July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010


July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Can Drive
$11,061 and
9,234 lbs
of food
and its
donated 37,124
pounds of food
for the holiday
News and Information for Friends of the Freestore Foodbank
Holy Days
Food Drive
21,220 lbs
The Stories Behind the Holiday Numbers
Look for these events in 2011!
Pound for pound, we can fight hunger. Get involved –
on your own or with a team!
Now through May, take the pledge at www.pfpchallenge.com
MAY 14
MAY 30
Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger
Food Drive
Five Cincinnati
banks join forces
for a food and funds
drive to benefit the
Freestore Foodbank.
MARCH 12-18
Lose Weight.
Feed Your Community.
APRIL 11 - 29
2010 Holiday Events Benefitted the
Freestore Foodbank
Memorial Day May 30
Cincinnati Bengals
Taste of the NFL
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Each year when preparing for the
Freestore Foodbank’s Thanksgiving and
Christmas holiday food distributions,
staff tries to estimate the number of
boxes that will be needed and the
number of people who will be served.
This estimation determines how much
food we will set aside, how many turkeys
we will order, and how many volunteers
we will need during the six days of
‘Holiday Ops’.
In 2010, as in most years past,
the number of people coming to the
Freestore Foodbank for a holiday meal
increased. Though we had planned
for a slight increase, a surge of people
who came on the last day had staff and
volunteers scrambling to pack more
boxes so no one would go without.
Though much planning and
preparation goes into staging an event
that directly distributes 740,000 pounds
of food in six days, it is important to be
reminded of the real reason we do this:
the people who are served. Here are
three of those people.
Jackie works 10-hour days, 6 days a week. She has custody of eight great nieces
and nephews and needs a little extra help putting food on the
table to care for them. We met her on the second day of our
December Holiday Distribution.
“It’s a great help. It means a lot to me. It helps to stretch out the
rest of the food. The Freestore Foodbank means everything to me.
It’s part of my survival.“ - Jackie
Debra is on disability, and doesn’t have much income. She is currently caring
for her 10-year-old grandson. She came to our Customer Connection Center
in Over-the-Rhine on the second day of Thanksgiving Food
“If it wasn’t for coming down here, we wouldn’t have a
Thanksgiving. It’s wonderful to know that we can sit down together
as a family and eat, enjoy the day and the meaning of Thanksgiving,
and know that there are people out there to help us.” - Debra
Brian is disabled and is having a hard time keeping up with his rent and putting
food on the table. He’s one of the thousands who showed up for the first day of
Thanksgiving Food Distribution
“You can really rely on the generosity of people in Cincinnati
to give a little helping hand when you fall a little short. Everybody
needs help now and then. I think most people in this country are one
paycheck away, and I think if you can give, if there’s an opportunity,
you should take it.“ - Brian n
We provide food and services, create stability
and further self-reliance for people in crisis.
Board of Trustees
Message from the President
In 2010, the Freestore Foodbank saw an increased need for emergency food
assistance in the 20 counties we serve. Considering current poverty levels and
employment rates, this increased need for help comes as no surprise. Some counties
in Freestore Foodbank’s service area continue to experience unemployment rates
of 15 percent or more.
One impact of the recession has been an increase in the number of people
coming to seek help for the first time. And that is not just in downtown
Cincinnati. Suburban member agencies are also seeing more clients with no
previous connection to emergency food programs. The Tri-State area has the
ninth fastest-growing rate of suburban poverty in the nation—people who are
affected by the economic downturn, including those who, until recently, considered
themselves middle class. For the first time in their lives, a lot of these people have
not been able to provide for their families.
Despite glimmers of hope in the economy, most of the people we serve haven’t
seen much improvement. Many of those plagued by poverty and unemployment
aren’t going to be a part of the recovery yet, and will continue to need assistance
in significant numbers for months to come. While the economy starts to improve,
we can’t forget these people.
At the Freestore Foodbank, we are working hard to find new ways and better
ways to help those struggling to make ends meet. We are increasing the amount of
food we distribute, streamlining our processes, and adding more services to meet
the needs of our customers.
2011 marks the 40th anniversary of the Freestore Foodbank. Much has changed
since 1971 when Frank Gerson began rescuing usable items from the city dump
and delivering them to needy families. Though our methods have evolved, we
have sought to maintain the passion and resourcefulness of Frank and his group
of volunteers.
As we work to weather the challenges of the current recession, we are grateful
to the community that has supported us for 40 years. Look for opportunities
throughout the year to celebrate with us.
John J. Young
President and CEO
William Dankworth
Board Chair
The Kroger Co.
Kurt L. Reiber
Immediate Past Board Chair
Key Bank Real Estate Capital
Paula Neises
Vice Chair Development
Cassidy Turley
Allan Cook
Vice Chair Foodbank
The Kroger Co.
Larry Williams
Vice Chair, Customer Connections
Marsha Croxton
Board Treasurer
Martiné Dunn
Board Secretary
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Damon Allen
Federal Home Loan Bank
Jeanette Altenau
Local 12 WKRC-TV
J.R. Anderson
Jeffery R. Anderson Real Estate, Inc.
Cassandra Barham
Benefits Rights Advocacy Group
Rich Boehne
E.W. Scripps Company
Mike Collette
Healthy Advice Networks
Anne Lilly Cone
Consumer Strategy and Innovation Consultant
Geoff Covert
The Kroger Co.
Christopher W. Dolle, CLU
AXA Advisors
Robert S. Edwards
AXA Advisors
Elaine Fink
Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio, LLC
Steven Jemison
Retired, Procter & Gamble
Henry Karamanoukian
Procter & Gamble
Shelly Korengel
PNC Bank
Karen F. Maier
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Jeff Melucci
General Electric
David C. Olson
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Dan Pfau
Cincinnati Fan
Ramon Rodriguez
Fifth Third Bank
Richard Rosenthal
Uptown Arts
Marianne R. Rowe
Fundraising Consultant
Phil Schworer
Frost Brown Todd LLC
PG Sittenfeld
Community Learning Center Institute
Karen Stevens
The Kroger Co.
Warren F. Weber
PNC Bank
Linda M. Young
Welcome House of Northern Kentucky
Chef Pitts’ Recipe for Success Teaches Teamwork
When Jeff Pitts had no job and little to eat, Cincinnati
COOKS!, a job training program of the Freestore Foodbank,
was there to help him find a fresh start with a career as a
chef. Today Jeff is an instructor in a new program that gives
COOKS! graduates additional line cooking skills and highend cooking experience. Second Course is an advanced
training series for Cincinnati COOKS! students who are
experiencing barriers to employment. Chef Pitts helps these
students find hope by teaching them skills to build their
own lives.
“The first thing I try to do is motivate them,” says Chef
Pitts, who grew up on the streets of Over-the-Rhine. “I tell
them about myself. I’ve been there.” While there’s plenty
to learn about making stocks, roux and mirepoix, trussing,
slicing, and dicing, students say they especially appreciate
confidence they gain through the program. According to
Chef Pitts, “What you say to someone can build them up –
or set them back down where they were.”
“If you’re cutting your onion wrong, he’s going to tell you
and show you how to do it the right way, not because he wants
to tell you you’re doing
something wrong, but
because he wants you
to be able to work
efficiently,” says one
student. “(Chef Pitts)
sees things that I don’t
do. It’s not so much
what you do but the
movement that you
have,” he explains.
“It makes me feel
good about coming
here every day.”
Chef Pitts
takes a tough love
approach with his
students. “If they tell
us something they don’t
like to do, that’s where we
put them,” he says. “If they don’t
like each other, we make them work together.” It’s a risk
worth taking. Not only did three young women learn
to get along, they ended up winning all the classroom
competitions together.
“You’re a team for sure,” says one student. “You have
to work together when you have that many people involved because,
ultimately, we want to have great food when we’re done.” A handson experience such as cooking forces people with different skills,
tastes and attitudes to focus on nothing but the food. Along the
way, they learn to work as a team, a job-readiness must.
“If one of your colleagues can’t make it, drag ‘em. Don’t let them
quit,” says Chef Pitts. “Not one of us is better than all of us!” His
favorite part of the program is after it is over, when former students
come back with a job, and the hardest students from the streets come
back humble. “It’s been real great for me,” remarks Chef Pitts. “Like I
always say, I know what it’s like.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Our chief want in life is somebody
who shall make us do what we can.” For students in the Second Course
program, Chef Pitts is that somebody. n
Please call 513-482-7540 with any changes
or for additional copies of this issue.
Job skills
life skills
Customer Connection Center
Renovated to Better Serve Clients
After eighteen months of dust and
noise, renovations were completed in
September to the Freestore Foodbank’s
direct services division located on
Liberty Street in Overthe-Rhine. Thanks to
generous community
support for the
Hope Capital
our growing
number of
customers can
now be served
more efficiently
and with greater
dignity. To mark
these improvements,
the building’s name
was changed to the Customer
Connection Center.
The 100+ year old building saw
many internal upgrades, from a new
HVAC system to a new elevator
replacing a circa 1920’s freight
elevator. The loading dock was
moved from behind the building to
the front, for faster restocking of the
Food Room pantry. Social Services
intake staff were relocated next to the
Food Room, so customers no longer
have to go upstairs to be seen and
then downstairs to get food. These
changes have reduced wait
time for customers and
allow more people
to be served
per day while
existing staff
changes have
improved the
outlook and
of the Customer
Connection Center
staff. Bright colors, better
furniture and large windows
(now full of houseplants) have
proved popular. A state-of-the-art
conference room is being used for
staff training and customer classes
such as budgeting. Several smaller
meeting rooms are being used for
departmental meetings and new
customer programs such as tax
preparation assistance. n
Tribute to Former CEO
Feedback from customers has
been overwhelmingly positive:
“I love the changes
in the Food Room.
I think they’re great.
There’s a lot more
space. There are not
a lot of places you can
go to get help, so the
Food Room, to me, is
a really good thing right now. I’m out
of a job, and I have no money coming
in, so I can get food here. I love it, and
I love the changes.” -Tina
Fre e s t o re Fo o d ba n k
Margaret (left) and Becky (right)
Becky and Margaret are mother
and daughter. Margaret just left
her husband. She’s now living with
her mom and her three children.
Her mom says she’s not able to
work enough hours to care for her
daughter and grandchildren.
“This is our first time here in a long
time. The changes at the Customer
Connection Center are for the better.
It’s a lot brighter and quicker!”
-Becky and Margaret.
Friends and colleagues gathered on
December 9 to dedicate the Steve
Gibbs Welcome Center in the new
reception area of the Customer
Connection Center. Steve Gibbs
was the first Executive Director of
the Freestore Foodbank, serving
from 1975 to 2005. Shown here are
former board chairs who served with
Steve, along with current CEO John
Young. From left to right: Gibby
Carey, Mike Kremzar, John Young,
Peter Bloch, Bob Edwards,
Steve Gibbs and Tom Kahle. n
in Our Community is
Key Facts
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Freestore Foodbank
Foundation Board 2010
Message from the Board Chair
As I look back on the past year, which was my fourth and last year to serve as Board Chair, I feel
a mixture of humility and pride. I am humbled by the outpouring of generosity from the Greater
Cincinnati community and the resilience of the families who have faced some of the hardest times
in our history. Conversely, I am proud of the extraordinary accomplishments that occurred at the
Freestore Foodbank under “my watch.” There is no more heartwarming feeling than to serve on a
board comprised of devoted volunteers and to work among a staff of tireless individuals who have
chosen the career of helping others. These dedicated people make a vital difference in our community.
For the Freestore Foodbank, FY2010 was a year of improvements on all levels. Most notable is
the fact that we were able to keep pace with overwhelming need and, through a variety of efforts
to improve efficiency and effectiveness, we served a record number of people. I commend the
achievements of our partnering member agencies as they stepped up to the challenge of helping
many more families while their own resources remained quite limited. Many of these agencies took
advantage of the educational programs and leadership training being provided through the Mayerson
Capacity Development Center which is now in full operation. With the goal of improving our
internal management, we took advantage of an opportunity to train leadership staff in the principles
of lean management and continuous improvement through classes at the University of Kentucky
provided by Toyota.
Greatly impacting our ability to serve more people in need was the acquisition of more food and
product which enabled us to distribute 12.4 million pounds of food in FY2010 compared to 10 million
pounds in FY2009. The additional food along with gifts of trucks and food handling equipment from
generous donors allowed for expansion of both the Mobile Food Pantry program and the retail store
pickup program as part of the Rosenthal Fresh Foods Initiative. Greater efficiency in routing our
trucks is made possible by new UPS logistics software called Road Net.
In addition to improving the lives of many thousands of individuals throughout Greater
Cincinnati, we also have made improvements in working conditions for our staff and volunteers,
consequently raising their level of efficiency and effectiveness as well. Most visible among these
improvements is the new headquarters building on Central Parkway which houses our administrative
staff along with the expanded Cincinnati COOKS! program. Also now complete are renovations to
the Customer Connection Center on Liberty Street and the Mayerson Food Distribution Center in
Bond Hill, thanks to the success of the Renewing Hope Capital Campaign.
As I step down from the position of Board Chair, I am thrilled that Bill Dankworth will take
my place at the helm and I look forward to working with him as a member of the Board. Bill is an
exceptional leader who has served very well as Vice Chair of our Foodbank Domain. His 30-plus years
with The Kroger Co. give him great insight that has enabled the Freestore Foodbank to adopt some of
the “best practices” that have made Kroger the hallmark of the food industry.
I am grateful to John Young and his team of professionals who have made the past four years
so enjoyable and fulfilling. I also thank my wife, Karen; my kids, Kristofer, Kali and Kraig; and
my parents, Ken & Nita Reiber, for their constant love and support of my efforts on behalf of the
Freestore Foodbank and the communities we serve. Finally, thanks to all
of you, our faithful donors and friends who make it all possible.
Kurt L. Reiber
Board Chair
Bill Cloppert
David Olson
Vice President
Marianne Rowe
Philip Myers
Cove Heilbronner
Tom Kahle
Dave LeDonne
Gary Miller
Bill Robinson
John Ryan
Efficiency & Effectiveness
• 93.5% of all resources go to direct services.
• 5,655 volunteers contributed 46,475 hours.
