May 2015 Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek


May 2015 Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek
CO N G R E G AT I O N S C H A A R A I Z E D E K | T A M PA , F L O R I D A
You are cordially invited to attend the
Sunday, May 17 – 10:00 am
A reception honoring our Confirmands will be held following the service.
A saying in the
Midrash Mekhilta
goes like this: “Kol
haschalot kashot”.
translates to: “All
hard.’’ This may
be true for some aspects of life, yet it is
anything but true when speaking of our
beloved Rabbi Simon. If anything, it is the
ending that is hard. For while we know he
will stay very much in touch with us, we
will miss his daily presence immensely.
We will miss his fun-loving smile, as well
as his care and concern. Rabbi Simon has
been there for all of us, including me. He is
a great listener and a wise counselor.
We will also miss his insights, creativity,
love of learning and imaginative teaching,
his witty conversation, his splendid guitar
playing and singing and his terrific latke and
Purim parties.
Most of all I will miss my friend, including
the multiday chats, the Torah and sermon
insights, the give and take of friendly
debates and the personal time I have had the
privilege of sharing. And, as an added bonus,
Donna and I have really enjoyed getting to
know Jacent. Her cheerful personality has
touched us all.
Like you, I am glad that Rabbi Simon is
moving to a great opportunity. He more than
deserves to shepherd his own congregation
and experience the joy that comes from
doing so. Fortunately, for us, his elevation
will be felt more like a changed relationship
than an ending. We can still talk and skype
with him and Jacent, and, in time- with their
little one to be. And I am sure they will
(continued on page 2)
Andrew Behrenfeld. . . . . . . . . Son of Lisa Rohatiner and Craig Behrenfeld
Hannah Nicole Bobek. . . . . . . Daughter of Diane and Michael Bobek
Sarah Anne Chen . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Lisa Kiev-Chen and Alex Chen
Samuel Zane Feuer. . . . . . . . . Son of Leigh and Scott Feuer
Hudson Francis Franklin. . . . Son of Mary Frances Holmes and Dean Franklin
Amber Victoria Heinig . . . . . . Daughter of Janet and Daniel Heinig
Rachel Hirsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Tricia and Andy Hirsch
Garrett Edward Josephson . . Son of Jean and Larry Josephson
Sophie Hannah Klein . . . . . . . Daughter of Traci and Daniel Klein
Tyler Gregory Lynn . . . . . . . . Son of Jill and Greg Lynn
Harris Townsend Markowitz. Son of Carla and Howard Markowitz
Sophie Jennifer Moss . . . . . . . Daughter of Marilyn and Craig Moss
Hillary Elizabeth Perfit . . . . . Daughter of Rosemary Perfit
Julianna Della Reale. . . . . . . . Daughter of Marcie and Anthony Reale
Isabella Grace Samson . . . . . . Daughter of Annette and Paul Samson
Maren Scharf . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Kelly and Alan Scharf
Brooke Logan Shapiro . . . . . . Daughter of Michele and Scott Shapiro
Stephen Phillip Szuch. . . . . . . Son of Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro and James Szuch
Andrew Stephen Watts. . . . . . Son of Francine and John Watts
Evan William Watts . . . . . . . . Son of Francine and John Watts
Zachary Jon Weber . . . . . . . . Son of Marcy and David Weber
Marc Harris Weinstein. . . . . . Son of Seema and Eric Weinstein
Micaela Lynn Weinstock . . . . Daughter of Michele and Mark Weinstock
Hana Brit Yankowitz . . . . . . . Daughter of Diana and Jerry Yankowitz
Celebrate Shabbat honoring
Rabbi Joel & Jacent Simon
Friday, May 8
Preneg - 6:30 pm
Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm
Oneg Shabbat - 8:30 pm
You are invited to celebrate Shabbat and honor Rabbi Joel and Jacent Simon as Rabbi Simon
prepares to assume the position of Sr. Rabbi at Shir Ami in Newtown, Pennsylvania. We know
you will want to share your mazel tov as the Simons begin this new chapter in their lives.
It was an ancient
Greek philosopher
who said, “There is
nothing more certain
than change.” Yet,
knowing that does
not make it any
easier when such
change means saying goodbye. I know
that you join me in wishing Rabbi Simon
the best of good fortune as he takes on the
position of Senior Rabbi at Congregation
Shir Ami outside of Philadelphia. We are
all sorry to see him leave, yet proud of all
that he has accomplished. We will miss
Rabbi Simon, but we are also happy for
Jacent and him as they begin this next
chapter of their lives. We can be quite
certain that Rabbi Simon will thrive in his
new endeavors and know that we will stay
in close touch with each other.
As Rabbi Simon departs at the end of
May, Rabbi Nathan Farb will be joining
us as our Assistant Rabbi. Rabbi Farb
arrives in mid-June. Like Rabbi Simon,
Rabbi Farb is a native of Colorado and
comes to us from Hebrew Union College
in Cincinnati. He has led student pulpits
in Petosky, Michigan and Parkersburg,
West Virginia, in addition to having spent
considerable time teaching and leading
youth engagement activities. Rabbi Farb
has also supplemented his time at HUC
with work on interfaith programming
and with Jewish Family Service. Please
join me in welcoming Rabbi Farb to our
Temple family, as well as to our local
I would like to thank each member of the
Assistant Rabbi Search Committee (Rabbi
Birnholz (Ex-Officio), and members Gayle
Geagen, Beth Gemunder, Kip Goulder,
Mike Haber, David Hochberg, Karen
Holmes, Mike Kass, David Rosenbach,
Marlene Rubin, Lori Schwartz, Melinda
Sheer, Scott Shimberg, Chuck Slonim,
Bob Tannenbaum, Joan Wadler and Mark
Wolfson), as well as Board members and
past Presidents, members of our SchZfty
Youth Group, and members of our 20s/30s
group, all of whom contributed to the
success of our search.
