mark your calendar - First Baptist Alba
mark your calendar - First Baptist Alba
Welcome New Members: Colin and Stephanie Tennery, Ronald and Sheila Jackson, Pat Rupp and Steve Nail! Have you met these new members? Thanks be unto God for His work in His church at Alba. Will you invite an un-churched friend to FBC Alba this month? The Pastor's Honorable Mention: I am delighted to mention Miste Davis this month in the Pastor's Honorable Mention. Miste works a full time job as a legal secretary, is a devoted mom and a caring wife. Her son Shawn is just like her, humble, quiet and super kind! Moreover, Miste finds time during her busy week to prepare a Sunday School lesson for the 3-6 grade girls at FBC Alba. Miste is also our Church Photographer. Miste is responsible for helping you put a new name with a new face. Please locate the New Member bulletin board across from my study and learn a new member's name. Be sure to thank Miste for all her hard work and service to us and her Savior! Way to go Miste Davis! I appreciate you so much. Speaking of humble, quiet and nice, have you met Darren Kindle? Darren makes the April Honorable Mention. Darren is also a busy church-man who loves his wife and his Savior. Do you ever wonder who fills and drains the baptistry and makes sure the water temperature is just right? Yep, Darren and Kristi Kindle. Darren reminds me of Barnabas in the Bible. Luke describes him as a man "full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" Acts 11:24, (the two qualities I have always asked my daughter to find in her future husband! No pressure, right?). Darren fits the description of a Barnabas; always in church, always smiling, always full of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Darren for holding the bar of integrity high for the rest of us! Breakfast and Spring Cleaning at 219 East Holley Street: One does not need to have the spiritual gift of Service and Helps to be a part of this one. Saturday morning, April 16 immediately following the Men's Breakfast, please meet in the gym of the FLC if you are able to help us with a bit of spring cleaning. I have noticed a number of things in and around the church that need cleaned or picked up. I'll have a list of chores and an assignment sheet for those who can come and help. Since we are the stewards of God's house in Alba, we are responsible for keeping it neat and clean in appearance, inside and out. Please contact me or Shane Reynolds, Minister of Education, if you are able to come. Please plan on having a great breakfast before we begin. I look forward to seeing you April 16 immediately following the Men's Breakfast. ". . . let us go on to perfection." Hebrews 6:1 Christians pull and stretch that verse to mean two things: on one end of the spectrum Christians interpret this to mean a second baptism of the Spirit for only a few that leads to spiritual perfection. On the other end of the spectrum, Christians interpret the word perfection through the lens of the culture, a virtue that is ultimately unattainable. Therefore, in their discouragement they exert no real human effort at all in their spiritual life. Both of these interpretations are faulty because the Bible does not support either one. Biblical perfection is letting the Holy Spirit have his way with you daily, to finally bring you to God's completed or perfected work. Trusting in His perfect power, Pastor Kelly Greetings Church Family, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if only you would hear his voice, ‘Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested me; they tried me, though they had seen what I did. For forty years I was angry with that generation; I said, They are a people whose hearts go astray, and they have not known my ways. So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’” ~ PSALM 95 Psalm 95 starts out with a beautiful call to worship but quickly turns into a warning about worship. The beginning of this Psalm calls us to rejoice and reverence Him. The tone of Psalm shifts when the Psalmist says “Today, if only you would hear his voice, Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness”. Meribah translates as rebellion or quarreling and Massah means testing. This is a reference to the place in the wilderness where the Israelites complained about a lack of water. They tested the Lord! However, the Lord responded in a mighty way by making water come out of a rock (Numbers 20). The Israelites forgot to worship and put