Annual Review 2011


Annual Review 2011
Ayr College Annual Review
Annual Re
eview 2011
Introduction Chairman’s Review
Principal’s Review
Highlights of the Year Award Winning College New Partnerships
Innovative Practice
Student Experience
Financial Statement
#1 [introduction]
Ayr College was the number one choice for almost 7,000
students in 2010/11. Here are the main reasons why:
[our track record]
We have over 60 years experience in delivering high quality courses, in an extensive range of
subjects. We’ve developed an enviable reputation for producing well-educated students.
[our staff]
Our students receive high calibre teaching from strongly committed professional staff, who
are highly qualified and teach with experience gained in industry.
[our facilities]
Our students study in well-equipped workshops, studios, laboratories and classrooms. Major
capital investment in equipment and teaching resources ensures our students learn with
industry-standard materials.
[our support]
Our students are offered robust guidance and support which helps them become not only
knowledgeable and skilled in their subject area, but also confident in their own ability to succeed.
[our essential skills]
We are recognised as Scotland’s sector leader in the development of essential skills. By firmly
embedding essential skills in our curriculum, our students have a definitive edge in today’s
competitive marketplace.
[our courses]
We provide a broad range of vocational and academic courses, either full or part-time, and in
some cases we can deliver the course off campus.
[our teaching]
Our students are encouraged to work hard in developing their core skills in preparation for
employment. We help them to think effectively, creatively and independently, to communicate
clearly and to work as part of a team.
section one
[our setting]
Our main campus is in the centre of Ayr, a bustling coastal town which offers a superb mix of
shops, restaurants, clubs, bars, cafes and leisure facilities, as well as great beaches and stunning
countryside. We also have a campus in Cumnock.
highlights _ march
Board of Management
03. Linda Cannon
[ EU Funding Manager, Scotland. Europa ]
04. Kathryn Cole
[ College Teaching Staff Member ]
13 05. Barbara Graham
[ Tutor, Strathclyde University ]
06. John Happs
[ Retired Head of Campus,
Southpark School ]
07. William Mackie
[ Managing Partner, Clydesdale Bank ]
08. Gregorie Marshall
[ Operations Director,
JC Peacock & Co Ltd ]
09. Sean McGovern
[ Business Director of Support,
BAE, Prestwick ]
10. Scott McLarty
[ Vice President UK Operation,
Spirit Aerosystems (Europe) Ltd ]
01. Ian B Valentine
[ Retired Chartered Accountant ]
02. Diane Rawlinson
[ Principal & Chief Executive, Ayr College ]
11. John Rainey
[ Managing Director,
Success Through Change Ltd ]
12. Andrew Sinclair
[ Partner, Sinclair Scott Chartered
Accountants ]
13. Michael Sykes
[ Support Staff Member ]
14. Archie Thomson
[ Construction Consultant ]
15. Alan Walker
[ Managing Director,
Maxiim Consumer Electronics Ltd ]
16. Louisa Stewart
[ Student President ]
highlights _ february
[[[chairman’s review
It gives me great pleasure to welcome
you to Ayr College Annual Review for
The past year has been incredibly
busy for students and staff and the
review will highlight this by referring
to the many successes achieved by
students and staff not only in academic life but also in the valuable
contribution made to community life.
There were significant new areas of
activity – particularly the opening of
our new aeronautical engineering
centre, which has been highly praised
by local employers and has led to
new partnerships and connections
with the aero industry.
The national Essential Skills Conference hosted in November was well
received and confirmed our place
as a sector leader in essential skills
section one
_ Ian Valentine
I would congratulate all college
staff for not just retaining the prized
Investor in People status, but in being
awarded Silver status. This proves that
our programmes to improve training,
communication and management
are operating well, so creating an
environment ideal for education.
I must mention the changes proposed for the Further Education Sector. The Board and Management have
spent a significant amount of time
considering and commenting upon
various consultations documents,
with students and staff interests
being uppermost in our thinking at
all times. At this moment Ayrshire
is one of the proposed regions in
Scotland are we are currently discussing with colleagues in Ayrshire the
options available.
I see the proposal to create an
Ayrshire Region with the three main
campuses plus the smaller annexes
to be of great benefit to students, as
we will speak to employers with one
voice, thus helping to align training
opportunities. In addition staff career
prospects will be enhanced.
I have been greatly helped over the
past year by a dedicated and active
Board who have given their time
freely and with enthusiasm. We were
joined towards the end of 2011
by four new Board Members and
already they are making a significant contribution. I would thank all
Board Members, and while it may be
invidious to mention one member I
would congratulate Louisa Stewart,
our Student President, for her clear
and coherent reports to the Board on
Student activities, and her untiring
efforts as Student President.
highlights _ march
[[[principal’s review
As I have reflected on Ayr College’s
achievements of the last 12 months, I
have been struck by how intertwined
we have become with ‘all things Ayrshire’. Our students are committed
to playing their part in the community, whether that be working across
generations in Cumnock, developing
partnerships with voluntary groups
or fundraising for local charities with
gusto, Ayr College students are right
there at the heart of things, just as
they should be.
Partnerships with employers keep
Ayr College’s wheels well-oiled. Local
employers advise us on curriculum
content, provide master classes for
our students, help mentor our students during work placements and
most importantly often offer a chance
of that sought after job at the end
of a course. We are at times guilty of
forgetting to show our appreciation
for the hours employers dedicate to
making sure we get it right. I would
like to take this opportunity to thank
each one of you. We couldn’t do this
job without you.
At Ayr College we all work collectively
to make sure that our students leave,
not just well trained in technical skills
but also highly employable. During
their time at Ayr College, students
learn about life in the work place, how
to apply what they have learned and
crucially, that no qualification will be
of use to you if you have yet to learn to
present yourself well, be reliable and
have an ability to work with others.
Our students leave here well-trained
but also absolutely ‘job ready’.
For a few years now we have had a
shared vision to become one of Scotland’s leading colleges. We have an
estate that is now the envy of many
colleges. We have a strong financial
base, we have a well-balanced curriculum closely tied to local, regional
and national economic need and we
have a highly qualified and highly
skilled staff body. Our students tell us
that they are very satisfied with their
experience here and recently published performance indicators show
Ayr College as being 6th highest of
all of Scotland’s Colleges for students’
success rates on full-time courses. We
think we can say with confidence that
Ayr College has achieved its vision.
Our task now is to look to the future
and play a key role in the implementation of college sector reforms in
Scotland. Staff have become accustomed to working with colleagues
from the Kilwinning campus of James
Watt College and Kilmarnock College. The sector reforms will enable
us to build on these relationships and
develop an enhanced provision for
the region.
The Government has recognised a
need in Ayrshire for additional student places which is most welcome.
As we work collectively to support
people back into work and support
the development of local businesses,
we will be making every penny count
and playing our part in Ayrshire’s
_ diane rawlinson
highlights _ january
#2 [highlights]
of the year
The 2011 session was a highly memorable one for students, staff and partners at Ayr College as we
enjoyed outstanding achievements and welcomed exciting new developments. Here we take a look
back at some of the key highlights of a very successful and encouraging year.
_ january
Engineering Fun Day
As part of our ‘12 months to take
off’ campaign to promote the new
Aeronautical Engineering Training
Centre opening in December 2011,
we ran a schools competition to design a product to enhance air travel.
