demon holio.ay - Samford University Library


demon holio.ay - Samford University Library
L. R. Shelton
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Samford University Library
ChristmasA Demon Holiday
L. R. Shelton
(Radio Missions)
655 Seguin Street
New Orleans, La. 70114
Samford University Library
Th is message was de I ivered over the
VO ICE O F TRUTH broadcast
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I want to bring y ou a m es sa ge toda y on the
I want to show y o u WHAT CHRISTMAS IS AND
WHERE IT ORIGINATED. Now in a few days t he
world, and the churches as a whole, w ill be ce lebrating what they call the birthda y of J esus
Christ. They call it 11 C h r is t m·a s , 11 or 11 Christ mass." It is a time when the world is turned over
to drunkenness, revelr y , debauchery, shame, and
misrule. It is a time of exchanging gifts, sing ing
rei igious songs called Christmas caro ls, andat
this time the whole world is o ne madho u se , re ligious and otherwise.
The non-reI i g i o us world wil l cover up the ir
ungodliness and wickedness with Christma s caro ls
which will be played and sung in every saloo n,
every sporting house, ever y gambling hell , and
every brothel over the world. The rei ig ious world
will give vent to the wickedness of their hearts in
these days of deb a u c h e r y under the g u ise that
they are celebrating the birthday of Christ. Thou sands of church members will get drunk a t C hristmas when they w o u I d not get drunk at any other
time. Churches wi II turn their buildings over to
Christmas pageants, Christmas programs, Christmas trees, and exchanging of gifts, with h ilarity,
and frivolity, in the spirit of a festival. All of
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these in the ir different spheres wi ll be lieve they
a re d o ing G od's will . Christmas Da y w ill be a
day of feast i ng a nd drink ing, drunkenness a nd
dan c ing and frivo lity, as very se ldom w itn essed at
other times of t h e year. Is this the way to ce le brate the birthday of Chr ist ? I certai nly wou ld n 't
wa n t you to ce Iebrate my b i r t h day I ike that.
Then how sacriligious it is to celebrate the birt hday of the Lo rd J esus Christ in such a man ner .
have c hurches swung s eeming I y a ll out a nd out
a nd become a par t ner with the world in such a
day of wickedness and drunke nn ess? It is be cause
the church has I o s t its TESTI MONY O F CH RISTo
The ch ur ch has lost its S IMPLICITY IN CH RIST .
The r ei ig io us world is just ify ing itself with t he
slog an, 11 Let 1s put C hrist back in Christmas ...
Christ never was in Chr istmas . W hat hypocr isy,
what blasphemy t hat we woul d e ven want to conne ct the Name of our b I esse d Lo rd w ith su c h a
day of drunkenness! Tot hi n k of conne c t ing His
Name w ith such revelry and b lasphemy and deba uchery, is tak ing His Name in vain. You cannot put Chr ist bac k in Christma s, because Christ
has no f e II o ws hip with Satan or unbel ief, and
Christmas is not the ce lebration of Chr ist's b irthday but the celebrat ion of t he birthda y of t he sun
god, one of the m a j or idols of Baby lo n. Chr istmas originated in Baby lon, the sea t o f idolatry,
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from whence it has spread over the entire world
a nd has fastened itse lf upon the modern-day
church , and it is a n abomination in the sight of
G od . Babylon spread idolatry world - wide, and
every idol ca n be traced back to Babylon o
The Word of God p lain ly sets forth in the third
c ha pt er of Second Timothy, a picture of THE
CHURCH I N THE LAST DAYS; a nd whether you
be I i e ve i t or not ,we are I iving in the last days
now! Listen to God 1s Word,
Th is know a lso, that in the last days perilous
times shall come 11 (verse l)o
Fo r men sha ll be lovers of their own selves 11
(verse 2 ) .
Lovers of p leasures more than lovers of God 11
(verse 4) .
Hav ing a form of godliness, but denying the
power thereof 11 (verse 5).
Eve r le arning, and never able to come to the
know le dge of the truth 11 (verse 7).
For th e t i me will come when they will not
endu re sound doctrine; but after their own lusts
shall t hey heap to themselves teachers, having
it ch ing ears 11 (I I Tim .4:3) o
And they shall turn away their ears from the
t ruth, and shal l be turn ed unto fables" (II Tim.
