to view the newsletter - Percheron Horse Breeders Association of
to view the newsletter - Percheron Horse Breeders Association of
Percheron News Issue 6, September 2014 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE PERCHERON HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED IN THIS ISSUE:-‐ Gatton Heavy Horse Field Days and QLD Royal Results QLD Royal Horse Breeds Expo World Percheron Congress Members News And much more… Page 2 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 PHBAA COMMITTEE President: Charles Watson OAM watcha1@bordernet. com. au Ph: 02 4992 3688 Vice President: Gary Appleby [email protected] Ph: 0418233333 Secretary: Ms Jamie-Lee De Jager [email protected] Ph: 0448933826 Treasurer: Helen Perry [email protected] Ph: 0418774074 Committee Members: Peter Cahill Laidley Town and Country [email protected] Kelvin Quinn [email protected] Linda Kraat [email protected] Mrs Margaret Watson [email protected] Registrar: Mrs Kirsty McKenna [email protected] Ph: 0411593211 Webmaster: Mr Haiden Taylor [email protected] PRESIDENTS NOTE: I’m more than happy to be able to write this short piece. This year’s activities; the quality of horses at the Clydesdale and Heavy Horse Field Days at Gatton and the Q ueensland Royal w as exceptional, congratulations to all members on the high standard of presentation displayed this show season. The Horse Breeds Expo at the Ekka was an outstanding success. The Expo saw two of the three classes taken by the Association. Something that certainly hasn’t occurred in the past 10 years, if ever, not one let alone two prizes. Unfortunately we lost two members who in the past have given an extraordinary amount of their time to the Association and the Executive. With five new members elected to the Committee, two of those to the Executive, at the AGM last August the future looks very good. The website is also in new hands. Changes will be effected to upgrade basic information in the immediate future, thank you to our new webmaster, Haiden Taylor. All in all with a new executive, updated website and Facebook up and running like an express train everything looks good for a positive and active future. Please don’t hesitate to call me or any member o f the Committee, if for any reason you need help or advice on our wonderful breed of horses or the administration of the Association. Best wishes for the future. Charles Page 3 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 What’s News Gatton Heavy Horse Field Days Results Percherons Geldings 3 & Over 1st 2nd Kamilaroi Ironman B&L Schaeffer Cobigan Romeo Cobigan Draught Horses Champion Percheron Gelding Aabaron's Tapestry S Forrest 3rd Macleay Park Paris Hilton S Clarke 4th Cobigan Juliette Cobigan Draught Horses Kamilaroi Ironman Champion Mare Reserve Champion Percheron Gelding Rosehill Park Bonnie Bell G & S Appleby Cobigan Romeo Reserve Champion Best Presented Percheron Cobigan Orlando Cobigan Draught Horses Boonara View Alla A Maudsley Appendix Registered Percheron Colt 2 Years 1st Macleay Park Teddy Bear S Clarke Champion Appendix Registered Macleay Park Teddy Bear S Clarke Percheron Stallion 4 & Over 1st Cobigan Orlando Cobigan Draught Horses 2nd Armely Gerry A Maudsley Champion Stallion Cobigan Orlando Cobigan Draught Horses Res Champ 1st Rosehill Park Captain Star Bell G & S Appleby Champion Colt Rosehill Park Captain Star Bell G & S Appleby Percheron Filly 1 Year 1st Cobigan Elodie Cobigan Draught Horses 2nd Cobigan Destinee Cobigan Draught Horses Champion Filly Armely Gerry A Maudsley Cobigan Elodie Cobigan Draught Horses Percheron Mare 3 & Under 4 Years Reserve Filly 1st Boonara View Alla A Maudsley Cobigan Destinee Cobigan Draught Horses Dry Mare 4 & Over 1st Rosehill Park Bonnie Bell G & S Appleby 2nd SUPREME PERCHERON Rosehill Park Bonnie Bell G & S Appleby Page 4 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 Top Left: Cobigan Orlando Top Right: Boonara View Alla Middle: Rosehill Park Bonnie Bell Bottom Left: Aarbarons Tapestry Bottom Right: Cobigan Elodie Page 5 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 PERCHERON CLASSES Class 187 -‐ Gelding, any age 341 Gary & Shirley Appleby Rosehill Park Jesse Bell 1 Class 188 -‐ Stallion or Colt, any age 290 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobigan Orlando 1 Class 189 -‐ Mare or Filly, any age 346 Gary & Shirley Appleby Rosehill Park Bonnie Bell 1 344 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobigan Atoinette 2 289 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobigan Juliette 3 BEST PERCHERON EXHIBIT 346 Gary & Shirley Appleby ROSEHILL PARK BONNIE BELL 1 Class 189A -‐ Percheron, to be driven 290 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobigan Orlando 1 289 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobigan Juliette 2 344 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobian Antoinette 3 LE Class 189B -‐ Percheron Under Saddle 448 Jones, Melissa Kamilaroi Brie 1 290 Cobigan Draught Horses Cobigan Orlando 2 341 Gary & Shirley Appleby Rosehill Park Jesse Bell 3 Page 6 PERCHERON NEWS Members Letter PENROSE PARK PERCHERON STUD EDITION NO. 6 Having just become members of the PHBAA, Steve and Amanda Challinger are proud to announce the opening of our stud PENROSE PARK. ‘Situated at Jerdacuttup in the Southern Coastal region of WA we are hoping to raise the awareness of the breed and get riders to appreciate the value the ‘Percheron’ has as an eventing horse especially when combined with an Arab or Thoroughbred. It will also give riders in WA the opportunity to be able to view and purchase the breed more readily. Steve has always had a passion for Percherons as they have always been a part of his life. His father Don Challinger who used to break in horses at Kadalunga Station brought his first Percheron over with him from there in SA in 1962, along with his wife Joyce Challinger and their 5 children, to 2000 acres of uncleared bushland which he had purchased with only a tent to live in. From there through a lot of hard work, determination and support from his wife, they successfully made it a working farm. He found a stallion and began breeding Percherons, often there would be up to fifty horses on the farm at any given time. Back then the horses were used a lot as cart horses and as they were living in a remote area with tracks rather than roads they couldn’t rely on outside help so they had to be their own vets and farriers. Steve broke his first horse in at 12 years of age and has loved it since. We still have a few horses from the original bloodlines and live on the original farm. I am happy to say his parents are still here to help us. There are a number of people I need to thank as without them this venture would have never come to fruition. Firstly the PHBAA registrar – Kirsty McKenna for all her invaluable assistance in sourcing horses to purchase and the time she has spent on the paperwork for the stud. As well as Sarah Kenney and her daughter Che, without their help we wouldn’t have found the stallion. Elwyn Parkes – Kamilaroi Percheron Stud for reluctantly parting with some of her much treasured and high quality broodmares, her generosity has given our venture the kick start it needed. Karen – Kamilaroi Performance Horses for getting all of these broodmares trained so they could be transported. We are also very grateful to Helen Perry – Cobigan Stud for letting us procure her pregnant broodmare Cobigan Angel who I am happy to announce is due to foal in September, which we are eagerly looking forward to. But as much as I love the mares, our most treasured new member of our stud who in three days has managed to steal all of our hearts with his gentle and loving nature is our new stallion Cobigan Dom Perignon. We cannot thank Helen Trotter enough for making the heartbreaking decision and allowing us to bring him all the way over here to WA. A stallion of his breeding and calibre will be a great ambassador to the Percheron breed especially in WA where there are very limited numbers of pure Percheron Stallions. Lastly I would like to commend Combined Horse Transport who were allotted the mammoth task of organising for all of the seven horses to be transported over here. They all arrived safely and in great condition, a job well done. I know it was a hard decision for all the studs involved to part with such beautiful horses and we will endeavour to do justice to their bloodlines and create more fantastic progeny. We are excited at the prospect of breeding with these horses and our family are looking forward to seeing foals on the ground hopefully next year.’ Steve and Amanda Challinger Page7 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 Penrose Park – Steve and Amanda Challinger COBIGAN DOM PERIGNON KAMILAROI ECHO KAMILAROI DIAMOND KAMILAROI COMEDY KAMILAROI LEGACY KAMILAROI IMPRINT COBIGAN ANGEL Page 8 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 Betsy’s Blog On a lighter note we would like to introduce you to Betsy from Bong Bong, a small township in the Southern Highlands of NSW. With many years of experience and tales to tell we hope you enjoy her many different poems and stories being featured in Percheron News. We start with a poem about Wilbur the Show Horse…` Wilbur the Show Horse Its 6 O Clock in the morning I'm at Gatton its freezing cold 'Mum' walks in to wake me up These endless days of showing, are really getting old Mum says 'Good morning Wilbur' As if I'm happy to be awake I have to ask whats good about it Please Sheila, it’s too early, give me a break Sheils is my o wner and refers to herself as mum She often talks w ith a high pitched voice and usually smells of rum She likes to think she's fancy I can tell others don't agree I'd go as far to say she's beastly I'm planning the day w hen I'm able to flee Sheila had decided that we must come to Gatton Show After an hour long freezing bath She plaits my hair and places her bows After two and a half hours of fussing Sheila is in full swing She has skulled her first can of rum And with her high pitched voice has begun to sing 15 minutes later Sheila is running around frantically Apparently its fifteen past eight Despite all of the bothersome preparation Our class is at eight thirty, we're late So into the harness I go I stand there like a good 'little' man Sheila pats me fondly Little does she know I have a plan You see I've been pulling a cart for a w hile now and every weekend is the same its time for me to put on a show and watch myself shoot to fame Into the show ring we go The usual trotting around The judge looks at me, I look back at him I'm sure that silly judge just frowned Individual workout time This is going to be so much fun I take o ff around the main arena and refuse to stop until I am done Sheila is now screeching and screaming I really am having a laugh I've made it five times around the track now I really hope someone gets a photograph As fun as this is, I'm an o ld horse now and realise I'm getting quite tired I think I have made my mark in the ring And have done exactly what is required Shaking Sheila jumps off the cart Her face is as w hite as a ghost She's shrieking and swearing and all guns are blaring I can tell that my butt is going to be toast Sheila leads me back to the truck And skulls another can of rum She removes me from my harness and throws the gear back into the drum. As I stand in the stable at the end of the day I am proud of the way it transpired But when feed time comes and I realise I miss out I am aware that my plan has backfired. . Page 9 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 The Royal Queensland Sh ow – Horse Breeds Expo August 2014 saw the start of the Royal Queensland show where the PHBAA was once again able to display and promote the Percheron Breed. With months of preparation, hard work and some last minute shopping we created a Percheron art gallery, showing the history and versatility of the breed. Helen and Christine Perry did informative demonstrations daily with their beautiful mares and Cobigan Orlando proved very popular with the public and displayed a great example of the breed in the stable. We are pleased to announce that the hard work paid off with the PHBAA not only winning the Breeds Expo Exhibitors Choice but also taking out The Horse Breeds Expo Demonstration Award. Page 10 PERCHERON NEWS The PHBAA would like to thank everyone who contributed to the stand; Charles and Margaret Watson, Kirsty and Peter McKenna, Shirley Appleby, Linda Kraat, The Perry Family, Jamie-‐Lee de Jager, Joshua Penhallurick and Nicole Rothero and Mandy Chrobak. EDITION NO. 6 A special mention to the Perry Family for their contribution to the stand, allowing us to exhibit Cobigan Orlando but also delivering the award winning demonstrations, which the public clearly enjoyed. The beautiful mares Cobigan Juliette and Antoinette also transported the showgirls on Saturday and Wednesday for the Grand Parade by invitation from the RNA. A special mention must also go to Clint Kenny Designs for the beautiful trees displayed on the stand. We would also like to say a very special thank you to Kirsty Mckenna who provided some beautiful handmade pieces of merchandise to be sold on the stand. Top and m iddle: Cobigan Orlando Bottom: Christine Perry with Cobigan Juliette and Antoinette We are