As our school year comes to a close,
special thanks and congratulations
MAY 2015
Friday, May 1 - 7:30 pm
Off to Camp Family Shabbat Service
• Gesher Graduation
• Farewell blessing to campers
• May and June Birthday Blessings
• Youth Choir will sing
(See Page 6)
Saturday, May 2 - 10:30 am
Shelby Shoup was recognized as one of ten
outstanding high school juniors by the Athena
Society at the Dr. Sylvia Richardson Young
Women of Promise Luncheon. Shelby also
won the NFTY-STR D’Vor Torah Award.
Julie and Peter Sayer
Kristy Feinberg Bat Mitzvah
Friday, May 8
Shabbat Service honoring
Rabbi Joel & Jacent Simon
• Preneg: 6:30 pm
• Shabbat Service: 7:30 pm
• Oneg Shabbat: 8:30 pm
Friday, May 15 - 7:30 pm
Senior Shabbat Service
Our Schaarai Zedek Seniors will speak on
“Growing Up Jewish in Tampa”
(See Page 3)
Sunday, May 17 - 10:00 am
Confirmation Service
(See Page 1)
Friday, May 22 - 7:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Rabbi Birnholz will speak
Saturday, May 23 - 10:30 am
Zoe Zepeda Bat Mitzvah
Sidney Bruskin
Howard Epstein
Father of Abby Blackburn
Raymond David Goldstein
Son of Gloria Barr
Martha Harrow
Mother of Andrew Harrow
Ali Keskiner
Father of Rod Keskiner &
Aydin Keskiner
Gail Hohn Schwartz
Sister of Dr. Claudia Hohn
Congregant Condolence Notices
When a congregant passes away, the Temple
offers the family of the deceased the option of
having an email notification of the passing sent
to all congregants.
The sending (or not sending) of this condolence
notice email is at the choice of the family of the
deceased congregant to protect privacy for the
Friday, May 29 - 7:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Rabbi Birnholz will speak
Saturday, May 30 - 4:30 am
Alexa Gross Bat Mitzvah
Shavout & Shabbat
Candle Lighting Times
Friday, May 1 . . . . . . . . . 7:46 pm
From Rabbi Birnholz
(continued from Page 1)
find their way south when Philly freezes
over. Finally, one thing is certainCongregation Schaarai Zedek and each
one of us has been enriched beyond
words for Rabbi Simon’s having been
Rabbi Richard J. Birnholz
Friday, May 8 . . . . . . . . . 7:50 pm
Friday, May 15. . . . . . . . . 7:54 pm
The Shofar
Friday, May 22. . . . . . . . . 7:59 pm
Published monthly by
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
Saturday, May 23 . . . . . . . 8:56 pm
(Erev Shavuot)
(continued on Page 6)
Friday, May 29. . . . . . . . . 8:02 pm
3303 West Swann Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33609-4643
Volume 119, Number 10
The Role of Government in Our Lives:
A Jewish/American Perspective
Wednesday, May 6
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Teachers: Rabbi Birnholz and Rabbi Simon
Militarization: America’s Interests vs. Israel’s
Iran has become an American-Israeli battleground. For the first time American Jews have asked: “Am I an
American first or a Jew first?” Should Israel continue to choose sides in American politics? Can she afford
not to? Is there a Jewish precedent? Our Rabbis will answer these questions and summarize for the subject
of “The Role of Government in Our Lives: A Jewish/American Perspective.”
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or [email protected].
Weekly Torah Study
Led by Rabbi Joel Simon
Saturdays, May 2 and 23 at 9:00 am & May 30 at 10:00 am
Our Saturday morning Torah Study group is now looking at some
of Judaism’s greatest philosophers and their approach to Torah,
God, Israel, and other questions. No prior knowledge is needed and
pertinent information from previous sessions will always be repeated.
Feel free to join at any time.
For more information, contact Rabbi Simon at [email protected].
Senior Shabbat Dinner & Service
“Growing Up Jewish in Tampa”
Friday, May 15
Dinner: 6:00pm
Shabbat Service: 7:30 pm
What was Tampa like in the 1950’s? How about the
1960’s? Our seniors will share their childhood and teenage
memories as they speak about “Growing up Jewish in
Tampa” at our annual Senior Shabbat Service. Our seniors
will also lead the service.
Seniors, plan to join us at 6:00 pm for a traditional Shabbat Dinner before the Service (some things
never change!).
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email [email protected]. There is no charge for the
dinner, but reservations by Monday, May 11 are required.
Senior Luncheon
Thursday, May 21, Seating - 11:15 am
Guest Speaker: Rabbi Birnholz
Get ready for Southern/Jewish culinary delights. Rabbi Birnholz will
show us what happens when Southern Jews adapt familiar recipes and
make Matzah Ball Gumbo and Dirty Matzah (rice). Learn why this happens
historically. Taste the results.
There is no lunch charge. But we need reservations to prepare.
