefon +49 30 39006-147 [email protected] Mikroproduktionstechnik Dr.-Ing. Dirk Oberschmidt Telefon +49 30 6392-5106 [email protected] Berliner Runde (Werkzeugmaschinen) Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Duchstein Telefon +49 30 314-24456 [email protected] Kompetenzzentren Anwendungszentrum Mikroproduktionstechnik (AMP) Dr.-Ing. Dirk Oberschmidt Telefon +49 30 6392-5106 [email protected] Benchmarking Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Telefon +49 30 39006-168 [email protected] Elektromobilität Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schönewolf Telefon +49 30 39006-145 [email protected] Mehr Können – Veranstaltungen 2011 Claudia Engel Telefon +49 30 39006-238 [email protected] Methods-Time Measurement Dipl.-Ing. Aleksandra Postawa Telefon +49 30 314-26866 [email protected] Modellierung technologischer und logistischer Prozesse in Forschung und Lehre Dipl.-Ing. Sylianos Chiotellis M.Sc. Telefon +49 30 314-23547 [email protected] PDM/PLM Dr.-Ing. Haygazun Hayka Telefon +49 30 39006-221 [email protected] Rapid Prototyping Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Kamilla Urban Telefon +49 30 39006-107 [email protected] Simulation Dipl.-Ing. Pavel Gocev Telefon +49 30 39006-170 [email protected] Self-Organising Production (SOPRO) Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Hohwieler Telefon +49 30 39006-121 [email protected] Szenarien für die Produktentwicklung und Fabrikplanung Dipl.-Ing. Marco Eisenberg Telefon +49 30 314-25549 [email protected] Virtual Reality Solution Center (VRSC) Dr.-Ing. Johann Habakuk Israel Telefon +49 30 39006-109 [email protected] Wiederverwendung von Betriebsmitteln Dipl.-Ing. Timo Fleschutz Telefon +49 30 314-22404 [email protected] Wissensmanagement Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Psych. Ina Kohl Telefon +49 30 39006-264 [email protected] Zentrum für Innovative Produktentstehung (ZIP) Dr.-Ing. Haygazun Hayka Telefon +49 30 39006-221 [email protected]