very happy to have won these awards and are looking forward to a bigger and better stand next year! Page 11 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 The 2014 World Percheron Congress is a celebration of the Percheron Horse! The World Percheron Congress is scheduled to be held October 6-‐11, 2014 at the Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds in West Springfield, Massachusetts. The 2014 Congress promises to be the best ever! Exhibitors from across the U.S. and Canada will meet in West Springfield to showcase their beautiful Percherons. Horse lovers and international delegates from France, Great Britain, South America and Japan will gather to honor this great breed. Visit for more information. Detailed results and photos will be in our December Edition. Page 12 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 Windermere’s American Maid A Tribute to a Champion Above: W indermere’s Tayler’s Maid – Moose’s Dam. The Elite show horse of her time. Daughter of Blackholme Duke. 1995 – Jr World Champion at the age of 2. All-‐American and retired the travelling trophy at the Keystone International as Supreme Champion over all breeds and genders. Below: Windermere’s Eliminator – Moose’s Sire -‐Eliminator was Junior World and National Champion. He was All-‐American as a foal and Reserve All-‐American as a two year old. Saturday the 17th May was a sad day for the Percheron world with the death of Windermere’s North American maid (affectionately known as ‘Moose’) being announced by his owners Gerald and Melissa Allebach of Windermere Farms. The news came as an unexpected shock and it was clear from all comments and messages offering condolence that Moose was a majestic stallion who had made his mark around the world. Moose died at the New Boulton Centre in PA where he was being treated for colic. Gerald and Melissa have said ‘our family was by his side when he left this earth and we thank god for the time he gave us with him. Thank you for loving him as much as we do.’ When Moose, who stood at an impressive 19hh high, won the K.I.L.E Grand Champion stallion at the age of three it was clear that he was going to be an excellent ambassador for the breed. His show name was chosen as a tribute to his dam ‘Winderemere Taylers Maid’ who was crowned Junior world champion in 1995 at the World Percheron Congress in Kansas City. Despite Taylers maid passing; her legacy would continue to live on with Moose winning the K.I.L.E Grand Champion Stallion and MGLI Champion all breeds in 2010. 1 2 Page 13 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 Above: Moose pictured competing at the world congress. Moose’s modern style, his correct conformation and his great action really set the standard for the Percheron breed. He bought electricity to the show ring that led him to be crowned with World Supreme Champion in 2010. His achievements did not stop there, with Moose also being crowned world champion in ……………………….. Moose’s sire ‘Winderemere Eliminatior’ was campaigned to Junior World Champion status before being sold. He was All-‐American as a foal and reserve All-‐American as a two year old. To the world Moose was the ultimate show horse, a horse who began to change Percheron breeding; but to Gerald, Melissa and their children he was very much a beloved member of their family. As the culmination of 40 plus years of breeding at Windermere farms it was clear that Moose was a horse who will never be forgotten. Gerald believes that he was the perfect horse, not only in his conformation but also; more importantly in his heart and his brain. ‘He never needed to be trained. He always just seemed to know what you wanted and looked to us with his big beautiful eye for guidance.’ The Percheron Horse B reeders Association of A ustralia would like to thank Gerald and Melissa Allebach for their wonderful correspondence to assist with w riting this article. Images taken from Page 14 PERCHERON NEWS EDITION NO. 6 PHBAA ME RCHANDISE F OR SALE A. . A. Baseball Caps S-‐M, L-‐XL $15.00 B. Polo Shirts Sizes S – 2XL $20.00 C. Lapel or Hat Badge 2 styles $ 7.00 D. Silver or Brass Bookmarks $12.00 E. Brass Brooches $12.00 F. Silver Brooches $15.00 G. Gunmetal Pendants $25.00 To order simply email your order to [email protected] On Sale/Clearance: Jackets 1sm,1med only $65.00 Vests 1 childrens size 1 $18.00 1 Ladies sml only $20.00 D. B. C. E/F G.
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