Tafod Twrog July to September 2016
Tafod Twrog July to September 2016
Tafod Twrog Rhif/No 66 July/Gorffennaf August/Awst September/Medi 2016 Ficer/Vicar Canon Bryan Witt B.D. 01267 275504 Darllenydd Lleyg / Lay Reader Mrs Jean Voyle Williams M.B.E., B.Ed. 01267 275222 www.eglwysllanddarog.org / www.llanddarogchurch.org The Vicarage, Llanddarog Old Testament. Think of Peter, James and John in the New Testament – they were all called in various ways to leave their comfort zone in order to answer God‟s call. Not for any of these was this an easy task. But they were rewarded. Dear Friends “A career is something you choose; a call is something you receive. A career is something you do for yourself; a calling is something you do for God. A career brings status, money and power; a calling often brings difficulty, suffering and the opportunity to be used by God. A career may end in retirement; a calling doesn‟t end until you die. A career can be disrupted by any number of events; your calling can be fulfilled even in the most difficult circumstances.” I well remember 35 years ago in Theological College being encouraged to take the Bachelor of Divinity degree, which few did at that time. The reasoning was that if I did take the B.D.and achieved it, it would show that I can go beyond my comfort zone, the easy way; and then in the future if I was asked to do a particular job within the Diocese I could say to myself „yes, you showed in College you could go that extra distance‟. I have always been grateful for that advice and it has given me great confidence. I came across these words recently in a Church that I was visiting and how thought provoking they are. As St Paul reminds the Church at Corinth, “My beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the word of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.” So yes, even in the most difficult of circumstances our efforts to remain faithful to God and his calling are not in vain – not wasted. This confidence is not just my own but God‟s. As Isaiah reminds the people of the Words of God – “I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you.” (Isaiah 42 vs 6) May God take your hand and keep you in his love as you accept his calling. But the lesson we learn from the Bible of those who accepted, however reluctantly, the call of God is this: we will have to leave our comfort zone. Think of Moses, Jeremiah and Amos in the Every Blessing Bryan Witt 1 Y Ficerdy, Llanddarog adael ein cylch cysur. Meddyliwch yn yr Hen Destament am Moses. Jeremeia ac Amos ac yn y Testament Newydd am Pedr, Iago ac Ioan. Roedd pob un ohonynt wedi ei galw mewn gwahannol ffordd i adael ei cylch cysur i ateb galwad Duw. Nid oedd hyn yn rhwydd i un ohonynt ond fe gafodd pob un ei gwobrwyo. Annwyl Ffrindiau. Mae gyrfa yn rhywbeth yr ydych yn ei ddewis ond mae cael eich galw yn rhywbeth yr ydych yn ei dderbyn. Mae gyrfa yn rhywbeth yr ydych yn ei wneud eich hunain, ond mae galwad yn rhywbeth yr ydych yn ei wneud i Dduw. Mae gyrfa yn arwain at statws, arian a phŵer; mae galwad yn amal yn arwain at anhawster, dioddefaint a‟r cyfle i gael ein defnyddio gan Dduw. Mae gyrfa yn gallu gorffen gyda ymddeoliad; ond mae cael eich galw yn gorffen gyda marwolaeth. Gall gyrfa gael ei rhwygo gyda nifer o ddigwydd-iadau; ond mae eich galwad yn gallu cael ei gyflawni hyd yn oed mewn amgylchiadau anodd. Rwy‟n cofio 35 mlynedd yn ol pan oeddwn yn y Coleg Diwynyddol yn cael fy annog i astudio am y cwrs Baglor mewn Diwinyddiaeth, yn yr amser pan nad oedd y mwyafrif yn mynd ymlaen i wneud hyn. Y rhesymiad oedd os byddwn yn gallu cyflawni hyn, fe fyddai yn dangos fy mod yn barod i fynd tu allan i‟m cylch cysur. Os digwydd i mi gael gofyn i wneud rhyw swydd arbennig yn yr Esgobaeth yn y dyfodol fe fyddem yn gallu dweud wrth fy hunan “Yn y coleg fe brofais fy mod yn gallu mynd y milltir ychwanegol”. Rwyf o hyd wedi bod yn ddiolchgar am y cyngor yma gan ei fod wedi rhoi i mi hyder yn fy hunan. Fe ddes o hyd i‟r geiriau yna yn ddiweddar mewn Eglwys a oeddwn yn ymweld â hi. Maent yn peri i ni feddwl . Mae geiriau Sant Paul i Eglwys Corinth yn dweud hyn:” Fy mrodyr annwyl, byddwch yn gadarn a diysgog, yn helaeth bob amser yng nghwaith yr Arglwydd, gan eich bod yn gwybod nad yw eich llafur yn yr Arglwydd yn ofer”. Mae‟r hyder yma dim yn unig yn dod wrthyf i ond wrth Dduw. Fel mae Eseia yn hatgoffa y bobl o eiriau Duw – “Myfi yw‟r Arglwydd; gelwais di mewn cyfiawnder, a gafael yn dy law” (Eseia 42 adnod 6) Ie hyd yn oed yn yr amgylchiadau mwyaf anodd mae ein hymdrechion i gadw yn ffyddlon i Dduw ddim yn ofer- ddim yn wastraff. Bydded i Dduw gydio yn eich llaw a‟ch cadw yn ei gariad wrth i chi dderbyn ei alwad. Ond y wers yr ydym yn ei ddarllen yn y Beibl am y rhai a dderbyniodd alwad Duw, er yn groes i‟r graen yw hyn: mae‟n rhaid i ni Pob Bendith Bryan Witt 2 Editorial It is good to hear in this edition news from Kosovo and China. Different stories but behind them both the aim of spreading the word of God. will be held, to be followed by supper in the village hall. You will see that at the Easter Vestry a new Vicar‟s Warden was appointed – Peter Rees – and Mair Rees was voted in as People‟s Warden. The PCC were extremely grateful to Huw Voyle-Williams for the service given so freely to St Twrog‟s over the years. There‟s a lot happening again this summer. Unfortunately the timing is not good for news from the Llanddarog Show, but there is an Open Garden in Ty‟r Llain on 2 July and the Mothers‟ Union barbecue at Cysgod-y-Llan on 15 July, which are great opportunities for us to get together and at the same time to raise money for a variety of charities. I‟m sure there is a lot more going on in the village this summer, but I‟ve tried to pick out the highlights. I hope you enjoy reading this edition. Articles for the next edition by e-mail or handwritten for the next edition by 11 September please. Thank you. The Clwb Iau Sports will be held (weather permitting) again at Cysgod-y-Llan on 7 July and an Archidiaconal Mothers‟ Union Event on 30 July which is being organised by Heather Witt. On 29 September our Harvest Thanksgiving Services Margaret Rees, Ty‟r Llain [email protected] 01267 275479 ******************** Blodau Allor ~ Altar Flowers July/Gorffennaf 3 & 10 17 & 24 31 & 7 Aug Mrs B A Quick Mrs D Rees Mrs D G Rees 12, Roman Park Erw Wen Wernfraith August/Awst 14 & 21 28 & 4 Medi Mrs M Rees Mrs M Rees 16, Brynhyfryd Ty‟r Llain September/Medi 11 & 18 25 & 2 Oct Mrs M Rees Mrs M Rees 14, Is y Llan Coed y Gof 3 HAPUSRWYDD A THRISTWCH JOYS AND SORROWS Bedydd/Baptism 17.04.16 Victoria Dawn Williams, Wild Acres, Cold Blow, Narberth 17.04.16 Griff Morgan Georgiou, Quietways, Porthyrhyd 29.05.16 Hazel Kate McFarlane, 86, Llanon Road, Pontyberem Priodas/Marriage 18.06.16 Suzanne Powell and Alec Cromack, Porthyrhyd Angladd/Funeral 30.04.16 Margwen Elizabeth Franks, Cartref Annwyl Fan, Betws Ammanford 01.06.16 Mona Fitzgerald gynt o Gae Person, Llanddarog. 