siam 23 - Mapfre
siam 23 - Mapfre
E P S A CI L IS E U S A tribute his is a special issue of our international newsletter, which we have prepared following the death of Primitivo de Vega, until a few weeks ago Chairman of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. With this issue we want not only to pay him a well-deserved tribute, but also to look back on his professional career. T Three MAPFRE ASISTENCIA generations: Rafael Senén, Primitivo de Vega and Gerardo Hernández de Lugo. 8 May 1996. We hope this will serve for those who had the chance to know and work with him to remember him, and for those who knew him less well or worked less closely with him to get to know him. pag 4 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 We have tried to make space for each of his phases in MAPFRE: his beginnings moving around Spain, the imprint Asturias made on him, his Mexican experience and his more international business project. Our sincere thanks to all those who have collaborated by writing and sharing with us their memories of each of these phases: José Antonio Pardo, Antonio Pérez Alonso and José Luis Sánchez Báscones. Also, of course, thanks to Manuel Ocón and Gerardo Hernández de Lugo. Before continuing, I would like to thank José Manuel Martínez, Chairman of SISTEMA MAPFRE, for the words he devoted to Primitivo in his speech at the MAPFRE General Shareholders Meeting and which are reproduced in this issue of SIAM NEWS. And I want to do this for a number of reasons. Firstly because I know that he felt great friendship and affection for Primitivo. Secondly, because once again he shows his support and faith in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA which, in these moments, is of great significance to our organization. José Manuel Martínez has always supported MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, helping us in the hard times and congratulating us in the good times. Primitivo de Vega always recognized this and told us so when he had the chance. As for myself, I met Primitivo de Vega in Miami at the end of the winter of 1994 and I said goodbye to him in Madrid at the end of the winter of 2006. They were twelve years in which we shared many things, faced many situations, got to know many countries. But above all, they were twelve years of creating a corporate spirit. I was in my thirties and he was in his fifties, a good combination. Primitivo was the real architect of what this company is today. Throughout the pages of this issue you will have the chance to see how, with his strong personality, he swept everyone along with him and started to build a new MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, especially from 1996. Expansion and diversification, innovation in products, the elderly, tourism, technology. “With him time brought trust; trust brought affection and affection, friendship” These are expressions which he introduced to the company. With his strategic vision he made us part of a great project and, what is more important, made us believe in our own possibilities. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA finished year 1994 with revenues of 48 million euros, profits of 2.5 million euros, a presence in 14 countries and 404 members of staff. Primitivo de Vega has left us with revenues in 2005 of 475 million euros, profits of 14.3 million euros, a presence in 40 countries and 2,828 members of staff. But his professional achievements were only one of the aspects I had an opportunity to share with him. In the personal sphere, time brought trust; trust brought affection and affection, friendship. To him and to Pilar, who knows that both I and all Primi’s disciples are by her side. And we cannot forget the hundreds of friends he made everywhere he went. MAPFRE gave Primitivo the opportunity to travel all over the world, to savour different cultures, get to know far-flung places. He knew how to make the most of this opportunity. He made friends who today miss him from nearby America to far-off China, from green Ireland to dreamy Arabia. With Primitivo, the world became a smaller place for MAPFRE ASISTENCIA and with him we were able to go further afield. So, to propose and achieve greater challenges for our company will be the best tribute we can pay to his memory. Rafael Senén Managing Director and CEO of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 5 “We aimed to go very far” MAPFRE ASISTENCIA Executive Committee, 4 March 2004. t was January 1969 and it was very cold in Vitoria. Both Primitivo and I were finding it hard going. MAPFRE had sent me to this office after working in the Badajoz and Alicante offices. Primitivo, as Claims Manager of the North-Centre Subheadquarters, came from Pamplona two days a week to supervise claims management and train the manager. I To those who met Primitivo later, perhaps recently, I can tell them that his character as a young lawyer was the same as when he was Chairman of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA: always looking to the future, thinking big, motivating and, in his personal dealings, always stylish, gentlemanly and with a romantic and affectionate touch which always remained with him. These were times in which young people were almost entirely trained by spending time in different offices, taking on the tasks they were allocated in accordance with their skills. In this area, Primitivo could have been said to have a good road map: he joined in Madrid and spent time in this city’s offices and those of Valladolid and La Coruña before being sent to Pamplona. As a young lawyer, he had been allocated tasks within the legal area, although his interest was always more linked to sales organization, then socalled “production”. In those days, MAPFRE was taking off in all areas and this generated a great deal of work in the office, keeping us busy until late in the night in the offices at Manuel Iradier, 22, together with Alfredo Larrea and Jesús Alcalde. But our dislike of the cold, the fact that we were far from our families and had moved around within the organization was not all we had in common. We were both 25 years old, we wanted to do important things in our professional lives and, of course, we also wanted to go far. pag 6 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 They were times of extremely hard work, of making ourselves known and often defending not only the insurance business, still not well understood (for many, automobile insurance was their first insurance), but also a MAPFRE which was still taking shape, with the passion afforded by our faith in the fact that it was the best company (and it really was) and that we were the best (this should always be said by others, but we believed it to be so), and with the element of generosity associated with the MAPFRE spirit. “Always looking to the future, thinking big, always stylish and affectionate” The rapid development of practically all the activities of the office, both in insurance and in the financial business carried out by Juan Antonio Zárate (who also produced insurance policies), meant that Primitivo had to devote more time to Vitoria and so we decided to share a small apartment and reduce our expenses which, small though they were, were hard on our scant finances. When we did not have other matters to attend to, we stayed late in the office and then, after a usually frugal, traditional dinner (that is, lots of fried eggs) we would go for a drink in a café. I remember Ascot and La Coquette where, over drinks, we would talk about MAPFRE (of course!). These were times of strategy, of discussing, above all, those things which, over a drink, with great sense of humour and the right atmosphere, provided us with the relaxation we needed to face the next day. Our relationship continued along the same lines over 37 years, affectionate and motivating. However, there was an important difference between us: Primitivo had a Seat 600 car and I did not. I did not regret this, because the control over its use for work was so strict that he had to use a lot of time and imagination to justify weekly mileage and petrol consumption, balanced with work routes. It had a