Principal`s Message Mr. Zimmer Pjs for P.J., Friday, January 13
Principal`s Message Mr. Zimmer Pjs for P.J., Friday, January 13
B E R L I N I N T E R M E D I A T E AN ARTS IMMERSION SCHOOL JANUARY 2012 Principal’s Message PAGE 2… Dates to Remember Homework Hotline PAGE 3… Night of Soup & Art Notes FromPTA Pjs for P.J. PAGE 4… Counselor’s Corner PAGE 5… Physical Education PAGE 6… Menu Berlin Intermediate School 309 Franklin Avenue Berlin, Maryland 21811 (P)410.632.5320 (F)410.632.5329 Mr. Zimmer Welcome Back! It is hard to believe that it is January, 2012 already! I hope that you and your family had an enjoyable holiday break. With the arrival of January, there is always the possibility of inclement weather. When there is snow, please listen to all the local radio and TV stations for decisions in regards to late openings, early closings, and cancellations. Hopefully, you are on the school board's weather cancellation list, and your house will be notified if there is a change in schedule. If you have not submitted your phone number or there is a change of phone number, please contact us at school. You can also call the Board of Education hotline at (410) 632-5399 ext. 6600 to find out any change in schedule. Please remember to dress your child appropriately for the weather. Children without coats will not be able to go outside for recess. I continue to see children arrive without jackets and some are still wearing shorts! Continue to check our school w e b s i t e , for the most up to date information about BIS. A reminder that school will be closed on Monday, January 16th, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and also, students will only be in school for a half day on Thursday, January 26th, and are off again on January 27th for a teacher professional day. Please be sure to mark your calendars and know when the MSA testing takes place. Fourth and fifth grade students will be testing March 1215, and sixth grade students will be testing March 16-21. It is very important for our school that your child is present for the testing, so please try to plan all trips and doctor's appointments for other times. Together let's make 2012 the best year ever at Berlin Intermediate School! Pjs for P.J., Friday, January 13 PJ Aldridge Foundation Leading Research & Awareness for the Cure of Lung Cancer See story on page 3... PAGE 1 NOVEMBER 2011 January Dates to Remember Date Event Time Jan. 3 School Reopens Jan. 5 Tech Fest Entries Due to BIS Jan. 11 BIS Science Fair Jan. 13 School Dance Jan. 16 Schools Closed – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Jan. 18 Worcester County Science Fair Jan. 19 SIAC Meeting Jan. 20 Help Increase the Peace (HIP) Day Jan. 26 End of Second Marking Term Jan. 26 ½ Day for Students Jan. 27 Professional Day – Schools Closed for Students 5:30-8:00pm 6:00pm The mission of BIS for me Is to get an education that is challenging In a safe and caring environment Where there will be time well spent.. My teachers, my family and my community will help me become all I can be. I’m a life long learner who will never give in I will become a productive citizen! 2011-2012 BIS Testing Dates Listed below is the testing schedule for the year. Please make every effort to schedule doctor appointments around these dates if at all possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Test Date Participants GATES READING MSA READING AND MATH MSA READING AND MATH September 1 Grades 4, 5 March 12 , 13, 14, 15 Grades 4, 5 March 16, 19, 20, 21 Main Number 410-632-5399 Berlin Intermediate School Extension 6623 Worcester County School Extension 6629 Closing/Delays Extension 6600 4 Grade Terrapin Team Extension 6601 th Grade 6 th Extension 6603 th Extension 6602 5 Grade Sailfish Team April 23 – May 4 (specific dates to be determined later) Grade 5 CTBS (Reading/ Math) May 7, 8, 9, 10 Grades 4 & 6 GATES READING June 1 Grades 4, 5 MSA SCIENCE Homework Hotline & Inclement Weather Numbers 5 Grade Marlin Team th 6 Grade Dolphin Team Extension 6605 th Extension 6604 6 Grade Barracuda Team th 6 Grade Shark Team PAGE 2 Extension 6606 JANUARY 2012 Join Us for a Night of Soup & Art! NOTES FROM BIS P.T.A. February 28, 2012, 5pm-8pm We held our second teacher luncheon on Wednesday, December 14th. It was a huge success due to all of the parental support. We would like to thank everyone who made a special dish for all of the teachers to enjoy. A special thanks to Christine Brous, Kim Dang and Mary Myers for spending the day at BIS to assist with the luncheon. Applebee’s graciously donated two trays of pasta as well. Please thank Applebee’s for their continued support. Every student at BIS will be making two bowls. One will be donated to our cause, the other will be taken home ahead of time… With a student body of 700, we have already started preparing! Here’s how it works….A large selection