Now, w h a t is a f a b I e? It is a ha lf-truth. In
these Scriptu res t he Ho ly Spirit gives the Apostle
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Paul a litt le prophetic gl impse into the presen t day church and, my frie n d, yo u a nd I ore liv ing
in that time . This is an awfu I pic ture that God's
Word gives us of the church in a postasy .
Then in Second Cor inth ia ns, we find the Ho ly
Spirit speaking through t he A postl e Pau I to t he
church at Corinth in t hese wo rds,
" But lfear, lestby a ny means, asthe serpent
begu i I ed Eve t hrou g h his subt i lty, so you r
minds shou ld be corrupte d f rom t he SIMPLICITY
THAT IS IN CH R IST • For if he t hat co meth
preocheth another J esus, who m w e have not
preached, or if ye rece ive ano ther spir it,
which ye have not received , or a no ther gospel, which ye have no t acce p t ed , ye mig ht
wel l bear with h im 11 ( II Cor.ll:3, 4 ).
The Apost Ie Pau I wa s Ia ment ing the fact that even
the Corinth ians were beg inning to s lip a wa y from
the SIMPLIC ITY that is in the Lo rd J e sus Christ .
That is I a r g e I y true today . Not onl y is REPENTANC E THE MI SSING NOTE in present-day
preach ing, not o nl y is THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST
THE LOST DO CTRINE in the present-d a y churc h,
MISS ING NO TE in our present - do y worshit' and
present -day test imony . The o ld - t ime testimo n y
meet ings ore a ll but gon e , just I ike the o ld-time
prayer meetings ore gone. When hav e you sat in
a testimony mee ting whe n men a nd wo men, both
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young and o ld, have stood u p and t est i f i ed of
what Christ meant to them in salvatio n, and to ld
how God saved them i[1 Christ ? How I on g has it
been? You just don't hear it, do you? Some few
may get u p a nd tell how God an swe r ed t heir
prayer s , or how He blessed them mat eriall y, or
how He healed their bodies, and some wi ll get up
and t e II what a great ex perience they have had;
but very seldom w i II you hear anyone get up and
tell how G od brou g ht t hem to repen tance, how
He sa v ed them for Christ's sak e , and what the
Lord J esus C h r is t means to the m a s th e Saviour
of their souls.
So the missing note in our present-day worship
and testimo ny is THE SIMPLICITY IN CHRIST or
CHRIST. God never intended for His peop le to
get awa y from that simple wo r ship of Christ .
Christ said, befo r e He went back to hea ven,
"After that the Hol y Sp irit is come upon you; ye
shall be witnesses UNTO ME ••• 11 - not of a n experience , not ofbodil y healin g, no t of a program,
not of a church, not of a d o c t r i n e - but U NTO
ME- witnessing of Christ. You hardl y hear His
Name mentioned toda y in relig io us c ircles, and
in worldly circles it is only mentioned in vu lgarity of profanity.
When the church turns fro m t he SIMPLIC ITY
IN CHRIST, then they must have some th ing tangi-
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ble to hold to. When you only have an empty religious profession, as we have today, then the
church wi II turn to a I most anything. When the
Gal at ian Christians began to turn away from the
SIMPLICITY INCH R IS T, they began to observe
days, and months, and times, and years. Gal 4:
9 -11 brings this out, in these words,
"But now, after that ye have known God, or
rather are known of God, how turn ye again
to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto
ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe
days, and months, and times, and years. I am
afro id of you, I est I have bestowed upon you
labour in vain. 11
Then we find these words in Colossians, where it
says, 11 Let no man therefore j u d g e you in meat,
or in drink, or in respect of an hoi yday, or of the
new moon, or of the sabbath days 11 (CoL2:16).
So you see, my friend, when you turn away
as your Lord and Saviour, you have to have something tang ib I e to hold to. You have to have a
church with all its social life, or a religious program, or an outward sign , or an experience, or
an image, or a picture, or an altar.
That•s true in salvation -when a person misses
Christ, he has to have some feeling, some emotion, or some experience to base his salvation on.
