The Ben Salem Voice
The Ben Salem Voice
BEN SALEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST WHERE TO REACH US: MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 128, Andreas, PA 18211 STREET ADDRESS: 1965 Church Hill Road Lehighton, PA 18235 Church Phone: 570-386-3870 Social Hall Phone: 570-386-4990 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Fax: 570-386-3870 [call, speak to secretary, then call back] Pastor Michael McGowan: Home – 610-759-9126 Office e-mail: [email protected] BEN SALEM UCC PO 128 ANDREAS PA 18211-0218 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED DATED MATERIAL NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID Lehighton, PA Permit #4 Ben Salem Voice Ben Salem United Church of Christ PO Box 128, Andreas, PA 18211 July and August - 2013 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, July is upon us and our national holiday is either coming soon as you read this or has just passed. The Fourth of July of course is the day we remember the people so many years ago who stood strong in unity so this land could become an autonomous, independent nation. They stood together in the face of ridicule and threats from the Mother Land. They drafted what later became known as the Declaration of Independence only to unanimously ratify the final document. And they carried this out during the height of a war with the very nation that colonized the land. They not only demanded independence but through their actions gained support from others around the world. It took bravery and a strong devoted contingent to carry out and complete what they did. That is true with any group that forms for the soul purpose of coming together for a common belief or cause. There must be a strong devoted contingent who will stand together bravely and without falter. The church is such a group, although in this day and age I feel the church as a whole has lost some of its edgy radical roots. The church has become complacent in its original mission of saving lost souls and standing up for those who suffer the injustices of our present society. Many times as the church we look the other way because we don’t want to “rock the boat”, we think because Jesus can calm the waters, we can continue to sail without any worries of becoming sea sick. But that is not how the earliest Christians proceeded, they challenged the empire in which they lived, they stood together in the face of persecution and did not let their love of God be compromised. During the month of July we will be holding one worship service at 9:15am in which I will present a sermon series I hope will lead us to rival the energy and devotion our Christian ancestors and our nation’s forefathers portrayed. The theme of the series will be The Underground Church and throughout the series we will be looking at how the mainline church has fallen away from its original radicalness to only become more in-line with the powers of our secular society. It is my hope that this series will make you stop and think, maybe even raising some hairs on your neck and move you to start a discussion on what the church should be. If you think the church is no longer relevant, if you feel that nothing seems to happen in the church that matters, I challenge you to come out and listen. Maybe, just maybe, the Spirit will move you to make the same commitment our forefathers and Christian ancestors made, a commitment that could help move the church back to relevance with those who have lost hope. Through your faith in Jesus let God’s Spirit move you to be the change you want to see in the church. May the love of God and the peace of Christ be forever in your heart, Pastor Mike Worship Services for July and August July 7, 14, 21, 28 (9:15 AM Service only) following Summer Schedule July 14 – “Blessing of the Animals”[Outdoor Service] Bring lawn chairs Note: If it rains, this service will be held on Sunday, July 21. August 4, 11, 18, 25 (Services at 8:15 and 10:30 AM) Summer Communion Services: July 7, 2013 at 9:15AM (summer schedule) August 4, 2013 at 8:15 and 10:30 AM Bible Study: will resume in September Summer Worship Theme - “Underground Church” Worship Schedule for month of July: On July 7, 14, 21, and 28 there will be one service starting at 9:15 AM. July 7 – Music by Daybreak, Senior Choir & Hand Bell Choir July 14 – Outdoor service for “Blessing of the Animals”…Bring lawn chairs! Service will feature a Hymn Sing from Sunday School Hymnal. There will also be special music. In case it is a rainy day, that service will be held on July 21. July 21 – Music by Daybreak, Bob Keller and Cathy Smith July 28 – Music by Daybreak, Cathy Smith, LaRue Fritz, Dayle Smith & Jeff Elder Visit Penn Northeast Conference Website