Bulletin 5-18-14 - Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ
Bulletin 5-18-14 - Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ
Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ Fifth Sunday after Easter May 18, 2014 Rev. Ken Kramer GATHERING MUSIC Laura Kammerer WELCOME AND JOYS AND CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION BANNER AND FLAG PRESENTATION Bill Buss & Don Hunter *THE CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) Katie Husar Ever-gracious God, from generation to generation you call forth faithful men and women to be willing servants of the truth. You fill us with strength and hope. Yet we find it is often not enough. We pray for great faith and for an easy life. But we know these things seldom exist together. We pray only to avoid this trial. When we need also to pray for strength and confidence to face the challenges that come with faithfulness. Make us strong like Stephen, that we may rejoice in your unending grace even in the times of deepest suffering. *THE HYMN OF PRAISE NO. 380 “Living For Jesus” *THE PRAYER OF INVOCATION (In Unison) Courtney Courson Let not our hearts be troubled, O God, but share instead in Stephen’s vision of the heavens and Christ standing at the right hand of God. This glorious vision of hope is for all of us, for we are forgiven of all that separates us from the Holy One. Blessed be God, the giver of life, and blessed be God’s people, who rejoice in Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. Amen. *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE (Please greet others around you) The peace of God be with you. And also with you! THE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE: Pastor Kramer “There’s More Than One Way To Break A Hanger” PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. CHORISTERS “Many Gifts, One Spirit” by Mary Lynn Lightfoot All good gifts around us are sent from heav’n above; We thank you God, we thank you God for all your gifts and all your deeds, and for your love. Many gifts, one Spirit, in grateful song our voices raise. Many gifts, one Spirit, our thankful hearts sing joyful praise. All good gifts are simple gifts bestowed by God’s loving care. And may we use these precious gifts to help inspire, reach out, and love. So many gifts to share! Many gifts, one spirit, in grateful song our voices raise. God is the only Maker of all things near and far; painting the wayside flower and lighting the evening star. Blessing us with the sunshine and soft, refreshing rain; With heart and voice we sing and rejoice for all good gifts, for all God’s love, for simple gifts. ‘Tis the gift to be simple, ‘tis the gift to be free, ‘tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, And when we find ourselves in the place just right, ‘twill be in the valley of love and delight. MISSION MOMENT Quanada Susan Fifer SHARING OUR TITHES, TALENTS AND TREASURES THE CALL TO OFFERING (Responsively) Courtney Courson We have tasted the Lord’s goodness and the sweetness is still on our lips. Now we permit ourselves to be living vessels of God’s sweet, sweet, spirit, offering ourselves, our lives and our gifts to those who are most in need of Christ’s healing mercy. OFFERTORY *OFFERTORY RESPONSE “Doxology” NO. 556 PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW; PRAISE HIM, ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW; PRAISE HIM ABOVE, YE HEAVENLY HOST; PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN *DEDICATION PRAYER (In Unison) Courtney Courson God, bless these tithes and offering, that they may heal and make whole the lives of all Your children. And bless those who give and those who long to give, that we may become living stones of mercy, grace and justice in the house of Your creation. Amen *HYMN OF MEDITATION NO. 318 SCRIPTURE READING SERMON “Be Still My Soul” Acts 6: 1-15, 7:54-8:1 Lindsey Fuller “Keeping The Faith In A World That Does Not!” Rev. Ken Kramer *CLOSING HYMN NO. 389 “Are Ye Able, Said The Master?” *BENEDICTION *BENEDICTION RESPONSE IT'S BEEN GOOD TO BE TOGETHER. IT'S BEEN GOOD TO WORSHIP AS A FAMILY OF FAITH. THOUGH IT'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE, WE'RE AS DIFFERENT AS CAN BE, YET WE'RE ONE IN LOVE, WE'RE ONE IN OUR CARE, WE'RE ONE IN OUR FAMILY OF FAITH. *POSTLUDE Our sympathy goes out to the family of Glen Lantz, who passed away on May 4, 2014. We have received memorials in loving memory of Lester Hamann from Judy & Bud Bushaus, Dale & Madeline Hendricks, Dutch & Marilyn Huner, Bob Jackson, Terry & Gloria Buehler, Gary & Carla Daggett, Helen Smith, Melba Loos, Melba Deege, Helen Hardy, Charles & Sandra Polley, Bob & Linda Corbin, Virginia Salsman, Salem Evening Guild, and John & Marian Maxwell. We have received memorials