Sponsored by the Kite Project, the
competition involved S2 pupils, with
Carrick Academy, Prestwick Academy
and Kyle Academy taking part. The
judging panel, consisting of Engineering staff, unanimously agreed on
the winning design by Scott Jamieson from Prestwick Academy for his
exceptional ‘G Chair’.
section two
All those who entered the competition were invited to the college for
an ‘Engineering Fun Day’, where they
learned to fly using ‘Flight Simulator’
software, watched a demonstration
of the 3D printer, learned how jet
engines work, built solar robots and
tested their knowledge on The Big
Quiz! The event was a real success,
with the pupils enjoying a ‘taster’
of what it would be like to be an
Engineering student at Ayr College,
while finding out more about career
opportunities in the industry.
_ Winner Scott Jamieson received a
3D model of his design, £100 and an
invitation to the official opening of
the new AETC.
_ Patricia Wallace, Director of
Business Development, presents
Runner-up Jonathan Holland with a
£50 prize for his design of an Infrared
_ Kyle Academy’s Lewis Kelso won
Third Prize of £25 for his design of an
‘Air to ground anti-terrorism alarm.’
_ Ross Doolan from Kyle Academy
won a £10 Highly Commended prize
for his ‘Foot Massager’ idea.
_ Engineering Lecturer Tony Leslie
demonstrates how jet engines work.
_ “Flight Simulator was amazing and
fun, but making the robots was the
best part!”
highlights _ january
Arthur Louis VISITS
There was a buzz of excitement in
the air as internationally renowned
artist Arthur Louis visited our Music
department to carry out some recording sessions. HND Sound Production
student Oliver Melling acted as Assistant Engineer, with other students
being given the chance to help with
mixing and mastering the recorded
material. Through Arthur’s vocals and
guitar sessions, the students gained
invaluable insight into how the roles
of Producer, Engineer and Musician
come together to build a relationship
and create an end product. Arthur
himself was highly impressed with
our students’ input and ‘amazed’ at
the results of the edits and mixes.
Music Alumni RETURN ‘from
As part our Music department’s drive
to improve employability, former
students were invited back to talk to
current students about life after college in the creative industries. With
all five guest graduates now enjoying
successful careers in radio, television,
music production and events, students had the chance to ask plenty
of questions and received very useful
advice on finding employment in
the creative industries, running your
own business, moving onto university
and what it feels like when you leave.
The forum was a great success, with
the graduates’ achievements giving current students inspiration and
confidence for looking into different
employment roles, as well as some
creative ideas to explore in their
_ Arthur Louis
_ Oliver Melling (back), Arthur Louis & Patrick Devlin (front) in the studio
_ John Scott, West FM and Radio Clyde Broadcaster & Production Technician
Cameron Mckellar, partner in PULSE sound reinforcement and PAT services business
Jim Collinson - Digital & Web, Linn Records; Partner, Lo-Five Records
Richy Muirhead - founder, Scottish Alternative Music Awards; Rockness Student
Ambassador; Red Bull Student Brand Manager (UWS)
Claire Robertson - Production Manager & Administration, SOMA Records; STV
highlights _ february
_ february
section two
Following a decision not to print a
prospectus this year, Ayr College
launched its student recruitment
campaign ‘Are You Ready’, which featured a series of Information Days to
provide comprehensive information
on courses. The events were a real
success with higher than anticipated
attendances, while the campaign
itself went onto win Gold at the prestigious Scottish Colleges Marketing
Awards (see Award Winning College
section for more details).
highlights __february
_ Sample “Are You Ready” brochure
Routes into Care
A new placement between our
Routes into Care class and South
Ayrshire Council Sheltered Housing
proved highly beneficial for everyone
involved, with students and residents
enjoying a very positive and rewarding experience.
Designed to meet the learning and
development needs of disengaged
and often disadvantaged young
people, Routes into Care focuses on
a very practical approach, providing learners with opportunities to
achieve and to improve their employment prospects, typically through the
completion of the SVQ Level 2 Health
& Social Care qualification. The programme also aims to unite generat
ions and allow participants to gain a
better insight and understanding into
the lives of each other.
Attending a local Sheltered Housing
Unit one day per week, students supported the mainly elderly residents
with a range of social activities and
events, including a weekly lunch club
and themed events throughout the
year, which they paid for from their
own fundraising efforts. Some of the
money raised was put towards purchasing a PC and internet connection
for the communal day centre, allowing residents to keep in contact with
family and friends through email and
webcam. As well as events, students
also visited and spent time with those
who had become socially isolated,
chatting with them, playing games or
doing craft activities.
With some students carrying on their
involvement after their course finished, many saw huge improvements
in their confidence and self esteem.
Fourteen students successfully
achieved the SVQ Level 2 qualification and either found employment
within the care sector or went on to
further study. It was a positive experience too for the residents, with the
elderly people very much looking
forward to the students’ visits and
appreciating the time and effort they
put in.
The Routes into Care class went on
to win the Bill Johnston award for ‘an
individual or group who has made
a difference in the community’. The
award was presented at Graduation.
highlights _ march
_ march
Travel Road Show
As part of a series of initiatives to
promote sustainable travel among
staff and students, Ayr College hosted
a Travel Smarter Roadshow. The message was clear: ‘Save money, improve
your health and help protect the
environment: Travel Smarter to College’. Over 300 people attended the
event, receiving information, maps
and travel advice on walking, cycling
and public transport. SPT, Stagecoach
and AMG Irvine Cycles were among
those taking part. The event also saw
the launch of our new Journeyshare
website, designed to facilitate car
sharing for staff and students across
our three campuses. Firmly committed to addressing the challenges of
climate change and reducing our
carbon footprint, other college initiatives included a Travel Options leaflet,
cycle parking, a cycle to work scheme
for staff and a second roadshow during Freshers Week.
Shanter Ever AFTER
Students from our new Access to Creative & Expressive Arts course gave a
short rehearsal performance of their
upcoming production Shanter Ever
After, based on Burns’ Tam o’ Shanter.
Early on in the project the students
had collaborated closely with Ayr
Ex-Services Newton Burns Club to
gain a better understanding of the
language used by Burns. Members
of the Club showed their continued
support for the students by attending
the rehearsal.
Using a multi-disciplinary approach,
Shanter Ever After incorporated
the various segments of the course,
including Performing Arts, Media,
Sound Production and Music. The
production featured live performances, video projections, stop frame
animation and both live and recorded
sound effects and music. As well as
starring in the production, students
worked hard behind the scenes
creating sets, operating lighting and
sound and organising their own
wardrobes. Shanter Ever After successfully applied to be recognised as
part of the Burns An’ A’ That Festival.
_ a scene from Shanter Ever After
section two
Staff and students once again threw
themselves into Comic Relief, raising
the fantastic sum this year of £1862.
Selection of pics
_ students put on a show for Ex-Services
Newton Barns Club
highlights __ april
_ L-R: Barbara Murray, Eileen Nimmon and Iain Clark from Lisalanna, Mary McBride, Sandra Ferguson
and Jennifer Wark. Jennifer and Mary were representing the students who took part in the events.
_ april
HND Hospitality Students organised
a series of highly enjoyable Themed
Dining Experience evenings
to raise money for Cumnock
based Lisalanna charity, part of
Action for Children Scotland.
With Scottish, Italian, French and
Mexican evenings all on the menu,
the students’ efforts raised £1108
to help provide respite care for
disabled children.
highlights _ may
_ may
Fashion Show Fundraising Events
Fashion students organised and took part in a series of events to raise money
towards the cost of staging their Annual Show, including the Women’s 10K and
a raffle. However the most popular fundraiser was their Customize a Bra Competition which received over 200 entries! Judges Gillian Hamilton and Linsey
Rodgers from Breast Cancer Care had a difficult task, but in the end first prize
went to Avril Foakes for her A “bra” cada “bra” design, beautifully constructed
using magicians’ props.
