Development and experimental testing of an amphibious vehicle
Development and experimental testing of an amphibious vehicle
DEVELOPMENT AND EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF AN AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE by Joseph G. Marquardt A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of The College of Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida May 2012 i DEVELOPMENT AND EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF AN AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE by Joseph G. Marquardt This thesis was prepared under the direction of the candidate's thesis advisor, Dr. Karl von Ellenrieder, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, and has been approved by the members of his supervisory committee. It was submitted to the faculty of the College of Engineering and Computer Science and was accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. arl von Ellenrieder, Ph.D. Thesis AdVisor~_ Edgar An, Ph.D. Palaniswamy Ananthakrisnan, Ph.D. ..M-<.vvJ.A..~4A)~ a d Hashemi, Ph.D. air, Department of Ocean and Mechanical En ineering Manhar Dhanak, Ph.D. hammed Ily s Ph. . Interim Dean, Co lege of Engineering and Computer Science ~rZ~~ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am so fortunate to have the most amazing family; Mom, Dad and Kasey, without you guys in my life I would not have accomplished what I have, or be here about to turn in a Master’s Thesis. Thank you for everything you have done for me, and your support through the past few years of school. I am also extremely grateful for my girlfriend Lori who has been there for me through everything, and always knows how to put a smile on my face. Her motivation and inspiration keeps me determined and focused. Dr. von Ellenrieder, my thesis advisor, thank you for everything you have done and taught me along the way. You were always willing to help, even if I was the fourth or fifth student in line waiting to talk to you. I also want to thank my thesis committee for their help and support. I would also like to thank Ed Henderson and Luis Padilla. I have learned so much from the two of you in the past few years, and your willingness to help and teach is unbelievable. Also, Dr. Ananthakrisnan, you are an amazing professor and I am so fortunate to have taken classes with you. All my fellow graduate students, especially Tom Furfaro, Janine Mask, Jose Alvarez, Matt Young and James Lovenbury, your help was much appreciated. Lastly, I would like to thank the Office of Naval Research for funding this research. iii ABSTRACT Author: Joseph Marquardt Title: Development and Experimental Testing of an Autonomous Amphibious Vehicle Institution: Florida Atlantic University Thesis Advisor: Dr. Karl von Ellenrieder Degree: Master of Science Year: 2012 The development and experimental testing of the DUKW-Ling amphibious vehicle was performed during the first phase of an autonomous amphibious vehicle system development project. The DUKW-Ling is a 1/7th scale model of a cargo transport concept vehicle. The vehicle was tested in the three regions it is required to operate: land, sea and the surf zone region. Vehicle characteristics such as turning radii, yaw rate and velocities were found for different motor inputs on land and water. Also, because a vehicle navigating the surf zone is a new area of research that lacks experimental data the vehicle was tested in the breaking waves of the surf zone and its motion characteristics were found, as well as the drivetrain forces required to perform this transition. Maneuvering tests provided data that was used to estimate a model for future autonomous control efforts for both land and water navigation. iv DEVEL LOPMENT AND A EXPER RIMENTAL L TESTING OF AN AM MPHIBIOUS S VEHICLE E LIST L OF FIG GURES ............................................................................................................... vii LIST L OF TAB BLES ................................................................................................................. xii NOMENCLA N ATURE ............................................................................................................. xiv 1 INTROD DUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Prob blem Statem ment .................................................................................................... 3 1.2 DUK KW 21 Back kground............................................................................................. 6 1.3 Currrent Model Description D and History ................................................................. 8 1.4 Relaated Researcch ....................................................................................................... 9 1.4.1 DUKW Autonomy ........................................................................................... 9 1.4.2 Vehicle Beehavior ........................................................................................... 11 1.5 Con ntribution ............................................................................................................ 14 2 APPROA ACH .................................................................................................................. 21 2.1 Mod dification, Upgrades U and d System De sign ........................................................ 21 2.1.1 Mechanicaal Conversio on ................................................................................ 21 2.1.2 Electrical, Sensor and Control Sysstem Design ........................................... 33 2.2 Exp perimental Approach A .......................................................................................... 43 2.2.1 Sensor and d Test Equip pment Calibrration ...................................................... 44 2.2.2 Vehicle Teests .................................................................................................. 49 3 RESULT TS ...................................................................................................................... 65 3.1 Veh hicle Tests ........................................................................................................... 65 3.1.1 Rolling Reesistance Testing ........................................................................... 65 3.1.2 Locating Vehicle V Centter of Mass ................................................................. 67 3.1.3 Dynamom meter Testing g................................................................................... 70 3.1.4 Maximum m Incline and d Approach/D Departure Anngles ................................... 75 3.1.5 Land Man neuvering Ch haracteristicss .............................................................. 83 3.1.6 Sea Maneu uvering Chaaracteristics ................................................................ 107 3.2 Systtems Identifi fication ........................................................................................... 121 3.3 Tran nsition Regio on Tests ........................................................................................ 130 3.3.1 Land-to-Sea .................................................................................................. 134 Sea-to-Lan 3.3.2 nd .................................................................................................. 138 3.3.3 Vehicle in n the Surf-Zo one ............................................................................. 142 3.4 Frou ude-Krylov Excitation E Forces F ........................................................................ 149 v 4 CONCU ULUSIONS....................................................................................................... 152 4.1 Recommendatio ons for Futurre Work..................................................................... 153 5 APPEND DIX .................................................................................................................. 156 6 REFERE ENCES ............................................................................................................ 219 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – DUKW 21 Concept ........................................................................................... 1 Figure 2 - DUKW SWATH Hull ........................................................................................ 7 Figure 3 – Original 1/7th Scale DUKW-ling ....................................................................... 9 Figure 4 - Original Vehicle with Wheel Drivetrain .......................................................... 22 Figure 5 – Original Five Wheel Drivetrain ....................................................................... 24 Figure 6 - New Chain vs. Original .................................................................................... 25 Figure 7 - Tracked Vehicle Separation Ratios .................................................................. 26 Figure 8 – Tracked Drivetrain........................................................................................... 26 Figure 9 - Conveyor Belt Track ........................................................................................ 27 Figure 10 - FBD of Vehicle Rolling Resistance ............................................................... 29 Figure 11 - Gearing System Numbering Convention ....................................................... 30 Figure 12 - Gear System Torques ..................................................................................... 32 Figure 13 - Water Sensor Schematic ................................................................................ 36 Figure 14 – RoboteQ’s RoboServer Software Operation ................................................. 38 Figure 15 - Motor Controller Hexadecimal Communication ........................................... 38 Figure 16 – Container Lifting Mechanism........................................................................ 39 Figure 17 –Control System Block Diagram...................................................................... 40 Figure 18 - PCB Motherboard .......................................................................................... 43 Figure 19 - Xsens Magnetic Field Mapper ....................................................................... 47 Figure 20 - Dynamometer Calibration .............................................................................. 49 Figure 21 - Rolling Resistance Tests ................................................................................ 51 vii Figure 22 - Vehicle During Land Testing ......................................................................... 53 Figure 23 - ABS Turning Circle Test [39] ........................................................................ 54 Figure 24 – Autonomous Control ..................................................................................... 58 Figure 25 - ABS Figure Zig-zag Maneuvering Test [39] ................................................. 60 Figure 26 - Center of Mass Pendulum Test ...................................................................... 67 Figure 27 - Roll Response in Pendulum Test ................................................................... 69 Figure 28 – Dynamometer Test Results: Current-Torque Relationship at Different RPMs ..................................................................................................... 71 Figure 29 - Dynamometer Test Results: RPM-Torque Relationship................................ 73 Figure 30 - Dynamometer Test Results: Current Torque Relationship for Different Motor Commands .................................................................................. 74 Figure 31 - Vehicle Approach and Departure Angles ...................................................... 76 Figure 32 - Motor Data 11 Degree Incline Test ................................................................ 78 Figure 33 - Pitch Angle 11 Degree Incline Test ............................................................... 78 Figure 34 - Motor Data 14 Degree Incline Test ................................................................ 80 Figure 35 - Pitch Angle 14 Degree Incline Test ............................................................... 80 Figure 36 – Motor Data 19 Degree Incline Test ............................................................... 82 Figure 37 - Pitch Angle 19 Degree Incline ....................................................................... 82 Figure 38 - Minimum Turning Radius on Land................................................................ 84 Figure 39 - Clipped Data to Calculate Minimum Turning Radius ................................... 85 Figure 40 - Maximum Velocity on Land .......................................................................... 88 Figure 41 - Maximum Velocity Motor Current ................................................................ 88 Figure 42 - Maximum Velocity Motor Commands .......................................................... 89 Figure 43 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 1) ............................................. 90 viii Figure 44 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 2) ............................................. 91 Figure 45 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 3) ............................................. 91 Figure 46 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 4) ............................................. 92 Figure 47 - IMU Yaw Rate for Equal Motor Commands ................................................. 93 Figure 48 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 1)................................................. 94 Figure 49 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 2)................................................. 94 Figure 50 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 3)................................................. 95 Figure 51 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 4)................................................. 95 Figure 52 - Straight Line Track with Correction Factor ................................................... 97 Figure 53 - Yaw Rate During a Turn to Port .................................................................. 100 Figure 54 - 105/75 Left Turn Current and Force on Tracks ........................................... 102 Figure 55 - 105/45 Left Turn Current and Force on Tracks ........................................... 102 Figure 56 - Vehicle Heading During a Land Right Turn ................................................ 104 Figure 57 - Continuous Compass Data During Land Right Turn ................................... 105 Figure 58 - 70/40 Land Zig-zag Test .............................................................................. 106 Figure 59 - Final Vehicle in Water Test Area................................................................. 107 Figure 60 - Minimum Turing Radius in Water ............................................................... 108 Figure 61 - Maximum Velocity Water............................................................................ 109 Figure 62 - Motor Current During Maximum Velocity Test Water ............................... 110 Figure 63 - Motor Commands During Maximum Velocity Test Water ......................... 110 Figure 64 - Straight Line Track in Water........................................................................ 112 Figure 65 - Compass Heading During Straight Track .................................................... 112 Figure 66 - IMU Yaw Rate Full Speed Water ................................................................ 113 ix Figure 67 - GPS Yaw Rate Full Speed Water................................................................. 113 Figure 68 – Yaw Rate During a Turn to Port (100 Stbd, -80 Port) ................................ 119 Figure 69 - 122/0 Water Zig-Zag Motor Commands...................................................... 120 Figure 70 - Vehicle Position in Water Zig-zag Test ....................................................... 121 Figure 71- Motor Commands Land Zig-zag for Systems ID .......................................... 123 Figure 72 - Body Fixed u Velocity Model-Black Signal is the Measured Velocity ....... 123 Figure 73 - Body Fixed v Velocity Model-Black Signal is the Measured Velocity ....... 124 Figure 74 - Yaw Rate Model-Black Signal is the Measured Yaw Rate ......................... 124 Figure 75 - Body u Velocity Model on Second Data-Black Signal is Measured Velocity ............................................................................................................... 125 Figure 76 - Body v Velocity Model on Second Data-Black Signal is Measured Velocity ............................................................................................................... 125 Figure 77 - Yaw Rate Model on Second Data-Black Signal is Measured Yaw Rate ..... 126 Figure 78 - Body Fixed v Velocity Land Model-Black Signal is Measured Velocity ... 128 Figure 79 - Body Fixed v Velocity Model Land-Black Signal is Measured Velocity ... 128 Figure 80 - Yaw Rate Model Land-Black Signal is Measured Yaw Rate ...................... 129 Figure 81 - Dania Beach Ocean on Test Day ................................................................. 131 Figure 82 - Wave Gauge Output ..................................................................................... 132 Figure 83 - Wave Data in Surf Zone Tests ..................................................................... 133 Figure 84 - Land-to-Sea Transition Motor Data (Motor Command: 80)........................ 135 Figure 85 - Land-to-Sea Transition Motions (Motor Command: 80) ............................. 135 Figure 86 - Beach-to-Sea Vehicle Track ........................................................................ 136 Figure 87 – Sea-to-Land Vehicle Track.......................................................................... 139 Figure 88 – Sea-to-Land Transition Motor Data (Motor Command: 80) ....................... 140 x Figure 89 - Sea-to-Land Transition Motions (Motor Command: 80) ............................. 140 Figure 90 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 1 .................................................................. 142 Figure 91 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 2 .................................................................. 143 Figure 92 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 3 .................................................................. 143 Figure 93 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 4 .................................................................. 144 Figure 94 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 5 .................................................................. 144 Figure 95 - Waves in a 20 Second Period ....................................................................... 147 Figure 96 - Wave Frequency in Surf-zone ...................................................................... 148 Figure 97 - Roll, Pitch and Heave Frequency Response to Surfzone ............................. 148 Figure 98 - Surge (1), Sway (2), Heave (3) Force vs. Time ........................................... 149 Figure 99 - Roll (4), Pitch (5), Yaw (6) Moments vs. Time ........................................... 150 xi LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - DUKW Characteristics ........................................................................................ 8 Table 2 – Gearing Equations............................................................................................. 31 Table 3 - Gearing Spreadsheet .......................................................................................... 32 Table 4 - Land Motor Inputs for Motor Command Circle Tests ...................................... 55 Table 5 - Water Motor Inputs for Motor Command Circle Tests ..................................... 57 Table 6 - Rolling Resistance Test Results ........................................................................ 66 Table 7 - Average Current and Track Force in 11 Degree Incline Test ........................... 79 Table 8 - Average Current and Track Force in 14 Degree Incline Test ........................... 81 Table 9 – Average Current and Track Force in 19 Degree Incline Test ........................... 83 Table 10 – Coordinates for Minimum Right Turning Radius Calculations...................... 86 Table 11 - Coordinates for Minimum Left Turning Radius Calculations ........................ 86 Table 12 - Maximum Velocity and Accelerations on Land .............................................. 87 Table 13 – Land Left Turn Radii ...................................................................................... 98 Table 14 – Land Right Turn Radii .................................................................................... 99 Table 15 - Land Left Turn Yaw Rate.............................................................................. 101 Table 16 - Land Right Turn Yaw Rate ........................................................................... 101 Table 17 - Land Zig-zag Test Motor Commands ........................................................... 106 Table 18 – Coordinates for Minimum In-Water Turning Radius Calculations .............. 108 Table 19 - Maximum Velocity and Acceleration in Water............................................. 109 Table 20 - Wind Data During Straight Line/Max Speed Tests ....................................... 111 Table 21 – Wind Data During Left Turn Tests ............................................................... 115 xii Table 22 - Wind Data During Right Turn Test ............................................................... 115 Table 23 - Water Left Turning Radii .............................................................................. 116 Table 24 - Water Right Turing Radii .............................................................................. 116 Table 25- Water Left Turn Yaw Rate ............................................................................. 117 Table 26 - Water Right Turn Yaw Rate .......................................................................... 118 Table 27 - Land-to-Sea Drivetrain Force Results ........................................................... 138 Table 28 – Sea to Land Drivetrain Force Results ........................................................... 141 Table 29 - Average Motions Test 1 ................................................................................ 145 Table 30 - Average Motions Test 2 ................................................................................ 145 Table 31 - Average Motions Test 3 ................................................................................ 145 Table 32 - Average Motions Test 4 ................................................................................ 145 Table 33 - Average Motions Test 5 ................................................................................ 146 Table 34 - Average of all Surf Zone Motion Test Results .............................................. 146 xiii NOMENCLATURE Autonomous: Capable of performing a task without human interaction SWATH: Small Water plane Area Twin Hull Stereo Vision: Dual camera system that allows depth perception by triangulation Amphibious: Capable of traveling in both aquatic and terrestrial environments IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit DGPS: Differential Global Positioning System, uses ground based stations as well as satellites and has two GPS receivers to compare location data HSV: Hue, Saturation and Value. A cylindrical coordinate representation of color RGB: Red, Green and Blue. An additive representation of color AWP: Water plane area of a hull form DUKW: GMC terminology: “D” vehicle designed in 1942, “U” utility, “K” all-wheel drive, “W” two powered rear axles. SBC: Single Board Computer. This projects used an ARM9 based TS-7800 by Technologic Systems. xiv 1 INTRODU UCTION The DU UKW 21 is a SWATH vehicle v that will be usedd to supply offshore shiips in areas wheree convention nal methodss of supply may be diffficult or im mpractical. D Deepwater portss and desig gnated infraastructure w will no lonnger be reqquirements w when supplying ships s from shore. s Redu ucing onsho re footprintt and logistiics are the main benefits of amphibious a cargo transp port, becausee it reduces the cost andd complexityy of a supply misssion by com mbining the task of twoo or more vvehicles. Maaking the veehicle autonomouss would alsso simplify y the cargoo transport mission, alllowing muultiple unmanned DUKW D 21’ss to be supervised by a single persoon. This conncept, picturred in figure one below, is a unique app plication of an autonom mous vehiclee because itt will ween land and sea, and a providdes an oppportunity too study a new, travel betw unconventio onal applicattion of auton nomous systeems. Figurre 1 – DUKW 21 Concept 1 An autonomous amphibious vehicle, however, does not entirely relate to typical autonomous projects, and provides engineers with a new design challenge. Autonomous vehicles have historically been designed for use in a specific operating environment. The DUKW 21 will be one of the first autonomous vehicles that will travel on both land and sea. The transition between the two is in the highly dynamic and energetic surf zone, which is the most complex area of research for this autonomous system, due to a lack of experimental research. The vehicle’s dynamic response is a very important factor in the design of a control system, and its maneuvering characteristics must be well defined in each regime that the vehicle must operate. The lack of experimental data for a vehicle transitioning between land and sea makes it difficult to design an autonomous model for control. Experimental data is especially important in an area such as the surf zone, where modeling is difficult due to the non-linear nature of breaking waves. The dynamic motions of the vehicle must be defined in experimental testing, and the performance of the autonomous control system must also be determined in experimental tests. Autonomous vehicles have historically been used in a single operating environment [32]. Whether a vehicle primarily operates in the air, on land, underwater or on the surface will dictate the type of sensors and control method used to control the vehicle autonomously. Autonomous vehicles use sensors and control algorithms unique to the area in which they must perform their mission. An amphibious vehicle must operate well in both terrestrial and aquatic environments; thus, posing a design challenge for engineers. A system designed for land navigation and control is much different than that of a sea-going surface vehicle, in both the sensors used and control 2 techniques. A unique system thatt can perfoorm well accross the veehicle’s diffferent operating en nvironments is a significcant challengge for this cooncept. The focus fo of this thesis work k was to dessign, build aand test a mechanical, sensor and electriccal system that t improveed the capabbilities of thhe DUKW-lling model. This work was completed c to o improve the t ability ffor testing aand autonom mous amphibbious system deveelopment. Ex xtensive testting of the uupgraded veehicle was peerformed annd the data are disccussed. The final producct of this thessis is a baselline vehicle that is robusst and easy to use,, and an exp perimental an nalysis of thhe open loopp performance characterristics of the vehicle in the diffferent areas it i operates. This document d in ntroduces th he backgroun und and devvelopment off the DUKW W 21 concept, preesents relevaant research in the area of vehicle ttesting, specifically surff zone testing, then n describes the modificcation and eexperimentall approach tthat was used to fulfill the goals g of this thesis. A deetailed resullts section, a discussionn of these reesults, recommend dations for fu uture work, and a projeect timeline outlining thhe progressioon of this thesis work, w are also o included. 