6-29-14 Bulletin Booklet - Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ
6-29-14 Bulletin Booklet - Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ
Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ Third Sunday after Pentecost June 29, 2014 Pastor Ken Kramer GATHERING MUSIC Laura Kammerer ANNOUNCEMENTS, JOYS AND CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION *THE CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) The day breaks And God does not let us go! The hour calls And God does not let us go! The evening falls And God holds us fast! Let us turn to God in Worship To the God who never turns from us! *THE HYMN OF PRAISE (Insert) Annette Newquist, Liturgist “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” *THE PRAYER OF INVOCATION (Responsively) God you see us. You see our struggles, You see our difficulties. You see our possibilities, You see our promise Connect the dots for us, O God. Soften our hard spots with Your blessing. Call us in our wandering to hear You say our names. Satisfy our longings with loaves and fishes and manna from heaven. For You are a good God, a God present in the scramble, and, in the end, You always have a blessing. For this and so much more, we give You thanks, through Jesus Christ, Amen. *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE (Please greet others around you) The peace of God be with you. And also with you! THE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE: “Through Christ Who Strengthens Us” SPECIAL MUSIC “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus Bre Thevil THE COMMISSIONING OF THE PASTORAL SEARCH COMMITTEE INVITATION THE WORD: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-12 RESPONSE Pastor: There are different gifts. PEOPLE: BUT IT IS THE SAME SPIRIT WHO GIVES THEM. Pastor: Each one is given a gift by the Spirit. PEOPLE: TO BE USED FOR THE COMMON GOOD. ADDRESS TO THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sisters and Brothers, you have committed yourselves to a significant leadership task on behalf of the entire congregation. In recognition of the importance of your work, we pause to express our gratitude and to remind ourselves that you do not undertake this task alone; you will be guided by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, the prayerful support of the members of this church, and the assistance of the United Church of Christ through the Western Association and Illinois Conference. COVENANT Committee Members: We, who are serving on the Search Committee for Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ, promise to perform faithfully the vital task of searching for a new pastor. We pledge, with God’s guidance and your prayers, to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do, say, and decide. We will endeavor: to establish a harmonious working relationship within our committee; to maintain consistent attendance at our Search Committee meetings; to be open and patient listeners to each other and to the congregation; to listen carefully to your hopes and dreams as we consult with you, the members, in the development of a description of our church community and the style of pastoral leadership we seek; to maintain strict confidentiality in all we read, say, and hearprotecting both the privacy of each other and of potential candidates; to review all profiles with open minds and hearts, treating all candidates fairly and justly; to seek decisions not made by majority rule, but by the coming together of minds, hearts, and souls in a consensus that will build a firm foundation for the effective future mission and ministry of this church. PEOPLE: WE PLEDGE, AS A GATHERED COMMUNITY OF FAITH, TO BE PATIENT WITH YOU AND TO RESPECT YOUR NEED TO BE CONFIDENTIAL IN YOUR TASK. WE RECOGNIZE THAT THE WORK OF OUR SEARCH COMMITTEE IS A DIFFICULT ASSIGNMENT AND WILL TAKE MUCH EFFORT. WE PRAY FOR YOU AND OFFER OUR SUPPORT AND WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT THROUGHOUT THIS TIME. THESE THINGS WE PROMISE IN THE HOPE AND BELIEF THAT YOU WILL BE OBEDIENT TO THE GUIDANCE OF THE SPIRIT AS YOU SEEK A NEW PASTOR TO MINISTER WITH US. CLOSING PRAYER SHARING OUR TITHES, TALENTS AND TREASURES THE CALL TO OFFERING (Responsively) When resources were short, did Christ worry? No! Christ saw the gifts and Christ multiplied them. This is the miracle we witness every time we give to Christ’s church. God will take what we have, and God will do good things with it. You are invited to give, and participate in the miracle of God’s multiplying acts. After the service, ask us how! OFFERTORY *OFFERTORY RESPONSE “Doxology” NO. 556 PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW; PRAISE HIM, ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW; PRAISE HIM ABOVE, YE HEAVENLY HOST; PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN *DEDICATION PRAYER (In Unison) God of increase and bounty, source of all good things: we offer these gifts as a portion of that which You have given