a'ns. Robertson. ' West lIw.Ari. ,West Texas Unlverslty of Texas. Wynell Trlffln. a teacher's college In Oklahoma. en'rlene McMennamy Is at:endlng 'a nursing school. and Carlene Cearley at- ataT one member class who entered college out coUege be~ore the end of the year. Dan ot H. i~~~d u~'~~~ c~':Jeegr::e:~:!r.Of the class to . tei~el~ ~~f~::~, ~~~g;~a:nItYAionzo. who M)st ot the coHege students from the won a 8cholarshlp awarded annually t·o 1956 elass are enrolled at Texas ,Tech and out'&f,anding Latin Amertcan students. Is HALE CENTER. HALE COUNTY. "Where Rumors End and Truth Begins" TEXA~ Is employed In the of a store. ,and Car] flulsey employed at a local service' s~flitlon. I ,P atsy Bearden Is emllloyed In LubbOck Millcie ,S hjrley i'o IIvlngln California. Francis Ma.ta moved away from Hale Centa' a few months ago. FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1957. VOL. 5. No. 24 ---;;-:-:---===========---------------------------------Four Local Men SENIORS FACE Pay Total'of BUSY SCHEDULE $623 In Felnes ON "HOBO DAY" chapter at Tulia before he mov- - : ; - - : -.... cedBilly h'ere. Bob Jack son. today. and Mrs. W. H. 'an aotlve memo' cr sin'Ce he . here , from precedycar. He WIlS of the FFA ~;)n ' or Mr, and Mrs. Bill Jackson. was elect, ed president of the cha;,ter, Other offlcors e lecl cd "re Joe Turner. IIl.'ntinel ; JeSSe Reid. treasurr; ~aqward Shelll'Y. s~crE>tary; and BIIbby Ferguson. r('.;:>orlr'T. All \ nl!'W officer" electcd ", ... re orucers Four Hal .. Cpnter men pll'arier;l the , past year. exceptio n Fl'fgu· guilty In Ju stice Court In Plaln.j' son. , view Thu"d av ,'f la "t week to Hill will ~UCCI.'E'rI J('S'" Rp,d as I charg€'. or drunk pnness, president ot t~ l' chapt,·" They WI.r,,' fined a tol ul Of ', I I $6~~;~O'rour "'I'n' Edward Taylor U, P., TriJlll1ll .. r, Tillman R1charr!· I fA."fti!"." BOOTLEGGER IS ARRESTED I,'~~O~~d ~~~'h~;:l"~;' w~~: ar~::; : Acreage ed Ip F'0r Pickle Project The traditional "H.o bo Day" I, sehedul~d today (fiJlIay ) for Ih e loca l high school spniH daiS. Oresse,ll, . In :, rAggpd garments. the l,ehlorS will spend thE' day WOtklng , in an erfort 10 ' ''cuffe ex· Ir,ll mon py for th e t' elnss funr1, Thl'v are ' seeking , ('hlllf" III kf'Pl' th em busy I ' ' ' ' .. • ~ERL Y UVED HERE 'MeelQg t Held '. e RAID-Otl HIS.8OME HERE I::~n~a~·I~~llel~~n~(~r. ~h~~~~!;~ ,I ~~~~~nP~pd~~~~:.~~~i:~il~~ ''Ig· ·T,rl"g,ed,' C 'I'I-IDS Life:' ,_Tuesdl.t,t 'II County sh .. rirf's dl'parlnwnt Wed· ' " ;J.P" all oecup ",Jl ' S In a pIckup. Hughes,o suspected boot. local pollce ,offlcers. PI~~~lrh::;p.~!.:~unll::r:~t~~(;'f'ln8ll~OII~: lor several months. WIlS Poll'Ce orfleers conrhcaled 10 "', , Iocnl police rippnrl""· ,,t a nrl I"e ; S turday nJght and was , and four pints or i In/'rmatlon was r"1 >'~r1 I" Ir... : " ill~sale ot Infound hidden i Hal.· County's sh .. rlff'_ ufllCI', I' his home 1iI~ ' '_ . P,s-'no paUl r;n.-. raided by house. Hughes ~~I~~i~~ \~~~: ~~~(~I ;::}~:::r P:~hd and did __ . _., __ __ . _ 131 disturbed the lIquor. third time had.. J gardens. wa.hlng wln40\\'s. mowin g lawns. hoeing weeds. ~~~~~In(~r oCn~ r ~'lIlP~o~~f~~ , ~~:;";~:::\::,:,,~,,~,,,: ·8f .• fJ. " " "ftr Apr "' 1116 1 'f e ' Fltyd CIJrk · E:_r.t . .-. , . Funeral sl.'rvices were oon duct· ,s\ded in Hale Center 8;bo ut ",two, ~ ,,' ~,"" 001 MI,. Co.... eel at 10:00 o'clock Wednesday yenrs In 1946 and 1917. H~ hll , . . .W'ilWh .... ~o, powla, i Two Local Men 'It'Draft Call A IIIJ1Yelllltnt bo, 'tt/lWlng p10J area GIld a plclc ' morning for Mrs. Lloyd Clark, 35. band will., then alsoclflited! w th" ~,CiX~ I.. r H I the 0 K Garage In Hale Celftl!f. .ltegi>, assure the IllCeu$. if 0 a e 1 Mrs: ci~rk. 35. died under UlI: ~t the . t was 200 acre,.wt ft ' ..p. '" :of , p. lalnlvew, former.., f Cnt:~tes . re held at th~ C!haPr~:~~ ~~nt~~~:'LhtH , ~~aC!r:';~l::ed " e~~ l~~,Fir,~~stp~:::'.I1~~ !;1!~~!:~~nr:~ft~rn9~ . ~p'-el's ct~ . ' "" la'rl~'81rls. officiating . ... -. IparenUy she h..d been 'ilfaa a"! fore <tile \\\!ek end\ and ell , . ... ter In Canada a'f\d OMario In V .;.0 the near tuture. She hopes - to Mrs. Clark and her hu9band' rl.'- round 10 day , s. A physician who are good that the entire acre'iije Eu ene lewi s Marl'n 01 P~I .. r~" 'made an e.xamlnation of (he body alloted thiS area )'I,'lIJ be ~lgn\!4 leave on the trip to visit them the first week In Junl' ber gand 'Hale Cenl"' and Joe Iv.OWL STAR gave the cause at her death as up before the deadline. , , One of her slstrs. Mrs. Kalh- 0 If H ' f ""\ of 1-Ja'1' 1\: ... ' __ dTownlng. ,F armers Interested In growll\g leen Richards. lives at Owen, I' OSll.'r. orm r In 1' " a small /lcreage of cucumbers {or Sound. Ontario. lind her s,\cpntcr. ar~h sch~d ul~ \ ~~':~_ ~I~; M , TS. Walt er Joh'nsan. op('rat9r a guaranteed prl'~e may sign' ", p ","'''' ' Mrs. M.lrlam Darbon. resides at ~~n mt o dl " ~ m~ n dr't , Of where MI:>. Clark, Uved found I untIl the deadlln, e, sa.turdIl Y., May "OW " Toronto. Canada. b ~ccor ng 0 l~. I t . .1 I the body about 4:50 Monday cv- j' 18. until the limit of 400 acres Is Born and reared in England. I oa r . enln'g. Mrs. Clark Iraid she went reached. information. eont-l:act8. ' .". '. , . " " MI"", Foraker hasn't seen her sls.j Martm. 