BIG Dates to Remember in 2012!


BIG Dates to Remember in 2012!
 march 2 - 18
march 3
may 12
Saturday | March 3 | Noon
Fountain Square
News and Information for Friends of the Freestore Foodbank
Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger
Food Drive
C A Ns t r u c t i o n
BIG Dates to Remember in 2012!
may 28
The Cincinnati Bengals
Taste of the NFL
Monday | May 28 | Sawyer Point
september 2
September 2
Check our website for more details and how you can help.
Cincinnati Cooks
Flavored Vinegar
at Kroger
All our thanks to The Kroger Co.,
Local 12, Gold Star Chili, their patrons
and viewers that helped the first ever
Check Out Power Pack program
raise over $60,000!
Cincinnati Cooks Flavored
Vinegar is now available at
select Kroger stores in the
Tri-State. Each case, sold
for $6.99, comes with
three bottles of vinegar –
lemon, apple and raspberry.
Sale proceeds benefit the
Freestore Foodbank.
Dear Freestore Foodbank Supporters
the time to thank you for all you
As we begin 2012, I would like to take
our neighbors who need it most
have done to support our efforts to help
out the year.
during the holiday season and through
store Foodbank. We celebrated
2011 was a milestone year for the Free
ce to those in need. 40 years of
40 years of providing food and assistan
s that give them relief from crisis,
connecting our customers to resource
-sufficiency. 40 years of giving hope
stabilize them, and move them to self
to those who need it most.
We could not do it without you!
of your time and energy, because of
Because of your generosity, because
of your support, we were able to feed
your financial contributions, because
Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday
more than 20,000 families over the
reminder that someone cares, tha
Each meal that we distributed was a
ing difficult times.
someone is there to lend a hand dur
ir lives!
Thank you for being that hope in the
along with them, even greater
2012 will bring new challenges and
We look forward to working with
efforts to help our neighbors in need.
eavors in the New Year!
you once more as we take on these end
ing the holiday season
Thank you again for your support dur
and throughout the year.
Kurt Reiber
President, Freestore Foodbank
ureliant ce for people in crisis.
er self-r
lity and furthK
We provide food and services, create stabi
Administrative Offices
Jeff and Darlene Anderson
Family Building
1141 Central Parkway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
513-482-7532 fax
Bill Dankworth
Board Chair
Henry Karamanoukian
Vice Chair, Development
Allan Cook
Vice Chair, Foodbank
Anne Lilly Cone
Vice Chair, Client Services
Marsha Croxton
Martiné Dunn
Damon Allen
Jeanette Altenau
J.R. Anderson
Cassandra Barham
Rich Boehne
John Cranley
Chris Dolle
Jim Dressman
Robert Edwards
Elaine Fink
Scot Hendricks
Steve Jemison
Tom Kirkwood
Melissa Klein
Nancy Lawson
Karen Maier
Paula Neises
David Olson
Dan Pfau
Ramon Rodriguez
Richard Rosenthal
Marianne Rowe
Phil Schworer
P.G. Sittenfeld
David Taylor
Warren Weber
Larry Williams
Kurt at Holiday
Jeffrey R. Anderson
Richard Antoine
Gibson Carey
Tom Kahle
Cheryl Harden-Love
William Mallory, Sr.
David Mann
William T. Robinson
John J. Young
Chief Executive Officer
Kurt L. Reiber
An equal opportunity employer M/F/H
We provide food and services, create stability
and further self-reliance for people in crisis.
Board of Trustees
Message from the CEO
It is hard right now to pick up a news publication that isn’t talking about the
economy, poverty and the unrelenting need. It is especially hard, too, when some
of those stories – are ours. No one is untouched by our times. Everyone knows
someone who has lost a job, a home, is being pressed. People understand the need.
This isn’t the place for more statistics. It’s time we talked about success.
At this year’s Holiday distribution, we broke our own record. It’s true that more
people in need came to us, but that’s not the real story. Meeting that need is. As
the need around us grows, Freestore Foodbank has been able to respond – often
with spectacular results. This is because of an extremely generous community
giving their money, their time and knowledge – including the members of our
Board of Trustees. We’ve got an excellent Board.
We also have an excellent staff. In the face of such increased need, the Freestore
Foodbank staff has stepped up. Our staff is committed to this place. We’ve doubled
our food distribution with the same staff resources. Whether I’m walking through
the administration building on Central Parkway, the Customer Connection Center
or the Distribution Center, I see good and talented people, really, really working
hard. Maybe that’s why I walk around so much. They inspire me.
Our key strengths are in our partnerships. A couple of years ago we formed an
alliance with Toyota and the University of Kentucky to streamline our work and
management – but mostly to energize our thinking. It’s created a “culture of quality
improvement” that has paid dividends in greater efficiencies and better service.
There is always one idea or another being brought to me: How to improve this or
how to make this work go faster and smoother – how to do more with less.
A few months ago, Kurt Reiber was named President of the Freestore Foodbank.
He already had a 14-year history with us, serving in many capacities on our board,
most recently as Chairman. Kurt has hit the ground running in his new role, and he
will succeed me as CEO later this year. He brings a passion for our mission that is
unparalleled, and he will do a great job heading up this organization. His leadership
is already piling up successes for those we serve.
When I look to the future, I see that the key success factors are in place at the
Freestore Foodbank. But we can’t do it alone. We need committed individuals, the
business community, government and the nonprofit sector to come together in a
“pin-point” focused kind of way. Everyone will be doing more with less. We are
used to that.
One thing, however, will not change in the future: people
will continue to need our help. I know we will get better at
it . . . together.
William Dankworth
Board Chair
The Kroger Co.
Larry Williams
Chair Elect
Brandicorp, LLC
Henry Karamanoukian
Vice Chair Development
Proctor & Gamble
Anne Lilly Cone
Vice Chair, Customer Connections
New Growth Platforms
Allan Cook
Vice Chair, Foodbank
The Kroger Co.
Marsha Croxton
Board Treasurer
Women’s Crisis Center of Northern Kentucky
Martiné Dunn
Board Secretary
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Damon Allen
Federal Home Loan Bank
Jeanette Altenau
Local 12 WKRC-TV
J.R. Anderson
Jeffery R. Anderson Real Estate, Inc.
Cassandra Barham
Benefits Rights Advocacy Group
Rich Boehne
The E.W. Scripps Company
John Cranley
Keating Muething & Klekamp
Christopher W. Dolle, CLU
AXA Advisors
Jim Dressman
Robert S. Edwards
AXA Advisors
Elaine Fink
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
Scot Hendricks
The Kroger Co.
Steven Jemison
Retired, Proctor & Gamble
Tom Kirkwood
Thompson Hine
Melissa Klein
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Nancy Lawson
Dinsmore & Shol
Karen F. Maier
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Paula Neises
Cassidy Turley
David C. Olson
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Dan Pfau
Cincinnati Fan
Ramon Rodriguez
Fifth Third Bank
Richard Rosenthal
Uptown Arts
Marianne R. Rowe
Fundraising Consultant
Phil Schworer
Frost Brown Todd LLC
PG Sittenfeld
Community Learning Center Institute
David Taylor
Proctor & Gamble
Warren Weber
PNC Bank
Please call 513-482-7540 with any changes
or for additional copies of this issue.
John J. Young
Chief Executive Officer
New Partnership to Benefit the Community
On October 1,
2011, Dress
for Success
its 4th Street
Boutique and
College Hill Boutique became wholly
owned subsidiaries of the Freestore
continue to sustain and grow Dress
for Success into the future,” said Mary
Ivers, Founder and President of Dress
for Success Cincinnati. “Affiliation
with another, successful service agency
was a great option, and the Freestore
Foodbank was the best fit with our
mission, as both organizations share
Foodbank, with the goal of sharing
each organization’s strengths and
exploring opportunities for growth and
improvement to help get more people
get back on their feet.
“We were looking for ways to
the goal of creating self-reliance
among people in our community.”
Dress for Success and 4th Street
Boutique will still maintain its own
Boards of Directors, and several
members from these Boards will
now also be a part of the Freestore
Foodbank Board of Directors.
Several members of the Freestore
Foodbank Board of Directors will
also now sit on the Dress for Success
Board. The President of Dress for
Success Cincinnati will become a
member of the Freestore Foodbank
Leadership Team.
“This partnership will make both
organizations stronger, and in turn
make our community stronger,” said
John Young, CEO of the Freestore
Foodbank. “The Freestore Foodbank
and Dress for Success offer services
that complement each other. By
working together, we can help more
people get back on their feet, and
can also achieve some financial
and operational efficiencies by
sharing administrative functions
like Development, IT, HR, Finance
and Communications.” n
Finding Her Reflection
49-year-old Donna Wynn used to
avoid her reflection in the mirror, afraid
of what she would see.
Sitting in a back room at Dress
for Success Cincinnati’s 4th Street
Boutique, located downtown, Donna
cracks a smile, “I got my first pair of
high heels here,” as she begins to
share her story.
Dressed in a gray blazer with black
trim, black dress pants and a black top
lined with a white floral pattern, she
begins to reflect on a lifetime of struggles
and hardships. Born into a family of five
children, Donna’s father passed away
before she turned one. She recalls her
mother working to make ends meet.
“She was there, but she didn’t really
know how to be there;” the very person
that Donna needed the most. At the age
of six, members of Donna’s family began
sexually abusing her, but despite her
cries to stop, they continued, blaming
it on the way that she dressed.
The clothes she wore were the clothes
that her mother bought her.
Donna spiraled downward, turning
to a life of drugs to medicate from years
of sexual abuse. The people she was
supposed to trust the most were, in fact,
the people she could trust the least.
Donna spent years in and out of prison,
eventually finding herself living on the
streets. Donna’s criminal record made
it difficult for her to find work, even
after sending out 61 job applications
at one point. She began selling herself
as a prostitute to feed her drug
addiction. “I didn’t really love myself
at all,” she recalls.
Donna hit rock bottom.
It took reaching that low to find the
life-changing help that she needed.
Talbert House Pathways for Women,
a substance abuse program, referred
Donna to Dress for Success Cincinnati,
which provides professional clothing,
job training, mentoring and ongoing
professional groups free of charge
to women in need in the Greater
Cincinnati community.
Continued on page 4.
Finding Her Reflection cont’d
Continued from page 3.
Donna fondly remembers walking
into Dress for Success the first time,
meeting with a volunteer personal
shopper, who worked with Donna to
pick out professional attire and provide
support. It was that volunteer who
encouraged Donna to take a hard look
in the mirror. “When I saw myself, I
saw that I really am a beautiful person.
I remember the tears rolling down my
face. I was just so happy. It was like
my home. People here showed me that
they really loved me and I never had
that much while growing up.”
Donna is going on six years drugfree. She now works as a recovery
coach for the Central Court Clinic,
mentoring women who are in the
shoes that she once walked in, hoping
her story will help make a difference.
It was Dress for Success that “suited”
Donna for her job interview. And
Donna continues to support the place
that she now considers a second home.
Donna frequently shops at the 4th
Street Boutique, which sells gently
used, high quality clothing (all of
which is donated) to benefit the Dress
for Success mission.
Today, Donna is comfortable in the
clothes that she wears and confident
when she sees her reflection in the
mirror. “I feel beautiful. I feel pretty.
Freestore Foodbank
I feel good about myself. I love my life,
and I thank Dress for Success for being
a big part of that.” n
Major Grants Make Major Solutions
Over the last year our generous
donors have been the difference
between success and failure. Without
our donors our efforts would be reduced,
our programs cut and our neighbors in
need would go without emergency food
assistance and social services.
This year we would like to send our
particular thanks to: the P&G Fund at
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
for $50,000 in funding to support
KIND, the infant nutrition program.
The Power Pack program gained great
benefits with $40,000 in challenge
funds from the Daniel and Susan Pfau
Foundation, $50,000 from Grantmakers
Managers Advisors, $20,000 from
the Crossett Family Fund of GCF,
and $12,500 from the Spaulding
Foundation. The William P. Anderson
Foundation granted $15,000 to Power
Pack; PNC Bank Foundation stepped
up with a grant of $35,000; the Andrew
Jergens Foundation awarded $10,000
for the program; American Mortgage
Service Company gave $20,000 on
behalf of its employees, and the Frank J.
and Jacqueline D. Kloenne Foundation
awarded a grant of $15,000. We send
our thanks to Novo Nordisk for the
$10,000 donation for Power Pack and to
the Bank of Kentucky’s $10,000 gift,
split between Power Pack and our new
Giving Fields farm project in Melbourne
Kentucky. The Charles and Marge J.
Schott Foundation made a generous
pledge of $100,000 for the Power Pack
Program for the next five years.
2011 was a year of continuous
improvement for the Freestore
Foodbank. If we are more capable
now, it is due to the vision and kindest
support of our donors. Our friends
at the Farmer Family Foundation
gave $25,000, the Meshewa Farm
Foundation gave $35,000, The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation gave $10,000,
the Robert and Adele Schiff Family
Foundation gave $50,000, and the John
J. and Mary R. Schiff Foundation gave
$125,000 to support our operations, the
purchase of food, materials and supplies.
American Electric Power donated
$30,342 to support pantries in our rural
counties. As the Freestore Foodbank
continues to improve our methods and
systems, we found much needed help
from the Carol Ann and Ralph V.
Haile / US Bancorp Foundation with
their gift of $38,000 for new customer
management software.
The H.B., E.W., and F.R. Luther
Charitable Trust came to the aid of
our Holiday Ops distribution program
with the award of a grant for $30,000
matching gift for the purchase of much
needed food. Holiday Ops and the
match were both a success!
