The Greenville Christian - Greenville First Christian Church
The Greenville Christian - Greenville First Christian Church
The Greenville Christian Volume 62 Number 5 | May 27, 2015 WORSHIP MINISTRY SHINE MUSIC CAMP for 1st-6th graders, August 8-9. CURRENT SERIES See Jason or Eris for more information. SIMM CHOIR meets on Thursdays at 11 a.m. TECHNICIANS FOR WORSHIP MINISTRY NEEDED Are you comfortable with computers and running presentations? Are you available Wednesday evenings, on Saturday night and Sunday morning? Jason is interested in getting you connected with sound, lights, projection or camera. PARK AND PLAY JUNE 7 AT PATRIOTS PARK Activities for all ages! ADULT MINISTRY TRAVELING FRIENDS is a ministry for adults to engage in through various trips and events. The next trip is June 23 to St. Charles, MO. If you are interested in receiving information about their events, call the church office or Janet Gum. CEILING GRID PROJECT help is needed to cut and put ceiling tiles in the east wing on June 4 at 5 p.m. Contact Bri for more information. HOPE FOR THE JOURNEY support group for those affected by cancer. The next meeting is Thursday, June 18, at 6:30 p.m., in the Parlor. Led by Kelli Lahr. KICKBALL Sunday afternoon kickball will begin on June 14, 7-9 p.m. at the Jaycee Field. Sign up as an individual or a team at the Welcome Center. See Phil to get involved in sports ministry. BOOKS ‘N FRIENDS next meeting is June 23 at Kathy Farnsworth’s home. Meet at 7 p.m. The topic is biographies. MISSIONS HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEEHOUSE is on break for the summer. Sign up to run the coffeehouse and raise support for your mission/ ministry. Dates are available beginning in September. FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEERS are needed to help at the Bond Country Food Pantry on Mondays and Thursdays in June, 1-3 p.m. Sign-up outside the office. BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER to support the Pregnancy Support Center. All baby bottles should be returned by Father’s Day June 21. FOOD FOR ORPHANS PACKING EVENT 60 million orphans go to bed hungry every night, according to UNICEF. It costs 25 cents for one meal. We are collecting quarters to pack meals on September 19. Drop your change into one of the buckets throughout the church. MISSIONS TEAM MEETING Wednesday, June 3 in the conference room at 6:30 p.m. ADULT MISSION TRIP spots are still available to serve for a week at Restoration House in New England, July 17-25. If interested, see Marvin Warner or email [email protected]. STUDENT MINISTRY ONLINE REGISTRATION is available for all events. Just visit to find registrations available for upcoming events. Want to pay online? At the end of the online registration, choose to pay online; we will send you a PayPal invoice. Bolen’s Alley The movie Frozen gave us a bunch of memorable songs like “Let It Go” and “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” (you can tell I have little granddaughters). Another great song is sung by Olaf… a little snowman who likes warm hugs. He sings the song “In Summer” imagining what it would be like when summer does come. The summer months are upon us and we decided to kick it off with a big party on Sunday afternoon and evening, June 7. This really is a bigger version of our Annual Backyard Picnic. We are calling it “Park and Play” because we are having it at Patriot’s Park and there will be a lot of play going on—including yours truly taking a turn in the dunk tank. There will be lots of food, fun, and awesome fellowship. I guarantee a great