• Network-wide, we fed about 4,800 people per week.
An equal opportunity employer.
Customer Connection Division
Freestore Foodbank
Board of Trustees 2010
Kurt L. Reiber
Board Chair
William Dankworth
Chair Elect
Paula Neises
Vice Chair Development
Damon Allen
Vice Chair Foodbank
Larry Williams
Vice Chair Client Services
Ramon Rodriquez
Board Treasurer
Anne Lilly Cone
Board Secretary
Jeanette Altenau
J.R. Anderson
Cassandra Barham
Rich Boehne
Mike Collette
Allan Cook
Geoff Covert
Marsha Croxton
Chris Dolle
Martiné Dunn
Robert S. Edwards
Elaine Fink
Steve Jemison
Henry Karamanoukian
Shelly Korengel
Karen Maier
Jeff Melucci
David Olson
Dan Pfau
Richard H. Rosenthal
Marianne R. Rowe
Phil Schworer
PG Sittenfeld
Karen Stevens
Warren F Weber
Linda M. Young
Financial Management
Housing Services
Adults and Children Clothed
Identification/Birth Certificates
Bus Tokens
Foodbank Division
The Foodbank receives food and products from 150 corporate donors and numerous community food drives. Food is
distributed through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, community centers, childcare/senior centers and residential
food assistance programs.
Total Pounds Distributed
Value of Food Distributed
Total Pounds Collected
Total Pounds Collected
Dan Pfau
Kurt Reiber
Richard Rosenthal
Larry Williams
John J. Young
2010 Advisory Board
Jeffrey R. Anderson
Richard Antoine
Gibson Carey
Tom Kahle
Total Pounds of Food
Total Persons Fed
Average Persons Fed/Week
Under $10,000
2010 Corwine
Foundation Board
Tom Powers, Chair
Paula Boggs
Marty Dunn
Bob Habel Gary Millard
Paula Neises 
The Customer Connection Division works to meet the needs of our community’s most
vulnerable citizens. These include the homeless, the umemployed, the working poor and families in crisis.
Those who seek assistance from the Customer Connection Center, located in downtown Cincinnati, come
from our entire region.
Cheryl H. Love.
William Mallory, Sr.
David Mann
Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III
Total Pounds Distributed
Total Persons Fed
Number of Sites
Total Number of Meals
Number of Partner Sites
Number of Food Packs Distributed
Cincinnati COOKS!
Number of Graduates
Job Placements
Number of Meals Prepared
Capacity-building workshops
for member agencies
Member Agencies July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Corwine Foundation, Inc.
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Corwine Foundation, Inc.
for the year ended June 30, 2010
Public Support:
Contributions and grants United Way/Community Chest
Government awards
Change in interest in foundation
and irrevocable trust
Total Public Support
Program service fees:
Government agencies Private organizations
FoodBank - member agencies
Client services - individuals
Cooks catering
Special events
Less: special events direct expenses
In-kind services:
Advertising services
Foodbank and Food Room donations - food product
Total Revenues
Total public support and revenues
Customer Connection Center
Distribution Center
Management and general
Total Expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
Public Support
$6,985,832 17.8%
In-kind Services
$28,508,753 72.6%
General Activities
$4,107,781 10.5%
June 30, 2010
Cash and cash equivalents
Restricted cash
Accounts receivable
Pledges receivable
Grants receivable
Prepaid expenses
Total current assets
Building and improvements
Furniture, fixtures and equipment
Construction in process
Less accumulated depreciation
Total property and equipment
Interest in FreestoreFoodbank Foundation
Beneficial interest in charitable trusts
Cash surrender value of life insurance policy
Other assets
Total other assets
$ 142,801
Current portion of long-term debt
Accounts payable
Amounts held for others
Accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Non-current portion of long-term debt
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Customer Connection Center
$3,122,647 8%
Distribution Center
$33,557,932 85.5%
$819,055 2.1%
Management &
General Activities
$1,762,160 4.5%
Adams Co Shelter for
Homeless, Inc
Community Care Center
Holy Trinity: Adams Co
Ministerial Assoc
Interfaith House
Peebles Community Food Pantry
West Union Church
of the Nazarene
Winchester Baptist Church
Winchester Church of Christ
Hope Ministries of Northern KY
Vineyard Christian Church
Brooksville Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
Adams & Brown Counties
Head Start
Brown Co Senior Nutrition Center
Hamersville Pentecostal
Food Pantry
Helping Hands In
Christian Service
Hope Emergency Program
Mt. Orab UMC
Westfork Baptist Outreach Pantry
Campbell Lodge Boy’s Home
CI:Newport Independent Schools
First Assembly of God
Holly Hill Children’s Services
Holy Family Home
Inter Church Organization
Main St CARE Ministry, Inc
Mentor Baptist Church
MorningStar Christian Life Center
New Hope United
Methodist Church
Northern KY CAC Head Start
Plum Creek Christian Center
Shoulder to Shoulder Inc:
St Bernard Parish
St Mary’s Assumption SVDP
St. Paul’s Pantry
Transitions, Inc
York Street Outreach
Blanchester Community
Food Pantry
Clinton County CA Food Pantry
Clinton County Homeless Shelter
Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
Living Waters Worship Center
New Vienna UMC
Running For Jesus with
Helping Hands
Wilmington Church of God
CCCSI: Saul’s Homeless Shelter
Child Focus Inc.
Cincinnati Teen Challenge
Clermont Adult Residential
Home: Hengsen
Clermont Adult Residential
Homes: Quehl
Felicty Community Mission
First Baptist Church
Goshen United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity SVDP
New Richmond Village
Food Pantry
Newtonsville Church
of the Nazarene
Salvation Army
St Andrew SVDP
St Bernadette SVDP
St Elizabeth Seton SVDP
St. Veronica’s SVDP Food Pantry
Williamsburg Church
of the Nazarene
Williamsburg Emergency Mission
Heart House
SE IN Economic
Opportunities Corp
Community United
Methodist Church
North Dearborn Pantry
Youth Encouragement
Services, Inc
Have a Heart Pantry
Helping Hands Grant County
Vineyard Church in Grant County
2nd Community Baptist Church
7 Hills Neighborhood Houses
Adventist Outreach
AGAPE: Having the Courage
to Change
Alpha II Housing Alternatives
American Red Cross
Anderson Ferry Church of Christ
Assistance League of
Greater Cincinnati
Bazel Refuge Supportive
Living Inc
Bell Home for Sightless
Bethal Baptist Church
Bethany House Services, Inc.
Bethesda House
Bethleham Baptist Church:
Love Star Comm
Boys & Girls Club
Boys Hope/Girls Hope
of Greater Cinti
Caring Hearts Adult Day Care
CCAT: Center for Chemical
Addicts Trmt
Center for Respite Care
Centerpoint Health
Centerpoint Health: Day Program
Central Clinic: KC/
Ethel Taylor Academy
Central Parkway Ministries
Christ Church Cathedral:
5000 Club
Christ Community In College Hill
Church of Our Savior
Churches Active in Northside
Cincinnati COOKS!
Cincinnati Islamic Center
Cincinnati Restoration Church
Cincinnati Union Bethel:
Off The Streets
Civic Garden Center
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
CPS Families Forward:
Reading Road
Crayons to Computers
Creek Road Baptist: Pantry
Crossroads Center
Daystar Worship Center
Delhi Christian Church
Drop Inn Center
Eden Chapel Helping Hands
Emanuel Community Center
Every Child Succeeds
FACE: For Aids
Children Everywhere
Fairmount Day Care Center
Faith Food Pantry
Family Services: ECPE
Family Services: Friends
of the Children
First Lutheran Church
First Step Home
Forest Park Health Center:
Kemper HTS
Freestore Foodbank Food Room
Fresh Start Ministries
GLAD House, Inc
Graceworks Enhanced Living:
Ohio House
Gray Road Church of Christ
Greater Cinti Behavioral Health:
Greater New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church
Healthy Moms and Babes
HIM: Collaborative
Treatment Facility
Holistic, Inc.
Holy Family SVDP
Ikron Corporation
Imani Family Center
Immanuel UCC: South Fairmont
Inner City Youth Opportunities
Inter Parish Ministry
Jewish Family Service
Justice Watch
Kelly Youth Services
LIFE Food Pantry
Lighthouse Youth Services
Lincoln Hts Healthcare
Connection, Inc
Literacy Center, West
Little Flower SVDP
Little Sisters of the
Poor Nursing Home
Lower Price Hill
Community School
Madisonville Day Care Center
Madisonville Education &
Assistance Ctr
Manna Outreach, Inc Pantry
Mary Magdalen House
McMicken Dental Center
Mercy Franciscan at St John
Mercy Neighborhood:
HOME Program
Morning Star Baptist Church
Mt Airy UMC
Mt Healthy Family Practice
Mt Hope Baptist Church
Mt. Healthy Alliance, Inc.
My Brother’s Keeper
Nast Trinity UMC
New Jerusalem: Hancock House
New Life Temple Sharing & Caring
North Fairmount
Community Center
Northside Community School
Norwood Service League:
Food Closet
Oakley Community Food Pantry
Open Door Ministries
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread: Kids Cafe’
Our Lady of the Woods, Inc
Outreach Wellness Center
Over-the-Rhine Soup Kitchen
Parkside Christian Church
Peaslee Neighborhood Center
Pregnancy Center East, Inc.
Prince of Peace Catholic School
Reach N Teach
Renewed Hope Outreach
Rescue Community Center
Resident Home Corporation
Ronald McDonald
House Charities
Roselawn Food Pantry
Santa Maria Community Services
SEM Food Pantry
Society of St Vincent De Paul
SON Ministries
SOS Community Outreach
St. Agnes: SVDP
St. Aloysius
St. Andrew’s Episcopal
Church Pantry
St. Boniface School
St. Boniface SVDP
St. Francis DeSales School
St. Francis Seraph School
St. Francis Soup Kitchen
St. Francis/St. Joseph House
St. George Interfaith Food Pantry
St. Joseph School
St. Leo Church Pantry
St. Mark Pantry
St. Michael and All Angels
St. Paul UCC
St. Vivian SVDP
St. William SVDP
STAY: Services to Area Youth
Su Casa
Summit Behavioral Healthcare
Sunrise Lifeskills Center
Talbert House
TAPP House
Tender Mercies
The Caring Place
The Children’s Home
The Healing Center
The Lord’s Pantry
The Women’s Connection, Inc
Tri-County Soul Ministries
Troy Residential Home
UAC: Urban Appalachian Council
Union Baptist Food and
Clothing Ministry
Urban League:
South Avondale Kids Cafe
Valley Interfaith
Visions Community Services
Volunteers of America:
Pogue Rehab
Walnut Hills Food Pantry/
Soup Kitchen
Washington UCC
Wesley Ed. Center
Children & Families
West College Hill
Neighborhood Services
West End Emergency Center
Westside Baptist Church
Winton Place Youth Center
Wynn Child Development Center
York Street United
Methodist Church
Youth, Inc.
Zion Baptist Church
Zion United Church of Christ
Carmel Church of God
Greenfield Area Christian Center
Highland County
Community Action
Highland County
Homeless Shelter
Hillsboro First UMC
Samaritan Outreach Services
Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health
Action Ministries
Be Concerned, Inc.
Brighton Center:
Homeward Bound
Children’s Home of Northern KY
CI: Cathedral Child
Development Center
Diocesan Catholic
Children’s Home
Diocese of Covington/Schools
Faith Christian Center
Garrard Street Church of Christ
Harvest Ministries
Immanuel UCC:Bromley
Madonna Manor, Inc
North Star SDA
Northern Kentucky Baptist Church
Our Saviour Church
Pike Street Clinic
Sisters of Notre Dame
South Side Baptist Church
St Augustine School
The Advance Network Inc
The Holy Family School
The Point
True Holiness Convenant
of Peace NKY
Welcome House of Northern KY
Women’s Crisis Center: Covington
Calvary Baptist Church
Women’s Crisis Center: Mason
Christian Outreach Center
Butler United Methodist Church
NKCAC: Pendleton Pantry
Southside Church of Christ
Bridgehaven Homeless Shelter
Counseling Center
Pike County Community
Action Food Pantry
Pike County Outreach Council
Community of Christ
God’s Pantry
Mc Dermott Freewill
Baptist Church
Mt Zion Apostolic Church Pantry
Neighbor To Neighbor Ministries
Oper Safety Net Sci Co
Homeless Shelter
Pleasant Green Open Arms
Food Pantry
Quercus Grove United
Methodist Church
Scioto Residential Services
Shawnee Mental Health
Center, Inc
St Mary’s Food Pantry
St Monica Church SVDP
The Potter’s House
Wheelersburg UMC
Donations of Food and Product July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
4th & Plum Lofts
A&P Technology
AAA Alllied Group
AEP Ohio-Seaman Service Center
Air National Guard
Airport Fast Park
American Modern Insurance Group
Ameriprise Financials Corporate
Anderson Hills United Methodist
Antonelli College
Atlantic International
Aunt Millies Bakeries
Avon Products Inc
Bar’s Foods
Beckfield College
Beit Chaverim
Bengals NFL
Berlitz Languages, Inc
Besse Medical
Best Express Foods
Bethesda North Hospital
Big Lots
B’nai Tzedek
Bonnie K.White & Associates
Bottom Line Systems, Inc
Brand Image
Bridge Worldwide
Brighton Mills
Buckeye Distributing
Campbell Soup Company
Caruso, Inc.
Cassidy Turley
Castellini Produce
Check ‘n Go
Cherri Suttman
The Christ Hospital
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Cincinnati Cooks
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Thermal Spray
Cincy Chic
Cisco Systems, Inc
City Barbeque
Clarion Corporation of America
Coca-Cola Company
Coffee Break Services
Comair, Inc.
Concordia Humana Corporation
Connections Christian Church
Consolidated Health Services
Construction Process Solutions, Ltd.
Crosset Co., Inc.
CSR Academy
CTI Clinical Trial and Consulting
D&H Farms
Dale and Thomas Popcorn
The David Joseph Co.