We extend our thanks to the MH
Foundation and their wonderful grant
of $12,200 to support a Cincinnati
Cooks student, provide bus tokens for
our clients, and purchase food. Frisch’s
Restaurants contributed $8,000 to
Cincinnati Cooks, and the Health
Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
supported our Health and Hygiene
Program with a grant of $18,000.
In our last newsletter, we highlighted
our new garden project – The Giving
Fields and our plans for expansion.
Once again our major donors have
stepped up, providing all the funding
needed for the expansion and the
operation of the farm in 2012. Gifts
from the Carol Ann and Ralph V.
Haile / US Bancorp Foundation
($25,000) and the L&L Nippert
Charitable Foundation ($50,000) have
assured our success in the expansion.
Their generosity will translate into more
than two hundred thousand pounds
of fresh product for our neighbors in
Northern Kentucky starting this spring.
The challenges of our times are great,
but the people of our region are greater.
To our donors, mentioned here and the
many more that can’t be fit on to this
page we offer our heart-felt thanks. n
Key Facts J uly 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Freestore Foodbank
Foundation Board 2011
Better Thinking in the Era of Need A Message from the Board Chair
Transitions are a time of thinking, planning, and communication. Taking the Chair of the Board of
Trustees means more than finding agreement on issues and visions. It means bringing those visions to
fruition. Like Kurt and John, I see the growing need surrounding us – it’s hard to miss. The Freestore
Foodbank will need to create improved methods of service: in food distribution, benefits enrollment
and case management. Our goal is to lift our neighbors up as our world heads in the other direction.
Innovation isn’t just technology or higher speeds and better data. Innovation means better
thinking, and with our changing times – better program development. I see a time of making alliances
with government, corporations and other non-profits to make sure that needed services are delivered.
Working at crossed purposes wastes resources, time and good will. With cutbacks in government
services and the reductions in the safety net, non-profits must step up with solutions that work. This is
about our neighbors and service. Coordinated efforts, planning and the funding to make it all happen
is the order of the day. There’s no substitute for that.
The Board of Trustees of the Freestore Foodbank will continue to lead the way in creating new
strategic relationships with major corporations, universities and hospitals, sister agencies, and
government throughout our service area. The Freestore Foodbank will meet the challenges of our
times with a growing, living network of alliances that will support our efforts to provide food and
services and create stability where it doesn’t exist now.
Our Board represents the finest thinking in Cincinnati from multiple disciplines including
law, finance, and accounting; major retail businesses and manufacturing, and the non-profit and
client advocacy sectors. The Board of Trustees is a working board, deeply involved with program
development and creating the contacts we need to prosper in our work. We are a bridge that supports
the Freestore Foodbank by connecting programs to funding – and the reverse.
The Freestore Foodbank isn’t a local charity. Foodbanks operate on a different scale and in
multiple environments. We serve people in urban ghettos, suburban towns and rural populations
where access to lower cost fresh foods is limited. We are in 20 counties, spread over three states. We
are required to look at broader requirements and seek broader options. We serve well over 200,000
people. We need to see clearly, and look for solutions with better eyes. Strategic planning requires
strategic thinking. We need to be Cincinnati’s thought leaders!
The need continues to grow but resources, as we know them today, continue to decrease. It’s not
necessarily due to a lack of compassion; fewer funds are available as all needs grow – not just food
insecurity. We’ll meet that challenge with better technology and process improvement initiatives that
create efficiencies. We can do more with less. We have to think SMARTER!
If we look at the numbers presented to us today, it might be easy to shrug and give up; but we
have better numbers to look at: Over 200,000 of our neighbors found food aid when they needed it;
thousands of children have received Power Packs for the weekend and Kids Cafe meals after school.
Yes, it’s true that over 59,000 people came to our Customer Connections Center last year looking for
help; and yes – it’s a big number. The point is – they found it. It’s what we do.
We welcome your ideas on how we can reach our goals. If you have
thoughts to share, please email Kurt Reiber, our new President, at
[email protected]. With your help, we carry on, striving
always to reach new heights of excellence. Thanks for your vital support.
Bill Cloppert
David Olson
Vice President
Marianne Rowe
Cove Heilbronner
Jim Dressman
Tom Kahle
Gary Miller
John Ryan
Efficiency & Effectiveness
Freestore Foodbank
Board of Trustees 2011
William Dankworth
Board Chair
Paula Neises
Vice Chair Development
Allan Cook
Vice Chair Foodbank
Larry Williams
Vice Chair Client Services
Marsha Croxton
Board Treasurer
Martiné Dunn
Board Secretary
Damon Allen
Jeanette Altenau
J.R. Anderson
Cassandra Barham
Rich Boehne
Mike Collette
Anne Lilly Cone
Chris Dolle
Bob Edwards
Elaine Fink
Steve Jemison
Henry Karamanoukian
Shelly Korengel
Karen Maier
Jeff Melucci
David Olson
Dan Pfau
Ramon Rodriguez
Richard H. Rosenthal
Marianne R. Rowe
Phil Schworer
PG Sittenfeld
Karen Stevens
David Taylor
Warren F Weber
Linda M. Young
Total Meals
Total Persons Fed
Paula Neises
Dan Pfau
Kurt Reiber
Richard Rosenthal
John Young
Cheryl Harden-Love
William Mallory, Sr.
David Mann
Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III
Under $10,000
Financial Management
Housing Services
Adults and Children Clothed
Identification/Birth Certificates
Foodbank Division
The Foodbank receives food and products from 150 corporate donors and numerous community food drives. Food is
distributed through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, community centers, childcare/senior centers and residential
food assistance programs.
Total Meals Distributed
Value of Food Distributed
2011 Advisory Board
Jeffrey R. Anderson
Richard Antoine
Gibson Carey
Tom Kahle
Customer Connection Division
The Customer Connection Division works to meet the needs of our community’s most
vulnerable citizens. These include the homeless, the unemployed, the working poor and families in crisis.
Those who seek assistance from the Customer Connection Center, located in downtown Cincinnati, come
from our entire region.
2011 Corwine
Foundation Board
Tom Powers, Chair
Larry Williams, Vice Chair
Gary Millard, Treasurer
Martiné Dunn, Secretary Paula Boggs
Bob Habel 
• 94% of all resources go to direct services.
• 7,503 volunteers contributed 62,293 hours.
• Network-wide, we fed about 5,500 people per week.
$37,562,85 1
Total Pounds Collected
Total Pounds Collected
Total Meals Distributed
Total Persons Fed
Number of Sites
Total Number of Meals
Number of Sites
Number of Food Packs Distributed
Cincinnati COOKS!
Number of Graduates
Job Placements
Number of Meals Prepared
Capacity-building workshops
for member agencies
Bill Dankworth
Board Chair
One meal is equivalent to 1.2 pounds of food.
Member Agencies July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Corwine Foundation, Inc.
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Corwine Foundation, Inc.
for the year ended June 30, 2011
Public Support:
Contributions and grants United Way/Community Chest
Government awards
Change in interest in Foundation
Total Public Support
Program services:
Government agencies Private organizations
Member agency fees/product resale
Client services
Cooks catering
Special events
Less: special events direct expenses
In-kind services:
Advertising services
Foodbank and Food Room donations - food
Total Revenues
Total public support and revenues
Client Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
June 30, 2011
Cash and cash equivalents
Restricted cash
Accounts receivable
Pledges receivable
Prepaid expenses
Total current assets
Building and improvements
Furniture, fixtures and equipment
Construction in process
Less accumulated depreciation
Total property and equipment
Interest in Freestore Foodbank Foundation
Beneficial interests in charitable trust
Cash surrender value of life insurance policy
Other assets
Total other assets
Public Support
$7,797,779 16%
In-kind Services
$37,943,327 76%
General Activities
$4,428,520 9%
Line of credit
Current portion of long-term debt
& capital lease obligations
Accounts payable
Amounts held for others
Accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Non-current portion of long-term debt
& capital lease obligation
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Customer Connection Center
$3,018,492 6%
$ 745,406
Distribution Center
$43,168,796 88%
$934,270 2%
Management &
General Activities
$1,790,572 4%
Adams County Shelter
for Homeless, Inc
Community Care Center
Interfaith House
Peebles Community Food Pantry
West Union Church of the Nazarene
Winchester Baptist Church
Winchester Church of Christ
Winchester Church of Christ
Hope Ministries
of Northern Kentucky
BBC Soup Kitchen
Brooksville Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
Adams & Brown Counties Head Start
Hamersville Pentecostal Food Pantry
Helping Hands In Christian Service
Hope Emergency Program
Mt. Orab United Methodist Church
Westfork Baptist Outreach Pantry
C.A.R.E. Mission Inc.
Campbell Lodge Boy’s Home
First Assembly of God
Holly Hill Children’s Services
Holy Family Home
Holy Spirit Outreach Ministry
Inter Church Organization
New Hope United Methodist Church
Northern Kentucky CAC Head Start
Plum Creek Christian Center
Shoulder to Shoulder Inc.
St. Bernard Parish
St. Mary’s Assumption SVDP
St. John Pantry
St. Paul’s Pantry
Transitions, Inc
York Street Outreach
Blanchester Community Food Pantry
Clinton County Community
Action Food Pantry
Clinton County Homeless Shelter
Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
Living Waters Worship Center
New Vienna United
Methodist Church
Wilmington Church of God
CCCSI: Saul’s Homeless Shelter
Child Focus Inc.: Genesis Center
Child Focus Inc: Head Start
Cincinnati Teen Challenge
Clermont Adult Residential Home
Felicity Community Mission
First Baptist Church
Goshen United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity SVDP
New Richmond Village Food Pantry
Newtonsville Church of the Nazarene
Salvation Army: Batavia
St. Andrew SVDP
St. Bernadette SVDP
St. Elizabeth Seton SVDP
St. Veronica’s SVDP Food Pantry
Williamsburg Church
of the Nazarene
Williamsburg Emergency Mission
YWCA: Eastern Area
YWCA: House of Peace
Clearinghouse: Bethlehem Lutheran
Clearinghouse: First Presbyterian
Clearinghouse: Zion UCC
Community United
Methodist Church
Heart House
Moore’s Hill Food Pantry
North Dearborn Pantry
SE IN Economic Opportunities Corp
Youth Encouragement Services, Inc
Grant County Helping Hands
Have a Heart Pantry
Larry H. Spears Foundation
Vineyard Church in Grant County
7 Hills Neighborhood Houses
Adventist Outreach
AGAPE: Having the Courage
to Change
Allen Temple AME Church
Alpha II Housing Alternatives
Anderson Ferry Church of Christ
Bazel Refuge Supportive Living Inc
Bell Home for Sightless
Bethany House Services, Inc
Bethel Baptist Church
Bethesda House
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Blossoming Minds Inc.
Boys & Girls Club
Boys Hope/Girls Hope
of Greater Cincinnati
Caring Hearts Adult Day Care
The Caring Place
CCAT: Center for Chemical
Addictions Treatment
Center for Respite Care
Centerpoint Health
Central Parkway Ministries
The Children’s Home: Cincinnati
Christ Church Cathedral: 5000 Club
Christ Community In College Hill
Church of Our Savior
The Church of the
Resurrection: Evanston
The Church of the
Resurrection: Bond Hill
Churches Active in
Northside (CAIN)
Cincinnati Islamic Center
Cincinnati Restoration Church
Civic Garden Center
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
Crayons to Computers
Creek Road Baptist: Pantry
Crossroads Center
CUB: Off The Streets
Daystar Worship Center
Delhi Christian Church
Drop Inn Center
Eden Chapel Helping Hands
Emanuel Community Center
Every Child Succeeds
FACE: For Aids Children Everywhere
Fairmount Day Care Center
Faith Food Pantry
Family Services: ECPE
First Lutheran Church
First Step Home
Forest Park Health Center:
Kemper Heights
Freestore Foodbank Food Room
Fresh Start Ministries
Graceworks Enhanced Living:
Ohio House
Gray Road Church of Christ
Greater Cincinnati Behavioral
Health: McMillan
Greater New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church
The Healing Center
Healthy Moms and Babes
HIM: Collaborative
Treatment Facility
Holy Family SVDP
Ikron Corporation
Imani Family Center
Immanuel United Church
of Christ: South Fairmont
Inter Parish Ministry
Jewish Family Service
Justice Watch
Kelly Youth Services
LIFE Food Pantry
Lincoln Heights Healthcare
Connection, Inc
Literacy Center, West
Little Flower SVDP
Little Sisters of the Poor
Nursing Home
The Lord’s Pantry
Lower Price Hill
Community School
Madisonville Day Care Center
Madisonville Education &
Assistance Center (MEAC)
Manna Outreach, Inc. Pantry
Mary Magdalene House
Mercy Franciscan at St. John
Mercy Neighborhood:
HOME Program
Morning Star Baptist Church
Mt Airy United Methodist Church
Mt Healthy Family Practice
Mt Hope Baptist Church
Mt. Healthy Alliance, Inc.
My Brother’s Keeper
My Neighbors Place Food Pantry
Nast Trinity United
Methodist Church
New Jerusalem: Hancock House
New Life Temple Sharing & Caring
Norwood Service League:
Food Closet
Oakley Community Food Pantry
Open Door Ministries
Our Daily Bread
Our Lady of the Woods, Inc
Outreach Wellness Center
Over-the-Rhine Soup Kitchen
P.U.S.H. (People United
Sharing Hope)
Parkside Christian Church
Peaslee Neighborhood Center
Pregnancy Center East, Inc.