in loving memory of John Salsman from John & Marian Maxwell and Dr. Floyd Marshall. In addition, we have received memorials in memory of Daniel and Hunter Disseler from John & Marian Maxwell and Dr. Floyd Marshall. Weed pullers needed. We have contracted our lawn care to an outside company, but this company is not doing weed control. Please let me know your interest in weeding the sidewalks and landscaped areas. Thanks, Kay Whitfield Volunteer Coordinator Daniel Alter’s Graduation Celebration Sat., June 7, 3-7pm in Salem Hall We will be honoring veterans on May 24th and 25th Please notify the church office if you know of anyone graduating soon. We will honor them on Sun. June 1st! Requests for Prayer Janet Adair Jayne Brown Sandra Cegas Denise Eastman Bob Giuliani Jean Hamann Anna Kammerer Jim Kosowski Cindy Lohmeyer John Maluta Valerie Ortbal Millie Predmore Randy Starman Jo Syrcle Roger Woods Craig Banks Robert Buss Gary Clapper Lonita Fox Steven Gragg Sharon Higgins Jeannie Kammerer Sharon Kramer Rich Lohmeyer Gary McEwen Linda Owens Antwone Starks John Swayzer Sam Wood Sally Zanger Hospital Visitors Sunday, May 18 Tuesday, May 20 Thursday, May 22 Sunday, May 25 Eleonore Fox Dottie Spilker Mary Pott No Visitor The Church at Work May 18 thru May 25 Sunday, May 18 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Resources 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Confirmation Class 10:30am Youth Choir Practice 1:00pm Leadership Training-Chris Cox Tuesday, May 20 8:00am Deadline for Newsletter 9:00am Staff Meeting Wednesday, May 21 8:30am Quilters 10:00am Adams County RSVP 6:30pm Evening Guild Saturday, May 24 11:30am Saturday Meals 4:30pm Saturday Worship Sunday, May 25 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Caring & Outreach 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Youth Choir Practice 11:30am Youth Fellowship Please submit changes to the church office! Please wear red in recognition of Pentecost on June 7th & 8th Please keep Rev. Parker Lewis, Pastor, Rev. Connie Leader, AP, Hope UCC, Moline, in your prayers this week in support of their work and ministry. There will be a change in the Communion schedule for June. Communion will be served on June 7th & 8th for Pentecost & Confirmation. Acolytes A reminder...we continue to collect the HyVee brand UPC labels. Each one is worth five cents and starts with the numbers 75450---. You can deposit the labels in the box across from the church office or give them to me. Thanks, Letha Althoff, The Label Counter Sunday, May 18 Jacob Terry Sunday, May 25 Olivia Gross Saturday Meals Saturday, May 24 Denise, Sharon & Jeannie Olivia Gross Salem Church is a Gun Free Zone! Saturday, May 31 Fuller & Ippensen Families Katie Husar Ushers Join us for Coffee Hour immediately following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall (located across the Interlink and downstairs). Coffee & donuts are provided. This is a great way to get to know others in our Salem family! From the Video Crew Welcome to Salem. We are glad you are here! We want you to know that each service is recorded and played on our website each week. If you do not wish to be seen on camera during the service please sit under the balcony or in the upper balcony. Sunday, May 18 Youth Sunday Sunday, May 25 Curt Drebes, Ralph Baxter, Chuck McMullen, Donna Colvin Nursery Volunteers Sunday, May 18 Denise Eastman Sunday, May 25 Sta ff of Sa lem Eva ngelica l United Church of Christ Members & Friends of Salem Rev. Ken Kramer Steve Disseler Kay Whitfield Dr. Phyllis Robertson Barbara Edwards Jeannie Kanauss Dolores Wemhoener Laura Kammerer Jann Lockman Jody Messmer Amy Mueller Salem Web Site Salem Facebook Link Ministers Interim Pastor Saturday Worship Leader Service Coordinator Adult Choir Director Youth Choir Director Bell Choir Director Pianist Organist Wedding Coordinator Secretary Custodian www.salemquincy.org facebook.com/salemquincy Salem Evangelical UCC 435 S. 9th Street Quincy, IL 62301 (217) 222-0601 Please sign the Ritual of Friendship pad in the pew & place it in the offering plate! We are excited to have a nursery available for your young ones! Newborn children to three year olds may attend the nursery. Older children are encouraged to take part in the Sunday children’s activities. If you need to locate the nursery, please ask any usher for assistance. Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ is an ‘Open and Affirming’ congregation. We believe that… MISSION STATEMENT “No m a t t e r w h o y ou a r e Or w h e r e y ou a r e on l ife ’s jou r n e y You a r e w e l c om e h e r e ” Called to share God’s grace and abundance with all. VISION STATEMENT Building character through Christian virtue.
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