June 2015 - First Lutheran Church


June 2015 - First Lutheran Church
First Edition
The Newsletter of First Lutheran Church
June 2015
Issue Number: 134 Issued: Monthly
Sunday, June 7
June 14-19
8:30 - Hymn Sing
10:00 - Children’s Program
Sunday, June 14
Holy Communion
8:30 - Traditional
10:00 - Celebration
Sunday, June 21
~ Father’s Day
Intinction Holy Communion
8:30 - Traditional
10:00 - Celebration
Habitat Kick-off
June 17
(See page 3)
Sunday, June 28
Polka Service
At both 8:30 & 10:00 am
June 21-25
In This Issue:
FLC Happenings ............................. 2
Habitat for Humanity ....................... 3
Operation Ambulance ..................... 3
Sharing & Caring ............................ 4
First Kids ........................................ 4
Small Groups & Fellowship ............ 5
STORY Groups............................... 5
2015 Graduates ........................... 6-7
Youth & Family Ministries ............... 8
June 28
FLC Happenings...
Spring Clean up
Choir Festival
Syttende Mai
2| First Edition · First Lutheran Church
Habitat for Humanity
The King will reply, “ I tell you the truth, whatsoever you did for one of the
least of these brothers of Mine you did it for Me.” -Matthew 25:40
One of the missions of Habitat for Humanity is to help people see the Spirit of
God at work outside the walls of the church into the walls of a home. This is
helping the church fulfill its mission to minister to persons with needs.
The Kick-off for First Lutheran’s faith build of 1125 Garden Avenue is
June 17 at 6:00 pm. Please put this on your calendar and join us for the
celebration of working with the Woodring family to complete the
construction of their home.
Our church will be the faith partner with Habitat for Humanity of Dane County and Thrivent, working six
days this summer at the Garden Avenue site. The following dates will need eight volunteers to help
with the faith build.
Friday and/or Saturday:
June 19-20
July 31-August 1
August 21-22
A typical group build day has eight people working a full day from
8:15 am to 3:30 pm. (no experience is needed) Habitat provides
water, coffee, and light snacks on site each workday.
Habitat provides all tools, safety equipment and site supervision.
Sign-up sheets for work site days are in the Information Center.
Any questions, please call Susan Albright at 873-5041 or email,
[email protected].
Dr. Mark and Linda Jacobson to Visit FLC on July 19!
FLC’s Medical Missionary, Dr. Mark Jacobson, and his wife, Linda, will be visiting FLC at both services
(8:30 and 10:00 am) on Sunday, July 19. This will be the second visit to FLC for the Jacobsons. Mark
was very instrumental in building the Arusha Lutheran Medical Center, constructing a Plaster House for
post-operative patients and developing a new nursing school.
When asked what FLC could do to help the Jacobsons in their ministry, Mark offered two options:
1) purchasing a van that will be retrofitted to become an ambulance for the hospital at a cost of $15,000,
and 2) providing daily care of babies in the hospital’s NICU for $100/day.
As a result, with the permission of FLC’s Church Council,
Operation Ambulance was born. Before any promotional
mailings were conducted, an anonymous family promised
$5,000. Then, FLC’s First Lutheran Fund voted to donate
$5,000 as matching funds for this project. That means that
only an additional $5,000 is needed to raise enough money
for the Jacobsons’ ministry to be blessed with an ambulance!
In addition, if further donations exceed the cost of the
ambulance, the remaining proceeds will be designated to
provide special care for babies in the NICU of the Arusha
Lutheran Medical Center.
A mailing was sent to all members and friends of FLC about this exciting opportunity. For more
information, please check out the church’s web site at www.flcstoughton.com.
April 2013
2015 | 3
Sharing and Caring
Congratulations to…
Andrew and Mary Scharf on the baptism of their
son, Stephan Andrew Scharf.
Michael and Amber Herman on the baptism of
their son, Michael David Herman.
Jeffrey and Diana Sedlacek on the baptism of
their son, Noah David Sedlacek.