1.1 Probllem Statem ment In ord der to perform m its missio on, there are two main taasks the full scale DUKW W 21 will need to o complete. First, F it must be able to navigate to its intendedd location ussing a control algo orithm that performs p weell across thhe different environmennts the vehiccle is required to operate. o Its sensor s system m will be a uunique combbination of ssensors not ffound on current autonomous a vehicles, wh hich primarilly do not opeerate across different 3 operating environments. Secondly, it must be able to avoid obstacles while performing its navigation task, and the performance of techniques used on surface vehicles and land vehicles is unknown in the dynamic surf zone region, where the vehicle will experience random, fast accelerations when encountering breaking waves. Autonomous control on land and at sea utilizes common techniques and methods of control. The transition zone, defined as the area between terrestrial and aquatic operating environments, is the main area of uncertainty in the development of this autonomous system. This energetic and dynamic surf zone contains breaking waves, which are highly random and difficult to predict. The motions and accelerations the vehicle will experience are important for the development of the vehicle’s structure as well as its autonomous control system. Because breaking waves are highly non-linear, they are difficult to simulate, making experimental testing the ideal technique to understand how a vehicle responds in this area. The lack of experimental data is an obstacle in the development of this concept and must be expanded. This information can be obtained using a model vehicle and collecting data with the onboard sensors. The forces the vehicle experiences, as well as the drivetrain forces required to navigate the vehicle through the surf zone are explored with experimental testing. Previous algorithm development for the DUKW at the Center for Innovation in Ship Design (CISD) was limited because of the lack of experimental data available for a vehicle transitioning between land and sea through the surf zone. The drivetrain forces in the transition region, maximum drivable gradient, the vehicle’s turning radius and driving characteristics, as well as the vehicle’s dynamics in different sea states are 4 unknown because this is a new area of research, and there is a lack of applicable experimental data and research [8]. The forces required to complete a transition between land and sea are unknown, and are important for full scale design, particularly for the power plant design. Modeling and algorithm development work in recent years also has identified this as a setback. Models for autonomous control are based on the operating conditions of the vehicle. How it reacts to input functions, such as turning a wheel or rudder, must be understood in the development of the control system. A vehicle’s response to a change in heading is very different on land compared to sea, and this response will also differ in the surf zone. Therefore, it is assumed diverse methods of control must be used depending on the environment the vehicle is in. The vehicle’s response to motor commands is important in autonomous control development and must be found through experiments with the vehicle model. For obstacle avoidance, the vehicle must have a sensor or combination of sensors that provide information to the control system about the vehicles surroundings. The best system to use for a vehicle operating in the surf zone is unknown at this time and different approaches must be tested experimentally to determine the most effective sensor choice. Stereo vision is a possible solution to this aspect of design, because it has performed well on autonomous surface vehicles in the past [30]. JPL developed an autonomous vehicle called the CARACaS, Control Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing, which used stereo vision to navigate through bridge pilings. 5 The perform mance of vission-based navigation n onn a vehicle eexperiencingg breaking w waves in the surf zone is unk known at th his time. A further undeerstanding oof the limitaations w the acceelerations an nd responses of the vehiccle in this reegion is needded to associated with determine th he feasibilitty of vision--based naviggation in thhe surf zone. A vision bbased obstacle reccognition sysstem must be b developedd for experim mental testinng on the veehicle model. 1.2 DUKW W 21 Backg ground The current metho od of supply ying a fleet iis by the usee of large traansport ships like peed-RO-RO O (LMSR) ships that require ddeep-water pports. the Large Medium-Sp Locating, developing d and a securing g such a poort poses a challenge, yyet supplyinng an offshore fleeet is an essen ntial elemen nt of any misssion. Currennt solutions tto the supplyy line involve the use of heliicopter transsport for sm mall amountss of cargo, oor teams off land vehicles and d landing crraft. These methods m are inefficient in both costt and compllexity [13]. The armed forrces have continuouslyy recognizeed amphibious vehiclees as l tools because they t do not require a doock or have draft limitattions. significant logistics The ability to come ashore a witho out a port or designatted infrastruucture makees an amphibious vehicle a beeneficial cho oice for a suppply missionn. In orrder to addreess the need for a supplyy line from sshore to the fleet, the DU UKW 21 has been n under deveelopment at The T Center for Innovatiion in Ship D Design (CIS SD) at the Naval Surface Warfare W Cen nter/Carderocck Divisionn (NSWC/C CD) since 2007 [13][25]. Th he DUKW 21 2 concept provides p shipp replenishm ment from shhore by meaans of 6 container deelivery, even n in areas weere a port m may not be reeadily availaable. The DU UKW 21 is a Sm mall-Water-Pllane-Area, Twin T Hull ((SWATH) vvehicle with a superstruucture designed to lift and tran nsport a 20-ffoot ISO conntainer. Thee arching struucture proviides a simple yet strong s design n for operatio on in the eneergetic surf zzone [13]. A SW WATH hull was used in n this design because of its stability ccharacteristiics. A SWATH hu ull has a larrge amount of its displaacement locaated below the waterlinne, as seen in figu ure 2 below w. Because of o this, the hull’s wateer plane areaa is significcantly reduced, inccreasing its stability chaaracteristics. The hull coonfigurationn is promisinng for transporting g cargo throu ugh an area with potentiially hazardoous conditioons. The DU UKWling water-p plane area is 1380 [in2]. Figuree 2 - DUKW S SWATH Hull The originall requiremen nts for the fu ull scale DUK KW 21 are aas follows [113]: Operrate in up to Sea State 2 (SS2) Delivery of carg go from 5 nm m offshore too 5 nm inlandd Cruiise at 15 kno ots in water and a 30 km/hhour on land Clim mb a standard d beach grad dient (1:50) Load d/unload ISO O container automaticall a ly Be controlled c by y either a sin ngle crew meember or by automatic, uunmanned conttrol Deliver 10 ISO containers c without w refueeling Enteer the well deeck of an LP PD Lift a loaded 20 foot ISO container weigghing 24,0000 kg (53,0000 lbs) 7 1.3 Curren nt Model Deescription an nd History The DUKW-ling D g, a 1/7th sccale model, was develloped by M Maritime Appplied Physics Corrp. (MAPC)) for the CISD to demoonstrate andd study the feasibility oof the DUKW 21 in i an amphib bious cargo transport t miission [25]. As part p of the 2010 Floriida Atlanticc Universityy Ocean Engineering S Senior Design projject, the DU UKW-ling model m was ggiven to a sstudent team m where a sensor network, co ontrol system m and lifting g mechanism m were desiggned and im mplemented. This initial senso or network allowed a for basic autonnomous naviigation and included a GPS, compass, RF R transceiveer, proximity y sensors, ddepth sensorr and a cam mera. The veehicle uses a forkllift style carrgo-handling g mechanism m, which alllows it to raaise and seccure a scaled ISO container. The T DUKW-ling model w with its initiial sensor coonfiguration prior own in figurre three, and its principlee characterisstics in table 1. to this thesiss work is sho Table 1 - DUKW Ch haracteristics LOA 106” LWL 100” Draft 19.3” BOA 45” BWL 35” AWP 1380 in 32” H Separation Hull 2 L/B 2.36 TPI 0.022 PPI 50 D Displacement 648 lbs 8 Figure 3 – Original O 1/7th S Scale DUKW--ling 1.4 Relateed Research An au utonomous, amphibiou us vehicle iis a new cconcept thatt has very little background d informatio on in the form f of expperimental data or com mmon pracctices. However, th here is relev vant research h that can bee used to deevelop a wayy of studyinng the concept thaat can be taailored to ap pply to an amphibious vehicle. U Understandingg the vehicle’s beehavior is im mportant in the developpment of a system thatt will controol the vehicle auto onomously. The T followin ng sections w will discuss ccurrent reseaarch as it perrtains to this projeect. 1.4.1 DUK KW Autonom my Auto onomous sy ystems typiccally consisst of four ccomponents,, which incclude: perception interface i (sen nsors), a plaanner (path pplanning), ann executive ((sends comm mands to actuators)) and an actu uator interfacce [8]. It cann be understoood an autonnomous vehiicle 9 on land would have a very different autonomous system than one on water. While the required sensors would be an obvious difference between the two, the path planning component of the autonomous system is also a very significant difference. Land vehicles typically use batch path planning, which define a complete path from present location to final destination [26]. This method is used because ground terrain is mostly static, and does not change suddenly. So if a path needs to be altered, it usually does not need to be recalculated from scratch because most of the path would be unaffected [11]. Autonomous sea surface vehicles typically do not use batch planning algorithms because the dynamic nature of the ocean environment means extensive computations. These vehicles use continuous path planning, defining a point short of the final destination and is modified as the vehicle travels closer to its destination. This method only plans for short term and does not take the entire environment into account [8]. A unique system for controlling an amphibious vehicle must be developed to perform an autonomous mission across different environments. The CISD, and intern Benjamin Flom, have been developing control algorithms specific to the DUKW 21 project. In his research, control techniques for each region are proposed, and recently, his main focus has been the transition region [8][13]. The research has certain setbacks due to lack of experimental data in the area. In order to further the development of control algorithms, there are many unknowns that must be explored. The first is the effective weight of the vehicle as it comes into contact with shore. Common ground navigation algorithms assume a constant weight, which would not be applicable here. His research takes into account the effective weight of the 10 vehicle as a function of o the buoyaant force andd the beach incline. In order to usee this approach, it is necessaary to 1) determine thhe slope thee vehicle enncounters annd 2) g th he displacedd volume off the vehiclee as it com mes in determine a function governing contact with h land to obttain the effective weightt of the vehiicle [13]. In addition to these hydrostatic data, also important i arre the dynaamic forces of the wavves acting onn the vehicle and the resulting g vehicle mo otions they ccause. The rresearch alsoo suggests, thhat in order to better develop the control algorithms, a tthe vehicle’s constraintss, such as tuurning radius and maximum m drivable d grad dient should be determinned, as welll as the vehicle’s dynamics in n different seea states [8]. 1.4.2 Vehiicle Behavio or There are many common c praactices and ttests that aree performedd to understaand a vehicle’s dy ynamic charaacteristics [3 34][39]. The se tests define the dynam mic behavioor and motions of a vehicle wh hile navigating. Many off these tests are perform med in a test basin or in the opeen ocean and d do not partticularly appply to this prroject, since testing will be in the surf zon ne. This testiing will be in i a beach eenvironmentt, where the use of a rottating arm or plaanar motion mechanism m (PMM) iis not possiible. These methods ddefine maneuverin ng coefficien nts by subjeecting a mo del to speciific maneuvvers. Exploring a model’s resp ponse to breeaking wavees and definiing coefficieents in the suurf zone is a new problem and d will requirre a new apprroach on tessting techniqques. In a teest basin, LE EDs can be placed p on thee vehicle annd the use off fixed camerras at known positions can deetermine thee models mootion when eencounteringg waves. In these types of tessts, waves can be described as a fuunction of tiime and possition. Usingg this 111 information, the measured response of the model can be related to the wave it encounters by the time and position in the basin. This method is described in [16], where motions of the model were matched to time histories of the waves to determine the vehicle’s response to certain waves. This method requires a test basin and controlled wave making that cannot be directly applied in this project. The Naval Surface Warfare Center/Carderock Division conducted model testing of a 514 foot heavy lift ship experiencing breaking waves in their wave tank during the summer of 2008 [28]. In this experiment, a beach was created to produce both spilling and plunging waves. The model was then positioned at different locations in the breaking waves where heave and pitch motions, and surge forces, were measured. A heave post was attached to the longitudinal center of gravity and used a block gauge and a dashpot to measure the force and pitch angle. An ultrasonic distance sensor was used to measure the heave motions. Wave probes were positioned at different locations in the wave tank to measure the waves as they progressed, to relate the motions measured to waves encountered, and determine RAO transfer functions [28][29]. Understanding these motions will be important in the development of this concept. Predicting how the full scale vehicle reacts to breaking waves will be a key design parameter with regards to both control and mechanical systems. This experiment is a good example of altering known techniques to apply to a new problem; a ship encountering breaking waves in the surf zone. The information gathered by this experiment was passed to The University of Hawaii, and analyzed by Miguel Quintero for his master’s thesis. From the data 12 gathered during model tests, the spectra were calculated and the dominant harmonics were used to develop transfer functions that related the model response to the location the wave broke on the hull. The project found for plunging waves, very strong second order responses were seen, while spilling waves had dominant first order responses [29]. Another issue that amphibious vehicles will face is the structural load experienced while traveling through breaking waves. The most significant structural force comes from slamming motions when a model was tested in regular, non-breaking waves. The slamming motions a vehicle will experience in breaking, surf zone waves is assumed much greater than in non-breaking waves, but must be further explored to understand the slamming that can be expected in this area, and consequently, the structural forces that will be experienced in such a region [29]. These slamming motions will increase the force exerted on the drive system when the vehicle travels in shallow water, and comes in contact with the sea floor. The SWATH hull reduces these slamming forces, however wave slapping forces will be significant because it will be traveling through the breaking waves of the surf zone. In the experiments of [15], a model was towed through different non-breaking wave patterns to understand the heave and pitch motions that the model would exhibit. They found linear responses for long wavelengths, but as wavelengths became shorter, the response became non-linear and was dominated by second order harmonics [15]. As a wave approaches shore in the transition region, its wavelength becomes shorter, which means the response can be assumed highly non-linear and therefore difficult to predict. 13 At these sho ort waveleng gths, breakin ng waves willl produce a response whhere second order harmonics will w be a cau use for conccern. The foorces acting on the vehiccle in this reegion are unknow wn at this tim me due to laack of experrimental reseearch, but arre assumed to be very significcant [29]. Comm mon techniqu ues to underrstand the dyynamic behaavior of a vehicle can bee seen in [34] and d [28]. Thesse open loop p tests definne maneuveering characcteristics thaat are unique to an ny vehicle. The understtanding of thhis dynamicc behavior is essential iin the developmen nt of an autonomous con ntrol system. The tests arre simple proocedures thaat can be carried out o with bassic sensors and determiine valuablee informatioon about vehhicles maneuverin ng characteriistics and deetermine conntroller gainns. Sea trial informationn can also be used d with a Kallman filter and a regressioon to estimaate maneuveering coefficients, motion variables and hy ydrodynamicc forces. Thhis method, ccalled the “eestimation bbefore modeling teechnique,” was w tested usiing sea trial data of a tannker in [39]. Slidin ng mode con ntrol could prove p to bee very usefuul in the auttonomous coontrol system on th he DUKW 21. 2 This metthod changees the dynam mics of a nonnlinear systeem so it is not a fu unction of tiime. It was used u in [8] ffor the contrrol of a wheeeled robot iin the presence off skidding effects e and experimenta e al results vaalidate its efffectiveness.. The dynamic natture presenteed in this con ncept of a trracked vehiccle transitionning betweenn land and sea mak ke sliding mo ode control a possible m method for coontrol. 1.5 Contribution The goals of this thesis t are to experimentaally characteerize the opeen loop, dynaamic 114 performance characteristics of the DUKW-Ling; to perform systems identification of the vehicle on land, water and the surf zone; and to refine the design of the vehicle to facilitate autonomous control system development. The transitional surf zone is the main area of interest during development of the vehicle, for this thesis work as well as in planned future research. The project is broken into two stages, the first being vehicle design, modification and upgraded system development; and the second stage is experimental testing and data analysis. The vehicle’s original drivetrain, sensors and electronics were not adequate for planned testing and autonomous control system development. The drivetrain was converted to a tank track system, because the vehicle difficult to operate in sand, where much of the planned research will take place. This conversion also produced a vehicle model more similar to the full scale design concept, so experimental testing is more applicable. A unique amphibious vehicle sensor suite, motherboard PCB and electrical system were designed and implemented on the DUKW-ling model. The new system has sensors that are now adequate for extensive vehicle testing and future autonomous control development. This sensor suite was tested individually, as well as integrated on the vehicle as a complete system operating on land, at sea and in the surf zone test areas to verify its performance. A vision-based obstacle detection system was also developed and tested. With further refinement, it may be possible to use this system for object detection and localization. Preliminary testing of the system shows it is capable of locating and tracking objects, and the system can be integrated into a future autonomous control system for obstacle avoidance and vision based navigation. The system uses OpenCV 15 open source software to perform computer vision tasks. A detailed description of the vision system work is given in Appendix 3. The second focus of this thesis was experimental testing of the vehicle’s characteristics. These tests will be further explained in this report, and include: maneuvering tests, identification of vehicle forces in the transition zone, vehicle motions in the surf zone, measurement of the vehicle’s response to motor input commands, and determination of basic vehicle characteristics such as turning radius, velocity and acceleration on land and at sea. One of the most significant difficulties facing modeling research and algorithm development for amphibious vehicles is the lack of experimental data [8]. More specifically, CISD reports mention a lack of drivetrain forces in the transition region, maximum drivable gradient, the vehicle’s turning radius and driving characteristics, as well as the vehicle’s dynamics in different sea states as impediments to algorithm development for amphibious vehicles [8]. These issues were addressed, and experimental data is now available to Flom and others to develop these algorithms. This data will also be useful for future projects that explore a multi-terrain vehicle which transitions between land and sea, like the DUKW 21. Because FAU contributes to the development of many autonomous vehicles, a universal control system that is modular and can be used on more than one vehicle could be useful to ease autonomous system development. By creating a universal electrical and sensor system network, future projects would only need to make minor 16 modifications and add their unique requirements to a baseline system. They could also build on existing software development of previous projects, simplifying the development of the autonomous vehicle, since many of the projects over the past five years at FAU have been similar. In the design of the sensor and electronics system of this project, the ability for it to be used on similar vehicles was taken into consideration when appropriate, in hopes that this system could be built upon after this project is complete. The motherboard PCB was designed to facilitate the requirements of this project, while also adding additional features that could be of use to similar projects in the future by using the flexibility of the deigned system. The detailed contributions of this project are shown below. 1. Systems Upgrade Vehicle was upgraded to allow for adequate testing and control as an autonomous amphibious vehicle. This includes upgraded electrical and sensor systems, as well as a new tank track drivetrain to replace the wheeled drivetrain originally on the vehicle. This will be outlined in detail in section 2.1. Upgraded sensors such as a GPS enabled IMU and a differential GPS have been integrated onto the vehicle to improve test data and allow for future autonomous control development. A printed circuit board (PCB) motherboard was designed to integrate all onboard sensors with the TS-7800 single board computer (SBC). The board allows proper powering of the sensors and data communication. It also 17 contains the electrical structure to drive the vehicle’s lifting mechanism and communicate with the motor controllers. 2. Sensor Integration and Testing The electronics system is capable of logging sensor data and was designed to be further developed into an autonomous control system. This autonomous system is currently in development at FAU by FAU graduate student Jose Alvarez. Each sensor was calibrated and tested individually to ensure it could collect and save data. The sensors were tested as a system to confirm all data was collected and saved successfully for planned testing and future autonomous development. 3. Vehicle Behavior Experimentally defined vehicle’s behavioral characteristics and capabilities in the regions it must perform: land, sea and the transition region. This included maneuvering characteristics in open water and land, as well as forces, motions and accelerations experienced in the surf zone. Course keeping was also tested, and power differences between port and starboard motors for land and sea were found to allow the vehicle to track a straight course, and make symmetric turns. Determined the limitations of the model, such as: minimum turning radius, maximum traversable gradient, maximum accelerations and velocities in the different operating areas, limitations in a sandy environment, rate of turn for 18 a variety of virtual rudder deflections etc. This information has been documented for reference for future research using this vehicle, so tests can be designed to stay within the limitations of the vehicle model. Motor inputs and vehicle outputs were defined by experimental testing. A wide range of motor commands were given to the motors both on land and in water and the response of the vehicle was measured with the on board sensors. The vehicle was tested in the surf zone to define the motions it experiences during its transition between land and sea. These motions were related to wave characteristics. The drivetrain forces experienced in this transition were also found by tests in the surf zone compared to dynamometer motor tests. 4. Vision System A vision system has been initially developed and tested using OpenCV computer vision open source software. The system is capable of providing a control system with information about the vehicle’s surroundings and the locations of potential obstacles or navigation buoys. This will be used in future development of the DUKW’s autonomous navigation system. This system information is included in the appendix. 5. Universal Control System The sensor and control system, and especially the motherboard PCB, were designed in such a way that they can be used with other similar projects. 19 This project studied similar efforts in the past as well as the future at FAU and developed a system based on some of the requirements found most frequently on autonomous vehicles. This is in hopes that future projects can build on the progress made in this thesis work. The following document provides a detailed description of the complete system design, the experimental approach taken for data collection, and a results section that presents the data with discussion of the results. 20 2 2.1 APPRO OACH Modiffication, Upg grades and System S Desiggn The vehicle v was equipped with w a basic sensor systeem in 2010 during the FAU senior desig gn project. The T sensors used were nnot adequatee for the plaanned researrch or control systtem developm ment. It wass determinedd the sensor system musst be upgradded to meet the acccuracy requ uirements in the plannedd research. T The modification and syystem design will be b detailed below. b The mechanicall system off the initiall demonstraator model, specificallyy the w deemed d unusable by a past project, andd needed too be replaceed to drivetrain, was continue dev velopment of o this conceept. The moddel was originally built w with a five w wheel drivetrain and used inadequate gear ratioss that show wed poor results in land ng, and the vehicle v was unable u to peerform in saand. The mechanical chaanges maneuverin done in this work added d a tank track drivetrain that allowedd the vehiclee to perform m well in land testiing. Motor mounts, m chaain drives annd gear systeems were allso redesignned in order to provide a working vehicle capable c of p erforming planned testinng. 2.1.1 Mecchanical Con nversion The original traccked drivetraain design, ddeveloped at CISD, wass the basis oof this design. Thee maneuveraability of a tracked t vehiicle is propoortional to tthe ratio of track length in contact with w the ground, g to distance bbetween trrack centerrlines. 221 Maneuverab bility is meaasured by th he ease of stteering and ccourse keepping. The opptimal ratio is betw ween 1.3 and d 1.8, with lower l ratios causing unsstable condiitions, and hhigher ratios causiing difficultty in steering [20][13]]. The sepaaration of tthe model’s hull centerlines is 32 inchess, which meeans the tracck length shhould be bettween 40 annd 57 inches. Befo ore modificaation, as sho own in the ffigure below w, the ratio w was too highh and the vehicle was w unable to t turn. Fiigure 4 - Origiinal Vehicle w with Wheel Drrivetrain In order o to sim mplify the orriginal modeel design, thhe tracked ssystem origiinally proposed fo or the DUKW W 21 was reeplaced withh wheels forr the originaal construction of the model, as seen in figures fi 4 and d 5. This redduced constrruction costt and compleexity, but also lim mits testing an nd the model’s capabilitiies. 222 The existing land-based propulsion system on the vehicle was found to be inadequate by the 2010 FAU senior design project [32]. This project attempted to operate the vehicle between water and a sandy beach. They were unsuccessful in operating the vehicle on the beach due to issues with the original drivetrain. This project was therefore restricted in the tests it could perform. There are two problems the previous project documented in terms of the land propulsion. First, the front and rear wheels would drag when the vehicle performed a turning maneuver, and therefore limited the testing that could be done with the vehicle, while also putting added strain on the motors and drivetrain. The high length-toseparation ratio explains this problem. In a turning maneuver, the vehicle was actually held back by its front and rear wheels. The second issue with the original drivetrain was the chain driven sprockets. Being an amphibious vehicle, the DUKW-ling frequently encounters a sandy environment during testing and operation. The original drivetrain consisted of a drive wheel that was linked to each of the other four wheels with a chain and sprockets. However, the sprocket radius was 10 [cm], while the wheel radius was 13 [cm] This configuration can be seen in figure five below. In sand, the wheels sank as the vehicle maneuvered, causing the sprockets to be submerged in the sand, which bound the drive system as sand was spun into the chain and sprockets. Lubrication of the steel chain was also difficult because of its location inside the hulls, and it had significant rust and corrosion damage. This damage increased the torque required to move the vehicle, due to the fact that the chain was over 3 meters long and drove five separate sprockets. The gear ratios used to drive the wheel drivetrain were also incorrect 23 and required d a high amo ount of torqu ue on the mootor sprocketts. Figure 5 – Original O Five W Wheel Drivetrain It was determineed the ideal modificatioon of the vehhicle was too convert thee five wheel, conttinuous-chaiin driven drrivetrain intto a tank trrack system, which is more similar to th he full scale design, and d would perfform better than tires inn the sand. IIn the new configuration, there is no ch hain near thee sandy groound. The ffront drive chain controls the main drive sprocket forr the track syystem, and is over 25 [cm] from thee sand at its lowest point. Thee chain was also increassed in size, so sand woould not affeect its operation. The T new chaain is shown n in the figuure below oon the left, with the oriiginal chain on thee right for co omparison. 