Ultrawidefield Film Imaging


Ultrawidefield Film Imaging
Ultrawidefield Film Imaging
A New Dimension in
Wei-Hao Wang
AstroImage 2004
• General Technique
Mauna Kea
instrument setup
film selection
image processing
• Mosaic
– defining image quality
(why mosaic?)
– mosaic design
– flat field
– distortion correction
– color match
– mosaicing
Site: Mauna Kea
On the Big Island of Hawaii.
~35 miles from the nearest city, Hilo.
Summit altitude: 4,205 m (13,796 ft)
Visitor Information Station (VIS): 2,800 m
(9,300 ft)
• Need 4WD vehicles above the VIS.
• Stargazing OK at 3,400 m and 3,900 m.
Mauna Kea
• Ultra stable air, best seeing on this planet
(0”.4 ambient seeing).
– very good for high resolution imaging.
• Very windy (5-40 mph).
• High transparency and reasonably dark.
– good for deep sky work.
• Extremely dry (usually 20% humidity)
– very good for film imaging.
• Many clear nights in summer and fall.
Photo by Chi-Jen Lu
84 mph wind
2003/6/31 14:20
Pentax 105SDHF
D = 105 mm
f = 700 mm (F6.7)
or 530 mm (F5.1)
6x7 frame fully
covered at both
focal lengths
Mamiya 645 or
Pentax 67
6cm guidescope
guiding eyepiece
with illuminated
strong guidescope
support structure
Takahashi NJP
• Takahashi FM-60 microscope + ground
glass on camera’s film guide
• At F6, diameter of first diffraction ring is
15µm. 60x ⇒ 0.9mm, can be easily seen!
• Manual guiding using 6cm/F12 guidescope
and Vixen GA-4 illuminated reticle. About
±1”.5 guiding accuracy.
• Very strong guidescope support structure to
avoid flexure. Up to 2 hours of exposure at
f=1000 mm.
• Have been hoping for upgrading to autoguiding for many years.
Film Selection
• Low reciprocity failure (not necessarily
high ISO speed)
• Good 3-color balance
Not many choices:
• Kodak E100S (reversal)
• Fuji Provia 400F (reversal)
• Konica Centuria 400/800 (print)
Kodak E100S
Kodak E100S
Fuji Provia 400F
Konica Centuria 400
Konica Centuria 800
Digitize Film Images
single scan
average of 5 independent scans
EPSON 1640, 1600dpi, 16bit/channel
Mosaic — A New Dimension
in Astrophotography
• Pioneer: Axel Mellinger, Robert Gendler
• Require lots of darkroom (either digital or
traditional) work.
• Can be done with any instruments, camera
lens, telescopes, film camera, CCD….
• Infinitely high image quality.
• Poor people’s large format camera.
What’s Image Quality?
• Resolution?
Probably not.
• High resolution
alone doesn't
produce much
impact visually.
Wide Field of View?
• no.
How about FOV × Resolution?
• Actual content of an image is its total
number of resolution elements.
• resolution element: pixel, faintest star
• number of resolution element
= FOV / area of resolution elements
GOAL: high resolution and large FOV at the
same time.
High Resolution
• Usually not a problem for CCDs as long as
the pixel properly samples the stars.
• For film imaging, resolution increases
slowly with focal length.
• For most film imaging, resolution has little
to do with telescope aperture and seeing.
Focal Length Effect
f = 530 mm
f = 980 mm
Both images were taken by Pentax 105SDHF.
Large Format Film
• To get higher resolution ⇒ longer f.
• To maintain constant FOV while using
longer f ⇒ larger film.
• Large film ⇒ expansive camera, expansive
optics, difficult to use.
• Mosaic is probably the only cheap answer.
Mosaic Step by Step
Framing & Taking Images
Flat Fielding
Distortion Correction
Color/Contrast Match
Combine Images
Framing & Taking Images
Framing & Taking Images
E-W or N-S FOV is much easier.
Other orientation: use star pair.
Use the same film and exposure time.
Take images under similar weather
Flat Fielding: Why?
Flat Fielding: How?
The simple way: PhotoShop
The difficult way: write your own program.
In the future: PixInsight
More info:
Flat Fielding in PhotoShop
A: original
A – C (apply image)
B: median filtered
C: stars removed
Distortion Correction, Color/Contrast
Match, and Image Combination
• All can be done
in Registar.
• Can fine tune
color match and
remove frame
boundaries in
For Beginners
• Start with 2-frame mosaic. Then challeng 4
frames, 6 frames…
• E-W or N-S orientation first.
• Avoid crowded fields. They are hard to flat.
• Constellations are good starting points.
• Use a wider lens to take a single shot to
cover the whole FOV. Useful in Registar.