of handmade soup bowls will be for sale. When you arrive at BIS, choose the bowls you want to purchase ($5 to $20, depending on size), and then fill with soup to enjoy alongside others. Local businesses will donate soup—we’ve already confirmed with DaNovo’s, Panera, The Globe, Waterman’s. Proceeds will be split: our clay and glaze supply will be replenished, and the other portion will be donated to a local charity (TBD). What a great way to utilize art for community-outreach, support the goals of our Arts Immersion Action Plan, and showcase our new kiln! Pjs for P.J., Friday, January 13 Students and staff are invited to wear pjs to school on Friday, January 13th, 2012 in order to raise money and support the P.J. Aldridge Foundation. Please donate to the P.J. Aldridge Foundation, creating awareness and donating dollars to lung cancer research by making a check payable to The P.J. Aldridge Foundation. Homeroom classes are encouraged to send in donations from Monday, January 9th through Friday, January 13th to their homeroom teacher. The homeroom with the largest donation will receive a pizza party. Don’t forget pjs for P.J. on Friday, January 13th 2012. PJ Aldridge Foundation Leading Research & Awareness for the Cure of Lung Cancer PAGE 3 We will be having our second dance of the year on January 13th. Flyers will go home on Friday, January 6th. Tickets will be $6 and will go home on Thursday and/or Friday afternoon. Forms and money will be due by Thursday, January 12th. Please encourage your child to attend the dance. We look forward to a fun evening. BIS PTA President: Becky Kalchthaler Vice President: Jenn Berkey Treasurer: Missy Grunewald NOVEMBER 2011 Counselor’s Corner th BIS Welcomes Interns th Mrs. Bankert 6 grade & Mr. Call 5 grade, 4th grade is shared by both counselors January 16th-20th “Peace Week" Monday, January 16th- Closed in observance of Dr. King's Birthday, an advocate and founder of the peace movement. Tuesday, January 17th- "Smile Mon"- Peace is a choice Day; everyone smiles in the same language. Wednesday, January 18th- Friendship Day- commit a random act of kindness to others. Thursday, January 19th- Walk in Peace With Each Other Day- take a stand and walk away from a violent situation. Be someone's lifeguard when they are being teased or bullied. Encourage students to help by not joining in and speaking out. Friday, January 20th- We are H.I.P. ( Helping to Increase the Peace) Day - We are challenging everyone to dress in your most peaceful representation of the 60's & 70's. School-wide HIP assembly will bring us all together in the afternoon! “IT’S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE” December Student of the Month Josh Mueller ( Mr. Lloyd's HR)- for having a BIS Positive Attitude and Respect For: At recess, Josh and a friend collided and fell down. Josh immediately jumped up and asked the other boy, "Are you alright man" and a offered a hand to help him up. Given by: Ms. Ingraham BIS & Beyond After School Program Session III will begin on Tuesday, January 17th and run until Thursday, March 1st. Confirmations will go out the week of January 9th. There will be no academy on Thursday, January 26th and Monday, February 20th. PAGE 4 Berlin Intermediate School is a Professional Development Site (PDS) for Salisbury University. As part of a PDS school, we are fortunate to have both Methods Students, who spend ½ - 1 day in the classroom and Student Interns, who are in the classroom full time for 8 weeks. We are currently saying goodbye to 5 student teachers, who have been with us since August. This wonderful group has left BIS with lots of new ideas and some legacy projects that will be quite useful in our classrooms. Some projects are: science aprons, physical activity integration projects, and a video introducing BIS for the SU website. We are going to miss this group but really look forward to receiving our new interns. In January, BIS will welcome the following Interns to our school: Brittany Thompson placed with Mrs. Clark in 6th grade Amanda Silvers will be placed with Mrs. Vit in 5th grade Brittany Gilroy will be with Mrs. McDowell in 5th grade Christy South will work with Mrs. Masters in 6th grade. JANUARY 2012 The Physical Education Department Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Sanzotti & Mr. Stout On November 22nd, we finished our Speedball Unit with a tournament as our culminating event. There were some very close games again this year that resulted in some sudden death outcomes. The Speedball Champions are: Dolphins/Sharks: (2B) Joy Anderson, Trent Chetelat, Charlie Coates, Marshall Gabell, MaKenzie Gaynor, Garrett Hanrahan, Jazlyn Henry, Grant Janek, Kyle Jarmon, Anamelina Juarez-Garfias, Bryce Kalchthaler, Jared Litten, Tristan McDonough, Ian Myers, Darius Price, Jacob Sample, Eli Saulsbury, Ja’Den Spence, Austin White. Barracudas: (4B) Kyle Adkins, Alberto Alamillo, Noah Alcantar, Olivia Barton, Ismael BonolaNavarrete, Gerrese Chisum, Shamir Church, David Garcia, Megan Hurley, Nolan Kilchenstein, Trevor Mavioglu, Sean Meadows, Julia Partridge, Autumn Pracko, Corey VanSice, Vincent Wooten. Marlins: (7A) Chasyn Beachley, Dakota Brown, Joseph Golden, Paul Haddad, Urriah Johnson, Kai McGovern, Daymont Mercer, Ryan Mooney, Richard Oates, Jonathan Petito, Ricky Ridenour Jr, Julie Ross, Nicholas Schmidt, Kyle Shelton, Wyatt Sperry, Ivy Stearn, Samantha Stephan, Ortega Vazqueztell, Brandon Wade, Daniel Zehnter. Sailfish: (5B) Jackson Bradford, Jagger Clapsadle, Joshua Farnan, Na’Jee Finney, Alex Gaddis, Erica Hicks, Jason Hudson, Eunice Huesca, Lindsey Hutchins, Johnathan Luu, Julia Miller, Slylar Moore, Alexandra Richwalski, Jonathan Santana, Sarah Stansbury, Rachel Timchula, Victor Vick, Francesca Wheeler, Zachary White, Danasia Wright. After School Academy Floor Hockey/Volleyball will begin on January 17th. Those students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 that are interested in participating need to see Ms. Sigafoos for the registration forms. Limited spaces are available. Health Tip Here are some facts about obesity: An estimated 9 million children over the age of 6 are obese. Rates of childhood obesity have doubled among children ages 2 to 5 over the past three decades and have tripled among children ages 6 to 11. 61 percent of Americans are overweight. Consuming an extra 100 calories daily for a year, without exercise, can lead to a gain of 10 pounds. Here are some things you can do that will not take much of your time: Make sure that you are selecting nutritious foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients: fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, etc. Use a pedometer to count your steps daily. 10,000 steps a day equals 5 miles and is recommended to stay healthy. Drink lots of water to replenish your body. PAGE 5 Worcester County Instructional Technology Coaches Website! Exciting educational links at the elementary, middle and high school levels for parents, students and teachers. site/worcestertechtalk/ Success Maker You can visit Pearson Digital Learning Success Maker at home by logging on to: /subscriber/1,24/ start.html This is a wonderful program offering worksheets, activities and games. Please take a few minutes to explore what they have to offer! PAGE 6 31Mini-Pancakes GILARDI Stuffed Crust Pizza Baked Ziti with roll Broccoli Cuts Chilled Fruit 30Cereal Shrimp Poppers w/Mac & Meatballs in Sauce w/roll Seasoned Corn Chilled Fruit Cheese Cheeseburger Broccoli Cuts Chilled Fruit EXTRA: Macaroni & Cheese Orange Chicken California Blend Veggies Mandarin Oranges EXTRA: Brown Rice 1 New Year’s Day 16 Martin Luther King Jr. BD 23 Chinese New Year 27 Professional Day Muffin School Baked Whole Wheat Roll Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce w/ roll Green Beans Chilled Fruit Piece 25Wheat Fortified Donut White Bean Chili w/Corn 18WG Pop Tart w/Cheese Por PIAZZA Pizza Pie Manager Choice Whole Baby Carrots Chilled Fruit 11Yogurt w/Cinn Grahams Popcorn Chicken w/roll Br. Mozzarella Sticks w/ Sauce Green Beans Apple Wedges Grill Cheese Sandwich Tomato Soup Chilled Applesauce 26French Toast Stix GIORGIO 5” Pepperoni Pizza Turkey/Beef Hot Dog Baked Beans Fresh Fruit 19Sausage Biscuit Baked Ziti w/Italian Bread Chicken Tenders w/roll Green Beans Spiced Apples Turnip Greens ROSATI Sour Apple Ice Sweet Baby Rays Sauce 12Mini-Pancakes BIG DADDY Pepperoni Pizza Beef Ribette Sandwich with 5French Toast Stix School Made Pizza Turkey/Beef Hot Dog Green Beans Fresh Fruit EXTRA: Rice Pilaf 4WGPop Tart W/Cheese Piece S/R Breadsticks w/Meat sauce Thursday Wednesday 24Pancake-on-Stick Oven Fried Chicken with 17Cereal BBQ Chicken Wings w/roll Fish Sandwich Tomato Soup Fruit Turnover EXTRA: Mac and Cheese 3Cereal GIORGIO 5” Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Nuggets w/roll Whipped Potatoes/ Gravy Chilled Peaches 10Mega-Muffin Teriyaki Chicken w/Br Rice Hamburger on Bun California Blend Veggies Corn Strawberry Cup Tuesday 23Cinnamon Toast Snacks Chicken Egg Roll w/Cheese SCHOOOLS CLOSED MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BIRTHDAY 16 Nachos with Taco Meat Whipped Potatoes/ Gravy Green Beans Chilled Fruit School Baked Whole Wheat Roll 9Oatmeal BeneFIT Bar Baked Chicken Quarter with SCHOOLS CLOSED WINTER BREAK 2 Monday SCHOOLS CLOSED PROFESSIONAL DAY 27 20Manager Choice Hot Turkey Sandwich Choice of Pizza Whipped Potatoes/ Gravy Broccoli Cuts Fresh Fruit 6Fresh Fruit w/Breakfast Bun Cheeseburger Chicken Sandwich Broccoli Cuts Oven Fries Chilled Fruit 13Bagel with Cream Cheese Cheese Sticks with Sauce Chicken Sandwich Scalloped Potatoes Broccoli Cuts Chilled Fruit Friday NOVEMBER 2011
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