Prince of Peace Catholic School
Reach N Teach
Rescue Community Center
Resident Home Corp.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Roselawn Food Pantry
Salvation Army
Santa Maria Community Services
SEM Food Pantry
Services To Adults and Youth, Inc.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
SON Ministries
SOS Community Outreach
St. Aloysius: Crisis Respite Home
St. Andrew’s Episcopal
Church Pantry
St. Boniface School
St. Boniface SVDP
St. Francis DeSales School
St. Francis Seraph School
St. Francis Soup Kitchen
St. Francis/St. Joseph House
St. George Interfaith Food Pantry
St. Leo Church Pantry
St. Paul United Church of Christ
St. Vivian SVDP
St. William SVDP
St. Michael and All Angels
Su Casa
Talbert House
Tri-County Soul Ministries
Troy Residential Home
Union Baptist Food and
Clothing Ministry
Valley Interfaith
Visions Community Services
Walnut Hills Food Pantry
Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen
Washington UCC: Pantry
Washington United Church
of Christ Soup Kitchen
West College Hill
Neighborhood Services
West End Emergency Center
Winton Place Youth Center
The Women’s Connection, Inc
Wynn Child Development Center
YMCA: Christ Child Day Nursery
York Street United Methodist Church
YWCA: Battered Women Shelter
YWCA: Cincinnati Early
Learning Center
Zion Baptist Church
Zion United Church of Christ
Carmel Church of God
Daily Bread of Hillsboro
Greenfield Area Christian Center
Highland County Community Action
Highland County Homeless Shelter
Samaritan Outreach Services
Action Ministries
Be Concerned, Inc
Brighton Center: Homeward Bound
Children’s Home of
Northern Kentucky
CI: Cathedral Child
Development Center
Diocesan Catholic Children’s Home
Faith Christian Center
Garrard Street Church of Christ
Harvest Ministries
The Holy Family School
Immanuel UCC: Bromley
Northern Kentucky Baptist Church
Our Saviour Church
Pike Street Clinic
The Point
Sisters of Notre Dame
South Side Baptist Church
St. Augustine School
True Holiness Covenant
of Peace NKY
Welcome House of
Northern Kentucky
Women’s Crisis Center: Covington
Bracken Co. Treatment
Child Crisis Stabilization
Lewis Co. Treatment
Comprehend: Mason Co.
Treatment/Regional Prevention
Robertson Co. Treatment
Christian Outreach Center
Meeting The Needs Ministry
Butler United Methodist Church
NKCAC: Pendleton Pantry
Southside Church of Christ
Bridgehaven Homeless Shelter
Lighthouse: Paint Creek
Youth Center
Pike County Community
Action Food Pantry
Pike County Outreach Council
Community of Christ
Counseling Center: Marsh House
Counseling Center:
Stepping Stone House
God’s Pantry
Mc Dermott Freewill Baptist Church
Mt Zion Apostolic Church Pantry
Neighbor To Neighbor Ministries
Operation Safety Net Scioto
County Homeless Shelter
Pleasant Green Open Arms
Food Pantry
The Potter’s House
Salvation Army: Portsmouth
St. Mary’s Food Pantry
St. Monica Church SVDP
Wheelersburg UMC
Quercus Grove
United Methodist Church
Power Pack Locations
Collins Elementary School
Dayton High School
Grandview Elementary
Southgate School
Newport HR High School
Newport Intermediate School
Newport Primary School
East End in Wilmington
Denver Place Elementary
Roy E. Holmes in Wilmington
Holly Hill Elementary
Sherman Elementary
Pike CAC
Waverly Primary
Academy of World Languages
Alliance Academy
Bond Hill Academy
Carson School
Chase Elementary School
Cheviot School
Cincinnati Leadership Academy
College Hill Elementary
Elmwood Place Elementary
Evanston Academy
Fredrick Douglass Elementary
Hays-Porter Elementary
Heritage Hill Elementary
Horizon Science Academy
John P. Parker School
King Academy Community
Mathematics & Science Academy
Mt. Auburn International Academy
Mt. Airy Elementary School
Mt. Washington School
North Elementary (Mt. Healthy)
Norwood Middle School
Norwood View
Orion Academy
Our Daily Bread
Oyler School
Pleasant Hill Academy
Quebec Heights Elementary
Reading Central Elementary
Rees E. Price Elementary
Riverside Academy
Riverview East Academy
Roberts Paideia Academy
Rockdale Academy
Roll Hill School
Roselawn Condon Elementary
Rothenberg Preparatory Academy
Sayler Park
Sharpsburg Elementary/Primary
Silverton Paideia
South Avondale
South Elementary (Mt Healthy)
Taylor Elementary
V L T Academy
Washington UCC
Westwood Elementary School
W.H. Taft Elementary
Williams Ave. Elementary
Winton Hills Academy
A.J. Lindeman Elementary
Arnett Elementary
Holmes Middle School
Howell Elementary
Ludlow Elementary School
Tichenor Middle School
6th District Elementary
9th District Elementary
Glenn O Swing Elementary
James E. Biggs (JEBECEC)
John G. Carlisle Elementary
Latonia Elementary
East Portsmouth Elementary
Oak Intermediate
Portsmouth Elementary
Stanton Primary
Kids Cafe Locations
Boys & Girls Grandview Elementary
Newport Middle School/
Children Inc.
Bond Hill Academy
Carson School- CPS
Espy Boys & Girls Club
Ethel Taylor Academy
Evanston Academy
Hays Elementary
Price Hill Salvation Army
Silverton Paideia
South Avondale
Washington United Church of Christ
Western Hills High School
Withrow U
TH Shroder High School
9th District Elementary
Customer Connection Center (FSFB)
Hillcrest Senior Citizen
Mt. Healthy Alliance
The Caring Place
West College Hill
Neighborhood Services
Winton House
Supplemental Food Programs for Seniors
Donations of Food and Product July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
A G Grower Sales
A&S Trucking
Abbott Nutrition
Anderson Hills
United Methodist Church
Antonelli College
Atlantic International
Barilla America Inc.
Besse Medical
Big Lots
Blue Diamond Growers
Booj’s Skinless Chickens
Brand Image
Bush Brothers & Company
Campbell Soup Company
Caruso, Inc.
Castellini Produce
Chiquita, Inc.
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Cincinnati E.A.T.S.
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Hilton
Cincinnati Hyatt
Cincinnati Public Schools
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Water Works
Cincy Chic
City of Montgomery
Clarion Corp
Clearbrook Farms
Clermont County
Coffee Break Services
Coho Creative
Community Care Clifton
Congregation Ohav Shalom
Crate & Barrel
Crosset Co., Inc.
Derringer Co.
D & H Farms
Dinsmore & Shohl
Direct Advantage, LLC
Directions Research
Dixie Dew Products
Dominion Liquid Tech
Duke Realty
Edelmann Provision Company
Ellenbee Leggett
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Everdry Waterproofing
Executive Jet Management
Exel Dannon Dayton
Fast Park Co
Feds Feed Families
Feed the Children
Fidelity Investments
Fifth Third Bank
Filter Fresh Coffee
First Group America
Fischer Homes
Forbes Frozen Foods, Inc.
Freedom Center
Fresh Market
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Fullbar, LLC
The Gardens
Gate Gourmet
General Electric
General Mills, Inc.
Gentile Brothers
Giovanni Foods
Givaudan Flavors Corp
The Giving Fields
Go Bananas
Godiva Chocolatier, Inc.
Gold Star Chili
Good Source
Good Source Solutions
Green Acres
Green Bean Delivery
Green Corporation
Greenacres Farm Sales, LLC
Grippo Foods, Inc.
Gross Farms/Red Sun Farm
Harris Distributing
Hartz Co.
Heater Meals Inc.
Heinz North America
Henderson Trucking
Hillshire Farm & Kahn’s
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
Honeybaked Ham Co.
Hunt’s Ketchup
Husman Snack Foods Co.
Indian American Community
Innomark Packaging Co.
Internal Revenue Service
Issac Wise Temple
J.M. Smucker Company
Jennie-O Turkey Store, Inc.
John Morrell & Company
KDM P.O.P. solutions
Kellogg Company
Kemps, LLC
Ken’s Foods
Key Bank
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Klosterman Bakery
Knockout Express
Koch Foods
Kraft Biscuit
Kraft Foods, Inc.
The Kroger Co.
Mailender-Barnett Inc.
Mars Snack Food U.S., LLC
McCain Foods, Inc.
McHale’s Catering
McLane Food Service
Mead Johnson
Melrose Place Farm
Messiah Lutheran Church
Meyer Dairy
Midland Company, Inc.
Millennium Hotel
Morning Star Foods
Mt. Adams Trading Co
National Association of
Letter Carriers Branch 43
Nestle USA INC.
Northern Kentucky University
Norwood High School
OASHFB Agricultural
Clearance Program
Office of the Indiana Attorney
Ohio Department of Education
Ohio Department of
Human Services
Ohio Food Purchase Program
Ohio National
Ohio State Alumni Club
Packaging Unlimited
Panegyri Greek Festival
Patrick Cudahy, Inc.
Peet’s Coffee
Pepperidge Farms
Pierre Foods
Pilgrim’s Pride
Pinecone Research
Plum Street Temple
PNC Bank
Potandon Produce LLC
Presto Foods
Prime Logistics, Inc.
Primrose Schools
Procter & Gamble Co.
Queen City Hockey
Reinhart Foodservice
Restaurant Depot
Rockdale Temple
Rock Quest Climbing Center
Sallie Mae
Sam’s Club
Sara Lee/Hillshire Farm & Kahn’s
E.W. Scripps, Co.
Seven Hills Schools
St. Elizabeth Hospital
St. Xavier High School
Standard Retirement Services
Starbucks Corporation
Stevens Transport
Our Donors July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Sugar Creek Packing Co.
Sun Chemical
Sur La Table
Community Meat
Sycamore School District
Sysco Food Service
T. Marzetti Co.
Taylor Warehouse
The Mayerson Co.
Thompson Equipment
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Toyota Motor Co.
Trader Joe’s
Tri State Ingredients
Tristate Orthopaedics
Tropicana Products, Inc.
U.S. Foodservice Inc.
UHR Rents
United Dairy Farmers
University of Cincinnati
US Bank
U.S. Post Office
VA Medical Center
Valley Systems Inc.
Victory Wholesale
Vocal Point
Volunteers for Veggies
The Web
Western Southern Financial
Whole Foods
Xavier University
Volunteers July 1, 2010- June 30, 2011
The following organizations donated substantially to our
volunteer efforts throughout the year. We are grateful
for their continued support as well as that of the countless
number of volunteers who contribute individual gifts of
the heart.
Boy Scouts of America
Champion Windows
Church of the Lakes
United Methodist
Cincinnati Kiwanis
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Dinsmore & Shohl
Dixie Heights High School
Duke Energy
Dunnhumby USA
Ernst & Young
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Fidelity Investments
Fifth Third Bank
Friendship United Methodist
Youth Group
General Electric
Grant Thornton LLP
Group Workcamps
Youth Foundation
Illinois State University
Jesuit Spiritual Center
Lakeside Christian Church
Merrill Lynch
Messer Construction
Miami University
Mike Albert Leasing
Northwest High School
Proctor & Gamble
River City
SC Johnson
St. Catherine Church
St. John Lutheran Church
St. Joseph Church
St. Margaret
Knights of Columbus
Special thanks to sponsors and supporters of the 2010 Rubber Duck Regatta which raised $563,000 in its sixteenth year.
We received bequests from the estates
of the following generous individuals in
Fiscal Year 2011. These gifts will help
the Freestore Foodbank Foundation fight
hunger for years and years to come.
Stella C Chervenak
Diana Ward Gaither
Hazel L. Ginsberg
Curtis Miller
Mary N. Rodden
Raymond T. Thesken
Gifts of $300,000 or more
The Kroger Co.
Manuel D. & Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
Gifts of $100,000 or more
Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./
US Bancorp Foundation
Estate of Curtis Miller
Church at Pleasant Hills
John J. & Mary R. Schiff Foundation
Willoughby Charitable Remainder Trust
Gifts of $50,000 or more
Gap, Inc. via Feeding America
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lambrinides
Newman’s Own Foundation
Ohio Association of
Second Harvest Foodbanks
P&G Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Robert and Adele Schiff Family
Foundation, Inc.
Gifts of $25,000 or more
American Electric Power
Breads of the World, L.L.C./Panera
Estate of Stella C. Chervenak
Crate & Barrel
Farmer Family Foundation
Feeding America
Estate of Diana Ward Gaither
GE Foundation
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Impact 100
Kraft Huddle to Fight Hunger
H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther Foundation
Frank Messer & Sons Construction Co.
Philip R. Myers Family Foundation
Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation
PNC Bank Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ross
United Way of Greater Cincinnati,
Special Grants and Gifts
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. John Abraham
William P. Anderson Foundation
E.M. Anderson Foundation
AXA Foundation, Inc.
Bank of Kentucky
Edward C. and Robert C. Bott Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Marjorie and Steven Carleton Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Chemed Foundation
Christ Church Cathedral
Cincinnati Bengals, Inc.
Cincinnati International Wine Festival
Clay Alliance
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Collette
Convergys Corp.
Crosset Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
CHI Management Group, LP
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Cryder, D.D.S.
Dannon Company Inc.
Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc.
Dunnhumby USA
Thomas J. Emery Memorial
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
General Mills Foundation
Estate of Hazel L. Ginsberg
Give With Liberty, Employee Donations
Gould & Smith Crane Rental, Inc.
Hazel Grimm Charitable Trust
Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
Richard J. and Marion E. Heekin
Memorial Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Heinz North America
Ms. Alison Goss Herschede
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoverson
Hunger Related Events Taste of NFL
Steven A. Hunter Hope Fund
St. Paul Episcopal Church
St. Peter and Paul Church
St. Philip Church
St. Xavier High School
Starfire Council
The Gathering
University of Cincinnati
US Bank
Western Southern Life
Wise Temple
Woodward High School
Xavier University
Gifts received after July 1, 2011 will be included in the 2012 Annual Report.
Diana Jaeger Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
S.C. Johnson & Sons, Inc.
