- Central Baptist Church
- Central Baptist Church
Encouraging your growth q I want information on becoming a Christian. q I would like to be water baptized. q I would like to join an Adult LifeGroup. q I would like information on Connection Classes. Contact Annual Business Meeting Finding a place to serve Notice is hereby given of the Annual Business Meeting of the members of Central Baptist Church of Sioux Falls, South Dakota to be held on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 6:30pm in the Worship Center at 3102 West Ralph Rogers Road, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108. • I would like to serve in the following area: Business To Be Transacted q Other ____________________________ q q q q q q q q q Children’s Ministries Student Ministries Creative Arts Jail Ministries Prayer Ministries First Impressions (Ushers, Greeters, etc) Care (Visitation, Communion, Baptism) Community Service Other_____________________________ • Prayer requests and praises: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 1. Receive reports from Church Leadership 2. Approve 2012/13 Budget 3. Approve proposed change to the Bylaws 4. Approve sale of church property (missions house) 5. To ratify new board/committee chairs and board/committee members. 6. Approve minutes of previous business meetings. The Elders are required to review and approve all matters to be submitted to the congregation except membership items (Bylaws: Article VIII, Section 2b, “Decision Making Policy”). Dated this 13th day of May, 2012. */s/ Craig Okken* Childcare will be provided for ages birth - grade 5. Central Baptist Church 3102 W Ralph Rogers Rd Sioux Falls SD 57108 (605) 336-3378 [email protected] Attendance & Stewardship May 13, 2012 9:00 Children’s Musical 10:30 Children’s Musical Total 589 996 1,585 Ministry WEEKLY INCOME GOAL ACTUAL INCOME $29,327 $17,931 YTD ACTUAL INCOME $1,676,063 YTD BUDGET INCOME $1,466,346 YTD INCOME VS EXPENSE 4/30/12 $265,412 Missions WEEKLY INCOME GOAL $5,692 ACTUAL INCOME $2,812 YTD ACTUAL INCOME $300,912 YTD BUDGETED INCOME $284,615 YTD INCOME VS BUDGET $16,297 ______________________________________ Debt Retirement ______________________________________ MONTHLY INTEREST PAYMENT 5/15/12 $19,470 MONTHLY PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/15/12 $13,650 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ CURRENT LOAN BALANCE 5/15/12 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ q Confidential, Staff Only Please q Central Prayer Chain/Publication • Notes to Staff Did You Know? That you can now make gifts to Central online or with your smartphone? Visit www.centralsf.org/give. All transactions are processed using a secure connection. See QR Code at the right. ______________________________________ Sermon notes are available in electronic format online (Website & Facebook) To contact our staff please visit us online ______________________________________ www.centralsf.org ______________________________________ ADD’L PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/16/12 $4,065,108 $1,775 Give Online or with your Smartphone www.centralsf.org/give ______________________________________ Sunday, may 20, 2012 Looking Ahead Family Matters 5-20-12 Getting Connected 1-2-3 Connection Card Please register your attendance 5-20-12. BANQU ET - On Tuesday, May 22 we will serve dinner at The Banquet. We need volunteers to cook and serve the meal. Sign up today in Grand Central or contact Yvonne at 371-2221. Worship Services 8:30am - Traditional Service - OWC 9:00am - Contemporary - WC 10:30am - Contemporary - WC WO M EN ’S BI B LE STU DY - Ladies invite your friends for “Wednesdays with Beth Moore.” You will be encouraged and inspired through her biblical teaching! These four different DVD sessions are free of charge and open to women of all ages. Offered two different hours: 6:30am OR 9:30am Wednesdays May 23, May 30, June 13 and June 20 in the Hearth Room. Childcare is not available. For details contact Angel Wallman at [email protected] or 605310-7548. Children’s Ministries 9:00am - Sunday school (Birth-Grade 5) - CW 10:30am - Sunday school (Birth-Grade 5) - CW PA RT-T I M E POS I T I O N AVA I L A B L E Central is currently looking to hire a part-time