224 Figure 6 - New Chain n vs. Original The front and rear r track sp prockets werre raised froom the bottoom-most whheels, which easess the turning g of the vehicle, since it will no longger have to ddrag its fronnt and rear wheels,, as it did with the previious drivetraain. This connfiguration iis called a doouble ramped tracck, and allow ws the vehiclle to both appproach and ddepart largerr obstacles tthan a single or no o-ramp confi figuration. Th his also reduuces the tracck length inn contact witth the ground, providing a low wer ratio, and d better drivve characteriistics becausse of its increeased maneuverab bility. The neew design usses the lowe st ratio, a traack length off 1.01 [m], w which makes the vehicle v most maneuverab ble as descriibed above. T This value ccan be adjustted in the future by y adjusting the t mounting positions oof the front and rear whheels up to a track length of 1.12 [m]. Thiss adjustment would give a ratio of 1.38, as shownn in figure 77. 225 Figure 7 - Tracked Vehiclee Separation R Ratios The new drivettrain attachees to the cuurrent frame of the vehhicle, with m minor modification ns and addeed axle bracckets. The aangle the froont and rearr sprockets m make with lower wheels are such that hu ull damage iis avoided w when approaaching an inccline. minum drop pdown brack ket is show wn in figuree eight. CA AD drawingss and The all-alum pictures of all a fabricated d parts are in ncluded in thhe appendix. Figurre 8 – Tracked d Drivetrain 226 The configuratio on of the traack system iimproves peerformance iin turning, speed, resistance and max grad dient capabilities. The w wheel positioons are alignned to protecct the front and reear of the veehicle hull from f comingg into contaact with beaach gradientss and obstacles. The T angle beetween the lo ower wheelss and the driive sprockets is 68 [degrrees]. This angle determines the range of obstacle s the vehiccle is capabble of traverrsing. Because this is a non-co ombat, cargo o transport vvehicle, the oobstacles thaat will be prresent are assumed d minimal, so o the angle was w not a larrge factor in the design. While there is no documentatiion of the track t angle in the origginal design of the DU UKW 21 vehhicle, pictures of the t vehicle in n a report sh how an anglee less than m most combataant tank tracks. Figuree 9 - Conveyorr Belt Track The track used in the desig gn is an Aceetal plastic cconveyor beelt from Intrralox, seen in figu ure 9 above. Plastic strip ps were addded to replacce the rubbeer friction toop for increased trraction in saand. A track ked drivetraiin will allow w for better estimates oof the full-scale vehicle’s v beh havior sincee it will be more simillar to the ffull-scale traacked design. Thee bottom six x wheels carrry the loadd of the vehhicle, and thhe front andd rear sprockets keeep the track k in place. Th he front sproocket is driveen by a chain and gears 227 using an electric motor mounted on the above superstructure. The gearing and motor size were determined by attaching a load cell to the vehicle in many different situations that would be expected in testing in the beach test area; inclines, as well as soft sand, hard packed sand, and partially submerged vehicle were explored to find the force required to move the vehicle from rest. The maximum resistance measured in these tests was used in determining the ideal gearing of the motor and chain drive system, using a 20% margin of error added to the maximum measured resistance. The maximum rolling resistance was found when the vehicle was partially submerged in the surf zone. 890 [N] of force was the maximum measured force required to move the vehicle in this area. So a resistance of 1,068 [N] was used in gearing calculations, assuming this is the worst case scenario to be encountered. Results of the rolling resistance tests in different situations can be found in the results section. A dynamometer was used to understand the motor characteristics, because no documentation was available from the manufacturer. The torque available from the motors was important in choosing gears to drive the new drivetrain. The dynamometer allows torque to be manually adjusted, and also has software that can subject the motor to user-defined tests. The motor controllers were used in the tests, so torque could be related to the current to the motors and motor commands, which are both measured by the motor controllers. The results of the dynamometer tests can be found in the results section. These results were used for drivetrain gearing and sprocket choices. 28 Figure 10 - FB BD of Vehiclee Rolling Resisstance Now w that the provided p motor m torquee was deterrmined, the gears coulld be determined to overcome the resistaance measureed, while allso minimiziing the torquue on the motors and a providin ng adequate speed of thee vehicle. Thhese three faactors were ttaken into consideeration for th he design. Th he forces accting on the vvehicle are sshown in thee free body diagraam above. The diagram below illustrrates the spprocket num mbering systtem used inn the gearing tablle. The left figure f is abo ove the hull aand the rightt figure is beelow the hulll and shows the drive d axle with w the fourtth sprocket and the drivve sprocket which drivees the tank tracks. 229 Fig gure 11 - Gearring System N Numbering Coonvention The worst case force f of 1,06 68 [N] (seenn as half of thhis value in the table beccause there are tw wo motors) was w used as th he force on the track driive sprockett, and becausse the radius of th his sprocket was fixed, 47.5 [Nm] of torque rrequired froom the driveeshaft could be deetermined. This T torque is i equal to thhe torque reequired by ssprocket fouur, the chain driven n sprocket on o the same axle, in ordeer to move tthe vehicle tthrough the w worst case scenariio. Sprocketts three and four were addjustable in the design. The force oon the chain and th he angular velocities v off each shaftt would varyy as the sprrocket sizes were changes. ues, forces aand tangentiial velocitiess were show wn at The table shows that torqu each point in the drive system, s and varying the two sprockeet sizes show wn outlined iin red mbinations of o speed, forrces and torqques until ann adequate ddesign would give different com was found. 330 Table 2 – Gearing Equations Gearing Table Variables and Equations Rotations Per Minute ∗ 60 Rotations Per Second Circumference 2 Tangential Velocity Force Torque ∗ Radius 31 Figure 12 - Gear Sysstem Torques Belo ow is a table that was used to find alll torques, foorces, speedss, RPMs andd gear sizes of the new track drivetrain, and a was useed to adjust the design uuntil an adequate combination n was found.. Table 3 - Gearing Spreadsheeet Radius [cm] RPM 1 RPS 1 Circumference [cm] Tangential Vel. 1 [m/seec] Force 1 [N] Torque [Nm} 1.27 2600.00 43.33 7.98 3.46 306.25 3.89 Radius [ccm] 5.64 4 Radius [cm] RPM 2 585.59 9 RPM 3 RPS 2 9.76 6 RPS 3 Circumfeerence [cm] 35.43 3 Circumference [cm] Tangentiial Vel. [m/sec] 3.46 6 Tangential Vel. [m/secc] Force [N] 306.25 5 Force [N] Torque [[Nm} 17.27 7 Torque [Nm} 2.92 585.59 9.76 18.35 1.79 591.19 17.27 Radius [cm m] 8.03 Radius [cm] R RPM 4 213.11 RPM 5 R RPS 4 3.55 R RPS 5 Circumfereence [cm] 50.43 Circumference [cm] C Tangential Vel. [m/sec] 1.79 Tangential Vel. [m/sec] T 591.19 Force [N] F Force [N] Torque [Nm m} 47.45 Torque [Nm} T 8.89 213.11 3.55 55.86 1.98 533.76 47.45 A fo our sprocket drive system m was chosenn because off the high RP PM of the m motors and the high h torque requ uirement forr moving thee vehicle. Thhe configuraation allows for a large gear reduction, r ab bout 7:1, wiithout the usse of a com mplex worm gear. The m motor sprocket haas a one 2.5 54 [cm] diaameter whille the final tread drivee sprocket hhas a diameter off 17.27 [cm]. The chain that drives tthe drive axxle is #50 rooller chain, w which 332 has a pitch of o 1.6 [cm], and working g load of 6855 [N]. In thee table show wn, it can be nnoted this working g load satisffies the forcee calculated on the chainn in the preddicted worstt case scenario. This T chain is 2 [cm] in n width so sand does not signifiicantly affecct its performancee. All sprocckets, chain and drivetrrain componnents are sttainless steeel for corrosion reesistance. 2.1.2 Elecctrical, Senso or and Contrrol System D Design Belo ow is a blocck diagram of the vehiicles electroonics layout.. The waterpproof electronics box b is located on top of the vehiclee super struccture, and thhe hull boxees are attached to the t top deck k of each hulll. The starbooard box conntains a mottor controlleer and batteries forr the land motors, m and the t port boxx contains thhe propeller motor contrroller and batteries. 333 Single Board Computer (SBC) The original model’s electrical system was upgraded to allow for improved data acquisition and added systems integration. The control system was designed around an ARM9 based Technologic Systems TS-7800 processor. The TS-7800 is mounted on a new motherboard PCB and housed in the waterproof control box on top of the vehicle, and is easily detached for bench tests and development, as well as transfer to another vehicle. In order to isolate the control electronics from the noise generated by the drivetrain and propeller motors, this control box has its own power supply. The TS7800 is used because of its processing capabilities, the number of serial ports and the familiarity current FAU graduate students have with the system. Some of the notable specifications of this particular board are its 500 MHz ARM9 processor, its twelve TTL and RS232 serial ports, SD and micro SD card slots and a PC104 interface. The TS7800 uses a Linux operating system and its capabilities make it a good candidate for use in a future autonomous control system. Sensor System Autonomous vehicles rely heavily on a GPS and compass for position and heading measurements. To allow testing of the model, as well as autonomous navigation, a sensor suite was added, which includes a GPS enabled Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Differential GPS (DGPS), tilt compensated digital compass, depth sensor and water sensors. There are also two motor controllers that drive the track system and propeller motors. 34 The GPS enabled IMU is an XSens MTI-G, and uses accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure accelerations, orientations and gravitational forces. This sensor is important in measuring motions the vehicle experiences in the surf zone. The Hemisphere V111 differential GPS is a conventional GPS that also uses land based stations to correct any errors in location. It also has two GPS receivers so position data can be compared to improve accuracy. This technique lowers the normal ten meter GPS accuracy down to less than half a meter, based on manufacturer specifications. This accuracy is critical in vehicle testing because any discrepancies in the GPS position measurement would yield inaccurate results. An OceanServer OS5000 3-Axis tilt compensated compass gives vehicle heading, with a manufacturer stated accuracy of 0.5 degrees. The compass is tilt compensated, and pitch motions can be recorded with this sensor. These three sensors are all serial devices. An RF transceiver is used for wireless communication between the vehicle and a shore based laptop monitoring station. The unit used is a 900 MHz XStream OEM RF transceiver module. This RF transceiver is mounted on the motherboard PCB and is used to send data between the shore station and the onboard TS-7800 computer. This provides a secondary source for data collection, in addition to saving sensor data onboard the vehicle. It also provides a means of monitoring and ensuring proper operation during testing and future autonomous navigation. A depth sensor is used to monitor the water depth in which the vehicle is operating. This is important in testing as well as navigation. During testing, the depth was monitored to ensure sufficient depth was maintained, to avoid any discrepancies in 35 data due to bottom effeccts. In auton nomous naviigation, it is assumed thee vehicle will use depth sensor data to con ntrol which means m of proopulsion it rrequires to kkeep its course. In a similar reegard, water sensors weere installed on the fronnt and rear of the vehiccle to detect when n it has enterred or exited d the water. T The informaation from thhese analog w water sensors willl be used to o control thee type of proopulsion thee vehicle is uusing. The w water sensors werre designed and built in house annd use a sim mple circuiit located onn the motherboard d PCB. Th he schematiics of the water senssor are shoown below. The microcontro oller sends an a analog signal s to thee water sensor located at a part oof the vehicle thatt would be submerged in the beachh transition. The sensorr consists off two leads, and when w the cirrcuit is shorrted becausee it is in coontact with w water, the sensor notifies the control systeem using a digital d I/O linne. Figure 13 - Water Sen nsor Schematiic The RoboteQ AX2550 A mottor controlleers are a staandalone unnit located in the battery boxees on each hull. h They are dual channnel motor coontrollers, soo they can coontrol two differen nt motors sim multaneously y. Because tthe vehicle hhas both landd and sea mootors, 336 these controllers were ideal for the application. They use either serial or remote control communication, and are manually switched between the two depending on the application. The motor controllers can be controlled with RoboRun software, which allows bench testing, and the ability to operate the motors before installation on the vehicle. This software was also helpful in dynamometer testing. The software outputs voltage and current, and can also be used to record this information during testing. RoboServer is another software function provided with the motor controllers. RoboServer allows wireless communication between a host and server laptop. This allows a server laptop to be onboard the vehicle running the RoboServer software and connected to the motor controller via a serial port. The host computer runs the RoboRun software remotely and sends commands to the onboard server laptop. This means the RoboRun data collection and motor command software can be controlled on-shore, while the vehicle navigates in the water, as seen in figure sixteen. This proved to be a very useful tool in testing, allowing data collection and adjusting motor commands wirelessly using the motor controller software. Below is a figure provided in the motor controller manual that explains how this function works. 37 Figure 14 – RoboteQ’s RoboSerrver Software Operation Wheen the motorr controllers are being ussed without tthe manufacctures softwaare during testin ng, data is trransmitted viia the serial lline in a hexxidecimal strring. Below iis the layout of thee data string g, and the Maatlab sectionn of the appeendix shows how this datta was read an nd plotted verrsus coordin nated UTC tiime to syncrronize motorr data with seensor results. Figuree 15 - Motor Controller C Hexxadecimal Com mmunication 338 A fo orklift style cargo hand dling mechaanism below w was designned by the FAU senior desig gn project teeam in 2010, and uses a winch, lineear actuatorss and momeentary switches to control the lifting l and lo owering of th the arms. Thhe vehicle’s ccargo mechaanism was designeed to securee a 1/7th scalle ISO conttainer for traansport. Thee system reqquires minor electrrical circuitrry and this was w added too the new electrical sysstem so the ccargo handling mechanism m reemained fun nctional. Thhe lifting system uses H H-bridges, w which allow for multi-directio m onal power,, for the abbility to opeerate the ellectric motoors in forward or reverse r with the same cirrcuit. Figure 16 – Container Liifting Mechan nism Mo otherboard PCB P A prrinted circuitt board (PCB B) was desiggned as the m motherboard which bringgs the electronic sy ystem togeth her to interfface with thee TS-7800 ccomputer. Alll vehicle seensors are either mounted m on the board, or plug intoo the board from other locations on the vehicle. A PCB P simpliffies the wiriing and circuuitry neededd to interfacce all sensors and vehicle systtems. A high h level block k diagram off the sensorss and their iinterface witth the TS7800 is shown below w. 339 Figure 17 –C Control Syste m Block Diaggram The motherboard PCB was designed annd fabricatedd in house. T The PCB conntains y needed to operate thee vehicle inn testing andd during fuuture autonom mous all circuitry navigation. The vehiclee’s IMU, com mpass, RF T Transceiver and RC recceiver are loocated inside the waterproof w ellectronics bo ox, and are mounted onn the PCB. T The DGPS, ddepth and water sensors, s two motor conttrollers, and lifting mecchanism are found outside of the electron nics box and are wired to o the PCB th through wateerproof bulkkhead connecctors. Each sensorr or vehicle component has its uniqque circuitry required for power andd data transfer prin nted on the board. b This circuitry c wa s designed, laid out on tthe PCB andd sent for printing. Because each e sensor has h specificc power requuirements, aand its data, both sent and recceived, musst go to a sp pecific port on the TS--7800, the P PCB significcantly reduces com mplex wiring g requiremen nts by printinng it on a 333x20 [cm] bboard. All veehicle componentss plug directlly to the boaard in a certaain location and the circuuits that inteegrate 440 each with the entire system is located on the PCB. Many different test points were added to the board layout to simplify debugging and testing. Because there have been many autonomous vehicle research projects at FAU in recent years, an attempt to make a universal sensor and control system was made in this project. This would make the development of future projects a concentration of software, as opposed to sensor, electrical and hardware development, which was a large time consuming task in this, or any project. A PCB motherboard layout can take many weeks or months to design and draw schematics and board layouts, and many times these boards are very similar from vehicle to vehicle. The focus of the universal capabilities was in the electrical system and the integration with the SBC. Previous projects were taken into consideration when designing the control system on the DUKW-ling. This mainly dealt with the addition of capabilities that are usually necessary on similar projects, such as extra analog inputs and spare serial lines easily accessible on the PCB motherboard. The PCB was designed to provide the user with as many options as possible in sensors that could be used with this board. For serial communication, all RS232 serial ports were accessible through uniform plugs on the board. This allows any combination of sensors to be interfaced with the computer, and also helps in software testing and debugging. Even serial lines that were not used in this particular project were made available on the board. Three H-bridge circuits were included on the board for supplying power to various systems on future vehicles. In this case, the three H-bridges power the lifting mechanism’s winch and linear actuators. H-bridges allow voltage to be 41 provided to the circuit in either direction, which makes them ideal for controlling electric motors in forward or reverse. A series of digital inputs and outputs were also made easily accessible through plugs on the PCB. Because these digital input/output lines are so general, and can be used to a variety of different applications, having access to them through the PCB will be useful for any project. In addition to the digital lines, twelve analog ports were made available through the PCB. Three of them are designated monitoring ports for battery voltage, current and H-bridge voltage. The board was designed to pass six of these analog lines through amplifiers, which provide either five or twelve volts. These amplified analog signals can be used for a load cell or other analog sensor frequently used in autonomous vehicle development. An RC receiver was paired with a Pololu Maestro twelve channel servo controller in order to provide the option of controlling onboard servos remotely. This increases the usefulness of this board because of the amount of systems that can be controlled using a remote control, which is often performed in autonomous system development. The wiring diagrams and PCB layout diagrams can be seen in the appendix. Below is the developed PCB motherboard before it was installed on the vehicle. The red stack of two boards is the TS-7800 CBC board and the analog-todigital converter board. The IMU and compass are mounted on the board but are not pictured below. 42 Figure F 18 - PC B Motherboaard 2.2 Experrimental App proach Testting was peerformed to verify thaat the improoved vehiclle is capable of performing in the operaational envirronments thaat its missioon will exposse it to, landd, sea urf zone beetween the two, and too characteriize the vehicle’s and the traansitional su behavior fo or future research and development d t. In this higghly dynam mic surf zonee, the forces and response r chaaracteristics of o the vehiclle need exploration throuugh experim mental testing. Dettermining the forces and d behavior oof the vehiclle in this traansition regiion is the first step p in develop ping adequatte models foor control off an autonom mous amphibbious vehicle. The testing con nditions werre mainly ddriven by thhe terrain aavailable at FAU Seatech and d the Daniaa Beach coaast. For landd testing, thhe original rrequirement of a gradient of 1/50 was inccreased to 1//5, or about 10 [degreess], the averagge gradient oof the w was measured m witth a clinomeeter. The m main fluctuatting parametter in test area, which water-based d testing waas the weath her, more sppecifically thhe waves prresent in thee surf zone, which h could not be dramaticc because o f the size oof the vehiclle model. D During 443 initial vehiccle testing, th he maximum m wave heighht and surf cconditions foor operation were defined, so testing t could d be limited to conditionns within theese parameteers. The waves weree scaled geo ometrically based on thhe 1/7th scalle of the veehicle model. The wave frequeency, howev ver, was scalled using thee equation bbelow, wheree T is wave period d [29]. √ Sea state limitattions were a restriction oon test condditions. The m model was ttested nditions up to o sea state one. o Sea staate 1 (SS1) iincludes waaves less thaan 0.3 only in con [m], with a period of 2 seconds. The T wind sp eed is between 2.57 - 44.16 [m/s], aand a wavelength of 3.04 - 4.8 88 [m]. 2.2.1 Senssor and Test Equipment Calibration IMU U: The Xsen ns IMU wass calibrated using softw ware providded with thee unit which comp pensates forr disturbancces in the m magnetic fieeld measureed by the IM MU’s magnetometters. It is im mportant not to t expose thhe sensor to strong magnnetic fields aat any time becausse non-magn netic parts insside the unitt may becom me magnetizeed as a resultt. Becaause the mag gnetometers on the Xsenns IMU use tthe earth’s m magnetic fielld for operation, disturbances d s in this fieeld will cauuse inaccuraate results. D Disturbances are typically ch haracterized in two cattegories. Diisturbances that are inntroduced byy the sensor’s surrrounding en nvironment are a random and cannot be predictedd. An exampple of this type of disturbance is if the DU UKW-Ling w were to pass an oncomingg boat contaaining 444 ferrous materials. These non-deterministic disturbances cannot be compensated for in advance. Therefore, a Kalman Filter running in the DSP reduces these types of errors. The second type of error is called hard or soft iron effect. These disturbances can be compensated for prior to testing because they are a direct result from objects that move with the IMU sensor. Hard iron disturbances are caused by permanent magnets, while soft iron is metallic parts such as vehicle structure, drivetrain, etc. The error in the magnetic field is a function of the orientation of these objects to the sensor, and can be predicted. These deterministic effects are compensated for by calibrating the sensor prior to testing. As long as the orientation of the sensor and its surroundings is constant (the vehicle’s components are not changed and batteries, motors, etc. are not moved), the calibration will yield accurate results. In an ideal, non-disturbed magnetic field, the 3D measured magnetic field vector has a magnitude of one. Therefore, all measured point would lay on the circumference of a sphere with a radius of one and a center at zero. When disturbances are introduced, this sphere is shifted and warped. Assuming there are no non-deterministic errors causing this distortion, the sensor can be calibrated prior to testing to compensate for the warping. This calibration compensates for any deterministic, hard or soft iron effects, such as the vehicle’s motors, electronics, structure, etc. Because there is no way of differentiating between the two types of disturbances, it is important to calibrate the vehicle away from external disturbances that could distort the magnetic field, so that any disturbance during the calibration is caused by objects moving with the IMU on the vehicle. The Xsens user’s manual recommends the IMU be at least three meters from 45 any ferromagnetic objects in order to ensure a homogenous magnetic field for calibration. To calibrate the sensor, it is placed in the location it will be during data acquisition, with all vehicle systems in place. The IMU data is recorded using the Xsens software. The vehicle is rotated 360 [degrees], at a speed that completes one rotation in three minutes, and the magnetometers collect data. Because the only interference is from on-vehicle noise, any warping or distortion in the data is a direct result from this hard or soft iron effect. Therefore, because the same interference can be assumed during testing, the calibration process will map the warped and distorted data into the sphere discussed above. This “magnetic field mapping” technique is carried out using the Xsens software and calibration parameters are determined and can be saved on the sensor for future use, and calibration of test data. The magnetic field mapper is shown in figure 21 below. It can be seen that the blue distorted field is calibrated in such a way that the red, post-calibration map is symmetric and not distorted. The calibrated accuracy is now 0.7 degrees, and the deviation goes from 8.5% to under 0.5%. This process is also outlined in the Xsens IMU manual. 