Delta Air Lines
Dinsmore & Shohl
Directions Research
Dole Fresh Vegetables
Domino’s Pizza
Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs, Inc
Duke Realty
Edy’s & Thorton’s
Empire Foods
Enquirer Media
Ernst & Young
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc
Everdry Waterproofing
Evergreen Retirement
Executive Jet Management
Farmland Foods
Fed X Freight
Feds Feed Families
Fidelity Investments
Fifth Third Bank
FirstGroup America
Fischer Homes
Formica Corporation
Franklin Savings
Fresh Market
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Fusion Alliance
Garnish Catering
GE Aviation
General Electric
General Mills Inc.
Gentile Brothers
The Gillette Company
Givaudan Flavors Corp
Glazer’s of Ohio
Go Bananas
Gold Star Chili
Good Source
Gorman Heritage Farm
Greater Cincinnati Federal
Executive Board
Green Acres
Green Bean Delivery Co.
Grippo Foods Inc.
Gross Farms / Red Sun Farm
Group Health Associates
Haire Bohmer Wealth Management
Group, llc
The Hartz Mountain Corporation
The Heater Meals Company
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza
Hilton Netherland
HNTB Corporation
Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek
Orthodox Church
Honeybaked Ham Co.
Housing and Urban Development
Huff Realty
Identity Hair Salon
IGA Amelia
Internal Revenue Service
International Paper
J.M. Smucker Company
The Jewish Hospital
Joe Lasita & Sons
John Morrell & Company
Johnson & Johnson
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas
Karen Trumbo
KDM P.O.P. Solutions Group
Kellogg Company
Kendle International, Inc
Klostermans Bakery
Kraft Foods Inc
Kroger Co.
Lerner, Sampson & Rothfuss
Lifetime Financial Growth Company
Lincoln Financial Advisors
Lyons Magnus
Market Recovery
The Mayerson Company
McKnight Property Management
Mead Johnson
Meyer Dairy
Midland Company, Inc.
Millennium Hotel Cincinnati
Monk’s Kitchen
National Association of Letter Carriers
National Government Services, Inc
Neace Lukens
Nestle USA, Inc.
Nextage Achieve Realty
The Nielsen Company
Nielsen Logistics
NKU Dining Services
Odyssey logistics
Ohio Department of Education
Packaging Unlimited
Panegyri Festival
ParMed Pharmaceuticals
Peet’s Coffee
Peppridge Farms
Pepsi-Cola North America
Peter Cremer North America
Phillips Edison & Company
Pierre Foods
Pilgrims Pride
Pinecone Research
Plante & Moran
Plum Street Temple
PPG Industries
Pri Pak, Inc.
Procter & Gamble
Provident Travel
Queensgate Foodservice
Ralcorp Holdings Inc
Red Gold
Reinhart Foodservice
ResCare Ohio
Restaurant Depot
Rockdale Academy
Rockdale Temple
Sallfeld Paper Co
Sallie Mae
Sam’s Club
Sara Lee/ Hilshire Farm & Kahn’s
Seek Research
Seven Hills School
Shared Harvest Foodbank
Sherwood Distribution
Snyders of Hanover
Social Security Administration
Sonya Saskin & Associates
Sookhoo Seafood
St Elizabeth Hospital
St. Bernard Soap Company
St. Vincent DePaul
Starbucks Coffee
Stegner Food Products Co.
Sun Chemical Corporation
Sunny Delight
Superior Auto Group
Sur La Table
Sysco Food Service
Taylor Warehouse
The Standard
The Studio for Dance
Our Donors July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 Thomas and Thomas Attorneys
at Law, LLC
Thomas More College
Thrivent Financial
Total Quality Logistics
Toyota Motor Engineering &
Manufacturing North America, Inc
TP Mechanical Contractors
Trader Joe’s
Tradewinds Beverage Co
Trauth Dairy
Tri State Orthopaedics
Tri-State Juice Co
Tropicana North America
Tryed Stone New Beginning Church
Tyson Foods
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Foodservice Inc
UHR Rents
UMR Training
United Dairy Farmers
University of Cincinnati Health
US Bank
US Department of Justice
VA Medical Center
Victory Lady Fitness
Victory Wholesale
Vista Grand Ranch
Vitasoy USA
Volunteers for Veggies
Western & Southern Financial Group
Western & Southern Life
White Castle Distribution
White Castle System, Inc.
Whole Foods
Wise Center
Wolf Group
Wornick Company
Worthmore Food Products Co.
Xavier University
YMCA of Greater Cincinnati
Volunteers July 1, 2009- June 30, 2010
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Boy Scout Troop #243
Bridge Worldwide
Butler University Alumni Assoc.
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter Day SaintsCIMx Software
Cincinnati Arts Association
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Cincinnati Community Friends
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Clark Montessori School
College of Mt. St. Joseph
Del Monte Foods
Delta Phi Lambda Sorority
Diana Campbell & Friends
Duke Energy
dunnhumby USA
Ernst & Young
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc
Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Bank Securities
Accounting Team
Fifth Third Processing Solutions
Friendship United Methodist
Church Youth Group
FSFB Young Professional Board
GE Aviation, Supply Chain
Planner, Airfoils
General Electric
General Mills
Grant Thornton LLP
Heritage Presbyterian Church
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity,
University of Cincinnati
James Freson & Friends
Jerry Habig & Friends
Jesuit Spiritual Center
Joan Sigmund & Friends
Kenyon College Alumni
Key Bank
Knights of Columbus
Kraft Foods
Kroger Co.
Kroger Law Department
Merrill Lynch
Messer Construction
Miami University
Mike Albert’s Leasing
Milford High School
Modern Day Knights
New Covenant Fellowship
Newport Catholic School
Northern Kentucky University
Northwest Key Club
P&G (Baby Care)
P&G (Beauty & Grooming)
P&G (Beckett Ridge,
Package Development)
P&G (Legal Division)
P&G (US Banking)
PNC Bank
River City Correctional
SC Johnson
St. Margaret Knights of Columbus
St. Xavier High School
The Counseling Source
The Gathering
Tim Helmick & Friends
Turpin High School
UC Clermont
University of Cincinnati
University of Wisconsin Riverfalls
US Bank
Vineyard Community SOS
Youth Group
Western-Southern Life
Whole Foods
Willing Workers Federated Club
Wise Temple
Wyoming City Schools
Xavier University
Young Neighbors in Action
Youth Build
Fannie Achoe
Geoff Amann
Ron Auer
Chase Bailey
Bob Becker
Michelle Bennett
Jessica Blocker
Judy Caldwell
Joan Callahan
Alexandra Cole
Linda Cole
Joe Coleman
Robert Crum
Jennifer Duncan
Danyelle Echoles
Melissa Fryz
Pirkko Gilkey
Rhiannon Goad
Patricia Golder
Muriel Gray
Bob Griffin
Jerry Griffin
Evan Hennessy
Charlene Jones
Joy Kraft
Randall Lindemann
Bothwell Lowry
Michelle Lydenburg
Special thanks to sponsors and supporters of the Rubber Duck Regatta which raised $560,000 in its fifteenth year.
Special thanks to the Cincinnati Bengals, restaurants, and all who participated in the eighth Taste of the NFL Celebrity
Dinner which raised $120,000 for the Freestore Foodbank.
We received bequests from the estates
of the following generous individuals in
Fiscal Year 2010. These gifts will help
the Freestore Foodbank Foundation fight
hunger for years and years to come.
Stella C. Chervenak
Charlotte E. Smith
Esther Wagner
Gifts of $300,000 Plus
The Kroger Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenthal
Gifts of $100,000 Plus
Jeffrey and Darlene Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boehne
Fidelity Foundation
Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile /
US Bancorp Foundation
John J. & Mary R. Schiff Foundation
Willoughby Charitable Remainder Trust
Gifts of $50,000 Plus
Anonymous Client Fund of The
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Crate & Barrel
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Crosset Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Macy’s Corporate Services Inc.
Macy’s Foundation
P&G Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Robert and Adele Schiff Family Foundation
Gifts of $25,000 Plus
American Electric Power
Mr. Richard L. Antoine and
Ms. Dorothy O’Brien
Panera Bread
Cargill Incorporated
Clay Alliance
Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc.
Farmer Family Foundation
GE Foundation
Impact 100
LaRosa’s, Inc.
Mars Foods US
Rosemary Nairne Fund,
a Testamentary Trust
Namaste Foundation
PNC Bank
Quentin and Jeanne Nesbitt Charitable
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Procter & Gamble
Skyline Chili, Inc.
Strauss & Troy
Mr. and Mrs. M. Randall Thaman
Gifts of $15,000 Plus
The following groups and individuals contributed many hours of volunteer service to the Freestore Foodbank during FY2010.
Anonymous (2)
Barilla America, Inc.
Robert Rogan Burchenal Foundation
Cotswold Foundation
Dr. Pepper Snapple
Mr. Gerald J. Ficks Jr.
Grantmakers Managers Advisors
Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
Mr. John Isidor and Ms. Sandra Kaltman
Kemba Credit Union
Frank J. & Jacqueline D. Kloenne Fdn
H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther Foundation
Oliver Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pfau
Post Foods, LLC
Quaker Foods
RiverPoint Capital Management
Sara Lee Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stein
Ms. Paula M. Steiner
United Ways of the Greater New York
Tri-State Area
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Brandy Mallory
Detricch Malone
Cynthia McFerran
Polly Miceli
Ivana Misic
Jill Mueller
Kirby Niemeyer
Ian O’Neil
Edward Prophett
Brooke Rockwern
Nancy Schwind
Roger Schwind
Tim Shafer
Elise Shelton
Brian Smith
Zella Solomon
Cornelius Spikes
Carmen Summers
Jessica Svet
Lavona Taylor
Sophia Thompkins
Caleena Turner
William Turner
Susie Washington
Desiree Wright
Jessica Wright
Gifts of $10,000 Plus
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
E.M. Anderson Foundation
William P. Anderson Foundation
Edward C. and Robert C. Bott Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Cincinnati Bengals, Inc.
Gifts received since July 1, 2010 will be included in the 2011 Annual Report.
Cincinnati International Wine Festival
Group, LP
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Cryder
DLM Foods
Fifth Third Bank
Food Lion Community Affairs
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Give With Liberty, Employee Donations
Hazel Grimm Charitable Trust
Ms. Mary Maureen Heekin
Ms. Alison Goss Herschede
Andrew Jergens Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
S.C. Johnson & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lambrinides
Louis and Melba Schott Foundation
Mayberry Foundation
MCF Advisors, LLC
Meshewa Farm Foundation
Mr. David R. Meyer
Morgan Stanley via Feeding America
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Neidermeyer
J. Robert Orton, Jr.
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Ms. Marilyn Z. Ott
Pepper Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Jay D. Raymond and Beulah W.
Raymond Endowment Fund
Ms. Louella Shaw
Estate of Charlotte E. Smith
Snickers via Feeding America
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Standley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Sullivan
Glen Wright Donor Advised Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Gifts of $5,000 Plus
Anonymous (4)
Mr. John Abraham
American Scaffolding, Inc.
Apartment Association Outreach
Beam Global Spirits and Wines, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Bohmer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Campbell
Alan and Elizabeth Chambers Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Chemed Corporation
Estate of Stella C. Chervenak
Cincinnati Bell, Inc.
Cincinnati Friends of Charity, Inc.
Coca Cola Enterprises
Cold Jet
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Collette
Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Combs
Mr. and Mrs. William Dankworth
Ms. Amy Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Dolle
Dunnhumby USA
Mr. Gary M. Foster
Frank Productions, Inc.
William A. Friedlander Fund #2 of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Hayfields Foundation
Healthy Advice Networks
Heinz North America
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holliday
Dr. Robert T. Howe
Steven A. Hunter Hope Fund
Jaguar Land Rover Cincinnati
Joiner Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Keating, Muething & Klekamp
Key Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Knochenmuss
Ms. Linda E. Lauch
Leyman Foundation
Linnemann Family Foundation
LKC Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. McGavran
Midland Company Foundation
Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church
Pampered Chef
Hyman & Bessie Passman Family
Charitable Foundations, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl P. Ronn
Ryan Partnership Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schiff, Jr.
Mr. William Patton Schott
Charles E. and Mary Elizabeth Scripps Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sedler
Sharonville United Methodist Church
W. Jim Silver Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Sisters Of Charity
Ms. Elizabeth Curtis Sittenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Smith
Sodexo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. St. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Stein
TechSoup Global
Unseen Guest Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
US Bank
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Verschoor
W. W. Grainger, Inc.
Western-Southern Financial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. White
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Williams
Wohlgemuth/Herschede Foundation
Young Family Foundation
Gifts of $2,500 Plus
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Alternate Solutions
Helen T. Andrews Foundation
Mr. Frank Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrews
Julie R. Baker and Matthew E. Feldman
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Berghoff
Bioworks, Inc.
Mr. Gregoire R. Blackmore
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bloom
Mr. Jim Boehm
Mrs. Peggy Bohlin
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Briggs, Jr.
Burgess & Niple
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burleigh
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Busam
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Byerly, Jr.
Campbell’s Sales Company
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Carter
Champion Window & Enclosure Co
Christ Church Cathedral
Church At Pleasant Hills
Cincinnati Interagency FCU (& US
EPA and NIOSH Communities)
Mr. William J. Cloppert
Mrs. Diana L. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Comte
Mr. Geoff Covert
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Crouch
Ms. Nanette Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Crowe, Jr.
Mr. Robert Culin
Darmanin/Dickerson Family Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Duke Energy Center
Dye Family Charitable Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Ann Early
Mr. John W. Eckert
James E. Evans Foundation
George Fabe Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Faber
Feeding America
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Finke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisk
Mr. William Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. French
General Mills
Get Me Registered.Com Inc.
Gilman Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Lawrence A. Glassmann Foundation,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Global Impact
Great American Insurance
Dr. and Mrs. David Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hildbold
Mr. Eben Hobbins
Harvey C. Hubbell Trust
Mr. Forrest W. Huff
Hunger Related Events Taste of NFL
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Hutton
IBM Employee Services Center
Johann Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Raymond C. & Anna Johnson
Foundation, Inc.
Johnson Trust Company
Junior Woman’s Club of Wyoming Fdn
Tom and TJ Keen
Ms. Arleene Keller
Kokosing Construction Company, Inc.
Leser Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Peter F. and Mary W. Levin Philanthropic
Fund at InterAct for Change
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lewis
Love Family Foundation
Marketing Research Services, Inc.