time will be had by all. Do come! That same weekend the collection buckets will be out for our third annual Food for Orphans packing event to be held in September. It is an unforgettable event that enables us to provide and pack food for hungry orphans who desperately need it. The Bond County Ministerial Alliance will be joining us in this effort. Remember, twenty-five cents provides a nutritious meal. I want to encourage you to throw some quarters or whatever into the buckets that will be at the main entrances. I hope as the event nears you will sign-up to help with the packing. Back to Olaf, he said in the movie, “True love is putting someone else before yourself.” This is an opportunity for us to participate in expressing true love to needy children who matter to God and, therefore, must to matter to us. Our building renovation is nearing completion. The East Wing will be complete by the middle of June. I think it all looks sharp! I want to welcome Melinda Phillips back on our staff. Again, she will be teaming with Eris in our Children’s Ministry. They make a dynamic duo. Years ago the great evangelist Dwight L. Moody said, “Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man.” I challenge you to make and keep gathering to worship a priority this summer. It is vital to our spiritual wellbeing. That’s why Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not neglect our meeting together…” Love you all! SIX FLAGS on June 2. We invite all Junior High and High JH ROAD TRIP to Cincinnati, Ohio, June 23-26. Mission JH POOL PARTY For those entering 6th-9th grades, June 10, 6:30-10:30 p.m. at the KPD pool. Cost is $5. Checkout the entire summer event calendar on the Student Ministry webpage! 3:00 - Dunk tank 4:00 - Organized games & tug-of-war 4:30 - Bake off entries turned in 5:30 - Dinner and dessert judging begins 6:00 - Concert and bake-off winners announced. We need a set-up and clean-up crew! Contact Bri. ALL CHURCH NEWS FREE RESOURCES The Daily Bread in regular and large print Christian Standard (monthly) and Lookout (weekly) magazines Right Now Media is a free online resource for kids and adults. To sign up email, [email protected] Current and past sermons are on our website. Need a hard copy? Request it at the welcome center. FAMILY ROOM located in room 218 (Parlor) has a live feed of the service for families who need to tend to their little ones during service. Communion is available there as well. KIDS MINISTRY ONLINE REGISTRATION is available for all events. Just visit to find registrations available for upcoming events. Want to pay online? At the end of the online registration, choose to pay online; we will send you a PayPal invoice. PROMOTION SUNDAY is June 7. Pick your child(ren) up in their new Sunday School rooms. Promotion Sunday also includes all summer activities. VBS—JULY 12 - 16 Registration is underway, at VBS takes over 80 volunteers with all types of skills. Consider volunteering with us! Volunteer registration forms are available online at The volunteer training luncheon is June 14, following 10:45 services in the FLC. SUMMER CAMP at Bond Christian Service Camp has begun registration for their summer camps. Register online at 3 5 SUMMER FUN FOR RD- TH GRADES June 2 Six Flags trip, registration and $35 due by May 31. June 29-July 1 FCA Powercamp for 5th-8th graders, registration forms available across from the office. School students to join Josh for a fun-filled day. Registration and $35 due by May 31. work and a day at Kings Island Amusement and Water Park. Cost is $125 if registered before June 14; $150 after June 14. Registration and $50 required to reserve your spot. All day - Fishing, hiking, inflatables, kite flying, washers, Hillbilly golf, Corn hole, snow cones, bubbles. Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 July 7 Science Center, registration and $5 due by June 30. July 28 Raging Rivers, Registration and $25 due by July 21. August 6 City Museum, Registration and $8 due by July 30. August 11 St. Louis Zoo, registration and $10 due by August 4. Senior Discipleship Counseling Music Connections Student Children Children’s Intern Church Administrator Bookkeeper Office Assistant THE GREENVILLE CHRISTIAN 1100 Killarney Dr., Greenville, IL 62246 Ministers & Staff Darryl Bolen John Heston Linda Cope Jason Fishburn Phil Davis Josh Schneider Eris Ridens Melinda Phillips Bri Dothager Diane Kelly Missy Durbin Sonrise Daycare Director, Amanda Doll 618.664.0966 618.664.4508 Contact Information Telephone: 618.664.0652 Family Life Center 618.664.0995 Fax: 618.664.4551 Website: Twitter: @GreenvilleFCC FCC Preschool Director, Cheryl Marchello $27,068.65 $20,282.25 $30,601.63 778 289 898 271 909 297 812 233 Worship Schedule Saturday evening, 6:00 p.m. Sunday morning, 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. ATTENDANCE Worship (5/2 & 3) Sunday School (5/3) Worship (5/9 & 10) Sunday School (5/10) Worship (5/16 & 17) Sunday School (5/17) Worship (5/23 & 24) Sunday School (5/24) OFFERING Exceptional Fund (5/2 & 3) Exceptional Fund (5/9 & 10) Exceptional Fund (5/16 & 17) Offering needs to average $28,365.38 to meet the 2015 budget. STAFF E-MAIL [email protected] Example: [email protected] Or [email protected] The Greenville Christian (USPS 576-740) is published monthly by the First Christian Church, 1100 Killarney Dr., Greenville, IL 62246-1324. Postmaster: Send address changes to First Christian Church, 1100 Killarney Drive, Greenville, IL 62246. Periodical Postage Paid at Greenville, IL 62246 USPS 576-740 R. Randall Neu- M/M Kenny Zobrist, Eldon Hammond & Shelby Mann, Kim Langel, Betty Suess, M/M Louis Barth, Linda Gehrig, Elaine Huffman, Tracy Woker, M/M Fed Wiseman, Bob Kalous family, M/M Clarence Zimmermann, M/M John Marcoot, M/M Elvin Cripe, The Paul Hentze Family, Tracy Hall, M/M Charles Stearns, Melvin Zobrist, JR Hammond, JoAnn Gray, M/M Jeff Tischhauser, M/M Leroy Ganzer, M/M Scott Gaffner, M/M Doug Lawrence, M/M Larry Suess, M/M Tom Currie, M/M Alan Gaffner & family, Peggy Sohn, Dr/M Harold Bristow, Carolyn Sue Germann, M/M Joe Wylie, M/M Terry Adcock, M/M Don Jenner, M/M Jeff Tischhauser,M/M Paul Bunyard, M/M Duane Hoffmann mann, Ruth Honeycull, for a teacher’s aid. Must be 18+ with a high school diploma or GED. Contact Sonrise to apply. to Darryl for the beautiful funeral service, Linda Plant for providing music, and the funeral committee ladies for the nice luncheon.—The family of John Gray Janet Wise was baptized on May 18. Madison Moeller was baptized on May 24. Nicholas Knight was baptized on May 24. to Steven and Vanessa Paradee on the birth of their daughter, Taylor Grace, born on May 12, weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. Ladies Bible Study, Mondays at 2 p.m. in the Conference Room. Ladies Evening Bible Study, Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Parlor. Thursday Morning Bible Study, 8 a.m. in the Conference Rm. Men’s Bible Study, 6:45 a.m. at Corner Café (1st & 3rd Friday). SIMM Choir, Thursdays at 11 a.m. in the music room. Home Department, Meets the last Tuesday of the month at 9 Nursery Take a turn in one of 3 nursery rooms, once every 3 months. Contact Melinda at [email