22. IS ('YIlO • ,,! '1'1 the \nt<l :vIrs. Clark'", aparment to de- and cucumber seeds are aval!l1oble ,,> • ters ,Ince she left England II Motor C:> mpany ownpd I ExOwl Quarterback Leon Ooug- liver some cloth l>3 und dlscov-ered at the (:hamber of Comml!rce and Grldl~on Star ·F erman ! years ago to join he husband In and op.mlted by hi. unrll.'. AI- ' las, son of Supt. and Mr~. N. L, ! the body. The door to the a-jAgriCUItUre Development. l\oard M,ceBth, ' ,'w , he, ha, S been of- I' the United States. Her parents bt'rt Ma,r nn. 1\1e01h" " ,' l a ' ~''' 1'IDouglas of Hale Center. Will, serve ,partm!!n,l was locked, ' " ottice In downtown Hale, cen,ter. ',' lrullCiU' J f,.... " scholarships to several col- 5t111 live in Englund. but other ee Hall' County rum lv, hI' ,s a as a Buffalo cheerlead!'r at Wes t I The prOject wa s greeted with In the Southwe-3t Confer· \ m~Tnbers of he r f.unily are scat- gr~duate 01 thE' P(' t"r~t>u"~ high Texas State College. O.,nyon, dur- , Mrs. Johnson said last saw Ihlgh In'letest. It Is believed by play fool,ball, stili has terE'd all over the world, On e 515- school where h(' was a star PP.'- Ing the fO Qtball season next fall. ,Mrs. Clark o~ Aprii 1 ' some farm ers that It the project , up his mind which col· i ter lIVt'S a·t Hale Centl'r. former or the Buff~lo foulhal\ Leon was one Of several male I Inves'I 'at ors said the tub tau- ,proves successful It will have 'f ar- . ~'~~~~:~;:f,rtf~F¢i~~~~' , Wl11 ,a, u end. according ,to , herSheparents said she Is homeSick to see team and attendpd 'I'cxa~ Tech. cheerleaders, elected ,by popular Ice,t II still rUlllllng ,a small rea,chl'n g result.: Lhat rna, y. b th,e sml \lve In England. father Is long-tlml' mailman, v()te ,of the WTSC st udent body stream of Wolter. The tub Wll" first step toward o~g'~u,lte6 - yeo ' Instltut~ ha~ made the but other members oJ her family operating out of eP,p"sburg. recently. rull and the body was submerged I gelable gmwlng 1n th. 'lI1'en t9 : Imprea Ion on the scarlet nre scattered all over the world. Youg Hosier. son or nnd :r.toa'ny college student chePr I except tor tne right arm and part cotton and milo. but several other col- One sister lives at Uale Center. Mrs. S.berm.m HosllN attended leaders come (,rom the male stu- ,ot one thigh. Guatll!lte04 'rI~o making strong bld8 .' saltoQl here, He Is married. dent body. and being selected as , Farmers ~artlcll!atlng ' i , " ' " lio\) Gijfry Klmh. 'SOil of Com· cheerle'ader Is cor,sldered a high • oMrs. (llllirk was , born July 6. project sign ,dup \,:,lP'\·rl'l.•~u aU-dl.strlct runml'aslOMF: an!1 ;Mr~. RAyburn Kar- honor. , 1921. at Justice burg. Te.)Cas • . and toea market Jln Illl ', ttl I~ng-dlsttll,lt rho Is sCheduled to tul.e per-InOPllflltl'ng ~S a cheerleader at moved to Plainview with ber ,parCO.l,ltt.. kl,Cklng and ' " ' duetton ' physical (!'J(llMln~tion on footbllll gamcs will b e a new ne- ents In 19,24. , Co. the eyes of May .16. A 1953 gralhl nlp. of the t1vltytor Leon. who less than .two ' She WIIS Eu'n,lce MaTI I! Chaney " ta.rm , ~r , t , llo , . ; '.. ' local high school; he will gradu- ,years Il,go was In the spotlIght until her marriage at PJtllnvlew , produ Lion, .. '~ A lhl.l~ II~W:;; , A reunioilot the J'ohnsQn Ii'nd ate tram Texa3 ~'2ch t~1s sprIng. ' ~~a~~:r~!~~~~n. t~!mo~~l;; \~~~rb~J~ Continued to bCSclt pago er;~e ;I~~::~~ ~~t~a~tr..~:, '.",r!l~nl:aCt.~a him h ere ,last week. s'pringcr tamllll!',3 was held Sun- . - - - - - team to Its highest honor in hlshundred pou'nds for aU Nt;i. . ~l day In the Shelter Ho,!se at the tory. He also was n talanted , cumbers up to seventh.e\gb.'t/l l , basketball player and baseball Inch in dlamater; $3.00 per hun- , PlainvJew Park. A pIcnic lunch was served at noon . " player during his high school dred pounds f<tr No. 2 cucumbers The I s Inheld elleh career. , and ;' the tlmtreunion Sunday May. ' year into 'done laln.atll)l ,-ge, , sSeek '10',"''·I'dSfar'' iI I Leon DOUglaS,' Is 5 c1 F. ent avor.te Fotu Ch I d ' r eer ea er I' : 8;1' : was I I fa.m"I'{' '", eu''n"IO'n', I' R Held' On','Su,nd'ay f;', 'Th'ree fieIghIS Of AeIr#..a ", .ft" $Iated _____ FrSa,te, 'May 18, About 200 were presenf for "" thO , get..together. coming .