Jan 1 - First English Lutheran Church


Jan 1 - First English Lutheran Church
The monthly newsletter of First English Lutheran ChurchChurch - Appleton, WI
First English
Love Jesus. Live your call.
January 2016
Vol. 7 Issue 1
Living our Call as a Stephen Ministry Congregation
Last March, around 40 people gathered at our North
Site for a workshop led by Stephen Ministry International. Among those attending were five people from
our own congregation who were interested in Stephen
Ministry. They wanted to find out more before making a
commitment to the 50 hours of training needed to become a Stephen Minister. Four of those attendees along
with two others from our congregation and two from the
United Church of Christ decided to begin training to become Stephen Ministers. This December, their training
was completed and we shared together in worship (and
a party) to prepare for commissioning. The commissioning will take place at all services on Jan. 17th. Please take
time to congratulate our new Stephen Ministers: Judy
Snavely, Yvette Woershofer, Mary Vandenberg, Nancy
Boettcher, Anita Damon, and Jim Schmitz.
As always, if you know of anyone who could benefit from
having a caring listener to help them through a tough
stretch of life, please contact Pastor Mary.
Thank You to ALL FELC Volunteers during the Christmas Season!
The Christmas Season is an extremely busy time for everyone. All the Advent and Christmas activities at First English could not happen without the devotion of our many, many volunteers. From activities at both sites of First English, to the many community activities that members are involved in. There are just too many special events, programs, projects and worship services to list in order to include EVERYONE that has made the Advent and Christmas
Season a memorable one! So, to all the amazing volunteers at First English, here’s a heartfelt THANK YOU for everything you do every day!
Confirmation Partied Hardy for Christmas!
With the fantastic, festive organization by teams of parent volunteer ‘elves’, the Confirmation classes had
Christmas parties that were epic this year! The 7th grade
class had a cake decorating competition, played reverse
charades, and created gigantic reindeer antlers fashioned out of red balloons and pantyhose. The 8th grade
class rolled dice and unrolled colossal size balls of cellophane filled with treats when they struck the lucky
numbers. Plus, they threw themselves into the festivities by becoming human Christmas trees and finished
up with a sundae bar. The 9th grade class packed service
into the season as they made cookie gift bags to donate
to COTS, then added some Christmas competition with
an M&M game, ping pong bouncing relays, and holiday
Family Feud. We are so blessed to have parents that answer the call to jump in and give of themselves to make
Confirmation a strong and fun program. A blessed
Christmas and New Year filled with hope to all!
January 2016 Newsletter
From the Desk of Pastor Bryan
Capture the Moment; Light with Purpose.
“What has come into being in him was life,
and the life was the light of all people. The
light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:3b-5)
promise of Christ’s breaking into our dark
and dreary world. There is a lot of darkness
that aims to cloud our vision. As we embark on this season of Epiphany, we must
concede that darkness is a reality of our
world. But, and especially during this season of Epiphany, our hearts are lit anew,
because through the gift of Christ, no darkness will ever be able to overcome the ultimate Light. And that gives us all new purpose, energy and direction.
Before we close the book on 2015, I
wanted to share this photo that was taken
as a part of our confirmation and high
school groups ringing bells for The Salvation Army in early December. I am so
proud of our youth and young adults getting out and being able to benefit the
greater community, and to get to share in
these experiences with them - even if it
means needing to perfect my “selfie” skills.
And I feel like this picture intends to
“capture” the title of my article this month.
To be honest, I think this slogan precedes
me by more than several years, but I like
its message. The ultimate purpose of a
photograph is to capture the moment.
Perhaps the photo is zoomed in to capture
a specific moment; other times, the photo is zoomed
out quite a ways to capture a bigger moment.
This is why I love to center my thoughts on this portion
of John’s Gospel - it aims to capture the beginning moments of God’s creation and to capture the moment of
As we begin 2016, may you see and experience that Christ is the One True Light that
lights our world and guides our ways, and
may you continue to grow in your awareness of the ways in which God has captured all of you, and is actively empowering you to be lit with new purpose to better God’s Kingdom.
Blessings to you in this new and exciting
Yours in Christ,
~Pastor Bryan
Photo Credit: Daniel Johnston (Dec. 2, 2015)
First English Lutheran Church
Website: www.felc.com
Email: [email protected]
Downtown Site
North Site
Corner of North & Drew Streets Phone 920-733-2303
Office Hours: M-Th: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Service Times: Sunday: 8, 9:15 & 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 6:15 p.m.
Corner of Broadway Drive & Ballard Road Phone 920-882-7942
Office Hours: M-Th: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Service Times: Sunday: 8:15 &10:30 a.m.
DVD Recording:
Recording Contact the church office for a DVD of the FELC 8 a.m. Downtown Site worship.
First English Pastoral Staff
[email protected]
Mary Bauer (Associate Pastor: Discipleship)
[email protected]
Bryan Schmidt (Associate Pastor: Youth & Family) [email protected]
Jeff Tengesdal (Senior Pastor)
First English Support Staff
Nathan Birkholz (Organist/DS Music Leader)
[email protected]
Donna Haberland (DS Children’s Christian Ed) [email protected]
Angella Hoffman (NS Children’s Christian Ed)
Kathy Hoffman (Echoes Manager)
Kristy Howard (Office and Worship Support)
Meri Hujet (Communications Coordinator)
Becky Kallio (Fellowship Coordinator)
Doug Komandt (NS Music Leader)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mollie Lescamela (Bookkeeper)
[email protected]
Anne Messer (Administrative Assistant)
[email protected]
Kirsten Owens (Adult Ed/Confirmation Coordinator) [email protected]
Cheri Paisar (NS Discipleship Coordinator)
[email protected]
Dale Rude (Handyman)
[email protected]
Heidi Schreiner (Youth and Summer Ministries) [email protected]
Brenda Smongeski (Church Administrator)
[email protected]
Kathy Larson (DS Discipleship Coordinator)
Newsletter Deadline: All submissions for the February 2016 issue must be emailed to [email protected] by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 13.