All I have today is Christ, and He ic: nil I ..vanto
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I n Christ I h ave everything. I have gone as far
as a poor sinner can go, because everything that
God ever gives a poor sinner is bound up in the
Lord Jesus Christ. God never gives you one thing
apart from the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is all I
want. I h a v e had fo Iks w r it e to me and say,
"Oh, Bro. Shelton, if only you had this, or that,
or had something else! We know that you are a
great preacher. We know you are saved • We
believe you are going to heaven when you die,
but----" . Well, holden, brother, t hat 1 sthe
end of it - I don't want to go any further. That 1S
all I want - C H R I S T • I have Him, and He is
Now, my friend, do you see why the church
has gone all out and out and become a partner
with the w or I d in such a day of wickedness and
Back of all this drunkenness and reve lry is the
power of demons and CHRISTMAS as such is a
manifestation of the powers of demons. It is a
DEMON HOLIDAY. Christmas can easily be
traced back, as I sa i d before, to its or i g i n in
Bab y Ion, the seat of idolatry. Oh, you may
want to say, "We are celebrating the birthday of
Christ." But let me ask you 'a question, "WHEN
WAS CHRIST B 0 R N ?" "Oh," you say, "He was
born on the 25th of December. 11 Are you sure?
Where in the Bible will you find that? And where
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w ill you f ind in the Scriptures that we are commanded , or even ins tru c te d , to c e lebrate t he
b irthday of Christ? Can you find it? My f riend ,
there is no t o ne word in t he Bib le a bout t he exact
day of the b irth of C hrist , or even the t ime of the
year whe n He wa s bo rn . It is a know n fact t hat
He cou ld not h a ve been born o n the 25th of De cember . Whe n t he ang el an nounced His birth to
t he shepherds of Be thlehem, they were F EEDIN G
It was no t the custom for the shephe rds of J udea
to watch th e ir fl ocks in the open field s late r tha n
the month of 0 c t o be r . So, the b irt h of Christ
could not have ta ken place at the end of December.
Then , if you w ill turn to the seco nd c hapter of
L uke, you w il l find that a t the birth of Chr ist
every woma n and child was to go to be taxed at
the city where to they belonged. Th is co u I d not
have been in the w inter • Augustus, the k ing of
A TAX ING IN THE DEPTH O F 'vV INT ER. Therefore , C hrist cou ld no t have been born in December. It is a dmitte d by the most learned write rs of
a ll re lig ions that the da y of our Lo rd ' s birth cannot be determ in ed . SO C HRIST WAS NOT BOR N
That much settled, t h e n why c e I e br at e the
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25th of D ecemb e r? Long before the Christian
era, that is, before C h r i st came, A FESTIVAL
QUEEN OF HEAV EN. On t he 25t h of December
the sun reaches its fa rthes t p o i n t south, that is,
the earth is farthest from the sun , and on this day,
the 2 5th o f De cembe r, the sun seems to rest in
its c ou r se before it t urn s ba ck and the da ys beg in to grow Io n g e r • Therefore , t he worshippers
of the sun god in their Pagan worsh ip, set Decemb e r 2 5t h as the b i r th d a y of t he SON OF THE
QUEEN OF HE AV EN • This worsh ipping o f the
queen o f h eaven, G od dec lares in His Word, is
an a bom in at ion unto Him and s h a II be punished
w ith judgment (J e r .44:16, 17, 18,23).
Dur ing t hese fest ivals cel ebrating the birth of
the son of the q ue e n of h eaven, in Babylon , gifts
w ere carried to and fro , banquets were celebrated
wit h all t he ir fr ivo lity and uproar and drunken n ess . The burning of can dles, the burning of the
Yule Lo g, the exchang ing of g ifts, the putting up
of the Christmas tr ee (J er . 10:3- 4), and the m istl e to e were al l connecte d w i th t his celebration .
It may su r p r is e you to know t hat e a ch one of
t hese t h in g s represented somet h ing in this r itua l
and ce lebrat ion o To them, t he burn in g of the
candles was in honor of t he Babylon ian god, the
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burning of the Y u I e Log was to rem em be r the
death of Nimrod, the putting up of the Christmas tree was to remember that Nimrod came back
to I if e again, the mistletoe represented a divine
b ranch come from heaven, and the kissing under
t he mistletoe bough represented the token of reconciliation to man by the divine branch. These
c ustoms at Christmas still exist today and show
the e fforts made by Satan and his emissaries to
b I ind the hearts of man.
Then in the third century, to more easily win
the heathen to Christianity, the church adopted
the 25th of December as the Birthday of C h r is t •
They took a heathen B,a bylonian festival, celebrating the birthday of the son of the Pagan queen
of heaven, and gave it a Christian coloring and
covering to satisfy unregenerate human hearts and
minds that they may accept in t e I I e c t u a I I y at
Ieast, the doc t r in e of the Christ ian fa it h and
bring their lusts on into their Christian profession!
WHAT AN ABOMINATION! This was a move on
the part of the church to mee t Pagan ism ha lfway.