at : If you would like to receive the weekly newsletter from Penn Northeast Conference which is packed with lots of information including church events and other functions that the Conference offers, send your home e-mail address or the address where you would like to receive the newsletter to [email protected] Recent graduates who are planning a future in education, medicine or ministry should visit the PNEC website for information on the Gwilym T.Williams Scholarship Fund. Prayer Shawl Ministry: The Prayer Shawl Committee is in need of helpers to make prayer shawls. If you can knit or crochet and would like to help, please contact coordinators Betty Nothstein at 570-386-5644 or Barbara Snowberger at 570-386-2112 for more information. Photographs… Barry Fink has set up an email address for members to send photographs of church activities: The email address is [email protected] Photos should be sent as attachments to the email please note in the e-mail what activity is being represented. Emails must be under 25 Meg in size. Please note: The photographs may be used in presentations prior to or during worship services. Church Business How to Contribute to Our Operating Budget: to pay Ben Salem’s bills] + Use your weekly envelope [in your envelope packet] + Designate “Current Expenses”: [Benevolence is only for Missions – OCWM] + Place in offering plate or send to the Church: Ben Salem UCC, PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211 2013 Church Board Members: Officers: Jeffrey Elder, President Kevin Lusch, Vice President Karen Hayman, Church Board Secretary Elders: Brian Beidleman, Jeffrey Elder, Kenneth Oswald, Bernice Steigerwalt Deacons: Tammy Beidleman, Nadine Blair, Karen Hayman, Richard Hook, Kevin Lusch, Judy Pope, David Rex, Jr., Kelly White Pastor: Rev. Michael McGowan Church Secretary: Dollie Behr Treasurer: Dawne Beidleman Financial Secretary’s Address: Susan Messina, 66 River Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252 Upcoming Church Board Meeting: July 15 and August 19 at 7 PM Ben Salem History Books are still available / $60 Contact the Church Office [570-386-3870] Cemetery Association Officers: Next meeting – September 5, 7 PM President: Dennis Frantz Vice-President: Christopher Galloway Caretaker: David Fritz Secretary: Walter Keeck Treasurer: Doris Lusch Trustee: Sal Messina Have you remembered the church in your will? Hospitalization ? If you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital for surgery, please let the church office know a day or two before the surgery. This way the Pastor will make every effort to be there to visit and pray with the patient before the surgery. Secretary: Remember, it is important to keep us informed of any address changes. Please give changes of address to either Dollie Behr or Sue Messina. Have you moved recently? Each time we send out our newsletter our secretary receives changes of address from the Post Office through newsletters that have been returned. When this happens we incur added postal expenses because the Post Office charges for these returned letter. Each member can help by updating the church office with their new address prior to moving. It is also helpful to provide the church office with your home phone numbers, cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses if you wish. By doing this we can keep in touch with you and also provide you with important information regarding the church. Thank you in Upcoming Committee Meetings Health & Wellness – Blood Pressure Screening [1st Sunday of Month] Called to Care – July 16, 10 AM Property –July 18 and Aug. 15, 7 PM Membership & Growth – No meeting scheduled Mission – No meeting scheduled Fundraisers Meeting – August 13, 6:30 PM Memorial – No meeting scheduled Scheduling Events at Ben Salem Church: To prevent scheduling problems…prior to calling meetings or events, please check with the Church Secretary at 386-3870 to make sure that the date you have planned is available. Altar Flower Sponsors: Note from Church Office & Financial Recycle…save your soda cans… Herlin Haberman will take aluminum cans to Zaprazny’s. To help with this project… bring your aluminum soda cans [crushed or uncrushed] to the Old Social Hall and drop them off at the lower basement entrance. Benefits the Phase II Building Fund. Please do not throw any other garbage items in with the aluminum soda cans. [Checks payable to Ben Salem UCC] A sign up sheet is located in the narthex. Cost of flower sponsorship is $20.00. If you would like to sponsor flowers call Cindy Smith at 570-386-4248. ***Payment should be sent directly to: Cindy Smith, 707 Hoffman Rd., Lehighton, PA 18235. Bulletin Sponsorship: [Checks payable to Ben Salem UCC] Please call