_ Fashion Student Charlotte Ritchie won 2nd
Prize with her Sewing design.
_ Breast Cancer Care’s Gillian Hamilton (Left;
Area Fundraiser) and Linsey Rodgers (Service
Worker) had a very difficult job selecting the
winners of the competition.
Adult Learners Week
Adult Learners Week celebrated its 20th Anniversary this year and once again
Ayr College got fully involved in the UK’s largest festival of learning. A series
of free ‘taster sessions’ were held to encourage adults of all ages and backgrounds to give learning a go. The sessions were met with a fantastic response
from local people keen to try something new.
Initiatives with local businesses were also organised, to offer students and the
general public learning experiences involving the community. The ‘Big Breakfast Challenge’, in association with members of Ayr Independent Shops and
Businesses, gave Business students the chance to take part in a live project,
focusing on ideas to increase footfall to Ayr town centre. Construction students enjoyed a presentation from local company NRGstyle who are working
on an innovative project to build a brand new Zero Energy Mass Custom Home
(ZEMCH) and to retrofit a house in Prestwick into an Eco home. This stimulated
a lot of discussion on planning, design features, renewable energies and the
associated costs and benefits.
section two
Supportive Education Art Exhibition
The Supportive Education department held their own Art Exhibition, showcasing the best of this year’s work from their Art classes. Their diverse range of
themes included Pop Art, Robert Burns, Marylin Monroe, Sonic the Hedgehog,
the Japanese earthquake, famous artists and the wonders of the sea and nature. The exhibition also featured a beautiful array of cushion covers, jewellery
and craft items, as well as a variety of the students’ hand-made cards available
to buy, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research.
_ The Winning Designs: 1st Avril Foakes, 2nd
Charlotte Ritchie, 3rd Marion Cunningham,
Highly Commended Heather Dempsey.
Annual Fashion, Hair & Beauty show
The Citadel Leisure Centre was the venue for this year’s highly successful
Fashion, Hair & Beauty Show. Fashion students’ work showcased on the night
ranged from mini collections to paper couture and corsetry. Hair & Beauty students displayed their talents with an independent section based on this year’s
L’Oreal Inoa Competition (see more on this in the Award Winning College section). All proceeds from the night went to Breast Cancer Care.
highlights _ june
_ june
Good Practice Event
The Ayrshire Learning Partnership,
consisting of Ayr College, Kilmarnock College and James Watt College, shared a very successful Good
Practice day at our Dam Park campus.
Over 100 delegates from the three
colleges and Education Scotland took
part and exchanged ideas. The key
themes of the day included Curriculum for Excellence, Quality of Learning & Teaching, Learner Engagement
and Continuous Professional Development, with each of the colleges
leading workshops.
A midsummer night’s Dream
_ Midsummers Night’s Dream promotional poster
Visual Arts end of year show
_ Examples of student work
highlights _ july
_ july
section two
Step into Learning Class of 2011
Ayr College’s first ever ‘Step into
Learning’ programme ended with
an Achievement Day to celebrate
the students’ progress and success.
The new specialised programme
was designed to meet the needs of
individuals who had either been out
of education for a number of years
or who felt their previous experience
of education had not provided them
with the skills or opportunities they
had hoped for. Developing a range
of life and learning skills relevant to
individuals and their needs, Step into
Learning included practical, creative
and communication skills, with a
strong emphasis on essential skills
development. Each student was supported by their own learning development advisor, with whom they
could discuss topics in a friendly and
open way. At the end of the 12 week
programme, students were delighted
- if a little surprised! - by how much
they had achieved and were looking
forward to the future. Following on
from the success of this first course, a
new class was scheduled to run in the
next session.
Student President Louisa Stewart
recruited some willing volunteers to
help give the Student Common Room
a much needed makeover during the
summer break. Thanks to the fantastic efforts of all involved, the tired
looking and rather drab room was
completely transformed with a fabulous new Retro look. Complete with
scatter cushions and funky art work,
the new look Common Room was an
instant hit with students, offering a
much more pleasant and comfortable
environment for them to chill out and
catch up.
_ The new look student common room
highlights _ august
_ august
HEALTH & Wellbeing Day
A large number of staff enjoyed a range of leisure activities at our first ever
Health & Wellbeing day. Organised by Human Resources, the event took place
between staff development days and the start of the new semester, with
walking, cycling, meditation, Zumba and keep fit all on offer. A second event
was held during the remediation week in January, with plans to include more
in staff calendars in the future.
highlights _ september
_ september
Ayr College celebrated being awarded Silver
Status in the Investors in People Framework an accolade achieved by just a handful of organisations in Scotland. A rigorous assessment involving over 50 staff, resulted
in the college receiving the coveted status which is currently held by just
29 of the 1,300 organisations who currently meet IiP standards in Scotland.
Having been recognised as a sector leader in people management for many
years now, the college remains firmly committed to continuing to improve its
performance through its people.
The international team was busy this month establishing links in a new market
for Ayr College - North America. Attending the ‘Let’s Go Global’ Exhibition in
Toronto, the team promoted the college’s campaign ‘Learn it Live it Love it’.
Over 3,000 people visited the exhibition which was aimed at those considering either studying, working or volunteering overseas. The international team
also travelled east, visiting India to develop new business with our existing
(Graphic of promo campaign?)
This month also saw the launch of Ayr College’s new international website
( Developed for students, parents and agents,
the site was designed in three different ‘zones’ for each of the target groups
and includes comprehensive information on courses, the local area, planning a
trip and working with the college.
section two
_ Let’s Go Global Campaign Literature
highlights _ october
_ october
Family, friends and curriculum staff gathered at Ayr Town Hall to celebrate
our students’ achievements as they graduated with SVQ3 & 4, Higher National
Qualifications and Professional Qualifications.
Ayrshire Business Week 2011
Ayr College took part in this year’s Business to Business conference organised
by the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce as part of Ayrshire Business Week. Held
at Ayr Racecourse, the event brought together many local businesses, training providers and colleges, providing the opportunity to network, while being
inspired by local business entrepreneur Sir Tom Hunter.
Ayr College’s Stuart Millar and Scott Meldrum attended to promote our range
of commercial courses, including Commercial Gas, Personal Licence for Bar
Staff, Taxi Drivers, Food Hygiene and specialised courses such as NEBOSH
(Health & Safety) and PASMA (Scaffolding), all designed to allow candidates
access to employment legally requiring licensed qualifications.
Acting & Performance Students look Inside Out
HNC and HND Acting & Performance students successfully toured their
production of Inside Out, performing to over 700 people across Ayrshire. The
powerful, hard hitting drama which focused on mental health and the stigmas associated with it, was fully devised and written by students as part of
their Community Drama module. Collaborating with former student Stephen
Hamilton, a member of Ayrshire Anti-Stigma Group, the students carried out
their own research, talking to people who suffer from mental health problems
about their own experiences and also to those who provide support. Tying in
with the health and wellbeing requirement of the Curriculum for Excellence,
students performed their 45 minute production in several secondary schools
and received highly positive feedback. An after-show discussion with a panel
of experts allowed the audience to further debate the often controversial topic
of mental health.