McCarthy Family Foundation
Meijer, Inc.
Mike Albert Leasing
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moccia
Mr. Todd Moore
Mr. Frederic D. Mosher
MS&L - New York
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Neyer
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pease
Peterloon Foundation
PFI, Inc.
Mr. John O. Priest and Ms. Lynne A. Boles
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Przywara
Mr. Paul Reynolds
Ms. Carol H. Rice
Mr. Thomas Edwin Roberts
Mr. James Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Rohn
Dorothy G. & Joseph A. Roth Donor
Advised Fund held by the Catholic Fdn
Jack and Moe Rouse Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Sargento Foods Inc.
Mr. Robert Sauerland and
Ms. Loretta Helfrich
Saxon Financial Consulting, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schiff, Jr.
Mr. Mike Schlotman
Marge & Charles J. Schott Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Sheffer
Smale Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Sole
Sysco Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tippett
Toyota Motor Engineering &
Manufacturing of North America
TRUIST, Altruism connected
US Bancorp Foundation
Miller-Valentine Walsh Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Weber
Ms. Carolyn Y. Wiedamann
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Wilkins
Woodforest Charitable Foundation
Zaring Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Zorio
Gifts of $1,000 Plus
Anonymous (6)
Advanced Sports Marketing
Mrs. Suzanne R. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Albin
Alexander & Associates Co.
All Occasions Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Almaguer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Almquist
Mr. Sherman J. Alter and
Dr. Kathleen A. Alter
Ms. Silvia N. Altman
American Mortgage Service Co.
Mr. Mark M. Andreae
Ms. Barbara R. Apking
Ms. Uma V. Ashar
Mrs. Robert J. Ayer
Mr. George Bagel
Alyce and Bud Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William Bajorek
Baker Concrete Construction
Mr. Timothy Balm
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Bernard Barbash Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Barnes
Barrett & Weber
Bassett Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
BBC Capital Markets Corporation
Sandra and Jerry Bedacht Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. D. Woodrow Benson
Mr. Richard L. Bere
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Berenfield
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Berghausen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Berte
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bierer
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee Bills
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bish
Bishop Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Blue Ash Protective Association, Inc.
Mr. Joel Bokelman
Ms. Martha P. Bolognini
Dr. Janet A. Borcherding
Ms. Nancy R. Bowers
Mr. Ron Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bressler
Ms. Jill Brewer
Robert E. Brezinski Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Bridges
Mr. Walter Brueggemann
Mr. Michael L. Bruner
Stella M. Buerger Charitable Trust
Michael E. and Carolyn R. Burns
Charitable Fund
Ms. Angie Butta
C L H Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Calder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caney
Carpetland, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Castellini
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Chadwell
Mr. and Mrs. Hurley B. Chancey
Chemed Foundation
Mr. Stanley M. Chesley
Frances & Steve Cheyne
Christ Church Glendale
Ms. Ashley Christopher
Church of the Redeemer
Cincinnati Hotel Association
Cincy Customs Street Machines
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. A. Burton Closson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cody
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coffaro
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cohen
Coldwell Banker West Shell Foundation
Comair, Inc.
Dr. Pearl J. Compaan
Anne L. and Philip K. Cone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Coombe
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cooper
Albert B. Cord Charitable Foundation
Ms. Melanie S. Corwin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin
Ms. Catherine Coxhead
Mr. Fred Craig
Peter Cremer North America, LP
Marsha and Kenneth Croxton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Culnan
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Cunningham
Mr. Douglass L. Custis
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dammarell
John and Shirley Davies Foundation
James C. and Gayle F. Davis Family Fdn
Ms. Mary G. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Davis
Dayton Daily News
Mr. Michael L. Dennemann
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dettmer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeWitt
David and Dee Dillon Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Directions Research, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dobranski
Ms. Anne Dollins
Dorning Supply Company
Mr. Michael Downine
Duke Energy Corporation
Duke Energy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Martine Dunn
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Dunsker
E.B. Miller Contracting, Inc.
Eberly McMahon LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Ebner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Edwards
Mr. Jimmy C. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. G. Norman Egner
Mr. Donald Eichenseer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Elder
Ms. Christine L. Elfers
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Elfers, Jr.
Enterprise Fleet Management
FDS Bank
Fencle Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Ferguson
Ms. Holly A. Ferguson
Mrs. Irma B. Ferguson
Ms. Peggy L. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Finn
First Baptist Church of Oakley
Mr. Lee W. Fiser, Jr.
Richard L. and Freda K. Flerlage
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Robert P. Flick
Forest Hills Local Schools
Mr. Jeffrey Forney
David A. and Maryanne F. Foster
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Foster
Dr. and Mrs. Peter T. Frame
Mr. Jon France
Ms. Margaret L. Frede
Mr. Bruce Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friedrich
Ms. Carol S. Friel
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gerwin
Mr. and Mrs. Berry Gibbons
Mr. Bob Gibson
Ms. Jean Gibson
Sharon and Robert Gill Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gockerman
Richard Goettle, Inc.
Ms. Jacqueline Golay
Mrs. Nancy Goldstein-Levine
Clifford J. Goosmann/Andrea M. Wilson
Fund, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Keith Gossage
Ms. Gayle Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Griffin
Ms. Ann Grimm
Mr. William F. Groneman and
Ms. Maureen Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Grout
Mr. and Mrs. Cary D. Gutbezahl
Jack Guttman, Inc.
Haaff Gift Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Haines
Ms. Jessica Hall and Mr. Leon Hall
Ms. Sonya Hall
Mr. Mike Hammond
Mr. Richard H. Haneberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hanrahan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hardy
Ms. Alberta Harker
Harmann Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hater
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hatfield
Mrs. R. M. Haussermann
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Haussler
Douglas and Linda Hawley Family
Donor Advised Fund,
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Craig A. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hayden III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Head, III
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Heath
Stan and Sharon Heck
Mr. Tom Heim
Warren and Bernice Hensel Foundation
Mary Jane Herzog Charitable Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Grant V. Hesser
Heuer Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Higgins
Ms. Susan Hines
Mr. Frederick W. Hinkle
Mr. Hugh H. Hoffman
Ms. Jorie Hofmann
Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church
Ms. Debra S. Horn
Our Donors July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 Ms. Janet Houston
Mr. Dale A. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Hube
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Huesing
Ms. Catherine Hamilton and
Dr. James M. Huey
Human Nature
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Ipach
Mr. Doug Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jacobs
Ms. Marianne F. James
Rev. Susan L. Jelinek
Mr. Steven Jemison
Mr. Raymond Lee Johnson
Hon. and Mrs. Nathaniel R. Jones
Steven and Carolyn Jones Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Dave and Kathy Kammerer Family
Charitable Fund
Ms. Julia Hawgood and Mr. Harry Kangis
Dr. Daniel S. Kanter and Dr. Mary E. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kanter
Dr. Stanley M. Kaplan
Mr. John S. Karabaic and
Ms. Cheryl E. Crowe
Catherine and Reuven Katz Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Keenan
Kelley Financial Group, Inc.
Ms. Ellen A. Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Kelsen
Dr. Richard F. Kempczinski
Dr. Susan Kemper
Mr. Prem K. Khosla and
Dr. Nandini N. Khosla
Ms. Marilyn G. Kinne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kirkpatrick
Mr. Barry Kirschner
Mr. and Mrs. David Kitchings
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Klosterman
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knochel
Ms. Lori Koehne
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Kopke
Mr. Douglas B. Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Korn
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kretschmer, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Krolage
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Krone
Mr. Michael Kuechenmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kunkel
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. George Kurz
Mr. Patrick Lafley
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lammert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Larson
J. Timothy and Mary D. Leonard Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. Matthew Leonard
Lerner Sampson & Rothfus
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.
Mr. Barry D. Levy
Libby Perszyk Kathman, Inc.
Dr. Douglas H. Linz and
Dr. Deborah A. Middaugh
Ms. Dorothy Lockspeiser
Mr. Leon Loewenstine
Dr. Jennifer Loggie
Ms. and Mrs. Dennis Loje
Lubrizol Foundation
Ms. Madeleine W. Ludlow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ludy
Dr. Max L. and Miriam R. Lurie
Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Lindsey W. Lyon
Betsy and Brian MacConnell Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. Joseph P. Magdich
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Magenheim
Ms. Karen F. Maier
Mr. John Majoras
Mangat-Kuy Plastic Surgery Center
Dr. and Mrs. Umesh Marathe
Mrs. Morita Marmo
Mr. Gregory Marshall
Mr. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Mastman
Mr. James S. Mathis, Jr.
Matta Foundation
Ms. Eula B. Mattheis
Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews
Ms. Mary-Morse Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Matthews
Mattick School Inc.
Ms. Terri Mauntel
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Mayer
Mr. Michael G. McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McCaffrey
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy McCarren
Ms. Holly McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McClintock
McCool Plaster & Drywall
Ms. Mary Sue McDuffie
Mr. David M. McGaughey
Ms. Kaycee McGinley
Mr. Powell McHenry
Ms. Edith McKee
Mr. Robert McMahon
Ms. Patricia A. McMullin
Mead Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Hayden E. Meeker, III
Web and Rose Meier Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Mellott, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Mench
Jamie Mendelsohn
Mercy Health Partners
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Frank Messer & Sons Construction Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Meyer
Milford Exempted Village School District
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Miller
Dr. Zevi Miller and Ms. Ruth Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Graham E. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Shekhar Mitra
Molina Healthcare, Inc.
Mr. Keith Molloy
Ms. Jan T. Montague
Mr. William Montague
Ms. Michelle Moore
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. David Morgan
Mr. Donald Robert Morris
Mr. Marvin Morris
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Ms. Mary Sue Morrow
Janice Coppage Mortenson Family
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Mary Lou Motl
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Munch
Myco International Inc.
Rev. Chris F. Neely
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Neffle
Ms. Paula Neises
New Horizons Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Newberne
Newport Television LLC
Newport/Cincinnati Area CROP
Church World Service
Al Neyer Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Louise Nippert
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Nitzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Nolan
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Northern Kentucky University
O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Brien
Ohio National Foundation
Olive Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olson
Ms. Kathy O’Malley
Ms. Erin Osben
Mr. James William Owens
Mr. Wayne J. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Paternoster
Patrick and Mary Ellen McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Patton
Mr. David Payton
Ms. Vickye Payton
John W. and Marianne Peck Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Anna Peko
Mr. Stephan Pelikan and Ms. Anita Buck
Ms. Molly E. Pelon
Mr. and Mrs. Scot D. Perlman
Mr. Stephen J. Peterson and
Mr. Christopher F. Bolling
Joseph A. & Susan E. Pichler Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Pike
Pleasant Run Church of Christ
PNC Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C Podore
George and Amy Polley Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Dr. Gerald T. Powers
Ms. Gail Prather and Mr. Gordon R. Denker
Price Y Cia Inc.
Private Health News
Progressive Casuality Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Willets Prosser, Jr.
Ms. S. Kay Puryear
Quality Towing & Equipment Moving
Ms. Martha H. Ragland
Sue and Jerry Ransohoff Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Beth A. Raul and Lisa L. Campbell
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Raupach
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ray
RCL Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Reiber
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Reigle
August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Reszutek
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Riggs
Mr. Amos Robinson
Mr. William T. Robinson III
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Rolf
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Roth
Marianne R. Rowe Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Royal Paper Stock Co., Inc.
Mr. James M. Rubenstein and
Ms. Bernadette L. Unger
Ms. Ann M. Ruchhoft
Ruiz Food Products, Inc.
Mr. James J. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Kazuya Sato
Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Sawtelle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Schlueter
Peter and Marina Schmid Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Michael and Judith Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schmitz
Mr. Thomas J. Schmitz
Ms. Berenice H. Schneider
Ms. Diane Schneiderman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schnurr
Ms. Karen Schottelkotte
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schulman
Mr. Andrew Schwarzer and Ms. Nancy Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford E. Scott
Mr. Randy Seeley
Mr. F. Peter Seidel
Seith Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Vishnoo W. Shahani
Sheakley Group Inc.
Yu-Hwa Sheng
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. J. Sinkula
Mr. Robert Siverd
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Slutz
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight T. Smith
Dr. Wiley R. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar S. Smyth
Ms. Melanie Spaedy
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stacey
Ms. Christine Stamler
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Standen
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Stegman
Miriam H. Stern Fund No. 1 of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Steves Family Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth Stoehr
Stonybrook Research Support
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Stradling, Jr.
Peter and Ginger Strange Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Gary and Nancy Strassel
Strategic Employee Benefit Services
of Cincinnati
Ms. Janet Street
Dr. Susan R. Strick
Mr. and Mrs. George G Strietmann
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sturdivant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Swartzel
Mr. Steve Sylvester
Ms. Kim Tanner
Ms. Gail J. Taylor
Technology Leadership Associates
Mr. and Mrs. William Tedrick, Jr.
Theatre Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Theiss, II
Ms. Jane Thompson
Timberhill Ltd. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tippmann
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Tobergte
Mr. Neil W. Tollas
Mr. Christopher J. Torbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tracy
Mr. Glenn Trefz
Mr. and Mrs. James Troutt
Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
Mr. E. W. Marshall Tucker
Turner Construction Co.
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Ms. Marathe Umesh
United Dairy Farmers
Ms. Leslie Vann
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Visconti
Ms. Sallie R. Wadsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wallace
Mr. George H. Warrington and
Ms. Drew Gores
Washington United Church of Christ
Wealth Dimensions Group
Ms. Susan K. Welch and Mr. Jeffrey Baum
Mr. Edward Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wendel
David F. and Sara K. Weston Fund
Mr. Franklin H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. White
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Williams
Ms. Joyce B. Williams
Mr. Edgar L. Willig
Mr. Edward J. Willig
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Wilz, Sr.
