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Mise en page 1 - Pyrénées
Press Release 7-1 Pyrénées-Orientales Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees! Art de Vivre I N F O R M AT I O N Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 [email protected] www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com UDOTSI of Pyrénées-Orientales Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 55 [email protected] Tourist Office of Perpignan Tel. +33 (0)4 68 66 30 30 [email protected] www.perpignantourisme.com Casa Pairal Museum Tel. +33 (0)4 68 35 42 05 Conservateur : Jacques Deloncle Cedacc (Centre for Documentation and Animation of Catalan Culture) Tel. +33 (0)4 68 62 37 60 [email protected] Director: Brigitte Manera Association for the Promotion of Roussillon Wines Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 59 99 [email protected] Press service: Christine Couanau www.vins-du-roussillon.com Sources and bibliography "L’encyclopédie du Pays Catalan", published by Privat Internet links www.cg66.fr (Calendar, events) References to other information sheets Land of Festivities - Festivals, Catalanity, The Sardane, Catalan Easter-Christmas, La Fête de la Saint Jean Dates not to be missed throughout the 4 seasons “Beyond time...” “At Christmas, the living pessebres (nativity scenes) celebrate the birth of the Saviour Child. This crucified adult for whom we weep during long processions and during which the sound of the mourning tambourine and the peal of the gloomy bell carried by faceless penitents embraces the heart and soul of those who believe in heaven and even of those who do not. At Easter, at Pentecost and whenever one recalls their deepest attachment to their homeland or ancestral roots, the fraternal sardane brings together hundreds of dancers on village squares or at the foot of sanctuaries. In April, spring prevails over winter, Sant Jordi (St. George) slays the dragon and knowledge destroys bestiality. At this occasion books and roses are given as presents. At the summer solstice, the fires of Sant Joan (Fires of Saint John) set ablaze the whole Catalonia, right up to the top of Mount Canigou. In the heat of summer, ferias are in full swing, while somewhere else, in the arena, the bullfighter dances with death... In the cold of winter, the audacious Carnival masks take over the streets. Sacred and profane, serious or joyful, these celebrations mark the rhythm of time in Catalonia.” (Text by Joel Mettay) Spring Easter Holy Week and Celebrations Long before Easter became the most important Christian festival, the arrival of spring was celebrated as a symbol of rebirth. The month of April, and moreover the Easter week remind us of the survival of certain well-anchored Catalan traditions whose origins rest in pagan beliefs, profane traditions and a solid faith. All that surrounds the ceremonies and festivals of the Holy Week and Passion has been codified since centuries. However, in Catalonia, one notices a quite specific tone and atmosphere. One extraordinary proof of this is the spectacular Procession of the Sanch on Good Friday in Perpignan, but also, with the glow of the torches in the streets of Collioure and of Arles-on-Tech. As for the village of Bouleternère, the night procession is celebrated on Maundy Thursday. The processions march on to the sound of a thousand bells, and thus become a joyous ceremonial. The meeting of Christ and the Virgin on the morning of the Resurrection (Easter Sunday) is celebrated with processions in Céret and Ille-sur-Têt. The Holy Easter Week in Roussillon would not be complete without Easter Monday taking place in one of these typical hermitages where Catalan people joined together to dance some of most beautiful sardanes of Roussillon. The air is perfumed by the cargolade (a traditional snail barbecue), Easter omelette: composed of the best Catalan charcuterie (black/white pudding, pork belly fat, sausage...), and also of tender spring vegetables (artichokes…) while golden nectar of the vines and the slopes flows under the equally golden sun. Not forgetting that Easter is also about eggs. The goigs dels ous (literally the “Canticle of Eggs”) are nocturnal songs, popular dawn serenades, which are held during the night of Easter. They combine the praises of the Virgin with the each house’s reception of the singers, who ask humbly for alms of baskets of eggs and the sausages which will be essential parts of the Easter meal. PRESS SERVICE Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected] Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected] Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board 16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 