Huelva registration plate, which in those times in Vitoria made it rather notorious. Primitivo’s 600 gave us some great times and gave rise to some anecdotes from those times: I remember we were fined 500 pesetas by the Vitoria municipal police. So that it would not get back to MAPFRE, we offered to pay the fine on the spot, but the policeman only had receipts for five pesetas, so we got 100 receipts for five pesetas which we kept for some time as a memento. At the end of that year we were both sent to new postings. I went to Guadalajara, from there to open the Alcalá de Henares office, which I finally managed to do, and Primitivo to Andalusia (Cordoba and Jerez), from where he would shortly be posted to Asturias. There he developed his ideas and was highly successful. He met Piluca and his heart became once and for all Asturian. I can say that he was happy right up to the end. Our shared desire to continue seeing one another to talk of this and that has been unexpectedly and painfully frustrated, but Primitivo is now part of our life and will be with us always. Juan Antonio Pardo Ex-CEO of MAPFRE RE SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 7 From Cabo Vidío or most of my life at MAPFRE I have been connected to Primitivo and I still find it hard to change from the present tense, as if the person was gradually fading away, but has not completely gone. Most certainly, like all those who make history, he will never really be gone. F I met Primitivo in Alicante, where he spent his summer holidays and where I was at what I believed would be my first and last posting with MAPFRE. Someone told him there was an Asturian around and he sought me out. After giving me the third degree he asked me, “How about coming to Asturias?” That first August the idea did not attract me. The second time I was less sure and, at the end of 1980, I succumbed to his description of paradise. 23 February 1980. How can I forget that day! Mieres (Asturias), a grey, rainy, cold day. In short, a miserable day. I had never been in the coalfields. Primitivo, as always, turned the contrast with Alicante, from where I had just arrived, into something fantastic. The Caudal River was the Mississippi whose waters ran a little rough, Turón had a soft sandy beach 30 kilometres away and Numa Gilhou Street was Las Palmeras Avenue without its palm trees. And I believed it! “Ten years of relentless work. Selling and growing” In 1982 León became part of the Asturias Subheadquarters. We were starting to get big. One Day of America in Asturias, when Asturias commemorates its past greatness, I received a call with clear, concise orders: “Go immediately to Mr. De Vega’s office in Uría Street”. I thought the same as you would have: ‘what have I done?’ But it was not a bad offer – in the next paradise, León, it did not rain so much, almost not at all, sometimes it snowed, but not much, the cold was a legend from the Stone Age and my Cantabrian Sea was only 150 kilometres away. One day they would build a motorway so we would not have to cross the Pajares Pass and I only had to open 5, 10, 25, 50 offices. First in towns with over 5,000 inhabitants, then those with 2,000, until there were no more towns on the long list I had been given. I became so obsessed that when I went to Aragon, in every village we went through, however small it was, I would ask the director, “and do we have an office here?”. They were ten years of relentless work, sell, sell, sell, a chorus that ended with grow, grow, grow. Each year finished up with the negotiations for the next year’s budgets, a kind of chess game, white playing with enormous figures and winning, black playing with small figures and, as always, losing! Although to make you want to play again the next year he would say, “You’re a devil pixueto1, how you love a fight!” And I believed that too! View of Cabo Vidío. 1.- Note: A typical Asturian expression, roughly translating as “good old fellow”. pag 8 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 Then a break. He went to Mexico, Mexico lindo, in his words “an impressive country”. He came back for the summers, just like those colonials who made a fortune in the Americas, and made us all green with envy with tales of cities with millions of inhabitants and no office opened there yet. He told us wonders, half real, half fable, stories which caught our attention, hooked us. In 1994 he returned to MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. He had to win over the big wide world, to develop SIAM. He was in such a hurry to do things that he talked of things for the future, the future of dreams, of those with great dreams, dreams so great they never end. Long live those who have dreams and follow them in vain, as if life would never end! He was a man whose lifestyle was from the south, who always called olives by their southern name olivas instead of aceitunas, the aperitif was a ceremony with ice-cold beer and little prawns from Huerva1. He was determined to have an olive tree in his garden and that it should produce olives! Probably to prove that a southerner can lay down roots even here, in Asturias, without growing musty. He was an olive tree transplanted in paradise, where olive trees are rarely found. He was convincing when he greeted people with, “ye así paisano!”2, he almost sounded Asturian, all he needed was to support the Sporting de Gijón football team. “It is impossible to imagine the Asturias Subheadquarters without Primitivo or Primitivo without Asturias” Without his commercial strength, without his obsession for training, for youth, for teams, for his brochures, for opening offices, direct sales, rankings, for any commercial idea which meant selling a little more than the rest. He was from the warm south, with a strong family attachment to the north; he always missed a few more rays of sun. He needed to get the damp out of his bones. But he would return to his porch in Luanco, where it was forbidden to talk about work and MAPFRE. Don’t believe it. There, sheltered from the harsh winds of life and cold winds of the north, in an Ibizan-style house (always that contrast between north and south), we would feel a part of his family. It was a house always full of life and people, always happy, always kind, always making you feel at ease: -“It’s four in the morning, Piluca, we should go”. -“But why are you in such a rush? There’s no rush! There’s never any rush in this house”. Boss, this year we will go back to Cabo Vidío, to Artedo beach, I will show you another beautiful landscape, one of those you never saw, because you cannot open offices there, there are no people, only silence. With a little luck the sea will be a deep greyish blue with little white breakers, and we will remember that the grim reaper, who in Asturias they call la raya, is where he always was, even though we cannot see him. We shall make crazy suggestions which always end up in the same place. Our other halves, as you call them, will laugh teasingly at us, because we will continue to do the same things. And remember Primitivo, wherever you are now, for God’s sake, once and for all, stop opening offices! Antonio J. Pérez Alonso NORTHWESTE Territorial Managing Director 1.)Note: Huerva is the Andalusian form of pronouncing Huelva. 