Sue Messina at 570-386-2880 with your sponsorship information or e-mail Sue at [email protected]. Cost of Bulletin Sponsorship is $7 per week. *** Payment should be sent directly to: Susan Messina, 66 River Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252. Please do not call the church office with sponsorships! The Phase II Project: To contribute to Phase II, please use the gold envelopes included in your offering packets – checks payable to Ben Salem UCC. . Ben Salem Phase II Update The Ben Salem Phase II Building Committee has been inactive, but appears to be approaching a point where it will be time to call the group together to organize and make decisions as we approach our 200,000.00 dollar goal. In the meantime some questions and comments have been brought to my attention that I feel are worth addressing for everyone. A brief review of the meetings last Fall may help answer one question. The Phase II Study Committee met and determined there were some changes that could be made to the existing plans of Phase II to help save money. After these changes it was determined by the builder - Arthur Funk, that an estimated cost of 1.2 million was a reasonable cost for the project in today’s dollars. A study of financing was done and it was determined that if the to be paid in full. If we have the $200,000.00 to begin the preliminary work in August, breaking ground for construction is still a year away, which would allow anyone who pledges one year to pay your pledge in full. One comment I’ve heard was – “I’m wondering if I will see the building completed.” While we never know how long our time is on this earth, I have to presume the answer is YES. If we reach our $200,000 dollar goal by August of this year, a well-informed estimate of when we would be utilizing Phase II would be June 2015. The building would be there not only for us but also for all future members of Ben Salem to come. I hope this addresses any questions you may have had. On another subject, the committee is requesting that anyone who has knowledge in communication and wireless systems please join with us on the committee as we continue to plan and prepare for this wonderful undertaking. Rodger Diehl WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN HELPING BEN SALEM CHURCH SAVE PAPER, MONEY AND TIME? WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE YOUR NEWSLETTER VIA E-MAIL? If so, please fill out the following form and place it in the box located in the narthex or mail it to Ben Salem UCC, PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211. Name/s___________________________________________________ e-mail: ___________________________ Blanket Makers / Quilters The Blanket Makers and Quilters meet on Thursday mornings starting at 9 AM. Anyone is welcome to come and join them. The quilt for this year is a beautiful Lancaster Rose pattern. Tickets are available now. Call Betty Nothstein 386-5644 or Dollie Frantz 386-4034 to purchase tickets. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held in December. Blanket Makers/Quilters Clothing Drive st th Starting on July 21 and ending September 19 , the Blanket Makers/Quilters will be collecting clothing, bikes, stuffed animals, accessories, and shoes. Please contact Dollie Frantz at 570-386-4034 to schedule a time to drop off items. Oversized toys, strollers, high chairs, car seats, cribs, play centers, bouncers, walkers, and swings will not be accepted. The profit from this project is used to offset heating costs at the Social Hall. Trip to Shady Maple & Sight & Sound Theater The trip to Shady Maple & Sight & Sound will take place on Fri., July 19. We will go to Shady Maple for an all you can eat lunch and then to Sight & Sound Theater for the musical production of “Noah’s Ark”. Bieber Tourways is providing the transportation, leaving at 11:00 AM. We will depart Shady Maple at 3:00 PM and go to see “Noah’s Ark” for 4:15PM show after which we will return to the church. Drinks and snacks will be provided for the ride home. Call Kevin Lusch at 570-778-3448 with questions or concerns. E-mail: [email protected] There is no meeting scheduled at this time. The mission committee has been steadily moving forward and growing in determination and spirit. We have been following God’s path and have been reaching out and ministering to our brothers and sisters in need in the name of Jesus Christ. Please pray that we receive God’s favor and grace as we continue to care for the poor and disadvantaged. Family Promise Information We are hosting Family Promise from July 7 to 14…help is needed…please contact Lonnie Christoff is you can volunteer! Also…you can help by making cash donations to help with the program, please talk to Lonnie. We will