09.05.16 Ron Evans, Trem-y-wawr, Llanddarog, Funeral Service at Llanelli Crematorium 17.05.16 Anne Mary Horsefield of Ty'r Eithin, Funeral Service at Parc Gwyn Crematorium. Our sympathies go to Keith and Angela Knott and on the recent death of Keith‟s son-in-law, Malcolm Smith, aged 51 years. Rydym yn cydymdeimlo a theulu y diweddar Mrs Mona Fitzgerald gynt o Gae Person Llanddarog ar ei marwolaeth yn 96 mlwydd oed. Bu yna wasanaeth angladdol yn Eglwys Sant Twrog Dydd Mercher Mehefin 1 af a chladdedigaeth yn dilyn yn Eglwys Y Santes Fair Porth Skewett. Roedd wedi ei geni a'i magu yn Nhy'r Llain, Cwmisfael. Coffa da amdani a diolch am ei chyfraniadi Eglwys Iesu Grist. "Mi ymdrechais ymdrech deg, mi orffennais fy ngyrfa, mi gedwais y ffydd" Cofiwn yn gariadus am bawb a fu farw yn ddiweddar; ac am bawb y mae tymor eu coffhad yn syrthio yr adeg hon o‟r flwyddyn. Bydded i‟r ffyddloniaid ymadawedig orffwys mewn hedd a chyfodi mewn gogoniant. / We remember with love all those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year. May the faithful departed rest in peace and rise in glory. Cleifion/The Sick Gweddiwch dros bawb sy‟n glaf mewn ysbryd corff neu feddwl, gartref neu mewn ysbyty. / Please pray for the sick in body, mind or spirit including: 4 Wilma Beynon, John Ellis, Evelyn Evans, Selwyn Evans, John James, Angela Knott, Henry Lewis, Anne Parry, Efelyn Rees, Alex Wills, Jean Smith and Marian Daniels. Please inform the wardens if someone falls ill or is in hospital. Home communion can be arranged. Diolch / Thanks Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cardiau a‟r anrhegion a dderbyniais adeg fy mhenblwydd yn 90 oed ar Ebrill 2ail.Roedd yn hyfryd i gael sgyrsiau ar y ffȏn a chael cwmni y rhai a alwodd i mewn i fy nghweld. Ni feddyliais erioed y byddwn yma o hyd i ddathlu penblwydd mor bwysig. A sincere thank you to all who sent cards, telephone messages, presents and called in to see me on the occasion of my 90th birthday on April 2nd. I never thought I would be here to celebrate such an important milestone. Diolch i chi gyd. Auriol Howells Longyfarchiadau / Congratulations Llongyfarchiadau i Mr John Ellis ar dderbyn yr OBE yn anrhydeddau y Frenhines, am ei waith gyda Lesotho a'r Ardd Fotaneg. Yn ogystal a'i waith caled a diflino yn y meusydd yma, i ni yn Sant Twrog yn ddiolchgar iawn iddo am yr holl grantiau mae wedi ei gasglu i sicrhau llwyddiant prosiect y tŵr. Many congratulations to Lucinda Tomlin on the birth of her new granddaughter Beatrice Eira on March 19th 2016 – a little sister for Mia Haf Tomlin. Also to Yvonne and Bill Lewis, proud grandparents to Hannah May Lewis, Mark and Geinor‟s new daughter; and to Heather and Bryan Witt on the birth of Glesney and Dan‟s first child, Lola Delyth on 6 June. Birthday congratulations to Mo Whitehead, who was 70, and Gwyneth Jones, Glangwendraeth who was 60, both in May and forthcoming birthdays Nona Ingoed - 90 in July, Jenny Youens, - 70 at the end of July, Elfryn Williams - 65 on 6 July, and Mary Davies, Llys Awelon, Drefach - 60 on 27 July. Congratulations also to Marian and Idris Daniels, who celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary in August. *************** Peace starts with a smile – Mother Teresa 5 News from Kosovo We recently returned to Kosovo to visit Helena, Andy, Jacob and Samuel. On this trip we were accompanied by our eldest daughter, Bethan, who had not been to Kosovo before. The family have moved home since our last trip, and it was good to see where they live now, in Shtime. They have obviously met a lot of people in the town; our first day wandering around we made very slow progress as we were greeted by neighbours, friends (often with members of their extended families), shopkeepers, schoolchildren and assorted other folk, all with beaming smiles, much shaking of hands and invitations to visit, though thankfully not of the “you must come this afternoon” variety. We attended church with them on Sunday, and were greeted almost as old friends by many of the small congregation. One of the American pastors, who will shortly be returning home after nearly 20 years in the area, preached the sermon on the subject of tithing. He told us afterwards that it was the first time he had braved the subject, although one of his colleagues did try once before to raise awareness of the church’s need of financial support. Although the Kosovan people are extremely generous on a personal level, they have an almost inbuilt aversion to doing anything to help any form of organisation (especially those connected to government), possibly due to the history of corruption at all levels of their society. Currently the amount raised in the weekly collection is supplemented by any profit made by the English and technology classes run by members of the team, with the shortfall covered by team members from their individual sponsorship funds. Until the Ferizaj church can support itself, the leaders are unable to move on to plant another church elsewhere in the country. The congregation is so small that on the next day (one of the innumerable public holidays) we were able to join the whole church in a flije party at the home of one of the members. Flije is a traditional type of pancake, but forget any thoughts of something quickly cooked in a modest pan. These have to be cooked in season, roughly between the beginning of May and end of September, as they are made outside, in a huge flat pan, and cooked from above. The batter is poured in a thin layer, then a dustbin lid which has been heated on a barbecue type fire, is placed on the top. After a few minutes the lid is removed, a drizzle of some sort of fat poured on, then more batter and another heated lid put on top, while the original goes back on the fire to heat for the next layer, a process repeated until the flije is 2 -3 6 inches deep. This is a very time consuming process; the one at our party was ready to eat at 6pm, having been started at 11am! It was a lovely evening, and we chatted with people much as we would at any of our church social functions and there was always someone on hand to translate if necessary. We had many other interesting experiences and more traditional food during our short visit, and perhaps news of these will appear in a further instalment. Kate & Rob Jones ************************* A tap on the shoulder A true story (maybe) from the pages of the Manchester, NH Evening News: Last Wednesday a passenger in a taxi heading for the airport leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up and over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate window. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab. Then, the shaking driver said, “Are you OK? I’m so sorry, but you scared the daylights out of me.” The badly shaken passenger apologized to the driver and said, “I didn’t realize that a mere tap on the shoulder would startle someone so badly.” The driver replied. “No, no, I’m the one who is sorry, it’s entirely my fault. Today is my very first day driving a cab. I’ve been driving a hearse for 25 years.” ************************* LOT'S WIFE The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted, "My Mommy looked back once while she was driving," he announced triumphantly, "And she turned into a telephone pole!" Author unknown 7 Cyngor Eglwysig Parochial Church Council Y Festri Flynyddol The Annual Vestry Ebrill 10ed 2016 April 10th 2016 25 members attended the Annual Vestry with Canon Bryan Witt in the Chair. The meeting commenced with prayers. Sad reference was made to the faithfully departed. Tribute was paid in the usual manner. Chairman’s Address The Vicar expressed his gratitude for all the support received over the year. He enjoyed taking the services and there was joy in the worship. He also wished to record his thanks to all who contribute so much to the life of the church: church wardens, treasurer, secretary, sub-committee, PCC members, organists, lesson readers, cleaner, flower rota, bell ringer, Tafod Twrog team, website co-ordinator, Health and Safety Officer, Safeguarding Officer, leaders, officials and members of both Mothers‟ Union and Clwb Iau, open church volunteers and churchyard crew. The church is extremely grateful to Jean Voyle Williams, our Lay Reader, for her exceptional contribution to the parish and also to the diocese. Annual Report a) Finance presented by Nia Thomas: Several additional members have opted for standing orders resulting in a regular income. Increases in donations, planned giving, loose collections. Thanks to the organists who have donated part or all of their fees back to the church. Also John Rees had donated the fees for grass cutting in the Vicarage back to the church. There was a reduction in the Ministry Share. The Vicar thanked Nia for her hard work and presentation of the report. b) Fabric presented by Huw Voyle Williams: Regular meetings had been held during the year between the sub-committee and Steven Knott to discuss the tower. The Puxley memorial had been removed for Health and Safety reasons. Due to the wet weather damage had been caused to the toilet. These matters were being looked into by the wardens and sub-committee. c) Tower: Nia Thomas gave the current positioning of commencing the work on the Tower. The tender of David Siggery had been accepted. We were now awaiting the final element of the Delivery Phase of the HLF grant. John Ellis was thanked for his tremendous efforts in securing Grant Aid for the project. We were very lucky as a Church to have such a capable member. 8 d) Safeguarding was presented by Daphne Evans: There had been no major issues regarding safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults during the year. Arrangements were in place to assist in the services those needing help with mobility. The new format of Clwb Iau means that parents/carers are present with the children in the session. A variety of stimulating experiences had been available for the children. The Bishop had visited the December workshop. e) Churchyard was presented by Geoff Quick. An inspection of the graveyard had been carried out by the sub-committee. Subsequently a number of headstones had been made safe. A new mower had been purchased. f) Worship was presented by the Vicar: Attendance at services was very encouraging. Our association with Capel Newydd for the Lenten Course was continuing, also participation with the other chapels in “Cytun”. The sunrise service on Easter morning had been an uplifting experience followed by a marvellous breakfast. A confirmation had been held in the presence of the Bishop and nine from our church had been confirmed. The Vicar raised the matter of the different times of the morning services on alternate Sundays. After a discussion it was proposed and carried unanimously that Llanddarog would prefer that the morning service be at 9.30. The Vicar would have further discussion with the congregation at Llanarthne. g) Mission was presented by Jean Voyle Williams: This year we had supported Plant Dewi, Tŷ Miriam, Carmarthen Food Bank, Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Llanddarog, Lent Lunches at the Vicarage, Open Garden at Ty‟r Llain. The contribution of the website and Tafod Twrog cannot be underestimated. The Welsh lessons were proving to be a great success. The Craft Fayre had been a fantastic day and a different way to get people into the Church. The Annual Barbecue had raised money for the school and the Pensioners. The pilgrimage to Winchester and the visit to Ludlow had been very successful. Our link with the school is very strong with the Vicar and his deputies, Jean, Myfanwy and Vilna attending the Tuesday assembly. Lastly she thanked the Vicar for his ministry and leadership during the year. Elections Vicar‟s Warden: Huw Voyle Williams was retiring after eight years of service. He was thanked for his dedication and service to the Church at all times. The Vicar had asked Peter Rees to be his warden. 9 People‟s Warden: The name of Mair Rees was proposed. The meeting was in favour. Secretary: Vilna Thomas – re-elected. Treasurer: Nia Thomas – re-elected PCC: Angela Knott wished to resign from the PCC. Angela was thanked for all her work for the church. Meurig Rees and Huw Voyle Williams were elected on to the PCC. Sub-Committee: Huw Voyle Williams – co-opted Foundation Governor: Vilna Thomas Health & Safety Officer: Geoff Quick expressed his wish to stand down. He was thanked for his diligence in looking after the graveyard and the church in general. Huw Voyle Williams is the new Health & Safety Officer. SafeguardingOfficer: Daphne Evans – re-elected Auditor: Ruth Lewis Triennial Elections Ruridecanal Conference: Peter Rees Diocesan Conference: Jean Voyle Williams Any Other Business Open Church – same arrangements as 2016. As there was no further business the meeting ended with Grace. Parochial Church Council Members as from 10 April 2016 Mrs Marian Daniels Mrs Eirwen Davies Mrs Iris Davies Mrs Kim Davies Mr John Ellis Mrs Daphne Evans Mrs Marilyn Jones Mr Robert Jones Mr Keith Knott Mrs Yvonne Lewis Mrs Marian Little Mr Gordon Mason Mrs Carol Owen Mrs Barbara Quick Mr Geoff Quick Mrs Doreen Rees Mr John Rees Mrs Margaret Rees 10 Mr Meurig Rees Mr Peter Rees Miss Nia Thomas Miss Vilna Thomas Mr Huw Voyle-Williams Mrs Dawn Webb Mr Elfryn Williams DYDDIADAU AR GYFER Y DYDDIADUR / DATES FOR YOUR DIARY (am fanylion am batrwm misol y gwasanaethau, gwelwch y dudalen olaf) (for details of the monthly pattern of services, please see the back page) Please note that from the beginning of July the second Sunday Morning Prayer in Welsh will be at 9.30am rather than 11am. Newid i amser y gwasanaeth: O fis Gorffennaf ymlaen ar yr ail Sul o'r mis, fe fydd y Boreol Weddi yn Gymraeg am 9.30yb yn hytrach na 11yb. Gorffennaf/July 2 Dydd Sadwrn 10am – 2pm Open Garden, Ty’r Llain 3 Dydd Sul Tomos Apostol/Thomas Apostle 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid (Cymraeg) 5.00pm Evensong(English) 5 Dydd Mawrth/ Tuesday 10.00am Boreol Weddi/ Morning Prayer (Bilingual) 10.30am Paned a Chlonc (ar gyfer rhai sydd am ddysgu Cymraeg) 7 Dydd Iau/Thursday 6.00pm Clwb Iau Mabolgampau/ Sports and BBQ at Cysgod-y-llan 10 Sul / Sunday Drindod 7/ Trinity 7 9.30am Boreol Weddi (Cymraeg) 5.00pm Holy Communion (English) 12 Dydd Mawrth/ Tuesday 10.00am Gwasanaeth Blwyddyn 6 Ysgol Llanddarog/ Year 6 Leavers Service 15 Dydd Gwener/ Friday 7.00pm Undeb y Mamau/ Mothers’ Union BBQ at Cysgod-y-llan 17 Sul/ Sunday Drindod 8/Trinity 8 9.30am Holy Communion (English) 2.30pm Gwasanaeth yn yr Ardd Fotaneg/ Special