Northwich and Winsford - Cheshire West and Chester Council
Northwich and Winsford - Cheshire West and Chester Council
Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Population The mid-year estimates refer to the population on 30 June of the reference year (2013) and are published annually. They are the official set of population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries, the regions of England, Wales and local authorities. Mid-year population estimates relate to the usual resident population. They account for long-term international migrants (people who change their country of usual residence for a period of 12 months or more) but do not account for short-term migrants (people who come to or leave the country for a period of less than 12 months). Northwich and Winsford Estimated resident population in Northwich and Winsford locality, Cheshire West and Chester and England, 2013 mid year locality has a standard estimates population pyramid, with a 85+ population distribution 80-84 75-79 similar to Cheshire West 70-74 and Chester overall. 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-10 0-4 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% Percentage of population Male Northwich and Winsford Male Cheshire West and Chester Male England % Female Northwich and Winsford Female Cheshire West and Chester Female England % Source: ONS 2013 Mid year population estimates. © ONS Crown Copyright 2014. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 1 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Ward population Locality population estimates are calculated using 2013 mid-year population estimates for electoral wards in England and Wales. These estimates are consistent with the results of the 2011 Census and are available for 2012 electoral ward boundaries – the boundaries in place at 30th June 2013. Detailed gender and age breakdowns at ward level are available in the demographic data tables section of this document. 2013 Mid year locality population estimates In 2013 Cheshire West and Chester has a population of 331,000 residents, with 169,800 females accounting for 51% of all residents and 161,200 males accounting for 49% of residents. 120,000 Population 100,000 80,000 51,287 60,000 45,823 41,582 Northwich and Winsford has a population of 100,700. This is the largest locality and accounts for 30% of Cheshire West and Chester's total population. Northwich and Winsford has a similar gender breakdown to the borough with 51% females and 49% males. 31,111 40,000 20,000 39,208 49,389 43,288 Northwich and Winsford Rural 29,338 0 Chester Ellesmere Port Males Females Davenham and Moulton ward and Winsford Over and Verdin ward have the largest number of residents in Northwich and Winsford locality with 13,400 and 13,500 residents respectively. The ward with the lowest population is Shakerley ward with 4,200 residents. Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin 65+ Winnington and Castle 25-64 Weaver and Cuddington Marbury 00-24 Shakerley Hartford and Greenbank 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Davenham and Moulton Population 2013 Mid year population estimates - Northwich and Winsford 16,000 locality Electoral wards Source: ONS 2013 Mid Year population estimates Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 2 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Population forecasts (2012 based) Population The base for these population forecasts is the 2012 mid-year estimate of population produced by the Office for National Statistics. The forecasts are, in our professional opinion, based on fair assumptions and take into account levels of recent demographic change and likely levels of future housing development (based on the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan). The forecasts are rounded to the nearest 100. This does not imply they are as accurate as this. All forecasts become increasingly inaccurate the further into the future they go. Cheshire West and Chester's Population forecasts - 20 year projections based on 2012 resident population is forecast estimates - by locality to grow by 11% over the next 400,000 20 years. By 2032 it is estimated that the borough 350,000 will have a population of 365,700 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 Chester Ellesmere Port Northwich and Winsford 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 0 Rural Northwich and Winsford locality's resident population is estimated to grow by 13% in the next 20 years. Along with Ellesmere Port, this is the largest estimated growth of the localities, and greater than the boroughs estimated increase. By 2032 Northwich and Winsford locality will have an estimated population of 114,200. Source: Local forecasts produced by Strategic Intelligence from a forecast produced on 12/03/2014 using POPGROUP software developed by Bradford Council, the University of Manchester and Andelin Associates. Data rounded to nearest 100. Fertility rate Witton and Rudheath In 2013 there were 1145 babies born to women in the Northwich and Winsford locality. Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 England Rate per 1,000 women aged 15-44 Fertility is measured through the rate of live births to women aged 15-44. Live birth rate per 1,000 women aged 15-44 (2013) The birth rate was higher than the overall Cheshire West and Chester rate (not significantly different). Witton and Rudheath had the highest birth rate in the locality. The lowest rate was in Hartford and Greenbank. Electoral wards Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Annual Birth Extracts (2013) © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 3 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Index of multiple deprivation 2010 The index of multiple deprivation 2010 (IMD2010) describes the most deprived small areas (lower super output areas) in Cheshire West and Chester in the context of the most deprived areas in England. Lower super output areas (LSOAs) generally have around 1,500 people living in them. National quintile 1 and 2 (Q1 and Q2) describes those areas of Cheshire West and Chester that are amongst the 40% most deprived in England. At locality level, LSOA population estimates are used to describe the proportion of the people living in areas of relative deprivation. The Index of multiple deprivation is an area based measure of deprivation, it should be noted that the percentage of residents in each quintile does not represent the percentage of deprived residents, but the percentage of residents living in a deprived area. A person may live in an area identified as deprived and not experience any of the indicators of deprivation measured by the Indices of Deprivation. There are 38 separate indicators grouped into seven domains that are used to produce the overall index of multiple deprivation (IMD) score for each lower super output area in England (lower super output areas are similar areas of relatively even size, around 1,500 people). These seven domains each reflect a different aspect of deprivation. Cheshire West and Chester has a less deprived population profile compared to England but there are some areas of the borough experiencing relatively high deprivation. 35% of Cheshire West and Chester's population live in Q5 (quintile 5), areas considered to be amongst the 20% least deprived in England. This is higher than the 20% of England's population resident in Q5 areas. 16% of Cheshire West and Chester's population live in Q1 (quintile 1), areas considered to be amongst the 20% most deprived in England. This is lower than the 20% of England's population resident in Q1 areas. Using the combined indicator for multiple deprivation (IMD), Northwich and Winsford 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% locality has 14% of residents England living in Q1, the most deprived areas. Domains that Cheshire West and Chester indicate higher levels of Northwich and Winsford deprivation in Northwich and Winsford include employment Income and barriers to education and Employment training. Northwich and Winsford IMD 2010 Q1 (Most Deprived 20%) Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (Least Deprived 20%) Health Education Barriers to Housing & Services Crime Living Environment Income Deprivation Affecting Children Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) using ONS 2013 Mid year population estimates Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 4 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford 2011 Census Output Area Classification (OAC) Area classifications group together geographic areas according to key characteristics common to the population in that grouping. These groupings are called clusters and are derived using census data. The top hierarchy (Supergroups) are displayed below, of which there are eight nationally. Not every local authority will have areas from each Supergroup. The names and descriptions for the 8 supergroups within the 2011 OAC are meant to provide greater insight than just examining the statistical outputs of cluster analysis alone. While they may not necessarily reflect the characteristics of the entire population, they are likely to represent the general characteristics for the majority of areas assigned to specific clusters. A description, or "pen portrait", for each of the supergroup classifications is available in the glossary. Census Output Area Classification Supergroups England Cheshire West and Chester Northwich and Winsford Davenham and Moulton Hartford and Greenbank Marbury Shakerley Weaver and Cuddington Winnington and Castle Winsford Over and Verdin Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Wharton Witton and Rudheath 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Percentage of Population 80% 90% 100% Rural Residents Cosmopolitans Ethnicity Central Multicultural Metropolitans Urbanites Suburbanites Constrained City Dwellers Hard-Pressed Living The distribution of Northwich and Winsford is similar to the authority average, although with a slightly higher proportion of "Hard-Pressed Living" and no "Cosmopolitans". At ward level the differences between the town and country areas of this locality are visible. The Winsford wards are predominantly "Hard-Pressed Living", "Constrained City Dwellers" or "Suburbanites", whereas the Rural and Northwich Wards are made up of "Urbanites", "Suburbanites" and "Rural Residents". Source: 2011 Census Output Area Classifications, © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 5 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Life expectancy at birth Life expectancy at birth indicates the average number of years a person would expect to live based on contemporary mortality rates. For a particular area and time period, it is an estimate of the average number of years a newborn baby would survive if he or she experienced the age-specific mortality rates for that area and time period throughout his or her life. Life expectancy in Cheshire West and Chester is generally higher than the England average but there is variation within the borough and life expectancy is significantly lower in our more deprived areas. Male life expectancy at birth - 2008-2012 90 85 80 75 Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 65 Cheshire West and Chester 70 England Life Expectancy at birth (Years) 95 Electoral wards Male life expectancy in Cheshire West and Chester varies across localities with men in the Rural locality expected to live 3 years longer than men living in Ellesmere Port locality. Life Expectancy at birth (Years) Northwich and Winsford locality has slightly lower life expectancy for men than England. For the ten wards in the locality however there is variation - three wards are significantly lower and one significantly higher than England. Life expectancy for men ranges from 75.3 years in Winnington and Castle ward to 82.4 years in Hartford and Greenbank ward. Male life expectancy at birth - 5 year pooled trend 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 2001-05 2002-06 2003-07 2004-08 Cheshire West and Chester 2005-09 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 Northwich and Winsford Male life expectancy in Cheshire West and Chester increased by 2.2 years between 2001-05 and 2008-12. In Northwich and Winsford locality, male life expectancy remained lower than Cheshire West and Chester average but increased by 2.2 years over the same time period. The estimate for 2001-05 was 76.2 years, increasing to 78.4 years for 2008-12, reducing a gap of 0.7 years less than the borough average to 0.6 years less. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 6 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester England Life Expectancy at birth (Years) Female life expectancy at birth - 2008-2012 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 Electoral wards Female life expectancy in Cheshire West and Chester varies across localities with females in Rural locality expected to live 2.7 years longer than females living in Ellesmere Port locality. Northwich and Winsford locality has a significantly lower female life expectancy than England. Of the ten wards in the locality four ward estimates are significantly lower and two significantly higher than England ranging from 78.2 years in Shakerley ward to 87.7 years in Hartford and Greenbank ward. Life Expectancy at birth (Years) Female life expectancy at birth - 5 year pooled trend 83 83 82 82 81 81 80 80 2001-05 2002-06 2003-07 2004-08 Cheshire West and Chester 2005-09 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 Northwich and Winsford Female life expectancy in Cheshire West and Chester increased by 1.4 years between 2001-05 and 2008-12. In Northwich and Winsford locality, female life expectancy remained lower than Cheshire West and Chester average but increased by 1.5 years over the same time period. The estimate for 2001-05 was 80.6 years, increasing to 82.1 years for 2008-12, an estimated 0.5 years less than the Cheshire West and Chester average. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) mid-year Population Estimates and Primary Care Mortality Database. Calculated by Cheshire West and Chester Council, comparators by (Public Health England). Based on Chiang (II) methodology. © Crown Copyright. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0 Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 7 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Demographics: Northwich and Winsford Language and ethnicity Main language and proficiency in English (people aged 3 and over) Percentage of people (aged 3 and over) Two questions on main language and proficiency in spoken English were included for the first time in the 2011 Census. The questions provided information on the main language of UK residents, and their proficiency in English if English was not their main language. In Cheshire West and Percentage of people for whom English is not their main language, by how well they can speak it Chester, 6,805 people (2.1%) do not have English 9% as their main language. Of 8% those people, 82.7% (5,630) can speak English 7% 'Very Well' or 'Well'. This is 6% higher than the England 5% average. 4% 3% 1,508 people in Northwich 2% and Winsford locality do not have English as their 1% main language. Of those 0% people, 77.9% (1,174) can England Cheshire Chester Ellesmere Northwich Rural speak English 'Very Well' West and Port and or 'Well'. This is the lowest Chester Winsford Locality locality rate, and is lower than England. Can speak English very well Can speak English well Cannot speak English well Cannot speak English at all Source: 2011 census table QS205EW: Proficiency in English. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Ethnic group Percentage of people Ethnic group classifies people according to their own perceived ethnic group and cultural background. Minority ethnic groups are all ethnic groups other than white British. 5.3% of people in Cheshire Percentage of people who are from an ethnic minority West and Chester are from (by ethnic group) 10% ethnic minority groups. The largest group is White 8% Other, followed by Asian. The overall England figure 6% is 20.2%. 4% 4.2% of people in 2% Northwich and Winsford locality are from ethnic 0% minority groups. White Irish White White Other Mixed Asian Black Other England Gypsy/ Traveller Cheshire West & Chester Northwich and Winsford Source: 2011 census table KS201EW: Ethnic group. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Demographic Profile Page 8 of 8 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Population forecasts - 0-15 years (2012 based) The base for these population forecasts is the 2012 mid-year estimate of population produced by the Office for National Statistics. The forecasts are, in our professional opinion, based on fair assumptions and take into account levels of recent demographic change and likely levels of future housing development (based on the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan). The forecasts are rounded to the nearest 100. This does not imply they are as accurate as this. All forecasts become increasingly inaccurate the further into the future they go. Northwich and Winsford locality is Population forecasts - 20 year projections based on forecast to see a 10% increase in 2012 estimates - Northwich and Winsford locality the resident population aged 0-15 in the next 20 years. The 0-4 year 25,000 age group is forecast remain at 6,200, however the 5-9 age group 20,000 is expected to increase by 12% and the 10-15 year age group to 15,000 increase by 17%. By 2032 Northwich and Winsford locality is 10,000 expected to have a population aged 0-15 of 21,100. 5,000 0-4 5-9 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 0 10-15 Source: Local forecasts produced by Strategic Intelligence from a forecast produced on 12/03/2014 using POPGROUP software developed by Bradford Council, the University of Manchester and Andelin Associates. Data rounded to nearest 100. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 1 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Income deprivation affecting children (0-16) index The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) is a supplementary index of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (IMD2010). It looks at the proportion of children in an area living in low income households (in receipt of Income Support, Incomebased Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit (Guarantee) or Child Tax Credit below a given threshold). Quintiles 1 and 2 (Q1 and Q2) describe those areas of Cheshire West and Chester that are amongst the 40% most deprived in England using the IDACI. The chart shows the proportion of the local 0-16 population that live in each quintile. 17% of children aged 0-16 in Income deprivation affecting children aged 0-16 Quintile 1 - Most Deprived 20% Nationally Q2 Q3 Q4 Quintile 5 - Least Deprived 20% Nationally 80% 60% 40% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Northwich and Winsford Hartford and Greenbank England 0% Davenham and Moulton 20% Cheshire West and Chester % of 0-16 year olds 100% Cheshire West and Chester live in areas ranked amongst the 20% most deprived in England using IDACI (Q1). In Northwich and Winsford locality the proportion is lower at 12% with variation between wards. Winsford Over and Verdin ward has 41% of children aged 0-16 living in Q1 (most deprived). 24% of children in Northwich and Winsford locality reside in Q5 (least deprived), this compares to 29% of Cheshire West and Chester's population. Electoral wards Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), ONS 2013 Mid year population estimates, ward and locality numbers apportioned based on the family health service (FHS) register postcode level population. Lone parent households / Workless households Witton and Rudheath Electoral wards With dependent children No dependent children Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West & Chester 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% England Percentage of all households A lone-parent household is a household that comprises a lone-parent family and no other person. A dependent child is any person aged 0 to 15 in a household (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16 to 18 in full-time education and living in a family with his or her parent(s) or grandparent(s). Non-dependent children are those living with parentsaged 19 or over or aged 16 to 18 not in full-time education who have a spouse, partner or child living in the household. A workless household is one where none of the adults are in employment. 9.8% of households in Cheshire Lone parent households by child status 16% West and Chester are lone parent 14% households, lower than the 12% national figure of 10.6%. 10% Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West & Chester England Percentage of all households with dependent children Workless households with dependent children 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 10.5% of households in Northwich and Winsford locality are lone parent households, higher than the borough but lower than the national average. Winsford Over and Verdin ward has the highest percentage (13.8%) of lone parent households and Winsford Wharton ward has the second highest (13.8%). Both wards are higher than the borough and England percentages. Hartford and Greenbank and Marbury wards have the lowest percentage of lone parent households (7.9%). In Northwich and Winsford locality 11.9% of households with dependent children are workless. This is higher than the borough but lower than the national average. The highest ward percentage is Winsford Over and Verdin (17.6%) and the lowest is Davenham and Moulton (6.4%). LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 2 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford For lone parent households with dependent children the workless percentage rises to 36.2%, this is joint highest in the borough but lower than the national average. Winsford Wharton ward has the highest percentage (45.6%) and Shakerley the lowest (23.9%). Workless lone parent households with dependent children 40% 30% 20% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Electoral wards Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West & Chester 10% England Percentage of all lone parent households with dependent children 50% Source: 2011 census tables KS105EW Household composition, KS106EW Adults not in employment and dependent children and persons with long-term health problems or disability for all households and KS107EW Lone parent households with dependent children. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Child safeguarding Child protection plans Rate per 10,000 children Children are made the subject of a child protection plan when they are thought to be at risk of harm. This might be from physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse or neglect. It helps to keep a check on the work being done with these children. Northwich and Winsford have a Open child protection plans (as of March 2013) by type of higher rate of children on child referral 40 20 0 Emotional Abuse Physical Abuse Neglect or Sexual Abuse Cheshire West & Chester Northwich and Winsford Open child protection plans (as of March 2013) by age of child Rate per 10,000 children 60 protection plans than the Cheshire West and Chester rate across all types of risk. Northwich and Winsford has the highest volume as well as rate of children on child protection plans from all Cheshire West and Chester localities. 40% of child protection plans in Cheshire West and Chester are for children from the Northwich and Winsford locality. 40 20 0 0-4 5-17 Cheshire West & Chester Northwich and Winsford Source: Cheshire West and Chester Council Note: Age groups have been aggregated to protect the disclosure of small numbers of cases. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 3 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Low birthweight births Low birth weight is measured as the percentage of liveborn babies weighing less than 2500g (5lbs 8oz) at birth. It is an indicator of poor population health and has individual risk of infant mortality and poor health into adulthood. Cheshire West and Chester has a significantly lower proportion of low birthweight births than England. Northwich and Winsford locality has a slightly lower proportion of low birthweight births at 7.0% compared to Cheshire West and Chester (6.8%) and England (7.4%) but the differences are not statistically significant. Shakerley ward has a significantly lower proportion of low birth weight births compared to Cheshire West and Chester and England. Low birthweight births (<2500g) 2009-2013 10% 8% 6% 4% Percentage of live births 2009-2013 Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West and Chester 2% England Percentage of all live births 12% Electoral wards 2008-2012 Low birthweight births (<2500g) - 3yr pooled trend 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 20012003 20022004 20032005 England 20042006 20052007 20062008 Cheshire West & Chester 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 Northwich and Winsford Source: ONS Annual Birth Extracts (2001-2011) © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Infant mortality Rate per 1,000 live births Infant mortality is measured as the number of infant deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births. Infant mortality is an indicator of the general health of an entire population. It reflects the relationship between causes of infant mortality and upstream determinants of population health such as economic, social and environmental conditions. Deaths occurring during the first 28 days of life (the neonatal period) in particular, are considered to reflect the health and care of both mother and newborn (Public Health England, 2013). During the five year period 2008Infant mortality 2008-2012 10 2012, there were on average 15 infant deaths a year in Cheshire 8 West and Chester, similar to the 6 England rate. Numbers of deaths are relatively small and so care 4 needs to be taken with 2 interpretation. At locality level 0 numbers become even smaller England Cheshire Chester Ellesmere Northwich Rural and less meaningful, there is no West and Port and significant difference in any of the Chester Winsford locality rates compared to 2007-2011 2008-2012 Localities England. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Annual Birth and Death Extracts (2001-2012) © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 4 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Hospital admissions Rate (DSR) per 100,000 under 19s Across England, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy account for 94% of emergency admissions for children (under 19) with long-term conditions (Public Health England, 2013). In 2013/14 there were 241 admissions to hospital for children in Cheshire West and Chester due to asthma, diabetes or epilepsy. The rate of 342 admissions per 100,000 under 19s is higher than England, but not significantly so. Hospital admissions for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 England 2013/14 Cheshire West and Chester 2012/13 Chester Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Rural The admission rate of 436 per 100,000 under 19s in Northwich and Winsford locality was the highest in the borough for 2013/14, and was significantly higher than England rate. There were 101 children in Northwich and Winsford locality admitted for these conditions in 2013/14, and increase from 72 in the previous year. Hospital admissions for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s annual trend Rate (DSR) per 100,000 under 19s 500 400 300 200 100 0 2011/12 2012/13 Cheshire West and Chester 2013/14 Northwich and Winsford Hospital admissions for lower respiratory tract infections in under 19s 600 500 400 In 2013/14 there were 281 emergency hospital admissions for children aged under 19 with lower respiratory tract infections in Cheshire West and Chester. The rate of 377 admissions per 100,000 under 19s was significantly higher than England. 300 The admission rate of 394 per 100,000 under 19s in Northwich and Winsford locality is higher than the borough and significantly 100 higher than the England rate. In recent years 0 there have been close to 100 admissions a England Cheshire Chester Ellesmere Northwich Rural year to hospital for children from Northwich West and Port and and Winsford locality with lower respiratory Chester Winsford 2013/14 2012/13 tract infection. Hospital admissions for lower respiratory tract infections in under 19s annual trend Rate (DSR) per 100,000 under 19s Rate (DSR) per 100,000 under 19s Lower respiratory tract infections in children should not generally require hospital care. Therefore this indicator acts as a proxy for how well the condition is being managed. 200 500 400 300 200 100 0 2011/12 Cheshire West and Chester Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] 2012/13 2013/14 Northwich and Winsford LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 5 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Unintentional and deliberate injuries There were just under 1,200 admissions for children and young people aged under 25 in Cheshire West and Chester during 2013/14, per head of population. The rate is higher than England but not significantly. Hospital admissions due to unintentional and deliberate injuries in children and young people aged under 25 300 250 200 150 100 Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton 2012/13 Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath 2013/14 Cheshire West & Chester 0 Northwich and Winsford 50 England Crude Rate per 10,000 people Injuries are a leading cause of hospitalisation and represent a major cause of premature mortality for children and young people. They are also a source of long-term health issues, including mental health problems related to experience(s) of injury. Northwich and Winsford locality had 370 admissions, creating a similar rate than Cheshire West and Chester, but higher than England. These differences are not statistically significant. The rate of admission is significantly higher than England and Cheshire West and Chester in Winsford Swanlow and Dene ward. Nationally, self-harm is one of the top 5 causes of acute medical admission and those who self-harm have a 1 in 6 chance of repeat attendance at Accident and Emergency within the year. The risk of death by suicide is considerably higher among people who have self-harmed and they often have a higher chance of mental health problems, alcohol or substance misuse (Public Health England, 2013). In Cheshire West and Chester there are around 190 admissions to hospital each year for children and young people aged 10-24 as a result of self-harm. The directly standardised rate of self-harm in Cheshire West and Chester is lower than the England average, but not significantly so. Hospital admissions due to deliberate self harm in children and young people aged 10-24 Rate per 100,000 aged 10-24 600 500 400 300 Northwich and Winsford locality has a lower rate of self-harm admissions compared to the borough and England rate, but the difference is not significant. 200 100 0 England Cheshire West and Chester 2012/13 Rate per 100,000 aged 10-24 2013/14 500 Chester Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Rural Hospital admissions due to deliberate self harm in children and young people aged 10-24 annual trend 400 300 200 100 0 2011/12 England 2012/13 Cheshire West and Chester 2013/14 Northwich and Winsford Source: Hospital Episode Statistics, NHS Information Centre. Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates 2012. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0 Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 6 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Teenage conception Teenage conception trend Rural Northwich and Winsford Ellesmere Port Chester Cheshire West and Chester 36 Teenage conception rate (2010-2012) England Rate per 1,000 females aged 15-17 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rate per 1,000 females aged 15-17 Most teenage pregnancies are unplanned and around half end in an abortion. For many teenagers bringing up a child is extremely difficult. It often results in poor outcomes for both the teenage parent and the child, in terms of the baby’s health, the mother’s emotional health and well-being and the likelihood of both the parent and child living in long-term poverty. Teenage mothers are less likely to finish their education, are more likely to bring up their child alone and in poverty and have a higher risk of poor mental health than older mothers. Infant mortality rates for babies born to teenage mothers are around 60% higher than for babies born to older mothers. The children of teenage mothers have an increased risk of living in poverty and poor quality housing and are more likely to have accidents and behavioural problems. (Public Health England, 2013) The three year pooled under 18 conception data for 2010-2012 estimates a rate of 30.3 per 1,000 females aged 15-17 in Cheshire West and Chester. This is similar to the England rate of 30.9. There is variation across the borough. The estimated rate for Ellesmere Port locality is significantly higher than England and is double the rate for Rural locality which is significantly lower than England. 34 32 30 28 2009-11 England Cheshire West & Chester 2010-12 The rate of 34.5 per 1,000 in Northwich and Winsford locality is higher than the borough and England rate, but not significantly so. The rate increased slightly between 2009-11 and 2010-12. Northwich and Winsford Source: Calculated from Ward Conceptions, 2010-2012. © ONS Crown Copyright 2014. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 7 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Modelled smoking estimates in young people (2009-2012) These small area estimates of smoking represent what we would expect the prevalence of youth smoking to be, given the sociodemographic profile of a particular geographical area. They may not reflect ACTUAL smoking prevalence. Modelled data suggests that 5.3% of children aged 11-15 in Cheshire West and Chester are occasional or regular smokers. This is higher than the England average of 4.6%. Modelled smoking estimates for children aged 11-15 (2009-2012) 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Electoral wards Occasional Smokers Witton and Rudheath Regular Smokers Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West & Chester 1% England Percentage of children 7% Modelled data suggests that 23.2% of children aged 16-17 in Cheshire West and Chester are occasional or regular smokers. This is higher than the England average of 20.7%. Modelled smoking estimates for children aged 16-17 (2009-2012) 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% Winsford Wharton Witton and Rudheath Electoral wards Regular Smokers Occasional Smokers Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West & Chester 5% England Percentage of children At locality level, it is estimated that 5.1% of 11-15 year olds in Northwich and Winsford smoke (1.7% occasionally, 3.4% regularly). Winsford Wharton ward has the highest estimated prevalence (6.5%) whilst Witton and Rudheath ward has the lowest (4.3%). At locality level, it is estimated that 23.0% of 16-17 year olds in Northwich and Winsford smoke (6.9% occasionally, 16.2% regularly). Winsford Over and Verdin ward has the highest estimated prevalence (26.9%) whilst Marbury ward has the lowest (19.4%). Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Source: Modelled estimates of smoking in young people (2009-2012). Public Health England published on © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 8 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Healthy weight in childhood NICE guidelines define children as overweight if their body mass index (BMI) is more than or equal to 85th percentile but less than the 95th percentile. Children with a BMI over the 95th percentile are defined as obese. More detail is available within the children’s centre dashboard which can be found in the ‘Starting Well’ section of the ISNA. Prevalence of excess weight children aged 4-5 Excess weight (overweight and obesity) in children often leads to excess weight in adults, and this is recognised as a major determinant of premature mortality and avoidable ill health. Figures are based on the percentage of primary school age children in their Reception Year (aged 4-5 years) recorded as having excess weight in the school years 2011/2012 to 2013/14. Based on national quartiles from 2010/11 - 2012/13 middle super output area data. Where quartile 1 is the worst 25% of middle super output areas nationally. 2013/14 data not yet available for MSOA's nationally. Percentage of children Percentage of children with excess weight Reception Year (aged 4-5) trend 30% South Winsford West Winsford Winsford Central North Winsford One quarter of reception year children in Cheshire West and Chester are an unhealthy weight, a significantly higher proportion than the England average. East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Middle super output area Hartford and Kingsmead Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Castle Weaverham Winnington and North Witton Vale Royal East Barnton Vale Royal North Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West & Chester 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Percentage of children with excess weight Reception year (aged 4-5) 2011/12 to 2013/14 England Percentage of children Source: PHE, National Child Measurement programme, HSCIC, calculated from middle super output area (MSOA) data (2010/11 to 2012/13 combined). In Northwich and Winsford locality, for the three year period 2011/12 to 2013/14, 24% of reception year children were either overweight or obese, significantly higher than the England average of 22.4%. In some areas of Winsford rates are over 30%. Northwich and Winsford locality rates peaked in 2011/12 and have reduced by one percentage point each year since. 20% 10% 0% 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 England Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Northwich and Winsford Email: [email protected] 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cheshire West and Chester LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 9 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Prevalence of excess weight children aged 10-11 Figures are based on the percentage of primary school age children in Year 6 (aged 10-11 years) recorded as having excess weight in the school years 2011/2012 to 2013/14. Based on national quartiles from 2010/11 2012/13 middle super output area data. Where quartile 1 is the worst 25% of middle super output areas nationally. 2013/14 data not yet available for MSOA's nationally. South Winsford West Winsford Winsford Central North Winsford East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Hartford and Kingsmead Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Castle Weaverham Winnington and North Witton Vale Royal East Barnton Vale Royal North Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West & Chester Middle super output area Percentage of children One third of year 6 children in Cheshire West and Chester are an unhealthy weight, a similar proportion to the England average. Percentage of children with excess weight Year 6 (aged 10-11) 2011/12 to 2013/14 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% England Percentage of children Source: PHE, National Child Measurement programme, HSCIC, calculated from middle super output area (MSOA) data (2010/11 to 2012/13 combined). Percentage of children with excess weight Year 6 trend In Northwich and Winsford locality, for the three year period 2011/12 to 2013/14, 31.9% of year 6 children were either overweight or obese, slightly less than the England average of 33.6%. Some areas are significantly lower: Weaverham MSOA and Hartford and Kingsmead MSOA. 36% Excess weight in year 6 children in Northwich and Winsford locality has returned to levels last seen in 2008/09. 