protected] Lil’K, volunteers are needed to help with preschool age children during 1st and 2nd services on Sunday mornings. Contact Melinda to volunteer. Kidmo, is for 1st-5th graders during all 3 services. Contact Eris at [email protected] to volunteer. a.m. Small Groups, are ongoing. If you would like to plug into a small group, contact John Heston. Nursery Volunteers : Sat (6): Julie Harms; Sat. Kidmo: Melinda Phillips; Sun (7): 1st: Mike & Marlene File, Mary Wade & Avery Cantrill, Tammy & Trista Kinkel; SS: Linda Ro er; 2nd: Donna Cripe & Cathleen Sandifer, Clint & Monica Barnhart, Doug and Rita Holman & Jaidyn Ackerman; Sat (13): Kayla Curry; Sat. Kidmo: Mike & Jamie Heath; Sun (14): 1st: Dalton & Emily Rainey, Kolin & Bri Dothager, Melissa & Todd Cantrill; SS: Laure Suess; 2nd: Sheri & Amber Potts, Junior & Sarah White and Ally Durbin, Julie Obermark & Gina Lewis Sat (20): April Redou; Sat. Kidmo: Eris Ridens Sun (21): 1st: Deb Langham & Pam Conine, Jerry & SueAnn Nelson, Rebecca & Austin Zumwalt; SS: Sheri Koertge; 2nd: Dennis & Kami Glisson, Dennis & Sheila Quick, Mike & Michelle Emken Sat (27): Shelli Neely; Sat. Kidmo: Robert Meilink & Melinda Phillips; Sun (28): 1st: Becky Suess & Tammy Mathias, Steve & Laura Kapp, Sabrina & Jimmy Reviskly; SS: Joanne Bockenfeld; 2nd: Shannon Wesselman & Joyce Hall, Amanda & Scott Doll, Travis & Tabitha DeBlois Ushers: (7) 1st: Gary Holshauer; 2nd:Doug Bohannon, Mike Hustedde, Glenn Kreider, Boyd Schaufelberger, Randy McKean, Arnie Volkmar, Gerald Koonce, Da Johnson (14) 1st: Mark Hamel; 2nd: Joseph Gruen, Will Debatin, Ron Schaufelberger, Kevin Cochrane, Stan Ferguson, Larry Thiems, Dennis Debatin (21) 1st: Gary Dollinger; 2nd: Dave Doll, Matt Wernle, Mike Heath, Scott Snow, Jerry Nelson, Dick Franks, Tom Broomfield (28) 1st: Sam Kious; 2nd: Roger Sanders, Mike Suess, Steve Hoffmeier, Paul Hentze, Jeff Bone, Dave Carr, Johnny Runyon Communion Servers: 1st—Keith Baldwin, Gary Farnsworth, Sam Kious, Eugene Wernle, Todd Cantrill, Joe Campbell, Tom Thiess, Mark Hamel, Jerry McFarland, Kevin Cochrane, C.W. Gaffner, Bill Rainey, Lou Cotton 2nd—Dan Johnson, Ed Noggle, Stan Ferguson, Mike Huber, Paul Thies, Larry Thiems, Mike Emken, Terry Kleinik, Gerald Koonce, Tom Goodson Elders & Deacons: (7) Team 3 - Johnny Runyon, Scott Snow, Ron Schaufelberger, Marvin Warner (14) Team 1 - Jim Davison, Joe Alstat, Ty Langham, Luke Hohlt, Erik Grigg (21) Team 2 - Claude Peper, Ron Buch, Mike Coling, Denny Grant, Brian Grove, Mike Suess Greeters: (7) 1st: E: Bob & Margaret Langel, FLC: Kelly Meadows, W: Lary & Joyce Quigley 2nd: E: Austin & Kari Sebastian, W: Jay & Missy Durbin, FLC: Sam & Pat Kious (14) 1st: E: Richard & Daretha Morgan, W: Mark & Deb Hamel , FLC: Gary & Judy Dollinger, 2nd: E: Bunny Lewis, W: Linda Gehrig & Lucille Lennington FLC: Roger & Jane Sanders (21) 1st: E: Jim & Jean Roberts, W: David & Lana Schaufelberger, FLC: Clarence & Sharon Zimmerman, 2nd: E: Don & Kathleen Mattingly, W: Gary & Kathy Farnsworth, FLC: Max & Jo Sussenbach (28) 1st: E: Brent & Maggie Whittaker, W: Evadene Sanders & Lillie Bayless, FLC: Eldon & Marilyn Turley, 2nd: E: Mike & Mandy Hustedde, W: Doug & Carisa Bohannon, FLC: Arlene Plog Benevolence: (1) Dennis & Shelia Quick, Teresa Carr, Jim & Bonnie Davison; (8) Bob Langel, Nate Prater, Nate Langham, Brent Whittaker; (15) Johnny Runyon, Deb Hamel, Maggie Whitaker, Paul & Kelsey Cayo; (22) Jerry McFarland, Ed Noggle, Karen Watson, Sandy Bellegante, Staci Carroll; (29) Denn Grant, Claude Peper, Sue Stone, Jan Spigner, Marci Ganzer
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