In itseffort to convert the Pagans to Christianity, the church began drifting away from the simplicity in Christ and conforming to the Pagan
world. lndoingsotheyadopted manyPagan
customs and practices, one of w h i c h was the
celebration of the birthday of the sun god and
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C hrist ianizing it by cal ling it the birthday of
Chr ist, o r Chr ist mas . It did not change the hearts
of th e Pag ans or heathens, who were converted,
so-called, but it brought a n end to the Christian
church with its simplic ity of worship until today
the average c hurch is no thing more than a Pagan
templ e . My fri e nd, Chr istmas was a Pagan hoi iday back w hen t hey worsh ipped the sun god, and
that is what you a re o b s e r v i n g today, a Pagan
f e stival, w hic h is still a Pag an festival though it
wears a Christian na me.
D u r in g that t ime , men of G od st rove to st em
the tide , but in spite of a II t he ir efforts the apostasy went o n until t he c hur c h, with the exception
of a s m a II remnan t , was submerged under Pagan
Well, 11 yo u sa y, 11 Bro. She lton, you a re •agin 1
everything, oren •t you ? 11 I a m ••ag in 11 everything
that is not for my Lord. I a m p lowing and putting
all the trash a s ide - b I a z i ng the path, the old
path, back to Christ t ha t you may come to know
Him as your Lo rd and you r Sav iour. The old path
of REPENTANCE has g rown up with briers and
thorns. The o ld path of t he PERSO N AND WORK
grown up. I am try ing to b ra ze t hem aga in, t hat
you ma y come to know C h r i s t a s your Lo rd and
your Sa v iour. If you a re not for my Lord, 11 m
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"ag in" you. I am taking my stand with Christ,
and I am against everything that is against my
Lord Jesus Christ, and, my fr ien d, CHRISTMAS
D I SH 0 N 0 R S MY LORD. It may not dishonor
yours, but it dishonors mine.
Let 1sturntoRev.18:4, wherewehave a picture of the last form of apostate Christianity and
God 1s warning to His peop I e. I wish you would
read that entire eighteenth chapte r of Revelation.
In that fourth verse we find these words,
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her, my p eo p I e , that ye
be not p a r t a k e r s of her sins, and that ye receive not of her pI agues. 11
In this eighteenth chapter of Revelation, the Lord
is t a I k ing about the city of Babylon, the harlot
Babylon, o ut of which has come all the idolatry,
all the Pagan worship of the world. As salvation
was from the Jewish nation, and from Jerusalem
came our Bible, and the Messiah, our Redeemerthe K in g of k i n g s and Lord of lords, so out of
Baby Ion from Nimrod, the 11 m ighty hunter 11 (or
rebel), has come all the Pagan idolatrous worship
that the world has known through the centudes
until the present day .
As our Lord wi ll cry to His people in the Tribulation Period, so He cries to us today,
Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the un14
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cl ean t hing; and I w i I I receive you, and wi ll
be a Fathe r un to you, a nd ye shall be my sons
and daughters, s a it h the Lord A I mighty''
(II Cor . 6:17 -1 8) .
pl ead wit h e very one who reads this message to
d e c lare you r se l f on the s i de of Christ and His
Word. Come out fro mthis Paganism and this idol atrous worshi p, because there is no agreement between t he templ e o f G od and idols . You cannot
have fellowsh ip with God and with Satan. It is
Chr ist o r Be lia l. ( II Cor .6:14 - 18).
The v ery nome b y w hich Christmas is popularly
known among us today - tha t is, Yule Day - proves
t hat it is Pagan and c ame from Baby Ion • The
word " Yul e ," is the Chaldaean name for 11 infant ''
o r "little c hild."
Do you know what t hey called this week of festiv ity in Baby lon ? They cal led it, "THE DRUNKEN FESTIVAL, 11 or, the Day of Misrule . Those
ore t he e xact wo rds th ey used - the drunken festival. They me t toget her to celebrate the birthday of the son of t he q uee n mother, wh ich was the
worship of the sun god . We have t h is same thing
enacted to day . Chr ist mas wee k is nothing but a
week o f reve lry and d runkenness and the meeting
togethe r to celeb rate the, b irthday of t he son of
the queen mother . Therefore, Christe ndom today
is just a s Pagan as Baby lon ever dared to be. Listen a gain to Rev. 18:4, " COME OUT OF HER , MY
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PEO PLE . " Now where do you stand? Are you a
worship per of C h r is t or a worsh ipper of t h e sun
Do you see, my fri e nds, how our churc hes to day are Pagan, because t hey a re taken up with
Chr istmas - lo ck, s t o ck, and barre l ? I am g lad
the Lord has open e d my e yes to see t his Pagan worsh ip a nd has separa ted me from it . I a m draw ing
t he I ine . I want yo u to be A SEPARATE PEO PLE .