~.,.... '....,.. ~.,' •.• --:.-:: from J.u~el~~t'id~es~·T~~~ui~~~:O Colo .• Lockner. Abernathy. Hale Cent,e r.Plalnvle\v. Silverton Ilnd San AlltOT " t '[ Jre Owl ca,'fe Is' 'Le,as'eeI Out poullds for-No, pet.- - '''', . ," : .' VANETTEHOSE. , .~e, .$ 1.2S, ' , ~ 1.5.0 FOUR SEASON PLAQUES . .. Moth., Will App,••ilte Th ••• Handsome PJaq •• s :. ; Set of Four . .. .. ... . ... .. only $1'1:95; ~~ Lets "'tart with HANGING PLATES s\Qil Next let's 11n Sgl' n In her home. IS Jose)' :• •••.: •., .. _"' , ., GRAZA 10sey is a , Lubbock. , la.:Ue-3. are has 10 a complete pric~ ranK~. with Jean she Is a member · Tex..s Rnd Na tiona l N!- -H"e. ---. ha ve 8 relaxing ev- V.... I ~ .~ ~' HAN:'ERCHIEFS SCRAVES • BEDROOM SLIPPERS or SUN STEP CASUALS Hood Sj I e s • rMrs. Opal Portman r:>uowl thru troe t o trad llioll by t a k ing he r coursE'S a t Isbell's but she feany ' make a work alone. She a nd with Mrs. !let wlrt.hwb11e seoll. Aithoup · they manicures, they tan lady or Ole houle any o.f they detact t hat t hey perm.. nent~. they eaff'Y of Bea u ty Coun· ~J ~J 3 leU. ,.00.00 Wbelb.r IOU 1&. . . '1.10 or t. IG...t. tlila U8OdaUo. off.n ,ou a coa....... taifMhIIlnt pl_ ...tIt IlfIUiED -,:a. ,0,," $ 1.98 pro PILLOW CASES any_eof MOO May N S SHEETS Our Equipment IfIclucies a pump rig to pull and lower pumps BATH MATS W. Can Handle Any Size Pump Announcing - Have Your Pumps Checked ..lone The . Rush Season Starts " PltIAMw, T.... ~ DECORATOR W. Ar. EqUl~ To R.b.ild IRRIGATION PUMPS $4:98 pro COLORED SHEETS YO~ k~~!: ';:~l;~~ 6O~rO:ngd~1::~':p~~ ~:v ~\I:~k of nice pla ces to end with Mrs. Myrtle Easley 9nff oth er relatives I be our - next stop. Peggy bl')ught her. home rrom the John POlles. AU by herseJt Peggy manages tollim part to ht>r euslomer. t,hn new tec.h~ nlq ues which she baa learned a t Isbell's a t Lubbock. She j ust recently graduated trom the school. Some t)t . her reatures ate Syncro J et (!urllng and indiV'ldua l stylIng to the shape or your race. Peggy sa id t o meft:tion that you don't h nve to worry abou.t park ln & space' w hen you come to .see her. I :~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii ' . d LIGHT UP ER EYES WITH A WONDERFUL I ~CUll\lrlsl,.."'SC'<I:,on ot . Bauty ~;;::;;::;;::;;:;;;=;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;::;;:;;;;;:;;;========-I SURPRISE FROM R U H L S LIKE Peggy ~1orr: lion, new arri va l in Hale CenteT has eun.". St't up her beauty shop In HOS ES DI'f'tdeot he-r n (Ow home nnd t'h at w UJ . . $5.00 LAZY SUSANS o~erat or years. styUng and treatments - SOc, LOQ, 1.25 and $2 TOMMY GREENWOOD Chapter Makes Presents- For Mothers Day WIWAMS and LEE PUMPS Is Now Operating The Bale Center, Tel s. PbNae 5421 1:;=::;;:;:=;;:::=;;;;==:;;===:;;===;===:;;;=:=1'II~on=';;"CA =::t;:;:;=,,;;:;;~~~~~~~~~~;.i~:ii~i:~ij~~~~~ CENTER ICE HQillS, <6he 'cesription &~o'p GALE CLOTHIER, Reg. Ph.,m. And Is 'Now Ready To Serve You 101 Enst 7t h, Ha lt Block Ea-s l Skaggs Bldg. Ph. CA 4-7474 Plainview, Texas JEWELRY EAR RINGS NECKLACE PURSES Ruhl's Family Store Business Will Be Sincerely Ap,pnlCiclteclt No. We Strive 40 Merit Your Patrondge By Sincere Accommodating Service Located One Block West Of Bank On COlon Cener Highway ABLEC~ ' OTHS AND K ,' .J:i .bf,·f .,., OS IE R • OUSE COATS LO V E S BLOUSES COTTON ann uu ! banqul'! I CF.N T F:R 4CP) ·· Th l' FFA rat her nnd Son Is slat(>(1 fo r tonig ht Fr iday) a t th p school ('nfl·leria. a nd ot her invlt .. d gu ('!.1S wi ll be the .~ llf'S I S of honor of h"n.' r of t he FFA hov s a t thhi 1' I Im(>. Th(' 'popu la r '···S.... rnnad efls·· will he on hand t o furrush en- Oth er purts or the will be presl'n lcd by t~e hl)\' s the ml'!w l\'f's. TIlt' m e-nb wil l r.. uturt' Rnr-B-Q Ul\~i (' rwood Sty lQ. Th (' Colan C(' n('r FlHA gi rl s witl I serv!:? .tht' meal. Specln l guest I w'1I1 h(' NIJss . Barbara Worley, !1crlnlnml'nt. "ffI~rnm STRUVE'S • fli:.'·.· T .!. ..... F"~A Sweetheart. Jan White wlll serve as toastmaster. HAi.!! CENTER, ·TEXAS .... .1 ..,' SEED aooclio """',1 ~ •.... ,f'L f • NOW~ , GIVE BUCC ANEE RSTAMPS OOUBLE PURCHASES..of $2.50·OR NOR E CASH ~ . ''''''';f CLOVERLAKI:, ..I/. GALLON 10 POUNDS. REGUI,AR PRICE ,MfL LO,.A1N E:... .' ... 3ge i SUG '1\ ft : ....,....... 9k . POUND. REG\f'.,AR PRICE t POUND . COFfEf ......... .. ; .. 98c :: LETTUCE .. ........ . CELLO lAG "3 POUND PALE, REGULAR PRICE it CAR RO TS CRISCO ............. . 98c <. UND . . . . . .... . 2POUNDS · 1B0 LOG" A.... .... .. 3ge BAN AN AS.. ...... .. 25c I POUND 4ft . FLAVOR IttSTANT l: PORK STf AK...... ,e n l,n ·;I .·' U 6 20e :: POUND . ., ... ' '' _'':'.LJ. '-'''· i P,01 :K (H,~ .P:~~, .'.'.:,'. .. :J. "'S. '. £';j'~j".;~,'~..:I':".· ..,;:.'.~.!i,. ..... 6--for;~r ,~ '.... .....