have two families this time and your help is greatly appreciated. If you can make a cash donation, do so by placing it in a blue mission envelope and putting it in the offering plate. Help us to help those less fortunate…give to Family Promise! Party for a Cause … featuring “Boomerang” A Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, August 24 from 6 PM to 10 PM at the Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club, 676 Stewart Creek Road, Lehighton. This dance is to benefit Family Promise’s Mission to provide temporary shelter, meals and fellowship to homeless kids and their families. Come out and support Family Promise by th purchasing a ticket for $25 or get a group together [8 tickets for $150] if paid before August 9 . Admission includes food, drinks, and live music. rd Mail your check to Family Promise of Carbon County, 167 S. 3 St., Lehighton, PA 18235. Response from Mission Help: We received a note from an uncle of a little boy named Emmanuel who lives in Zambia. I have personally sent him a mosquito net when he kept getting malaria. He received a shoe box YEARS ago and I have kept in touch. The mission committee recently sent him $100 for medicine because he was diagnosed HIV positive. He is being raised by his uncle along with his grandmother. His mom died young, probably of AIDS, they are thinking. Just want the church to know that we are doing good things and reaching real tangible people around the world and the recipients are very thankful for our help. The help is direct and we know who we are helping in this case. Very nice and comforting. Following is the note from Emmanuel’s uncle to Ben Salem Church: Hi Lonnie, It has been a long time since we communicated, we have been okay, including Emmanuel, he has not been admitted to the hospital since that time, but he has continued taking the medicine, as you know that medication is for life, you just have to take it. How is your family and the church who helped Emmanuel with that financial support, I want say thank you to the Almighty God and all the people who contributed towards that. Bye and God bless you, Bernard Blood Drive Ben Salem Church will host a Blood Drive on August 18 starting at 7 AM to Noon. If you would like to register to donate, you can do so on the Church website at or by contacting Lonnie Christoff. Health & Wellness Committee offers: FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS on the first Sunday of each month between the 8:15 and 10:30 AM Service. Also, Coming up on July 11 - The Health & Wellness Committee will have a presentation on “Following a Heart Healthy Diet” on July 11 at 6 PM at the Church. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to attend this presentation. A dietetic intern will give the presentation and will answer questions. The presentation will last approximately one hour. Sign up by calling 570-386-3870. MEN’S BREAKFAST July 27, 8 AM at the Social Hall Come out and enjoy! The Membership & Growth Committee are holding a T-Shirt, Sweatshirt and Hooded Sweatshirt Sale Shirts have the Ben Salem UCC logo on them T - Shirt - $10 Sweatshirt - $15 Hooded Sweatshirt - $20 Items will be for sale between the Church Services …or contact Sharon Elder to purchase 570-386-2530 Fundraisers - Gift Cards Do you shop at Giant? Do you buy gas there? See Sue or Sal Messina in the narthex after the service for your Giant gift cards. You pay nothing extra and Ben Salem will get 5% of your purchase. So for every $100 in gift cards, the church gets $5. The profit for 2013 as of this printing is $250.00. Happening in our community: July 7, 7 PM “SPOKE FOLK” Concert at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lehighton… Spoke Folk is a 12-day biking and musical ministry tour for up to 30 participants (15-20 years old) and 10 adult counselors (21 and above). These people are from different states all over the country. Each of the tour bikes during the day and shares an evening concert/worship service with host congregations. Spoke Folk is very passionate about sharing and living the Gospel through biking, music and community. Phone: 610-377-4303 FMI July 13, 2013: The Barnstormers in Concert at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lehighton at 7:30PM. Free Admission! Phone: 610-377-4303 FMI July 22-26, 2013: St. Peter’s Church, Mantzville – Vacation Bible School, 6-8:30PM. “Backyard Bible Bash!” July 27, 2013 – St. John’s Church, Mahoning Valley will hold their Ice Cream Festival from 3 to 8 PM August 24, 2013 - Party for a Cause … featuring “Boomerang” 6 – 10 PM at the Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club, 676 Stewart Creek Road, Lehighton. [more information on Mission Page of Newsletter] Special Prayers