
Message from
Top Ten
K-6 News
MS News
HS News
Summer News
Upcoming Dates
Stacey Noel Eno
The Class of 2011 selected the Calla Lily as its
class flower, with Navy
Blue and Silver as class
colors. “This is Our
Town” by We the Kings
was named class song.
On behalf of the Hale
Board of Education, faculty, staff, students and
school community, the
graduating seniors are
congratulated and extended best wishes for the
future. At the time of
printing, the graduating
seniors are as listed at
Lindsay NicoleWeaver
Allison Mae Wilson
Fritz Adam Badenhoop
*Corey Jacob Bates
Ronald David Bleeda
Cody Michael Chrivia
Mariah May Elmer
*Stacey Noel Eno
Daniel Le Josiah Farero
Nathaniel Thomas Green
*Vanessa Yvonne Green
Zachary William Keesler
*John Matthew Kennedy
Zachary Donovan Kusterer
Danelle Lynn Laszlo
Timothy Lee McConnell
Justin Scott McKenzie
Katie Marie Merrill
Juston Scott Montrose
*Brendon Michael O’Dell
Maranda Dawn O’Neal
Cody Lynn Parendo
2 0 1 1
The Class of 2011
marks the 68th consecutive year in which
the Hale Area Schools
has conducted 12th
grade commencement
exercises. The first
class to graduate from
Hale High School was
represented by 16
members in 1943. The
class of 2011 was the
first class to start kindergarten in the “new”
*Matthew Thomas Provoast
*Kelsey Christine Reilly
Kevin James Reimer-Ranke
*Staci Jean Saurer
Lance Matthew Schroeder
*Kaitlin Jude Scott
Kelsey Margaret Scott
Casey James Shuman
*Christina Marie Smith
Tiffani Marie Solgot
David Allan Stanchik
Vincent Joseph Sunseri
*Ashleigh Amber Tatroe
Kerrie Ann Troyer
Timothy Scott VanZandt
*Lindsay Nicole Weaver
Robert Ross Webb, III
Jason Michael West
*Allison Mae Wilson
*Denotes Honors
*Denotes Honors~Congratulations!
Class Motto: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” By: Dr. Seuss
Commencement exercises are scheduled for June 5, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
in the former Hale High School Gymnasium.
From the Desk of Mrs. Provoast and Mr. Reilly
Dear Citizens of the Hale Community:
As another successful year comes to a
close, we wish to thank the Board of Education and the staff for making the 2010-11
school year a successful and rewarding
experience for the students at Hale Area
Schools. We especially would like to
thank the community for their support and
commitment to Hale’s total educational
program. With your commitment and support, Hale Area Schools can provide a
quality education for its students and its
future leaders.
Mrs. Provoast
“Character is
higher than intellect.” ~ Ralph
Waldo Emerson
Mr. Reilly
tomorrow. We want you to know you are
on the right path.
This country does indeed need leaders in
all walks of life that possess a well developed set of guiding principles of good
leaders who do the right
thing. So continue with your education
and become the involved community members and the leaders that we are confident
that you will be.
Buildings and people change—but that
tradition of excellence will remain our goal
as long as the Hale Area Schools is the
center of pride for this community. Remember all that have played a part
in your achievement—parents, grandparents, teachers, administrators and this entire community. Remember that you have
the power to do great and different
things. You have the power to change the
course of history through goodness, kindness, and intelligent decision making. In a
global sense—hold hands and stick together…have optimism!
To the Class of 2011—we are all very
proud of you. We have watched many of
you from Fritz Adam Badenhoop to Allison Mae Wilson over the past four years
perform in plays, band and choir concerts,
participate in athletic contests, making
presentations, attending leadership forums,
involved in various community projects,
and other general efforts to help your fellow man. Through all of these activities,
you have helped set new standards of
achievement for other classes to emulate. You have added to the excellence that On behalf of the Board of Education, Administration, faculty, staff and educational
is Hale Area Schools.
community, we want to thank your parents
In a lecture at Harvard University over 150 for sending us such outstanding chilyears ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson made dren. We extend hardy congratulations to
this assertion: “Character is higher than you seniors and good luck to you in your
intellect.” He knew that intellect can grow future endeavors.
and grow, but how one uses that intellect is
most important—to have well-thought out Best wishes students for a safe and enjoyprinciples that guide your actions and are able summer. Remember Summer School
a basis for your decisions throughout your is scheduled for August 8-19, 2011—enjoy
a good book or two as reading is the key to
life and to do what you know is right.