Someo ne has said, "Bro. She lton, do you expect
to ste m the tide? 11 No o It w iII grow fro m bad to
worse on the w h o I e • The o nl y hope I have is to
reach o ne here, and one there .
Now we ask t he qu estion, "S H 0 U L D BOR N
Let me put it like this: Shou I d born a gain bel ievers celebrate the b irt h of the Lord J e sus w ith
m i II io ns who make no p rofession of faith in the
b lood of the Lamb, and who desp i se and re ject
Him, and who know no th i n g abo ut t he blood of
the Son of God, and care less! Should born a g ain
be l ievers ce le brate Ch ristmas w ith mill ions who
cla im to be Christians, yet deny Him in works and
test imony ! Is it fittin g that born aga in believers
shou ld unite with the enemies of Christ in a world ly ro und of fleshly grat if ication !
W ill yo u let me g ive this word of testimon y?
When I gre w up a s a chi I d , the on ly time I eve r
saw whiske y in my h o m e was a t C hristmas time.
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That's r ight ! The only time l eve r sawdrunkenn ess
was a t Christmas t ime, celebrating the so- called
b irthday of Jesus ! Shou ld we jo in those who ca st
o ur Lo rd ou t in drun kenness and r ev e I r y in the
ce le bratio n of the birthdayof the Lo rd Jesus? The
answer is found in G od's Word,
T0 D 0 EV I L" (Ex • 2 3 :2 ) •
Th at which is high ly esteemed a mong men is abom ina t ion in thesight ofGod 11 (Luke 16:15) o
Absta in f rom all appearance of e v il 11 (I Thess . 5:
22). 11 And have no fe llowship w ith the unfrui tful
works of da rkness, but rather reprove t hem" (Eph .
5 :1 1) . See a lso I Pe t. 2: 11 ; Ja mes 4:4; I John 2:
15-1 7; II Cor . 6 :1 4 - 18; Rom . 12:9 . "He t hat is of
G od he a reth God's words: ye the refore hear them
not, bec ause ye a re not of G od" (John 8 :47).
THE LORD 11 (J osh u a 24 :1 5). That' s my stand.
What are you going to do about it?
Some w iI I ra ise this ques t ion, " DON'T YO U
GOOD TIME? They don ' t und e rstand ." Let me
ask you th is question, 11 ls it necessary to drag t he
ho ly Name of our b I esse d Lord down to the low
I ev e I of fl eshl y grat ifica t ion a nd drun kenn ess to
show t he k idd ies a good time? 11 A thousand times,
No ! Le t 's tea ch our c h i I d r en the trut h a bout
Chr is tm as . God's Word t e ll s us in Eph . 6 :4 to
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bring our children up in the NURTURE AND ADMONITION OF THE LORD, and why shou ld we
dishonor the Name of Christ in such manner under
the pretense of showing the children a good time?
There are 364 more days in the year during which
we can give gifts to our chi I d r en if we want to
give them gifts.
New, let's look at this Pagan fest ival of demon worship from another angle, and that is THE
EXCHANGING OF GIFTS. In exchang ing gifts
wearenotbringing gifts toChrist. No! Who
ever heard tell of anybody giving a gift to Christ!
Very seldom do you give any more to your church
at this time. Many times during the C hris tmas
hoi idays, you give I e s s to your church, because
you spend more on yourse If and on others. Now,
isn't that so? A list is kept, and each year those
from whom gifts were received, g ifts will be sent
to. This w iII become an expensive affair over a
periodoftime. Thusaburde n is laid upon the
should~rs of many of you, which you find hard to
bear. I departed from t h is custom years ago.
"Oh,"yousay, "If I don 't send gifts,myfriends
wii l think hard of me. They'll call me stingy and
miserly; what must I do?" I'd say frankly to you
that you shou I d notify your friends byword of
mouth or by Ietter that you are through. Tell them
that you have come to see there is NO SCRIPTURE
FOR O BSERVING CHRIST MAS; it is Pagan wor18
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ship, it is a demon hoi iday, and you cannot disho n o r your Lord any Ion g e r. Now, that's my
stand o I don 1t get angry with fo Iks who observe it
- that•s up to yo u. You have to make your own
d ec is ion . My decision has been made .