Rabbi Simon
Just in case
senior rabbi at
Congregation Shir
Ami in Newtown,
PA (a suburb of
transition for one
year, as many of you have heard (and
for those who haven’t… surprise!)
my wife, Jacent, is pregnant, and we
are due in the fall! Jewish custom is
not to say “Mazel tov” when hearing
of a pregnancy, but rather, “B’sha’ah
tovah.” Literally, it means, “a good
hour,” and it is often translated, “May
it happen at the right time,” but I
like to translate it, “to good times to
come.” The phrase is most common
with pregnancy, but it can be said to
any good news that has not yet come
to fruition - after an engagement before
the wedding, buying a new house
before moving in, or getting a new
job before beginning work. “B’sha’ah
tovah” celebrates a joyous time of
that there is still the uncertainty and
mystery of that which has not yet taken
place. As we prepare to move across
the country and start a family, and I
get ready to begin a new job in a new
community with new responsibilities,
this phrase has taken on new meaning.
There is so much uncertainty, so much
mystery, and so much anticipation, and
while I acknowledge that I have no
clue of what’s in store, the optimism
that whatever life brings there are
good times ahead makes the unknown
slightly less frightening.
“Mazel tov,” on the other hand, while
thought of as, “congratulations,”
literally means, “good luck” or “good
fortune.” This is the greeting after
the wedding, the birth, moving into a
new home, or officially beginning, or
ending, a job. As I enter my last month
in Tampa and at Schaarai Zedek,
looking back at the past eight years,
this phrase takes on a new meaning
for me as well. I am so grateful for
the good luck and good fortune I have
had in being a part of this community,
working with and learning from Rabbi
Birnholz and the rest of the staff, and
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email at [email protected].
June 18, 2015
Entertainment: A Sinatra Impersonator
July 16, 2015
Guest Speaker: Dr. Carl Zielonka
(continued on Page 4)
Do You Know Someone...
New to Tampa?
Not Affiliated with a Congregation?
Just Married?
Looking for Quality Jewish Schools?
Let us tell them about membership at
Congregation Schaarai Zedek.
Please call: Steve Holtzman, Vice
President of Membership and Programming
(813-966-1208) or Sherry Stein, Director
of Programming & Membership (813-8762377, Ext. 212).
Please join us for
Temple Annual Shabbat Dinner, Meeting & Installation Shabbat Service
Friday, June 5, 2015
Dinner: 5:30 p.m.
Adults: $25, Children (through 12 years): $15
Annual Meeting: 6:30 p.m.
Elect Officers & Trustees
Honor President’s Cup Recipient
Shabbat Service & Installation: 7:30 p.m.
Officers and Trustees will be installed
RSVP by Monday, June 1 to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email [email protected].
Clergy Assisted Living,
Nursing Home & Shut-in Visits
Do you have family members who are in
assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or
are homebound? Our Clergy want to visit
them. Please call the Clergy Assistant,
Ming Brewer (813-876-2377, Ext. 202),
with the names and telephone numbers
of members or the family of members
who may live in one of these facilities we
want to make sure they are included in our
From Rabbi Simon
(continued from Page 3)
getting to share my life with all of
you. You all are the reason why I am
comfortable hearing “B’sha’ah tovah”
for my upcoming changes. The trust
you placed in me, the role you played
in my life, and the role you allowed
me to play in yours is the reason that I
am confident that there are good times
ahead, in spite of the uncertainty and
mystery the future holds.
I look forward to celebrating with
you all on May 8th at the special
Shabbat, preneg, and oneg, and I hope
that you will stop by my office to
chat before I leave at the end of the
month. I promise to stay in touch, and
I promise that we will send pictures
and updates. We’re only half an hour
from Philadelphia and an hour and a
half from New York, so maybe some
of you will even visit! Please feel free
to e-mail me at [email protected]
and/or to add me on Facebook if you
haven’t already.
Thank you for all that you have given
me; you all mean more to me than I
can ever express, and B’sha’ah Tovah
- To good times ahead for all of us,
Rabbi Joel Simon
Mah Jongg at Schaarai Zedek
Annual Sisterhood Chinese Dinner and Mah Jongg Monday
Monday, May 4
Dinner: 6:30 pm, Mah Jongg: 7:00 pm
Sisterhood joins with Mah Jongg Monday for a special evening of Lo Mein and “Mahj.” Come for
“Yummy House” Chinese delights. Stay for an evening of Mah Jongg tables at ALL skill levels.
Dinner is complimentary. Reservations are required by Friday, May 1 – Please call the Temple Office at
(813) 876-2377 or email [email protected].
Schaarai Zedek’s 20s/30s Connection
Barbecue, Bonfire, and Boat Rides (and Good Byes)
Saturday evening, May 9
We’ll be at a Schaarai Zedek member’s home in Odessa (transportation from the synagogue and back
will be provided) celebrating Lag Ba’Omer (traditionally celebrated with a bonfire) and saying good bye
to Rabbi Simon and Jacent before their move to Pennsylvania. More details will be coming soon.
Schaarai Zedek’s 20s/30s Connection is a social group for Jewish young adults in their 20s and 30s.
Singles, couples, and all partners/significant others are welcome to join!
To RSVP or with questions about any Schaarai Zedek 20s/30s events, contact Rabbi Simon at
(813) 876-2377, Ext. 229 or [email protected].
Tampa JCC/ Federation Young Adult Division
For information on YAD events, go to
Shavuot Yikzor Service
Sunday, May 24 - 10:30 am
Remember your deceased loved ones by attending a traditional Festival Memorial Service for Shavuot.
