Fall 2012 - University of Wisconsin


Fall 2012 - University of Wisconsin
alumni today
Fall 2012
Supporting Success
Giving paves the path to college,
graduation and beyond.
A -12
nn F
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l R nd
e p at i
or on
in 0
om e 7
e ag
o np
H o
12 is
5-8 Campus News
9-16 Feature - Supporting Success
Meet the next generation of the Pioneer
family that you support through scholarships
17-21 Alumni News
53 Foundation Annual Report
From the Archives
54-57 Alumni News
58-59 Athletics
60-63 Campus News
64-65 Alumni News
68 69 70-71 Class Notes
In Memoriam
Future Pioneers
Homecoming Schedule
Assistant Chancellor for University
Advancement and Executive
Director of the UW-Platteville
Dennis R. Cooley
Holly (Kaiser) Clendenen, ’06
Gina Udelhofen, ’07
Director of
Alumni Services
Kim (Crippes) Schmelz, ’02
[email protected]
Alumni Services
Stephanie Belken, ’07
University Information and
Johanna Belken, ’04
Diana Blindert
Ian Clark, ’09
Tyler Ensrude, ’01
Paul Erickson
Laurie Hamer
Amy (Pennekamp) Kreul, ’01
Eileen McGuine, ’11
Andy McNeill, ’02
Dan Wackershauser, ’97
Managing Editor
Sarah P. Miller, ’11
Contributing Student Writers
Alyssa Bloechl
Brooke Brechen
Amanda Fisch
Sarah Kessler
Angela O'Brien
Molly Markley
Contributing Writers
James Hibbard-Archives
Danny Kambel-Athletics
Denise LaBudda-Distance Learning
Barb Weinbrenner, ’09-LAE
The Alumni Today is produced as a service of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Alumni Association. This magazine
is designed to keep alumni and friends of
the university informed of current activities and events affecting UW-Platteville
and its alumni.
Letters to the editor are welcome, as are
suggestions for articles and Class Notes.
Call or write Alumni Services, University
of Wisconsin-Platteville, 1 University
Plaza, Platteville WI 53818-3099, 1.800.
UW-Platteville is a non-discriminatory
educational institution and employer,
and does not discriminate on the basis of
age, race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, handicap or veteran status in any of
its employment or educational policies,
practices or procedures.
UW-Platteville is a member of CASE,
the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.
© 2012 University of WisconsinPlatteville
Men's Basketball Alumni Day
Jason Mowry '06 at Career Fair
Class of 1961
Dear Pioneers,
It is with great honor
that I accept the presidenc y of t he A lumni Association. I am
ver y excited to help
cont inue building a
strong organization for
UW-Platteville and its
alumni. Thank you to
my predecessor, Tricia
Reuter, for her time,
efforts and encouragement in setting a new
course for the Alumni Association and working
diligently to encourage membership, support Alumni
Services staff in a venture into social media and help
establish our first major annual fund raiser.
This next year will not be short of challenges. Funding and budget constraints continue to be an issue on
campus, in the Alumni Association and throughout
Wisconsin. I cannot stress enough the importance of
membership in the association, which is the life-blood
of this organization. Membership dues allow the
organization to fund scholarships, events, activities
and awards, and recreate connections between you
and your friends.
I hope many of you were able to attend our first fundraising event, An Evening In Monte Carlo, held at the
Madison Club. It was a fantastic event. Thank you to
all who supported it through attendance, sponsorship
or donation. The success of this event could not have
been accomplished without your generous contributions. See page 18 for highlights of this entertaining
If you are not a member of the Alumni Association
yet, please consider joining today. I look forward to
seeing everyone at upcoming events.
An Evening in Monte Carlo
Despite economic challenges, there is no shortage of
support for our alma mater. As I glance through the Annual Report, what I see among the pages of donors is one
commonality: a love for a tremendous university that we
all want to see continue to thrive. Without the contributions of our donors, UW-Platteville wouldn't be what
it is today, and I thank all supporters of the university.
Forever. Pioneers.
Andrew Skowr
Alumni Association Board of Directors President
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields handed out more than
950 diplomas during the three spring
commencement ceremonies.
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields in the industrial studies metals lab with Kellsey Welter.
The past few months at UW-Platteville have been
exciting and rewarding. This spring, we awarded
830 undergraduate and 135 graduate degrees at three
graduation ceremonies, one for each college. The
university continues to experience record growth and
will welcome over 1,650 new freshmen to our campus
for registration in June and July.
Though Wisconsin is our primary base for students,
our outreach efforts have expanded and we continue
attracting students through the Tri-State Initiative
and other special, non-residents’ outreach efforts in
the states of California, New York and Texas. In light
of declining support from the state, the Tri-State Initiative is a major component of our financial future.
Our primary responsibility is to ensure that when students have completed their education, they have the
knowledge and skills they need to excel in whatever
endeavor they pursue. As our enrollment continues
to grow, we must reaffirm our commitment to provide
outstanding academics and state-of-the-art technology so that our students gain the technical knowledge,
skills, expertise and hands-on training that they need
to become successful professionals who can meet the
present and future needs of business, industry, government and society.
I have great pride in the students at UW-Platteville.
We have some of the finest, brightest, most creative
and innovative students right here on our university
campus. They are hard working and deeply committed to their studies and future careers, and willing to
devote the time and energy necessary to be successful.
They are also responsible citizens who give back to
the university campus and the community. Equally important, they are globally and environmentally aware
and have a desire to make a difference in the world.
Now more than ever, our students need alumni support, whether it is by sharing your experience and
expertise in a classroom, providing scholarship support for students who are in financial need, hiring
UW-Platteville graduates at your place of business,
serving on a university committee or task force, etc.
Thank you for your loyalty to UW-Platteville. We
appreciate the time, energy and resources that you
have so generously given. Thanks to your support,
UW-Platteville continues to produce positive outcomes for our students, the state of Wisconsin and
the tri-state region.
Dennis J. Shields, Chancellor
commencement spring 2012
Sunny Kang, Los Angeles County Commissionfor Children
and Families, College of LAE principal speaker
Alec Schielke, College of
BILSA senior speaker
Tom N. Nelson, (retired) president of Athey Products Corporation, College of EMS principal speaker
Zach Hebl (left)
and Alan Shermo,
College of EMS
senior speakers
Cherith Dilley, College of
LAE senior speaker
Julie Amacher Clement, radio
host and producer at Minnesota
Public Radio, College of BILSA
principal speaker
Iceberg ahead!
Titanic discoverer visits UW-Platteville
Daus retires after quarter
century of service
This March, Barbara (Nease) Daus ’71
and ’88 hung up the last of the many hats
she wore at UW-Platteville. Daus left
after 25 years of dedicated service to the
She worked in a variety of roles. She was
the UW-Platteville Foundation's first fulltime director of annual giving; served as
director of Alumni Services and executive director of the UW-Platteville Foundation; worked as special assistant to the
chancellor, public information officer and
legislative liaison; and most recently was
the executive director of International
Programs and External Relations.
UW-Platteville welcomed Dr. Robert Ballard as the 2012 Distinguished Lecturer to speak about his discoveries and career as a
deep sea explorer. His March visit was a much-anticipated trip for
fans of the Titanic discovery, while others enjoyed hearing of his
varied adventures and accomplishments.
Ballard spoke about the many discoveries he has made, as well as
what he is doing to bring science and technology to the forefront
of education. Ballard said his biggest achievement wasn’t finding
the Titanic, but instead finding hydrothermal vents and new life
forms that have rewritten science. Some of his presentation dealt
with his discovery of the Titanic, including interesting stories that
led to the discovery.
A reception celebrating her long career
at UW-Platteville was held in the Harry
and Laura Nohr Gallery, where the entire
campus community turned out to wish
her well on new ventures and share some
fond memories of the last 25 years. In her
comments, Daus made special mention of
the people – students, fellow employees,
alumni and university friends – who had
enriched her successful university career.
She noted that she was privileged to work
with truly committed and caring people
Continued on page 23
Amy Grade, a senior criminal justice major, has been a fan of the
Titanic discovery for many years. “The highlight of his presentation
was hearing him talk about his discovery of the Titanic because
I'm a huge history fan,” said Grade. “I also enjoyed hearing about
his experience in oceanography because it's something I wasn't
very familiar with, but I learned quite a bit about what he does on
a daily basis.”
Ballard has reached beyond discovering shipwrecks and new life
forms by founding the JASON Project in 1989. The JASON Project
Continued on page 64
Campus snapshots
Presidential cabinet
members visit
Mediation team wins
national championship
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan and U.S. Secretar y of
Agriculture Tom Vilsack joined
UW-Platteville Chancellor Dennis
J. Shields for a special town hall
meeting April 18 at Pioneer Farm.
The trio spoke before approximately 400 high school and college
students and educators on the importance of agriculture education.
“To see what’s going on here at
UW-Platteville, during tough economic times while keeping costs
down, there’s a tremendous commitment to quality education,” said
Sec. Duncan
Sec. Vilsack
Midwest Culturally
Inclusive Conference
Details for this year's MCI Conference, to be held Sept. 7-8, are available online at www2.uwplatt.edu/
Dr. Cornell West at MCIC 2011
She taped the dating show for five
December days on a cruise ship.
Although she did not end up with
true love, Hochhausen, a legal
research consultant in Chicago,
came back with true friends.
”It was a unique experience to
check off my bucket list,” she said.
The UW-Platteville mediation team
won the national championship
in a competition at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Pictured
above with the traveling Reifsnider
Trophy are (left to right) Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields; students Jennifer
Hess, Chaz Nichols, William Kuehni and Katie Shanahan; and Dr.
John Rink. Shanahan, Hess and
Cody Bales (not pictured) earned
All-American awards and $6,000
scholarships at Drake Law School.
“We are one of the very few schools
that have won in both mediation
and advocacy,” said Rink, political
science professor and founder of
the mediation team in 2000. “We
have supported this well as an
institution, and we have had success over the past 12 years. Success
breeds success.”
1999 grad sets sail on
TV adventure
Ja i me Hoc h hausen ’99
appeared on “Love for
Sail,” a Lifetime reality
show that aired in
Campus Read Program
UW-Platteville has recently established a Campus Read Program.
“The Immortal Life of Henrietta
Lacks,” by Rebecca Skloot, was
chosen as the inaugural title for the
fall 2012 semester. The goal is to
promote connections among campus, the Platteville community and
interested alumni; engage in dynamic conversations about diverse
ideas; enhance students’ critical
thinking skills; raise awareness of
cultural likenesses and differences;
and foster a sense of community
via enhanced and guided interactions and discussions.
Laudable. Dreamers.
Thankful. Engaged. Family.
You can call our scholarship recipients
many things.
Industrious. Busy. Humble. Brainy.
Meritorious. Determined. Ambitious. Supported.
The qualities we seek abound at UW-Platteville. Whether it be for a needbased scholarship or one based on merit, applications from deserving
students flood our office. Every year, the lion’s share of gifts goes directly
to supporting these bright men and women. Other gifts go to support
endowed scholarships that support our students into perpetuity.
You can call our students many things. We think deserving is a good
adjective, too. Here are a few stories of those worthy recipients.
These are the ones you support. These are the ones so thankful.
This is the next generation of the Pioneer alumni family.
Rev. Dr. Sunny Kang,
Los Angeles County Commission
for Children and Families
Dr. Kevin Bernhardt,
Director of Pioneer
Academic Center for
Community Engagement
Rick Bockhop
Bachelor's and master's degree from
UW-Platteville and Ph.D. from Iowa
State University
Assistant Professor of Agricultural
Dr. Peter Kang Professional
Development Award
Rick Bockhop
Kaitlyn Bril
What does this scholarship mean to you?
It allows me to go out and better serve our students. It’s
so difficult during the semester to add to the curricula,
but this allows me to do so during the summer. It gives
me a chance to enhance my service learning projects
like my agricultural structures program.
Why did you choose UW-Platteville?
I transferred last semester from the University of Iowa.
I like the small school feel here, and the opportunities
it offers as a university.
What would you like to say to your donor?
I did get to meet Dr. Kang’s son, Sunny Hong Kang,
and I told him thank you. We were able to talk for a bit
and I was greatly impressed with his insight. Dr. Kang
wasn’t looking to better himself; he wholeheartedly
wanted to add to the quality of life and to the needs
of everyone else.
Why are scholarships important?
Scholarships help with the costs associated with
travel and provide us with the time and opportunity
to enhance our knowledge in content areas, which
in turn allows us to heighten the knowledge of our
students. Faculty go out of their way here to find real
world activities that will enhance students' outcomes.
We continue to be here for the students and thanks to
the outside financial support, we all continue to make
the university a great place where we share knowledge
and students get an education.
Kaitlyn Bril
Decorah, Iowa
Art Education major
Dr. Peter Kang Memorial
Scholarship for Excellence
in Public Service
Supporting Success
What does this scholarship mean to you?
This scholarship makes me proud that my hard work
in volunteering and mentoring has been noticed. It
makes me feel really good about what I do and that I
am truly making a difference. It’s an honor to be recognized and to receive such a generous donation. I will
be much less worried about paying my way through
these next couple years.
What is your best experience at UW-Platteville
so far?
This semester I joined the women’s rugby team. Being
new to the sport, I had a lot to learn, but the team is like
a family and being a part of it has been so much fun.
What are your future plans?
One of my short-term goals is to student teach abroad.
After that, I want to look into getting a job at an international school as an art teacher. I hope to teach kids
the importance of being creative and open doors to
the connections art makes with the world.
Jessica Kaltenberg
Wh at does your schol ar ship
mean to you?
It means I am able to continue my education. Scholarships like this allow
students to achieve their dreams.
Casey Carignan
Baraboo, Wis.
Business Administration and Communication Technologies major
Peter Kang Scholarship for
Excellence in Public Service
Denee Hirsch
Director of Development at
UW-Platteville Foundation
Casey Carignan
Why did you choose UW-Platteville?
I am the oldest of my siblings and UW-Platteville is far enough to
get away from home, yet close enough to go home whenever I want
to. I love the small town, family feeling that you get here.
What does this scholarship mean to you?
Without this scholarship, I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have
this opportunity or the bright future I now have ahead of me. I also
wouldn’t be here and be the person I am today without all of the
support from my family and friends.
What has been your best experience at UW-Platteville?
My best experience was being on
the executive board of the Criminal
Justice Association and planning the
Criminal Justice Career Fair.
Wh at would you say to your
scholarship donor?
I would like to thank them for giving
students the opportunity to achieve
their dreams.
What are your future plans?
My future plans include some type
of work in the field of corrections.
I just want to make a difference
What are your future plans?
My goal is to one day have my own scholarship so that I too can
give back to UW-Platteville. I want to give back to someone else
the same opportunity that I was given.
What would you say to your scholarship donor?
I’ve actually had the chance to meet and talk with the donor – we
could have talked for hours. He said that I’m part of his family now,
and we’re going to keep in contact. I just want to tell him thank you
again for the continued support to scholarships. Thank you to all
of our alumni and donors.
Jessica Kaltenberg
Poynette, Wis.
Criminal Justice major
Spikerman Scholarship
Supporting Success
Nancy Streu
Why did you choose UW-Platteville?
I am from the northwest suburbs of Chicago, but I’ve
always liked places out more in the open than the city.
I also wanted a school that was smaller, so I wouldn’t
be walking across campus and seeing no one that I
know, and so that my professors would actually know
who I am.
What does your scholarship mean to you?
I am very involved with the Catholic Newman Community on campus, Marching Pioneers, the Platteville
Society of Environmental Engineers, and this semester
I was tutoring for the University Tutoring Services, so
getting my scholarship means that I have more money
and time to spend getting involved on campus and
helping out the community around campus.
What’s been your best experience at
UW-Platteville so far?
I don’t think that I could pick out one best experience
so far, but I have truly enjoyed Marching Pioneers,
which allowed me to start my freshman year a week
and a half early and gave me the opportunity to get
oriented with campus, and build strong friendships
before classes even started. Marching Pioneers has
given me many memories and an abundance of friends
and acquaintances.
Nancy Streu
Arlington Heights, Ill.
Environmental Engineering major
Alliant Energy Scholarship
Supporting Success
What are your future plans?
My plans for the future are to continue to keep my
grades up and try my hardest in all my classes, hopefully get an internship or co-op in my field by next
summer, take on leadership opportunities in academics and extra-curricular, and continue to give as much
time as I can to the community here in Platteville and
in my hometown.
Becky Haddad
Juneau, Wis.
Agricultural Education major
Hartung Scholarship
Kyle Onesti
Oregon, Wis.
Electrical Engineering major
American Transmission Co. Scholarship
Becky Haddad
Kyle Onesti
Why did you choose your major? How did you get
into it?
I’ve wanted to teach for as long as I can remember, and
I grew up on a dairy farm with a 4H background. Ag
has always been a part of my life. When it came time
to pick a career path, I really didn’t know how I could
give it up, so I talked to a few people, found a great
program and ran with it.
What does your scholarship mean to you?
Scholarships are very important to me. College is a
great privilege, but at the same time, it costs a lot of
money. Any extra money that I can earn is greatly
What would you say to your scholarship donor?
What would I say to my donor? Thank you can’t even
begin to express it.
What are your future plans?
I graduated in May, wrapped up student teaching in
June, and am still on the job hunt. I’m hoping to teach
high school agriculture, and have had a few interviews. I also hope to eventually go to graduate school.
Why do you think scholarships are important?
Scholarships are so much more than the financial assistance they offer, and the Hartung Scholarship is a
great example of that. Hartung’s took an interest in
me, as a student, a potential employee and person. I
was not just another check to write out. They were
constantly in touch with me about potential internship opportunities, and checking in on my personal
and career ambitions.
What would you say to your scholarship donor?
I would thank them for their contribution to my education and tell them that I really appreciate it. I would
also let them know that I plan to work very hard in
school and not waste their donation.
What’s been your best experience at
UW-Platteville so far?
My best experience at UW-Platteville has been getting
involved in intramural sports. They are great exercise
and have allowed me to meet a lot of new people who
share the same interests as I do.
Why do you think scholarships are important?
Scholarships are important because they help to pay
tuition costs. They also push students to do their best
in order to stand out and receive them.
Supporting Success
Katie Bartelt
Why did you choose UW-Platteville?
I chose UW-Platteville because of its hands-on opportunities. This school has an excellent engineering
program and many great opportunities outside of my
field. When I toured this campus, I really felt like I
was at home.
What would you say to your scholarship donor?
I would express my gratitude toward their understanding of the importance of scholarships. The opportunities that I’ve had because of scholarships are priceless
and I am so thankful to be here and grow as a person.
What’s been your best experience at
UW-Platteville so far?
My best experience has been working as a resident
assistant this year. I have learned so much about working with others and adapting to different leadership
roles. I really enjoy the challenge of working with my
peers and keeping a safe and fun atmosphere in the
residence halls. I have learned so much about myself
and others throughout the past year.
What are your future plans?
It has been my dream to go on into astrophysics. However, as I have gone through my classes in mechanical
engineering, I have really enjoyed them as well. I feel
that if I want to forward myself after I get my degree,
I will go into astrophysics and use my engineering
background as a way to supplement my new knowledge in that field. Until I get into astrophysics, I would
like to use my mechanical engineering background to
work for a company dealing with sustainability. I feel
that “going green” is a definite need in today’s world.
If I can help serve that need, I would be more than
happy to do so.
Katie Bartelt
Hubertus, Wis.
Mechanical Engineering major
McKinstry Scholarship
Supporting Success
Why are scholarships so important?
Without scholarships, I would not be able to pay for
my education, and I have already learned so much
here. You can’t put a price on a solid education. It’s
more than just the textbooks you learn from at school.
You really develop as a person and start to challenge
yourself to become who you want to be.
Daniel Mumm
Bloomington, Wis.
Reclamation major
Hartung Scholarship
Christopher Jobs
Appleton, Wis.
Mechanical Engineering major
McKinstry Scholarship
Daniel Mumm
Christopher Jobs
Why did you choose your major? How did you get
into it?
I chose reclamation because I enjoy the outdoors and
I wanted to have a career that would allow me to work
out in the field and not in an office all day.
Why did you choose your major?
I have always enjoyed finding solutions to problems
and love designing and building things, so mechanical engineering met all of the criteria. I really enjoy
seeing how things work together mechanically and
working with things I can see.
What does your scholarship mean to you?
The scholarship put less stress on my family and me to
pay for school. I was able to focus more on my classes
and less on how many hours I needed to work to get
enough money to pay for school.
What would you say to your scholarship donor?
I would say thank you. Their generosity towards
UW-Platteville is astonishing. With their help, I was
able to get a great education and graduate in four
years. It is nice to know that working hard in my
classes to get good grades is rewarded.
What are your future plans?
After graduation, I hope to get a job reclaiming mines
or becoming an environmental consultant. If no jobs
are available, I plan on going to graduate school for
landscape architecture. When I get well into my
career, I plan on donating back to make sure other
students have the same opportunities that I have had.
What would you say to your scholarship donor?
I’d like to say thank you. The support they have given
me means a lot. I hope that in the future they can continue to support engineering students in their studies
and help them become better engineers in the process.
Why are scholarships important?
Scholarships give students a boost financially so they
can focus more on their studies rather than trying
to work a few extra hours to pay the bills. I also feel
scholarships reward students who work hard both in
the classroom and at their job by reducing the financial
burden of the cost of higher education. Scholarships
have played a significant role in helping me finance
my education, and keep me motivated. Without my
scholarship, I know I would not be in the same position I am today.
Supporting Success
Steven “Mick” Badger
Why did you choose
I chose UW-Platteville because I
could commute from my hometown, and because the university
has a good engineering program.
What’s been your best experience
at UW-Platteville so far?
I really enjoy Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship meetings. We also have
a small group that meets for bible
study for engineers.
Haley Jansen
Hazel Green, Wis.
Industrial Engineering major
Community Scholarship Program
Haley Jansen
Why did you get into your particular major?
I love math. I also took general engineering classes my first semester
and it was nice to experience the different types of emphases offered.
It helped me to decide that the industrial emphasis was what I wanted.
What are your future plans?
After I graduate, I would like to
design weapons such as compound
bows because I really enjoy hunting.
Why are gifts and scholarships
It’s important because it’s money
that students don’t have to pay out
of pocket. Gifts and scholarships
also create less debt when students
graduate from college.
What’s been your best experience at UW-Platteville so far?
Living in the residence halls: I get to meet a lot of people and the experience is great.
What are your future plans?
I want to stay close to the area so that I’m close to family. I’d like to
work nearby as well, maybe as a production manager.
Why are gifts to scholarships important?
It really does help with tuition, and even if you only receive a small
amount, every little bit counts.
Steven “Mick” Badger
Mineral Point, Wis.
Mechanical Engineering major
Leo and Phoebe Boebel Scholarship
Supporting Success
Utilizing his degree
DuCharme makes use of new emphasis
When students come to UW-Platteville they have a goal of graduating, but along that route comes opportunities for internships. James
DuCharme did exactly that with Case New Holland in Racine, Wis.
DuCharme is a graduating senior majoring in business administration with an emphasis in supply chain management from Prairie
du Chien, Wis. As part of his internship, he coordinated the parts
and services for dealers of Case New Holland throughout North
“It has been by far my best college experience,” said DuCharme. “I
was doing exactly what I was learning in classes. I got to see the
hands-on part of my studies, and that was pretty cool.”
Internships provide extra job experience and learning for students.
It allows students to gain hours for credit while gaining important
knowledge about the fields they will enter after college.
“We can use what we are learning before graduating,” said DuCharme. “Information gained while on
the job can be easily related back
to the classroom, creating a better
learning opportunity.”
DuCharme plans on continuing his
career in the supply chain field. He
has received two job offers and has
accepted one at Rockwell Automation in Richland Center. He will be a
production control analyst, ensuring
batch workloads are completed without error. –Alyssa Bloechl
Thank You to our An
Evening in Monte Carlo
Event Sponsors:
Clark Dietz
John and Barb Boldt
MSA Professional Services
StaffLogix Corporation
General Beverage Sales
Potosi Brewing Company
Liberty Mutual
InVision Business
Lake Orchard Farms
Bed and Breakfast
CG Schmidt
Crown Imports LLC
Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Co.
Mark Loy
Live Auction Sponsors:
Nate and Mary Calkins
of Lake Orchard Farms Bed
and Breakfast
John Krinke
Walker’s Clothing
Wilson Organic Farms
UW-Platteville Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields
UW-Platteville Alumni
Services and Catering Services
Gary David
CD Smith
Tom and Brenda Laufenberg
of Pioneer Capitol Energy
Everyone wins at
An Evening in Monte Carlo
From roulette to raffles, from doubling down to delicate desserts, and from auctions to blackjack action,
An Evening in Monte Carlo at the Madison Club was
an Alumni Association event that had something for
everyone. The casino-themed evening brought over
100 alumni and university friends to downtown Madison, Wis., for Las Vegas-style gaming, delicious food
and drinks, live and silent auctions, numerous raffle
prizes and loads of camaraderie and Pioneer pride.
Nearly 60 years of alumni were present, ranging from
1954 to 2011.
Participants received $1,500 in playing chips at the
door and were let loose for some no-risk gambling,
including blackjack, Texas hold ’em, roulette and
table craps. Those not interested in testing their luck
enjoyed the company of their alumni friends and
watched the bids on the 30 silent auction items rise
and rise.
This was the first fund-raising event to support the
programs and scholarships offered by the Alumni
Association. Next year’s event will be held on April
27, 2013.
Distinguished Alumni
Kimberly (Oomens)
Bruce Howdle
Dennis J. Shields
Kevin Ladwig
Larry Larson
Kevin Ladwig
Kimberly (Oomens) Thorsen
A 1985 animal science graduate, Ladwig is one of
the premier sausage researchers and developers in
the country. As the vice president of Sourcing and
Technical Services at Johnsonsville Sausage LLC, he
earned the 2010 Meat Processing Award for innovative
technology and industry leadership by the American
Meat Science Association. He gives back to UWPlatteville through Alumni Association membership
and the agriculture development fund. A resident of
Sheboygan, Wis., Ladwig is active as a youth soccer,
basketball and football coach.
Thorsen is a 1986 elementary and physical education graduate and Alumni Association member.
She earned her Master of Science in education from
UW-Platteville in 1992 and is currently in her 26th
year at the River Ridge Community School District in
Hanover, Ill. In 2005, Thorsen received her National
Board Certification in English language arts early
adolescence – an achievement of which only 3 percent
of public educators have earned.
Bruce Howdle
Howdle, a 1969 art graduate, is an internationally
recognized ceramic artist and a private studio and
gallery owner. A lecturer in the UW-Platteville Art
Department since 2005, he spent the last year donating his time with his students to creating artwork
for the new Rountree Commons residence hall. His
works range from a 6-foot high thrown form to murals
that appear in airports, office buildings, churches,
hospitals, schools and more. Howdle actively promotes UW-Platteville’s art programs to donors and
potential students.
Larry Larson
Larson, a 1962 civil engineering graduate and Lifetime
Alumni Association member, has been instrumental in
changing the way that cities manage flood control. The
registered Professional Engineer has served as executive director of the Association of State Floodplain Managers Inc. since 1982. In 2009, Larson testified before
a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee about
the national levee safety program. He has been honored many times by various organizations and earned
the 2005 U.S. Geological Society John Wesley Powell
Award, which recognizes an individual or group, not
employed by the USGS, whose contributions to the
agency’s objectives and mission are noteworthy.
Many people, many pieces
Donor and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
UW-Platteville officials showed
their appreciation to volunteers
and donors who are committed
to advancing the university’s
mission during a special event
in July. The annual Donor and
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
was held July 28 at Ullsvik Hall.
Dedicated volunteers as well
as donors who gave more than
$250 from July 1, 2011, to June
30, 2012, were honored. Pioneer
Key Club members were also
invited. Gif ts totaling more
than $250 may come as a single
donation or multiple donations
throughout the fiscal year.
“The contributions
of our Pioneer
friends help us
make a greater
impact on the lives
of our students.
Their invaluable
contributions are
greatly appreciated.”
however, the festival is on hiatus
this year due to renovations at the
Center for the Arts.
This year’s speakers included Dennis Cooley, assistant chancellor
for University Advancement and
executive director of the UW-Platteville Foundation, and Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields. Dr. Charles R.
Steiner, associate professor in the
School of Agriculture and interim
director of Pioneer Farm, served as
the faculty speaker, while Casey
Carignan, a senior who is majoring in business administration and
communication technologies, was
the student speaker.
“We enjoy this opportunity to
Andrew Skwor, president-elect
recognize and thank alumni,
for the UW-Platteville Alumni
Holly Clendenen
individuals and businesses who
Association, was honored as the
have supported the university
Volunteer of the Year. Wally Iselin
with their generous gifts and
and Lori Bahr were each honored
talent,” said Holly Clendenen, director of Univerwith the Outstanding Volunteer Award.
sity Advancement. “The contributions of our Pioneer
friends help us make a greater impact on the lives
The Distinguished Service Award winners included
of our students. Their invaluable contributions are
Jerry Gunderson, Dick Lee, Steve Schmitt, the Dr.
greatly appreciated.”
Peter Kang family, Bill Schilling and Sentry Insurance.
The day included a tour of the Potosi Brewery, social
hour, dinner and program. Traditionally, honorees
are also treated to a Heartland Festival performance;
Additional information about the award winners can
be found on page 21 and 24. –Dan Wackershauser
Outstanding Volunteers
Volunteers on UW-Platteville’s campus give their time and energy
to better the campus. A few were recognized at the annual Donor
and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.
Andrew Skwor was awarded the Volunteer of the Year. Skwor has
worked endlessly to fund raise for the Alumni Association. “As the
incoming president of the Alumni Association, Andy leads by example and will no doubt continue to support and work to improve
the Alumni Association,” said Kim Schmelz, UW-Platteville Alumni
Services director.
Wally Iselin and Lori Bahr were awarded the outstanding volunteer award.
Iselin, a retired professor in the School of Education, continues to
work on campus in different departments. “He is always the first
one to volunteer and is a catalyst in the community for positive
change,” said Karen Stinson, the director of School of Education.
Bahr is an advocate for life-long learning and volunteers her time in
continuing education on campus. She assists with programs and is
currently serving on the Advisory Board of Continuing Education.
“Lori’s positive attitude, willingness to help and follow-through
makes her a joy to work with,” said Kerie Wedige, Continuing Education program manager.
Wally Iselin
Lori Bahr
“As the incoming
president of the
Alumni Association,
Andy leads
by example and
will no doubt
continue to
support and work
to improve the
Alumni Association.”
Kim Schmelz
Andrew Skwor
Greetings Pioneers,
Each day, all of us who work at the
UW-Platteville Foundation strive to
fulfill our mission to gather, manage and distribute funds in support
of the students, faculty and staff at
this wonderful university. We take
that role very seriously, especially
as our campus relies more and more
on outside funding sources from our
traditional state-funding model.
The “M” turns 75
An iconic symbol of the mining tradition and the history of UW-Platteville
marks its 75th anniversary this year.
The world’s largest “M,” located on the
Platte Mound four miles northeast of
the city of Platteville, has served to
help identify the university throughout the years and has been the site of
many great memories.
Tell us your best “M” memory
The College of EMS Alumni Chapter
will award the writer of the best story
with a photo of the “M” and publication
in the GEODE, and we may include
your story in an upcoming issue of the
Alumni Today.
It is a source of pride to know that
literally thousands of our students
are impacted positively every year by the work performed by the
foundation staff and our growing number of Pioneer volunteers.
Thanks to our growing Community Scholarship Program and an
increasing number of scholarship endowment funds, we are properly positioned to make an even bigger impact in the years to come.
As a campus whose mission is to provide access and affordability to
our student body, it is critical that we continue to grow these endowment funds to help ease the burden on families which already are
feeling the pinch. Perhaps the best part of what we do is that magical
moment when members of our development staff connect a donor’s
wishes with a worthy recipient and a new relationship is forged.
After the dip in our nation’s economy in 2008 through midyear 2010,
our endowment funds generated very little support as we worked to
restore the endowment amounts to pre-economic drop levels. This
year, we had a number of scholarships awarded for the first time,
even though some were fully endowed as long as three years ago.
We are thankful for the patience of our alumni and friends and are
confident our new investment strategy will pay huge dividends for
future groups of Pioneers now joining us in Platteville.
As members of the UW-Platteville Foundation look ahead to the
2012-13 academic year, we have great reason for optimism as we
work in support of this great university. With your help, virtually
anything is possible. Thank you for your continued support now
and in the future.
Forever. Pioneers.
Dennis R. Cooley
Executive Director, UW-Platteville Foundation
Kim Govier, donor to the UW-Platteville
Community Scholarship for Fennimore,
Wis., pictured with recipients.
Daus continued from page 7
who had a focus on delivering high
quality education.
“Thank you, Barb, for your many
years of service at UW-Platteville,”
said Chancellor Dennis J. Shields
at the reception. “Your work ethic,
knowledge, expertise and high
standards of quality were instrumental in helping this university
carry out its important mission.”
Chancellor Shields presented Daus
with a Certificate of Commendation
from Gov. Scott Walker – honoring
her commitment to public service –
and a Certificate of Meritorious Services from the UW System Board of
Regents President Michael Spector,
UW System President Kevin Reilly
and Chancellor Shields for her
valuable contributions to, and long
service in, public higher education.
The years illustrated above are the year at the begining of the fiscal
year. Fiscal years run from July 1 to June 30.
Distinguished Service Award
The recipients of the UW-Platteville Foundation Distinguished Service Awards were honored at the Donor and
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on July 28.
The awards, which began in 1986, recognize individuals, families, businesses, organizations and corporations who have significantly served UW-Platteville and
its mission by enhancing its reputation and influence,
or by substantially contributing time and/or gifts, or
by influencing others to develop a similar relationship
with the university.
1. Jerry Gunderson graduated in 1965 from the Wisconsin State College and Institute of Technology. He
taught math and science for 30 years in Wisconsin;
four years at De Pere High School and 26 years at
Kromrey Middle School in Middleton, Wis. He has
established seven endowed scholarships at UWPlatteville.
2. Dick Lee ’64 is the owner of ABC Builders based in
Madison, Wis. He served for nine years on the UWPlatteville Foundation Board of Directors and is an
invaluable advocate for the university. Lee recently
retired from the Coast Guard Auxiliary. He is active
in the National Ski Patrol and Monona State Bank
Board of Directors.
3.Steve Schmitt ’80 is the president of Jos. Schmitt
Construction Company Inc. in Sheboygan, Wis. He
received a bachelor’s degree in building construction management with a minor in business administration from UW-Platteville. Schmitt served for
nine years on the UW-Platteville Foundation Board
of Directors and was instrumental in helping to
establish alumni events in Sheboygan.
4. The late Dr. Peter Kang, a Fulbright Scholar, taught
political science at UW-Platteville from 1969 to 1997.
The Kang family established the Dr. Peter Kang
Memorial Scholarship Fund for Excellence in Public
Service, which includes two annual scholarships
for students dedicated to community service, each
worth $2,500 and one faculty scholarship, worth
5. Bill Schilling taught in the industrial studies department at UW-Platteville from 19682003. He has established three scholarships for
UW-Platteville students and supports the Center for
the Arts. He was active in the community, serving
multiple terms on the Platteville Plan Commission
and the Platteville Museum Board.
6. The Sentry Insurance Foundation provides Student Leadership Scholarships to students in the
UW System. It has provided matching gift funds
from employees as well as approximately 60 scholarships to UW-Platteville students over the years.
Sentry Insurance was founded in 1904 by members
of the Wisconsin Retail Hardware Association and
is celebrating 100 years in Stevens Point this year.
Left to right: Susan Kang, Kim Kang, Dr. Peter Kang, Brian Kang, Rev. Dr. Sunny Kang.
Jim Weishan
2011-12 Honor Roll of Donors
The following is a listing of all contributors to the UW-Platteville Foundation from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.
We thank you for your support in helping to build for the future of UW-Platteville. Forever. Pioneers.
individual donors
1866 Society
Jane L. Loper
Merv H. Shumate ‘55
2016 Society
David L. Andersen ‘95
Dr. John E. Busby ‘76
Dennis R. and Stephanie R. Cooley
Christopher A. Graf ‘49
Jerry O. Gunderson ‘65
David G. Herro ‘83
Thomas P. Hickey
Sidney A. Miller
Jack S. Noble ‘67
Ed J. Vavruska ‘37
Orange and Blue Society
Gerry H. ‘66 and Judy A. (Klitzsch) ‘67
John I. ‘76 and Barbara L. ‘76 Boldt
Michael R. ‘95 and Vicki J. Chase
Pat A. Collins
Jerry ‘56 and Fran R. ‘81 Cooper
Mittie J. Den Herder
Harold T. Evensen
Dale R. and Susan C. Fatzinger
John P. Fillion, PE ‘74
Dr. Theodore Goodfriend and Mary Lou
Birkett Goodfriend
Brett A. ‘04 and Pamela A. ‘03 Gough
Garry G. and Cindy Grassman
John F. Haskins ‘53
Paul J. Heim ‘79
Ralph L. ‘40 and Margaret Henry
Reynotta G. Hoberecht ‘62
Robert O. Hoffland ‘61
Dr. Jeff D. and Dr. Erin L. Huebschman
Myron K. ‘65 and Elaine Jacobson
Fred W. ‘67 and Martha Jaeckle
Kim C. Kang
John A. Kincaid ‘80
Richard A. and Anne K. Klawiter
Jeffrey L. Kronser ‘77
Edward W. Long ‘59
Dan J. Majewski ‘83
Michael H. ‘77 and Lynn M. ‘79 Martz
Ronald E. Meissen ‘71
Dave W. Newnam ‘75
Robert E. Quam ‘76
Jacklyn M. Rynish ‘07
William F. Schilling
Roy A. Shaver
Jesse J. ‘09 Stanton and Erin E. ‘03 Ralph
John L. and Charlene M. Stephenson
Cindy J. Tang
Mary E. Williams
James F. Wunderlin ‘68
Randy C. Zinck ‘79
Big ”M” Society
Jeff J. Adams ‘02
David M. ‘76 and Sarah J. ‘77 Allen
Carl Allsup
Sharon A. Amundson ‘64
Jon P. Balciar ‘10
Jerry M. Bodden ‘66
Ben L. Brancel ‘72
Barry J. and Kim J. Brodbeck
Helen S. Brodbeck ‘39
Howard T. Buchanan ‘61
Douglas D. Buhler ‘79
Michael S. Bulgrin ‘03
Everett C. Burgess Jr.
Helen M. Buss ‘35
John W. ‘76 and Marilyn K. ‘77 Bustle
Pat M. Clare ‘76
Matt M. and Holly L. ‘06 Clendenen
Rob G. and Susan C. Cramer
Renee M. Croft ‘84
Hap A. ‘74 Daus and Barb M. ‘71 Daus
Jim Moris and Deanna L. Dietrich
Joan M. Dorgan ‘59
Tom N. Scanlan and Dawn M. ‘83 Drake
Shirley A. Eberlein ‘54
Valarie A. Fein
Michael R. Fiedler ‘71
David H. Fritz ‘81
Scott L. Fromader ‘77
Jill M. Furman ‘03
Branden Furseth
Jim T. ‘76 and Deb L. ‘77 Gardner
Roger E. and Marilyn J. ‘80 Gottschalk
Randy J. ‘76 and Linda L. ‘76 Govier
Robert C. and Alice Hansen
Jack D. ‘58 and Lois N. ‘58 Harr
Rick R. ‘70 and Kathy J. Hempel
Roger L. and Francine Higgs
E. Jerome Howe ‘55
Steven D. Jacobs ‘98
Scott S. and Pamela L. Jameson
Corey W. Janecky ‘88
Kimberly J. Johnson ‘97
Jerry A. Johnston ‘82
Lois M. Kaiser-Genthe
Kal E. Kardous ‘70
Louise G. (Gundy) Kessel ‘54
Dan A. ‘68 and Doris A. ‘69 Keyes
James O. Keyes
Ken C. and Jessie J. Kilian
Dwight H. and Sharon L. Klaassen
Mac G. and Toni Klingler
John R. ‘72 and Janey H. Kortas
John A. ‘76 and Angie R. ‘77 Krogman
Jean Krogman
Carol M. Lange
Gordon C. Lange ‘63
Dave K. Langer ‘75
Mark E. ‘07 and Amy M. ‘07 Langer
Gene A. ‘75 and Julie E. Laschinger
Jane L. Leighty ‘89
Lloyd J. Linden
Scott J. Lipke ‘00
Arthur C. Masbruch ‘49
Timothy J. Maziasz ‘80
Teddy I. McNett ‘52
Michael O. Mee ‘86
Steve E. Mumm ‘07
Beverly M. Nall ‘60
Robert J. Nate ‘56
Greg J. and Kathy A. Nelson
Paula M. Nelson
John C. ‘88 and Joan M. ‘89 Oncken
Ted ‘49 and Joyce J. ‘48 Overgard
Samuel Owusu-Ababio
Jon A. ‘88 and Lori J. ‘88 Pernsteiner
Don and Julie A. ‘86 Pluemer
Norman R. and Connie F. Powers
Barbara A. Prindiville ‘69
Arthur L. Ranney and Mary Rose Williams
Dawn M. Reinke
Deb L. Rice ‘75
Jolante Veit Richards ‘51
Ted J. ‘61 and Sande L. Richards
Rick V. Ripp ‘79
Mike J. ‘65 and Bernadette A. ‘63
Mike J. Roy ‘69
Bo F. Ryan and Kelly Ryan
Michael B. Sands ‘70
Paul W. Schaller ‘11
Pat L. Schwallie-Giddis ‘70
Chancellor Dennis J. and Aundra N.
William M. Shinker ‘69
John M. ‘78 and Karen K. ‘79 Silseth
Wes E. ‘66 and Janet A. ‘69 Sisson
Tom H. ‘86 Skadow and Kim M. ‘86
John S. Smith ‘80
John D. ‘70 and Kelly (Sullivan) Soley
Brad R. Stangel ‘06
John D. Steffes ‘84
Catherine L. Stephens
Stan Stojkovic ‘77
Bheru L. and Lilawati ‘80 Sukhwal
Dawson M. ‘53 and Marie ‘66 Trine
Jim L. Valukas ‘68
Steven P. Voigt
Vern V. and Roberta D. Voigt
Bob M. ‘78 and Mary Pat ‘76 Vosberg
Richard A. and Marian G. Wadewitz
Marian C. Walluks
Brian F. ‘88 and Carol J. ‘89 Weber
Jamie D. Weber ‘95
Mark A. Wieser ‘95
Roddy J. Williams
UW-Platteville Society
Bill N. Albright ‘75
John E. and Margaret O. Ambrosius
Marianne A. Anderson ‘80
Marie J. Anderson ‘86
Owen L. Ayres ‘50
Gerry A. ‘76 and Lorraine M. ‘74 Bartels
Jane C. Bartels ‘71
Gregory S. Bauer ‘70
Harold D. ‘53 and Geneva M. ‘51 Beals
Steven A. and Debra R. ‘78 Becker
Charlene A. Bennett ‘75
Mary B. Bilkey ‘75
Justin R. Bilskemper ‘06
Paul H. Black ‘60
John G. ‘72 and Deb Blaska
Jim R. and Judith R. Boll
Kenneth J. Bollerud ‘63
Michael J. Breitner
Jerry A. Breuer ‘71
Cathie H. Brooks
Joseph M. Bunker ‘96
Bill W. Bush ‘88
Dennis S. Cardin
Katherine C. Carothers
Aaron and Andrea D. ‘96 Cass
Lana G. Caywood
Michael S. Connell ‘84
Jeff R. ‘70 and Vera A. ‘69 Cooke
John E. ‘61 and Katie Cottingham
Brian R. Coulthard ‘91
Richard H. Cowan ‘71
Bob A. ‘63 and Betty L. ‘63 Cropp
Amber L. Culver ‘76
Derek J. ‘99 and M. J. ‘08 Dachelet
Thomas R. ‘60 and Shari D. ‘61 Davis
Mitchell M. Dehn ‘10
Brian J. ‘70 and Kathy A. ‘70 Denk
Michael A. Denn ‘74
Gregory J. ‘69 and Diane R. ‘69 Dennis
George M. Deutman ‘42
Bruce A. Dillon ‘69
Fred E. and Lou Anna Domann
Brian J. Donnelly ‘83
Scott L. ‘86 and Joni L. ‘84 Downs
Elizabeth A. Duewer
Carol M. Dunlap ‘68
Chris M. Durski ‘82
Joseph Ebervein ‘71
Keith F. Eckerman ‘62
Randy L. ‘77 and Carol A. ‘78 Egan
Ronald W. Ellison
Neil H. and Barb Elskamp
Daniel K. Ericson ‘78
James E. and Julie A. Eyermann
Steven J. and Kirstin L. Fleming
Christopher R. Flikkema ‘11
Duane L. Foust ‘99
Jerry P. ‘73 and Lynn W. ‘73 Franke
David J. French ‘80
Frank P. Friar ‘69
Thomas J. Frisbie ‘70
Merle L. Gardiner ‘58
Elizabeth A. Gates
Bob G. Gevelinger ‘88
Phyllis A. Geyer
Joy E. Gossman Ticsay ‘83
Alissa L. Grenawalt ‘99
Walter S. ‘72 and Marcia M. ‘71 Griskavich
Jodean E. Grunow ‘63
Steven K. Hagen ‘72
Wayne H. and Celeste K. Hefel
Ruth E. Heins ‘49
Brian W. Helle ‘05
Paul E. Hemmer ‘66
James S. Hendricks ‘76
Kerry K. ‘81 and Barbara J. ‘82 Henning
James J. and Karyl A. Herget
Nancy Hild
Cecile Hoffman
Joseph G. ‘71 and Sally J. ‘67 Huggins
Joseph W. Hummel ‘52
Don R. ‘55 and Dorothy V. ‘56 Hyde
Maggie R. Immerfall ‘84
Jeffrey C. Ingebritsen ‘77
Linda R. James
Christopher J. Jefferies ‘08
Linda L. Jerkens ‘74
Clement T. and Susan R. Jeske
Stanley J. ‘59 and Skeeter I. ‘65 Johnson
Todd L. Johnson ‘81
Josh D. ‘04 and Gretchen M. ‘04 Kamps
Margaret A. Keehn
Dennis J. and Debbie Keleher
Craig M. Keller ‘93
John T. ‘04 and Samantha T. Kevern ‘05
Margot L. King ‘79
We have been very careful in preparing the FY2011-12 Honor Roll of Donors who made gifts to the UW-Platteville Foundation for the fiscal year (gifts
received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012). Nevertheless, some errors or omissions may have occurred. If you should find an error, please notify the
UW-Platteville Foundation so that our records can be updated: call us at 877.395.1100 or e-mail us at [email protected].