34% 32% 30% 28% 26% 2007-08 England 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Cheshire West and Chester 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Northwich and Winsford Source: Locally calculated from the National Child Measurement Programme tool, HSCIC - Health and Social Care Information Centre Copyright © 2014, Re-used with the permission of the Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 10 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Education Child development at age 5 The highest priority in the Marmot Review was the aim to give every child the best start in life, as this is crucial to reducing health inequalities across the life course. As the foundations of human development are laid in early childhood, the review proposed an indicator of readiness for school to capture early years development. While there is currently no ideal indicator for this, the percentage of children achieving a good level of development at age 5 provides a readily available measure of early development across England. More children at age 5 in Cheshire West and Chester are likely to achieve a good level of attainment compared to England, but the difference is not significant. Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Electoral wards Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 England Percentage of pupils Children achieving a good level of development at age 5 Academic year 2011-12 Northwich and Winsford locality records fewer children likely to achieve a good level of attainment at age 5 compared to Cheshire West and Chester and also compared to England, however the difference is not significant. Source: Neighbourhood statistics: small area pupil attainment and absence by pupil characteristics in England - academic year 2011 to 2012. Note: The source data for this indicator was produced at MSOA (2001) level. In order to present the dataset at MSOA (2011) level, a conversion was applied using lookups published by ONS. For cases where the original MSOA (2001) was split into 2 or more MSOAs (2011), population weighting was used, using the mid-2011 population aged 5. Ward estimates were produced using the MSOA level data and the mid-2011 populations for those aged 5. Attainment at GCSE (Key Stage 4) Data on attainment and progress provide information on achievements of pupils as measured against National Curriculum standards. Key Stage 4 data are based on exam results for GCSE and equivalent exams. National level data for attainment, expected progress and narrowing the gap measures include maintained state primary, middle and secondary schools (including academies), along with city technology colleges and special schools. Attainment data in this profile is based on pupils resident in Cheshire West and Chester local authority only, therefore will not correlate with National pupil based statistics. Due to missing postcode data a very small number of pupils were unable to be included in counts and rates. 62.5% of pupils resident in 5 A*-G Cheshire West and Chester 5 A*-C 5 A*-C including English and Maths achieved 5+ A*-C GCSE’s 100% including English and Maths in 2012/13, this compares with a North West rate of 59.9% and an England rate of 60.6%. 80% 60% 40% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton 0% Northwich and Winsford 20% Cheshire West & Chester Percentage of Pupils achieving GCSE (Key Stage 4) attainment - 2012/2013 61.4% of pupils resident in Northwich and Winsford locality achieved 5+ A*-C GCSE’s including maths and English. Ward rates ranged from 80.4% in Davenham and Moulton to 44.4% in Witton and Rudheath. Electoral wards Source: Department for Education, adapted for wards and localities by Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Strategic Intelligence Team 2014 Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 11 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Starting Well: Northwich and Winsford Special educational needs (SEN) Rates based on maintained Primary, Secondary and Special schools only. Rates are based on data calculated from pupils resident in Cheshire West and Chester only. Due to missing postcode data a very small number of pupils were unable to be included in counts and rates. The percentage of pupils with special educational needs in Cheshire West and Chester was 16% in 2012/13 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Electoral wards 2011-2012 Winsford Over and Verdin 2012-2013 Davenham and Moulton 0% Northwich and Winsford 5% Cheshire West & Chester Percentage of pupils Percentage of pupils with special educational needs (2012/13) 18% of pupils resident in Northwich and Winsford ward have special educational needs. The highest percentages are 24% of pupils in Winsford Over and Verdin ward, and 23% in Winsford Wharton and Witton and Rudheath wards. Source: 2012/13 Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), adapted for wards by Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Strategic Intelligence Team 2014. Free school meal provision Rates based on maintained Primary, Secondary and Special schools only. Rates based on data calculated from pupils resident in Cheshire West and Chester only. Due to missing postcode data a very small number of pupils were unable to be included in counts and rates. 12% of pupils resident in Cheshire West and Chester were eligible for free school meals in 2012/13. Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals (2012/13) 20% 15% 10% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Electoral wards Winsford Swanlow and Dene 2011/2012 Winsford Over and Verdin 2012/2013 Davenham and Moulton 0% Northwich and Winsford 5% Cheshire West & Chester Percentage of pupils 25% 14% of pupils resident in Northwich and Winsford were eligible for free school meals. The highest percentage is 22% of pupils in Winsford Over and Verdin ward, 20% in Winsford Wharton and 20% in Winsford Swanlow and Dene. Source: 2012/13 Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), adapted for wards by Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Strategic Intelligence Team 2014 Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Starting Well Profile Page 12 of 12 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Population forecasts - 16-64 years (2012 based) The base for these population forecasts is the 2012 mid-year estimate of population produced by the Office for National Statistics. The forecasts are, in our professional opinion, based on fair assumptions and take into account levels of recent demographic change and likely levels of future housing development (based on the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan). The forecasts are rounded to the nearest 100. This does not imply they are as accurate as this. All forecasts become increasingly inaccurate the further into the future they go. Northwich and Winsford locality is forecast to see a decrease of 1% in its resident population aged 16-64 in the next 20 years. The 16-44 year old age group is expected to decrease by 2%, whereas the 45-64 year old age group is forecast to decrease by 1% in the next 20 years. By 2032 the resident population of Northwich and Winsford is forecast to be 62,900. Population forecasts - 20 year projections based on 2012 estimates Northwich and Winsford locality 70000 60000 Population 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 2032 2030 2028 45-64 2026 2022 16-44 2024 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 0 Source: Local forecasts produced by Strategic Intelligence from a forecast produced on 12/03/2014 using POPGROUP software developed by Bradford Council, the University of Manchester and Andelin Associates. Data rounded to nearest 100. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 1 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Self reported health The 2011 Census asked how a person perceives their health and asked them to rate if it is very bad, bad, fair, good or very good. 78% of adults in Cheshire West and Chester reported that their health was good or very good. This is higher than the national percentage. 100% 80% 60% 40% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West and Chester 20% England Percentage of adults (16 and over) Percentage of adults (aged 16 and over) who consider their health to be very good or good In Northwich and Winsford locality 77% of adults report good or very good health. This is lower than the borough and England average. Ward rates range from 72% in Winsford Swanlow and Dene to 82% in Hartford and Greenbank. The majority of wards in Ellesmere Port locality report lower levels of good or very good health than the borough average. Electoral wards Source: 2011 Census Table LC3203EW General health by religion by sex by age. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. This question asked if a person perceives that they have a limiting long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits their daily activities or the work they can do, including problems that are due to old age. 22% of adults in Cheshire West and Chester reported that they had a longterm health problem or disability. This is higher than the national percentage. 100% 80% 60% 40% Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West and Chester 20% England Percentage of adults (16 and over) Percentage of adults (aged 16 and over) who have a long-term health problem or disability that limits day to day activities In Northwich and Winsford locality 22% of adults report having a long term health problem or disability. This is the same as the borough average, and higher than England. Ward rates range from 26% in Winsford Swanlow and Dene to 18% in Davenham and Moulton. Seven of the ten wards have higher rates of limiting long-term health problems than England average. Source: 2011 Census Table LC3207EW Long-term health problem or disability by religion by sex by age © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 2 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Mortality Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the major causes of death in under 75s in England. There have been huge gains over the past decades in terms of better treatment for CVD and improvements in lifestyle. To ensure that there continues to be a reduction in the rate of premature mortality from CVD, there needs to be concerted action in both prevention and treatment. Cheshire West and Chester has significantly lower death rates from cardiovascular diseases than the England average - around 216 people under the age of 75 die each year. There is variation across the borough however, with significantly higher mortality rates in our more deprived areas. Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases (2011-13) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 England 2011-13 Cheshire West and Chester Chester 2010-12 Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population 200 Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Rural Localities Northwich and Winsford locality has a higher rate than Cheshire West and Chester and is higher than England but the difference is not statistically significant. Premature death rates from cardiovascular diseases have reduced in Northwich and Winsford locality following a similar trend to Cheshire West and Chester and England. Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases three year pooled trend 150 100 50 0 2001-2003 2002-2004 England 2003-2005 2004-2006 2005-2007 2006-2008 Cheshire West and Chester 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 Northwich and Winsford 2011-2013 Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population Cancer is the highest cause of death in England in under 75s. To ensure that there continues to be a reduction in the rate of premature mortality from cancer, there needs to be concerted action in both prevention and treatment. Cancer accounts for 43% of deaths in the under Under 75 mortality rate from all cancer (2011-13) 75s in Cheshire West and Chester, around 440 200 people every year. The rate for the population of 180 Cheshire West and Chester is higher than 160 England but the difference is not statistically 140 significant. Rates are significantly higher in the 120 more deprived areas of the borough. 100 80 60 40 20 0 England Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population 2011-13 2010-12 Cheshire West and Chester Chester Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Localities Rural Northwich and Winsford locality has a higher rate of early deaths from cancer compared to England but the difference is not statistically significant. Premature death rates from cancer have reduced more slowly in Northwich and Winsford than any other locality in Cheshire West and Chester over the last decade. Under 75 mortality rate from all cancer 3 year pooled trend 200 150 100 50 0 2001-2003 2002-2004 England 2003-2005 Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] 2004-2006 2005-2007 2006-2008 Cheshire West and Chester 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 Northwich and Winsford 2011-2013 LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 3 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Liver disease is one of the top causes of death in England and people are dying from it at younger ages. Most liver disease is preventable and much is influenced by alcohol consumption and obesity prevalence. These are both amenable to public health interventions. Around 58 people under the age of 75 die each year in Cheshire West and Chester from liver disease. Whilst the rate is slightly higher than the England average, the difference is not statistically significant. Rates are significantly higher in the more deprived areas of the borough. Premature death rates from liver disease have increased over the last decade in all localities except Rural locality. Under 75 mortality rate from all liver disease (2011-13) Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 England Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population 2011-13 2010-12 Cheshire West and Chester Chester Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Localities Rural Northwich and Winsford locality has a higher rate of deaths in under 75s from liver disease compared to Cheshire West and Chester and to England but the difference is not significant. Under 75 mortality rate from all liver disease three year pooled trend 25 20 15 10 5 0 2001-2003 2002-2004 England 2003-2005 2004-2006 2005-2007 2006-2008 Cheshire West and Chester 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 Northwich and Winsford 2011-2013 Respiratory disease is one of the top causes of death in England in the under 75s and smoking is the major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), one of the major respiratory diseases. Around 92 people under the age of 75 die each year in Cheshire West and Chester from respiratory disease. Whilst the rate is slightly lower than the England average, the difference is not statistically significant. Rates are significantly higher in the more deprived areas of the borough. Premature death rates from respiratory diseases have reduced over the last decade in all localities of Cheshire West and Chester. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population Under 75 mortality rate from all respiratory disease (2011-13) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 England Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population 2011-13 Cheshire West and 2010-12 Chester Chester Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Localities Rural Northwich and Winsford locality has a lower rate of deaths in the under 75s from respiratory disease compared to England but the difference is not significant. Under 75 mortality rate from all respiratory disease three year pooled trend 50 40 30 20 10 0 2001-2003 2002-2004 England 2003-2005 Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] 2004-2006 2005-2007 2006-2008 Cheshire West and Chester 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 Northwich and Winsford 2011-2013 LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 4 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Suicide is a significant cause of death in young adults and is seen as an indicator of underlying mental ill-health. In Cheshire West and Chester around 29 people die each year as a result of suicide or injury of undetermined intent. Numbers of deaths are relatively small and so care needs to be taken with interpretation. Whilst suicide rates in Cheshire West and Chester are slightly higher than the England average, the difference is not statistically significant. At locality level numbers become even smaller and there is no significant difference in any of the locality rates compared to England. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population Suicide rate (2011-13) 20 15 When suicides are grouped for areas with similar levels of deprivation, the more deprived areas of the borough have a significantly higher suicide rate than England. 10 5 0 England 2011-13 Cheshire West and Chester 2010-12 Chester Ellesmere Port Northwich and Winsford Rural Localities Directly Standardised rate per 100,000 population All age mortality rate from suicide and injury undetermined three year pooled trend 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2001-2003 2002-2004 2003-2005 England 2004-2006 2005-2007 2006-2008 Cheshire West and Chester 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 2011-2013 Northwich and Winsford Source: Office for National Statistics Annual Death Extracts, Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates 2013. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 5 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Healthy lifestyle behaviours The latest available small area lifestyle data for Cheshire West and Chester are modelled estimates for 2006-2008. These were based on the Health Survey for England and other socio-demographic data and are not comparable with more recent estimates at Local Authority level available in the Public Health Outcomes Framework for example. Note that modelled estimates cannot be used to measure performance or change over time in individual areas. They are included here to enhance the story of locality. The estimated percentage of the population aged 16+ who are obese in Cheshire West and Chester is 22.7%, lower than the England rate of 24.2%, but not significantly. Individuals are regarded as obese if they have a body mass index of 30 or more. Winsford Central West Winsford Winnington and North Witton Weaverham Vale Royal North Vale Royal East South Winsford North Winsford Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Hartford and Kingsmead East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Castle Barnton Northwich and Winsford England Cheshire West and Chester Estimated prevalence (%) Obesity prevalence in adults (2006-08) 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% The estimated adult obesity rate for Northwich and Winsford locality of 24.4% is worse than the England rate of 24.1%, but not significantly so. Middle super output area The estimated percentage of the population aged 16+ that eat healthily in Cheshire West and Chester is 28.4%, similar to that of England. Healthy eating is defined as those who consume five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day. A portion of fruit or vegetables is defined as an 80g serving. Healthy eating (five-a-day) prevalence in adults (2006-08) 50% 40% 30% 20% Winsford Central West Winsford Winnington and North Witton Weaverham Vale Royal North Vale Royal East South Winsford North Winsford Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Hartford and Kingsmead East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Castle Barnton Northwich and Winsford 0% England 10% Cheshire West and Chester Estimated prevalence (%) 60% The estimated rate for Northwich and Winsford locality of 26.3% is worse than that of the England rate of 28.7%, but not significantly so. Middle super output area Smoking prevalence in adults (2006-08) 50% 40% 30% 20% Winsford Central Winnington and North Witton West Winsford Weaverham Vale Royal North Vale Royal East South Winsford North Winsford Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Hartford and Kingsmead East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Castle Barnton Northwich and Winsford 0% England 10% Cheshire West and Chester Estimated Prevalence (%) 60% The estimated percentage of the population aged 16+ who are current smokers in Cheshire West and Chester is 19.7%, significantly lower than the England rate. Individuals are regarded as smokers if they described themselves as "current cigarette smokers" in the Health Survey for England. The estimated smoking rate for Northwich and Winsford locality of 21.8% is better than the England rate of 22.2%, but not significantly so. Middle super output area Source: Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours: Model Based Estimates for MSOAs. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 6 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Alcohol consumption The estimated percentage of the population aged 16+ that binge drink is 20.1%. Binge drinking in adults is defined separately for men and women. Men are defined as having indulged in binge drinking if they had consumed eight or more units of alcohol on the heaviest drinking day in the previous seven days; for women the cut-off is six or more units of alcohol. The estimated percentage of the population aged 16+ who are binge drinkers in Cheshire West and Chester is 23.5%, significantly higher than the England rate. Winsford Central West Winsford Winnington and North Witton Weaverham Vale Royal North Vale Royal East South Winsford North Winsford Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Hartford and Kingsmead East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Castle Barnton Northwich and Winsford England Cheshire West and Chester Estimated Prevalence (%) Binge drinking prevalence in adults (2006-08) 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% In 2006-08 the estimated binge drinking rate for Northwich and Winsford locality of 22.6% was significantly worse than the England rate of 20.0%. Middle super output area Source: Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours: Model Based Estimates for MSOAs. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Drinkers aged twenty five and over who are drinking at increasing or higher risk levels for a sustained period of time are most likely to suffer long-term alcohol-related illness or death. Increasing risk drinkers (who are at an increasing risk of alcohol-related illness) are defined as men who regularly drink more than three to four units a day or women who regularly drink more than two to three units a day but less than the higher risk levels. Higher risk drinkers (who have a high risk of alcohol-related illness) are defined as men who regularly drink more than eight units a day or more than fifty units of alcohol per week or women who regularly drink more than 6 units a day or more than thirty five units of alcohol per week. The alcohol learning centre has developed a social marketing tool which classifies each postcode in the country as one where the majority of adults are classed as lower, increasing or higher risk drinkers. Increasing risk % Higher risk% 60% 40% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West and Chester 20% England Percentage of population aged 16+ Percentage of population by alcohol harm segment In Cheshire West and Chester 33% of adults are classed as increasing or higher risk drinkers, this is compared to 39% in England. 38% of adults in Northwich and Winsford locality are increasing or higher risk drinkers, lower than England. This ranges from 54% in Witton and Rudheath ward to 18% in Hartford and Greenbank ward. The highest proportion of increasing risk drinkers are in Witton and Rudheath ward (51%) whilst the highest proportion of higher risk drinkers are in Winsford Over and Verdin ward (28%). Electoral wards Source: Alcohol Harm Segmentation Tool, Alcohol Learning Centre © Crown Copyright 2013. Based on HEALTHAcorn 2006/07 alcohol attributable hospital admissions from NWPHO and TGI drinking consumption levels. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 7 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Hospital admissions Alcohol Alcohol related hospital admissions (2012/13) 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0 Cheshire West and Chester 500 England Directly standardised rate per 100,000 people Alcohol Attributable Fractions (AAFs) are used to express the extent to which alcohol contributes to a health outcome, such as alcohol poisoning, non-alcohol poisoning, road traffic injuries, falls, drowning, violence, and other unintentional or intentional injuries. The sum of AAFs for relevant admissions gives a proxy for the number of whole admissions which can be attributed to alcohol. The Cheshire West and Chester rate of hospital admissions due to alcohol harm is significantly lower than the national rate. Based on the pre 2014 definition of alcohol attributable fractions, the rate in Northwich and Winsford locality is significantly lower than England. Winnington and Castle ward has the highest rate, and is the only ward that is statistically higher than England. Four wards are significantly lower and the lowest being Hartford and Greenbank ward. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 people Alcohol related hospital admissions - 2012/13 monthly trend 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Cheshire West and Chester Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Northwich and Winsford Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Due to data definition changes, indicators relating to alcohol attributable fractions will be updated at a later date. Source: Hospital Episode Statistics, NHS Information Centre. Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates 2011. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0 Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 8 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Economic activity and unemployment A person aged 16 to 74 is described as economically inactive if they are not in employment but do not meet the criteria to be classified as 'unemployed'. This includes those looking for work but not available to start work, as well as anyone not looking for work, or unable to work - for example retired, looking after home/family, permanently sick or disabled. In Cheshire West and Chester 29.8% of people aged 16-74 were economically inactive on census day. This is lower than the England average of 30.1% Percentage of adults (16 to 74) Percentage of adults (aged 16 to 74) who are economically inactive 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester England In Northwich and Winsford locality 28.8% of people were economically inactive, this is the joint lowest locality percentage, and lower than England. Within Northwich and Winsford, Winnington and Castle ward had the lowest levels of economic inactivity (24.6%) and Weaver and Cuddington the highest Electoral wards (32.7%). A person is classified as unemployed if they are not in employment, are available to start work in the next two weeks and have either looked for work in the last four weeks or are waiting to start a new job. In Cheshire West and Chester 3.3% of people aged 16-74 were unemployed on census day. This is lower than in England where 4% were unemployed. 