Frank J. & Jacqueline D. Kloenne
LaRosa’s, Inc.
Mars Foods US
Mayberry Foundation
Meshewa Farm Foundation
MH Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Neidermeyer
NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage
Oliver Family Foundation
J. Robert Orton, Jr.
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
P&G Alumni Network, Inc.
Pepper Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Pepsi Cola
Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Post Foods, LLC
Helen Steiner Rice Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn.
Marianne R. Rowe Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Sara Lee Foundation
SC Ministry Foundation
Marge & Charles J. Schott Foundation
Charles E. and Mary Elizabeth Scripps
Scripps Howard Foundation
Ms. Louella Shaw
Spaulding Foundation
Stagnaro Distributing
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Sullivan
Thaman Family Foundation
of SEI Giving Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tippett
United Way of New York
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wood
Eric Yeiser Family Foundation
Gifts of $5,000 or more
Anonymous (4)
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation (2)
American Scaffolding, Inc.
Helen T. Andrews Foundation
Apartment Association Outreach
Bank of America Charitable Foundation Inc.
Berenfield Containers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Berte
Rich and Lisa Boehne Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Doug and Sheila Bray Family Fund,
via the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Comte
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Wolf
Ficks Family Foundation
of PNC Wealth Management
Fifth Third Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Finke
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. French
Haire-Bohmer Wealth
Management Group, LLC
William & Mary Harrington Fund
Hayfields Foundation
Healthy Advice Networks
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holliday
Mr. and Ms. Brett Hungerford
Hyman & Bessie Passman Family
Charitable Foundations, Inc.
Joiner Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Knochenmuss
Knox Presbyterian Church
Kraft Foods
Ms. Linda E. Lauch
Leser Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Linnemann Family Foundation
LKC Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Umesh Marathe
Midland Company Foundation
Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church
Pampered Chef via Feeding America
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pfau
Mr. John O. Priest and Ms. Lynne A. Boles
The Family Sauerland Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Scherer
Patrick J. and Susan E. Sedler Family
Gift Fund of Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Sisters of Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Smith
Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. St. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Standley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Stein
Joseph S. Stern, Jr. Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Estate of Raymond T. Thesken
TJX Foundation, Inc.
TRUIST, Altruism connected
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. White
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Williams
Wohlgemuth/Herschede Foundation
Young Family Foundation
Gifts of $2,500 or more
Anonymous (2)
Alternate Solutions
American Modern Home Insurance
American Mortgage Service Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrews
Anthem Foundation
BANFI Vinters
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Barnes
Mr. Richard L. Bere
BHDP Architecture
Bioworks, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Bloch
Mrs. Peggy Bohlin
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Briggs, Jr.
Buch Construction
Burgess & Niple Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burleigh
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Byerly, Jr.
Campbell’s Sales Company
Cargill Flavor Systems
Alan & Elizabeth Chambers Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Champion Window
Cincinnati Brass Band
Coca-Cola Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cohen
Mrs. Diana L. Collins
Community Servers Information Technology
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Covert
Mr. and Mrs. William Dankworth
DLM Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Duke
Dye Family Charitable Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Ann Early
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.
James E. Evans Foundation
George Fabe Fund of
the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Irma B. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisk
Mr. Kevin Flynn
Mr. William R. Francis
G.E.Elfun Society
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Glassmann
Mrs. Nancy Goldstein-Levine
Clifford J. Goosmann/Andrea M. Wilson
Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Jack Guttman, Inc.
Haaff Gift Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Alberta Harker
Heinz U.S.A.
Heuer Family Fund of the Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Mrs. Janet A. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hildbold
Dr. Robert T. Howe
Harvey C. Hubbell Trust
Mr. Forrest W. Huff
Human Nature
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Hutton
IBM Employee Services Center
Ms. Marianne F. James
Johann Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Ms. Julia Hawgood and Mr. Harry Kangis
Catherine and Reuven Katz Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Arleene Keller
Kellogg Company
Kemba Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Kohn
Kokosing Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kretschmer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kurz
Lerner Sampson & Rothfus
Peter F. and Mary W. Levin
Philanthropic Fund at Interact for Change
Mr. Barry D. Levy
Lockspeiser Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Dr. Max L. and Miriam R. Lurie
Philanthropic Fund
Mr. James S. Mathis, Jr.
Mercy Health Partners
Miami University
Mr. David E. Miller
Miller-Valentine Walsh Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moccia
Mr. Frederic D. Mosher
Ohio National Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Olson
Ms. Marilyn Z. Ott
PFI, Inc.
George and Amy Polley Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Przywara
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Raupach
Ms. Carol H. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Rodriguez
Jack and Moe Rouse Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Sargento Foods Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schiff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schmitz
Mr. Randy Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Vishnoo W. Shahani
Sharonville United Methodist Church
Shiver Security Systems Inc.
Rudolph and Marie Simich Family
Ms. Elizabeth Curtis Sittenfeld
Mr. and Mrs Clark Sole
Ms. Melanie Spaedy
TGI Friday’s
University of Cincinnati,
Student Philanthropy Award
US Bank
Vineyard Christian Church
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Weber
Ms. Karen K. Weiland
Mr. Edward Wells
Ms. Carolyn Y. Wiedamann
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus K. Wilkins
Winery Exchange
Woodforest Charitable Foundation
Jeff Wyler Dealer Group, Inc.
Gifts of $1,000 or more
Anonymous (5)
Scott and Huan Adams Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albers
Mike Albert Leasing
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Albin
All Occasions Event Rental
Ms. Margaret G. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Almquist
Aluminum Extruded Shapes, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey D. Anderson
Mr. Mark M. Andreae
Ms. Barbara R. Apking
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Armitage
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Augspurger
Mr. Sherif G. Awadalla
AXA Investment Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Ayer
Mr. George Bagel
Barrett & Weber
Sandra and Jerry Bedacht Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Michael Beeby
Mr. and Mrs. D. Woodrow Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Berenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Berghoff
Mrs. Robert M. Bergstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bernard
Dr. and Mrs. I. Leonard Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bierer
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee Bills
Mr. Jeff Bischoff
Ms. Victoria Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bish
Bishop Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Gregoire R. Blackmore
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bloom
Blue Ash Protective Association, Inc.
Ms. Barbara L. Blum
Ms. Martha P. Bolognini
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Borzotta
Ms. Nancy R. Bowers
Ms. Jennifer L. Branch
Ms. Trena C. Bray
Ms. Barbara L. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brezinski
Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Bridges
Brown Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thane R. Brown
Mr. Walter Brueggemann
Mr. Michael L. Bruner
Stella M. Buerger Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Burns
Michael E. and Carolyn R. Burns
Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Busam
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Butkovich
Ms. Angie Butta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Calder
Campbell County Cooperative Extension
Ms. Nettie M. Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caney
Caregivers Health Network
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cash
Cassidy Turley
Castellini Company LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Castellini
Mr. and Mrs. James Castrucci
Mr. Alan R. Chandler
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Chewning
Mr. Steve Cheyne and Mrs. Frances Cheyne
Christ Church Glendale
Church of the Redeemer
Church World Service
Cincinnati AMA American Marketing Association
Cincinnati Hotel Association
Cincinnati Interagency FCU
Cincinnati Machines, Inc.
Cincinnati Reds Baseball Club
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cloppert
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Closson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cody
Cognis Foundation
Anthony Cole Training Group, LLC
Ms. Nan Collier
Columbia Tusculum Community Council
Dr. Pearl J. Compaan
Mrs. Anne L. Cone and Mr. Philip K. Cone
Mr. Robert A. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Coombe
David and Yvonne Cooper Fnd
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Corcoran
Albert B. Cord Charitable Foundation
Peter Cremer North America, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Crouch
Ms. Nanette Crow
Marsha and Kenneth Croxton
Mrs. Shannon Crutchfield
Mr. Glenn Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Culnan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cuni
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Cunningham
Mr. Douglass L. Custis
Ms. Anne Dagenbach
Darmanin/Dickerson Family Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
John and Shirley Davies Foundation
David and Dee Dillon Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dobranski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Dolle
Mr. James H. Donovan
Duke Energy Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Dunsker
E.B. Miller Contracting, Inc.
East End Area Council
Eberly McMahon LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Edwards
Mr. Jimmy C. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. G. Norman Egner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Elder
Ms. Christine L. Elfers
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Endres
Ernst & Young
Mr. Michael E. Evans
Feeding Indiana’s Hungry Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fencl
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Finn
Mr. Lee W. Fiser, Jr.
Richard L. and Freda K. Flerlage
Foundation, Inc.
Forest Hills Local Schools
Mr. Dieter Forthuber
David A. and Maryanne F. Foster Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Foster
Dr. and Mrs. Peter T. Frame
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Franke
Ms. Margaret L. Frede
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friedrich
Ms. Carol S. Friel
Mrs. Lisa Fritz
Dr. and Mrs. Harry F. Fry
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fulwiler
GE Aviation
General Cable
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gerwin
Mr. and Mrs. Berry Gibbons
Gibbs & Soell
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Gibler
Ms. Alice R. Gillina
Gilman Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Gist
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gockerman
Sharad and Jasleen Goel
Ms. Jacqueline Golay
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Good
Goshen United Methodist
Mr. Keith Gossage
Ms. Gayle Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grannan
Grant Thornton
Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Green
Dr. and Mrs. David Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grigson
Ms. Ann Grimm
Mr. William F. Groneman and
Ms. Maureen Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Grout
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hackett
Mike and Rena Haines,
Schwab Charitable Fund
Dr. Bruce A. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hanrahan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hardy
Harmann Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hater
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hatfield
Mrs. R. M. Haussermann
Douglas and Linda Hawley Family
Donor Advised Fund,
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Craig A. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hayden III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Head, III
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. John Heil
George L. and Anne P. Heldman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Warren and Bernice Hensel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hertlein
Mary Joan Herzog Charitable Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Grant V. Hesser
Mr. Frederick W. Hinkle
Mr. Eben Hobbins
Mr. Harry R. Hoerr
Mr. Hugh H. Hoffman
Ms. Virginia Holup
Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Hopping
Ms. Lenore Horner
Ms. Janet Houston
Mr. Dale A. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Hube
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Huesing
Mr. Larry Hug
Sunday and Tracy Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Ipach
Mr. John Isidor and Ms. Sandra Kaltman
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jacobs
Ms. Shena P. Jaffee
Mr. Raymond James
Ms. Dottie L. Janson
Rev. Susan L. Jelinek
Ms. Lyn Jevicky
Ms. Susan K. Jocketty
Mr. Raymond Lee Johnson
Ms. Tara Johnson-Nitzberg
Steven & Carolyn Jones Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Juenke
Dr. Daniel S. Kanter and Dr. Mary E. Sutton
Kaplan Foundation
Mr. John S. Karabaic and
Ms. Cheryl E. Crowe
Mr. Henry Karamanoukian
Ms. JoAnn Kattine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kay
Tom and TJ Keen
Our Donors July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Ms. Ellen A. Kellogg
Mr. Christopher B. Kelsen
Dr. Richard F. Kempczinski
Dr. Susan Kemper
KeyBank Foundation
Mr. Prem K. Khosla and
Dr. Nandini N. Khosla
Miss Alicia A King
Ms. Marilyn G. Kinne
Mr. Michael J. Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Klosterman
Mr. and Mrs. Urban A. Kocher
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koob
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Kopke
Mr. Douglas B. Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kosky
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer
Mrs. Richard T. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Krietemeyer
Kroger Great Lakes Division
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Krone
Mr. Michael Kuechenmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Kuhlman
Mr. Curt S. Kuhn
LaMacchia Family Foundation
John and Susie Lame Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Paula Landry
Ms. Heather Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Lecrone
J. Timothy and Mary D. Leonard Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Matthew Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Leonardo
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.
Marvin Lewis Community Fund
Libby Perszyk Kathman, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Little
Ms. Tracy A. Wood and
Mr. Nikola Ljubisavljevic
Logistics & Procurement Services LLC
Lubrizol Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Justin R. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ludy
Ms. Beth Lukes
Dennis and Judy Lynch
Madisonville Food Co-op
Mr. Joseph P. Magdich
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Magenheim
Mr. Rick G. Maher
Mailender-Barnett, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Maly
Mrs. Morita Marmo
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Martin
Ms. Josephine J. Martino
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Mastman
Matta Foundation
Ms. Eula B. Mattheis
Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. David Mazza
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy McCarren
Mr. David M. McGaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. McGavran
Ms. Kaycee McGinley
Mr. Powell McHenry
Arthur and Stephanie McMahon
Mr. Robert McMahon
Ms. Patricia A. McMullin
Dr. and Mrs. Hayden E. Meeker, III
Web and Rose Meier Family
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Daniel Meister
Ms. Deborah Messmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Meyer
Ms. Deborah Middaugh and
Mr. Douglas Linz
Milford Exempted Village School District
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. Mitchell
Graham Edwin and
Sharon Janosik Mitchell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Shekhar Mitra
Ms. Jan T. Montague
Mr. William L. Montague
Mr. Jonson Montgomery and
Ms. Rennie Montgomery
Ms. Michelle Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moorhead
Mr. Marvin Morris
Ms. Mary Sue Morrow
Janice Coppage Mortenson Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Susan Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Munch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Neffle
Ms. Paula Neises
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Newberne
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Newman
Al Neyer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Raymond A. Neyer
Mrs. Louise Nippert
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Nolan
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Ms. Suzette Norgren
Northern Kentucky Title, Inc.
Northern Kentucky University
Mayerson Student Philanthropy Award
Nuvo Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Brien
Mr. Larry W. Owens, Jr.
Mr. Wayne J. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Paternoster
Dr. Bonnie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Patton
Mr. David Payton
John W. and Marianne Peck Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Stephan Pelikan and Ms. Anita Buck
Ms. Molly E. Pelon
Mr. and Mrs. Scot D. Perlman
Mr. Stephen J. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Pike
Mr. Harley V. Piltingsrud
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Powers
Private Health News
Prus Construction Company
Ms. S. Kay Puryear
Pythian Sisters of Ohio
Ms. Martha H. Ragland
Ms. Judith R. Ragsdale and
Mr. Lesley Doughty
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raible, Jr.