Thomas E. Knoble ‘73
Tom R. Kosmicki ‘74
Daniel G. ‘78 and Christinia L. ‘74 Kuehn
Dave J. Lange ‘65
Larry A. Larson ‘62
Thomas P. ‘96 and Brenda A. ‘97
Allyn J. Lepeska ‘67
Richard C. and Mary P. Lewis
Stan H. Lien ‘62
Sig A. Lind ‘73
Sue E. Lindholm
Terry E. and Keri Litz
Greg L. Loek ‘80
Joe B. ‘72 and Kathryn B. ‘80 Lomax
Cindy A. Lynch ‘83
Paul A. Manke ‘85
Gerry L. Marshall ‘71
Jerry W. Marty ‘69
Kevin D. ‘86 and Denice L. ‘85 McArtor
John R. and Susan B. ‘67 McCoy
Charles F. Melcher ‘85
Brett A. ‘09 and Amanda C. ‘06 Metzger
Al E. ‘77 and Karen S. ‘77 Meyer
Philip J. Micech ‘83
Mary B. Michor
David E. Miller ‘72
Patti A. Mitch ‘86
Milton and Pat A. Mitchell
Dale G. Moody ‘66
Michael P. and Heidi E. Mullane
Daniel O’Brien
David A. ‘70 and Gail H. ‘65 Olson
Tom J. Osterholz ‘74
Franco and Susan H. Pagnucci
Barbara A. Parsons
Tom and Judith E. Paul
Jim C. ‘59 and Margery C. ‘56 Piquette
Michael J. and Shelly L. Piske
John B. ‘72 and Deb L. ‘76 Putnam
Harold G. ‘75 and Judith K. ‘74 Reddy
Ben D. Reeves
Jim N. Reiser ‘77
Thomas E. Rettler ‘93
Matthew S. Richards ‘91
Dick J. and Peg Roesler
Thomas R. Rowe ‘70
Daniel E. ‘92 and Janet M. ‘92 Runde
Timothy J. ‘84 and Patricia A. ‘84 Russart
Bill A. and Jean C. ‘70 Sanders
Otis R. Sarazin ‘78
Elvera C. Scheppers ‘91
Karl J. ‘78 Schipper and Jody L. Pritzl
Rick L. Schmidt ‘83
Roger G. Schulter ‘69
Chuck G. ‘69 and Sandra K. ‘71 (Nelson)
Bill A. Shaver ‘84
John E. Somerville ‘63
Donald G. Spencer ‘58
Lorand and Cindy L. Spyers-Duran
Jon R. Strand ‘91
Thomas S. Strom ‘82
Paul W. ‘70 and Pat T. ‘70 Swalve
Alan M. Swanke ‘80
Emmett W. and Carol K. ‘75 Terwilliger Jr.
Lila A. Thorpe ‘72
Leigh H. Tuckey ‘79
William B. Vail ‘83
Steve N. ‘83 and Lynn M. ‘84 Vale
Nick L. Venable ‘08
Mick A. ‘74 and Rhonda L. ‘74 Viney
Bill D. ‘77 and Chris L. ‘77 Viney
Thomas W. Voigts ‘77
Wayne R. Volkman ‘68
Thomas E. Wakefield ‘70
Thomas A. Waters
Allen G. Watrud ‘73
Gene A. ‘73 and Jan A. Weber
Richard E. Weber ‘60
Carl T. Weier ‘08
Dr. Jeff L. and Amy A. White
Robert M. ‘70 and Lana M. ‘71 Wiese
Tim T. Williams
Joanne Wilson
Gregory K. ‘99 and Kathryn S. ‘97 Wolf
Marilyn J. Wolter
James T. Wong ‘69
James E. Wright ‘64
Bill J. Wubben ‘76
Erwin L. Zweifel ‘62
Pioneer Society
Bob S. ‘57 and Betty M. Abbott
Peter W. Abe ‘81
Beth A. ‘68 and Carl F. Abing
John J. Abing ‘73
Eugene R. ‘84 and Elizabeth J. ‘84
John R. Abrams ‘69
Jeffrey A. Abramson ‘93
Alton R. Accola ‘71
Evelyn I. Accola ‘59
Valera D. Accola ‘59
Lonnie G. ‘80 and Jane F. ‘87 Achenbach
Sally J. Achenbach ‘75
Terri G. Acker ‘61
Kristine L. Ackerman ‘92
John A. Ackley ‘80
Kristi L. Ackman ‘08
Daniel J. Adams ‘75
Donald J. Adams
Eileen L. Adams ‘08
Evan S. ‘10 and Natalie S. ‘11 Adams
Jerome L. Adams ‘83
Julie A. Adams ‘88
Mark W. Adams ‘73
Richard J. ‘71 and Mary Jo ‘69 Adams
Richard C. ‘64 and Judy M. ‘63 Adams
Thomas K. Adams
Timothy V. ‘73 and Patricia A. Adams
Cheryl K. Adams Kadera ‘91
David F. Adas ‘70
Jody L. Addison ‘10
Larry R. and Carol M. Addison
Kurt A. Adler ‘96
Richard L. Adler
Julie D. Adrian ‘87
Lane D. Adrian ‘71
Jason M. Afdahl
Peter J. and Laura A. Agnello
John R. Ahlgrimm
Mark B. Ahlstrom
Paul A. Ahrens ‘64
Fred T. Aide
Dick F. Aide ‘65
Terry J. Aide ‘92
Michael T. ‘99 and Amanda L. ‘00 Aird
Roy C. Akin ‘55
Stephen G. ‘77 and Phyllis K. ‘76 Akins
Steven M. Akkala ‘76
Carolyn L. Albaugh
Ardell E. Albers ‘63
Eugene C. Alcalay
Carson C. and Dorothy M. ‘67 Alcorn
David J. ‘76 and Kathy J. Alcott
Robert F. Alderden ‘60
Andrew P. Alderman ‘10
Patrick B. and Joan K. Alderman
Joseph L. Alderson ‘97
Paul A. Alex ‘66
Mark P. Alexander ‘75
Michael B. Alexander ‘69
John L. Alf ‘11
Jordan K. Alf
Gretchen E. Alford ‘70
Ronald J. Allbaugh ‘66
Andrea K. Allen ‘88
Brian M. Allen ‘02
Gail S. Allen
Jeffrey S. and Julie L. Allen
Roy E. Allen
Russell T. Allen ‘94
Lori A. Allendorf ‘85
Mollie G. Allred ‘08
Jim N. Almquist
Linda E. Alt ‘08
Michael E. ‘72 and Sandra K. ‘70 Alt
Thomas E. Alt ‘73
Mike Altfillisch ‘76
William R. Altmann ‘95
Jamil Y. Alwan Sr.
Laureen M. Amberg ‘77
Paul J. Ambrose ‘85
Beth A. Ambrosius ‘06
Richard D. Amel ‘42
Timothy R. Amend
Tom R. Amon ‘73
Arvid C. Amundson ‘88
Daniel S. ‘06 and Kristine L. ‘05 Andersen
Andrew L. Anderson ‘73
Christy L. Anderson ‘76
David R. and Mary K. Anderson
Donna L. Anderson
Earl W. Anderson ‘64
Gary G. Anderson ‘82
Gerald E. Anderson ‘61
Heather L. Anderson
Jim D. Anderson ‘80
Jedd M. and Dawn B. Anderson
Jo Don M. Anderson ‘69
Kari A. Anderson ‘01
Richard C. ‘90 and Karla M. ‘83 Anderson
Kathy A. Anderson ‘73
Kem D. Anderson ‘77
Kenneth L. Anderson ‘71
Laura J. Anderson
Mark L. Anderson
Pat M. Anderson
Philip M. Anderson ‘72
Scott J. ‘02 and Anne C. ‘03 Anderson
Todd S. Anderson ‘90
Wilma L. Anderson ‘52
Lois R. Anderson Ursin ‘72
Carol A. Andrew ‘45
Joshua M. ‘00 and Heather J. ‘00 Andrew
Mark H. Andrew ‘76
Gary D. Andrews ‘72
Ruby D. Andrews ‘69
Eric J. Andrews-Sharer ‘86
Anne O. Anfinson
David J. Angst
Judi A. Anibas ‘80
Kim R. Annear ‘86
Dennis J. Anthony ‘95
Joan M. Anthony ‘87
Lyle D. Antonson
Daniel W. Antonuk
Kari A. Apel ‘98
Phil W. Apfelbeck
Janet U. Appel ‘57
Gary E. Apperson ‘06
Michael C. and Patty A. Arand
Jeanne M. Arendt
Nicholas E. Arendt ‘97
Norm J. Arendt ‘70
Bradley Argall ‘76
Neil D. Argall ‘94
Todd G. ‘82 and Mary A. ‘84 Argall
Dianne Riemer Argoudelis ‘68
Jack L. Armstrong ‘64
Allan T. Arndt ‘85
Duane L. Arndt
Kenneth L. Arneson ‘63
Debra M. Arnold ‘04
Steven A. Arnold ‘89
Thomas G. Arnold ‘67
John E. Arntzen ‘84
Janet L. Arthurs ‘96
Jason D. ‘04 and Jennifer L. ‘04 Artz
Kelly R. ‘91 and Lisa M. ‘91 Aschebrook
Eric R. Aschenbrener ‘00
Roland J. ‘84 and Donna L. ‘84 Aspenson
Jacob D. Athey ‘05
Monica A. Atkinson ‘73
Christopher P. Atten ‘97
Jonathon E. August ‘76
Michael T. Aumann ‘92
Carlton L. ‘67 and Betty J. ‘70 Austin
Duane T. Austin ‘56
Michael A. ‘81 and Jodi M. ‘82 Avery
Jon A. and Cindy M. Axelson
Gordon D. ‘62 and Joan M. ‘63 Ayer
Keith C. Ayer ‘60
Rocky L. Ayers ‘84
Frederick W. Ayres ‘51
Amir H. Azarshin ‘92
Scott N. Babcock
Shelly A. Babler ‘96
Ronald J. Bachand
Tom J. Bacher ‘71
Bret A. Badertscher ‘91
Dennis A. Badtke ‘78
Mary E. Baehler ‘64
David N. Baehr ‘82
Kelvin J. Baertschi
Joan N. Bahr ‘09
Chad C. ‘03 and Laura R. ‘02 Bahr
Lea A. Bahr
Rob W. Bailey ‘74
Ronald A. Bailey
Jean A. Bailie ‘58
Carisa R. Baker ‘03
Dennis A. Baker ‘71
Harold P. Baker
Larry B. ‘60 and Marilyn L. ‘58 Baker
Richard J. Baker ‘79
Bruce K. ‘97 and Tasha M. ‘96 Baker
Blanche Baker-Vlasak
Tom E. Bakke ‘59
Erik D. Bakken ‘89
Jeffery A. Bakken
Mary E. Bakken
Robert S. Bakkestuen ‘92
Ricky E. Bakkum
William Balaam ‘66
Howard W. Balch
Joseph D. and Kathy A. Balczewski
Loren L. Balderstone
Denise R. Baldwin
Pastori M. Balele ‘79
Fran B. Balla ‘69
Barbara A. Ballard ‘88
Joseph A. Balles ‘83
Jerome R. and Sue M. Ballweg
Susan A. Balog ‘93
Stephen G. ‘69 and Delores L. ‘70 Balsley
Cammi K. Banach ‘89
Kim R. Bandyk
Ray J. ‘75 and Darla M. ‘76 Banfi
Richard A. Bankenbush ‘81
William J. Banta
Dean T. Baragary ‘76
Philip J. Baranowski ‘02
Scott R. Barber
Brian L. Barbuch ‘78
Gregory D. Bardonner ‘83
Craig A. Bareis ‘69
John A. ‘74 and Laura L. ‘75 Bares
Alan S. and Maryann A. Bark
Charles T. Bark ‘70
James M. Barker ‘91
Margaret A. Barker Hains ‘76
Joe B. Barman
Hunter S. Barney ‘66
Tom A. Barnowske ‘77
Matthew R. Barr ‘84
Richard (Dick) ‘56 and Pat L. Barrera
Daniel R. Barron ‘81
Mark W. Barrows ‘78
Daniel L. Bartel ‘67
Robert E. and Monica J. Bartel
Martin R. Bartell
Tim A. and Kathy A. Bartels
Tracy L. Bartels ‘97
Melvin H. Bartelt
John B. ‘78 and Marian L. ‘79 Barth
Thomas B. Barth ‘71
Robert T. Barthels ‘79
Ernest J. and Beth Bartholomew
Daniel L. Bartlett
James A. ‘82 and Ann M. ‘82 Bartlett
William H. and Phyllis B. Bartlett
Ellen M. Bartling ‘80
Lon R. Bartling ‘75
William E. Bartling ‘68
Dale H. ‘82 and Cheryl H. Bartz
Daniel P. Bartz
Jay M. Bartz ‘80
Michael R. Bartz ‘91
Thomas A. Bartz ‘73
Jim R. Barutha ‘75
Ryan N. Barz ‘01
Gene R. ‘63 and Karen R. ‘63 Bass
Harvey W. ‘74 and Kathleen L. ‘74 Bastian
Todd C. Bastian ‘94
Jerome R. and Margaret Bath
Steve P. Batitsas
John B. Batko ‘89
William J. and Mary Alice Battista
Barbara J. Baudhuin
Joseph R. Bauer ‘07
Wayne L. and Kelly S. Bauer
Jeffrey H. Bauman
Timothy D. Bauman ‘07
Vivian L. Bauman ‘65
Andrew E. ‘81 and Paula S. ‘82 Baumann
Richard A. Baumann ‘72
Robert G. Baumann ‘71
Lavern P. and Priscilla Baumgart
Barbara J. Baumgartner ‘68
Gloria J. Baumgartner ‘80
Scott S. Baumgartner ‘72
Amy M. Baus ‘93
Andrew E. Bausch ‘90
Thomas W. ‘69 and Jean E. ‘71 Bausch
John A. ‘85 and Kathleen M. ‘89 Bausch
Darryl W. Bausman ‘57
Charles R. Baxter
Chris A. ‘94 and Shannon M. ‘94 Baxter
Frieda R. Baxter ‘39
Linda K. Baxter ‘72
Ted F. Bay ‘76
Joseph P. Bayer
Dianne M. Bayes ‘69
Sharonne N. Baylor ‘91
Natalie M. Beach ‘58
Richard A. and Patricia G. Bean
Keith H. and Elissa D. Beattie
Donna K. ‘84 and Jeffery K. Beauchamp
Steven L. Bechtolt ‘82
Greg D. Beck ‘81
David J. Becker
David W. ‘96 and Heather J. ‘98 Becker
Joanne E. Becker ‘69
Wayne Becker ‘55
Michael J. and Terri A. Beckius
Jeanne R. Beckley ‘05
Elaine E. Beckman ‘75
Deborah J. Bednarek ‘74
Philip A. Bednarek ‘72
Travis W. Beek ‘02
Gary D. Beerkircher ‘65
Judith A. Behnke
Ronald H. Behrends
Janet Z. Behrens ‘73
Kurt J. Behrens ‘94
Kenneth E. and Shirley C. ‘70 Beighley
Robert A. Beinema ‘55
Dan E. ‘87 and Ann M. ‘87 Bekta
Theodore D. Belanus
Daniel R. ‘91 and Nicole E. ‘92 Belk
Mary K. Belken ‘76
Stephanie M. Belken ‘07
Rob O. ‘87 and Carrie F. ‘92 Bell
Geoffrey A. ‘72 and Laurie A. ‘72 Bell
Ken J. and Michelle K. Bell
Timothy J. Bell ‘88
Cindy J. Beller
John J. ‘87 and Marilyn A. ‘86 Belling
Robert J. ‘66 and Karen A. ‘67 Bellmeyer
David H. Bellrichard ‘78
Bruce W. Belscamper ‘60
Joseph C. Benbenek ‘85
David C. Bender
Richard B. ‘73 and Christie L. ‘73 Bender
Thomas L. Bender ‘90
Alan W. Bendorf ‘86
Ivan C. ‘80 and Carol N. ‘80 Bendorf
Bryan L. Benedict ‘81
Ronald S. Benish ‘69
Jennifer L. Bennerotte ‘97
Amber L. Bennett ‘91
Brian G. Bennett ‘65
David W. Bennett ‘83
Harold J. Bennett ‘59
Joan E. Bennett ‘70
Todd D. Bennett
Maxine H. Benrud ‘47
David E. Benson ‘79
Jim E. ‘52 and Ruth A. ‘53 Benson
Rick L. Benson ‘83
Scott A. Benson ‘95
Stephen P. Benson
Thomas G. Benson
Michael (Benny) J. Bentz ‘75
Joanne M. Beraldi
Donald L. Berg
Jareth L. Berg ‘65
Jean E. Berg ‘81
Ken T. Berg ‘74
Paul S. Berg ‘92
Steven W. Berg
Patrick E. Bergeman ‘73
Keith S. ‘02 and Bridget A. ‘05 Berger
Gary L. ‘69 and Mary Ann ‘68 (Bino)
Skip H. and Suzy Bergmann
Paul H. and Vicki A. Bergmann
William T. ‘86 and Mary J. ‘86 Bergs
Bob D. ‘69 and Cheryl Z. ‘69 Bergum
Paul D. Berken
Kenneth L. Berndt ‘69
Michael A. Bernhagen
Dale K. ‘71 and Linda E. Bernhardt
Marjorie E. Bernhardt ‘89
Bryan D. Berning ‘01
Connie S. Berry
Lillian M. Berry
Joseph L. Berthiaume ‘84
Tod L. and Mary J. Besaw
Dennis K. Best ‘66
Floyd Bethke ‘70
Sally J. Bettin ‘74
John R. Beutel ‘65
Dion J. ‘95 and Dawn R. Bevan
Jackie C. Bevan ‘07
Clyde J. Beverung ‘66
Dennis W. Beyersdorf ‘78
Sandra L. Bialek
Jennifer M. Biba ‘95
Gene J. Bibis ‘74
Larry C. Bibow ‘61
Arlene E. Bickley ‘50
Paul C. Bicknell ‘90
Daniel B. ‘74 and Barb A. ‘87 Biddick
Edward N. Biddick ‘58
Joseph R. Biddick ‘71
Mark A. Biederwolf ‘84
David J. Bieganski ‘81
Jill L. Bier
Elizabeth K. Biermeier ‘85
Melanie R. Biermeier ‘95
David F. and Monica L. Biernacki
Greg R. Bies ‘96
Joseph M. and Susan D. Biese
Linda M. Billings ‘84
Ann M. Binder ‘78
Mel R. ‘71 and Maureen L. ‘71 Bindl
John M. and Nancy Bingen
Stephen B. ‘53 and Nancy K. ‘55 Bingham
Frank C. ‘63 and Grace A. ‘62 Bins
Ronald R. and Jeannie Binsfeld Sr.
David B. Bird ‘63
John H. Birkett ‘58
Steven A. Birkett
Tracy L. ‘85 and Angela K. Birkett
Andrew C. Bishop ‘11
Barney A. Bishop ‘67
Bob C. Bishop ‘81
Brad M. Bishop ‘96
Brad C. Bishop ‘69
David I. Bishop ‘76
Marcella C. Bishop
Lee J. Bjerke ‘93
Brenda M. Black ‘85
Travis A. Blackbourn ‘98
Richard D. and Kelly R. Blada
Jon R. Blair
Debra L. Blake ‘92
David Blanchard
Brian L. Blanchette ‘80
Bonnie L. Blanco ‘63
Michael R. Blank
Ruth E. Blankenberg ‘57
Steven G. and JoAnn Blaser
Michael Blaska ‘72
Jeff P. ‘89 and Patricia J. ‘88 Blaszak
Kevin R. Blatz
Bryan T. Blau ‘97
Zbigniew S. Blazkowski
Mark T. Bliss ‘86
Kenneth R. Bloch ‘86
Doug C. ‘74 and Shirley A. Block
Timothy D. and Mary M. Block
Mark A. and Linda M. Blocklinger
Christopher W. Blodgett ‘83
Christopher L. ‘01 and Naomi M. ‘99
Jon P. Blomquist ‘96
Gilbert H. Bloom ‘65
Wilson J. ‘66 and Tamara J. ‘66 Bloom
Patricia M. Bloyer
Charles (Chuck) W. Blum ‘83
Philip G. Blum ‘76
Ralph C. Blum ‘59
Scott A. and Cindy R. Blum
Ted W. Blum ‘80
Raymond E. Bochat
Robert J. Bocher ‘58
Glen L. Bockenstedt
Jeffrey A. Bockhop ‘83
Nancy M. Bockhop
John R. Bodden ‘75
Holly J. Bodenstedt ‘76
Duane R. Boebel ‘83
Loren G. and Mary J. Boebel
Vicki L. Boegli ‘72
Gene E. ‘65 and Janice L. Boelte
Angela F. Boelter ‘97
Jim A. Boerke ‘69
Jarod L. Boerst ‘10
Brad R. ‘96 and Bobbie J. ‘94 Boettcher
Deborah A. Boettcher ‘74
Sara K. Bogdan ‘85
Vivian A. Bogenschneider ‘64
Gene A. Bohn ‘83
James D. Bohn ‘84
Richard W. Bohringer ‘89
Roger A. ‘92 and Penny M. ‘93 Bohringer
Skip J. Bohse ‘60
Bucky L. Boland ‘07
Joseph R. Bolden ‘89
Tim J. and Angela M. ‘89 Boldt
Robert A. Boldt ‘70
Debra A. Boley ‘81
Thomas E. ‘65 and Linda C. ‘73 Boll
Randy J. and Roxanne R. Bollig
Peter T. ‘69 and Shari L. Bolstad
Jeffrey J. Bolton
Timothy A. Bolwerk ‘82
Douglas T. Bomkamp
Andrew M. and Carolyn I. Bondar
Kevin G. Bonde ‘78
Ryan D. ‘06 and Andrea R. ‘07 Bonell
Russell R. Bonikowske ‘82
Richard P. Bonin Jr.
Troy A. Bonlander ‘98
James H. Booth ‘68
Greg C. Bopes ‘10
Jack C. Borchers
Duane H. Borgen ‘76
Edward J. Boris Jr.
Joseph J. and Colleen M. Borkenhagen
Peter R. Borkovec
Gary J. Borkowski ‘75
Robert L. Borne ‘54
Robert E. Bornick
Brian T. Borowski ‘10
Jay M. ‘70 and Jane E. ‘70 Borroughs
Bob W. Borucki ‘73
Joyce D. Bos
William K. Bosacki ‘91
Stephen M. Bosch
Thomas J. Bosch ‘65
Leo G. Bose ‘89
Robert A. Bosman ‘76
Robert B. ‘69 and Rosella W. ‘71 Boteler
John E. Bottelberghe ‘08
Wayne L. Bottomley
Lyn H. Bouck
Jim D. Bousley ‘93
Gerald E. Bouzek ‘71
Larry A. ‘83 and Shirley A. ‘90 Bowden
William L. ‘59 and Barbara A. ‘59 Bowen
Justin T. Bowers ‘10
Eric H. Bowie
Bruce D. Bowles ‘78
William P. Boyd ‘65
Patrick G. Boyle ‘50
Bob J. ‘92 and Jeanne Boyle
John L. Boynton ‘70
Gregory Boys ‘94 and Priya Devaguptapu
Jeffrey E. and Joanne L. Bracken
Gregory J. ‘87 and Kathleen A. ‘88 Kish
Jeanette Bradley ‘03
Jeff J. Bradley ‘93
Leonard L. Bradley ‘66
Robert W. Bradley
Margaret M. Brady
Richard C. Brainerd ‘68
Roberta C. Bralich
Kenneth D. Bramer ‘70
James L. Brancel ‘93
Bob E. Brancel ‘84
Carol A. Brand ‘91
Jeffrey A. Brandenburg
Aaron M. Brandt ‘07
Amanda J. Brandt ‘08
Charles H. Brandt ‘74
Edward S. Brandt ‘86
Jamie L. Brandt ‘98
Kent W. Brandt ‘66
Norbert E. ‘49 and Mary E. Brandt ‘48
Ronnie G. Brandt ‘64
Allen J. Brant ‘90
Jacklan L. Brant ‘64
Sanddra J. Brant ‘90
Robert L. Branyan ‘55
Sherry S. Brasda ‘71
Curt A. and Jean M. Brauer
Paul W. ‘91 and Sue M. ‘92 Brauer
Chris S. Braun
James E. and Mary P. Braun
Richard F. ‘73 and Victoria L. ‘72 Braun
William F. Braun
Jill K. Brechler ‘71
Jesse M. ‘94 and Kristin K. ‘96 Brecke
David L. ‘74 and Nancy G. ‘74 Breen
Brian K. Breiby
Michael J. Breis ‘84
Roger J. Breitbach ‘70
William F. Bremer ‘70
Darin R. Bremmer ‘93
Jack W. ‘64 and Barb J. ‘65 Brenegan
Frank E. Breneisen ‘68
Kevin R. Breneman ‘98
Michael J. Brennan ‘82
Thomas J. Brennan ‘83
Francis M. Brenner ‘93
Lori A. Brenner ‘97
Philip R. ‘58 and Charlaine P. ‘66 Brereton
Michael W. Breszee ‘73
Gerald G. ‘54 and Charlene A. ‘54 Bretl
Kimberly L. Breuckman
Michael L. and Barbara J. Breuer
Dennis J. Breunig ‘69
Eric L. Breunig ‘98
Kathleen N. Brewer ‘69
Richard K. and Marilyn J. Brewer
Ronald A. Brewer ‘70
Michael K. ‘80 and Frances M. ‘80 Breyer
Daniel J. Bridson
Eric S. Briehl ‘73
Matt A. Briehl ‘83
Patricia K. Brien ‘68
Bert E. and Kris Briggs
Gerald E. and Kim Briggs
Richard A. Briggs ‘67
Glenn R. Brill ‘82
Randall D. Brink
Mike A. Brinkman
Shirley T. Brinkmann ‘59
Wayne E. Brinkmeier ‘60
Ronald D. Brisbois ‘88
Mark J. Briski
Gerard J. Brockel ‘63
Robert G. ‘66 and Susan K. ‘66 Brockel
Louise E. Brockman ‘51
Elizabeth B. Brodbeck ‘70
Charles M. Broers ‘79
Claudia W. Brogan ‘80
Tom S. Broge ‘80
Dave L. Broihahn ‘87
Frederick G. Broihahn ‘81
Patricia L. Bromley ‘82
Glenn E. Brommerich ‘78
Matthew J. Bronson ‘01
Wendy A. Brooke ‘05
Gene D. ‘92 and Anita M. ‘91 Brooks
David M. ‘86 and Cheryl L. ‘86 Brooks
Cory A. Brose ‘97
Mary E. Broske ‘49
Bill J. Broske ‘77
Jerry L. Brott
Barbara J. Brown ‘78
Gary E. Brown ‘69
Jason R. ‘95 and Susan E. ‘96 Brown
Jean A. Brown
Lawrence E. Brown ‘85
Mark E. Brown ‘84
Renee E. Brown ‘90
Tim J. Brown
Timothy J. and Nancy S. Brown
Mary S. Browne ‘63
Daryn D. ‘89 and Ruth M. ‘91 Browning
William J. Browns ‘69
Michael K. Bruckschen ‘86
Troy L. Bruckschen ‘92
Thomas A. Brunette
David M. ‘88 and Sandra J. ‘87 Bruni
Steve M. Brunkow ‘76
Tim A. Brunner ‘03
Ross A. Brunsman ‘10
William J. Brunstad ‘71
Todd W. Bruss
Brad B. ‘02 and Kelly J. ‘03 Brusveen
Chad W. Brusveen ‘01
Clyde E. Bryant ‘62
Phyllis M. Bryant ‘46
David A. Brynelson ‘83
Jonathon S. Bryson ‘10
Jeffrey T. Buboltz
Rod L. Buchele ‘78
Jon D. Buchholz ‘91
Gerald E. Buck ‘57
Lynne L. Buckingham ‘72
Leslie J. Buckley ‘78
Brendan W. Budack ‘89
Chris E. Budden ‘97
Wayne E. Budrus ‘76
Marlene J. Buechel
Daniel J. Buelow ‘71
William J. and Rosemary K. Buglass
Bill G. ‘76 and Renee D. ‘77 Buhl
Gerald A. ‘54 and Kay C. ‘55 Buhrow
Elgin A. Bulin ‘61
Larry M. Buller ‘74
John W. Bullock ‘97
David J. Bulman
James R. Buman
Betty J. Bumgardner
Henry L. Bumgardner
Thomas C. Bumgardner
George K. Bumsted ‘71
Virginia C. Bunbury ‘54
Jeffrey J. Bunch ‘94
Lynette J. Bunch ‘69
Harold H. Bunkelmann ‘49
Clyde A. and Alison B. Bunte
David W. Burbach ‘69
De Anna L. ‘87 and Thomas L. Burbach
Robert C. Burdick
Ruth H. Burdick ‘53
Lance M. Burger ‘84
Elizabeth C. Burgess D.V.M.
Chuck A. Burggraf ‘77
Peggy L. ‘61 and Jerry Burkard ‘62
Thomas E. Burke Jr. ‘71
John R. Burkhamer ‘66
Gary E. and Joyce L. Burkholder
David O. Burmahl ‘82
Della S. Burmeister ‘50
Rick W. Burmeister ‘78
Dan D. Burnard ‘61
Donna M. Burns
Gerald G. Burns ‘59
David R. Burroughs ‘81
Richard W. Burrows
Craig S. Bursaw ‘87
Jason R. ‘98 and Jennie L. ‘99 Burt
William G. ‘71 and Rachel A. ‘70 Burwitz
Arthur L. ‘68 and Linda K. ‘72 Busch
Heather A. Busch ‘05
Marty L. ‘02 and Lori A. ‘79 Busch
Charles W. Bush
Tom L. and Vicki Bushman
Craig T. Buske
Betty L. Buss ‘75
Kenneth L. Bussan ‘71
Thomas H. Bussan ‘69
Brian J. Busse ‘02
Jane A. Busse ‘65
Nick G. ‘84 and Xenia B. ‘83 Bustle
Rodney J. Butalla
Steve W. Butler
Bethany Butson
Jeff L. Butson ‘77
Fredrick J. Butterfield
Dennis A. Butteris
Joseph D. Butters ‘69
Eila B. Butterworth
Dr. Kenneth E. Buttry
Carol Sue Butts and Ray Meiklejohn
Sara E. Byl ‘02
Francis R. and Karen S. Byle
Richard E. Byrd ‘77
Darci M. Byrne ‘91
Michael R. Byrnes ‘87
Robert J. Byrnes ‘79
Lewis J. Cabral Jr.
Tom J. ‘77 and Theresa A. ‘78 Caccia
Marie T. Cain
Mark E. Cairy ‘71
William H. and Linda M. Calaway
John R. Calder ‘52
Douglas A. Caldwell ‘78
Bryan C. Call
Steven F. Callaway ‘76
Ryan E. Callender ‘10
Howard R. Callies ‘71
Karen A. Cammack ‘84
Adelia A. Campbell
John E. ‘90 and Ruth H. ‘90 Campbell
Kevin J. Campbell ‘81
Marjorie L. Campbell
Sandy D. Campbell ‘66
Clay A. and Lucy R. Canaday
James M. and Brenda Canar
Tony R. Cannella ‘70
Douglas D. Carden ‘59
Helen M. Cardin
Jodie L. Carey ‘90
Nancy T. Carey ‘66
Casey B. Carignan ‘13
Mark W. and Mary M. Carignan
Duane A. and Konnie L. Carley
Mary A. Carlino
Curtis P. Carlson
Jeffrey D. and Laurie Carlson
Lois R. Carlson ‘79
Marvin J. Carlson ‘61
Robert S. Carlson ‘90
Sonja A. Carlson
Paul G. Carmignani
David A. Carnahan ‘71
Rodney A. Carns
David H. ‘94 and Lynette A. ‘93 Carpenter
Gregory R. ‘69 and Larilyn M. ‘70
Joel S. Carr
Kevin G. Carr ‘82
Marjorie B. Carroll ‘71
Phillip C. Carroll ‘74
Ronald E. Carson
Lowell R. Carter ‘66
Parry L. Cartier
Donita L. Cartmill
Sarah M. Casey ‘01
Francis J. and Rose A. Cash
Kenneth D. ‘88 and Lori K. ‘88 Casper
Larry J. Casper ‘86
Margaret C. Casper ‘69
Jerry C. Cassel
Betty W. Castillo ‘50
Clyde E. Castleberry ‘59
Joseph D. and Dannette Cates
Andrew J. ‘86 and Sally J. ‘89 Caulfield
Robert V. Cavanaugh ‘69
Darius D. Cavey
Michelle T. Caygill
Carl J. ‘92 and Theresa A. ‘92 Caylor
Frank J. Celarek
Joe N. Ceniti ‘62
Stephen J. and Sushma M. Cerro
Tamer H. Ceylan
Francis J. Chabela ‘68
James A. ‘76 and Janet L. ‘76 Chaffee
Kayla C. Chambers ‘00
Robert W. Chambers ‘55
William C. Chambers ‘07
Bradley J. Champeau ‘84
David R. ‘71 and Sandra K. ‘70 Champeau
Roger L. Champlin ‘69
Stephen J. ‘00 and Connie J. ‘91 Chandler
Winifred P. Chandler ‘38
Sean P. ‘97 and Janelle R. ‘98 Chapman
William C. and Sharon L. Chapman
Norman W. and Marilyn R. ‘97 Chappell
Michael J. Chappell
Bill Charboneau ‘71
Monique A. Charlier ‘87
Paul K. Chase ‘70
Wayne R. ‘97 and Kim A. ‘97 Chase
Pam M. Chenier
Jeff M. and Marjorie A. Chepp
Susan C. Cherryholmes
Scott L. Cherveny ‘90
Antoinette M. Chiappe
William A. and Dolores M. Childers
Larry R. ‘91 and Lori L. ‘87 Chipman
Cash E. Chitwood ‘95
Craig C. Chitwood ‘71
James M. ‘69 and Kay P. ‘71 Chitwood
Rose E. Chitwood ‘60
Teresa A. Chitwood ‘84
Daniel T. Chlebos ‘05
Jason J. Chopp ‘03
Harriet (Shimabukuro) Choy ‘57
Kim A. Christen ‘78
Randall L. Christen ‘77
Craig C. Christensen ‘89
Donald W. Christensen ‘62
Roger C. Christensen ‘61
Roger G. and Barbara J. Christensen
Kenneth L. and Jill A. Christian
Paul C. ‘75 and Deborah C. Christian 1976
Lynn A. Christiansen ‘91
Christina L. Christianson
Dean A. Christianson ‘62
Ruth A. Christianson ‘68
Terrill S. and Maletta M. Christman
Brett M. ‘07 and Ashley M. ‘07
Randy L. ‘92 and Ann M. ‘82
Robert J. Churchill ‘64
Joseph M. and Rose M. ‘87 Cibulka
Susan K. Cigrang
Timothy J. Ciolkosz ‘88
Craig L. and Pamela J. Clark
Dana M. Clark ‘09
Jackie M. Clark
James M. Clark ‘59
John J. Clark
Lawson “Skip” Clark ‘70
Margaret E. Clark ‘68
Mike A. Clark
Randy J. Clark ‘01
Robert P. Clark ‘59
Donna R. Clasen ‘53
James R. Claus
Joe Clausius ‘69
Lisa R. Claussen ‘87
Donald K. and Lynette Clayton
Joshua C. Clayton ‘08
Kevin R. Clayton ‘84
Patrick J. Cleary ‘67
Paula M. Cleggett ‘73
Michael L. and Vicki L. ‘81 Cleland
Julie E. Clement ‘82
Scott T. Clement
Peter P. ‘78 and Rebecca J. ‘81 Clementi
Andrew D. Clements ‘97
Bernard G. and Theresa Clements
Jon C. Clendenning ‘11
To Honor: James L. Cleveland, Industrial
Russell W. Cleven ‘77
Joseph M. ‘76 and Alice K. Clifton
Greg D. Cline ‘80
Tom O. Cline ‘65
Terrence L. Clough ‘89
Susan M. Cloutier
Walter R. Clussman
Troy J. Cobb ‘97
Mary K. Cochems ‘67
Michael J. Cody ‘77
Angela M. Cohen ‘97
Kurt L. ‘91 and Becky A. ‘93 Cohen
Dawn M. Colby-Mess ‘92
Barbara J. Cole ‘79
Robert L. and Mary B. Cole
Gerald B. Coleman ‘76
Charles J. Colin ‘75
Bill R. ‘57 and Jane E. ‘59 Collien
Benjamin E. Collins
Stephen F. Collins
Elmer M. Colyer ‘81
Ralph T. Compton III
Brett W. ‘85 and Vickie L. ‘84 Condon
Scott W. Conklin
Paul L. Conlin ‘93
Troy M. Conner
Neil C. Connor ‘69
John M. ‘83 and Pamela S. ‘82 Conrad
Thomas J. Conrad ‘99
Brian K. Converse ‘88
Quinn A. Coogan ‘09
Adam P. Cook
David E. and Carol L. Cook
Dave K. Cook ‘79
John F. Cook ‘82
Joyce E. Cook
Douglas M. Cooksey
Jon E. and Betty A. Cooley
James E. Coomber ‘64
Douglas L. Coons ‘70
J. Frances Cooper ‘62
Dick D. Cooper ‘74
Vivian I. Cooper ‘72
Andrew T. Coose ‘93
Curt A. Coplien ‘90
Denny D. Coppernoll ‘67
Lonnie L. ‘71 and Patricia A. Coppernoll
Kathleen R. Copus
Joseph A. Cordova
Susan M. Corley
Kurtis R. and Caren T. Corrigan
John J. Coseglia
Lawrence R. and Sarah Costin
Robert R. and Donna L. Cotter
Debra J. Cotton ‘76
Jack R. and Joyce M. Cotton
Donna D. Cottrell
Jim D. Cottrill ‘89
Paul L. and Marjorie F. Coughlin
Lawrence P. ‘71 and Victoria L. ‘71
Michael T. ‘98 and Cari A. ‘01 Courtney
Donald A. and Marion G. Couvia
Ronald L. Cowan ‘70
Craig G. Cox
John W. ‘69 and Bonnie K. ‘72 Cox
Frederick G. Coxey
Dale L. and Julie A. Craig
Jackie L. Craig ‘93
Steven D. Craker ‘91
Susan R. Cram ‘72
Rae A. Crandall
Raymond E. and Connie Crippes
Robert M. Crisp ‘86
David G. Cristeal ‘79
John E. Croft
Leroy N. Crook ‘73
David O. and Laura L. Croonquist
Eugene D. Cropp
Dennis B. and Karin D. Cross
Kenneth E. Crothers ‘79
Tim J. and Rita M. ‘84 Crotty
Steven P. Crouch ‘76
Jeanette K. Crowley ‘76
Robert J. Crowley ‘10
Sam A. ‘00 and Elana D. ‘00 Crueger
Garry L. Crull ‘76
Doris M. Crupi
Jason G. Csida ‘97
Aaron P. Cullen ‘96
John E. Cullen
Anna Beth Culver ‘49
Jack D. Cummings
James L. Cummings ‘63
Gary A. Cummins ‘73
Bryan and Beth (Lundquist) Cunningham
Edward P. and Louise C. Cunningham
Jeffery A. Cupery
Donald R. Cupp ‘80
Gene A. Cupp ‘72
Robert L. Cupp ‘76
John V. Curkov
Patrick E. Curran ‘62
George S. and Linda K. ‘72 Curry
Mary M. Curt ‘58
John E. Curtis ‘91
Floyd E. Cushman
Terry R. Cushman ‘76
Thomas S. Cushman ‘72
Gregory L. Cussen
John M. Cwikla
Carol Cybart
James H. Czechanski ‘83
Larry D. Daehn ‘75
Roger A. Dahlberg
Mike R. Dailey ‘79
David M. and Georgine A. Daino
Evangelos C. Dalageorgas ‘64
Michael G. ‘79 and Brenda L. ‘79 Dalecki
Cullen M. Daley
Gabriele I. Daley
Michael P. Daley
Robert M. Daley
Mark M. Dalsing ‘88
Hugh J. Dalton ‘63
Thomas G. ‘79 and Mary L. ‘79 Dalton
Terrence B. Dalton ‘71
Troy J. Dalton ‘90
William W. ‘68 and Jean E. ‘69 Damm
Jeff L. Dammen
Marilyn A. Damrau ‘59
Denise A. Danczyk ‘00
Doris H. Danelski ‘61
Jack L. Daniels ‘00
Mike J. ‘87 and Michelle R. ‘87 Daniels
Nancy M. Daniels ‘78
Duane C. and Nancy Danielson
James J. Danner ‘85
Jay A. Danninger ‘95
Marcella E. Danti ‘65
Matthew A. Dapp ‘07
Stephen L. Darin
Richard T. ‘52 and Barbara L. ‘55 Darnill
Jerome N. Darow
Sue E. Darrow ‘83
Alice B. Darwin ‘54
Eleanor W. Dasenbrook ‘68
Kathryn L. Daugherty ‘58
John M. David ‘76
Nicholas A. David ‘09
Margaret L. Davidson ‘70
Richard S. Davidson
Doug B. Davies ‘59
Marjorie E. Davies ‘45
Thomas D. Davies ‘59
Wayne A. Davies ‘72
Daniel C. Davis ‘04
David F. ‘61 and Patricia A. ‘82 Davis
Lynn R. Davis ‘71
Marion W. Davis ‘44
Mason R. Davis ‘64
Norman O. Davis
Paul E. Davis ‘88
Peter C. Davis ‘80
Peter D. ‘94 and Janelle H. ‘99 Davis
Ralph C. Davis ‘48
Ronald G. Davis ‘62
Russell L. Davis ‘93
Sandra L. Davis ‘74
Gary R. ‘68 and Anna M. ‘62 Davison
Gerry A. ‘43 and Jeanne E. ‘44 Davison
Joel R. and Renee E. Davison
Ralph E. ‘50 and Madge L. Day
William J. ‘82 and Susan J. Day ‘83
Jennifer K. Day-Nelson ‘90
Jason D. Daye ‘02
Vevlon Days-Jackson ‘74
Dennis G. and Carol M. De Bruin
David J. De Bruine ‘76
Thomas F. De Bruine ‘89
Daniel R. De Buhr ‘82
Craig A. ‘73 and Sue A. ‘72 De Gear
Charles J. De Grave ‘78
Robert J. De Groot
Stacey M. De Groot ‘91
Robert J. De Keyser ‘74
Mark S. De Koning
David A. ‘87 and Tracy A. ‘85 De Leon
Jesse J. De Long
Stephanie K. De Long ‘79
Robert J. De Muth ‘83
William M. De Muth ‘93
Joyce A. De Vries ‘71
Katie M. De Wees ‘98
Robert L. and Barbara Deamico
H. William Dean ‘77
James P. Dean
Timothy O. Dean
Jan L. Dearth ‘82
Steve C. ‘05 and Brooke L. ‘05 Decker
Rich J. Decker ‘70
Paul G. Dedie ‘61
Dion D. Dedolph ‘85
Matthew F. Dedrick ‘94
Kandi A. Deerfield ‘92
Lorie T. ‘87 and Kenneth A. Deering
Jody Deery
Janet S. Degenhardt ‘56
Dennis A. Degner ‘65
James R. and Virginia B. Degolier
Robert S. and Terri Deist
Harriet I. Deiter
Ronald E. Deiter ‘71
Gregory A. Del Mastro ‘84
Richard C. Delp
Roberta J. Delp ‘85
Michael J. Delvaux
Deb A. Delyea
Luke J. Demerath ‘88
Lucas W. Demes
Thomas C. ‘91 and Patricia E. Demmin
Owen R. ‘73 and Mary E. Demo
Ray L. Dempsey ‘81
Robert A. and Jackie M. Demski Jr.
Robert W. Dengel ‘49
Joseph E. ‘82 and Kathryn M. ‘82 Denk
Wendy S. Denk ‘72
David S. Denowski ‘88
Alex J. Dentice Jr.