Winegardner & Hammons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Winters
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gary Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Witte
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wones
T.J. and Hilda Wood Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
WS Packaging Group
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Wurster
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yauss
Ms. Mary Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Young
Mr. Richard Zimmerman
Gifts of $500 Plus
Anonymous (4)
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Betsy Abell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Adams
Ms. Carol L. Adler
Adventure Boot Camp for Women
Ms. Betty Aerni
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Ahrenholz
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Alarie
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albers
Ms. Anitra Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alsobrook
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Altman
Mrs. Anne M. Alverson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ambach
American Association of
University Professors
American Equity Mortgage
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
American Federation of State County
American Legion Auxilary, Unit 203
Ameriprise Financial Employee
Giving Campaign
Ms. Harriet G. Anderson
Betty D. Anderson Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mrs. Martha Anhofer
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Mr. and Mrs. Les Appel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Arken
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Armitage
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Armsey
Arts’ Rental Equipment
Ms. Katherine Auger
Aveda Experience Center
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Bacevich
Baerlocher Production U.S.A., LLC
Ms. Jane B. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Baker
Bank of America
Mr. Randy Bartell
Mr. Daniel J. Bartley
Ms. Annette Bartolo
Ms. Barbara Bausmith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Beck
Ms. Sally D. Belknap
Mr. Craig Benhase
Mrs. Teresa W. Benson and
Mr. Gordon B. Benson
Mr. Mike Benson
Mrs. Ellen Berghamer
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berliant
Mr. and Mrs. Myles F. Berling
Dr. and Mrs. I. Leonard Bernstein
Mr. Malcolm A. Bernstein
Richard L. Betagole Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Beumer
Mrs. Mary Louise Bihn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Binzer
Mr. Jeff Bischoff
Ms. Victoria Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Biscopink
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Black
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake
Dr. Maria Blake and Mr. Mel Stampe
Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Bloch, Jr.
Ms. Barbara L. Blum
Ms. Christine Bochenek
Boland Accounting Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Boldt
Mr. Joseph M. Boler
Mr. James G. Boney
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Bonfield, III
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bookmyer
Ms. Maria Beth Borgerding
James M. Borgman and Suzanne Soled
Ms. Patricia Neils Boulter
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bradley, III
Mr. David A. Bray
Ms. Karen Breed
Mr. Robert Brezinski
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Britton
Mrs. Mary R. Broerman
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald H. Bromberg
Mr. Mike Broughton
Senator Sherrod Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thane R. Brown
Ms. Tiffani Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Brown, III
Drs. Ronald and Melanie Brubaker
Mrs. Gordon M. Bruce
Mr. Bill Bruggemann
Mr. Edward C. Bruns
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Burchell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke
Ms. Carol Burnett
Mr. Christopher P. Burns
Mrs. Carol E. Burrell
Ms. Carol Butler
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Byczkowski
Ms. Carla Ann Byron
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Campbell
Caregivers Health Network
Ms. Vivienne A. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carmichael
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Carr
Mr. Russell E. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Castrucci
Mr. and Mrs. James Castrucci
CEI Photo
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Centers
Ms. Janet R. Champlin
Mr. Alan R. Chandler
John and Cecelia Chewning
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Chewning
Mr. David W. Chrislip
Ms. Cristina Chuecos and the
Lunch Ladies Lunch Group
Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cleary
Ms. Claudia L. Cline
Anthony Cole Training Group, LLC
Mr. Terrance J. Cole and
Ms. Delores A. Mincarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. V. Franklin Colon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Colucci
Comey & Shepherd Realtors
Community Servers Information Technology
Concord Litho
Ms. Laura M. Connelly
Mr. Matthew A. Connor
Mr. Allan Cook
Ms. Barbara J. Cook and
Mr. Michael Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cook
Ms. Betty Coulter
Ms. Margaret A. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cuni
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curry
Mr. M. Thomas Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. David Danley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dauner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Davidow
Ms. Susannah Davids
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Deangelo
Ms. Patricia A. Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dickhoner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Diekmeyer
Mrs. Audrey C. Dierker
Mr. Thomas J. Digman
The Honorable Susan J. Dlott
Mr. and Mrs. Odell Dobbs
Mr. Michael A. Doherty
Mr. Andrew R. Donaldson
Dr. Walter E. Donnelly, Jr.
Mr. James H. Donovan
Mr. John S. Dorich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dorward
Mrs. Karen A. Drees
Mr. Robert G. Driehaus
Mr. Brian Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Droke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dugan
Mrs. Suzanne F. Dunbar
Ms. Suzanne Dunham
Mr. Bradley J. Dunn and
Mrs. Karen M. Petrosky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dyrenforth
E.T.C., Inc.
Mr. Michael Thomson Earley
Mr. and Mrs. John Ebbeler
Ms. Kathy S. Edelstein
Ellerbusch Instrument Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliot
Ms. Elizabeth A. Elliott
Mr. James Elsener
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Endres
Episcopal Retirement Homes, Inc.
Mr. Joseph H. Evelo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Faelten
Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Falberg
Faul Family Donor-Advised Fund,
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fein
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fende
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Filak, Jr.
Ms. M. Rachel Finke-Chambers
Ms. Gigiauna M. Fioresi
First Presbyterian Church, Glendale
Ms. Evelyn Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Cary G. Fitzhugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Ms. Blair S. Fleischmann
Ms. Corliss J. Fong
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ford
Mr. Eric Alan Ford
Mr. William Forsstrom
Ms. Rose Fort
Mr. Dieter Forthuber
Mr. J. Kevin Fox
Mr. William R. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Franklin
Ms. Jane Freeman
Mr. Daniel L. French
Mrs. Janet C. Gallenstein
Gannett Match, Matching Gift Center
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gardner
Mr. Timothy A. Garry
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gattermeyer
Ms. Eileen Gazzillo
Geiger Heating & Cooling
Mr. Larry Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Geiser
Mr. Paul D. George
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gerwe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Getto
Ms. Kathleen Gibboney
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Gibler
Mr. James E. Gielty
Mrs. Wilma Gieseke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gilday
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Gist
Sharad and Jasleen Goel
Mr. Jake Goetz
Arlene Golembiewski Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Gollobin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Good
Mr. Bill Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gougeon
Grainger Matching Charitable
Gifts Program
Grange Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grannan
Graydon, Head & Ritchey
Greater Cincinnati U.A.W.
Community Action Program
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin E. Grener
Mr. Donald E. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grigson
Grisemer Family Charitable Trust
Dr. Lisa Groger
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Grossman
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Guanciale
Joseph D. and Connie K. Haas
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Hahn
Dr. and Mrs. H. Brian Halsall
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua R. Hamaker
Dr. Bruce A. Hamilton
Ms. Ellen P. Hancock
Mrs. Amy L. Hanson
Harrison Home Bakery
Mr. Robert Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Haverkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hayes
Ms. Tammy Haynes
Ms. Michelle A. Heeran
Mrs. Debra E. Heidrich
Ms. Bernice W. Heinze
Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Heisler
George L. and Anne P. Heldman
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. Robert W. Helmholz
Henderson Family Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Christopher P. Hendy
Dr. Jane Henney and Dr. Robert Graham
Mr. Carl S. Hennigen
Henschel-Steinau, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Henshaw
Ms. Nancy B. Herbert
Ms. Thelma Herbert
Ms. Shannon M. Heroux
Ms. Michelle S. Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Herzog
Ms. Jennifer L. Hilbish
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Hiles
Ms. Diane M. Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilvert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hines
Mr. Harry R. Hoerr
Ms. Rhiannon Hoeweler
Mrs. Florette B. Hoffheimer
Mr. Richard Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hoffman
Ms. A. Sue Holcomb
Ms. Judith Holden
Ms. Carolyn Holland
Dr. Sandra L. Honsa-Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hoppenjans
Mr. Kevin J. Hopper and
Mr. G. David K. Hopper
Mrs. Phyllis S. Hopple
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hornung
Mr. David C. Hovde
Ms. Mabel T. Howatt
Mr. Terrence Howe
Ms. Heather P. Howes
HP Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Huebner
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Huey
Mr. Larry Hug
Ms. Catherine Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hughes
Ms. Bonnie Hugus
Mr. Steve Huseman
E. Hynes Giving Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
IM BJS Restaurants Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David A Isaac
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Jackson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jaekle
Ms. Dorothy O. James
Ms. Dottie Janson
Mr. Raymond A. Jeter
Ms. Helgi Jobe
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Mr. Henry C. Johnston
Robert A. Johnston Foundation
Mr. James Jones
Ms. Leslie C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Julian
Mr. Matt Justice
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Kadish
Ms. Cynthia L. Kagrise
Mr. Robert Kahn
Kaplan Foundation
David W. Kapor & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kathmann
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kay
Mr. Brian Keane and
Ms. Katherine E. Yutzey
Ms. Kathleen Kelley
Mr. James F. Kelly
Mr. Theodore Michael Kelly, Sr.
Kendall Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Carolyn M. Kercsmar and
Mr. Robert E. Bast
Ms. Angela J. Kern
Ms. Sharon A. Kerns and
Mr. Michael W. Birck
KeyBank Foundation
Khoury Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Jeanine K. Kieffer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Kieffer
Dr. and Mrs. Alan R. Kightlinger
Ms. Geneva Kincer
Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. King
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R. King
Mr. and Mrs. George Kinsella
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kitzmiller
Kiwanis Club of Riverview - Delhi Hills
KMRO-Motorcycle Riders Org. of KY., Inc.
Mr. Scott Knox
Mr. David J. Knutson and
Mrs. Anna M. Goldhahn
Mr. and Mrs. Urban A. Kocher
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Koenig
Mrs. Rita Kohorst
Ms. Krista L. Konerman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koob
Mr. and Mrs. John Kornbluh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kosky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Krebs
Ms. Melissa M. Krieger
Mr. Curt S. Kuhn
Mr. Christopher Lahna and
Ms. Meredith Schnug
LaMacchia Family Foundation
John and Susie Lame Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Paula Landry
Ms. Heather Lang
Mark and Melissa Lanoue
Mr. Mark Richard Lanoue
Latonia Elementary Teachers
Lazarow and Schwartz Foundation
Mr. James R. Lazzari
Ms. Cynthia Ledford
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton H. Lempert
Mr. and Mrs. James Lenhoff
Ms. Barbara Leonard
LexisNexis Cares Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Lichtenstein
Mr. Larry Liebling
Ms. Holly Light
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Linn
Ms. Andrea E. Lippelman
Thomas J. and Adele E. Lippert Family Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Dr. and Mrs. David Littrell
Loco Bros LLC
Mr. James F. Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Lowitz
Mr. and Mrs. David Lowry
Ms. Beth Lukes
Mr. and Mrs. John-Peter Lund
Virgnia Stix Lurie Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard
Rev. and Mrs. Damon Lynch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Maines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Maly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Manogue
Mariemont Board of Education
Mr. Michael Martin
Mr. Robert A. Martina
Martindell Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. James Martis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Marx
J. Cromer Mashburn Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Matlock
Ms. Shelly Maxwell
The Mayerson Company
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. David Mazza
Ms. Jill McBride
Drs. Brian and Janice McConville
Mr. Patrick McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. C. James McGuire
Mr. Joel McGuire
Ms. Claudia P. McKee
Arthur and Stephanie McMahon
Ms. Amy McManus
Ms. Mary Ann Meanwell
Mr. Brian Meeker
Dr. Kristin R. Melton
Mr. Harody S. Mendez
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Merritt
Metro Developers & Contractors
Kathy S. and Richard J. Mettman Family
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Metz
Mr. Kenneth Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kent Meyer
Miccoli & Associates
Mr. Scott Michels
Ms. Deborah Middaugh
Miller Gallery, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller
Mrs. Mary Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Willie M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mintzer
Mr. Theodore R. Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Monnier
Moody’s Foundation Matching Gift Program
Mr. Richard T. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Morand
Mr. Dennis J. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Morris, Jr.
George and Sarah Morrison
Ms. Julie D. Mueller
Ms. Deborah Mae Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy
Ms. Megan G. Murray
Mr. Gerald J. Mushaben
Ms. Patricia Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Erik G. Nelson
Ms. Catherine Noell
Mr. and Mrs. James Nordlund
Northern Kentucky Community
Action Commission Inc.
Dr. Richard G. Oliver
Olivetree Research, LLC
Elizabeth and Stefan Olson
William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Fdn
Kelly O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Orabella
Mr. Leonard Orme
Mr. David Orr
Mrs. Muriel Osher
Mr. Nicholas P. Ostrosky
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pace
Mrs. Maggie Page
Ms. Mary Carolyn Page
Palazzolo Mfg. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cary Palmer
Mr. John Palmquist
Mr. John K. Papajohn
Paul A. Pappenheimer, Jr. Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Parks
Ms. Kathryn H. Paul
Ms. Alice Pearson
Mr. Jeffrey F. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Perbix
Peridot Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. Donald Piening
Mr. Harley V. Piltingsrud
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pisegna
Plante & Moran PLLC
Ms. Eveline Poe
PPG Industries Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Prather
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Pray
Mr. Kevin E. Prows
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pujol
Dr. Frank W. Putnam
Mr. Shane Qualls
Mr. Mitchell Quint
Ms. Cynthia A. Radziwon
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raible, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Raithel
Mr. and Mrs. Jawahar Rajpal
Mr. Kenneth Randall
Ms. Lisa Raub
Mr. John Ray
Dr. Ali Razavi
Ann Reber Gift Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Red Echo Post, LLC
Ms. Janet L. Reed
Mr. Constantine Regas
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Reginelli
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Reis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Remington
Mr. Brian J. Resnick
Mr. Brian Rhoads
Ms. Deborah R. Ridenour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rinear
Ms. Barbara Rinto and Mr. Jerry H. Lawson
Ms. Beverly S. Risner
Riverside Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robbins
Ms. Alice K. Roberts
Ms. Cathryn Roberts
Mr. Herbert Robinson and
Mrs. Barbara Sferra
Ms. Nancy P. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc L. Roden
Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Roselle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rosen
Mr. David Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rouster
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Rudolph
Mr. Philip J. Rueve
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rusk
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Ryan
Dr. Ronald A. Sachs
Mr. Barak Saltzman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Santen
Sardinia Church of Christ
Ms. Julie Schaber
Steven Schaefer Assoc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Schatzman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Scheper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schiermyer
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schlipf
Ms. Karen A. Schmidt
Schneider Electric Square D Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider
Ms. Judith Schneider
Schoenberger Tile & Marble Inc.