2.)Note: A typical Asturian greeting, roughly translating as “Hello there fellow countryman!” SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 9 F ew today can imagine that Primitivo de Vega, the driving force behind the most international MAPFRE company and its growing presence in the most remote parts of the planet, was known for being nervous about flying. As an example, at the acts in which MAPFRE gathered together the territorial organization in Madrid, those of us who came from Asturias and León, with Primitivo at the forefront, were famous for our convoy of cars, far from the noise of Barajas airport. This introduction on the subject of air travel will help you to understand better how we all felt when we found out, in 1990, that the Asturias Subheadquarters had been twinned with the recently acquired Company Seguros Tepeyac in Mexico, which had been assigned to us as part of the strategy of introducing the new companies in America to SISTEMA MAPFRE, in a warm, efficient manner. In Guanajuato, 1993. With Pedro Pacheco, Director of the MAPFRE TEPEYAC Life Insurance Unit and José Luis Sánchez Báscones. And so he set us out on a new phase which, in many ways, is still alive. The main features were dynamism, renovation and modernization of the areas most related to the commercial structures of marketing and services for salespersons and clients. Mexico: the first step forward on Primitivo’s international adventure This twinning had two immediate effects: all of us in Asturias talked about Mexico and we started to receive visits from Seguros Tepeyac directors. As it is extremely difficult, in such a short space, to summarize the projects launched during these years, I would just like to briefly outline some of these. By then Primitivo’s dedication and that of all his closest collaborators from Oviedo was intense: maps of Mexico in offices, sales reports on desks, market data, brochures with the Seguros Tepeyac products, etc., blended naturally into our daily work. The headquarters of the company Seguros Tepeyac, in Mexico called the casa matriz, occupied a building located in the centre of the federal district, an area which went down hill greatly after the great earthquake of 1985, becoming one of the most dangerous and uninhabitable areas of Mexico City. But he wanted more. He already had two directors in the country, Ramón Antón, controlling and auditing the finances and yours truly in the commercial organization. And then in 92, a year of universal exhibitions, and with Piluca and the three young children, he turned up in Mexico, at Tepeyac. The Managing Director at the time, José Luis Llamosas, was appointed Chairman of the company and De Vega took over his previous position. pag 10 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 As Managing Director of Seguros Tepeyac, Primitivo encouraged an active search for a new headquarters for the company in a building which, thanks to its size, design and location, lived up to the image which MAPFRE should offer the market, while also offering its employees a safer and more comfortable workplace. After visiting many buildings, an ultra-modern building was purchased in the Interlomas area, which is currently the registered offices of MAPFRE TEPEYAC. I should also highlight the project for updating the company’s corporate image, incorporating, not without great internal discussion, the MAPFRE clover leaf into the company’s logo and its development from its classic sepia and black to the reds of our group worldwide. During his leadership, Tepeyac consolidated its position as the leading and healthiest company of the socalled medium companies on the market thanks, amongst others, to a number of initiatives introduced by him and which today, suitably developed, have been adapted in other companies. In 1992, both the employees (who in Mexico are called clerks) and the insurance agents, were paid their salaries and commissions in cash every fortnight. Primitivo then proposed the task of direct debit payment of the receipts (something unknown to the banks themselves in this country at the time) and payment of salaries and commissions by bank transfer. A detail which gives us an idea of how difficult this task was is that at that time in Mexico neither the telephone, or electricity or credit cards were paid through a bank current account, but had to be paid personally at the respective offices. Finally, De Vega conveyed to the organization the objective of giving a strong boost to opening new branches throughout the country, rapidly reaching the first 100 sales points. At the same time, and in order to directly receive the incidents that this expansion might produce for Tepeyac clients and agents, the service called the Green Telephone was created. All complaints, suggestions and claims received through this service were reported directly to the General Management, without passing through any filter, with the commitment to provide a full response within 24 or 48 hours to all those received. When De Vega returned to Spain to take over as Chairman of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, the Green Telephone service was one of the first of many innovations he introduced in his phase as the company’s top executive. New York, 1991, De Vega with José Luis Sánchez Báscones and Ramón Antón López, Director of Organization and Control, MAPFRE TEPEYAC On behalf of all the team that Primitivo de Vega led in those times, I take this opportunity to corroborate that many of the reforms undertaken then are still in use today and form part of the company’s present development, and that his memory and example of enthusiasm left a deep impression on the organization. José Luis Sánchez Báscones CEO of MAPFRE QUAVITAE SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 11 A MAPFRE man In 1986, MAPFRE decided to include a new activity in its offer of services, travel assistance, which I was in charge of creating and setting up. Here too, many years before he was appointed Executive Chairman of the company, perhaps as a premonition, he was a leading pioneer in the introduction of this new activity. I remember as simple anecdotes that, enthusiastic about this new service, his regional directorate for Asturias placed the first MAPFRE ASISTENCIA sign on a tow truck, not an easy task in those early times, and it was there too that the first providers convention was held. 11th MAPFRE ASISTENCIA-SIAM Convention. Tunisia, March 2004. ow hard it is for me in these times to think clearly and unravel memories of this old friend and colleague who has left us so suddenly and unexpectedly. H I met Primitivo de Vega many, perhaps thirty-five, years ago when in the “Café Gijón” in Madrid, Mr. Ignacio Larramendi introduced him to me as the next Regional Director for Asturias. Since then, in the different positions I have held in my long professional life with MAPFRE, I had many opportunities to see for myself the efficiency and enthusiasm Primitivo put into every initiative introduced by MAPFRE, even when these did not form part of his direct insurance responsibility. In this way he facilitated the work of those of his colleagues responsible for developing them. This was a continual element throughout his life which he also passed on into the personal sphere, if necessary. pag 12 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 Later, in his Mexican adventures, his faith in the assistance project and the belief that it should be introduced on the continent, served to ease the way for its future development. In time, our corporate postings would bring us together on the same ship, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, under his captaincy as President. The well considered and decided decision to boost the international introduction of the company which had already commenced required that we should “see the world”, markets and business possibilities. We faced many, long trips across half the world. We only differed on one matter: I liked to be the first to board the plane and he liked to be last and, if there was a bit of last-minute excitement, so much the better. This time, he is the first to leave. He has left me on the ground with deep sadness for a friend who has gone and with a flood of memories which I still do not know how to take in. Farewell, Primitivo! Gerardo Hernández de Lugo Ex-Managing Director of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA His great project: MAPFRE ASISTENCIA M odesty apart, I like to think that I know people pretty well and sometimes what lies inside surpasses the exterior image. Primitivo de Vega was a great professional, especially commercially, but he was human and passed that humanity on to others. It was easy to talk to him and this virtue, which not all of us cultivate, made him reach the people around him. He has made great professional teams, but he has also made friends. In 1984, when I joined MAPFRE to merge together all the finance companies and develop the MAPFRE FINANZAS project, I met Primitivo de Vega, who suggested we held our first