Kathryn T. DePauw ‘06
Jay A. ‘82 and Meri M. Deremo
Joel G. Deremo ‘97
Richard D. Derrickson ‘66
Amy J. Dessner ‘02
Ellen M. Detert ‘68
Phillip M. and Ann L. ‘69 Dettwiler
Peggy O. Dettwiler ‘70
Sandy K. Deuster ‘86
Helen M. Devlin ‘40
Lynn F. Dew
David M. Dewitt
Gregory L. Dexter
Dennis E. Deyo ‘71
Craig A. Deyoung
Emily A. Dhingra ‘01
Carol A. Dibble ‘66
Bruce E. Dickau ‘66
Kay M. Dickson ‘68
Gary W. Dieck ‘69
John F. Dieckhoff ‘86
Douglas W. Diedrick ‘66
Harold P. Diers ‘48
Debra G. Dieter
Donald L. ‘57 and Fran C. ‘58 Dieter
Keith A. and Deborah Dieter
Virginia Dietmeier
Patrick C. ‘83 and Barbara A. ‘80 Dietrich
Valerie J. Dietrich ‘08
Gary F. Dietzel
Marilyn J. Digman ‘68
Frederick J. ‘72 and Kay Digmann
Stephen T. Dikkers ‘75
Othelia A. Dillbeck
Brad B. Dillet
Carol J. Dillmann
Sandi M. Dillon ‘72
Tom J. ‘64 and Judy T. Dillon
Maxine J. Dimick ‘41
Virginia L. Dimick ‘91
DeAnn A. Diprima
Joseph J. Disch ‘63
Phillip R. Disch ‘67
Ronald B. Disch ‘63
Dan C. ‘81 and Karen L. ‘81 Dishno
Sarah E. Disi ‘65
Janet L. Ditmire ‘66
Tim P. Ditter ‘09
Richard E. Dittmar ‘71
Bill C. Dixon ‘71
Lloyd L. ‘86 and Betty J. ‘86 Dlask
Paul W. Dlugopolski
Michele J. Doan ‘90
Stephanie R. Dobbs ‘10
Charles D. Dobson
Jennifer K. Dobson ‘02
Thomas F. ‘67 and Ruth A. ‘65 Dobson
Brock A. Dockter
Roger D. Dodds ‘69
Ronald A. ‘73 and Jean A. Doersam
William T. and Elizabeth M. Doherty
Thomas E. and Laura E. Dolan
Winston B. Dolland ‘68
Gaylord N. Dolphin ‘58
Jonathan G. and Carmen S. Dolson
Kelly A. Domaille ‘90
Frederick E. Domann Jr. ‘83
Doug A. Dombeck ‘73
Virginia K. Domini ‘66
Shirley M. Donahue ‘59
Dennis J. Donar ‘97
Joseph J. Dondlinger ‘08
Tricia A. Donegon
Mark J. Doneux ‘85
David D. Donisi ‘74
Dermott W. and Lisa G. Doran
Edward L. ‘77 and Barbara A. ‘76 Dorff
Rod R. Dorman
Thomas D. Dorner
Jeffrey A. ‘10 and Lynette S. ‘89 Dornink
William P. Dorrington
Gerald W. Dorscheid ‘59
John D. Dorshorst ‘74
Janet C. Doser ‘66
David M. ‘05 and Heather M. ‘05 Dotzauer
Mary E. Dougherty ‘91
Michael B. Dougherty ‘76
Robert A. Douthit ‘75
Ted E. Dowell ‘92
Maurice S. Dower
William J. Downie
W. Peter Draeger ‘74
Heidi A. Drafall ‘99
Gregory J. ‘86 and Connie M. ‘87 Draheim
John D. Draheim ‘70
Jeff T. Drake
Susan C. Drake
John I. Drasch III
George P. Dreckmann
Michael P. and Fay A. Dreger
Fred J. ‘86 and Elizabeth A. ‘83 Dreher
Marilynn J. Dressler ‘86
Juanita D. Drew ‘61
Bruce A. Drews ‘86
James N. Driskill
Caitlin S. Butson ‘11
Gail M. Droessler ‘59
Lloyd G. and Debra Droessler
Tom J. and Mary Droessler
Travis T. Droessler ‘08
Conny R. Droeszler ‘08
Peter D. Drone ‘72
David M. Drury
John M. Drury
William J. Duchaj ‘91
Steven C. Ducharme
Mark A. Dudek ‘84
Vinnie E. and Laura J. Duecker
Dennis D. Duehr
Matthew L. Duel ‘04
Robert J. Duermit
Merlyn M. Duerst ‘48
Michael G. Duerst
Thomas J. ‘88 and Donna J. ‘87 Duerst
John H. and Evelyn M. Duesbury
Kenneth F. Duescher
Dennis F. Dufenhorst ‘62
Tony J. Duff ‘89
John P. Duggan ‘77
Sally A. Duggan ‘61
Michael P. and Joann Dulen
Karen Dunajski ‘61
Julie C. Dunbar ‘86
Julie A. Dunn ‘87
Michael G. Dunn ‘70
Pat C. Dunne ‘85
Douglas J. Dupont ‘69
Augustus C. Durdin ‘66
E. Jeanne Durr
Barbara A. Durrant ‘60
Dan C. Durst ‘94
Stephen L. Duwe ‘72
Tami J. Dylak
Randel L. and Valerie J. Dymond
Linda M. Dziedzic ‘79
Mary L. Dziewiontkoski ‘84
E.G. Harrell Fund
Linda F. Eades
Rick J. Eagen ‘90
Larry L. Eakins ‘69
Shannon J. ‘91 and Tricia A. ‘94 Ealy
Sharon A. Easley ‘75
Basil R. Eastwood ‘58
Mary O. Eastwood
Robert J. Eberhart
Terry J. Eberle ‘71
Craig A. Ebert ‘94
Allen L. Eck
Elizabeth C. Eck ‘87
Lee A. ‘73 and Diane H. ‘71 Ecker
Franc J. ‘50 and Ruth E. ‘50 Eckerman
Helene M. Ederer ‘60
Paul A. ‘87 and Judy L. ‘88 (Johnson)
Orlyn P. ‘61 and Jana Edge
Jerry M. Edquist ‘82
Mark R. Edwards ‘77
Verne E. ‘47 and Dolores I. ‘44 Edwards
Jim B. Egan ‘66
Karla A. Egan-Dailey
Karen M. Eggers ‘89
Lee G. Eggers ‘91
Paul W. Eggert ‘73
Bob G. Ehlenfeldt ‘75
Lyle M. ‘71 and Jeanne B. Ehlers
Robert C. Ehlers ‘75
June D. Ehrbar
Carroll D. Ehrke ‘64
Barbara E. Eichelkraut ‘67
Lynne E. Eichinger
Frederick C. Eichmiller
Gary W. ‘61 and Sandi J. ‘60 Einerson
Ronald L. ‘56 and Delores J. ‘56 Einerson
Sherry K. Einerson ‘84
Dirk A. ‘80 and Susette Einsweiler
Paul R. ‘79 and Joann A. ‘79 Eiring
Uche O. Ekenna ‘81
David L. Eley Jr. ‘77
Mary L. Eley ‘58
Michael S. ‘82 and Connie K. ‘84 Eliasen
Anna M. Ellefson ‘75
Todd F. Ellenberger
Gary L. ‘92 and Michelle M. ‘90 Ellias
Michele M. Ellingson
Christine R. Elliott ‘94
Larry J. Elliott ‘67
Barry L. and Terri Ellis
Lucille E. Ellis ‘37
Nina L. Elskamp ‘99
John M. Elvekrog ‘73
Mary L. Elvekrog ‘81
Paul A. Elver
Erik O. ‘96 and Anne B. ‘98 Emerson
Chris E. Emery ‘95
Janet L. Emmerich
Joseph G. Enders ‘97
Jane F. Endres ‘77
Stephen Endter
Carolyn M. Eness ‘89
Ralph E. Engbring ‘55
John H. Engeli
Daniel M. Engelke ‘86
Eric C. Engelke ‘92
Kenneth A. and Mary Engelman
Timothy J. Engels ‘90
Betty M. Engen ‘74
Collette L. Engerson
Cindy S. Engler ‘73
Julia R. Engler ‘84
Keith C. Englesby ‘64
Bruce H. Enke ‘79
David J. Epley
Jonathan D. Epley
Dennis J. Epping ‘89
Ethan J. ‘74 and Janet J. ‘68 Erdman
Jerry L. Erdmann ‘74
Kristin J. ‘70 and Dean J. Erdmann
Alexander J. Erickson ‘56
Bruce R. Erickson ‘62
David L. Erickson ‘71
David H. Erickson ‘70
Donald L. Erickson ‘80
Ellen L. Erickson ‘50
Fred A. ‘59 and Christina Erickson
Ken J. Erickson ‘50
Lavonne E. Erickson ‘64
Jeremiah D. ‘00 and Melissa J. M. ‘00
Charles “Bud” W. ‘58 and Patricia A. ‘58
Paul J. and Mary S. Erickson
Thomas G. Erickson ‘83
Lembit P. Erita
Virginia A. Errthum ‘66
Paul D. Ertmer ‘98
Dave C. Esch ‘63
Rita M. Esch ‘88
Steven J. Esch ‘87
Frank R. and Marcene Eshelman
Guy C. Esposito
Sam Esposito
Richard C. Esser ‘84
Steve R. Esser ‘92
Sean P. Esterhuizen ‘84
Joseph J. and Rose Marie Estock
Richard P. Estrem-Fuller ‘64
Philip A. Ethridge ‘78
Larry L. Etienne ‘66
Lisa J. Evans ‘82
Mary E. Evans ‘45
Ted A. Evans ‘72
Alan J. ‘70 and Joyce J. ‘71 Eveland
Thomas R. Even ‘70
Eric J. Evenstad ‘03
Dennis L. Everson ‘75
Truman J. Everson ‘76
Arlen B. ‘62 and Eleanore J. ‘62 Ewers
Lori E. Ewers ‘86
Mamie O. Ewers
Judy K. Ewing ‘83
Stanley E. Ewing ‘62
Guy K. Ewoldt
Timothy R. Faber ‘83
Daniel A. Fabian ‘84
Michael P. Fack
Susan J. Fager ‘00
Dennis M. and Pat A. Faherty
Patrick E. Faherty ‘73
Clayton T. Fahl
G. Dan Fairchild and Nancy J. ‘84 Fairchild
Audrey B. Falk
Elizabeth C. Falk ‘91
Sarah J. ‘85 and Gregory J. Falk
Patrick A. Farber
Joseph P. Farley ‘70
Steven D. ‘87 and Nancy J. ‘88 Farmer
Alan E. Farrell ‘00
Jon A. ‘72 and Jill E. ‘72 Farrey
James H. Fassbender ‘77
Curt D. ‘79 and Robin E. ‘85 Fatzinger
Sandra M. Faulkner ‘91
Joan R. Faull ‘76
Scott A. Faust ‘88
Rachael A. Feakes ‘64
John J. Fecht
Kathleen A. Fecht ‘72
Ryan L. Fecht ‘96
Carol A. Fedor
Scott A. Fehrman ‘79
Theresa J. Feigl ‘96
Valarie A. Fein
Valentine J. ‘58 and Barbara J. ‘58 Feiner
James F. Felber ‘74
Grace L. Feller ‘63
Curt A. Fellows ‘91
Mark A. Fencl
Victor R. Fenhaus ‘80
Michael S. and Laura L. ‘92 Fenley
Francis E. Fennell ‘83
Cheryl A. Fenner-Speicher ‘93
Joseph C. Ferencak
Chad C. Ferguson ‘96
Sherill Hellpap Ferguson ‘62
Thomas A. Ferguson ‘70
Van G. Ferguson ‘84
Lori A. Ferguson-Borton ‘88
Steven A. Fernan
Thomas E. and Larraine J. Ferris
Dale L. Ferron
Jon N. Fessler
Allan L. Fetterly ‘67
Gregory A. Feuling
John P. ‘73 and Andrea T. ‘87 Feyen
Gary W. ‘79 and Rondi A. ‘79 Feyereisen
Dan S. Fick
Tammie D. ‘96 and Matthew D. Fick
John M. Fico ‘82
Kenneth C. and Diane Fiedler
Ronald R. and Joanne M. Fiedler
Jack R. Fields ‘85
Heather M. Fifrick ‘09
Kevin P. Figy ‘94
James C. ‘58 and Judith A. Fillback
Mark O. Fillback ‘96
Larry W. Fine ‘77
Cecilia A. Fink ‘88
Bill S. Fink ‘84
Dan J. Finkelmeyer ‘69
Michael J. Finley ‘00
Janet L. Finn ‘81
Lyle D. Finn ‘64
Thomas J. Finnegan ‘95
Arthur J. Finnigan ‘69
Quentin M. Finucan
David P. Fischer ‘69
Leo L. Fischer
Tony E. Fischer
Donald R. ‘81 and Corinne A. ‘81 Fish
Mark A. Fisher ‘90
Steven V. Fishler ‘77
Tom R. Fishler ‘72
James T. Fitzgerald
Dale W. ‘71 and Doris ‘72 Fitzsimons
Nick J. Fix ‘07
David J. Flanagan ‘77
Richard J. ‘66 and Nancy D. ‘68 Flanagan
Glenn J. Fleege ‘71
Richard J. Fleischman
David G. Fleming ‘74
Jonathan B. and Jean B. Fleming
William V. Flemming ‘67
Carla A. Flesch ‘92
David C. Flesch ‘67
Melody D. Flesher ‘75 and Arthur D.
Scott S. Flesner ‘84
Geoff P. Fletcher ‘84
Harry R. ‘55 and Barbara U. Fletcher
Mark S. and Wendy J. Flinner
Dolores C. Flogel ‘53
Emily R. Flood ‘11
Matthew R. ‘94 and Tammy S. ‘93 Flora
Jacqueline N. Florent ‘05
Joseph L. Flottmeyer ‘61
Amy S. Flynn ‘90
Candy A. Flynn ‘77
Thomas J. Flynn ‘62
Adam G. ‘97 and Carolyn J. ‘97 Flyte
Kevin J. Fochs ‘00
John R. Foerst ‘60
Kimberli A. Foesch ‘95
Colleen A. Fogo ‘74
Linda L. Foht
Timothy J. Foht ‘88
Harold L. ‘76 and Arla M. ‘82 Folbrecht
Donna J. Foley ‘79
Mike L. Folgate ‘99
Stephanie J. Foltz ‘08
Daniel L. Folwarski ‘78
John D. Fondell ‘86
Walter M. Footit ‘76
James T. Foral
Theresa M. Forbes
Duane M. and Sheri B. Ford
Robert E. Ford
Curtis M. Forester ‘68
Joan M. Forman ‘71
Todd R. and Natalie A. Forrester
Ralph H. Forseth ‘67
Erik A. Forshaug
Peter L. ‘91 and Nicole D. ‘98 Forster
Patrick W. ‘88 and Stephanie A. ‘91 Forsyth
Scott R. Forsythe
Deborah L. Fortman ‘92
Randall W. ‘84 and Ruth M. ‘84 Foss
Sharon L. Foss
John T. Foster ‘73
Mark E. Foster ‘81
Patricia A. Foster
William A. Foster ‘87
William W. Foster
Janet L. Fouts
Angela C. Fowler ‘71
Jim R. Fowler ‘79
Marjorie G. Fowler ‘69
Nancy L. Fowler ‘80
James F. Fox ‘72
Jerry J. Fox
Jim L. Fox ‘89
Leah Ottensmann Fox ‘54
Barbara M. Foye ‘74
Jack E. ‘51 and Eleanore M. ‘51 Frame
Scott J. Francis
Barry J. Francois
Stuart L. Francone ‘84
Joshua J. Francque ‘81
Andy H. Frank ‘73
Jerome T. Frank
Neil A. and Diane Frank
Charles Q. and Quin D. Franz
Timothy A. and Maureen K. ‘90 Franz
Leslie J. Franzen ‘98
Mark T. ‘86 and Kari S. ‘86 Frederick
Kurt L. Frederick ‘00
William J. and Pamela A. Frederick
Merlin E. Fredrickson ‘63
Timothy R. Fredrickson ‘86
Anthony G. Freels
Carolyn J. Freeman ‘63
Lonnie L. Freeman ‘75
Richard W. Freese ‘74
Gary D. Frei
Bill M. Freidig ‘91
Donna J. Freitag
John W. and Joy L. Freitag
George L. French ‘49
Paul C. Frerking
Marilyn K. Frey ‘66
Katie J. Friar ‘08
Michael J. Friar ‘79
Tom L. ‘73 and Judy A. ‘73 Friar
Kim A. Friebel ‘08
Gary L. Friederichs
Loran L. Friederichs ‘72
Scott P. Friedl ‘99
Joseph A. Fritsch ‘85
Brian J. and Jessica L. Fritz
Bruce A. ‘78 and Susan R. ‘78 Fritz
Duane V. and Laurie J. Fritz
Gary W. Fritz ‘78
Spider W. Fromader ‘71
Delores A. Fromolz ‘99
Donald R. Fronk ‘66
Karla J. Frost ‘77
Beuford G. Fry ‘60
Jerry D. Fry ‘70
Dale R. and Sue A. Frye
Mary E. Frymann ‘50
Jason R. Fuhrmann ‘07
Sharon L. Fuller ‘79
Susan C. Fuller
James H. Fullerton ‘85
Rita R. Funk
Bob A. Funk ‘75
Steven J. Funke ‘89
David J. and Lori A. Fure
George B. Furey ‘79
Kerry A. Furlong ‘83
Betty A. Furman ‘89
Jill A. Fussell ‘68
Robert C. Gabel ‘69
Mary M. Gabler ‘78
Jason J. ‘96 and Susan J. ‘96 Gafner
Jeffrey U. Gafner ‘90
Anthony V. Gailloreto
Betsy M. Galbraith ‘98
Joseph A. ‘75 and Margaret M. ‘66 Galle
Mahnaz Ganjian ‘10
Robert L. Ganske ‘67
Gerald J. Garbis ‘65
Cory J. Garcia ‘05
Robert Garcia ‘72
Glen F. Gard ‘67
Greg G. Gard ‘95
Jeffrey M. Gard ‘01
Joseph R. Garde
Ann M. Gardner ‘93
Lawrence D. Gardner ‘68
Michael D. ‘81 and Karen L. Gardner
Paul W. and Kathy A. Garity
John W. ‘71 and Shirley M. ‘64 Garner
Michael A. ‘91 and Lisa D. ‘91 Garner
Gary S. and Veronica Garrison
Robert M. ‘64 and Jan L. Garske
Bill H. Garvens ‘73
Tamra J. Garz ‘98
Craig J. ‘04 and Angie M. ‘02 Gasior
James M. Gasperi
Gerry G. Gast ‘62
Renee L. Gaston
Thomas E. Gatzke ‘70
Addie R. Gault ‘67
Erich K. Gause ‘68
John R. Gavin ‘75
Nancy J. Gavin ‘86
Craig J. Gavran ‘76
Frederick J. ‘71 and Deborah L. ‘71 Gay
Richard A. Gay
Dennis A. Gebel ‘74
Molly L. Gebensleben
Nathan A. Gebert ‘02
Judy L. Gebhard
Kelvin G. Gebhard ‘88
Lawrence S. Gebhardt ‘88
Kifle G. Gebremedhin ‘73
Donald J. Geddeis ‘71
Amanda M. Geddes ‘10
Donah L. ‘88 Gehlert
Brad C. Gehrke ‘82
Steven D. ‘91 and Joyce D. Gehrmann
Brian T. Geier ‘09
Clem J. Geiger ‘80
Sean R. Geiger ‘92
John R. Geise
Donald C. Geiser
Joseph C. Geisler ‘72
Kathryn J. Geissbuhler ‘51
David L. Gelhar
Marvin L. and Lanette J. Genskow
Thomas W. Genthner ‘79
Norman E. Gentry ‘73
Merlin G. Gentz ‘61
Dana R. George
Daryl L. George ‘83
Debbie L. George
John P. George ‘82
Nancy K. George ‘74
Robert E. ‘60 and Patricia J. ‘61 George
Chad M. Georgeson ‘91
Mary L. Geppert
Jim M. and Shelley Gerber
Ryan L. Gerlich ‘02
Marvin I. Getty ‘76
Steve J. Getz
J. Tom ‘70 and Victoria M. Gevelinger
Steven M. Gevelinger ‘81
Laurie S. Geyer
Brittany R. Gibbs ‘10
Randy W. and Judith Gibbs
John F. Gibson ‘88
Kenneth D. Gibson ‘82
Mark R. Gibson ‘81
Robert L. Gibson ‘73
Ernest D. Giebel
Richard D. and Becky L. Giebel
Lucus M. Gierach ‘99
Allan R. Giese ‘77
Gloria J. Giesen ‘95
Howard R. Giesler Jr. ‘86
Florence Gifford ‘66
Roy S. ‘77 and Margaret A. ‘71 Gigous
Warren A. Gilbert
Don R. Gilbertson ‘61
Dorothy I. Gilbertson ‘47
Michelle A. Gilbertson
Peter J. ‘97 and Tami J. ‘90 Gilbertson
Jay P. Gilboy ‘85
Dawn M. Gile ‘89
Gwen J. Gill ‘50
Midge J. Gill ‘73
Randy J. Gill ‘74
F. LaVerne Gillespie ‘71
Christopher J. Gilling
Alice M. Gilman
Randy L. and Norma Gilman
Brian P. Gilner ‘87
Gordon V. Gimski ‘68
Gordy T. Gingras ‘80
Gregory G. Ginter ‘92
Anthony F. Giuffre
Larry D. Glass ‘67
Lenny K. and Sharon Glass
Jean A. Glasser ‘64
Bradley J. Gleason ‘76
Jerry A. ‘82 and Ann K. ‘82 Gleisner
Kevin J. Glendenning
Richard F. ‘61 and Donna L. ‘61
Elizabeth A. Glenn
Keith L. Glewen ‘75
Kenneth J. and Kathleen M. Glodowski
David P. Glowczynski
John W. Glynn ‘67
Henry J. Gmeinder ‘46
Curtis L. Gobeli ‘70
Dane A. Goddard ‘06
Peter A. ‘65 and Elaine A. ‘65 Godfrey
Emma I. Godfrey ‘65
Travis T. Goebel ‘11
Inez M. Goecks ‘62
Gary L. Goehring ‘85
Perry T. Goetsch ‘77
Lester R. Goke ‘56
Roger E. ‘63 and Judy L. ‘92 Goke
Brad F. Gokey
Gary J. ‘81 and Beth A. ‘81 Goldberg
Patrick J. Golden ‘64
Braden L. Golinski ‘01
Chris M. Golke ‘01
Scot A. Golliher
David C. and Susan J. Gollon
Robert E. ‘72 and Linda L. ‘70 Gomoll
Judith A. Gonder ‘71
Deborah A. Gonnella ‘94
Rita Bailey Goodman ‘84 and David
Mary G. Goodman ‘79
Betsy A. Goodnight
Rodney D. ‘78 and Judith L. ‘81
Jim W. Goonan ‘91
Fred G. ‘71 and Patricia A. ‘75 Goplin
Ronald G. Goplin ‘73
Richard L. Gorder
Gary N. Gordon ‘73
Brian W. Gorman ‘86
Terry K. ‘73 and Jeri O. ‘72 Gorman
Christopher T. Gorzek ‘88
James F. ‘91 and Debra J. ‘91 Gorzek
Joseph M. Gorzelitz
Deb I. Gosa ‘02
Robert A. Gosewehr ‘73
Nancy J. Goszinski ‘93
Shelly M. Govert ‘84
Kimberly C. Govier
David M. Goyette
Mary F. Graber ‘71
Thomas C. Graber ‘68
Edward S. ‘95 and Carol C. ‘95 Grabins
Barbara P. Grabow ‘73
Mark A. Graczykowski ‘04
Christopher R. ‘85 and Lori L. ‘85 Grady
Gary A. Graham ‘60
Mary Ellen Graham ‘64
George H. Granger ‘64
Kristin J. Grant ‘91
Leota E. Granzow ‘58
BJ Grass ‘99
Judy A. Grasser
Shawn D. Gratz ‘94
Susan M. Gratz ‘77
David J. Graupman ‘85
Janine L. Grauvogl-Graham ‘86
Brad L. Graves ‘95
Clifton H. Graves ‘80
Tom A. Graves ‘80
Charles H. Gray ‘63
Dee D. Gray ‘52
Gary R. Gray ‘64
George O. Gray ‘61
Thomas E. ‘73 and Paula J. ‘70 Gray
Jeffery P. and Janice Grayson
Tom P. Grazier
Adam M. Green ‘10
Dale R. Green ‘61
Marcia R. Green ‘69
Mary A. Green ‘68
Ronny D. Greene ‘62
Sharon L. Greenwald
Dan J. Gregorich
Charlotte A. Gregory ‘66
Dean P. Grenawalt ‘74
Robert K. Griffith ‘53
Stanley R. and Sue O. Griffiths
Gail A. Grimm ‘72
Gary W. Grimm ‘64
Mary C. Grimm ‘66
Helmer B. Grinde
Ralph W. Grinde ‘67
Denise Grindle
Gene A. Grinnell
Jeff J. Grinsel ‘01
Greg L. Griswold ‘71
Jerry R. Griswold ‘69
Katherine A. Griswold ‘72
Daniel M. ‘89 and Christine L. ‘89
Daniel T. Groh
Gary L. Gromowski
Jeffery M. Groshek
Perry G. Groshek
Philip M. Grosnick
Mark A. Gross ‘79
Melissa K. Gross ‘97
Thomas J. and Christine A. Gross
Willis C. and Verda N. Gross
Dale R. Grosso
Phillip R. ‘71 and Karen A. ‘70 Grover
Donald A. ‘59 and Carol J. ‘58 Gruber
Michael F. Grulke ‘94
Richard F. Grulke ‘90
Mitchell T. and Lora L. Grundahl
John P. Grunsted ‘89
Dana L. Gudgeon
Kris J. Gudgeon ‘82
Cory R. Gudowicz ‘08
Jacob E. Guenzler
Ralph J. Guerin ‘70
Paul E. Guler
Joseph P. Gulotta ‘65
Brian M. Gunderson
Darrel J. ‘67 and Ruthann J. ‘67 Gunderson
Steve H. Gunderson
Bob E. Gundlach ‘72
Ryan A. Gundlach ‘02
Jon M. Gundry ‘60
Steven J. and Roxi Guralski
Karen E. Gust ‘67
Roger P. Gustke ‘53
Jeffrey J. and Laurie Guza
Calvin D. Haack
Amanda M. Haag ‘08
Charles J. Haas ‘60
Mark G. ‘80 and Joan L. ‘80 Haas
Keith E. Haas ‘79
Randall G. Haas
Jane M. Haas Schwoerer ‘72
Kay L. Haase ‘76
Judith A. Haase-Hardie ‘81
Kevin J. Habeck ‘84
Kurtis M. and Lisa A. Habeck
Cynthia A. Hach ‘90
Mike R. ‘00 and Jill A. Hackel
Allen W. Hackett
Dixie C. Hackett
Michael J. Hadler ‘87
Greg A. Hafeman ‘94
Carol J. Hafen ‘87
Richard “Dick” G. Haffele ‘74
Donald A. Hafferkamp ‘85
Newell E. Haffner ‘92
Edward E. Hagemann ‘65
Jeffrey R. Hagemann ‘84
James P. and Rochelle Hagen
John A. ‘84 and Carol R. ‘84 Hagen
Kevin B. Hagen ‘74
Ann E. Haglund
Rebecca L. Haglund ‘89
Delores E. Hahn ‘57
Donald J. Hahn ‘65
Edward J. Hahn ‘87
Priscilla M. Hahn ‘97
Justin M. ‘00 and Staci L. ‘03 Hahn
Geriann W. Haines ‘79
Rebecca L. ‘96 and Brad L. Haines
James R. Hake ‘71
Abe S. Hakim ‘68
Steve J. ‘93 and Kristine O. ‘93 Haldiman
Tim A. Haldiman ‘75
Genevieve A. Hale
Lisa A. Hale ‘84
Harlan S. ‘67 and Gerri J. ‘66 Hall
Randy T. Hallet
Paul D. Hallingstad ‘60
Daniel N. ‘84 and Lisa D.’84 Halloran
Carroll W. Halsted ‘59
Rick A. Haltaufderheid
John H. Haltmeyer ‘62
Susan A. Halvensleben ‘69
Gregory A. Halverson ‘87
Mark S. Hamel ‘00
Justin V. Hamilton
Karl N. Hamilton ‘84
Stan F. Hamilton ‘65
Eric P. Hamkins ‘84
Leonard W. Hamman ‘82
James B. Hammer ‘84
Jim W. ‘72 and Pam K. ‘72 Hammes
Christopher P. Hammond
Ron L. ‘96 and Chantel R.’99 Hampton
Darrell T. Hampton
Gary L. and Becky J. Hampton
James D. Hampton
William J. and Sharon Hamshire
Edward “Al” A. Hancock ‘76
Kathy R. Hancock ‘68
Terry L. Hancock ‘86
Robert J. Handel ‘71
Billy R. Handy Jr.
Mary Jean Hanfeld ‘68
Matthew T. Hanke ‘06
Andrew G. Hankes ‘81
Edward A. Hankes ‘71
Timothy J. and Karen J. Hanko
Dave F. Hanley
Betsy A. Hanna ‘98
Denise A. Hanold ‘86
Ardith K. Hansen ‘71
Barbara L. Hansen ‘73
Dan J. Hansen ‘00
Jim P. Hansen ‘94
Leonard D. J. Hansen
Linda L. Hansen ‘66
Matt G. Hansen ‘91
Michael T. Hansen ‘88
Shirley A. Hansen ‘47
Steven R. ‘88 and Kimberly M. ‘89 Hansen
Susan L. Hansen
Brad and Ann F. Hanson
Bryan C. Hanson ‘95
Craig A. ‘89 and Cathy M. ‘88 Hanson
Dudley M. and Barbara J. Hanson
Gerald T. Hanson
Larry A. Hanson ‘71
Marvin L. Hanson ‘59
Norman C. ‘65 and Carol B. ‘70 Hanson
Percival L. Hanson ‘49
Sandra K. Hanson ‘70
Steven J. and Beth A. Hanson
Terrence A. Hanson ‘69
William C. Hanson ‘69
Gilbert A. and Hilda E. (Bos) Hantzsch
James L. ‘58 and Ina Harasha
Benjamin R. Harbach Sr. ‘71
Donald C. ‘93 and Terri L. ‘93 Harbort
Richard W. ‘69 and Kathleen D. ‘71 Harder
Robert C. ‘60 and Marcia A. ‘60 Hardie
Samuel E. Hardin ‘61
David H. ‘75 and Carolyn B. ‘82 Hardy
Gary G. Hardy ‘67
Craig E. ‘89 Hardy and Janet E. ‘91 Vosberg
Danny J. Hardyman ‘01
Patrick J. Hare
John R. and Pam F. Harker
Marjory E. Harker ‘69
Debra L. Harman
Jerry E. Harmann
David A. Harmon ‘90
Francis W. ‘63 and Marti E. ‘63 Harness
Dale S. Haroldson ‘66
James B. Harper ‘81
Stuart H. Harper ‘97
Marjorie D. Harpold ‘72
Alisha N. Harris ‘09
Bernard B. Harris
Bernie W. and Mary Carol Harris
Carol A. Harris ‘97
Jerry G. and Cynthia N. Harris
Roger W. Harteau
James J. Hartung ‘88
John J. Hartung
Stanley J. Hartung ‘56
Jamie S. Hartwig ‘99
Alfred “Skip” S. Harvey ‘47
Randall J. Hasken
Darrel D. and Grace M. Haskins
Robert J. Haskins ‘62
Chuck E. Hassel ‘66
William O. Hastert ‘61
Donald J. Hastings
Clarence W. Hasz ‘64
Dennis R. Hatfield
Diane M. Hatzinger-Radloff ‘66
Mark A. Hauer ‘01
Edward C. and Janice L. Haug
Mark R. Haug
Kenneth A. Haugom ‘70
James J. Hauser ‘83
Kevin R. Hauser ‘89
Robert C. Hauser
Roger E. ‘61 and Ann K. ‘60 Hauser
Phil J. ‘83 and Ione M. ‘82 Hausler
Eugene P. Hausner ‘67
Bill B. ‘01 and Bridget M. ‘03 Haussmann
Kim A. Havens
James B. Havlik ‘95
Royce A. Havlik ‘58
Roland K. ‘95 and Kristi L. (Patterson) ‘92
Hawk Jr.
Patrick A. and Judy A. Hawkins
Rick W. Hawkins ‘75
Don W. Hawkinson ‘69
Ann A. Hayden
Richard W. Hayden ‘78
Thomas A. ‘83 and Joni E. Hayden
John R. Hayes ‘68
Michael H. Hayes
Timothy R. ‘78 and Jane A. Hazen
Dana L. ‘73 and Sharon A.’72 Heal
Dennis D. Healy ‘70
Mary L. Healy
Robert W. Healy
Tim J. Hearden ‘94
Stewart E. ‘85 and Le Ann M. ‘87 Hebel
Jim R. ‘69 and Linda L. ‘67 Hedrick
Betty M. Heer ‘59
Larry J. and Patricia A. ‘93 Heer
Shelly L. Heer ‘95
Brian L. Hefty and Julie A. Anderl
Lillian E. Hefty ‘76
Carletta A. Heide ‘71
Randall S. Heideman ‘90
Tracy A. Heidenreich ‘94
Dale B. Heiking ‘91
Paul A. Heikkinen ‘66
Eva H. Heim ‘63
Ray J. and Betty A. Heim
Reginald Heim ‘65
Earl W. ‘77 and Cindy L. ‘77 Heimerdinger
Eugene W. Hein ‘53
Mike D. Hein ‘71
Valerie J. Hein ‘07
Wade D. Heinen ‘99
Judy A. Heinrich ‘75
Kenneth A. ‘77 and Kim K. ‘79 Heinrichs
Ronald G. and Patricia J. Heinritz
Jean J. Heins ‘73
William F. ‘84 and Elizabeth J. ‘85 Heinze
Tom S. ‘74 and Karen K. Heiser
Michael J. and Janet M. Heitman
Cassie A. Heitz ‘03
Wes W. and Harriet A. Heitzman
Jeff D. Helbing ‘84
Daniel F. Helgren ‘77
Kay L. Helker ‘71
Brandon H. Hellenbrand ‘99
George K. ‘71 and Susan M. ‘71 Hellert
Gregory P. Hellner ‘85
Carl C. Helmich ‘84
Julee R. Helt ‘80
Todd A. Helwig ‘86
Nancy J. Henderson
Raven N. Henderson ‘03
William R. ‘61 and Janice R. Henderson
Carol A. Hendricks ‘89
Harriet E. Hendricks ‘65
Margaret A. Hendricks ‘64
Joe W. Hendrix
Anne N. Henkel ‘67
Joan M. Henkel ‘68
Mary Jo Hennessy ‘78
Daniel J. Henning ‘10
Keith G. Henning
David A. Henningfeld
James M. Hennings ‘63
Harvey K. and Kathy E. Henningsen
William D. ‘63 and Rita H. ‘63 Henquinet
David P. Henry ‘80
Jason E. Henschler ‘94
Donald A. and Cindy M. Herbeck
Jeffery E. Herbers ‘80
Christine K. Herbst ‘73
David R. Herkert ‘93
Scott A. Herrman ‘85
Steve F. Herrman ‘80
Jerome L. ‘79 and Corinne M. ‘78 Herro
Mark P. Herro ‘82
Ronald P. Herro ‘69
Kevin K. Hersey ‘72
Steven R. and Connie L. Herzberg
Nick E. Herzfeldt ‘94
Kathleen A. Herzog ‘83
Andrew L. ‘87 and Amy L. Hess
Catherine A. Hess ‘73
Dave W. Hess ‘87
James E. and Jane E. Hess
Jane M. Hess ‘81
John R. Hessenthaler ‘63
Martha A. Hestad ‘70
Steven F. ‘81 and Kathy M. ‘80 Heth
Ronald S. Hett ‘70
David P. Hetzel ‘72
Susan K. Heuvelman
Dennis J. Hevey ‘65
Allen G. ‘71 and Ruth F. ‘71 Hewitt
Daniel J. Hewitt ‘97
David L. Hexom ‘69
Nathan G. Heying
Roger A. Hickey ‘57
Kathy A. Hicks ‘07
Lynn M. Hicks ‘81
Spencer E. Hicks
Keli M. Highland ‘00
Mark J. ‘72 and Anita K. ‘71 Highland
Michael D. Hildebrand
Karl A. Hilker ‘92
Ryan M. and Anne M. ‘94 Hill
John P. Hill ‘60
Mark E. and Teresa M. Hill
Jeffrey A. Hillary ‘83
Dorthy E. Hillerson ‘70
Chuck M. Hillery ‘70
Merville J. Hillery
Elizabeth A. Hillestad ‘69
Lucy Hillestad ‘96
Ronald A. Hilt ‘89
Larry C. Hinders ‘65
Kenneth E. and Audrey A. Hindman
Chad M. Hines ‘00
Amy J. Hinrichsen ‘94
David J. Hintz ‘84
Fred W. ‘89 and Michelle A. ‘90 Hintz
Stanley J. Hintz
Timothy S. Hintz ‘86
Russell A. Hintze ‘87
Karl N. Hinz ‘89
Jay W. ‘67 and Ann L. Hinze
Lyle F. Hird ‘51
Karl F. ‘72 and Jane M. ‘73 Hirsbrunner
Larry J. ‘69 and Mary K. Hirsbrunner
John A. Hirte
Thomas P. and Margaret E. Hite
Jim P. Hobbick 75
Jack B. Hobbs
Pamela J. Hobson ‘80
Victor G. and Barbara L. Hockett
Colleen A. Hodgson ‘69
David J. Hodgson ‘82
Rob T. ‘80 and Colleen M. ‘84 Hodgson
Lance D. Hoefflin ‘83
Kevin W. Hoeper ‘94
Terry A. Hoeper ‘62
Jason L. Hoeppner ‘92
Donald J. Hoeveler ‘74
Sandy K. Hofbauer ‘65
Jamie R. Hofberger ‘89
David L. Hoffman ‘79
Kevin J. Hoffman
Louise E. Hoffman
Michael A. Hoffman ‘88
Robert F. and Nancy J. Hoffman
Steven F. Hoffman ‘71
Tom J. ‘87 and Teonna M. Hoffman
Michael W. Hoffmann
Scott M. and Ann Hoffmann
Jim W. Hofrichter ‘79
Margaret L. Hohenstein
Russell E. Holbrook Jr.
