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site specific information
Integra Realty Resources Raleigh Consulting Report Timber Hollow Apartments Expansion Multifamily Property 101 Timber Hollow Court Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Carolina 27514 Client Reference: Timber Hollow Apartments Prepared For: Blue Heron Real Estate Opportunity Fund I, LLC Effective Date of the Report: February 18, 2013 IRR - Raleigh File Number: 167-2013-0059 Timber Hollow Apartments Expansion 101 Timber Hollow Court Chapel Hill, North Carolina Integra Realty Resources Raleigh 8382 Six Forks Road Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27615 T 919.847.1717 F 919.847.1714 February 27, 2013 Mr. Ron Strom Principal Blue Heron Real Estate Opportunity Fund I, LLC 111 Cloister Court Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 SUBJECT: Consulting Report Timber Hollow Apartments Expansion 101 Timber Hollow Court Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Carolina 27514 Client Reference: Timber Hollow Apartments Integra Raleigh File No. 167-2013-0059 Dear Mr. Strom: Integra Realty Resources – Raleigh is pleased to submit the accompanying consulting report of the referenced property to assist in determining what effect, if any, the proposed expansion of the existing apartment community will have on adjoining property values. This report considers the existing land use characteristics surrounding the subject property and examines the impact of other similar multifamily projects in the region on surrounding property values. Our analyses of these items are detailed within this consulting report. The client for the assignment is Blue Heron Real Estate Opportunity Fund I, LLC. The report is intended to conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute and applicable state appraisal regulations. The subject is an existing multifamily property containing 198 dwelling units. The improvements were constructed in 1987 and are 98% leased as of the effective Mr. Ron Strom Blue Heron Real Estate Opportunity Fund I, LLC February 27, 2013 Page 2 appraisal date. The site area for density calculations is 19.55 acres or 851,467 square feet. The deeded land area is 17.7745 acres or 774,257 square feet. The proposed expansion of the development will entail 95 units in the area of the existing clubhouse, which will be demolished, and along the frontage of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, along with construction of a new clubhouse of 6,000 square feet and approximately 110 new parking spaces. The will be no increase in proximity of the apartments to neighboring residential properties to the east. The proposed development will require a rezoning from R-4 with a special use permit to R-5, which is consistent with the Shadowood Apartment development to the south and the Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan. Based on the analysis and information provided in this report, we have concluded that the proposed redevelopment outlined above is located, designed and proposed to be operated in a manner to maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, INTEGRA REALTY RESOURCES - RALEIGH Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS Certified General Real Estate Appraiser North Carolina Certificate # A266 Telephone: 919-847-1717, ext. 101 Email: [email protected] TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION IDENTIFICATION OF SUBJECT The subject is an existing multifamily property containing 198 dwelling units. The improvements were constructed in 1987 and are 98% leased as of the effective appraisal date. The site area for density calculations is 19.55 acres or 851,467 square feet. The deeded land area is 17.7745 acres or 774,257 square feet. A legal description of the property follows the land description. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Timber Hollow Apartments Expansion 101 Timber Hollow Court Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Tax ID 9789-37-6215 Legal Description Parcels A & B, Map File W-3866, R. B. Pharr and Associates, P.A. Census Tract Number 119.01 Property Name Address The owner of record is BH-East of North, LLC. This party acquired the property from 101 Timber Hollow LLC on November 9, 2012 for a price of $12,600,000. The transaction is recorded in Deed Book 5483, Page 582 of the Orange County Register of Deeds. Existing Project The existing project is a 198 unit apartment development known as Timber Hollow Apartments. Tis development is contained within 10 buildings, including a clubhouse. The property is located in the northeast corner of MLK, Jr. Boulevard and Piney Mountain Road, with additional frontage on Mendel Drive and Timber Hollow Drive. Surrounding land uses include Shadowood Apartments and Coker Woods subdivision to the south, Forest Creek residential subdivision to the east (200 ft. buffer from apartment buildings), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to the north and the Carolina North planned development to the west. The existing zoning is R-4 with a special use permit, which allows 198 apartment units on the tract. Proposed Project The proposed development will entail demolishing the existing clubhouse at MLK Jr. Boulevard and Timber Hollow Drive, which will be replaced with a 6,000 square foot clubhouse on the interior of the property. The area of the existing clubhouse will be redeveloped with a 4 story apartment building containing 79 units and an underground parking garage. In addition, 4 row house buildings containing 4 units each or 16 units total are proposed for the frontage of MLK, Jr. Boulevard. These will be 3 story structures with rear entry garages on the ground floor. As part of the redevelopment, approximately 110 parking spaces will be added to the site. The proposed development will require a rezoning of the property to R-5 along with a reduction in the buffer along MLK, Jr. Boulevard from 50 feet to 30 feet. However, the 200’ buffer along the eastern boundary with Forest Creek subdivision would be maintained. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE OF THE ASSIGNMENT The purpose of the consulting report is to develop an opinion as to whether the proposed redevelopment reduces, maintains or enhances the value of contiguous property as of the effective date of inspection, February 18, 2013. The date of the report is February 27, 2013. CLIENT, INTENDED USER AND INTENDED USE The client and intended user is Blue Heron Real Estate Opportunity Fund I, LLC. The intended use is for consulting purposes, which could include review by the Town of Chapel Hill as part of the rezoning application. Integra Realty Resources-Raleigh is not responsible for unauthorized use of this report. APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS This report is intended to conform to the requirements of the following: Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP); Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute; Applicable state appraisal regulations; PRIOR SERVICES USPAP requires appraisers to disclose to the client any services they have provided in connection with the subject property in the prior three years, including valuation, consulting, property management, brokerage, or any other services. We have performed no other services, as an appraiser or in any other capacity, regarding the property that is the subject of this report within the three-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment. SCOPE OF WORK Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS conducted research included in this impact study report. An on-site inspection of the property and surrounding area was conducted on February 18, 2013. Photographs of the property were also taken on this date. We identified the subject through site plans, plats, tax records, and relevant owner information, and assembled information about the characteristics of the property that are relevant to the value of the properties surrounding the site for the intended use of the report. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Additional steps taken to gather, confirm, and analyze relevant data, are detailed in individual sections of the report. To perform this assignment, we took the following steps to gather, confirm, and analyze relevant data. To understand the potential impact of the project on surrounding properties, we have analyzed/utilized the following sources: Orange, Durham and Wake County tax and deed records; Triangle Multiple Listing Service; Employees of state and local government agencies and records including zoning, TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION GENERAL INFORMATION planning and development officials; It is specifically noted that the data contained in this report is believed to be reliable. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD The subject property is located in the northeast corner of MLK, Jr. Boulevard and Piney Mountain Road on the north side of Chapel Hill. The property is located directly across from the Carolina North tract, which is owned by the University of North Carolina and comprises approximately 947 acres within the Chapel Hill and Carrboro corporate limits. MLK, Jr. Boulevard is the primary connector between the northern portion of Chapel Hill and the main UNC-CH campus south of Franklin Street. As of 2011, the estimated traffic volume on MLK, Jt. Boulevard was 28,000 cars, with 3,500 cars daily on Piney Mountain Road. Maps depicting the location of the subject and the Carolina North project are presented on the following pages. AERIAL MAP TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION TRAFFIC COUNT MAP CAROLINA NORTH TRACT (947 ACRES) SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION CAROLINA NORTH (INITIAL 133 ACRES) The Carolina North approved development identifies a 250 acre footprint for creating a world class research and learning campus to accommodate University growth over the next 50 years. This property is zoned U-1 by the Town of Chapel Hill and will allow for mixed-use activities along MLK, Jr. Boulevard to support interaction between campus and town. The building height along MLK, Jr. Boulevard for Carolina North is projected at 6 to 8 stories. Other uses surrounding the subject include Shadowood Apartments in the southeast corner of MLK, Jr. Boulevard and Piney Mountain Road to the south, along with the Coker Woods subdivision, Forest Creek subdivision to the east and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to the north. ZONING The subject property is currently zoned R-4 with a special use permit by the Town of Chapel Hill. The standard maximum density in the R-4 district is 10 units per acre and the subject development was originally approved as part of a larger parcel, which includes the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to the north. The church property was split from the parent tract after zoning approval, which necessitated the modification of the original special use TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION permit to allow the 198 units on 19.55 acres, which includes land area outside the property boundaries, such as right of way, dedicated open space, etc. As part of the original approval, a 200 foot wide buffer between Forest Creek subdivision and the apartment buildings was retained. A zoning map for the subject is presented below. The subject property and surrounding properties are within the South MLK Focus Area within the 2020 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Chapel Hill, which was adopted on June 25, 2012. A map outlining this area is presented on the following page. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOCUS AREA MAP As part of the plan, community comments relevant to this focus area include desires that development be well transitioned and not imposing, that compact urban forms are preferred and that the gateway character of Chapel Hill be preserved. The Carolina North Forest and Carolina North campus are important features along this corridor and higher capacity bus service is anticipated in the future to accommodate future growth. The Land Use Plan designates the subject property for high-density residential of between 8 and 15 units per acre. It is noted that the Shadowood Apartments on the south side of Piney Mountain Road are currently designated R-5, which allows a maximum of 15 units per acre. A Land Use Map is shown on the following page. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION As noted, the subject property is located directly across from Carolina North, which will be the expansion area for UNC-CH for the next 50 years or more. The initial phase of proposed development proposes up to 3,000,000 square feet on 133 acres as outlined below. This is directly across from the southwestern corner of the subject property. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Maps outlining the initial 250 acres of development are presented below. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Renderings of the proposed development along MLK, Jr. Boulevard are shown below. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Comparable campus developments are shown in the following pictures. In summary, an intensive mixed-use development named Carolina North is approved for the west side of MLK, Jr. Boulevard, directly across from the subject property, which will transform an area with limited development to a focal point along this primary corridor. The scale of development along MLK, Jr. Boulevard will exceed any existing development, with some buildings up to 8 stories in height. TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) PROPERTY ANALYSIS LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) LOCATION The property is located in the northeast corner of MLK, Jr. Boulevard and Piney Mountain Road. The property is also located in the southeast corner of MLK, Jr. Boulevard and Timber Hollow Drive. LAND AREA The following table summarizes the subject’s land area. LAND AREA SUMMARY Tax ID 9789-37-6215 Address 101 Timber Hollow Ct. SF 851,467 Acres 19.55 Source: Town of Chapel Hill SUP, 6/1/93 The land area above is based on gross land area, as defined by the Town of Chapel Hill Planning Department, and includes adjacent right of ways, dedicated open space, etc. The actual deeded acreage for the property is 17.7745 acres. SHAPE AND DIMENSIONS The site is irregular rectangle in shape, with dimensions of approximately 665 feet in width and 1,170 feet in depth. Site utility based on shape and dimensions is average. TOPOGRAPHY The site is gently rolling with elevations from 440 to 480 above mean sea level. The topography does not result in any particular development limitations. DRAINAGE No particular drainage problems were observed or disclosed at the time of field inspection. This report assumes that surface water collection, both on-site and in public streets adjacent to the subject, is adequate. FLOOD HAZARD STATUS The following table provides flood hazard information. FLOOD HAZARD STATUS Community Panel Number Date Zone Description Insurance Required? 3710978900J February 2, 2007 X Outside of 500-year floodplain No PAGE 15 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS An environmental assessment report was not provided for review, and during our inspection, we did not observe any obvious signs of contamination on or near the subject. However, environmental issues are beyond our scope of expertise. It is assumed that the property is not adversely affected by environmental hazards. GROUND STABILITY A soils report was not provided for our review. Based on our inspection of the subject and observation of development on nearby sites, there are no apparent ground stability problems. However, we are not experts in soils analysis. We assume that the subject’s soil bearing capacity is sufficient to support the existing improvements. STREETS, ACCESS AND FRONTAGE Details pertaining to street access and frontage are provided in the following table. STREETS, ACCESS AND FRONTAGE Street Frontage Feet Paving Curbs Sidewalks Lanes Direction of Traffic Condition Traffic Levels Signals/Traffic Control c Access/Curb Cuts Visibility MLK Jr. Blvd. 773 Asphalt Yes Yes 4 to 5 North/South Good 28,000 ADT (2011) Yes, at Piney Mtn. Piney Mountain Rd. 1,265 Asphalt Yes Yes 2 to 4 East/West Good 3,500 ADT (2011) Yes, at MLK Jr. None Good None Good Timber Hollow Ct. 1,090 Asphalt Yes Yes 2 E/W/N/S Good Light Stop signs at MLK Jr. and Piney Mtn. Yes, 3 Good Mendel Dr. 605 Asphalt Yes Yes 2 East/West Good Light No Yes, 2 Average UTILITIES The availability of utilities to the subject is summarized in the following table. UTILITIES Service Water Sewer Electricity Natural Gas Local Phone Provider OWASA OWASA Duke Energy PSNC Energy Various providers ZONING The subject is zoned R-4, Residential-4, by the Town of Chapel Hill. The R-4 zone is intended to promote residential use at a maximum density of 10 units per acre. The Special Use Permit (SUP) allows that density to be exceeded slightly, as 198 units are located on 19.55 acres of gross land area. Specific zoning requirements are summarized in the following table. PAGE 16 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) ZONING SUMMARY Zoning Jurisdiction Zoning Designation Description Legally Conforming? Zoning Change Likely? Permitted Uses Town of Chapel Hill R-4 Residential-4 Yes Recommended in 2020 Land Use Plan Single-family and multi-family residential Category Minimum Lot Area Minimum Street Frontage (Feet) Minimum Lot Width (Feet) Minimum Lot Depth (Feet) Minimum Setbacks (Feet) Maximum Building Height Maximum Site Coverage Maximum Density Maximum Floor Area Ratio Parking Requirement Zoning Requirement 5500 SF 40 50 N/A 22' from streets, 8' interior and 9' solar 34' primary and 60' secondary 24%/50%/70% 10 0.23 1/dwelling unit for efficiency and 1 BR units, 1.4/dwelling unit for 2 BR units, 1.75/dwelling unit for 3 BR units and 2/dwelling unit for 4 BR units Existing Special Use Permit allows 198 units maximum; 200' undisturbed buffer along eastern boundary Other Source: Town of Chapel Hill Land Use M anagement Ordinance The current use of the site is a legally conforming use. The proposed rezoning to R-5 would increase the overall development to 293 units or 14.99 units per gross acre. The 200 foot buffer with Forest Creek would be preserved and the developer is not requesting a connection of Mendel Drive through to Old Forest Creek Drive, although that right of way does exist. The rezoning proposal does entail a request for reduction in the buffer along MLK, Jr. Boulevard from 50 feet to 30 feet to accommodate the proposed 16 row houses. The provisions of the proposed zoning are outlined on the following page. PAGE 17 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) OTHER LAND USE REGULATIONS We are not aware of any other land use regulations that would affect the property. EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS We were not provided a current title report to review. Other than general utility easements, there is a 65 foot wide Duke Energy easement along the eastern boundary of the property, adjacent to the Forest Creek subdivision. This easement is part of the 200 foot wide buffer and is cleared, while the remainder of the buffer is heavily wooded with a mix of hardwoods and pine. CONCLUSION OF SITE ANALYSIS Overall, the physical characteristics of the site and the availability of utilities result in functional utility suitable for a variety of uses including those permitted by zoning. Uses permitted by zoning include single-family and multi-family residential. There are no other particular restrictions on development noted in the analysis. PAGE 18 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) RECORDED PLAT EXISTING SITE PLAN PAGE 19 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) PROPOSED SITE PLAN EXPANDED VIEW-PROPOSED SITE PLAN PAGE 20 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) TAX MAP TOPOGRAPHIC/SOILS MAP PAGE 21 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) AERIAL MAP PAGE 22 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION LAND DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) FLOOD MAP PAGE 23 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS Existing Project The subject is an existing multifamily property containing 198 dwelling units. The improvements were constructed in 1987 and are 98% leased as of the effective appraisal date. The site area for density calculations is 19.55 acres or 851,467 square feet. The deeded land area is 17.7745 acres or 774,257 square feet. The existing community includes 144 onebedroom units and 54 two-bedroom units. The following description is based on our inspection of the property, review of apartment data sources and discussions with ownership. IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Ǹame of Property General Property Type Property Sub Type Competitive Property Class Percent Leased Number of Buildings Stories Construction Class Construction Type Construction Quality Condition Number of Units Units per Acre (Density) Gross Building Area (SF) Land Area (SF) Floor Area Ratio (GBA/Land SF) Building Area Source Year Built Year Renovated Actual Age (Yrs.) Estimated Effective Age (Yrs.) Estimated Economic Life (Yrs.) Remaining Economic Life (Yrs.) Number of Parking Spaces Parking Type Parking Spaces/Unit Landscaping Special Features Timber Hollow Apartments Expansion Multifamily Garden Apartments Class B 98% 10 2 to 3 D Wood frame Average Average 198 10.1 156,409 851,467 0.18 Developer 1987 N/A 26 20 50 30 285 Surface asphalt 1.4 Heavily wooded 4,375 SF Clubhouse with pool on Timber Hollow near MLK, Jr., with tennis court on Mendel PAGE 24 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS PAGE 25 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS View facing north along MLK, Jr. (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View facing south along MLK, Jr. (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View facing east along Piney Mountain (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View facing access drive from Timber Hollow (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View along Piney Mountain from eastern boundary facing west (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View along Duke Energy R/W facing north from Piney Mountain (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) PAGE 26 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS View of buffer facing north from Piney Mountain (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View from rear of apartment buildings facing east at buffer with Forest Creek Subdivision (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) Interior view facing north on Timber Hollow (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View along Mendel facing east toward Forest Creek (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View of tennis court (future clubhouse) (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) View of clubhouse (future 4 story apt. bldg. with 79 units and subgrade parking) (Photo Taken on February 18, 2013) PAGE 27 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS Proposed Project The rezoning request is being made to increase the number of apartment units within the area of existing development by demolishing the existing clubhouse and replacing with 79 units in a 4 story building, with an additional 16 row house units to be located along the frontage with MLK, Jr. Boulevard. The increase in total floor area will be from 156,409 square feet to 245,770 square feet or 89,361 square feet. The proposed development will have 293 units. The clubhouse will be replaced in the area of the existing tennis courts and approximately 110 parking spaces will be added to the development. The new units will consist of 75 one-bedroom units and 20 two-bedroom units. The existing tenant base is heavily comprised of UNC-CH graduate students, with the need for additional housing anticipated with the Carolina North development across MLK, Jr. Boulevard. The row house design and 4 story building will be more consistent with the design plan of Carolina North. The 4 story building will be built to LEED-H standards and have belowgrade parking, while the 3 story row houses will have first floor garage parking. The proposed development will include a renovation to the existing 198 units to consist of Energy Star appliances, higher-performance windows and showerheads that use less water, all of which will reduce energy consumption for the existing project. An overview is presented below. PAGE 28 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS The proposed site plans are displayed below. PROPOSED SITE PLAN PAGE 29 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION MARKET SEGMENT OVERVIEW MARKET SEGMENT OVERVIEW As of January 2013, the estimated vacancy rate for apartments in Orange County was 5.5%, which is equal to the overall metro vacancy rate, as outlined below. According to this report by Carolinas Real Data, 85 units are under construction in this submarket, with 301 units proposed. The 85 units are Shortbread Lofts on West Rosemary Street, while Trinitas