1_3_Killing Chane Solo


1_3_Killing Chane Solo
at the precipice
dramatis personae
Chane Solo; Jedi Knight (human male)
Jaden Korr; Jedi Knight (human male)
P’lo Hhman; Fallen Jedi Master (human male)
Xurxo Dreiz; Dark Lord (human male)
Clone JD002F; Clone of Joan Dagar (cloned human female)
Joan Dagar; Jedi Knight (human female)
Chapter Three
Killing Chane Solo
For the past two months Chane Solo, alongside Jaden Korr, had
been searching for a traitor inside the Galactic Alliance. Someone was
selling information, information that had several failed missions and the
death of two good Jedi: Jae Edgera and Mikael Dagar. Both losses hit
close to home for Chane, he’d grown up along side both men. But more
than that, Mikael was all but family- brother of both Chane's best friend
and his girlfriend.
Chane had been hand selected for this mission by his uncle, largely
because he, among all his siblings, had inherited Han Solo’s ability pry
information from almost anyone, without them even knowing it. Jaden
however, Chane suspected, had been assigned with him simply to teach
Chane a lesson in humility. Their latest source had led them deep into The
Works, where they were to finally meet face to face with their informant.
Cautiously the two entered an abandoned manufacturing facility, their
predetermined rendezvous point.
From the shadows of rafters above, P'lo Hhman stood silently,
cloaked within the Force watching the two Jedi from the moment they
entered. He’d been planning this for months, wanting it for over a year.
And though he was initially hesitant to carry out his plan after learning of
Korr's presence, it was an inconvenience he soon overcame.
across the darkness as the two men made their way into the center of the
warehouse, P'lo knew it was time for things to begin. Pulling a blaster from
its holster, he fired it at a crane stationed across the warehouse, a signal
he was ready.
Both Chane and Jaden spun to see where the shot had come from.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
“It’s a trap. We’ve been set up.” Jaden replied.
“Where’d you say you met this informant again?” Chane snapped
Their attention was quickly pulled from searching for the sniper, to
the dozen men rushing towards them. As P’lo had expected, the Jedi
prevailed, though not without effort. Tired, senses scattered, the two Jedi
barely had a moment to exchange troubled glances before a crimson
saber ignited on the other side of the warehouse. A second later a blue
saber matched it, closing them off from the way they’d come in. The
room rang with the hum of idle sabers as Chane and Jaden both ignited
their sabers as well. The robed figure in black, wielding the red saber was
the first to strike, diving after Jaden. The other hung back in the shadows,
waiting. Warily Chane closed the gap between them, making his way
through the darkness towards the figure that had begun to twirl his saber
in his hand.
After a moment of cautious circling, the figure abruptly
lunged towards Chane, swinging his saber low towards Chane's torso.
Chane quickly swung his blade down and deflected, before jumping
backwards to distance himself.
His attacker used Chane’s own
momentum against him and used the Force to push Chane, sending him
flying towards the wall. Tucking his legs, Chane was braced for impact
and quickly brushed himself off and came running back at the man once
more slamming his saber down towards his head.
Again the figure
deflected and then spun sending his blade cutting up towards Chane's
But in doing so, in the brightness caused by the clash of their
lightsabers, Chane was able to see the face of his opponent.
In retrospective, he wished he hadn’t. He now found himself face
to face, not with some unknown villain, but P'lo Hhman, the husband of
the woman whom Chane had been planning on asking to be his own
wife; a man he galaxy had believed to be dead for years. This turn of fate
threw Chane's concentration off long enough for P'lo to get the upper
hand. With all his pent up hate behind him, P'lo once more threw the
young Solo into a wall. Using one hand to hold Chane against the wall,
he raised his other hand and shocked him repeatedly with the Force.
On the far side of warehouse the other dark figure powered down
his saber. Bending over Korr's dead he retrieved the Jedi’s saber. Walking
cross the darkness, he stood beside P'lo for a moment, watching as the
Solo lost consciousness.
"That's enough P'lo. He is no good to us dead."
A moment later Chane fell limp to the floor as P’lo begrudged
yielded to his superior’s command.
His whole body reeled in pain. It was roughly two hours later when
Chane woke in a small, cold room; hanging from the ceiling like a side of
bantha meat, a Force dampener around his neck. As his vision cleared
he could make out P’lo’s form across the room, deep in conversation with
the other man, who was now disrobed. The unknown man made note of
Chane’s consciousness, and P’lo glanced over his shoulder stone faced.
Quickly finishing whatever thought they had been in the middle of, he
made his way towards Chane.
"I was wondering when you were gonna show up."
remarked dryly.
"You’re lucky he still needs you. Otherwise you'd already be dead."
Chane tugged at the restraints on his arms. "Oh, you call this lucky?"
"Considering I've spent the last two years of my life trying to decided
the perfect way to kill you, all of which involved you already being dead
by now...yeah, I do."
"There was nothing better for you to do with your time? Really, I’m
flattered, but you might want to look into getting a hobby.”
P'lo's eyes narrowed slightly as he took a seat on a crate beside
Chane. "Well, for a while I was considering taking up screwing other men's
wives, but then I realized you beat me to it."
Chane smirked, and found he could not resist provoking P’lo. "Then
I guess you've also realized how much Joan’s enjoying my hobby."
P'lo lunged forward knocking Chane squarely in the jaw, not
retaking his seat until he’d watched Chane spit blood.