Scott and Alicia (Lehmann) Stoffel on their recent
Known to have been hospitalized…
Linda Leikness
Troy Hubing
Virginia Horn
Karen Pitney
Maggie Wersland
Have a prayer request or would like your loved one
to be listed in this section of the newsletter?
Please contact the church office or one of the pastors.
Special Prayers for…
Amanda Beatty
Melvin Benschop
Beverly Capon
Jennifer Donnelly, friend of Rachel and
Leland Anderson
Mirabelle Medina, niece of Renee and Ilir
David McKenzie
Karen Parker, aunt of JM Sparkman
Cullen Steele, grandson of Naomi and Ron
Sydney Volbrecht
Jeff Wilson
Sue Wilson
Our Sympathy to the family of. . .
Robert Bothum
Melvin Christianson
Wayne Harvey
Donald Hellum
First Kids
Year End Program Highlights Memory Work
On June 7th the First Kids will present a review of the year’s accomplishments
during the 10:00 am service. Different groups and individuals will share their
memory work as they lead parts of the service and celebrate a year of learning
more about God, the Bible, and Jesus. Join us for the celebration and the picnic
lunch afterwards in Fellowship Hall.
Have your picture taken as a VBS Climber or try your hand at a fun game! See you there!
Still time to SIGN-UP for VBS Fun!!!
JOIN us on Mt. Everest!!!!
Registration is happening NOW for kids ages 3rd through 6th grade! Come to the registration table and
sign-up. You get a T-Shirt, and we will know you are coming to join the fun on June 21-25th!!
Could you loan us any of the following?
Colorful 2 or 4 person tents - we need two!
 Lanterns
Hiking sticks
 Ski poles
Rugged backpacks
 Skis
Rock climbing gear
 White or blue sheets!
Camp cooking gear
All items will be returned!!! THANKS!
Call the church office at 873-7761 or e-mail Erlene ([email protected])
or talk to Erlene at church!!!
Teens and Adults Needed to Help with Set Construction!
Please come on Saturday, June 13, 8:00-Noon to put our VBS set together! Several people needed to
paint, construct, hang, sort, and prepare the rooms for the EVEREST Challenge. Please let Erlene know
you are coming!
4 | First Edition · First Lutheran Church
Small Group and Fellowship Ministries
Circle News
Women’s Bible Study
Circle 3 meets Tuesday,
June 9 at 10:30 am to
carpool from the church to
Paoli for Lunch.
The women’s Bible Study will be taking a break for
the summer. We will be meeting again starting in
Phoebe Circle meets
Tuesday, June 9 at
6:30 pm at Gaye Lehman’s.
Circle 17 meets Monday, June 8 at 11:30 am at
Sunrise Family Restaurant.
Book Club News
The Evening Group will next meet again in
The Selah (Daytime) Group meets Tuesday,
June 16 at 10:30 am and will discuss Edge of
Eternity (first half) by Ken Follett.
Soul Sisters
Soul Sisters Bible study group welcomes new
members at their monthly meetings. We will meet
on Monday, June 15 in the Fireside Room from
10:00-11:45 am.
Our conversations will focus on the miracles of
Jesus through a study by Philip Yancey, author of
The Jesus I Never Knew.
Contact Jeanie Geurink for further information at
[email protected].
Just For Men
Pastor Shep invites all FLC men to
come together for breakfast and Bible
discussion on Saturday, June 27 at
9:00 am at the Sunrise Family
Care Connect
Care Connect will meet
Sunday, June 14, at
9:30 am in Fellowship Hall
for their monthly meeting.
Mallards Game
June 28 at 4:05 pm
It’s baseball season again!
FLC will have a block of
reserved seats for a
Mallards game!
A sign-up sheet will be posted in the Information
Center. Pack the sunscreen and shades - it’s time
to head out to the ball park!
By the end of June our Sunday Sermons and our Bible Study groups will be finishing up
the Old Testament as read in THE STORY! This is quite an accomplishment! WE have
all been reading, watching, and hearing about the nation of Israel and the relationship
between God and his people. Some wonderful things have happened. Some terrible
things have happened. Some disappointing things have happened. Some joyful things have happened!