~)<;i' K: ~:: I ,',J, .. . • • •• • • •• ~. • ' . " '''0: !QfR ....... 35t i eI .,. ., :.• , . .. , t . " . DELINTIN6 ' CO., INt ' . IWt Cflllf ;'" ',1 . .39 ' t., TFIS~ ,',.~ "'\ . ~ ". . ~ Ex-scalGOI f.ue_, . Williams. selMau&'ht l'ldlvldu- alllt, one-t!me newspaper man 34" 42" 41" H. E. WARREN 907 We.,12Ib Phon. CA4·9210 and SChpJ I teo 'Cher. has a color: lui career h.Imselt that dales back . U the turn of the eentury. H e has been. a 5urV(>yor well ()'\:er 'H e had an halt a century. He was elected out AI a surveyor RaJe County su~'(>yor In 1902. 'I'wltchE'l1. u·nowned Texas 'ierved a few years at the post. veyar who is stili aliVe IIlnd ; Md moved to Amarillo wht're his ( most 100 years ot aRe. whol Ives m~·p.d back to Halt.> County, es- I se.t out on th E" earet'r In which ,~~~:l~:I~S f,,::s!n~(lnl\~rl~stC:~eUr~ iht'~~Il~~1~5~C~iV18~:~~r35fi;~~~'ln A totnl of 3,,,1 h ran f ;)r county survE'yor ugainst, thes{l PArts. wal king eane In hnnd mont h of Alnil a" I("SU-lt ot ana r'=====;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~~==========~ ' "nd Ir ('tulimping rl' ht" 9urtereod from 'GREGG CO'TTON SEED tomobil(' t'locidpnt s"veral leg au- yf'lar'F "5:'0, kp Pp!l otrlCf' in the HalE' Countv court house IItvery workfi ny. In remarkably good which hE.' says he maln proppr (Oatlng and t ,.. t .. (Inec WRS ! COIlE'Ch'd Ihrou::,l th.' cltv court tor law viola! ion" dumi g the I' dn.: to rc- ,tt" PC-Its this WP(''\ . LE' dlllg thlP 11,1 ~orto~~r 0( v 1olatlons ~osl "'J (unera) services 'Mr. Marquel\1, In L ubbock morning "". '.'0."." "ner services May 19. dlsltuban~ re-gisle-rp d elil r n s thp month, unusuA l 1tp~ t.'a.r8 n~t! ot the _a n a;)ment eomei. alon,. record for Ih l:' 1'Il:.nth \\'as ttff It·~ ~i:ar~h:~ 11~~r~I~~:I~~~J:HIOIhJ M~1)oygi/fs • Mote TiM! where ther.', • car to fjt OnJy you, •••d. ap" ftis coaIcI 1uId , , . 'yoar FoJlowln g Is a ohst c.( the a ... mount 01 monc)' collected tTym Ones by the mOJitn . =?,lnce ttu~ local police deQ>1rtnletit $tarlfld k eeping boDks ~m \·!olatlon. ba-:1c July 01 last Y:!'.:J.r, a shot: timE' thE' department WtlS CJitab. .cc-:,"c::, ·,··.."" , pocbtJ.ook , P,ta~ch, 1957, ~nn r~: February. 19:;7, Sol '9 50. ~eembe-r, :9.36, ~~ 25 Novt'mbt'r. 1936. $882J~') October. 1956, ~"IO.M: 1~;~b;~~~~~~~~s; July . 1956, ~lIlto;.(:() In~I~S p;\~~~p ~~:::J.rtment Js ;"Ry· ViihiDi~·b~c:. - When lomebody ~e" hurt, working on your p,op~rly. wbo'. going to »Q1' tb. bill? Not YOII. II YOII',,, ~eqIlQt.IY covered by ~abilitJ lUll': .·-'nee. Co,tl little. ' can .lJve muchf .... 10'.' mDY 1M '00 "'frs. Auda A;>plewhile 'vlslted in Lub.. HaleCenler Insurance Agency .CaR 4751 A,d Alia Picture framing WI A... .....,., ICIIHn Flower Pleints • fertilizers· . . .s • Insecticides • Weed Killers • Hodlops • Peat Moss White's Garden Center Whit.'s 870. 14 dr. · T.wo tone green. Has Radio, Ileater, Hyd1am. aUc. Easy eye alass and white wall Tires. Low mileage, one owned ear. Coo,... - . , $1950. 19" HUDSON HORNET Club Coupe. Has Radio, Heat. er, Hydramalle, Motor Clmple. tely ,RecondIUoned. Ev('rythi~g Four (.) ,Days Only ,SATURDAY, SUNDAY I. MONDAY .----··_·Som.tlm •• ··.•• _ _ lny man can be • 8 1I1 nl •• , wirks, Drives good. $450. "55 Pantlac Y·I ., dr. Stati~m ,wagon % Has FlAerollY AIR CONDITIONL' G plus R~lo. Hea~er. Hydrama. Ue, pow~~ 'Steerlong and power brakes. tlts1 eye gla'Ss. Local ~l:~: Srlltion :Rofary Hoe Qualified TV Service Repair On Color and Black and WhitE one own(!:r car .cWt'iI1CA,ItD ·,or' 'Sff';'Tll .. Speclall.. In Saw Filing And Repairing furniture Toltlato • Pepper. Maryland Sweet Potato Cabbage Plants· StrciwberryPlants 1tUP~Y" 'CI'.: 'nlure now ~ck~n;U~~:y.HaroJd -Hyde w. CA RS .. ' .. • .. from Cooper Pontiac Used C.r Lot. . Let Mom put her blck,•• t driving in. to pr.ctici• . Giye her oil car of her own Como 10 Coop"" U,.d C.r Lot a broketl- bone- or iack ot trat!ic \.! .l::1llon8, Only 1001<1 ,ood one spf'('dlng ' lo:k.-t " .... 5 l!o,upd during the ('nllr.~ nlolnlh, FIELD GROWN Baccalaurea te ro, ';,c month, violations M Lawn -- Gardea cation wlll be hla:hllahted b y a 24..hout trip to Ruldola.. which (or 8 will begin at 3 o'clock - on the ;,1 ;;~_ ~,-;~-::~; ,)~r.u~~':,~~~~s~ , ___- - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - was FOR Senior will be Jlven Iltelr Ire.dam (rom school on Tues4.y. May 14. a week before the e nd of school, according to rf-p0l't5. The we ek~1!J "end of tahool" va· :cess. ~~~~~f;r~~~r:err;:I~~~e a~~l~~~ ! :~ ~oo!~~~l~'ur:~~g~!a~~°:ii About 35 years ago he ' night studyIng It nmd promptlY So ~n A-I condl· .!JI, . 1956 Will Cus_ ' f dr fi ~itb Overdrive, , .~l(; !J>Il ••g., .. Radio, clean with ~ood tin's. c:..po .. - . . $1650. Flexible Type Rotary Hoes oj RCJ\,. I.1ft It Dra,\: Type Now Avalla.ble VEGETABLE GROWERS See .Tbe Famou. 