Schoenling & Associates
School Outfitters
Mr. Hugh E. Schramm
Mr. Keith Schutte
Mr. Peter Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Schwind
Ms. Susan Scott
Mr. and Ms. Brian D. Sebastian
Alvin E. and Margaret H. Seeman
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Lesha Self-Stoehr
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Sexton
Ms. Grace Sferra
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammed Shamma
Sharonville License Bureau
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sheer
Mr. Christopher Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Keven E. Shell
Mr. William E. Shelton
Mr. Steve Shepherd
Ms. Jen Shick
Dr. Mary G. Shipley and
Dr. Ralph T. Shipley
Wm W. & Jeanne D. Shoemaker Charitable
Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bipin S. Shroff
Dr. and Mrs. George T. Shybut
Ms. Mary Siegel
Mr. Anthony Siegmann
Mr. Jeffrey Siereveld
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sigall
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Simpson
Mr. Steven Singer
Mr. PG Sittenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Mr. Don Sivitz
Ms. Suki Skidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Skolnik
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Slageter
Ms. Joanne M. Sloneker
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Sheila M. Smith
Mr. Steven V. Smith
Ms. Melissa Sohmer
Somerset Rec Association
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Speth
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Sphar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Spurlock
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stanton
Mrs. Mary S. Stapanian
Ms. Cynthia M. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staubach
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Steffen
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stenger
Ms. Emily E. Stettler
Mr. Jeffrey Stevens
Mr. James J. Stewart
Ms. Jean G. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stidham
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie M. Stone
Mr. Andrew Stotzer
Ms. Amy Stout
Ms. Barbara N. Stratman
Strmski Family Charitable Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Strotman
Mr. Louis Stultz, Jr.
Ms. Jami Stutzman
Mr. Robert Tait, III
Mr. Mark Tallman
Dr. Thomas A. Tami and Ms. Molly T. Tami
Target Management & Leasing, Inc.
Targeted Marketing Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thomas
Ms. Lynda Thomas
Mr. William Thomas
Barb Thomson and Terry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ticotsky
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Toney
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Torrison
Touchstone Investments
Toyota North American Parts Center
Tridente Engineering Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Tucker
Drs. Ivan and Maria Tuskan
Ms. Barbara Tyirin
United Way/Crusade of Mercy
University of Cincinnati Assoc.
of Administrators, Managers
US Digital Partners
Chandrasekar Vaidyanathan
Mr. Raymond Van der Horst and
Mrs. Ellen G. Van der Horst
Ms. Donna Jeanne Vanfossen
Ms. Sue M. Vanney
Mrs. Jean C. Vanweele
Mr. Harold Varnau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Vidal
Mrs. Ruth Viering
Vineyard Christian Church-Florence
Volkman Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Jane Vollbracht
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Volz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Vonderahe
Dr. Sally A. Vonderbrink
Vonderhaar Catering Inc.
Ms. Carolyn A. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell G. Voss
Mr. George Vredeveld
Mr. James J. Wahl
Ms. Brenda Walker
Walker Family Fund, Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. William E. Walsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Walton
Wandering Wheels Volkssport Club Inc.
Ms. Alberta S. Wardlaw and Ms. Sally Cuni
Ms. Ann T. Warinner
Watt Sweeney Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Waxman
Mr. Leonard A. Weakley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Webster
Ms. Anne E. Weinkam
Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. David Wenning
Ms. Jane Werff
Mr. Chad West
Ms. Jennifer West
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitney
Mr. Bruce L. Whitteberry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wiggers
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilhelm
Ms. Kami Wilkerson
Ms. Carolyn R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams
Ms. Anne N. Wilson
Dr. Melinda K. Wilson
Mr. Thomas E. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Windholtz
Ms. Mary Glenn Winkler
Ms. Colleen Witchger-Furey
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Witt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lothar F. Witt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wolf
Mr. Robert J. Wolfram
Womans Committee of Clovernook
Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Woodiwiss
Ms. Linda L. Workman
Laurence Wulker Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. George M. Wyatt and
Ms. Cheryl A. Stewart
Mr. Charles Yeiser
Mrs. Cindy Yelmgren
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Yun
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Zeek, Jr.
Mr. Richard V. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Zorn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zumbiel
Gifts of $250 Plus
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Abbinante
Zalfa Abdelmalek
Ms. Carol F. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Adams
Ms. Wendy Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Paul Adler
Ms. Nancy J. Ahr
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Albers
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alf
Major and Mrs. Ronald L. Allari
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Allbright
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Altmayer
Mr. Steven Alverson
American Empire Group
American Marketing Association
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Wendy Anderson
Ms. Lani K. Apperson
Ms. Marcia Arentz
Ms. Phyllis Arganbright
Ms. Toni Ash
Ms. Yvette Ault
Mr. and Mrs. James Auvil
Mr. Sherif G. Awadalla
Dr. Diane S. Babcock, Jr.
Ms. Laura Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Babey
Mr. David J. Backscheider
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Bailey
Ms. Deborah Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Bailey
Ms. Mary E. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Jay W. Baird
Ms. Patricia Baker
Baker-Hunt Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bakst
Ms. Mary Bales
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ball
Mr. James Ballou, Jr.
Mr. Gregory Banks, Jr.
Mr. Mark Barbara
Mr. Paul Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barlow
Ms. Margaret G. Barns
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Baskerville
Mr. Dexter K. Bastin
Dr. Eric E. Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bates
Bath&Body Works
Mr. Nicholas C. Bauer
Be Concerned, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Beard
Mr. James Becker
Ms. N. Lorraine Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Beckman
Mr. Mike Beegle
Ms. Lois J. Belbot
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Belcamino
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bell
Ms. Tracy Belvo
Mrs. Dena Benesh
Dr. John Bennet, Jr.
Andrew and Linda Berger Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. Robert F. Bergholz
Berman Printing
Mr. John R. Bernard
Mr. Jose M. Bernik
Ms. Joan Berning
Mr. George M. Berry
Ms. Margaret Betscher
Ms. Catherine Bever
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. William Bick
Ms. Eliza L. Biederman
Mrs. Avanelle Biedinger
Ms. Mary Ann Binder
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bingham
Ms. Ann Bischoff
Mrs. Helen C. Black
Ms. Carol H. Blackburn
Mr. Fred W. Blackburn
Ms. Marie Blersch
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Blignaut
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boehm
Ms. Sheryl Bogardus
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Bohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bolling
Mr. Louis N. Bolognini
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Bona-Hatem
Ms. Gloria Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bond
Mr. Norm Boomershine
Ms. Shelly Booth
Ms. Staci Booth
Mr. Kenneth B. Bordwell
Mr. William D. Borek and
Ms. Evelyn C. Joseph
Ms. Carol A. Born
Mr. Thomas Bosse
Mr. Charles R. Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Boule
Mr. Bruce M. Bowdon and Ms. Robin Bratt
Bowling Portfolio Management LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bowman
Ms. Mary Lynne Bradley and
Ms. Barbara Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Braig
Bramkamp Printing Co., Inc.
Mr. Clinton A. Bramkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce L. Bramsen
Mrs. Jeanne S. Brand
Mr. M.T. Brant
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brassfield
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brault
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Bravard
Mr. Earl Bray
Ms. Nancy L. Breeze
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Breitholle
Joel and Debra Brent
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Briede
Ms. Dorothy M. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brinkman
Ms. Maria Britto
Mr. Sedgley J. Brockett
Dr. Joseph Broderick
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Broderick
Mr. Robert A. Broh
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brooks
Alan and Christine Brown Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brown
Mr. Richard A. Brown, III
Mr. Steven N. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Bruck
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bruggeman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brumfield
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Brumm
Mr. Ron Bruner
Ms. Margo Bryant
Ms. Jacklyn S. Bryson
Ms. Julie Bucher
Mr. and Mrs. George Budig
Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Budig, Jr.
Ms. Annie Buechel
Mr. Robert W. Buechner
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Buehler
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Buescher
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bugenstein
Mr. Stephen J. Buller
Ms. Diane E. Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Bunyan
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burchenal
Mr. Michael D. Burdge and
Mr. Michael D. Fiorito
Ms. Cynthia R. Burgin
Ms. Patricia M. Burk
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burns
Our Donors July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Mr. Tom Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Busch
Mr. David A. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Butkovich
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Butz
Mr. Ryan M. Caldwell
Ms. Sandy Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Calo
Dr. and Mrs. Lanthan D. Camblin, Jr.
Mr. Donald J. Campbell
J. Allan and Dorothy Campbell Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Campoamor
Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Caples
Mr. Daniel C. Cappel
Ms. Teresa C. Caprio
Ms. Judy Caproni
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carlberg
Ms. Leesa Carr
Dr. Terry Carrigan
Ms. Debra Caskey
Mr. Howard Caston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Chaloult
Mr. Richard Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Chambers
Dr. and Mrs. Prasad G. Chandra
Chanima Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Chatham
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Chavez
Mr. Alan Chesnut
Cheviot Medical Center, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C Christian
Cincinnati Enquirer
Mr. Denis Clark
Ms. Norma Clark
Ms. Rheba Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clary
Ms. Patricia Clasgens
Miss Pauline Clemen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Coleman
Ms. Julie Colgrove
Ms. Evelyn Collaro
Ms. Lisa Collini
Marvin Collins and Dean Colville
Mr. and Mrs. Colin P. Combs
Community Friends Meeting
Mr. Doug Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Comte
Mr. Thomas H. Connor
Ms. Patty Conover
Mr. David M. Cook
Mr. John Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Cooper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Corbett
Mr. Burt Corbin
Ms. Shannon Corbin
Dr. and Mrs. Claude E. Corbitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Corken, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Barry Cors
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Cosgrove
Dr. and Mrs. Carey H. Costantini
Mr. and Mrs. William Costello
Mr. Mike Cotton
Ms. Melanie Cox
Mr. Ray C. Cox
Mr. Harold G. Crabtree
Mr. Marvin Crain
Ms. Mary Craven
Creative Grace
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Crew & Family
Crown Lift Trucks
Mr. Glenn Culbertson
Mr. Matthew Curran
Mr. Harold L. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cusick
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dahlem
Mr. and Mrs. Denis G. Daly
Mr. Darryl Daniels
Danis Foundation Inc.
Mr. Mike Danowski
Ms. Clara Dantic and
Ms. Madge Van Buskirk
Ms. Letitia J. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davis
Mr. Richard Davis
Mr. Guy T. DeDiemar
Ms. Suzy Deeward
Mr. Michael A. DeFrancesco and
Ms. Martha Fellerhoff
Delta Air Lines, Inc., CVG/125
Ms. Sharon Lee Denight
Mr. Vincent DeSalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Dewees
Ms. Donna H. Deye
Mr. Adam Diebold
Ms. Ann Diersing
Dennis and Sarah Dirr
Ms. Wendi Dishman
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Domaschko
Mr. Thomas E. Donnellon, Attorney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas
Mr. Michael Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Doyle
Mr. Steve Dragon
Ms. Barbara Dragul and Mr. Steve Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. David Dudenas
Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Duff
Major and Mrs. Patrick D. Dugan
Ms. Brenda N. Dunlap and
Mr. Ronald J. McHenry
Ms. Carol E. Dunn
Mr. Kevin Dunn
Ms. M. Kathryn Dunn
Ms. Judith S. Dusterberg
Mr. Thomas L. Duvelius
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Easley
Mr. Jeffrey M. Eastep
Eastern Hills Friends MTG
Stephen S. and B. Christine Eberly
Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Eby
Ecernst Concrete
Chopper A. Eckhoff
Mr. George H. Edmiston
Mr. Terry Egan
Ms. Betty A. Ehrman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elfers
Mr. Eric Elfner
Ms. Malikah Engleman
Mrs. Tina Estes
Mr. Steven A. Ettinger
Mr. Michael Everhart
FACS Group
Mr. Michael Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fairbanks
Mrs. Sylvie H. Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Vahid Fallahi
Ms. Margaret Fanella
Mr. Mark A. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Favors
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Faw
Mr. Roger Feeley
Feinblanking LTD.
Dr. and Mrs. Bret A. Ferree
Mrs. F. G. Ferris
Mr. Jonathon J. Fete and
Ms. Kathleen M. Semple
Ms. Anna W. Fields
Ms. Mary Ann Fieler
Ms. Evelyn G. Finegan
Mr. Lisa Finkelstein
First Unitarian Church
Mr. Brent Firth
Ms. Pam Fischer
Mr. Howard W. Fishburn
Ms. C. F. Fister
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fix
Mr. Richard Flaherty
Dr. David C. Flaspohler and
Dr. Cynthia L. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleischman
Ms. Laurie T. Fleninken
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Flick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Foley
Mr. J. Patrick Foley
Ms. Tia Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Foliano
Mr. Winston Folkers
Ms. Linda Follette
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Fondacaro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fossier
Ms. Doris M. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Frable
Ms. Rochelle Fradkin
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Franks
Mr. Mark D. Fredwest and Ms. Mary Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Freeland
Ms. Yolanda S. Freeman
Ms. Kathryn L. Freemon
Adrianne W. and Richard A. Freiberg
Philanthropic Fund,
Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati
Mr. Donald A. French
Mr. and Mrs. James Freson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freund
Mutzig-Frey Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Dianne Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Friedmann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Froehle
Mr. Michael A. Frye
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fuersich
Ms. Heidi Fulcher
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fulwiler
Mr. and Mrs. James Gabriel
Ms. Kelly S. Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Gamel
Gannett Foundation
Mrs. Pat Garifalos
Ms. Melanie Ann Garner
Bari and Martha Garner-Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gartner, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Gast
Mr. Bob Gebhart
Mrs. Marjorie Gebhart
Mr. Andy Georgin
Mr. Frank Gerson and
Ms. Constance A. Wischmann
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gerson
Dr. and Mrs. Myron C. Gerson
Ms. Brianne Giesting
Mr. John Giglio
Mr. James Gilchrist
Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Gilinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gillens
Ms. Nancy M. Gilligan
Ms. Mary Ann Glazer
Ms. Deane G. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Godwin
Mr. John M. Goettle
Dr. Jeffrey Goldsmith
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Goodman
Mr. Calvin C. Goodrich
Mr. Walter G. Goodwin
Goshen United Methodist Church
Kelly Goyette
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Grace
Mr. Louis C. Graeter
Ms. Susan E. Grathwohl
Great White Fleet (US) Ltd.