Worship and Music
Chancel Care
From your Children’s
Ministry Coordinators
The Worship and Music Ministry Team’s Downtown Site
altar guild is looking for people to help with chancel
care. Responsibilities would include changing paraments and altar linens, refilling candles, and keeping
the chancel area and its furnishings in tip top shape.
The current crews rotate monthly so the commitment is
regular but intermittent - not more than an hour or two
a week when on duty. Anyone interested in serving First
English in the way should contact Linda Hash at
[email protected] or 202-3382.
Altar Flowers
The 2016 Downtown Site flower
chart is now available on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area. If
you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one by providing altar
flowers for a specific Sunday in
2016, indicate so on the chart. The
cost for a professionally designed
arrangement is $50. Make your payment in the church office or online
at www.felc.com. Flowers from weddings are also appreciated. Please sign up on the calendar and let the
church office know the arrangement is from a weekend
wedding. If you would like to sponsor altar flowers at
the North Site, please call the Church Office.
This 6:15 p.m. worship service with music, message and
Holy Communion is held at the Downtown Site and will
continue through May. This 40 minute service allows for
Confirmation students and those involved in Wednesday evening studies to attend. If you aren’t heading to a
study, be sure to stop in the Gathering Area for coffee
and snacks after worship.
What a great option if you are going to be out of town
on Sunday, or would just like a midweek worship experience. Invite your friends and neighbors to this Spiritfilled evening.
Choir Director Needed
FELC is seeking to hire a part-time Children’s Choir Director at the North Site to lead the Joy and Hosanna
Choirs in sharing their energy and gift of music with the
congregation. If interested, or for more information,
please contact Pastor Bryan ([email protected]) or call
the church office at 733-2303.
January 2016 Newsletter
Christians celebrate Epiphany on Jan. 6, the 12th day
after Christmas. “Epiphany” comes from a Greek word
that means “to appear or to show oneself.” The wise
men went forth to search for the Christ Child, God’s
manifestation on earth. After finding him, they went
forth to spread the good news to other countries. The
gold offered by one of the wise men is a symbolic acknowledgment of Jesus’ royal standing as “King of the
Jews,” while the frankincense manifests the divine nature of the baby’s existence, since he is not an earthly
king but the Son of God. And finally the myrrh was
gifted to the newborn as a symbol of Jesus’ mortality foreshadowing his death as a means to cleanse humanity of its sins.
Here is a way your family can celebrate Epiphany:
• Read the story of the Magi in Matthew 2:1-16.
• Read a book with your family about Epiphany. Check
out the church library or your local public library for
• Chalk Blessing for Your Home: To bless your home,
grab a piece of chalk, gather everyone outside the
front door, and offer this prayer: “Let us bless our
home and pray that all will be welcome here. Let this
door be an entry for the blessings of God. Let this
door be a gateway of God’s blessings to the world.”
Members of the family take turns inscribing “20 + C +
M + B +16” The letters C, M, B have two meanings.
They are the initials of the traditional names of the
three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They
also abbreviate the Latin words Christus mansionem
benedicat, “May Christ bless the house.”
Wednesday Night KidsLife
KidsLife resumes on Wednesday, Jan. 6. Children in
grades 1-6 are invited to attend. KidsLife meets weekly
on Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. in Room 014 at the Downtown Site. The weekly lessons are based on the previous
Sunday’s Gospel lessons; we play games, read stories,
and do craft and service projects to help the children relate the Gospel to their lives. Please contact Donna Haberland or Angella Hoffman in the church office for more information.
Faith Family Sunday
There is no Faith Family Sunday in
January. Watch for details in upcoming bulletins for more information on February Faith Family Sunday on Feb. 7.
January SPARK Lessons for Preschool - Grade 4
FELC uses Spark Curriculum for Preschool - Grade 4. It is a two-year curriculum; kids explore the key stories from the Old Testament each fall and New
Testament in the spring. The Family Page, which is available online at
www. felc.com has awesome activities that you can do with your kids to continue learning about the story of the week and explore God’s wonderful love
for us. Check it out!
Jan. 3
No Classes
Classes Resume Jan. 10
Jan. 10
Stewardship Lesson
Sharing Our Gifts
Jan. 17
The Prodigal Son
Luke 15:1-3;
Jan. 24
Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38-42
Jan. 31
Luke 19: 1-10
December CONNECT Lessons for Grades 5-6
Connect curriculum is used for children in Grades 5 and 6. Connect takes
tweens on a journey through the Old Testament into the New Testament. It
engages kids in God’s big story by exploring the connections between several Bible stories through hands-on activities, videos and Bible exploration.
Jan. 3
Jan. 10
Jan. 17
Jan. 24
Jan. 31
No Classes
Classes Resume Jan. 10
Stewardship Lesson
Sharing Our Gifts
The Promise: Jacob and Esau
The Promise: Jacob to Israel Week 1
The Promise: Jacob to Israel Week 2
A reminder that 8th grade Confirmation students have their “Happy”
retreat on Jan. 29 at the North Site
from 6-10 p.m. We’ll be watching
the movie “Happy” and drawing parallels between what brings people
joy across the globe and Christ’s
living example. This was one of our
most popular curriculum pieces last
year. Dinner will be served. This retreat is considered mandatory for
8th grade students. Please contact
Kirsten Owens with dietary or attendance concerns.
Confirmation is
Getting Unified!
Genesis 27:21-29
Genesis 32:22-31
Genesis 32:22-31
Did You Get the Confirmation
Second Semester Revised Calendar?
Revisions were made to the second semester calendar for Confirmation. The
updated versions were sent via email to Confirmation families.
Some changes included a new structure to the 9th grade second semester
meeting on Jan. 6 and the addition of the Unity Worship at the Paper Valley
on Feb. 3. If you didn’t receive your revised copy contact Kirsten as soon as
possible at [email protected] to make sure you’re up to speed on the second
Games and Grande Lattes for MSYGers
Weird winter weather makes for a great opportunity to sip and play a Sunday
away. Middle School Youth Group (kids in grades 6-8) will meet at the downtown Copper Rock for fancy coffee and board games on Sunday, Jan. 17, from
2-4 p.m. as we snuggle in for a chill January afternoon. Bring money for coffee, your favorite game, and a competitive spirit. Remember, your friends are
always welcome!