_ Principal Dinane Rawlinson presents HNC Social
Care student Tracey Anderson with her award
Inside Out – Poster image
highlights _ november
_ november
Ayr College hosts first national
CONFERENCE ON Essential Skills
Widely regarded as Scotland’s sector
leader in the development of essential skills, Ayr College made the ideal
host for the first ever National Conference on this key area of education
and training.
Focussing on getting people ready
for work, essential skills is recognised
having a crucial role in Scotland’s
wider economic development and
covers a broad range of areas including communication, numeracy, information & communication technology,
team working, learning effectively
and confidently, employability and
section two
The conference was designed to
explore essential skills development
and why this is important to various
stakeholders, as well as stimulate
wider engagement and activity in
this increasingly important area of
learning. It also gave Ayr College the
opportunity to share highlights from
its own experiences of its essential
skills journey, and demonstrate how
well it is now embedded within its
As one of Ayr College’s most significant events in recent years, the
conference was a cross college effort,
involving everyone from facilities,
marketing and teaching staff to
students who took part in various
workshops and acted as ambassadors. Introduced by Iain McMillan of
CBI Scotland, the conference’s opening presentation was given by Ayr
College Assistant Principal John Muir,
who has been leading essential skills
development at the college. Other
speakers included representatives
from the education, health, business
and hospitality sectors.
Feedback from the event was highly
positive, with delegates gaining a
better understanding of what essential skills means to both staff and
students. Following on from the conference, Bowhouse Prison invited the
college to assist with incorporating
essential skills into their educational
training and NHS Education Scotland
requested the college worked collaboratively with them in the future on
work-based core skills.
Children in Need
To mark the ten years British troops
have been in Afghanistan, NC Business and Administration students did
a sponsored walk in aid of Help for
Heroes. Nineteen students walked
10 miles - one for every year - out to
Prestwick Airport and back, carrying
donation buckets with them every
step of the way. The event raised the
fantastic sum of £1,200.
build better future for Biggart
Several of our students from Carpentry & Joinery and Painting & Decorating joined forces with Prestwick
Rotary Club to create a series of
commemorative garden benches for
Biggart Hospital. The new benches
were placed in a revitalised sensory
garden which was expected to benefit over 50 residents in the Biggart’s
Drummond Ward. The quality of the
students’ work was highly praised by
the Rotary Club, who had invited the
college to lend its support, having
been impressed by our reputation for
community involvement.
Ayr College played host to the
Go4SET Ayrshire Celebration and
Assessment Day which saw the winners of the area heats pick up their
prizes and set their sights firmly on
the national final. Aimed at inspiring
young people to consider a career in
Science and Engineering, the Go4SET
biomass project involves teams of S2
pupils working with their teacher and
industry mentors on a 10-week challenge - to research a biomass fuelled
renewable electricity and heat plant
for their school. As well as the event
itself, Ayr College also sponsored the
Best Overall Project Award which was
won by Girvan Academy. The team
was presented with a trophy and
£250 cheque and will now go forward
to the Go4SET Scottish Final being
held in the Scottish Parliament in May
_ The essential skills delegates
_ Raising funds for Children in Need
highlights _ december
_ december
Aeronautical Engineering
Training Centre takes off
Ayr College’s new multi-million
pound Aeronautical Engineering
Training Centre officially opened its
doors, bringing optimism and opportunity to both the local community
and industry.
Minister for Learning & Skills Dr
Alasdair Allan MSP, accompanied by
Angela Constance, Minister for Youth
Employment, launched the much
anticipated new teaching facility,
which will offer Engineering courses
to degree level for the first time in
Ayr, while supporting the demands of
the local aeronautical industry.
Located in the college’s Dam Park
Campus, the new centre provides
students with a superb learning
environment, featuring an aircraft
hangar housing a Bulldog light aircraft, a flight deck simulator, a wind
tunnel and jet engines. The 12,000
sq ft campus also offers a CATIA
computer aided design IT suite with
3D Printer, a specialist composite lab
and a hand-skills workshop, as well as
further general purpose classrooms.
The Aeronautical Centre significantly
increases Ayr College’s capacity to
deliver full and part-time engineering courses. The new BEng, offered
in partnership with the University of
the West of Scotland, was developed
in close consultation with leading
industry players, including Spirit
AeroSystems, BAE Systems, PAML
(Prestwick Aircraft Maintenance Ltd),
Loganair and Goodrich.
With its ability to provide an excellent
source of highly qualified employees
and relevant apprenticeship training
in the local community, the opening of the new Aeronautical Centre
has been seen as an exciting new
chapter for aeronautical engineering
in Ayrshire.
_ The newly completed Aeronautical Engineering Training Centre
award winning
#3 [award winning college]
It was another incredible year for students and staff across Ayr College as they achieved success in a
wide range of local and national competitions, while winning a whole host of awards.
The Hospitality department celebrated victory in the national Student Chef
Challenge, with three NVQ Level 2 and 3 catering students outclassing teams
from across the UK. Michael Shedden, Iona Kan and Laura Michel were
crowned best of British in the prestigious competition, organised by Brakes
Group, a leading food supplier to the catering industry.
Held at Glasgow’s SECC, the event involved teams creating a three-course
meal for four, at a cost of no more than £12 per head. Displaying their professionalism, skill and creative flair in the kitchen, the Ayr students worked under
pressure in front of a judging panel of well-respected chefs to lift the coveted
title. The team’s success marks the fifth win in seven years for Ayr College lecturer Norman Robertson and his students.
Visual Arts student Hannah Clark won a final-year live project to design
signage for the Port of Troon which would welcome visitors sailing into the
harbour. Hannah’s design, featuring a lighthouse graphic and a subtle use of
tartan, was the unanimous choice for the judging panel at the Port, winning
the HND student a £200 prize. The sign has since been produced and is now
positioned looking out to sea underneath the newly refurbished lighthouse at
the harbour entrance.
CUMNOCK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Celebration of Achievement
section three
FASHION Students Win With Flying Colours
Three of our Fashion Students reached the final of a quirky new design competition sponsored by Glasgow Prestwick Airport. Sandra Taylor, Kelly Espindola and
Tracy Cochrane flew the flag for Ayr College in the contest to design a dress for
Ayr Gold Cup Ladies Day which represented either the Airport or Ryanair. Up
against colleges from Glasgow, the students presented their creations to the
judging panel at the Ladies Day event at Ayr Racecourse. HND student Sandra
had taken her inspiration from the Celestial Navigator at the front of the airport,
while Tracy designed a dress in the shape of an aircraft, with the Ryanair logo
down the back. However it was Kelly’s Elvis inspired 50s silhouttte creation
which won first prize of two return flights to one of Prestwick’s destinations,
along with free entry for herself and her model to the Ayr Gold Cup.
award winning
‘Soup and a Bit Mair’ wins award for helping DISADVANTAGED
An educational initiative designed to help people from disadvantaged local communities access courses at Ayr College won a prestigious award from Scotland’s
Colleges. The CALL West programme (Community Access to Lifelong Learning)
took Gold in the Partnership Working category at the national awards ceremony.
Funded by the West of Scotland Wider Access Forum, the CALL West programme
works with people who live in areas of high deprivation and who may have experienced homelessness, addiction or mental health problems. In partnership with
Riverside Church, Ayr College staff helped prepare food at a soup kitchen, while
at the same time helping people find out about opportunities at the college and
get involved in courses or training which could help turn their lives around.
The Soup and a Bit Mair project is recognised as having made a key difference in
the Ayrshire community, with 20 people having undertaken a variety of college
courses in the past year.
It was a highly successful year for several of our Construction students.