46 Figure 19 - Xsens Magneetic Field Map pper Com mpass: Comp pass calibrattion is ratheer straightfoorward and iis similar too that performed for any oth her magneticc compass. The compaass, like thee IMU, muust be ms in place. The installed in its permaneent location on the vehiicle with all other system compass is set to a caliibration mod de using an RS232 com mmand: 0x1bb 0x43. It iss then degrees] at a speed of ab about one rootation per m minute. After this rotated in a full 360 [d procedure, the t calibratio on constants are saved too the sensor,, although thhis proceduree was carried out at a the beginn ning of every y day the vehhicle was ussed for experriments. Afteer the initiall calibration n, a soft iroon calibratioon was perfoormed. Softt iron compensatio on deals witth disturbancces from meetallic materrials on the vehicle. Annother command is i sent to th he compasss to enter ssoft iron callibration. U Using a maggnetic compass in n an area frree of otherr magnetic disturbancess, the vehiccle is aligneed to cardinal poiints: north, east, e south, west. w This caalibration prrocedure willl compensatte for 447 the effects of metal material on the vehicle, and is described in detail in the OS5000 Compass manual. Dynamometer: The Magtrol DSP6000 controller and dynamometer can be calibrated using two different methods. Both methods are “closed box” calibrations, meaning all adjustments can be made using the dynamometer controller’s display panel. The first calibration technique adjusts the torque readout and auxiliary input. The calibration is carried out using an external reference voltage supply and a digital multimeter (DMM). The DMM should have an accuracy of 0.05% or better. The calibration procedure was performed prior to any testing, and is recommended at least once a year, or after any modifications are made to the system. The DSP6000 was turned on for thirty minutes before any calibration was performed. The DSP6000 was then switched to calibration mode by turning the instrument off, pressing and holding the up and down arrows on the display. Torque offset and gain is performed with the external voltage source. The ground is tied to pin thirteen and positive to pin fourteen of the DSP6000. A voltage of two VDC is applied. The gain is adjusted until the display voltage equals the two VDC reference voltage. Then a voltage of zero is provided and the procedure is repeated. Calibration results are saved on the instruments non-volatile memory for future measurements. The second calibration procedure is dynamometer specific, rather than a calibration of the DSP6000 instrument. This procedure must be performed if the data acquisition DSP6000 unit is used on any other dynamometer. A calibration beam is provided with the dynamometer and used in this procedure. The beam is attached to the 48 dynamometter shaft, and a the co ontroller is switched to calibrattion mode. The dynamometter brake is turned t on, an nd a known w weight is huung from thee end of the bbeam at a pre-marked distancce. Because the distancee and weighht provides a known mooment on the dynaamometer, the t torque on o the DSP66000 controoller can be adjusted unntil it equals the known k input moment cau used by the hhanging onee pound weigght, shown iin the figure below w. Figure 20 0 - Dynamomeeter Calibratioon 2.2.2 Vehiicle Tests Driv vetrain conversion improved the caapabilities of the vehiclle; previous tests using the original vehicle drivetraiin could not explore thhe vehicle’s transition tto the beach becaause of the limitations associated with the ffive-wheeledd drivetrain. The vehicle upgrades alloweed testing in n this area off interest. Teesting begann with qualittative tests to undeerstand the abilities a of the model w with its new ddrivetrain. U Understandinng the 449 operational limitations of the vehicle and the performance of the new drivetrain were necessary for this project, as well as future projects that propose further testing of the model. The model was operated by remote control in the different environments it was required to operate. The main reason for these initial tests were to locate any problems with the new vehicle system before any performances tests were conducted. Limitations of the vehicle, such as the maximum incline it could climb, approach and departure angles, rough estimates of its turning radius both on land and sea were noted so that test plan development could take these parameters into consideration. An estimate of the maximum wave height the vehicle could encounter was also determined to limit any testing that could damage the vehicle. As software was written, each sensor was tested for proper data collection and storage. Initially, both a turning circle test and random zigzags were performed while collecting data from each sensor independently. Because of the predictable motions of a constant circle or alternating headings, sensors such as the compass, DGPS, compass and IMU were tested with this method to verify they were collecting and saving data with the onboard computer. Quickly plotting the collected data could verify if the data was relevant to the specific test. The software was also designed to save its data onto a USB drive, as a backup data collection tool and a way to transport it to a laptop. These tests were also used to test the motor controllers. They would save information during the test such as motor commands, current and voltage as well as internal temperature. Once all sensors were collecting and properly saving data, more complex testing was planned. A description of each area of testing is shown below with a description of 50 the test, the equipment needed and a descriptioon of the areea the test w was performeed, as well as any other relevaant information for each ttest. Ro olling Resistaance Testing g The rolling resisstance tests were w the firsst tests perfoormed on thee vehicle afteer the drivetrain was w complette. These tessts were criitical for prooper drivetrrain gearing.. The motors weree removed from f the veh hicle, and thhe tracked vvehicle was pulled by a load cell until itt began to roll. r The lo oad cell wass set up to record the maximum force measured. The T sensor was w initializeed when the ttow line was held taughht, and the puulling force was slowly increaased until th he vehicle beegan to roll. This test w was perform med in different areeas of the beeach, on wett sand (pictuured below), dry sand, upp inclines ass well as partially submerged. The resultss of this testt can be seeen in the ressults section. The f measu ured in these tests was used to deetermine thee correct geearing maximum force required forr the vehiclee’s drivetrain n; an additioonal twenty percent marrgin of errorr was added. Figure 21 2 - Rolling Reesistance Tests 551 Maximum Incline and Approach/Departure Angles Approach and departure angles are the maximum angles of obstacles the vehicle can encounter without dragging its hulls. The tank track drivetrain was designed to maximize these angles, by lowering the track below the hulls to avoid contact with the ground in most expected situations. These angles were found on flat ground using an inclinometer. The maximum incline the vehicle is able to traverse on sand was also found through experiment. The current to the motors was measured during this test to understand the strain put on the electric motors during these large incline situations. This test helps define a safe operating limit for the vehicle when planning tests and vehicle operation. While the vehicle may be able to traverse a large incline, the duration of this slope should be limited based on the measured current to the motors. An increased power draw to the motors for an extended period of time can damage them. A variety of inclines were tested to show the current draw in the motors to help avoid damage in testing as well as during autonomous navigation. Land Maneuvering Characteristics Minimum turning radius: the minimum turning radius on flat sand was measured. Because the vehicle can also turn on axis by putting one track in forward and one in reverse, this test ensured both tracks were in motion to find the minimum turning radius while keeping forward momentum, and not pivoting on its axis. The GPS was used to measure the position of the vehicle. The radius was also measured by measuring 52 the diameterr of the circlle the vehiclle traveled dduring the tesst. The test w was perform med in both directio ons. The veh hicle is show wn in the testt area in figuure below. Figure 22 - Vehicle Duriing Land Testting Maxximum Veloccity and Accceleration: T The vehicle was tested oon flat sandd, and the GPS an nd IMU weere used to measure thhe vehicle’s maximum accelerationn and velocity. Th he motor con ntrollers werre also usedd to record thhe motor coommands, cuurrent and voltage to the motorrs as the testt was perform med. Moto or Command d Testing: These T tests aare a traditioonal turning circle maneeuver, but perform med over a range of viirtual rudderr deflections. Because the vehicle uses differential thrust as op pposed to a traditional t ruudder, a virttual rudder rrefers to diffferent combination ns of thrust between b the port and staarboard motoors. An equaation for deffining a virtual rud dder is show wn below, wh here is thee rotations peer minute. B Because this iis not measured on n the DUKW W-Ling, the motor com mmand was uused, becausse for the eleectric motors the voltage v settin ng is related d linearly to R RPM. 553 δ | | A tu urning circle test revealss tactical diaameter, advaance and trannsfer. Speedd loss, roll angle an nd peak/final yaw rates were w also reccorded durinng these testss. Figure 23 - ABS Turningg Circle Test [[39] The different combination c s of motorr commandss were perfformed, andd the vehicle’s response to th hese comman nds was meaasured. This informationn will be useful in the develop pment of au utonomous control, as this input-ooutput data can be useed to determine how h the vehiicle will reacct to differennt motor com mmands to pperform diffferent maneuvers autonomous a ly. The yaw rate measurred in these eexperimentss can also bee used for control system s devellopment. 554 The vehicle began with a straight forward motion until steady state is reached, then different combinations of motor commands were given to each motor and the IMU, GPS and compass measured the result of each “virtual rudder” command. The time the vehicle was able to drive at steady state was significantly affected by the small size of the test area, which was a limiting factor in these tests. Because this is a tracked drivetrain and its reaction to different motor commands will be unique to the vehicle, this information is important in the design of autonomous control. The table four shows the different motor command combinations that were used in testing. The maximum motor command is 127 (a hexadecimal value), but for simplification of test results, a round value of 125 was used. Table 4 - Land Motor Inputs for Motor Command Circle Tests Motor Controller Commands: Land Left Turn Port Starboard 35 55 45 55 35 75 45 75 45 105 55 105 75 105 45 125 55 125 75 125 105 125 Right Turn Port Starboard 55 35 55 45 75 35 75 45 105 45 105 55 105 75 125 45 125 55 125 75 125 105 The DGPS, IMU and compass were used to collect vehicle position, motions and heading, and the rate of turn for each set of motor inputs was found, as well as the turning radius for each case. This result of this test is a set of inputs and outputs specific 55 to the vehicle for different motor commands. A Matlab code was developed to parse the GPS data, save the position coordinates and save them in Excel format, plot position coordinates in Google Earth and Google Maps, as well as plot heading, velocity and rate of turn (yaw rate), versus coordinated UTC time. The motor controllers were also used to collect motor data during the tests. In the results section below, the motor controller data (system inputs) will be provided, along with the resulting system output, or sensor data. The sensors will record information such as: velocity, yaw rate, position, heading, roll, pitch and yaw. All sensors collected data with a UTC time stamp so all data could be synchronized. These tests give similar information as a standard turning circle maneuver as described in [39]. However, a turning circle test only uses one deflection of the rudder of about fifteen degrees, which only gives data for this single case. Because the goal of this work is to provide a comprehensive set of data that is useful for autonomous control system development, many combinations of motor commands were tested to give the complete range of input/output relationships pertaining to the vehicle. This is in hopes that the autonomous system can use this information to better control the vehicle as the response to the full range of motor inputs is well defined. Sea Maneuvering Characteristics Minimum turning radius: The minimum turning radius was found in calm water. As in land testing, the test found the minimum turning radius while keeping forward momentum. A second test was also performed, pivoting the vehicle on-axis by putting one motor in forward and one in reverse to determine the response of the vehicle. The 56 GPS was used to measure the position of the vehicle in both cases. The radius was found by measuring the diameter of the circle the vehicle traveled during the test. The test was performed in both directions. Maximum Velocity and Acceleration: The vehicle was tested in calm water, the GPS and IMU were used to measure the vehicle’s maximum acceleration and velocity. The motor controllers were also used to record motor commands, current and voltage to the motors as the test was performed. Motor Command Testing: As in land testing described above, different motor commands were given to the propellers after the vehicle was in steady state. The vehicle’s responses to the motor commands were recorded by the IMU, GPS and compass. Table five shows the different combinations of motor commands provided to the propellers. The rate of turn and turning radius for each case was also found. The full description of this test can be seen above in the land testing section. Table 5 - Water Motor Inputs for Motor Command Circle Tests Motor Controller Commands: Water Left Turn Port Starboard 0 80 ‐40 80 ‐80 80 0 100 ‐40 100 ‐80 100 ‐100 100 0 125 ‐45 125 ‐85 125 ‐125 125 Right Turn Port Starboard 80 0 80 ‐40 80 ‐80 100 0 100 ‐40 100 ‐80 100 ‐100 125 0 125 ‐45 125 ‐85 125 ‐125 57 Thesse values aree different from f land tessting becausse the land ttest combinaations did not prov vide an adeq quate turning g radius. Thee vehicle had to utilize ddifferential tthrust with one motor m in reveerse to prov vide a relevaant turning m maneuver. F For examplee, the combination n of 75 and 45 used in the t land testts would, in water, produuce a slight track to one side, but not a turrning maneu uver. neuvering Tests T Man Figure 24 – Autonom mous Control Figu ure 23 showss a typical block diagram m for the conntrol of a veehicle [11]. IIt can be seen thatt understand ding the vehiicle’s dynam mics is an im mportant stepp in controlliing it. Because au utonomous control c of am mphibious vvehicles is a new area of researchh, the dynamics of o these typ pes of vehiicles is pooorly charactterized, andd control syystem developmen nt requires experimenttal testing, modeling and validattion [36]. Most important fo or defining vehicle v dynaamics are syystems identtification, m maneuvering tests, performed while w collectting necessarry data. Systtems identifiication is necessary for tthe developm ment of autoonomous control, and dynamiic behavior is i unique to different veehicles [11].. The data acquired by oopen558 loop tests can be used to derive coefficients for maneuvering equations. Most of the ABS recommended maneuvering tests were performed to characterize the dynamic behavior of the vehicle. The maneuvering test performed with the DUKW-Ling are described below. Turning Circle Test: The traditional turning circle test is one of the most popular tests performed in maneuvering trails. However, this test was combined with the motor command tests in this work to provide a more complete set of data with more relevant results. See motor command testing above for turning circle test results. The vehicle was given a variety of different motor commands, or virtual rudder deflections, and performed a turning circle test as well as a pull out test. Pull-out Test: A pull out test is a classic maneuvering test that shows the dynamic stability and course keeping ability of a vessel [39]. Pullout tests were performed after completing each turning circle test, which reveals if the vehicle is dynamically stable and able to keep a course. After the turning circle test, the virtual rudder is returned to zero, or no deflection, with equal motor commands. The track the vehicle takes after this command reveals the vehicles straight course keeping ability. If it returns itself to a straight course after the rudder is returned to the neutral position, then it is dynamically stable. It is important to understand the vehicle’s response in the pull out test because a dynamically unstable vehicle must be controlled differently in autonomous navigation than a stable vehicle. This course keeping ability was also explored in the straight course tracking tests, and it was determined the “propeller walk” 59 of the vehiccle caused a dynamicallly unstable ssituation, whhich will bee discussed iin the results section. Zag Test: The T zig-zag test is a sttandard testt performed in maneuvvering Zig-Z experimentss. It providess the vehiclee with alternaating rudderr commands and the vehicle’s response, sp pecifically its velocities and a yaw ratee, are measuured. The tesst reveals heaading and turning controllabillity. Typicall zig-zag testts use a ruddder deflectioon of ten deegrees until a head ding change of ten degreees is seen. In this testiing, becausee the vehiclee uses differential thrust, fivee different virtual v ruddder deflectioons were ussed to proviide a r Thiss zig-zag tesst was perfoormed on laand as well as in the w water. variety of results. Figure 26 sh hows a typiccal zig-zag teest used in sttandard manneuvering tessts. Figu ure 25 - ABS Figure F Zig-zagg Maneuveringg Test [39] The data collectted from theese zig-zag tests is usefful in system ms identificaation. Matlab’s Sy ystems Identtification too olbox was uused to estim mate a modeel of the DU UKW660 Ling vehicle based on the zig-zag test results. This model will be a good starting point for the next step of the planned work on this vehicle, which is autonomous control system development. Dynamometer Testing To determine the drivetrain forces experienced by the vehicle as it traverses the surf zone region, the motors were characterized using a dynamometer. A Magtrol dynamometer was available at FAU Seatech and could be used with minor modifications. The results from dynamometer testing were also used to determine proper gear ratios in the vehicle drivetrain design (discussed in section 2.1.1), in addition to measuring required drivetrain forces in the transition zone. The dynamometer tests were used to define an equation that related the current to the motors to the torque output. This value was then used to relate the current to the motors to the force on the tracks, by using the drivetrain gearing ratios described in section 2.1.1. This allowed the force on the tracks to be measured by recording the current to the motors with the RoboteQ motor controllers. Transition Region Tests The transition zone is the biggest uncertainty in this concept, and data on how the vehicle performs in this zone is necessary for continuing this concept’s development. The forces and motions the vehicle experiences in this region were expected to be very different from those experienced on land or at sea, however no experimental data is available for this type of terrain. In addition, understanding the 61 drivetrain control forces required to maneuver in the surf zone is important for full-scale design [36]. A vehicle navigating through breaking waves in the surf zone is a demanding task, and understanding the motions the vehicle will encounter in this area is important for full scale vehicle development. The development of the autonomous control system will also need to take these motions into account, making sure it can correct the course fast enough in this highly dynamic region. While relating the motions to exact wave height, period and direction is nearly impossible in an environment other than a wave tank, the vehicle motions can be related to the measured wave characteristics, and the results are mainly meant to be used to develop future tests that can utilize a controlled test facility such as a wave tank. The fact that the waves in this region are breaking waves further complicates the ability to accurately model the waves. Defining the vehicle motions in certain wave heights and periods can be beneficial in future test development as it provides a range of measurements that can be expected in controlled tests, and testing procedures can be based on the results found in this work. In addition to providing data on vehicle motions expected in the surf zone for continued development of this concept’s autonomous system, the results provided in this work will give future test developers data to base their experimental set up on for surf zone experimentation, whether it is specifically this concept or a similar surf zone traversing concept. Because this is a new area of research, there is no other way of estimating these vehicle motions compared to different wave conditions, so experimental data will be useful for future development in this surf zone area. 62 These motions also are also crucial in autonomous control system development because they give engineers developing such a system a quantitative measure of the variations in vehicle heading that the control system must adjust for. Variables such as system gains can be estimated with the results of these tests, and give a data set which can help predict proper control system design. Another benefit to these tests is that they confirm successful operation of the designed system in this area. The vehicle’s electronic system, sensor package, drivetrain and initial code development could all be tested for proper operation as the vehicle traversed this hazardous area, to ensure proper system design for later autonomous tests. These tests were performed in the same fashion that would be expected in autonomous navigation. The vehicle was driven through the surf zone with its tracks engaged, then through the transition region and onto the beach. Its heading, motions, position and motor data were all recorded as it made this transition. Measuring the current to the motors gave data that could be used to define the drivetrain forces required to navigate through the transitional surf zone area; a requirement of the concept development. This was documented by CISD as a necessary data needed for continued development. The dynamometer tests described above were performed to relate the measured motor current to a torque output of the motors, which will be described in the results. Knowing the torque applied at the motors can be related to a force output on the tracks by the gearing table shown in section 2.1. A Matlab code was written that takes the measured motor current from a test, then determines, from the dynamometer results, the torque output of the motor. This torque output is then related 63 to the applied force on the tracks. This code can be found in Appendix 2, and will be described in detail in Chapter 3. A range of different motor commands were used in testing. Also recorded were weather information and wave characteristics as the vehicle navigated through the transition area. The vehicle was tested from very low speeds to full vehicle speed, not only to define its characteristics in each situation, but also to define the best speed for making the transition when the vehicle is autonomous. It will be important to define a speed which lets the vehicle perform the transition between land and sea successfully, while demanding the least amount of drivetrain strain. This speed can be used for autonomous navigation as a design speed to navigate the transition zone. The motors were run at 80, 90, 100, 110 and 125 for these transition tests. 64 3 3.1 RESUL LTS Vehiccle Tests Afteer mechanicaal and electrrical system design andd fabrication,, the vehiclee was tested in a variety of different tessts describedd above. Soome of thesse tests provvided results only, while otherrs provide reesults that arre interpretedd and discussed below. 3.1.1 Rolling Resistan nce Testing Rolling resistance testing was w used to determine tthe proper ggear ratio foor the land propulssion system.. By testing the vehicle in the test zoone it wouldd be operatinng in, and finding the maximu um resistance experienceed, the geariing system ccould be desiigned to allow thee vehicle to operate in this t area. Deesigning thee vehicle’s ddrivetrain geearing system baseed on the maaximum resiistance forcee found in thhe test area w would ensurre the vehicle wou uld be able to o execute an ny maneuver during systeem developm ment and tessting. 665 Table 6 - Rolling Resistance Test Results Flat Solid Ground [N] Hardpacked Sand [N] Dry sand [N] 10 Degree Incline [N] 18 Degree Incline [N] Partially Submerged [N] 155.69 146.79 155.69 151.24 151.24 146.79 164.58 146.79 155.69 151.24 146.79 173.48 155.69 480.41 498.20 435.92 515.99 444.82 507.09 489.30 480.41 418.13 489.30 515.99 524.89 524.89 524.89 551.58 667.23 667.23 685.02 640.54 711.71 760.64 729.50 685.02 765.09 747.30 711.71 578.27 551.58 524.89 515.99 529.34 542.68 520.44 529.34 520.44 489.30 515.99 511.54 560.47 765.09 800.68 685.02 685.02 733.95 756.19 765.09 711.71 707.26 716.16 702.82 760.64 711.71 524.89 542.68 711.71 889.64 889.64 596.06 747.30 667.23 720.61 707.26 760.64 725.06 662.78 The maximum resistance force found in experiments was about 890 [N], as highlighted in table 6 above. This is almost double the average resistance found when the vehicle was tested on hard-packed sand. The partially submerged tests took place in a water depth of between 15 to 30 [cm]. This proved to be the highest resistance the vehicle would experience, due to the fact it was not only driving through soft, wet sand, but also had the added mass of the water to overcome in this region as it is accelerated from rest. It will be seen in the transition test results shown below that this added mass is also apparent in these tests. In the transition tests, the current to the motors, and effectively the torque required to move the vehicle, drops off as the vehicle comes ashore. The maximum force of 890 [N] found in testing was used in drivetrain design, with a 20% margin of error added to it or 1068 [N]. A proper gear ratio that provided the torque required to navigate this area, while also keeping the current to the motor at a safe operating level was found based on these results. This final gearing design was provided in above in Section 2.1.1. 66 3.1.2 Loccating Vehicle Center off Mass It was importantt to locate th he vehicle’s center of m mass becausee this is the point in which thee vehicle’s motions m pivo ot around. Thhis is importtant in both testing as w well as systems iden ntification. To T find the vertical v posittion of the center of masss, or the disstance from the bo ottom of thee vehicle to o the positioon of the ceenter of masss, the penddulum method waas used. Wh hile collectin ng data witth the onbooard IMU, the vehiclee was suspended using u the daavit at the Seatech camppus. It was tthen displacced a small angle and swung like l a pendulum. Figure 26 - Center of Maass Pendulum Test The distance fro om the top of the vehiclee to the pivoot point of thhe pendulum m was s in thee figure abo ove, and the IMU colleccted roll, pittch and yaw w data known, as shown versus time. Because a pendulum has h a straighhtforward eqquation relatting its frequuency 667 and length, it is easy to find the center of mass, or end of the pendulum, by measuring the period of the roll, pitch and yaw motions. By rearranging the below equation, an equation for the length of the pendulum can be found as a function of period [31]. 2 2 ∗ 2 This period, however, is a damped period. To find the correct position of the center of mass, the un-damped natural frequency must be used. To find this natural frequency, the formula below is used, where ζ is the damping ratio. 1 ζ The fact that the damped response observed in this experiment is a logarithmic decrement helps define the damping coefficient. For a logarithmic decrement, the value of below can be found using the results measured by the IMU. 1 ζ 1 1 2 ∗ ln 68 Wheere data. is foun nd by comp paring the am mplitudes off two peaks measured iin the is th he larger of the two amp plitudes and is the sm maller amplittude. The vaalue is the numb ber of period ds separating g the two am mplitudes. In the below pplot of roll vversus time in the pendulum experiment. , andd are show wn. This caalculation caan be found in its entirety in Appendix A 2. Figure 27 - Roll R Responsee in Pendulum m Test ng ratio is known, the orriginal equaation can be used to relatte the Once the dampin d freq quency, to the t un-dampped natural frequency. This un-dam mped measured, damped natural frequ uency is then n used to fin nd the lengthh of the penddulum. Subtrracting the leength of the pendu ulum from th he known diistance from m the top of tthe vehicle to the pivot oof the pendulum gives g the disstance from the top of the vehiclee to the centter of mass.. The length of thee pendulum was found to t be 4.23 [m m]. Subtractiing the 3.31 [m] of penddulum length meassured from the t top of th he vehicle too the pivot, this gives tthat the centter of 669 mass is 0.92 2 [m] from the t top of th he vehicle. M Measured froom the keel, or bottom oof the tracks, as it is traditionaally expresseed, this givess a KG of 0.55024 [m]. Itt is suggestedd that c out again a if futurre work requuires the possition of the center of grravity this test be carried as any chan nge in the general arrang gements of thhe vehicle’s systems willl have an im mpact on the exactt location. 3.1.3 Dyn namometer Testing T The electric mo otors origin nally installeed on the vehicle werre tested onn the namometer allows a for a broad rangge of tests tto be perforrmed. dynamometter. The dyn Measuring RPM, curreent, voltage and torque are all posssible on thhe device annd its software. After initial dy ynamometerr testing of thhe motors, itt was found that both yielded the same reesults, so latter tests werre only perfo formed with one motor for simpliciity of reporting. The first test rellated torquee and currennt at constannt motor RPM M. Becausee they are electric motors, thee torque incrreases linearrly with currrent, and thee RPM incrreases linearly witth voltage. This T linear relationship r between torrque and cuurrent at diffferent motor RPM Ms can be seen in the figu ure below. 