Let•s look at ano t her side of Christmas, and
THEM. Mill ions of re i ig ious people who want to
be ho ne st won 1t se n d out a Christmas card witho ut a verse of Scrip ture o n ito This is s imp I y a
comprom ise with Satan. Let me say, my friend,
this is an abomination in t he sight of God. You
may ask, 11 Wel l, Bro. Shelton, why? 11 You see,
Chri s tm as is a Pagan hoi ida y that came out of
Baby lon , the city of ido Ia try o Christmas original ly was the ce lebration of t he birthday of the sun
god. It isdemonworship. TheBiblesays, 11 Beye
separate; have no fel lowship w i t h the unfru itfu I
works of darkness... He a lso says, 11 Be ye not un equall y yoked togethe r with unbe l ievers. 11 Should
Chr ist have fellowship with Be I i a I ? Then, why
sho uld you w ant to take God 1s Word and I ink it
togethe r wi th de mon worship ? G o d forbid !
Suppose you shou ld rece ive an invitation to a
big dance with Jo hn 3: 16 written at the bottom of
that card: 11 For God so loved the wo r ld, t hat he
gave his on I y begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not pe rish, but have ever19
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lasting Iife. 11 What would yo u think? You would
soy, 11 Whot socril ige ! W ho t profon ity! What
woul d you think of o moving picture show using
I Pet .1 :18-19 in their advertisements? You would
cry, 11 Whot blasphemy !" wouldn t you? But, my
friend, Christmas is o demon holiday, and a
Christmas cord with averse of Scripture on it is
on obom inot ion in the sight of God. I cry out in
the some horror at THE MIXTURE OF THE WORD
Ma y the Hol y Spirit be pleased to open your
eyes, as He has mine, and let you see this growing evil, this dishonoring the Name of our blessed
Lord by connecting His Nome, the Man of Sorrows, with "MERRY CHRISTMAS." Moy there be
o true confess ion of our sin to God . May there be
o crying unto Him for a deliverance from this Pagan worship .. Why? Becausethe comingofour
Lord draws near, and it won 1 t be long until we
sha ll heorthe cry, "Go ye out to meet Him! Are
you ready to meet. Him? How would you like for
ou r Lordto come and findyou at atypicoi"Christmos party, 11 feasting and d r in k in g and mok ing
merry, giving rein to the fleshly desires of the old
I ife?
We con be in the world, but not of the world.
"BE Y E SEPARATE, .. is the clarion coli to everyone who professes the Nome of Christ. When you
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stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, what
wi ll be your answer? How are you going to answer the Lord Jesus?
I wish every preacher I is ten in g to me today
wou I d set an example before your people at this
"Be thou an EXAMPLE of the believers, m
word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, 1n
faith, in purity" (I Tim.4:12).
I plead with you preachers, let's set the EXAMPLE.
Let's reject the traditions of men and every demon
holiday, and let'swalk with our Lord according
to His Word. Let's live for Christ. Let the world
say what they please, and think what they pi ease,
but let this be our motto, 11AS FOR ME AND MY
There is no place in God's Word where we are
ever commanded to celebrate the birthday of
Christ, but I'l l tell you what He does command us
to do. He commands us to remember His death:
The Scripture says,
This cup is the new testament in my blood:
t h is do ye, as oft as ye drink it, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME. For as often as ye~at this
bread, andd r ink this cup, yedosh.ewthe
Lord's death til l he come 11 ( I Cor .11 :25-26) .
The Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthians,
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said, "For I dete rmined no t to k n ow an y thing among you, save JESUS CH RIST, and h im CRUC IFIED" (I Cor . 2:2) . Th en ag ain he said, " We
preach CH RIST CRUCIFIED, unto the Jews a stumb l ingblock, a nd unto t he Greeks foolishness; but
unto them w h i c h are c a I I e d , both Jews and
G ree ks, Christ the power of God , and the w isdom
of G od (I Cor .1 :23- 24) . Then, wr iting to the
G a latians he said, " But God fo rbid that I should
glory, save in t he cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom the wor ld is crucified unto me, and I unto the wo rld" (Gal.6: 14).
