May 2015 - First Lutheran Church
May 2015 - First Lutheran Church
First Edition The Newsletter of First Lutheran Church May 2015 Issue Number: 133 Issued: Monthly MAY WORSHIP UPCOMING EVENTS... Sunday, May 3 Altar Rail Holy Communion Blessing of the Quilts Blessing of the Quilts May 3 8:30 - FLC Choir 10:00 - Celebration Sunday, May 10 ~ Mother’s Day First Kids Sing 8:30 - FLC Choir and Alleluia Bells 10:00 - Faith Alive Sunday, May 17 ~ Syttende Mai Intinction Holy Communion Grieg Chorus Edvard Grieg Chorus May 17 at 8:45 am 8:45 - Grieg Chorus 9:00 - Worship Service Sunday, May 24 8:30 - FLC Choir 10:00 - Baccalaureate Syttende Mai May 15-17 Sunday, May 31 8:30 - FLC Choir 10:00 - Alleluia Bells In This Issue: FLC Happenings ............................. 2 From the Pastor .............................. 3 Council Update ............................... 3 Sharing & Caring ............................ 4 FLECC ........................................... 4 Small Groups & Fellowship ............ 5 Quilters............................................ 6 First Communion ............................ 6 First Kids ......................................... 7 Youth & Family Ministries ............... 8 . Baccalaureate Service ~ May 24 at 10:00 am FLC Happenings... First Communion Easter Egg Hunt Rummage Sale 2| First Edition · First Lutheran Church . Church Council Update From the Pastor At its April Meeting, FLC’s Church Council… Happy Easter! Did you know it is still the season of Easter for 50 days after Easter Day? It was during this time after the Resurrection that Jesus appeared to the disciples proclaiming victory over death and new life for all who believe!! As I write this article we are getting ready for the rummage sale. It is a perfect reminder of Easter new life. Every year it is amazing how much stuff comes in. Thank you! Some of the things are clothes and toys that have been outgrown. Some are household items that are no longer in use. Some items we have no idea what they are, but we will sure be excited when someone comes in and it turns out to be just the thing they needed! Best of all, the proceeds from the sale help FLC kids to go to camp and experience their faith in wonderful new ways. Old things being made new. New life from death. This May, as you rush from here to there with all the spring activities, try not to get too caught up in the busyness of it all. Try to stay connected to God through worship, learning and prayer to find the ways God is bringing you and others new life. And as we head into Pentecost on May 24, allow the Spirit to move you so that through you and in you the old stuff may be made new again. Pastor Sara Celebrated reports about the congregation’s good worship attendance during Wednesday Lenten and Holy Week services. Approved a proposal to have FLC participate in the Pulse Point Program. Authorized Karen Koberstein, landscape artist for the legacy garden, to have a conversation with the city regarding trees for the boulevard. Received good reports from worship and small groups about individual experiences with The Story emphasis. Received more information about the upcoming construction project for 5th Street and Washington Street. Construction is scheduled to begin after Syttende Mai. They will not get to 5th Street until later in the summer. Received favorable reports about the congregation’s giving to the General Fund and JOY Appeal. Approved the renewal of a CD at Union Bank and Trust. Learned that twenty-one 4th grade students participated in First Communion instruction and were communed on Maundy Thursday. Kids in Worship: Advice for the Adults who want to share God’s Love With Kids When children are baptized, parents and sponsors make promises to bring their children to the services of God’s house. Sometimes it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Kids wiggle. Kids say they are bored. They whine. Kids like to lay on the pew, play with the hymnals and pull on random strangers’ hair. Fear not dear parent, God is with you and wants your children to be in worship. God wants a relationship with them. They are an important part of the family! Here are some tips for kids in worship: Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what is going on. They tire of looking at the backs of others’ heads. Quietly explain parts of the service and actions of the ministers and whisper the sermon to them in words they can understand. Sing the hymns/songs, pray and voice the responses because children learn the liturgy by watching you! If you have to leave the service, feel free to do so but feel free to come back as well! Let your kids doodle and color in church. Often when their hands are busy, their minds are engaged with the service more than you realize. Grab a quiet bag from the narthex. It has special things inside. Make friends with people in church. Introduce yourselves and your child to others so they get to know their God family! Remember you are building good habits that will last a lifetime. It is kind of like brushing teeth when you start training them early. You don’t want to wait until they are teenagers to start good habits. April May 2013 2015 | 3 . Sharing and Caring Congratulations to… Special Prayers for… Jacquelyn & Justin Minor on the