'lcll,.t Jf. Seeders New On nt. play At . OUf St~ A Complete Une ot Sweeps II: Vege tn·hle St eels. Tool Bon ·$30I.SO " up A.Frlmes .. $27.50 rr rigation Tubes 66e A up Oll~h Stops _ -. $3.05 " up MOllI 1 Ditch Stops $6.50 Each Plant er Pr .... 56.00 Go Devil K·:lIv<'s Exlra Special! U8hn Sl"eders compl ('tc wlt.h bracke-ts.plant two row s with encb box-only 12 lett. Whlle lh_cy l ast for $.'2.50. 4; row ppcker5 . row harrowS, . :® . tArs. S. O. Witkstrom .' of (arlsbad, N. M. says. . \ " ~A £9~ range : me'ao s a \ot ,-. that's why : , 'cho se, No. 1. <Xmo~ . CilN_ . .I~.m ,,,, ' '(aatboll . uUerhadly tblo ,mlJlJl . Elk Rub 'T:'~';:'i.loittgOi;.e;y: duatlon. Mrs )ew Gradu8iUon wilt the Elks tha1 s.w , went on the high sch.ool pep sQua_d. tate bef:: Stro'n g Clail. Announcing' '" t·ng Of C·H.ARLIE BOY" - ' S DR I'yE.1 On 7-c1ay a week schedule, Open 6Po'm. til mi°dn· · ht 0aOlly c ~me ov- '. . . Q ' _. p, e n In addltion to tht!' ed th of April 25. An 1 . SWI'"" VW..... thr.. 01 JIUI \ area eol < mile. ",cst 01 Cotton .. . '. . 'bright prospects have moved a. . C t received four and five and Mrs. Huff of "arts wa,Y (rom Cotton Center. • IneC~:; accordh\g to tepor l S. I , . spent Sunday In the R. O. Available ror ne* year steam l rvieo McElro~ . drlvlng his new ~:::2~~~;;:~~~;;;;;;~~=;;h;om,"",e'=======j I two ",1Il &uphom<:'l'es be on e senior· , Junlors, COTrON cCP)and - faeFri· 1951 htFord nd downpour, his famny were and(he five fresh· dav night CENTER the seniors I~ atht> Thestuck In th(' mud Me, men. Even though they lack ex· LIl ly of Co' ton Cen ter were honor .. C8Uk" perleft ce-, the fl'turnlng players ed wllh fI, ballQUct~ In teHo\\'shlp .~~ UPand hi s ramll): remained • hove a lot uf splrlt and ambition hnll of thC' Church La d· In pI ckup until rai n begin III o that could convert tho t eam Into I.s 01 th e B. pust Church ,ervcd ' to Inl o Ih , cab They ab· •• a powerhouse berOTe !.he end ot thf' "\e-al d t1 the plCkul) and w a l k e d ' ~(!/'") D1alC.'S86 706 W. Sill St. I the se-ason. I Rev Car los McCloud. mlnlstcr I ~:mOen(' Wht>n MoEroy ret urn ed 91':7 from HIlICwn" WRS the !'lpeaker 1 t et his pickUP, It had I.. CA3,,3114 PIal••Iew. 'e._ ConCA Jack ~h' n flxpe ct s th e 1 ,J ot th e venf'ln'G rMs David Crow a t er 0 ~ from th e 9pot where •. 10 be I"Ocky. but pr()$pects octed 1I.,;. J\1' lstTeRS of ceremonies, ~Isatl;~al~ It had bet"n washed L::;;;,:;;:;..:.:....:.:...--.::"'"'=:::==::::===~=====:::! senSOR are brlghl rur l~..I8, 811 the 1l"l1m Mrs H ~nrv Rleff welcomed th e (' P off the road Into the will lo~~ only one .player throu )l; h gUl'J(!S an ih(' re~poncf.· was give n 1 ~()~p~~~lYonIY a little o r th e top graduation n ext !iljlflng. . b ..· Ih pw sident, Erving a e h 'I Aw~ Elk s , Iated to gradua te Ihl. B.n ...~, ' was • o;:I"~'" Jo. MoMonnamy are M. ' K, Flshc" Jorey Ba rbo .. Burn<>1t a nd Ruby Te." iMr ,al IIlng In Lubb<>ck when N~tt. ~;::d!;:e. Fr~J;t' BQ~~r~ er presen ted spf'c1al mU·.Iiclll num- .~e:edo~'~;>our hit 'the Cotlon Cen. ey . ' bets. They Wl're lned by r n Wht'n th ey T('t u rned they and Max Sage,e r. I'Mb", Ralph McFerrin, The ban· ~~~~rt" i.h,lr hOu'. lsolalod by The Elks a lso suffered. badly ' qu('t had a Hawalln th('me. watcr a tool deep. • ~r whon such ,>romlslng playe.. ., The progcom w.>s : To.stmbl· Th. noxl '~londay morning, J, James Oats, Dan Bus by and , rE'Ss. M~. Cruw; Invol!atlon, . Rev: : R. Nixo n. ~fart e school principal, Jam es Busby mo\'t>d o.way. I Crow: W('lcome. E loise Rei ff ' ; comple led hi! bus route t o p-ick· II AvaUabl E." tor next year's team i Rt'sJlon~e, Ervin Benson: Spedal l up and cI ('livt'r children without wUl be five returning letl enna.n, ; Mu ~j ('. illIrhar Burne tt 8 n ~ ROOy y • trou hlc, whilf'. a noth er bus Jess\" M.a"t ers, OJ n Fis her, Temll lTt>p l'r: C:ue~t Sp (!oakL"r, Re'li carlos driver hod 10 be towed to the . \1ooreh . ead, ,Da le Stanley a nd , M ci.rod: Aloha, led by Btlrbar Ahernathy highway and had to 1:~aa5'f.1fiir,;ift!rlFtitil~lfT1r==5 Jh'nmy Terry. Three rt".iervl' p la)' _ I Burnf'tt ,'ioo Ruhy Teeter. return by HJ I{' C't'niN to ge t t'r!l on last y e ar's. tcam, Wayne- - Th(' Menu · wo';:' ; Tomalo Juice r back to Coll on Ce ni N. WIlliams. Jan White and Moc CJcklail. H.·m with PlnC'npple, I ___ ___._.. _ - M tto Tf.', will also rc-lurn Rl' xl I baked pota lol:'. g re-en IJE'QS, 1°"5Sunday ta U. j eri gr€'('n sa lad. hoi roU.