Whether you have been in a study group, reading and studying on your own, attending First Kids, or
learning through Sunday services – all of First Lutheran Church has been involved in learning more about
our faith history through the lessons of the Old Testament in THE STORY.
We will take a break from The STORY over the summer but not from learning about God and His LOVE
for us! Continue in your learning throughout the summer during church services and your private prayer
and reading. In the fall you will be ready for our further adventure in THE STORY with the New
Testament chapters! Between September and November we will hear the good news of our Lord, Jesus
Christ! Start to prepare now! We are going to be learning about the wonderful blessings God has in store
for all of his children – us!
There will be continued study groups to join and even new groups forming. First Kids will continue to
study the chapters of THE STORY. The Sermon schedule will keep us all rolling through the fall! Join in
and share with each other as we continue THE STORY!
June 2015 | 5
2015 Graduates
Emma A.
Lydia B.
Madison College
General Studies
Madison College
Dental Hygienist
Alexa D.
Ben Joseph E.
Xavier University
Madison College
Welding Program
Grant G.
Taylour H.
Edgewood College
6 | First Edition · First Lutheran Church
Jared B.
Madison College
Welding Program
Adam F.
and Journalism
Jacob J.
Mechanical Engineering
Zachary C.
Alyssa G.
Edgewood College
Austen J.
Madison College
2015 Graduates
Ty K.
UW-Stevens Point
Brandon Q.
Emmalee K.
Madison College
for Photography
Keaton R.
Pre-Med track
Dylan W. .
Jordyn W.
UW-Stevens Point
Mara N.
Garrett S.
Carthage College
Clair O.
Ashli S.
Cardinal Stritch
Carly Z.
June 2015 | 7
Youth and Family Ministries
Syttende Mai
Thank You!
Summer Youth
The Syttende Mai Food
Stand and Parking Lot were
a great success this year!
Almost 100 people helped staff the parking lot,
assisted with set-up and clean-up and welcomed
visitors and friends to FLC!
The proceeds from this event will go to support
FLC’s Youth Ministries. This very important
fundraiser could not happen each year without the
help of great volunteers. THANK YOU!
Lutherdale Confirmation
Camp Reminder!
Confirmation camp is nearly here! There will be
a special blessing for all confirmation campers
and their families on June 14 at the 10:00 am
worship service.
We will eat lunch following worship, participate
in a few getting ready activities and then pack
up and head to camp.
There is a closing program on Friday at camp
right before we leave at 2:00 pm. It is awesome!
Come if you can.
Drivers are
needed to help
transport students
to and from camp.
Please contact
Pastor Sara if you
can help.
Attention Youth! We will be
doing a worship service entirely
led by the youth on August 23.
Look on the Youth Bulletin
Board to sign up to play an
instrument, sing a song, usher,
greet, or help lead the message.
More details coming soon!
Mission Ministries:
July 31-August 1
Join us for a weekend mission opportunity for
families and individuals!
This is a “mission-light” event and a great way
to introduce you to mission ministries. We will
travel to Green Bay, where we will participate
in two or three mission ministries. Participants
will also have time
to participate in
uniquely Green Bay
activities like Packer
football and Bay
Beach. Sign up on
the youth bulletin
board if you are
interested. This will
not commit you to participate. 9th graders will
be attending as part of their confirmation
requirements. There will be an informational
meeting in the Library June 21st after 2nd
service. See Pastor Sara for more info.
A Confirmation Thank You!!
Small Group Guides served weekly, Mentors
helped our 9th graders, and Parent Helpers
provided treats, meals and continuous support!
Small Group Guides
Bob Christofferson
Jeny Clark
Rita Nelson
Dave Moll
Bill Berry
Jami Moe
8 | First Edition · First Lutheran Church
Confirmation jello night fun!
The Newsletter of First Lutheran Church
Contact Information:
310 E. Washington Street
P.O. Box 322
Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: (608) 873-7761
Fax: (608) 873-5174
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.flcstoughton.com
June 2015