Facts Figures Data
Facts Figures Data
Data Figures Key arguments Facts What is Crédito y Caución? Crédito y Caución is the indisputable leader in credit insurance within Spain and for exports from Spain. Our role is to help Spanish companies finding new markets and solvent clients by regaining faith in the current situation of economic uncertainty. The leading credit insurer in Spain in terms of domestic and export activities Founded in 1929 The second-largest operator in Portugal, where it has been present since 1997 The third-largest operator in Brazil, where it has been present since 2007 2 Crédito y Caución Market shares Spain 51% Portugal 25% Brazil 16% 3 Data, figures, facts 15,000 insured companies A Spanish operator with a global dimension 4 Crédito y Caución The world is changing. Expanding now requires more protection and a larger global presence. That is why Crédito y Caución is much more than the leading credit insurer in Spain. It is also the only Spanish credit insurer with a truly global presence to cover foreign trade. Direct area of activity Europe Germany Austria Belgium Denmark Slovakia Spain Finland France Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Luxembourg Norway Netherlands Poland Portugal United Kingdom Czech Republic Russia Sweden Switzerland Turkey Middle East Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Israel Lebanon 5 Data, figures, facts Asia China Hong Kong Philippines India Indonesia Japan Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Africa Kenya South Africa Tunisia America Argentina Brazil Canada Chile United States Mexico Peru Oceania Australia New Zealand What is Atradius? Outside Spain we are known as Atradius. Credit insurance is the only product that can provide an opinion about an end buyer thousands miles away. Only three operators have an updated opinion anywhere around the world: one of them is Spanish, that’s us. The global credit insurer with the greatest international diversification 1.6 billion euros in revenues Crédito y Caución is your operator and centre of expertise in Spain, Portugal and Brazil Direct presence in countries 50 Access to information about more than 200 million companies around the world Financial strength accredited by Moody’s A3 A A.M. Best 6 Crédito y Caución Earnings Atradius In million euros 1,627 Total revenues 1,573 Insurance revenues Claims Operating expenses Reinsurance -575 Crédito y Caución accounts for 29% -156 Services 4.1 Investments 38 Net profit 7 -641 Data, figures, facts 161 Commercial credit facilities Exports deserve a large amount of credit. Credit insurance is playing a crucial role in the current recession with the aim of reactivating trade, by helping to redesign the client portfolios of thousands of companies. We analyse daily 10,000 operations and cover more than 500 billion euros in commercial credit facilities. In billion euros 8 642 575 386 399 427 446 460 515 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Crédito y Caución In million euros Country Industry Spain, Portugal and Brazil 85,165 Electronics 67,005 Germany 77,297 Chemicals 63,915 Durable goods 56,347 Central and Eastern Europe 45,925 France 39,170 United Kingdom 36,820 United States 35,150 Italy 26,929 Steel 56,286 Food 48,188 Transport 43,705 Construction 37,238 Machinery 31,629 Agriculture 25,932 Netherlands 23,177 Nordic countries 21,818 Building materials 21,981 Services 21,180 515,114 billion euros in commercial credit 9 Data, figures, facts Equity Atradius In a situation marked by technical balance, we have reinforced our solvency levels and technical provisions, so that our insurance the soundest guarantee is for obtaining payment for a sale of goods or services on credit. In million euros 10 854 1,006 905 1,035 1,130 1,196 1,287 1,393 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Crédito y Caución Technical provisions Atradius In million euros 11 1,232 2,167 1,508 1,312 1,549 1,593 1,486 1,572 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Data, figures, facts Ownership structure Crédito y Caución’s financial strength is based on the soundness provided by the Catalana Occidente Group, one of the leaders in the Spanish insurance sector and in the worldwide credit insurance. Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros Nacional de Reaseguros España S.A. Ges Seguros 9.9% 7.8% 5% 3.5% Grupo Catalana Occidente 73.8% Grupo Crédito y Caución 35.8% 64.2% Iberinform 12 Crédito y Caución 100% Crédito y Caución 100% Atradius Social responsibility Our purpose is to contribute to our clients’ commercial success by providing them with worldwide credit management solutions. We act in a comprehensive way with our employees, clients and shareholders, taking into account the impact of our decisions on the communities with which we work and on the environment. The ten principles of the Global Compact The Global Compact is a business strategy initiative fostered by the United Nations which establishes ten universally accepted principles in human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By adhering to and complying with them, the companies contribute by making sure that the globalisation of markets, trade, technology and finance benefits the economies and societies everywhere. Like the rest of the Atradius Group, Crédito y Caución is committed to its universal practice and acceptance by the business world. Human rights 1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. 2. Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Labour 3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. 13 Data, figures, facts 4. Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. 5. Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labour. 6. Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Environment 7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. 8. Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. 9. Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Anti-corruption 10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. We export trust Europe Germany: Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Colonia, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hanover, Kassel, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart Austria: Vienna Belgium: Antwerp, Namur Denmark: Aarhus, Copenhagen Slovakia: Bratislava Spain: See next page Finland: Helsinki France: Bordeaux, Compiègne, Strasbourg, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nancy, Orleans, Paris, Rennes, Toulouse Greece: Athens Hungary: Budapest Ireland: Dublin Italy: Milan, Rome Luxembourg: Luxembourg Norway: Oslo Netherlands: Amsterdam, Ommen Poland: Krakow, Monciervo, Poznan, Warsaw Portugal: Lisboa, Oporto United Kingdom: Belfast, Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow, London, Manchester Czech Republic: Prague Russia: Moscow (***) 14 Crédito y Caución Sweden: Estocolm Switzerland: Lausana, Lugano, Zurich Turkey: Estambul Middle East Saudi Arabia: Dubai (**) United Arab Emirates: Dubai (**) Israel: Tel Aviv (*) Lebanon: Beirut (*) Asia China: Shanghai (***) Hong Kong: Hong Kong Philippines: Manila (**) India: Mumbay (***) Indonesia: Yakarta (**) Japan: Tokio Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur (**) Singapore: Singapore Taiwan: Taipei (**) Thailand: Bangkok (**) Vietnam: Hanoi (**) Africa Kenia: Nairobi (*) South Africa: Johannesburg (**) Tunisia: Tunisia (*) America Argentina: Buenos Aires (**) Brazil: São Paulo Canada: Almonte, Duncan, Mississauga Chile: Santiago de Chile (*) United States: Chicago, Hunt Valley, Los Angeles, New York Mexico: Guadalajara, Mexico DF, Monterrey Peru: Lima Oceania Australia: Sidney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth New Zealand: Wellington (*) Associate or with a minority stake. (**) Cooperation agreement with a local partner. (***) Established service and cooperation agreement with a local partner. Customer service T: 902 12 00 82 [email protected] www.creditoycaucion.es Madrid Paseo de la Castellana, 4 28046 Madrid T: + 34 914 32 63 00 Headquarters Paseo de la Castellana, 4 28046 Madrid T: + 34 91 432 63 00 F: + 34 91 432 65 10 Málaga Avda. de Andalucía, 19. 1º 29002 Málaga T: + 34 952 32 62 12 Branches in Spain A Coruña Real, 85. 6º 15003 A Coruña, T: + 34 981 22 55 91 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) Avda. Juan Carlos I, 13. 9ª B. Torre Garena 28806 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid T: + 34 916 77 16 78 Alicante San Fernando, 19. Principal 03002 Alicante T: + 34 965 14 15 13 Barcelona Provenza, 216 08036 Barcelona T: + 34 934 51 43 43 Bilbao Gran Vía, 17 48001 Bilbao T: + 34 944 41 39 00 Girona Avda. Jaume I, 1. 1º 2 17001 Girona T: + 34 972 22 63 36 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Plaza de la Feria, 40. 6º 35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria T: + 34 928 24 85 48 15 Data, figures, facts Branche in Brazil São Paulo Av. Angélica 2530, 10º andar, Consolaçao-São Paulo (SP) CEP 01228-200 Brasil T: +55 11 3100 1100 Branches in Portugal Murcia Avda. de la Libertad, 2. Entlo. 30009 Murcia T: + 34 968 23 65 55 Lisboa Avda. Da Liberdade, 245. 3º C 1250-143 Lisboa. Portugal T: + 351 21 319 03 70 Navarra-La Rioja Avda. Carlos III, 13. 4º 31002 Pamplona T: + 34 948 20 31 94 Porto Praça do Bom Sucesso, 61. 6º Escritorio 605. 4150-146 Oporto. Portugal T: + 351 22 605 16 10 Oviedo Conde de Toreno, 4 33004 Oviedo T: + 34 985 24 09 50 Sevilla Plaza Nueva, 8. B, 5ª Plta. 41001 Sevilla T: + 34 954 22 49 05 Tarragona Rambla Nova, 76. 1º 43003 Tarragona T: + 34 977 23 53 13 Terrassa (Barcelona) Gutemberg, 3-13. 3º F 08224 Terrassa, Barcelona T: + 34 937 88 89 12 Valencia Jacinto Benavente, 14 46005 Valencia T: 34 963 92 06 00 Zaragoza Plaza Salamero, 14. 1º 50004 Zaragoza T: + 34 976 21 70 77 Agencies T: 902 12 00 82 Albacete Almería Badajoz Burgos Córdoba Jaén León Lérida Palma de Mallorca Sabadell Salamanca Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santander Vigo Mod 09019 07/15
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