770 50 45 40 Current [amps] 35 30 260 RPM 520 RPM 780 RPM 1300 RPM 1560 RPM 1950 RPM 2200 RPM 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Torque [N-m] 2.5 3 3.5 4 Figure 28 – Dynamometer Test Results: Current-Torque Relationship at Different RPMs From these results, because of the linear relationship found between current and torque (characteristic of electric motors), an linear equation was found which relates any current to the corresponding torque output of the motor. This equation was used in determining the motor torque output based on current data collected during testing by the motor controllers. Using this equation, and measuring the current to the motors, the torque produced by the motors is defined. Once this torque is known, the gearing table provided in section 2.1 can be used to relate the motor torque output to the force on the tracks. Once this relationship is determined, it is now possible to use the motor current data and calculate the force on the tracks when the vehicle is operated. This procedure can be found in the Matlab code section of the appendix. The relationship between 71 current and torque is given in the end of this section, and is used in code with relates current to motor torque, and track force. The next dynamometer tests used a predefined test in the dynamometer software. This test ramped up the torque to a user specified maximum, and measured the motor RPM. This test was performed five times and yielded nearly identical results each time. The electric motors are rated at 900 Watts, and have a maximum RPM of 2,600. With these known values provided by the manufacturer, it is possible to predict the torque output of the motors with the below equation. 5252 ∗ Using the given values, a torque of 3.28 [Nm] is calculated. This value can also be seen in the above figure to be accurate, as the current peaks to the maximum rating of 35 [Amps] at this calculated torque. This value is a safe operating torque provided by the motor at full RPM, and not exceeding the rated current of the motors. It can be assumed the motors can provide a higher torque both at lower RPMs as well as with an increased current. Supplying a current above the rated value of 35 [Amps] will not cause damage if these instances of high torque requirements do no last more than a few seconds at a time. It was assumed for short dynamometer tests, which last less than fifteen seconds, the rated current could be exceeded without damaging the motors. The maximum applied torque was set to 8.13 [Nm] in the below test and this value was never reached. 72 3000 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 2500 RPM 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Torque [N-m] 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 29 - Dynamometer Test Results: RPM-Torque Relationship The above graph shows an increase in torque at lower RPMs, this can be explained by the V=IR relationship. The cusp in the graph above shows the power limit of the motor controller. At this point, the power limit is reached, and the motor controller will adjust its current limit slowly to provide an adequate torque output seen above. This is a characteristic found on many electric motor controllers. The last dynamometer test was performed to define the torque output of the motors, and the results are shown in the figure below. The torque output was related to the current into the motors at different motor commands. This data was used to define the torque required to move the vehicle by measuring the applied current during testing. 73 3 2.5 Torque [N-m] 2 Motor Command: 50 Motor Command: 70 Motor Command: 80 Motor Command: 90 Motor Command: 100 Motor Command: 120 Motor Command: 125 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Current [amps] 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 30 - Dynamometer Test Results: Current Torque Relationship for Different Motor Commands Again, because of the characteristics of electric motors, it was predicted that this would result in a linear relationship between current and torque. Because of this linearity, different motor commands can be estimated without explicit testing of each, as well as higher measured current readings. As described above, the linear relationship makes it possible to define a relationship that can be used to relate current and the torque output of the motors. The formula used to relate the motor current measured to the force on the track is shown below, and the Matlab code which converts test data to track force can be found in the appendix. 2.4868 ∗ This formula was found by the linear relationship of motor current and output torque. A curve was fit to the data from the dynamometer test results, and the slope of 74 this equatio on was used to relate an ny current too a torque ooutput of thhe electric m motor. Then, the gearing g tablle was used d to relate tthe torque output of tthe motor too the corresponding force on n the track. Because thhis relationshhip is also llinear, due tto the gearing setu up of the driivetrain, thesse two relatiionships cann be used to define a forrmula relating the torque on th he track to th he torque outtput of the m motor. Dividding the torquue on the tracks by y the radius of the drive sprocket givve the force on the trackk, which is reelated to the curren nt input of th he motors through the dyynamometerr results. 3.1.4 Max ximum Inclin ne and Appro oach/Departture Angles Defiining the maaximum incline the vehiicle can travverse, as well as the apprroach and departure angles it is i capable off traversing, are both impportant in lim miting damaage to the vehicle’’s hulls or drivetrain in n testing. T The approachh angle is tthe angle onn the forward parrt of the vehiicle, and lim mits the obstaacles the vehhicle is capaable of traverrsing. The departu ure angle is the t angle made by the rrear of the ddrivetrain annd the skeg oof the propeller. This T departurre angle is also the maaximum inline the vehiccle is capabble of traversing before b the propeller p is dragged. Thhe approachh angle was measured tto be twenty degrrees and thee departure angle and maximum ttraversable incline is eleven degrees. These angles arre illustrated d in figure 299. 775 2 Fig gure 31 - Vehiccle Approach and Departurre Angles Duriing autonom mous system m developmeent, these aangles can bbe used to limit hazardous situations, s as the system m can moniitor the pitcch angle of the vehicle as it navigates, and a avoid thee maximum angles foundd above. Thiis technique can only bee used when drivin ng on a level surface. The maximum traversable t incline i was noted as ann unknown tthat needed to be t CISD fo or the autono omous modeeling develoopment. Whiile this anglee was defined by the defined thro ough testing,, the tests alsso aimed at ggiving future test develoopers inform mation on the poweer draw of th he motors du uring these ddemanding m maneuvers. W While the veehicle may be ablee to traversee a steep inclline, the straain on the m motors for ann extended pperiod could causee damage. To o understand d this, the veehicle was ooperated on different incclines to define the current draw by the motors. m The electric mottors are ratedd for 35 [Am mps], and while th his value caan be exceed ded for a shoort period oof time, a higgh current ffor an extended peeriod will daamage the motors. m The angle the vvehicle is traaversing is eeasily 776 monitored by the onboard sensors, so both testing and autonomous navigation can monitor this incline, and from the test results described below, damage can be avoided by avoiding prolonged incline traversing. The vehicle was tested on the beach on inclines of 11, 14 and 19 [deg]. During the vehicle’s operation on these inclines, the current to the motors was measured and recorded, along with IMU data, most importantly the pitch angle. The vehicle was operated at an equal motor command of 100 to both port and starboard motors for each test, the port and starboard motor current, force on the tracks and IMU pitch angle are shown in the figures below. It is important to note that a data collection error occurred so the motor data is not synchronized with the IMU data (for these incline tests only). Therefore the motor current and forces are plotted vs. time step rather than coordinated time as in other data presentation. Figures 31 and 32 show the pitch angle, which is the angle the vehicle is traversing. The vehicle was started at the base of the incline and stopped immediately 77 Port [Amps] 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 Time Step 80 100 120 Figure 32 - Motor Data 11 Degree Incline Test 16 14 12 Pitch Angle [deg] Stbd Force [N] Port Force [N] 100 50 0 0 Stbd [Amps] after the incline, so the motor data is when the vehicle is operating on this incline. 10 8 6 4 2 40 50 60 70 80 Time [sec] Figure 33 - Pitch Angle 11 Degree Incline Test 78 90 100 110 Table 7 gives the average values found in this test while operating the vehicle up an 11 degree incline. It was found that the average current was just above the rated motor current. This means the vehicle is able to traverse an 11 degree inline safely for a period of time without causing severe strain on the electric motors. The force on the tracks during this incline test was found to be significantly larger than the force on the tracks during the beach transition results, shown later in this section. The average value of the beach transition tests was 183.68 [N], where it was found here to be 317.73 [N], about 58% larger. Table 7 - Average Current and Track Force in 11 Degree Incline Test Average Current Port [Amps] Average Current Stbd [Amps] Average Force Port [N] Average Force Stbd [N] 35.36 42.53 288.47 347.00 The next incline test was performed on a 14 degree incline. Again, the motor controller data was recorded without a UTC timestamp, so it will not be plotted versus time in the below graphs. 79 Port [Amps] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Stbd [Amps] 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time Step Figure 34 - Motor Data 14 Degree Incline Test 18 16 14 12 Pitch Angle [deg] Stbd Force [N] Port Force [N] 100 50 0 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 30 40 50 60 Time [sec] 70 Figure 35 - Pitch Angle 14 Degree Incline Test 80 80 90 The average value of the beach transition tests was 183.68 [N], where it was found here to be 339.34 [N], about 85% larger. This test showed an average force roughly 6% larger than the 11 degree incline. Table 8 - Average Current and Track Force in 14 Degree Incline Test Average Current Port [Amps] Average Current Stbd [Amps] Average Force Port [N] Average Force Stbd [N] 39.49 43.69 322.17 356.50 The final incline test was performed on a 19 degree incline. This test showed the operating limits of the vehicle. The vehicle was unable to traverse this incline, both because of power and physical limitations. The vehicle was unable to keep forward momentum during the test up the incline with motor commands of 100. Although it may have been possible to execute the test with full power to both motors, physical limitations on this steep incline were found to hold back the vehicle. The rear of the vehicle, specifically the bottom of the propellers, came into contact with the flat sand when the vehicle was inclined in this test. Therefore this was found to be the limit on the traversable slope of the vehicle. Below is the motor data and pitch angle of the vehicle. In this test, the motor data was collected synchronized with the IMU data, so the X axis timescales are the same, and the data is shown below. 81 Port [amps] 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Stbd [amps] 200 100 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1000 500 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1000 500 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 45 50 55 Time [sec] Figure 36 – Motor Data 19 Degree Incline Test 25 20 Pitch Angle [deg] Stbd Force [N] Port Force [N] 200 100 0 20 15 10 5 20 25 30 35 40 Time [sec] Figure 37 - Pitch Angle 19 Degree Incline 82 The current draaw measured in this teest were 666% larger thhan the rateed 35 [Amps] of the motors.. If the veh hicle was suubjected to an incline tthis steep fo for an mage would ooccur. extended peeriod of timee, motor dam Table 9 – Av verage Curren nt and Track Force in 19 D Degree Incline Test Average e Current Port [Amps] Average e Current Stb bd [Amps] Average e Force Port [N] Average e Force Stbd [N] 54.83 61.46 447.39 501.45 The results of these t tests show s that thhe vehicle sshould not bbe operated over 1 degrees for f extended d periods, ass the high cuurrent could cause damaage to inclines of 10 the electric motors. m Testting conditio ons should bbe limited to this value w whenever posssible so vehicle damage willl not occur. Additionallly, inclines over 15 deegrees should be avoided at all a times, as physical daamage can ooccur to the vehicle’s prropellers or other parts of the vehicle hull. Thiss information n should be taken into aaccount whenn choosing a test area foor the vehicle, and d the autonom mous system m should be designed too monitor thiis slope usinng the IMU to avoid prolonged d operation on o inclines oover 10 degreees. 3.1.5 Land d Maneuveriing Characteeristics Miniimum turnin ng radius: Th he minimum m turning raddius was onee of the variiables reported as an unknow wn that needed to be ddetermined for further development of autonomouss algorithms by the CISD. To determ rmine this vaalue, the ressults of the m motor command teests (describ bed below) were used. The tightesst turn the vvehicle is abble to make whilee keeping bo oth tracks in n motion is 100% poweer on one trrack and rouughly 883 30% on thee other. Any y command lower than these causeed undesirabble results aas the vehicle wou uld drag onee track and cause c a sidew ways sand-pplowing effeect with its iinside track. This safe operatin ng turn is a motor comm mand combination of 125 on one m motor and 45 on th he other, an nd provides a very tight turn in bothh directions. Figure 37 sshows this turn in both the rig ght and left directions. d Itt should be m mentioned thhat the vehicle is capable of sharper s turns than this, and can eveen pivot by putting one track in forrward and one in reverse. Ho owever, thesse maneuverrs should bee used for ooccasions such as v is in close pro oximity to an obstaclee, and not uused for noormal when the vehicle navigation. The strain these t maneu uvers put on the vehicle’s drivetrainn make them m best used only when w required d. The turnin ng radius wiith motor com mmands of 125 and 45 rresult in a fairly tiight turn wh hile keeping forward mom mentum. Thhis should bee the tightestt turn the vehicle needs n to exeecute most of o the time, rreserving thee extreme tuurns for situaations that absolutely require them. t As sho own below, the 125 andd 45 motor coommands giives a ughly one veehicle lengthh. turning radius that is rou Figure F 38 - Miinimum Turn ning Radius on n Land 884 To find f the diaameter of th he circle coompleted byy the vehiclle, the dataa was condensed to t only the middle circlle, as shownn below. Thhis procedurre can be seeen in attached Maatlab code (A Appendix 2),, and shown in figure 388. Figure 39 9 - Clipped Da ata to Calculatte Minimum T Turning Radiu us f the diam meter of thiis circle, thee maximum and minimuum latitude were To find found, as well w as the maximum m and d minimum longitude. T These four ppoints corresspond to the northeern-most, so outhern-mostt, eastern-moost and westtern-most pooints of the ccircle. Then the Haversine H forrmula was used u to find the distancce between tthese points. The Haversine formula f is ussed to find th he distance bbetween poinnts on a sphhere. By usinng the radius of th he earth, one can use this formuula to find the distancce between GPS coordinates.. By finding the distance beetween the maximum aand minimuum latitudess, the vertical, or north-to-sou n uth diameter is found. Sim milarly, findding the distance betweeen the 885 maximum and minimum longitudes gives the horizontal, or east-to-west diameter. These values, as well as the coordinate points used in the calculations, are shown in Tables 10 and 11 below. For a right turn at motor commands of 125 port, 45 starboard, a turning radius of 2.4 [m] was found. Table 10 – Coordinates for Minimum Right Turning Radius Calculations Maximum/Minimum Latitude Points Northern‐most [decimal coordinates] Southern‐most [decimal coordinates] Distance Between Points [m] Latitude Longitude 26.05514067 ‐80.11260933 26.05502201 ‐80.11258117 4.9 Maximum/Minimum Longitude Points Eastern‐most [decimal coordinates] Western‐most [decimal coordinates] Distance Between Points [m] Latitude Longitude 26.05503883 ‐80.11233983 26.05514051 ‐80.11261033 4.7 Similarly, for a left turn at motor commands of 45 port, 125 starboard, a turning radius of 3.73 [m] was found. Which gives an average turning radius 3.06 [m]. Table 11 - Coordinates for Minimum Left Turning Radius Calculations Maximum/Minimum Latitude Points Northern‐most [decimal coordinates] Southern‐most [decimal coordinates] Distance Between Points [m] Latitude Longitude 26.05508451 ‐80.11257783 26.05501817 ‐80.11258217 7.4 Maximum/Minimum Longitude Points Eastern‐most [decimal coordinates] Western‐most [decimal coordinates] Distance Between Points [m] Latitude Longitude 26.05505033 ‐80.11254533 26.05504817 ‐80.11262033 7.5 Maximum Velocity and Acceleration: The maximum velocity and accelerations were found by starting the motors at the maximum value at time zero. The vehicle was operated until it reached maximum velocity and then the motors were set to zero. This test gave GPS data that could be used to find maximum acceleration, maximum velocity and the vehicles deceleration. The vehicle has an average maximum velocity of about 2 [m/s], and its acceleration is about 1 [m/s2], which means it takes two seconds to obtain top speed velocity. When stopping, the vehicle came to a skidding stop in the sand. Without this observed slipping, this deceleration is expected to be lower. 86 Table 12 - Maximum Velocity and Accelerations on Land Acceleration 1 Acceleration 2 Acceleration 3 Acceleration 4 Average Accel [m/s^2] [m/s^2] 1.00 Deceleration 1 1.33 Max Velocity 1 0.93 Deceleration 2 0.79 Max Velocity 2 0.96 Deceleration 3 1.73 Max Velocity 3 0.83 Deceleration 4 0.83 Max Velocity 4 0.93 Average Decel 1.17 Average Max Vel [m/s 2.03 1.89 1.96 1.76 1.91 Figures 39-41 show the GPS velocity, as well as motor information for the maximum velocity tests. It can be seen at the start time the current to the motors is at a maximum and the velocity begins to increase, until it levels off at its maximum around 2 [m/s]. The increased current during initial acceleration shows the high motor torque required to move the vehicle from rest. All measurements were coordinated through UTC time in seconds. Because the results of all the maximum speed tests provided similar results, as seen in the above table, only one case is illustrated in the figures below. 87 2.5 Velocity [m/s] 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 Time [sec] 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 Figure 40 - Maximum Velocity on Land 120 Port Current Starboard Current 100 Current [amps] 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 UTC Time [sec] 3 3.5 Figure 41 - Maximum Velocity Motor Current 88 4 4.5 5 128 127.8 Starboard Motor Command Port Motor Command 127.6 Motor Command 127.4 127.2 127 126.8 126.6 126.4 126.2 126 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 UTC Time [sec] 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Figure 42 - Maximum Velocity Motor Commands Course Keeping-ability and Motor Control Compensation: During maximum velocity tests, it was found the vehicle did not track a straight line when both motors were given full power command. The vehicle tracks slightly to the left when both motors are given the same command. The rate of this left tracking was just about five degrees per second, which is significant over any extended straight line track. It would only take about 30 seconds to become 180 degrees off track. It was concluded this leftward track is a result of the drivetrain not being symmetric in the amount of torque to move the track. Because it takes slightly more torque to drive the right track, the current is higher on this motor, as seen in the motor current plot above. During dynamometer testing, it was found that the motor controllers compensate for this by increasing the voltage to the motor slightly. This can be seen in the dynamometer test results where the torque is plotted versus RPM. The elbow in the 89 graph is the power limit of the motor controller, and it will increase voltage slightly as the current increases. This will be explained in more detail in the dynamometer results section, but is the cause for the non-linear increase in yaw rate seen in this test. Below are the results of equal full speed motor commands to both land motors. The same left track was also observed in lower motor commands. The GPS rate of turn plots below show the leftward track of just under 5 [deg/sec] average for the four tests. 0 -0.5 -1 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [sec] 12 14 Figure 43 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 1) 90 16 18 20 0.5 0 -0.5 Rate [deg/sec] -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 25 Time [sec] Figure 44 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 2) 1 0 Rate [deg/sec] -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Figure 45 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 3) 91 0 -0.5 -1 Rate [deg/sec] -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time [sec] Figure 46 - Rate of Turn During Maximum Speed (Test 4) The IMU was also used in these tests to understand the yaw rate expereienced during equal motor commands. The figure below shows the measured yaw rate for one of the max speed tests. Again, as with the GPS data, this data shows a 5 [deg/sec] tracking error when the vehicle is given equal motor commands. 92 6 4 IMU Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 Figure 47 - IMU Yaw Rate for Equal Motor Commands This leftward track can also be seen in the compass data during the maximum speed tests. As seen below, the vehicle’s heading changes significantly over the course of the test. 93 145 140 Heading [deg] 135 130 125 120 115 110 0 2 4 6 Time [sec] 8 10 12 Figure 48 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 1) 145 140 Heading [deg] 135 130 125 120 115 22 23 24 25 26 27 Time [sec] 28 29 Figure 49 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 2) 94 30 31 32 145 140 Heading [deg] 135 130 125 120 115 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time [sec] 17 18 19 20 21 Figure 50 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 3) 140 135 Heading [deg] 130 125 120 115 110 12 14 16 18 Time [sec] 20 Figure 51 - Maximum Speed Compass Heading (Test 4) 95 22 24 By looking at the third figure above of the vehicle compass data for example, it can be seen that the heading changes from 144 degrees at time zero, to about 120 degrees after five seconds. This is a rate of turn of just under 5 [deg/sec]. To compensate for this straight line tracking error, a correction factor was found to add to the left motor. This would allow the vehicle to track a straight line even if motors were set at equal commands. This information will be crucial in autonomous navigation development because it will correct the vehicle from traveling off course when the system would like to track a straight line. After experiments, this correction factor was found to be a difference in motor commands of 10. For example, giving a motor command of 60 to port and 50 to starboard resulted in a straight tracking vehicle. This correction must be used in autonomous navigation to allow the vehicle to track a straight line. This factor was also added into zig-zag maneuvering tests to give equal turns to both port and starboard. This will be described in the maneuvering section. The picture below shows the tracks in the sand after the vehicle has driven a straight line, and the tracks are traced with two red lines. 96 Figure 52 - Straigh ht Line Track k with Correcttion Factor Thiss correction factor f is imp portant for auutonomous ccontrol deveelopment beccause it is necessaary for the veehicle to tracck a straight line when ggiven equal m motor comm mands. If this correection is not factored intto control, thhe autonomoous control system will have to constantly y correct forr a leftward tracking t vehhicle. Moto or Command d Testing: The results prov vided here from f the mootor commannd testing w will be usefuul for autonomouss developmeent becausee it defines the input-ooutput relattionship bettween motor comm mands and the t resulting g response oof the vehiclle. These tests provide more 997 information than a traditional turning circle test, which reveals characteristics of a vehicle, but does not give the wide range of values that these tests have provided. A range of motor commands were used to define the vehicle’s motion response. Values from a slight turn, to the tightest turn the vehicle is capable of were used, and the vehicles IMU, compass, GPS and motor controllers were used to measure the result of these commands. To simplify the presentation of the data found. Many of the results found in this section will be displayed in a table, and plots of the data can be found in the appendix. Each test resulted in over 10 graphs from all the sensors, therefore only a specific selection will be presented in the main text. Turning radius: The first value that was defined in these tests is the resulting turning radius for a particular motor input. The radius was found using the Haversine formula method, which was described in detail in the minimum turning radius section above. Below is a table of the resulting turning radii for each motor command combination. The values are listed in largest to smallest. The value was found by taking the average of the vertical and horizontal radii. Table 13 – Land Left Turn Radii Motor Command Port 75 35 45 45 55 35 45 55 Motor Command Starboard 105 55 125 75 105 75 105 125 98 Turning Radius [m] 5.34 5.24 3.72 3.69 2.44 2.21 1.97 1.93 Table 14 – Land Right Turn Radii Motor Command Port 55 75 75 105 105 125 Motor Command Starboard 35 45 35 55 45 45 Turning Radius [m] 9.92 5.57 4.15 4.06 2.93 2.24 Yaw rate: The next set of important data that was found from the motor command tests was the resulting yaw rate of each virtual rudder motor input. The yaw rate was found by averaging the yaw rate measured over the course of the vehicle turn, while the virtual rudder was deflected. This yaw rate is one of the outputs of vehicle rudder and velocity inputs, and is useful when developing the vehicle’s autonomous control system, to understand the output of motor command inputs. A turning circle test causes the vehicle to turn at a constant rate until the rudder is returned to zero, or no deflection. Below is an example of the yaw rate measured during a turning circle test on land. A negative yaw rate means a left turn, or a counter clockwise rotation. 99 2 0 GPS Rate of Turn [deg/sec] -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] Figure 53 - Yaw Rate During a Turn to Port The slight instability of yaw rate during the circle test shown above is mainly caused by the inconsistency of the sandy ground in the test area. Because the ground is not perfectly flat or smooth, the rate varies slightly during the turn. It can be seen when the vehicle is at rest both before and after the turn that this fluctuation is not due to sensor noise, as the rate is constant when the vehicle is not moving. Performing the test on a paved surface such as a parking lot would most likely yield a more constant yaw rate; however this vehicle will primarily operate on a beach, so these tests were performed on flat sand. Below is a table showing the average yaw rates found for each test. The average and variance were found during the time the vehicle’s virtual rudder was deflected. 