We centered our comments on the character issues for success because you are an Sincerely,
outstanding group of seniors—highly motiRichard Reilly
vated students who care for each other, Rhonda A. Provoast
students who have worked hard, who possess great character, and are the leaders of Rhonda A. Provoast
Richard Reilly
Congratulations ~ Top Ten
Stacey Eno
Plans to attend
Alma College
Vanessa Green
Plans to attend
Community College
Lindsay Weaver
Plans to attend
Saginaw Valley State
Kelsey Reilly
Plans to attend
Grand Valley
State University
Ashleigh Tatroe
Plans to attend
Wayne State University
Allison Wilson
Plans to attend
Eastern Michigan
Brendon O’Dell
Plans to attend
Kirtland Community College
Staci Saurer
Plans to attend
Saginaw Valley
State University
Corey Bates
Plans to attend
Lake Superior
State University
Matthew Provoast
Plans to attend
Kendall College of
Arts & Design
Kindergarten News
Both Kindergarten classes reached their March Reading Month
Goal of reading 500 books! We would not have been able to reach
this goal without family support. As a reward, we had an ice
cream party with our 5th grade reading buddies.
To celebrate Earth Day, we planted a White Pine and made posters
of Earth Day promises. Students have been very excited to watch
the tulips and daffodils that they planted last Fall, sprout and
bloom! They have also been studying, measuring and watching
the beans and grass grow that they planted in our classrooms.
We have enjoyed the return of a few “runaway” gingerbread men
who brought back information, photos, and souvenirs from other
states and countries. We hope for the return of many more in order to learn more about living or visiting in different places of the
We learned about saving money and the role banks play in our community through a visit from Mary Dennisuk, from Independent
Bank. Dr. Rhoda Clark, veterinarian, brought along her assistant, Colleen, and three very special guest dogs! Students enjoyed
seeing how to clip toe nails, check their ears, listen to their heart beat and learn how to take care of their own pets. We had a visit
from Sheila Wilson of Tripp’s Greenhouse, to learn about plants and gardens. Thank you for the donation for a special Mother’s
Day project! We learned a lot about tooth decay, and how to keep teeth healthy through a visit from Kris Rhein, dental hygienist
and slides and materials from Dr. Bailey, dentist. We will continue our unit on community helpers right up until the end of the
school year with visits to Alward’s Market, Plainfield Township Library and the Plainfield Township Fire Department.
Please join us to celebrate this very special year at Kindergarten Graduation on Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
~Mrs. Barclay & Mrs. Blomquist
Spectacular First Grade Growth
It has been an incredible year of growth in the First Grade here at Hale Elementary. Students have gained significant skills in
mathematics, such as telling time, graphing information, adding, and subtracting. Reading and writing skills have also been a
thrill. Our students LOVE to read those AR books and earn points for successful test taking. The structured Reading Block has
continued to offer boys and girls an opportunity to strive and grow
as readers. During Transitions Time, students received a lot of one
on one instruction to fine-tune individual reading skills. Our children can write sentences and punctuate, use descriptive words and
even jazz things up with action verbs. With the end of the year
approaching, we all should look back on this one as a success!
*Pictured at left: Mrs. Frank’s class
~Ms. Douglas & Mrs. Frank
Second Grade News
Hale Elementary second graders are continuing to work very hard to wrap up the school year. We are
finishing up our stories in reading and will be taking the final reading test of the year. In math, we are
working on measurement and probability. In social studies, we are working on learning about goods and
services as well as producers and consumers. We will
be taking a walking field trip to visit our local government offices as well as a few businesses in town to conclude this section on goods and services. It's been an
exciting year in second grade, but everyone is looking
forward to summer break.
~Mrs. Baczynski & Mrs. Barnes
Third Grade News
draw water samples from both
the Saginaw River and the
The 3 grade had an unforgetta- Saginaw Bay. Comparing the
ble time aboard the tall ship
water samples showed stu“Appledore”. The teachers and dents the difference in polluship mates that worked on the
tion from the two locaboat led students through a series tions. They even got to look at
of highly engaging learning sta- zooplankton and phytoplanktions. Mrs. Anderson was deton that came from the samlighted to find one of her former ples they collected under a
students, Cole Eno, actually
microscope. While we were
working on the ship! They taught
out in the bay, the students
our students how to tie nautical
used their strength to help
knots, take weather readings and
raise the sails and watched as
3rd Grade Tall Ship Field Trip
The third graders
took a field trip on
the tall ships!
the wind took us for a ride. We
are truly thankful to the BaySail’s
Environmental Education Committee for giving us a grant to
cover the $850.00 cost of this
trip. This was one trip we will
never forget!
~Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Look
Fourth Grade News
Fascinating fourth
The fourth graders have been very
busy with the end of the year
coming soon. They have been
learning about fractions in Math,
both adding and subtracting, with
like and unlike denominators. Also, they are adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals. In Science they are learning
about plants and what they need
to live. They have been doing fun
experiments with plants making
learning very exciting. In Social
Studies they are learning about
the regions of the United States
and how Economics affects our
economy here and also with exports. The annual fourth grade
Spelling Bee will be on June 6,
2011 in the afternoon. The winner will be given a college dictionary for them to keep and use
in school. Fourth graders also
received an ice cream and a
brownie sundae from the kitchen
staff for all their hard work this
year helping in the cafeteria. Six
students would go down each
week to help serve food to the
younger children. Thanks to the
kitchen staff for the Great Treat!
They attended a Magic Show
sponsored by both The Friend of
the Library and our school at the
Community Building. The students walked over for the show
and then received an ice cream
cone after the performance. The
Spring Concert for fourth graders
was on May 24th and was fantastic. The fourth graders are looking forward to summer vacation
and entering fifth grade next
school year. Have a great summer from the fourth graders!
~Mrs. Shellenbarger & Mrs.
Fifth Grade News
year was
the first
The 5th
graders worked really hard on science
projects to enter in the science expo. In
Mrs. Hasty’s science class, we did
“Planet Projects” on the four “gas giants”: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These projects were shown in the
science expo. The 5th grade winner in
Mr. Blomquist’s class was Brooke Kangas with a homemade lava lamp. For
Mrs. Hasty’s class, the winner was
Trevor Smallwood with “Solar and Lunar
Eclipses”. They both won a $15.00 Subway gift card. Everyone had a fun time!
ism cards for our ecosystem. Each student was assigned an organism (plant or
animal) to research. We presented our
organisms to the class.
earned seven stickers for good work
throughout the year will be invited to an
ice cream party! We are very excited to
celebrate all our hard work in reading!
Chess is amazingly fun! Mr. Blomquist
sat everyone down and explained the
moves and names of all of the pieces like
the bishop and knight. Now whenever
we get done early, we go grab one of the
boards and start playing. In a couple
weeks we will have a chess tournament
with brackets and everything!
The 5th grade is looking forward to the
end of the year picnic and field day. We
will be having a water balloon toss, running events and a hot dog barbecue!
Some of the fun events are the ones that
the teachers refuse to tell us! Our classes
can’t wait until this picnic and field day
This marking period, our 5th grade class
is learning about ecosystems and habitats. For the unit, the class made organ-
Every month we were required to read
and summarize a chapter book of eight
different genres. Each 5th grader that
The 5th grade had a poem jam on May
~Written by Lena Micklash, Serina Shel20th. The class has worked hard on polenbarger, Trevor Smallwood, Brooke
etry learning alliteration, imagery, rhyme Kangas, Mikayla Timlick and Jamie Herscheme, end rhyme and repetition. We
stine, 5th grade student council members
read many poems with Mrs. Hasty and
wrote one too for a class book. We had
to memorize our poems and recite them
at the poem jam.
Sixth Grade News
Walking down the sixth grade hallway is
now a bit like stepping back in time! As part
of our studies of the ancient civilizations of
Latin America, many sixth graders have
created and contributed artifacts representing Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca cultures
to create a hallway museum. Items on display include representations of large stone
heads from the Olmec culture, an Aztec
calendar wheel, and an Incan llama figurine.
Cards identifying the items and their time
periods provide information and a finishing
poems or to actually be the person reciting that live in the Great Lakes region.
a poem. This may create butterflies for
some, but should be a fun time.
In math, students continue to improve.
They are now solving two-step equations
using integers. After wrapping up algebra,
we will begin a project on collecting and
mapping data that the students collect
through surveys! This should be an activity
enjoyed by all!
The sixth graders have been very busy researching organisms during science as they
work on their ecosystem project. After
In language arts, sixth graders have been
they have collected all the necessary inforlearning more about figurative language
mation, built an ecosystem for their organthrough the study of poetry. Many stuism, and written their research paper, students look forward to our culminating ac- dents will present their final project to the
tivity, a poetry jam. Both fifth and sixth
class. This is a wonderful opportunity for
grade students will have the opportunity to students to learn about plants and animals
either relax with a snack while listening to
~Mrs. Begres & Ms. Ellisor
Elementary Perfect Attendance
3rd Grade
Justin Delaney
Christian Eckel
Jorjanne McKulsky
Brooke Pelton
Garrett REilly
Austin Smallwood
Katelynn Smith
Quinton Coleman
Jeffery Guoan
James Hall
Dalaney Kimmerer
Blaine Mervyn
1st Grade
Landen caverly
Nathaniel Hall
Joseph Leonard
Damian Malott
Anthony Sunseri
Excellent attendance
directly relates to
academic success!
