More Still Arriving!!!
More Still Arriving!!!
Chippendale Chairs S. Pe ter W agn er, O /C FURNITURE Detailed Ships M ode ls M ahogany Bow Front China Cabinet; Victorian Pier M irror; Tremendous Load of Jewelry to include Victorian Gull Wing Dresser and Chests; Ormolu M ounted an abundance of Exotic and Beautiful South Sea Tahitian Black Pearls that Bureau Plat; Ormolu Dining/Conference Table; Vict. Game MUST BE SOLD! Table; Oak R oll Top Desk; Set of 5 Ball and Claw Feet Chairs; th Maho gany Corn er Cab inet; 19 C. Carved Mahog. Dining T able; Oak Ice Box; Secretary; Pine Open H utch; Wicker; Harvest T able; M ahogany Bedro om Sets; Muffin Stand; 3 Pc Ch aise; and more… LIGHTING / DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES Crystal Chand eliers; Bronze Sconces; Cup id Figural Co nverted O il Lamp ; Glass Oil Lamps; Mirrors; Hanging Lights; and more… PORCELAIN / POTTERY / GLASS Amphora; Niloak Mission Swirl Vase; Old Spode M ayflow er; Burslem Staffordshire Transfer China; Limoges; Dresden Service Plates; Sets of Fine China; Oyster Plates; Zsolnay Vase; Lladro and Lenox Figures; Rockingham/Bennington Spo ngeware; Lots of Victorian Glass; Heisey Ipswich; Lalique; Mega Collection of Duncan M iller Tear Drop; Signed Libbey Cut Glass Punch Bowl w/ Cups; Heubach Piano B abies; Lots of Deco Farberw are; Lithopha ne Steins; and more… SILVER / JEWELRY Large Collection of Sterling Holloware to include Gorham, W hiting, Alvin, Black Starr & F rost; “Narcissus” F latware; M exican Sterling Tea Set; Victorian Silverplate; Sterling Napkin Rings; Estate Diamond Platinum Brooches and Rings; Outstanding Black Opal; Go ld; Costume Jewelry ; Our Annual Jewelry Extravaganza with Pearls in every color and style, Opals, Aquamarines; Sapphires; Rubies; and more, more, more… ORIENTAL Do nal J olley W /C Many Oriental Ca rpets and R ugs; Cloisonne’; Thousan d Face s; Satsuma; T emple Jars; Quan Yin; Large Foo Lions; and more… MISCELLANEOUS Hand Crafted Ship M odels; Art Deco Marb le Clocks; Lots of Old T oys- Tin W ind Up s, Schoenhut W ood en Animals and Pianos; Hubley; Ma rx; Wo lverine Gee-Wiz Horse Race; Tobacco Tins; Gutta Percha; Aoooga H orn; Old Quilts; Vintage Textiles; Whiting & Davis Guilloche Purse; H ickory Go lf Clubs; Aluminum Christmas Tree and Color W heel; Postcards; Seeburg Juke B ox w / Reco rds; and… More Still Arriving!!! Spongew are Early 20th C B rass Lamps, etched shades SATURDAY MORNING 12/13 DISCOVERY AUCTION If you have never been to our Saturday Auction... Now is the time! Robert Draper, O/C Happy Holidays to all!! This is our best offering of tray lots yet- Featuring the estate of a Northern Dealer & Collector. TOO MUCH to piece out. Loads of Old Toys and Cars , Fine Cut Glass; Sterling and Plate; Toothpick Collection; Ruby and King Crown Glass; Antique Kitchen Tins, Molds and Collectibles ; EAPG; Old and Cook Books; Hand Painted China; Oriental Quincy Tahoma, Ceramics; Vintage Hats; Trays of Oil Lamps O/B and Parts; Oriental Rugs; Gilt Framed Mirrors; Baseball and Golf Figures; Pinball Glass; Advertising Signs; Boxes of Old Tins; Candy Containers; Lots of Art; Quilts; Linens; Dept. 56; Roseville; Weller; Murano Period D eco W icker Suite Glass; Mahogany, Oak, Pine, and Iron Furniture & much more... Buyer Premium in Effect Golden Oak Icebox Crystal Ch andeliers, 1 of 3 Consignments now being accepted for January 17/18 Auction Extravaganzas. Go lden Oa k “S” R oll Top D esk M assive M aho gan y Triple Bo w Fro nt C urio