Great-West Life & Annuity
Insurance Company
Ms. Ina M. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gribler
Ms. Ann M. Griep
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Griffiths
Ms. Teresa Grimmer
Grossman & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Ardith A. Grote
Ms. Mary Dean Grote
Mr. Jeffrey T. Grothaus
Ms. Christina Guggenberger
Dr. and Mrs. W. Mark Gutowski
Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Guttman
Mr. Douglas J. Gutzwiller
Mr. Arthur Haack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hackman, Jr.
Ms. Dana Hackney
Ms. Shirley A. Hahn
Judge Deidra L. Hair
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Hait
Ms. Ameenah Hall
Ms. Deborah D. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hammersmith
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley Hammond
Ms. Margaret B. Hammond
Mr. Sidney A. Hannah
Mr. Kevin T. Hanrahan
Ms. Alicia B. Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hardman
Ms. Stephena E. Harmony
Ms. Martha Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartlaub
Mr. James Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Hartoin
Mr. Scott Hartsock
Ms. Pam Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hassebrock
Mr. Chris Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Haun
Ms. Maryann Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Haynes
Ms. Oma L. Hazlett
Mrs. Ida S. Heathcote
Ms. Christine Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heeman
Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Heinold
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Heintzelman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helmholz
Ms. Elizabeth Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hendy
Mr. John K. Hennen
Ms. Sharon Herbert
Mark P. Herschede Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Hertzman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Hess
Dr. Todd L. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hill
Ms. Mary M. Hilleary
Ms. Sallie Hilvers
Ms. Carolyn E. Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hippert
Hirt Family Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodge
Rev. and Mrs. Edward W. Hof
Ms. Jorie Hoffmann
Hoffner Chapter #286 O.E.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hogan
Ms. Susan Hohe
Ms. Jomaile R. Holland
Ms. Kelly M. Hollatz
Ms. Patricia S. Holm
Ms. Judy Holter
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hondorf
Mr. Stanley A. Hooker, III
Mr. Ralph M. Hoop
Mr. Daniel W. Horn
Mr. Ronald Horstman
Ms. Caleigh Hortman
Mr. Ray C. House
Ms. Larrie M. Howard
Mr. Randy M. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Howe
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Howe
Ms. Laurel Howell
HRD Engineering, Inc.
Mrs. Heidi Ann Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Huff
Mr. James Hughes
Ms. Jennie L. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Huhn
Mr. Steven C. Hunt
Ms. Jane A. Hunter
Ms. Kristen Hurd
Ms. Marilyn J. Hurrell
Ms. Pamela M. Hutton
Ms. Jo Anne Iaciofano and
Mr. Gary Caldwell
Mr. Gary M. Igney and
Ms. Beverly S. Risner
Indian Hill Women’s Civic Club
Industrial Commission
Mr. Wilbur H. Ingels
Ms. Christy Irwin
Jacobs Engineering Group of Ohio, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jacquemin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jambor
Mr. and Mrs. James H. James
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jamieson
Mr. Terence Janson
Mr. Cornelis H. Japikse
Ms. Karen M. Jeffries
Jet Lithocolor Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Jody
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Johantges
Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Johnson
Mr. Richard B. Johnson
Mr. Charles M. Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnstone
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Johnstone
Ms. Lynn M. Johnston-Gionfriddo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Jollis
Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee L. Jones
Mr. James Jones
Ms. JoAnne Jones
Ms. Michelle Jones
Mr. John P. Jordan
Mr. Mark W. Jordan
Mr. Alvin G. Jose
Ms. Jennifer Jose
Ms. Lynette Joyner
Mr. Charles F. Jung
Mr. Lawrence B. Juran
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kahler
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Kahn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kain
Mr. and Mrs. Sharatkumar Kale
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kalla
Kao Brands Company
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kaplan
Mr. Howard Kaplan and
Dr. Stephanie L. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony John Kasak
Ms. Joyce A. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Keller
Mr. Craig Kelley
Ms. Susan J. Kellogg
Ms. Janet Kelly
Mrs. Rosalynd Kendall
Mr. Paul Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keough
Kerman Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kern
Mr. Kenneth H. Kerr
Mr. Kenneth L. Kerr
Ms. Lisa Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kerr
Ms. Gena Kersey
Dr. and Mrs. Kerry L. Ketring
Ms. Sharon J. Keyes
Ms. Kathryn Kien and
Mr. William D. Magnuszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kiener
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kinder, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence B. Klatte
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Klug
kmpt Process Technology
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Mr. Clifton Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Knue
Mr. Timothy J. Koegel
Mr. Kenneth Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Koeppe
Ms. Linda Koetters
Ms. Christina S. Kohnen
Mr. Stephen Kralovic
Ms. Gerrie M. Kramer
Mr. Jerome Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kraus
Ms. Kathryn Kreimer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kroeger
Mrs. Marilyn A. Kroll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kummerle
Dr. Neil A. Kumpf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Kussin
Mr. Richard G. Laatsch
Dr. Christine Labowsky
Dr. George W. Lackemann and
Dr. Constance Fox
Rev. Francis G. Lammeier
Mr. James Lancaster
Ms. Amethyst Landry
Mr. Eddie Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Langmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James C. LaPlant
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. LaPresto
Mrs. Bea Larsen
Mrs. Kathy U. Larson
Richard I. and Susan J. Lauf Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Laufenburg, Jr.
Ms. Mary Letty Lavely
Mr. Courtland D. Laws
Mr. Brian A. Leary
Ms. Olga Lebron
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lechner
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Lecrone
Marjorie P. Lee Retirement Community
Mr. David Lee
Mr. Stephen R. Lee
Leesman Lighting LLC
Ms. Arline LeGere
Legg Mason & Co., LLC
Ms. Margaret Leick
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Leikhim
Mr. Alan R. Leist
Mr. Stanley E. Lemkuhl
Les Amies
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Lett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewellen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Lewin
Mrs. Patricia B. Ley
Liben Music Publications
Mr. Samuel Liebson
Mr. John Lierer
Ms. Michelle B. Lierl
Mr. Chun-I John Lin and
Ms. Linda Erpelding
Ms. Betty Linder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lindner, Jr.
Ms. Amber Line
Ms. Dawn Link
Ms. Adele Lippert
Mr. Bob Lippert
Ms. Suzanne Lee Lister
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Little
Ms. Tracy A. Wood and
Mr. Nikola Ljubisavljevic
Ms. Virginia A. Loewenstine
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loos
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Loper
David and Margaret Lopez
Charitable Gift Account,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Stanley J. Lotscher
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Lubetich
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Luther
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lynn
Ms. Angela Mabbitt
Ms. Kathleen A. Mabjish
Mr. Brendan M. MacDonald
Mrs. Trinette Mackey
Mr. Eric MacKnight
Dr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod
Ms. Chris Maerki
Mr. Richard D. Magner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Males
Mr. Gregory A. Malone
Mrs. C. Maxine Manahan
Ms. Mary Alice Manley
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mann
Ms. Nancy S. Greiwe and
Mr. William Markovits
Ms. Marianne Marshall
Mr. Fred Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martini
Ms. Josephine J. Martino
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mason
Mr. Jeremy R. Mason and
Ms. Elizabeth Mason
Ms. Sharon Massman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Mather
Ms. Carolina Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maxwell
Ms. Tammi R. Mccandish
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McCane
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McClanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McClanahan
Mr. Robert J. McCoy
Ms. Mary R. McCray
Mr. Gary McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGill, Jr.
Ms. McKnight and Mr. Brickweg
Mr. Frederick McNamara
Ms. Denise E. McNeill
Dr. and Mrs. O. Redmond McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McSwiggin
Ms. Janet K. Melcher
Ms. Lisa Meloncon
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Mendelsohn
Ms. Mary Ruth Menke
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Menkhaus
Ms. Jenni Mersch
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merten
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Meyer
Mr. Peter B. Meyer
Ms. Nadine A. Middendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller
Paul Miller and Brandon Miller
Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Minges
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minnillo
Mr. Mark Modlin
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Moeller
Ms. Krista Moeller
Ms. Sharlene Mohr
Mrs. Margaret M. Mollenkopf
Ms. Cynthia Molloy
Ms. Alison Momeyer and
Mr. Jason W. Napora
Moms Club of Amelia/Batavia
Dr. William B. Monnig, M.D.
Mrs. Sally L. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Monteith
Montgomery Care Center
Mr. Mark Moorman
Ms. Georgia S. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morgan
Ms. Kate Moriarty
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morin
Ms. Frances H. Morley
Ms. Linda Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Moser
Mrs. Elizabeth Mossburger
Mrs. Louise Motl
Dr. Regine Moulton
Mt. Airy United Methodist Church
Ms. Margaret B. Muething
Ms. Mary Ann Muething
Ms. Anne Mulder
Multi-Craft Litho, Inc.
Ms. Sarah V. Murphree
Ms. Patricia L. Murray
Mr. Stephen Myer
Gail Myers Public Relations, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Myers
Mr. Jeff Nagel and Mr. Steve Nagel
Mr. John A. Nagle
Ms. A. Stella Neltner
Mr. Gerald E. Newfarmer and
Ms. Amy C. Paul
Ms. Deborah Newkirk
Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Newman
Mr. Chris Newport
Mrs. Connie Geers Nicolas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Nolan
Mr. Joe Noll
Ms. Ruth H. G. Noone
Mr. Willie J. Norton
Ms. Kristin Nostrand
Mrs. Carol O’Brien-Duckworth
Ms. Debra L. Ochstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. O’Connor
Ms. Karen A. O’Connor
Ms. Jeanna Odgers
Ohio River Valley
Olivio Premium Products Corp.
Mrs. Nancy Ollila-Glenn
Ms. Karen Oney
Ms. Kathleen S. Ordosh
Ms. Gale Ossenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ottenjohn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Overturf
Ms. Krista M. Paas
Mr. Daniel J. Pack
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Page
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pahutski
Ms. Beverly Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Panos
Pappas Restaurant, Inc.
Ms. Gladys Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Parth
Mr. James B. Pate
Mr. Larry T. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson
Ms. Helene Paul
Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony Paulin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Paulsen
Ms. Jennifer M. Pawlowski
Ms. Gayle Paytes
Pedco E & A Services Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Poul D. Pedersen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Pellot
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pendle
Mr. James H. Perkins
Mr. Michael Perkins
Ms. Mary F. Persinger
Mr. Leland Person
Ms. Marilyn W. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peters
Mr. James D. Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pieper
Ms. Mary Piper
Ms. Candice Pipes
Mr. and Mrs. Si A Pitstick
Ms. Karen L. Pitzer
Mr. Hector A. Polanco
Mr. Dave Poling
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Pontius
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Poppe
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Potter
Mr. Terry E. Powell
Ms. Penny L. Prass
Prestige Travel
Mr. Jack R. Pretty
Mr. R. Preston Price
Ms. Inma C. Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Prifti
Drs. Marcia Kaplan and Michael D. Privitera
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Probus
Procter & Gamble
Prus Construction Company
Ms. Susan Purdue
Ms. Gladys M. Purkiser
Mr. Robert Puthoff
Drs. Ambrose and Mary Puttmann
Ms. Jennifer Quick
Mr. Ralph E. Quinn
Mr. Mark C. Radtke and
Ms. Cynthia L. Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rajkumar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Raterman
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ravenhall
Mr. Paul Rebello
Mr. Kenneth Recob
Mr. Tim Redmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reed
Ms. Delores Reese
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reichhardt
Mr. Anthony J. Rein
Rick and Kathy Reinhart Fund,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Richard D. Reis Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rellar
Mr. Michael J. Rench
Mr. Douglas W. Rennie
Mr. Christopher R. Resch
Mr. Charles Retzler
Ms. Elizabeth Merrell Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Rice
Richard Consulting Corporation
Rick Ogden Heating
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Ricke
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ricketts
Ms. Sandra L. Riegler
Mr. Matthew P. Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ring
RIS Paper Company, Inc.
Dr. Jay E. Rissover
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ritchey
River Valley CWS/CROP
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Rizzo
Ms. Melissa Roach
Ms. Carol Robinson
Mr. Mark Robinson
Mrs. Judith Rodenberg
Ms. Nanette Roe
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rogers
Ms. Michelle Rogers
Ms. Ruby Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Rohling
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolf
Mr. Stanley E. Rolfes
Charles E. and Justine S. Romer
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Barbara Rose
Mr. Sven-Erik Rose and
Ms. Claire Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosen
Ms. Laura Rosenblum
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Rosenthal
Mr. Stanley C. Rouse
RozMary Basement Flick Production LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James Rudd
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rudolph
Mr. Eugene P. Ruehlmann
Rug Gallery, Inc.
Mr. Matthew S. Rumely
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Runion
Mr. Jeffrey M. Rupel
Mr. John V. Rush, Jr.
Mrs. Jennifer M. Russell
Ms. Anne E. Rust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Safferman
Mr. Ronnie Sallee
Mr. Frank Samoya
Ms. Amanda Samson
Mr. Bruce Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Santorelli
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sauerbeck
Mr. David W. Sauers
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Saunders, Jr.
Mr. Glenn E. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schauer
Mr. Mark A. Scheid
Ms. Patricia R. Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Schindler
Mr. James C. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Rev. George R. Schmitz
Schmoes Collision LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schneider
Ms. Lynn Schoener
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoettelkotte
Ms. Helen Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiner
Ms. Mary Sullivan Schultz
Mr. Philip J. Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Schweitzer
Mr. Charles Schwenkner
Mr. Phillip J. Schworer
Ms. Deborah Scott and Mr. Ronald Scott
Ms. Stephanie Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Selden
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Selvey
Mr. Stephen M. Shary
Mr. John B. Shea, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sherlin
Jenay G. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shernoff
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Shields
Mr. Robert A. Shingleton
Mr. Andrew Shott and Dr. Sally Shott
Ms. Hema Shukla
Mr. Albert G. Sicking, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Siegel
Siemens Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Sill
Mr. Michael P. Skidmore
Mr. Bryant Smith
Charles and Eleanor Smith
Family Donor Advised Fund,
Middletown Community Fdn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith
Ms. Jane Smith
Ms. Tara Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Snow
Mr. Ronald G. Snyder
Ms. Rachel Sohn-Smith
Mr. Larry Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Willis R. Sparks
Mr. Brett Spaulding
Mr. Robert J. Spitznagel
Ms. Elsie G. Sprague
Ms. Margo E. Sprague
Mr. Matt Sprowls
Mrs. Barbara P. Squeri
St. John The Baptist School
Standard Publishing
Ms. Grace Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Stecher
Madeline and Pete Steel
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Steger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Steiner
Ms. Julie Steinmetz
Mr. and Mrs. James R Stengel
Mr. Bryan W. Stephens
Mr. Gregory W. Stephens
Mr. Frank E. Stetter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stevenson
Mr. William T. Stevenson
Mr. Carl J. Stich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sticka
Ms. Judy Stober
Ms. Diana M. Stone
Mr. Michael C. Stonecipher
Ms. Susan P. Storer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Stout
Mr. Marc Stout
Stowe Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Strelau
Ms. Martha Stricker
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Stryker
Sturges & Leatherman Realty, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan
Sun Chemical Corporation
Superior Home Care Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Swain
Swanson-Groenke Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Ms. Deborah Sweeney
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Swinehart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Swofford, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Dr. William L. Tedford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Teegarden
Ms. Suzanne Telintelo
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ten Eyck
Mr. John F. Tepe
Mrs. John X. Teufen, Jr.