2nd Grade
Zander Aldrich
Jacob Bain
Brenden Bernard
Lane Caverly
Faith Forshee
William Hobson
Amadeo Kaiser-Cerda
Janae Kierzek
Keaton Ludwig
our 5th & 6th
Students! We are
proud of your
5th Grade
Zane Aldrich
Alan Bovee
Trevor Smallwood
Nathaniel Templeton
Travis Zilliox
5th & 6th Grade 3rd Marking Period Honor Roll
Congratulations to
grade Honor Roll
4th Grade
Lillian Bradley
Gage Everitt
Charlie Jo Levan
Riley Schroeder
Madison Templeton
Shelby Watkins
6th Grade
Hannah Balbaugh
Mikayla Beach
Jourdan Brent
Leah Edgar
Emily Mather
Skyler Ready
Kaytlynn Reyelts
Kianna Shellenbarger
Levi Stoll
5 Grade
Zane Aldrich *
Terry Bieszk
Alan Bovee *
Megan Boyer
Shelby Burger
Ethan Cagle
Jaacob Duford
Kassandra Fetterly
Robert Goodman
Lillian Gorka
Timothy Guoan
Brooke Kangas *
Cassidy Kesler
Tanner Klein
Jadyn Laessle
Robert Lutman
Lena Micklash
Taylor Pelton
Sayje Ragan
Tyler Ranger
Carmen Reilly
Trevor Smallwood *
Kassandra Stoll
Nathaniel Templeton
Travis Zilliox
6 Grade
Hannah Balbaugh
Mikayla Beach *
Jourdan Brent
Marion Calhoun
Devin Chrivia
Edward Cumby
Tyanna Doty
Leah Edgar *
Brianna Gunderson
Emily Heuss
Emily Mather
Gavin Peters
Ethan Rasch *
Skyler Ready *
Kaytlynn Reyelts
Oliver Rice
Kianna Shellenbarger
Synthia Shellenbarger
Nathan Thomsen
Stephen Toth
*Indicates all A’s
Middle School 3rd Marking Period Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance
7th Grade
Draven Bobbitt
Ariel Everitt *
Paige Fleminger
Halie Haskin
Sabrina Klein
Jordan Mason
Catriana Nichols
Walton Reimer
Charles Shurtz
7 Grade
Jacob Hamilton
Jessica Jolly
Nathan Keesler
Catriana Nichols
8th Grade
James Balbaugh
James Leigeber
Leo Polkowski
Brianna Welch
8th Grade
Kaylee Bernard
Zackerie Hjorth
Joseph Muhle
Courtney Peterson
Leslie Reilly *
Brianna Welch
*Denotes All A’s
The Spectacular Adventures of the 7th Grade
Whoa!! Can you even imagine what we’re doing in seventh grade at this point in time? We are learning all kinds of new things in the
four core classes we attend. The exciting classes are; Math, Social Studies, Language Arts and Science. So let’s get started, shall we?
Let’s start with our math class that Ms. Schick teaches. We, the students, are learning all sorts of ways to do math. Right now, we are
focusing on algebra, first and second step equations. All of us students thought equations would be hard, but surprisingly we found
out they were extremely easy. Ms. Schick is preparing us for high school by teaching us beginning algebra.
In Mrs. Unke’s social studies class, we are currently learning about Greece. This subject we are learning is really fun and cool. We
will be learning about Greeks until the end of the year. At the beginning of the unit Mrs. Unke split us up in five different types of
groups. The names of those groups consisted of Athens, Spartas, Corinth, Megara and Argos. Each group contained five to six people. For our groups, we created a chant and a logo. It was really cool to see what everyone came up with.
In Language Arts, Mrs. Bernard is teaching us all about drama. For the drama unit, we all performed many cool plays like The
Witches Brew, The Japanese Wrestler, The Football Hero, and Return to Sleepy Hollow. It was a blast of fun for all the students.
Now we are currently learning about poetry. We hope this unit will be as fun as the drama unit. To get us started with the poetry unit,
we reviewed about similes and metaphors. Other than that, we have been reading all kinds of poetry.
In Science, Mr. Heydon is doing a great job teaching us about water, water pollution and hydroelectricity. The students are having an
amazing time learning about this interesting information. Usually in class we read a chapter in our science books and then do the
questions that go along with it. Other than that, we take board notes and Mr. Heydon helps us understand science way better than we
did when we first started seventh grade.
In conclusion, we have been having a blast in seventh grade so far and we plan to continue having fun until the very last day. The
teachers are doing a wonderful job of teaching us all the wonders of seventh grade.