Don’t Worry,
Be Happy
On Feb. 3 all Confirmation students
will be attending the Fox Cities
Unity Worship at the Paper Valley
Hotel. This is an exciting event that
includes the music of National
Youth Gathering artist, Agape, and
popular Christian singer, Peder
Eide, as we worship with other
churches in our community.
This is a new addition to the Confirmation calendar for second semester so here are some things to note:
• Transportation to and from the
event is by individual.
• The event starts at 6:30 p.m. and
ends at 8 p.m.
• Advance ticket purchase is required and will be made in bulk,
so please let Kirsten Owens know
no later than Jan. 13 if your student is unable to attend.
We’re looking forward to an super
fun worship party!
Adult Learning Opportunities
Church library
For more information on any of these studies, please call the church office
at 733-2303.
Author Mary Manz Simon
• Being the Body of Christ
Adult Learning Time: 9:15 a.m., Downtown Site Lounge
• Being the Body of Christ
Adult Learning Time: 9:30 a.m., North Site Library
• Men’s Ministry: 6:30 a.m., North Site Office
• Judith Circle : Jan. 5, 1-3:30 p.m., Downtown Site Room 114 (weather pending)
• Men’s Ministry : Jim and Casper Go to Church Study
(second Tuesday of the month): Jan. 12, 7 p.m., DS 114
• Bible Study with Pastor Mary: 10:30 a.m., Downtown Site Room 114
• Praying Life: Connecting to God in a Distracting World (begins Jan. 6)
4 and 7 p.m., Downtown Site Room 114
• Sarah Circle: (second Wednesday of each month):
Jan. 13, Noon-3:30 p.m., Downtown Site, Room 114
• Early Risers - Battle Field of the Mind
6 a.m., Downtown Site Lounge
• Adult Bible Study: Resumes Jan. 14, 9-10:30 a.m., Downtown Site Lounge
• Men’s Ministry: 6:30 a.m., North Site Office
All are welcome!
An award-winning educator, Dr. Mary Manz
Simon is a practical parenting specialist whose
writing has impacted the
lives of countless children and
families around the world. Under
the umbrella of practical parenting
advice, her books have sold more
than three million copies across
nine languages. She writes, "I
earned a doctorate in education,
but it's the Mommy Zone experiences that are nearest to my heart. I
would love to support and encourage you as your child grows up and as you both grow in your relationship with God."
At the Downtown Site are ten more
books by this author on the children's shelves. Some are:
• My Picnic Basket and How God Is
Always Near (C,242.62,Sim)
• Rumble, Rumble: Jesus Feeds the
Crowd (C,226.7,Sim)
• What's
• Who Will Help? : The Good Sa-
maritan (C,226.4,Sim)
Let’s Have a Close Encounters of the Jesus
Kind for Lent
Explore the Lectionary readings from the Gospel of Luke as we embark on a
six week study for Lent beginning Wednesday, Feb. 10, Ash Wednesday.
Delve in to how Jesus is close to those that are estranged by grief, resentment, fear, and God’s Distance. In addition, the study will discuss how Jesus
is close to those seeking and learning from the estranged. Classes will be
offered Wednesday mornings after worship, 10:30 a.m. on Ash Wednesday,
10:15 a.m. for the remaining five weeks. Plus Wednesday evenings at 4 and
7 p.m. and Sunday morning Adult Learning times. Please sign up online at
www.felc.com or in the Gathering Area to reserve a book. Lent is the perfect
time to encounter Christ through the Lectionary of Luke!
From Forums to the Future
We have learned a lot during our time together in Adult Forums on Sunday
mornings and the series is now finished. Completing the forums provides a
consistent window of time for adult studies to meet. We are grateful to all of
our wonderful presenters as they gave us a glimpse of the ways God is working and present in the world. We look forward to using these ideas and experiences as a springboard into new ideas for future education!
January 2016 Newsletter
Recent gifts to the North Site Library are:
• Front Porch Parenting: Down-to-
Earth Answers to 300 Questions
Real Parents Ask
Book and
CD (649.1,Sim)
• Little Visits on the Go: The Sing-
Along and Share-a-Song Handbook (782,Sim)
• Little Visits 1-2-3: Devotions for
Families with Infant to PreSchool Children (242.6,Sim)
• Little Visits with Jesus: Devotions
for Families with Young Children (242.6,Sim)
At both libraries:
• The Year-Round Parent: A Practi-
(248.8,Sim) Children live from
holiday to holiday, but parenting
is a continuous loop. This book is
a "smart-map" of ideas and tips,
arranged month-by-month in an
easy-read format.
Congregational Life
Upcoming 50+ Events
Planning Meeting
The next planning meeting for the
50+ Group will be on Wednesday,
Jan. 6, at 2 p.m. in the Downtown Site
Lounge. Please attend the meeting
or call Becky Kallio at 738-0299 with
any thoughts.
50+ Chili Lunch
Jan. 13 - 11:30 a.m. DS Fellowship Hall
Join the 50+ group in a program on the mega-trend of
keeping baby boomers and older adults in their homes
as they age. Learn about the key ingredients focusing
on some of the easy how-to modifications to be successful in your home (and in the community) as long as
you can. Lunch starts at 11:30 a.m. with the program to
Save the Date!
Watch Upcoming Newsletters for More Detailed Information on These Scheduled Events
February: Annual Soup Buffet - Wednesday, Feb. 3
March: Maundy Thursday Brunch - Thursday, Mar. 24
April: Dream Roles, UW Fox Valley - Date TBD
2016 LIFT Meals
Don’t miss out on Wednesday LIFT Meals at FELC!
What are LIFT Meals? LIFT stands for
L earning In Faith T ogether.. The LIFT
meals are for our own congregation and
guests. There are many things going on at
the church on Wednesday nights, so
sometimes there is not enough time for
families to make a meal and eat, then get
to church on time for their activities. The
LIFT meals have been organized to provide a chance to
eat a nutritious meal together, for a minimal cost, plus
an opportunity for fellowship with other congregation
members. Everyone is welcome for these meals,
whether or not they have activities afterward.