66005 Perpignan Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com Press Release 7-1 Pyrénées-Orientales Art de Vivre Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees! Sant Jordi (St Georges Day) 23 April - Feast of the book and the rose Sant Jordi, literary Catalan festival, returns every April to the streets, avenues and squares of our villages and cities. This event allows readers to meet with booksellers, publishers and authors who present their new books. In 1995, UNESCO established Sant Jordi as "World Book and Copyright Day", spreading thus a Catalan symbol as far as Great Britain, Canada, Japan... According to this 11th century custom, every man, from the youngest to the oldest, is to present his loved one with a rose, while every woman gifts a book to her beloved man. During Sant Jordi, books and roses are paired for the joy of reading and loving. The sardane The sardane is a lifestyle and a philosophy. It can be danced at any age. Difficult dance where steps and pointes have to be counted, this circle dance mixing groups of friends or entire villages is not a folklore dance but a way for Catalans to feel united. At first one hears the unchanging drone of a flaviol flute. Joining hands and feet clad in vigatanes (traditional artisanal shoes), most of the time, each dancer taps to the rhythm of the cobla, the typical musical unit consisting of eleven musicians playing traditional instruments such as tenora, flaviol, tenora, tambori... Each sardane (at present, there exist thousands) is made up of two distinct musical airs. That of the short steps, which corresponds to the chorus of a song, and that of the long steps, which would be the verse. In a regular performance, the musicians play six sardanes. Summer Autumn Feux de la Saint Jean The « nouveau » wine The flames are carried down from the top of Mount Canigou onto the plain and once they arrive in Perpignan they will illuminate the Castillet on the night of 23 June. People will then dance the sardane to the end of the night around the many bonfires. Traditionally, early in the morning or even before sunrise, people go collect plants to bundle them together into a bouquet or to make a cross shape used as protection. In Catalan country, this bouquet is mainly composed of 4 plants: stonecrop, helichrysum, walnut leave and St. John's wort. Searching for the plants used to be the pretext on that night, the longest of the year, to gather young girls and boys in joyful groups and assure them to marry within the year. "Trobada del Canigó" It takes place every year during the weekend before St. John’s Eve. Born of the enthusiasm that brought back this tradition of bonfires, “Trobada” brings together every year at the top of Mount Canigou, several hundred people from all over Catalonia, and sometimes beyond. It enables everyone to contribute with bundles of sticks to the huge bonfire. It is also an opportunity for all lovers of this mountain to celebrate its beauty and the symbol it represents. Aplecs and hermitages "Aplecs" are traditionally religious pilgrimages, but also popular gatherings. Aplec is still a pilgrimage to a nearby sacred place or a hermitage, where resides the celestial divinity to be honoured. Commemorating together is the profound reason for this gathering in and around a sanctuary. It takes place during one of the highlights of the liturgical and/or cosmic calendar when communication with heavens is more effective: celebrations of a martyr saint, Annunciation, St. John’s Day and summer solstice celebrations, Easter Monday and the return of the forces of nature, Pasquetes, Whit Monday, Assumption and the Nativity of the Virgin. PRESS SERVICE Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected] Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected] Accompanied by the « Commande Majeure du Roussillon », the donkeys laden with casks enclosing the precious nectar from the vineyards are blessed in front of Perpignan cathedral before walking through the streets of the town giving out samples for the pleasure of passers-by. For the occasion the streets are decorated in the colours of the sun and wines while various tasting stands are also set up. Wine Harvest Festival One can still hear the older generation reminiscing about bygone harvest times: the “veremes”. At the time it was normal to see the children participating in the wine harvest and mixing with the “colla” (a group of grape pickers). Everyone had to follow the “mossenya” (the person who set the pace and lead the rest of the group). A harassing job, but always done with humour and accompanied by songs. Each individual equipped with a "galleda" (bucket) had somehow to put the grapes in a "gorp" (back basket). Lunchtime was definitely the best moment of the day. Once the fire was ready, it was time to empty the content of the "saro" (lunch bag): botifarra (sausage), "costelle" (pork chops) and the "rostes" (pork belly fat). After the “grillage” (grilled meat), no more sound was to be heard...It was time for the sacred siesta time! After all this hard work, the joy for the “colla” was to climb into the cart or the truck to finally enjoy a well deserved rest! Each year Banyuls winegrowers celebrate the traditional wine harvest festival and over 2,000 people come to Banyuls to discover and share the traditional winegrower’s lunch on the beach. Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board 16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 66005 Perpignan Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com Press Release 7-1 Pyrénées-Orientales Art de Vivre Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees! Winter Highlights of the 4 seasons Christmas in Catalan country Spring Christmas has always been a magical and mythical time because it marks the Christian Nativity but also the end of the winter solstice and thus the rebirth of light. The presents under the decorated tree and the mingling of the sacred and the profane create a special atmosphere. Christmas in Catalan Country, is a warm Christmas. The warmth of a mild weather where Christmas’ Eve is spent under a rain of shooting stars or the warmth of a crackling fireplace with the nice smell of our forest wood. It is also the warmth of our traditions which, year after year, like the “pessebres” tell us about the magic of the Nativity. The tradition of pessebre (nativity scene) remains rooted in Catalan country. Christmas is the waiting of the advent in an almost magical atmosphere until when the solemn hour comes and the participants, whether young or old, humble or proud about the Nativity, get together. "Els pessebre vivents" (living nativity scenes) are to express something concrete real. They refer to a past miracle and commemorate this event by means of a strong devotion to Mary throughout our department. "Le muscat de Noël" Did you know that the first sales of Muscat de Rivesaltes in December date back to the 14th century? Muscat wine was supplied to the Royal Court of Barcelona for Christmas. In 1997, 22 producers of Rivesaltes decided to revive the tradition. The “Muscat de Noël" appellation is now reserved for young wines from the Muscat de Rivesaltes AOC vineyards. They must be bottled in Roussillon and bear a vintage date on the label. Sold early December, its sweetness, its fruit accents and its beautiful colour make it the essential companion for festive tables in the pure Catalan tradition. The Bear Festival This festival dates back to ancient times. The wild beast that most woodcutters and shepherds dreaded was the bear. According to the legend, a bear that was looking for a companion abducted a young shepherdess after killing all her sheep. He kept her prisoner in his lair with the intention to steal her soul and her virginity. Farmers and woodcutters were sent after the bear and found the girl unharmed. Then a long fight ensued between the bear and the men. After their victory they returned to the village with the bear and a celebration was held in their honour. Based on this legend, three villages of Haut Vallespir celebrate this festival: Prats-deMollo/la Preste, Arles-sur-Tech and Saint-Laurent-de-Cerdans. In the past, it used to be take place on 2 February, date of the Candlemas celebration, marking the time when the bear is coming out of hibernation. Today the festival is organised during the February half term holidays and is followed by Carnival. PRESS SERVICE Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected] Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected] April • Argelès-sur-Mer: Flower Days in Park of Valmy; Argelès Rock Festival • Argelès-sur-Mer/Collioure: Spring-Autumn Duet (traditional Catalan dances and songs) • Arles-sur-Tech: Goat fair; Good Friday: Night procession of the penitents • Banyuls-sur-Mer: Sardanes Aplec • Bouleternère: Maundry Thursday: Night procession of the penitents • Cabestany: Book fair • Céret: Easter Sunday morning: Procession of the Resurrection • Collioure: Friday: Night procession of the penitents • Ille-sur-Têt: Easter Sunday morning: Procession of the Resurrection and songs of the "Regina" (140 chorus-singers and 40 musicians) • Perpignan: “Confrontation” Film Festival; Antiques Fair, Festival of Sacred Music (Holy Week), and Good Friday afternoon, Procession of the Sanch in the streets of Perpignan; Exhibition; 23 April: Sant Jordi