~By: Jordan Mason and Bailey Chrivia
The Seventh Grade Shazam
This is the seventh grade happenings. We are having such
an excellent time in our extracurricular activities. Okay,
so, track is spectacularicious! Many of us have won
appealing little medals and
hopefully have had fun doing
it! But many of us are also
complaining about our conditioning and extreme soreness! Ouchies!!
Recently, the Seventh grade (along
with a few sixth
graders) ventured to
CMU, where we
sang our little hearts
out! We sang the
“Something Told
the Wild Geese,”
the fun and chipper
“Sing, Dance, Love, Live,”
and, last but not least, the
astounding and beautiful,
“The Moon.” It was an
amazing opportunity to listen
to all of the cool choirs as
they performed and definitely
a both amazing and enriching
experience to sing for all of
those great musicians. I must
also mention that we sang,
along with the sixth graders, a
silly musical for our spring
concert, called “Joust!” It
was fabulous-o!!! It is set
back in medieval times, the
time of Merlin the Wizard,
King Arthur, and various
fantastic damsels and crazy
fools! Now, let’s sing a
jousting song! Not really, I
was just kidding, you don’t
actually need to start singing. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean
to hurt your feelings, you can
sing if you want to and I
might listen if you’re lucky!
In art class, we just finished
creating adorable mini sculptures of some of our favorite
words (including our names)
to put on our desks at
home! Now, we are currently
experimenting with cool and
warm watercolor paints. We
ART!!! It is awesome!
You hear screaming. You
hear yelling and children running for their lives….
practicing our soccer skills
and venturing into the cold,
relentless wilderness to play
that game! How fun!
This concludes the Seventh
Grade Shazam! Hope you
have a grrrrrrreat day, and I
bet we will, too!
This fantastic news was recorded in front of a live studio audience by:
Ariel Everitt,
And The Wondiferous Paige
The Extraordinary Eighth Grade
Have you ever wondered what goes on in the eighth grade
classes? This year, social studies class is very interesting. We are talking about the Underground Railroad and we
got to do a simulation. In our simulation, each person got a
certain part to play such as slaves, conductors, bounty hunters
and patrols. It was very cool and we got to get some fresh air
because we had to go outside and try to make it to “Canada”
to become free.
I think that I have told you enough about social studies class,
now, let’s move on to science class. Just a couple of days
ago, we started a project that has to do with a topographical
map. We have to build these models that are 3D and then
draw a map that represents it and it has to be accurate.
we do as a whole. We are improving our typing skills and
working our way up to be amazing young typists. In the last
hour of the day, the eighth graders either have choir, art, music appreciation or the extra math class. All of those classes
are going well. Choir has made it very far this past year. For
festival, the 6th and 7th graders made it to state as well as the
8th graders and the high school. At state, the high school received an excellent rating, along with the 6th-7th graders and
the 8th graders. In music appreciation, we are currently learning about rock music since it first started in the 1950’s. In art
class, we are constructing foil embossed designs. We have to
make an image and then trace it onto a foil paper. This is a
very cool experience and helps us with our artistic abilities.
These are just some of the things that are going on in the
During the fourth hour, the eighth graders either have gym or wonderful world of the eighth grade class of 2011.
band. On Wednesday, May 18th, 7-12th grade band members
had a concert. It was very successful and we had a lot of
Written by: Khatorrie Stone and Danny Coronado
compliments. Thank you to all of the people that showed up
to support us. We’ve definitely excelled this year. In gym
class, we had a ping pong tournament and it was very exciting. Kayla Largent was the person who won. Before that, we
had a 3 on 3 basketball tournament and the group that won
was Danny Coronado, Leo Polkowski, Sam Miller and Justin
Armstrong. Gym is a fun way to get in shape and still have
Language Arts is the next class that I am going to be talking
to you about. We just started a book called “Once on This
Island.” This book is about the life on Michilimackinac
Fort. This is neat because the eighth grade is going on a trip
to Mackinac Island on Wednesday, May 25 th. Can’t wait!!!
In technology class, we are learning more and more about the
use of computers. “Practice makes perfect” is a good way to
describe our class. The farther we get in the year, the better
Art Mural Unveiling
Congratulations to Matthew Provoast, Katie Merrill, Corey Bates,
Vanessa Green, Meggan Muhle and
David Stanchik for a remarkable job
on the new mural in our hallway just
outside the cafeteria. The above
students worked very hard to accentuate our building and we truly appreciate their efforts and artistic
Local Teens Develop Leadership Strategies
National Young Leaders State Conference Provides Framework for the Nation’s Future
Breona Mayhew was nominated by Mrs. Unke to represent the state of Michigan at the 2010-2011 National Young Leaders State
Conference (NYLSC) based on her high level of scholastic aptitude, maturity, strength of character and leadership potential. The
conference took place in Ypsilanti, March 17-20, 2011. This event is an invitation only event taking place in 35 cities across the
country. The theme this year was Courageous Leadership.