Ryan Bland and Lynsey Ann McCulloch won Bronze medals in the Scottish heat
of Skillbuild, the UK’s largest multi-trade competition. Representing Ayr college
and competing against Scotland’s most talented apprentices, Ryan, a 3rd year
Carpentry & Joinery student showed off his skills in the Site Carpentry section,
while 1st year Painting & Decorating student Lynsey Ann had success in the Painting & Decorating New Entrants element. The students received their medals at
the Scottish Award Ceremony in the Perth Concert Hall.
Second year Carpentry & Joinery Student Connor Stapley was awarded 4th place
in the annual SATTT (Scottish Association of Timber Trade Teachers) competition.
Nineteen colleges from across Scotland took part in the full day event, with prizes
presented by Chewin’ The Fat and Still Game star Sanjeev Singh Kohli.
Hairdressing Students win L’Oreal Inoa Colour Trophy 2011
Second year Hairdressing students scooped top prize at this year’s L’Oreal Inoa
Colour Trophy. Following initial heats, Nadine Smith, Laura Dorans, Louise McCourt and Lauren Buckshot, with the help of willing model and Step into Hair
Beauty student, Hayley Simpson, represented Ayr College in the finals, competing against colleges from across the west coast of Scotland. Tasked with creating
a new look for Autumn/Winter 2011, team Autumn blew judges away with their
beautiful rustic copper bob.
award winning
Marketing Awards
Ayr College’s Marketing Team won a
Gold Award for Event Management
at the prestigious Scottish Colleges
Marketing Awards for their student
recruitment campaign ‘Are You Ready.’
Following a decision not to print a
prospectus, the campaign featured
a series of Information Days with
the aim of providing comprehensive
information on courses, increasing
course retention rates and engaging
with ‘Influencers’ such as parents and
careers advisors.
section three
Under the banner of ‘Are You Ready’,
each event was carefully planned and
promoted to ensure maximum effect.
Invitations were sent to all those who
had enquired about or applied for
a course, with external marketing
including outdoor media, print and
online activity. A series of course brochures continuing the theme of ‘Are
You Ready for a Career in..’ and featuring real-life case studies were also
produced, focusing on key, relevant
information for students.
The effectiveness of the campaign
was evident through the higher than
anticipated event attendance and the
achievement of the key objectives. In
awarding Ayr College the Gold Medal,
judges recognized the college’s success in implementing an ‘effective,
creative and innovative solution’ in
place of the traditional prospectus.
John Muir Award
Ayr College’s Choices programme was
this year’s winner of the John Muir
Award. Launched in 1997 by the John
Muir Trust, the annual award encourages people of all backgrounds to
connect, enjoy and care for wild
The Choices students won the Discovery Award in recognition of their
activities linked to the challenges
at the heart of the John Muir Award
- to discover a wild place, explore
its wildness, conserve and take
personal responsibility, and share
experiences. Spending four days at
Bracken Bay, the Choices students
collected seaweed, cleared rubbish,
and explored different types of rocks.
A presentation ceremony was held in
the college to recognise the students’
achievements, with some already setting their sights on the next stage of
the Award programme, the Explorer
Award for eight days of environmental activities.
HND Fashion student Kelly Espindola
won 2nd place in a nationwide design competition for independent UK
retailer Collectif Clothing. The online
competition involved creating ten
different designs in just two weeks
for the retailer which specialises in
1940’s and 1950’s reproductions and
alternative styling. With no brief, Kelly
used her creative skills and signature
colours of black, red and white to design classic pieces in the company’s
style. Kelly’s prize was seeing her
designs on paper come to life when
they were produced into garments by
HND Visual Communication students
Stuart Ford and Steven O’Neil won
a ‘live brief’ competition to design a
new logo and postcards for dm2ayrshire, a project developed by Partners
for Inclusion to give social support to
people with learning difficulties.
award winning
[ section gallery ]
#4 [partnerships]
Over the years Ayr College has developed hundreds of partnerships from the local business
community, national industry, charity and voluntary organisations, local authorities and education
providers. During the past session we have established several more new and exciting partnerships
with a range of different organisations.
University of the West of Scotland
Ayr College and the University of the West of Scotland joined forces to offer
an Honours Degree in Aircraft Engineering - a top up to the already successful
BEng. The Honours year, developed in consultation with our local aerospace
partners to ensure the qualifications and skills met the needs of their
Engineers of the future, involves three new units completed by students in our
new Aeronautical Engineering Training Centre.
HNC Health Care (Extended Practice)
In partnership with NHS Ayrshire & Arran, University of the West of Scotland,
Kilmarnock College and James Watt College, Ayr College once again successfully delivered the HNC Health Care for a group of Health Care Support
Workers employed by the Health Board. Participants attended college two
days per week while remaining in their fulltime posts. All enrolled students
achieved the award and were able to enter Year 2 of the UWS’ Nursing Degree
SVQ Health and Social Care Levels 2 & 3
To meet the development and training needs of Ayrshire’s social services workforce, our SVQ Assessors supported 76 local employees to undertake qualifications which allow them to meet the registration requirements of the Scottish
Social Services Council. Candidates on these programmes come from a variety
of workplaces within the statutory, private and voluntary sectors, including
care homes, day-centres, tenancy support and community care projects.
section four
‘A day in the life of….’
In partnership with South Ayrshire Council Community Learning and Development, an introductory-level programme was delivered to a group of adult
learners interested in exploring opportunities within the care sector. Running
for two mornings a week over eight weeks, the programme featured a wide
range of speakers from across the care sector giving learners the chance to
hear first hand about different roles, jobs and the paths that could be taken to
develop a career in care.
partnerships ]
A series of partnerships with local, national and public organisations provided valuable opportunities for our students to develop essential skills. This
ƒƒ guest speakers and visits to local businesses such as Prestwick Airport to
help develop employability skills.
ƒƒ the introduction of health & wellbeing topics within the curriculum
across the college (eg mental health issues, relationships, substance
abuse and personal safety) through the support and links with NHS Ayrshire & Arran, voluntary support groups and charities.
ƒƒ the introduction of the John Muir Awards scheme as part of fulltime FE
programmes across the college to increase outdoor learning, which provides opportunities to develop health & wellbeing along with citizenship
Beauty students teamed up with Dermalogica staff to enjoy a day of Dermalogica skin care training. All students took part in the Dermalogica Partnership Programme, with Level 5 students taking the first step of their journey
towards becoming a professional Dermalogica Skin Specialist, gaining a certificate in the Dermalogica Facial Skin Treatment. Level 6 students completed
in the second part of the Partnership Programme, achieving a certificate in the
Dermalogica Body Treatment.
section four
Castle Douglas Schools & Salon
The Hair section has been working with two Castle Douglas secondary schools,
Castle Douglas High and Dalbeattie High, and local salon Prana Hair & Beauty
to establish a unique work based school link programme which offers an SQA
certificate course.
Sound Production
The sound engineering team has established ‘industry panels’ where HND
Sound Production students can present a showcase of their work to potential
employers. Organisations which have taken part so far include the BBC, the
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Chem 19 Recording Studios, Beta PA Hire,
Lo-Fi Recording Studios, Mediaspec and West FM. Offering a fantastic learning experience for the students, the panels also help build relationships and
partnerships within the industry. As a direct result of participation in these
Graded Unit panels and the presentation he gave, former student Fraser Urie
now works fulltime for Lo-Fi recording studios.
South Ayrshire Council
The Music department has been working in partnership with South Ayrshire
Council to provide opportunities for local school and community-based learners to access activities to develop and enhance their skills. These include:
ƒƒ three evening classes to local youth clubs and a class for school learners
who require more choices and more chances to engage in learning.