Sue and Jerry Ransohoff Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ray
RBC Capital Markets Corporation
RDI Marketing Services, Inc.
Ms. Rachel Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Remington
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Reszutek
Mr. Mercer Reynolds, III
rgi Branding & Marketing Strategies
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Riggs
Ms. Beverly S. Risner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robbins
Ms. Cathryn Roberts
Mr. Thomas Edwin Roberts
Robertson Trust
Mr. Amos Robinson
Mr. William T. Robinson III
Estate of Mary N. Rodden
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Rohn,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Rolf
Dorothy G. & Joseph A. Roth Donor
Advised Fund of the Catholic Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Roth
Brian & Jill Rowe Foundation
Royal Paper Stock Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Rozzi
Ms. Ann M. Ruchhoft
Mr. Philip J. Rueve
Ms. Catherine Russe and Mr. David Tojo
Harry and Ann Santen Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Phil Santoro
Mr. Robert B. Sathe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Scheper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Schiess
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Schlueter
Peter and Marina Schmid Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Michael and Judith Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmitz
Ms. Berenice H. Schneider
Ms. Diane Schneiderman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schnurr
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schulman
Schumacher Dugan Construction Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford E. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sedler
Mr. F. Peter Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Seifert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Seith
Ms. Grace Sferra
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Sheffer
Mr. Christopher Sheldon
Yu-Hwa Sheng
Ms. Kathleen M. Sias
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Singer
William J. and Kathleen A. Sinkula Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Sisters of Notre Dame
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Mr. Robert Siverd
Ms. Suki Skidmore
Smale Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Bryant Smith
Mrs. Sheila M. Smith
Dr. Wiley R. Smith, Jr.
Southeastern Indiana
Economic Opportunity Corp.
Spanda Group, LLC
St. Boniface SVDP
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stacey
Ms. Christine Stamler
Standard Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Standen
Ms. Cynthia M. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Steffen
Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Stegman
Ms. Emily E. Stettler
Mr. Jeffrey Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Steves
Ms. Elizabeth Stoehr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Stradling, Jr.
Gary and Nancy Strassel
Ms. Janet Street
Dr. Susan R. Strick
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stuparyk
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sturdivant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Swartzel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sylvester
Mr. Robert Tait, III
Ms. Kim Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Tate
Ms. Gail J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William Tedrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Theiss, II
Ms. Madeline Thoman and
Mr. Rich Thoman
Alyce and Bud Thomas
Timberhill Ltd. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tippmann
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Tobergte
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tojo
Mr. Neil W. Tollas and Ms. Janet Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tracy
Trinity Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. James Troutt
Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
Mr. E. W. Marshall Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Twehues
UBS Employee Giving Programs
Union Central
United Dairy Farmers
United Way Of Roanoke Valley, Inc.
Chandrasekar Vaidyanathan
Ms. Beth Van Oflen
Veritable LP
Ms. Sallie R. Wadsworth
Waite, Schneider, Bayless and Chesley
Co., L.P.A.
Ronald F. Walker Charitable Fund
Mr. Todd Wandstrat
Mr. George H. Warrington and
Ms. Drew Gores
Washington United Church of Christ
Ms. Anne E. Weinkam
Ms. Susan K. Welch and Mr. Jeffrey Baum
David F. and Sara K. Weston Fund
Wheeler Advertising Inc.
Mr. Franklin H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. White
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitney
Ms. Joyce Widmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wiggers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilhelm
Ms. Bev Willson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Wilz, Sr.
Winegardner & Hammons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Winters
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gary Winters
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Witt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Wittenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wones
T.J. and Hilda Wood Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Woodfill Elementry School
Glen Wright Donor Advised Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright
Mr. Frank R. Yantek
Mr. Charles Yeiser
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Yoho
Mr. Richard Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. John Zorio
Gifts of $500 or more
Anonymous (9)
Ms. Betsy A. Abell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Paul Adler
Mr. James A. Adler
Mr. James W. Ahlrichs
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Alarie
Mrs. Suzanne R. Albert
Allen Temple Human Services
Commission Inc.
Mr. Damon V. Allen
Mr. Daniel P. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Almaguer
Mr. Sherman J. Alter and
Dr. Kathleen A. Alter
Sylvia, Robert and Steven Altman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Altmayer
Mrs. Anne M. Alverson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ambach
American Association
of University Professors
American Legion Auxilary, Unit 203
Mr. and Mrs. Les Appel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Arken
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Armsey
Ms. Uma V. Ashar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Bailey
Ms. Lauren Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ball
Ms. Cynthia Bambauer
Baptist Minister’s Conference
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Barnes
Mr. Daniel J. Bartley
Mrs. Annette R. Bartolo
Bassett Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bates
Ms. Jennifer Lea Bauer
Mr. Nicholas C. Bauer
Ms. Barbara Bausmith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Beckman
Ms. Sally D. Belknap
Mr. Craig Benhase
Mrs. Teresa W. Benson and
Mr. Gordon B. Benson
Mrs. Ellen Berghamer
Mr. George M. Berry
Richard L. Betagole Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James Betsch
Mrs. Mary Louise Bihn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Binzer
Mr. Gordon Blank
Blue Ash Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Boeckman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Boldt
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Bonfield, III
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bookmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bradley, III
Mr. Earl Brafford
Mr. and Mrs. Gulcharan S. Brainch
Bravo Brio Restaurant Group, Inc.
Mr. David A. Bray
Mr. Earl Bray
Ms. Shannon Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bressler
Ms. Jill Brewer
Mr. Daniel Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brown, III
Senator Sherrod Brown
Ms. Suzanne Brown
Ms. Tiffani Brown
Drs. Ronald and Melanie Brubaker
Mr. Bill Bruggemann
Mr. Edward C. Bruns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunnell
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Burchell, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia R. Burgin
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke
Mr. Brad Burlew
Burress Temple Apostolic Church
Ms. Carol Butler
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Byczkowski
Mr. Gregory E. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Carey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Carlson
Ms. Michelle Carpet
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Castrucci
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Centers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Chadwell
Ms. Mary Rachel Chambers
Ms. Janet R. Champlin
Charitable Foundation USA
Chemed Corporation
John and Cecelia Chewning
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chrislip
Mr. David W. Chrislip
Church of the Resurrection
John and Dorothy Clancy
Ms. Norma Clark
Clark-Theders Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Maria Antionette Clayborne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Clayton
Ms. Claudia L. Cline
Philip and Sheila Cohen Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Coldwell Banker West Shell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Colucci
Community Friends Meeting
Concord Litho
Ms. Laura M. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Conner
Mr. Matthew A. Connor
Contractors Materials Company
Ruth J. & Robert A. Conway Foundation
Mr. Allan Cook
Ms. Barbara J. Cook and
Mr. Michael Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Corken, Jr.
Ms. Julie Corwin
Mr. and Mrs. William Costello
Ms. Betty Coulter
Mr. Ray C. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Crable
Mr. Harold G. Crabtree
Mrs. Colleen Crotty-Good
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Crowe, Jr.
Ms. Margaret A. Cullen
Mr. Raymond R. Curfman
Mr. Harold L. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curtiss
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dahlem
Ms. Holly A. Daugherty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dauner
Dave’s Printing
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davis
Ms. Mary G. Davis
Day of Caring
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Deangelo
Ms. Patricia A. Deaton
Mr. Michael A. DeFrancesco and
Ms. Martha Fellerhoff
Deloitte & Touche
Mr. Michael L. Dennemann
Mr. and Mrs. Noah L. Desch
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dettmer
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dickhoner
Mrs. Audrey C. Dierker
Ms. Ann Diersing
Mr. Thomas J. Digman
Directions Research, Inc.
Ms. Janet Dixon
The Honorable Susan J. Dlott
Ms. Vivian Dobbs
Mr. Michael A. Doherty
Dr. Walter E. Donnelly, Jr.
Mr. John S. Dorich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dorsey
Mrs. Karen A. Drees
Dressman, Benzinger, LaVelle PSC
Mr. Robert G. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Druffel
Mr. Mark Duffy
Duke Energy
Mr. Frank P. Duke
Ms. Laura E. Dumancic
Mrs. Suzanne F. Dunbar
Ms. Suzanne Dunham
Mr. Bradley J. Dunn and
Mrs. Karen M. Petrosky
Ms. Nancy Duran
Ms. Judith S. Dusterberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dyrenforth
E.T.C., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Easley
Mr. Jeff M. Eastep
Mr. and Mrs. John Ebbeler
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Ebner
Mr. John W. Eckert
Mr. Chopper A. Eckhoff
Ms. Kathy S. Edelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elfers
Mr. Eric J. Elfner
Ms. Elizabeth A. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Ellspermann
Mr. James Elsener
Ms. Regina Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Faelten
Ms. Hilda M. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Fazzio
Mr. Roger Feeley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fein
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fende
Fidelity Investments
Ms. Anna W. Fields
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Filak, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Finan
Ms. Vikki B. Finan
First Presbyterian Church, Glendale
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Mrs. Charles Fleischmann
Ms. Laurie Flenniken
Ms. Rebecca A. Flesch
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Flynn
Ms. Corliss J. Fong
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ford
Mr. William Forsstrom
Ms. Rose Fort
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Franks
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Franxman
Mr. and Mrs. James Freson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Froehle
Krishnanath Gaitonde
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gardner
Mr. Timothy M. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gattermeyer
Ms. Eileen Gazzillo
Geiger Heating & Cooling
Mr. Larry Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Geiser
Mr. Frank A. Gerson and
Ms. Constance A. Wischmann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Getto
Ms. Kathleen Gibboney
Mr. Bob Gibson
Mr. Thomas A. Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gilday
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Girbert
Global Impact
Mr. Steve Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Godwin
Arlene Golembiewski Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Gollobin
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gougeon
Kelly Goyette
Mr. Louis C. Graeter
Grainger Matching Charitable
Gifts Program
Greater Cincinnati U.A.W.
Community Action Program
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin E. Grener
Mr. Donald E. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Griffith
Grisemer Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Groeschen
Ms. Mary Dean Grote
Mr. Jeffrey T. Grothaus
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Guttman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Gutzwiller
Mr. Arthur Haack
Haas & Decker Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Joseph D. and Connie K. Haas Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Hahn
Mr. Leon Hall and Mrs. Jessica Hall
Ms. Sonya Hall
Dr. and Mrs. H. Brian Halsall
Ms. Catherine Hamilton and
Dr. James M. Huey
Mr. Richard H. Haneberg
Ms. Stephena E. Harmony
Harrison Home Bakery
Ms. Pam Harwood
Ms. Myrna A. Havlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hayes
Hebrew Union College
Mrs. Debra E. Heidrich
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Heintzelman
Ms. Bernice W. Heinze
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E Heisel
Henderson Family Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Shari Hennekes
Dr. Jane Henney and Dr. Robert Graham
Mr. Carl S. Hennigen
Henschel-Steinau, Inc.
Ms. Nancy B. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Herche
Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church
Ms. Shannon M. Heroux
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Herzog
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Higgins
Ms. Jennifer L. Hilbish
Ms. Diane M. Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilvert
Barbara S. and Richard G. Hoefinghoff
Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J Hogan
Ms. Judith Holden
Ms. Carolyn Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Holtzer
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hondorf
Ms. Debra S. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hornung
Ms. Larrie M. Howard
Ms. Mabel T. Howatt
Mr. Terrence Howe
Ms. Heather P. Howes
Ms. Bobette F. Huber
Ms. Catherine Hughes
Mr. Kevin C. Hughes
Ms. Phyllis L. Hughes
Huntington National Bank
Equipment Finance Division
Ms. Kristen Hurd
InterAct for Change
IONIC Collective LLC
Himavat Ishaya
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Jackson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Jacobs
Mr. Raymond A. Jeter
Ms. Helgi Jobe
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Mr. Henry C. Johnston
Ms. Laurie Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Johnstone
Ms. Leslie C. Jones
Hon. and Mrs. Nathaniel R. Jones
Joseph-Beth Booksellers, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Julian
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kalla
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Kammerer
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Kant
Mr. Brian Keane and
Ms. Katherine E. Yutzey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Keenan
Ms. Kathleen A. Kelley
Ms. Susan J. Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Kelm
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Kendall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keough
Ms. Angela J. Kern
Ms. Sharon A. Kerns and
Mr. Michael W. Birck
Mr. Timothy Kerr and Dr. Grace B. Kerr
Keystone Bar & Grill
Khoury Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Jeanine K. Kieffer
Mrs. Alan R. Kightlinger
Ms. Geneva Kincer
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R. King
Mr. George Kingston
Mr. Barry Kirschner
Kiwanis Club of Riverview - Delhi Hills
Mr. John Kling
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Knue
Mr. David J. Knutson and
Mrs. Anna M. Goldhahn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohlan
Mrs. Rita Kohorst
Ms. Krista L. Konerman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Korengel
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kummerle
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Kurtz
Mr. Bill Kuzila
Ms. Elesa M. Labanz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Langmeyer
Mr. Jean B. LaPointe
Mr. James R. Lazzari
Lisa and Steve Lemen
Mr. and Mrs. James Lenhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewellen
Thomas J. and Adele E. Lippert Family
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. Jennifer Loggie
Mr. James F. Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loos
David and Margaret Lopez Charitable Gift
Account, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovell
Mr. Robert D. Lowndes
Ms. Ann A. Lowrey
Mr. and Mrs. John-Peter Lund
Virginia Stix Lurie Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon
Ms. Lindsey W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod, Jr.