plans to redevelop the existing Central Park apartments on MLK, Jr. Boulevard into a 198 unit student housing community. The other 103 proposed units are in Hillsborough and do not impact the Chapel Hill market. The developments under construction and proposed in Chapel Hill will have higher price points than Timber Hollow, due to the enhanced proximity to the UNC-CH campus. While the 123 West Franklin project will also include apartment units, this will be priced well above the affordability level of graduate students, the primary component of the Timber Hollow tenant base. PAGE 30 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION OVERVIEW OF IMPACT STUDY OVERVIEW OF IMPACT STUDY The outline of the existing and proposed development on the subject property has been previously established. The existing project, which has 198 apartment units, will be expanded to 293 units with the introduction of a 4 story building with sub-grade parking and 79 units and 4 row house buildings containing a total of 16 units. The 4 story building will require resiting the clubhouse facility, while the row houses will require a reduction in the buffer area. While the overall parking ratio of the development will drop slightly, it still exceeds Town and market standards, particularly since the property is located directly across from a bus stop and this mode of transportation is predominant for trips to campus. Traffic studies indicate limited impact from the expanded development. No intrusion into the existing buffer with Forest Creek subdivision will be required and the developer is not requesting any connection of Mendel Drive to Old Forest Creek Drive. This study will determine what impact if any, the new development will have on surrounding property values. PAGE 31 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE To determine if the proposed development will impact adjacent property values, it is necessary to consider other similar situations in the market area. Uses surrounding the subject property include a church to the north, a high density apartment project to the south, the planned Carolina North mixed-use project to the west and Forest Creek subdivision to the east. Of these surrounding uses, Shadowood Apartments is a 336 unit apartment project on a site with a net land area of approximately 16.5 acres (excludes R/W, etc.), which reflects a density of 20.4 units per net acre. This property is comparable in age to subject and was not required to provide a buffer on its eastern border with the Coker Woods subdivision. Meanwhile, the proposed expanded subject will have 293 units on 17.7745 net acres or 16.5 units per net acre. In addition, the subject will maintain the 200 foot wide buffer with Forest Creek subdivision. As Shadowood is currently a more intensive use than the proposed Timber Hollow, no adverse impact on Shadowood can be supported. The church property represents an institutional use, which is generally deemed of equal or greater intensity to multi-family residential use. In addition, heavy use of the church property is limited to weekends and the property is adequately buffered from Timber Hollow. No adverse impact to the church is supported. On the west side is the proposed Carolina North development, which will be the most intensive development north of the Chapel Hill CBD. This development will create significant demand for affordable multi-family residential uses, which the subject development can fill. The scale of development along the MLK, Jr. Boulevard frontage is more intensive than proposed for the subject property, so no adverse impact to Carolina North can be supported. PAGE 32 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE After eliminating the possibility of adverse impacts to 3 of the 4 adjacent properties, case studies are utilized to determine if any adverse impact to the single-family residential use in Forest Creek subdivision can be supported. The case studies are based on comparison of single-family uses adjacent to existing multi-family developments to similar uses removed from multi-family developments. In one instance, a case of similar houses in a residential subdivision bounded by two different densities of multi-family development were uncovered to determine if higher density adversely impacted value. FOREST CREEK, CHAPEL HILL The initial comparison is within the Forest Creek subdivision in Chapel Hill. Three houses of similar size, age/condition and features were reviewed, with 2 of the properties adjacent to the buffer with Timber Hollow, while the 2 other sale properties were removed from the Timber Hollow property. Two other current listings removed from Timber Hollow were also considered. A map outlining the location of these properties and a chart indicating unit prices are presented as follows. PAGE 33 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE FOREST CREEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Location 308 Old Forest Creek 104 Linnaeus 104 Old Forest Creek 137 Old Forest Creek 315 Old Forest Creek 243 Old Forest Creek Sale Date 9/30/2011 5/8/2012 3/26/2012 Listing 10/27/2010 Listing Price $360,000 $400,000 $410,000 $459,000 $485,000 $449,000 Size 2,064 2,240 2,342 2,725 2,836 2,732 Price/SF $174.42 $178.57 $175.06 $168.44 $171.02 $164.35 GLA based on M LS Sales 1 and 2 are adjacent to Timber Hollow and represent the highest and third highest unit prices of the six properties. No adverse impact attributable to multi-family proximity is evidenced by this paired data. PAGE 34 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE COKER WOODS, CHAPEL HILL Coker Woods is located adjacent to Shadowood Apartments on its eastern border. No recent sales have occurred in the subdivision, but two similar properties sold in 2007 and 2008, with the primary difference being proximity to Shadowood Apartments. PAGE 35 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE COKER WOODS Location 1 118 Woodshire 2 117 Woodshire 1 Sale Date Price 3/27/2008 $375,000 12/21/2007 $391,500 Size 2,366 2,384 Price/SF $158.50 $164.22 GLA based on Orange Co. GIS While Sale 2 is at a higher unit price, it is less than 4% higher and there is no buffer between Coker Woods and Shadowood, which has a moderately higher density than proposed for Timber Hollow. No material adverse impact is