Meals will be served between 5-6:15 p.m. in Fellowship
Hall at the Downtown Site. Dinners are $5 for adults and
children 5 and over, children under 5 are free, $20 max
per family. Payment will be collected on Wednesday
nights. To register for meals, log onto www.felc.com/
forms, or call the church office at 733-2303.
Reservation deadline for ordering these catered meals is
noon on Monday. Please help our LIFT volunteers by
honoring this deadline. To cancel your reservation, call
the church office by noon on Tuesday. Payment is
needed for cancellations after noon on Tuesday.
LIFT Meal Schedule
Cradle Care Ministry
Are you expecting a new addition to your family through
either birth or adoption? Do you know someone who is?
The Cradle Care Ministry is being created to minister to
expectant families in our church. Each family is assigned a prayer partner to communicate throughout the
pregnancy, birth and baptism. Families participating
need to do nothing but receive the prayers of their
prayer partner! Prayer partners are asked to keep the
family in their prayers and check in a few times during
the pregnancy or adoption process.
To enroll someone in the Cradle Care Ministry, or if you
would like to offer prayers to those families expecting a
b ab y ,
c o nt ac t
D eni
K uc hl e r
[email protected]. Please include parents’ names
and baby’s arrival date.
Calling all Bakers!
We are in need of Sunday Morning Coffee
Hour baked goods at the Downtown Site.
Please consider sharing a gift of baking and
indicate by completing the signup sheet located near the Coffee Room. Each baker
should plan on bringing approximately four dozen
goodies. Thank you for your generosity!
Jan. 6:
Jan. 13:
Jan. 20:
Jan. 27:
Lasagna from Schweitzer’s Catering
Chicken from Mary’s Restaurant
Hawg Tied Barbeque
Asian Thai Buffet
LIFT Volunteers
Are you interested in helping out with set up, serving or
clean up? We sure could use your help! Please contact
Becky Kallio in the church office or visit www.felc.com/
New! - Gentle Flow Yoga Class
Ring in the New Year with a commitment to better health and wellness,
by joining Gentle Flow Yoga Class
beginning Jan. 6, continuing every
Wednesday thereafter from 1-2 p.m.
at the North Site gym. The class will
be taught by Ross Bisbee, certified
yoga instructor. Gentle Flow is ideal for anyone who enjoys a more gentle, slower paced class. This class is for
students looking for a more “tranquil” practice, beginners, seniors and those recovering from injury. The first
month, as a thank you for opening up the North Site to
Ross, he is offering the deal, buy one class get your next
class free or a month pass of $25. Individual drop-in
classes are $10 each. Please bring your own mat (a few
will be available on site).
Congregational Life
An Example of Estate or Planned Giving, Generations of Blessings
If you follow the minutes of council very closely, you’re
likely aware, but most folks don’t know that First English
received an undesignated estate gift from the family of
Dave Stanek, early in 2015. The gift, received in two
parts, in the early spring and early summer, totaled
slightly more than $97,000.
As undesignated contributions of this size are not routine, your council decided to spend several months considering various options, for how this gift might best be
applied to important opportunities, all around our congregation. Following this deliberation process, council
moved to utilize the gift in these ways:
• $10,000 toward the First English Fund, our trust account. Similar to a tithe, the council wanted to set an
example with this gift, that we would put aside 10% of
the “first fruits,” for a long term investment in the
church’s future.
• $10,000 toward 2016 budget support of a merit-pay
increase pool for the church staff. Recognizing that the
2015 budget had eliminated any type of pay increase
opportunity, to help close the looming deficit, it was
deemed important to ensure an opportunity to recognize positive performance within our team members,
for the coming year.
• $27,000 in budget support toward the aggregate prioritized list of capital repairs and maintenance needs, as
prepared by the Property Oversight subcommittee of
the Finance Team. Many of these issues have been deferred, for a year or more, due to budget constraints,
Donate From Your Smart Phone
Did you know FELC offers a mobile version of our online
giving page? You can give anytime from your smart
phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your
phone’s QR code reader or go to felc.com and locate the
online giving link at the bottom of the home page. The
QR code is also found on the back cover of the Sunday
bulletin. Watch for text giving to come in Spring 2016.
and this support will help this team, help all of us,
keep up our treasured facilities in good condition, for
use by our congregation, and so many other community groups.
• $50,000 towards a “challenge grant,” to encourage a
like amount from members, toward the work of the
Historical Entry Restoration Effort (HERE) team, to
repair the main entrance into the Downtown Site,
across from City Park, in our centennial year. This major repair and restoration has a total project value estimated at nearly a quarter million dollars, and will not
only keep our “front door” to the community open and
welcoming, but also address the water control issues,
and related damage, that has ravaged the south eastern corner of the foundation of the church, for far too
long now.
In these ways, many areas of our congregation are impacted by Mr. Stanek’s gifts, both currently, and for
years into the future. Along these same lines, you’ll have
additional opportunities in 2016 and beyond, to learn
more about planned giving and estate gift planning, as
members of our FELC Trust Committee partner with
agents of the Fox Valley Community Foundation, home
to our First English Trust, as we seek to inform and engage members in the ways they can plan to assist their
church home, as they make plans for the future. If you
have questions about planned giving, or estate planning, please contact Brenda in the church office.
FELC Annual Meeting
Sunday, Feb. 14,
12:15 p.m.
Soup Lunch
starting at 11:30 a.m.
North Site
Gathering Area
Free-will offering to benefit youth
attending the 2016 Mission Trip
January 2016 Newsletter
Congregational Life
Ministry Teams
FELC is blessed by the efforts of our dedicated ministry teams. The ministry
teams include Congregational Life, Intern Enrichment, Learning, Invitation
& Hospitality, Outreach & Social Ministry, Finance, Worship & Music and
Youth Connections and typically meet once a month. If you are interested in
learning more about the work of these teams or would be interested in serving on one of them, please contact Kathy Larson in the church office at 7332303 or [email protected].
First English is now a member of AmazonSmile. Through your online Amazon purchases, First English can earn 0.5% of all your purchases.
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy
the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping
features as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when customers shop
through AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation
will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers.