Service in the Botanic Garden 19 Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 10.00am Boreol Weddi /Morning Prayer (Bilingual) 10.30am Paned a Chlonc (ar gyfer rhai sy’n dysgu Cymraeg) 11 24 Sul/ Sunday Drindod 9/Trinity 9 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid (Cymraeg) 11.00am Holy Communion (English) Dim gwasanaeth yn yr hwyr/ No evening service 30 Saturday 10.30am – 3.00 pm Archidiaconal Mothers’ Union Event in St Twrog’s 31 Sul/Sunday Drindod 10/Trinity 10 10.00am Gwasanaeth Ardal Gweinidogaethol Llannau Tywi yn Eglwys Sant Twrog Llanddaog/ Llannau Tywi Ministry Area Service at St Twrog’s Church Llanddarog Dim gwasanaeth yn yr hwyr/ No evening service Awst/ August 7 Sul/ Sunday Drindod 11/ Trinity 11 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) 14 Sul/ Sunday Drindod 12/ Trinity 12 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) 21 Sul /Sunday Drindod 13/ Trinity 13 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) 28 Dydd Sul / Sunday Drindod 14/Trinity 14 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) Dim gwasanaethau yn yr hwyr ym Mis Awst/No evening services in August Medi/September 4 Dydd Sul/ Sunday Drindod 15/ Trinity 15 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid (Cymraeg) 5.00pm Evensong (English) 8 Dydd Iau/Thursday 7.00pm Cymun Bendigaid Undeb y Mamau a chyfarfod i ddilyn/ Mothers’ Union Holy Communion to be followed by a meeting 11 Dydd Sul/ Sunday Drindod 16/ Trinity 16 9.30am Boreol Weddi (Cymraeg) 5.00pm Holy Communion (English) 12 13 Dydd Mawrth/ Tuesday 10.00am Boreol Weddi/ Morning Prayer 10.30am Paned a Chlonc (ar gyfer rhai sy’n dysgu Cymraeg) 18 Dydd Sul/Sunday Drindod 17/ Trinity 17 9.30am Holy Communion (English) 2.30pm Gwasanaeth yn yr Ardd Fotaneg/Special Service in the Botanic Garden 25 Dydd Sul/ Sunday Drindod 18/ Trinity 18 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid (Cymraeg) 11.00am Holy Communion (English) Dim gwasanaeth yn yr hwyr/ No evening service 27 Dydd Mawrth/ Tuesday 10.00am Boreol Weddi / Morning Prayer 10.30am Paned a Chlonc (ar gyfer rhai sy’n dysgu Cymraeg) 29 Dydd Iau/ Thursday Gwasanaethau Diolchgarwch/ Harvest Thanksgiving Services. 2.00pm Evensong (English) 6.30pm Hwyrol Weddi (Cymraeg) 7.45pm Swper y Cynhaeaf yn Neuadd y Pentref / Harvest Supper at the Village Hall. ******************** Open Garden Ty’r Llain We will be holding our Open Garden at Ty‟r Llain on Saturday 2 July, supporting this year several local organisations – Llanddarog VC School, Côr Llanddarog a Cylch, St Twrog‟s Church as well as Tŷ Miriam, Lesotho. We are hoping for good weather, but it will still go ahead whatever the weather! All are very welcome. There will be a bottle stall, book sale, plant sale as well as the usual raffle together with items for sale made by members of the Knit and Natter group. And again we will be selling tickets for the curry nights we will be hosting during the Summer and early Autumn (£25 a head for a four course home made meal). But perhaps more important, Peter will be there to give you a guided tour of the garden and come and join us for a cup of tea or a coffee with a cream scone. Entry will be £3 per adult and children can come free. Margaret and Peter Rees 13 Rhestr y Darllenwyr / Readers Schedule Dyddiad / Date Gwasanaethau / Services Tomos Apostol / Thomas Apostle Darllenwyr / Readers Sides persons Gorffennaf 3 July 9.30 am Cymun Bendigaid Miss Vilna Thomas (Taflen y Cymun) Wardens 5.00 pm Evensong Mrs Rosemary Tilley Job 421-6 Mrs Margaret Rees (Ty‟r Llain) 1 Peter 13-12 Drindod 7 / Trinity 7 Gorffennaf 10 July 9.30 am Boreol Weddi Gwenllian Owen Deut. 309-14 Rhys Griffiths Luc 1025-37 5.00 pm Holy Communion Mrs Margaret Rees (Brynhyfryd) (Communion Sheet) Mrs Carol Owen Mrs Julie Griffiths Drindod 8 / Trinity 8 Gorffennaf 17 July Gorffennaf 24 July Mr John 9.30 am Mrs Barbara Quick Rees Holy Communion (Communion Sheet) Mrs Yvonne Lewis 2.30 pm Gwasanaeth Arbenning yn yr Ardd Fotaneg / Special Service in the Botanic Garden Drindod 9 /Trinity 9 9.30 am Cymun Bendigaid Mrs Kim Davies (Taflen y Cymun) Mrs Jenny Youens Mr Meurig Rees 11.00 am Mrs Jenny Youens Holy Communion (Communion Sheet) Dim Gwasanaeth yn yr Hwyr / No Evening Service 14 Rhestr y Darllenwyr / Readers Schedule Dyddiad / Date Gwasanaethau / Services Drindod 10/Trinity 10 Darllenwyr / Readers Gorffennaf 31 July 10.00am Gwasanaeth Ardal Gweinidogaethol Llannau Tywi Ministry Area Service Mrs Mair Rees (Darlleniad Cymraeg – Taflen y Cymun) Mr Peter Rees (English Reading – Communion Sheet) Sides persons Wardens Dim Gwasanaeth yn yr Hwyr / No Evening Service Dim gwasanaethau yn yr hwyr ym Mis Awst/ No evening services in August Drindod 11/Trinity 11 Awst 7 August 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) Mr John Evans (Darlleniad Cymraeg – Taflen y Cymun) Mrs Yvonne Lewis (English Reading – Communion Sheet) Mr Hugh Phillips Mrs Marian Daniels Drindod 12/Trinity 12 Awst 14 August 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) Mrs Marian Daniels (Darlleniad Cymraeg – Taflen y Cymun) Mrs Marion Little (English Reading – Communion Sheet) 15 Mr Gordon Mason Mr Idris Daniels Rhestr y Darllenwyr / Readers Schedule Dyddiad / Date Awst 21 August Gwasanaethau / Services Drindod 13/Trinity 13 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) Darllenwyr / Readers Sides persons Mr Selwyn Evans Mr Selwyn (Darlleniad Cymraeg Evans – Taflen y Cymun) Mr Allan Mr Gordon Mason Davies (English Reading – Communion Sheet) Drindod 14/Trinity 14 Awst 28 August 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid/ Holy Communion (Bilingual) Mrs Gwenda Evans (Darlleniad Cymraeg – Taflen y Cymun) Mr Robert Jones (English Reading – Communion Sheet) Wardens Drindod 15/Trinity 15 Medi 4 September 9.30am Cymun Bendigaid Mrs Myfanwy Rees (Taflen y Cymun) 5.00pm Evensong Mrs Andrea Liggins Isaiah 4314 – 445 Mrs Lucinda Tomlin John 530 -47 Mr Geoff Quick Mrs Margaret Morris Drindod 16/Trinity 16 9.30 am Boreol Weddi Mrs Carol Owen Eseia 60 Mrs Julie Griffiths Ioan 651-69 5.00 pm Holy Communion Mrs Elizabeth Wills (Communion Sheet) Medi 11 September 16 Mrs Pam Roper Mrs Elizabeth Wills Rhestr y Darllenwyr / Readers Schedule Dyddiad / Date Medi 18 September Gwasanaethau / Services Drindod 17/Trinity 17 9.30 am Holy Communion Darllenwyr / Readers Sides persons Mrs Daphne Evans (Communion Sheet) Wardens 2.30 pm Gwasanaeth Arbenning yn yr Ardd Fotaneg Special Service in the Botanic Garden Drindod 18/Trinity 18 Medi 25 September 9.30 am Cymun Bendigaid Mrs Eluned James (Taflen y Cymun) 11.00 am Holy Communion Mrs Kate Jones (Communion Sheet) Mrs Doreen Rees Mr Allan Gibbard ************************* Saturday 30 July Archidiaconal Mothers’ Union Event An Archidiaconal Mothers’ Union event to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Mothers’ Union will be held in St Twrog’s Church on Saturday 30 July from 10.30am (meeting for coffee) until 3pm. Bring a packed lunch, but coffee and tea will be provided. It will be a prayer, trail and create day. All members from the Deanery of Carmarthen are invited. Heather Witt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Success in marriage is more than finding the right person: it is a matter of being the right person. Rabbi B.R. Brickner One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness – it is usually returned. C. Flint 17 Dathlu gyda Mistar Urdd! / Celebrating with Mr Urdd! Whitsun week for many children in Wales offers the opportunity to take part in Europe’s largest youth festival – Urdd Gobaith Cymru’s National Eisteddfod. And the children of the area are fortunate to have a local branch of the society on their door-step, in Adran y Neuadd Fach, Porth-y-rhyd. ‘O dir O.M. daw dŵr iach Urdd a’I hangerdd ieuengach; dewch Gymreictod, hynod, hy llif eiriau’n llefaru, o deuwch oll gyda ch n a llifwch tua’r llwyfan.’ Bu i nifer ohonom, yn rhieni a ffrindiau Adran y Neuadd Fach, Porth-y-rhyd droi trwyn y car tua’r gogledd ar siwrnai hir i’r Fflint yn ystod wythnos y Sulgwyn, a gweld gwireddu geiriau Arwel Emlyn Jones yn ei gywydd croeso i’r Eisteddfod gan ‘lifo tua’r llwyfan’! The long car journey to Flint in North Wales where the Eisteddfod was held this year proved well worth the effort for Adran y Neuadd Fach. But the journey had really begun several months previously with the leaders of the Adran, Aled Rees, Rhinedd Williams and Awen Voyle concentrating their efforts on several competitions for the Eisteddfod, progressing through the local and regional stages. In Flint, the younger children’s choir succeeded in going through the preliminaries, reaching the stage, and coming second with their rendition of ‘Gwena’ (translated ‘Smile’), and there were plenty of smiles! Ar ôl i gôr blwyddyn 6 ac iau osod y safon, drannoeth tro’r plant hŷn oedd hi, a Rhinedd nôl wrth y llyw gyda’r parti deulais Blwyddyn 9 ac iau gyda’u dehongliad o’r emyn ‘O Llefara Addfwyn Iesu’. Cipiwyd y wobr gyntaf ganddynt ac fel petai hynny ddim yn ddigon, llwyddodd Côr Blwyddyn 9 ac iau i gyrraedd y brig hefyd, gyda darn o waith gan Robat Arwyn ‘Dangos y Ffordd’. Roedd y cyfansoddwr wrth ei fodd yn ôl y negeseuon ar Facebook, a’r Fflint yn profi i fod ‘yn ŵyl iawn am adloniant’! 18 Wednesday proved to be the icing on the cake, with the choir (Year 9 and under) and the two-part choir (Year 9 and under) both winning first prize, but there was more to come. Saturday, the last day of the Eisteddfod is devoted to the Urdd’s young people, and one of the most popular competitions is the vocal ensemble. Adran y Neuadd Fach with their teenage singers came second to Cardiff’s Waun Ddyfal, beating several more experienced ensembles – quite an achievement! Gyda hwyl ac alaw yr ensemble ‘Tŷ ar y Mynydd’ gan Maharishi yn dal i ganu 19ilch19 clustiau, hawdd yw anghofio faint o her yw hi i gyrraedd llwyfan Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd. Dylid nodi i’r Parti Unsain Blwyddyn 6 ac iau a’r Grŵp Llefaru Blwyddyn 6 ac iau hefyd lwyddo i gyrraedd y rhagbrofion cenedlaethol. As parents and a community we are greatly indebted to the efforts of the Adran y Neuadd Fach voluntary leaders, who foster the discipline and the high standard required to ensure national success. As important, week by week throughout the year they organize a variety of fun activities ensuring that children and young people are able to socialize through the medium of Welsh. Bydd bwrw golwg nôl ar y Fflint yn brofiad melys i nifer, ‘Mistar Urdd mae ystyr hwyl ilch wn….dewch Gymry annwyl.’ I blant a phobl ifainc y Neuadd Fach mae hynny yr un mor wir bob nos Fawrth ag ydyw yn y brifwyl bob mis Mai. Non Vaughan Williams – mam ilch i Beca! Non Vaughan Williams – a very proud mum to Beca! Church Pilgrimage to Hereford What a wonderful day was had by all! On 7 May our coach took us first to Oakchurch, with an opportunity to have a coffee and perhaps something a little more substantial and a look round this ‘County Department Store and Garden Centre’. Most of us were unsure what to expect but it had a very good provisions section, a garden centre and clothes. Then it was on to Hereford where we went our separate ways. There was so much to do and just the day there, so each went for our own preferences. Having recently stopped for coffee some went straight off for a walk by the river – what a beautiful 19 walk – while others visited the cathedral and the Old House Museum as well as managing to do a little shopping. Hereford Cathedral is the home of Mappa Mundi. Dedicated to the martyred King Ethelbert it has stood on this site since Saxon times and is home to a community which has worshipped and worked together continuously for over 1300 years. Today’s building contains some of the finest examples of architectural excellence from Norman times up to the present day. Norman pillars divide the 12th century nave from the 14th century side aisles. The font dates from around 1150. The principal altar is surmounted by a silver gilt corona made by Simon Beer in 1992. I was personally very taken with the three tapestries commissioned by the Dean and Chapter designed by John Piper in 1976 and conserved in 2011 which are hung in the South Transept. The theme is The Tree of Life – an image used in the Bible to tell the Christian story of the redemption of humankind. The first depicts the tree in the Garden of Eden. The figures of Adam and Eve flank the tree around which is curled the serpent. Eve has taken the forbidden fruit. This is the tree of disobedience. The next tapestry is the cross at Calvary and shows the deposition of Christ with attendant figures. A ladder is visible and also the hand of God can be seen, together with the sun and moon. This is the tree of obedience. The final tapestry completes the trilogy and shows the tree of life described in the last book of the Bible: On either side of the river stood a tree of life, which yields twelve crops of fruit, one for each month of the year. The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. (Revelations 22. Vv. 1-2). This is the tree of new life. The largest surviving medieval world map – The Mappa Mundi – is displayed alongside the famous chained library in the award-winning New Library Building with an interpretive exhibition and changing displays of rare manuscripts, books, documents and artefacts. Also in the centre of Hereford is the Old House Museum. Dating from 1621 the Old House is one of Hereford’s finest buildings and is a fascinating remnant from a previous age. Over the centuries many changes have taken place in Hereford but throughout all this the Old House has remained a constant at the heart of Hereford. Originally a butchers shop but now a museum, the Old House is furnished with pieces dating from the Jacobean era; including unique children’s nursery furniture, original wall paintings and beautifully carved fireplaces. So much to see and take in that some of us were talking about returning to see what we hadn’t managed to see that day! Margaret Rees 20 Mothers’ Union ~ Undeb y Mamau There was a good attendance at the Quiet Afternoon in Llanllwch on March 14th with Mair carrying the banner on our behalf. The service was written and led by Enfys Thomas on the theme of Prayer, with time for reflection between the sections on prayer, confession and faith. Members of the six branches