discernible from these paired sales. PAGE 36 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE NORTHCLIFT, RALEIGH Northclift subdivision is located on the west side of Six Forks Road between Millbrook Road and Lynn Road in north Raleigh. The subdivision is bounded by Shellbrook Apartments to the south, which is zoned for 6 units per acre, and Ridgewood Apartments and Springs at Lynn Crest Apartments on Lynn Road, which are zoned for a density of 10 units per acre. The paired sales are highlighted in yellow below, with the sales on Wintergreen identified as Sales 1 and 2, while the sales on Killington are identified as Sales 3 and 4. NORTHCLIFT 1 2 3 4 1 Location 5805 Wintergreen 5801 Wintergreen 320 Killington 400 Killington Sale Date 4/30/2012 6/18/2010 3/31/2011 12/13/2011 Price $175,000 $170,000 $154,000 $145,000 Sixe 1,436 1,456 1,250 1,250 Price/SF $121.87 $116.76 $123.20 $116.00 GLA based on Wake Co. GIS Sales 1 and 2 exhibit comparable unit prices to Sales 3 and 4, despite the disparity in adjacent multi-family densities. No adverse impact for increased density is supported. PAGE 37 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE STONEHENGE, RALEIGH Stonehenge is a subdivision in northwest Raleigh off Ray Road. It is bounded to the south by several apartment communities zoned to a density of 10 units per acre including Sailboat Bay, Woodlake Downs and Governor’s Point. The highlighted sales (yellow) in Stonehenge are similar in all respects, but Sales 1 and 2 on Clandon Park adjoin the multi-family uses, while Sales 3 and 4 on Sutcliffe are removed from the apartments. STONEHENGE 1 2 3 4 1 Location 3317 Clandon Park 3205 Clandon Park 7905 Sutcliffe 7917 Sutcliffe Sale Date 3/4/2011 12/6/2012 6/1/2012 8/5/2011 Price $420,000 $393,000 $385,000 $353,000 Size 3,276 3,093 3,180 3,094 Price/SF $128.21 $127.06 $121.07 $114.09 GLA based on Wake Co. GIS The sales proximate to the multi-family actually reflect higher unit prices, so no adverse impact is evidenced. It is also noted that the higher sales are closest to the physical connection on Laurel Mountain Road, and this connection, which would be similar if Mendel Drive was extended, does not adversely impact the residential values. PAGE 38 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE HUNTINGTON WOODS, CARY Huntington Woods subdivision in northwest Cary is located on the north side of Morrisville Parkway with Legends at Preston Apartments located immediately to the north of the subdivision. Legends at Preston is a 382 unit apartment project on 32.11 acres, which reflects a density of 11.9 units per acre. The 2 sales on Boxford are listed as Sales 1 and 2, while the other two sales are Sales 3 and 4. HUNTINGTON WOODS 1 2 3 4 1 Location 123 Boxford 119 Boxford 136 Walton's Creek 108 Rock Nest Sale Date 7/27/2012 8/16/2012 10/25/2012 5/11/2012 Price $ 193,500 $ 188,000 $ 194,000 $ 199,500 Size 1,603 1,589 1,776 1,618 Price/SF $120.71 $118.31 $109.23 $123.30 GLA based on Wake Co. GIS The sales adjacent to the apartment development fall between the range of the sales on the interior of the subdivision on a unit price basis. No adverse impact from the adjacent apartment development is indicated. PAGE 39 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CASE STUDIES/EFFECT ON PROPERTY VALUE COVENTRY WOODS, CARY Coventry Woods is located in south Cary, just east of the Lochmere community on SE Cary Parkway. This development is bordered on the west by the Bennington Woods and Amberwood apartment communities, which have a total of 340 units on 30.92 acres or 11.0 units per acre. COVENTRY WOODS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Location 116 Stansbury 111 Jersey Ridge 408 Cricketfield 403 Danton 401 Danton 108 Jersey Ridge 700 Cricketfield 410 Danton Sale Date 4/15/2011 11/19/2012 10/25/2012 7/30/2012 3/6/2012 2/17/2012 2/1/2012 1/31/2012 Price $364,000 $345,000 $338,000 $308,000 $302,000 $324,000 $324,000 $313,000 Size 3,628 3,183 3,404 2,782 3,475 3,231 3,493 2,952 Price/SF $100.33 $108.39 $99.29 $110.71 $86.91 $100.28 $92.76 $106.03 GLA based on Wake Co. GIS Sale 1 is adjacent to the apartment development, with all other sales removed. Sale 1 is the 4th highest unit price of the 8 sales and virtually identical to the average unit price of $100.59 per square foot for the 8 sales. No adverse impact from the adjacent apartment development is supported. PAGE 40 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION The proposed expansion of Timber Hollow Apartments from 198 units to 293 units will increase the density of development, consistent with a recommendation for compact urban forms of the Chapel Hill 2020 Plan. The property is located directly across the street from the Carolina North project, which will introduce intensive mixed-use development to this area of Chapel Hill and create a need for additional residential units. The subject is located just north of Shadowood Apartments, which is zoned R-5 and has a higher development density that requested for Timber Hollow. Existing or proposed development to the north, south and west of subject is equal or greater in terms of development intensity to the proposed Timber Hollow development, so the expansion will not adversely impact those surrounding property values. As the subject is located along MLK, Jr. Boulevard at a signalized intersection, intensive development would be anticipated and the 2020 Plan indicates a density of up to 15 units per acre as reasonable for this property, which is what the rezoning request stipulates. The reduction in the buffer along MLK, Jr. Boulevard to 30 feet will not be inconsistent with the planned scale and siting of buildings for Carolina North across MLK, Jr. Boulevard. Based on paired data analysis, no adverse impact can be supported for the proximity of apartment development to adjacent single-family uses. This is reflected by sales data from the immediate neighborhood, along with data from Raleigh and Cary. The proposed expansion will not intrude on the existing 200 foot buffer between Timber Hollow and Forest Creek subdivision and the developer has no desire or incentive to connect Mendel Drive through to Old Forest Creek Drive, unless requested by the Forest Creek neighborhood. The proposed improvements will provide quality, affordable housing to the subject neighborhood, which will be needed to satisfy housing needs created by the University expansion to Carolina North. The addition of units will be minimally invasive to the surrounding neighborhood and will be consistent with development guidelines in the approved 2020 Plan. Based on my analysis of the proposed Timber Hollow expansion plans requiring a rezoning of the property to R-5 to allow 293 units, it is my opinion that this project is located, designed and proposed to be operated so as to maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property. PAGE 41 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION We certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief: 1. The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are our personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. 