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% Electoral Wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Cheshire West and Chester 0.0% Northwich and Winsford 1.0% England Percentage of adults (16 to 74) Percentage of adults (aged 16 to 74) who are unemployed In Northwich and Winsford locality 3.9% of people were unemployed at the time of the 2011 Census. Within Northwich and Winsford, Shakerley ward had the lowest levels of unemployment (2.4%) and Winnington and Castle the highest (5.5%). Source: 2011 Census Table LC6302EW Economic activity by hours worked by long-term health problem or disability. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. In Cheshire West and Chester 7.1% of people aged 16-24 were unemployed on census day. This is lower than in England where 7.5% were unemployed. Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester England Percentage of young people (16 to 24) Percentage of young people (aged 16 to 24) who are unemployed 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Northwich and Winsford locality had the highest percentage of unemployed young people in the Borough (9.2%). Within Northwich and Winsford, Hartford and Greenbank ward had the lowest levels of youth unemployment (5.8%) and Winsford Over and Verdin the highest (11.8%). Electoral wards Source: 2011 Census Table DC6201EW Economic activity by ethnic group by sex by age. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 9 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Business counts Enterprise count (overall businesses) and unit count (workplaces) Percentage of workplaces by legal status Units are individual sites that belong to an enterprise (e.g. a factory or shop), a unit can be referred to as a workplace. An enterprise can be thought of as the overall business, made up of all the individual sites or workplaces. It is defined as the smallest combination of legal units (generally based on VAT and/or PAYE records) that has a certain degree of autonomy within an enterprise group. There were 12,195 enterprises (overall businesses) registered for VAT and/or PAYE in October 2014 in Cheshire West and Chester, 12,115 of these were private sector enterprises and 80 were public sector enterprises. There were 14,910 local units (workplaces that belong to an enterprise) registered for VAT and/or PAYE in October 2013 in Cheshire West and Chester. Businesses - count of units (workplaces) 2014 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% England Cheshire West and Chester Chester Ellesmere Port Private Sector 2,246,215 14,360 3,300 1,300 4,105 5,440 Public Sector 76,155 550 145 55 170 155 Northwich and Winsford Rural Locality Percentage of businesses by legal status Total 2014 South Winsford West Winsford Winsford Central North Winsford East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Hartford and Kingsmead Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Castle Weaverham Winnington and North Witton Vale Royal East Vale Royal North Barnton Businesses - count of units (workplaces) 2014 800 600 400 200 0 Total 2013 Businesses - count of enterprises (overall businesses) 2014 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% England Cheshire West and Chester Chester Ellesmere Port Private Sector 1,940,020 12,115 2,425 1,025 3,585 4,875 Public Sector 10,010 80 5 - 10 15 Northwich and Winsford Rural Locality Businesses - enterprises (overall businesses) 2014 600 400 Total 2014 South Winsford West Winsford Winsford Central North Winsford East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Hartford and Kingsmead Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Castle Weaverham Winnington and North Witton Vale Royal East Barnton 0 Vale Royal North 200 There were 3,615 enterprises registered for VAT and/or PAYE in October 2014 in Northwich and Winsford locality, 3,585 of these were private sector enterprises and 10 were public sector enterprises. Of these enterprises (overall businesses) there were 4,275 local units or workplaces that belong to an enterprise registered for VAT and/or PAYE in October 2014. Vale Royal East middle super output area recorded 530 enterprises registered in October 2014, of these overall businesses there were 585 local units or workplaces registered. Vale Royal North Middle super output area recorded 510 enterprises registered in October 2014, of these overall businesses there were 525 local units or workplaces registered. Total 2013 Notes: Locality Counts have been derived by assigning Middle super output area's to Localities based on the proportion of the Middle super output area located within each locality. Due to rounding ward totals may not sum to locality totals or Cheshire West and Chester Council total. Source: Nomis © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1 Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 10 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Skills and qualifications In England 22.5% of people aged 16+ do not have any qualifications, compared to 21.0% in Cheshire West and Chester. Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% England Percentage of adults (16 and over) Percentage of adults (aged 16 and over) who have no qualifications Within Northwich and Winsford locality, 22.7% of adults do not have any qualifications. The ward with the highest percentage of unqualified people is Winsford Swanlow and Dene (28.8%). The lowest percentage is Hartford and Greenbank (14.6%). Source: 2011 Census Table QS501EW Highest Level of Qualification. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Level 3 qualifications or above include A Levels, BTEC Diplomas, HND or a foundation degree, or a bachelors degree or higher. In Cheshire West and Chester 36.4% of adults have a level 3 or higher qualification, compared to 32.7% in England. Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Witton and Rudheath Electoral wards Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% England Percentage of adults (16 and over) Percentage of adults (aged 16 and over) who have a level 3 or above qualification Within Northwich and Winsford locality, 33.8% of adults have Level 3+ qualifications. The ward with the highest percentage is Hartford and Greenbank (45.5%). The lowest percentage is Witton and Rudheath (25.4%). Source: 2011 Census Table QS501EW Highest Level of Qualification. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 11 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Claimant count (April 2015) Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Electoral wards Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester England Percentage of people aged 16-64 Job seekers allowance claimant count records the number of people claiming job seekers allowance and national insurance credits at Job Centre Plus local offices. This is not an official measure of unemployment, but is the only indicative statistic available for areas smaller than Local Authority. There were 2,076 claimants of job Job seekers allowance (inc national insurance credits) seekers allowance in Cheshire West claimants - April 2015 and Chester in April 2015, giving a 2.0% claimant rate of 1.0%, significantly 1.8% lower than the England rate of 1.8% 1.6% for the same time period. 1.4% 1.2% There were 559 claimants of job 1.0% seekers allowance in Northwich and 0.8% Winsford locality in April 2015, giving 0.6% a claimant rate of 0.9%, significantly 0.4% lower than the England rate and in line with the Cheshire West and 0.2% Chester rate. At a ward level, rates 0.0% vary from 0.5% in Hartford and Greenbank ward to 1.5% in Winnington and Castle ward, which is significantly higher than the borough rate. Source: Claimant counts ONS Crown copyright reserved. People aged 16-64 who claim job seekers allowance Percentage of people aged 16-64 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% September 2014 October 2014 England November 2014 December 2014 Cheshire West and Chester January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 Northwich and Winsford Source: Department for work and pensions Tabulation Tool, Working Age Client Group Data. Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 12 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Crime Rate per 1,000 population 60 40 20 0 England Cheshire West and Chester All crime (excl. ASB) 2013-2014 Chester Ellesmere Northwich Port and Winsford Rural Neighbourhood localities All crime (excl. ASB) 2012-2013 Outcome of crimes 2013/14 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% England Cheshire Northwich Chester Ellesmere Northwich Rural West and and Port and Chester Winsford Winsford Offender dealt with at court Offender dealt with by police Offender sent to court All recorded crime incidents 2013/14 150 100 Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Electoral wards 2012-2013 The "all recorded crime" rate in Northwich and Winsford locality was 38.9 per 1,000 resident population. This is statistically lower than the borough and England rate. The highest ward rate in Northwich and Winsford locality is Winnington and Castle ward with a rate of 105.8, this is significantly higher than the borough and England rate. The lowest rate was 19.9 in Weaver and Cuddington ward, significantly lower than England and Cheshire West and Chester. Northwich and Winsford has a higher level of anti-social behaviour and other crime compared to the national rate. All recorded crime incidents by type 2013/14 15 10 England Cheshire West and Chester Other crime Other theft Violent crime Vehicle Crime Shoplifting Public disorder and weapons Drugs 0 Criminal damage and arson 5 Burglary Rate per 1,000 population 2013-2014 Northwich and Winsford 0 Cheshire West and Chester 50 England Rate per 1,000 population Percentage of crimes The data used are provided by the crime mapper system, and are generated by the Cheshire Police Crime Management and Command and Control systems. The data are provided to the Home Office and cleaned before being made available for analysis. The "all recorded crime" rate for Cheshire West and Chester was 45.5 recorded crimes per 1,000 resident population in 2013/14. This is statistically lower than the England rate of 57.1 per 1,000. All recorded crime incidents 2013/14 80 Northwich and Winsford Rate per 1,000 people All recorded crime incidents rate per 1,000 people 80 60 40 20 0 Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar 2011/12 England Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2012/13 Cheshire West & Chester Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar 2013/14 Northwich and Winsford Source: Crime and Anti-social behaviour incidents, published by Home Office. © Crown Copyright 2014. Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 13 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Killed or seriously injured road traffic collisions (2011-2013) There were 58 people killed or seriously injured per 100,000 residents in Cheshire West and Chester between 2011-2013, this is a significantly higher rate compared to the England rate of 40. Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Killed and seriously injured by road traffic collisions (2011-2013) Cheshire West and Chester 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 England Rate per 100,000 population Motor vehicle traffic accidents are a major cause of preventable deaths and morbidity, particularly in younger age groups. For children and men aged 20-64 years, mortality rates for motor vehicle accidents are higher in areas of increased deprivation.The statistics refer to personal injury collisions on public roads which become known to the police within 30 days. Confirmed suicides are excluded. Seriously injured refers to an injury for which a person is detained in hospital as an 'in-patient', or the following injuries irrespective of whether they were detained in hospital: fractures, concussion, internal injuries, crushings, burns, severe cuts, severe general shock requiring medical treatment and injuries causing death 30 or more days after the collision. Numbers are located at place of collision and not the residence of the casualty. There were 57.2 road traffic collisions per 100,000 where someone was killed or seriously injured in Northwich and Winsford between 2011-2013. Significantly higher than England. Rate per 100,000 population Killed and seriously injured by road traffic collisions three year pooled trend 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 2005-2007 2006-2008 England 2007-2009 2008-2010 Cheshire West and Chester 2009-2011 2010-2012 2011-2013 Northwich and Winsford Source: Department for Transport, Killed and seriously injured 2014, may not correlate with locally published data as this includes motorways. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 14 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Deliberate fire incidents In 2013/14 there were 490 deliberate fires in Cheshire West and Chester, deliberate fires include those fires where deliberate ignition is merely suspected. 