How does AmazonSmile work?
In order to browse or shop on AmazonSmile, customers must first select a
charitable organization (First English Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI.). The
AmazonSmile Foundation will then donate 0.5% of the purchase price to
How does my organization receive the donations?
Each quarter, the AmazonSmile Foundation makes donations to eligible
charitable organizations by electronic funds transfer. Donations will be
transferred approximately 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
If you have any questions, please call the church office (733-2303) or visit
www.felc.com and click on the AmazonSmile link on the homepage or on the
Stewardship page. Support First English through your online purchases with
Official Acts
November Baptisms
• Joshua Robert McDonald
• Tessa Marie Dougherty
• Arabelle Susanne Baker
• Anders Carl Roberts Loy
January Anniversaries
• Jeff and Cindy Cieslik celebrate
40 years together on Jan. 3.
• Paul and Joann Kayser celebrate
30 years together on Jan. 25.
Save the Date!
Saturday, May 7, 2016
American Cancer Society’s
Annual Sole Burner
This will be the 20th year that FELC
has had a team for this Fox Cities
event. New or old walkers or runners join us to honor and remember
those who are or have battled cancer. More info to come!
Memory Tree
Honor a family member, friend or
an event with a leaf on one of the
Memory Trees at First English. Both
the North Site and Downtown Site
have been blessed with the gift of
these Memory Trees to recognize
the people and events important in
our lives. Each tree has 220 leaves,
which may be engraved with several
lines of script. The leaves are available in bronze, silver and gold
tones, respective of the various levels of donation ($100, $250,
$500). Larger plaques can also be
The funds raised
through this opportunity will be
working to pay down church debt.
Please see Brenda in the church
office for more information or find
brochures in the Gathering Area.
Acknowledge the important people,
dates and events of your life.
Seraphim Choir
Open to grades 7-12
Rehearses every Wednesday
6:30-6:55 p.m.
in DS Fellowship Hall
We have had a great start
to fundraising with the
annual Honey Sale.
Singing Sunday, Jan. 10
DS at 10:30 a.m.
Singing Wednesday, Jan 27
DS at 6:15 p.m.
Singing Sunday, Jan. 31
NS at 10:30 a.m.
Be sure to
respond to
Barb’s email
about possibly
going on tour
this month!
Our next fundraiser:
Sunday, Feb. 14
Annual Meeting
Soup Luncheon
Signups for this
Out with the old and in with the new!
reFUEL is being retooled beginning this month! Wednesdays will stay the
same, but Sunday mornings will take a different look!
We will be replacing Sunday morning reFUEL with Google Hang Out.
This is an online instant messaging tool that is accessible on your smart
phone, tablet, chrome book, and laptop/computer. Start your free
google account now to join the conversation!
Contact Heidi
**Watch for
emails on future
SAVE THE DATE : FEB. 3 6:30-8 p.m.
**You don’t even need a smartphone
AND it’s free!**
On average, you will receive one text message a
week to remind you of what’s coming up in high
school ministry at FELC. Have a question, ask the
group! Need a ride, ask the group! Email Heidi your
name and cell phone number to join!
([email protected])
January 2016 Newsletter
Don’t forget to find us on Facebook, too!
Share photos from events, requests prayers,
give a birthday shout out, and stay up to date
with what’s going on at FELC
AND in the
Congregational Life
100th Anniversary
Task Force Report
The 100th Anniversary Task Force first met in February
2014 to begin planning for the First English Lutheran
Church’s 100th Anniversary celebration.
What’s happened since then? Invitations were sent to
all previous First English pastors inviting them to take a role
in the special services. A webpage dedicated to the church
history and ongoing activities
relating to the celebration was
created on the FELC website. A
membership directory combining photographs of church families and 100 years of First English history was developed and
printed. A commemorative
glass cross ornament was commissioned by Leif Kutschera
(pictured at right) and is being
sold and a 100th Anniversary
cookbook featuring the favorite foods of church members was published.
What’s in the future? 100th Anniversary signs and banners are being created to be displayed at both sites and
posters depicting FELC’s history are be made for the
Gathering Areas. A chicken dinner to commemorate the
dinners served by FELC women during the 1930s to
raise money for the new church will be held following
the 11 a.m. Sunday service in May. Memorabilia from
FELC’s first 100 years will be displayed at the May celebration. A commemorative wooden cross will be given
to each church family. There will be Sunday School involvement and special music for the services. Emily
Reetz, a local artist, has been commissioned to create
pictures of the Downtown and North Sites that will be
sold to the congregation. The 15th Anniversary of the
North Site will be celebrated in June and include a summer intern reunion.
Please save these 100th Anniversary Celebration
Dates on Your Calendar:
• May 22: Anniversary Worship Service Sunday 8, 9:30,
and 11 a.m. at the Downtown Site; 9 a.m. at the North
• May 22: Anniversary Chicken Dinner Celebration with
guest speakers on Sunday at 1 p.m. at Liberty Hall,
• June 11: Reunion Dinner for past summer interns.
• June 12: Summer Intern Reunion and 15th North Site
Anniversary Worship Service Sunday 9 a.m. with special pre-worship music at the North Site and a reception.
Downtown Site services will be at 8, 9:15, and 10:30 a.m.
It's First English's 100th Birthday!
It's a Time to Celebrate the
Future with a Future Gift
Utilizing the First English Trust Fund, we invite old and
new member families to join the First English Legacy
Circle, a circle of members joined for a role in the
Church future with their end of life gift. The concept is
simple, make a provision in planned gifts for First English, inform the Committee with a written request to
join the Legacy Circle. It's an honor system. Participants benefit from updating or amending their plans,
and from the joy of giving.
Our centennial year goal is to have 100 families in the
Legacy Circle on the 100th anniversary day next May.
Stewardship Corner
Years ago a young man knelt with his pastor and prayed
as he committed to God his tithe. His first week's pay
was $10 and the tithe was $1.
As he grew older he became more prosperous and his
tithe was $7 a week, then $10. He moved to another city
and soon his tithe was $100 a week, then $200, then
One day the younger man sent his old friend an e-mail,
"Please come see me."