convention in Oviedo. Many of us arrived who had worked independently from one another, but by the time we left Asturias we were a cohesive, excited team. And our wives were friends. Primitivo and Piluca played an extremely important role in furthering this climate created in the free time at meetings. He was enthusiastic about new projects. As a great commercial professional he paid attention to innovations and saw how a project would favour MAPFRE and how to develop it in his Asturias Subheadquarters. When in 1986-1987 MAPFRE ASISTENCIA was set up to assist our vehicle-owning insureds, the Company’s Managing Director, Hernández de Lugo, organized a providers meeting at each subheadquarter. The tow-truckers came to these meetings with their wives and with their spectacular tow trucks bearing the MAPFRE sign. The Asturias meeting was a great success in which Primitivo participated actively. Who could then have told him that he would be the great transformer of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, turning it into this model multinational company, with 38 companies with the same MAPFRE style in different countries. I heard him at the first meetings with us, shortly before my retirement, talk of a “multi-product, multi-service company”. This was in 1994. Today that idea is a reality and it is his creation. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA conventions have always been with wives. We all know that behind every great man there must be a great woman. This was instilled by Mr. Larramendi and it is the style of each MAPFRE company. In Mexico, 1986. Primitivo developed this idea, with Piluca’s help, aware of the fact that in the various countries the companies are small and need guidelines, control and affection. It is wonderful to attend a convention and witness the friendship that exists between one and all. In 1994 I reached retirement age and Primitivo de Vega took over as head of the company. I enjoyed a further five years as Chairman of the Board, following his projects and successes. In addition to his human aspect, which I mentioned previously, he was an experienced professional trained in Spain and America. A number of acts were held when I finally left the Board at the end of 1999, but the farewell from the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA Board and top management was an act especially prepared by Primitivo de Vega. It was the man who did so, and at the event I found that he had invited three of my children. Can there be anything as wonderful as the company of one’s children on such an emotional day? Doubtless he would have gone further and asked, “Can there be a greater lesson for children than to see their father on such a day?” You, the men and women of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, have lost a great Chairman. You were his team and nobody could touch you. He gave you freedom in your work and demanded responsibility from you. I have lost a great friend who I never want to forget. Manolo Ocón Ex-Chairman of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 13 I n September 1994 after a long professional career with MAPFRE, most of which had been spent as Director of the Asturias Subheadquarters, Primitivo de Vega joined MAPFRE ASISTENCIA as CEO. His last posting for three years with MAPFRE TEPEYAC, Mexico, had provided him with the international vision that would be of such help to him in this new phase in Madrid. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA had been set up in 1986 as a department of MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD, but it came of age in 1990 when it became an insurance, represented an about-turn with regards to demands at all levels. His experience, effort, dedication and, above all, his vision as an insurance manager soon had an effect on the various departments of the com- 1994-2006, OUTSTANDING MANAGEMENT reinsurance and services company with an international vocation spearheading SISTEMA MAPFRE’s introduction to new markets. During the first eight years, the company had commenced a process of internationalization which had enabled it to be introduced in 11 countries. In the following 12 years, under Primitivo de Vega’s leadership, the company would come to achieve a presence in 40 countries and to carry out business in 70, which gives an idea of the impulse he provided for this area. He developed three main lines of management in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA: the international drive which has made the company one of the three most important assistance multinationals; the creation of teams, both in central services and in the business units of each country, to manage this growth; and diversification, both in assistance products and other business lines. The arrival of the new CEO to the company pag 16 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 pany, although the spirit of assistance was always maintained at the core of the company. “Management means paying attention to each of the various aspects that constitute the good corporate government. A manager must control every detail: sales, costs, accounting, IT, public relations, products, legal and fiscal aspects, human resources, etc. And management is the art of directing. And directing is making things happen, making companies work in the search to attain the objectives established”. (VIII SIAM Congress, February 2000). However, in his long-term vision De Vega considered it essential to introduce the methods of an insurance company, with which he was so familiar, into MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. This is how the activity of a number of departments which had not previously existed commenced: the Technical, Customer Service and Agent Services departments. In this way, Primitivo de Vega laid the foundations for the new path which MAPFRE ASISTENCIA would take in later years. “My mission is organizational and strategy-making. But the merit for the results is yours only”, he stated in an editorial of the magazine SIAM NEWS, in 1997. Official presentation of Primitivo de Vega to the company’s management team by José Manuel Martínez. 2nd MAPFRE ASISTENCIA-SIAM Convention, Miami, May 1994. In those first years MAPFRE ASISTENCIA maintained the working philosophy of a young company which its owners at the time (MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD and CORPORACIÓN MAPFRE) required should lead an assistance project which would be the model for the organization. For this reason, the greatest drive was for the International Development Department, run by Rafael Senén, who was the main support in all the plans which Primitivo de Vega developed in the following years together with Gerardo Hernández de Lugo. “We must be open to other activities in order to take greater advantage of the technical and human resources available to us” (ITIC Conference, Barcelona, 1999) At first analysis it seemed clear that MAPFRE ASISTENCIA was dependent upon a few important contracts and that a particular feature was that as a mono-product company (Roadside Assistance) it was particularly vulnerable. The objective for the first years was therefore welldefined: to become a multi-product company geared towards providing its shareholders with, in addition to a good image in foreign markets, financial results in keeping with the type of company which MAPFRE ASISTENCIA was going to become in the coming years. With these ideas passed on to the company’s top management (Gerardo Hernández de Lugo and Rafael Senén) at the beginning of 1995 IBERO ASSISTÊNCIA Portugal began to market Home Assistance, with similar features to those offered by SEGUROS GENERALES in Spain, becoming a pioneer on the path which all the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA companies would take. Gradually the portfolio of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA products became consolidated and, in addition to automobile and home product lines, other programmes soon followed for banks and insurance companies. Both these, and the rest of the products and services which the company would add in the future, were also identified by