Social Action Mitzvot
Metropolitan Ministries
Thank you to the following congregants who helped prepare and serve at Metropolitan Ministries on
Easter: Jeff, Sherri, Philicia & Shea Greenberg; Dave, Lori, Jessica & Shoshana Newman; Melissa
& Lilly Sinclair; and Tom & Donna Wood.
A special thanks also goes to Donna Wood, Religious School Director, who coordinated the project that
enables Metropolitan Ministries staff members to be with their families on Easter.
Trinity Café
Trinity Café, located at 2801 North Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, FL 33602, provides hot, chef-cooked
meals to those in need. Volunteer opportunities are available to help serve on Mondays through Fridays
from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 am – 10:45 am.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Donna Wood, Religious School Director, at (813)
876-2377, Ext. 210 or [email protected].
May is a transition time in Florida – the days are longer and warmer, it’s not
yet rainy season, the school year is wrapping up and vacations plans are being
finalized. It’s also a time of transition for our Sisterhood. We have just a few
events planned. It’s time for our new Executive Board to be installed and the
outgoing Board to share their insights.
Sisterhood is joining with Mah Jongg Monday on May 4th for our annual Chinese dinner and Mah Jongg. Come one,
come all whether you are an experienced player or want to learn how to play. Dinner is at 6:30 pm from the Yummy
House and Mah Jongg begins at 7:00 pm. Thank you to Dana Gruman for organizing the dinner, and Sydney Soschin for
leading the Mah Jongg Mondays!
There are two more book clubs before taking a summer break. Join the group on May 18th or June 15th. We are
considering an evening book club beginning in the fall, so please email me if you are interested.
And one last social activity, Sisterhood Does Lunch! We will meet for a dutch treat lunch at Seasons 52, June 2nd at
The Sisterhood installation of officers will be on May 11th at 11:00am. A huge thanks to the Nominating Committee,
led by Sharon Ravner and Judith Mish, for their hard work to get this officer slate in place and identify chairs for key
activities. Please join us for lunch and to welcome our new Executive Board. Congratulations to:
2015-2016 Sisterhood Officers:
Co-President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Minetti
Co-President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pattie Schreiber
Administrative VP: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie Tannenbaum
Membership VP:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diane Porat
Religious Programming VP: . . . . . . Brandy Fishman
Social Programming VP: . . . . . . . . . Dana Gruman
Youth & Education VP: . . . . . . . . . . Diana Bloom
Parliamentarian: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carolyn Kurtz
Recording Secretary: . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Taback
Corresponding Secretary: . . . . . . . . Nancy Bader
Treasurer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gayle Geagan
Assistant Treasurer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Meyer
Assistant Treasurer, Judaica Shop:. . Pat Forman
And to the entire 2015-2016 Sisterhood Executive Board:
Immediate Past President: . . . . . . . . Faith Alexander
Honorary President:. . . . . . . . . . . . . Audrey Shine
Board Members Emeritus: . . . . . . . . Nellye Friedman
Paula Zielonka
Judaica Shop: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sydney Soschin, Buyer
WRJ National Board: . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynne Merriam
Judy Rosenkranz
Debbie Garber
(term ends November)
WRJ SE District Board: . . . . . . . . . . Judith Mish
Faith Alexander
Sharon Ravner
It’s been a fabulous year! I hope to see you at these last events. Thank you for being part of our Sisterhood!
Cindy Minetti, Sisterhood President, [email protected]
2 Months at-a-Glance
Annual Sisterhood
Chinese Dinner &
Mah Jongg Monday
Monday, May 4
Dinner: 6:30 pm
Mah Jongg: 7:00 pm
Sisterhood Board
Mon, May 11 - 9:30 am
Sisterhood Installation
Mon, May 11 - 11:00 am
Book Club Meeting
Mon, May 18 - 12:00 noon
I Love You More; A Novel
by Jennifer Murphy
Sisterhood Luncheon
At Season’s 52
Tues, June 2 - 11:30 am
Book Club Meeting
Mon, June 15 - 12:00 noon
The Orphan Train
by Christina Baker Kline
WOW, what a great event the 6th Annual Brotherhood Signature Event was!
Special thanks to Janna Gur for flying in from Tel Aviv, and to Jayne Cohen for making the trip from New York. The
conversation on Israel, Jewish cuisine and culture was fascinating. Who knew that Israel had a “pork problem”?
Also many thanks to Kevin Kruszewski of Pane Rustica for preparing the delicious food. Such a great guy and he does so
much for our community.
Some of you might have the wrong impression of the Brotherhood. You might think that all we like to do is eat well...and drink well, and have a good
time. Well, that’s all true. In fact, what better way to connect than to enjoy a good meal… or a good glass of wine…and have some fun?
But at our core, the Brotherhood is about serving a purpose greater than ourselves. Our goal is to attract a broad group of men through our events and
programs, but most importantly, through our charitable activities. Not only do we try to raise awareness of important causes, we also provide needed
funds. Since 2010, the Brotherhood has donated over $40,000 to charitable causes. We have donated the new audio/video system in the Temple and we
have contributed to BRCA1 breast cancer research, local nonprofit organizations to support educational programs for students ages 3 to 22 with a range of
disabilities, and many more.