100 Table 15 - Land Left Turn Yaw Rate Motor Command Port 55 45 55 35 75 45 45 105 35 Motor Command Starboard 125 105 105 75 105 125 75 125 55 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] ‐35.99 ‐24.58 ‐22.08 ‐14.11 ‐12.72 ‐9.66 ‐9.66 ‐7.35 ‐4.84 Variance [deg^2/sec^2] 4.8532 1.9633 1.0792 1.7432 0.5256 1.9633 1.1044 0.3914 0.4955 Table 16 - Land Right Turn Yaw Rate Motor Command Port 125 105 105 75 125 75 105 55 Motor Command Starboard 45 45 55 35 105 45 75 35 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 27.55 17.67 14.61 8.66 7.41 7.35 6.42 2.77 Variance [deg^2/sec^2] 3.2299 2.9037 0.8924 1.3763 0.3875 0.6661 0.1981 0.1948 Motor Current: The motor current was measured during the tests, which can be correlated to the force on the tracks during the turning circle maneuver. While a complete set of data is available in Appendix 1 for each of these tests, it is worth comparing this motor controller data for two separate tests to show the amount of force on the tracks and current demand from the motors in these maneuvers. It is expected, as seen in Figures 53 and 54, that the tighter turn demands more from the outside motor, in the case of a left turn, the starboard motor. The axis scales were held constant for both plots so it is easy to compare the two tests. The 105/45 tighter turn shown second, requires a track force of over 400 [N] for almost the entire test. On the other hand, the 105/75, less sharp turn stays below 400 [N] for almost the entire test. The average force on the starboard track is 254.58 [N] for the wide turn of 105/75 and 475.72 [N] for the 101 tighter turn, which is almost double the required track force. Because of the linearity of the drivetrain forces, seen in the dynamometer results Section, this results in Force on Track [N] almost double the required torque output from the motor. 800 Starboard Port 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Current [Amps] 150 Starboard Port 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time [seconds] 35 40 45 50 Force on Track [N] Figure 54 - 105/75 Left Turn Current and Force on Tracks 800 Starboard Motor Port Motor 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Current [amps] 150 Starboard Motor Port Motor 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time [seconds] 30 Figure 55 - 105/45 Left Turn Current and Force on Tracks 102 35 40 45 It is important to note here the current draw during the two tests. The first test shown above, which is the wider of the two turns, shows the current during the turn stays below 50 [Amps] the entire test. However, the tighter turn, of 105/45, stays above 50 [Amps] for a majority of the test. The averages are 31.20 [Amps] and 58.31 [Amps] for the wide and tight turns, respectively. Drivetrain requirements become larger as the vehicle makes sharper turns. The motor torque is linearly related to the current, and as the turns become sharper, the current to the motors increases. This must be taken into account as the motors can be damaged if the rated power is exceeded for an extended period of time. Vehicle Heading: The vehicle’s heading was also measured during these tests by the OS5000 compass. Below is an example of the vehicle’s heading during a right turn on land, with motor commands of 75 port and 35 starboard. As shown above, the yaw rate, or vehicle’s rate of turn, stays fairly constant throughout the test. The figure below also shows this to be true in the compass data as well. 103 400 350 Heading [deg] 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 Time [sec] Figure 56 - Vehicle Heading During a Land Right Turn This data can be modified by adding 360 degrees to the data when it crosses due north, or zero degrees. This helps show the constant yaw rate of the vehicle during the turn as seen in the yaw rate section above. Again, as in the yaw rate data recorded from the GPS, the compass heading data shows some inconsistency during the turn. This is due to the test area ground, and because the compass was properly calibrated, not because of sensor noise. This can be seen when the vehicle is at rest and the heading is perfectly constant. 104 800 700 Adjusted Heading [deg] 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] Figure 57 - Continuous Compass Data During Land Right Turn Zig-Zag Test: The zig-zag test is a traditional test used in maneuvering experiments. It is especially useful for system identification, and fitting an equation to the data set. The zig-zag test was performed in the same sand area as the turning circle tests. The tests were performed open loop, with five combinations of motor commands, and used the entire test area. The motor commands used in the zig-zag tests are shown in the table below. Each test was performed two times in case of errors with data collection. A complete set of results can be seen in the appendix. 105 Table 17 - Land Zig-zag Test Motor Commands Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Motor 1 Motor 2 70 40 110 70 110 80 122 80 122 100 20 10 0 -10 -20 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 85 90 95 100 105 85 90 95 100 105 Port Command Time [sec] 80 60 40 20 0 60 65 70 75 80 Stbd Command Time [sec] 80 60 40 20 0 60 65 70 75 80 Time [sec] Figure 58 - 70/40 Land Zig-zag Test The zig-zag test results are useful for the systems identification method described in the experimental approach section. Having the motor inputs, and measuring the IMU yaw rate can be used to estimate a simple integral controller, and by using the X and Y velocities measured, the data can be used to estimate a more complex model for autonomous control. Systems identification results will be described in 106 3.1.6 Sea Maneuverin ng Characteriistics The vehicle wass tested in a part of the Intracoastall Waterway in Dania B Beach, FL. This areea is sheltereed from win nd and has m minimal boatt traffic to aaffect testingg. The vehicle only y experienceed minor wind produceed waves, annd can be sseen in figurre 59 below. Figure 59 - Final F Vehicle iin Water Test Area Miniimum turnin ng radius: The minimum m turning raddius in wateer navigationn was found using g the Haversine formulaa procedure described inn the land tuurning radiuus test in Section 3 For water navig gation, the m minimum turrning radiuss was foundd with 100% forwaard on the starboard s mo otor and 1000% reverse on the port motor, or m motor commands of o 125 and -125, respecctively, whicch results in a turn as shhown in figuure 58 below. 1007 Figure 60 - Minimum M Turin ng Radius in W Water Thiss maneuver resulted r in a turning radiius of 1.93 [m m]. The GPS S locations oof the maximum and a minimu um points used u in the Haversine calculation,, as well aas the distance bettween these points p is sho own in table 18 below. Ta able 18 – Coorrdinates for Minimum M In-W Water Turningg Radius Calcculations Maxim mum/Minimum Latittude Points Northern n‐most [decimal coordin nates] Southern n‐most [decimal coordin nates] Distancee Between Points [m] Latitude Longitude 26.016387 ‐80.12286417 7 26.016339 ‐80.12287683 3 5.5 Maximum/Minimum Longitude Pointts Eastern‐most [decimal coordinates] Western‐most [decima al coordinates] Distance Between Poin nts [m] Latitude L Longitude 26.01635967 ‐80.1228535 ‐ 26.01636017 ‐8 80.12289967 4.6 Maxximum Veloccity and Accceleration: T The maximum m velocity aand acceleraations were found by starting the propeller motors at the maxim mum value aat time zero. The vehicle was operated un ntil it reached maximum m velocity annd then the m motors were set to zero. This gave g GPS daata that coulld be used too find maxim mum accelerration, maxiimum velocity and d the vehiclees deceleratio on. The vehiicle has an aaverage maximum velocity of 1.19 [m/s], and its accceleration is 1.98 [m//s2]. The plots of veloocity and m motor n can be seeen below. The T current to the mottors is seen to be relattively information 1008 constant throughout the test, except for the drop in the starboard current about half way through the test. This seems to be an error in sensor data transmission because the velocity stays constant during this one second drop in current. This was considered a motor controller data logging error and did not affect the test. The time-scales for all plots below are constant, and it can be seen at the start time of the test, the motors are set to the maximum value and the velocity begins to increase until it reaches a maximum just under 1.2 [m/s]. The table below summarizes the maximum values found in this test. Table 19 - Maximum Velocity and Acceleration in Water Maximum Velocity 1.19 [m/s] Maaximum Acceleration 1.98 [m/s^2] 1.4 1.2 Velocity [m/s] 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 Figure 61 - Maximum Velocity Water 109 30 35 40 40 Starboard Port 35 Current [Amps] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 Figure 62 - Motor Current During Maximum Velocity Test Water 126 Starboard Port 125.8 125.6 Motor Command 125.4 125.2 125 124.8 124.6 124.4 124.2 124 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 Figure 63 - Motor Commands During Maximum Velocity Test Water Course Keeping-ability and Motor Control Compensation: As in land testing, water tests also showed the vehicle was unable to track a perfectly straight course. In 110 this situation, the cause is not the torque required to move the drivetrain as it was in land testing. This instability is caused by a phenomenon called “propeller walk.” Because the propellers both spin in the same direction (counter-clockwise), they cause a force on the rear of the vehicle to the port side. This causes a slight starboard turn, which keeps the vehicle from keeping its course. Below in Figure 64 a plot in Google Earth of the vehicle’s position, and the compass heading during its course, which was adjusted by adding 360 degrees to show a continuous plot. As seen in Table 20, the wind was actually opposing the rightward track, as it was coming out of the southwest, and that is the direction in which the vehicle is tracking. So it is clear that this track in not related to wind. Table 20 - Wind Data During Straight Line/Max Speed Tests Direction SW SW SW SW Wind Speed [m/s] 3.00 2.82 3.08 2.59 111 Test MC=40 MC=80 MC=100 MC=125 Figure 64 - Straight Linee Track in Waater 360 0 340 0 320 0 Heading [deg] 300 0 280 0 260 0 240 0 220 0 200 0 180 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [sec] T 12 14 Figure 65 - Comp pass Heading During Straigght Track 1 12 16 18 20 By looking at the GPS and IMU’s yaw rate data as was done during the land tests, it can be seen that the IMU gives an average yaw rate of about 8 [deg/sec] and the GPS gives a similar result. IMU Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 10 5 0 -5 -10 80 85 90 95 100 105 Time [sec] 110 115 120 125 130 115 120 125 130 Figure 66 - IMU Yaw Rate Full Speed Water 12 GPS Rate of Turn [deg/sec] 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 80 85 90 95 100 105 Time [sec] 110 Figure 67 - GPS Yaw Rate Full Speed Water 113 It was found a correction factor of 5 was able to compensate for this propeller walk and the vehicle tracks a straight course with this correction factor added to the code. This correction factor is important to consider in the autonomous control system of the vehicle, as it will be easier to control a vehicle that is able to keep a straight course when given equal motor commands, which correlates to a virtual rudder deflection of zero. Motor Command Testing: The water motor command tests were carried out in the same way as described in the land motor controller tests. The input-output relationship between motor commands and vehicle response was defined through these tests, and they covered more input rudder commands than a standard turning circle test, as described by ABS in [39]. The motor commands used were chosen to produce turns that would be expected in autonomous navigation, and large radius turns were not performed because they were deemed unnecessary, the largest radius tested was 12 [m]. As in land tests, the GPS, IMU, compass and motor controllers were used to collect data during the tests. Unlike the land tests, however, the wind speed and direction were recorded during these tests because this could affect the turning path of the vehicle. The data from these tests will also be presented here in tables for space consideration. A full documentation of data is included in Appendix 1. Only a selection of data will be displayed in the main text for discussion purposes. 114 Wind Speed and Direction Below are tables of the wind speed measured during the water turning circle tests. The wind speed is the average wind speed at the beginning of each test. Table 21 – Wind Data During Left Turn Tests Direction SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW WSW,SW Wind Speed [m/s] 3.40 3.62 3.49 3.49 2.91 3.98 3.31 2.91 3.62 3.31 3.00 3.00 Test 80,‐40 80,‐80 80,0 100,0 100,‐40 100,‐80 100,‐100 125,0 125,45 125,‐45 125,‐85 125,‐125 Table 22 - Wind Data During Right Turn Test Direction WSW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW Wind Speed [m/s] 3.31 3.40 3.31 2.91 2.01 3.22 2.91 2.50 2.50 2.59 3.40 115 Test 80,‐40 80,‐80 100,0 100,‐40 100,‐40 100,‐80 100,‐100 125,0 125,‐45 125,‐85 125,‐125 Turning radius: The first value that was defined in these tests is the resulting turning radius for a particular motor input. The radius was found using the Haversine formula method, which was described in detail in the minimum turning radius section above. Below is a table of the resulting turning radii for each motor command combination. The values are listed in largest to smallest radius. The value was found by finding the average of the vertical and horizontal radius. Table 23 - Water Left Turning Radii Motor Command Port Motor Command Starboard Turning Radius [m] 0 100 11.75 0 125 11.05 0 80 10.85 ‐40 100 8.62 ‐45 125 7.81 ‐80 100 5.28 ‐100 100 3.13 ‐125 125 2.52 Table 24 - Water Right Turing Radii Motor Command Port Motor Command Starboard Turning Radius [m] 125 0 9.15 100 0 8.96 125 ‐45 7.84 100 ‐40 7.54 125 ‐85 7.12 80 ‐40 6.88 100 ‐80 6.62 80 ‐80 5.04 100 ‐100 4.70 125 ‐125 4.52 What was found in these turning radius tests is that the tightest turns are executed when one motor is forward and one is in reverse. Because the vehicle’s 116 drivetrain is not retractable, it sticks out under the hulls and acts like a keel, which helps with straight line tracking, but negatively affects the vehicle’s turning radius. Looking at the lower turning radii shown in the tables above, the larger the reverse motor, the smaller the turning radius. While it was not tested, because the thrust in the forward direction is much larger than when in reverse, an even smaller turning radius is assumed to be achieved by giving full reverse command to one motor and half forward command to the other motor. This would result in an even tighter radius, and could even cause the vehicle to spin on its axis. Yaw rate: The next data found from these tests is the resulting turning radius from each motor command. As stated above, this data will be presented in a table, and plots of the data is provided in the appendix. Table 25- Water Left Turn Yaw Rate Motor Command Port ‐125 ‐100 ‐80 ‐45 0 ‐40 0 0 Motor Command Starboard Average Yaw Rate in Turn [deg/sec] 125 ‐9.29 100 ‐7.69 100 ‐5.66 125 ‐4.90 125 ‐3.80 100 ‐3.62 100 ‐3.20 80 ‐2.66 117 Varience [deg^2/sec^2] 0.8395 0.7987 0.3174 0.3687 0.3892 0.8510 0.4418 0.8151 Table 26 - Water Right Turn Yaw Rate Motor Command Port 125 100 125 125 80 125 100 100 100 80 Motor Command Starboard ‐125 ‐100 ‐85 ‐45 ‐80 0 ‐80 ‐40 0 ‐40 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 8.05 7.01 6.34 6.08 5.82 5.74 5.73 5.62 4.91 4.75 Varience [deg^2/sec^2] 0.1179 0.1003 0.1411 0.1080 0.3648 0.0790 0.2673 0.0509 0.1334 0.1344 The yaw rate was found by averaging the yaw rate measured over the course of the vehicle turn, while the virtual rudder was deflected. This yaw rate is the output of the vehicle rudder input and velocity, and is useful when developing the vehicle’s autonomous control system, to understand the output of motor command inputs. A turning circle test causes the vehicle to turn at a constant rate until the rudder is returned to zero, or no deflection. Below is an example of the yaw rate measured during a turning circle test in the water. A negative yaw rate means a left turn, or a counter clockwise rotation. 118 2 1 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time [sec] 120 140 160 180 200 Figure 68 – Yaw Rate During a Turn to Port (100 Stbd, -80 Port) Maneuvering Tests Water Zig-zag Test: As described in the land zig-zag tests, the water zig-zag tests were performed using a combination of differential thrust commands. The GPS, IMU, compass and motor controllers were used to collect data during the test. The vehicle started at full speed before the open loop zig-zag maneuver was initiated. Differential motor commands of 70/40, 110/70, 110/80 and 122/100 were used. Typically a zig-zag test uses rudder deflections of 10-20 [deg], however these tests used a variety of deflections. 119 Below is an example of the motor command data and a plot of the vehicle’s position in Google Earth during the water zig-zag test for motor commands of 122 and 0. This data was used for systems identification, which is described in Section 3.2. 150 Port Starboard Motor Command 100 50 0 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] 160 Figure 69 - 122/0 Water Zig-Zag Motor Commands 120 180 200 Fiigure 70 - Veh hicle Position iin Water Zig-zzag Test 3.2 System ms Identificaation Perfforming the zig-zag z test gave g data thaat is useful ffor systems iidentificationn. By measuring the t motor co ommand inp puts, as welll as the IMU U outputs ffor velocitiess and yaw rate, a model m can be b estimated based on thhe relationshiip between tthe two measured sets of data. Systems ideentification was w perform med for both land and waater. ms ID toolb box was ussed for systtems identiffication withh the Matllab’s System collected daata, which is a built in to oolbox that ccontains a grraphical userr interface (G GUI). The data waas clipped to o contain on nly the time the vehiclee was perforrming the zigg-zag pattern, and d not when itt was accelerrating to steaady state, orr after the zigg-zag patternn was executed. 1221 The data collectted from th he IMU duriing the zig-zag tests was in earth fixed coordinates.. To convertt the velocities into the bbody fixed frrame, the earrth fixed vellocity matrix was multiplied m by b the transfo ormation maatrix below, w where is tthe yaw anglle. Thiss complete transformatio t on is seen iin the Matlaab code in A Appendix B B. 8In addition to converting the measureements into the body fixxed coordinnate frame, tthe X and Y veloccities also neeeded to be transformed t from the loccation of meeasurement tto the location of the t center off floatation, the position in which thhe vehicle pivvots around.. This transformatiion was perrformed witth the follow wing equation, where tthe new vellocity matrix, , is i found by subtracting g the cross pproduct of tthe roll, pittch and yaw w rate matrix, , and a the location matrix of o the sensor from the ceenter of floattation, . Afteer the velociities were trransformed into the boody fixed cooordinate syystem, they were used as outpu uts in the sysstems identiffication toolbbox. w the poort and starbboard motorr commandss. As The inputs for the model were stated earlieer, only thee data colleected after tthe vehicle had reacheed a steady state straight-linee course and then initiateed the maneuuver was used for system ms identificaation. To estimate a model, a third t order liinear parameetric state sppace model w was used. 1222 Below are the motor command inputs, and the u,v, and yaw rate outputs of the 1250 water zig-zag test, with an overlay of the final model that was obtained on the outputs. 150 Port Starboard Motor Command 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 71- Motor Commands Land Zig-zag for Systems ID 1 0.95 Body u Velocity [m/s] 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 Model Measured IMU Data 0.6 0.55 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time [sec] Figure 72 - Body Fixed u Velocity Model-Black Signal is the Measured Velocity 123 60 0.1 0.05 Body v Velocity [m/s] 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 Model Measured IMU Data -0.35 -0.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time [sec] Figure 73 - Body Fixed v Velocity Model-Black Signal is the Measured Velocity 0.1 Yaw Rate 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 0 Model Measurd IMU Data 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time [sec] Figure 74 - Yaw Rate Model-Black Signal is the Measured Yaw Rate A second data was used to compare the model to this second set of inputs and outputs. Below is the motor command inputs for the 100/0 zig-zag water test, and the corresponding outputs with the model estimate overlaid on the output data. 124 0.75 0.7 Body u Velocity 0.65 0.6 0.55 Model Measured IMU Data 0.5 0.45 0 5 10 15 20 15 30 35 Time [sec] Figure 75 - Body u Velocity Model on Second Data-Black Signal is Measured Velocity 0.7 0.65 Model Measured IMU Data Body v Velocity [m/s] 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time [sec] Figure 76 - Body v Velocity Model on Second Data-Black Signal is Measured Velocity 125 0.15 0.1 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 Model Measured IMU Data -0.15 -0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time [sec] Figure 77 - Yaw Rate Model on Second Data-Black Signal is Measured Yaw Rate It was found the model is a close fit for the u and v velocity predictions, however the yaw rate prediction is a significantly better result when the data is compared to the model in both cases. This finding is important for future autonomous control, because the yaw rate output is most useful in autonomous control, especially for a slow moving vehicle such as the DUKW. The third order state space model is shown below. In the equation, x(t) is the state vector and u(t) is the control vector. 126 1.0001 8.67 10 .00043 .00192 .011992 . 00281 . 00012 1.0003 .00048 . 00847 .00579 . 00247 4.59 10 7.085 10 . 99651 + 7.47 10 1.3641 10 9.2162 10 3.71 10 1.2559 10 5.6677 10 u(t)+ .00315 . 00541 . 04215 6.700 26.993 1.524 27.676 1.227 8.461 1.342 1.084 3.990 0 0 0 0 0 0 x(0) = x1 = 0.01213 x2 = -0.02238 x3 = -0.00671 For the land test, the same procedure was used. However, the predicted bodyfixed velocities and yaw rate do not match the measured values well. It is believed that the bumpy, sandy ground was the reason for this noisy looking signal. Another factor that affected this test was the limited space available for testing. The sandy area on Seatech property was used because it is mostly level, unlike the beach which has a constant slope. The downside to this test region is the fact that the vehicle could not make large turns as it could in the water tests. It also could not be driven very long in the forward direction to achieve a steady state motion because of the limited space. The beach would give more space for this test, but no area of the beach could be found that was flat enough to perform this test without dealing with the inconsistencies with the beach slope. 127 Because of the limitations in test conditions, if a better model is required for autonomous control, these tests should be redone at a location that has a large sandy area, but does not contain a slope as found on most beaches in the area. 1.6 1.4 u Velocity [m/s] 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Figure 78 - Body Fixed v Velocity Land Model-Black Signal is Measured Velocity 1.5 v Velocity [m/s] 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 Time [sec] Figure 79 - Body Fixed v Velocity Model Land-Black Signal is Measured Velocity 128 15 0.4 0.3 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Figure 80 - Yaw Rate Model Land-Black Signal is Measured Yaw Rate The land model is shown below. It is suggested that to estimate a better model for this data, these tests be performed in a larger test area so the turns can be executed for longer than 3 seconds each. The water tests used 10 second turns, which proved to give a data that was easier to fit a model to. The accuracy of this model was affected by the test conditions. Again, a third order state space model was used, and it is shown below. 129 . 9979 .0048 .0113 . 002 29 . 994 44 . 004 49 . 0082 .0014 . 9962 3.5427 4.3959 6.8854 + . 0010 4.117 10 .0008 8 5.9176 5 3.8696 .0205 5.8133 3.1278 . 1213 . 0005 . 0007 uu(t)+ .0010 0 0 0 .0027 .0106 .0145 .0067 . 0204 .0445 . 078 83 .012 28 . 065 54 0 0 0 x(0) = x1 = -0.0201 1 x2 = 0.0308 x3 = -0.1125 5 3.3 Transition Region n Tests The transition teests are one of the mosst important parts of this thesis, as these tests provide data to und derstand the unknown arreas of the vvehicle concept developm ment. The vehicle was driven open loop through t the ttransition region, both toowards and away from shore.. Its motions while in the t breakingg wave areaa of the surff zone weree also recorded, to o help betterr understand d what the vvehicle will experience while naviggating through thiss dynamic reegion. The vehicle starrted on the beach, b and w was given ann open loop motor comm mand for 30 secon nds, approacching the su urf zone perppendicularlyy. Once the vvehicle was fully buoyant, an nd at a depth h where it waas no longerr making conntact with thhe ground, it was left to be su ubjected to th he breaking waves w in thee surf zone, while its mootions were bbeing recorded. Fiinally, the veehicle faced the beach, aand was giveen the same m motor comm mands as on its waay out, and it i ran this 30 0 second oppen loop pathh onto the bbeach. Durinng the tests, the mo otor current was recordeed so the drivvetrain forcees could be qquantified dduring 1330 its beach traansition. Mo otor comman nds of 80, 900, 100, 110 aand 125 to bboth motors were used for testting. Thesse three situ uations, land d-to-sea, seaa-to-land, aand the vehiicle subjecteed to breaking waaves in the surf s zone weere each testeed, and the rresults will bbe split into these three catego ories. Wav ve Characteeristics It is important to o define the wave charaacteristics duuring these trransition tessts, so the motions found in tessting can be related to thhe waves thee vehicle expperienced. F Figure 79 shows tw wo pictures of o the ocean n on the day tthe tests werre performedd. Figure 81 - Dania D Beach O Ocean on Testt Day To quantitativel q ly define th he wave ch aracteristics during testing, two O Ocean Sensor Systtems wave staffs s were installed in the surf zone to measuure the incooming waves. These capacitan nce wave gaauges measuure the waterr location allong their leength. Typical caliibration of these sensorrs when useed in a wavve tank is to locate thee still 1331 waterline location, and use this as a zero location. However, because these tests were performed in a non-controlled environment, this calibration was not possible. Instead, the average value over the entire test was used as a zero location, and wave amplitudes were measured from this point. While this is not as precise as the previous method of calibration, it was the only way the median level could be located. The wave staffs were placed in the location that the vehicle was tested in the surf zone motion tests. The sensors use an RS232 communication and the data was collected with a laptop. An example of this data is shown in the figure below. The staff is 500 [mm] long, and the data is output as number of counts from the bottom of the staff. The Matlab code converts the count output into a distance in [mm] from the bottom using the width of each wire wrap. The break in data is due to the combination of two sets of data, and a time difference between the end time and start time. 500 Gauge 1 Gauge 2 450 Waterline Location [mm] 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time Figure 82 - Wave Gauge Output 132 250 300 350 These water level locations were converted to wave amplitude by first finding the average value of the data, which was set to the mean waterline, or zero, of the data. Then the amplitudes were calculated from this level. The figure below is the data after the mean waterline was subtracted from the entire set of data. The Y-axis shows the water position from the mean water level over the course of the test. The gauges were mounted in a line perpendicular to the beach, where the first gauge was at the point the waves were beginning to break and the second in the region the waves had already broke. This was about 20 and 30 feet from the tideline, in depths of about 2.5 and 3 feet, for the first and second gauge, respectively. The waves were measured for a duration of 15 minutes. Because of the sample time, the tide level remained constant for the tests. The wave gauges measured at 20 [Hz]. 350 300 Waterline Location [mm] 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Figure 83 - Wave Data in Surf Zone Tests 133 5000 6000 7000 To characterize c the waves present p in thhe test area during the experimentss, the significant wave w heightt was used. This is the average valuue of the laargest 1/3rd oof the measured am mplitudes. This T was calcculated for bboth wave gaauges, and thhe process can be seen in the Matlab M sectiion of the ap ppendix. Thee significant wave heightt was found to be 27.92 [cm]. This value makes it possible to now w relate the measured m motions desccribed below to waave characterristics seen in i the surf zoone. 