the high quality of service which was stamped on them. “We must take into account”, De Vega always pointed out, “that we are not only seeking leadership in business volume, but also in quality of services. We aim to be the best and, only if it is appropriate and possible, the biggest”. “Travel insurance covers are no longer considered to be complimentary to other insurance policies. They have their own personality and life and are successfully marketed as independent products” (ITIC Conference,, 1999) In this same year 1995, and as part of the diversification undertaken by the company, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA launched Travel Insurance for private individuals in Spain. In spite of the fact that other assistance companies offered travel products, these programmes had not been strategic until his arrival. Conference at Seguros Tepeyac. Mexico, 1993. SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 17 Thanks to his knowledge of MAPFRE’s commercial networks and his personal involvement in the marketing and commercial areas, within a very short period of time a Commercial department was set up in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA which gave priority to the development of travel insurance. Under the management of the previous Managing Director, Gerardo Hernández de Lugo, who also had a good understanding of the Sistema’s internal organization in Spain, the figure of the commercial adviser specializing in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA programmes began to be introduced to the subheadquarters. This was the first time that the MAPFRE Network had a MAPFRE ASISTENCIA product for individual sale and with the same features as those offered by the products of other operative units. The CEO’s Mexican experience also played a role in this project with the creation of the Green Telephone. By means of a phone call, the people attending the call were in charge of giving the agent a quote as well as issuing the travel policy over the phone and immediately sending it. This experience was a pioneer in MAPFRE with regards to issuing policies, which until then had been carried out via traditional channels. Official Inauguration of URUGUAY ASISTENCIA, 25 July 1996. At the close of 1995, Asistencia’s progress was unstoppable in the international area (with 50 percent more companies) and it had new business lines. Internally, the company had taken advantage of this time to extend and improve its teams with the addition of Alfredo Muñoz as Financial Director, Félix Mansilla, Legal Director, and José Manuel Martínez Iglesias, International Commercial Director, and was ready to make that dream which De Vega often spoke of come true: to make MAPFRE ASISTENCIA the leading MAPFRE company in the insurance sector at world level. “The gradual ageing of the population and the growing needs for security and comfort imposed by modern life have encouraged MAPFRE ASISTENCIA to introduce a new activity: Teleassistance.” (1995) Inauguration of CARIBE ASISTENCIA, 1995. One of Primitivo de Vega’s first acts after joining MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. Gradually, the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA commercial agents arrived at the subheadquarters and became a part of their commercial dynamic. In this way, as well as the international area, the internal market was also considered to be strategic and priority area. Meanwhile, the opening of new markets and the introduction of the company into these markets speeded up. Between 1994 and 1995 six new companies were opened in Bahrain, Greece, France, Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. De Vega, Hernández de Lugo and Senén made an increasing number of trips to new countries with a view to achieving a rapid development of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. pag 18 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 Thanks to the new strategic focus introduced by De Vega and adopted by all members of staff, the move from the MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD contract to becoming an internal department of this company, in the middle of 1996, did not put a stop to MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s progress. At De Vega’s request, Martínez Iglesias travelled to the United States to get to know the workings of a product called Teleassistance which De Vega insisted, “fits perfectly into our assistance philosophy”. It is with this product and in the same year, 1996, that De Vega’s clear vision can be said to have been born regarding a niche of the population: that of the elderly and dependent people who, in the following years, have become an important client for the SISTEMA MAPFRE. 1997 to 1999 were hectic years as, if 1996 closed with 15 companies, in the three following years 15 more were opened, enabling the size of SIAM (SISTEMA INTERNACIONAL DE ASISTENCIA MAPFRE) to increase: Germany, Guatemala, Panama, the Philippines, Russia, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Belgium, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Bolivia and Paraguay. This gives a clear idea of the pace of work which De Vega imprinted on and demanded from his managers. Hernández de Lugo’s brown suitcase became famous in all Latin American countries. New names were added to the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA team in these years: Begoña González, as Director of Information Systems and José Luis Gurtubay, as Director of Internal Auditing. The opening of the Central American markets fulfilled an objective outlined in a number of De Vega’s public interventions, that MAPFRE ASISTENCIA should have an operations base in every Latin American country, so that some of these could serve as “an advance party for the SISTEMA MAPFRE itself in these markets.” This was the case in Peru, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Venezuela. All these efforts were fully rewarded when, on 21 January 1999, the SISTEMA MAPFRE “in acknowledgement of the significant work carried out by MAPFRE ASISTENCIA”, made the company an Operative Unit within the Sistema. With this acknowledgement the company came of age within the Sistema and reinforced its commitment to becoming a multinational within its sector. Tribute to Manuel Ocón at the 6th MAPFRE Conference. “This configuration of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA as one of the Sistema’s main companies represents for all of us a significant acknowledgement, not only of the great progress MAPFRE has made in recent years, but also of the management and work of all of us”, stated Primitivo de Vega when he announced this news at the Board Meeting of March 1999. At the 7th SIAM congress he addressed the members of staff with the following message: “I want you to see this distinction which the Sistema has bestowed on us as exclusively your merit”. In 1999 a new opportunity opened up in the management team’s vision of diversification. Club VIDA, the travel agency created in the heart of the Life Unit, had not managed to take off and in this small travel company De Vega saw a long-term project. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA purchased the majority holding in the company and changed its name to VIAJES MAPFRE, aiming from the chairmanship to instil the principles already introduced in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. Inauguration of COSTA RICA ASISTENCIA, on 27 November 1999. (From left to right. Primitivo de Vega, Victor Ibañez-Martínez, Ambassador of Spain in the country, Gerardo Hernandez de Lugo, and Jeannette Orúe, ex-Manager of the SIAM company). In just four years, De Vega and his team (which José Luis Sánchez Báscones had recently joined as Managing Director of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA Spain) had fulfilled a dream which in 1994 had been almost unimaginable. The good results achieved by the company after the change in strategy, despite some internal difficulty, had confirmed that the Unit was on the right track and could continue to travel in the same direction. SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 19 “The consolidation and growth of VIAJES MAPFRE forms part of our main objectives for the next years… I am sure that within a few years it will hold a privileged place amongst travel companies” (1999) VIAJES MAPFRE, a dream come true The Spanish tourism sector has lost one of its most dynamic figures. Primitivo de Vega was an administrator with vision and an outlook to the future who, knowing how to surround himself by a management team familiar with the national and international tourism sector, and a first-class strategic partner, the Serhs Group, turned a small company, Club Vida, into his dream: a profitable Tourism division which today is composed of a wholesale and retail agency (VIAJES MAPFRE), the online portal and the tour operator Meliatour. A reflexive and observant man, De Vega glimpsed in the tourist industry a great opportunity to make the diversification of the assistance business which he longed for a reality. So, in 1999 the Unit acquired Club Vida and began its entry into the vibrant tourist sector. From that day this was one of his favourite projects, to which he devoted tremendous effort and his personal involvement in the management. With the change of name from Club Vida to VIAJES MAPFRE, the company became totally linked to the SISTEMA MAPFRE. For his new company De Vega wanted to enjoy the support of the brand, not only because of its national and international renown, but also because he wanted to make VIAJES MAPFRE a company with the same features: responsibility, soundness and an excellent quality of service. In his years as chairman of VIAJES MAPFRE, the company went from 15 to over 60 offices throughout Spain and, since last year, also in Latin America with offices in Brazil, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Chile and Argentina. It extended its business lines and today VIAJES MAPFRE specializes in Congresses, Conventions and Incentives (CC&I), Corporate, Holiday and Receptive Travel. It also saw its excellent service recognized with the awarding, in 2003, of the Q for Quality in Tourism from the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality. As an example, it can be mentioned that in 1999 MAPFRE ASISTENCIA closed the year with revenues of around 157.90 million euros, which represented a growth of 400 percent since the new Chairman joined the company. At the end of 1999, the US rating agency AM Best awarded MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, for the first time in pag 20 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 Members of the VIAJES MAPFRE Board of Directors. Aware of the fact that the company’s growth was based on alliances with excellent partners and the most suitable acquisitions, in 2002, after a detailed analysis of the Spanish market, VIAJES MAPFRE acquired the retail business Viajes Tívoli, the agency with the greatest presence in Aragon, and a 20 percent stake in Rhodasol-Turimar, the leading Spanish tour operator. Then came other acquisitions such as Sol Meliá’s tour operator Meliatour. With the illusion and, at the same time, the demands that De Vega instilled in his team, in 2004 the company began working to set up and launch, just one year later, This was the Chairman’s last great project with the travel agency, which thus started out in the Network. Primitivo de Vega managed to earn the respect of his competitors and colleagues within the sector thanks to dialogue, his knowledge of the market and his negotiating skills. But he was also able to instil the human team who formed part of the VIAJES MAPFRE project with his illusion. His capacity to foresee the future, his perseverance, enthusiasm and direct involvement were the keys to making this long-distance runner’s dream come true. its history, the A (excellent) rating for its financial strength, quality management, strong capitalization and global presence. This was possibly one of the best years for MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, since the company had achieved the results established in its strategic plan as well as national and international renown. “The regional directorates are an instrument for development, training, help and control. They must generate a great commercial drive which will improve sales and make our companies grow” (2000) Within this new context, the challenges which the company had to face were, mainly, to grow in size and for the growth to go hand in hand with results in a strong currency, since, although in the American markets the results locally were extremely positive, their value when they were consolidated in Spain was highly depleted. For this reason, in 2000 procedures were undertaken with a view to enhancing MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s position in the United States and Europe. expenses”. Whilst the quantitative objectives of this were important, undoubtedly of greater importance was the idea of always being alert to an objective which was engraved on the minds of all the company’s executives, as “reduction of costs is the best tool for competing”, as De Vega pointed out in many of his interventions. Once the objective of introducing the company in Latin America had been achieved, the next two years were devoted mainly to consolidating the positions on these markets and to seeking business opportunities which would enable the company to gain volume. Companies were also opened in Canada and Hungary and projects in Poland and Italy were studied. In spite of having achieved a diversification of business lines for MAPFRE ASISTENCIA and having included VIAJES MAPFRE as a division of the company, De Vega did not cease to promote new opportunities outside the company’s usual activities. “The addition of new companies is a reflection of the dynamism and soundness of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, which sets out on a path of greater growth and consolidation to add greater weight to the development of the SISTEMA MAPFRE” (SIAM NEWS, 2003) Visit to the CARIBE BÁVARO Medical Centre, October 2003. From left to right José Manuel Martínez, Cecilia Méndez, Francisco Ruiz Risueño, Primitivo de Vega and Matías Salva. At the same time, the volume of companies within MAPFRE ASISTENCIA had now reached a figure of 34 and their management by Rafael Senén from central services in Madrid was increasingly complex. It is within this context that five regional directorates were created based in the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Madrid. This decision was the beginning of a decentralized management which would continue from then on. So, in 2004, the Regional Directorate for Asia, the Middle East and Africa was added. Today, those regional directors (Nikos Antimissaris, Sergio Rivera and Daniel GarcíaVega) are a main part of the Units’ management team. Right from the start, the Assistance Unit had stood out for having created a conglomeration of local companies from scratch. While this had enabled the company to grow in an orderly manner, De Vega thought that the volume achieved was not sufficient and that other means for achieving the objectives established in the strategic plan should be sought. In his opinion, these objectives could only be covered by means of the acquisition of companies which would provide A permanent reminder at any start of the year with Primitivo de Vega was to transmit the concern, at all levels, for internal costs and the quarterly plans to improve these. No-one can forget the memorandums asking all the company’s teams for a “quarter with no With Ramón Bago, Chairman of the Serhs tourism group. SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 21 “Our challenge is to grow, continuously, in products and services for all the companies” (Conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998) business volume in markets with a strong currency or strategic business for all the SIAM companies. To find companies which met these requirements was, from that point, an enormous task, requiring many sacrifices at the start. Rafael Senén was the main administrator of this policy and his personal effort, as well as that of a small group of collaborators, achieved the objective established