Gordon E. Holcomb ‘59
Betty R. Holland ‘51
Leo L. Holland ‘63
Terrence J. Holland
William E. and Lisa J. Holland
Kathleen A. Hollatz ‘63
Kathleen M. Holley ‘81
Elaine E. Hollinger ‘87
Leland E. Holm ‘63
David E. Holmbeck
Dale M. Holmen ‘73
Christine A. Holmes ‘71
Kevin J. Holoubek ‘87
Amanda A. Holst ‘06
John C. Holt ‘03
Kenneth A. ‘89 and Jennifer E. ‘90 Holte
Nina L. Holte ‘89
Carol J. Holtsapple ‘67
Bradley P. Holtz ‘84
Christine E. Holtz
James W. Holtz ‘83
Sharon L. Holtz ‘93
Dalhart Holzhueter ‘61
Paul R. ‘75 and Val Holzhueter
Ronald G. Holzhueter ‘69
Loren M. Homb ‘88
Gene G. Hong
Mary H. Hook ‘75
Everett A. ‘65 and Bette L. ‘67 Hooks
James C. and Martha L. Hooley
Diane M. Hooper ‘84
Rosemary C. Hoover ‘76
Michael L. Hopke ‘11
John L. ‘66 and Jean ‘67 Hopkins
Lois M. Hopkins ‘69
Debora A. Hoppenjan ‘85
Steven G. and Deb M. Hoppman
Anne E. Hore ‘91
Holly M. Horihan ‘02
Amanda J. Horn ‘05
Deanne S. Horn
James W. ‘69 and Joyce M. Horn
David O. Hornby
Marie A. Hornes ‘71
Keith A. and Carol A. Hornick
Ryan R. ‘05 and Sarah K. ‘06 Horst
Terry A. Horst ‘72
Jack D. Horton ‘62
Shari S. ‘94 and Tom S. Hougan
Dean A. Houlberg ‘74
David D. House ‘82
Rick T. House ‘75
Charles J. Housner ‘82
John W. Hove ‘67
Elizabeth A. Howard ‘74
Homer L. Howard ‘50
Marion A. Howard
William R. ‘57 and Lois J. Howard
Jane A. Howell ‘65
Jon R. Howell ‘62
David A. Hoyt ‘74
Dale A. Hrdlicka ‘88
Jerry F. Hrovat ‘79
Christopher W. Hrubes
Hong-Liang Huang
Thomas D. and Lisa J. Hubbard
James R. and Patricia G. ‘73 Huber
Raymond G. ‘86 and Alice J. ‘86 Hubert
Robert W. Huck ‘84
Robert and Ann C. Hudon
Pamela J. Hudson ‘83
Daniel M. ‘81 and Carrie L. ‘81 Huebner
Gary E. Huenefeld ‘71
James and Sue S. Huff
Kyle D. Hughart ‘09
Bradley W. Hughes ‘91
Dan C. Hughes
Daniel L. Hughes ‘89
Vicki R. Hughes
Sherry Hughes-Rielly
Donald L. Huinker ‘71
Bernadette J. Hull ‘81
Roger J. Hull ‘50
Gregory C. Hundt ‘97
Catrice L. Hunt ‘97
David A. Hunt ‘78
Terry R. Hunt
Barbara I. Hunter
Steven M. Hupert ‘89
William J. Hupke ‘87
Brent J. Huppert ‘97
Norm R. Hurlburt ‘71
Helene T. Hurley-Magee ‘71
Rosemary A. Hurst ‘53
Carl J. Huschitt ‘98
Eugene M. Huser
Marvin A. Hustad ‘53
Tracey L. Hustad ‘91
Kimberly R. Huston ‘91
Wilbert W. Hutchens ‘81
Crystal H. Hutchinson
Robert D. and Nadine M. Hutchinson
Craig C. Huth ‘00
Kevin L. Huttenlocher
Noel C. and Susan Hutton
Sandra K. Huxtable ‘83
Marilyn K. Hydrick ‘63
Bruce M. Hying ‘93
Paul F. Hying ‘78
Phyllis M. Hying ‘42
David M. ‘86 and Laura M. ‘86 Hynek
Elizabeth J. Hynek ‘71
Lora L. Hynek ‘76
Florence T. Ignarski ‘87
Daniel R. Ihde ‘97
Linda M. Ihm ‘89
Mary C. Ihrig
Loren J. Imhoff
Julie S. Immekus-Dorn
John D. ‘84 and Jennifer M. ‘95 Ingebritsen
Kevin M. and Linda A. Ingenthron
Terrence N. Ingram ‘61
Scott T. ‘08 and Rachael L. ‘08 Inman
Larry C. ‘71 and Mary B. ‘73 Irish
Erin L. Isabell ‘88
Wally C. and Kathleen A. Iselin
David E. ‘83 and Christine A. ‘84 Iserman
Timothy J. ‘82 and Darlene B. ‘85 Isom
Bret R. ‘89 and Carol E. ‘90 Iverson
Mitchell J. Iverson ‘86
Tim S. Iverson ‘82
Bruce P. Ivey ‘73
Robert C. ‘66 and Lynette E. ‘67 Ivey
Danielle M. Izdepski ‘96
Teresa Jablonska
Rob A. ‘08 and Kristin M. ‘06 Jack
William M. Jacklin
Carol A. Jacks
Kenneth L. Jackson ‘66
Martin A. ‘85 and Teri L. ‘85 Jacobi
Norman C. Jacobs ‘78
Thomas E. Jacobs
William J. Jacobs Jr. ‘64
Christopher J. Jacobsen ‘72
Tony J. Jacobson ‘85
Carla J. Jacobson ‘83
Dan T. Jacobson ‘79
Dr. Jeff D. and Rev. Kathy J. Jacobson
Mary A. Jacobson ‘65
Peter A. Jacobson
Tom L. ‘74 and Cynthia S. ‘76 Jacobson
Brian A. Jacoby ‘92
Michael G. Jacques ‘73
Winton K. ‘52 and Mary Jean ‘51 Jaeger
Marty J. ‘86 and Sara A. ‘86 Jaeger
John J. Jaeggi ‘85
Jeffrey J. Jagmin
Lisa A. Jagodzinski
Donald L. Jakubisin ‘84
Robert G. ‘74 and Barbara A. ‘74 James
Christine M. James ‘94
David J. James ‘63
Jason M. James ‘05
Peggie L. James ‘78
Roger L. James ‘86
Harlow R. ‘63 and Marcene R. James
Jennifer L. James-Baker ‘83
David L. Janda ‘79
Dennis J. ‘80 and Angela G. ‘80 Janda
Bryan R. Jandt
Bob S. Janes ‘81
David A. Janiszewski ‘73
Betty M. Janke ‘81
Justin J. Jankowski ‘71
James W. Jankus ‘57
Robert M. Janney ‘50
Tony R. ‘88 and Joann R. ‘89 Jansen
Larry R. Jansen ‘82
Mike A. Jansen ‘87
John M. Janssen ‘70
Kevin R. Janssen ‘81
Peter R. Janus ‘87
Jeff C. Janz ‘76
Whitney J. Jarvis ‘08
Marlene H. Jaskaniec
Mildred G. Jaynes
James D. Jefferies ‘83
Thomas A. and Deb Jefferson
Grace S. Jeffery
Jim L. ‘79 and Linda M. ‘91 Jegerlehner
Michael S. Jeglum
Lisa M. Jelen ‘01
Jennifer L. Jelinek ‘05
Diane J. Jenkins
Kenneth A. Jenks ‘85
Thomas L. Jenner ‘73
Ann K. Jensen ‘72
Barry J. Jensen ‘82
Dave C. Jensen
David L. Jensen ‘69
Louise C. Jensen ‘89
Stephen U. Jenson ‘74
Dianne L. Jentz ‘92
Paul R. Jentz ‘58
Wayne R. and Chris M. Jentz
Ryan L. Jenz ‘03
Robert D. Jerauld ‘94
Russell R. Jerome ‘99
Glee A. ‘50 and Ralph A. Jerrett
Larry C. Jerrett ‘78
Carl H. Jessen ‘57
Karen K. Jessen ‘74
Neal F. Jessie ‘68
David J. Jessup ‘82
Greg A. Jewell ‘86
Steven C. Jirschele ‘78
Dean W. ‘68 and Barb J. ‘67
James D. Johanns ‘81
Kent D. Johannsen
Nicholas and Bev J. Johansen
Greg M. and Barbara Johll
Jay R. ‘03 and Julie A. ‘02 Johll
Matthew E. Johll ‘94
Dick C. Johnsen ‘68
Ron R. ‘68 and Jane A. ‘68 Johnsen
Alan L. Johnson ‘79
Bruce D. Johnson ‘57
Burnett M. ‘83 and Stephanie M. Johnson
Charles E. Johnson
Craig C. Johnson
Dana L. Johnson ‘85
Daniel A. Johnson ‘77
David L. Johnson ‘63
Dean A. ‘00 and Pam S. Johnson
Dennis T. Johnson ‘70
Douglas L. Johnson ‘69
Drew V. Johnson
Elizabeth L. Johnson ‘49
Eric R. and Theresa L. Johnson
Gary M. Johnson
Gordon L. Johnson ‘57
Herb G. Johnson
Isaac H. Johnson
Jeffrey J. Johnson ‘75
Jennifer R. Johnson ‘91
Jeremy J. Johnson
Jerry F. Johnson ‘79
Karen A. Johnson ‘93
Kenneth R. Johnson
Lisa R. Johnson ‘88
Mark E. ‘79 and Judy J. ‘79 Johnson
Michael A. Johnson ‘70
Michelle M. Johnson ‘84
Paul M. Johnson ‘59
Perry C. ‘71 and Connie D. Johnson
Ralph S. Johnson ‘80
Becky L. Johnson ‘91
Reid C. Johnson ‘95
Richard A. and Maureen J. Johnson
Ruth A. Johnson
Ryan D. Johnson ‘03
Sandra K. Johnson ‘72
Scott E. Johnson ‘88
Shelly M. Johnson ‘91
Stephanie L. Johnson ‘00
Thomas J. ‘79 and Katie A. ‘81 (McGinley)
Timothy J. ‘89 and Brenda L. ‘88 Johnson
Walter R. Johnson ‘99
William E. Johnson ‘80
Stuart M. ‘84 and Carol M. ‘81 Johnston
Edward A. and Colleen L. Johnston
Jim W. Johnston
Marlyn O. Johnston ‘73
Nancy J. Johnston ‘80
Robert L. Johnston ‘66
Scott E. Johnston ‘90
W. Bracken Johnston
Donna M. Jolley ‘79
James H. and Sally A. Jolma
Keith A. Jonas ‘96
Samuel J. ‘71 and Peg ‘75 Jonas
Tom J. ‘64 and Patricia A. ‘65 Jonas
Daniel J. Jones ‘98
Daniel J. Jones
David W. Jones ‘79
David D. and Mary L. ‘67 Jones
David P. ‘81 and Cathy L. ‘80 Jones
Dean E. Jones ‘74
Douglas R. ‘00 and Christina L. ‘00 Jones
Jacob A. and Julie Rae Jones
Jay A. Jones ‘76
Jean H. Jones ‘52
John R. ‘56 and Joan V. ‘57 Jones
John A. Jones ‘80
Jon P. Jones
Kent S. Jones
Lorilee Jones ‘83
Neale R. Jones ‘65
Robert W. Jones ‘57
Roberta A. Jones
Roland S. Jones
Ruth J. Jones ‘48
Thomas P. Jones ‘72
Wynn O. Jones ‘56
Stephen M. Joness
Charles E. Jordan Jr. ‘52
Lynnette R. Jordan ‘68
Philip K. Jordan ‘92
David T. Jore ‘88
Douglas A. Jorgensen ‘67
Jeffery M. Jorgensen
Rolyn K. Jorgenson ‘61
Todd W. Jorns ‘86
Gloria A. Joseph ‘89
Russ C. ‘71 and Maureen R. ‘70 Josh
Darren J. Joslin
Thomas A. Joswiak
Mark J. ‘70 and Laura L. Joyce
Pat T. and Ruth A. ‘79 Joyce
Kevin L. Judd ‘75
Roger J. Julian ‘69
Robert J. and Lori L. Jung
Robert J. ‘70 and Joan E. ‘69 Just
Michael J. ‘00 and Kari A. ‘04 Kabat
Stan and Terri Kabat
Betsy A. Kacizak ‘90
Ron L. Kading
Brian S. Kahl ‘88
Rebecca L. Kahl-Trollop
Daniel C. Kaiser ‘80
Elmer S. ‘80 and Colleen R. ‘83 Kaiser
Gerard J. Kaiser ‘88
Marlene M. Kaiser ‘56
Steven E. Kaiser ‘85
Kurt J. Kaisler ‘83
Stephen M. Kaldunski ‘84
Mike A. ‘87 and Pam S. ‘87 Kalinosky
Scott A. Kalscheuer ‘03
Joshua T. Kalsow ‘11
Michael D. ‘86 and Kay M. ‘88 Kalvin
John K. and Lori L. Kammel
Frederick R. ‘77 and Sandra A. ‘77 Kamnetz
Leon R. Kampman
Samantha Kampman
Dan G. ‘79 and Ruth A. Kamps
Delores J. Kamps ‘56
John G. Kamps ‘85
Kenneth G. ‘59 and Lois Jean ‘69 Kamps
Nicole N. Kamps ‘11
Peter L. and Laura M. Kamps
Joseph P. Kandler
Donald E. Kane ‘57
Thomas P. ‘79 and Linda L. ‘84 Kane
Betsy J. Kanelos ‘82
Glenn L. Kanitz ‘53
Joey R. Karczewski
Kate M. Karczewski
Robert J. Karczewski
Eugene S. Karlowicz
Michele M. Karlowicz
Christopher D. Karls ‘83
Steven G. Karpowicz ‘79
Phil ‘62 and Barb H. ‘85 Karrmann
John R. Karsten ‘78
John J. Karsten ‘06
Kenneth F. ‘70 and Janis R. ‘74 Kartman
John R. Kaske ‘52
Gary R. Kassen ‘83
Joan E. Kastenholz ‘79
Eugene H. Kastenson
Joseph L. Kaster ‘62
Mark W. Kauffman
Dan R. Kaul ‘78
Dave G. ‘78 and Lois A. ‘76 (Hanson) Kaul
Kelly J. Kavanagh ‘85
Donna R. Keacher ‘65
Jessica J. Keao ‘06
Tomasz J. Kedzior
Henry D. ‘85 and Jill D. Keen
Robert C. Keeney ‘78
Kim O. Keesey ‘79
Mark A. Keesey ‘81
Jo Ann L. Kehrli-Merlau ‘70
Christopher S. Keil ‘07
Steven P. Keil ‘74
Steven C. ‘80 and Erna M. ‘81 Keil
Steven D. Keleher ‘85
Janet K. Wikum-Keller ‘81
Joseph J. Keller ‘92
Mark D. Keller ‘87
Tina R. Keller ‘91
Sue L. Kellicut ‘70
Darlene L. Kelly
Jolene A. Kelly
Kate A. Kelly ‘60
Bob J. Kelly ‘75
Anthony A. ‘86 and Ellen T. ‘86 Kemnitz
Lawrence A. Kempf
Gail A. Kempfer ‘64
Octavia C. Kemps ‘98
Todd A. Kenefick
Scott D. and Karen Keneway
Kevin D. Kennedy
Pat A. Kennedy ‘56
Rod D. Kennedy ‘66
Karl R. Kennicker
Mark S. Kenny
Raymond J. ‘52 and Virginia H. ‘48 Kenny
Dianne I. Kenseth ‘58
Lawrence W. Kent ‘73
Ryan S. ‘11 and Lindsey A. ‘10 Kent
Matthew R. ‘05 and Rachel R. Kent ‘04
Robert S. ‘68 and Bernice A. ‘68 Kepler
Glen L. ‘70 and Jean L. Keppy
Christopher M. Keran
Susan M. Kerber
Martin D. Kerkenbush ‘88
Thomas H. Kerkenbush ‘58
Mary Lou Kern ‘57
Bill S. Kern ‘97
Donald H. Kerr ‘70
Victoria A. Kersten ‘91
Steven K. Kesselmayer
Kurt G. Kessler ‘86
Sarah L. Kessler
Mark H. Ketterhagen
David M. Kettle ‘95
Jeff J. Keuter ‘92
Linda L. Keuter
Mary R. Keyes ‘50
Phil J. Keyes
Nasser Kiarang ‘66
Tim J. Kiefer ‘83
Ted R. Kieffer ‘82
Jeffery R. Kiel ‘81
Judy A. Kiel ‘90
Daniel F. Kieler
Debra E. Kieler ‘77
Jackie A. Kieler
Dale A. Kielhofer
Ruth M. Kielley ‘49
Nicole E. Kielman ‘02
Dan J. Kies
Kenyon C. Kies ‘64
Nancy S. Kies ‘71
Susan J. Kies ‘91
Michael S. Kilar ‘88
Karla K. Kilburg
Jeff J. Kilcher ‘82
Karland A. Kilian
Anne E. Killian ‘09
Daniel C. Killian ‘90
Paul G. Kimball
Barbara J. Kinane ‘61
Leslie E. Kinas ‘84
Jacob Kincaid
Kathleen M. Kincaid
Victor C. Kincannon ‘70
Kirk J. ‘83 and Deanne D. ‘83 Kindred
Kelly J. King
Michael J. King
Roger J. King ‘60
William T. King
Daniel H. Kinley
Timothy J. Kinnard ‘93
Jeannie K. Kinney ‘72
Kenneth L. Kinney
Michael J. Kinney ‘58
Patrick K. Kinney ‘61
Ralph V. ‘64 and June M. ‘63 Kinney
Sally J. Kinney ‘69
Lisa L. Kinsman ‘99
Paul E. Kinsman ‘79
Richard G. Kinsman
John M. and Christine Kinzel
Glenn O. ‘50 and Beatta A. ‘65 Kipfer
Theresa M. Kippley ‘85
Donald J. Kirby
Jack ‘54 and Nancy K. Kirby
James H. Kirch
Randall R. Kirchberg
Steve P. Kircher ‘82
Joanne C. Kirchgassner ‘64
David A. and Judy Kirchner
James R. Kirchner
Rea H. Kirk
Alf E. and Denise B. Kirkeeng
Brad D. Kirkeeng ‘88
Charlotte A. Kirkeeng
James B. ‘67 and Carol B. ‘67 Kirkpatrick
Alan J. and Ann M. Kirschbaum
Karen M. Kisting ‘79
Rick D. Kisting ‘97
Scott D. ‘94 and Andrea K. ‘02 Kittel
Bruce A. Kittle and Jan E. Krieger
Todd C. Kitzerow ‘88
David L. and Jo Ellen Kjelland
Lisa M. Klaas ‘82
Robert E. Klaas ‘77
Glenn M. Klaassen ‘85
Sandra Klahn
Karl D. Klar ‘68
Rikki J. Klassy ‘05
Richard T. Klatt ‘65
Shirley J. Klebesadel ‘83
Jean M. Kleckner ‘60
Linda A. Kleckner ‘84
Stephen J. Kleefisch ‘74
Cameron P. Klein ‘08
David J. ‘70 and Connie A. Klein
Kay M. Klein ‘67
Missy M. Klein ‘08
Phillip J. ‘82 and Cathy R. ‘84 Klein
Mark S. Klekamp
Carolyn A. Klema ‘97
Susan M. Klema ‘81
James B. Kliebenstein ‘69
Richard F. Kliebenstein ‘75
Rick J. Klimo
Kurt C. Klingbeil
Joel P. ‘70 and Sara J. ‘73 Klinge
Robert L. Klocke
Larry D. Kloepping ‘85
Mark A. and Colleen K. Kloepping
John L. Klopotek ‘67
Kenneth L. Klopp ‘70
Stan J. Klosiewski Jr
Kevin R. Klubertanz ‘88
Randi J. Kluesner ‘74
Narleene S. Klug
Stuart L. ‘71 and Mary Ellen ‘71
Jeffrey J. Knatz ‘93
Kevin D. Knauber
Thomas J. ‘71 and Marge K. ‘71 Knauer
James P. Knautz ‘73
Jesse A. Knee ‘99
Kelli M. Knickerbocker
Randy R. Knickmeier
Jordon L. ‘06 and Nicole M. ‘06 Knier
Robert A. ‘77 and Jill V. ‘84 Knight
Sharon E. Knight ‘66
David R. Knipfer
Karen K. Knoble ‘61
Greg E. Knoke ‘67
Gary C. ‘68 and Harriet M. ‘69 Knops
Barbara L. Knox ‘95
Bruce L. Knox ‘72
Carol J. Knox ‘59
Duane T. and Michelle M. Knox
Todd D. Knox ‘03
Curtis H. Knudtson ‘74
Raymond J. Knudtson ‘69
Wayne G. Knudtson ‘76
Michael H. ‘90 and Lesa L. ‘89 Knuth
Tim A. Knuth ‘02
Gilbert A. Knutson ‘84
Gordon R. Knutson ‘71
Harold C. and Lorraine E. Knutson
Lois E. Knutson
Perry W. ‘85 and Lynn A. ‘86 Knutson
Robert C. Knutson ‘74
Ryan ‘99 and Becky Knutson
Stacy L. ‘83 and Chad L. Knutson
Vernie R. Knutson ‘65
Harlan J. Koberstein ‘68
Jerry R. Kobiske ‘74
Douglas W. and Candy M. Koch
Henry P. Koch ‘60
Kevin A. Koch
Mary Jane Miller Koch ‘71
Laura B. Kochanowski ‘07
Richard R. Koehler ‘57
Robert F. Koehn ‘58
Larry J. Koenen ‘88
Ronald J. Koenen ‘81
Kody J. Koepke ‘84
Albert J. Koeppel
Keith A. Koeppel ‘90
Cletus L. and Carole J. ‘59 Koester
John R. Kohl ‘71
Marvin G. Kohlbeck ‘53
T.J. Kohlenberg ‘96
John R. Kohli ‘69
Blake E. and Traci Kohlman
Roger A. Kohlmeier
Janice L. Kohls ‘56
Mary E. Kohls ‘67
Scott R. Kohls
Robert D. Kohn ‘69
Jeffery E. and Sue M. Kojis
Gary E. Kolb ‘78
Michael F. and Jennifer L. Kolb
Brian K. Kolden
John E. ‘72 and Chris M. ‘72 Kolenda
Richard J. Koll
Eric K. Komprood ‘88
Rosemarie L. Konen ‘95
Wayne N. Konkle ‘59
Dorothea Steppler Konkol ‘47
Kenneth V. Konop ‘63
Tamara T. Koop ‘78
Rafe F. Koopman ‘00
Roger K. Koopman ‘71
Dawn A. Kopecky
Jon A. Kopecky ‘78
Timothy E. Kopiske
Kim C. Kopp ‘86
Dick J. ‘69 and Patty T. ‘70 Kopp
Steven J. ‘75 and Dawneen M. ‘76 Kopp
Deanna M. Koralesky ‘78
Donald F. Koranda ‘89
Glenn R. Korb
Patrick S. and Jill M. Korsmo
Meredith L. ‘11 and Evan L. Korth
Marlene Korty
Chris J. Kosmicki ‘87
Joseph R. Kovars ‘71
Daniel J. Koziczkowski ‘96
Richard E. Kraemer ‘71
Ben Krahenbuhl ‘67
Sheldon L. Krahenbuhl
Gregory H. Krahn ‘69
Francis L. and Laurie T. Krajco
Cliff J. Krajewski
Brian B. and Jean B. Krambeer
Jim H. Kramer ‘77
Oram R. Kramer
Terry M. Kramer ‘69
Fred P. Krantz ‘62
William G. Krantz ‘88
Elizabeth Kranz
Pat A. Kranz ‘95
Robert J. and Nancy J. Kraszewski
Donald J. Kratcha ‘60
Tom and Louise A. ‘95 Kratochwill
Rob J. Kratochwill ‘65
David E. Kratzke
David R. Krause ‘80
Thomas C. Krause ‘79
Francis L. and Jayme L. Krautkramer
Michael G. Krawczyk ‘74
John A. Krawxzyk
Douglas A. Kregel ‘02
Bruce A. ‘74 and Shirley K. ‘73 Krenzke
Jason J. Kress ‘09
Sue L. Kretchmer
Tom J. ‘01 and Sarah R. ‘04 Kretschman
Kris C. ‘03 and Amy M. ‘01 Kreul
Robert N. ‘49 and Johanna N. Kreul
Gerald N. Kreutzer ‘66
Dorothy M. Krey ‘63
Robert M. Kriewald ‘84
Russell J. Kriha ‘98
John W. Krinke ‘97
Stephanie L. Kroeger ‘00
Jeffrey P. ‘79 and Paula J. ‘80 Kroes
James M. Krogman ‘81
Neal J. and Jill Krohlow
David K. ‘72 and Kay G. ‘74 Krohn
David J. Krohn ‘61
Bruce B. ‘89 and Caroline A. Kroll
Lois A. Kroll ‘63
Leroy B. Kronebusch
William A. Kropa
Jack R. Krubsack
Gary R. Krueger
George B. Krueger ‘81
Mark J. ‘76 and Julia B. ‘74 Krueger
Maryann A. Krueger ‘69
Peter K. Krueger ‘78
Roy A. Krueger ‘82
Larry L. Krug ‘60
Matt S. Krug ‘07
Craig R. Kruger
Don W. ‘03 and Krista L. ‘05 Kruger
James R. Kruger ‘78
Jeffrey P. ‘91 and Heidi J. ‘91 Krumenauer
Beth R. Krupke
Jerold A. Kruse ‘72
Randall B. Kruser ‘87
Jessica M. Kubalek ‘99
Walter J. Kubly ‘55
Jane L. ‘89 and David L. Kuchel
Lee C. Kucher ‘69
David S. Kuchinski ‘84
Peter G. Kucksdorf
Darrell W. Kuehl
Daniel M. ‘04 and Stacey S. ‘11 Kuehn
Gary M. and Linda M. Kuehn
Kevin J. Kueng ‘89
Thomas N. Kuenzi ‘82
Joshua J. Kuepers ‘98
Dennis F. ‘74 and Jane A. ‘84 Kueter
John B. Kuhl ‘63
Kevin D. Kuhl
Rick L. Kuhle ‘79
Eric R. Kuhls ‘95
Gary R. Kuhls ‘75
Arthur M. Kuhn
Barbra Kuhn
Robert B. and Barb K. Kuhn
William L. Kuhn ‘89
Rosemary A. Kuhnle ‘09
Gregg D. Kuhs ‘82
Stephen M. and Jodi M. Kulick
Anna S. Kulka
Debra J. Kundert ‘76
Judy I. Kundert
Kathy S. Kundert ‘68
Kenneth W. and Betty A. Kundert
Kelly K. Kunkel ‘98
Barb S. Kurki ‘74
John W. Kuroski ‘90
Lisa M. Kurt ‘93
Todd C. Kuska
Bryon L. ‘61 and Cindy L. ‘60 Kustka
John C. Kustka ‘84
Scott W. Kuykendall ‘97
Thomas P. ‘79 and Carolyn M. Kuzma
Perry A. Kuznar ‘82
Vincent J. Kwasniewski
Kris S. Kyle ‘73
Steve J. ‘86 and Linda M. ‘86 La Brake
Gary W. ‘69 and Elinor A. ‘68 La Chapelle
Lauren J. La Venture ‘06
Delroy D. and Bev A. Laabs
James D. Lackas ‘02
Christine L. Lacke ‘88
Robert J. Lacke ‘52
Donna L. Ladwig ‘69
Kevin M. ‘85 and Jill M. Ladwig
Craig P. ‘96 and Sara M. ‘97 Ladwig
Joe W. Laeser ‘99
Gordon E. Laib ‘69
James C. Laird ‘61
Randy C. and Donna J. Laird
Paul V. Lake ‘61
Ryszard S. Lakoma
Thomas M. and Joanne M. Lamb
Stacie N. Lambele ‘90
Alan C. Lambert ‘86
Dave J. ‘81 and Nancy R. Lambert
Daniel J. ‘97 and Rebecca A. ‘04 Lamm
Martha J. Lamm ‘70
Janet E. Lamparski
Aaron P. ‘96 and Denise L. ‘96 Lancaster
Brad P. Lancaster ‘91
Dennis E. Lancaster ‘87
Louis E. and Eleanor E. ‘80 Landau
Linda M. (Brogan) Lande ‘80
Sam J. Landes
Harold H. Landwehr
George W. Lane ‘70
Steve J. and Maxine A. Lane
Charles W. and Caryl C. ‘63 Lang
Jon M. Lang
Ryan M. Lang ‘01
Melinda M. Langbehn ‘75
Bradley S. Lange ‘95
Dennis J. and Tammy Lange
Gary E. Lange ‘61
John M. Lange Jr.
Rick W. Lange ‘80
Daniel E. Langel ‘91
Francis J. Langer ‘08
Mark A. Langkamp ‘61
Richard G. and Laura L. Langkamp
Scott M. ‘86 and Carmela M. ‘86 Langkamp
Dawn L. Langkamp Bolton ‘81
James F. Langlo
Rick S. Langmeier
Dwayne F. Langsdorf
Peggy M. Lapacek ‘74
Scott M. Largent ‘91
Donna M. Larkosh ‘66
Herbert A. Larsen ‘81
Sharon M. Larsen ‘71
Thomas F. and Sara L. Larsen
Cheryl E. Larson ‘89
Christopher H. and Amy Larson
Connie J. Larson ‘80
Curtis S. Larson ‘71
Glenn L. Larson ‘65
Jim T. Larson ‘79
John R. Larson ‘75
Nancy A. Larson
Sara A. Larson
David M. ‘86 and Terrie A. ‘85 Larson
John R. and Bonnie L. Lartz
Lyle F. Laske ‘59
Marvin N. Laspa ‘71
Myrna M. Lastusky
Bernie A. Latakas ‘69
Ralph W. Latta and Paula Busby Latta
Gregory J. Latzig ‘84
Allen R. and Lori A. Laufenberg
Lester L. Laun ‘56
Daniel H. Launspach ‘75
Marilyn K. Lauritzen ‘64
James M. ‘70 and Bonnie L. ‘70 Laverty
Steven G. Lavey ‘76
John J. Lawfer ‘08
James J. ‘72 and Donna J. ‘71 Lawinger
Jane M. Lawinger ‘84
Virginia A. Lawinger ‘54
Gregory H. Lawrence ‘88
John B. and Barbara Lawrence
John P. and Elsa M. Lawrence
Darrin and Janice E. ‘04 Lawton
Gene J. and Debbie A. Le Clair
Richard G. Le Mahieu ‘76
Gerald R. ‘72 and Patricia E. ‘77 Leahy
Thomas C. Leamer ‘64
Carol A. Leannah ‘80
Bill F. Lease ‘77
Siegfried H. Lebherz
Tony G. Ledvina ‘78
Betty J. Lee ‘97
David D. Lee ‘68
Dennis L. ‘71 and Becky G. ‘67 Lee
Donald L. Lee ‘74
Eldon K. Lee ‘65
Kevin R. Lee ‘87
Lorraine J. Lee ‘46
Luellen K. Lee
Dick F. ‘64 and Judith A. ‘66 Lee
Tom J. Lee ‘86
Mark G. Lefave
Heath C. Lehmann ‘94
Robert H. and Judith A. Lehms
Dan J. Lehnherr ‘04
Francis J. ‘81 and Kim R. ‘88 Leibfried
Scott R. Leibfried ‘88
Tonya (Tweet) M. Leibfried
Gary L. and Joellen M. Leibold
Ruth A. Leitz ‘66
David D. ‘76 and Karen L. ‘78 Leix
Jerome A. Lemahieu ‘77
Mark A. Lemay
Eric W. Lemberger
Dwight D. Lemke ‘91
Patrick D. and Patty L. Lentz
Randy and Connie Lenz
Kenneth L. Lenz ‘77
Richard W. Lenz ‘73
Edward C. Leonard ‘48
Alan D. ‘69 and Elizabeth J.’72 Leonard
Willette M. Leonard ‘78
Betty J. Leonhard ‘00
Don A. Leonhard ‘90
Glenn R. and Barbara Lepley
Bruce W. LeRoy ‘72
Gene E. Lester ‘74
Raymond C. Letizia
Shirley M. Leu ‘54
Bob P. Leuck ‘83
Thomas R. and Joann Leuenberger
Fred D. Leverentz ‘65
Paul W. and Dawn W. Levesque
Mark A. Levetzow ‘07
Jerre R. Levoy
Tim R. Lewan
Anna Lewis
Beverly K. Lewis ‘64
Jennifer J. Lewis ‘91
Kenneth R. Lewis ‘72
Randy M. Lewis
Robert E. ‘56 and Barbara J. ‘60 Lewis
Steven W. Lewis ‘85
Steven K. Lewis
John P. Libal ‘05
Timothy E. Liddane
Kris C. Liddicoat ‘94
Douglas P. Lieb ‘92
Donald E. ‘95 and Brita L. ‘93 Liebelt Jr.
Bernie E. Liegel ‘86
Gary O. Lien ‘68
Ronald J. Lien
Alan W. Lietz
Mike D. Lieurance ‘71
Randal J. ‘84 and Holly ‘88 Lifke
Darrell E. Light ‘71
Lawrence M. Lightfield ‘78
Scott F. and Cindy L. Lightner
Daniel R. ‘06 and Emily J. ‘07 Lilla
Robert E. and Patricia E. Limke
Jim M. Limmex ‘84
Tom J. and Lee Ann Lindahl
Jon A. and Jenny L. Lindberg
Joel A. Lindenberg ‘85
Glenn L. Linder ‘85
Merl M. Linder ‘67
Jon H. Lindert ‘93
Lee D. Lindgren
Jeanette M. ‘48 and Homer M. Lindholm
Jason G. Lindner ‘91
Perry M. Lindquist
Janel Lindsay
Catherine G. Lindy ‘50
Fredrick C. Lininger
Patrick J. Link ‘91
Michelle K. Linke ‘88
Nathan T. Lipinski ‘00
Rick D. Lipka ‘86
Terri L. Lips
Keith M. Liston ‘80
Terry J. and Sandra M. Litchfield
Eric J. Little ‘87
Philip N. Little ‘71
Robert G. ‘71 and Mary C. ‘71 (Gardner)
Thomas H. Liu ‘74
Terry S. Livingston ‘70
Frederick J. Lloyd ‘81
Janice F. Loberger
Wade A. Loberger ‘95
Dustin A. Lochner ‘06
Roger C. and Pat Lochowitz
Donald J. ‘64 and Betty J. ‘68 Loeffelholz
Christopher T. Loeffelholz ‘94
Barbara Loeffler-Hartl ‘91
Nancy A. Loferski
Richard M. Lofthouse Sr. ‘76
Richard A. Loftsgordon ‘65
Richard L. ‘71 and Mary A. ‘73 Loftus
Patrick A. Lofy ‘92
Jeremiah W. Logemann ‘00
Michael A. Logsdon ‘89
Thomas L. and Maryann A. LoGuidice
Katherine N. Lohr ‘59
John A. Lohrentz
Jon I. Loitz ‘90
Gerald J. Lolwing ‘92
Andrea H. Lombard ‘61
Kristin R. Long ‘92
Kevin J. ‘73 and Ruthmary K. ‘89 Long
Brian P. ‘82 and Kim L. ‘82 Longfield
William R. Look
Janet M. Loomis ‘63
Brad H. Loose
Pedro M. Lopez
Stefanie A. Lorbiecki ‘82
Deanna C. Lord
Cecile R. Loreck and Joan C. Foley
Brad J. Lory ‘98
Jack R. Losch ‘72
Gary L. Loss ‘71
George T. Louthain ‘70
Jon P. Lovas Sr.
Stephen L. Lovell ‘79
Bill M. Lowe ‘76
Grant L. Loy ‘54
Leon M. Loy ‘77
Richard F. Loy ‘73
Shan F. Lu ‘91
David A. Lucey ‘71
Sheila M. Luck ‘79
Larry L. and Jaynice B. Luckey
Terrence L. Ludkey ‘78
James J. Ludwig ‘52
Marcus E. ‘96 and Renee A. ‘98 Ludwig
Marvin C. Ludwig
Peter A. Luebke ‘67
Bryan L. Lueck
Shirley E. Lueschow ‘57
Art F. Luetke
Jan T. Luhman
Stacy E. Luisier ‘85
Lynette A. Lund ‘74
Randall L. Lund ‘73
Joel H. Lurquin
John J. Lurquin
Benjamin G. Lusted ‘10
Steve K. ‘67 and Judy E. ‘67 Luter
Jeffrey D. ‘87 and Ann M. ‘86 Lutes
Adrian J. Luther ‘87
Art J. Luthi ‘65
Chris A. Luttrell ‘80
Randall E. Lutz ‘72
Richard W. Lutze ‘81
Loras R. Lux ‘77
William D. ‘66 and Patricia R. ‘66 Lyford
Linda L. Lynaugh ‘72
Dale J. and Karen J. Lynch
Kay E. Lynch ‘78
Patricia E. Lynch ‘65
Arlene L. Lyons ‘65
Dennis M. Lyons
James W. Lytle ‘75
Shirley A. Maas ‘62
Maxine P. Macek
Douglas G. MacFarland
Jim Hiner and Marian G. Maciej-Hiner
Jay S. Mack ‘76
Randal J. Mack ‘92
David S. Macke
Douglas E. MacKenzie ‘68
John S. Mackesey
Steven L. Mackowiak
Mark W. Macomber ‘92
Lori A. Macy
Jake P. Madaus ‘10
Bob W. Madden ‘65
Jean A. Mader
Barney J. Madigan ‘52
Troy R. and Sandra C. ‘89 Madland
Glenn A. Madson ‘78
Kenneth R. Magila
Robert S. and Lesley W. Magna
Carol E. Magurany-Brotski ‘85
Marilyn F. Mahr ‘71
William P. Mahr ‘84
Gerald W. and Rachel J. Mahun
Chester L. Majeski ‘46
Paul B. ‘83 and Margaret E. ‘83 Majors
Mark S. Makemson ‘83
Steve P. Maki
Jill P. Makovsky
Michael W. Malec ‘67
Jeff D. Maletzke ‘86
Charles (Chuck) F. Malone ‘69
Mary K. Malone ‘67
Steven P. Malone ‘87
Jill A. Maloney ‘69
Richard J. Malson ‘61
Jessica A. Malueg ‘05
Paul H. ‘68 and Deanna L. ‘69 Maly
Barbara J. Mamerow ‘82
Pete Manderfield ‘75
Charlie E. Maney ‘62
Dominick N. Mangardi ‘68
Michael T. Manke ‘00
Daniel J. Manning
John D. Manning
Randy G. Manning ‘85
Jeffrey J. ‘76 and Lee Ann J. Mantes
Erich A. Manwarren ‘93
Joe A. Marchiando ‘68
John E. Marco
Ramona F. Marenda ‘79
Marjorie A. Margelowsky ‘52
Jeff M. ‘97 and Michele A. ‘97 Marggi
Kyle F. Maring ‘08
George S. and Jodi R. Marino
Vicki L. Marish ‘79
David J. ‘64 and Lou Ann ‘65 Markee
Ron G. Markevitch
Jeffrey R. and Kathleen A. Markham
Dick and Melinda Marklein
Timothy M. Marko ‘82
Jane F. Marks
Thomas J. Marks
John J. Markus ‘69
Dan R. Marotz ‘99
Richard A. Marotz ‘70
Gary L. Marquardt ‘92
David W. Marsh ‘72
Dawn M. Marsh ‘88
John R. and Paula Marsh
Patricia J. Marshall ‘61
Todd A. and Pat L. Marten
Cheryl L. Martin ‘80
David O. and Joan Martin
Doug A. Martin ‘73
Edward G.and Lori A. Martin
Gola M. Martin ‘71
Greg A. Martin ‘84
Jim A. Martin ‘62
Kurt C. Martin
Mark A. and Kimberly G. Martin
Myron L. Martin ‘70
Nancy J. Martin ‘74
Ralph A. Martin ‘60
Richard H. Martin ‘60
Ryan P. Martin ‘00
Scott M. Martin ‘77
Susan M. Martin
Thomas J. Martin
Thomas J. ‘58 and Mary J. Martin
Wayne E. ‘60 and Donna J. Martin
William S. Martine ‘58
Robert L. ‘67 and Wanda J. ‘65 Martinsen
Julie M. Martyn ‘03
Richard M. Marusinec ‘78
Catherine M. Marx Kaake ‘78
Donna J. Masar ‘72
Gary L. Masching
Christine D. Mason ‘88
George W. and Delores M. Mason
James M. and Nancy A. Mason
Janice M. Mason
Steven J. ‘85 and Tracy L. ‘88 Massey
Tonja M. Masshandt-Brabazon ‘93
Elsie M. Masters ‘46
Ronald J. Matella
Deane R. Mathews ‘72
Monte H. Mathews ‘91
Thomas J. ‘99 and Laurie A. Mathias
Mark W. Mathwig ‘85
Cyril W. Matter ‘66
Gerald R. Matteson ‘58
June V. Matteson ‘60
Julie A. Mattson ‘86
Julie K. Matuszak
Brian P. Matzke ‘77
David W. Mau ‘64
Joyce E. Mau ‘63
William C. Maurer ‘58
Paul F. Mauss
Leonard W. Mauthe
Fred C. Maves ‘74
Jonathan N. ‘90 and Bobbi L. ‘02 Maxwell
Janet C. May ‘62
Matt J. May ‘11
Tamara A. Mayberry ‘92
Bette J. Mayer ‘65
Ina M. Mayer ‘46
Mark W. Mayer ‘81
Jeff M. Mazanec ‘78
Patrick R. Mc Kenzie
Jeffrey E. ‘83 and Barbara A. ‘85 McArdle
Bob J. McAuliffe ‘84
Bill R. McCabe ‘84
Therese M. McCarragher ‘50
Joe A. McCarthy ‘81
Joseph J. McCarthy
Margaret A. McCarthy ‘01
Mary K. McCarthy ‘88
Patrick J. McCarthy
Steven M. ‘79 and Maureen A. ‘79
Michael G. McCarty
Susan M. McCarville ‘58
Gerald B. McCauley ‘68
Joan C. McCauley ‘83
Thomas A. McCauley ‘87
Bruce A. McClain ‘63
Timothy A. and Kelly Y. McClain
Brigid M. McClaire ‘82
Mark J. McCluskey ‘77
Mark J. McCluskey ‘85
Lara M. McCombie ‘00
Timothy G. McComish
Ruth A. McConnell ‘64
Ryan G. McConnell ‘08
Daniel J. and Victoria R. McCormick
Patrick R. ‘86 and Loni A. ‘86 McCormick
Trina M. McCormick
William J. McCormick ‘59
Gary H. ‘71 and Cheryl J. ‘71 McCourt
Dan J. ‘87 and Sally E. McCue
Earl S. and Evelyn McCullough
Larry E. and Patricia McCullough
Doyle W. McCully
Sheila A. McDaniel ‘74
Elaine A. McDermott ‘57
Jason J. ‘91 and Jodi L. ‘90 McDermott
Joseph (Jay) V. McDermott ‘85
Mike R. McDermott
Wayne A. McDermott ‘83
Ann M. ‘92 and Steve M. McDonald
Bud W. McDonald ‘86
Franklyn T. McDonald
Heather L. McDonald
Julia K. McDonald ‘80
Rodney D. McDonald
Dennis M. ‘84 and Taja W. (Winzeler)
Patricia D. McFadden
Lisa A. McFall
William A. McFarland ‘59
Peter McGahey
John R. McGarry
Richard G. and Mary S. McGary
Frank E. ‘05 and Kaleen A. ‘05 McGettigan
Bernard F. McGinley ‘52
Lawrence E. ‘61 and Mary A. ‘93 McGinley
Michael P. McGough ‘74
Ryan A. ‘02 and Elizabeth N. ‘04
Tom A. McGuigan ‘59
Christy K. McGuire ‘88
Dean W. McGuire ‘71
Jerry R. McGuire ‘87
Mary McGuire ‘59
Nancy R. McGuire ‘56
Peter R. McGuire ‘80
Steven M. McGuire ‘89
Steven J. McHenry ‘86
Kenneth R. McHone ‘07
Jackie A. McIlhagga ‘82
Michael G. McIlwee ‘65
Casey P. McIntosh ‘01
David (Mac) M. McIntosh ‘74
Sean M. McKean ‘97
Sandra D. McKee ‘68
Mary L. McKenzie-Dantzler ‘68
Mac A. McKichan Jr.
Dick L. ‘64 and Kris L. ‘71 McKichan
Ryan P. McKillips ‘06
Sandra J. McLain ‘63
Jane A. McLamarrah ‘71
Heather M. McLean ‘03
Rebecca R. McLenithan ‘01
Robert J. and Carol M. ‘59 McLernon
Chris A. ‘87 and Jennifer S. ‘86 McLimans
Jerry A. McLimans ‘83
James D. and Kim J. McLuckie
Christopher B. McMahon ‘89
David B. McMahon
John A. McMahon ‘93
Mark L. ‘84 and Andrea K. McMahon
Michael J. McMahon ‘86
Paul T. ‘68 and Nancy A. ‘68 McMahon
Terry A. McMahon ‘82
Gregory M. McManus
Kevin W. McMullen ‘86
Laura E. McMullen
Ryan J. McMullen ‘01
Nancy E. McMurray ‘83
Joel D. McNair ‘79
Daniel L. ‘69 and Patricia A. McNaughton
Steven C. McNaughton ‘81
Larry D. McNeill ‘70
Michelle L. McNett ‘01
Mike J. and JoAnn McNett
Timothy R. McNurlen ‘76
Ronald G. McNutt ‘61
John J. McQuade ‘77
Esther A. McReynolds ‘51
Larry C. McReynolds ‘78
David K. McSherry ‘73
Cynthia J. McVay ‘68
Royce V. McVay ‘65
Kendall J. ‘98 and Kristin R. ‘97
William J. McWilliams
Jacqui L. Meach ‘90
Pat W. Meagher ‘72
Andrew L. Mears
Alan A. Meddaugh
Gene T. Medeke ‘69
Peter D. ‘93 and Judith R. ‘95 (Heggestand)
Roger A. Mehre ‘83
Gerald W. Meier ‘62
Robert L. Meier ‘92
Scott E. Meier ‘90
Dean E. Meinholz ‘97
Kristin M. Meinholz ‘90
Chuck W. ‘85 and Colleen E. ‘88 Meinke
Darrell J. Meinsma
Dan L.’86 and Anna L. Meise
John W. Meisel
Steven J. Meiselwitz
Rev. Lee A. ‘67 and Helen M. Meissner
David A. ‘89 and Danielle M. ‘92 Meister
Janet E. Meister ‘98
Joshua P. ‘09 and Holly M. ‘11 Melby
Laura L. Melby ‘96 and Matt L. Melby
Peter C. and Lori L. ‘84 Melby
Paul T. ‘84 and Patricia A. ‘84 Melby
Harland S. Melbye ‘85
Judy M. Mele
Mark T. Mele
Laurie A. Connors-Melius ‘83
Erin R. Mellem ‘10
William A. Mellen
Rita K. Menamin ‘65
Michele L. Mennie
Alvin ‘66 and Leanne M. Menninga
Adam P. Mentink ‘09
David F. Mercer ‘58
Karen M. Merckx ‘79
Ronald E. Mercord ‘98
Daniel J. ‘72 and Pamela M. ‘71 Mergen
David E. Mergen ‘60
David F. and Melanie E. Mergen
Jeffrey R. Mergen ‘85
Michael J. and Janet Mergen
Stephen G. ‘70 and Sharon M. ‘73 Mergen
William E. Mergen ‘79
Carol B. Merkovich
Joanne R. Merriam
Stephen L. Merritt
Kurtis J. ‘97 and Rebecca L. ‘97 Mersch
Allen M. and Karen A. Mertes
Steven C. Mertins ‘73
Terence J. Mesch ‘73
Richard (Dick) H. Meske ‘72
Lynn E. Messer ‘64
Ralph A. and Karen A. Messer
Ron L. Messer
Ann M. Metcalf ‘38
Patricia A. Metcalf ‘85
Robert C. Metcalf ‘67
Marie G. Metry ‘39
Wayne L. Metzger ‘89
Kathleen K. Meuer
Marjorie F. Meuer
Charles W. Meulenberg ‘69
Fred O. and Audrey M. Meurer
Jim R. ‘76 and Carol A. ‘76 Meverden
Brenda L. Meyer ‘95
Bruce L. Meyer
Carol J. Meyer
Chuck H. Meyer ‘78
George J. Meyer
John D. Meyer
Stephen P. Meyer ‘91
Steven R. Meyer ‘94
Todd A. Meyer
William M. and Trisha K. Meyer
James A. Meyers ‘62
John M. ‘77 and Nancy J. ‘78 Meyers
Leslie G. Meyers ‘65
Mark S. ‘81 and Lynn M. Meyers
Dennis C. Mezera ‘76
Paul J. Mezydlo ‘88
Nicole M. Miceli
Joel M. Mich ‘95
Joseph P. Michaels ‘83
Neil E. Michek ‘90
John L. Michel ‘68
Marilyn J. Michel ‘66
Jim A. Michelson ‘66
Mark E. Mickelson ‘07
Robert G. Mickelson ‘93
Terry L. Mickelson
Arnie A. ‘79 and Ann E. ‘87 Miehe
Bob H. Mierow ‘89
Brian F. Miesen ‘96
Jeffrey A. ‘94 and Jennifer J. ‘97 Miesen
Anthony J. and Laurie A. Miess
William M. Mihalyi Jr. ‘76
Bret A. Mihlbauer ‘87
Erin L. Milestone ‘07
Greg G. Millard ‘78
Neil I. Millard
Ramon L. Millard ‘52
Aaron J. Miller ‘10
Arthur J. Miller ‘63
Barbara S. Miller ‘71
Bill E. and Debbie L. Miller
Chuck R. Miller ‘75
Christan D. Miller ‘91
Christina M. ‘00 and Gregory M. Miller ‘00
Dale J. and Katherine A. Miller
Daniel C. Miller ‘05
Daniel J. Miller ‘87
Eloise L. Miller ‘63
Eric C. Miller ‘95
Gregory V. Miller ‘77
Jennifer L. Miller ‘83
Jerome C. Miller ‘68
Jerry L. Miller ‘73
John A. ‘90 and Kathy L. ‘87 Miller
Joyce L.’85 and Brian L. Miller
Kameron A. Miller ‘76
Karen I. Miller ‘83
Kenn M. ‘72 and Wendy W. ‘72 Miller
Laura E. Miller ‘84
Mark D. Miller ‘73
Mike E. Miller ‘71
Pamela M. ‘76 and John M. Miller
Paul R. Miller ‘65
Peter E. Miller
Rockie D. Miller ‘81
Ruth A. Miller ‘82
Sanford P. Miller ‘89
Sarah P. Miller ‘11
Sidney C. Miller ‘65
Steve R. Miller ‘72
Steven J. Miller
Steven T. Miller
Jerry S. and Tracey L. Millin
Lisa D. Millin
Donald (Chip) J. Millman ‘75
Lisa K. Mills
William R. ‘60 and Jeanette R. ‘61 Minch
Karyn M. Minder ‘70
Leon R. Mindham ‘73
Mark J. Minger ‘68
David J. Misch
Chuck R. Misky ‘62
Clayton ‘57 and Patricia L. ‘57 Mitchell
Kathleen L. Mitchell ‘44
Robert J. Mitchell ‘61
Robert A. ‘72 and Rhonda M. ‘74 Mitchell
William P. Mitchell Jr.