The work that we do is only possible because of the devoted men who sit on the Brotherhood board. These men feel strongly about their Jewish roots,
and each other. They give their time to make our community and our Temple a better place. We want to continue to expand our voice, our visibility and
our reach. Over the years, the Sisterhood has done a tremendous job of advancing their purpose and engaging our Temple community. We applaud their
efforts and we’d like to accomplish half of what they have. While we don’t want to become the Sisterhood of the Brotherhood - or maybe we do - we want
to spread the word that we are not just another program arm of the congregation.
Yes, we are a men’s club, but the beauty of Jewish life is that while it’s steeped in tradition it’s always evolving and changing to remain relevant in the
modern world. There is no stereotypical man who belongs to the Brotherhood. Rather, it is simply a group of men who embody the wide-ranging interests
and lifestyles of today’s Jewish man. Many different kinds of men join the Brotherhood for many different reasons. And we welcome them all - without
judgement or expectations. You can come to one event, or come to all of them. But the one thing I can promise you, you’ll always feel welcomed.
We like to say that we are no longer your Father’s Brotherhood…but we would very much like you, your father and your son (assuming he is a young
man of proper age) - to join us for our great activities. The Brotherhood is vibrant and fun, with great ideas. And yes, we are not your Father’s Brotherhood.
This isn’t your Father’s Brotherhood! Great events, good people, socially conscious
Bruce Goldenberg, Brotherhood President
SchZFTY Open House
News from the Amy Gail
Buchman Preschool
Important Preschool Dates:
May 4-8: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 13: Timeless Tales
Wednesday, May 6
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Come Join us for our monthly open house
complete with dinner and time to hang out—
maybe even a little homework. Bring your
study guides or take a mental break from
studying for exams. RSVP to Lindsey to make
sure we order enough dinner.
May 25: School Closed for Memorial Day
SchZFTY 8th - 12th Grade Mystery Bus Ride
May 26: Last Day of School Celebration,
early closing @ 12:00 Noon
9:15 am infant, toddler show
10:30 am 2 & 3 year old show
5:00 pm Pre-K Graduation
Saturday, May 9
8 am - 11:00 pm
We will bus together for a day full of excitement. Stay tuned to your email for the
official packing list, but not a list of where we are going—that’s a SURPRISE!
May 26: Teacher work day after school is
May 27-29: Teacher work days
SchZFTY and BITTY have joined forces to keep you guessing...Tampa teens, this is a
day you do NOT want to miss—open to all 8th-12th grade students!
You can ask all you want, but we are NOT telling you where we are going!
Teenokot Water Wonderland
May 29: Open House
(Informational Fair) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
We will have tables set-up with our
enrichment programs (Soccer Shots,
TotStart Tennis, Yoga, Gigglebytes,
Webby Dance, Tumble in the Bus, Spanish
and food vendor (Wholesome Tummies)
“Off To Camp”
Family Shabbat Service
Friday, May 1
7:30 pm
Come to Schaarai Zedek for an “Off to
Camp” Family Shabbat Service. Enjoy a
camp-style family Shabbat Service followed
by a S’Mores Oneg.
Campers will be called to the Bima for a
special send-off blessing and a gift from our
Rabbis and Cantor. May and June birthdays
will also receive special blessings. Our
Youth Choir will participate.
Thursday. May 14
10:30 am - 12:00 Noon
MEET AT TEMPLE for a morning of age-appropriate waterplay! We will set up a water pad and several baby pools as well
as some sprinklers and water toys. Please make sure to bring a
towel and a change of clothes.
Camp Jenny
Thursday, May 21 Monday, May 25
Please watch your mailbox
for more info about upcoming
events and programs!
For info about any youth event, please contact Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director, at
[email protected] or (813) 876-2377, Ext. 221
President’s Message
(continued from Page 2)
to Donna Wood, our Religious School
Director, who is completing her first year
at the helm. We have 360 kids here each
Sunday, as well as our teachers and teaching
assistants. Our robust Religious School is
one of the reasons that our Congregation
is so special. Donna’s entire team does a
wonderful job and we appreciate it.
Alan Weiner, President
Kristy Feinberg
Alexa Gross
Zoe Zepeda
Daughter of
Barbara Feinberg
Daughter of
Robyn Gross and Hugh Gross
Daughter of
Debra and Scott Zepeda
Café CSZ
Sundays during Religious School
8:45 am - 11:00 am
Have a a bagel and a cup of coffee at Café
CSZ in the Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood Meeting
Save the Dates
Summer Fun at Schaarai Zedek
The lazy, hazy days of summer are upon
us... Looking for Summer Fun?... Plan to
come to Schaarai Zedek. Watch your mail and
e-mail for more information about theses fabulous events for
singles, couples, families, empty-nesters, seniors...
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email [email protected]
Youth Adventure Day
Youth Hang Out Night
(7th - 12th Grades)
Monday, June 8
Drop-off: 9:30 am
Tampa Bay Grand Prix
Waiver required for participation
(7th-12th Grades)
Wednesday, June 17
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Dinner provided
Summer Movie Night
Saturday, June 20
6:00 pm
Summer Concert
Sunday, June 14
3:00 pm
The Cantorettes present
“The Music of Nat King Cole”
Movie for Grown-Ups:
“The Hundred-Foot Journey”
Starring Helen Mirren
Discussion led by Rabbi Birnholz
Children’s Movie: “Big Hero 6”
Join the conversation... Greet friends, fellow
parents, and other congregants... Café CSZ
will be open every Sunday during Religious
School. Drop off the kids. Drop in for bagels
and coffee. See you there!