I wonder what the d eath of Chr ist means to you,
my fr iend. I wonde r if you have eve r thought
ser io usl y about your soul 's conditio n. Have yo u
a s a lost, condemned s inn er ever been made to I ie
at the feet of Christ, who was cruc ified, buried,
and risen as your Subst itute, as your Sin-Offering,
and cry for mercy? Can you look up and say, "He
was cruc ified for me, He d ied for me: He is mine He is my Sin- Offer ing. He d ied my d eath; He
too k the stroke intended for me"? My f r iend, do
you know that pardon ing g r a c e ? Do you know
that the shed blood of the Lord J e sus has been app I ied to the doorpost of your heart ? I do. Are
you s he I t.e r ed beneath the b lood of the Son of
G od? I am . Do you know Him? I do . Can you
sa y, 11 Liv ing, He loved me; dy ing, He saved me;
bur ied, He carried my s ins far away; r i s ing, He
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justified me, and I am waiting for His coming one
day"? Do you know Him?
CHRIST WAS B 0 R N TO DIE . He didn't talk
about His birthday; never did He point His disciples back to the day He was born, but He was
always telling them that He must go to Jerusalem
and suffer and be put to death, and the third day
He would rise ago in . How many commemorate
His death? The w o r I d never commemorates His
death. No, sir! The world never put its stamp of
approval upon His crucifixion, His burial, or His
resurrection. On the contrary, it does everything
to ridicule and minimize the Person and Work of
Christ. Onlybornagain bel ievers commemorate
the death ofour Blessed Lord and Hisresurrection.
Every time they come to worship they sing about
His death, the y speak about His dying, they glory
in His resurrection, they look for His coming.
Born ago in be I ievers p r a is e the Lord that He
was born in order to die for their s ins, but you
never hearthem talking about c e I ebrat ing His
birthday. Th ey do not minimize, or cast a slur,
upon His birth, but the y glory in the fact that He
was Virgin-born . You may hear them speak much
about their spiritual birthday, the new b irth, when
they were born again and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God . They love to sing of His
birth and of His I ife, but the old songs of the cross
I ike,
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"There is a Fountain filled with b lood
Drawn from Immanue l 's ve ins;
And sinners plunged beneath t hat f lood,
Lose all t heir gu ilty stains . "
stir their hearts to the depths. Al so, songs of how
God dealt with them, such as,
"Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch Iike me!
I once was lost, but now I'm fou nd;
Was blind, but now I see . 11
flows from their heart.
The born again believe r knows t hat e v e rything
he has, or ever will have, is tied up in the death,
burial, and resurrection of t h e Lord J esus Christ.
As the Apostle Paul said in writing to t he c hurch
a t Corinth, "I determined not to know a nything
among you, save Jesus C h rist, and him cruc ified! 11 Do you know Him? Do you know Christ ?
Have you been was h e d in His b I o o d ? Do you
know what His death me an s ? If not, ma y the
Lord God of Heaven have m e r cy upon your poor
Jehovah God's co m man d to you to da y is,
YE SEPARATE . 11 My man, my woman, my boy, my
girl, my preache r fr iend, "Come o ut fro m among
them, and be ye separ ate , saith th e Lord, and
touch not the unc l ea n t h ing; a nd I w ill receive
you, and will be a Father unto you, a nd ye shal l
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be my son s and daughters, saith the Lord A lmighty." (II Cor.6:17-18).
You might be saying in y our heart r ight now,
"Pastor, t h is message has op.ened my eyes to t he
truth of this Pagan, idolatrous holiday. Wi ll G od
have mercy o n me? W ill He receive me? '' Yes,
my friend, He says, 11 lf we confess our sins, he is
faith f u I and just to forgiv e us o u r sins, a nd to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1 :9) .
In the verses quoted above, He said if you wou ld
come out, He would receive you . Remember, 11 He
that covereth his sins sha II not prospe r: but whoso
confesseth and FORSAKETH them sha l l have me rcy" (Prov .28: 13).
I leave GOD'S MESSAGE with you.
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1 o If you are a Christian how can you teach your
I ittle ones to delight in and love a Christmas
tree which actually is a Pagan symbol of sun
and serpent worship?
2. How can you before the a 11-see ing eye of God
tell your children the I ie about Santa Claus
and his reindeer? You should read Rev .21 -2.7.
Do you think that the God who ho Ids our destiny in His hand w iII preserve the freedoms of
our future generations if we make them a nation of liars?
3. How con you hove the brazen boldness to tell
your children you are a Christian, and then
connect Pagan i do I at r y to the story of the
birth of Christ?