Steve L. Moderow ‘75
Milton C. Modjeski
Thomas B. and Carol Modlinski
Allan J. Moede ‘81
John R. Moeger
Warren R. Moeller
Don P. Moen ‘80
Jeff J. Moen ‘83
Tina M. Moen ‘96
Kenneth L. Moerer ‘72
Tom E. Moffett ‘89
Arnold H. Mohlman ‘58
Lenore P. Molenda ‘86
Mark D. and Beth A. Molesworth
Michael A. ‘74 and Laura L. ‘75 Molitor
Michael S. ‘02 and Janet R. ‘88 Molitor
Lynn M. Momchilovich ‘00
John W. and Janet B. ‘83 Mominee
Stephanie Y. Monahan ‘98
Kris J. Mondloch ‘03
Paula J. Mongan
Richard J. Moninski
Steven E. Montague ‘80
Jennifer E. Montana ‘02
Betty J. Montgomery
Diane B. Montgomery ‘81
Russ C. Moody ‘64
Steven J. Moody ‘80
Roger S. Moon ‘51
Christopher A. Moore ‘00
Ed T. ‘84 and Linda K. ‘79 Moore
Fred K. and Mary D. Moore
Gerald P. Moore ‘67
Hollie M. Moore
Jacob R. Moore ‘10
Mary R. Moore ‘85
Rita C. Moore ‘87
Michael D. Moran ‘81
Joyce M. Morell ‘69
Joanne L. Morey ‘92
Rita M. Morgan ‘86
Bill F. and Nancy J. Morgan
Marjorie J. Morgenthaler
Marjorie E. Morhardt ‘66
Paul V. and Judy E. ‘66 Moriarty
Morris K. Moriwaki ‘77
Bruce J. Morris ‘89
Jennifer Morris
Joan R. Morris ‘78
Lawrence L. and Debbie A. Morris
William J. Morrison
Jack H. Morrow ‘42
Raymond N. Morse ‘74
Diann M. Morshead ‘91
Roselynn R. Morsi
Ruth A. Mortensen ‘86
Dick D. Mortimer ‘48
Merle A. ‘78 and Jodine A. Mosley
Michael J. Mostek Jr. ‘06
Thomas E. Mott
Michael J. ‘87 and Lisa A. ‘87 Mowbray
Ann M. Moyer ‘02
Kevin L. Moyer ‘03
Linda J. Moyer-Sparks ‘86
Miles S. ‘70 and Carol H. Mraz
Dale L. Muehlenhaupt ‘83
Brian D. ‘91 and Peggy D. ‘94
Bradley J. Mueller ‘93
Frederick E. Mueller
Harlan A. Mueller ‘68
James P. ‘07 Mueller and Ann C. ‘84 Runde
Mark D. ‘96 and Kim M. ‘96 Mueller
Patricia R. Mueller
Richard A. Mueller ‘78
Robert E. Mueller ‘64
Sid J. Mueller ‘81
Steve W. Mueller
Larry J. Muelver
George H. Muender ‘66
Mike C. ‘94 and Sandra L. ‘95 Muetzel
Dieter and Betsy B. Muhlack
Alan D. Muhle ‘78
Richard T. Mulcahey ‘62
Joseph J. Mulcahy ‘42
Joseph J. Mulcahy Jr. ‘71
Teresa A. Muldoon ‘05
Rose Ann M. Muller ‘65
Tanya L. Muller ‘00
Lloyd G. ‘73 and Cecilia C. ‘74 Mullikin
Patrick M. Mullooly ‘94
Marcella M. Mulrooney ‘50
Patrick E. Mulroy
Linda A. Mulroy-Bowden
Jean E. Mulvey ‘80
Allan J. Mumm ‘90
Jim P. Mumm ‘80
Larry V. Mumm
Robert E. Mumm ‘71
Rose M. Mundth ‘80
Paul A. ‘98 and April J. ‘99 Munson
Sherrill J. Munson ‘62
Pamela A. Murack ‘77
Nancy K. Murdock ‘94
Catherine A. Murphy ‘88
Constance Murphy ‘60
Deborah L. Murphy ‘96
John L. Murphy
Leo V. Murphy ‘52
Mark S. and Carol L. Murphy
Patrick J. Murphy II ‘61
Robert S. Murphy ‘61
Ronald E. Murphy ‘64
Thomas W. Murphy ‘49
Dan W. ‘76 and Lyn J. ‘70 Murray
Dylan Murray
Edwin G. Murray ‘96
Mark W. Murray and Nedi A. Graf
Robert B. Murray ‘68
Lee A. ‘65 and Isabel M. ‘62 Mushel
Mesut A. and Zehra Z. ‘93 Muslu
Joel D. Musser ‘02
Aggrey O. Mutiva
Michael A. ‘70 and Colleen A. ‘70 Myers
Dan L. Myers ‘71
Don K. Myers ‘72
Jim H. Myers ‘64
James L. Myers ‘10
Jack E. Myers ‘78
Michael D. Myers ‘75
Paul J. Myers
Michael J. ‘88 and Nancy J. ‘92 Nachreiner
Dianne L. Nachtigal ‘73
Julie A. Nagle
Lyle W. ‘51 and Shirley ‘52 Nahley
Harlan L. ‘73 and Rena J. ‘74 Nale
David C. Nalepinski ‘90
Jared K. Napralla ‘07
Jordan C. ‘52 and Dido R. ‘51 Nash
Randy L. and Donell Nash
Debra J. Natz ‘74
Mark R. Nebel ‘77
Patrick M. and Kathy E. Nechvatal
Jon J. ‘90 and Linda J. Nedelcoff
Zachary S. Neece
Margaret O. Neefe ‘71
Karen A. Neff ‘79
Kenneth E. Nehring ‘54
Cynthia M. Neis ‘90
Gary A. ‘82 and Ann R. Neis
John B. ‘72 and Jane ‘66 Neis
Patricia L. Neis ‘83
Thomas M.and Jennifer T. Neis
Scott A. Neitzel
Ardith K. Nelson 1970 and James K.
Bradley V. Nelson ‘77
Brian R. Nelson ‘80
Carl I. ‘73 and Judy L. ‘76 Nelson
Charles E. Nelson
Cheryl L. Nelson
Claude V. Nelson
David J. Nelson
David P. Nelson ‘73
David P. ‘88 and Holly J. ‘88 (Jeseritz)
Gerald J. and Deb A. Nelson
Greg A. ‘74 and Barb S. ‘73 Nelson
James M. Nelson ‘75
Jeffrey O. Nelson ‘79
Jeffrey L. Nelson ‘04
John D. Nelson ‘84
Ladd E. Nelson ‘91
Larry D. Nelson ‘66
Marie B. Nelson ‘87
Mary A. Nelson ‘70
Gerald S. ‘50 and Mary F. ‘50 Nelson
Mike J. and Barb G. Nelson
Myles A. Nelson ‘63
Richard F. Nelson
Robert L. Nelson ‘59
Roger A. Nelson ‘68
Roger S. and Dawn M. Nelson
Roger L. and Sandra G. Nelson
Russell B. Nelson ‘50
Scott A. Nelson
Sheila A. Nelson ‘68
Steven P. Nelson ‘92
Tom J. Nelson ‘83
Tom N. Nelson ‘59
Eugene R. Nemetz ‘05
Kami K. Nemetz ‘01
Stacia D. Nemitz ‘10
Peter J. ‘00 and Amy J. ‘99 Nemmetz
Mark M. Neperud
Merlin A. Nerby
Drew J. Nesemeier ‘10
Lisa L. Nethery ‘89
Mark P. Nethery ‘98
Timothy R. Nethery
William T. Nettnin
William F. Nettnin
Patrick M. Neu
Donna M. Neubauer ‘66
Donald E. Neuburg
Joyce E. Neuendorf
Clareda M. Neuenschwander ‘69
Madge M. Neuheisel ‘93
Michael E. Neuman
Scott C. Neuman ‘88
Norma A. Neuroth ‘67
Douglas D. ‘74 and Sally P. ‘73 Neverman
Damian J. Nevers ‘08
John H. ‘70 and Carole H. Newcomer
Marshall W. Newhouse ‘78
James C. ‘72 and Leanne R. ‘72 Newman
Kevin J. Newquist
Paul H. Newquist
Randall J. Ney
Charles W. Nichols ‘56
Barbara B. Nichols-Perchik ‘85
David F. Nicholson
James R. and Roxann Nickasch
Michael L. ‘99 and Elizabeth M. ‘99 Nickels
Philip E. Nickson ‘67
David T. Nielsen ‘71
Edmond J. Nielsen
Harold E. Nielsen ‘67
Jack R. ‘56 and Joyce E. ‘55 Nielsen
Angela C. Niemeier
Erik E. Niemeier ‘96
Scott D. and Lisa A. Niemuth
Ron C. Niendorf ‘68
Patrick A. Nienhaus ‘85
Kenny D. ‘91 and Michelle R. ‘95 Nies
Karen L. Niesen ‘65
Todd J. Niles ‘91
Carl J. Nilssen
Shea B. Nimocks ‘96
Randy J. and Dawn Nissen
Ama A. Nkansah-Andoh
Carey and Dona R. Noble
Gregory L. Noble ‘79
Michael L. Noble
Ivan L. Nodolf
Jeffrey J. Nodorft ‘94
Virginia A. Noerr La Passo ‘66
Patricia K. Nolan ‘76
Richard M. Nolden ‘72
Martin A. Nolet ‘78
Kenneth D. and Annette Noll
Dan A. Nommensen ‘80
Richard R. Nondorf
George V. Nordahl ‘63
Nicholas R. ‘01 and Brenda L. ‘01 Nordin
Dorothy E. Norman ‘78
Michael A. North ‘96
David L. and Janice M. Norwood
Kimberly A. Norwood
Patricia K. Noto ‘87
Mark E. Novak ‘79
Michael D. Novak’75
Ann M. Novinska ‘68
Lyle F. Novinski ‘56
Keith A. Novinskie
Paul G. Novorolsky
Thomas T. Novotny ‘69
Daniel C. Noziska ‘70
Gary A. Nuernberger and Sue Horwatich
Louis I. and Mary C. ‘04 Nzegwu
Mark M. O’ Neill ‘94
Cynthia J. O’Brien ‘81
Joseph R. O’Brien ‘04
Patricia M. O’Brien ‘81
Jay W. and Debby A. O’Connell
Jordan S. O’Connell ‘08
Patrick F. O’Connor ‘81
William E. O’Connor ‘82
Diane M. O’Donnell ‘86
Rick L. and Cheryl A. O’Keefe
Jessica J. O’Loughlin
William C. O’Loughlin
John R. O’Neill ‘82
Karl L. ‘83 Meyer and Amy L. ‘86 O’Rourke
Margaret M. O’Rourke
Steven J. Oakeson ‘86
Burnell J. ‘70 and Marilyn A. ‘69 Oates
Lona L. Oates ‘74
Jim R. Oberhofer ‘70
Zach G. Obert ‘98
John J. Obligato ‘72
Marvin W. Obry ‘53
George L. ‘69 and Sandra D. Ochs
Myron D. Odegard
Charles L. ‘75 and Pamela K. ‘75 Odorizzi
Theodore B. Oertel ‘70
Fred L. Oetzman ‘59
Rick J. Ogle ‘97
Richard H. and Caroline E. Ognenoff
Gregory R. Ohlhues ‘96
Gary L. and Kristi A. Ohnstad
Inez E. Oimoen ‘54
Ken A. Oja ‘68
Suzanne M. Okas ‘86
Paul M. Okon
Ugochukwu A. ‘88 and Julie L. ‘88 Okoro
Douglas A. Oleson ‘64
Jim E. ‘60 and Marjorie A. Oleson
Edna M. Olney ‘43
Ann M. Olsen ‘75
Miriam K. Olsen ‘81
Alexander T. ‘76 and Marjorie A. ‘71 Olson
Brian S. Olson
Bruce A. Olson ‘81
Daniel L. Olson ‘88
Dean P. Olson ‘91
Dennis W. Olson ‘70
Ellen M. Olson ‘72
Jeffrey T. Olson ‘92
Jodi I. Olson ‘91
Mary G. Olson
Michael J. Olson ‘02
Michelle R. Olson ‘91
Myron L. Olson ‘74
Richard D. Olson ‘69
Robert C. Olson ‘69
Scott A. ‘86 and Stacy R. ‘89 Olson
Stephen L. Olson ‘68
Terry F. Olson ‘82
Lori J. Olson-Putz ‘79
Jim W. Olstad ‘61
M. Teresa Olstad ‘43
Stephen J. Oneyear
Martha M. Onsrud ‘61
Scott F. Oomens ‘87
Brian K. and Mary L. Oostenryk Sr.
Vicki K. Opalewski ‘97
Jim N. Opelt ‘62
Kevin J. Opgenorth ‘10
Thomas G. Oppriecht ‘10
Brad A. Opsahl ‘90
Susan M. Opsal ‘92
Lorraine H. Orchard
Mark C. Orlovsky ‘85
Marjon B. Ornstein
James R. Orris ‘72
Juan C. Ortiz ‘06
Matthew J. Orvedahl ‘04
Art J. Osier ‘76
Mark J. Osredkar
Jenifer W. Ostendorf
Joan T. Ostendorf
Don C. Osterday ‘68
Gary L. and Linda Osterholz
Ron R. ‘72 and Jill S. ‘72 Osterholz
Shelly M. Osterndorff ‘85
Dean T. Oswald ‘90
Janet C. Ott ‘64
Jennifer L. Ott ‘88
Pam Ott
Brad A. Otter ‘88
Allan E. and Peg M. Otto
Lisa M. Otto
Wayne D. Ottoway ‘79
Bill Overton ‘66
Christian D. Owen ‘82
Patricia A. Owen ‘63
Andrew M. ‘05 and Sarah E. ‘05 Owen
David F. Owens ‘07
Richard D. and Judy E. Owens
Tadd J. Owens ‘92
Steve J. Oyen
Joyce C. Paar ‘57
Robert A. Packard
Paul A. Pade ‘69
Bruce W. Padley
Susan M. Pagel ‘71
Daniel J. and Nancy A. Pagenkopf
Todd W. ‘97 and Tracy A. ‘98 Paider
Alex E. Paisley ‘60
Scott W. Palan
Cary R. Palmer ‘68
Dennis J. ‘71 and Maxine L. ‘73 Palmer
Jim S. Palmer
Betty L. Paluso ‘55
Bruce R. Palzkill ‘83
Carl M. Palzkill ‘66
Catherine J. Palzkill ‘70
Dorothy E. Palzkill ‘55
Brad A. Pankow ‘86
Daniel E. Panzer ‘60
Mark L. Panzer ‘07
Dixie L. Paquette ‘75
Kasey C. Parent ‘04
Cynthia R. Parker ‘83
Dale E. Parker ‘58
Darrell R. ‘70 and Mary C. ‘71 Parker
Philip J. Parker
Edith M. Parkins ‘47
Arnold L. Parkinson ‘60
David L. Parkinson ‘73
Arthur B. and Tamara Parr
Jim E. Parr ‘76
Marguerite E. Parrell ‘70
Thomas W. ‘85 and Lee M. ‘86 Parrott
William M. ‘73 and Martha K. ‘74 Parsons
Rodney G. Pasch ‘70
Miriam R. Paska ‘01
Deborah M. ‘06 and David J. Paskiewicz
Dennis M. ‘81 and Chris L. ‘82 Paszek
John D. Patakos ‘06
Jim F. Patch ‘62
Dan J. ‘02 and Sara F. ‘03 Pate
Jeffery R. Patek ‘89
Ashley L. Patrick ‘03
Aaron ‘96 and Laura L. ‘95 Patterson
Bruce C. and Corrinne J. Patterson
Patrick J. Patterson ‘89
Richard A. Paul ‘73
Dennis H. Pauli ‘62
John J. Pauli ‘81
Laura J. Pauli ‘00
Robert C. Pauli ‘79
Stanley J. Pauli ‘62
Dale L. Pauls ‘67
Linda G. Pauls Fleming ‘73
Carl C. Paulsen ‘63
Daniel W. Paulson ‘92
Dolores E. Paulson
Marvin W. ‘66 and Judy A. ‘69 Paulson
Matthew D. Paulus ‘10
Donald E. Pauser ‘61
Cynthia K. Pawlo ‘70
Gary A. and Nancy A. Payne
Mike W. Payne ‘97
Charles E. and Diane K. Paynter
Steve J. and Karin Peacock
Timothy J. Peacock
Wilson H. ‘69 and Linda R. ‘71 Pearce
Lois A. Peart ‘83
Robert A. Peart ‘70
George A. Pebworth Jr
Kathy M. Pechan ‘80
Thomas J. Pechan ‘93
Richard B. and Linda L. Pedersen
Mark F. Pedretti ‘79
James M. ‘76 and Geraldine Peek
Robert G. and Julie A. Peet
Paul W. Peetz ‘87
Joseph W. Peikert ‘88
Daniel T. Pelgrin ‘80
Richard W. Pelkola ‘69
Nye C. Pelton ‘82
Lori L. Penha ‘85
Bruce A. and Lori Pennings
Charles R. Penniston ‘81
Marvin E. Perala ‘61
Dean D. and Kim A. Perino
Brian W. Perkins ‘96
Forrest W. Perkins ‘45
Joan A. Perkins ‘60
John M. Perkins
Donna J. Perkins ‘75
L. Lyle Perrin ‘59
Rachel T. Perrine
Dale F. Pertzborn ‘77
Kenneth M. Pesch ‘71
Sharon L. Pete
Ricky A. Peterman ‘84
Eleanor M. Peters ‘53
Jim J. Peters ‘65
Mark E. Peters ‘92
Rebecca L. Peters ‘95
Jeff S. Petersen ‘89
Jeffrey F. Petersen
Robert K. Petersen
Alberta C. Peterson
Allan J. Peterson ‘70
David A. Peterson
Dorothy V. ‘89 and Gerald V. Peterson
Gary A. Peterson ‘68
George O. Peterson ‘67
Gertrude K. Peterson ‘41
Gregory A. Peterson
Jan E. Peterson ‘70
Jeff S. Peterson
Julie G. Peterson
Kenneth J. Peterson
Luke Peterson
Lyle D. Peterson ‘81
Martha L. Peterson ‘90
Mary Anne Peterson ‘82
Michael D. Peterson ‘92
Roger A. Peterson ‘77
Ruth A. Peterson ‘59
Steve J. ‘72 and Rita A. ‘72 Peterson
Steven L. Peterson ‘87
Terry A. Peterson ‘76
Timothy L. Peterson ‘74
Wayne W. Peterson
Jerry D. ‘68 and Joan M. ‘70 Petitgoue
Joe A. and Mary R. Petrie
Bob A. ‘90 and Kristi K. Petrowitz
Ryan J. Pettersen ‘96
Alberta B. Pfaff
Doug D. Pfaff ‘79
Bob F. Pfeiffer ‘67
Larry J. Pfeil ‘71
Michael L. Pfeil ‘92
Steve A. Pfile ‘88
Kevin L. Pfohl ‘92
Stanley R. Pfoutz
Bill J. Phalen ‘66
Gordon W. Phetteplace ‘54
Ellen S. Phillips ‘79
Paul C. Phillips
Sharon L. Phillips ‘66
Charles D. Phillipson ‘71
Mark W. Pickel ‘85
Scott J. Piefer ‘88
Grazyna Pieniecka
Stan J. Piepenburg ‘73
Nancy L. Pieper ‘90
Charlotte Pier-Harrison ‘69
MaryAnn Pierce
Ronald A. ‘89 and Stacey L. ‘90 Pierce
William E. and Sheryl E. Pietkauskis
Nydia N. Pietri
David J. Pietrowiak ‘07
Chad J. Pietrowski ‘94
Jamie L. Piittmann ‘93
James M. Pilacznski
Tom W. Pilgrim ‘65
John B. Pinchot ‘87
Jay L. Pingel ‘89
Michael L. Pingel ‘80
Larry V. and Sharon M. ‘81 Pink
Jeremy D. Pinnow ‘00
Rachel L. Pinnow ‘94
Gregg J. Piper ‘83
Michelle R. Pipke ‘86
Karl R. ‘96 and Amy T. Pippenger
Margaret E. Pippin ‘55
Joseph F. ‘80 and Mary B. ‘80 Pirozzoli
Elaine R. Pirsig ‘87
Annie M. Piske
Carolyn M. Pittman ‘69
Thomas A. Pittman ‘83
Doris M. Pizzillo
Mark A. Place ‘87
Paul W. Place ‘85
David J. Placke ‘72
Daniel J. Platkowski ‘74
Peter M. Platten
Jody M. ‘04 and Brandon M. ‘04 Plautz
Heidi W. Pleetscher
David M. Plenge
Jeffrey G. Plenty ‘88
Annette M. ‘82 Pleshek
Jay A. Ploessl ‘86
Daniel J. Plomb
Phillip J. Plonka ‘94
Joy L. Plourde ‘64
Todd E. Pluemer ‘91
Joan D. Poad ‘63
Tom J. and Gail M. Poad
David R. Poehlman ‘67
Doyle R. ‘93 and Kimberly A. ‘94 Pokorny
Robert S. Pokorny
William J. Polacek
Mary T. Polkinghorn ‘79
John W. and Nancy Poller
Mark D. Polodna ‘86
Elaine A. Pomerening ‘52
Jaime L. Pommerening ‘01
Michael W. Ponyicsanyi ‘65
Florence M. Poole
John D. Poole ‘71
Darla K. Porter
Robert S. Porter ‘72
David B. Posorske ‘85
Jeffrey E. Post ‘76
Larry A. ‘62 and Linda A. ‘62 Potton
Randall L. Potts
Lois M. Powell ‘47
Gary A. Powelski ‘72
Mark J. Powers ‘63
Michael D. Powers ‘84
Robert F. Praefke ‘80
Randy L. Pratt ‘83
Bernard S. Pratte
Alan J. Preder
Laura K. Prendergast ‘85
Anthony T. Prestil ‘84
Robert A. Pretto
Charles D. Price ‘64
Gordon B. ‘64 and Joyce A. ‘67 Price
David L. Priebe
Diana E. Prien ‘85
Leon D. Primmer Jr.
Lyle R. Primrose
Denny M. Prine
Mary A. Pringle ‘53
William D. Pritchard
David H. Pritzl ‘74
Paul R. ‘76 and Katherine A. ‘76 Probst
Larry L. Prochnow
Cris R. Proctor ‘90
Rick J. Prohaska
Ann M. Prophett
Evelyn M. Propp
Robert W. and Brenda L. Propst
Scott J. Prouty ‘85
Virgil R. and Marcia Pufahl
Cara L. Puls ‘97
Richard M. Puls ‘80
Daniel L. ‘96 and Doris A. ‘95
Anthony M. Purcell ‘09
Gary S. Purnell ‘72
Tony A. Pustina ‘08
Dan J. Pustina ‘81
Jeff L. Pustina ‘86
Anne Putnam Smith ‘69
Bruce C. Pylkas
Beatrice C. Quam ‘53
Greg A. ‘78 and Claudia K. ‘77 Quam
Eugene Q. Quaye
John C. Quick
Kathleen ‘68 and Charles Quinley
Judiann S. Quinn ‘63
Dale M. ‘69 and Vicki E. Quinn
Joseph A. ‘81 and Susan E. ‘81 Quist
Dan H. Raab ‘80
Merlin G. ‘77 and Janice M. ‘74 Raab
James E. Rabe ‘96
Laureen J. Rabe
Ronald L. and Kim J. Rabska
Eugene A. Race ‘74
Lalia C. Rach ‘76
Terri A. Racine ‘89
Colleen J. Nelson ‘92
Loren R. Radcliffe ‘66
Lois A. Radloff ‘67
Joe M. ‘74 and Robin M. ‘74 Radocay
Phillip J. and Diane L. Radtke
Tom J. Radue ‘82
Barbara N. Ragatz ‘75
Michael T. and Sandy J. Rahberger
Roger W. Rahlf ‘72
Steve P. ‘00 and Kelli Rahn
Ken B. Raihala ‘90
Doris M. Raisbeck ‘45
Owen J. Raisbeck ‘72
Rita T. Raisbeck ‘76
Jeanne R. Raisbeck-Luebke ‘73
Stevan Rajak
Thomas A. Rake
Betsy M. Ralph ‘06
John M. and Debbie S. Ralph
Richard E. Ralph ‘76
Sally A. Ralph ‘80
Ted J. Ralph ‘52
Daniel J. Ramaker ‘76
Merlin F. Ramaker ‘63
Troy R. Ramaker ‘96
Suzanne M. Ramirez ‘94
Roger J. Rammer ‘82
Cruz J. Ramos
Judith A. Rampenthal ‘69
Charles T. and Lucille A. Ramshaw
Rudy J. Ramstack ‘50
John A. Ramuta ‘80
David A. and Patty L. Rand
Robert E. Rand ‘65
Ronald J. Rank ‘78
Andrew D. Rankin ‘08
Robert J. Ranney
Jonathan J. and Deanna Ranum
Kenneth W. Rasch
Ronald T. Rasmussen
Susan M. Rasmussen
Ron J. Rasque ‘73
Linda J. Rather ‘80
John D. Rathert ‘63
Leroy H. Rathert ‘48
Jon G. Rathke ‘79
Thomas H. Rathsack
Marilyn J. Ratliff
Gregory K. Ratter ‘87
Randall R. and Phyllis A. Ratz
Brian J. Rauch ‘86
Thomas R. Rauch
Barbara D. Raue ‘58
Larry J. Raupp ‘87
Lindsay A. Raupp ‘08
John S. Rausch and Joan E. Wheeler
John B. Rausenberger ‘90
Glen D. Rauwerdink ‘79
Gerald O. ‘71 and Suzette J. ‘92 Ray
Robert L. Ray ‘61
Garry W. Raymond ‘78
Wayne E. Raymond ‘58
I. Marguerite Re ‘81
Susan J. Ready ‘95
Sherri L. Reagin
Maryellyne E. Rear ‘72
Steven B. ‘72 and Lynn D. ‘73 Rear
Arnold F. ‘55 and Clarine M. ‘50 Rebholz
Roger H. Rebholz ‘60
Hilma H. Rebiger
Mike R. Rector
Gail E. Reddell ‘76
Steven G. Redenius ‘75
Robin H. Reder
Justin L. Redfearn ‘09
Kari M. Redfearn ‘09
Mark A. and Sally Redfern
Vayda M. Redfern ‘47
David W. Redmann ‘84
James D. and Sharon M. Reed
Kyle A. Reed ‘09
Margo L. Reed
Randy C. Reed ‘77
Rex R. ‘73 and Deborah L. ‘79 (Byberg)
Sally E. Reed ‘72
Vernon E. Reed ‘59
Cecil G. Reedy ‘61
Brad S. Reents ‘06
John S. Reese ‘57
Paul J. Reetz ‘93
Katherine L. Reffue ‘90
Mark A. and Karen M. ‘88 Regenhardt
Peter J. Regez ‘89
Marjorie E. Regnier
Ellen J. Rehlander ‘70
Mike J. and Sharon E. Reichert
Scott B. Reichert
Katie L. Reichling ‘05
Joanne T. Reilly Lamb
David A. Reimer ‘66
Tom W. ‘85 and Angie R. Reinecke
Bernard L. Reinfeldt ‘73
Kerry T. Reinhardt
Nick P. Reinhold
Paul E. and Anne C. Reinhold
Erin L. Reinicke ‘98
Susan M. Reinicke ‘83
Garon A. ‘70 and Theresa M. ‘78 Reinke
Diane L. Reinking ‘81
Jesse G. and Fern C. Reinstein
Robert W. Reisinger ‘78
Brad J. ‘05 and Lindsey R. ‘07 Reitzner
Joseph C. ‘77 and Danette C. Renn
Tina J. Rennebohm ‘82
Eugene J. Resch ‘85
Robert P. Resch ‘68
Darren P. Reschke ‘94
Michael S. Retallick ‘93
Leorr W. Retzner ‘76
Roger A. ‘56 and Thelma I. ‘55 Reukauf
Brent M. ‘90 and Tricia A. ‘94 Reuter
Brian M. Reuter ‘87
Jackie S. Reuter ‘93
Milton R. ‘47 and Phyllis E. Rewey
Daniel J. Reynebeau
Gregg M. Reynolds
Jennifer R. Reynolds ‘00
Paul M. and Nola Reynolds
Chuck E. Rhein ‘70
Loren K. Rheineck ‘53
Rory L. ‘81 and Kerrin L. ‘80 Rhinesmith
Michael A. and Teresa Rhyner
Dale D. Rice ‘61
Dave D. Rice ‘81
David A. Rice
Jeff Rice
Mark R. ‘83 and Cheryl R. ‘83 Rice
Dick W. and Joanne Rice
Bill J. Rice ‘62
Bill W. Rice ‘75
Marilyn R. Richards ‘55
Mark A. Richards ‘70
Peggy V. Richards ‘87
Robin M. Richards
Bradley T. and Kelly L. Richardson
John G. ‘68 and Rosalie M. ‘66 Richardson
Raymond E. Richardson ‘71
Viola I. Richardson ‘56
Allan A. and Lillian C. Richert
Ronald I. Richman ‘66
Jeffrey W. ‘84 and Eleanor K. ‘83 Richter
Katherine J. Richter ‘93
Douglas L. ‘78 and Kyle R. ‘78 Rick
Lamira L. Riddiough ‘39
Reese N. Riddiough ‘62
James E. Ridley
Alan J. Riebe ‘87
Jennifer A. Riebe ‘92
Bernard E. ‘81 and Katie (Hymes) Riechers
Jeff M. ‘01 and Stacy A. ‘00 Riechers
Kathleen M. Riechers
Sam H. Riechers ‘74
Pauline M. Rieck ‘73
Mark J. Riedeman ‘93
Daniel R. Rieder ‘86
Paul F. Rieder ‘77
Pauline M. Riedl ‘67
Cathy J. Riedl-Farrey ‘94
Rock and Joan E. Riedle
David A. Riedmiller
James J. ‘79 and Lynette K. ‘81 Riehle
Carmen K. Rielly ‘94
Keith P. ‘94 and Kim K. Rielly
Pat W. Rielly ‘68
Loretta H. Riemenapp ‘81
Bryce R. ‘00 and Jennifer A. ‘00 Riemer
Don L. and Donna J. Riess
Jackie M. Rietmann ‘97
Charles P. Riley ‘72
Todd and Nancy Riley
Michael D. Rindfleisch ‘80
Dave F. ‘92 and Sharon M. ‘93 Rindfleisch
Robert D. Ringberg ‘71
Jacob L. ‘09 and Crystal M. ‘09 Riniker
Richard J. Riniker ‘72
Allan A. Rinzel ‘68
Douglas J. Rinzel
Rodney A. Rinzel ‘98
Christopher S. Ripp ‘94
Michael P. Ripp ‘84
William G. Ripp ‘73
James A. ‘88 and Tammy L. ‘89 Risseeuw
Thomas C. Ristock ‘87
Lois A. Ritchie
Wade C. Ritchie ‘07
Cheryl M. Rithmiller ‘93
Donald G. Rivers
Stephen A. Roake ‘70
Patti L. Roark
Robert A. Robaidek
Jack M. Robb ‘61
Chad D. Roberts ‘97
Diane K. Roberts ‘66
Griffin W. and Vanessa J. Roberts
James G. Roberts
Phillip T. Roberts ‘85
Veronica S. Roberts
Betty M. Robertson
Burton L. Robertson
Sheree K. Robertson
Daniel T. Robeson ‘81
Douglas W. Robinson ‘74
Florence N. Robinson
Franklin E. ‘54 and Marilyn J. ‘56 Robinson
Mark S. Robinson ‘78
Daniel D. ‘74 and Kim D. ‘67 Roble
Michael E. Roblee ‘93
Michael H. Robson
Rodney W. ‘93 and Lynee B. ‘93 Robson
Tharen J. Robson ‘71
John A. Rock ‘66
Dennis J. Rockow ‘73
Michael L. ‘77 and Renee E. ‘76 Roddick
Art B. Rode ‘67
Patricia D. Rodewald
Sonia L. Rodgers-Davis
Juan M. and Sandra B. Rodriguez
Debra A. Roe ‘89
Roland J. ‘80 and Marie E. ‘81 Roe
Randy G. Roecker
Michael R. ‘89 and Debra J. ‘92 Roegner
Andrew R. Roehrdanz ‘90
Daniel C. Roehrdanz ‘96
Lance E. Roell ‘97
Matthew A. Roeser
Mark A. Roeske
Elizabeth M. Roesler ‘07
Jeffrey W. Roessler
Rich H. Roessler
Jill A. Roethe ‘73
Earl Roethke ‘75
Bill A. Rogan ‘87
Deborah L. Rogers
Douglas W. Rogers ‘82
Richard H. Roggenbauer ‘68
Barry D. Roghair ‘81
Thomas M. Rogina
Peter A. Rohrer ‘71
Michael R. Rohrwasser ‘81
Paul J. Romano ‘70
Marta E. Romer ‘63
Bill T. Romundson ‘63
Ann M. Ronning ‘88
David P. ‘88 and Becky L. ‘88 Rooyakkers
Arnie L. ‘74 and Janet T. ‘73 Roper
Bradley T. Rosandich
Paul M. ‘86 and Mitzi L. ‘87 Roscizewski
Scott D. and Lisa A. Roscoe
Diane R. Rose ‘68
Frank J. and Mary P. Rosecky
Andrew D. Rosemeyer ‘08
Jim A. and Lori A. ‘77 Rosemeyer
Michael J. 71 and Coleen J. Rosemeyer
Robert S. Rosemeyer
Sally N. Rosemeyer ‘71
Don E. Rosenbrook
Roland J. Rosenkranz ‘66
Brian M. Rosenthal ‘06
Brent T. ‘85 and Lynnette M. ‘85 Roshell
Jerry A. Rosin ‘79
Justin W. Rosin ‘07
Laura R. Rosol
Steven L. Ross ‘04
Willie J. Ross
John H. and Anne C. Rossmeissl
Carter J. Roth ‘97
Donald J. Roth ‘69
Michael M. ‘91 and Tonya A. ‘92 Roth
Tina J. Roth ‘04
Mary M. Rothe ‘73
Lindsey M. Rothschadl
Larry V. Rott ‘71
Joe C. Rottmann ‘71
Dave R. Roush ‘88
Daniel J. Rowe ‘66
Jim M. Rowe ‘60
Rita K. Rowe ‘70
Thomas W. Rowe ‘74
Arthur J. Rowley ‘91
David G. Rowley
Kathleen M. Rowley ‘72
Linda R. Rowley ‘91
Roxanne M. Roy
Armin A. Rubbert
Rick J. Rubenzer ‘83
Paul D. Rubert ‘90
Iva L. Ruchti ‘51
Sheila M. Ruchti ‘92
Terry M. ‘86 and Laurie A. ‘86 Ruchti
Earl F. Ruckdashel ‘90
Lorna L. Ruddy ‘75
Mike J. Ruddy ‘81
David L. and Cindy L. Rudsinksi
Kenneth H. Rue ‘74
Philip L. Rueckert ‘60
Edward A. Ruef ‘63
Harold E. Ruef ‘57
Jalaine R. Ruegsegger ‘84
Starr M. Ruesch
Scott D. Ruetten ‘85
Alan D. and Janice L. Ruf
Jackie K. Ruf ‘78
Gregory N. and Karen R. Ruffner
Connie J. Rufi ‘89
Rick B. Rugg ‘78
Kenneth E. Ruhland ‘83
Marv S. Ruhland ‘70
Richard J. Ruhsam ‘76
David J. Rulseh ‘09
Jim R. Rulseh ‘77
Debra L. Rummel ‘75
Charles J. and Cynthia Runde
Elizabeth J. Runde ‘95
Marian R. Runde
Thomas J. Runde
Sandra L. Runge
David J. Running ‘75
Jeanne M. Rupel ‘80
Clyde W. Rupnow
Daryl A. Rupnow ‘68
Lee O. ‘71 and Ruth E. ‘71 Rupnow
Ann M. Rupp ‘97
Vincent A. ‘82 and Mary K. ‘85 Ruppert
Craig A. Rusch ‘89
William P. ‘68 and Elizabeth A. ‘69 Rusch
Jean C. Rush
Andy J. Rusk ‘72
Arlene E. Ruskell
Jeffrey L. Russell ‘79
Ursula K. Russo ‘92
Roy P. Rusthoven
Todd C. Ruthe
Heather K. Rutkowski ‘03
Rick D. Rutlin ‘79
Thomas F. Rutter ‘87
Daniel C. Rutz ‘71
Charles A. ‘76 and Elizabeth J. ’75 Ruud
Daniel J. Rux ‘83
Charles F. and Margreet J. Ryan
Dennis F. ‘81 and Lisa K. ‘83 Ryan
Gregory M. Ryan ‘84
James C. Ryan Jr.
Michael J. Ryan ‘71
Scott D. and Debora L. Ryan
Tim J. Ryan ‘87
Heather E. Ryder ‘76
Curtis L. Saalsaa ‘92
Dennis R. Saari ‘74
John J. ‘69 and Cheryl R. ‘70 Saarinen
Dan G. and Becky J. Sackash
Kris L. Saeger ‘90
Mark W. Saeger ‘76
Carol A. Saele ‘67
David L. Saether ‘67
Nader Safari-Shad
James E. and Ann L. Sage
Steven W. ‘77 and Nancy S. Sagehorn
David B. Sahlstrom
Larry E. Salathe ‘71
Cheryl E. Salava ‘77
Lillian J. Salazar ‘62
David L. Saleh
James E. Salesman ‘69
Dawne L. Salier ‘57
David W. Salmon ‘84
Douglas ‘01 and Tammy J. ‘94 (Salmon)
Brian K. Salta ‘87
John C. Salter ‘83
Ronald J. ‘85 and Carol R. ‘85 Sam
Mark E. Samborski ‘96
Sandor E. ‘91 and Delilia M. ‘90 Samu
Sirous H. Samy ‘68
William M. Sand Jr. ‘11
Edgar K. Sanden
Gary J. Sander ‘85
Rodney L. Sander
Craig S. Sanders ‘71
Jeff T. Sanders ‘95
Patrick C. Sanders ‘86
Gary K. Sanderson ‘62
Jessica F. Sandry ‘08
Phil J. and Carol A. ‘61 Sands
Margaret A. Sanftleben ‘52
Michael N. ‘90 and Lisa J. ‘88 Sarenac
Cheikh C. Sarr
William F. and Patricia S. Sartori
Dean R. Sass
John A. Sassano
Kari L. Sasso ‘97
Darren L. and Cheri A. Sattler
Nadine R. Sauer ‘64
Jeffry J. ‘79 and Michelle M. ‘86 Savatski
Marvin L. Saxby
Valerie A. Sayed ‘73
Sheley A. Scallon ‘97
Mike P. Scanlan
Sandra C. Scanlan ‘60
John P. Scanlon
Edward C. Scaro ‘82
Todd and Linda L. ‘77 Schaack
Bill D. Schaaf ‘76
Larry F. and Linda L. Schaaf
Nancy K. Schaaf ‘87
Elizabeth A. Schaal
Joshua A. ‘01 and Michelle A. ‘00 Schaalma
Marvin R. and Shawn D. Schabacker
Louise C. Schadauer ‘49
Bernie A. Schaefer ‘73
Brian B. Schaefer
John R. ‘67 and Ruth E. ‘87 Schaefer
Patricia B. Schaefer
Marvin J. and Emily J. Schaeffer
Wade J. and DeLyn J. ‘02 Schafer
Jim M. Schaive
Jason W. ‘00 and Melissa J. ‘00 Schall
Bob F. Schaller ‘88
Eric S. Schambow ‘85
Marc J. ‘87 and Mary J. ‘87 Schambow
Wayne J. Schambow
Christopher D. Schaub ‘08
Leonard E. Schaub ‘72
Steven W. Schaub ‘88
Robert L. Schauer ‘87
Robert J. Schauf ‘73
Daniel J. Schauff ‘85
Joseph N. Schauff ‘73
Jeffry M. Schave ‘85
Shannon P. Scheel ‘86
Timothy H. Scheer ‘71
Joseph A. Scheffler
Gary D. and Kathy M. Schele
Dean L. Schellinger
Jon M. Schendt ‘08
Arthur F. Scherbert ‘60
Tony J. Scherer ‘80
Pete A. Scherer
Kent J. Scheuerell ‘72
Todd J. Schieffer ‘83
Steven E. ‘71 and Jill M. ‘77 Schielke
James P. Schilke ‘76
James M. Schilleman ‘54
Robert M. Schilling
Yvonne D. Schilsky ‘77
John J. ‘01 and Dena R. ‘00 Schimming
Michael R. Schindhelm ‘78
Kenneth A. Schindler ‘71
Lynn M. and Susan Schlager
Kevin A. Schlatter ‘07
Donald E. Schlaver ‘50
Marlowe L. Schlegel ‘69
Allan F. and Linda M. Schleicher
Steven W. and Lisa J. Schleicher
Deborah J. Schleif ‘03
Daryl B. Schlein
Glenn F. and Margaret Schlender
Sandra L. Schley ‘79
Jerry E. ‘70 and Marilyn Schliem
Robert W. Schloesser ‘65
Patrick J. Schlosser ‘73
Kevin D. Schlueter
Richard G. ‘78 and Joanie B. Schluge
Gyneth C. Schmale
Joe R. ‘02 and Kim G. ‘02 Schmelz
Rick Schmidt ‘81
Catherine R. Schmidt ‘46
David R. Schmidt ‘82
David M. Schmidt ‘90
Dennis L. Schmidt ‘75
Eric F. Schmidt
James A. Schmidt ‘73
Jeffrey B. Schmidt ‘93
Jennifer G. Schmidt
Judith M. Schmidt ‘69
Karen M. Schmidt ‘03
Lori A. Schmidt ‘88
Matthew J. Schmidt ‘92
Patty A. Schmidt ‘99
Randy R. and Judy Schmidt
Timothy J. Schmidt ‘89
Tracy L. Schmidt ‘94
David E. Schmieder ‘67
Robert J. Schmirler ‘68
Debra L. Schmit ‘93
Thomas J. and Nancy W. ‘77 Schmit
Diane B. Schmitt ‘56
Bryan W. Schmitz
Jerry J. Schmitz ‘81
Kenneth L. and Janice M. Schmitz
Marlys J. Schmitz ‘62
Martin P. Schmitz ‘87
Stephen D. Schmitz ‘85
Steven W. Schneeberger ‘72
Berneice E. Schneider ‘57
Brian W. Schneider ‘95
Cheryl A. Schneider ‘73
Dan R. ‘91 and Monica L. ‘90 Schneider
David W. Schneider ‘89
Don F. Schneider ‘67
Howard L. Schneider ‘39
Mark R. Schneider ‘89
Rose E. Schneider ‘73
Roy J. Schneider ‘77
Sherri K. Schneider ‘76
Virgil A. Schneider
James T. ‘86 and Karen M. ‘84 Schneller Jr.
Jim T. Schneller Sr. ‘59
Daniel L. Schober ‘61
John P. Schockmel ‘58
William J. Schoenmann ‘51
Craig A. ‘91 and Kim S. ‘90 Scholz
Joseph D. Scholze ‘79
Jeffrey A. Schomberg ‘90
Bill H. Schomburg ‘64
Michael R. Schomisch
Jim R. Schonhoff ‘89
Heath J. Schopf ‘95
John F. Schrank ‘75
Dea M. Schreiber
John P. and Mary Ann Schreiber
Thomas J. and Molly M. Schreiber
Lawrence A. Schreiner
Charles C. ‘86 and Susan K. ‘85 Schriber
Terry W. Schrobilgen ‘90
Carl T. Schroeder ‘61
Denise Schroeder
Gerald E. Schroeder ‘68
Darren J. ‘91 and Janet L. ‘91 Schroeder
John P. Schroeder ‘77
Michael J. Schroeder ‘66
Mike E. Schroeder ‘71
Michael D. Schroeder
Thomas D. Schroeder ‘65
Roy E. Schroedl ‘82
Dawn M. Schubert
Gregory W. Schuda
Dana L. Schueller ‘92
Ginny A. Schuettpelz ‘66
Michael J. Schuetz
Tom C. Schuetz
Carolyn M. Schuldt ‘64
Ken E. and Kristi J. Schulenberg
David D. and Carolyn Schuler
Debra L. Schulman
David H. Schultz ‘62
Diane M. Schultz
Jean C. Schultz ‘76
John A. Schultz ‘70
Russell J. and Bonita L. Schultz
Clifford L. Schulz ‘78
Kevin L. ‘95 and Aimee B. ‘95 Schulz
Michael H. ‘91 and Lisa J. ‘91 Schulz
Carlton J. Schumacher ‘75
Earl D. and Sharon J. Schumacher
Dick R. and Gloria J. ‘85 Schumacher
Marjorie L. Schumacher ‘43
Mark S. Schuppel ‘90
Judy R. Schuppner ‘67
Guy L. Schurz ‘70
Howard A. Schuster ‘76
Ronald J. Schuster
Doug P. Schwager ‘72
Paul J. Schwaller
Joe A. Schwantes
Carol L. Schwanz ‘71
Jonathan R. Schwarten
Darlene J. Schwartz ‘87
Kathy J. Schwartz ‘93
Leander J. Schwartz ‘57
James A. Schwarz ‘72
Ann M. Schweiger ‘72
Kraig E. Schweiss
Gary R. Schweitzer ‘88
Catherine A. Schwenn ‘61
Greg A. Schweppe
Beverly M. Schwierske ‘69
James P. ‘95 and Marie F. Schwingle
John L. Sciborski ‘64
William H. Scofield
Salvatore A. Scopa
Cary K. Scott
George W. Scott ‘69
Jerry W. ‘73 and Virginia M. ‘68 Scott
John P. ‘84 and Barbara A. ‘86 Scott
Joyce M. Scott ‘79
Sheri L. Scott ‘02
Joseph J. ‘88 and Crystal R. ‘90 Screnock
Scott M. Seacrist ‘89
Gordon R. ‘72 and Dawn E. ‘73 Seamans
Gregg A. ‘90 and Kristi M. ‘89 Sebastian
Dale D. Secher ‘61
Kristine M. Seefeld
David L. Seeliger
Scott C. Seely ‘95
Duncan H. Seffern II ‘00
Stuart L. ‘94 and Sandy J. ‘94 Seffrood
Al P. Sehloff ‘83
David L. Sehloff
Steven J. ‘76 and Susan S. ‘77 Seiler
John T. Seippel ‘92
Jeffrey P. Seitz ‘78
Linda L. Seljeseth
Sharon K. Selleck-Lehman ‘80
Kevin A. Sellen ‘80
Jackson Z. Selly ‘90
Michael P. and Sarah L. Semrow
James L. Sernoe
Heidi J. Serres ‘89
Gregory A. ‘88 and Therese R. ‘88 Sessler
Claudette E. Sesterhenn
Brady J. Seston ‘11
James R. Setterstrom ‘72
Caroline M. Sever
June Severns ‘55
James R. Severson ‘87
Mark J. Severson ‘74
Eric J. ‘83 and Michele G. ‘84 Severson
Morris A. Severson ‘58
Raymond R. ‘81 and Christine A. ‘81
Donald C. Sewall ‘49
Richard W. ‘74 and Susan J. Sewell
Trevor E. Sewell ‘66
Cathy Seymour-Ryan
Mark S. Shade ‘89
Jerry K. ‘99 and Laura L. ‘99 Shadewald
Timothy E. and Julie A. Shager
Willard E. Shager ‘59
Pravinchan K. Shah ‘69
Jamie S. Shahidehpour ‘88
Terry J. ‘82 and Gwen L. ‘81 Shaker
Edward J. Shanks
Thomas J. Shannon ‘80
Dave J. and Magali Shaw
Christopher R. and Stacy D. Sheahan
James M. and Mary B. Shear
James P. Shebelski
Mark E. Shedd ‘75
Father John R. Shedlock ‘73
Roy C. and Polly B. Sheffield
Jack E. ‘57 and Louise R. ‘58 Sherman
James E. Sherman ‘61
Mel W. Sherman ‘66
Richard D. Sherrard
Erling M. Sherry ‘55
Jim D. and Sheila L. ‘97 Sherry
Terry R. Sherven ‘86
Tim A. Sherven ‘10
Joel M. Shields
Eugene F. Shipanik
Bret W. ‘80 and Natalie R. ‘81 Shisler
Michael T. Shohoney
Joel J. Shomberg
Alice M. Shore ‘66
Darren D. Shuff ‘97
John G. Shumilo
David M. Shumway ‘91
Thomas J. ‘85 and Karen A. ‘87 Sibenaller
Charles T. Siddall
Gregory S. Siebers ‘05
Jan K. Siegert
Mark S. ‘94 and Amy J. ‘93 Siegert
Kevin S. Sielaff ‘88
Jerry A. ‘67 and Jeanie ‘67 Sieling
Jeffrey A. and Kathryn Siemandel
Bruce G. Sievers ‘90
Greg A. Sievers
Dwight R. Siewert ‘76
Shirley A. Sigg ‘55
Dennis R. ‘87 and Vicki R. Sigl
Wendi S. Signer
Leonard O. Sigurdson ‘56
Arnold C. Sikkema
Randy C. Sikkema
Michael B. Sikora ‘73
Nicholas R. Siler ‘96
Kathy L. Silverman ‘83
Jay T. Silvernail ‘67
Fran J. Sime ‘48
James R. Sime ‘56
Wayne R. Sime ‘71
Jeff P. ‘80 and Kelly P. Simkowski
Jason M. ‘02 and Kelsie J. ‘02 Simmons
Sue R. Simmons
Jeffrey J. Simon ‘95
Paul D. ‘90 and Marla D. ‘90 Simon
Richard E. Simon ‘95
Richard A. ‘89 and Cheryl L. ‘89 Simon
Robert J. Simon ‘91
Donna J. Simonie-Zimiles ‘66
Curt W. and Susan M. Simons
Randal N. ‘84 and Jill S. ‘84 (Schiesl)
Mary A. Simonson ‘47
Thomas E. Simonson ‘72
Stanley C. Simpson
Gina M. Singer ‘88
Joseph P. Sinkula ‘00
Paul A. Sinz ‘83
Jason E. Sipiorski ‘01
Stephen A. Sipos
Kim J. and Cynthia A. ‘83 Skemp
Roger P. Skemp
Peter A. Skowronski
Alana J. Skoyen ‘78
Donna J. Slaats ‘55
Russell J. and Paula Slaby
Jean E. Slack ‘65
Kristin M. Slack ‘97
Sam M. Slaman ‘70
Shawn M. Slaney ‘03
Robert G. Slawski ‘77
Edna J. Slayback ‘61
Sara M. Slayton ‘75
Larry P. Slick ‘63
Joseph R. Slifka ‘68
John C. and Jackie R. Sliter
Tobin J. Slocum ‘88
Alisha M. Slowey ‘08
Lawrence D. Smaga
Richard L. and Tammie M. Small
Kenneth W. Smart ‘97
Michael J. Smart
Gregory J. Smet
Patrick A. Smet ‘94
Peter Q. ‘82 and Teresa R. ‘83 Smet
Robert E. Smick ‘60
Richard S. Smigielski ‘71
Gregory L. ‘07 and Andrea K. ‘08 Smith
Bernadette C. Smith
Brian R. Smith ‘83
Christopher J. ‘95 and Dawn M. ‘01 Smith
Dan R. ‘70 and Pauline M. Smith
David W. Smith ‘68
David L. Smith ‘94
David E. Smith
Diane R. Smith ‘79
Earl J. Smith
Gene N. Smith ‘69
George E. Smith
Gina L. Smith ‘11
Gregory K. Smith ‘65
Hazel D. Smith ‘43
Irene A. Smith ‘52
James E. Smith ‘75
Joseph E. Smith ‘80
Lawrence J. Smith ‘79
Maureen C. Smith
Merle T. ‘63 and Jill C. Smith
Robert W. Smith ‘73
Roger E. ‘68 and Nancy E. ‘68 Smith
Rosemarie L. Smith ‘78
Sharon K. Smith ‘70
Shirley M. Smith ‘72
Stephen R. Smith ‘77
Terry S. and Susan K. Smith
Tracy L. Smith ‘87
Wrede H. and Melissa U. Smith II
Doug D. Smithson
Jim M. Smits
Kelly J. Snider ‘84
Scott A. Snoble
James H. and Pam B. Snodgrass
Donald W. Snyder ‘74
Jay T. Snyder ‘82
Robert R. Snyder ‘74
Roy W. Snyder
Harvey J. Sobocinski
Susan K. Sobota ‘74
Daniel C. Solchenberger ‘85
Dan R. Soman ‘76
Peter W. ‘07 and Erin E. ‘06 Soman
Gregory M. Sommer ‘81
Ken J. ‘69 and Margo J. ‘69 Sommer
Krista A. Sommerfeldt ‘03
Michael P. Sommers ‘82
William I. Sommers ‘56
Abdollah S. Soofi
Brian E. Soper
Shane M. Soppe ‘10
Peter T. Sorce
Terry J. Sorce ‘02
Mark R. Sorensen ‘79
David R. Sorenson
Steven J. Sorenson ‘84
Terri A. Sorg ‘08
Debra A. Sorge ‘75
Thomas J. Sorge ‘73
Jeanne M. Sorgel ‘84
Gerald K. Sosalla ‘79
Audrey J. Sosinsky
Michael B. Sosnovske ‘87
Diane K. Soward ‘74
Mark and Diane M. Sowinski
Ruthann E. Spaay ‘89
Alvin A. Spaete ‘70
Jesse B. Spankowski ‘04
David L. Spargo ‘61
Robert I. ‘73 and Kathryn L. ‘72 Spargo
Julie E. Sparks
John D. Spates ‘66
Mitchell W. Specht ‘83
Roger E. and Stacey E. Speicher
Carole J. Spelic
Joe J. Spellman ‘80
Raymond G. Spellman ‘76
Martin J. Speth ‘89
Wayne A. Spikings
Matthew J. Spillane ‘81
Robert J. and Lavonne T. Spillane
John C. Spillner Sr.
