More Still Arriving!!!


More Still Arriving!!!
Chippendale Chairs
S. Pe ter W agn er, O /C
Detailed Ships
M ode ls
M ahogany Bow Front China Cabinet; Victorian Pier M irror; Tremendous Load of Jewelry to include
Victorian Gull Wing Dresser and Chests; Ormolu M ounted an abundance of Exotic and Beautiful
South Sea Tahitian Black Pearls that
Bureau Plat; Ormolu Dining/Conference Table; Vict. Game
Table; Oak R oll Top Desk; Set of 5 Ball and Claw Feet Chairs;
Maho gany Corn er Cab inet; 19 C. Carved Mahog. Dining T able;
Oak Ice Box; Secretary; Pine Open H utch; Wicker; Harvest T able; M ahogany
Bedro om Sets; Muffin Stand; 3 Pc Ch aise; and more…
Crystal Chand eliers; Bronze Sconces; Cup id Figural Co nverted O il Lamp ; Glass Oil
Lamps; Mirrors; Hanging Lights; and more…
Amphora; Niloak Mission Swirl Vase; Old Spode M ayflow er; Burslem
Staffordshire Transfer China; Limoges; Dresden Service Plates; Sets of Fine China;
Oyster Plates; Zsolnay Vase; Lladro and Lenox Figures; Rockingham/Bennington
Spo ngeware; Lots of Victorian Glass; Heisey Ipswich; Lalique; Mega Collection of
Duncan M iller Tear Drop; Signed Libbey Cut Glass Punch Bowl w/ Cups; Heubach
Piano B abies; Lots of Deco Farberw are; Lithopha ne Steins; and more…
Large Collection of Sterling Holloware to include Gorham, W hiting, Alvin, Black
Starr & F rost; “Narcissus” F latware; M exican Sterling Tea Set; Victorian Silverplate;
Sterling Napkin Rings; Estate Diamond Platinum Brooches and Rings; Outstanding Black
Opal; Go ld; Costume Jewelry ; Our Annual Jewelry Extravaganza with Pearls in every
color and style, Opals, Aquamarines; Sapphires; Rubies; and more, more, more…
Do nal J olley W /C
Many Oriental Ca rpets and R ugs; Cloisonne’; Thousan d Face s; Satsuma; T emple Jars;
Quan Yin; Large Foo Lions; and more…
Hand Crafted Ship M odels; Art Deco Marb le Clocks; Lots of Old T oys- Tin W ind Up s,
Schoenhut W ood en Animals and Pianos; Hubley; Ma rx; Wo lverine Gee-Wiz Horse Race;
Tobacco Tins; Gutta Percha; Aoooga H orn; Old Quilts; Vintage Textiles; Whiting & Davis
Guilloche Purse; H ickory Go lf Clubs; Aluminum Christmas Tree and Color W heel;
Postcards; Seeburg Juke B ox w / Reco rds; and…
More Still Arriving!!!
Spongew are
Early 20th C B rass
Lamps, etched
If you have never been to our Saturday Auction... Now is the time!
Robert Draper,
Happy Holidays to all!! This is our best offering of tray lots yet- Featuring
the estate of a Northern Dealer & Collector. TOO MUCH to piece out.
Loads of Old Toys and Cars , Fine Cut Glass; Sterling and Plate; Toothpick
Collection; Ruby and King Crown Glass; Antique Kitchen Tins, Molds and
Collectibles ; EAPG; Old and Cook Books; Hand Painted China; Oriental
Quincy Tahoma,
Ceramics; Vintage Hats; Trays of Oil Lamps
and Parts; Oriental Rugs; Gilt Framed Mirrors;
Baseball and Golf Figures; Pinball Glass;
Advertising Signs; Boxes of Old Tins; Candy
Containers; Lots of Art; Quilts; Linens;
Dept. 56; Roseville; Weller; Murano
Period D eco W icker Suite
Glass; Mahogany, Oak, Pine, and Iron
Furniture & much more...
Buyer Premium in Effect
Golden Oak Icebox
Crystal Ch andeliers, 1 of 3
Consignments now being accepted for
January 17/18 Auction Extravaganzas.
Go lden Oa k “S” R oll
Top D esk
M assive M aho gan y Triple
Bo w Fro nt C urio