Festival; St. Bacchus Festival (selection of wines from Roussillon, prize awards) • Prades: Saturdays, year round: producers market • Prats-de-Mollo: cattle competition-show and farmers market • Saint-Cyprien: Cypriales de Printemps (International Guitar Festival) • Torreilles: Easter at the Chapel of Juhègues • Throughout the department: End April: farm weekend (open invitation to visit farms that are members of the "Bienvenue à la Ferme" and "Civam Bio Fermier" networks in Pyrénées-Orientales). May • Amélie-les-Bains: Ancient weapon fair • Argelès-sur-Mer: Festival of New Wave Sports (skateboarding, BMX, inline skating, motocross, moto trial...); Rencontres Cinémaginaire (Film festival) • Argelès-sur-Mer/Collioure: Spring-Autumn Duet (traditional Catalan dances and songs); Festival of New Wave Sports • Bélesta: Ceramic Days • Canet-en-Roussillon: Nautical Fair • Céret: Cherry Festival (in May or June) • Le Boulou: Music Festival of Young Performers • Mosset: Spring Festival - fragrances and flavours of the mountain • Perpignan: Night of Museums • Tautavel: Tautavel in music • Thuir: Farmhouse cheese market; Cattle landrace competition. • Vernet-les-Bains: “Fête de la Belle Époque“ (costumed entertainment, Belle Époque period reconstructions, gourmet market, flea markets, exhibitions ...) Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board 16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 66005 Perpignan Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com Pyrénées-Orientales Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees! • Villeneuve-de-la-Rivière: “Regards“ Festival (photo festival) • In Pays d’Agly-Verdouble: Dionysiades (wine presentation and wine tasting contests) • In one commune of La Salanque: Artichoke Festival • In the department: Walk in the Land of Artists (open door days of artist studios of Catalan Country) • In the department: Vineyard and Wine Festival in Country Catalan (open door days of cooperatives and wineries) • In the department: May-October: “Le Temps des Jardins“ (garden owners and associations help you discover the Heritage Parks and Gardens of the Catalan region. Some gardens are exceptionally opened and events are organised (nature conferences, discovery workshops, shows, exhibitions, guided tours...) Summer June • Amélie-les-Bains: (late June): Blessing of the mules • Arles-sur-Tech: (late June): Blessing of the mules (traditional festival honouring the mules and mule skinners) • Banyuls-sur-Mer: June-August: Music on the Vermilion Coast; every Friday from June to September: Summer Farmers Market • Canet-en-Roussillon: International Swim Meeting • Castelnou: Every Tuesday, from June to September: Summer Farmers Market • Céret: “Querencia“ Festival • Eyne: “F'estives“ (Catalan Farmers Festival) • Maury: Festival of Women's Voices • Perpignan: Roussillon Wine Festival; “Ida y Vuelta“ Festival; 22/06: Feux de la Saint Jean (St John’s Fires) in the Palace of the Kings of Majorca; Organic Spring Festival • Prats-de-Sournia: “Fête du Balcon des Fenouillèdes“ (Balcony Day) • Saint-Estève: Melon Festival • Torreilles: Kite Festival • In one commune of the department: Local Heritage Open Day • Throughout the department: - 1st weekend in June: Rendezvous in the Gardens - 21 June (summer solstice): Music Festival - 23 June: Saint John’s fires and celebrations • In Catalan nature reserves (Cerbères-Banyuls, Conat, Eyne, Argelès-Forêt de la Massane, Jujols, Mantet, Argelès-Mas Larrieu, Nohèdes, Nyer, Prats-de-Mollo / La Preste, Py): mid-June to mid-September: Nature Festival. July • Argelès-sur-Mer: "Les déferlantes" (music festival); Flamenco Festival (Parc de Valmy) • Baillestavy: Iron Festival • Banyuls-sur-Mer: "Foment de la sardane" (folklore and traditions) • Bompas: (late July): Snail Festival • Boule d’Amont: (July and August): at the Priory of Serrabona, every Sunday, concerts at 6pm • Bourg-Madame/Hix: mid-July /mid-August: Hix Festival (classical music festival) • Casteil: Water Festival PRESS SERVICE Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected] Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected] Press Release 7-1 Art de Vivre • Céret: "Ceret de toros" feria (bullfighting festival); Sardane Festival (sardane competition in the arenas); International Music Festival of Catalonia • Collioure: Trobada of Catalan barques (boat meeting); Havaneres Festival; International Dance Workshop; July and August: Jazz on Fridays. • Elne: International Piano Festival • Ille-sur-têt: Fishing Festival • Latour-de-France: 2nd half of July: International Music and Arts Festival • Le Boulou: "La fiesta" (street festival) • Les Angles: International Horse Driving Trials