Nancy J. Spoerry ‘56
June M. Spors
Steve C. Spors ‘78
Kenneth C. Sprague ‘67
Louise A. Spring ‘62
Martin E. Sprosty ‘72
William D. Sprosty ‘82
Kristin L. Spurley ‘92
Rebecca I. Spychalla
Carmen St. Clair
Ryan J. ‘07 and Rachael L. ‘06 Staab
James E. Stabenaw ‘62
Claude R. Stachura
John D. and Janelle E. Stadtmueller
Paula K. Stadtmueller ‘85
Gregory A. Stagman
Joyce I. Stahlnecker ‘61
Gregory A. Stake ‘73
Anthony S. Stallion
Kathy L. Stamas ‘78
Robert R. Stampfli ‘60
Helen M. Stanek ‘81
Janis K. Stanek ‘70
Mary M. Stanek ‘67
Kyle A. Stangel ‘08
Reid A. and Cheryl A. Stangel
John J. Stanislawski
Darrin G. Stanke ‘90
John E. Stansell ‘80
Ronald L. and Paula Stapel
David R. Starin
Judy M. Stark ‘74
Lenita F. Stark ‘72
Kim T. Starke ‘74
Rodney D. Starr
Todd R. ‘84 and Barbara D. ‘83 (Staskal)
James G. Statz
Keith A. ‘97 and Andrea M. ‘95 Statz
Roman A. Statz ‘57
Charles R. Stauber ‘60
Hazel H. Stauffacher
Bob J. ‘77 and Paula M. Stauffacher
Nathan C. Stauffer ‘00
John Staver ‘68
Nathan Steber, UW-Platteville Criminal
Justice Program
Bob M. and Sue D. Steckel
Robert L. Steckelberg
Matthew J. ‘86 and Darcy A. ‘88 Stecklein
Mary A. Steele ‘06
Bill W. Steele ‘83
Jessi L. Steenbergen ‘10
Paul E. Steffes ‘92
Rebecca J. Steffes ‘99
Janette M. Steger ‘76
Jody G. Steger
Danny R. Stehn
Charles L. and Vel Steidinger
Dr. Ronald P. Steiger ‘61
Terence E. Steiger ‘61 and Mary E. Steiger
Gregory G. Steil ‘83
James P. ‘87 and Patricia J. ‘92 Steil
Susan M. Stein ‘94
Shirley M. Steinbach ‘58
Douglas A. ‘51 and Ruth E. ‘46 Steinback
Paul M. ‘77 and Carol J. ‘80 Steinbrecher
Bette J. Steinbrenner
Don S. Steiner ‘77
Julie A. Steiner ‘78
Neil J. Steiner ‘89
William K. Steiner
Brian L. ‘08 and Alissa D. ‘07 Steingraber
Randy R. Steingraber
Daniel J. ‘72 and Michaeline M. ‘72
Corinne A. Steinmetz ‘69
James W. Stellpflug ‘96
Troy P. ‘40 and Barbara L. ‘42 Stellrecht
Verna I. Stelse ‘68
Jeffrey L. Stelter ‘91
James N. Stemper
Cory D. Stenjem ‘05
Dale L. Stenjem ‘77
Todd M. and Bonnie J. Stenner
Robert W. ‘75 and Janet K. ‘75 Stenstrom
Judith A. Stepanek ‘69
Thomas H. ‘78 and Mary E. ‘78 Stepanek
Erica L. Stephens ‘09
G. Ross Stephens
Kay K. Stephens ‘59
Stephenie A. Stephens ‘72
Steve L. and Connie C. ‘58 Stephens
Nancy R. Stephenson ‘48
Anthony M. and Judith A. Steplyk
Darlene D. Stern ‘75
Melissa M. Sternhagen ‘00
Thomas G. Stetzer ‘05
Rick D. Stevens Sr. ‘74
Terrie C. Stevens
William N. Stevenson ‘65
Anna M. Stewart ‘86
Michael R. Stewart
Lydia H. Stickley
Sam C. Stietz
Mary E. Stieve ‘72
Dale F. Stiller ‘59
Lois A. Stilwell ‘69
Adele E. Stimart ‘41
Jean A. Sting ‘69
Thomas S. Stingl
Jeffrey W. Stingle
Brad A. Stinocher ‘04
Karen Stinson
Jim J. Stirn ‘90
Jamie L. Stock ‘00
John C. Adams and Barb I. ‘83
Henry W. Stocki
Jennifer L. Stoddard ‘99
John G. and Corinne A. Stoddard
Mary C. Stoddard
James W. and Elaine Stoffregen
Michael J. Stohlmeyer ‘69
James R. Stolen ‘68
Kathy M. Stoltz ‘84
William A. Stoltz ‘83
Jenifer J. Stone ‘92
Michael J. Stoney ‘75
Wayne R. Stordahl ‘61
Rachelle M. Stracke
Richard L. Strahota ‘79
Christie K. Strait ‘65
James L. Straka ‘82
Peter J. Strand ‘89
Daniel P. ‘93 and Rhonda S. ‘92 Strang
Timothy J. ‘87 and Laura J. ‘87 Strang
Michael J. Strasburg ‘09
Georgene G. Stratman
Scott M. Stratton
Timothy J. Stratton ‘80
Frank S. and Lisa N. Straubhaar
Darin A. Strauss ‘01
Dean E. ‘93s and Lynn E. ‘93 Strauss
Jim R. Strauss ‘85
Eric E. Streich ‘86
Larry D. Streicher
Bryan T. Streu
Steven R. Stringer ‘74
Terry T. ‘82 and Susan K. ‘81 Strittmater
David M. Strnad ‘97
James J. Strobusch ‘77
Ken and Linda Strong
Lisa C. Strouse ‘88
Darci J. Strutt ‘85
James W. Stubbe ‘69
Roger D. Stuckey
Kendall J. Stucky ‘79
Deanna L. Studier ‘67
Frank E. ‘62 and Belva M. ‘59 Studnicka
Ryan J. Studnicka
Sarah M. Studnicka ‘06
Jacob A. Stueber ‘11
DuWayne H. ‘64 and Nancy Stuelke
Caroline Y. Stuessy ‘51
Russell F. and Jean M. Stuhr
Sally J. Stuhr-Hollman ‘76
Jeffrey W. Sturdevant ‘00
Donald W. Sturm
Mary Sturm ‘52
Brian D. Sturtz ‘90
Edward A. Styx
John W. Sudbrink ‘79
Robert T. Sudbrink ‘78
David J. and Linda A. Sugden
Stanley R. Sugden ‘86
Vicky L. Suhr ‘00
Robert L. Sullivan ‘69
Robert E. Sullivan
Thomas J. Sullivan ‘74
David E. Sunby ‘80
Donna J. Sunby ‘70
Charles E. and Roxanne L. ‘74 Sundin
Rachel L. Surber
John L. Sutliff ‘53
Robert G. ‘77 and Jan M. ‘78 Sutter
Floyd W. Sutton ‘83
James F. Sutton ‘84
Michael P. Sutton
Stephanie A. Sutton ‘07
Larry E. Svanda ‘66
Adam M. Svatek ‘07
Robert G. ‘63 and Lois J. ‘63 Swain
Ken H. Swan ‘68
Frederick J. Swanke ‘76
Erik W. Swannack ‘88
David A. and Donna M. Swanson
Jill L. Swanson ‘93
Joseph A. Swanson ‘83
Michelle M. Swanson ‘09
Richard R. Swanson ‘69
Stephen P. Swanstrom
Ada V. Swanton ‘69
Marlin P. Swartzendruber
Larry J. Swaziek ‘73
James E. ‘76 and Margo E. Sweeney
Michael and Lola A. Sweeney
William P. Sweeney
Geoffrey R. Sweet ‘72
Kelly L. Sweet ‘00
Brian K. Swenson ‘91
Brook A. Swenson ‘86
Dean A. Swenson ‘60
James A. Swenson
Joel R. Swenson ‘92
Phil F. Swift ‘73
Gary D. ‘75 and Pam K. ‘73 Swigart
Eric D. Swiggum ‘87
Richard S. Swiontek ‘70
David R. Swoch
Misty L. Symkowski ‘06
Craig W. ‘79 and Jennifer J. ‘80 Symons
Lorence D. Symons
Ronald A. Syse ‘70
Myrna A. Sysko ‘82
Travis J. ‘96 and Brandy J. ‘01 Sysko
Daniel E. Szarzak
Mark A. Taber ‘84
Margaret L. Tadder ‘79
Larry E. Taft ‘77
Lawrence E. Tainter ‘64
Shay L. Tainter-Par
Geoff P. Tancredi ‘86
Clark D. Tarmann
Linda H. Tarpley ‘67
Michael L. ‘89 and Julie A. ‘91 Tashner
Denice M. Tassone
Larry E. Taubenheim ‘71
Tom R. Tauke
Dean H. and Eunice H. Taylor
Gene L. Taylor ‘60
Gregory C. Taylor
Jim R. Taylor ‘95
John M. Taylor ‘65
John A. Taylor ‘55
Kenneth A. ‘61 and Carol J. ‘75 Taylor
Lynne D. Taylor ‘85
Richard J. and Sandra L. Taylor
Bob J. Taylor ‘57
Ronald F. Taylor ‘70
Susan M. Taylor
Brenda A. Tegeler
William R. Tellefson ‘50
Tim D. Temperly ‘75
Jon W. Ten Haken ‘99
Ronald E. and Joann S. ‘91 Tennant
Joe C. ‘01 and Anne E. ‘01 Tennies
Brian D. Tenpas ‘81
Carl E. Tenut ‘61
William A. Tenwinkel ‘90
Patrick G. Terbilcox ‘82
Lloyd K. Terrill
Jacinda R. Tessmann ‘88
Ronald P. Tessmann ‘80
Bruce T. ‘73 and Mary Lou O. ‘72 Tessmer
Ron E. Tetzlaff
Dick A. Teutschmann
Tim A. and Cindy J. Tewalt
Dennis A. Thalacker ‘76
Ernest C. Thalmann ‘71
Matthew C. Thalmann ‘97
See M. Thao
Michael O. Tharp `11
Raymond R. Thatcher ‘61
Jay R. ‘69 and Sandy K. ‘69 Thede
Kevin L. Theede ‘77
Ruthlinda T. Theis ‘72
Joseph A. Theisen ‘88
Jeff A. Thering ‘86
Thomas J. Thering ‘10
Cara L. Therrio ‘73
Jim A. Thessin ‘69
Jim C. Theusch ‘72
Ronald A. and Bonnie P. Theusch
Ronald P. and Barb A. Thiel, Jr.
Shawn R. and Alecia K. ‘01 Thiele
Richard H. Thies ‘63
Michael D. and Gina M. Thill
Joseph O. Thimm ‘80
Steven D. Thinnes ‘72
Helen V. Thistle ‘66
Carol A. Thole ‘87
Todd C. Thoman ‘89
Donna S. Thomas
Elizabeth A. Thomas
Eric A. Thomas
Gary D. Thomas ‘71
Kristine L. Thomas ‘90
Rodney and Linda Thomas
Richard B. Thomas ‘79
Annette L. Thomas-Garcia
Cameron C. Thompson ‘73
Carl G. Thompson
Christopher L. Thompson
Dennis R. Thompson ‘71
Glenn S. Thompson ‘60
Gregory L. Thompson
Jeffrey E. Thompson ‘74
Karen M. Thompson ‘75
Lois E. Thompson ‘80
Michael D. Thompson ‘10
Peter L. Thompson ‘84
Ted M. Thompson ‘71
Craig L. ‘74 and Tina M. ‘81 Thompson
Wayne and Kathryn Thompson
Thomas N. Thomsen ‘85
Harold W. Thorpe ‘59
Ken S. and Kimberly V. Thorsen ‘86
Tim L. Thronson
Renee L. Thums ‘90
Steven T. Thurner ‘90
Barbara D. Thurston ‘60
Angelo E. Tiesi
Martha R. Tilbury
Timothy T. Tiller ‘82
Michael D. Tilson ‘79
Rick W. Timblin
Dudley H. Timm
Jim R. Timm ‘71
Tony R. Timmerman ‘70
Craig R. Timmerman ‘97
Marguerite T. Timmerman ‘97
Michael G. ‘89 and Jennifer L. ‘91
Rosemary A. Timmerman ‘92
Sherri L. Timmerman ‘78
Alan J. Tindell ‘84
James J. ‘60 and Sandra S. ‘74 Tindell
William D. ‘70 and Jill P. Tingley
Terry M. Tinkle ‘95
Thomas J. Titel ‘73
Todd M. Titel
Donna J. Toay ‘69
Donald J. and Karen S. Tobias
Greg M. and Gail Tobias
John S. Tomaszek
John B. Tomkiewicz
Ray A. and Marion E. Tomlinson
Russ J. ‘68 and Jane E. ‘67 Tonelli
Victor E. Tonelli ‘97
Bruce T. Tonkin ‘84
Timothy J. Toohey
Nathan A. Torgerson ‘92
Arlene F. Torres
Diane K. Torres
Jim S. Torstenson ‘86
Stanley A. Torstenson ‘60
Bob E. Totten ‘70
Stephen D. Tousey
Claudia H. Towne ‘74
Scott H. Towns ‘83
Jeff D. Townsend ‘82
Steven R. Trachsler
Jeffrey L. and Debra R. Tracy
Lucille K. Tracy ‘40
Susan K. ‘01 and Joseph K. Trainor
Eric J. Tranberg Sr.
Rachel A. Tranel ‘96
Timothy J. Tranel ‘92
Alice R. Trapp ‘94
Franklin L. ‘88 and Jammie L. ‘84 Trapp
Brian L. ‘95 and Kari L. ‘96 Treadway
Craig J. ‘91 and Jill L. ‘91 Treadway
David W. Trebesch ‘76
Glenn A. Tredinnick ‘84
Toni J. Tredinnick ‘70
Reed R. ‘87 and Rebecca J. ‘85 Trefz
Harold L. Trehey ‘47
Kristy J. Treichel ‘03
Keith W. Tremblay ‘95
Maxine J. Tremelling ‘54
George N. Trentz
Marcia L. Trentz ‘61
Kevin L. Tressel ‘87
Andres A. and Jacqueline A. Trevino
Scott P. ‘91 and Amanda L. ‘92 Trewin
Larry G. ‘72 Trine and Diane K. Hamann
Nancy K. Troester ‘96
Timothy L. Trower
Don M. ‘61 and Carole L. ‘69 Troxel
Joshua J. ‘06 and Valerie T. ‘00 Troxel
Joshua M. Truax ‘94
Steve D. and Donna L. Trudell
Jeff J. ‘69 and Jean M. ‘70 Trumpy
Carmen M. Tuckwood ‘79
Debra A. Tuckwood ‘75
Gary F. Tuescher ‘66
Kurt B. Tuescher ‘94
Richard R. Tuescher
Jon B. Tufte
Marcie J. Tuggle ‘76
Joel A. Tune
Mary E. Turner ‘69
Nancy L. Turner
Randy E. Tuthill ‘93
Craig M. ‘82 and Mary J. ‘82 Twinem
Robin D. Twombly ‘79
Jeffrey A. and Jill D. Tyczkowski
William D. ‘49 and Kathleen B. ‘50 U’Ren
Lois L. Ubersox
Angela M. Udelhofen ‘92
Gina M. Udelhofen ‘07
Jake R. and Dawn R. Udelhofen Jr.
Katherine A. Udelhofen ‘73
Peter D. Udelhoven ‘61
Tom B. Udelhoven ‘80
Tony R. Udelhoven ‘79
Kyle A. Udovich ‘06
William H. Uecker ‘94
Robert D. Uitenbroek
Doris Ulmen ‘90
Brian L. Ulness ‘80
Charlotte S. Ulve ‘64
James C. Umberger ‘66
Mary P. Uminski ‘66
David G. Umstadt ‘86
Eunice S. Underwood ‘64
Karla B. Unke ‘92
John C. Unterholzner ‘99
Lewis H. Updike ‘56
Jim L. Uppena ‘06
Joseph C. Uppena ‘05
Michael T. Uppena ‘96
Daniel R. ‘94 and Tessa M. ‘97 Uppena
Paul J. Urban ‘88
Donald W. Uren
Geraldine A. Uren ‘72
John E. and Ellen Urness
Janis K. Uselmann ‘71
Aaron P. Utecht ‘07
Thomas T. Utecht
JoAnne A. Uthe-Gibson ‘73
Jason P. Vaaler ‘09
Brian J. ‘92 and Tammy J. ‘93 Vaassen
Terry B. Vaassen ‘78
Joseph L. Vacha
Merle E. Vacha ‘72
Shannon R. Vaillancourt ‘92
Thomas J. Vale
Thomas M. Valenza
Jacque E. ‘91 and Cynthia M. ‘95 Vallier
Craig J. Van Alstyne
Jamie L. Van Boxel ‘02
David P. Van Buren
Ann W. Van De Wiel
Bill H. and Diane M. Van Deest
Linda J. Van Der Leest ‘80
Jon M. Van Dixhorn ‘07
Lee R. ‘81 and Ann M. ‘80 Van Dixhorn
John P. Van Doorn
Patricia A. Van Dyke ‘58
Kay L. Van Epps ‘73
Bryan G. Van Lanen
Steven P. ‘86 and Sheila M. ‘87 Van
Larry D. Van Natta ‘84
Myrtle M. Van Natta ‘50
Richard J. Van Straten
William H. Van Zile ‘89
Cameron L. Vance
Christopher S. Vance ‘90
Richard L. Vance
Matthew R. Vande Sande ‘87
Jean M. Vanden Acker
Daniel J. Vanden Heuvel ‘76
Mark G. Vanden Plas ‘86
Jon W. Vandenboomen
Timothy M. Vandenheuvel
Christopher L. Vandenhoven ‘04
Jeffrey G. Vandenplas ‘83
Carl M. Vander Galien ‘80
Wayne E. and Rose Vander Velden
Bill J. ‘75 and Donna M. ‘76 Vander Velden
Robert J. Vander Zanden ‘68
Dennis E. Vandersnick ‘68
Martin Vanderstappen Jr.
Peter R. Vanderwerff
Vernon C. Vangen
Steven L. and Collen D. Vankerrebroeck
Karen S. VanSchyndel
Terrance T. VanTreeck
George P. Varish III ‘84
Randy L. and Debbie K. Varo
Julianne M. Vasen ‘63
Clarice R. Vasicek ‘66
Anthony C. Vasis ‘50
George P. ‘88 and Susan K. ‘95 Vater Olsen
Sue A. Vavricka
Paul S. Velsor ‘68
Mary K. Venden ‘82
Bruce K. ‘04 and Marie M. ‘03 Venne
Trent J. ‘97 and Michelle L. ‘98 Venneman
Arnis J. ‘68 and Janet K. ‘66 Venteris
Wilma R. Verger
Jeffrey D. Verhasselt ‘84
Mike T. Verkuilen ‘89
Jeffery J. and Robin J. Vervelde
John F. Verzal ‘74
Kevin D. Vesperman ‘76
Kyle J. Vesperman ‘07
Roger D. and Julie A. Vethe
Bryan M. Vick ‘92
Tom M. Vick ‘71
Cynthia R. Vieth
Daniel J. Viktora ‘65
Paul T. Villwock Jr. ‘01
Dennis J. Vincent ‘82
Steven F. Vincent ‘69
Susan N. Vincent ‘72
Sandra K. Viney
Stan I. Vinge ‘65
Danny W. and Faye Vis
Alan R. Visgar ‘71
Jeannie M. Voegele ‘95
John W. and Kathy M. Voelker
Randall D. Voelker ‘87
Daniel E. Vogds
Douglas D. ‘61 and Judith D. Vogel ‘62
Gary A. Vogel ‘74
Guy M. Vogel ‘81
John E. Vogelaar
Steven D. Vogler ‘97
James R. Vogt ‘87
Monique A. Volden ‘84
Roger H. ‘91 and Monique M. ‘91
Volkening II
John B. Volker ‘70
Michael F. Volker ‘73
Dennis C. Vollmer ‘05
David J. Von Ruden ‘67
Donald J. ‘71 and Donna L. ‘76 Von
Ken G. ‘73 and Joyce E. ‘71 Von Rueden
Janice A. Von Stein ‘00
Clete Vondra
Norma J. Vondra ‘62
Dustin J. Vorpahl ‘91
Michele Vosberg
Philip F. ‘84 and Laura J. ‘83 Vosberg
Jack L. Voss ‘70
Robert F. ‘70 and Marcia L. ‘70 Voss
Ralph E. Vosters ‘75
Antonin D. Voulgaris
John J. Vovos ‘71
Vernon G. and Marcia P. Vradenburg
Michael E. Waack
Phillys I. Wachowiak
Jennifer K. Wackershauser ‘02
Alfred R. Wade
Gerald J. Waelti ‘61
Barbara J. Wagner
Clyde O. Wagner
Daniel H. ‘74 and Mary K. ‘79 Wagner
Debra L. Wagner ‘91
Donald A. Wagner ‘86
Glenn C. Wagner
Jonathon P. Wagner ‘03
Marie L. Wagner
Michael J. and Katie L. Wagner
Michelle J. Wagner ‘87
Richard W. Wagner ‘64
Victor T. Wagner
Bronson Wahl
Jesse D. Wakefield ‘78
Ronald A. Walczak
Gary L. Walden ‘68
Steven J. Waldoch
Jay A. ‘83 and Monica Waldschmidt
Ron N. ‘71 and Sandy A. ‘71 Walejko
David J. Walker ‘79
Deborah K. Walker ‘84
Jennifer M. Walker ‘03
Karen L. Walker ‘73
Kenneth L. Walker ‘69
Eric E. Wall
Robert J. Wall
Archie D. Wallace ‘66
Brian R. Wallace ‘91
Terry D. Wallace ‘82
Jerome F. and Karen S. Wallander
Royce R. and Michelle A. Wallenhorst
Wanda J. Wallenhorst-Bogin ‘84
Hiedi A. Waller ‘87
Lance T. Walls ‘04
Peg R. Walsh ‘70
Mary E. Walsh ‘46
Duane R. Walsvick ‘64
Tim J. ‘81 and Lucy P. ‘81 Walter
Larry A. and Janice Walters
Ronald J. and Deb K. Walters
Ruth M. Walther ‘46
John C. Walton
Roger R. Walton ‘81
Steve F. Wand ‘82
John F. Wandsnider ‘89
Kimberly S. Wanek ‘86
Lyle D. Wanless ‘69
Marie J. Wanless ‘67
Craig J. ‘75 and Kathryn F. ‘75 Wantoch
Dan E. Ward ‘85
David R. and Sharon E. Ward
Dave W. ‘76 and Jean M. ‘75 Ward
Julius G. Ward ‘58
Tom E. Ward ‘67
Virginia Ward ‘52
Jane M. Ware
Gloria M. Warmuth ‘73
Robert W. Warn ‘61
Willard W. Warzyn
Dennis G. Washa ‘74
Kenneth D. Washburn ‘76
Lynn Washburn-Livingston ‘81
Jamie J. ‘95 and Jennifer E. ‘95 Washtock
Bruce A. Wassmann
Betty J. Wastlick ‘70
Douglas J. ‘88 and Colleen M. ‘90
Philip L. Waterworth ‘65
Richard B. Wateski
David T. Watry ‘97
Jeffery W. Watson ‘99
Neil A. and Peggy Watson
Timothy J. ‘92 and Jill C. ‘95 Watson
Kenneth A. and Kevyn R. E. Webb
David J. Webber
Art T. ‘86 and Cindy J. ‘84 Weber
Cindy S. Weber ‘79
Dale H. Weber ‘63
Lon W. ‘54 and Judy W. ‘54 Weber
Myrtle L. Weber ‘69
Paul A. Weber ‘94
Richard H. Weber ‘79
Ron W. Weber
Steven A. Weber ‘00
Tom L. Weber ‘72
Theresa C. Weborg
E. J. (Jim) Webster ‘52
Beverly I. Wedig ‘77
Roger A. Wedig ‘86
Todd W. Wedwick ‘90
Joel E. Weeks
Renee A. Weeks ‘05
John F. Weger ‘55
John E. Wegmueller ‘69
Julie A. Wehler ‘90
William T. ‘88 and Cindy B. ‘89 (Weiland)
Carl P. Weibel ‘78
Leo A. Weibel ‘72
Andrew W. Weier ‘87
Gregory L. Weier ‘93
Ronald E. ‘74 and Janis K. ‘73 Weier
Raymond J. ‘67 and Mary C. ‘68 Weigand
Jennifer J. Weigel ‘96
Melvin F. and Virginia L. ‘34 Weigel
Stan R. Weigel ‘77
Jason E. ‘95 and Tracy L. ‘96 Weigel
Jim K. and Roxi Weik
Erin K. Weileder ‘97
Frank J. and Cheryl A. Weiler
Paul D. Weinberger’86
Barbara S. Weinbrenner ‘09
Craig L. Weinbrenner ‘78
Vincent C. Weinert
Donald G. ‘73 and Carol P. Weir
Sylvia M. Weir
Burnell E. Weisensel ‘71
Steve C. Weisensel ‘80
Chris R. Weiser
David L. Weiss ‘76
Shelley J. Weiss ‘86
James S. Wejcman ‘65
Mark T. Wejrowski ‘86
William G. and Catherine Welch Jr.
Carol J. Welk ‘67
Christopher D. Wellbank
Gregory A. Weller
Ginny and Harry Weller
John D. Wells
Rick A. ‘88 and Janet K. ‘90 Wells
Kris K. Welsh ‘87
Marion L. Welsh ‘45
Tom H. Welsh ‘91
Stanley L. ‘78 and Jody K. ‘79 Welton
James R. Wendler ‘92
James G. Wendricks ‘93
Jean M. Wendt ‘81
Charles A. Wendtland ‘56
Ricky R. Wenger
Helen J. Wentz ‘62
Steven L. ‘83 and Cindy K. ‘86 Wentzel
Walter F. Wentzel ‘53
Carissa M. Wepking ‘10
Lisa D. Wepking ‘88
Richard C. ‘61 and Marlene M. ‘56
Ruth A. Wepking ‘58
Gordon W. Werner ‘49
Anita R. Wernicke ‘72
Jack J. Wertzberger
Paul J. ‘74 and Linda D. ‘71 Wescott
Robert E. and Lucille M. Westervelt
David A. Westimayer ‘74
John R. Westimayer
Kurt B. Westley ‘84
Karl B. and Ellen P. Westlund
Ed B. ‘53 and Janice L. ‘52 Westphal
Bill J. Wetter ‘71
Deena A. Wettstein ‘05
Richard A. and Lois M. Wetzel
Valerie J. Wetzel
Cory A. Wex ‘06
Janet A. Weyker ‘79
Aaron J. Whalen ‘10
Mike J. Whalen ‘87
Scott E. Whalen ‘05
Victor S. Whalen
Betty R. Whitaker ‘60
Michelle D. Whitaker ‘91
Sara E. Whitaker ‘03
David J. White ‘76
Donald C. White ‘51
Edward L. White ‘81
Lewis C. White ‘54
Marie E. White ‘59
Martin J. ‘88 and Susan J. ‘08 White
Scott W. White
John L. ‘47 and Shirley White
Dawn M. Whited ‘81
Michael R. Whitehead
Michele R. Whitehead
Steve P. and Michele R. Whitehead
Steven R. Whiteman
Brent D. ‘99 and Laura J. ‘00 Whiteside
Gary S. Whitford ‘73
Jay S. and Teri J. Wians
Don E. and Joyce A. Wiberg
Lee F. ‘86 and Paula F. Wichlacz
Bryan S. Wichmann ‘89
Allan R. Wick ‘89
Rex B. and Julia C. ‘67 Wickland
Phyllis G. Widstrand
Rob S. Wiedenhoeft ‘67
Robin M. Wiedenhoeft ‘85
John L. ‘77 and JoAnn I. ‘79 Wiederholt
Richard E. Wiederholt
Darlene R. Wiedman ‘76
Nathan J. Wiegel ‘97
Theodore J. Wiegel ‘71
Kathy Wiegel-Robinson ‘44
John W. and Julie M. Wiegman Jr.
Steven F. Wienkers ‘79
Mark J. Wienkes ‘71
Rebecca A. Wienkes ‘88
Kedron J. Wiersgalla ‘74
Bryan L. Wierwill, D.D.S.
Kenneth H. and Barbara A. Wiesner Jr.
Kristy K. Wiest ‘95
Richard T. Wiest ‘60
James W. Wieters ‘73
Kenneth D. Wilcox ‘71
Robert J. ’79 and Louise J. Wild
Adam C. Wilde ‘09
Carl C. Wildes ‘60
Lawrence A. Wilhelm
Andrew C. Wilke ‘01
Judith E. Wilke ‘76
Randall J. and Joyce M. Wilke
Wayne M. Wilke
Dennis L. Wilken ‘84
Curtis C. Wilkins ‘57
Thomas I. Wilkins
Ben C. ‘98 Wilkinson and Angie M. ‘97
Thomas J. ‘86 and Michele A. ‘87
Jim C. Williams ‘51
Jon B. ‘84 and Nancy J. ‘88 Williams
Judith J. Williams ‘63
Marc A. Williams
Margaret A. Williams ‘64
Richard A. Williams
Richard R. Williams
Robert C. ‘62 and Geraldine D. ‘64
Robert J. Williams ‘65
Ruth E. Williams ‘84
Thomas D. ‘82 and Rena M. ‘81 Williams
Dan R. ‘71 and Jaqueline A. ‘72 Williamson
Donald J. and Suzanne L. Williamson
Leta K. Willie ‘82
Kristin B. Willis ‘88
William E. and Judy K. Willis
Robert W. and Joyce Willits
Wayne A. Willkomm ‘66
Daniel L. Willman
Barb A. Wills ‘86
Thomas L. McGuire and Jean C. ‘76 Wills
Shelley I. Wills ‘86
Virgil A. Wills ‘50
Herb H. Wilm ‘76
Barbara G. Wilson
Dave L. Wilson ‘89
Dennis A. ‘73 and Pamela A. Wilson ‘73
Diane J. Wilson ‘63
Edward S. ‘63 and Bonnie S. Wilson ‘64
Herbert H. Wilson
Jared D. Wilson ‘10
Joyce Wilson ‘54
Kathy J. Wilson
Keith S. Wilson ‘71
Lloyd G. Wilson ‘50
Melissa J. Wilson
Michael D. Wilson ‘76
Robert J. and Vera M. Wilson
Ronald D. Wilson
Stacey L. Wilson ‘10
Stephen B. ‘77 and Judy A. ‘79 Wilson
Susan E. Wilson
Thomas J. Wilson ‘78
Thomas R. ‘96 and Jennifer A. ‘96 Wilwert
Archie D. and Sharon A. ‘72 Wimer
Wade A. ‘79 and Laura L. ‘79 Winchip
Blanche M. Windgassen ‘81
James E. Windsor
Patricia K. Windsor ‘63
Jeffery M. Winer ‘78
Sharon A. Wingate ‘79
Robert L. Winkers
Daniel S. Winkler ‘76
Michael L. ‘86 and Kathy L. ‘88 Winkler
Jeanette S. Winn ‘38
Kirby R. Winn
Rick J. ‘93 and Laurie K.’95 Winslow
Steve J. Winslow ‘93
Earl A. Winsor ‘86
Daniel L. Winter ‘08
Michael R. Winter
Jeffrey D. and Kim M. Winterfeldt
George J. Wipperfurth ‘83
Dennis L. Wirth ‘70
Edward Wise ‘62
George T. Wishart and Shirley Topar
Jamie L. Wisman
Tom J. Wisniowski ‘06
Christopher A. Witek ‘10
Roger L. Withington ‘62
Dean G. Withrow ‘87
Brian L. Witt
William R. and Joline M. Witte
Thersa M. Wittenwyler ‘72
Kenneth L. Wittlief ‘60
Robert F. Wobick ‘77
Julie V. Wodarz ‘87
Harvey J. Woehlck
Stephen E. and Janet L. Woelfel
Todd J. ‘91 and Mary B.’90 Woelfle
Gary L. and Linda E. Wohlers
Keith H. Wohlfert ‘79
Lucas A. Wojcik ‘10
Daniel Wojtanowski
Helen E. Wolber ‘74
Douglas D. ‘84 and Kristine Wolf
Paul C. Wolf
Philip T. ‘95 and Mary E. ‘96 Wolf
Shannon D. Wolf ‘01
Stephen C. Wolf
Matt T. Wolfe ‘07
David J. Wolfgram ‘80
Thomas G. Wolfgram
Michael M. Wolke
Ralph L. Wollenberg ‘90
Allen C. Wollenzien ‘63
Mary B. Wollet ‘79
Irene S. Woloszyn
Bernadette M. Wong ‘79
Ben W. ‘06 and Kelli R. ‘09 Wood
Daryl D. Wood ‘65
David L. Wood
Koreena L. Wood ‘08
Richard J. Wood ‘75
William S. Woodside
Stephen A. and Yvonne Woolever
Marilyn J. Workman ‘75
Mary A. Worth ‘81
Al C. Wortley
James L. Wosoba ‘60
Mark A. Woyak ‘79
Corey D. Wright ‘88
James M. Wright
Patricia A. Wubben ‘65
William W. and Mardelle K. Wueger
Karl E. Wuesthoff ‘85
Randy S. Wulf ‘95
Christine M. Wunderlin ‘90
Wayne A. and Diane E. ‘01 Wunderlin
John P. ‘87 and Nancy J. ‘87 Wunderlin
Richard P. ‘61 and Trevetta F. Wunderlin
Wayne J. Wunderlin ‘61
Aaron J. Wurster ‘93
Marvin J. Wurster ‘65
Michael J. and Kathryn M. Wurster
Amy M. Wuthrich ‘07
Gary R. and Julie A. Wycklendt
Gina M. Wyttenbach ‘89
Herbert J. ‘87 and Cathy G. ‘85 Yanke
Duane C. Yanna ‘72
Rebecca K. Yasky ‘82
Richard E. and Beverly Yaun
John C. and Mary R. Ybarra
Greg J. Yelk ‘85
Patricia F. Yolda ‘71
Julie A. Yost ‘87
Brian R. Young ‘86
Bruce M. Young ‘71
Bryce J. Young ‘07
Kathyjean K. ‘80 and Randy K. Young
Paul S. Young ‘67
Rex R. Young
Victor A. Young II ‘93
Jim E. Yurs ‘92
Stephen M. Ywanauskas
Theodore J. Zabel ‘68
Aaron D. Zabler
Dave J. ‘90 and Cheryl L. ‘91 (Zablocki)
Richard and Joan Zahalka
Mark W. Zahn
Shane K. Zahn ‘90
Lisa M. Zahrt ‘05
David P. Zaidan ‘56
Jill A. Zajicek ‘94
Rita M. ‘73 and Harold M. Zander
Stephen J. Zandler ‘82
Mark H. Zapp ‘84
Ruth E. Zarling ‘98
Tom P. Zarovy ‘71
Michelle A. Zasada ‘91
Amy M. Zastoupil ‘94
Michael A. and Suzanne M. Zauner
Jodi L. Zeal ‘05
Suzie D. Zeeh
Barry L. Zeich
Warren C. Zeigle ‘49
Darcie M. Zelle ‘91
David F. Zeller ‘69
Thomas J. and Elaine J. Zeman
Carol C. Zentner
James L. Zenz ‘84
Robin A. Zenz ‘86
Shane P. ‘89 and Robbin K. ‘03 Zenz
Douglas M. Zernicke ‘60
Hooshang H. ‘74 and Rita M. ‘73 Zeyghami
Allegra P. Zick ‘62
Jon R. Zickermann Sr.
Steven F. and Dawn M. Zickert
Mark G. and Twila E. Zidon
Chad A. Ziech ‘94
Susan W. Ziegert ‘64
Karl D. Ziegler ‘80
Paul M. and Carol Ziehler
Bob J. Ziel ‘76
James M. ‘80 and Gail A. ‘83 Zieman
Dean A. and Carole A. Ziemendorf
James P. Ziemer
Paul F. Ziemer ‘76
Paul Grossberg and Dean Ziemke
Ethel L. Ziemke
Jack A. Zill ‘81
Jon F. Ziltner ‘74
James W. Zimbrich ‘56
Aaron J. ‘99 and Rachel H. ‘00 Zimmer
Pat L. Zimmer ‘63
Shirley A. Zimmer ‘69
Beverly A. Zimmerman ‘70
Gretchen J. Zimmerman ‘77
Jeff D. Zimmerman
Joanne M. Zimmerman ‘73
Kevin B. and Colleen C. Zimmerman
Stephen W. and Janet M. Zimmerman
John E. Zimmermann
Richard P. Zinda
Gerald J. and Nancy E. Zingsheim
Jeanne A. Zirbel ‘65
Richard C. Zirbel ‘69
Benjamin J. Zizis ‘10
Dennis D. Zlabek ‘67
Jeannine M. Zmuda
Roger L. ‘61 and Eleanor K. ‘59 Zogg
Steven A. ‘88 and Cindy M. ‘89 Zuberbier
Todd A. Zuberbier ‘86
William H. and Dixie L. Zueger
John M. ‘01 and Molly A. ‘05 Zuehlke
Tara L. Zuelzke
Kevin A. Zupec
Bridget L. Zurcher ‘08
Steve J. Zurfluh
Paul D. Zwack
Bob K. ‘67 and Jane L. ‘69 Zweifel
Christopher J. ‘79 and Bernadette J. ‘80
Kohler Trust For Preservation
Livingston State Bank
MSA Professional Service Inc.
Neal Sisters Foundation
Nohr Chapter Trout Unlimited
North American Colleges and Teachers of
Peabody Energy Matching Gifts Program
Pioneer Dairy Club
Prudential Financial
Rosemeyer-Jones Chiropractic Clinic
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
TriCore AEA
Ubersox Chrysler
Vita Plus Corporation
Wisconsin Crop Production Association
Wisconsin Livestock and Meat Council
Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Co.
Wisconsin Rural Opportunities
Foundation Inc.
Woodward Foundation
Big ”M” Society
Alliant Energy-Corporate Services
American Transmission Co. LLC
Anchor Bank
Dept of Natural Resources
Dubuque Arts Council
Fritz Family Foundation Inc.
John Deere Foundation
National Center for Housing Management
Sentry Insurance Foundation Inc.
Strand Associates Inc.
UW-Platteville Alumni Association
Agri-Nutrition Consulting Inc.
American Fabrication and Machine Inc.
Carl F Statz and Sons Inc.
CD Smith Construction
Clorox Company
Community Foundation of Southern WI
Cummins Emission Solutions
Delta 3 Engineering Inc.
Dubuque Stamping and Manufacturing
Esterline AVISTA
Faherty Inc.
Friseton LLC
IMS Health
Integrys Business Support LLC
Kimberly Clark Foundation
Majestic View Dairy LLC
McKinstry Essention
Microsoft Corporation
Mound City Bank
Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
Platteville Community Arboretum
Platteville Kiwanis Club
Prism Technical Mgmt. and Mktg.
Ritchie Implement
Sloan Implement
Universal AET
US First
Wisconsin Beef Improvement
Wisconsin Concrete Pavement
Wisconsin Women in Higher Education
Orange and Blue Society
UW-Platteville Society
Business donors
1866 Society
3M Foundation
Radio Dubuque
Theta Tau - Nu Beta Chapter
2016 Society
Alliant Energy Foundation
Alliant Energy Foundation Matching Gifts
American Bank and Trust
Badgerland Financial
Boeing Company
Caterpillar Inc.
Clark Dietz Inc.
Community Foundation
Concept Machine Tool
Danfoss Power Electronics
Darlington Dairy Supply Co. Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation
First National Bank of Platteville
FM Global
Growmark Inc.
Hartung Brothers
Huff Family Foundation
J P Cullen and Sons Inc.
KHW Genetics
AFK Corporation
American Society of Civil Engineers
Bemis Company Inc.
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Cooper Industries
Duffy Engineering Inc.
Gooch’s Greenhouse Inc.
Grant County Master Gardeners
Greater Madison NAWIC Chapter
Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
Hormel Foods Corporation
IBM International Foundation
Lands’ End Inc.
Lisle Financial Group LLC
Mu Chapter-Delta Kappa Gamma
Natural Resource Technology Inc.
North American Intercollegiate Dairy
Oak Park Dental-Platteville LLC
Pioneer Ford-Mercury
Premier Aluminum LLC
Proctor and Gamble Fund
Prudential Foundation
Queen B Radio Wisconsin Inc.
Reffue Pas Jacobson and Koster
Rockwell Automation Charitable Corp.