The National Young Leaders State Conference (NYLSC) helps young scholars take an introspective and highly-personalized assessment of their leadership skills and abilities. It was priceless opportunity for Breona to explore and cultivate the life skills critical to
personal, academic and professional success, under the expert direction of inspiring educators and leadership specialists.
Throughout the intensive four-day program, scholars build a working “toolkit” of strategies to help them successfully dream, create
and implement plans that will change how they view their role as leaders in their communities. The NYLSC curriculum focuses on
an introspective and highly-personalized assessment of each student’s leadership skills and abilities. The scholars are challenged to
step forward in a manner that is decisive and confident, to grasp the concepts of leadership that will be taught and to act upon their
dreams of making a difference in the world while maintaining the courage of their convictions.
The Congressional Youth Leadership Council is a nonpartisan educational organization. Founded in 1985, CYLC is committed to
fostering and inspiring young people to achieve their full leadership potential.
To date, members of the U.S. Congress have joined this commitment by serving on the CYLC Honorary Congressional Board of
Advisors. In addition, more than 50 embassies participate in the CYLC’s Honorary
Board of Embassies.
For additional information, visit www.cylc.org.
Congratulations Breona!
Hale YAC
Our Hale YACers have been very busy this year performing Community Service throughout Iosco County. At our county-wide
meetings we have worked at the Food Pantry at Whittemore-Prescott High School, worked with the elderly at the Iosco County
Medical Facility, and helped out at Hale Area F.I.S.H. We also held a blanket drive for the charity “Covering Michigan”. We
were able to grant over $9,000 to local businesses and charities in our annual Grant Review. Finally, we are
raising money to support Cancer victims at the Iosco Relay for Life. We are selling Luminaries for $10.00 each
or Relay feet for $1.00 each. Please see a Y.A.C. member if you would like to contribute to this great
cause. The relay takes place on June 11-12 at the Tawas City Park.
~Mr. Barclay
Science Fair Expo
On April 15th, 100 students in grades K-12 participated in the Science Expo! Several
teachers required students to participate while others chose to make it optional. To encourage participation, the Science Expo committee arranged for a science assembly, extreme
science to kick off the event. The committee arranged to have the library open after school
on two afternoons to encourage parents and students to browse through the many books
available and search the internet for science projects. Teachers helped students get topic
ideas and supply books on science fair projects. Many families came up with their own
Prizes were given to encourage all to participate. In grades K-6, these prizes were randomly
drawn from the registration each child submitted prior to the Science Expo. The only discriminating criteria was that their project was there on the night of the Science Expo. In
grades 7-8 and 9-12, a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize was awarded based on specific criteria set
forth by the committee. All participates received a Science Fair Participation Ribbon.
The event was successful in bringing families and schools together, a requirement for Title I
schools. We strongly encourage parental involvement! Many parents returned surveys
about the event. Their responses were very positive. Many parents felt that they also
learned while helping their child with their science fair project. Their positive feedback will
be considered for planning next year’s expo. Thank you to all who supported our children!
We had over 280 visitors at the event. The students were very proud to show off their work
to anyone who would listen. When you can teach someone else what you’ve learned, it
sticks in your mind a lot longer. These students will remember their science fair exhibit for
years to come!
~Mrs. Aldrich
Attention Graduating Class of 2012 and parents/guardians
There are a few things to be aware of concerning the pictures
used in the Senior Composite, newspaper, yearbook, and the
Senior Video that is produced each year.
1. You should schedule your Senior pictures to be
taken this summer, BEFORE your Senior year begins if at all possible.
Request from your photographer 1 formal head and shoulder portrait with a
plain background and no hands or props
and 1 favorite pose of your choice. The
formal head and shoulder portrait appears
in the yearbook, newspaper and Senior
Composite picture, the favorite pose is in
the yearbook and video.
b. You can bring in your pictures at the
beginning of the school year or have your
photographer email your 2 selected pictures to [email protected].
2. Turn in one baby picture; it must be a clear, good
quality photo, since it will be scanned. This picture
will appear in the yearbook and in the Senior Video.
It is due at the beginning of the school year as well.
3. You can also start getting your other pictures together now for the Senior Video. The deadline for
turning these pictures in is Christmas break of your
Senior year, but earlier is best!