were invited for refreshments in the hall following the service. In our April meeting, Elizabeth Wills, one of our members, explained how she had gone about researching her family history, getting clues from bibles, photographs and visiting registry offices. There had been complications with surnames and she came across several characters. It is easier now that everything is online, but it is important to talk to parents and grandparents and get them to put names on the back of photo graphs. May and we were off to Hereford on a trip organised by Daphne and Mair. We stopped for an hour at Oakchurch farm shop, which was like a tardis, with plants, clothes, shoes, food, toys and welcome refreshments. Some could have stayed longer!! The rest of the day we did our own thing with everyone visiting the Cathedral at some time during the day. The weather was kind until the last 10 minutes when it rained while we waited for the bus. A good day. We had a Brains Trust in June with Kate Jones, Andrea Liggins and the Vicar on the panel. The questions submitted by members were varied, including, the EU Referendum, priorities in the Health Service and the need for Church schools in these days of falling church attendance, all of which engendered discussion from the floor. Others were more personal, asking for their choice of book, music and luxury if cast on a desert island, top holiday destination, most influential Welsh person and best advice ever received, to mention a few. An interesting evening, giving us all food for thought. 21 The new Families Worldwide for the next 6 months have arrived. If you did not have yours in the June meeting please take one from the back of the church. Dates for your diary. Friday 15th July Barbecue at Cysgod y Llan 7pm Saturday 30 July 10.30am – 3.00pm Archidiaconal Event – Prayer, Trail and Create Tuesday 9th August Mary Sumner Day Thursday 8th September Eucharist with a business meeting to follow. Monday 19th September Deanery meeting 2.30pm in The Ivy Bush. 22nd – 24th September General Meeting in Winchester. Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm in church, unless stated otherwise. New members always welcome, enquiries to Jean Voyle Williams 01267 275222. Barbara Quick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ News from China Let me share with you a little girl’s story. Her name is Eden, although at the start of this story she has not yet been given this name. The story starts in 2009, in Kunming, the capital of China’s Yunnan Province in the semi tropical southwest. A woman arrives at a hospital, she is in labour and gives birth to a girl. Just a few hours after the birth, the woman leaves the hospital, she does not take the baby with her. We don’t know the woman’s name and it’s later discovered that her documentation provided to the hospital was falsified, the woman’s story for us ends here. The baby girl remains at the hospital and doesn’t leave in the arms of nervous new parents like many babies do, but she leaves in the arms of a policeman just three days after entering the world. The baby is taken to a large orphanage that provides care for 22 hundreds of children, it will be her home until she is three and a half years of age. It’s here that they discover she is HIV positive, perhaps this is something the woman, whose name we do not know, suspected. In the north of China, Xi’an, a husband and wife grieve for an adopted daughter they will never meet. As they were preparing to travel to the airport to fly and meet her and welcome her into their family, they receive a phone call, delivering the devastating news that the adoption has fallen through and will not today nor any other day be completed. Husband and wife then face the impossible task of being asked to look though a database of hundreds of Chinese children and choose just one. How do they choose the child that is to be theirs and is to live with them and their young son? They choose by prayer and by faith. God tells them to choose a child who is HIV positive. It’s the husband that sees’ a photo of a little girl in the database, and he says to his wife, ‘Here she is, this is our daughter’. They are matched with the little girl, but still wait a year before they are finally given permission to go and collect her. It’s a painful wait, to know their child and yet not be with her, they have the little girl’s photo and her medical records and this for now is all they hold. They are held by the prayers of others remembering their family, what an encouragement this is to them for they know the power of prayer. Adoptive parents are warned that when they go to pick up their children they may not want to go with them, but in this story we can see the power of prayer. When the husband, wife and little boy go to get their daughter and sister, she doesn’t shed even one tear and that night she sleeps in the same bed as her parents. The little girl gets a new name, Eden. This is not the end of Eden’s story, it’s the start! Eden is just about to celebrate her 7th birthday and is the most wonderful girl, full of life and spark. Eden’s mother and father are our close friends and my own daughter who is just 2 years old, adores Eden, who plays with her with love and patience beyond her years. Watching this story unfold from the side-lines and seeing the beauty of a family that God has called together has given us the courage to persue our dream of adopting in China. When we were initially approved to adopt in December we were told that the wait for a match with a child could be as long as two years, but we have just found out that we are now very close to the top of the list for foreigners applying to adopt in China and our social worker expects we will have a match in about three months, much quicker than anticipated! Although we still don’t know how long we will wait to be united with our child after we have been matched. Unlike Eden’s parents we will play no part in the choosing of our child and will be matched by a government agency. We are adopting from a programme of children with mild special needs, they 23 could have been born with a cleft palette, have a heart condition or have a condition such as Hepatitis B. Just as each of our testimonies about how we became adopted into His family is different, every adoption story is different too, we can only wait and in time tell you ours. But we do know that as you join us in prayer the power of prayer will be as evident in our story as it is in Eden and her family’s story. The number of orphans in China is estimated to be between 9 & 15 million. This wide variation is caused by different concepts of who is an orphan and the lack of reliable statistics. Many of China’s orphans are healthy young girls and boys, but the greatest percentage now are children living with disabilities or special needs in one way or another. A New Name Most children in China have two names, the first is their official name that appears on their birth certificate and will be their grown up adult name. Their second name is a childhood name which they will be called affectionately by friends and relatives, this name is often (to the Chinese ear) cute