ƒƒ a local community learning bus which provides mobile laptop facilities to
allow learners who live in remote communities to access ICT resources to
develop and extend their skills.
ƒƒ a weekly evening workshop for secondary school age young people
who have formed bands. The workshops allow band members to further
develop their individual and collective performance skills and learn more
about the performing arts industry, culminating in a highly promoted
local concert of bands. These activities develop industry awareness and
enterprise skills of young people and provide college learners with a
range of vocational and essential skills which prepare them for progression to employment or further learning.
Yipworld - NPA Sound Production
The National Progression Award Sound Production course was delivered to
students in collaboration with Yipworld and Auchinleck Academy. Taught at
Yipworld in Cumnock, this was the first year that the NPA ran in Cumnock,
providing an introduction to music for people living in the area.
Goodrich Corporation Aerostructures
The BAAT Curriculum Unit worked in partnership with the Goodrich Corporation Aerostructures Group to deliver a tailored SVQ Level 3/4 Management
programme to support their first line managers. The CU also collaborated with
East Ayrshire Council to deliver SVQ Level 3/4 in Management and SVQ Level
2/3 in Business Administration to staff across a range of roles.
Cumnock primary schools
Primary 7 pupils in Cumnock spent a day finding out about programmes on
offer at our Cumnock campus. The pupils took part in a range of activities to
get them thinking about the world of work and future job opportunities. Staff
and students gave pupils support and encouragement to ask questions and
get involved in finding out about working in areas such as construction, care,
hair and beauty and hospitality.
East Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Lime Centre
Ayr College Brickwork staff recently completed a short course at the Scottish
Lime Centre in Charlestown, Fife, made possible through the East Ayrshire
Council CARS Project (Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme). Staff spent
two days learning how to create and use lime mortars and will pass on the
knowledge gained to current and future brickwork students. It is hoped that
making and using traditional mortars will be included in future courses such
as Developing Construction Skills where students can learn the basics of a
number of construction trades.
With further support from CARS, four members of staff returned to the Charlestown Workshops for additional training to develop skills with stonemasonry,
including building stone walls, litho-mix repair work and lime rendering stone.
CARS also provided support by providing hand tools required for a class group
undertaking training in conservation and traditional building techniques.
The beneficiaries at this point are the Try the Trades class based at Cumnock
Community College, with plans to further promote learning opportunities by
attracting existing bricklayers for short courses on conservation and restoration.
The Prince’s Foundation and Historic Scotland
Ayr College has set up a new partnership with The Prince’s Foundation at
Dumfries House, which will provide site based conservation experience for a
number of classes. The planned projects include stone masonry repair within
the Walled Garden which will eventually be used for educational purposes
and the restoration and refurbishment of the attic space which will be used to
promote arts and crafts.
section four
Ayr College is also embracing the opportunity to develop courses alongside
the work being done at Dumfries House with Historic Scotland. With the development of Knockroon close by through local builder Hope Homes and the
Prince’s Foundation, we will be developing a clear pathway for young unemployed people to progress to a realistic desire for employment within their
chosen industry.
This has been a year of maturing processes and practices which result in
the further enhancement of learners’
experiences. Learners are recognisably and meaningfully at the centre of
what we do and Ayr College learners
are increasingly adept at playing their
part in achieving positive programme
outcomes, enriching the wider life of
the college and making meaningful
contributions to the various communities we serve. Overwhelmingly,
our learners really value their college
experience and place their relationships with staff at the very top of their
list of reasons.
Our own internal evaluations of the
quality of the work we do is consistently positive and while there will
always be more to be done, we should
always take the time to reflect upon
and give recognition to our sustained
efforts and achievements over the
past few years. And, during their various visits to the college over this past
year, colleagues from Education Scotland recognise too the multitude of
strengths, sector leading practices and
excellence that for them have come to
typify the Ayr College experience.
The Principal has already highlighted our relative position amongst
Scotland’s colleges for full-time
non-advanced learners. That ranking,
alongside our external SQA examination results, is our highest achievement to date! Similarly, the additional
support and encouragement we give
to learners who would otherwise be
disadvantaged, meant that these
learners were more successful across
all eight Scottish Funding Council
reported categories than for Scotland
as a whole.
Being successful is seldom simply
down to chance; being increasingly
successful on a year on year basis is
even less so. The excellent relationships Ayr College learners and staff
have are foundational to effective
learning. But relationships, however
positive, important and necessary,
are not in themselves sufficient to
guarantee progress in learning. So,
our staff have been developing
professional ideas and practices in
support of more effective approaches
and methods and our work with
Kilmarnock College to extend these
represents an exciting further collaboration in Ayrshire.
Whether that work is part of corporate continuing professional development, formal and informal sharing
of good practice or derived from
the increasing industrial and other
professional contacts we have, we are
determined to continue to improve
the practices that make the difference
to give added value to the learning
experience and a leading edge to our
learners especially in these increasingly uncertain economic times.
Collaborative work with the Students’
Association has been noteworthy and
fruitful this year. We encourage all
service users to see Ayr College as a
community of learning and studentled initiatives can obviously be supportive of this. That support,
particularly over the last year, has been
apparent and in abundance and we
must be indebted to those particular
learners, as well as the many others
and their staff, who have given so
much and so willingly of their free time
to enrich the Ayr College experience.
Our learners have achieved highly
and broadly and have won awards as
well as the respect and recognition
of external agencies and employers. Staff have gone the extra mile
to develop positive and supportive
relationships and will continue to
improve professional practices to
make sure that success at Ayr College
means much more than the attainment of formal qualifications.
student experience
#5 [student experience]
At our 2011 Graduation Ceremony, each academic area of the college presented a Student of the Year
Award to a student who had demonstrated outstanding commitment and success.
Here the 16 students who received the awards tell us about their own experiences of Ayr College.
Suzanne came to Ayr College following completion of an HNC in Social Care at
another college and having time spent working with people with special needs.
It was involvement in drama workshops at the Hansel Foundation which helped
Suzanne realise her true passion was for acting and performing arts.
Suzanne Paton
HNC Acting &
Music Technology
& Performing Arts
Student of the Year
Suzanne says: “I chose Ayr College as it stood out from the rest. The variety of the
course was a good match for what I wanted to learn. The atmosphere was really
good and the lecturers were so supportive and approachable. I really enjoyed
the class performances. My personal favourite was A Midsummer Night’s Dream
where I played the part of Helena. It was so challenging but I was really proud to
have been a part of such great a production. Coming to Ayr College has changed
me for the better. I have made friends for life and would really recommend anyone
with a passion for acting and performing to consider Ayr College.”
Suzanne is continuing with the HND Acting & Performance and is currently
looking ahead to gaining a place at University in 2012.
After a negative school experience, Simon had low self esteem and low expectations for his future. He completed a mechanics course at Kilmarnock College but
felt he needed a fresh start after struggling with behavioural issues. He came to
Ayr College where he grew tremendously in terms of maturity, responsibility and
motivation. Engaging fully with every opportunity presented to him to develop
his essential skills, Simon became highly regarded by his lecturers.