You are allowed a total of 15 pictures for the video,
besides the 3 mentioned above. Try to include pictures repreHALE
senting all ages, infant through high school, group pictures and
family pictures. They should be clear, good quality, photographs
since they will all be scanned. Any in digital format are appreciated.
You need to write your name on the back of each
photograph and number pictures from 1 to 15; number 1 being
the one you most want in the video, so we are sure to include
your favorite pictures. The Video shown at graduation will only
have the first 6 or so pictures, the full length video should contain the rest.
If for some reason you are unable to have your Senior pictures
taken professionally, you may have a friend or family member
take them for you. Still provide the digital copy of the pictures
mentioned above at the beginning of the school year.
All pictures can be turned in to Mrs. Plude in room 219 once
school begins or emailed to HaleYearbook@hotmail, and all
photographs will be returned once they have been scanned.
Wishing you a great summer, looking forward to seeing you next
year, and planning on a fun and successful Senior 2012 year!!!
Thank you,
Mrs. Plude,
Yearbook & Senior Video Advisor
Yearbook News
This year’s edition of the 2010-2011 Yearbook is nearing completion. It will be finished up over the
summer and will be available by the 3rd week of the new school year. We always distribute the new
yearbooks at the home football games as soon as we receive them, as well as at school. If you did not
order your yearbook this year, we usually end up with a few extra, so it is not too late to get your name
on a waiting list for the extras. We will give you a call when they arrive and they will be distributed on
a “first paid for” basis. The cost will still be $50; we just cannot guarantee how many extra copies
there will be. You can drop an email to [email protected], or [email protected],
or call 989-728-3551 ext 219 to reserve your copy today.
~Mrs. Plude
Class of 2013
Junior year is an important fund raising year. We are in charge of all High School Basketball concessions and the Prom. Please encourage your Junior student to participate in the fundraising activities as well as the Homecoming activities this coming school year. Also please let me know if you
have any desire to chaperone dances or concessions. Contact me at [email protected], or
call 989-728-3551 ext. 219 to let me know.
Thank you,
Mrs. Becky Plude ~ Advisor for Class of 2013
Darby Barnes
Nathan Barnes
Hunter Boylen
Cody Brewington *
Brandon Brown
Kelby Chrivia *
Emma Herstine
Carlee Hill
Alisa Kelso
Zion LaLonde
Brittany Mason
Breonna Mayhew
Lily O’Connor *
Eric Reilly
Kyle Reilly
Abigail Reimer *
Kaydon Reimer
Hannah Rice
Collin Schroeder *
Jeffrey Shipley
Melissa Solgot
Brittany Tumminello
Victoria Woodring
10th GRADE
Roman Bassi
Danielle Benedict
Katlyn Brent
Lauren Brown
Stephen Butzin
Edward Calhoun
Sarah Daniels
Travis Fante
Elizabeth Farrand
Arianna Goss
Tara Kennedy
Jessica Labranche
Kasey Mick
Donald Moffatt
Lauren Moritz
Raleigh Daniel
Matthew Stopyak
Travis Tripp
Dylan Ulman
Chase Welch *
11th GRADE
12th Grade
Marissa Andary
Aaron Anderson
Shantell Austin
Jamie Bellville
Rodger Edgar
Mandee Fleckenstein *
Nicholas Fleminger *
Ashlyn French
Karissa Haskin *
Codie Hjorth*
Benjamin Katterman*
Trevor LaRocque
Lisa Michalski
Meggan Muhle
Caleb Parent
Justus Reimer
Shelby Rhein *
Jacob Rogers
Cody Wilson
Kaitlyn Windsor
Halley Wolkens
Fritz Badenhoop
Corey Bates
Cody Chrivia
Mariah Elmer
Stacey Eno *
Nathaniel Green
Vanessa Green
Zachary Keesler
Danelle Laszlo
Jillian Marcoccia
Brendon O’Dell
Matthew Provoast
Kelsey Reilly *
Kevin Reimer-Ranke
Staci Saurer
Kaitlyn Scott
Christina Smith *
Tiffani Solgot
Ashleigh Tatroe
Lindsay Weaver *
Jason West
Allison Wilson *
*Denotes All A’s
Several students were honored at our annual MEAP Awards night held on May 31st. Pizza and punch was provided prior to the
award ceremony. Students who achieved a 1 or 2 on all of their MEAP tests for October 2010 were awarded a certificate. The
MEAP is a very important test given by the State of Michigan and we are very proud of all recipients!
Athletic Summer News
Sports physicals will be offered to Hale Athletes at Northridge Family Practice on July
8th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary and the cost is $20. Physical
cards will be available at the clinic. Sports physicals are needed on file with the school
office before August 8th for fall sports. The completed cards can be dropped off at the
Administration Office throughout the summer.