their faith in God. However, the Lord always shows himself to be holy. Numbers 20:13 says “These were the waters of Meribah, where the Israelites quarreled with the Lord and where he was proved holy among them.” Remember God calls us to a life of worship. We sometimes rebel and test God, but he always proves himself to be true and Holy! He is always there for us! Ablaze Student Ministries recently spent five weeks going through the “I Am” statements of the New Testament in series entitled That’s What He Said. When we finished up with the That’s What He Said series, we tackled a new series called The Real Jesus. During this series, we shed some light on the common misconceptions of who Jesus is. We highlighted the Scriptures that truly give us a biblical view of what Jesus really looks like. We will be having a FIRENIGHT on April 17! Students don’t forget this is great opportunity for you to invite a friend. I promise we will have plenty of fun and fellowship, but most importantly the name of Jesus will be shared! Students and parents, don’t forget to sign up for summer camps! Summer is getting closer and closer. The first deadline for Super Summer has past. The next deadline is April 27! Don’t miss out! Also, don’t forget to sign up for Fuge camp! A $50 deposit is due when you sign up. Make sure you mark your calendar for the MANDOTORY Camp Meeting on June 8, 2016 at 6:00 PM in The Youth Room. Final payments and forms are due then. For His Glory, Zack Barton - Youth/Music Minister MARK YOUR CALENDAR April 17: FIRENIGHT: Meet at the Church at 5:30 PM May 22: FISH FRY FUNDRAISER @ following the worship service. June 8: FINAL CAMP MEETING (Fuge Camp) @ 6:00 PM in the Youth Room / Final camp balance and forms will be Due! June 20-24: SUPER SUMMER @ University of Mary Hardin Baylor - Pay early for best pricing! April 27- REGULAR REGISTRATION $165 / May 25 - LATE REGISTRATION $190 / Pick up an application from Zack! June 27-July 3: FUGE CAMP at Glorieta, NM Cost: $325 Please note June 27-July 3 are camp dates. We will travel June 26 & return on July 4 with plenty of time to celebrate Independence Day! SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 5 3 VBS WORKERS MEETING After Worship 4 goldfish & Grace Moms & Tots 9 - 11am FLC 11 12 6 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 WOMEN’S SPRING LUNCHEON Hainesville BC $15/10am-1pm NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 10 DEACON MEETING 8:30am 14 15 SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL 6-8pm FLC CHURCH SPRING CLEAN UP After Men’s Bfst FINANCE MTG 7pm 18 CALENDAR REVIEW TEAM 8:30am NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 16 MEN’S BREAKFAST 8am goldfish & Grace Moms & Tots 9 - 11am FLC NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 17 13 19 20 21 goldfish & Grace Moms & Tots 9 - 11am FLC QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING TRIED & TRUE Sr Adult Ministry 11am - 2pm FLC 26 27 28 22 23 29 30 FIRENIGHT - YOUTH 24 GIDEON REPORT AM Worship WEDNESDAY NIGHT 5:00 - 6:00pm MEAL TIME 6:00 - 7:00pm OPEN GYM HOURS 6:45 - 8:00pm PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY MISSION FRIENDS RAs - ROYAL AMBASSADORS GAs - GIRLS IN ACTION FBC ABLAZE - YOUTH 7:00pm MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Fellowship Classroom 8:00pm CHOIR PRACTICE 25 goldfish & Grace Moms & Tots 9 - 11am FLC MEMBER BIRTHDAYS PRAYER REQUESTS 903-765-2471 MAX ROBINSON TOMMY WIGGINS MERRANDA ROJO RYLEE WILCOXSON WILLIAM DAVIS JESSIE SCANTLING WAYNE JONES CAMERON BURNETT HOSS DYKES COLTON LITTLEJOHN SHERRY NELSON TOBY FARNHAM STEPHANIE TENNERY JACKIE MILLER FAMILY LIFE CENTER SCHEDULING Zack Barton [email protected] MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Ablaze - Youth Group Mission Trips Ladies’/Men’s Bible Studies Discipleship Groups Ladies' Retreats Men’s Breakfast/Workday Vacation Bible School Alba-Golden Food Pantry Single Adults Sunday School First Seekers - Outreach Biblical Counseling Tried & True - Sr Adults goldfish & GRACE -Moms & Tots 2 3 3 3 7 11 13 13 14 14 16 16 16 18 COREY RAYMOND RUSSELL BALLEW KATHY REYNOLDS GEORGE HAYES JULIA ROBINSON LIBBIE BLACK KIMBRELEE MCCALL EMILY BARTON DELORES SLAGLE LEA REYNOLDS LINDY MCCARTY JUSTIN BISHOP DONNA JACOBS JESSE WALLACE 20 20 21 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 X 903.765.2471 [email protected] X 2 1 9 E H O L L E Y ST AL B A, T X 7 5 4 1 0 NON - PROFIT ORGAINZATION US POSTAGE PAID ALBA, TX PERMIT 10 X