baptism of their daughter, Mia Jo Minor. Known to have been hospitalized… Melvin Benshop Fred Ingersoll Theressa King Ruth Pundt DuWayne Stellmacher Helen Stiklestad Our Sympathy to the family of. . . William Karolus Have a prayer request or would like your loved one to be listed in this section of the newsletter? Please contact the church office or one of the pastors. Amanda Beatty Sue Deneen Jennifer Donnelly, friend of Rachel and Leland Anderson Bill Hause Troy Hubing Virgene Quam Bob Spinharney, friend of Jon and Jane Minoff Cullen Steele, grandson of Naomi and Ron Steele Laura Stokstad Jere Walden, friend of Jody Gennrich Jeff Wilson National HIPAA standards protect individual health information. Names cannot be printed without the expressed consent of the family. Thank You! 4K at First Lutheran Early Childhood Center - FLECC Anna C. and her mentor, Todd Fossum, assembled and tested new playground equipment for the 4k program. Thanks to their efforts, the 4K students had new things to enjoy, climb and explore. 4 | First Edition · First Lutheran Church . Anna tests her work. Small Group and Fellowship Ministries Circle News Women’s Bible Study Circle 3 meets Tuesday, May 12 at 11:00 am at Pizza Hut. Marion Heggestad will be the hostess. Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00 pm. Phoebe Circle meets Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 pm at Valerie Vervoort’s. Circle 17 meets Monday, May 11 at 11:30 am at Sunrise Family Restaurant. Book Club News The Evening Group meets Monday, May 11 at 7:00 pm and will discuss Does This Church Make Me Look Fat? by Rhoda Janzen. The Selah (Daytime) Group meets Tuesday, May 19 at 10:30 am and will discuss Me Before You by Jo Jo Moyes. Soul Sisters Soul Sisters Bible study group welcomes new members at their monthly meetings. We will meet on Monday, May 18 in the Fireside Room from 10:00-11:45 am. Join the group as they wrap their discussion on Let.It.Go. by Karen Ehman. This book gives practical, biblically based steps for letting go of the need to control and instead trust that God has their best interests in mind. Bring a friend. See Pastor Sara for details. Just For Men Pastor Shep invites all FLC men to come together for breakfast and Bible discussion on Saturday, May 30 at 9:00 am at the Sunrise Family Restaurant. Care Connect Care Connect will meet Sunday, May 3, at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall for their monthly meeting. Mallards Game June 28 at 4:05pm Contact Jeanie Geurink for further information at [email protected]. It’s baseball season again! FLC will have a block of reserved seats for a Mallards game! A sign-up sheet will be posted in the Information Center. Pack the sunscreen and shades - it’s time to head out to the ball park! Baby Baskets Teen Parent Dinner Our conversations will focus on the miracles of Jesus through a study by Philip Yancey, author of The Jesus I Never Knew. Nurses from Dane County Human Services deliver laundry baskets filled by First Lutheran members to families in need. It is a great way for families who have very little in the way of resources to get what they need. Each month volunteers fill 7-10 baby baskets with items donated. In the past, volunteers have included individuals or groups of both kids and adults. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half to fill the baskets. On the first Monday of every other month folks from First Lutheran provide a meal for a meeting of teen parents. Each volunteer provides one or two items for the meal. The meeting is conducted by Dane County Human Services and takes place at the Methodist Church. This time of fellowship and learning helps teen parents get their children off to a good start in life. Those who serve provide an item for the meal and deliver it to the Methodist church by 6:00 pm on the day of the meeting. May 2015 | 5 . Quilters Complete Successful Year! Seventeen quilters completed 44 large sized quilts, 12 medium sized quilts, 25 lap quilts and 11 baby quilts for a total of 92! Quilters who participated this year were Helen Bakken, Karin Campbell, Lou Ann Ellingson, June Farr, Inga Flower, Mary Furseth, Jeanne Gilbertson, Marion Heggestad, Jackie Kittelson, Ruth Marsh, Ann Miglio, Ann Olson, Ardys Pfundheller, Barb Stokstad, Kay Stokstad, Tina Straub and Teresa Sylte. Recipients of FLC’s quilts included: Dane County Social Services Salvation Army Shelter for Women and Children Skaalen Retirement Home Relay for Life (cancer patients) Shillebagh Foundation for golf tournament raffle/auction The Quilters would like to extend their Thanks to all who have donated fabric, yarn and thread. A special thanks to Charlotte Jacobson for donating her sewing machine. Students Celebrate First Communion On Saturday, March 21, First Communion students and their parents attended a First Communion Instruction Class. Many of these same students helped prepare Communion Bread on Wednesday, April 1, for Maundy Thursday. On April 2, the students were able to attend the Maundy Thursday Worship Service and participate in their First Communion. Students who recently received instruction include: Abby Adams Connor Lyons Eddie Beckstrom Patrick Lyons Tyler Dial Luke McPhee Jonah Friedrich Jack Nielsen Garrison Furseth Samantha