us. May these gifts be as loaves and fishes for those who find themselves struggling to stay alive. May this act of giving bring about change: change in our lives, change in the lives we touch, change in the system that harms others. Through Christ, who gave so much, we pray. Amen *HYMN OF MEDITATION (Insert) “O Jesus, I Have Promised” SCRIPTURE READING SERMON Genesis 32: 22-31 “Wrestling With God” *CLOSING HYMN (Insert) Verses 1-4 Pastor Kramer “We Shall Overcome” *BENEDICTION “Family of Faith” *BENEDICTION RESPONSE IT'S BEEN GOOD TO BE TOGETHER. IT'S BEEN GOOD TO WORSHIP AS A FAMILY OF FAITH. THOUGH IT'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE, WE'RE AS DIFFERENT AS CAN BE, YET WE'RE ONE IN LOVE, WE'RE ONE IN OUR CARE, WE'RE ONE IN OUR FAMILY OF FAITH. *POSTLUDE We have received a memorial in loving memory of Dr. Clifford A. Hendricks from Ray Hendricks. The Afternoon Guild be Thankwill you! hosting a picnic in the Gazebo at Noon Judy Bushaus on Thurs., July 10th. All women of the church are welcome!! Bring a covered dish to share! The Church at Work June 29 thru July 6 Janet Adair Kenton Baxter Robert Buss Sandra Cegas Denise Eastman Steven Gragg Sharon Higgins Anna Kammerer Jim Kosowski Cindy Lohmeyer Gary McEwen Don Mowen Valerie Ortbal Millie Predmore Randy Starman John Swayzer Raina Tappe Roger Woods Craig Banks Jayne Brown Nick Caudill Lynn Davis Bob Giuliani Jean Hamann Carla Jacobs Jeannie Kammerer Ken Kramer, Sr. Rich Lohmeyer Chuck McMullen Kent Nelson Linda Owens Antwone Starks Jeanette Swayzer Timothy Swayzer Sam Wood Hospital Visitors Sunday, June 29 Tuesday, July 1 Thursday, July 3 Sunday, July 6 No Visitor No Visitor Paul Gabriel No Visitor Please submit changes to the church office! Please keep Interim, Rev. Steven Welker, St. Paul UCC, Pekin, in your prayers this week in support of his work and ministry. Sunday, June 29 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Youth Fellowship 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Search Committee Meeting 11:30am Youth Fellowship 2:00pm Wedding Shower Monday, June 30 5:30pm Property Task Force Meeting Tuesday, July 1 9:00am Staff Meeting 11:30am Salem Singles Wednesday, July 2 8:30am Quilters Friday, July 4 Office Closed-HAPPY 4TH!! Saturday, July 5 11:30am Saturday Meals 4:30pm Saturday Worship Sunday, July 6 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Kings & Queens 10:30am Adult Bible Study Acolytes A reminder...we continue to collect the HyVee brand UPC labels. Each one is worth five cents and starts with the numbers 75450---. You can deposit the labels in the box across from the church office or give them to me. Thanks, Letha Althoff, The Label Counter Sunday, June 29 Katie Husar Sunday, July 6 Hannah Brice Saturday Meals Saturday, July 5 Cindy Davis & Teal Raney Hannah Brice Salem Church is a Gun Free Zone! Saturday, July 12 Dottie, Marilyn and Friends Lindsey Fuller Ushers Join us for Coffee Hour immediately following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall (located across the Interlink and downstairs). Coffee & donuts are provided. This is a great way to get to know others in our Salem family! From the Video Crew Welcome to Salem. We are glad you are here! We want you to know that each service is recorded and played on our website each week. If you do not wish to be seen on camera during the service please sit under the balcony or in the upper balcony. Sunday, June 29 VMST Sunday, July 6 Kathy Willing, Duane Phillips, Terry Alter, Chuck McMullen, Dave Tipton Nursery Volunteers Sunday, June 29 Mary Pott, Kathy Willing Sunday, July 6 Katie Edwards, Donetta Ridings Sta ff of Sa lem Eva ngelica l United Church of Christ Members & Friends of Salem Rev. Ken Kramer Steve Disseler Kay Whitfield Dr. Phyllis Robertson Barbara Edwards Jeannie Kanauss Dolores Wemhoener Laura Kammerer Jann Lockman Jody Messmer Amy Mueller Salem Web Site Salem Facebook Link Ministers Interim Pastor Saturday Worship Leader Service Coordinator Adult Choir Director Youth Choir Director Bell Choir Director Pianist Organist Wedding Coordinator Secretary Custodian www.salemquincy.org facebook.com/salemquincy Salem Evangelical UCC 435 S. 9th Street Quincy, IL 62301 (217) 222-0601 Please sign the Ritual of Friendship pad in the pew & place it in the offering plate! We are excited to have a nursery available for your young ones! Newborn children to three year olds may attend the nursery. Older children are encouraged to take part in the Sunday children’s activities. If you need to locate the nursery, please ask any usher for assistance. Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ is an ‘Open and Affirming’ congregation. We believe that… MISSION STATEMENT “No m a t t e r w h o y ou a r e Or w h e r e y ou a r e on l ife ’s jou r n e y You a r e w e l c om e h e r e ” Called to share God’s grace and abundance with all. VISION STATEMENT Building character through Christian virtue.
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