sounding and uses the same character twice. In my Parents and Tots class I teach children whose names can be translated as, ‘star, star’ ‘dot, dot’ and ‘happy, happy’. We have given our new baby a childhood name already and it’s 新新 (Xin Xin). These characters mean ‘new, new’ but the words for heart 心and faith 信also have the same pronunciation. (We don’t yet know if 新新, will be a boy or girl, but this name works for both!) Please pray Pray for Eden’s birth parents especially her biological mother. We don’t know the set of circumstances that led to her not being able to look after her baby, but we do know that in the surrounding areas of where Eden was born many minority groups live and some of these groups are affected by HIV. Eden herself, is not Han Chinese (the majority group making up 92% of the population of Mainland China ) Pray for healing, for what must have been a traumatic experience, pray for God’s promise for a hope and future. Do pray for the millions of children given up in China, pray too for the millions of parents who give up their children often because of poor personal circumstance, poverty or the recently abolished one child policy. Adam, Mim, Bella (and the baby to come) 24 Newyddion Ysgol Llanddarog Cyflwynwyd dwy sioe ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ i’r Adran Iau yn ystod y tymor. Yn gyntaf cafwyd hanes Mari Jones, sioe oedd yn olrhain hanes y ferch a gerddodd yr holl ffordd i’r Bala i dderbyn Beibl wrth Thomas Charles yn y ddeunawfed ganrif, ac yna hanes Glenys Myfanwy a’i phrofiadau a’i bywyd yn ystod y Blits yn Abertawe yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Roeddent yn wych a’r disgyblion yn amlwg wedi mwynhau pob dim. Codwyd £112 ar gyfer UNICEF gan y disgyblion wrth gynnal diwrnod gwisgo dillad eu hunain. Cynhaliwyd Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd yn Sir Fflint eleni a bu’r côr yn cystadlu. Er na lwyddwyd i gyrraedd y llwyfan y tro hwn, roeddent wedi mwynhau y profiad yn fawr ac maent o hyd yn rhoi o’u gorau. Diolch i Rhinedd Williams am gyfeilio a Rhian Rees am gyfeilio yn ystod yr ymarferion. Mae cynlluniau mewn llaw i greu gardd weddi yn yr ysgol wrth ymyl Dosbarth 3 a 4 ac mae’r disgyblion eisioes wedi cynnig eu syniadau ar yr hyn yr hoffent eu gweld a’r hyn y maent yn credu sy’n bwysig i’w cynnwys ynddi. Mae diwedd tymor yr haf o hyd yn un prysur a’r disgyblion yn edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar at y gwahanol gweithgareddau a drefnir ar eu cyfer. Ymhlith y rhain bydd mabolgampau’r ysgol ar Fehefin 30ain, yr Adran Iau yn ymweld â Fferm Ffoli a’r Cyfnod Sylfaen yn mynd am ddiwrnod i Barc Penbre. Marian Evans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOSES AND THE RED SEA Nine-year-old Joey was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday School. "Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his army build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. Then he radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved." "Now, Joey, is that really what your teacher taught you?" his Mother asked. "Well, no, Mom, but, if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd neverbelieve it!" Taken from the Internet 25 One for the young (at heart!) among us A Nursery Rhyme Up To Date TEN little Churchmen went to Church when fine, but it started raining, and there there were nine. NINE little Churchmen stayed up very late. One overslept himself, and then there were eight. EIGHT little Churchmen on the road to Heaven, One joined a rambling club, and then there were seven. SEVEN little Churchmen heard of Sunday “flicks”. One thought he‟d like to go, and then there were six SIX little Churchmen kept the place alive, One bought a television, and there there were five. FIVE little Churchmen seemed loyal to the core, The vicar upset one of them, and then there were four. FOUR little Churchmen argued heatedly Over all the changes, and then there were three. THREE little Churchmen sang the service through, Got a hymn they didn‟t know, and then there were two. TWO little Churchmen disputed who should run The next social evening, and then there was one. ONE faithful Churchman, knowing what to do, Got a friend to come to Church, and then there were two. TWO sincere Churchmen each brought in one more. So their number doubled, and then there were four. FOUR sturdy Churchmen simply couldn‟t wait „till they found four others, and so there were eight. EIGHT eager Churchmen at Communion every week Soon encouraged others, troubled souls to seek. ALL the seats in Church are filled, not an empty pew. O God supply this grace and zeal in our own Parish too. Taken from a pamphlet from Holy Trinity Church, Kingsway, London WC2 26 CALENDR YR ARDAL ROUND AND ABOUT Fach was followed on the 18th by a trip to ride on the Dean Forest Steam Railway with the pleasure of sunshine to make our day. Bethlehem, Porth-y-rhyd Mae’n dda gan aelodau Bethlehem gyhoeddi bod y Parchedig Aled Maskell wedi derbyn gwahoddiad i fod yn weinidog ar yr eglwys, yn olynydd i’r Parchedig G. Carey Jones a fu’n weinidog yr eglwys am 30ain mlynedd. We look forward to a trip to Aberystwyth & Nant yr Arian Kite feeding station on June 7th. July will be the 41st AGM when we review the success of the last year, and despite the loss of a few members membership of the Society has increased. We hope our new President Mrs Kim Davies will be able to join us on this occasion, when we will also enjoy a Strawberry Tea. Mae Mr Maskell eisoes wedi dechrau ar ei ddyletswyddau. Bydd ei ofalaeth yn awr yn cynnwys Calfaria Pen-ygroes, Penrhiw-goch a Bethlehem. Cynhelir y cwrdd sefydlu nos Fercher, y 13eg Gorffennaf am 6.00 o’r gloch. Y pregethwr gwadd fydd y Parchedig John Treharne, Tabernacl Llwynhendy. On the 6th September we shall enjoy a visit to St. Fagans Folk Museum to begin another busy year, which will include a Holly and Mistletoe break in November in Llandudno. Bowlio Dan Do Llanddarog Indoor Bowls Practice on Thursdays in the village hall from 7 to 9 pm in school term time. League games are played on Tuesdays. New members welcome. Enquiries to Lewis Jones 275593. New members are always welcome Meetings are held at Neuadd Fach, Porthyrhyd on the first Tuesday of the month unless otherwise stated and begin at 2pm. Enquiries to Marion Little 01267 275507. Clwb Cinio/Luncheon Club Last Tuesday in the month. Yn fisol ar y dydd Mawrth olaf. 1pm Prince of Wales, Porthyrhyd. Knit and Natter The group continues to meet on the first and third Thursday afternoon each month and are embarking on a project to provide Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Llanddarog with a knitted wall hanging and some items for a quiet corner for the children. Porthyrhyd & Llanddarog Pensioners Society:In April we enjoyed instruction in Nordic Walking for fitness and to aid convalescence. A sociable game of Bingo at the May meeting in Neuadd 27 Mynyddcerrig Show Meanwhile items for the forthcoming Christmas Fayre are being made and stored, so please make a note in your diary to support the event which we believe will be at the beginning of November again this year. The Annual Mynyddcerrig Show will be held