Mr. Mark F. Thaman
Ms. Beverly L. Tharp
Ms. Kelly Thibodeaux
Mr. William Thiemann
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Thierauf
Mr. William Thimme
Thomas Moore College
Ms. Aubyn Thomas
Ms. Cheryl D. Thomas
Dr. Michael A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Thompson
Time Warner Cable Shared Service Ctr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Toft
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Togneri
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tomb
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R Tomey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlin
Ms. Karen Tompos
Ms. Janet Torok
Mr. Daniel F. Tracey
Ms. Louise K. Trapp
Mr. Robert L. Trick
Ms. Bethany Troendly
Mr. and Mrs. David Troup
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tucker
Mr. Michael C. Tully
Mr. Curt Tweddell
Ms. Sophie Z. Tyirin
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Mrs. Rita E. Uehlein
Union Central
United States District Court
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Ms. Denise A. Vajen
Ms. Shirley Vanabbema
Ms. Peggy Vanderman
Mr. Charles D. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Viel
Mr. Gary J. Vissing and
Ms. Margaret A. Prince
Mr. Lawrence Von Jones
Ms. Margaret M. Voskuhl
Mr. Greg D. Voss
Wachovia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wait
Waite, Schneider, Bayless and
Chesley Co., L.P.A.
Mr. David A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Garret W. Walker
Ms. Jane A. Walker
Ms. Laura Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walker
Ms. Joyce A. Walklet
Rev. John E. Wall
Ms. Martha Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Zane Walters
Mr. Bruce Walters
Mr. Theodore C. Wanstrath
Steve F. Warkany Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Warner
Ms. Martha Waters
Mr. Mark Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Watkins
Richard and Vanessa Wayne
Dr. James E. Weaver
Ms. Miranda Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wedig
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wegman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wehling
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt C. Wehmer
Ms. Marla K. Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Welham
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Welkener, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Wesley
West End Emergency Center
Ms. Ann M. West
Ms. Mary E. West
Ms. Sally Wester
Westheimer Rhodes Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Fdn
Dr. Charles E. Whalen
Ms. Beth A. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Wheeler
Mr. Nick Whitecotton
Ms. Denise M. Whitehead
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Whitsett
Ms. Amy S. Wiandt
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon H. Wiers
Mr. Gene Wiggs
Ms. Susan Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams
Mr. James Williams
Ms. Mia Williams
Mr. Todd Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Mr. Robert D. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Willman
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Windholtz
Mr. James Wineinger
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Wingate
Isaac M. Wise Temple
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witten
Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Wittenbaum
Ms. Doris R. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolnik
Mr. Jason Wolz
Dr. Andrew L. Wong and Dr. Sally A. Lloyd
Mr. Sean Woock
Mr. David H. Wood and
Ms. Rebecca S. Seeman
Wood, Herron & Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wray
Ms. Amy Wright
Wrocklage Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. Todd WullenWeber
Ms. Stella S. Yacher
Ms. Ann Yang
Mr. Stephen C. Yerian and
Ms. Christine Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Yoho
Ms. Dianna L. Young
Zaenkert Surveying Essentials Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Zierolf
Mr. David Zumbiel
Mr. Thomas J. Zumbiel
Thank you also to the many other
generous financial donors we
were unable to list due to space
The above donors made gifts to the
Freestore Foodank between July
1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Every
effort was made to provide the most
accurate list possible. The Freestore
Foodbank apologizes for any
exclusions or misspellings.
Letter from a nine-year old donor.
Ducks Ahoy and many thanks!
This past Labor Day weekend, the Freestore Foodbank dropped over 100,000 rubber
ducks into the Ohio River for the 16th annual running of the Rubber Duck Regatta.
Thanks to all the duck adopters, event sponsors and volunteers of this year’s Rubber
Duck Regatta, the 16th Annual Rubber Duck Regatta netted the Freestore Foodbank
$563,412! Every dollar raised buys four meals, totaling well over 2 million meals!
During the event’s 16 years, the Freestore Foodbank has raised a total of $5.2 million
to benefit Greater Cincinnati’s families in crisis. Thanks to our sponsors who cover
event expenses, 100 percent of duck sales go directly to providing food, connection
and hope for those who need it most.
We are quackers with gratitude for the support of a generous community that
has made this event the largest of its kind in the world. Although the duck race
itself takes only about 20 minutes from the time the ducks are poured into the
river to the time they reach the finish line, the Rubber Duck Regatta is a year-long
endeavor requiring dozens of generous sponsors, thousands of donors who purchase
ducks, and countless hours of planning and follow-up on the part of Freestore
Foodbank staff. And, of course, there could be no Rubber Duck Regatta without
the tireless work of hundreds of volunteers. Your contributions are priceless.
And the Winners are.....
This year’s winning duck belonged to David Holder of Loveland,
OH. David’s prize was a 2010 Honda Fit Sport, courtesy of the
Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Honda dealers.
Winners of the $500 gift cards provided by KEMBA:
Rob Weiss, Cincinnati, OH
Robert Meyer, Batavia, OH
Paul Williams, Moscow, OH
Duke Ganote, Cincinnati, OH
Brittany Lohner, Cincinnati, OH
In the end, the true winners of the annual Rubber
Duck Regatta are neighbors seeking help and hope from
the Freestore Foodbank and our 325 nonprofit member
agencies throughout the region. On behalf of the thousands
of men, women and children who would otherwise be without
hope, we thank you all for your generous support of the Rubber Duck
Regatta this year. We hope to see you again next Labor Day! n
Many Thanks to Our Duck Sponsors
Generous Major Gifts Support Programs and Client Needs
Despite continued economic
challenges, generous gifts and grants
to the Freestore Foodbank enabled us
to continue and, in some cases, even
expand our support to those in need over
the past year. We are especially grateful
to The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
as they continued their support through
the Weathering the Economic Storm
program with a $50,000 grant to help us
address the emergency food and housing
needs of our clients. Also offering major
funding for our customers’ needs was the
Crosset Family Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation ($20,000).
Our housing programs benefited from a
grant of $3,000 from the SC Ministry
Foundation, support from the Apartment
Association Outreach ($7,000) and
more than $65,000 worth of in-kind gifts
of household items and furnishings from
Crate & Barrel. Unrestricted grants of
$100,000 from the John J. and Mary R.
Schiff Foundation and $50,000 from
the Robert and Adele Schiff Family
Foundation were instrumental in helping
address the greatest needs of the agency.
Donors were also quite generous in
their support of Foodbank programs.
Grants of $50,000 each from the P&G
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati
Foundation and an anonymous donor
helped launch the new Second Course
program which offers additional training
for Cincinnati COOKS! graduates and
helps the program produce more Kids
Cafe meals. Lois and Richard Rosenthal
made a $50,000 gift for continued
support of the Rosenthal Community
Kitchen which hosts the Cincinnati
COOKS! culinary training program.
Other grants for Cincinnati COOKS!
came from the Carol Ann and Ralph
V. Haile / US Bancorp Foundation
($25,000), the P&G Alumni Network
($10,000), Frisch’s Restaurants
($8,000), and Key Foundation ($7,500),
The Kids Cafe program was supported by
gifts from Mars Foods US ($10,000),
Woodforest Charitable Foundation
($3,800) and Johnson Charitable Trust
($2,500). The MH Foundation made a
grant of $10,000 to sponsor two Cooks
students, plus assist Back on Track and
our bus token program. The Health &
Hygiene program received $15,500 from
The Health Foundation of Greater
Cincinnati, while the Scripps Howard
Foundation granted $16,000 for health
& hygiene boxes for seniors. The P&G
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati
Foundation made a grant of $50,000
to support the new Infant Nutrition
Program. The Mobile Pantry Program
received needed support from Cargill
Incorporated ($30,000) and Sysco
Corporation ($3,000).
The successful Power Pack program
that sends food home to hungry children
on the weekend continues to grow
thanks to enthusiastic support from the
community. Operating on the third
and final year of a grant from Impact
100, the Power Pack program received
additional funding for food from the
PNC Bank Foundation ($46,000),
American Electric Power ($27,378), the
Farmer Family Foundation ($25,000),
Thomas J. Emery Memorial ($20,000),
P&G ($20,900), Target ($17,000),
Frank J. & Jacqueline D. Kloenne
Foundation ($15,000), Spaulding
Foundation ($12,500), William P.
Anderson Foundation ($10,000),
Charles H. Dater Foundation
($10,000), Food Lion ($10,000),
Helen Steiner Rice Fund ($10,000),
Remke/bigg’s customers ($13,418), Bank of America
($5,000), TJX Foundation ($5,000) , Junior Woman’s
Club of Wyoming Foundation ($4,000) and the Jeff
Wyler Family Foundation ($3,000). Panera Bread raised
$30,000 for Power Pack through coin box collections in
its stores, in addition to the proceeds raised through
its Panerathon event.
As the Freestore Foodbank increases the amount of
food it delivers, there is a greater need for trucks and
forklifts to move the food. This year, the Carol Ann
and Ralph V. Haile / US Bancorp Foundation made
a generous grant of $150,000 to purchase a refrigerated
truck for our Mobile Pantry program. The Gap donated
$165,000 through its Give & Get program for purchase of
a refrigerated truck and support of a driver’s salary. Meijer
donated two used semi-tractors. The H.B., E.W. and
F.R. Luther Foundation made a $30,000 grant for the
purchase of a forklift.
We are grateful for the generous support of all these
grantmakers and corporations, as well as the many others
who provided much-needed funding to help us meet the
extraordinary challenges we face during the year. n
Sponsor a Power Pack School. Double Your Gift’s Impact.
When you donate to the Power Pack
program for the first time, The Daniel
and Susan Pfau Foundation will match
your gift of $2,500 or more, dollar-fordollar. This unique initiative challenges
individuals, corporations, community
groups and school groups to band
together and enable children at risk to
receive weekend food for a year.
The Freestore Foodbank’s Power
Pack program distributes nutritious
food directly to chronically hungry
children. Each Power Pack contains
9-12 kid-friendly, shelf-stable food items
that are nutritious and easy to prepare.
Some examples are milk, 100% fruit
drinks, cereal, granola, pop-top meals,
applesauce and pudding. Power Packs
are packed by volunteers, delivered to
participating schools, and stored until
Friday afternoon when they are handed
out. Children are selected for the
program by school personnel familiar
with the children and their families. The
food for each Power Pack costs about $3.
With your help, along with the
matching challenge from The Daniel
and Susan Pfau Foundation, we can
help meet the increasing requests
from parents, teachers and school
• $2,500 to sponsor a school for one
year ($5,000 with match)
• $5,000 to sponsor two schools for
one year ($10,000 with match)
And when you sponsor a school, you
can get more involved in the program by:
• Assembling Power Packs with a
group in our distribution center
• Volunteering to deliver assembled
packs to the school on a
bi-weekly basis
Our ultimate goal is to provide Power
Packs to every school in our 20-county
territory that has children in need! For
more information about how you can
make a difference in the lives of hungry
children in our community, contact
Larry Pauly at (513)482-7099 or lpauly@
freestorefoodbank.org. n
Thank you to the
Clay Alliance and
all who volunteered
and participated in
making Empty Bowls,
once again, a hugely
successful event! More
than 900 people
attended the event
which raised more
than $30,000 for the
Freestore Foodbank’s
Kids Cafe program. n
Now I Understand
My parents told my sisters and me that we should always
work on building “one step” in our lifetime, so that those who
come after us can climb one step higher. That didn’t mean
much to me as a kid, but now I understand the importance
of that concept. Like parents everywhere, mine worked to
provide us with an ethical framework on which to make
meaningful decisions and take action in the world.
As we mature, we all become more focused on what
truly matters. We begin to ask important questions that
will establish our personal legacy. What do I want to be
remembered for? Why is my dedication and commitment
needed in the community? Asking these questions on a regular
basis and getting consistent answers over time can provide us
with a solid foundation on which to build a personal planned
giving program.
Planned giving is not a type of gift; rather it is a giving
technique that offers the greatest charitable impact for you
as the donor and allows you to be faithful to a cause. A
planned gift can take multiple forms and can help you address
a variety of personal financial goals. Do you want to make
a significant gift during your
lifetime, or would a gift as part
of your estate work better? Do
you have a particular asset that
you are thinking of donating?
Do you want to increase
your retirement income, or is
your primary goal to preserve
your estate? Are you carrying
excess life insurance or a large
balance in your retirement
plan? Answers to these specific
questions, combined with your
answers to the questions above
are the key to establishing your
Kathy Greenberg,
personal legacy.
Major and Planned Gifts Officer
As each of us works to build
that “one step” to help others climb higher, most of us hope
that our “step” will serve many people. Part of the decision
making process involves the selection of those charitable
organizations we feel are most worthy of our support in
terms of how many lives will be touched by our gifts. As you
no doubt know, the programs and services of the Freestore
Foodbank improve the lives of many thousands of people
every day. By addressing the issues of hunger and poverty
throughout the Tri-state, we are not only making a significant
difference in the lives of individuals, but also are improving
the quality of life for everyone in the Greater Cincinnati
community. If you recognize the urgency of this work and
would like to make it part of your personal legacy, I encourage
you to call me at 513-482-7544 to discuss ways we can work
together building those steps that allow others to climb. n