by the Executive Chairman. After analyzing some operations which it did not prove possible to carry out, the management team finally decided on the auto club ROAD AMERICA, a company which met the requirements of volume and strategic location. Situated in the United States, the acquisition of this company marked a before and after in the Assistance Unit’s recent history and therefore requires a separate chapter. However, it should be mentioned that this strategy which De Vega defined for the Unit has, in the company’s last three years, become essential for ROAD AMERICA, the start of a new era The acquisition of ROAD AMERICA at the beginning of 2003 was one of Primitivo de Vega’s greatest professional satisfactions at MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, and also one of his most resounding successes, because it fulfilled old desires, both of the company itself and of the SISTEMA MAPFRE, while also achieving a number of objectives simultaneously. De Vega had already explained on many occasions how important it was that MAPFRE ASISTENCIA should maintain high rates of growth in revenues and reach a size that would give greater stability to the achieving the size expected as well as fundamental for the company’s profit and loss statement. In 2003 the US auto club opened up the way for another series of acquisitions (NUOVI SERVIZI AUTO (NSA) in Italy, en 2004, and the British company ABRAXAS, in 2005) in which more consideration was given to the strategic factor than to merely financial aspects. In these four years the results of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA had also increased considerably, going from 157 million euros at the close of 1999 to 260 million euros in 2003. If the year 2003 was marked by the purchase of ROAD AMERICA, 2004 increased the company’s sphere of performance even further with the creation of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA ORO and the acquisition of the Italian company NUOVI SERVIZI AUTO, which business and to the company itself. He also defended the need to increase the Unit’s presence and operations in countries with strong currencies such as the United States or the European Union. Under Rafael Senén’s leadership, a small group of executives set to work to find these companies. With the acquisition of ROAD AMERICA, originally called “Cadillac Project”, the Assistance Unit commenced a new strategy of growth and expansion of the company through the purchase of companies and businesses which, today, are still one of the main lines of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s development. This was an operation of over 18 million dollars in the world’s leading power, the United States. A country whose enormous size, idiosyncrasy, corporate culture and financial and business strength make it particularly complex for foreign companies. ROAD AMERICA also represented one of the greatest corporate challenges for the Unit, which from the start enjoyed the support of the Sistema’s Chairman and top management who placed their faith in Primitivo de Vega and his management team. 15 January 2003, Dennis Fantis and Albert Hutchinson, Managing Director and founder of ROAD AMERICA, respectively, with Primitivo de Vega and Rafael Senén. pag 22 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 The purchase of ROAD AMERICA also gave MAPFRE ASISTENCIA an extensive provider network in the 52 states, enabling it to offer services throughout the country, coast to coast. All this gave that the project great strategic value, making it especially attractive. MAPFRE QUAVITAE, a commitment to the elderly After a number of years of research and analysis, in 2003 one of the SISTEMA MAPFRE’s great challenges became a reality. This was setting up a MAPFRE company specializing in the management of resources and provision of socio-sanitary services for the elderly and dependent persons, called MAPFRE ASISTENCIA ORO. Aware of the importance this segment of the population would have in coming years for modern society and therefore for the SISTEMA MAPFRE, Primitivo de Vega involved himself totally in setting up this project, which in July 2003 saw the light after the foundations had been laid in 1996, with the marketing of Teleassistance and, in 1999, with the acquisition of 10% of the Spanish company Quavitae, a specialist in this business. participated first hand in all the management aspects, from designing the sales teams to planning the new residences. And he did all this with the enthusiasm of one who knows that the project underway will reap great success and joy for MAPFRE. “It is my wish”, he said at the company’s last Board Meeting, that we should work “with a clear will to improve, to grow and to become the reference company for the elderly in Spain”. That business adventure commenced by Primitivo de Vega is today a leading company in its business sector. It has over 4,400 places distributed, amongst other, in 20 residences and 25 day centres, and focuses, above all, on providing the best quality and most caring attention for the elderly. As Chairman of the new company, which started out with a capital of 17 million euros, Primitivo de Vega would provide the basis for the development of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA within the sphere of Pecuniary Loss Insurance, also providing the SISTEMA MAPFRE with a commercial network of over 2,000 sales points throughout Europe. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA ORO was a project matured over a long period of time by De Vega since the launch of Teleassistance in 1996. The entry into the sector of residential centres and the home assistance service, created the third of the strategic divisions upon which MAPFRE ASISTENCIA would consolidate in the following years: Assistance, Travel and The Elderly. From this point, Asistencia would have a line of products which would enable it to develop B2C with the best margins and not depend exclusively on B2B contracts, in which the loss of one contract could affect a year’s results. The acquisition of NSA was considerably more simple than that of ROAD AMERICA, and an anecdote of this operation was the photo of the signing of the agreement in which electronic retouching enabled all the signatories to appear wearing a tie, in spite of the fact that one of them had not been wearing one. “This project (ROAD CHINA ASSISTANCE) is set to be one of the most important within SIAM’s strategy of growth and expansion” (XII SIAM Convention, 2005) For many years, Primitivo de Vega had informed on the possibilities which the Chinese market would offer in the medium and short term, as this economy represents 13% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product. (continued on page 25) SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 23 Agreement with the tourism company China International Travel Services, in April 2004. Setting up the SISTEMA MAPFRE in China Primitivo de Vega was always well aware of how highly the SISTEMA MAPFRE valued the Assistance Unit’s role as a spearhead for MAPFRE’s international introduction. He also always stated his great pride in the fact that MAPFRE ASISTENCIA was able to face the challenge of globalization, and that it had the resources and, above all, the enthusiasm, drive and flexibility required to face business projects anywhere in the world. When China joined the World Trade Organization in October 2001 this marked a turning point, opening up the country to foreign investment, which was a call to large business groups from many countries. In 2002 and 2003 Primitivo de Vega requested the first explorations to be carried out and obtained the first reports on the Chinese insurance and assistance market. During this time, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA carried out analysis which enabled it to find out more about the insurance and reinsurance market in China, its travel assistance business and to make contact with some of the country’s leading insurance and reinsurance companies. China represented an especially difficult challenge for MAPFRE ASISTENCIA because of its size, the pag 24 