3. We have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. 4. We have performed no other services, as an appraiser or in any other capacity, regarding the property that is the subject of this report within the three-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment. 5. We have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. 6. Our engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. 7. Our compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. 8. Our analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal practice as well as applicable state appraisal regulations. 9. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. 10. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. 11. Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. 12. No one provided significant real property appraisal assistance to the person(s) signing this certification. 13. We have experience in appraising properties similar to the subject and are in compliance with the Competency Rule of USPAP. PAGE 42 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION CERTIFICATION 14. As of the date of this report, Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS, has completed the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS Certified General Real Estate Appraiser North Carolina Certificate # A266 PAGE 43 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal is based on the following assumptions, except as otherwise noted in the report. 1. The title is marketable and free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, encroachments, easements and restrictions. The property is under responsible ownership and competent management and is available for its highest and best use. 2. There are no existing judgments or pending or threatened litigation that could affect the value of the property. 3. There are no hidden or undisclosed conditions of the land or of the improvements that would render the property more or less valuable. Furthermore, there is no asbestos in the property. 4. The revenue stamps placed on any deed referenced herein to indicate the sale price are in correct relation to the actual dollar amount of the transaction. 5. The property is in compliance with all applicable building, environmental, zoning, and other federal, state and local laws, regulations and codes. 6. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable, but no warranty is given for its accuracy. This appraisal is subject to the following limiting conditions, except as otherwise noted in the report. 1. An appraisal is inherently subjective and represents our opinion as to the value of the property appraised. 2. The conclusions stated in our appraisal apply only as of the effective date of the appraisal, and no representation is made as to the effect of subsequent events. 3. No changes in any federal, state or local laws, regulations or codes (including, without limitation, the Internal Revenue Code) are anticipated. 4. No environmental impact studies were either requested or made in conjunction with this appraisal, and we reserve the right to revise or rescind any of the value opinions based upon any subsequent environmental impact studies. If any environmental impact statement is required by law, the appraisal assumes that such statement will be favorable and will be approved by the appropriate regulatory bodies. 5. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, we are not required to give testimony, respond to any subpoena or attend any court, governmental or other hearing with reference to the property without compensation relative to such additional employment. 6. We have made no survey of the property and assume no responsibility in connection with such matters. Any sketch or survey of the property included in this report is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered to be scaled accurately for size. The appraisal covers the property as described in this report, and the areas and dimensions set forth are assumed to be correct. PAGE 44 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS 7. No opinion is expressed as to the value of subsurface oil, gas or mineral rights, if any, and we have assumed that the property is not subject to surface entry for the exploration or removal of such materials, unless otherwise noted in our appraisal. 8. We accept no responsibility for considerations requiring expertise in other fields. Such considerations include, but are not limited to, legal descriptions and other legal matters such as legal title, geologic considerations such as soils and seismic stability, and civil, mechanical, electrical, structural and other engineering and environmental matters. 9. The distribution of the total valuation in the report between land and improvements applies only under the reported highest and best use of the property. The allocations of value for land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. The appraisal report shall be considered only in its entirety. No part of the appraisal report shall be utilized separately or out of context. 10. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraisers, or any reference to the Appraisal Institute) shall be disseminated through advertising media, public relations media, news media or any other means of communication (including without limitation prospectuses, private offering memoranda and other offering material provided to prospective investors) without the prior written consent of the person signing the report. 