Religious School Registration
It is time to register for the 2015-16 Religious
School year! If your children are currently
enrolled in Religious School, your registration
materials can be picked up on Sunday, May 3,
from 8:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. If you do not pick
them up then, we will mail the forms to you
on Monday, May 4.
If you do not receive registration materials,
please contact the Religious School office
([email protected] or dbirnholz@zedek.
org or 813-876-2377 ext. 210 or 215). The
registration forms are also available on line
All children who will be 4 years old by
September 1, 2015, are eligible to attend
Religious School.
Interested in Teaching
or Substituting?
Rays Baseball Game
Summer Movie Night
Sunday, July 12
Rays vs Astros
Pizza lunch at Temple: 11:30 am
Game: 1:00 pm
Saturday, July 25
6:00 pm
Movie for Grown-Ups: “Wadjda”
Discussion led by Rabbi Farb
Children’s Movie: “Boxtrolls”
20s/30s Shabbat Service
Would you like to spend time
with great children and further
Judaism? Then come spend
Sunday mornings at the Flom
Religious School! We are looking for a few
new teachers for the 2015-16 school year. We
supply the lesson plans and materials!
Youth Adventure Day
If you would like more information about
teaching or substituting, please contact
Donna Wood, Religious School Director, at
813-876-2377 ext. 210 or [email protected].
Friday, July 24
Wine and Cheese: 6:30 pm
Shabbat Service: 7:30 pm
(7th-12th Grades)
Monday, July 27
Drop-off : 9:30 am
Waiver required for participation
Sunday Afternoon Movie
Sunday, August 16
4:00 pm
Movie for Grown-Ups: “McFarland USA”
Starring Kevin Costner
Discussion led by Rabbi Birnholz
Children’s Movie: “Penguins of Madagascar”
(Dinner will follow the movie.)
Gesher L’ Mishpacha:
Jewish Family Fun
Join the fun...
Create Jewish family
memories with “Gesher L’Mishpacha…
Bridge to the Family” activities. Families of
all make-ups and sizes will enjoy completing
18 simple activities from a list of over 70
items. Last year, 7 families were “Gesher
Graduates.” Add your name to the 2015
Gesher Graduation List.
For more information, call Donna Wood,
Religious School Director at
(813) 876-2377, Ext. 210.
May 2015 at-a-Glance
8:45 am Cafe CSZ
9:00 am Religious
School - Closing
10 Mother’s Day
6:30 pm Executive
Committee Meeting
6:30 pm SchZFTY
6:30 pm Annual
Chinese Dinner &
Mah Jongg Monday
7:00 pm Adult Jewish
9:30 am Sisterhood
Board Meeting
7:30 pm Off to Camp
Family Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
8 Shabbat Honoring
Rabbi Simon
6:30 am Preneg
7:30 pm Shabbat
10:30 am Kristy
Bat Mitzvah
8:00 am SchZFTY
Mystery Bus Ride
8:30 Oneg Shabbat
7:00 pm 20’s/30’s
7:00 pm Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Teenokot
6:00 pm Senior Shabbat
7:30 pm Senior
Shabbat Service
11:00 am Sisterhood
Board Installation
6:30 pm Brotherhood
Board Meeting
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
10:00 am Confirmation
12:00 Noon Sisterhood
Book Club
7:00 pm Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Senior
7:30 pm Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
7:30 pm Shabbat
10:00 am Torah Study
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
7:30 pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
10:30 am Shavout
Yizkor Service
25 Memorial Day
Temple Office Closed
7:00 pm Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Zoe Zepeda
Bat Mitzvah
4:30 pm Alexa Gross
Bat Mitzvah
June 2015 at-a-Glance
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
11:30 am Sisterhood
Does Lunch
7:00 pm Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
5:30 pm Temple
Shabbat Dinner
4:30 pm Jada &
Madelyn Kamuf
B’Not Mitzvah
6:30 pm Temple
Annual Meeting
7:30 pm Shabbat
Service &
7:00 pm HHD Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am 7th-12th Grade
Summer Event
7:30 pm Shabbat
6:30 pm Brotherhood
Board Meeting
6:30 pm Executive
Committee Meeting
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
3:00 pm Cantorettes
12:00 Noon Sisterhood
Book Club
6:30 pm 7th-12th Grade
Meet & Greet
11:15 am Senior
6:00 pm Brotherhood
Shabbat Dinner
10:30 am Evan Levine
Bar Mitzvah
7:00 pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
7:00 pm HHD Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm Brotherhood
Shabbat Service
6:00 pm Summer
Movie Night
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
21 Father’s Day
1st Day of Summer
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
7:00 pm Mah Jongg
7:00 pm HHD Koleinu
Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am Teenokot
7:30 pm Shabbat
10:30 am Emily Kaplan
Bat Mitzvah
7:00 pm European
Exchange Pre-trip
8:30 pm Rabbi
Nathan Farb
Welcome Oneg
In memory of:
The Early Days
of Schaarai Zedek
Excerpts from the minutes of the
Temple Board – the 1920’s
Rabbi Grafman exerted his influence
on Schaarai Zedek by urging the
expansion of the Board by including
the women of Sisterhood and the men
of Brotherhood. Interestingly, only
Sisterhood was added, acknowledging
their contributions to the congregation.
November 6 1927: “The Rabbi
spoke of the looseness of the business
organization of the Congregation and
suggested that a more constructive
method of increasing the Board of
Trustees and also of having the President
of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood
become part of the active management
of the affairs of the Congregation.”