Contest • Maury: “Les Amorioles” (wine festival: entertainment, sardanes, wine tasting, local market) • Mosset: every Sunday in July and August: Farmers Market • Osséja: International Sheepdog Competition • Perpignan: end-June to July: “Les Estivales” (Theatre Festival); mid-July to mid-August: “Jeudis de Perpignan” (Thursdays of Perpignan - street music and arts); every Friday of July: Nights of the Palace, “Aux Frontières du jazz”; every Saturday of July: The underground nights; mid-July: Music at the Palace of the Kings of Majorca. • Planèzes: “Musicales d’Agly” • Port-Barcarès: “Grand prix traditionnel de barques catalanes” (Catalan barques regatta) • Port-Vendres: Fishermen’s Festival; Art at the port • Prades: Romanesque Days, Ciné-rencontres (film festival); late July to mid-August: Pablo Casals Festival (Chamber Music Festival) • Prats-de-Mollo/La Preste: mid-July to late August: Show at Fort Lagarde "A la pointe de leurs épées… l’émotion", referring to Vauban’s period; Changing of the Guard • Py: Hay Celebration Week • Rivesaltes: Apricot Festival • Saillagouse: Culinary Festival (in July and August) • Saint-André: European Theatre Festival; Lyric Fest of the Catalan Countries • Saint-Cyprien: International Arts Festival (Chamber Music Festival), International Dance Workshops (“Groupe des 8”) • Saint-Génis-des-Fontaines: July / August: Lyric Fest • Tautavel: July and August: Prehistoric Festival • Terrats: “Fête du Terrassous“ • Thuir: “Diades Catalanes” (Catalan cuisine, traditions, music and street arts) • Torreilles: Jazz Festival in Juhègues; July and August, Festival “Tous yeux tout Torreilles“ (Cinema, Jazz, variety shows) • Toulouges: Onion Festival • Vinça: July / August: Music Festival • Every Wednesday (day-time) and Saturday (evening) in July / August: farm markets: farmers/producers welcome on their exploitation other producers and together they organise a market to sell their own farm products. • Throughout the department: Young Farmers Days Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board 16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 66005 Perpignan Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com Press Release 7-1 Pyrénées-Orientales Art de Vivre Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees! August • Amélie-les-Bains: International Folk Dance Festival • Arles-sur-Tech: Medieval Festival • Banyuls-sur-Mer: 2nd weekend: Sardanes Festival • Bolquère/Pyrénées 2000: Mountain, pastoral farming and horse riding festival • Collioure: Festival of Saint Vincent and Feria; Book festival "Un livre à la mer" • Le Boulou: Water Festival • Les Angles: FestiCatalAngles (Festival of Culture and traditions in the Catalan Countries) • Millas: Feria • Osséja: Sardanes Aplec • Palau-de-Cerdagne: Bread Festival; Fest'été (rock festival); Xicolatada (hot chocolate festival) • Palau-del-Vidre: Glass Blowing Festival • Port-Barcarès: Fishermen's Festival • Prades: Catalan Summer University • Prats-de-Mollo/La Preste: sardane workshop • Rivesaltes: Babau Festival (cavalcade, medieval market, fireworks) • Saint-Cyprien: International Chamber Music Festival; International Dance Workshop (“Groupe des 8”) • Saint-Martin-de-Fenouillet: Arts Festival • Thuir: Lawn Festival (contemporary music); August Nights (gypsy music, comedy and songs) • Vernet-les-Bains: The Canigou Race In September • Amélie-les-Bains/Palalda: Festibanyes (bull games) • Argelès-sur-Mer: Sardanes aplec in Valmy; Mind Games Festival; Art Show in Valmy • Argelès-sur-Mer/Collioure: Spring-Autumn Duet (traditional Catalan dances and songs) • Baillestavy: Catalan Donkey Festival • Canet-en-Roussillon: Medieval Celebrations; Farm in Canet • Collioure: Luncheon on the Grass; "Grandeur Nature" International Festival of Wildlife and Landscape Photography at the Royal Castle • Elne: Music Festival in Romanesque Catalonia (festival of ancient music held in churches, chapels, cathedrals and priories of the department) • Espira-de-l’Agly: Fig Festival • Font-Romeu: Procession of the Black Madonna • Perpignan: first fortnight: “Visa pour l'Image” International Festival of Photojournalism; Mediterranean Prize in Literature; International Record Festival; Medieval market, Guitar Festival "Guitares au Palais"; "Musique éclectiques" organised at the Palace of the Kings of Majorca as part of Heritage Open Days. • Saint-Michel-de-Llotes: Honey and Honey Bee Festival • Throughout the department: Heritage Open Days PRESS SERVICE Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected] Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected] Autumn October • Alénya: “Vendanges d'Octobre" (three-week literature and culture festival) • Amélie-les-Bains: Fete of the Rosary • Argelès-sur-Mer: "Festival du Livre de la Mer" (books about the sea) • Arles-sur-Tech: European Wrought Iron Art Meeting • Banyuls-sur-Mer: Harvest Festival • Bourg-Madame: Fat market • Cabestany: “Vendémiaire” (Vineyard and Wine Festival) • Castelnou: Farmers Market • Collioure: End October: “Automne des Antiquaires" (antique dealers fair) at the Royal Castle • Fuilla/Sahorre: Apple Festival • Matemale: Potato Festival • Perpignan: “Festival Jazzèbre” (jazz and world music festival); Welcoming of newly arrived residents in Perpignan; “Nuit des Vins Primeurs” (Nouveau Wine Night), “Fête des Vins Primeurs" (Nouveau Wine Festival) • Prades: International Insect Film Festival; Forum on nature and sustainable development • Prats-de-Mollo/La Preste: "Saveurs d’automne" (gastronomy and conferences on food flavours) • Rivesaltes: "Vendanges littéraires et Rencontres vigneronnes" (wine, food and literature festival) • Le Soler: Science Festival (conferences, exhibitions, stargazing evenings) • Saint-Cyprien: International Junior Tennis Championships of the “Petits Capellans” • Thuir: “Théâtres d’Automne” (amateur drama festival) • Tresserre: Night of the Witches • Ur: International Horse Festival • Vernet-les-Bains: 1st weekend in October: “Arbofolies” (conferences, organised visits of the village arboretum, hikes, games on the theme of the tree), Pumpkin Festival; late October: International Festival of Wildlife and Landscape Photography (exhibitions, lectures, slide shows) • Throughout the department: Taste Week (national event that brings together local, regional and national actions aiming at consumers on the themes of taste, culinary heritage and professions) Winter November • Olette: Autumn Fair • Perpignan: Chocolate Fair; Festival “Aujourd’hui Musiques" (contemporary music); Stall-keepers Fair • Prades: Fat Market • Rivesaltes: Authentic Flavour Days (workshops, discussions, market and food tastings); Almond Festival Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board 16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 66005 Perpignan Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com Pyrénées-Orientales Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees! December • Céret: Fat Market • Collioure: “La cour de Noël” (Christmas market with entertainment) at the Royal Castle • Millas: New Oil Festival • Thuir: Fat Fair; Almond Festival • Dans tout le département: Christmas in Perpignan and Catalan Country: Christmas markets, exhibitions of pessebres (nativity scenes), living pessebres, Christmas carols, Caga Tio. January • Argelès-sur-Mer/Cabestany/Elne: "Maghreb, so far, so close" Festival • Les Angles: “Trace Catalane” (ski racing, mountain climbing); Adventure Festival; French Handisport Cup (giant slalom), “FISPyrénées Catalane” (National Alpine Ski Racing); late January / early February: French Freestyle Skiing Cup • Banyuls-sur-Mer: 3rd Sunday: Orange Festival • Font-Romeu/Bolquère-Pyrénées 2000: National Snowshoeing Day; Trail Blan'ch; Snow golf; Transcatalane (cross-country skiing race); Alternative Festival of New Wave Sports • La-Tour-de-France: Truffle Festival • Perpignan: Mediterranean Muscat Conference Press Release 7-1 Art de Vivre February • Les Angles: Snowboard Tour • Arles-sur-Tech: Bear Festival • Cabestany: International Short Film Festival • Collioure: Antonio Machado Day • Font-Romeu/Bolquère-Pyrénées 2000: Nin's Cup (cross-country skiing race for children); “Rondes Nocturnes Catalanes” (Nightly Catalonian round circuit), a cross-country skiing relay. • Lesquerde: Truffle and Farm Products Festival • Matemale/Espace Nordique du Capcir: "La traversée du Capcir" (popular cross-country skiing race) • Perpignan: Tilt Festival (multimedia shows) • Prats de Mollo and Saint-Laurent-de-Cerdans: Bear Festival in Arles-sur-Tech February / March • Throughout the department: Carnival celebrations March • Les Angles: French Handisport Cup (downhill skiing race) • Argelès-sur-Mer: Albères Breeders Fair • Matemale/Espace Nordique du Capcir: La Capcinoise (crosscountry skiing race for children) • Perpignan: Truffle Festival • Port-Barcarès: Oyster Festival • Vernet-les-Bains: Calçotades (onions feasts) Depending on the days of the calendar, HOLY WEEK and EASTER celebrations are held in March or April. PRESS SERVICE Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected] Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected] Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board 16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540 66005 Perpignan Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53 www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com