<I, hutter. From the e lghl h gr ade, Ihp : lce~. t~a~d_ co~nut cream pie, Phone 2931 Hale Center, Texas SENIORS FETED AT BAN9 UET ~ SIBEl YS CHIROPRACTIC CUNIC I I .p''''. O I rht. ,"p Ba~t1st backed by facts f RID AY." IGHT 0NLY I H If G 110 C ~.. IoeaIthI.. I11III-. ffnns are .. good ..... to .......... Of I Ten a a n cartons ce Cream wIII be Given • . '" DunnCJ the evening, An Can Will Be Count, ed as, They Am've. a·nd .If Your Car Is .A Luc.... N'-bet' '(oU Wi.II Win A •••,. " Half Gallon Of Pure Ice Cream. I . I clalllll of ......... Ito. 0 simp.. fact of. tcOIIOftIic life tIIot ......... daIb hcrN oIIout 0 ·30% .... start ....... .....,....,. CCIIIIo petIton ill ... .,. for ow ~. l,j=a_==__EEEEE5aE5Ea==;S;; ..wl nil Is true . . . . . _ 30% of...., dol. spent at . goes to IIIppOI't ... to IIIIIhI .. ... "..,.,tty of ... COII'Jo lo'n I completetoday auto moy repair ,_"ices.a serious Come tocIa,.teat.. A clleck., saw_'J0. breaktIowlt. oocI ma, CICIcI liIousCutch trouble-free ill We to ,.., .... .s Garag e he...rT__ SC0 t t Pe..... r driving I . ., Of GI. 1 I Elks l ga in Ronni e Bourltt. nd'· i c 0It nR wllS D.'n lt'r ICP )I('ocher We!iley ot Ronol",wilHqU, L:'4T' )' Stan ley. K,':'! • ('I{'ded nelh Ashby and Ooylf' McF('t~rn, On Monday Nlte ~~:Sl\~~ng p(>o pll." s cla iS of Iht' Coach la('k ~on ra tes Unioo n. u - 1\ '1 Church a t 8 recent elelah a nd s outhla nd as th e- top C01"TON CEi'''TElR (CP I . COI - I l\1 ~ lhO~~t\l'r orfic(,r5 e lech.' d wt're l earnS on th e Elks' 1~1 loop ton Cent C'r Roy Scou ts mel M()n- ~~~~~. f.h('nng, B,S!'l r3tant teachN: sehroult'. Unton 1-3 expected to be !day night. The ir nt'w seout hut . Ind it'o n WIlliams. secre tary-lT en. e s pecially s\nc(' th(' club wtn ~5A ' will be rcady tur Iht.'ir nt'xl m@('t · Th,~ t'll1 ~i Is plonning to &,taRe a lose a stngle IDem'ber of the thl ' ne'" TUf.osday. All It lack s . nl f'mhm'shll' dri\'(' . Each Rl t'mbfor ~~~~~I!I!!!I!I__i~~~j~~~I!!!I!~I!!!I!I!!!I!"rt/,lal!l~: gh~&raduRuon f;J.U.. ~th:r=o:u: ~ BOy Scouts Met EI ected School Teacher S ......, In wIIfcII .1t Is .,... , , .... ,.. ....... from ... ..... . . . ." IIIot ..... of JOUr ......, ONLY· wIIH JOII nIl.... cto ........ JI ..... COIIIIIIUIIIty. WIIere goods, semc. .., price offerecI by !lome .......... ." ... out-ofotow. '*- are olllerwbe .qUaI ••• lie HOME DEAL Is stili close to .................... -.:. '. tf -....r , " .... Mtter for you •••• bigger frodo ....... at ...... 1M" tIW ...... YOU II,. •• , ... IIIIib rour hlwJ,JIWOI!o :~====':==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I' b. Ught£._ Oil Inv 10 the pre:ient were Pat 0 ,N ~ a1. I' ('xtt'nrl 'ounp; s'I' ,'ople In ltR1\un th e communi ty l.owI')·, Jat"kson Ashford, ~ . me poln th em ~n theIr studI Hlld~I~.ond, They hod t1 , i ~S co _ .. ___ I LIMITED AMOUNT BLlGHTMASTER COTTON SEED FO 'R' SAL E . mar CARD OF THANKS Shop Every Thc tamlly at .1, J. Dv~r will hold In greatfuJ remembrance your kind expreAslon o/lJyrnp .~ thY and WOuld UJ:ce to !Ja k e t hl.l op~ I portu!'lty to thank Mr, ' Rnd Mro; Mnrv-:n Bridges. Elizabeth and Jean Johnson, eJweJ Smith a nd aU t.he ladles that served t'h e two nice meals In the BrIdges home and each tbat 'brou&'ht ,he love ly ~~~~.and tor each gel,?f!rout thing 1 !, Nite 'till 9 -AT_ ~,~necke Bros. 20'·211 ""0It'1& Mrs. Esc... , 'LllilmEW. TEUS w. Give Yaluabl" We are remaining open every Thursday nU. unW .r. Edwards "':ave' ,lt~iutd . ''JU,t4lq'R ,OWL CAFE ' ; . AtiO LOOKFOIiWARD TQ'S.E''(I~GYOU~N.~ YOUR FAMILY Youi' PatronoCje pr~i.lill;rrC::j,~lI'telo"s Servil:eond Good Food at theJllniof Owl Cafe SlM,e's Dry &oed' Hale Ce..... .... HZ•• I "0.. Hal. Center • P. N Announci"g - 'ar", Sentinel Religious Book Store Willi Each Purchase W. Plain 'N Fancy Ge.. Struve P~~-"'~aw~~ SCOnlE STAMPS ~l -r Thursday i '1'0 lhe Brothe.1 •('5 of ( Wilt and Spot Resistant ) conON GARRm DELINTING CO. JOU MORE •YALUE FOR YOUR MOMIY.0 th. officI.' seonle STAM' .eDEMPTlON CfNYI. H.C....., 2021 ~~$ll!!!l.lICa Rhul's Family Stare 'n PI.inview Consumers·Fuel Ass'n Hale Ctllt., WE CLOSE AT JacIr TI_ 6 P. M, SATURDAYS . '~Ted's Beaut,y Shop, Mrs. TecI,....,., ~ I ...., iF Caudle Gin Hale C• ..., " pel. ..... UOI I. SaIIIN~le Center Wheat, I~ . . . . . 2391 ,. . Thilivv,.iII A:nBI'lI!!cdc.e . ~2l$1 Center Implement C~mJany . . ' , Dora's Tot Shop Everytiling Far. ne laby w. Pel. . ·,· fJlhUe ~12l . Our Pho..~ ·28.81 . (Day or Night) men. Kay Eletlric Company The Oth'l eta Fuller Circl e In W.M.U. rnt>t w.llh Mrs. Schooley Monday morning. caused su much ex.cit ement In the South Plains Ilr(lB'!:t, The ndghbul"lng CJrnm unili es O't North Spade and Hart s Camp. located W !'".i t of Hal e Center. wer£' hard hlt by two twiSt.NS that bOlIn('t>d on the two l'lny sett lemen ts III about the !