"That felt even better than I thought it would."
Chane glared at him and spat again, "You know that's exactly what
Joan said the first time we--"
P'lo rose again, this time igniting his saber, but the other man
intervened. "P'lo, let us get what we came here for, and then you can
finish him whatever way you li—."
Chane cut the man off "So you're still going by P'lo, huh? Darth P'lo.
Doesn't exactly strike fear into-"
The unnamed man in turn cut Chane off, "It might, once he kills
He paced for a moment, and then came to a halt in front of
Chane, staring at him.
"Even though no matter what way this ends you will die, he will kill
you; you can still spare the life of the one most dear to you. So Chane, I
implore you to cooperate."
P'lo sat back down and continued to stare at Chane with
contempt, as Xurxo kept enough level headedness for the both of them.
"Now Chane, as I'm sure you're well aware, Rahien Tayan has
recently come into possession of an object that does not belong to him.
While I'm equally as sure that you have no idea its true value, I have no
doubt that you know of what I refer. Being the son of Skywalker and Solo
I'm confident you know where it is."
Xurxo paused for a minute, studying Chane before continuing.
"Does your uncle now possess it? Does Tayan keep it on him? Tell
me where I can find it and we can be done here."
"Well it's nice to see you have so much faith in me. Unfortunately
neither my parents or my uncle share your confidence."
Xurxo looked to P'lo, who nodded and looked towards the door in
the far
the room.
guard stepped
forward and
unceremoniously shoved towards Xurxo a bound and gagged Joan
Dagar. Chane once more pulled at his binders as Joan fell to the floor
half way between P'lo and Xurxo. P'lo stood and grabbed her by the arm,
bringing her to her feet.
Chane's jaw clenched in frustration as he
thrashed, despite the ever-worsening pain from his injuries.
Xurxo looked from Chane to the girl, and then back to Chane.
"I assure you that will do no good. She is a very lovely girl. It would
be a shame if I had to put an end to that. But I will if need be, so I suggest
you talk boy."
"I don't know where they are." Chane looked to the girl. There was
no doubt in his mind that it was Joan. His focus then switch to P'lo, "You
wouldn't let him."
"Solo, you’ve always had trouble grasping the big picture. There
are more important things in life than her." P’lo said coolly.
At hearing that the girl-- that Chane would bet his life on being
Joan, for the first time truly began to fear for her own.
Xurxo was growing impatient, "Chane, this is your last chance.
Where are the holocrons."
Chane finally pulled his attention away from Joan and look Xurxo in
the eye, "And for the last time, I don't know."
Xurxo ignited his saber and pulled the girl towards him, P'lo not
hesitating to release her. Xurxo's saber was barley inches from her throat
when Chane cried out:
"They’re in the temple!" A look of pure anguish was on Chane's
face, but Xurxo powered down his saber anyway as Chane repeated,
"They're in the temple, my Uncle won't trust them being safe anywhere
else. He'd keep them inside the Temple."
A malicious grin spread across Xurxo's face, "See now that wasn't
too hard was it?"
Without her even having a chance to scream Xurxo's saber was
reignited and stabbed through her chest. P'lo flinched slightly. Chane
was another story completely. Even with the dampener around him, the
two men swor they could feel a ripple throughout the room as Chane
cried out. Xurxo once more deactivated his saber, and she fell lifeless to
the floor.
Not taking his eyes from Joan, Chane continued to thrash, despite
the fact that the binders around his wrist having almost cut clear to the
bone. Xurxo left the room and P'lo stood for a moment, his rage rising as
he watched Chane make vain threats against him as he futilely
attempted to break free. Finally P'lo decided he'd had enough, and he
sent another charge of electricity though Chane, holding it until Chane
could no longer so much as lift his head. Moving the body aside with his
foot, he unlatched the dampener, telling Chane he wanted to make sure
he could fell the full effects of death.
Though he had no strength to fight, or to even hold up his head his
eyes were still fixed on the lifeless body on the floor before him, and P'lo
took notice of this. For the first time his stone cold face broke with a grin.
He ignited his saber and leaned in so close Chane could feel his breath,
just as ice cold as the tone in his voice.
"That's not her you fool. Did you really think I would let anyone hurt
her?" he waited just long enough to see Chane turn his head half way to
face him, his tortured eyes filled with confusion.
But without another word P'lo plunged his saber into Chane's
abdomen in the exact spot where Pravus had cut Chane open as his
father watched helplessly. The same wound that would lead Chane to
the Jedi medical where he would remain in a coma for over a month; not
waking again until after Joan Dagar had been found alive. P'lo was right,
he could feel death creeping up on him; he could feel his own heart
The muscles in his face began to spasm uncontrollably.
waited for his life to flash before his eyes, but it never did. He tried to focus
on a memory, a feeling, the first time he met Ja'es, his knighting
ceremony, the first time Joan told him she loved him, anything. But none
would stick; he was losing consciousness and fast.
So far death was
nothing like they said it was.
“I win, again.” P’lo added, just above a whisper as he stepped
back to watch the life leave Chane's eyes and his neck finally hung
lifeless. P'lo checked several times for a pulse but found none. He then
stooped down and picked up the clone's lifeless body. As he carried the
corpse of a woman who looked so much like his wife, he yearned even
more for the day when he could finally return home. Especially now that
Chane Solo was out of his way.