The pastor arrived at the man's house. They had a good
time talking over old times.
Finally the man came to his point. "You remember that
promise I made years ago to tithe. How can I get released?"
"Why would you want to get released?" asked the pastor.
"It's like this," replied the man, "When I made the promise I only had to give $1, but now it is $500. I can't afford
to give away money like that."
The old pastor looked at his friend. "I am afraid we cannot get released from the promise, but there is something we can do. We can kneel and ask God to shrink
your income so you can afford to give $1 again."
- - - How fortunate we are to be able to give from our abundance. And the more we have, the more we are able to
give. Thanks be to God!
Source: Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN
A new location and new committee members are on
board for this year’s Make an IMPACT! Fundraiser for
Summer Intern Ministries. This year’s event will be
held at Riverview Gardens on Friday, Mar. 4, from 6:3010 p.m. If you have attended the event in the past, you
know what a festive evening it is. We are excited to
shake things up a bit this year, while still including all
the aspects that have made it such a memorable evening in past years. Please mark your calendar now so
you don’t miss out on the fun!
This event is always a wonderful time of fellowship and
includes the fun of a silent auction, raffle, and many opportunities to explore how you can make an impact on
this community-wide ministry. The evening includes an
hors d’oeuvres style dinner, cash bar and entertainment
provided by ATown Unplugged. Tickets for the event are
still only $20 and will go on sale in early February.
Individuals, church groups, businesses, and others are
encouraged to make donations for the auction and raffle. All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax
deductible. Donations might include but are not limited
to weekend getaways, boat trips, homemade dinners,
hand-made items, jewelry, electronics and furniture.
(We ask that all donations be new and unused.) Cash
donations are appreciated as well. A donation form is
available below or donate online at www.felc.com/
at [email protected] to collect your donations, or if
you have questions.
Please join us for a wonderful party and the opportunity
to celebrate a ministry that has made and will continue
to make an impact on the lives of youth and young
adults as well as on our congregation and community.
Auction Donation Form
Yes! I have an item/service to donate to the Make an IMPACT! fundraiser held on
Friday, Mar. 4, to support First English Summer Intern Ministries.
Name of Donor _____________________________________________________________________________
Email address ___________________________________________ Phone _______________________________
Item to be auctioned/description______________________________________________________________
Minimum bid desired_______________________________ Value of donation ___________________________
Please describe your donation exactly as you would like it to appear on the Donated Item Card at the auction. Be as specific as possible about the donated item or service(s) so people know what they are bidding
on. Please also include dates and times or a window of time to redeem the service if applicable. If you would
like to include the value of the donation, please feel free to add that as well. You may also submit your donation online at www.felc.com/impact. Thank you for your generous support of this ministry!
January 2016 Newsletter
Congregational Life
New and Review 2016
Are you interested in becoming a member of First English? The New and Review series will be offered twice in
2016 (winter and fall) and will be a Sunday 4-week series.
Topics covered will be: FELC and You, Bible Basics,
Love Jesus. Live Your Call., and Lutheran Theology.
Two of the workshops will be held each site. It has
proven to be valuable to have new members visit both
First English locations.
2016 Winter Series:
Jan. 10-31
New Member Series of Workshops
9:15-10:30 a.m.
Two Weeks at North Site*
10:30 a.m.-Noon Two Weeks at Downtown Site*
*Please note that the sessions will be starting at the North Site
Saturday, Feb. 6
9-10:30 a.m.
New Member Brunch
North Site Gathering Area
Sunday, Feb. 7
New Member Sunday
Worship service at site of your choice
2016 Fall Series:
Sept. 18 - Oct. 9 New Member Series of Workshops
10:30 a.m. - Noon Two Weeks at Downtown Site
9:15-10:30 a.m.
Two Weeks at North Site
25th Annual
“Fulfilling the Dream of Opportunity”
Monday, Jan.18, 6:30 p.m.
Lawrence Memorial Chapel
If wondering about cancellations, please check the FELC
website (www.felc.com) under the Facebook section,
lower right hand margin on the FELC homepage. You
do not need to have a Facebook account to view this.
The church calendar will also be updated. In addition,
TV station WBAY and radio station WHBY will be notified. In all instances, use your best judgment when deciding whether or not to drive to church for a scheduled
worship, class or activity.
Saturday, Oct. 15 New Member Brunch
9-10:30 a.m.
North Site Gathering Area
Your Day on the Mission Field
Sunday, Oct. 16
Your day on the Mission Field program allows members
to support Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
missionaries by sponsoring a day in honor or in memory of a loved one or event. If you would like to sponsor
a day, a sign up calendar is in the Downtown Site Gathering Area. Cost is $20. Please sign up and submit your
payment to the church office.
New Member Sunday
Worship service at site of choice
To register for either the Winter or Fall New & Review series, sign up online at www.felc.com/forms. Questions?
Contact Cheri Paisar at [email protected] or 882-7942.
Time & Talent
What are you passionate about? What helps you share
Jesus’ love with others? Cooking, assisting in worship,
technology? We want to hear about it and help you use
your gifts to celebrate the Lord. Time & Talent forms
are available at www.felc.com/forms/sign-ups. Paper
copies will also be available in the Gathering Area at
both sites. Please take a few minutes and update your
preferences and in what areas you would like to volunteer.
Career Crossroads
Packets are available, courtesy of
First English, with information
and a devotional book for those
who are in the position of looking for employment. Please see
or call a pastor in the church office if you or someone you know
might benefit from these materials.
Stephen Ministry Care Offered
Would you benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister? Do you know of someone else who is going through a troubling time and may appreciate learning more about being in the care of a Stephen Minister? If so, please contact
one of the pastors for confidential information on how to become a care receiver.
3,000 Christmas Care
Gifts Delivered!
91.9/91.5 The FamilyFamily-Appleton/Oshkosh/Green Bay:
91.9/91.5 The Family’s 18th annual Christmas Care gift
campaign wrapped up with more than 3,000 brightly
decorated Christmas Care shoe box gifts delivered to
46 local crisis programs and emergency rooms for people in need or in crisis this Christmas. Without the use
of FELC’s gym, this event may not occur.