Our Members and Friends with Special Needs: In Institutions: Norman Ellis, The Summit Nursing Home, 211 N.12th, Lehighton, PA 18235 Eleanor Green, Stabon Manor Personal Care Home, 1555 Haak St., Reading, PA 19602 Lillie Hagenbuch, Pleasant Trees Senior Center, Ashfield, PA Joanne Haney, Manor Care, Allentown, PA Ethel Kershner, The Summit Nursing Home, 211 N. 12th St., Room 103, Lehighton, PA 18235 Phyllis Kobal, Cedar Brook, 350 S. Cedar Brook Road, Rm. 609D6, Allentown, PA 18104 Pauline Leiby, Warren Haven, 350 Oxford Rd., Oxford, NJ 07863 Gloria Ott, Weatherwood, 1000 Evergreen Ave., Weatherly, PA 18255 [Area 3, Room 15] Charles Rutman, Pleasant Trees Senior Center, Ashfield, PA Leighton Steigerwalt, Mahoning Valley Conv. Home, Lehighton, PA 18235 Gayle Stewart, Spring Village at Floral Vale, 600 Township Line Road, Yardley, PA 19067 Keep in Your Prayers: Rosemary Andreas Sandy Bealer Rev. Paul Cope David Fink Ray Hassler Phyllis Seems Richard Steigerwalt Darlene Wargo Ruth Ann Andreas Richard Bloom Lucille Cope David W. Frantz Marie Heim Alice Skrabak Brenda Strausberger Dr. Lewis Williams Timothy Andreas Betty Anthony Paula Breiner Pam Buchinsky Peg Daniels Ellen Diaz Mary Frantz Edith Fritzinger Louise Houser Rosanne Reed Cynthia Smith Ethel Steigerwalt Derek Szenas Regen thor Straten Missionary Jeff Mensendiek [Japan] & Sendai Student Norma Barndt Isabel Burkett Bill Dromsky Gail Handwerk Skip Rudy Pearl Steigerwalt Marlin Troxell Center Prayer Chain: The Prayer Chain is a way for anyone to request prayer for a specific need….[or thanksgiving or joy]. To have our Prayer Chain pray for you: Contact Betty Nothstein at 570-386-5644. Please call Betty if you would like to be called with others’ prayer requests as part of the Prayer Chain. Called to Care: Trained volunteers from our church are available to assist the Pastor in visiting people. If you would like a “Called to Care” volunteer to visit you, please contact the Pastor at the Church Office [570] 386-3870. We are looking for more volunteers for this Committee…Please call the Church Office or speak to the Pastor if interested. The next “Called to Care” Meeting is scheduled for July 16, 10 AM. Support Our Troops - All military personnel Jessica A. Bealer: FC# Bealer, Jessica, A 959 Dahlgren Road Box 3107, Dahlgren, VA 22448 *Please notify us if you know of anyone who is serving at this time or if any names are missed or if status changes. Our Sympathy is extended to the family of Eleanor Arner. Eleanor passed away on June 2. Her funeral was held on June 6. Our Sympathy is extended to Terra Bradford on the death of her father, Dennis Faust. Dennis passed away on June 11. Please keep these families in your prayers. Congratulations to Jim and Julie Diehl on the birth of their daughter, Katherine Morgan Diehl. Katherine was born on May 28. Congratulations to David & Kristen Rex on the birth of their daughter, Kasey Grace Rex. Kasey was born on June 2. Sunday 1 Monday 2 7 8 9 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 10 11 12 13 19 20 Social Hall Reserved Blanket Makers Clothing Drive Begins 11 AM Youth Group Bus Trip to Sight & Sound & Shady Maple 25 26 27 8 AM Men’s Breakfast at Social Hall Summer Schedule begins Communion 9:15 AM Worship 14 15 7 PM Church Board Mtg. 21 22 16 17 10 AM Called to Care Committee 23 6:30 PM Youth Group Meeting 18 6:30 PM Hand Bells 7 PM Property Comm. 24 6:30 PM Hand Bells 9:15 AM Worship 9:15 AM Worship 6 Saturday 6 PM Health & Wellness Presentation at the Church “Heart Healthy Diet” 9:15 AM Worship Blessing of the Animals Outdoor Worship Service Bring lawn chairs 28 Friday 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 Pastor on Vacation 6:30 PM Hand Bells 4 5 6 7 Communion 8:15 AM Worship 9:15 AM Adult Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 11 8 6:30 PM Hand Bells 12 8:15 AM Worship 9:15 AM Adult Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 18 19 7 AM Mobile Blood Drive at Social Hall till Noon 7 PM Church Board Meeting 13 6:30 PM Fundraisers Mtg. 14 20 21 15 6:30 PM Hand Bells 7 PM Property Committee 22 6:30 PM Hand Bells 8:15 AM Worship 9:15 AM Adult Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 25 8:15 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School resumes classes 10:30 AM Worship 6:30 PM Youth Group Meeting 26 27 28 6 PM Newsletter Assembly 29 6:30 PM Hand Bells
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The Ben Salem Voice
+ Place in offering plate or send to the Church:
Ben Salem UCC, PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211
2013 Church Board Members:
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Kevin Lusch, Vice President
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