as usual in the Mynyddcerrig Workingmen’s Club on Saturday 3 September, starting at 3 pm , with exhibits to be taken to the Club between 10 am and 12 noon. There is an entrance charge of £1 per adult and 25p per child, but no charge to enter exhibits. There are a variety of sections including vegetables, flowers, wine, cookery, craft and a children’s section as well as a competition for the longest stinging nettle! All are welcome. We supported the Fayre held in Llanarthne to fund raise for Carmarthen’s year of responsibility for the Royal Welsh Show. Sadly for all concerned the weather was most unkind, although it did concentrate those who braved the elements inside the marquee! Show programmes will be available from Jenny Youens, but if you have any queries you can contact her on 01269 871496. Several of our members are celebrating milestone birthdays this year, so we are putting our needles aside now and again to celebrate! New members are very welcome whether you knit, crochet or have other craft skills. For more details, please contact Margaret Rees on 275479. Don’t worry, if you need a lift, we can usually fit one or two more in! Neuadd y Pentre Llanddarog Village Hall Addas ar gyfer pob math o weithgareddau yn y Brif Neuadd, cegin hwylus, ystafell gefn ar gyfer gweithgareddau llai o faint maes parcio eang. / Looking for a place to hold an event, then Llanddarog Village Hall is the place with a main hall, a committee room, a spacious kitchen and a large car park. Merched y Wawr Rhaglen Mis Medi i’w threfnu. Cysylltwch/Contact: Vilna Thomas 275372 Cysylltwch â Mair 275271 neu Gwenda 275207 Paned a Chlonc Every other Tuesday in school term time, following the usual 10 o’clock morning prayer service we meet in the community area of the church at We take turns on a rota basis to act as ‘host’ and share ideas, materials and any practical help where required. 28 10.30 to share coffee and chat so that Welsh learners have an opportunity to practise their Welsh. See Dates for your Diary here in Tafod Twrog. All are welcome. Thursday: Yoga for young children (5 pm) Short Mat Bowls (7 pm): Come along and join in the fun. Thanks to Mr. Wyndham Phillips and Mr. Iori Thomas for coaching and Mrs. Menna Jones for organising the sessions. A warm welcome to all. Porthyrhyd, Y Neuadd Fach It was with sadness that we heard of the death of Mr. Ron Evans. He was a faithful supporter of all events held at Y Neuadd Fach and especially of the Porth-y-rhyd Horticultural Show. He was a keen and valued supporter, not only exhibiting beautiful flowers and plants of such high quality and standard annually but also advising and sponsoring trophies. He will be sadly missed. Our condolences to his family. Porthyrhyd Welfare Committee. Holistic Healing Sessions The Healing Network organised an evening at Y Neuadd Fach on May 13th and following the success and demand another evening has been arranged on Friday, July 22nd 7.00 – 9.00 p.m. Come along and try a range of therapies : Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage , Reiki, EFT and much more. PARTI PORTH-Y-RHYD! Following the success of last year's Show and Carnival it has been decided to hold another Party on Friday, September 9th. Entries for the Horticultural Show (Garden Section, Flowers, Cookery Handicrafts and Children's Competitions) accepted between 12.00 - 4.30 as judging will commence at 5 pm. The Hire Of The Hall And Cae'r Efail: The hall is an ideal venue for private parties, group meetings or conferences. If you wish to hire the Hall or Cae'r Efail please contact 01267 275411 or 01267 275730. Weekly Events: Y Neuadd Fach holds a number of different weekly events to cater for all ages. Monday: Whist Drive at 7.30 pm Tuesday: Adran Y Neuadd Fach (6 pm) Yr Uwch Adran The Leisure Club meetings are held at 2 pm on the first Tuesday of the month. Wednesday: Judo for children (5 pm) The parade will leave Ysgol Llanddarog at 6 pm and Cae'r Efail will be a hive of activities with a Live Band, Entertainment, Stalls, Hog Roast and Games. Why not decorate a vehicle – lorry, trailer, car, cart, wheelbarrow, bike and wear a fancy dress? 29 Come to support and enjoy Parti Porth-y-rhyd! Programme: 12 July: Knitting for Christmas. 9 August: We’re not all on holiday! 13 September: Making Christmas Cards – Demonstration and have a go. For more information contact Elizabeth Wills 01269 832569 or Marion Little 275507. Sioe Llanddarog Show The Show is on Saturday 25 June – too late for any further information from Lewis, but not too late to remind you that there’s a lot happening that day and all the Committee hope you have an enjoyable time there. There will be a Show Dinner at The Plough Rhosmaen on Friday 21 October, tickets £22.50 each and they will be available from any member of the Committee from July. Llanddarog and District Women’s Institute For further information contact Lewis Jones on secretary@sioellanddarog show.co.uk or 275593 Programme: Meetings are held in the Committee Room of the village Hall at 7 pm unless otherwise stated. 6 July: Wrapping it up – Wendy Stephens 13 July: Strawberry Tea at Celia’s August: No Meeting. 7 Sept: My Life in the Met & Murder Squad – Helen Jones Wishes for Stitches The group meets monthly – usually the second Tuesday of the month. Drop in between 1.30 and 4.30 in the Committee Room, Llanddarog Village Hall. Bring your own sewing, knitting or New members welcome. Enquiries to craft or join in a group project or just Elizabeth Wills 01269 832569 or come to be inspired. Learn a new skill Marion Little 275507. – we have frequent ‘how to’ demonstrations. We have knitting YFC/CFFI Llanddarog and crochet patterns, a small library of No article this edition. handcraft books, as well as sewing and craft equipment available. There Os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth is no annual membership fee, only £1 cysylltwch a Caryl Jones ar per session attended which includes 07875797587. refreshment. You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from buildings nests in your hair. (Chinese Proverb) 30 GWASANAETHAU’R SUL YN EGLWYS Y PLWYF SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE PARISH CHURCH Sul/Sunday 1 Cymun Bendigaid 9.30 am Evensong 5 pm Sul/Sunday 2 Boreol Weddi 9.30 am Holy Communion 5 pm Sul/Sunday 3 Holy Communion 9.30 am Service in the Botanic 2.30 pm Gardens Sul/Sunday 4 Cymun Bendigaid 9.30 am Holy Communion Sul/Sunday 5 Cymun dwyieithog gyda eglwysi eraill LLannau Tywi 10 am / Bilingual Holy Communion with the other churches in the Ministry Area of LLannau Tywi. Lluniaeth i dillyn/ Refreshments to follow SWYDDOGION ST TWROG OFFICIALS WARDENIAID/WARDENS Mr Peter Rees Mrs Mair Rees TRYSORYDD/TREASURER Miss Nia Thomas YSGRIFENNYDD/SECRETARY Miss Vilna Thomas UNDEB Y MAMAU/ MOTHERS UNION Mrs Mair Rees Mrs Margaret Rees Secretary Treasurer CLWB IAU Mrs Helen Beynon GLANHAUWRAIG/CLEANER Mrs Marion Little SWYDDOG DIOGELWCH IECHYD/ HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER Mr Huw Voyle Williams SWYDDOG DIOGELU/SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Mrs Daphne Evans WEBSITE COORDINATOR / CYDLYNYDD Y WEFAN Mrs Margaret Rees 31 11 am