3.3.1 Land d-to-Sea As described d above, the veh hicle started facing the oocean and w was given a m motor command to o the tracks for f 30 secon nds, which w was equal to bboth port andd starboard. The first motorr command combinationn was 80, w which is abbout 65% off full power. The results of th his test are sh hown in the figures beloow. The X-axxis timescalees are synchronizeed so the IM MU motions and motor ddata can be compared eeasily. The eentire collection of these resullts can be fo ound in the aappendix. It should be nnoted that alll tests looked very y similar to th he one show wn below, so it was unnecessary to display each set of data in the main m text. A table with average valuues is providded describiing the full rrange of tests. 1334 Motor Command 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 600 400 200 0 600 400 200 0 Roll [deg] Figure 84 - Land-to-Sea Transition Motor Data (Motor Command: 80) 5 0 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -5 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 Figure 85 - Land-to-Sea Transition Motions (Motor Command: 80) Looking at the data above, it can be seen that when the motors are given the command of 80, the track force is at its highest, an average of 494 [N] between port and 135 starboard, which w meanss it takes ab bout 1000 [N N] to start tthe vehicle from rest inn this situation. This T is very close to th he 1068 [N]] estimate uused in gearring calculattions, shown in th he drivetrain gearing dessign section. The vehiclee was startedd at a positioon on the beach th hat aimed to make the trransition from m land to seea about halfway througgh the 30 second test, t which was w about 50 0 feet from the waterlinne. Figure 844 is the vehicle’s position plo otted in Goog gle Earth. Note the tide was not the same as shoown in the fiigure, so the waterrline is not th he same as itt was on the day of the ttest. Figure 86 - Beach-to-Seea Vehicle Traack Afteer the initial momentum m is obtainedd, the track fforce stays ffairly constaant to about 20 seeconds into the t test, wheere it beginss to fall. At this point, bby looking aat the IMU motion n data, it can n be seen thaat the vehiclee is in contaact with wavves because oof the sinusoidal motions m it beegins to exp perience exacctly at the tiime the trackk force begiins to decrease. Th his drop in force f on the tracks can bbe contributeed to the facct that the veehicle is obtaining g a buoyanccy force as it enters thhe water annd begins too experience the 1336 motions of the waves. The effective weight of the vehicle is less because of this buoyancy force, and therefore we see a drop in the track force measured. The intermittent jumps in track force during the few seconds the vehicle is between fully land and fully buoyant can be attributed to the tracks coming into contact with the bottom as waves cause it to heave. About 5 seconds after its initial motions from encountering the water, or at 25 seconds into the test, the heave and roll motions become noticeably larger, and the track force falls off to almost zero. The reason the force does not fall all the way to zero is due to the manner in which the force is being calculated. The current to the motors is used to determine a resulting force, and since the drivetrain still provides some resistance even when the vehicle is floating, the current does not fall enough for the calculated force to be zero, because the motor is still drawing some current. The exact instant that the vehicle transitions from land to sea and becomes completely supported by a buoyant force is nearly impossible to determine, both because of the nature of the test conditions as well as the fact that the vehicle is subjected to waves which means it is coming into contact with the ground even after it has been supported by a buoyant force. Because of this, it is difficult to determine an exact force when the vehicle is on land, or in the surf zone. However, splitting this test in half, and taking the average of the force measured for each half gives a reasonable estimate of the average force on land, and an average force while transitioning. These values were documented by CISD as a necessary unknown that needed to be defined. 137 Belo ow is a tablee of the forces measuredd during the transition ffrom beach tto the ocean, throu ugh the surff zone. As would w be exxpected, the first leg off these tests gave forces that were, w on aveerage, about 3.5 times thhe forces meeasured whenn the vehiclee was in contact with w the wateer. The buoy yant force thhat resulted ffrom the vehhicle drivingg into the water significantly reduced r the force requirred to drive tthrough this region. It shhould be noted th hat the maxiimum force measured during the entire test iis less than 15% greater than n the estimatted design reesistance forrce used to ddesign the ddrivetrain geearing system. Table T 27 - Lan nd-to-Sea Drivvetrain Force R Results Motor Commaand Average FFull Test [N] Avverage First Half [N] Average e Second Half [N N] Maximum FForce [N] 171.17 80 112.58 50.70 220.2 29 228.70 90 144 54.99 4.86 530.3 35 200.16 100 36.35 11 19.06 685.3 37 248.96 110 60.25 15 53.89 840.4 40 257.30 125 127.03 19 99.58 832.2 23 221.26 All Tests 65.86 145.99 621.7 73 3.3.2 Sea--to-Land The next set of data collectted was the vehicle appproaching thhe shoreline. The mands used above were again used in this direcction. The veehicle same set of motor comm started in th he ocean an nd approacheed the surf zzone and m made its wayy onto the bbeach, again open loop for 30 0 seconds at equal motoor commandds to both poort and starbboard tracks. The test was starrted perpend dicular to thee shore, in a water depthh of about 3 feet, which was an a extra foott of water un nder the vehhicle draft, too ensure therre was no coontact with the gro ound at the beginning b off the test. Thhe 3 foot waater depth w where the test was started was about 40 feet f from th he tide line. The test w was initiated when the m motor 1338 commands were w sent to the tracks, and a as soon as the vehiccle came intoo contact witth the sand it begaan to drive on nto the beacch. Figure 844 shows the vehicle’s poosition durinng the sea-to-land test. Again, as above, th he tide line iss not the sam me in the Gooogle Earth im mage as it was on test day, so the waterlin ne location iss not exact. Figure 87 – Sea-to-Land d Vehicle Traack Belo ow is a set off data during g the sea-to-lland transition. For conssistency, thiss data in figure 86 is the samee 80 motor co ommand as the plots shown above iin the land-tto-sea transition. 1339 Motor Command 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 400 300 200 100 0 600 400 200 0 Figure 88 – Sea-to-Land Transition Motor Data (Motor Command: 80) Roll [deg] 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -10 1 0 -1 Figure 89 - Sea-to-Land Transition Motions (Motor Command: 80) As would be expected, the opposite results were found compared to the land-tosea transition. The vehicle experiences large motions initially, and as it comes into 140 shallower water, and contacts the bottom, the motions decay to zero as it is no longer buoyant and experiencing motions from the surf zone waves. The vehicle experiences no wave motions after about 15 seconds. Looking at the motor data just before this occurs, it can be seen that the force fluctuates due to the heaving motion and the intermittent track contact with the bottom before it is fully out of the water and in full contact with the ground. Again, as described above, it is impossible to choose a point at which the vehicle transitions between sea and land, because of the motions that cause it to come in contact with the bottom as it approaches the beach, and because of the unpredictability of the test area. Therefore, the test can be split in half and averages can be taken of the drivetrain forces required in the transition. Below is a table showing the average forces found through the whole range of tests. Again, as would be expected, the first half of the test, when the vehicle is partially buoyant, the forces are much less than when the vehicle is fully on land. Table 28 – Sea to Land Drivetrain Force Results Motor Command Average Full Test [N] Average First Half [N] Average Second Half [N] Maximum Force [N] 80 167.37 115.71 208.06 407.96 90 251.10 205.25 268.25 481.39 100 233.15 103.66 343.66 246.66 110 247.88 192.04 278.34 522.19 125 286.18 249.57 273.48 856.72 All Tests 237.14 173.25 274.36 502.98 141 3.3.3 Vehiicle in the Su urf-Zone Betw ween the lan nd-to-sea an nd sea-to-lannd tests, the vehicle waas left in thee surf zone and experienced e the breakin ng waves foound in thiss area. Becaause autonom mous vehicles hav ve traditionaally not traveersed this reggion, the mootions the vehhicle experieences in the regio on are imporrtant in systeem developm ment. It is difficult to aaccurately m model the waves th he vehicle iss experiencing during thhis test, but the average wave condiitions can be relatted to the motions m the vehicle v expeeriences durring the test.. This provides a rough estim mate of the motions m the vehicle can bbe expected tto experience in the surff zone region when n it is autono omous. Figu ures 88-92 below b show the vehicle ’s motions iin the surf zzone for thee five Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Roll Angle [deg] Pitch Angle [deg] Heave Velocity [m/s] separate testts. 0.5 0 -0.5 0 10 0 20 30 Time [se ec] 40 50 60 0 10 0 20 30 Time [se ec] 40 50 60 0 10 0 20 30 Time [se ec] 40 50 60 0 10 0 20 30 Time [se ec] 40 50 60 20 0 -20 20 0 -20 20 0 -20 Figure 90 - Motions M in thee Surf Zone T Test 1 1442 Pitch Angle [deg] Heave Velocity [m/s] 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 35 40 45 Time [sec] 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 20 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Roll Angle [deg] Time [sec] 10 0 -10 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 50 0 -50 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] Pitch Angle [deg] Heave Velocity [m/s] Figure 91 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 2 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 35 40 45 Time [sec] 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 20 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Roll Angle [deg] Time [sec] 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 50 0 -50 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] Figure 92 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 3 143 Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] 1 0 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 Time [sec] 20 0 -20 0 10 20 30 40 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Roll Angle [deg] Time [sec] 10 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] 50 0 -50 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] Pitch Angle [deg] Heave Velocity [m/s] Figure 93 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 4 1 0 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 40 50 60 70 40 50 60 70 40 50 60 70 Time [sec] 10 0 -10 0 10 20 30 Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Roll Angle [deg] Time [sec] 10 0 -10 0 10 20 30 Time [sec] 50 0 -50 0 10 20 30 Time [sec] Figure 94 - Motions in the Surf Zone Test 5 While it may be difficult to compare these motions to one another, taking the average of the absolute value measured for each motion gives a better number to 144 compare among the different tests. Below are tables of the average values found in each test. It was found the averages were very similar from test to test, as seen in Table 34 below, the variance between all the tests is low for all motions. The average motions for all tests are shown in Tables 29-33. Table 29 - Average Motions Test 1 Measurement Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] Roll Angle [deg] Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Average of All Tests 0.35 3.74 2.41 5.08 Variance 0.0367 5.2549 3.9941 18.0216 Table 30 - Average Motions Test 2 Measurement Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] Roll Angle [deg] Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Average Value During Test 0.51 3.82 1.87 5.87 Variance 0.0283 5.6740 1.6720 18.4664 Table 31 - Average Motions Test 3 Measurement Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] Roll Angle [deg] Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Average Value During Test 0.53 3.79 1.75 4.77 Variance 0.0379 5.4235 1.3810 21.1209 Table 32 - Average Motions Test 4 Measurement Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] Roll Angle [deg] Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Average Value During Test 0.44 4.18 2.10 4.48 145 Variance 0.0283 7.8703 2.3414 20.8922 Table 33 - Average Motions Test 5 Measurement Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] Roll Angle [deg] Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Average Value During Test 0.40 3.54 1.97 4.54 Variance 0.0267 4.5842 1.9007 21.1076 From the averages found in the tables above, it can be seen that the motions stay very consistent throughout the five tests. Table 34 below is the averages of all the test results, it can be seen that the variance of measured motions is extremely low for each value. These motions below show the average expected motions for a vehicle in this type of surf zone waves. Although conditions constantly change, having this data relating wave characteristics to vehicle motions can help predict motions in different wave conditions, and also gives future test developers an idea of the response characteristics of this vehicle. Table 34 - Average of all Surf Zone Motion Test Results Measurement Heave Velocity [m/s] Pitch Angle [deg] Roll Angle [deg] Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Average of All Tests 0.45 3.81 2.02 4.95 Varience 0.0059 0.0538 0.0641 0.3212 In order to further characterize the surf zone and the vehicle motions in the surf zone, the data were transformed into the frequency domain to locate dominant frequencies found in the incoming waves as well as the response of the vehicle. First looking at the waves, and zooming in on a 20 second window, as shown in figure 95 below, the multiple frequencies can be seen. 146 250 200 Wave Height [mm] 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [sec] 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 95 - Waves in a 20 Second Period Looking at the dominant frequencies in figure 96, we find peaks at frequencies of 0.1172 [Hz], 0.2344 [Hz], 0.4688 [Hz] and 0.5469 [Hz]. In the time domain, these correspond to periods of 8.532 [sec], 4.266 [sec], 2.133 [sec] and 1.828 [sec]. The first three periods are half of the previous value, showing that they are harmonics. These periods can be seen in figure 95, as we see peaks occurring at these intervals. 147 5 3 x 10 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency (Hz) Figure 96 - Wave Frequency in Surf-zone Now, looking at the vehicle’s frequency response to these incoming waves, can be seen in figure 97 below. Heave 50 Pitch 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Omega 4 5 6 500 0 0 Roll 1 500 0 0 Figure 97 - Roll, Pitch and Heave Frequency Response to Surfzone 148 3.4 Froud de-Krylov Ex xcitation Forrces To estimate e the wave excitaation forces acting on tthe vehicle iin shallow w water, the Froude-K Krylov apprroach can be used. Thesee pressure foorces are fouund by integrrating the pressuree over the mean m wetted surface of tthe hull. Thiis was done using the m model DUKW-ling g’s dimensio ons in head d seas (wherre the anglee the vehiclle encounterrs the waves, β=0)) and the ressults are sho own below [36]. This giives an estim mate of the fforces and momen nts that cou uld be experrienced in tthe surf zonne. Below iis Froude-K Krylov method used d to estimatee excitation forces f and m moments in a water depthh of 0.61 [m m]. F1 [N] 500 0 0 -500 0 0 F2 [N] 2 x 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 Time [sec] T 5 6 7 8 -13 0 -2 2 0 F3 [N] 1000 0 0 -1000 0 0 Figurre 98 - Surge (1), ( Sway (2), H Heave (3) Forrce vs. Time 1449 F4 [N-m] 1 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 Time [sec] 5 6 7 8 F5 [N-m] 1000 0 -1000 0 F6 [N-m] 2 x 10 -13 0 -2 0 Figure 99 - Roll (4), Pitch (5), Yaw (6) Moments vs. Time 150 4 CONCULU USIONS Thiss project aim med at defin ning unknow wns about thhe DUKW-ling autonom mous amphibious vehicle con ncept. Traveling througgh the surf zone is a new area foor an autonomouss vehicle, an nd an area that is very dyynamic and ddifficult to m model. Thereefore, experimentaal testing with w the veh hicle model was the iddeal approacch to definee the unknowns th hat were affe fecting the co ontinued devvelopment off this projectt. The vehicle’s motions m in thee surf zone, tthe drivetraiin forces reqquired to navvigate one, its driiving charaacteristics suuch as turnning radiuss, velocitiess and the surf zo acceleration ns were docu umented by CISD as unnknowns thaat were needded for algorrithm developmen nt being con nducted theree. The minim mum turningg radius on lland was 2.44 [m] (about one vehicle v leng gth), the max ximum velocity was 1.991 [m/s] andd the accelerration was 0.93 [m m/s2]. In waater, the min nimum turniing radius w was found too be less thaan on land, 1.93 [m], and water w maxim mum velociity was 1.119 [m/s], w with a maxiimum acceleration n of 1.98 [m m/s2]. The yaaw rates for different m motor commaands to bothh land and water motors m weree found so autonomouus control deevelopment has quantittative values for th he different motor m inputss that can bee used in navvigation. It was w found th hat in a sign nificant wavee height of 28 [cm], thhe average hheave velocity was 0.45 [m/s], which is allmost half oof the vehiclee’s maximum m forward speed. It experiencces average pitch and roll r angles of 3.81 andd 2.02 degreees, respectiively. These anglees are more than doublee those founnd when thee vehicle peerforms a zigg-zag 1552 maneuver or o turning cirrcle test. An n average yaaw rate of 44.95 degreess/second how wever was the sam me as was fo ound when the t vehicle w was perform ming a very wide turn w with a radius of 8.56 meters, where w the vehicle’s minnimum turniing radius iss 4.92 meterrs. So although thee vehicle ex xperiences laarge pitch annd roll motioons, it is able to maintaain its heading wheen encounterring the breaaking wavess. Wheen navigating the surf zone region, the force onn the tracks was found to be 250 [N] to each track on o average when w on lannd, and moree than half oof that whenn it is bmerged. Th he maximum m force was 6621 [N] andd was found when the veehicle partially sub was going from f land-to o-sea, and go oing from seea-to-land, thhe maximum m value was 80% less. In addition a to finding f the unknowns that were ddocumentedd as setbackks for algorithm development, d , a model fo or both land and sea navvigation wass found baseed on maneuverin ng test data. This T model can c be a starrting point fo for future auttonomous coontrol efforts. 4.1 mmendations for Future Work Recom Thiss project is continuing c at a FAU withh present graaduate studeent Jose Alvvarez. This thesis work aim med at providing him with a com mplete set of data annd an understandin ng of vehiccle performaance througgh experimeental testing. The driveetrain, electronics and sensor systems s werre all used tto perform m months of teesting, and m minor changes werre made untiil the vehiclee’s performaance was devveloped intoo a robust, eaasy to use platform m. Becausee of this work, w the veehicle is being turnedd over to ffuture 1553 researchers in a state that they will need to focus no time on the vehicle systems, and rather focus their efforts on autonomous development. Future work outside of the autonomous control system work going on presently at FAU can be broken into three categories: vehicle model, surf zone testing and full scale mechanical design. In terms of the vehicle model, the only set back this work has found is a lack of motor power. Both the land and water motors should be upgraded as the vehicle is underpowered in both regards. During tests, the land motors were found to exceed their current limit significantly in certain situations. This can cause damage in the long term, and these can be replaced with minimum complexity because of their easy access location on the vehicle. The propeller motors are also underpowered. The vehicle is difficult to control in the water, mainly because of the low thrust output available from the propellers. In the surf zone, the vehicle will need significant thrust to overcome wave forces, and these motors will not provide that thrust. The vehicle’s turning radius will also improve with more thrust available. In terms of surf zone testing, it is recommended to continue the surf zone transition tests in a variety of surf conditions, while again measuring the waves present in the surf zone. Having a broad set of data will be useful for this concept, as well as future research that might deal with a vehicle traveling through the surf zone or breaking waves. The full scale vehicle design will require more testing in the surf zone to further define the forces acting on the vehicle, both from slamming motions as well as contact with the bottom. Structural tests should be completed to understand the amount of 154 forces the full scale vehicle might experience when in navigates this surf zone region continuously during a cargo transport mission. 155 5 APPEN NDIX A. All test resu ults Transition Te ests: Motor Command Moto or Command:: 80 Land‐to‐Sea 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 2 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 2 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 2 25 30 35 40 600 400 200 0 600 400 200 0 1556 Roll [deg] 5 0 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -5 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 1 0.5 0 Motor Command Sea‐to‐Land 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 400 300 200 100 0 600 400 200 0 157 Roll [deg] 10 0 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -10 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 Motor Command Motor Command: 90 Land‐to‐Sea 100 50 Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Stbd Track Force [N] Time [sec] 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 158 Roll [deg] 5 0 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -5 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 1 0.5 0 Motor Command Sea‐to‐Land 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Port Track Force [N] Time [sec] 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 Stbd Track Force [N] Time [sec] 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 159 Roll [deg] 10 0 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] Time [sec] 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 0.5 0 -0.5 0 5 10 15 Heave Vel. [m/s] Time [sec] 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Motor Command Motor Command: 100 Land‐to‐Sea 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 800 600 400 200 0 800 600 400 200 0 160 Roll [deg] 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -10 2 1 0 Motor Command Sea‐to‐Land 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Port Track Force [N] Time [sec] 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Stbd Track Force [N] Time [sec] 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 161 Roll [deg] 10 0 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] Time [sec] 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 0.5 0 -0.5 0 5 10 15 Heave Vel. [m/s] Time [sec] 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Motor Command: 110 Land‐to‐Sea 162 Motor Command 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time [sec] 25 30 35 40 1000 500 0 1000 500 0 Roll [deg] 10 0 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -10 1 0 -1 Sea‐to‐Land 163 Motor Command 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Port Track Force [N] Time [sec] 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Stbd Track Force [N] Time [sec] 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Roll [deg] 10 0 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] Time [sec] 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 0.5 0 -0.5 0 5 10 15 Heave Vel. [m/s] Time [sec] 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] Motor Command: 125 Land‐to‐Sea 164 Motor Command 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 1000 500 0 1000 500 0 Roll [deg] 10 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 10 0 -10 0.5 0 -0.5 Heave Vel. [m/s] Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -10 1 0 -1 Sea‐to‐Land 165 Motor Command 150 100 50 Stbd Track Force [N] Port Track Force [N] 0 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 800 600 400 200 0 1000 500 0 Roll [deg] 10 0 Heave Vel. [m/s] 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 Time [sec] 20 25 30 10 0 -10 Yaw Rate[deg/sec] Pitch [deg] -10 1 0 -1 1 0.5 0 166 Land Circle Tests: Left Turn 60 40 Stbd Cmd Track Force [N] 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 50 20 15 40 10 30 20 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 70 56 55.5 40 30 55 20 54.5 54 10 0 10 20 30 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 40 50 60 0 70 Current [amps] 10 Current [amps] 20 0 Port Cmd Motor Cmd 55 Starboard, 35 Port 400 200 Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Time [sec] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 70 Port Starboard 0 -5 -10 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 1 0.5 0 0 200 0 -200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time [sec] 167 Roll [deg] Pitch [deg] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 2 0 -2 2 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 Port 75 Sttarboard, 35 P 1668 5 10 0 Position [m] 15 5 Motor Cmd 100 50 40 50 60 70 80 40 50 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 80 Current [amps] 30 100 0 Stbd Cmd Track Force [N] 20 76 100 75 50 74 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] 50 60 70 0 80 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 500 Velocity [m/s] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 Current [amps] Port Cmd 0 0 80 Port Starboard 10 0 -10 -20 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 500 0 -500 -1000 0 169 Roll [deg] Pitch [deg] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 2 0 -2 2 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 10 0 Position [m] 8 6 4 2 0 0 75 Sttarboard, 45 P Port 1770 2 4 6 Position [m] 8 10 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 0 -10 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 500 0 -500 -1000 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] Roll [deg] 4 2 0 -2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] Pitch [deg] 2 0 -2 -4 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] Yaw [deg] 200 0 -200 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 171 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 X Velocity [m/s] T Time [sec] 1 0 -1 0 20 0 40 60 Y Velocity [m/s] T Time [sec] 1 0 -1 0 20 0 40 60 T Time [sec] Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 105 SStarboard, 45 5 Port 1772 5 10 P Position [m] 15 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 20 0 -20 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] -40 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 2 1 0 0 500 0 -500 -1000 0 2 0 -2 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 5 0 -5 0 200 0 -200 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] 1 0 -1 0 173 10 Position [m] 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 Position [m]] 8 10 0 105 SStarboard, 55 5 Port 20 0 0 -20 0 -40 0 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 2 1 0 0 1000 0 0 -1000 0 -2000 0 0 1774 Roll [deg] Pitch [deg] 0 -2 2 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 2 1 0 -1 0 10 Position [m] 8 6 4 2 0 0 105 SStarboard, 75 5 Port 1775 2 4 6 Position [m] P 8 10 10 0 -10 -20 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 500 0 -500 -1000 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 Roll [deg] 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Pitch [deg] Time [sec] 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 200 0 -200 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Time [sec] 20 40 60 Time [sec] 1 0 -1 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 176 Position [m] 15 5 10 0 5 0 0 5 10 Position [m] 15 20 125 SStarboard, 45 5 Port Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 10 0 0 -10 0 -20 0 0 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 T Time [sec] 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 20 0 40 60 T Time [sec] 500 0 0 -500 0 -1000 0 0 20 0 40 60 T Time [sec] 1777 Roll [deg] 4 2 0 -2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] Pitch [deg] 2 0 -2 -4 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] Yaw [deg] 200 0 -200 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] 0.5 0 -0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 X Velocity [m/s] Time [sec] 1 0 -1 0 20 40 60 Y Velocity [m/s] Time [sec] 1 0 -1 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 125 Starboard, 55 Port 178 0 -50 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 50 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] 50 60 70 80 3 2 1 0 0 500 0 -500 -1000 0 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 5 0 -5 0 200 0 -200 