4. How can you help a bewhiskered clown dressed I ike a dunce, who ish ired by some commercial establishment to lie to children all day
long, betray your own trusting child into a
maze of falsehood to save your face before the
Christmas idolaters?
5o How can you expect your children to have any
confidence in whateveryou teach them, when
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they find you have I i e d de Iiberately to them
for years about Christmas and Santa Claus and during those years you pun ish THEM for
telling untruths?
6. Does not you r heart smite you as you think of
them growing up in s e r vi tude to the Pagan
observances and celebrations of Rome, instead
of the real truth of the Gospel of Christ?
7. How can you have the shameless boldness before God, to teach yourchildren Paganismand
theWordofGodatthesame time? Doyou
expect that God w i I I spare a people, whose
chief delight is to make a mock of the birth
of His Son?
8. Does not your conscience accuse you as you
combine the storyof our adorable Saviourwith
the R:::>man heathen idol, the Christmas tree of
9. How can you expect your children to believe
you, that they must worship Christ alone, if
they see you in d u I g e in an annual festival
which had its beginn ing among the devil worshippers of ancient Chaldea?
10. How can you expect your child to believe
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your witnessing to him ab ou t Christ when he
finds out you have been lying to him about
Santa Claus and his reindeer, e tc. ?
11. Do y o u believe that a festive season t hat not
on Iy came to us th ro ugh Rome f r o m Baby Ion,
but in itself is a system of pe rpetua l lying to
little children, is o f God?
12 . Can you teach your children to honor the Lord
and the Lord•s Day and then hel p t hem enga ge
in h o no r ing a heathen god, Baa i-Berith , a
Christmas tree, and all the Go d -d ishonor ing
observances connected with it?
13. How can you t e II your children with a clear
conscience that you ore a ch ild of God yourself when they annuall y watch you celebrate
a Rom ish Christmas, and I ie to them I ike a
child of the devil?
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Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse 'by J. A. Seiss
The wine of o ld Baby lon 's fornica tio n was a
debau ching system of ido l worship a nd carnal se lf exa ltation, over against the revelat ions and institutes of Jehovah o It was alrea dy bottl ed and labe lled before the first d ispersion. It went with
that dispersion (Confusion of Tongues at t he Tower
of Babel). It went with that d ispers io n into every
country and nation under heaven . As a ma tter of
fact , we find it to th is da y a mong al l the nations
of the earth, affect in g if not contro l! ing their
thinking, their po l icies, t he ir fait h, and their
worship . Not less than t wo- thirds of the population of the earth a t t h is hour are Paga n idolaters,
dr ive II ing under the same old intox icatio n which
came forth from Nimrod a nd Baby lon; whilst the
great body of the other third is e ithe r tv\ohammedan, (athol ic, J ew ish , inf ide l, o r a dherents of
some tainted and ontichr ist ia n fait h and worship.
Nor is there a ki ngdom or govern ment on the face
of the whole earth at this hour which does not embody and exhibit mo re of the spirit a nd rebe II ion
of Nimrod than of the spirit, co mmand ments, and
incu lcations of God .. All the k in g s of the €"r:rt h
and all the govern ments under he aven have more
or less joined in t he u nclea nn ess and fo rnication
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of that same old Babylon ian Harlo t, who has de filed every spot and nook of the whole in hob ited
world, notwithstanding that G od from the beginning set the seal of His wrath upon it . The J ewish whoredoms, and the Papa l whoredoms, and the
Mohammedan whoredoms, a nd the whoredoms of
all perverted Christian religionists, though not entirely I e t tin g go the confession of the one only
God, are still in essence the sa me old harlotry
which first found place a nd embodiment on the
banks of the Euphrates. It is the same old Babylon, and her harlot daught ers, bearing rule or
kingdom upon the dominions of the earth, and intoxicating the in hob itants thereof out of the wine
of her fornication.
True rei igion and an uncorru pted Church have
never s u it e d the representa t ives of power, or
pleased them long. Dragon age nc ies a re ill at
ease without some form of Dragon worship. On Iy
what will dignify, if not deify, I u s t and selfishness, is in accord with their spirit . They s:mp!y
favour and honour their own when they favour and
cherish the base Woman. Her gaudiness and pomp,
her go iety and ready compliances, her en nob Ie ment of "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of I ife," enamour them, and ma ke
them glad to bear her on their shoulders . It is a
sad commentary on humanity, but it is the truth,
that all the great world-powers, from first to last,
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are t he paramours and props of t he Harlot Woman
••• God help us all to keep ourse lves from ido ls!
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