72 (15%) were classified as primary fires. Primary fires are classed as all fires in buildings and vehicles that are not derelict or in outdoor structures, any fires involving casualties or rescues and any fire attended by five or more appliances. Secondary fires are the majority of outdoor fires including grassland and refuse fires, unless these involve casualties or rescues, property loss or unless five or more appliances attend. Secondary fires include fires in derelict buildings. The overall deliberate fire rate was 14.8 per 10,000 people. There has been an overall fall in the number of deliberate fires of 45% between 2009/10 and 2013/14. Primary fires have fallen faster than secondary fires, though both have shown a decrease. Deliberate fire incident rate 2013/14 Rate per 10,000 population 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Cheshire West and Chester Chester Deliberate Primary Fires Ellesmere Port Northwich and Winsford Neighbourhood localities Deliberate Secondary (Small) Fires Rural In Northwich and Winsford locality there were 138 deliberate fires, giving a deliberate fire rate of 13.7 per 10,000 people. Lower than the borough rate. 13% of these deliberate fires were classed as primary fires. There has been a fall of 56% in the overall number of deliberate fires in the Northwich and Winsford locality, the largest compared to other localities in the borough. Rate per 10,000 population Trend of deliberate fire incidents 40 30 20 10 0 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Cheshire West and Chester 2012/13 2013/14 Northwich and Winsford Source: Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service, Fire Incident Data (2013/14) Number of Fire Incidents (2011/12 to 2013/14) Source: Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service, Fire Incident Data (2009-2014). Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 15 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Housing tenure Housing tenure information helps the council assess changes in housing demand and allocate resources to revise and develop housing plans and policies. It also allows better understanding of the make-up of social and privately rented accommodation. 71% of households in Cheshire West and Chester own their own houses, higher than the England rate of 63%. 71% of households in Cheshire West and Chester own their own home. Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winnington and Castle Winsford Over and Verdin Electoral wards Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% England Percentage of households Housing tenure - owned 15% of households in the borough rent from social landlords, a further 13% rent from private landlords, both rates are lower than the England rates. 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Electoral wards Winsford Swanlow and Dene Private rented Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 0% England Percetnage of households Housing tenure - rented Social Rented 73% of households in Northwich and Winsford own their own homes, higher than the borough rate. Rates of home ownership are highest in Marbury (82%) and Hartford and Greenbank (80%) wards. Lowest rates of home ownership in Northwich and Winsford are located in Winsford Over and Verdin (63%) and Winnington and Castle (62%). Northwich and Winsford has lower levels of social rented and private rented households compared to England. Winsford Over and Verdin has the highest rate of social rented homes in the locality (26%), and Winnington and Castle has the highest rate of private rented (22%). Source: 2011 census table KS402EW: Tenure. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 16 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford House prices The median price for a house in Cheshire West and Chester was £164,000 in 2013/14. This is £21,000 lower than the England median. Median house price by ward 2013/14 £300,000 £200,000 Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester £0 England £100,000 The median price for a property in Northwich and Winsford locality is £148,000. This is 10% lower than the borough median and 20% lower than the England. The median price for a semi detached house in Northwich and Winsford is £130,000 which is 22% lower than the national median. Properties are cheapest in Winsford Wharton ward, where a terraced house costs £77,500. The highest median price for a semi detached house was £165,000 in Hartford and Greenbank ward. Median house price by type - 2013/14 £300,000 £250,000 £200,000 £150,000 £100,000 £50,000 £0 All Detached England Semi Detached Cheshire West & Chester Terraced Northwich and Winsford Median house price trend £200,000 £150,000 £100,000 £50,000 2009/10 2010/11 England 2011/12 Cheshire West and Chester 2012/13 Jan-Mar Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun Jan-Mar Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun Jan-Mar Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun Jan-Mar Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun Jan-Mar Oct-Dec Jul-Sep Apr-Jun £0 2013/14 Northwich and Winsford Source: Price Paid Data, Land Registry. © Crown Copyright 2013. Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 17 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Warm homes Fuel poverty 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% Witton & Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow & Dene Winsford Over & Verdin Winnington & Castle Weaver & Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford & Greenbank Davenham & Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 0% England Percentage of households in fuel poverty Under the low income high costs definition, a household is considered to be fuel poor if: they have required fuel costs that are above average (the national median level) and were they to spend that amount, they would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line. Cheshire West and Chester has Fuel poverty (Low income high cost) 2012 9.4% of households living in fuel 14% poverty, significantly lower than the 12% 10.4% of England. Northwich and Winsford has 8.9% of households living in fuel poverty, significantly lower than both England and Cheshire West and Chester. At ward level, Witton and Rudheath has 11.5% of households experiencing fuel poverty, significantly higher than both England and Cheshire West and Chester. Electoral wards Percentage of households in fuel poverty Fuel poverty trend 15% 10% 5% 0% England 2011 Cheshire West and Chester 2012 Northwich and Winsford Source: Fuel Poverty Index 2012, Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 18 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Energy consumption Winnington and North Witton Winnington and North Witton Weaverham Weaverham West Winsford Vale Royal North Vale Royal North West Winsford Vale Royal East Vale Royal East South Winsford North Winsford Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Hartford and Kingsmead East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Castle Barnton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 England Gas consumption in kilowatt hours per year Annual energy consumption in Great Britain, covers all gas distributed through the national transmission system. The department for energy and climate change uses the gas industry standard "Annual Quantity" (AQ) cut-off point of 73,200 kw/h and classifies all consumers using under the annual amount as domestic consumers. Gas consumption statistics cover the gas year (1st october to 30th December). Domestic electricty consumption is is based on domestic meter readings and approximately 20% estimated readings. The sub-national gas and electricity consumption statistics use varying methodology and cover slightly different time periods. Despite these differences, the combined electricity and gas provide a good indication of overall annual household energy consumption. Average household gas consumption (KWh/year) 2005-2011 Middle super output area South Winsford North Winsford Leftwich, Rudheath and Witton Hartford and Kingsmead East Winsford Davenham and Moulton Cuddington, Oakmere and Whitegate Castle Barnton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 England Electricity consumption in kilowatt hours per year Average household electricity consumption (KWh/year) 2005-2011 Middle super output area Source: Domestic Energy Consumption (2005-2011), Neighbourhood Statistics. © Crown Copyright 2013. Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Central heating Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester England Percentage of households with no central heating Houses with no central heating 4.5% 4.0% 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% Electoral wards Source: 2011 Census Table QS415EW Central heating. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 19 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Fixed broadband performance Broadband performance is based on a snapshot of data provided by the largest fixed broadband providers in the UK for the period of June to July 2013. Due to variations in broadband performance over time the data should not be regarded as a definitive and fixed view of the UK's fixed broadband infrastructure. The average speeds at ward level represent the average speed that ward consumers actually receive (based on average speed per postcode), which drives the speed at which files can be uploaded or downloaded. Cheshire West and Chester has an overall average fixed broadband speed of 13.4 mbits/second, slower than the United Kingdom average of 22.7 mbits/second. 20 15 10 Electoral Wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Average speed 2012 Winsford Over and Verdin Average speed 2013 Davenham and Moulton Cheshire West and Chester 0 Northwich and Winsford 5 United Kingdom Average speed mbits/second Fixed broadband performance snapshot June-July 2013 25 Northwich and Winsford locality has similar average broadband speeds to Cheshire West and Chester, but slower than the United Kingdom. Speeds vary across the locality, with fastest speeds experienced in Winnington and Castle, Hartford and Greenbank and Davenham and Moulton wards. Slowest speeds can be found in Shakerley ward. Source: Ofcom fixed line broadband postcode level May 2013. Locality and ward level average speeds have been calculated using postcode level average speeds. All postcodes with status's marked 'No premises', 'No data', 'Insufficient premises', 'Insufficient data' have been omitted from calculations. Benefits Council tax benefit Those persons liable for paying council tax and are on a low income (whether they are working or not), may be able to get help to pay their council tax. Council tax benefit is based on the income, capital and the circumstances of the person, their partner and their household. Council tax benefit is available to both those who are in rental accommodation and those with a mortgage. If a person is not entitled to council tax benefit because their income or capital is too high, they may still be able to claim second adult rebate. A person could receive up to 25% off their council tax bill if the other adults living in their home are on a low income. Cheshire West and Chester has a council tax benefit claimant rate of 16.3% based on Census 2011 dwelling counts. 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% Electoral wards Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Council Tax 2013 Witton and Rudheath Council Tax 2014 Davenham and Moulton 0% Northwich and Winsford 5% Cheshire West & Chester Percentage of households claiming council tax benefit Percentage of households who claim council tax benefit 2014 35% Northwich and Winsford locality has a council tax benefit claimant rate of 17.0%, which is higher than the borough rate of 16.3%. The highest ward rate is Winsford Over and Verdin (25.9%) and the lowest is Hartford and Greenbank (9.5%) Source: Council Tax Benefit Counts, Revenues and Benefits Team, Cheshire West and Chester Council Aug 2014. Claimant rates are calculated as a percentage of Census 2011. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 20 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Housing benefit Those persons on a low income (whether they are working or not), may be able to get housing benefit to help them pay their rent. Housing benefit is based on the income, capital and the circumstances of the person, their partner and their household. Housing benefit is not paid to help pay a mortgage. From 1st January 2012 if you're single and under 35 you can only get housing benefit for bed-sit accommodation or one room in shared accommodation. Cheshire West and Chester has a housing benefit claimant rate of 14.6% based on Census 2011 dwelling counts. 20% 15% 10% Housing Benefit 2014 Housing Benefit 2013 Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton 0% Northwich and Winsford 5% Cheshire West and Chester Percentage of Households claiming housing benefit Percentage of households who claim housing benefit 2014 25% Northwich and Winsford locality has a housing benefit claimant rate of 15.2%, which is higher than the borough rate of 14.6%. The highest ward rate is Winsford Over and Verdin (24.6%) and the lowest is Hartford and Greenbank (8.8%) Electoral wards Source: Housing Benefit Counts, Revenues and Benefits Team, Cheshire West and Chester Council 2014. Claimant rates are calculated as a percentage of Census 2011. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 21 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Living and Working Well: Northwich and Winsford Recycling and waste services % of all collections Cheshire West and Chester Council has a legal duty to collect household waste. Recyclable waste is collected weekly along with kitchen waste, household waste is collected fortnightly. The council carries out over 16 million kerbside collections of household waste each year and has a successful collection rate of 99.9%1. 