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] 1 0 -1 0 179 10 Position [m] 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 8 10 Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 05 Port 125 SStarboard, 10 Unwrapped Heading [deg] 4 6 Pos sition [m] 5 0 -5 5 -10 0 0 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 40 50 60 70 T Time [sec] 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 10 0 20 30 T Time [sec] 200 0 100 0 0 -100 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 1 80 Roll [deg] Pitch [deg] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 5 0 -5 5 0 100 0 0 -100 0 0 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 5 Land Circle T Tests: Right Tu Turn 35 Sttarboard, 55 P Port 1 81 10 Positio on [m] 15 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Time [sec] 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] Roll [deg] 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 Pitch [deg] Time [sec] 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Time [sec] 0 -100 -200 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 0.5 0 -0.5 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] 182 20 Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 Position [m] 15 20 35 Sttarboard, 75 P Port Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 20 0 10 0 0 -10 0 0 50 100 150 100 150 100 150 T Time [sec] 1 0.5 5 0 0 50 T Time [sec] 1000 0 500 0 0 0 50 T Time [sec] 1 83 Roll [deg] 2 0 -2 2 0 50 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 Pitch [deg] T Time [sec] 5 0 -5 5 0 50 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] T Time [sec] 200 0 0 -200 0 0 50 T Time [sec] 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 50 T Time [sec] 12 Position [m] 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 45 Sttarboard, 75 P Port 1 84 4 6 8 Position [m] 10 12 Motor Cmd 80 Port Cmd 76 75.5 40 30 75 20 60 30 40 50 60 70 80 74 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 40 30 60 20 50 40 10 0 10 20 30 40 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 50 60 70 80 0 90 400 200 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] 0 90 80 70 Time [sec] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 90 Current [amps] 20 74.5 Stbd Cmd Track Force [N] 10 Current [amps] 40 0 90 Port Starboard 10 5 0 -5 0 20 40 60 80 Time [sec] 100 120 140 160 20 40 60 80 Time [sec] 100 120 140 160 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 Time [sec] 185 Roll [deg] Pitch [deg] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 5 0 -5 5 0 20 40 60 80 Time [sec] T 100 120 140 160 20 40 60 80 Time [sec] T 100 120 140 160 20 40 60 80 Time [sec] T 100 120 140 160 20 40 60 80 Time [sec] T 100 120 140 160 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 5 45 Sttarboard, 105 5 Port 1 86 10 Position n [m] 15 20 0 0 -20 0 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 40 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 2 1 0 0 9 8 7 6 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 4 -0.2 0 Time [sec] T 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 0 -2 2 0 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] T 80 100 120 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 1 0 -1 0 12 10 Position [m] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 87 2 4 6 8 Position [m] 10 12 2 55 Starboard, 105 Port 20 10 0 -10 0 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 20 40 60 Time [sec] 80 100 120 2 1 0 0 500 0 0 Pitch [deg] 2 0 -2 0 5 0 -5 0 200 0 -200 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 20 1000 Roll [deg] Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 1 0 -1 0 188 Position [m] 15 5 10 0 5 0 0 5 10 Position [m] 1 15 75 Sttarboard, 105 5 Port 10 0 5 0 -5 5 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 2 1 0 0 200 0 150 0 100 0 50 0 0 1 89 Roll [deg] Pitch [deg] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 2 0 -2 2 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 20 Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 45 Sttarboard, 125 5 Port 1990 5 10 Po osition [m] 15 20 20 0 0 -20 0 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 T Time [sec] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 40 0 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 T Time [sec] 1500 0 1000 0 500 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 T Time [sec] 5 0 -5 5 0 10 20 30 0 40 50 Time [sec] T 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 0 40 50 Time [sec] T 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 0 40 50 Time [sec] T 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 0 40 50 Time [sec] T 60 70 80 90 100 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 1 0 -1 0 8 6 Position [m] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] 4 2 0 0 1991 2 4 Position [m] 6 8 55 Starboard, 125 Port 20 0 -20 -40 0 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 2 1 0 0 500 0 -500 -1000 0 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 10 20 30 Time [sec] 40 50 60 5 0 -5 0 200 0 -200 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] 1 0 -1 0 192 8 Position [m] 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 Position [m] 6 8 25 Port 105 SStarboard, 12 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 5 0 -5 5 -10 0 0 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 40 50 60 70 T Time [sec] 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 10 0 20 30 T Time [sec] 200 0 100 0 0 -100 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time [sec] T 5 50 60 70 80 1993 Roll [deg] 26.055 5 26.055 5 26.055 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 Pitch [deg] T Time [sec] -80.1126 6 -80.1126 6 -80.1126 6 -80.1126 6 0 5 10 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] T Time [sec] -18 8 -20 0 -22 2 0 5 10 T Time [sec] 10 0 0 -10 0 0 5 10 T Time [sec] Position [m] 15 10 5 0 0 5 Water Tests:: Left Turn 80 Sttarboard, 0 Po ort 1994 10 Po osition [m] 15 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 0 0 -10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 T Time [sec] 300 35 50 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 T Time [sec] 300 35 50 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 T Time [sec] 300 35 50 400 450 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 500 0 0 -500 0 -1000 0 0 60 Position os o [[m]] 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 SStarboard, 0 P Port 1995 20 40 Position [m] 60 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 20 10 0 -10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 200 0 -200 -400 0 10 0 -10 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 500 5 0 -5 0 200 0 -200 0 0.5 0 -0.5 0 196 60 Position [m] 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 SStarboard, ‐40 Port 1997 20 40 P Position [m] 60 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] 0 -10 0 -20 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 500 0 0 -500 0 -1000 0 0 10 0 0 -10 0 0 5 0 -5 5 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 70 60 Position [m] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 1998 40 Posiition [m] 60 100 Starboard, ‐80 Port 10 0 -10 -20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 Time [sec] 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 Time [sec] 500 0 -500 -1000 0 50 100 150 Time [sec] Roll [deg] Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 10 0 -10 0 50 100 150 Pitch [deg] Time [sec] 5 0 -5 0 50 100 150 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Time [sec] 200 0 -200 0 50 100 150 Time [sec] 0.5 0 -0.5 0 50 100 150 Time [sec] 199 P iti [[m]] Position 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Positio on [m] 40 100 SStarboard, ‐100 Port Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 10 0 0 -10 0 -20 0 0 50 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 T Time [sec] 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 50 0 100 150 T Time [sec] 1000 0 0 -1000 0 -2000 0 0 50 0 100 150 T Time [sec] 2000 Roll [deg] 10 0 0 -10 0 0 50 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 Pitch [deg] T Time [sec] 5 0 -5 5 0 50 0 100 150 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] T Time [sec] 200 0 0 -200 0 0 50 0 100 150 T Time [sec] 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 50 0 100 150 T Time [sec] 4 40 Position [m] 3 30 2 20 10 0 0 125 SStarboard, 0 P Port 2001 10 20 Position [m] 3 30 40 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] 0 -10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 50 100 150 200 Time [sec] T 2 250 300 350 400 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 500 0 0 -500 0 -1000 0 0 10 0 0 -10 0 0 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 0 2 0 -2 2 0 200 0 0 -200 0 0 0.2 2 0 -0.2 2 0 6 60 Position [m] 5 50 4 40 3 30 2 20 1 10 0 0 2002 20 0 40 Position [m] 60 Unwrapped Heading [deg] Velocity [m/s] GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] 125 Starboard, ‐45 Port 10 0 -10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 500 0 -500 -1000 0 10 0 -10 0 Pitch [deg] Roll [deg] Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 50 100 150 200 250 Time [sec] 300 350 400 450 2 0 -2 0 200 0 -200 0 0.5 0 -0.5 0 203 50 Position [m] 40 30 20 10 0 0 125 SStarboard, ‐125 Port 2004 10 20 30 40 Po osition [m] 50 GPS Yaw Rate [deg/sec] Velocity [m/s] 0 -10 0 -20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 150 200 250 150 200 250 150 200 250 150 200 250 150 200 250 150 200 250 T Time [sec] 1.5 5 1 0.5 5 0 0 50 100 T Time [sec] 500 0 0 -500 0 -1000 0 0 50 100 T Time [sec] Roll [deg] Unwrapped Heading [deg] 10 0 10 0 0 -10 0 0 50 100 Pitch [deg] T Time [sec] 2 0 -2 2 0 50 100 Yaw Rate [rad/sec] Yaw [deg] T Time [sec] 200 0 0 -200 0 0 50 100 T Time [sec] 0.5 5 0 -0.5 5 0 50 100 T Time [sec] 35 Position [m] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2005 10 2 20 Position [m] 30 B. Matlab Code OS5000 Compass clear all close all clc % % % % % % % % % Joe Marquardt DUKW-ling. PARSE OS5000 compass data DATA MUST BE IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT: NOW THAT IT IS IN 24 HOUR CLOCK "3/16/2012 15:36:42",$C223.0P-1.2R-0.5T31.6*24 This code reads in compass data (saved in the directory as a .dat file) from the OS5000 digital compass. It plots heading, roll angle and pitch angle vs. time. Time is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), synchronized on data collection computer so timestamp matches other data %% Open Compass Data File (Make sure first line is Data) % Use textscan to parse data (time,heading, roll and pitch) compass = fopen('compass.dat'); compass_data = textscan(compass, '%s%f%c%f%c%f%c%c%c%c%f%c%f%c%f%c%f%c%f%s'); fclose(compass); %% Define the columns of data needed for plotting hour_cell = compass_data(:,2); hour = cell2mat(hour_cell); minute_cell = compass_data(:,4); minute = cell2mat(minute_cell); second_cell = compass_data(:,6); second = cell2mat(second_cell); hours_in_sec = hour.*3600; minutes_in_sec = minute.*60; UTC_time_in_sec = hours_in_sec + minutes_in_sec + second; heading_degrees = compass_data{11}; pitch_angle = compass_data{13}; roll_angle = compass_data{15}; % Plot Data % Subtract MIN so plot starts at zero UTC_time_in_sec = UTC_time_in_sec - min(UTC_time_in_sec); % Plot Heading in Degrees vs. UTC Time plot(UTC_time_in_sec,heading_degrees) xlabel('Time [sec]') ylabel('Heading [deg]') set(get(gca,'Xlabel'),'FontSize',14) set(get(gca,'Ylabel'),'FontSize',14) set(gca,'FontSize',14); 206 figure % Plot Pitch Angle in Degrees vs. Time plot(UTC_time_in_sec,pitch_angle) xlabel('Time [sec]') ylabel('Pitch [deg]') set(get(gca,'Xlabel'),'FontSize',14) set(get(gca,'Ylabel'),'FontSize',14) set(gca,'FontSize',14); figure % Plot Roll Angle in Degrees vs. Time plot(UTC_time_in_sec,roll_angle) xlabel('Time [sec]') ylabel('Roll [deg]') set(get(gca,'Xlabel'),'FontSize',14) set(get(gca,'Ylabel'),'FontSize',14) set(gca,'FontSize',14); C. Vision System Development Vision Based Navigation Background Vision based navigation is popular among autonomous vehicles that operate on land and sea. It provides a relatively inexpensive means of obstacle avoidance when compared to LIDAR systems. Stereo vision, which provides the vehicle with a 3D depth perception of its surroundings, can also replace the need for complex LIDAR systems in some cases. Another option is to combine the use of LIDAR and stereovision for more accurate results. Stereo vision allows a control system to understand its surroundings better than monocular vision because it provides depth perception. There are many autonomous systems that use stereo vision as a means of obstacle avoidance. In [42], an autonomous car uses stereo vision cameras to navigate roads while avoiding obstacles such as pedestrians and other vehicles. This is the only form of obstacle detection used on the vehicle and proves to be an efficient means of navigation. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems are another technique for obstacle detection and navigation. These systems are complex and expensive, and in the open water environment the vehicle will primarily be located in, it may not be needed. LIDAR also has a disadvantage in that, although it has good range and resolution, it only is capable of scanning a single plane. For example, if one object in the field of view is blocked by another, it is not detected by the LIDAR system. 207 In [33], testing showed that a 33 cm baseline stereo vision camera system performed well in short range, but when compared to a LIDAR system in long range experiments, its accuracy was not comparable. This project, a seven mile, autonomous high speed dessert race, required accurate long range obstacle sensing, because of the speeds the vehicle was traveling. Because of this, they discontinued the development of the stereo system based on its long range limitations. [33] also suggests a wider baseline between the cameras could have increased the range capabilities of the stereo vision system but was not tested because of the positive results of the LIDAR system. Coupling a LIDAR device with stereo vision would combine the 3D sensing of stereo vision with the accuracy of LIDAR, giving a precise 3D representation of the vehicle’s surroundings [22]. Stereo vision has limitations with longer range targets, as well as computational errors. It does, however, provide a vehicle with enough information for semi-complex navigation procedures [41]. Coupling the two systems, as outlined in the slam documentation allows for a process called Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, or SLAM. SLAM is a process where an autonomous vehicle can create a 3D point cloud, or 3D map of its surroundings, while simultaneously updating its current location within the map. This procedure could be beneficial for the DUKW-21 concept in its amphibious mission. OpenCV is an open source library of image processing software. There are currently over 500 functions available through this software. The development of this software was started by Intel in 1999 [2]. Using OpenCV for autonomous vehicle navigation is a popular application of this open source software. OpenCV libraries include toolboxes that allow blob tracking, edge and pattern recognition and color recognition. These functions are important for navigation and control of an autonomous vehicle. Using these library functions in OpenCV will allow for rapid development of an obstacle avoidance system in this project. For example, [19] uses optical flow and corner recognition algorithms in OpenCV for the control of an autonomous vehicle. This method uses apparent motion of an object based on the relative motion of the vehicle and its surroundings. This method would be applicable to our vehicle as it quickly navigates through the surf zone, since the motion of the vehicle and potential obstacles will be changing very quickly in the region. The work outlined in [3] uses optical flow techniques to track obstacles in real time for use in autonomous control of a small car. These experiments were successful in tracking fast moving Stereo Vision Camera System 208 There are several methods of autonomous obstacle avoidance and navigation. Systems such as LIDAR, ultrasonic range sensors, infrared proximity sensors, monocular cameras and stereo vision cameras are systems that are used for autonomous navigation. This project will explore the use of a stereo vision system to perform the task of locating obstacles. Stereo vision imitates the technique a human uses to detect the range of an object in front of him. By matching the images from the left and right eyes, which are at a known distance apart from each other, the human brain can determine the location and distance of what it sees. Similarly, a stereo vision camera system determines the distance a potential obstacle is away from the vehicle, and relays this information to the control system for avoidance. Cameras Knowing the exact distance between the two cameras is necessary for range calculations. A closer baseline will provide better accuracy of detecting obstacles at close range because of the reduced blind spot that will occur. However, a wide baseline system will allow better resolution of long range obstacles [25]. While there are “off-the-shelf” stereo cameras on the market for autonomous vehicles, the project will explore the use of a simple webcam based system. The vehicle is required to locate navigation buoys and obstacles no less than one foot in diameter within two vehicle lengths. Given these requirements; a webcam’s range, resolution and processing rate allow it to perform this task sufficiently. Webcams are an inexpensive way to explore the capabilities of stereo vision as a means of obstacle avoidance for an amphibious vehicle. The inexpensive cameras also allow the opportunity to explore the use of a multi-stereo camera system, with wide baseline cameras coupled with small baseline, short range cameras. For initial testing, a Minoru 3D webcam, shown in the figure below was used. This web cam is designed to perform three dimensional representations of the images it captures. The system is simply two webcams that share a USB port. These cameras will serve as a simple way to explore the application of stereo vision on the DUKW-ling. The Minoru web cam will be enclosed in a waterproof housing and mounted to the top of the vehicle. Initial testing will determine the capabilities of the camera’s use for autonomous stereo vision, as well as the need for a second wider-baseline system. These cameras are powered through the USB cable, and therefore require minimal electrical complexity. 209 The stereo viision camera system s will provide p the coontrol system will informattion about thee vehicle’s surrroundings. It will utilize itts own image processing coomputer, passsing necessarry information to t the control system using g serial comm munication. Thhis separate ccomputer was chosen to allo ow image pro ocessing, one of the most ccomputationally demandinng sensor processing taasks, to be sep parate from th he main contrrol computer. This will alloow faster upddates of understand ding the vehiccle’s surround dings while nnot slowing doown the otherr tasks requireed for autonomous control. The vision v compu uter will be a W Windows bassed imbeddedd processor, because using g OpenCV is more simpliffied on this tyype of processsor. The mainn control com mputer will request information i from fr the vision n computer too initiate this function in thhe camera software. Forr example, wh hen the vehicle is navigatinng offshore, tthe control coomputer can request the lo ocation of nav vigation aids (buoys, channnel markers), as well as pootential obstaccles along the cou urse. When th he vehicle is on o land, a preddetermined path on the beach can be followed by line l tracking, where the caamera computter will relay the path to thhe control computer forr navigation. OpenCV The stereo viision system will w be develo oped using thhe Open Sourcce Computer Vision (OpennCV) library. Open nCV is a free library of com mputer visionn infrastructurre that aids inn the developm ment of vision app plications. Altternatives to OpenCV O are tthe Gandalf vvision library, EmbedCV annd Blepo. With over 500 funcctions, OpenC CV software aallows faster developmentt of vision bassed h as stereo vission obstacle avoidance [22]. The docum mentation andd references onn systems, such OpenCV, as well as many y past projectss that have utiilized OpenCV make it an ideal choice for applying to th his project wh hen compared d to other lesss popular librraries. Stereo vision n is a computeer emulation of o the depth pperception givven to us by oour eyes. A computer acccomplishes th his task by maatching similaarities betweeen two imagess from cameraas at a known distance apart (caamera base-liine). Using geeometry, the ddistance of thhe object deteccted 2 10 can be determ mined. OpenC CV contains many m functionns unique to sstereo vision, and can be used to perform th he process of stereo vision:: Un-distortio on – Radial an nd tangential lens distortionn is removed mathematicaally. Rectification n – Adjust forr the angles an nd base-line, which gives an output of iimages that are row-aligned and a rectified. Row aligned d means the im mages are copplanar, and arre exactly aliggned with one another. Correspondence – Find similar s featurees between thhe left and rigght camera im mages. The output of this processs is a “disparrity map.” A disparity d mapp is a matrix tthat defines thhe difference in xcoordinates of o the similar feature vieweed in each cam mera Xdisparity = Xleft-Xright Triangulatio on and Repro ojection – Ussing the know wn baseline seeparation of thhe cameras, thhe disparity map p can be conv verted to distaances and now w a “depth maap” of what thhe cameras seee can be defined [2 2]. The figure ab bove explainss the procedurre of computeer based stereo vision [2]. O OpenCV contains library functiions that perfo form these callculations, as well as more advanced callculations thaat will help locate potential obstaacles and defin ne the vehiclee’s surroundinngs. The ability of locatingg a the shore lin ne, incoming waves and innclines will allso be exploreed. This will bbe things such as done by recording video on o the vehiclee during remoote control opeeration. This video will theen be used to test different d functtions and algo orithms to dettermine the best way of loccating these objects on a laptop, l wheree bench-style testing can exxpedite this pprocess. OpennCV also has functions thaat determine th he location off an object off known dimeensions or patttern, which can be applied to container paylo oad localizatio on. 2 11 The four main functions that will be performed by the stereo vision system will be: blob tracking, line tracking and shape and pattern recognition. Blob tracking will be a means of obstacle avoidance for the vehicle. It will notify the control system of objects in front of the vehicle to be avoided. Line tracking could identify the shoreline, and be used to guide the vehicle along a path once on land. Shape and pattern recognition can be used for offshore navigation to recognize channel markers and navigation buoys. Vision System Development The vision system software was developed using the tools in the OpenCV library. The focus of software development was blob tracking, the most beneficial tool for navigating through the surf zone onto the beach. The first vision code developed identifies circular objects of a defined range of colors. This range of colors is defined using HSV (hue, saturation and value) color space. This color space is less susceptible to sunlight. The user can define a color or a range of colors and define this as the “range of interest” within the developed software. When the software is used, it places a circle around the area that contains the most pixels of the defined range of interest. The software’s output is the radius of the circle and its position in the camera frame. This code can be used to identify navigational buoys and their distance away from the vehicle can be determined by the radius of the bounding circle. The results of testing will be detailed in section 3.2. The second vision code developed identifies multiple blobs and outputs their location. This code defines regions of the defined color range by enclosing the areas in a rectangle. The area of each rectangle found and the rectangles’ centroids are given. This code can be used in avoiding obstacles as well as navigating through buoys. Testing results are detailed in section 3.2. Other functions that have been initially developed are SIFT and SURF template matching, stereo vision, line/edge tracking and motion tracking. 212 Vision Systeem The vision sy ystem softwarre that was deeveloped for tthis vehicle has only been tested in bencchtop style testss. Because the vehicle is not n yet autonoomous, it was not used for navigation orr obstacle avoiidance in the test zone as of o this report w writing. Plannned research iin the followiing year of this project p will uttilize the deveeloped vision system softw ware as a meanns of obstaclee avoidance an nd navigation.. The aim of this t software developmentt was to accurrately identifyy objects in thee path of the vehicle v for naavigation and obstacle avoiidance. The vvision system can also be used for locating th he payload co ontainer to peerform its autoonomous carggo transfer mission. Thee container waas placed at different distannces from thee cameras, andd its size and location in th he camera fram me was recorrded and comppared to actuaal position. Besides locatting potential obstacles, the most obviouus requiremennt of the visioon system waas to locate a chan nnel for the veehicle to navig gate through. To test this ffunctionality, conventionall red and green bu uoys were used for channell markers, andd the softwaree was tested ooutdoors to giive 2 13 the position and size of these buoys. The measured size of the buoys can be used to determine their distance from the vehicle if the channel markers in future testing are a uniform size. This will be detailed in the results section. Testing was performed in different lighting conditions, to determine any limitations of the cameras. Some Current Results The four main functions the camera system will be responsible for are blob tracking, line tracking and shape and pattern recognition. Blob and line tracking apply to obstacle avoidance, since the camera will be able to locate objects in the frames and define the location of these objects. If the X and Y axes point to the left and up, respectively, the Z axis will point straight out in front of the vehicle. The X and Y location will define the angle at which the object is detected, and the Z location will be its distance from the vehicle. Distance estimates are performed by stereo vision, comparing disparities between the two cameras. Currently, OpenCV has been used to locate a circle of a user defined color, and output the X and Y location of the centroid of the circle within the image frame. The program uses a video stream from one camera, converts the image from RGB to the HSV color space, which represents hue, saturation and brightness of the color. It was found from previous computer vision projects that filtering colors is easier in the HSV color space [42]. The colors outside of the defined range are then filtered out. A Hough transform defines the circle seen in the image. A Hough transform estimates a circular region surrounding the isolated pixels (in this case all red pixels). A circle is overlaid around the circle detected in the frame by the Hough transform. The output is the X and Y coordinate of the circle’s center, and an estimate of its radius. This process can be seen below. 214 f the OpenCV soft ftware can perrform. Trackinng This demonstrates one of the possible functions ne object is more m useful wh hen navigatinng, and the figgure below shhows how the more than on camera can detect d multiple blobs and number n each oobject it deteccts. This function would bee ideal for naviigating throug gh buoys or detecting d know wn objects inn the vehicle’ss path. The sizze of the objects deetected and th heir location in i the frame aand in relationn to each otheer is the next step in this particu ular blob tracker developm ment. 2 15 The next step p is stereo vision, using both cameras foor depth calcuulations. As ooutlined abovee, determining the t Z location n of objects detected d by steereo vision is a four step pprocess. Theree are specific stereeo vision funcctions in Open nCV that allo w filtering, reectification, ddisparity maps and depth calculaations. D. SolidWorks CAD Drawings Wh heel Axle Dropp Bracket Spro ocket Axle Droop Bracket 2 16 Maain Drivetrain Housing Axle Beariing 2 17 Drivetrain Asseembled Sprocket A Axle 2 18 6 REFERE ENCES [1] Beaujean, B P.. Bon, A. An n, E. “Motioon-Compenssated Acousttic Positioniing in Very Shallo ow Waters Using U Spread-Spectrum Signaling aand a Tetrahhedrial Ultraashort Baseline Arrray,” Marinee Technolog gy Journal, V Vol. 44 #5, 22010. [2] Bradski, B G. and Kaehller, A., Leaarning OpennCV. 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