Simon Boyle
NPA Construction
Essential Skills Student
of the Year
Simon says: “Ayr College’s reputation is what attracted me to join. The lecturers
are really supportive and have a lot of time for you. The class was really interesting,
with lots of great materials to work with. My classmates were a great bunch and
I really enjoyed my time here. I never imagined I could have won an award, it’s a
good recognition of the distance I have travelled.”
section five
While Simon enjoyed his year studying Brickwork at Ayr College and benefitted enormously from it, his ambition has always been to work with cars. He
has now enrolled on the pre-apprenticeship Motor Mechanics course at
Kilmarnock College and hopes to gain an apprenticeship in this industry.
student experience
Before coming to college, Scott had undertaken a variety of jobs, including
working in fabrication and with wind turbines. He also spent time as a
retained fire-fighter. Scott came to Ayr College to develop the skills he already
had to improve his chances of finding employment as a joinery apprentice.
Throughout his course Scott fulfilled all the criteria expected of a model
student, producing work of a very high standard, while encouraging and
helping others within his class group.
Scott comments: “I knew this was the course for me, I only wish I had done it years
ago. My time at Ayr College has been one of the best years since I left school. I’ll
admit it was difficult at first getting used to working with younger students, but
over the year the relationship developed and I thoroughly enjoyed their company.
I have fine-tuned my technical skills and joinery knowledge, as well as greatly improving my personal skills, learning to communicate better and keep calm under
Scott McNeil
NPA Construction
(Carpentry & Joinery)
Carpentry & Joinery/
Painting & Decorating
Student of the Year
Scott was accepted to the NC Built Environment course for session 2011/12,
while seeking employment as an apprentice joiner.
Before coming to the UK to study at Ayr College, Rita worked as a secretary in
The Gambia, West Africa. She decided to come to Ayr College to develop her
skills and move forward with her career. Throughout her time on the course
Rita also worked as a care assistant and her dedication to her studies while juggling part-time work was greatly admired by her lecturers who describe her as
“an inspirational student.”
Rita comments: “I have learnt so much in my time here, primarily managerial
skills, as well as knowledge about the world economy and business relationships.
My classmates were great and the lecturers were so helpful, kind, understanding
and flexible. The International Team was really supportive and I am grateful to all
the staff for the assistance they gave me.”
Rita applied for the Post Study Work Visa to allow her to gain work experience
relevant to her qualification, before possibly continuing her studies. Longerterm, Rita plans to return home so that she can use her knowledge and skills to
benefit the local economy in The Gambia.
Rita Ampong
HND Business
International Student
of the Year
student experience
Mary had been a personal carer for many years but a change in circumstances
left her looking for a new direction. Having previously worked in Hospitality,
Mary decided to return to college for a year. Five years later, Mary progressed
through the department’s craft route, taking in the Professional Cookery
courses, HNC and HND, and finally the SVQ3. With her dedication to her studies and fellow students, Mary’s lecturers describe her as “a perfect example of
lifelong learning.”
Mary MacBryde
Hospitality Student of
the Year
Mary comments: “The whole atmosphere at Ayr College has been great. The
lecturers are supportive and encouraging and if you put in the effort you will
learn a lot. I now have great knowledge of the many different areas of the Hospitality trade, including how to plan menus to suit all tastes, event planning
and tourism. The Hospitality courses are popular with international students
and it was great to meet new people and to experience their views on menus,
and food choices.”
Mary enrolled on the BA Hospitality Management course at UWS for 2011/12
while continuing with her part-time kitchen role in a tea-room in her local town.
Lynsey Ann started out in the Hospitality industry, working in a variety of roles
from waitress, to receptionist and eventually gaining promotion to a Junior
Manager. After years of working unsociable hours, Lynsey Ann wanted a more
stable occupation with a life outside of work. She joined her dad’s painting
and decorating business and began her apprenticeship at Ayr College.
Lynsey Ann McCulloch
SVQ Painting &
Apprentice of the Year
Lynsey Ann comments: “I wish I had done this years ago. The lecturers have all
been really supportive. I know other apprentices who haven’t had the same level of
support as me from either their employer or their college. I couldn’t have asked for
better. The younger students have been great to work with and there were no issues with a female working in what many would see as a ‘man’s job.’ If anything, it
drives me to do better to prove I am more than capable of handling any challenge.”
section five
Lynsey Ann progressed to the 2nd year of her apprenticeship, where she is in
college 1 week out of 4, with the other 3 weeks spent on-the-job training with
her Dad’s firm.
student experience
Leigh’s long term ambition was to study architecture. Gaining five Highers at
school, Leigh chose the HNC Construction Management course as her next
step towards securing a place on the university course she wanted. At just 16
years old, Leigh was one of only two students without any construction experience. However she quickly proved she was more than capable of surpassing
that obstacle, producing high quality work and exceptional grades.
Leigh said: “When I left school I looked at many different options but decided this
course at Ayr College was the best one by far to help me get into architecture - and
I was right! I really enjoyed my year at Ayr College and learned a lot, from practical skills such as levelling, to background theory of the construction industry. I got
used to being the only girl in the class and had great classmates and lecturers who
made the class really special.”
Leigh achieved her goal and successfully gained a place on the MA Architecture course at Edinburgh University, which will involve seven years of study
before she is fully qualified.
Leigh Clark
HNC Construction
Brickwork, Plumbing,
Gas, Electrical
& Construction
Technology Student of
the Year
+ Ayr College Student
of the Year
Before coming to college, Leeann had studied an SVQ2 in Administration with
North Ayrshire Council Leisure Services. However she soon realised this was
not the career she wanted and, with a desire to be a Primary Teacher, decided
on a childcare course at Ayr College. After completing 3rd year, the NC Higher,
Leeann felt she had the potential to go further. With the encouragement of
her lecturers, she decided to set her sights on achieving the advanced level
certificate - the HNC in Early Education and Childcare.
Leeann comments: “I learned so much from my time at Ayr College. My communication skills and confidence both improved greatly, which is a big development for
me. I loved the placements which were a major part of my course. I attended both
Loudon Montgomery and Shortlees Primary Schools. They were a great learning
experience and it was good to share it with my fellow classmates.”
After successfully completing her HNC, Leeann gained employment with Rainbow Cottage Nursery, working with their 2-3 year olds group.
Leeann McBlain
HNC Early Years
Allister Boyd Award
student experience
After school, Lauren achieved offers for courses at both university and Ayr College. She decided a step between school and university was the best option for
her and, with an interest psychology, enrolled for Social Sciences ay Ayr College.
Lauren McGovern
HNC Social Science
Access to Further and
Higher Education
Student of the Year
Lauren said: “I remember the first day of college, with the expected worries about
making friends and if I could do the required work. After a week or two in the programme, those worries drifted away and I found myself enjoying my surroundings,
my friends and my classes. Psychology was definitely my favourite subject. The
course has allowed me to further my own personal research skills at home, which
I will go on to use throughout life as well as university. I was able to experiment
more with study plans, more than I ever could have at school, letting me find the
right one for me.”
Lauren is now furthering her education at the University of Glasgow, studying
for a degree in Psychology with her long-term ambition to gain employment
in either Clinical or Occupational Psychology.
With a keen interest in science, John left school at the end of 4th year to come
to Ayr College to dedicate his time to this subject. He first joined the Pathways
Sciences programme before enrolling in the HNC, specialising in Biology. A
dedicated student, he willingly gave assistance and support to his peers and was
considered to be a very valuable member of the class by students and staff.
John Paul Burns
HNC Applied Science
Engineering, Maths
& Science Student of
the Year
John Paul comments: “At first coming to college was really challenging, especially
getting used to a new way of learning, including the expectation for independent
learning which is something I hadn’t done before. However, through the excellent
support from my lecturers and the in-depth teaching sessions, I soon felt at home.
The course was demanding yet enjoyable, and is a great preparation for further study.