Mr. Adam Maier
Ms. Karen F. Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Maines
Ms. Mary Alice Manley
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mann
Ms. Peggy Ann Markstein
Ms. Marianne Marshall
Martin & West, PLLC
Mr. Michael Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Marx
J. Cromer Mashburn Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Matlock
Mr. Paul Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Matthews
Ms. Minda F. Matthews-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McCaffrey
Mr. Glen P. McCann
Mr. Gregory J. McCormick
Mr. Robb McCoy
Mr. Gary McDowell
Robert G. McGraw & Company
Ms. Claudia P. McKee
Ms. Edith McKee
Ms. Amy McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McSwiggin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Mellott, Jr.
Dr. Charles Mesh and Dr. Dianne K. Litwin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mettman
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kent Meyer
Miccoli & Associates
Microsoft Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller
Mr. Gary H. Miller
Ms. Jo Ann Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller
Mrs. Mary Miller
Dr. Zevi Miller and Ms. Ruth Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Mills
Mr. Theodore R. Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Moeggenberg
Ms. Sharlene Mohr
Mr. Keith Molloy
Ms. Debbie Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Morand
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Morison
George and Sarah Morrison
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Ms. Vickye Payton
Ms. Alice Pearson
Mr. Jeffrey F. Peck
Mr. Robert C Pellegrino
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Perbix
Peridot Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Leland Person
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Peters
Mr. Donald Piening
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pieper
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pisegna
Mr. and Mrs. Si A. Pitstick
Ms. Eveline Poe
Mr. Hector A. Polanco
Mr. Ken Popham
Potter’s House Ministries Inc.
William Powell Co.
PPG Industries Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Prather
Ms. Gail Prather and Mr. Gordon R. Denker
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Pray
Premium Rental Services
Mr. Joseph J. Prince
Mr. John V. Rush, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rusk
Mr. James J. Ryan
Dr. Ronald A. Sachs
Ms. Patricia Salay
Ms. Diana Sams
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Saunders, Jr.
Ms. Julie Schaber
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Schatzman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schiermyer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Schlegel
Ms. Karen A. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Schneider Electric Square D Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider
Ms. Judith Schneider
Ms. Susan C. Schoenling
Mr. Hugh E. Schramm
Peggy Schultz
Mr. Keith Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Schwind
Mr. Phillip J. Schworer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott
Ms. Chelsea K. Scully
Mrs. Roland Sedziol
Alvin E. and Margaret H. Seeman
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Kaezad Setra
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stewart
Stock Yards Bank & Trust
Stowe Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Strelau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stringer
Mr. and Mrs. Vlado Strmski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Strotman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Sund
Superior Home Care Inc.
Mr. Dale A. Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Taake
Dr. Thomas A. Tami and Ms. Molly T. Tami
Targeted Marketing Solutions
Ms. Natasha Taylor
Herm and Shalini Teagarden
Mr. and Mrs. Abbot A. Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Thierauf
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thomas
Mr. William Thomas
Ms. Jane Thompson
Barb Thomson and Terry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ticotsky
Time Warner Cable
Toyota Motor Engineering &
Manufacturing of North America
Mr. Daniel F. Tracey
Triplefin LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David Troup
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Tucker
Ms. Tiffany M. Turner
Wendy’s International, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wenning
Wesner Family Gift Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Fund
Ms. Marci Wessels
Ms. Jennifer West
Mr. and Mrs. David Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Lance White
Mr. Maurice O. White, Esq.
Ms. Nancy White
Mr. Neal L. White, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Whitsett
Mr. David W. Whittaker
Mr. Gene Wiggs
Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Williams
Ms. Carolyn R. Williams
Mr. James Williams
Ms. Joyce B. Williams
Mrs. Mary E. Williams
Ms. Mia A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Mr. Edgar L. Willig
Mr. John E. Wilp
Ms. Anne N. Wilson
Mr. Thomas E. Wilson
Ms. and Mrs. Bob Winfree
Mr. and Mrs. Garen L Wisner
Mr. and Mrs. Lothar F. Witt, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Wolfram
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Woll, Jr.
Ms. Becky Wood
Robert and Lauren Woodiwiss
Ms. Amy Wright
WS Packaging Group
Laurence Wulker Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. George M. Wyatt and
Ms. Cheryl A. Stewart
City of Wyoming
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yauss
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Young
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Young
Ms. Judith L. Young
Zaenkert Surveying Essentials Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Zeek, Jr.
Mr. Richard V. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Zofkie
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Zorn, Jr.
Mr. Carl Zugelter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zumbiel
Gifts of $250 or more
Mr. and Mrs. Gary
P. Morse
Mrs. Elizabeth Mossburger
Mt. Healthy Alliance Inc.
Mt. Zion Food Pantry
Ms. Julie D. Mueller
Mr. Sean Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy
Ms. Susan Murray
Mr. Gerald J. Mushaben
Myco International Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Myers
Rev. Chris F. Neely
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Neiheisel
Mrs. Mary D. Nelson
Mr. Michael S. Nelson
Netkey, Inc.
New Mission Missionary Baptist Church
Ms. Sharon Nicholas
Mrs. Connie Geers Nicolas
Mr. Bernard J. Niemann, Jr.
Ms. Catherine Noell
Mr. and Mrs. James Nordlund
Mr. Michael Nordlund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Northrop
Ms. Kristin Nostrand
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olson
Kelly O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Orabella
Mr. David Orr
Ms. Gale Ossenbeck
Mr. Nicholas Ostrosky
Mrs. M. W. Overhoff
Mrs. Maggie Page
Ms. Mary Carolyn Page
Palazzolo Mfg. Co.
Mr. John Palmquist
Pappas Restaurant, Inc.
Paul A. Pappenheimer, Jr. Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Gladys Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Parks
Ms. Helene Paul
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Paul
Ms. Jennifer M. Pawlowski
Ms. Gayle Paytes
Progressive Casuality Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Willets Prosser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Prus
Dr. Frank W. Putnam
Mr. Ralph E. Quinn
Mr. Mitchell Quint
Mr. and Mrs. Jawahar Rajpal
Ms. Anita Scovanner Ramsey
Mr. Kenneth Randall
Ms. Lisa Raub
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ray
Mrs. Ann Reber
Mr. Robert J. Reckers
Red Echo Post, LLC
Mr. Constantine Regas
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Reginelli
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Reigle
Rick and Kathy Reinhart Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Reis
Mr. Richard D. Reis
Mr. Brian J. Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. W. Emerson Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Rielly
Ms. Barbara Rinto and Mr. Jerry H. Lawson
Ms. Alice K. Roberts
Ms. Jo-Anne H. Roberts
Robin Imaging Services
Ms. Nancy P. Robinson
Ms. Judith Roesch
Ms. Ruby Rogers
Charles E. and Justine S. Romer Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Roselle Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Rosenberry
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Rosenthal
Royal Document Destruction Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Rudolph
Mr. Eugene P. Ruehlmann
Mrs. Phyllis Sewell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Sexton
Sharonville License Bureau
Mr. Stephen M. Shary
Mr. and Mrs. Keven E. Shell
Shepherd, Hulette, Breed & Jennings
Dr. Mary G. Shipley and
Dr. Ralph T. Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Shipley
Mr. Gordon A. Shock
Wm M. & Jeanne D. Shoemaker
Charitable Fund of
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bipin S. Shroff
Ms. Lindsay Shuller
Mr. Albert G. Sicking, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siegmann
Siemens Caring Hands Giving Program
Mr. Jeffrey Siereveld
Mr.P.G. Sittenfeld
Charles and Eleanor Smith Family
Donor Advised Fund of the
Middletown Community Foundation
Smith Family Advised Fund of the
Middletown Community Foundation
Mr. Kevin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Sphar
St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church
St. Saviour Church
St. Xavier High School
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stanton
Dr. and Mrs. K. Scott Starks
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staubach
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stenger
Mr. Gregory W. Stephens
Stevenson The Color Company
Mr. James J. Stewart
Ms. Jean G. Stewart
Ms. Barbara Tyirin
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Union Savings Bank
United Way of Metro Chicago
University of Cincinnati
Ms. Denise A. Vajen
Ms. Sue M. Vanney
Mrs. Jean C. Vanweele
Vess Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Vidal
Volkman Family Charity Fund
Ms. Jane Vollbracht
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Volz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Vonderahe
Ms. Carolyn A. Voss
Mr. Greg D. Voss
Mr. James J. Wahl
Ms. Brenda Walker
Ms. Jane A. Walker
Dr. William E. Walsh, Jr.
Mr. Bruce Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Walton
Ms. Alberta S. Wardlaw and
Ms. Sally Cuni
Ms. Ann T. Warinner
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts
Ms. Shannon R. Wayne
Wealth Dimensions Group
Ms. Kerry Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Weaver
Martha R. Webb
Mr. Stephen and Ky Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Weber
Ms. Kim Webster
Anonymous (7)
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Abbinante
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Able
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Abraham
Accutek Testing Laboratory
Mr. Thomas B. Ackermann
Ms. Christine O. Adams
Ms. Carol L. Adler
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Ahrenholz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Albers
Mr. Edward Albert
Ms. Mary Ann Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alf
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aller
Ms. Shannon Altschuler
American Express Foundation
Ms. Wendy Anderson
Mr. John Anzinger
Ms. Lani K. Apperson
Mr. Donald Aren
Ellis and Holly Arjmand
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Arnold
Ashland Oil Inc.
Judge and Mrs. J. Vincent Aug, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Auvil
Ms. Laura Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Babey
Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Babu
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Bacevich
Mr. David J. Backscheider
Ms. Deborah Bailey
Ms. Mary E. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Bailey
Ms. Beverly H. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balanchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Ball
Ms. Joan S. Ballbach
Ms. Jo Ann Ballinger
Mr. James Ballou, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Banke
Ms. Kathryn Basinger
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Baskerville
Mr. Dexter K. Bastin
Ms. Minakshi Basu
Ms. Brenda Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bates
Mrs. Joan S. Bath
Mr. Russell Beach
Mr. and Mrs. David Beaudry
Our Donors July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Dr. and Dr. Andrew F. Beck
Ms. N. Lorraine Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Bedree
Mr. Eric S. Beebe
Ms. Martene A. Beimesch
Ms. Lois J. Belbot
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Bell
Mr. William H. Benagh
Dr. John Bennet, Jr.
Mr. Mike Benson
Andrew and Linda Berger Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Bergholz
Mr. and Mrs. Myles F. Berling
Berman Printing
Mr. David Berry
Mr. James T. Berry
Ms. Norah Bertschy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Besserman
Ms. Margaret Betscher
Ms. Catherine Bever
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. William Bick
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Biscopink
Ms. Carol H. Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake
Ms. Dorothy Anne Blatt
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Blaylock
Ms. Marie Blersch
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Blignaut
Mrs. Shirlee C. Bloom
Ms. Tamara Blowers
Ms. Christine Bochenek
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boehm
Boland Accounting Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Boler
Mr. Jeffrey C. Bollmer
Mr. Louis N. Bolognini
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Bona-Hatem
Ms. Gloria Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Bonventre
Ms. Arlene Bookbinder
Mr. Norm Boomershine
Dr. Janet A. Borcherding
Mr. William D. Borek and
Ms. Evelyn C. Joseph
Ms. Carol A. Born
Ms. Melinda S. Borrero
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Boule
Ms. Tracie Bowling
Boy Scout Troop #209
Ms. Mary Lynne Bradley
Mr. Clinton A. Bramkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce L. Bramsen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brassfield
Mr. Thomas A. Braun, III
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Bray
Ms. Nancy L. Breeze
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bregger
Mrs. Charlene Breidster
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Breitholle
Ms. Danita G. Brewer
Ms. Dorothy M. Brinker
Mr. Bradley Britigan
Broadway Across America
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brockert
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald H. Bromberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Joseph E. Brown
Ms. Tia Brueggemann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brumfield
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Brumm
Mr. Thomas J. Buck
Ms. Angela H. Buechner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bugenstein
Mr. Mark Bukala
Mr. Richard Buller
Mr. and Mrs. John Bunyan
Mr. Edward M. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Burns
Dr. and Mrs. Lee F. Burroughs
Ms. Eleanor Marie Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Busch
Ms. Christine A. Buttress
Mr. John Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cain, III
CAIN: Churches Active In Northside
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Calhoun
Mr. Thomas Callison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Campbell
Mr. Donald J. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cappel
Ms. Judy Caproni
Dr. Terry Carrigan
Ms. Irene R. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter
Ms. Patricia Casey
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cassidy
Ms. Mary Cassinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Cavanaugh
Chadwick Fund, Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Chalk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Chaloult
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Chamberlin
Dr. and Mrs. Prasad G. Chandra
Chanima Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Charak
Nilabh Chaudhary
Mr. Jacques Chausse
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Chavez Jr.
Mr. Alan Chesnut
Cheviot Medical Center, Inc.
Christ Centered Apostolic Ministries
Cincinnati Eats Inc.
Cincy Customs Street Machines
Ms. Rheba Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clary
Ms. Patricia Clasgens
Ms. Alice C. Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Close
Ms. Evelyn Collaro
Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Collins
Marvin Collins and Dean Colville
Mr. Robert L. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. V. Franklin Colon
Mr. and Mrs. Colin P. Combs
Ms. Patty Conover
Mr. David Cook
Ms. Shelly Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Hewitt J. Cooper
Mr. Matthew E. Cooper
Ms. Nancy Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Cordes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Corken
Audrey and Barry Cors Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Cosgrove
Dr. and Mrs. Carey H. Costantini
Ms. Patricia Cottingham
Dr. Robin T. Cotton
Ms. Melanie Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Coyne
Mr. Marvin Crain
Cranley Surgical Associates, Inc
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. George Croog
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Crutcher
Danis Foundation Inc.
