ISSE Institute Training Activities


ISSE Institute Training Activities
“All objects in the world are liable to change, but ideals and sacred objectives
that are established in human hearts will shine forever. Eons may come and go,
continents may appear and disappear, people may pass away, but
Ideals and Values remain a perennial source of inspiration to the world.”
- Sathya Sai (24/03/1991)
ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
Semester 2013
During the 1st semester of 2013 (January to June) the following seminars have taken place:
1. February 1st-3rd, Las Palmas - SPAIN:
Standard Diploma Course follow up and Course 2 Assignments.
Trainers: Arjun Israni (ISSE SE), George Bebedelis (ISSE SE) & Petra von Kalinowski (ESSE).
The seminar was conducted at
the newly renovated Sai Centre of
Las Palmas. During the weekend
we had the opportunity to see
and hear presentations from the
2nd Module of the Standard
Diploma Course as well as
presentations of 3 projects for the
Standard Diploma Course. It was
very enriching and a mind
opening experience for all.
Sajini Daswani, EC Canary Islands
2. February 9th, Athens - GREECE:
Course 2 Assignments.
3. March 16th-17th, Belgrade - SERBIA:
Standard Diploma Course follow up for all Balkan countries.
Participants: approx. 35
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE), Marianne Meyer (ESSE) & Vassiliki Stephanides (ISSE SE).
The most important aim of this seminar was to encourage and uphold the candidates
for Standard Diploma to start working on their final projects.
The ISSE first diploma candidate, Verica Sekulic, presented her Diploma Project: The
Technique of Experiential Learning in SSEHV. In this work the comparison between
spiritual and scientific paradigms was presented, as well as some new research in
education that could support SSEHV. Ljubica Bakic also presented her and Giovanna` s
Diploma Project Communication Competences in Parenting, which was based on Pall
Dal’s book on parenting.
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ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
In this work a clear model of scientific research in the field was presented. Azra Jahic
had a very inspiring presentation of a EHV seminar held for 50 young people – Bosnian
students, which had been launched in October 2012 in Sarajevo and is still in progress.
This seminar was organized in cooperation with a German non-governmental
organization “Helfer ohne Grenzen” and the SSO of Serbia.
Biljana Kljajic, a sculptor had a presentation for her 1st Certificate The Value of Truth
and Art, which finished with small presents Biljana created for all of us – small
mandalas made of glued sand, taken from the banks of river Danube in Novi Sad.
Finally, George presented a Diploma Project from Spain, as a good model. We could
see how all phases of project had been realized, together with 11-points Plan of
Diploma Work. This Plan helps candidates to make a structure of their final work and
to post their hypothesis and it is available to all interested candidates.
In the meanwhile we had several meetings with the aim to consolidate our EHV groups
and trace our next steps. Since the development of ISSE and SSEHV program in our
countries, it is a lively process, with close contact and intensive communication among
participants and with our own educators. May Swami’s love and light guide us in our
further steps in realizing Human Values in our professional and personal lives.
Verica Sekulic, NEC of Serbia
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ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
4. March 23rd-24th, Mother Sai House - ITALY:
Course 2, Module 2.
Participants: approx. 60
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE) & Vassiliki Stephanides (ISSE SE).
The seminar took place in beautiful Mother Sai. In addition to the training that was
attended by about 60 people, two participants submitted their work for Course 1
Certificate, one for the Course 1 & 2 certificate and three for the Diploma Standard
Certification. All those who have submitted their work had the honour and pleasure to
receive the certificate directly from the Institute's Director Ljubica.
As always the quality level was very high, but above all, what matters most is that the
atmosphere was full of Love and sharing. Thanks to the wonderful presence of George
and Vassiliki from Greece, the excellence of content and humanity helped all of us to
invigorate the deep desire to live the simplicity of Human Values in our daily lives, as
unique, real main characters of this adventure.
Enriqo Gamba, NEC of Italy
5. April 6th-7th, Albacete - SPAIN:
Course 1–Module 3 and Course 2 Assignments.
Participants: 24 in C1-M3; 25 in C2 Assignments.
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE), Marianne Meyer (ESSE) & 5 senior facilitators of SSO Spain.
Both seminars took place simultaneously in the facilities of the “Ateneo Albacetense”,
and were organized in collaboration with the SSO in Spain. 8 students of Course 2
presented their assignments and were awarded their Certificates.
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ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
At the moment, according to the previous report, 14 trainees have been awarded their
Certificates of Course 2 so far, and others are willing to present next time. At the end of
the weekend, the date for the next two seminars: C1 Assignments (1st session) and C2
Assignments (3rd session) was agreed: the weekend of 26-27th October 2013. As always,
everyone left very inspired and it was an uplifting week-end.
Elena Rodríguez Clavo, ISSE SE Representative in Mainland - Spain
6. April 27th-30th, St. Petersburg - RUSSIA:
Standard Diploma Course, 1st part and Standard Diploma Projects.