99.92% of collections in Cheshire Waste collections made successfully - 2013/14 West and Chester were made 100% successfully in 2013/14. 98% There is little difference between locality collection rates. Northwich and Winsford locality recorded a collection rate of 99.94% 96% 94% 92% 90% Cheshire West and Chester Chester Ellesmere Port Northwich and Winsford Rural % of households The annual recycling rate for the borough is 57.5% which is significantly higher than the national performance level recorded for England at 44.2% for the 2013 calendar year. The Cheshire West and Chester Kerbside recycling rate - quarterly trend kerbside recycling rate for 2013/14 70% stood at 57.4%. This differs slightly 60% from the borough wide recycling rate of 57.5% as it only incorporates 50% waste collected via the collections 40% made to households as opposed to other household waste the authority 30% manages. 20% 10% 0% 2013/14 Q1 2013/14 Q2 2013/14 Q3 Cheshire West and Chester 2013/14 Q4 2014/15 Q1 Northwich and Winsford Note 1: The successful collection percentage is derived from system generated data on non collection reports for all waste containers versus the estimated annual number of collections made to Cheshire West and Chester households. When apportioned by locality, it is possible some non addressable records will be excluded from the locality specific sub-categories. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Living & Working Well Profile Page 22 of 22 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Ageing Well: Northwich and Winsford Population aged 65+ Locality population estimates are calculated using 2013 mid-year population estimates for electoral wards in England and Wales. These estimates are consistent with the results of the 2011 Census and are available for 2012 electoral ward boundaries – the boundaries in place at 30th June 2013 when the estimates were taken. 2013 Mid year population estimates England 36,200 Cheshire West and Chester 21,300 8,400 Northwich and Winsford 10,600 5,700 2,200 Davenham and Moulton 1,270 730 220 Hartford and Greenbank 950 510 1,530 Marbury 760 580 Shakerley 0% 20% 200 410 760 Witton and Rudheath 180 510 880 Winsford Wharton 210 690 980 Winsford Swanlow and Dene 460 370 1,300 Winsford Over and Verdin 170 940 620 Winnington and Castle 260 310 1,750 Weaver and Cuddington 210 170 430 40% 65-74 60% 75-84 Cheshire West and Chester has an estimated 65,900 residents aged 65 or over. They account for 20% of all residents, slightly higher than the England proportion of 17%. One third (33%) of people in Cheshire West and Chester aged 65 or over live in Rural locality. As well as having the highest number of older residents, Rural locality has the highest proportion with 25% of residents aged 65+. 160 80% There are around 18,500 residents in Northwich and Winsford locality aged 65 or over. Residents aged 65 or over account for 18% of the locality total population, lower than the borough proportion but higher than England. 100% 85+ Source: ONS 2013 Mid Year population estimates (rounded) Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Ageing Well Page 1 of 5 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Ageing Well: Northwich and Winsford Population forecasts - 65+ (2012 based) The base for these population forecasts is the 2012 mid-year estimate of population produced by the Office for National Statistics. The forecasts are, in our professional opinion, based on fair assumptions and take into account levels of recent demographic change and likely levels of future housing development (based on the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan). The forecasts are rounded to the nearest 100. This does not imply they are as accurate as this. All forecasts become increasingly inaccurate the further into the future they go. Northwich and Winsford locality is expected to see a 70% increase in its resident population aged 65 and over in the next 20 years, this is the largest percentage increase in residents aged 65 and over amongst all localities. The oldest age group 85 and over is expected to increase by 163%. By 2032 the resident population aged 65 and over in Northwich and Winsford is forecast to be 30,300. Population forecasts - 20 year projections based on 2012 estimates Northwich and Winsford locality 35000 Population 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 65-74 75-84 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 0 85+ Source: Local forecasts produced by Strategic Intelligence from a forecast produced on 12/03/2014 using POPGROUP software developed by Bradford Council, the University of Manchester and Andelin Associates. Data rounded to nearest 100. Income Deprivation Affecting Older People (65+) Index The Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI) is a supplementary index of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (IMD2010). It looks at the proportion of an area's population aged 60 and over who are on income support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or Pension Credit (Guarantee). This includes claimants aged 60 and over and their partners (if also aged 60 or over). National quintiles 1 and 2 (Q1 and Q2) describe those areas of Cheshire West and Chester that are amongst the 40% most deprived in England using the IDAOPI. The chart shows the proportion of the local population aged 65 and over that live in each national quintile of lower super output areas. Income Deprivation Affecting Older People aged 65+ Quintile 1 - Most Deprived 20% Nationally Q2 Q3 Q4 Quintile 5 - Least Deprived 20% Nationally 80% 60% 40% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West and Chester 20% England Percentage of population 100% Most older people in Cheshire West and Chester live in relatively less deprived areas. There are however around 8% of residents aged 65 and over who live in the 20% most deprived areas in England in terms of the IDAOPI. There is variation across the borough. In Northwich and Winsford locality, 7% of people aged 65 and over live within Q1 (most deprived) areas. This increases to 30% of Winsford Over and Verdin ward residents. In contrast, 89% of Hartford and Greenbank residents live in Q5, the 20% least derived areas of England. Electoral wards Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), ONS 2013 Mid year population estimates Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Ageing Well Page 2 of 5 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Ageing Well: Northwich and Winsford Mortality (Provisional Data) Excess winter deaths More deaths occur in the winter months compared with the summer. The excess winter deaths index (EWD Index) is the excess winter deaths expressed as a ratio of the expected deaths based on the non-winter deaths. On average, for the five year period 2009/10 to 2013/14, Cheshire West and Chester had 181 excess winter deaths a year. Represented as an index this is 18, meaning that there were 18% more deaths in the winter period (Dec-Mar) compared to the nonwinter period. This is slightly higher than the England average of 16%. With 12% more deaths in the winter periods, Northwich and Winsford locality is lower than Cheshire West and Chester but there is no significant difference. There appears to be a slight downward trend but care needs to be taken interpreting small numbers, particularly at ward level. There are no significant differences at ward level. Excess Winter Death Index 5 Periods Pooled (2009/10 to 2013/14) 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow & Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester -40% England Excess winter death index 100% Electoral Wards EWD Index (%) 09-10 to 13-14 EWD Index (%) 08-09 to 12-13 Excess winter death index Excess Winter Death Trend 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2001-02 to 2005-06 2002-03 to 2006-07 2003-04 to 2007-08 England and Wales 2004-05 to 2008-09 2005-06 to 2009-10 2006-07 to 2010-11 Cheshire West and Chester 2007-08 to 2011-12 2008-09 to 2012-13 2009-10 to 2013-14 Northwich and Winsford Source: Office for National Statistics Annual Death Extracts. © ONS Crown Copyright 2014. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of falling. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Ageing Well Page 3 of 5 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Ageing Well: Northwich and Winsford Hospital admissions Falls (residents aged 65 and over) Directly standardised rate per 100,000 people aged 65+ Electoral wards Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow and Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester England Directly standardised rate per 100,000 people aged 65+ Provisional data for 2014/15 indicates there were nearly 1,600 admissions for people aged 65 and over with an injury diagnosis caused by a fall. The rate of admissions for residents in this age group is significantly higher compared to the England rate. (Provisional 2014/15 rate uses 2013 population estimate and will change when 2014 population is applied) Northwich and Winsford locality Emergency hospital admissions due to falls resulting in injury (2014/15) has a significantly higher 5,000 admission rate than England with 4,500 Shakerley ward, Winnington and 4,000 Castle ward, Winsford Over and 3,500 3,000 Verdin ward, Winsford Swanlow 2,500 and Dene ward and Winsford 2,000 Wharton also being significantly 1,500 higher. Weaver and Cuddington 1,000 500 ward had the highest number with 0 80 admissions in the year, however the highest rate was in Shakerley ward. Emergency hospital admissions due to falls resulting in injury trend 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2012/13 2013/14 Cheshire West and Chester England 2014/15 Northwich and Winsford Source: Hospital Episode Statistics, NHS Information Centre. Note: "Whisker" lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs), these indicate the range within which the true value of the indicator has a 95% chance of occurring. Self reported health (residents aged 65 and over) In the 2011 Census, this question asked how a person perceives their health, and asked them to rate if it is very bad, bad, fair, good or very good. 52% of Cheshire West and Chester residents aged 65 and over reported that their health was very good or good. This is higher than the England rate of 49%. 100% 80% 60% 40% Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow & Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford 0% Cheshire West and Chester 20% England Percentage of adults (65 and over) Percentage of adults (aged 65 and over) who consider their health to be very good or good 48% of residents aged 65 and over in Northwich and Winsford locality record their general health as very good or good. This is slightly lower than the England rate. Electoral Wards Source: 2011 Census Table LC3203EW General health by religion by sex by age. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Ageing Well Page 4 of 5 Integrated Strategic Needs Assessment Cheshire West and Chester Locality Profile Ageing Well: Northwich and Winsford Older people living alone Lone pensioner households include sheltered accommodation units in establishments where 50% or more have their own kitchens. In Cheshire West and Chester 13.2% of households are single pensioner households, this compares to 12.4% in England and Wales. Electoral wards Aged 65+ Witton and Rudheath Winsford Wharton Winsford Swanlow & Dene Winsford Over and Verdin Winnington and Castle Weaver and Cuddington Shakerley Marbury Hartford and Greenbank Davenham and Moulton Northwich and Winsford Cheshire West and Chester 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% England Percentage of all households Percentage of households that consist of a pensioner (65+) living alone Northwich and Winsford locality has the lowest percentage of older people living alone in the borough, 11.7% of those aged 65+ and 7% aged 75+ live alone in the locality. Weaver and Cuddington ward has the highest percentage of both 65+ (15.1%) and 75+ (9.6%) usual residents living alone. Winsford Wharton ward has the lowest percentage of lone pensioner households in Northwich and Winsford locality. Aged 75+ Source: 2011 Census Tables KS105EW Household Composition and QS110EW Adult Lifestage. © ONS Crown Copyright 2013. Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0. Assisted household waste collections Cheshire West and Chester Council operates an assisted collection service for residents who may experience difficulties in placing their bin out for collection and do not have anyone to assist them. (Note that the need for assistance is not necessarily age related) Cheshire West and Chester made assisted collections to 10,618 households in 2013/14, giving an assisted collection rate of 6.9%. Chester locality has the lowest rate of assisted collections in the borough with 6.2% of households receiving assistance, compared to Ellesmere Port where 8.0% of households receive assistance. Household waste collections - assisted collections - all ages 2013/14 9% % of all households 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% There were 2,888 assisted collections in Northwich and Winsford locality in 2013/14. 2% 1% 0% Cheshire West and Chester Chester Ellesmere Port Northwich and Winsford Rural Source: Cheshire West and Chester Waste management team. Contact: Strategic Intelligence Team, June 2015 Email: [email protected] LocalityDashboard_FINAL_V2- RS 2015-06-01: Ageing Well Page 5 of 5