production coordinator to work in the area of Worship Arts. For more information visit http:// www.centralsf.org/jobs C H U R C H -W I D E CLEANING DAYSaturday, June 2. Share the joy as we clean and fellowship inside and out 8 am-1pm ”Q a nd A: YOU ’VE GOT QU ESTIO N S, GO D’S GOT AN SWERS ! ” - a new sermon series by Pastor Jeff, incorporating many of the questions you have submitted over the past several weeks, begins on Sunday, June 3rd and will continue through June 17th. For instance... - “Is it a sin to live together if we don’t have sex?” - “Is it wrong for a Christian to get a tattoo?” - “Do Christians that commit suicide go to heaven?” Be sure to join us, and invite your friends, as we dig into God’s Word and apply its relevance to today’s culture. 1. First Step Connection New to Central? We have a gift bag and a free coffee coupon waiting for you. Join us right outside the main doors after each service for 5 minutes to meet Pastor Jeff and some of our leaders - just look for the signs! 2. Next Step Party The Garage Student Ministries Visit www.studentgarage.com for a listing of summer activities. Sunday Adult Communities 9:00am • College/Young Adult - FLC 5504 • Context - FLC 5505 • Genesis - FLC 5508 & 5509 • Koinonia - FLC 5503 10:00am • Friendship - HR • Good Samaritan - A101 • Shalom - FLC 5512 & 5513 10:15am • Good Shepherd - FLC 5506 & 5507 Adult Men Basketball Open Gym • Saturdays, 6:30am • Tuesdays, 11:30am LifeGroups consist of 8-14 people who gather in homes to connect more deeply with God and with each other. For details visit our website at www.centralsf.org CO N G RATU LATIO N S Jennifer and Jordan Terveen on the birth of their baby boy on May 17. Chad Thibodeaux Welcome to Central! We are so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us today. Pastor Chad Thibodeaux, from Christ First Baptist church in Covina, California, will be sharing with us today. I served as Pastor Chad’s Associate Pastor at Christ First before joining the staff at Central last April. Chad will be continuing our series on parenting called, “The Parent Trap: Don’t Let Culture Fool You.” Chad and his wife Theresa have three children. Chad is the host and founder of the “Kids and Sports” Radio Show. He has broadcasted over 500 shows in the 10 years Kids and Sports has been on the air. His show is broadcast live on XTRA Sports radio in Phoenix, every Tuesday from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Arizona time. You will enjoy Chad’s real and transparent style of preaching. Thanks for joining us! Jeff Wheeler Lead Pastor At First Step, pick up an invite to our next newcomer’s dessert party at the Wheeler’s residence on Sunday, June 10 from 6:007:00pm. 3. Connection Class Our next sessions of Connection Classes will be offered on Sundays June 10, 17, and 24 from 9:00-10:00am in the Family Life Center room 5501. Please indicate your interest by marking your Connection Card or emailing the office at [email protected]. The Growth Quotient CMW Children’s Ministry Wing FLC Family Life Center GC Grand Central I am a: q 1st Time Guest q Regular Attendee Complete the information below ONLY if you are a first time guest or need to update your contact information. q I would like to receive regular email updates on what is happening at Central. E-mail(s) ______________________________ ______________________________________ Home Address _________________________ City___________________________________ State ___________ Zip __________________ At Central we believe spiritual growth happens best when we are consistently involved in three things: Home Phone __________________________ 1. Connect Meaningful Worship (Sunday mornings) ______________________________________ 2. Build Meaningful Community (LifeGroups) 3. Go Meaningful Service For more information visit us online at www.centralsf.org FACILITY KEY: Name:________________________________ HR Hearth Room OWC Oakwood Chapel WC Worship Center Connecting people to a life that counts for eternity by building disciples that go and change lives Cell Phone(s) ___________________________ Names and grade/ages of children at home: _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ My Age Group: q College q 18-24 q 25-29 q 30-39 q 40-49 q 50-59 q 60+