{Dnle timf'. One of the targe ts hit by a IOi nada ,~ ~TRY THIl WANT AD.) GA RDEM TIM E I S RERE! Davll . The 15h·~d . Three houses and sev ~ Ume that an'Other tornado W9J'I dE'moUshlng three resIdence and several barracks at North Spsde. t\yO mU eS I'Sst ci Hart Cnmp. The nbovl' Photo showing th e re. VISIT HERE Mr, and Mrs, Clyde ~1artin of Petf:>rsburg spent $',lllllny h.-n' visiting hls broth'er anti ranli~y. Mr, and Mrs. Virg il ),Hull n, C ene Hale County of 4-H 8t Other 'Mock e or g e In Reliable Old Line Stock Companiees w.... Your 1uiI••" /iM- Wm. P. (BiD) Shannon Manuel Ayers ' Old Lifto _ InuroftCO - ....... R• ..,v• 118 I Sill - PlClI.vlew. T••as . . Off..... CA4.nSl - WITH THE BEST OF GARDEN TOOLS AND EqUIPMENT. COME TO SEE US TODAY FINEST GARDEN TOOLS MADE AT REASON-,ILE PRICES! ,pad" ..pGJd\119 I...... _"Uo... IPoII", Ir.o "· .... ,..... ...... aa4 mn, OtMr It. . . ~,.h_· 101 Is Appreciated Consult Your Farm Bureau Service ACJent SO •••• B .... rallH. f~r tho PlCllnt of Toxal, .HAIL INSURANCE f'IId......... WHERE TO SHOP IN PLAINVIEW 111':0' FEATURE "CIANT" T " olur lng Rec k Hud",n. ~101' 'Tho Now Slonnproof Co".n FI,ld· for oarllno.s - oulslandln, and yl.ld. (' thaI ( excahngln~ rccell)t~ EvC'ryo :l(' had 0 wond N rU\ Ljmf' nr-rrt'sh opened wah 8 m e nta of cakE' with c.~rrpf' and I{"~ I Teague' Wan ... w~re .<-rved, En 'Y'lh(, mlsM'c1 the so ng service and Mrs. D. chorust:'S were led by ~, Hall, . be>gln.nlnl-( t ,nll,! h l .Frlday». l or fitllun l ny, Su nrllt,\' unc1 "I"'" al 7 "',.,,,,., The bi g ~ondu)' We f> k Ihrou5th Sunrlay. MathPrs ('orne flnd brJ ng y .mr fHmUy. no ohtt'r WRY ('oulrl yo u J!'aln ho, or than lu ha\'p your family In '<iN- alltfH'· 'hI' " I:'.',,,;: H,ld lI ah' Meeting of Band Baosters Slated 10 be local Foutsquar(' Churt'h out taking CiU(' or our miSSIo n' I al the hanrl hall All b d b ' was the fellowship scene of m.ellng til(, TPg'uln.r hda) s nnd I).her an meetOOS-I monthly los ' my's The blrt nex' meettng will heJ!; lfls h. ld \ 1e" u'gcd 0 ," lOr d 'he "'e l Monday night, May 6 The<e "", m Ahem.,hy Ih . 11,,1 )fonduy on In .. vIsitors from live Churches In Jun(' I Lubback, Amarlll. Plnin"liew, and - • SPUDDIR DEEPENING To CLASSifY 17:~: . s,~X~o~~C~~g80~I~~f' h~r~~I~ mlnM",. lst ;,Pn odand0 w, ",omen Lrr Lhe on Lnlkerl A Specla l meeLing of Lhe Hale o . ,.11 the fly mtn l" .. ' ; wives and 'he Cenle' Band Boo,'ers M , boen T ' ~'d." of each Chu'ch '0 see .' , co.\ l"d I", Tue.d ay nl.hI . May 14 PatRy in honor of Lornln. Mitche l l ' PHONE FOil IIENT - Fumbh.4 Apa"· ment. All bills palO. E. H. Pende'gra, • . Phon e 2062. PI.rnvl.~ Call CA4-6160 We st 8th , •4 t O P. Th~ l . . ' CA4-9227 Jm,E 11011...· OF PUQWlEW cttY UIIlTi Oil AMAIIILI.O KIGBWAT :Hl:i • ' . guests 'Peake, w ;~s Rev' Astun We mr S~ f'rl :-;.('t".ng Mrs, DavIs ' from caUornlo, ' Church Sunda.y !!'ot:lln g l.nd Rev. tJoyd Dawson met with ' n ~c ht and ~t ''S, GLbhs Sunday aU the mlnls'{'rs, .'" 1'111 church es I 11 (OW h~-'PI' to seC' Ih ('Jn back ot thIs dlstr lcL Is purchasing the ' n urch );.'xt Sunday . I I~ 1'/, ioi-SALit--~oo H balh. SO; Mrs S': 'ho~"RWI': 1"_______________________ 1 Abernathy Brownfi eld q • ROTARY DRILLING \ TO LATE ,L ('..If 0Ic1 Cam,) ~-I ('\'tln).l. ,,0 Ihl' orjW.nlza tin n 'i~ buildin~ I r:n~;f'w s{'ho() I In O~io for I ra lnin~ Sial 34S.1 10 Inch viC'f's for (h e Ml.stf'r. 11,.1 Ihl' b.I!j.!I' st sen nil n of th e Yl'ar l:e-nl( r!~ (I II' uf th(, flr 'il )lnJllll tov.l\ ~ 1(1 ~f' t Ihe P,(\'U • A~.(~unrt California Western Pumps Th,' G nn l" I, t Center, Texas Block irrigation Service romE' 10 ",'prone whl wl1 l fHlPnd (,nm in g t.J rtJ's Day. SppclaJ f'm -.ha <;. l'l on Ch ris tian Romp h;II::~:e h W~::I~~, p~::;;:; 'r,: , n~ n, rlJ!~ k of .OlhN tfl;).:'l~IIr'h h e roeo'i, "",ill h,: !itagl' d ~~n g~t :!~L~~t~~,?~,'~:·h~.~J\n'·' II,) 1 l~',' ';11, ria)s, l..oralne Mitch ell, Ml '.~. DnlJJ.thtl'n.' I ,10.' ,I uh" Mr •. "nys, Mrs. We , I"" .. k .,;,j :::' h", ,,11,· will Ih. Pro •• n, Early-Moturlng Collon Con- 4th Th~!'Ie attending \'INC ~1n, M. r. · 'Mls. Allen, Get Your placpd o The Jolly lBl'lhday C1uh ml'l Hate C'ltk,. and l'Oftefi ~(>t w ith the elrel", there were Plszht mpmbeM present. ·Mayrh.ld chu~ct'l (''I(I(lnch p wei· and Mrs . ' ~~~:r0'::: ~~~r: :~~r, ell In i ~:~~ Giani filed crenee, Thkl; lnformatlon could sp('ll the difference be-tween s3\,- main-s of the K'\n at HarlS Hale 4·H Judging Team Wins First Place In District was a member cards -wUl be 't'!~hin~C I~:r:l~~~e~~ fl:~~g :;~d Iiiji$e~~~~~~$ii.1 fire truc.k for "on the spot" ref· eral barracks were wrecked at Hart.. C.:.·mp at the same ~:~I~ ~:Sn~:Pt::t!: Bost 0:1 ~~~r D~~~r~Y(>p~e~l~~~!1. of ~;~. J.°t~ I c.u.", ,Jes, Mrs. West.brook ~~~c:~~~ ~:p~et~;Ode~~~ ot fr .....hmf'nts .1J.1CIJm0K IlAnl TOIINADO WIIECr:S GIN Halt: Centl'rUes had plenty of reBson for concern during thE' recent tornndo !tl~rt ttlnt pr'1 ~ J!ram ~~i~t~e~~~f~~' ,~h~,~~r::;~~e~~~ \:~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~ 141104 ... 