The mandatory “dead week” where no sports practices or events can occur is scheduled
for July 1st through the 8th.
Summer football camp is scheduled for July 21st & 22nd.
Summer weight room hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Thank you Hale Sideliners for all of your support and hard work providing our athletes
and fans with concessions during our fall and spring sports. You are appreciated!
2011 Student Trooper Programs
ously interested in experiencing
the daily life of a police officer
as a prelude to a possible law
enforcement career.
The American Legion Student
Trooper Program, in cooperation with the Michigan State
Police, is offering student
trooper programs this summer.
Applicants must have at least a
2.5 minimum GPA and be seri-
Students will have the opportunity to experience simulated
drug busts and traffic stops with
actual Michigan State Police
cars. They will learn to safely
fire a live ammo weapon under
the supervision of Michigan
State Police firing range officers. Defensive techniques will
be learned and students will
work with professional police
canines! There will be two five
day sessions held this summer.
Our lucky students who were
chosen to attend are:
Travis Fante
Kade Fleminger
Dalton Haenlein
Travis Tripp
Congratulations to the above
students for this amazing opportunity!
Summer School
Summer vacation is finally upon us!
Now that you’ve realized that ti will
be a long summer with your child
and you’ve seen their report card,
maybe it’s time to think about summer school.
This year we are offering summer
school from August 8-20 for all
students ENTERING kindergarten
through 8th grade. The program
will run from 8:00-12:00 with a free
breakfast and lunch program offered from 8:00-8:30 (breakfast)
and 11:30-12:00 (lunch) for summer
school students and any child up
to age 18 (whether enrolled in
summer school or not). Students
will have Reading and Math instruction every day. Transportation will
be available. For more information
or to sign up (if you haven’t already), please contact the school
office at 989-728-3551. You may
sign up through June in the office.
We will hold an additional sign up
at the end of July or beginning of
August. A telephone call from the
school will give further information
later this summer.
~Mrs. Aldrich
Baffling Bill The Magician
On May 31st, kindergarten through fourth grades took a trip to
the Plainfield Township Library and Hall. Baffling Bill the Magician performed and encouraged students to read about their
own interests and hobbies. Our students enjoyed Baffling Bill,
his bunny rabbits and the doves that magically appeared and
reappeared. The program was co-sponsored by the Friends of
the Library, the Library and popcorn sales throughout the year.
Students also visited the Hale Ice Cream Shop. We want to
THANK the Ice Cream Shop, the Library and the Friends of the
Library. The Library is hosting many activities to encourage
reading throughout the summer. The dates are on the last page
of this newsletter.
Teachers and students would like to give a big THANK YOU to
the volunteers, mentors and chaperones we had this year! Your
dedication to the students and school help make our year a success. Our volunteers helped tutor students, work with students on
math facts and vocabulary drills, sit with students who needed
extra attention, baked cookies, popped popcorn, helped on the
playground and in the lunchroom, cut out, copied and prepared
papers for teachers, passed out fundraisers, assisted with concerts
and performances, made scrapbooks with students, checked in
library books, took pictures and numerous other tasks. The list
could go on and on. Volunteers were parents, family members,
community members and retired employees. We LOVE our volunteers! Thank you!
June 5, 2011
June 9-10, 2011
June 9, 2011
June 10, 2011
June 10, 2011
June 13, 2011
July 4, 2011
July 8, 2011
July 21-22, 2011
Sept. 6, 2011
Dec. 22-Jan. 2
April 2-April 8
HS Graduation @ 2:00 p.m.
Exams/Early Dismissal
Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:00 a.m.
Last Day of School
Elementary Awards @ 9:00 a.m.
Staff Record Day
Offices Closed for Holiday
Sports Physicals-Northridge-1-3 p.m.
Football Camp
First Day for Students
Holiday Break
Spring Break
The Plainfield Township Library will be hosting a Summer Reading
Program again this year. The programs are scheduled as follows:
Circus World
One World, “Twisted” Stories
Animals Around the World
Biodiversity Live
Rocky The Dinosaur
Beyond Magic
June 22nd
June 29th
July 6th
July 13th
July 20th
July 27th
HALE, MI 48739
Rhonda A. Provoast, Superintendent
Rich Reilly, K-12 Principal
Mr. Chad Brandt, President
Mrs. Valerie Cryderman, Vice-President
Mr. Ric Braun, Treasurer
Mrs. Sarah Heuss, Secretary
Mr. Terry Bovee, Trustee
Mr. Mark McKulsky, Trustee
Mrs. Karol Shellenbarger, Trustee
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
to the
Class of