Mr. Mike Danowski
Ms. Clara Dantic and
Ms. Madge Van Buskirk
Ms. Patricia Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Davidow
Ms. Susannah Davids
Mr. Richard Davis
Mr. Ronald De Kant and
Ms. Brenda S. Mitchell
Deals that Give Back
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Debow
Mr. Richard DeCoursey
Mr. Guy T. DeDiemar
Deerfield Press
Mr. and Mrs. David P. DeForest
Mr. Vicent DelValle
Mr. Paul M. Demarco
Ms. Sharon Lee Denight
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter A. Denney
Mr. Vincent DeSalvo
Ms. Donna H. Deye
Ms. Teresa Dicolandrea
Mr. Adam Diebold
Mrs. Charles C. Diekmeyer
Digital Media Group
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Dirr
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E Dohrmann
Mr. Thomas E. Donnellon, Attorney
Ms. Katherine Donoghue
Ms. Gaby Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Drake
Ms. Marilyn A. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Droke
Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Duff
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Patrick D. Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dugan
Mr. William D. Dugan
Ms. Margo Duke
Ms. Carol E. Dunn
Ms. Sharon R. Early
Eastern Hills Friends MTG
Mr. Michael Eastham
Stephen S. and B. Christine Eberly
Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Eby
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Edwards
Ms. Elaine M. Ehrhard
Ms. Betty A. Ehrman
Electrodyne Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliot
Ms. Christina Ellis
Ms. Nancy Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Emerson
ESCO Technologies
Ms. Elizabeth Everingham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fairbanks
Mrs. Sylvie H. Falk
Ms. Margaret Fanella
Ms. Kristi J. Farris
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Faul
Mr. Mark A. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Faw
Mr. and Mrs. James Fawbush
Ms. Jennifer Lynn Feltner
Dr. and Mrs. Bret A. Ferree
Mrs. F. G. Ferris
Mr. Robert P. Fetters
Ms. Mary Ann Fieler
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fillion
Ms. Gigiauna M. Fioresi
First Presbyterian Church
Mr. Brent Firth
Ms. Pam Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Cary G. Fitzhugh
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fix
Mr. Richard M. Flagg
Dr. David C. Flaspohler and
Dr. Cynthia L. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleischman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Flick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Foley
Mr. J. Patrick Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Foliano
Mr. Winston Folkers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Fondacaro
Mr. Kevin Ford
Mr. Chase Forgrave
Mr. Jeffrey Forney
Mr. J. Kevin Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Frable
Ms. Rochelle Fradkin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Francis
Mr. George Fredrick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Freeland
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Freeman
Mr. Jay Freeman
Ms. Kathryn L. Freemon
Mr. Donald A. French
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Friedmann
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fuersich
Ms. Heidi Fulcher
Ms. Nancy Fultz
Mrs. Janet C. Gallenstein
GAP Foundation Gift Match Program
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gartner, Jr.
Dr. Mary F. Gaskill-Shipley
Mr. David Gaston
Ms. Donna Gates
Ms. Katherine Gates
Mrs. Marjorie Gebhart
Ms. Mary Geisen
Ms. Jodi Geiser
Mr. Scott Gelhot
Mr. Craig P. Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gerberick
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gerson
Dr. and Mrs. Myron C. Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Gerwe
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gerwe
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Gessing
Mr. Bob Gibson
Mrs. Wilma Gieseke
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Giglio
Ms. Lesley Gilbertson
Mr. James Gilchrist
Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Gilinsky
Ms. Nancy M. Gilligan
Ms. Debbi Gittinger
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Glasgo
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glos
Ms. Deane G. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Goetzman
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Goold
Mr. Gary R. Gordon
Mr. Alex Gortsas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Granick
Ms. Susan E. Grathwohl
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Graver
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gray
Great American Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Grebe
Mr. Todd Griffis
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Groen
Mr. Thomas J. Grogan
Grossman & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Donald D. Gruber
Ms. Carol L. Guthrie
Dr. and Mrs. W. Mark Gutowski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Guttman
Mr. Douglas J. Gutzwiller
Ms. Lynne Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hackman, Jr.
Judge Deidra L. Hair
Ms. Deborah D. Hall
Ms. Lee Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley Hammond
Mr. Lawrence E. Handorf
Amy Warner Michael Haney Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Sidney A. Hannah
Ms. Alicia B. Hardin
Mr. Steven Harmeyer
Ms. Brigid M. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Harris
Ms. Martha Harris
Ms. Christina L. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Hartoin
Mr. Valta R. Hartstern
Mr. Edward A. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hassebrock
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Hastings
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hattemer
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Haude
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haught
Ms. Louise K. Hausman
Ms. Maryann Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haynes
Ms. Oma L. Hazlett
HDR Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Healy
Heart House, Inc.
Mrs. Ida S. Heathcote
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heeman
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock
Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Heinold
Mr. Donald F. Hellman
Ms. Nancy Hellman
Mr. Robert W. Helmholz
Ms. Elizabeth Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hendy
Pat Henry Group, LLC
Mr. Ted F. Henschen
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Henshaw
Ms. Betty J. Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hensley
Ms. Susanne M. Herald
Ms. Thelma Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. William Herkamp
Ms. Michelle S. Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess
Ms. Joan W. Hessel
Mr. Bradley Heter
Ms. Elaine M. Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Hiles
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hilliard
Ms. Sallie Hilvers
Mr. Gary W. Hilvert
Mr. Charles Hines, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hirtz
Ms. Angeline Hockman
Rev. and Mrs. Edward W. Hof
Mr. Geoffrey A. Hoff
Ms. Eileen Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hogan
Mr. Martin F. Hollenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Holubeck
Mr. and Mrs. Kent F. Holwadel
Dr. Sandra L. Honsa-Schulz
Mr. Stanley A. Hooker, III
Mr. Ralph M. Hoop
Mr. Ronald Horstman
Ms. Cynthia Hoskin
Mr. Ray C. House
Ms. Ashley Hovermale
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Howe
HP Company Foundation
Mr. Garry Huber
Mr. Don Hublteit
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Huff
Mr. Charles Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Huffman
Mr. Bradley Hughes
Mr. Donnell S. Hughes
Ms. Jennie L. Hughes
Ms. Bonnie Hugus
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Huhn
Mr. David Hummel
Ms. Jane A. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunting
Mr. Steve Huseman
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hyek
E. Hynes Giving Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Indian Hill Women’s Civic Club
Mr. Wilbur H. Ingels
Insurance Women
of Greater Cincinnati, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Iseman
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Ms. Barbara Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. James H. James
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jamieson
Mr. Terence Janson
Mr. Cornelis H. Japikse
Mr. Justin Jefferson
Ms. Karen M. Jeffries
Ms. Kristi Jennings
Mr. Thomas L. Jennings
Jet Lithocolor Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Jody
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Johnson
Mr. Charles M. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnstone
Mrs. Nancy E. Jones
Ms. Pamela J. Jones
Ms. Phyllis S. Jones
Mr. John P. Jordan
Mr. Mark W. Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Kahn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Sharatkumar Kale
Robert and Lynn Kanter
Philanthropic Fund
Kaplan, Litwin, Kaplan & Associates
of Stifel Nicolaus
Dr. Stephanie L. Kaplan
Mr. Howard A. Kapp
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kappesser
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kasanicky
Mr. Kenneth Kaser
Ms. Joyce A. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keating
Ms. Carla A. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Keller
Ms. Ruth Keller
Mr. Craig Kelley
Ms. Janet Kelly
Mr. Theodore Michael Kelly, Sr.
Mr. Mark A. Kelso
Dr. Carolyn M. Kercsmar and
Dr. Robert E. Bast
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Kerman
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kern
Mr. Kenneth H. Kerr
Mr. Kenneth L. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Siddarth M. Khosla
Ms. Kathryn Kien and
Mr. William D. Magnuszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kiener
Mr. H. Joseph Kiesler, Jr.
Mrs. Alan R. Kightlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. King
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kirk
Mr. Edward Klint
Mrs. Anna Klousis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Klug
Ms. Daphne E. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Knue
Marty Kochevar
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kocoshis
Mr. Timothy J. Koegel
Mr. Kenneth Koehler
Ms. Linda Koetters
Ms. Christina S. Kohnen
Mr. John P. Kolenski
Mr. and Mrs. John Kornbluh
Mr. Stephen Kralovic
Ms. Cathy Kramer
Ms. Gerrie M. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kramer
Ms. Renee Kreeger
Ms. Kathryn Kreimer
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kreitzer & Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kroeger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kron
Ms. Linda Kruthaupt and Mr. Greg Menz
Mr. Thomas Kuechly
Mr. Ed Kuehnle
Ms. Shannon M. Kuhl
Mr. Thomas A. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kurak, III
Mr. Richard G. Laatsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lach
Mr. Christopher Lahna and
Ms. Meredith Schnug
Mr. Al Laker
Rev. Francis G. Lammeier
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lammert
Mrs. Phyllis C. Landrum
Mrs. Gloria J. Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. LaPresto
Mrs. Bea Larsen
Richard I. and Susan J. Lauf Fund
of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Lorraine Laufmann
Ms. Mary Letty Lavely
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lay
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lea
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Leary
Mr. Brian A. Leary
Ms. Olga Lebron
Drs. Ben and Mary Lee
Mr. Robert S. Leedom
Ms. Arline LeGere
Ms. Beth Leibreich
Mr. Alan R. Leist
Ms. Phyllis A. Leist
Mr. Stanley E. Lemkuhl
Ms. Barbara Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Leshner
Ms. Eva Lewandowski
Mr. K.M. Tristan Lewis
Mr. Samuel Liebson
Ms. Andrea E. Lippelman
Mr. Bob Lippert
Dr. and Mrs. David Littrell
Mr. Fred Van Loan
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lococo
Love Family Foundation
Ms. Debra Lower
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Lowitz
Mr. David Luebbering
Mr. Joseph Lustik
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Luther
Mr. Mark Lutz and Ms. Leslie St. Clair
Rev. and Mrs. Damon Lynch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lynn
Ms. Kathleen A. Mabjish
Mr. Eric MacKnight
Dr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod
Ms. Judith M. Maddock
Mr. Kenneth Mahler
Mr. Donald R. Mai
Mr. Ronald R. Major
Mr. Gregory A. Malone
Mr. Peter D. Mangold
Ms. Mary Beth Mapstone
Ms. Jane Marcum
Ms. Nancy S. Greiwe and
Mr. William Markovits
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martell
Martindell Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martini
Ms. Sharon Massman
Ms. Mary-Morse Matthews
Ms. Linda Mauntel
Ms. Carolina Maurer
Ms. Shelly Maxwell
Mr. Joseph M. Mayernik
Mayerson Company
Mr. and Mrs. Nash N. McCauley
Mr. Ryan McClain
Drs. Brian and Janice McConville
Ms. Mary R. McCray
Mr. Patrick McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McLaughlin
Ms. Denise E. McNeill
Dr. and Mrs. O. Redmond McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Christian L. Meininger
Ms. Lisa Meloncon
Dr. Kristin R. Melton
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mendelsohn
Mr. Harody S. Mendez
Ms. Mary Ruth Menke
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. Gary Merrifield
Ms. Jenni Mersch
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merten
Mr. John Metz
Ms. L. Pamela Meyers
Ms. Nadine A. Middendorf
Ms. Marjorie Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Minges
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mintzer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Moeller
Ms. Krista Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mohr
Mr. William Molin
Mrs. Margaret M. Mollenkopf
Mr. Michael J. Monahan
Dr. William B. Monnig
Mrs. Sally L. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Monteith
Mr. Mark Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Morgan
Ms. Donna J. Morgan
Ms. Kate Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Morris, Jr.
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Ms. Mary Ann Muething
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Muething
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Muething
Ms. Deborah M. Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mulvey
Ms. Jane S. Murata
Ms. Bernadette Murphy
Ms. Mary Murphy
Ms. Molly Murphy
Ms. Patricia L. Murray
Gail Myers Public Relations, LLC
Mr. John A. Nagle
Ms. Cali Neely
Mr. P. S. Neidorf
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Z. Nelson
Ms. A. Stella Neltner
Ms. Mary H. Nemeth
Ms. Amy Neuzil
New Horizons Credit Union, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Newman
Ms. Margie Nimeskern
Mr. Claude Noe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Nolan
Mr. Joe Noll
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Norby
Mr. Jerry Nordman
Ms. Therese Nordmeyer
Mr. Willie J. Norton
Ms. Cheryl L. Ober
O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Oestreicher
Ohio River Valley
Mr. Paul J. Olsen
Greg and Cindy Olson Family
Charitable Fund
Mr. Dennis Olver
David B. and Karen G. O’Maley Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. O’Neil
Ms. Karen Oney
Ms. Kathleen S. Ordosh
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osterman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ottenjohn
Our Daily Bread of Hillsboro
Ms. Elizabeth Pack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pahutski
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Palmer
Ms. Rose Anne Palmieri
Mr. and Mrs. James Paloma
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Panos
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Parker
Ms. Susan K. Parker
Zane Parks
Ms. Dorotha Partack
Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony Paulin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Payne
Ms. Charlotte J. Pearn
Mr. and Mrs. Poul D. Pedersen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Pellot
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pendle
Perfection Group, Inc.
Ms. Sally Ann Perry
Ms. Marilyn W. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peters
Ms. Betty Pflum
Ms. Mary Piper
Ms. Candice Pipes
Ms. Karen L. Pitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Poleyeff
Ms. Penny L. Prass
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pregel
Presbyterian Church Of Wyoming
Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Pressler
Prestige Travel
Ms. Inma C. Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Pritchett
Ms. Judith A. Probus
Ms. Jeanette M. Pruiss
Mr. Ron Prybal
Mr. Robert Puthoff
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Quehl
R.W.T. Windows
Ms. Cynthia A. Radziwon
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rajkumar
Mr. Ren Ramer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Raterman
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Rauch
Ms. and Mrs. Larry Rayburn
Mr. Kenneth Recob
Ms. Beth M. Redwine
Ms. Janet L. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Reiber
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reichhardt
Mr. Kevin Reif
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rellar
Rendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis, LLP
Mr. Douglas W. Rennie
Ms. Dorothy Reynolds
Mr. Brian Rhoads
Ms. Elizabeth Merrell Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ricketts
Mr. William Riehle
Mr. Michael Marcotte and
Ms. Mary Clare Rietz
Mr. Matthew P. Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rinear
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ring
Mr. Mark E. Ringswaldegan
RIS Paper Company, Inc.