1l'UI1oII04 lIT T. . . . . ' _ . . . . . . .4 .... sUO AaY WII- ...... A lntluenc(> (rom tihe home to Inspire Yllth in Ch't't,IMtlon s('rvlct> I 7;'6; 1f~4 Butane Fuel Is •. • Clean • Economical • Sof. • Dopendabl. REMINDED Of OUR OSLIGAliON 10 THO~E IN NEED .. _ .-1+,- . ..................................... . : CaU on us for th . . t n.xi erde', uf Butane Fuel for winter hOhting, W. will appreeiate tho opportu'" ify to serve you. L'EMONS When fg enh from the l"terMI Revtn ue Service che d your income and expenso, they ~Ii~e to Set good evict,,",.' to support a deduction luch as paid invoice 'I'!d • can- 11 ·1 DlRECTORS· c.n~d ch,,~, open I Fpt your own protection we' in . . ite·:you to checking account before anothe, dey goe~ by. First National Bank A GOOD BANK CAREFULLY MANAGED 1n Robert E. Brice. sales .manajter for the firm, was on hand tor the meeting to present Information on grower contract>] and on growIn,g cucumbers. Also attending ero!)." <lOur proposition re.movQ$t~e biB risks and gam'blesUiu:ttlly associated with vegeta:ble growlng, especlalty · on the market. Among ta'rmers signing up · tor the project werl' Kenneth Hodges, Euglme Conner, Lloyd Huntsman, ~rle m~I~~~ga.~der~lsC~~lt~~!E·e~~ ~o~da~:~'::" ~IC~.?~r·L.R~~~~ ~~~y~(>·'·Ma~· JSc~o~~~~~: . ~~~~~~~~ ~e~~e~u~lnt~~yg':~: t~~: DI~:nlt~~'It:~~ POLLARD'S CLEANERS South Plains . . . Continued From PGqe 1 dt::el!~~r~~~~ ~I:~~ :;,d 1_7:_30_P_.M_._ __ F. Yates, Associate Agent Jim gess. J. H. and J. S. McBeth. Wad e. dUl'l between Ivle and W tSewell. and' Joe Cole. horttculture Davis, Wllli p Ray Tel'IPr. E. K. · son: Ivle struck out 17 and Wat- Villi. Here "peclallst tor Extension Districts Sta nderfN. W. A. nnd B\lIy Tem- I son WIllS credits with 16 strlke- ' ••~-iii~"'.C~Ez~I:"'1~S-d::I--t Expert cleaning, glazing! Insured. modern storage! Bonded messenger service! I TraC)ecly Claims . . • Continued From ,aqe 1 ~~:tll~~S~n\n~~c~~ld~~ ~~n Ir~ South Plu.ins will Ibe repr..sented. May 26. 1945. 0 Lloyd Clark. She The ,b ook wil have a wide dlstrl- and hpr husband moved to Hale gallon. d I (\ bl.ltion tn thIS area and will also Center th" n~xt year, but moved The avrl'age r;~a'to ri7000 be sent to all section of the 'na- ~:~~~ tl~t:~alnvl!'w less than two ~~~~dslsp~r~~e. "We don't k~OW tlon. psp .. clally ! 0 IndustrIal SurvIvors' a~" her hU'aband two what to expect here, since this leaders and manufacturers, le..o - children, BIlly Flo,yd 10, nad Linda Is nur first experience in t~~~ Pt~; Ing college ~ibraries and leading Fayl'. 7: one ~tep-daughter, Mrs. lot Texas, ~ult It PJedlcte!ge will rr on elrr. Qubllc Ilbrarles. The book Will have a dlgtllfl .. d PI~lnvlt''', thre .. sIsters. Mrs. W. pand. if all conditions Ilre right, appearance. featurmg a hand- A F'lake. Hale C.. nter; Mrs. Hazell Brie" said. d th ll t cucumber some CJwr deSIgned by a welJ - I Shlrl ..y B8JIt'y. a blg "","nomlcal known pror.... lOna l artist. Intemlent was In the Phllnview I beaTi ng on n communIty at a '. M~mortal Park. The Wood-Mlt- Ilimo of the year when there Is Until recently. WIlson was em- ch .. 11 Funeral HomE' dlfPct£'d the I little Incom .. from otilt'r sourer:;. ployed In th e IldvertislDg depart- arrang('ml'nt< wt only puts mon£'y Inlo the ment of the Avalanche Journal . pockets of the growers. but II Formerly advertlslng milllager of also brings more labor Into the Ed!nburg. Tex, and Portales. N.M N. M, Vilitors communIty nnd put! money Inlo dally n.ewspap!'f'S, he is married 'Mr .and Mrs. Hobby Thomas circulation. and has three childrl!'~. He is a of Ruldosa, New MexiCO vlsllt'd I The nrm's reason for setting !Jlember of ·the lJub Lions Club i her£' la. t week ,IMI'SI Thomas; up an allotm",nt of around 400 lR . Ll.Il}book and Ihe Masonic will also visit Mr. and Mrs. Gpo. II al'Tl'S for ench particIpating area Lodge. I Ray In Denver, Colorado. makl's horse sense. "By gunran- I ~~:r~I~~~I~<;'~~nLyUb~~~~yhe!I;n~f I~~~~lpo~he ~oduct~~~ I~~t~'g~~ :I~~n~~~. 1- - - -. - BUd~y 'i:e~- 1 and 2. Returns Noted ' th; Bric(> reported that dry land Pet e Brooks and Tilman Richard- ' qulred an extra Inning to deter- : er and H. H. Hensleee homes acreagp I'n East Texas gro.sp~ son. I mine th" winner. Sunday. .. - ------- . . . .--- -"'-- - - - - - from $300 to $600 pl'r 1lCT'''. Ird- .-. 'atpd acreage In Colorado earns ~rom $800 to $1200 per acre anually Sinc.. the Irrigated land .n C I~rado closely resembles ,the :~n<l° her ... It is reasonable to 'b eU"ve slmllar yields can be produc"d here, Expen-ol's range from $25 to $60 per acre, dependl~g t~ pr!~~~tI~~p~~= lit TOP Mother's Day is May 12th ~nd she'd 'LOVE a