Matching Gift Program
Society of Physics Students
State Farm Insurance Companies
Super 8 Motel
Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care
TRICOR Insurance-Lancaster
United Technologies, Matching Gift
University of Wisconsin-Madison
UW-Platteville LAE Alumni
Vaassen, Pluemer CPA’s LLC
Walker’s Clothing and Shoes
Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation
Pioneer Society
2dogs digital audio inc.
Abbott Laboratories
Accelerated Genetics
Alcoa Inc.
All About You Salon
Alpha Gamma Rho
American Honda Motor Co. Inc.
American International Group Inc.
Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving
Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching
Antea USA Inc.
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
AT&T Corp.
Atten and Babler LLC
Ayers Furniture Co. Inc.
B.P.O. Elks No. 1460
Badger Sporting Goods
Badger State Ethanol
Badgerland Financial
Baird Foundation Inc.
BASF Corporation
Basic American Foods
Baycare Clinic Foundation
Bel-Aire Home Improvement Co.
Bell Real Estate
Benjamin Moore and Company
Benton State Bank
Berget Jewelers and Fine Gifts
BlueScope Foundation N.A.
Brown Construction
Burnham Lumber Co. Inc.
Cardin’s Pharmacy Inc
Care Health Center
Cargill Inc.
Cartridges For Kids
CDW Corporation
Century 21 Southwestern Realty Inc.
Chicago Bridge and Iron Company
Chicago’s Best
Cindy Schave Studio and Custom
Clare Bank
CNA Foundation
Complete Vision Care P.C.
Cooke Group Inc.
Corley Construction
D.J.’s Carpentry
Daniel’s Lounge
Danville Dental Clinic, P.C.
Dave’s Repair Service
Doniver Inc.
Douglas American Car Care Cent
Driftless Market LLC
Dubuque Orthopaedic Surgeon P.C.
Dutrac Community Credit Union
Eaton Corporation
Ecolab Inc.
Edward Jones
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Elmo Club
Eric Cleveland Agency
Farmer’s Family Dental SC
Farmhouse Fraternity Alumni
Fidelity Charitable
Fiesta Cancun
First Capitol Salvage Inc.
Flood Bros Disposal Co.
Fred Blackbourn and Sons Inc.
Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold
Fuller’s Miker Center Inc.
Garvey’s Service LLC
General Electric Company
General Engineering Company Inc.
Gerber Investments LLC
Gilbane Building Company
Global Impact
Grainger Inc.
Green Bay Pressure Cleaning
Grindstone Tool Company
Guelzow Law Office Ltd
Harley-Davidson Inc.
Havens Financial Services Inc.
Heer Oil Company Inc.
Helker’s Jewelry Inc.
Hindu’s Corner Bar
Honkamp Krueger & Co.
Hoof Funeral Home Inc.
HR Block-Platteville
Illinois Tool Works Inc.
Image Works Inc.
J Paul’s Salon
JEJS Enterprises LLC
Jostens Inc.
Ken Kilian’s Swingtet
Klinge Apartments
Kohn’s Auto Body
Kopp McKichan LLP
La Crosse Engineering and Surveying
Long Grove Enterprises LLC
Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC
Mastercraft Press LLC
McDonald’s Corporation
McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
McKinstry Co. Charitable
Medical Associates-Platteville
Medtronic Inc.
Merck and Co. Inc.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Midwest Hospitality Management LLC
Monsanto Company
Mor-Agra Grain Handling Inc.
Motorola Inc.
Mound View Motors Inc.
Music Together with Susan
My Tires Inc.
New Image Salon
NextEra Energy Foundation Inc.
Northwestern Mutual
Novus Venalicium Inc.
Nutrition World LLC
O&S Investments
Oak Creek Investments LLC
Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company
Foundation Inc.
OnCampus Advertising LLC
ONEOK Foundation Inc.
P.A. McGuire Construction Inc.
Park Primary Care Ltd
PCS Administration (USA) Inc.
Pekarske Builders Inc.
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
Pinstripe Inc.
Pizzeria Uno
Platteville Early Childhood
Platteville Golf and Country Club
Platteville Tax Service
Platteville Wonder Lube
PNM Resources Foundation
Professionals in Health Promotions,
Physical Ed., and Health Ed.
Pulaski Savings Bank
Raytheon Company
RCI Engineering LLC
Red N Deb’s Bar and Grill
Ripp Farms LLC
Rite Hite Corporation
Robb Paquette Agency Inc.
Rojemann Auto Maintenance LLC
Rural Route 1 Inc.
Schaefer Farms
Seacrist Media Solutions
Shell Companies Foundation Inc.
Sigma State Foundation Inc.
Sinnipee Valley Vineyard LLC
Skarlupka Service Inc.
Small Blessings Inc.
Southwest Health Center
Southwest Logistics Inc.
Southwestern Realty (Century 21)
Spensley Feed Sales Inc.
SSOE Group
Stanley Black and Decker Inc.
Stateline Gutter Helmet
Sterling Athletics
Steve’s Pizza Palace
Sun Tan City
Sysko’s Sports Books
Tender Tom’s Turkey
The Chubb Corporation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Ticket Sports Bar and Grill
Top Promotions
The Toro Company
Tranquil Journey LLC
U.P. Travel Corporation
Union Pacific Corporation
Unruh Construction
Vincent M. Marotta and Associates Ltd
Voegeli Farm Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Weygant’s Appliance Inc.
Wisconsin Room
Wolf Farms
Woodland Terrace Inc.
Zinpro Corporation
Gift-in-Kind Donors
3M Foundation
Arthur C. Masbruch ‘49
Berget Jewelers and Fine Gifts
Catherine L. Stephens
Christopher A. Graf ‘49
Cindy J. Tang
Concept Machine Tool
Cummins Emission Solutions
Danfoss Power Electronics
Darlington Dairy Supply Co. Inc.
David L. Andersen ‘95
Derek J. ‘99 and M. J. ‘08 Dachelet
George K. ‘71 and Susan M. ‘71 Hellert
Harold T. Evensen
Jane L. Loper
Jim M. Schaive
Karland A. Kilian
Ken Kilian’s Swingtet
Kerry A. Furlong ‘83
KHW Genetics
Premier Aluminum LLC
Radio Dubuque
Rosemeyer-Jones Chiropractic Clinic
Sidney A. Miller
Steve’s Pizza Palace
Super 8 Motel
Theodore Goodfriend and Mary Lou Birkett Goodfriend
Ubersox Chrysler
Universal AET
Valarie A. Fein
Weygant’s Appliance Inc.
Total of Gift-in-Kind Donations $177,161.39
New Freshman Scholarships
2011-12 Recipients
Alice Keegan Memorial Scholarship
Damian Johnson
Alliant Energy M-S.T.E.P. Foundation
Zen Abbey
Pablo Aguirre
Garris Covington
Chelsea Herr
Nancy Streu
Alpha Gamma Rho Scholarship
Tyler Salzman
Alumni Association Leadership
Alexander Day
Alix Herrman
Haley Jansen
Tyler Jansen
Collin Macomber
Abigayl Martin
Weston Nemitz
Jacob Oomens
Anna Sherman
Amanda Zasada
American Bank and Trust - Wisconsin
Danielle Hentrich
Kayla Hirsch
Haley Jansen
Katelyn Kohout
Jared Pink
American Transmission Company (ATC)
Jacob Bluem
Cameron Boeder
Narain Ganesan-Pillay
Kyle Onesti
Aaron Skarlupka
Aspiring Biologist Award
Casey Sondgeroth
Atten and Babler Agriculture Scholarship
Parker Ludeking
Building Construction Management
Jacob Clisch
Busby Family Entrepreneurial
Amanda Zasada
Business and Accounting New Freshman
Kaitlin Hutchison
Matthew Taylor
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields Scholarship
Evan Jones
Clarence H. Gribble Scholarship
Emily Schlein
Jaime Teutschmann
Clark Dietz Inc. Scholarship
Garris Covington
NongChia Lee
David and Judy French Scholarship
Jacob Felsinger
Russell Preder
Dr. Lilawati Sukwhal Merit Scholarship
Haley Jansen
Scott Wiederholt
Dr. Scholl Foundation Scholarship
Carley Bevry
Haley Jansen
Alyssa Norsby
Kristin Stowe
Emily Yenter
Elinore Loveland Award
Emily Hastings
Amanda Leeser
Ernie Krogman and Pat Schroeder
Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Pearce
Evelyn Johns Family Scholarship
Jesse Clark
First Banking Center Agriculture
Tess Zettle
Floy Kies Smythe Scholarship
Jeffrey Mann
Francis ‘31 and Estelle (Shere) Piquette
Amanda Zasada
Frederic W. Tufte Scholarship
Madeline Hughes
Heather Trumpy
Glenn H. and Florence C. Fritz
Sean Scanlan
Glenn Riddle Scholarship
Amanda Zasada
Grace M. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Marisa Aderman
Peter Behl
Cameron Berg
Colin Berg
Daniel Bolens
Rebecca Brown
Alexander Grabowski
Jake Hebl
Danielle Hentrich
Evan Jones
Lisa Kaiser
Samuel Keizer
Alyssa Kilcoyne
Jessica Symons
Derrick Titley
Jacob Zilbar
Harlan K. Ruskell Memorial Scholarship
Erica Lamers
Hartung Brothers Inc. M-S.T.E.P.
Ryan Kuster
Erica McComish
Hallie Metcalf
Nicole Metcalf
Ethan Olson
Huff Family Scholarship for Lancaster
High School
Danielle Hentrich
IIW Engineers and Surveyors
Jessica Symons
James N. Azim Scholarship
Kara Fine
James R. and Mary L. Cooley Scholarship
Danielle Morgan
Jeanne Brunette-Tregoning Scholarship
Jessica Pearce
Brianna Wenger
Jeff Moring Memorial Scholarship
William Kern
Jennie L. and Orlyn P. Edge Scholarship
Brandon Keyser
Jerry Gunderson Scholarship for
Appleton High School
Shelby Flaherty
Jordan C. and Dido Nash Scholarship
Aaron Skarlupka
Joyce Mueller Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Mathias
Kaiser-Clendenen Scholarship
Jessica Pearce
Kathryn Mykel Conger Scholarship
Rosa Lopez
Keri Pustina Memorial Scholarship
Haley Zimmerman
Leo E. and Phoebe W. Boebel Memorial
Steven Badger
Livingston State Bank Scholarship
Ryan Kuster
Lulu Howery Scholarship
Amanda Zasada
Lyle and Ruth Olson Scholarship
Madison Anderson
Margaret Keizer Scholarship
Jonathan Pedigo
Mick and Rhonda (Rice) Viney Milton
Hallie Metcalf
Mid-State Equipment Scholarship
Taylor Lueck
Mike and Jackie David Scholarship
Ryan Hugill
Mound City Bank Directors Scholarship
Thomas Miles
Music Scholarship
Callan Backstrom
Hallie Rogers
Thea Somers
Evan Wachowiak
New Freshman Agriculture Scholarship
Nicole Wallenhorst
Patricia Magnuson Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Burgin
Matthew Smaga
Paul Keehn Memorial Scholarship
Noah Hofrichter
Percy Lavon Julien Science Scholarship
Gabriella Marquez
Pioneer Biologist Award
Mallory Wiederholt
Platteville Collision Center Scholarship
Ryan Meyers
Platteville Kiwanis Scholarship
Brady Eastlick
Chad Keuter
Rachel Withrow
Prudential Scholarship
Danielle Hentrich
Micah Klahn
Jayde Russell
Ralph and Margaret Henry Scholarship
Jason Foster
Recruitment Award
Curtis Veit
Retirees for Excellence Scholarship
Bret Bender
Nancy Streu
Rita and Ralph Curtis Scholarship
Jenny Belken
Ritchie Implement Inc. Agriculture
Nicole Wallenhorst
Robert and Marjorie Harshorn
Taylor Boesel
Dalton Desmond
Roy and Gloria Bernard Scholarship
Amanda Klein
School of Education Scholarship
Rachael Strong
Amanda Zasada
Sentry Insurance Foundation Leadership
Alexander Day
Elizabeth Williams
Sloan Implement Scholarship
Brianna Wenger
Soil and Crop Science Scholarship
Parker Ludeking
Tay and Anna (Francis) Dresden
Ethan Olson
Tharold F. Dorn Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas Greysen
Tricor Insurance Inc. Scholarship
Danielle Hentrich
Unison Solutions Scholarship
Jessica Symons
Vandy ”Butch” Bloyer Family Scholarship
Jacob Lindberg
West Salem in Agriculture Scholarship
Garrett Butzler
William and Karen Schilling Scholarship
for Platteville High School
Heather Trumpy
William and Jean Sanders Scholarship
Alexander Day
William D. Kent Scholarship
Calvin Cassens
Aaron Decker
Joyce King
Lucas Pawelski
William Eiler Scholarship
Amy Borkenhagen
Aaron Decker
Lucas Pawelski
Wisconsin Livestock and Meat Council
Christopher Blank
Aurora Long
Wisconsin Rural Opportunities
Mackenzie Boyle
Konnor Johnson
Katie Martin
Aimee Overton
Evan Pahl
Jessica Wagner
Anthony Weier
Haley Zimmerman
Women in EMS Scholarship
Amy Borkenhagen
Woodward Communications, Inc
David LaBelle
Zeta Beta Chi Chapter Scholarship
Mallory Wiederholt
UW-Platteville Community
Scholarships 2011-12
Adams Friendship High School
Courtney Harrington
Altoona High School
Trevor Wittwer
Andrew High School
Mitchell Ganzer
Antigo High School
Craig Lafferty
Aaron Skarlupka
Appleton West High School
Samantha Kiesau
Argyle High School
Tracy Dammen
Arrowhead High School
Brady Williams
Baldwin-Woodville High School
Vince Rudesill
Baraboo High School
Brian Wagner
Barneveld High School
Zylus Johnson
Beaver Dam High School
Ryan Stricker
Belleville High School
Kaitlin Viney
Belmont High School
Tyler Dornink
Beloit High School
Michael Cota
Stephanie Loftus
Beloit Turner High School
Miranda Hughes
Benton High School
Matthew Savatski
Big Foot High School
Ashley Pietkauskis
Black Hawk High School
Morgan Nelson
Bloomer High School
Christopher Hilger
Boscobel High School
Alyssa Norsby
Brodhead High School
Erica Strehlow
Brookwood High School
Kelly Buchholz
Burlington High School
Jesse Schwarten
Cambridge High School
Marcus Hellenbrand
Campbellsport High School
Payden Salm
Cassville High School
Faye Demes
Kevin Seng
Chetek High School
Emily Yenter
Chippewa Falls High School
Joyce King
Columbus High School
Jessica Albert
Cuba City High School
Ryan Timmerman
Mallory Wiederholt
Darlington High School
Nicolas Chiaverotti
Elizabeth Mathias
Decorah High School
Derek Whittle
Deforest High School
Rosemary Herschleb
Dekalb High School
Trevor Kahl
Delavan-Darien High School
Brianna Kasken
Dodgeville High School
Beau Smith
Matthew Willie
Dubuque Hempstead High School
Kathleen Thor
Dubuque Wahlert High School
Bradley Blocklinger
Durand (IL) High School
Robert Sweet
East High School, Brookfield
Alexander Serak
East Troy High School
Benjamin Longstreet
Eastland High School
Calvin Cassens
Eau Claire North High School
Samantha Sveum
Eisenhower High School
Kayla Krager
Elkhorn High School
Christina Sargent
Evansville High School
Konnor Johnson
Fall River High School
Alex Ladwig
Fennimore High School
Brandon Chappell
Justin Hastings
Shawna Lange
Flambeau High School
Nathan Scharenbrock
Fond Du Lac High School
Andrew Gunderson
Forreston High School
William Kern
Fort Atkinson High School
Michelle Harris
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
John Kohls
Galena High School
Adrienne Oldenburg
Geneseo High School
Andrea Hinshaw
Genoa-Kingston High School
Hayden Kuhn
Germantown High School
Kyle Daywalt
Green Bay East High School
Jacob Schreiber
Guilford High School
Jeffrey Mann
Hamilton High School, Milwaukee
Gregory Seefeldt
Harry D. Jacobs High School
Ashley Morales
Hartford Union High School
Dan Denneau
Hayward High School
Jacob Raimer
Highland High School
Nolan Kratochwill
Hillsboro High School
Jacob Nusse
Hononegah High School
Meghan Macy
Horicon High School
Sarah Engel
Hudson Senior High School
Andrew Entenza
Iola-Scandinavia High School
Troy Wolfgram
Iowa Grant High School
Betsy Kite
Cade Nichols
Joshua Rider
Ithaca High School
Brian Butteris
James Madison Memorial High School
Sara Newquist
Janesville Craig High School
John Shulta
Janesville Parker High School
Lauren Brooks
Jefferson High School
Alyssa Hotter
Jerome I. Case High School
BobbiJo Celeste
John Edwards High School
Stephanie Montag
Juda High School
Tess Zettle
Kettle Moraine High School
Meghan Steffens
Kewaskum High School
Joseph Stoffel
Kickapoo High School
Carl Hatfield
Kiel High School
Isaiah Grybush
Kimberly High School
Zachary Bruss
La Crossse Central High School
Alex Butterfield
Lake Mills High School
Karl Goetsch
Connie Kassube
Lakeside Lutheran High School
Evan Buske
Lancaster High School
Danielle Hentrich
Demi Kienitz
Ally Stenner
Collin Thole
Lincoln High School
Alexander Schenk
Little Chute High School
Nerissa Woehler
Lodi High School
Adam Triggs
Logan High School, La Crosse
Dylan Smith
Madison East High School
Niva Leu
Madison West High School
Stephanie Brown
Manitowoc Lincoln High School
Jocelyn Orner
Maquoketa Valley High School
Amber Holbrook
Marian Central Catholic High School
Chad Theis
Markesan High School
Leah Mace
Marshfield Senior High School
Lisa Kaiser
Mauston High School
Alana Voss
Mayville High School
Haley Hurst
McDonell Centrals High School
Carrie Anders
Menomonee Falls High School
Nathaniel Koch
Merrill High School
Samantha Micke
Middleton High School
Evan Feller
Milledgeville High School
Kaitlin Hutchison
Milton High School
Bret Bender
Milwaukee Lutheran High School
Tyler Sass
Mineral Point High School
Abigail Baker
Gretchen Mitchell
Monona Grove High School
Tyler Wolfram
Monroe High School
Sarah Kloepping
Tyler Witt
Montello High School
Reuel Bornick
Monticello High School
Christopher Voegeli
Morrison (IL) High School
Paula Bush
Mount Horeb High School
Nicole Wipperfurth
Mundelein Cons High School
David Smith
Neenah High School
Ryan Letizia
Neillsville High School
Nathan Berg
Nekoosa High School
Sunnee Booher
New Glarus High School
Tyler Hullett
New Richmond High School
Amanda Ramsey
North Crawford High School
Jason Abernathy
Oak Creek High School
Nicholas Greysen
Onalaska High School
Benjamin Boebel
Oostburg High School
Brant Wilterdink
Oregon (IL) High School
Jacob Ferencak
Oregon High School
Taylor Behnke
Oshkosh North High School
Blake VanAsten
Oshkosh West High School
Nathan Kirchenwitz
Parkview High School
Brittany Fitzgerald
Pecatonica High School
Trevor Montgomery
Jennah Schliem
Peshtigo High School
Logan Immel
Pewaukee High School
Benjamin Caccese
Phillips High School
Peter Polacek
Pioneer Westfield High School
Hannah Slowey
Platteville High School
Chad Keuter
Keagan McBeth
Jared Pink
Heather Trumpy
Rachel Withrow
Plymouth Comprehensive High School
Scott Koenig
Portage High School
Jake Hebl
Potosi High School
Ryan Kuster
Poynette High School
Trevor Moen
Prairie Du Chien High School
Sydney Fritz
Prescott High School
Carl Pylkas
Randolph High School
Cody Katsma
Reedsburg High School
Ryanne Roecker
Rhinelander High School
Troy White
Rice Lake High School
Jason Kisling
Richland Center High School
Dustin Guy
Alyssa Krajco
River Falls High School
Kevin Thum
River Ridge (IL) High School
Lauren Bohnsack
River Ridge (WI) High School
Jason Foster
River Valley High School
Codi Akins
Riverdale High School
Damian Johnson
Royall High School
Amanda Russell
Rufus King High School, Milwaukee
Jacob Fullmer
Sauk Prairie High School
Erik Meyer
Scales Mound High School
Paul Stadel
Seymour High School
Adam VandenLangenberg
Shawano High School
Avari Miller
Sheboygan Falls High School
Russell Preder
Sheboygan North High School
Jacob Ziereis
Sheboygan South High School
Tou Yang
Shullsburg High School
Anna Burgess
Slinger High School
Christopher Blank
Southwest High School
Rebecca Schmitt
Southwestern High School
Haley Jansen
Sparta High School
Mitchell Helsel
St. Charles (MN) High School
Ian Peck
St. Francis High School
Sarah Thiel
St. Joseph High School
Zachary Fisher
Stevens Point Area High School
Jacob Hahn
Stockton (IL) High School
Ashlynne Wampfler
Stoughton High School
Carter Rowley
Sun Prairie High School
Lindsay Colwell
Three Lakes High School
Alex Hegeman
Tremper High School
Brian Quinn, Jr.
Union Grove High School
Sarah Ostrander
Verona Area High School
Rachel Cropp
Viroqua High School
Rachel Schneider
Waterford Union High School
Cameron Berg
Waterloo High School
Elizabeth Peschel
Watertown High School
Nathan Christian
Waukesha South High School
Seth Buske
Waukesha West High School
Anthony Korsmo
Waunakee High School
Paige Kohlman
Wausau West High School
Michael Swope
Wauwatosa East High School
John Ahrens
Wauzeka High School
Kaci George
Webster High School
Bryana Andren
West Allis Nathan Hale High School
Marlene Pflugradt
West Salem High School
Garrett Butzler
Westosha Central High School
Carley Bevry
Weyauwega-Fremont High School
Thomas Long
Whitewater High School
Sam Downs
Winneconne High School
Jared Paulsen
Wisconsin Dells High School
Jennifer Bayline
Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School
Michael Koeppel
Continuing Scholarships
2011-12 Recipients
Academic Theatre Scholarship
Erin McDermott
Agri-Nutrition Consulting Inc.
Michele Belling
Al Yasiri Scholarship
Alyssa Christian
Alpha Gamma Rho Scholarship
Jordan Alf
Abram Houzenga
Daniel O’Brien
Tjark Sattler
Alpha Lambda Delta Scholarship
Cody Koch
Alpha Lambda Delta Ullsvik Scholarship
Sara Pearson
Tammy Wiedenbeck
American Society Of Civil Engineering
Joseph Thompson
Andrew Wimer Memorial Scholarship
Nicole Stumpner
Art Department Scholarship
Jessica Bathke
Kevyn Webb
Arthur and May Thompson Scholarship
James Howard
Arthur Davis and Mary Williams
Denise Kempf
Hayley Norpel
Arthur J. Cooke Memorial Scholarship
Alex Astley
Avista Scholarship
Nathan Bailey
Andrew Rosene
Ayres Associates Scholarship
Robert Peggar
Baker Tilly Virchow Scholarship
Karla Francis
Sara Jacobson
Bea Brecker-Music Scholarship
Emily Hackl
Beatrix Marie Larson Scholarship
Kalee Crist
Berenice and Elmer Mcnett Scholarship
James Howard
Bergmann Scholarship
Nate Smaglik
Bernard ”Bunny” Dillion Scholarship
Emily Hackl
Bernard and Eugene Fendt Industrial
Reese Mersberger
Bernice F. Coffee Scholarship
Tiffany Hess
Bert Blain Memorial/Blains’s Farm and
Fleet Scholarship
Kelli Fischer
Bheru-Lilawati Sukhwal Scholarship
Sara Allen
Bilsa Scholarship
Lindsay Dietmeier
Morgan Hoover
Kristi Nolden
Sarah Scott
Biology Excellence Scholarship
Courtney Campbell
Biology Seed Award Scholarship
James Nooyen
Boebel Alumni Scholarship
Joshua Hess
Boyd Spikerman Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Casper
Brittni Hutchison
Jessica Kaltenberg
Brogley Leighty Scholarship
Loren Daentl
Bruce and Scott Johnston Memorial
Britany Lynch
Paul Pridemore
Buel Dull Memorial Scholarship
Keturah Vangen
Business and Accounting Continuing
Daniel Hammer
Nicole Mitchell
Samantha Plomb
Butch Leitl Memorial Scholarship
Emily Gartland
Emily Hackl
Tyler Jacobson
Savanna Kaster
Megan Neis
Melissa Watson
James Winter
C. Helene Hanson Scholarship
Rachel Clemen
C.L. Denure Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Babcock
Danielle Ballweg
Krystyna Kepler
Catherine Cassidy Burgess Memorial
Kelly Wellnitz
Cecil C. Bailie Mining Engineering
Brian Genskow
CHS Foundation Scholarship
Hillary Bark
Adam Kolb
Matthew Raisbeck
Charles Victor Kozar Engineering
Zane Hagstrom
Jacob Tokar
Chester and Susan Dziekanowski
Maria Jonietz
Civil Engineering Development
Tyler Biese
Nicholas Elmer
Scott Erickson
Noah Hofrichter
Laura Horstmann
Charles Hubbard
Philippe Kalmogo
Chris Kusiak
Ashley Menard
Nathan Oswald
Roman Roy
Nathan Woolever
Clement E. Miller and Viola M. Miller
Biology Education Scholarship
Zachariah Bloom
Coach Leitl Student Leadership
Tyler Herrmann
Conlon Construction Scholarship
Christopher Helt
Criminal Justice Scholarship
Erik Peterson
Dan and Doris Keyes Scholarship
Tyler Fisher
Emily Niebuhr
Jesse Veek
Darla (Mellor) Banfi Alpha Lambda
Delta Scholarship
Casey Sondgeroth
David and Lou Ann Markee Scholarship
Patrick Harker
Dawson and Marie Trine Family
Emily Hierlmeier
Delta 3 Engineering Scholarship
Kyle Weeks
Delta Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter
Kevyn Webb
Dick Wadewitz Scholarship
Kimberlee Knautz
Jonathan Lambie
Donald F. Russell Scholarship
Sara Jacobson
Dr. Bala’s GPA Award Scholarship
Craig Mews
Dr. Bill Gengler Pre-Veterinary
Kelsey Murphy
Dr. Karen Schilling Memorial
Bruce Carr
Dr. Peter Kang Memorial Scholarship
Kalee Crist
Jeremy Stephens
Dr. R.C. Coffee Memorial Scholarship
Emily Hill
Anna Liddane
Dr. Roger Hoover Industrial Tech
Melissa Kieler
Dr. Scholl Foundation Scholarship
Janelle Skoyen
Casey Sondgeroth
Melissa Watson
Melissa Weller
Tammy Wiedenbeck
Duffy Engineering Scholarship
Jared Marugg
Duwayne H. Stuelke Scholarship
Carson Crist
E.G. Harrell Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Drida
Julie Kile
Nicole Richter
Kristin Scott
Ryan Studnicka
Courtney Wiegel
Edward O. and Lois E. Busby Scholarship
Ann Lazare
Electrical Engineering Alumni
Elijah Scriven
Electrical Engineering Commerative
Pha Thao
Elisa Ann Neal Scholarship
Mitchell Austin
Kalee Crist
Mary DePauw
Joshua Eastlick
Renee Endres
Brianna Jentz
Savanna Kaster
Laura Lopez
Sarah Martinsen
Candice McCorkle
Katelyn McPhearson
Taylor Meehan
Alicia Nettesheim
Michelle Rue
Kara Sagehorn
Jessica Schoenberg
Ashley Sincox
Anna Smith
Sarah Speich
Kevyn Webb
Kelly Wellnitz
Jocelyn Wiest
Kandy Wunschel
Elizabeth Duewer Biology Scholarship
Sarah Lubin
Elizabeth Hageman Ananiadis
Lane Hauer
Ellen Ann Nickson Memorial
Joshua Eastlick
Engineering Physics Scholarship
Ethan Parr
Holly Schoenberg
Melissa Weller
Engineering Physics Scholarship
Melissa Weller
Faherty Inc. Scholarship
Kameron Kirschbaum
Farm Credit Wisconsin Endowed
Tina Holst
Federated Youth Foundation Scholarship
Colton Carpenter
Felicita Mcguire Family Scholarship
Amanda Jagodzinski
Frank Pross Scholarship
Kevyn Webb
Fred Domann SPS Scholarship
Kristin Scott
Fred Oomens Scholarship
Jordan Riemer
Friar Family Scholarship in Ag
Loren Daentl
G.H. Anderson Structural Engineering
Jeremy Bartz
Gauthier and Sons’ Construction
Bradley Ederer
Gay Ann Pitts Scholarship
Mitchell Austin
Kalee Crist
George Bullis Scholarship
Nicholas Schickel
George Dobson Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin Stanfley
George Kettler in Biology Memorial
Leah Radtke
George Kettler in Ag Memorial
Kayla Greenwood
Georgeanne Freudenreich Memorial
Kevyn Webb
Georgianna Sands Women’s Studies
Kimberly Hanson
Amanda Jagodzinski
Gerald Gunderson Natural Science
Alec Schielke
Glenn R. Davis Scholarship
Courtney Wiegel
Gordon and Reta Wales Shepard
Candice McCorkle
Grace M. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Hillary Bark
Grant County Master Gardners
Danielle Ballweg
Gray Family Scholarship
Thomas Thornton
Growmark Scholarship
Kayla Greenwood
Kristin Taylor
Tammy Wiedenbeck
Hans F. Seuthe Scholarship
Marc Bond
Adam Falteisek
Harold and Delores Rock Hutchenson
Tevis Mott
Harold and Muriel Enke Memorial
Stephen Conroy, Jr.
Harold Beals and Robert Campbell
Rebekah Haddad
Melissa Skogen
Helen Harms Anderson Scholarship
Sara Rand
Helen Skemp Scholarship
Jason Madden
Katharine Miller
Helen Tierney Memorial Scholarship
Cena Sharp
Herbert W. Kinney Scholarship
Kayla Boeding
Howard and Cathie Brooks Scholarship
Marc Bond
Huff Family Foundation Scholarship
Paula Groom
Huldamae D. Fiske Scholarship
Jennifer Bartels
IEEE Endowed Scholarship
Adam Maslanka
IEEE Student Chapter Scholarship
Jacob McDonald
Pha Thao
IIW Engineers and Surveyors
Simon Hoppman
Industrial Engineering Alumni
Joanna Borzecki
Hayley Norpel
Industrial Engineering Excellence
Craig Mews
Industrial Technology Alumni
Mathew Cooley
Iota Rho Chapter Scholarship
Alicia Nettesheim
Irving Stocker Memorial Scholarship
Kimberly Hanson
Irving W. Gerhardt Scholarship
Hannah Davison
Alicia Gordee
Andy Groeschl
Amanda Haag
Julia Hewitt
Anna Lesch
Sara Pearson
Lucas Qualmann
Jordan Riemer
Jordyn Strohman
Mykel Wedig
J.P. Cullen Scholarship
Scott Green
Jack Weier Memorial Scholarship
Darcy Steffes
Jaeckle Family Scholarship
Randall Charles
James Harvey Hensley Scholarship
Brian Genskow
James A. Wilgus Family Scholarship
Megan Phelps
James C. Klien Memorial Scholarship
Shane Stewart
Jeanne Brunette-Tregoning Scholarship
Laura Lopez
Jeffrey Hagemann Scholarship
Sarah Chandler
Jerry and Barbara Strohm Scholarship
Jessica Miess
Jerry and Fran Cooper Scholarship
Ryan Constant
Rebecca Jacobson
Anna Lesch
Britany Lynch
Jill Pamperin and Miles Hill ”Lab Rat”
Chad Niehaus
Elijah Scriven
JJ Keller Foundation Scholarship
Benjamin Niemuth
John Abraham Cleven Scholarship
Tyler Jacobson
John Busby D.D.S. and Affiliated
Kevin Klar
John Deere Dubuque Works Scholarship
Julie Emmerich
Hayley Norpel
Stephanie Salm
Sarah Vosberg
John G.W. Robertson Scholarship
Lindsay Dietmeier
Sara Pearson
John R. Williams Scholarship
Kimberly Hanson
Roman Roy
Kyle Weeks
John William Livingston Scholarship
Savanna Kaster
Karrmann Family Scholarship
Sarah Smith
Katie Vaassen Student Ambassador
Tina Holst
Brandon Radke
Kenneth Kundert Memorial Scholarship
Jamie Burlison
Kennicker Family Scholarship
John Canalle
Kenny and Bea Berg Scholarship
Loren Daentl
Kim Hageman Scholarship
Daniel Smith
Kindschi Reid Scholarship
Jeremy Stephens
Kolell-Knight Memorial Scholarship
Laura Hornby
Leonard Eisert Scholarship
Jessica Schoenberg
Lewis E. Ewers Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Babcock
Liberace Scholarship
Samir Kafaty
Liberal Arts Essay Scholarship
Brianna Jentz
Linda Pauls Fleming Scholarship
Kyle Klocke
Lisa Karberg-Machotka Scholarship
Emily Crowe
Lois Goldman Memorial Scholarship
Emily Hackl
Lucas Smith Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin Higgins
Luther and Irma Zellmer Memorial
Nicholas Flinner
Lyle G. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship
Kelli Fischer
Majestic View Farms Scholarship
Courtney Smith
Marian (Kies) Linden Pioneer
Emily Hackl
Marjorie Hugunin Memorial Scholarship
Tiffany Hess
Mary Alice Hendershot Scholarship
Adam Iserman
Megan Phelps
Mary Cullen Ganshirt Scholarship
Katherine Hierlmeier
Mary Lou Birkett Goodfriend and
Theodore Goodfriend Scholarship
Patrick Gellings
Savanna Kaster
Mary Robinson Wagner Scholarship
Katherine Hierlmeier
Mathematics Scholarship
Bruce Carr
Evan Korth
Maynard Konkol Memorial Scholarship
Anna Liddane
McCullough-Wetzel Scholarship
Darin Peetz
McKinstry Company Foundation
Katie Bartelt
Christopher Jobs
Bradley Jurewicz
Emily McCoy
Nathanial Welsh
Mick and Rhonda Viney Student
Involvement Scholarship
Loren Daentl
Milton and Thelma Longhorn
Natalie Mikecz
Jordyn Strohman
Mining Development Scholarship
Matthew Blazer
Minotte Perserverance Scholarship
Rainge Dockter
Benjamin VanStraten
Mitchell-Ohm Scholarship
Bruce Carr
Laura Hornby
Mound City Bank Agriculture
Daniel Mumm
Music Scholarship
Steven Badger
Zachary Masa-Myers
Eric Murphy
Chase Pebworth
Katharine Stadtmueller
Nancy Curtis-Jerome Daniels
Rebecca Kloes
Norma M. Gillen Scholarship
Samantha Jayne
Orton and Frances Keyes Scholarship
Sara Kruger
Zachary Nelson
Oscar and Coletta Wegman Family
Brittany Clark
Otto Carothers Scholarship
Evan Korth
Patricia Collins Scholarship
Kimberlee Knautz
Ann Tank
Patricia Doyle Scholarship
Peggy Dieken
Cherith Dilley
Kevyn Webb
Paul and Jan Hemmer Scholarship
Megan Whiteman
Phi Eta Sigma Scholarship
Michael McNerney
Phi Eta Sigma Ullsvik Scholarship
Danielle Ballweg
Joshua Hess
Phi Kappa Phi Ullsvik Scholarship
Thomas Butts
Brianna Jentz
Zachary Wall
Philip Buchanan Scholarship
Stephanie Carley
Philip O. Mork Scholarship
Danica Skemp
Pioneer Progress in Fields of Biology
Thor Tackett
Pioneer Spirit Scholarship
Shanna Yoose
Porter Ellifrit Scholarship
Eric Murphy
Psychology Alumni and Friends
Bridget Beerkircher
Rebecca Kirch
Ralph E. Balliette Scholarship
James Howard
Raymond G. Duewer Horticulture
Cassandra Blatz
Raymond Duewer Family Music
Emily Neal
Reclamation Scholarship
Cassandra Young
Richard Loberger Scholarship
Andy Groeschl
Aaron Hammer
Richard Loberger Scholarship-AGR
Tjark Sattler
Richard V. Ripp Scholarship
Hannah Davison
Richard W. Brodbeck Scholarship
Ashley Mahe
Richard Zimmerman Memorial
Lucas Qualmann
Ritchie Implement Inc. Agriculture
Samuel Enloe
Robert A. Tinstman Scholarship
John Bicard
David Revers
Julia Schneider
Kyle Zimmer
Robert J. Walters Scholarship
James Bell
Rodney Christiansen Scholarship
Jarred Altfillisch
Roger Hauser (Safety) Scholarship
Cody Custer
Roger Higgs Scholarship
Sarah Smith
Roger L. Davies Scholarship
Sarah Scott
Roger M. and Melville H. Cohee
Emily Hill
Daniel Mumm
James Shannon
Roman and Joan Borkovec Scholarship
Tevis Mott
Kenneth Webb
Rosemary Clarke Scholarship
Zachary Masa-Myers
Rosemarie Mcnally Scholarship
Cherith Dilley
Roy and Gloria Bernard Scholarship
Benjamin Pintens
Derek Zernach
Roy and Ethel Shaver Scholarship
Erin Cain
Cassy Nelson
Roy and Helen Sands Memorial
Jordan Riemer
Roy Hoff Memorial Scholarship
Emily Hill
Ruth Harman Walraven Women in
Industrial Tech Scholarship
Kaitlyn Wiedeman
Scenes of UW-Platteville Scholarship
Katie Gabris
Kathrine Gailloreto
Desherondra Winters
Sentry Insurance Foundation Leadership
Joseph Maslanka
Alycia Riehl
Alexandra Sikic
Jacob Wiederholt
Strand Associates Scholarship
Devin Brincks
Taber Family Scholarship
Candice McCorkle
Ted and Sande Richards Scholarship
Emily Crowe
Teresa A. Kirkeeng-Kincaid Scholarship
Melissa Watson
Thomas Hickey Musical Theater
Performance Scholarship
Stephanie Orgas
Thomas Hickey Theater Performance
Kim Cordova
Thomas Lundeen Scholarship
Calvin Bergan
Adam Iserman
Daniel Pulvermacher
Tricore AEA Scholarship
Amanda Dagens
Brock Greenhow
UW-Platteville Alumni Association
Elizabeth Oestreich
Courtney Wiegel
Kandy Wunschel
UW-Platteville Biology Scholarship
Joshua Hess
UW-Platteville Student Ambassador
Patrick Harker
Hayley Norpel
Paul Pridemore
Alec Schielke
Julia Schneider
Holly Schoenberg
Pha Thao
Tammy Wiedenbeck
Kyle Zimmer
UW-Platteville Student Ambassador
Scholarship Raffle
Aaron Gehrt
Tyler Jelinek
Weston Nemitz
Joseph Plutz
Maija Wehmas
Valerie (Beighley) Anderson Scholarship
Katherin Stadtmueller
Vern Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Kaltenberg
Verna Mae Perry Memorial Scholarship
Kevyn Webb
Veterans Memorial Scholarship
Candice McCorkle
Virgil and Helen Prine Scholarship
Elizabeth Babcock
Vita-Plus Dairy Scholarship
Augusta Hagen
Ward Beetham Memorial Scholarship
Peter Crocco
Brian Genskow
Brandon Kaiser
Mitchell Kutz
Jeremy Vissers
Courtney Wand
William Dennis Scholarship
Emily Hackl
Emily Neal
William A. and Jean C. Sanders (Cont)
Jamie Tranel
Jacob Wolff
William E. Von Rueden Memorial
Patrick Harker
William F. Schilling Scholarship
Randall Charles
William H. ”Billy” Williams
Rachel Clemen
William Hoffman Memorial Scholarship
Adam Sonnenburg
William P. and Jane Gardner Scholarship
Alicia Nettesheim
Wisconsin Association Of College
LaDonna Johnson
Emily Niebuhr
Wisconsin Concrete Association
Alexander Popp
Wisconsin Crop Production Association
Hannah Wisth
Wisconsin D.O.T Scholarship
Alasia Knuth
Wisconsin Livestock and Meat Councils
Lindsay Dallmann
Wisconsin Pork Producer Scholarship
Mykel Wedig
Ziegert Family Scholarship
Brianna Jentz
Other Scholarship 2011-12
Balanced Man Scholarship
Jason Foster
Derek Harmann
Taylor Kessler
Troy Reddoch
Kevin Roholt
Collin Thole
Aaron Thomas
Chris Splinter Memorial Scholarship
Seth Feldman
David G. Gourlie Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Vosberg
Dawn Drake Excellence in Distance
Education Scholarship
Kari Nuszkiewica
Emmett Terwilliger (John Barth)
James Addison
EMS Alumni Chapter Scholarship
Hayley Norpel
Stephanie Salm
General Scholarship
Kari Augustine
Glenn and Florence Fritz Scholarship For
Dedra Block
Cassandra Hall
Jerry and Fran Cooper UW-Platteville/
UW-Richland Scholarship
Alyssa Allbaugh
David Thering
Kathryn Conger Scholarship
Xia Chengwu
SigEp Keleher Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan Lambie
Student Giving Days Scholarship
Shawn Flom
Kristen Green
Marcus Miller
Jenny Richardson
Kim Steines
Jenna Zimmerman
UW-Fox Valley Engineering Scholarship
Brandon Begrow
Robert Lance
Gary Robinson
UW-Platteville Student Appreciation
Ryan McWethy
UW-Platteville facts 2011-12
Enrollment (Fall 2011)
Total undergraduate students
Employees (Fall 2011)
Graduate students
Total official enrollment
Gender and Geographic
Origin of on-campus students
Teaching academic staff
Non-teaching academic staff
Classified staff (includes LTEs)
Mean ACT
Composite Scores
for New Freshmen
Mean ACT
UW-Platteville ... By the numbers
Wisconsin residents (78%)
Second-year retention rates for UW-Platteville fulltime new freshmen entering in the fall semester
Students from other states
Students who started and remained
Number of states represented
International students
Countries represented
Ten Most Popular Degree
Programs (Fall 2011)
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Criminal Justice
3. Business Administration
4. Civil Engineering
5. Biology
6. Elementary Education
7. Industrial Technology Management
8. Electrical Engineering
9. Animal Science
10. Agricultural Business
Costs per year
Resident Undergraduate
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Personal and
Class Size
2nd Year
Six-year graduation rates for UW-Platteville fulltime new freshmen entering in the fall semester
Students who started at UW-Platteville and
graduated from any UW System institution
Class Size
6th Year
UW-Platteville Foundation
UW-Platteville Foundation
Program Services Paid
Statement of Activities
For fiscal years 2010 and 2011
12 months
ending 6/30/10
12 months
ending 6/30/11
Investment Income
Total Revenue
Program services
Management and general
Fund raising
Total expenses
Increase (decrease) in net assets
Net assets - beginning of year
Net assets - end of year
Statement of Financial Position
June 30, 2011
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Other Current Assets
Property and Software, Net
Other Assets
Total assets
2% 2%
Program services
Dollar amount
Meetings and Entertainment
Supplies and Services
Scholarships and Awards
UW-Platteville Foundation
Number of Funds Held
Accounts payable
Long-term liabilities
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Financial information is taken from the
UW-Platteville Foundation Inc. audited
financial statements.
“The Universit y of
Wi scon si n-Plat te ville Foundation exists exclusively for
the benefit of UWPlatteville. Its specific role is to provide
supplemental funds
to aid UW-Platteville
in fulfilling its mission successfully.”
This excerpt is from the mission statement of the
Foundation and is especially poignant at this time of
ever-shrinking public funding for the university. In
the 2011-12 school year, the percentage of state
contributions to the total operating budget of the
university fell to 15.83 percent. The remainder of the
operating budget consisted of student tuition and
fees, federal financial aid and private donations and
As student tuition and fees continue to rise to meet the
shortfalls of state contributions, the need for scholarship endowments to assist students becomes greater
every year. The university’s greatest commitment
is to its students and to provide them an accessible,
affordable and high quality education. Without the
continued support of private donors, the university
will struggle to meet its commitment. For those of you
who are longtime supporters of the Foundation, the
students greatly appreciate your commitment. Please
consider how important UW-Platteville was to you and
your success in life, and please consider supporting
the Foundation in its mission to support the students
of UW-Platteville.
Every day is a great day to be a Pioneer.
Thank you,
John I. Boldt
Chairman of UW-Platteville Foundation Board
UW-Platteville Foundation
Board of Directors
Front row (left to right): Michael Jansen,
Fred Leverentz, William J. Broske,
Margaret Immerfall, Christina Kolenda,
Erin Ralph, Mark Taber, Sigrid Lind,
James Hammes
Back row (left to right): Chancellor Dennis
J. Shields, David H. Fritz, Douglas Rogers,
Jeff Kronser, Thomas Rowe, John Busby,
Jeff Cooke, Doug Martin, John Boldt,
Dennis Cooley
Not pictured: Tim Foht, Mark Adrian,
Robert Clare, Art Weber
UW-Platteville phonathons
‘hugely successful’
This year’s fall and spring phonathons
at UW-Plat teville have raised nearly
$700,000. The events were “hugely successful,” according to Gina Udelhofen,
UW-Platteville director of alumni giving
and donor relations.
support the department their student is
enrolled in.
Udelhofen hires 35 students for each semester's phonathon.
“When we reach out to our alumni it’s not
just about donations, it’s a chance for them
to stay connected with us,” said Erin StefErin Steffen
fen, a senior communication technologies
major and one of three student supervisors. “Hearing about upcoming events and new projects is important. We want our alumni to be involved
The spring phonathon is focused on generating donaeven if they don’t get a chance to come back and visit.”
tions for the UW-Platteville Community Scholarship
Program, which allows donors to support high school
“We ask our alumni for support because they know
graduates from a specific high school. More than 500
firsthand what alumni support does for our campus,”
high schools throughout Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and
said Steffen. –Dan Wackershauser
Minnesota are involved. Parents of UW-Platteville
students are called in the spring as well and asked to
Alumni are called twice a year, in the fall
and in the spring. In the fall, their donations are traditionally requested for their
specific major development areas.