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 tremendous cultural difference, the greatly different way of doing business and the interventionism of local, provincial and state authorities. In order to set up in China it is essential, amongst other requirements, to have someone who knows the ways of doing business in the West and the East. Primitivo de Vega also played a significant role in this, since as a “universal Asturian” he had a cordial relationship with the Cosmen family, who at the time owned ALSA, one of the Spanish companies established in China for the longest time. The contacts with ALSA, with the Spanish embassy, the consulates in Beijing and Shanghai and with top European Union officials in the country helped the company to get to know in situ the particular features of the Chinese market. All this work resulted in the creation of ROAD CHINA ASSISTANCE in Beijing, the setting up of a branch of this company in Shanghai and the opening of the MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD Representative Office in Beijing, which will enable the SISTEMA MAPFRE to set up as an insurer in the whole of the country in less than two years. Once again, Primitivo de Vega managed to fulfil in record time the task set him by the SISTEMA MAPFRE just one year previously, introducing MAPFRE in a country as complex as China. This project, which had always been on the horizon, became a reality at the end of 2004. After months of hectic activity and trips to Beijing with Rafael Senén, the Chairman of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA finalized the actions for setting up an assistance company which was called ROAD CHINA ASSISTANCE. In April last year, and in the presence of the Chairman of the SISTEMA MAPFRE, José Manuel Martínez, the inauguration was held of the offices of ROAD CHINA ASSISTANCE, situated in the heart of the financial district of China’s capital city. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, which had opened up to the Asian markets with the creation of a company in the Philippines, made a giant leap by making a commitment to China as an option for future growth in the area. This decision met with great satisfaction from all the employees, who saw in this act clear evidence of the company’s strength for taking on this task. Despite the strategic importance of this new company, the Old Continent, in De Vega’s opinion, should offer more opportunities for growth. In line with this principle, in July 2005 the company signed the acquisition of ABRAXAS, a leading company in a market as difficult and important as the British market and with a product, GAP, perfectly exportable to other countries and which also provided a network for direct marketing of B2C programmes. China, the acquisition of ABRAXAS in the United Kingdom and the commencement of analysis of opportunities in India. In his opening speech at the annual convention of SIAM’s general managers in China, De Vega had outlined some ideas regarding the coming years and had left one phrase in the minds of all: “a stone which moves swiftly over the water’s surface never sinks”. This partly summed up his permanent desire to have a company in continual movement. This had enabled MAPFRE ASISTENCIA to grow and consolidate. In just 12 years, 28 new companies had been created, eight insurance branches had started to operate, three main divisions had been organized and a model of management had been firmly linked to the name of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. All this was the work of many people who work and have worked at MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. However, all those who have lived through this adventure are aware of the legacy which Primitivo de Vega has left. An ever-present principle in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA has been that consolidation means running less fast, but to never stop running. And although at the start of 2005 De Vega had requested almost total concentration on consolidation, the company moved towards this with firm realities such as the introduction in “But this is just the start: we continue thinking, growing, innovating and, above all, committed to making life easier and more comfortable every day for people. Thanks to this, we will gain prestige and respect amongst our competitors worldwide” (SIAM NEWS, 1999) SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 25 MAPFRE has lost a great executive whose extraordinary work speaks for itself of his professional category. The people who work in MAPFRE ASISTENCIA have lost a great boss and we have all lost a good man, a great companion and an exceptional friend. Alberto Manzano Deputy Chairman SISTEMA MAPFRE The moments I was lucky enough to share with my good friend Primitivo will always live on with me in my memory. The company has lost a great professional, a real gentleman, calm and respectful, who created friendship and affection with all those who were lucky enough to know him. Ramon Bagó Agulló Chairman, Grupo Serhs His intellectual and personal heritage will remain with us Primitivo’s sad departure is not only the loss of the father figure for MAPFRE ASISTENCIA. But also as a friend and close colleague to me and especially for the Business Unit in Ireland. His disappearance leaves a tremendous emptiness for those of us we were lucky enough to share his professional ideals. I will remember his conviction that one should live more in harmony with one’s opinions, his desire for the globalization of assistance, his continual concern to provide an excellent service and his human warmth. Farewell to a great man, a great boss ¡and a great friend! “May he rest in the right hand of God”. Noel Quirke Managing Director United Kingdom and Ireland Business Unit Sergio Rivera Regional Director, Latin America To work with him was a great honour and a great learning experience. He never ceased to surprise me with his incredible memory, his quick-thinking and his sense of commitment to the company. All the team at will miss him. Marina Clarimón Manager pag 26 / SIAM NEWS - March 2006 We have lost a great professional I will keep Primitivo in my heart as an open minded Chairman with a sixth sense for developments in new markets, and as a loyal allied in our joint challenges. Edgard Van de Velde Directeur Non Life Fortis Bank Insurance (Brussels) I am sure we would all have wished that his farewell from MAPFRE ASISTENCIA could have been to enjoy a welldeserved retirement with his family after so many years of work. Marisa Gómez Uría Treasury Director MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, Madrid A great person, hardworking and a born fighter, he opened up the way with his imagination and adventurous spirit, always seeking quality and results as a distinctive feature. Primitivo was a good-natured, pleasant, extremely approachable person, always with a smile on his face. For all these reasons we miss him greatly and the empty space left by him represents an irreparable loss. Only time will help to heal the wound. I enjoyed knowing Primitivo very much and have learned a lot from this great professional, who has led MAPFRE ASISTENCIA to its great success. I hope his successors will follow in his footsteps towards future successes. Khalid Savod Al Hassan Managing Director & CEO Gulf Insurance Company (Kuwait) Andrés Jiménez Chairman MAPFRE RE For those of us who had the honour and pleasure of working with him at MAPFRE QUAVITAE, his memory already forms part of our history. It is impossible to forget his illusion and drive in this project. We will miss him, something that only good friends and good people achieve. Ángel Córdoba CEO SPPE of Corporación Caja Madrid We shall miss his experience, friendship and advice He is one of the few people I have known in my life who, with his great wisdom, can summarize the company in four words: industriousness, honesty and common sense. A corporate culture which brought me to MAPFRE ASISTENCIA and which I have seen and felt for myself incarnated in Mr. De Vega. Ma Chi Manager ROAD CHINA ASSISTANCE, Beijing SIAM NEWS - March 2006 / pag 27
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