(In collaboration with ESSE Institute)
7. May 8h-9th, Palma de Mallorca - SPAIN:
Course 1–Module 2.
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE) & Petra von Kalinowski (ESSE).
The program was organized in the kindergarten “Happy Faces”, in a relaxed,
comfortable and organized setting. The course from the point of fulfilling our main
objectives was a success. Our main objectives were to concentrate on the teaching
element of the Human Values course and how to implement this in a pre-school
setting such as Happy Faces.
Marianne placed a firm foundation by communicating effectively ‘The Pedagogy of the
Sathya Sai Education’ using some great stories that even now I can remember! This
foundation was then built on with the expertise of George, Petra and Raksha in the
presentations of ‘The Human Personality and Human Values’ and ‘Environment of a
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ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
culture of Love’. All these presentations had a practical aspect in the daily life of
‘Happy Faces’. The philosophy of ‘Educare’ was successfully reiterated and its
significance was communicated in a loving way.
On behalf of Happy Faces, we would like to thank all the Sathya Sai Education Team
and perhaps the best way that we can thank you all is by simply sharing this beautiful
information with our children, our friends and family.
James O’ Connor, “Happy Faces” Principal
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ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
Semester 2013
During the 2nd semester of 2013 (July to December) the following seminars have taken place:
1. October 12th-13th, Mother Sai House - ITALY:
Course 2 – Module 3, Standard Diploma Projects.
Participants: 42 (including 3 from Switzerland)
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE), Marianne Meyer (ESSE) & Vassiliki Stephanides (ISSE SE).
The seminar was organized by the ISSE SE with the cooperation of the SSO of Italy. The
week-end programme included presentations on subjects of C2M3, as well as three
presentations of Diploma projects and one presentation for Course 1 Certificate.
As always we had an experience full of love. This seminar was a great opportunity to
expand the knowledge of Educare, to have a more in-depth understanding of the
process of self-transformation, to see how to integrate the Core tenets of Sathya Sai
Education in the class, school, home and community.
During all the activities of the seminar the participants were very active in the
workshops realizing a good team work. During the week-end the ISSE SE educational
team had a good working meeting and it was decided to complete the Certification
process of all participants of Course 2 before going on with Course 3.
M.Fabiana Laruccia, Bologna - Italy
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ISSE SE Institute Training Activities Report 2013
2. October 26th-27th, Albacete - SPAIN:
Course 1 and Course 2 Assignments.
Participants: 20 in C1 Assignments; 22 in C2 Assignments.
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE), Vassiliki (ISSE SE) & 6 senior facilitators of SSO Spain (who
acted as tutors).
Two seminars took place simultaneously. There were 8 candidates in C1 and 6
candidates in C2 who presented their assignments. At the moment, so far, there are 33
Certificates of Course 1 (First Edition), 8 students of Course 1 (Second Edition) and 20
students of Course 2.
It has been a wonderful experience to see how the students and their tutors have
worked so lovingly and devotedly on their assignments. Once again we had had the
precious opportunity to receive so much inspiration from them, and then we realize
that everything that Sathya Sai tells us makes human excellence blossom and become
a fragrant flower in the garland of Sathya Sai Educare.
At the end of the two seminars, George and Vassiliki gave the Certificates to the
students and we took a photograph of the group.. Our next meeting is planned for
June 2014.
Elena Rodríguez Clavo, ISSE SE Representative in Mainland - Spain
3. November 2nd-3rd, Palma de Mallorca - SPAIN:
Course 1 – Module 2.
Participants: 28 (including 16 “Happy Faces” staff)
Trainers: George Bebedelis (ISSE SE), Marianne Meyer (ESSE), Petra von Kalinowski (ESSE) &
Vassiliki Stephanides (ISSE SE).
It was organized in a relaxed, comfortable and well organized setting with some great
food. The main objective of the course was to clarify how the Sathya Sai Education
Programme could be implemented in Happy Faces from a practical and realistic
The importance of group activities was very well explained by Petra von Kalinowski, the
value of drama through role play modeling was excellently described by Marianne
Meyer, followed by the importance of music and group singing, with George
Bebedelis. We enjoyed a light meditation guided by Raksha Mahtani and this activity
reminded us of the importance of looking within. The workshop on lesson plans by
Vassiliki Stephanides was a great way of tying up all the previous presentations.
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The teachers in Happy Faces are now working on making a bank of lesson plans that
we can access at any time and we plan periodic meetings to share our experiences.
Thanks to this seminar teachers have said that now they understand better the way,
and find it somehow easier to implement human values in our teaching environment
and educational program.
On behalf of Happy Faces, we would like to thank all the Sathya Sai Education Team
and we are thankful to be able to share this beautiful and very important programme
with our children, our friends and family.
Kathy Schutz, Principal and NEC Spain (Mainland)
Training Activities Report 2013 prepared by George Bebedelis
Referent, Team of Trainers ISSE-SE
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