UW-Platteville Foundation Staff
First row (left to right): Kim Govier, Erin Steffen,
Jessica Jentz, Caitlin (Butson) Droessler ‘11
Second row (left to right): Denee Hirsch ‘86,
Gina Udelhofen ‘07, Jaclyn Bevan ‘07,
Deborah Hoppenjan ‘85
Third row (left to right): William Kloster,
Tiffany Bumpers, Casey Carignan , Karla
Francis, Dennis Cooley
Fourth row (left to right): John Wertzberger,
Stacia Nemitz ‘10, Holly Clendenen ‘06,
Katie Friar ‘08, Daniel Hammer
Not pictured: Natalie (Bussan) Adams ‘11,
Sara Larson, Kelly Soley
From the archives
Ullsvik Student Center
UW-Platteville has been a leader in student centers for
more than 75 years, from the May House (1936-1957), one
of the first student centers in Wisconsin, to the Markee
Pioneer Student Center (2002-present). The center that
set the standard, however, was Platteville’s second student center (1959-2002).
and remained the focus of student activities over the
course of four decades. From 1959 to 2002 Platteville’s
student body increased from 1,615 to 5,511. Parallel to
this, the Student Center was enlarged twice, more than
doubling its size and increasing and updating its recreational activities.
Thanks to an initiative in 1956 by the Board of Regents
of State Colleges, the Platteville Teachers College and
Wisconsin Institute of Technology began a joint venture
to finance and build a modern student center serving
both schools. The site selected for the new building
was, by design, located between the two schools, at the
southwest corner of Main and Hickory streets. After two
years of construction, Platteville’s new Student Center
was dedicated on April 30, 1959. It was the first student
center to be opened at a Wisconsin State College.
Many alumni have fond memories of the “atmosphere
and character” of the Student Center. The game room
had pool tables, darts and shuffleboards. Nearby was
the bowling alley. Students could play on an intramural
bowling team or take a bowling class, which was “a great
class to have fun in!” As for food, the campus bar at the
Rendezvous, “with its leafed ceiling” had “the best onion
rings around.”
For ease of “traffic control” the Student Center was
designed with wide “stairways” and divided into three
sections. The first floor contained food services; second
floor had meeting rooms; and the downstairs had a
recreation area and the Trading Post for student
supplies. Because the building initially served two
schools, it had an “M” Room for the mining students and
“Pioneer” Room for the state college students.
The Student Center quickly became the gathering
point on campus. As the 1966 Pioneer yearbook noted,
“Following each class session, the main flow of traffic
moves towards the Student Center where the relaxed
atmosphere of friends and laughter greet the weary
scholar.” It was “a favorite part of our campus.”
Proof of the Student Center’s importance to campus life
can be seen in how it kept pace with changing times
Two of the most significant Student Center events occurred in winter. In December, the Madrigal Dinner was
held. Entertained by the Madrigal Singers, this dinner
was a combination of “Ye Olde England,” “fanfares” and
“flaming puddings.” The second event was the Crystal
Caprice, held in February. It included snow sculptures,
an ice-skating show at the Student Center’s rink, bed
races and culminated with the Crystal Ball in the Student Center, where a king and queen of Crystal Caprice
were crowned.
Today, the old Student Center building serves a different
role. In 1997, it was renamed the Ullsvik Center, for the
beloved former chancellor, Bjarne Ullsvik. In 2002, the
Markee Pioneer Student Center replaced it, and in 2008,
Ullsvik Center was remodeled and reopened as Ullsvik
Hall. Among other things, it is home to administration,
Nohr Gallery, university museum and archives, and
several classrooms. –James Hibbard
Following a New Path
Jacobson selected as dean of College of Pharmacy in Texas
As a researcher, professor and then entrepreneur, Myron “Mike” Jacobson has followed many career paths
since his graduation from UW-Platteville in 1965. He
has pioneered new advancements in the field of skin
care, and after a nationwide search, he was recently
chosen as the founding dean of the University of North
Texas System College of Pharmacy, which will enroll
its first class of Doctor of Pharmacy students in 2013.
Jacobson became interested in chemistry from his
high school teacher, Alice Keegan, and developed
a passion for biochemstry from Dr. Dwight Klaassen, retired UW-Platteville chemistry professor who
served the university for over 30 years. Jacobson has
established scholarships in honor of both individuals.
“Great teachers influence lives, and when people
look back on their careers, they can always find an
exceptionally good teacher who made the learning
process active and pushed them on their path to
success,” he said. “Dr. Klaassen encouraged me to
attend Kansas State University and inspired me to
pursue a career in biochemistry.”
Jacobson graduated from UW-Platteville with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, and then received
a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Kansas State.
Jacobson met his wife, Dr. Elaine Jacobson, at Kansas
State, and since then the two have been scientific
colleagues focusing on the effect of niacin on human
“Through our research, we have the opportunity of developing the first agent that
could prevent skin cancer,” he said. “We
discovered new functions for niacin in
skin biology, that include the potential
to prevent skin cancer because of its role
in resistance and repair of sun damage.”
Mike and Elaine Jacboson carried out this research as
faculty members at the University of North Texas, the
University of Kentucky and the University of Arizona.
In the 1990s, the Jacobsons applied their research
on the effects of niacin on sun damage to open their
own company Niadyne Pharma Inc., which develops
products for sun-damaged skin. Their research has
led to new skin cancer and prevention treatments,
including technology used by StriVectin in 2011 to
create skin care products that received the Skin Sense
award from the Skin Cancer Foundation.
As founding dean of the new College of Pharmacy,
Jacobson will be involved in the hiring of 50 new faculty, the design of a new building and the preparation
of materials for accreditation of the college.
“My goal for the College of Pharmacy is greatness in
education, research and clinical practice,” he said. “I
want to enhance the role of pharmacists in the future
of patient care.” –Angela O’Brien
A perfect match
Couple engineers simultaneous studies through online programs
Two years into their marriage, Todd and Jessica Tadych decided to
enroll in the UW-Platteville engineering program and complete
their master’s degrees simultaneously online. Both excelled as
undergraduates in engineering, where they met through the engineering fraternity Theta Tau. Both had demanding jobs: Jessica
as a software developer for Epic and Todd as a transmission planning engineer for American Transmission Company. And both
graduated on the same weekend in May.
Many factors contributed to the couple’s success like different
strengths – she likes math, he likes writing – a bit of competitiveness – Jessica wasn’t too happy when Todd got 100 on an exam and
she got a 99 – and valuable peers.
“We learned a lot from our classmates,” Todd said. “Everyone
comes from different backgrounds and sometimes only one
person in a workgroup is familiar with a concept. Since we were
usually in different groups, we were able to leverage knowledge
from both groups.”
The couple took every class together and took one class at a time,
except for their final semester when they took optimization with
engineering applications and international marketing.
“We regretted taking two courses at times,” Jessica said. “I don’t
think I would have gotten through it without Todd. Some nights,
I would come home and say ‘I know I said I was going to work on
it tonight, but I just can’t.’ Todd would begin working and at some
point, I’d join him. We pulled each other along.”
The last semester was rough, Todd agreed. “We created a spreadsheet for both classes with all of our assignments and we’d discuss
how much we each planned to do each night.”
Todd chose UW-Platteville because it combines the technical
aspects of engineering with management. Jessica, who also pursued the management emphasis, said “I wanted to do it for myself,
more than anything. I just wanted to continue my education.”
–Christine Hawkinson
Advice from the
Dynamic Duo
Todd: Bring your spouse along! And
have a big enough table or two
couches so you each have your own
Jessica: Yes, in some respects, our situation was probably easier – we had
a unique level of understanding.
Todd: It can be harder online to ask
questions of other students, but you
have to communicate in the online
Jessica: On campus, those conversations happen organically. It can
be harder online, but you need to
come forward sooner because there
are fewer touch points online – the
professors and other students are
often great resources. Do it quickly!
Todd: It’s easy to assume that you’re
the only one not getting something
when you can’t see the others’ blank
faces. If you raise your hand in D2L,
others will join in.
Jessica: It will go faster than you think.
Roy Bernard
the giver
Donating time and money for a lifetime
Steelhead fishing, competitive rifle shooting matches, community
service; for a man of many trades, giving seems to be one of his
most popular. Roy Bernard was an ordinary man with one very
large heart.
Bernard has been charitable towards UW-Platteville for many years,
piquing with the establishment of the Roy and Gloria Bernard Scholarship in 2008. The requirements state for students to receive the
scholarship they must have graduated from Tomahawk High School
or from high schools north of the Hwy. 29 corridor of Wisconsin,
intend on becoming engineers and show financial need. Upon his
passing on Aug. 25, 2011, his generosity bestowed the university
with his estate.
“I wish I had the chance to meet Roy or talk to him. The fact that
he was willing to help someone he’ll never meet says a lot about
a person,” said Benjamin Pintens, a junior majoring in electrical
engineering from Tomahawk, who earned one of the scholarships.
“It’s nice to know that there are people who want to help others out
instead of only thinking about themselves. I am grateful for all that
he has done. His gifts have helped me out in more than one way
through my life and my education.”
“The value of a man
resides in what he gives
and not what he is
capable of receiving.”
Albert Einstein
Besides having a hand in financial giving, Bernard was a lifetime
volunteer. Delivering meals for Meals on Wheels in the Shenandoah
Valley, he sometimes drove 150 miles in one shift. He recruited
additional volunteers for Meals on Wheels and also donated an
air conditioner to the Shenandoah Area Agency on Aging. The
Shenandoah Valley-Herald had quoted Bernard as “being driven to
help senior citizens,” as he assisted the Meals on Wheels program
for senior citizens for more than a decade.
“Roy was a classic re-payer; someone who derives a benefit that has
changed his life and then repays that. In Bernard’s case, giving back
to the university that he felt gave him so much was done without
hesitation,” said Dennis Cooley, assistant chancellor for University
Advancement and executive director of the UW-Platteville Foundation. “He was one of those all-time greats who was always so humble,
and made the most out of anything he could get his hands on.”
Bernard and his dog before a football game where
the Miners played Northwestern.
Bernard was raised in Tomahawk following the Great Depression
where he and his family lived in poverty until the beginning of
WWII, when his family moved to Milwaukee and later Racine where
he graduated high school.
He attended the Wisconsin Institute of Technology, played football
for the Miners in 1953 and 1954 as well as was actively involved with
the student chapter of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.
In 1968, Bernard (far right) begins working in
Utah as a mine inspector. He inspected mines
for safety and health conditions. He is presenting on how to properly adminster first aid to
wounded miners.
“I got to know Roy quite well,” said Wayne Becker, class of 1955,
roommate and football teammate of Bernard. “I remember him being a lot of fun and a good-hearted kid. He was happy-go-lucky; just
a very friendly person. Roy never had any money at all and seemed
to work odd jobs at the gas station and at a tavern downtown to get
himself through school.”
On May 25, 1956, Bernard graduated with his degree in mining
engineering and found employment working for the U.S. Smelting
and Refining Co.
Bernard went on to have a successful career after his college endeavors in Platteville. He moved to Utah to pursue a career as a contract
miner until he was drafted in the Army. He served from 1957-59
as a combat engineer. After the service, he resumed his career as
a mining engineer. With hard work, Bernard progressed to the
deputy assistant secretary position of Mine Safety and Health with
the Bureau of Mines in Duluth, Minn. Living in Superior, Wis., and
working in Duluth, Bernard met and wed Gloria Swanson in 1960.
Bernard and his wife Gloria met when he worked
for the Bureau of Mines in Duluth, Minn. They
married in Superior, Wis., in 1960.
In a letter written to Jenna Larkin, a previous scholarship winner,
Bernard wrote, “The schooling I received from the Wisconsin Institute of Technology was excellent and provided me with a career in
mining and mine safety that left me with a comfortable retirement.”
Bernard, a man with a large giving heart, touched so many lives
with his generosity. Bernard had a great experience attending WIT,
a successful career and a charitable retirement. His generous gifts
will allow many other students to have a similar experience at
UW-Platteville. –Eileen McGuine
Bernard and Nancy Herbison, retired guidance
counselor, at Tomahawk High School.
work ethic
Get t i ng bet ter a nd g iv i ng bac k : t hat ’s what
UW-Platteville student-athletes have been doing
throughout the year. Ann Tank, a senior from Dodgeville, Wis., earned All-American honors on eight
occasions, received the 2011 WIAC Indoor Track and
Field Scholar Athlete Award and was twice named
UW-Platteville Woman Athlete of the Year, but her
accomplishments didn’t stop there.
The consummate team member applied that same
work ethic to her academics and took success to
another level during the spring semester, when she
volunteered with a local student who has Down syndrome. Together, the two set goals that encouraged
physical fitness in their day-to-day lives, and met
weekly to gauge their progress.
The individual said she lost 15 pounds since she
started working with Tank, to which Tank responded, “This statement is one of the proudest
moments in my college career.”
“I inspired her; which is my number one goal
as a future teacher. I truly believe that the
hard work, positive attitude and resilience I
have gained both from competing in collegiate athletics and through the courses I
have taken in the physical education program have had a lasting
impact on me as a person.”
Tank, who will be doing her
student teaching this fall,
will graduate in December
with a bachelor’s degree in
physical education with a
minor in adapted physical
education. –Danny Kambel
In attendance for the 1990-91 Athletic Hall of Fame induction were (front row, l-r), Manager Dennis Frey, Carlton
Jeter, Tim Decorah, Coach Jon Nedelcoff, Coach Dan Burreson, Coach Bo Ryan, Coach Greg Quam, Coach Bob
Petrowicz, Coach Todd Kuckkahn and Andy Perdue; (back) Manager Tom Demmin, Manager Bruce Birdsill,
Brian Zetting, Pete Lupori, Bill Morgan, Mark Macomber, Sean Poole, Rob Jeter, Del Brazil and Brian Gilmore.
Athletic Hall of Fame
Industrial studies students design medallion
Industrial studies students from UW-Platteville designed a medallion that was used to honor inductees from UW-Platteville’s
1991 national championship basketball team, led by Bo Ryan. The
medallions were designed as a project between two classes in the
industrial studies department.
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields and Coach Ryan chose the winning
design from designs submitted by the design class taught by Professors Kyle Metzloff and Eric Rimel. The winning design was made
into the medallion that members of the championship basketball
team received at the Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremony on
May 6.
“Chancellor Shields said it best; it really means a lot that the medallion was designed and made on campus by a team of students,”
said Johnathan Predaina, a UW-Platteville student whose design
was chosen for the medallion. “This has been a great honor.”
–Molly Markley
New faces in administration
Dr. Jennifer deCoste
Dr. Wayne Weber
Dr. Elizabeth Throop
Dr. Jennifer deCoste of Potsdam,
N.Y., was eager to move to Wisconsin to fill the new chief diversity
officer position at UW-Platteville.
The chief diversity officer position
was created to centralize the many
efforts of the programs already in
existence at UW-Platteville.
Dr. Wayne Weber first joined the
UW-Platteville faculty in 1997, and
his passion led him to be named
the permanent dean of the College
of Business, Industry, Life Science
and Agriculture at UW-Platteville.
Dr. Elizabeth Throop was named
UW-Platteville’s dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Education.
She previously was the interim
dean at Siemens School of Business and visiting professor of
anthropology at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. Prior
to that, she served as the dean of
the School of Humanities and Sciences at Saint Mary’s University in
Winona, Minn.
“She brings leadership and experience from both the academic and
business worlds,” said Chancellor
Dennis J. Shields. “She is very passionate in these areas, which will
be a great benefit to us.”
DeCoste was the associate vice
president for the Institutional
Diversity Initiatives at Clarkson
University in Potsdam, N.Y. She
earned her dual Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction, and women’s
studies from Penn State University.
Chancellor Dennis J. Shields said,
"Dr. Weber has had an outstanding career at UW-Platteville as a
professor and department chair.
He and the biology department
completely revamped their curriculum in a thoughtful, teamoriented effort."
Weber joined the UW-Platteville
faculty as a professor in 1997 and
served as the biology chair from
2002-08. He earned his bachelor's
in biology, and his master's and
doctorate in zoology from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colo.
“Dr. Throop is an experienced
academic leader who has been
a faculty member, a department
chair and a dean. I was struck by
her passion for teaching, whether
that be working with students or
working with faculty members,”
said Chancellor Dennis J. Shields.
New major gets green light
UW-Platteville to offer major in renewable energy
As energy prices soar across the country, green initiatives have become more and more important in
both saving money and protecting the environment.
UW-Platteville has already made an effort to embrace
the growing green initiative, and it now will offer the
sustainable and renewable energy systems major for
its students in the fall of 2012.
energy systems, including the solar panels on Russell
Hall and the new wind turbine outside of Southwest
Hall. Other university energy conservation programs
such as Recyclemania and the switch to biodegradable
plastic in the Markee Pioneer Student Center are part
of what the major hopes to do, which is educate the
public about sustainability and renewable energy.
The major will expand upon the previously offered
minor and will give students a broad understanding
of both traditional and renewable energy options and
their economic and environmental impact on the world.
“This program is very interdisciplinary,” Zauche said.
“We are ultimately looking to graduate students who
understand the technology of sustainable and renewable energy systems and match those systems with
business’ specific needs.” –Angela O’Brien
“In 2006, there was a big boom of ethanol plants in
Wisconsin,” said Dr. Timothy Zauche, professor of
chemistry and engineering physics at UW-Platteville.
“But the problem was that a lot of the business administration majors did not understand the technology
aspect of running an ethanol plant. The renewable
energy major seeks to correct this.”
Zauche describes the major as a blend between someone who understands the technology of renewable
energy systems and the business administration of
working with companies to utilize those technologies
to make them more energy efficient.
The university already has many resources on campus
that would aid in teaching sustainable and renewable
“We are ultimately looking
to graduate students who
understand the technology of
sustainable and renewable energy
systems and match those systems
with a business’ specific needs.”
Dr. Timothy Zauche
A gift that keeps
UW-Platteville Garden
Paver Project
Students in the Landscape Construction
class taught by Dr. Donita Cartmill,
assistant professor of ornamental horticulture in the UW-Platteville School of
Agriculture, recently completed the first
phase of the Path of Pride in the Dottie
Johns Pioneer Gardens, beginning at
the gazebo by installing pavers from
the Foundation Garden Paver Project.
“Once we began installing the pavers
it was rewarding watching it come together,” said Danielle Ballweg, a senior
majoring in ornamental horticulture.
The Garden Paver Project is part of the
Path of Pride, which includes pavers
with the names of alumni, staff and
faculty. Students will continue to work
each fall in the Landscape Construction
class expanding the project.
Pr ices ra nge f rom $10 0 to $1,0 0 0
per paver. All contributions go towards the Pioneer Gardens Fund for
de velopi ng a nd m a i nt a i n i ng t he
gardens. For more information, please
contact the UW-Platteville Foundation
at 608.342.1182 or foundation@uwplatt.
edu. –Eileen McGuine
The Moyer Family of Moyer’s
Inc. from Stoughton, Wis.,
took an innovative approach
by donat ing more t ha n
$60,000 in products, supplies,
trees and various plants to
UW-Platteville for the development and installation of the
Children’s Garden.
Front row (pictured left to right): Mike
“We want to maintain our
Compton, Jeff Moyer, Donita Cartmill;
involvement with UW-Platteback row (pictured left to right): Wayne
ville. We are both very proud
Weber, Denee Hirsch
alumni and the gift in kind
was a great way to give back to our alma mater,” said Jeff Moyer,
CEO and vice president of Moyer’s Inc.
The Children’s Garden will be interactive and include paths, plants
that attract songbirds, butterflies and other wildlife as well as a
water feature and other landscaping. Eventually, there will be play
equipment as well as a seasonal children’s model train.
UW-Platteville has several theme gardens within Dottie Johns
Pioneer Gardens, serving as outdoor laboratories for the ornamental horticulture program.
“Moyer’s Inc. has been generous with this donation and their
time. They have been very hands-on with this project and are
working closely with the students in the first design phase of the
Children’s Garden,” said Dr. Donita Cartmill, assistant professor
of ornamental horticulture in the School of Agriculture.
Horticulture students began working with Moyer’s Inc. this spring.
“The Children’s Garden will take three to four years to complete.
This period will allow more students to be involved with the
design, installation and care of the garden,” said Dr. Michael
Compton, director of the School of Agriculture.
“We are thrilled the Moyers made the commitment to give back
to the university. The way they are giving back is so unique. Not
only will Moyer’s fund the project, but they will contribute to the
hands-on learning experience of our students,” said Denee Hirsch,
director of development at UW-Platteville Foundation. –Eileen
Ron Meissen fund supports
renewable energy
UW-Platteville relies on gifts to preserve its heritage of
excellence in education. Gifts to the university provide
scholarships, improve academic programs, support
capital building projects and improve campus-life
experiences for students.
“Meissen could have chosen to sponsor a student or
support campus in a different way,” said Zauche. “This
was the best option for him though, to give back to
the UW-Platteville campus and allow campus to be
educated in this area as a whole.”
Ron Meissen ’71 has had a great impact in aiding
UW-Platteville, both intellectually and financially. In
2008, Meissen visited UW-Platteville several times to
discuss renewable energy, sustainability and emerging trends in sustainable development with people on
campus. Meissen wants to advance sustainability and
renewable energy, both at the university and within
the curriculum as appropriate at his alma mater.
Baxter International Inc., the company that Meissen works for, also supports UW-Platteville by
matching Meissen's donations to the Ron Meissen
Sustainability Fund.
“In this time of budgetary constraints, funds such as
this have been a huge support structure for our university,” said Zauche. “We appreciate donors such as
Ron investing in our future.” –Amanda Fisch
Meissen chose to give back to his alma mater by establishing the Ron Meissen Sustainability Fund in 2009.
The fund was established to aid faculty with the costs
of traveling to sustainable energy conferences. It has
become even more beneficial with the recent addition
of a Sustainable and Renewable Energy Systems major
at UW-Platteville. These conferences allow for professional development and learning in this new area of
study. Students who wish to gain more knowledge in
these areas may also utilize the fund for faculty-led
field trips about renewable energy.
“Being a chemist, I don’t have much background in this
new academic area,” said Dr. Timothy Zauche, chair
of the Renewable Energy Council and department
chair of chemistry and engineering physics. “Chemistry, engineering and agriculture professors are just
starting to learn about this area and this fund allows
us to travel to conferences in order to learn more so
that we can then educate the campus.”
T here a re ma ny way s for people to suppor t
UW-Platteville. It can be done through a sponsorship,
donating equipment, donating to a scholarship and
so many other ways. Meissen chose to set up the Ron
Meissen Sustainability Fund.
Lifelong Pioneers return
for celebration
For the first time ever Platteville hosted an anniversary celebration for three sets of alumni. More than 1,000
former students who graduated from UW-Platteville
in 1952, 1962 and 1972 were invited to the Pioneers
Through the Years Celebration, which was held July
28 at Velzy Commons South in Ullsvik Hall.
The day included a variety of highlights. Dennis Cooley, assistant chancellor for University Advancement
and executive director of the UW-Platteville Foundation, provided a campus update. Casey Carignan,
student Pioneer development officer, delivered a presentation showing changes on campus over the years.
The group also participated in a tour and beer tasting
at the Potosi Brewery. The day concluded with alumni
attending the Donor and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at Ullsvik Hall.
All former students in attendance received a commemorative pin.
Traditionally, the annual event is designated exclusively for the 50th anniversary class. According to
Katie Friar, University Advancement event coordinator, the addition of two classes this year offered an
opportunity for more alumni to relive their memorable
university experiences. –Dan Wackershauser
Velzy Commons South was decorated with items from
the 50s, 60s and 70s and group pictures were taken of
those in attendance.
Thank you to the following students, faculty, administration and Foundation board members
for participating in Student Giving Days. We appreciate your support!
Jaclyn Bevan
Tricia Gibson
Eric Smit
Derek Johnson
Sarah Smith
Gregory Seefeldt
Daisy Collin
Jena Garrett
Sam Dempsey
Jessica Stemper
Emily Schlein
Phil Dohmen
Mike Dalecki
Paul Erickson
Lakisha Clinton
Casey Carignan
Natalie Braun
Jenna Zimmerman
Becky Klos
Adam Hoelter
Eric Smit
Nancy Turner
Russell Brulla
Sarah P. Miller
Natalie Krajewski
William Meinke
Benjamin Kufahl
George Weidert
Jacob Clisch
Chase Fearing
Ryan Thill
Matthew Tamminga
Jacob Ramos
Sara Larson
Coree Burton
Brian Gilbank
Lucas Callies
Michael Hayes
Tyler Wolfran
Matt Jones
Michael Ababion
Lauren Eggener
Claire Meixelsperger
Jason Henkins
Billy Williams
Dylan Ellison
Zachary Buechner
Jacob Zilbar
Douglas Posorkske
Caitlin Thomson
Jason Kisling
Holly Clendenen
Adam Kaiser
Gina Udelhofen
Elizabeth Wells
Alecia Knapp
Megan Meylor
Tina Holst
Emily Haverland
Sarah Brink
Eric Mergen
Andrew Wright
Dena Martinson
Chelsea Johnson
Jeremy Staszak
Jenna Kalies
Joshua Hess
Kelly Sullivan-Soley
Dennis Cooley
Dennis J. Shields
Foundation Board
Fred Leverentz
Sigrid Lind
Jim Hammes
Erin Ralph
David Fritz
Margaret Immerfall
Jeff Kronser
Mark Taber
Doug Martin
Tim Foht
Tom Rowe
Jeff Cooke
Cindy Tang
Ballard continued from page 7
connects students with scientists and researchers,
both virtually and physically, to provide sciencelearning experiences through after-school and
out-of-school activities, camp experiences and
exploration programs for museums, aquariums,
libraries and community centers.
“He's not just the Titanic discoverer,” said Grade,
on Ballard’s accomplishments. “There's so much
more to him.”
Performing Arts
Series 2012-13
Dear Marching Pioneers Alumni,
Wingra Woodwind Quintet
Classical | 09/30/2012
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville Music Program cordially
invites you to participate in the 2012 Marching Pioneers Alumni Day
during Homecoming on Oct. 20. We hope to continue to boost the
number of participants in this performance. This year’s Marching
Pioneers will be joined by band members from years past during two
numbers of the show as well as playing in the stands.
There will be a mandatory rehearsal on Homecoming day for participating returning band members at 11 a.m. in the track field located
across the street from the stadium. We will be meeting in front of Williams Fieldhouse at 2 p.m. in the parking lot for warm-up and marching to the stadium from there. All alumni will be entering the field for
the last two tunes of our show and playing with us. All music will be
provided for you upon your arrival, and you may use a lyre during the
performance (please try to bring your own lyres – there will be a very
limited number available that day).
All Marching Pioneer alumni are encouraged to march with us to the
stadium and perform with us during the game. If you wish to participate, please e-mail or call Matthew Gregg at [email protected] or
608.342.1019 no later than Friday, Oct. 12. We will be able to provide
some instruments, but if you will need to use any such equipment
please inform us well in advance so that arrangements can be made.
We look forward to seeing you on Oct. 20.
Matthew Gregg
Associate Director
of Bands
Dr. Barry Ellis
Director of Bands
G. Dan Fairchild
Chair of Department
of Performing and
Visual Arts
The Taming of the Shrew
Classical Theatre
Katie Armiger
Country | 11/04/2012
The Four Bitchin’ Babes
Musical Comedy
Leahy Family Christmas
Celtic | 12/09/2012
The Golden Dragon
Acrobats presents
Cirque Ziva
Aerialists | 02/10/2013
Giordano Dance Chicago
Contemporary Dance
Sotto Voce Quartet
Brass | 03/07/2013
Vienna Boys Choir
Choral | 03/16/2013
Break of Reality
Contemporary Classical
Check the website for details.
Class Notes
Lynn Messer, an agriculture education graduate, was
elected governor-elect, the highest Kiwanis state office, for
the 2011-12 year. Messer, who has been a member of the
Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Kiwanis Club for 31 years, will go on
to become Kiwanis governor for the Wisconsin-Michigan
district in 2012-13.
Tom Genthner, a criminal justice graduate, retired in May
from the Kenosha (Wis.) Police Department with the rank of
assistant chief after a 31-year career in law enforcement. He
is currently the director of Kenosha Joint Services, a civilian
agency that provides dispatch, records, evidence and fleet
maintenance services to the Kenosha Police Department,
Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department. Genthner has
been married to his wife, Christine, for over 21 years. Their
son, Jacob, is considering a career in criminal justice.
Barbara (Johns) Prindiville, a medical technology alumna
who also earned her Master of Science degree in teaching in
1979, was honored in March by the Women and Girls Fund
of Waukesha County, Wis., for her outstanding volunteerism
and community leadership. Prindiville is currently the
president of the Waukesha Country Technical College and
was featured in the spring 2011 issue of the Alumni Today.
Lt. Col. Jackie (Krueger)
Guthrie, a speech communication graduate and
current director of public
affairs for the Wisconsin
National Guard, earned
an accredited Public Relations + Military Communication certification
in April, becoming one of
only 19 APR+worldwide
and the first actively serving member of the National Guard and U.S. Army to
be certified.
Mathematics major Tom Vandeloop was recently promoted
to manager of system operation for quality payroll, international payroll and print shop systems for Xerox Services,
LLC, Xerox Corporation.
Sherri (Hinton) Schneider, who graduated with degrees
in history and Spanish and went on to receive her master’s
degree from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, recently
retired after 29 years as special collections assistant at the
Bradley University library in Peoria, Ill. She is currently
enjoying spending a great deal of time with her family,
especially her grandchildren.
The names of Alumni Association lifetime
members are identified with blue text and
annual members are identified with orange text.
Thank you to everyone who continues to support
us in creating relationships that last a lifetime.
Veteran's Club
Visit AluMnation, our online community, at
to update your address, submit class notes,
purchase clothing and find friends.
Front row: John Schrank '75, Dean Hanley '72, Harold Casper '72
Middle row: Dick Nolden '72, Chet Seffrood '73, Gary Sawall '72,
Gil Martinez '72
Back row: Andy Wagner '75, Don Thies '73
Vets Club Reunion Homecoming, October 20.
For information contact Jim Peek 321.255.7951
Communication technologies management graduate Carrie (Feldkamp) Drephal recently accepted a new position
with A & S Consulting in Kaukauna, Wis., as the director of
office operation and business development. A & S services
the state of Wisconsin, parts of Illinois and Upper Michigan
with IT consulting needs, specializing in the dental field.
Animal science graduate Brian Schaal and his wife, agribusiness graduate Renee, were selected in February as one
of the top four winners of the National Jaycees Outstanding
Young Farmer Award. The couple, from Racine County,
Wis., who earned the statewide title in 2011, is the 16th national winner from Wisconsin in the program’s history and
was featured in the spring 2011 issue of the Alumni Today.
Nat Sievers, a reclamation major, recently took on a new
role at Alliant Energy, moving from his position as an
environmental and safety specialist at the Nelson Dewey
Generating Station to senior environmental specialist at the
Columbia Energy Center in Pardeeville, Wis.
Each year a group of Alpha Gamma Rhos and Kappa Alpha
Sigmas get together at the home of Dr. Michael and Lori
Fisher in Dodgeville, Wis.
Alpha Gamma Rho
Front row: Dan Dishno ’81, Stuart Stangler ’85,
Gene Smith ’69
Second row: Ken Von Rueden ’73, Dan Adams ’75, Bill
Helwig ’84, Ron Voigts ’81, Scott Laufenberg ’81, John
Meyers ’77, Jim Smith ’75
Back row: Mike Fisher ’80, Kerry Henning ’81, Chuck
Miller ’75, David Bohnhoff ’78, Steve Gay ’81, George
Koerner ’75, Gary Klug ’81
Biology graduate Jessica (Schuh) Roadt was recently accepted to physician’s assistant school at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis.
Kappa Alpha Sigma
Alison Tobison, a biology alumna, was recently accepted
to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her classes began
in June.
Front row: Lori (Carpenter) Fisher ’80, Denise (Weinbrenner) Gevelinger ’81, Nancy (Roberts) Meyers ’78,
Sara (Kieffer) Bollman ’78
Back row: Mary Elvekrog ’81, Shelby (Humberg) Richardson, Gail (Creighton) Martin, Barb Divall ’77
2012-13 UW-Platteville Alumni Association Membership Campaign
(Please return this form with payment)
r New Member
Annual Three Year Lifetime rPay lifetime membership r I would like to make a gift to the
r Renewing Member Individual r $25 r $65 r $400 in four annual installments Alumni Association of $________
Coupler $40 r $100
r $640
Name___________________________________________________________________________________________ Grad. Year___________________
Major_____________________________________ Distance Ed. Degree r Yes r No E-mail_____________________________________________
Home Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip___________________________________________________________ Home Phone________________________________________
Spouse's Name___________________________________________ Is spouse an alum? r Yes r No Spouse's Grad Yr.________________________
Make check payable to UW-Platteville Alumni Association OR charge r Visa r MasterCard r Discover Total Enclosed $________________
Card #________________________________________________________ Exp.__________ Signature______________________________________________
In Memoriam
Lawrence H.C. Weigel, Kimball, Neb.
Thomas L. Spellman, Hollandale, Wis.
Genevieve M. Anderson, Black River Falls, Wis.
Ruth (Lippoldt) Behke, Fond Du Lac, Wis.
Theodore Wheelock, Richland Center, Wis.
Douglas A. Steinback, Platteville, Wis.
Glenda R. Armstrong, Sauk Prairie, Wis.
Edward H. Leuch, Tarpon Springs, Fla.
Jerry F. Kuehn, Verona, Wis.
Thomas C. Morgan, Grand Marsh, Wis.
Janice C. Braun, Cazenovia, Wis.
Frank E. Uker, Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Elton Vande Zande, Hudson, Mich.
Barbara E. Rands, Fennimore, Wis.
Rick L. Belken, Platteville, Wis.
Marnie K. Bloyer, Platteville, Wis.
Nell P. Schell, Blue River, Wis.
Donna Scullion, Platteville, Wis.
Royce Gilbertson, Fennimore, Wis.
Phillip Z. Parman, Epworth, Iowa
Connie C. Stephens, Platteville, Wis.
Blanche Brandt, Fennimore, Wis.
Colonel Brian J. Larson, Manhattan, Kan.
Gary L. Jessen, Platteville, Wis.
Ferdousi (Rina) Jamir Gramling, Troy, Mich.
Ronald H. Forseth, Platteville, Wis.
Ann Marie Wedige-Pizarro, Guadalajara, Mexico
Paul J. Runde, East Dubuque, Ill.
Dennis L. Damrau, New Smyrna Beach, Fla.
Gary A. Banker, Fennimore, Wis.
Katie Binning, Abbotsford, Wis.
Christopher Holcomb, Monroe, Wis.
Stacy Chantel McGuire, Dodgeville, Wis.
Faculty Emeriti
Dixie L. Howell, Lansing, Mich.
Howard J. Brooks, Platteville, Wis.
Dale Vertein, Pewaukee, Wis.
Benedict L. Brewer, Lodi, Wis.
Virginia M. Tracy, Richland Center, Wis.
Doleta Chapru, Madison, Wis.
Michael “Mike” V. Ley, Platteville, Wis.
Anthony D. Thomas, Platteville, Wis.
When You Move Up, Or Just Move ...
Use this form or visit alumni.uwplatt.edu and click on Contact Us to send us your Class Note or to update the Alumni Services on your current address.
Full Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth_________________
Old Address______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________________________________ State, Zip Code_________________________________
New Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________________________________ State, Zip Code_________________________________
Phone ( ______ )_________________________ Class Year__________E-mail_____________________________________________________
Business Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________________________________ State, Zip Code_________________________________
Your Title_______________________________ Phone ( ______ )___________
E-mail (work)_______________________________________
Attach Class Note information and a photo. Mail to:
Alumni Services, UW-Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville WI 53818-3099
Future Pioneer
1. Rich '01 and Jackie Birkett are
proud to announce the birth of their
son, Connor James Birkett. Connor
was born on Dec. 20, 2011. He joins
sister Claire, age 4, and brother Jack,
age 2.
2. Isabella Renee Charnstrom was
born Jan. 27 to Adam Charnstrom '05
and his wife Christina (Applegate)
Charnstrom '04 of Woodbury, Minn.
Adam is an estimator for Fairway
Collision Center and Christina is an
advanced analytical chemist for 3M.
3. Steve Rahn '00, wife Kelli, and big
brother Olin, age 2, welcomed Alton
and Henry in January. The family lives
in St. Paul, Minn.
4. Mark Riedeman '93 and his wife
Jenni welcomed Noah Thomas on
March 7, 2011. He joins big brothers
Will and Luke.
5. Joe '01 and Sharon (Sundin) Rucinski '02 proudly announced the birth
of their son Mason Joseph Rucinski, born on Sept. 20, 2011. Mason
weighed 9 pounds and 7 ounces and
was 21 inches long. Grandparents are
Charles Sundin, professor emeritus
of chemistry and Roxanne (Sward)
Sundin BS '74, MSE '91, and Dick and
Terry Rucinski. The couple resides in
Manitowoc, Wis., where Joe is a senior
engineer at Manitowoc Cranes and
Sharon is a photographer and owner
of SLR Photography and Design LLC.
6. Bridget (Frawley) Thomas '06 and
Jeremy Thomas '05 welcomed home
Hadlee Jo Thomas on Feb. 27. She was
7 pounds, 12 ounces and 21 inches
long. Bridget is a marketing specialist
at Fort HealthCare and Jeremy is a
senior underwriter at Indiana Insurance. The family resides in Johnson
Creek, Wis.
If you have a birth announcement or a photo of your little Pioneer, send it to us and we'll use it in future issues of the
Alumni Today as space permits.
Lost Alumni Those people listed as “Lost Alumni” either graduated from or attended what we now know as UW-Platteville.
If you have an address or contact information for any of the alumni listed below, please contact Alumni Services at 1.800.897.2586 or
send an e-mail to [email protected].
1966 Richard Appert • Robert Beaver • Yaghboud Behboud • James Brust • Beverly Burcalow Kleis • David Curtis • Roger Hacker •
Mary Hanrahan • John Jeidy • William Lundy • Roy Matthews • Robert Nelson • Abdul Salih • Joan Sheafor Hillman • Lou Ann Stein
Topp • Donald Wagner • Duane Wanless • Willa Yost Johnson • Ralph Zeller • Marion Zimmerman Soderburg • Kazem Badbezanchi
• Timothy Buenzli • Robert Bukoski • Robert Cook • Barbara Goodmiller Bisbach • Richard Greene • Peter Heebink • Gerald Heitsman • John Kelley • Sharon Meyers • Ramaiya Nagaiya • Bhaskaro Pothini • David Scholl • Norbert Smith • Jane Thomas Rohrer
Homecoming 2012
Friday, October 19
Criminal Justice Department Alumni Forum
3 p.m. Platteville Rooms, Markee Pioneer Student Center
Hosted by Joe Lomax, Thomas Caywood and David Van Buren
College Banquets and Alumni Award Presentations
College of Business, Industry, Life Science and Agriculture Alumni Forum and Recognition
3 p.m. University Rooms, Markee Pioneer Student Center
Award recipients: Bruce Kroll, Howard Brooks, Nancy Weygant Berg, Ben Brancel,
Stuart Chipres and Robert Walton
4 p.m. Pioneer Haus, Markee Pioneer Student Center
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres
College of Liberal Arts and Education Recognition Banquet
5:30 p.m. Nohr Gallery, Ullsvik Hall
Award recipients: Julie Julius, Roxanne Sundin, Robin Weigel and Family Advocates
Reservations required. Contact Carolyn Fries, 608.342.1151 or [email protected], for more information.
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Annual Graduating Senior and Alumni Recognition Dinner
6 p.m. $15
Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Award recipients: Robert Stenstrom; Roy Shaver, Faculty Emeriti; Robert Hanson, Faculty Emeriti
Late Night Social at Historic Badger Bar
9-10 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us for after dinner drinks.
Saturday, October 20
Homecoming Hustle and Tot Trot - Sponsored by UW-Platteville Alumni Association and Snap Fitness
7:15 a.m. Outdoor Track, Williams Fieldhouse
$15 Student | $25 Adult (non-student) | $30 Day of registration
Be part of the second annual Homecoming 5 Kilometer Run/
3 Kilometer Walk and help raise money for scholarships.
This event is open to students, alumni and the community.
Alumni Association Homecoming Parade Tent
9 a.m.
405 West Main Street, Platteville, Wis.
Join us for complimentary hot chocolate, cider, coffee and donuts!
Veteran's Club Reunion
Friday, Oct. 19
4 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 20
10 a.m. Join fellow veterans in the parade.
11 a.m.
Bring your yellow sweatshirt for a group photo.
For questions contact Jim Peek 321.255.7951
R.S.V.P. by Oct. 3
Please return this form with payment to:
UW-Platteville Alumni Services
1 University Plaza | Platteville WI 53818-3099
or register online at alumni.uwplatt.edu
Have questions about Homecoming? Contact Alumni
Services at 1.800.897.2586 or [email protected]
Homecoming Parade
10 a.m. Main Street
Homecoming Lunch
11 a.m. Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Stay on campus and feed the whole family while
catching up with former professors and friends.
Voting for the third annual Custard Creation
Challenge will take place this fall and the winner
will be announced at noon on Homecoming,
followed by free custard for all. Sponsored by
Culver's and the UW-Platteville Alumni Association.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Lunch
11 a.m. Nohr Gallery, Ullsvik Hall
Rangerette Reunion
11 a.m. Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Family Fun
11:30 a.m.Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Games, temporary tattoos and much more
Rendevous Party
1 p.m.
Dottie Johns Pioneer Gardens
Open Houses
Join civil and environmental engineering
alumni and Women in EMS alumni for
socializing, activities and an open house.
1-4 p.m. Ottensman Hall
Join your fellow women in industrial studies
alumni for an open house at the
Women in Industrial Studies Center
1-4 p.m. Russell Hall
Tour the new residence hall, Rountree Commons
1 p.m.
Rountree Commons
Homecoming Football Game
3 p.m.
Reservations are requested for the following:
I will be attending these Friday events:
 Criminal Justice Forum
 BILSA Forum
 BILSA Reception
 EMS Banquet ($15)
 Sponsor an EMS senior's meal ($15)
I will be attending these Saturday events:
 Homecoming 5K Run/3K Walk
($25/adult | $15/student)
 Tot Trot
 Homecoming Lunch
 Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Lunch
 Rangerette Reunion
 Rendevous Party
 Student Ambassador Reunion ($10)
 Criminal Justice Reunion Banquet ($20)
Total $ Enclosed:___________________
Homecoming 2012 R.S.V.P.
Grad Year:___________________
Grad Year:___________________
State: ____________ Zip:_____________________________
UW-Platteville vs. UW-River Falls
Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium. All Marching Pioneer
alumni are invited to play with the band at halftime.
Student Ambassador Reunion
4 p.m. $10
Steve's Pizza
Payment Information
 Check
Credit Card  Visa  MasterCard
Criminal Justice Reunion Banquet
6 p.m.
Velzy Commons, Ullsvik Hall
Hosted by Joe Lomax, Thomas Caywood and
David Van Buren
Lighting of the "M"
9 p.m.
Dietary Needs:_______________________________________
 Discover
Card Number:_______________________________________
Ex. Date:____________________
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 25
La Crosse, WI
1 University Plaza | Platteville WI 53818-3099
Calendar of Events
Change Service Requested
Wednesday, Aug. 29
Planned Giving Seminar
- UW-Platteville campus
Thursday, Aug. 30
Rountree Commons Open House
- UW-Platteville campus
Friday, Aug. 31
Student Welcome Weekend
- UW-Platteville campus
Thursday, Nov. 1
Festive Foods and Fare:
A hands-on cooking class
- UW-Platteville campus
Friday, Sept. 7
Soil and Crops Alumni Golf
Outing and Brat Picnic
- all welcome
- Apple Canyon Lake, Ill.
Thursday, Oct. 4
Card Making Class
Make your own holiday, thank-you
and/or birthday cards
- UW-Platteville campus
Saturday, Sept. 8
Cross Country Reunion and
Katie Binning Memorial
- UW-Platteville campus
Saturday, Oct. 6
Pioneers Picking Pumpkins
- Vesperman Farms, Lancaster, Wis.
Fall Alumni Motorcycle Bike Ride
Sunday, Sept. 9
Men’s Soccer Reunion
- UW-Platteville campus
Friday, Oct. 19
2012 UW-Platteville Homecoming
- UW-Platteville campus
Saturday, Dec. 1
Athletic Hall of Fame
Induction Ceremony
- UW-Platteville campus
Thursday, Sept. 13
Home Buying 101
- UW-Platteville campus
Saturday, Oct. 27
Volleyball Alumni Weekend
- UW-Platteville campus
Track and Field Alumni Track Meet
- UW-Platteville campus
and Steve’s Pizza
Wednesday, Sept. 19
UW-Platteville Retirees’ Breakfast
- UW-Platteville campus
Tuesday-Wednesday, Oct. 30-31
Horrific Crime Scene Revisited
- UW-Platteville Pioneer Farm
Saturday, Dec. 15
189th Commencement
- UW-Platteville campus
Saturday, Sept. 29
George Chryst Football Reunion
- UW-Platteville campus
Look for more information and register to any of these events on AluMnation,
Saturday, Sept. 29
Leinenkugal’s Brewery Tour
- Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Saturday, Nov. 3
Family Weekend: Legacy Breakfast
- UW-Platteville campus
Pioneer Travel: Caribbean Cruise
Feb. 17 - March 1, 2013
If the address label lists a son or daughter who no longer lives here, please call or e-mail the
UW-Platteville Alumni Services office the correct address. 1.800.897.2586 or [email protected]