Dr. Jay E. Rissover
Mr. Joe Ritchie
Riverside Construction
Ms. Alice L. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Roberts
Mr. Robert Robinette
Rev. Joseph A. Robinson
Mrs. Judith Rodenberg
Mr. Wolf Roder
Ms. Nanette Roe
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Rohling
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Rohne
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolf
Mr. Stanley E. Rolfes
Mr. Charles Rooks
Ms. Barbara Rose
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Rothe
Mr. Stanley C. Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Rubenacker, Sr.
Ms. Martha Ruehrwein
Mr. Mark J. Rumpke
Mr. Jeffrey M. Rupel
Mrs. Jennifer M. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Ryan
Mr. Kent A. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Sackett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Safferman
Mr. Barak Saltzman
Mr. Frank Samoya
Ms. Judy Samuel
Mr. Bruce Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Santorelli
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sargen
Mr. and Mrs. Kazuya Sato
Mr. Glenn E. Schaaf
Mr. James Schapker
Ms. Rosemary Schatzel
Mr. Mark A. Scheid
Ms. Patricia R. Schell
Ms. Donna L. Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schlipf
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Schloemer, II
Mr. John Schnetzer, Sr.
Ms. Marilyn Schnorbus
Schoenberger Tile & Marble Inc.
Ms. Lynn Schoener
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoettelkotte
Mr. R. A. Schoettinger
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schraer
Ms. Helen Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Schuler
Michael Schuster Associates
Mr. Philip J. Schutte
Mr. Michael W. Schwanekamp
Ms. Barbara Schwarber
Ms. Margaret Scott
Ms. Susan Scott
Mr. and Ms. Brian D. Sebastian
Mr. Mark Seipel
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Selvey
Mr. Joseph M. Senger
Ms. Vicki Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Shannon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shayeson
Mr. John B. Shea, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sheer
Mr. John M. Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Shurmer
Mr. David P. Siegel
Ms. Mary Siegel
Ms. Alma Sievering
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sigall
SIMPS Greater Cincinnati
Mr. L. Dennis Simpson
Ms. Linn M. Sinnott
Mr. William D. Skaggs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Skolnik
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Slageter
Ms. Nancy G. Slater
Mrs. Anne R. Smith
Ms. Barbara A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Smith
Mr. James L. Smith
Ms. Janet Smith
Mr. Stephen E. Smith
Ms. Tara Smith
Dr. Julie A. Smith-Morrow and
Dr. K. John Morrow
Ms. Martha Solano
Mr. Larry Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Willis R. Sparks
Mr. Robert J. Spitznagel
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Spurlock
Mrs. Barbara P. Squeri
SS&G Financial Services, Inc.
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
St. Therese, Little Flower Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stander
Ms. Grace Staples
Mr. Terry W. Starrett and
Ms. Barbara B. Kenney
StarStruck ADA
Ms. Catherine A. Staskavich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Stecher
Madeline and Pete Steel
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Steger
Mr. Paul T Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Steinhard
Ms. Sharon L. Stengel
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sticka
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stidham
Ms. Anne M. Stirnkorb
Mr. Eric M. Stocker
Mr. Michael C. Stonecipher
Mr. Andrew Stotzer
Ms. Amy Stout
Mr. Marc Stout
Ms. Mary Jane Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Stowell
Ms. Barbara N. Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Strietmann
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Striker
Mr. and Mrs. John Strubbe
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Stryker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Stumbo
Ms. Ann Sullivan
Summerside United Methodist Church,
Tri-C Women
Sun Chemical Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Swain
Ms. Karen Swedersky
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Swinehart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Swofford, Sr.
Ms. Teresa J. Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Mr. Patrick L. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Teass
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ten Eyck
Ms. Beverly L. Tharp
Ms. Kelly Thibodeaux
Mr. William Thiemann
Ms. Bonnie Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Todd
Mr. Charles E. Toelke, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Toft
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tomb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Toney
Tournaments for Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Townsend
Transducers Direct LLC
Ms. Nancy J. Tretter
Ms. Gloria Ann H. Tribble
TriHealth Clinical Miocrobiology Lab
Mr. Daniel L. Uher
Ms. Dianne M. Ullrich
United Way of Greater Battle Creek
UnitedHealth Group
University Neurology, Inc.
US Bancorp Foundation Employee
Matching Gift Program
Ray and Ellen Vanderhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Vanderlaan
Ms. Peggy Vanderman
Mr. Eric Vanderschueren
Mr. Neal G. Vansaun
Mr. Harold Varnau
Mrs. Catherine R. Vicory
Mr. Gary J. Vissing and
Ms. Margaret A. Prince
Mr. Richard Volk
Dr. Sally A. Vonderbrink
Mr. Anthony Vuotto
Mrs. Sally A. Wagner
Ms. Darla S. Wainscott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wait
Mr. David A. Walker
Walker Family Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Zane Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin E. Walters
Mr. Harold Walton
Steve F. Warkany Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Warner
Mr. Mark Watkins
Mr. William Watson
Ms. Lisa A. Waxler Rakel
Ms. Kathleen Wayner
Dr. James E. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Weber
Mr. Jonathan T. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wedig
Mr. Dennis L. Wehrmeyer
Ms. Jan Weigel
Mr. Gerald C. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Welham
Mr. Eric D. Wellinghoff
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wendel
Ms. Jennifer M. Werneke
Ms. Martha K. Wessels
West College Hill Neighborhood
West End Emergency Center
Ms. Ann M. West
Ms. Sally Wester
Westwood United Methodist Church
Ms. Amy S. Wiandt
Mr. Gregory Widmeyer
Ms. JoAnn Wieghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon H. Wiers
Mr. Carol Wilder
Ms. Susan Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Wilke
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Williams
Mr. Jeffrey B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams
Mr. Sterling Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Wilson
Dr. Melinda K. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wimberg
Mr. Daniel Wines
Mr. Charles J. Winger
Ms. Mary Glenn Winkler
Ms. Angela Lynn Wirick
Isaac M. Wise Temple
Rabbi Irvin Wise and Kathy Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Witt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witten
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witterstaetter
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wolf
Ms. Doris R. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolnik
Mr. David H. Wood and
Ms. Rebecca S. Seeman
Ms. Linda L. Workman
Wrocklage Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Wulfeck
Ms. Jean Yacchari
Mr. Josh E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ziemba
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Zierolf
Ms. Cathy Zimmer
Mr. David Zumbiel
Thank you also to the many other
generous financial donors we
were unable to list due to space
The above donors made gifts to
the Freestore Foodbank between
July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011.
Every effort was made to provide
the most accurate list possible. The
Freestore Foodbank apologizes for
any exclusions or misspellings.
Leon Lowenstein bids amongst competition
in the live auction.
Rey Maualuga with guest.
Chef Jean-Robert de Cavel serving Short Rib
What’s a party without Who-Dey?
Pommery Chantilly to Adam Jones and Rico Murray.
The Cincinnati Bengals Taste of the NFL, normally held on a hot summer
night in June, was rescheduled to the fall of 2011 after NFL labor negotiations
were finalized. Thanks to the good humor and flexibility of all involved, the
first ever “Fall Classic” event was put together in about five weeks. Spurred
on by the generosity of Riverpoint Capital Management and Miller-Coors
as well as the on-field success of our hometown team, this combination of the
city’s best restaurants, wondrous volunteers, and enthusiastic supporters proved
to be an entertaining introduction to a young and exciting team.
Featuring the city’s hottest restaurateurs: Daniel and Lana Wright of Senate
and Abigail Street, hosted by the dynamic defensive back Leon Hall and emceed
by the riotous Bob Herzog of Local 12, the ninth annual event dazzled veteran
and rookie attendees alike. From glow-sticks to raffle, from silent auction to live,
from players and coaches to Who-Dey and the Ben-gals, from martini bar to
Maker’s Mark bar from restaurant to restaurant to restaurant to restaurant—
a party with a purpose.
The success of the “Fall Classic” event as well as
the excitement surrounding the Cincinnati Bengals
team surely makes the upcoming 10th Annual
Cincinnati Bengals Taste of the NFL the
most hotly anticipated
ticket of the New Year.
Hope to see you
in June! n
Quarterback Andy Dalton autographs shirt for Abby Horwitz.
Taste of NFL “Fall Classic”!
So What’s in a Will Anyway?
By: David H. Lefton, Esq.
David H. Lefton is an attorney with Barron Peck
Bennie & Schlemmer. David serves as Co-Chair of
the Freestore Foodbank’s Planned Giving Advisory
Council Steering Committee. Since bequests are
the most frequent planned gift that the Freestore
Foodbank receives, we asked Dave to share some
basics about wills.
Clients often tell me how much they procrastinate
when it comes to doing their Will. There are many
reasons for it, but I often hear that many clients
don’t know what to expect. A look at the typical
clauses that appear in a Will can remove the mystery
and relieve any hesitation you may have about
having a will prepared.
First, despite what you may have heard, there is
no such thing as a “standard Will.” Drafting a Will
is quite personal to each individual. However, most
wills include these general features.
“One of the best family events in the city.” Those
were some of the informal remarks from the many guests
at the 2011 Clay Alliance Empty Bowls event in November,
benefitting the Freestore Foodbank’s Kids Cafe program. The event,
produced by some of our city’s finest artists to simulate a soup kitchen,
has settled gently in for its second year at the Verdin Bell Event Center.
Imagine three seatings of nearly 300 guests effortlessly winding their way through the
Bell Event Center in four hours. A skilled and deftly handled operation.
Artisan pottery in the historic church. A “seconds” table that looked like top of the
line craftsmanship to the untrained eye. A stunning silent auction worthy of Christie’s.
Music, art and cause intertwined. With every step taken through the event
something new to discover greeted guests. From pottery demonstrations to an
air filled with the styling’s and harmonies of local musicians.
FAMILY. A hands on children’s art pottery table where children were free to
create their own imaginative masterpiece, take their hand to a
potter’s wheel, paint their faces and roar with delight.
Over $25,000 raised for our Kids Cafe program.
We will add to the descriptions,
Declaration and Revocation Clauses
The declaration clause states that the document
is your Will and revokes any previous Wills to
ensure and confirm that this document expresses
your current wishes.
Family Information
One of the legal requirements to execute a Will is that
you know the objects of your bounty. This merely means
that you know and identify your immediate family.
Payment of Debts and Taxes
Your creditors, if any, have claims against your estate.
This clause provides instruction for payment of debts
and taxes so that your Executor can distribute your
remaining assets.
Specific Gifts
This is where you list specific tangible items you would
like to give to a designated person.
Residuary Gifts
Anything not specifically given to another person is
covered in this clause. Whatever is left in the hands of the
fiduciary after paying debts, taxes and specific bequests is
distributed to those persons identified as beneficiaries in
the residuary clause.
This provision is where you name the person who is
responsible for following the carrying out the instructions
in your Will.
Administrative Provisions
These clauses, usually in many subparts, explain in
detail what your executor can and cannot do with your
assets during administration of your estate. They cover
how the executor should invest assets, establish the
power to pay taxes and debts, and define what happens
if beneficiaries die simultaneously with you, among
other concerns.
Signatures, Witnesses and Self-Proving Affidavit
At the end of the Will, the person executing the
Will signs it in front of the required witnesses.
Not all the Wills are the same. If you have minor
children and need guardians or a trust for them, a
Will details your wishes. That, however, is the point:
a Will expresses what you want. There is nothing to fear
or procrastinate about. It is in your and your family’s best
interest to have a Will that is drafted carefully to meet
your individual objectives.
For more information, go to: http://www., click the Take Action tab
at the top and select Planned Giving. n
If I don’t do it,
who will?
My mom was always involved, whether it was with our
synagogue, the school or the community. For my mother
volunteering was as natural as breathing. If it needed to be
done and you were capable of doing it, you did it. When
I asked her why she always said yes when people asked for
help, she replied: “If I don’t do it, who will?”
That mantra came from my grandmother, my special
nanny. My mother’s father died when she was very young
so my grandmother didn’t have much money but she had
the willingness to help. And that willingness to help was
what gave my mother the commitment and the foundation
to instill that in her own family . . . her three daughters.
Sometimes the responsibility that comes with that
statement can be overwhelming. It would be easy to turn
the obligations of life over to that anonymous group we
all love to call “them”. Let them worry about the fundraiser
at the synagogue/church,
let them help people in
our community who
need our assistance, let
them serve on the parent
teacher association board
at the school.
If I don’t do it, who will?
is a wonderful way to start
thinking about giving and
getting involved. Giving
should be a journey, a way
of living. It shouldn’t be a
separate part of your life.
Life should be marked not
Kathy Greenberg,
by what we achieve for
Major and Planned Gifts Officer
ourselves but by what we
give to others. Turn your concern into action and your
sympathy into passion and start learning, connecting,
collaborating and engaging in the wonderful opportunities
that are in our community.
No matter how large or small a gift is, it has the
potential to change the life of another person... if a gift
is significant to you it will be significant to someone else.
The Freestore Foodbank would like to help transform your
acts of giving and generosity into opportunities to create
enduring impact. If you would like more information about
planned giving, contact Kathy Greenberg at 513-482-7544
or at [email protected]. Because if we
just wait for them to help, many wonderful things in our
community won’t ever get done. n