It’s given me the skills and experience to pursue a career in Biomedical Sciences.”
section five
John Paul is now studying for a Biomedical Sciences degree at Glasgow
Caledonian University. It is his ambition to then gain employment in an NHS
laboratory testing for diseases.
student experience
Gillian worked as a merchandising representative for a large retailer, however
a back injury and resultant surgery meant she was off work for five months.
When redundancy consultations began, Gillian made the decision to take this
and look for a new challenge. Returning to education as a mature student, Gillian discovered lifelong learning can be a life changing experience.
Gillian comments: “I had wanted to get involved in Art when I left school, but life
got in the way. When I first started at Ayr College I was a little apprehensive about
being an older student, however I needn’t have worried. The college is so welcoming and everyone has been so supportive. I have a lot more confidence in my own
work, especially in my computer skills. As a result of this course I’m more likely to
try new things, something I wouldn’t have been capable of before.”
Gillian Carpenter
HND Visual
Visual Arts Student of
the Year
Gillian entered 3rd year of the BA (Hons) Digital Arts degree at UWS. After
graduation, Gillian hopes to complete the 1 year Post-Graduate Teaching
Qualification so that she can teach Art in Secondary Schools.
Diane had worked as a hairdresser since she was 16, but felt she needed a
change of career. Inspired by her niece who requires care, Diane decided to
pursue a career in this area and, although apprehensive about taking the first
step, finally found the courage to apply to college. Her excellent results in all
exams meant she was an ideal candidate for the HNC Social Care.
Diane comments: “I gained a lot of skills from the sociology and psychology units.
I’m more confident and have learned how to be an effective carer, willing and able
to see beyond the disability and treat all who I care for as an individual. I really
enjoyed every class, especially the modules on care budgeting, coping with loss
and grief and recognising abuse. These modules were very challenging and at
times difficult, but they certainly make you think. Studying at Ayr College has been
a great experience and I’m so grateful for the opportunities it has have given me.”
Diane is now employed with Turning Point, working with individuals with
learning and physical disabilities.
Diane Houston
HNC Social Care
Health Care, Social
Care and Early Years
Student of the Year
student experience
Craig joined Ayr College straight from school. With the aim of training to
become a chef, Craig’s long-term my ambition is to work abroad either in a
restaurant or on a cruise ship. Showing great initiative in his choices throughout his course, Craig enjoyed great rapport with fellow students and staff.
Craig Wilson
Choices Supportive
Education Student of
the Year
Craig says: “College has been really good and lots of fun. Making new friends
and working with some very encouraging lecturers has made college life really
interesting. I’ve learned about job-seeking while learning to cook, which is my
favourite part. I have more confidence in talking to others and feel comfortable
as part of a team. I also took part in the John Muir Award and was part of the
preparative team for the ‘Come Dine with Me’ competition which raised funds for
Comic Relief. This was a great opportunity to put my cookery skills to good use!”
Craig has completed the Choices programme and is now enrolled on the
SVQ1 Food Preparation & Cookery at Cumnock. After college he aims to
embark on his career as a chef.
Cassie was inspired to pursue childcare as a career following a placement at
a nursery while she was at school. Initially joining the Intermediate 1 course,
she successfully progressed through both Intermediate 2 and Higher courses.
Cassie Hodge
HNC Early Years
Allister Boyd Award
Cassie says: “The first two years were quite practical but I will admit, it was a
little stressful. I noticed a big jump in expectations each year. I really enjoyed my
placements at Bankhouse Nursery in Troon and working with the Primary 2 class
at Ayr Grammar School. I got so much out of the placements and feel my confidence has grown immensely as a result. When I started college four years ago
it was never my aspiration to work through to HNC level, but it’s been the right
decision. As well as growing in my experience and ability, I can now register with
the Scottish Social Services Council as an Early Year’s Practitioner.”
section five
Cassie was accepted onto the supply list for South Ayrshire Council. She is
also considering applying for the BA Childhood Studies course at UWS to
further her skills and long-term potential.
student experience
Candice had always enjoyed art and drawing at school, but wasn’t sure what
she wanted to do in life. When she looked through an Ayr College prospectus at a careers fair, the Fashion course stood out for her. Candice was just 15
when she started at Ayr College and on successful completion of her first year,
she was selected to progress to the NC Fashion & Clothing Level 5 course.
Candice says: “I loved it at Ayr College, especially learning about visual merchandising. I had always been interested in fashion and clothing and the more I
learned, the more I enjoyed it. During my time at college, my confidence and communication skills improved immensely, especially for completing presentations in
front of the class. My design skills have really developed too and I was so proud to
have my own mini-collection modelled at the annual Ayr College Fashion Show.”
Candice Stewart
HND Fashion
Fashion, Hair & Beauty
Student of the Year
Candice has now enrolled on the Fashion Marketing and Retailing degree
course at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. In the long-term she hopes to
secure employment as a Fashion Buyer with a large retail chain.
Before coming to college, Amanda was a full-time mum while working parttime at a local golf club. She wanted to gain qualifications to have a better
chance of gaining successful employment with better job prospects. With a
passion for travel, Amanda decided to explore the tourism industry. Beginning
at NC Business level, she progressed through NC Higher, HNC and then HND.
Amanda says: “I can honestly say I have had a wonderful experience studying
Tourism at Ayr College. I was initially rather intimidated at being an adult learner
and not having much confidence but I found the lecturers to be very supportive
which enabled my confidence to grow and helped me become more assertive. As
a direct result of my new found confidence, I was able to take what I had learned
and apply it to the working world which enabled me to become part of the
Ayrshire Tourism Strategy, networking with businesses and people involved in the
tourism industry around Ayrshire.”
Amanda is now studying BA in Tourism Management at Glasgow Caledonian
Amanda Dolan
HND Tourism
Business, Accounting,
Administration and
Tourism Student of
the Year
financial statement
#6 [financial statement]
Income & Expenditure Account
(For the year Ended 31 July 2011)
Funding Council grants
Tuition fees and education contracts
Other grant income
Other income
Investment income
Staff costs
Other operating expenses
Interest payable
(Deficit)/Surplus on continuing operations for
the year after depreciation of fixed assets at
valuationand before tax
(Deficit)/Surplus on continuing operations after
depreciation of fixed assets at valuation disposal
of assets and tax
Total income
section six
Total Expenditure
The income and Expenditure Account is in respect of continuing activities. The College
has no recognised gains or losses other than the surplus for the finacial period
2010 £’000
other income
other grant income
tuition fees & education
contracts £2,060
investment income
other income
other grant income
tuition fees & education
contracts £2,103
funding council grants
funding council grants
2011 £’000
2010 £’000
2011 £’000
Statement of Historical Cost Surpluses
(Deficit)/Surplus on continuing operations depreciation of fixed
assets at valuation at valuation and tax
Difference between historical cost depreciation and the actual
charge for the year calculated on the re-valued amount
Historical cost of surplus for the year
interest payable
other operating expenses
staff costs
interest payable
other operating expenses
investment income
staff costs
financial statement
financial statement
(AS AT 31 July 2011)
Cash at bank and in hand
Total Current Assets
Amounts falling due within one year
Net Current Assets
Total assets less current liabilities
Provisions for liabilities and charges
Pension (liability)
Net Assets
Deferred capital grants
Revaluation reserve
Capital reserve
Income and expenditure account
Pension reserve
Total reserves
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets
Current Assets
section six
financial statement
financial statement
section six
financial statement
financial statement
section six
financial statement
financial statement
section six