Quam Eva Gomez Brianna Radecke Carson Hanson Brooklyn Radecke Carter Klug Faith Radecke Dominick Landowski Jeffery Radecke Avery Lamberty Bjorn Seybold Claire Spilde 6 | First Edition · First Lutheran Church . First Kids The Art Project for April helped teach the Books of the Bible. We will be making cards for parents during May. The First Kids are working on Memory Work. Want to know what each grade is responsible to learn? Check out the Bulletin Board next to the Openings Room! We will share some accomplishments during our End-of-the-Year Program on June 7. First Kids will be singing during both services on May 10 - Mother’s Day! SIGN-UP NOW for VBS Fun!!! JOIN us on Mt. Everest!!!! Registration begins May 3 for 3-year-olds through 6th graders! A registration form in included in this newsletter and is also available on the church website! We want to know you are coming! There are many things needed, and we would love to borrow rather than buy! Please contact Erlene if you could loan FLC any of the following items for the week of June 21-24 for Vacation Bible School: or whatever else you think we could use to give us a flavor of mountain climbing and camping! Could you loan us any of the following? Colorful 2 or 4 person tents - we need two! Hiking sticks Rugged backpacks Rock climbing gear Snowshoes Boots Sleeping bags (3-4) Camp cooking gear Lanterns Ski poles Skis Call the church office at 873-7761 or e-mail Erlene ([email protected]) or talk to Erlene at church!!! 56ers Had a great afternoon of hide and seek, pizza, popcorn and a movie on April 12! Thanks Dave Bormett, Jeremy Eppler and Kirsten Goetz for chaperoning! Have been learning about the Israelites entry into Canaan and the Judges following along with The Story. Remember going to worship will really help to underline these stories for your kids! Working on learning the Books of the Old Testament— remember to practice at home! Lesson check-in on May 3. 6th graders bring completed books to camp. 5th graders turn completed books in to teachers. First Kids Sunday School Spring Program First Kids will have an opportunity to share a special program with the congregation on Sunday, June 7 at the 10:00 worship service. Children will learn the songs for the program during the Openings Time before First Kids Sunday School classes during May. Children who would like to play an instrument in the program can contact Pastor Sara or sign up outside the Openings Room. May 2015 | 7 . Youth and Family Ministries Lutherdale Confirmation Camper Reminder! Mini-Mission Trip to Green Bay Mark your calendars for an Informational Meeting on Tuesday, May 12 at 6:30 pm. Campers will learn more about what happens at Lutherdale and all of the neat opportunities available! Syttende Mai Food Stand Syttende Mai is fast approaching, and the FLC Youth Food Stand tradition continues! This is a great way to serve the community and show others what is going on at FLC! Parking Lot: Friday, May 15, 5:00 pm-8:00 pm Food Stand & Parking Lot: Saturday, May 16, 8:00 am-6:00 pm Sunday, May 17, 11:00 am-5:30 pm Look for more details and a sign-up sheet on the Youth Bulletin Board. Sign up soon to work a shift! Proceeds will go towards fun youth events and programs! 9th graders can work with their mentor as a service project. Baccalaureate Worship Service Sunday, May 24 at 10:00 am Join us for this special service to recognize our high school graduates! Caps and gowns will be worn, and a special photo/musical tribute will be shown. See the photo collage on the Youth bulletin board! Lenten Supper Thank You FLC thanks confirmand guides: Bill Berry, Bob Christofferson, Jeny Clark, Jami Moe, Rita Nelson, Dave Moll, and the 7th, 8th and 9th grade confirmands for their work at the Lenten Suppers. These volunteers did a great job keeping things running smoothly, and they did it all with a smile! 8 | First Edition · First Lutheran Church . Looking for a chance to serve others in a fun and meaningful way? Plan on joining us for an overnight trip to Green Bay, WI, the first weekend in August. We will spend some time during the day in the city doing things like working in a food pantry, serving food to the homeless and in general helping people in need. The night will be spent at Pastor Sara’s home congregation, Bethel Lutheran. There will also be some fun opportunities worked in like going to a Packers practice and spending some time at Bay Beach, an old-fashioned amusement park. Check future newsletters for the dates! Chaperones will be needed. Summer Youth Worship Attention Youth! We will be doing a worship service entirely led by the youth on August 9. Look on the Youth Bulletin Board to sign up to play an instrument, sing a song, usher, greet, or help lead the message. More details coming soon! Rummage and Bake Sale Was a Success! This year’s Youth Rummage and Bake sale raised about $1,200 for campers attending Lutherdale Bible Camp this summer! Thank you to everyone who helped accomplish this goal. Thanks especially to the individuals who helped with setup, sales, cleanup! . . . The Newsletter of First Lutheran Church Contact Information: 310 E. Washington Street P.O. Box 322 Stoughton, WI 53589 Phone: (608) 873-7761 Fax: (608) 873-5174 Email: [email protected] Website: May 2015 .