January 22, 1928: The charter of
Schaarai Zedek was amended as follows:
“…and two of said Trustees shall be
elected from the membership of Temple
Guild Sisterhood, one of said two
Trustees from Temple Guild Sisterhood
shall be its President and the other
Trustee from Temple Guild Sisterhood
shall be elected from its membership…”
These minutes were prepared by
Dr. Carl Zielonka, Archives Chair,
for your information about
our past history.
Get the CSZ eNews
You can receive up-to-date news each
Wednesday in your email. The CSZ
eNews includes reminders of events,
activities, service times and our “WeekAt-A Glance” calendar.
Sign up today…call or email the
Temple office at (813) 876-2377 or
email [email protected].
Go Green & Save Paper!
View the Shofar online at
Sergio Vazquez
from Mrs. Ethel Friedman
David Slone
from Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Slone
Milton Saunders
from Dr. & Mrs. Alan Saunders
Esther Goldsmith
from Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Goldsmith
Celia Falis
from Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wolfson
Stanley Drier
from Mr. & Mrs. David Kushner
Harry Falis
from Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wolfson
Aida H. Mack
from Mr. & Mrs. Warren Mack
Esther Kravatz
from Mrs. Barbara Rosenthal
Al Janis
from Mrs. Barbara Rosenthal
Sally Cushing
from Dr. & Mrs. Albert
Belle Janis
from Mrs. Barbara Rosenthal
Ben Safer
from Mrs. Carole Cherry
Ruth G. Weitzenkorn
from Mr. & Mrs. Elaine
Pearl Orlowski
from Dr. & Mrs. Mark Schocken
Issac Abrams
from Mrs. Sylvia Livingston
William J. Loewenthal
from Mrs. Martha Loewenthal
George Karpay
from Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Waksman
Gregory Waksman
from Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Waksman
Rena Kushner
from Mr. & Mrs. David
Louis Horwitz
from Dr. Todd Horwitz
Fred Steinhauser
from Dr. & Mrs. Robert Farber
Beatrice Farber
from Dr. & Mrs. Robert Farber
Stephanie Rabinowitz
from Mr. & Mrs. Allen Keller
Helen Schanfarber
from Eric & Lyris Newman
Julius Newman
from Eric & Lyris Newman
Donald Davis
from Eric & Lyris Newman
Tree of Life
Celebrate special occasions in your life and honor friends by purchasing a leaf
($250) on our “Tree of Life” in the Buchman-Rachelson Social Hall.
Call Mary Braverman at the Temple Office for details at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 243.
A Contribution to One of the Temple Funds is a
Wonderful Way to Make a Tribute to a Loved One or a Friend.
Please indicate which fund you wish to support.
____ Rabbi Birnholz’ Discretionary
____ Rabbi Simon’s Discretionary
____ Cantor Cannizzaro’s Discretionary
____ Rabbi Richard & Donna Birnholz Education Fund
____ Charles and Barbara Adler
____ Food Bank
____ Interfaith and Outreach Fund
____ Library
____ Prayerbook ($72)
____ Rabbi David L. Zielonka Camp Coleman Scholarship
____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Scholarship
____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Special Fund
____ SchZFTY
____ Sustaining
____ Tree of Life ($250)
____ Memorial Plaque ($500)
____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Fund
____ Annual European Exchange Fund
____ Chair of Rabbinics
____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Endowment Fund
____ Audrey E. Messerman Scholarship Fund for
the Amy Gail Buchman Preschool
____ Bernie & Betty Epstein Religious School Fund
____ Brotherhood Youth Endowment
____ Duglin Family Camp Coleman Scholarship
____ Hirsch Family Torah Fund
____ Lawrence David Hoffman Mitzvah Fund
____ Lillyan D. Neusner Fund for Leadership
Development and Long Range Planning
____ Mack Perlman Award
____ Meyer Kotler Memorial Lecture Series
____ Sadie Zbar Family Memorial Scholarship
____ Samuel L. Flom NFTY
____ Saul Rachelson Endowment
____ Schaarai Zedek Seniors
____ Ruth E. Wagner Jewish Cultural Endowment
____ Zbar Youth Programs
Name _____________________________________________________
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
Enriching Tampa’s Reform
Jewish Heritage for
Over 100 Years
Bobbe Karpay
from Mr. & Mrs. Sergio
Amount __________________
Billing Address ____________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State ____________________ Billing Zip ______________________
In Memory of ____________________________________________________________________
In Honor of _____________________________________________________________________
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their loved ones and friends through contributions made to our Temple Funds.