Sign Up to Help at the
Fox Valley Warming Shelter
The event has become a favorite for shelter staff and
hospital emergency room workers who watch carefully
for clients/patients in crisis or lacking adequate clothing and who clearly need a Christmas Care gift.
Every night, the Fox Valley Warming Shelter in Appleton
provides safe, warm, overnight shelter, meals, and hospitality for 50 to 60 homeless people. On five evenings
during Lent, FELC members will provide dinners for
shelter guests, and help with hospitality services the
shelter offers. This is the eighth year FELC has served at
the shelter, and you can make this important ministry
part of your preparation for Easter this year. Our dates
are Feb. 17, 19, 24, 26, and 27.
91.9/91.5 The Family wishes to thank First English and
all of the volunteer groups who stepped up to help, as
well as everyone who filled a shoe box, inspected,
sorted, and delivered them. Thanks also to the emergency shelter and hospital staff members who will now
use the gifts to provide some much needed comfort
and joy to those they serve this Christmas.
Sign up to help through the link on the church’s website, or on the signup sheets in the Gathering Area on
Sundays through January. You can bring part of a meal,
serve dinner, or help with late evening hospitality services. Choose one job or several, on one evening or
Volunteers at the Shelter must be 18 years old, but 14 to
18 year-olds may volunteer if they are accompanied by a
responsible adult. Children under age 14 are not allowed at the Shelter.
If you have questions, email Mary Lokensgard at
[email protected], or call her at 920-733-2127.
AA Corner
As we say goodbye to December, I reflect on the 12th
“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these
steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and
to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
The 12th Step of A.A. has given me a lifelong job of carrying the message that anyone can get and remain sober if he or she wants to and thoroughly follows our
path. What I get in return is one more precious day of
sobriety. A.A. turns away no one, all one has to have to
join us is a desire to stay sober, there are no dues or
fees, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Everything is voluntary. If interested, please call
Dale at (920) 419-2794.
January 2016 Newsletter
Coffee and Cocoa Help Fight
Lutheran World Relief believes that satisfying the
world's demand for coffee and cocoa and improving the
incomes and food security of the farmers who grow
them can, and should, go hand in hand. That's why LWR
has coffee and cocoa projects in 11 countries around the
world reaching more than 42,000 farmers.
With expertise developed over decades, they are working with coffee and cocoa farmers so they can earn more
from their crops by participating in more parts of their
value chains - all the steps from a crop, like coffee or
cocoa bean, to a final product like your morning cup of
coffee or a chocolate bar. In partnership with cooperatives and farmer organizations, LWR brings agricultural
experts to the farmers so they learn improved farming
practices, post-harvest processing and marketing skills.
The goal is to ensure these hardworking women and
men increase the quality and quantity of their crop and
get the resources needed to sell coffee and cocoa competitively on the global market.
Our purchases of these products are an important part
of this effort. A portion of our purchases ($0.20 per
pound) benefits the LWR Small Farmers Fund, which
supports smallholder farmers and their families.
Thank you for supporting this important work. With Fair
Trade purchases you are not only getting great products,
you are investing in the lasting promise of hardworking
farmers around the world. Together, we can improve
farmers' lives, from the ground up!
Our next LWR Coffee Project sale will be Jan. 10.
10 We
have a good supply of coffee, tea, baking cocoa, hot
chocolate and candy bars. Hope to see you in the New
FELC Youth’s Scrip Fundraiser
Through the Scrip Program, you can purchase Kwik Trip
Gift Cards from First English and FELC Annual Youth
Trips receive 5% cash back on the cards we sell. The
funds that are raised this year will directly impact our
youth that are attending this summer’s mission trip to
Chicago, IL. These gift cards can be used for gas and instore purchases. Simply go to either of our church sites
during office hours, purchase a card, and swing over to
one of the nearby Kwik Trip locations. There are two
Kwik Trip locations near the Downtown Site, one on
Richmond St, and one on the corner of Meade St. and
Wisconsin Ave. There is one Kwik Trip location near the
North Site, on Edgewood Dr. off of Ballard Rd.
These gift cards come in different denominations: $20,
$25, $50, and $100. Please consider taking advantage of
this opportunity to support FELC’s Youth.
Feed My Starving Children
2016 Fox Cities MobilePack™
July 18-20, 2016 FELC North Site
Based on input from the congregations involved in the
2015 Fox Cities MobilePack, all eight congregations are
interested in partnering again in 2016 to co-host another Feed My Starving Children MobilePack. The goal
will remain the same as in 2015; 200,000 meals and
$44,000 to be raised.
The community-wide teams will begin meeting in January 2016. If you are interested in becoming a part of the
FELC team please contact Jean Monson at [email protected] or (920)470-4074.
Feeding God’s Starving Children
Hungry in Body and Spirit
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech
but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
Council Minutes
vote, per the team’s recommendations:
1. Approve the recommendation
to reduce the congregation
council from 15 to 9 members
as updated for B12.01.01. This
would reduce the size of council by 2019, by electing 3 instead of 5 in Feb. 2017, 2018
and 2019 with 3 thereafter.
(Assuming motion is approved
by two consecutive votes of
the congregation.)
2. Approve the recommendation
to fill vacancies of 3 three year
terms, instead of 5, as stated
in C12.03
3. Approve the recommendation
to reduce the nominating
committee from 6 to 5 members as stated in B13.01.06.
4. Approve the recommendation
to C14.01 regarding responsibilities of FELC at the annual
*M/S/A to reduce the size of
council through a two votes
of congregation, with the first
vote taking place at 2016 Annual Meeting.
*M/S/A require at least 5
nominees for 3 positions
each year, starting in Feb
2017 (if this passes two congregation elections. The congregation to continue individual election choices. This is
an important distinction from
previous wording, which was
not voted upon (not approved), that mentioned only
First English Lutheran Church
Congregation Council Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2015
I.Stewardship: an update was
shared and council members wrote
notes of thanks and appeal in
cards to those with 2015 pledges
and those who had yet to pledge
in 2016.