In honor of:
Rabbi Birnholz
Mr. Charles Segal
Dr. David and Mrs. Ann Rosenbach for their
community and Temple recognitions
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Maurer
Dr. David Rosenbach’s Maimonides
Leadership Award
Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wiskup
Birthday of Audrey Shine
Mr. & Mrs. Joel B. Singer
Bar Mitzvah of Max Tishler
Ms. Doris Tishler
Bat Mitzvah of Kelsey Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hameroff
In memory of:
Shirley Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schwartz
Robin Sears
Mr. & Mrs. William Gruman
Norma Felsenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Markiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Irvine
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Felsenthal
Frances Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gersten
Alan B. Berkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Joel B. Singer
In memory of:
In honor of:
Frances Greenberg
Mr. Richard Rudolph
Norma Felsenthal
Mr. Nathan Zivin
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Conney
Melinda Sue Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Davis
Ali Keskiner
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Schwartz
Raymond David Goldstein, son of Gloria Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Adlin
Ms. Charlotte Heitlinger
Mr. Sidney Bruskin
Ms. Connie Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Shainwald
Ms. Rozzie Willis
Ms. Sandy Kornhauser
In honor of:
Confirmation of Rachel Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Osiason
In memory of:
Frances Greenberg
Norma Felsenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Osiason
Alvin Puterman
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Puterman
Steffi Maurer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Katz
Mrs. Ann Rubin Goldman
Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood
Rabbi Birnholz’ 70th Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Porat
Rabbi Joel Simon
Marriage of Karen Haubenstock to
Arthur Jacobwitz
Mrs. Adele Baydin
In memory of:
In memory of:
Robin Sears
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
In memory of:
Norma Felsenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tobin
Ali Keskiner, father of Rod Keskiner &
Aydin Keskiner
Ms. Suzanne Gellens
In honor of:
Bat Mitzvah of Rachel King
Ms. Amy Rogovin
Eliana Bloom’s 11th birthday
Lucy Frank & Madeline Frank
In memory of:
Norma Felsenthal
George Karpay
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
In honor of:
Bat Mitzvah of Kelsey Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sherman
In honor of:
Nathan Schine
Mr. Jerome Schine
Norma Felsenthal
Ms. Daisy Zivin
Ms. Fanny Levinson
Simon Haimovitz
Eleanor Haimovitz-McCulloch
Mrs. Frieda Haimovitz Hooper
Norma Felsenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Felsenthal
Bat Mitzvah of Rachel King
Mr. & Mrs. Brian King
In memory of:
In honor of:
Ruth Adrian’s special birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Conney
In honor of:
In honor of:
Bar Mitzvah of Max Weinstock
The Rosso Family
In memory of:
John Wisdo
Ali Keskiner
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gersten
In honor of:
Engagement of Aaron Feldman
Engagement of Daniel Singer
Engagement of Andrew Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wiskup
Birthday of Eric Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newman
Dax Nelson & Meghan Ross
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Colleen Patterson
Damarys Vega
Dania Seranno
Daniel Bowles
Darren Turner
Debbie Johnson
Deborah Rosenthal
Don Rhomberg
Fazal Dasankop
Jennifer Feldman
Jennifer Rhomberg
Kandice Andux
Kelly Jones
Kyle Huber
Kyle Wright
Larry Rowe
Linda O’Connor
Lou Tilchin
Marc Ardizzone
Mari Gonzalez
Mariette Rake
Michelle DeGenova
Mike DeGenova
Michael Kriz
Miranda Gutierrez
Mirza Baig
Mony Rodon
Omar Rahman
Ret Tanner
Rick Happle
Rodger Elgar
Rolando Carbonell
Scott Jaffe
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Tejas Patel
Terry Garrett
Thomas Blake
Tim LaCouture
Victor Mandia
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Direct Line: (813) 769-8326
Email: [email protected]
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
3303 West Swann Avenue
Tampa, FL 33609-4643
The Congregation Schaarai Zedek Shofar is published monthly
by Congregation Schaarai Zedek
phone: (813) 876-2377
fax: (813) 873-1401
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alan Weiner
Vice-President-Administration & Building-President -Elect. . . .Bob Tannenbaum
Vice-President - Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Schwartz
Vice-President - Religion, Education & Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keith Roher
Vice -President - Membership & Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Holtzman
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melinda Sheer
Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuck Slonim
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Eggnatz
Richard J. Birnholz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Rabbi
Joel K. Simon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Associate Rabbi
Deborrah Cannizzaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantor
Marc LeVine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Executive Director
Sherry Stein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Programming & Membership
Donna Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Religious School Director
Ian Bernstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Preschool Director
Lindsey Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Director
Temple Office Directory
Temple Phone: (813) 876-2377
Fax: (813) 873-1401
Rabbi Richard Birnholz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 202
Rabbi Joel Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 229
Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 216
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Marc LeVine, Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 206
Ming Brewer, Clergy Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 202
Sherry Stein, Membership & Programs. . . . . .Ext. 212
Barbara Keighley, Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 217
Teddi Bloomston, Bookkeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 201
Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 221
Ck Shannon, Communications . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 203
Debra Zepeda, Administration . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 234
Mary Braverman, Assistant Director . . . . . . . .Ext. 243
Marilyn Moss, Programming Asst . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 213
Marty Wittek, Receptionist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 200
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Donna Wood, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 210 [email protected]
Religious School Director
Donna Birnholz, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 215 [email protected]
May 1, 2015
For the past several months, we’ve used this space to
tell you about some of the important Temple activities
and programs supported by the Torah Circle. This
month, we want to give you an update on the status of
the 2014-2015 campaign.
Thanks to the outstanding generosity of the Brenner
Family, the Miller/Fleeter-Miller family and the
Gemunder Family Foundation, we began the year
with a tremendous boost. The Torah Circle Challenge
Gift provided $75,000 to match all new and increased
Torah Circle donations. Because of this Challenge,
each new or increased dollar was worth two! As
we hoped, the challenge sparked a raft of new and
increased contributions.
We need the help of everyone in the Congregation
who is eligible (paying full Temple dues) to join
Torah Circle. If you’ve already given, please consider
an increase in the new year. If you have not made
a contribution, please plan to do so. Your donation
will be critical to all aspects of the Congregation’s
Front Office Main Phone: (813) 876-4867
Ian Bernstein, Preschool Director . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 218
[email protected]
The Torah Circle Committee