II.Love Jesus, live your call moment,
Prayer Triads, Devotions
III.Treasurer’s report: The FELC YTD
bottom line shows a loss of
$21,000 versus a budgeted loss of
$52,000 and a loss of $126,000 last
year. The month of October
showed net income of $8,000 compared to a budgeted loss of $2,000.
October contributions were again
under budget by $13,000, similar
to September. Colny shared the
2016 preliminary budget. He said
changes are fluid and he and
Brenda are working to get to a
break-even budget. The Trust Committee has a planned giving communication for 2016. A brief article
for the January newsletter explaining the dispersal of the Stanek gift.
M/S/A of Treas. Report.
IV.Old Business:
A. Marriage Task Force: will meet
again on Dec. 1
B. History Entry Restoration Effort:
Team will meet again on Dec. 15.
Packages have been sent to five
construction companies for bids.
There are about 12 members on
the team with 3 co-chairs. A case
statement is being prepared.
C. Council staffing and governance:
Four items for discussion and
Offerings - November 2015
Nov. 1
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
Nov. 22
Nov. 29
Total November Offering
$ 103,265
Budgeted Offering for November 2015 $ 91,587
YTD Budget
YTD Actual
YTD Net Income (Loss)
January 2016 Newsletter
3 candidates for affirmation
by the electors.
*M/S/A to reduce the required
size of the nominating committee from 6 to 5. The committee could have more than
5 members (not limited to 5),
but it is not required.
*M/S/A to present to the congregation to eliminate the
verbiage of C14.01: the congregation
“determine their policies,
guide their activities” as it
conflicts with other parts of
the constitution.
D. Personnel update: Kathy Larson
accepted the Downtown Site Discipleship Coordinator role.
E. 100th Anniversary Task Force:
Team met last week. North Site
15th anniversary and Internship
celebration will take place together. June 12 is the specified
date. The cookbook and directory are available. May 22, 2016,
is the day of the chicken dinner.
F. Nominations sought for the
Nominations Committee, the
Trust Committee, and the Synod
V.Consent Agenda: M/S/A.
VI.New Business: The parade is
Tuesday night and council members were encouraged to attend.
VII.Next meeting: Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m.
For the full minutes visit
THIS DATE IN FELC HISTORY - 1960-1969: We Spread Our Wings
• During this time, the congregation approved
• Pastor Martin Bredow became our first visita-
tion pastor, serving the congregation until 1974.
Also during this year, the position of a business
administrator was created.
• The City Church Softball League Championship
was won by the FELC team, under the guidance of
managers Mal Johnson and Gerald Herrmann. With
this winning season, the team continued a streak of
championships - six in eight years.
• The congregation celebrated the 40th anniversary of
the new church’s construction. Dr. Timothy Winch,
director of the Senior Choir, and members of the
Youth Group provided musical entertainment.
• Two new steam boilers were installed in September,
replacing the old boilers which were original to the
church. The cost of the two new boilers was $30,000.
• Pastor Robert Herder of Oshkosh gave a slide presentation of his visit to the Holy Land at the October
Men’s Club meeting.
• A major change in direction took place in 1973 when
we ended the internship program and the congregation voted to call a second full-time pastor along with
a visitation pastor.
• The annual church picnic was held in June at Pierce
Park. The weather was ideal and members of the Luther League provided music and a community singalong. Other highlights included free rides on a London style double-decker bus, a hay wagon ride, and
pony rides for the kids.
• On Sunday Feb.10, FELC celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the congregation. Pastor Gammelin of Zion Lutheran Church was a special guest at
the celebratory service. A dinner was served by the
Luther League in the Fellowship Hall followed by an
anniversary program.
• In April, Pastor Willis Bloedow was installed as associate pastor with primary responsibilities for youth
and education. He previously served in Lake Wilson,
plans for a new pipe organ, extending the balcony
six feet to house it, and remodeling the chancel.
• Total confirmed membership at end of 1977 was 1,821
and the total baptized souls was 2,648. The estimated
value of the church properties was $1,407,000.
• In August, the chancel remodeling project was completed, including a free-standing altar; new pulpit,
lectern, communion railing, and parquet flooring.
• Feb. 18 was designated as “Soap Sunday” when the
Women of the Church asked the congregation to bring
used soap chips or new soap bars to be donated to a
project of the American Lutheran Church Women.
• After several years of construction, the new pipe organ, built by Appleton native Ronald Wahl, was installed. The organ was dedicated on Sunday, June 3 at
a recital performed by former First English organist
Thomas Froehlich. This magnificent instrument has
been played to the glory of God since that day.
“We dedicate this organ to the cultivation of a high art:
to the interpretation of the masters of music, to an appreciation of the great doxologies of the Church, and to
the development of the language of praise which belongs both to heaven and earth.”
Dedication Program
Return service requested
January 2016
Non-Profit Org.
First English Lutheran Church
326 E. North Street
Appleton, WI 54911
Appleton, Wis.
Permit No. 38
What’s Inside
Stephen Ministry………………......Cover
Thank You Volunteers..…………...…..….2
From the Desk of Pastor Bryan.......…....4
An Example of Planned Giving..……….9
AmazonSmile for FELC……………….10
The Outlet Youth Page…………….…...11
Make an IMPACT!………..…… ……..13
Congregation Council Minutes…........…..17
Get Closer to Christ in the Chaos
It seems the demands of the world continue to build as commitments and expectations increase and reflective time diminishes.
Yet, within this frantic framework our need to pull close to Christ
and find peace in prayer is greater than ever. Join us in January as
we begin our study of Paul E. Miller’s book, Praying Life: Connecting With God in a Distracting World. The author shares his insights
and conclusions about how to connect the broken pieces of your
life and allow prayer - even poorly delivered - to fill the gaps with
meaning and substance. This is a down-to-earth, practical approach that helps you craft new ways to cultivate communication
with Christ. Parents will find Miller’s family-life experiences especially helpful. Classes are on Wednesday evenings at either 4 or
7 p.m. beginning Jan. 6 at the Downtown Site in Room 114. Please
sign-up online or in the Gathering Area to reserve your book. Let’s
find the peace that passes all understanding in the chaos!
Fox Valley Warming Shelter…….…….15