11. Information, estimates and opinions contained in the report and obtained from thirdparty sources are assumed to be reliable and have not been independently verified. 12. Any income and expense estimates contained in the appraisal report are used only for the purpose of estimating value and do not constitute predictions of future operating results. 13. If the property is subject to one or more leases, any estimate of residual value contained in the appraisal may be particularly affected by significant changes in the condition of the economy, of the real estate industry, or of the appraised property at the time these leases expire or otherwise terminate. 14. No consideration has been given to personal property located on the premises or to the cost of moving or relocating such personal property; only the real property has been considered. 15. The current purchasing power of the dollar is the basis for the value stated in our appraisal; we have assumed that no extreme fluctuations in economic cycles will occur. 16. The value found herein is subject to these and to any other assumptions or conditions set forth in the body of this report but which may have been omitted from this list of Assumptions and Limiting Conditions. 17. The analyses contained in the report necessarily incorporate numerous estimates and assumptions regarding property performance, general and local business and economic conditions, the absence of material changes in the competitive environment and other matters. Some estimates or assumptions, however, inevitably will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may occur; therefore, actual PAGE 45 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS results achieved during the period covered by our analysis will vary from our estimates, and the variations may be material. 18. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became effective January 26, 1992. We have not made a specific survey or analysis of the property to determine whether the physical aspects of the improvements meet the ADA accessibility guidelines. We claim no expertise in ADA issues, and render no opinion regarding compliance of the subject with ADA regulations. Inasmuch as compliance matches each owner’s financial ability with the cost to cure the non-conforming physical characteristics of a property, a specific study of both the owner’s financial ability and the cost to cure any deficiencies would be needed for the Department of Justice to determine compliance. 19. The appraisal report is prepared for the exclusive benefit of the Client, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates. It may not be used or relied upon by any other party. All parties who use or rely upon any information in the report without our written consent do so at their own risk. 20. No studies have been provided to us indicating the presence or absence of hazardous materials on the subject property or in the improvements, and our valuation is predicated upon the assumption that the subject property is free and clear of any environment hazards including, without limitation, hazardous wastes, toxic substances and mold. No representations or warranties are made regarding the environmental condition of the subject property and the person signing the report shall not be responsible for any such environmental conditions that do exist or for any engineering or testing that might be required to discover whether such conditions exist. Because we are not experts in the field of environmental conditions, the appraisal report cannot be considered as an environmental assessment of the subject property. 21. The person signing the report may have reviewed available flood maps and may have noted in the appraisal report whether the subject property is located in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area. We are not qualified to detect such areas and therefore do not guarantee such determinations. The presence of flood plain areas and/or wetlands may affect the value of the property, and the value conclusion is predicated on the assumption that wetlands are non-existent or minimal. 22. Integra Realty Resources – Raleigh is not a building or environmental inspector. Integra Raleigh does not guarantee that the subject property is free of defects or environmental problems. Mold may be present in the subject property and a professional inspection is recommended. 23. The appraisal report and value conclusion for an appraisal assumes the satisfactory completion of construction, repairs or alterations in a workmanlike manner. 24. It is expressly acknowledged that in any action which may be brought against Integra Realty Resources – Raleigh, Integra Realty Resources, Inc. or their respective officers, owners, managers, directors, agents, subcontractors or employees (the “Integra Parties”), arising out of, relating to, or in any way pertaining to this engagement, the appraisal reports, or any estimates or information contained therein, the Integra Parties shall not be responsible or liable for any incidental or consequential damages or losses, unless the appraisal was fraudulent or prepared with PAGE 46 TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS gross negligence. It is further acknowledged that the collective liability of the Integra Parties in any such action shall not exceed the fees paid for the preparation of the appraisal report unless the appraisal was fraudulent or prepared with gross negligence. Finally, it is acknowledged that the fees charged herein are in reliance upon the foregoing limitations of liability. 25. Integra Realty Resources – Raleigh, an independently owned and operated company, has prepared the appraisal for the specific purpose stated elsewhere in the report. The intended use of the appraisal is stated in the General Information section of the report. The use of the appraisal report by anyone other than the Client is prohibited except as otherwise provided. Accordingly, the appraisal report is addressed to and shall be solely for the Client’s use and benefit unless we provide our prior written consent. We expressly reserve the unrestricted right to withhold our consent to your disclosure of the appraisal report (or any part thereof including, without limitation, conclusions of value and our identity), to any third parties. Stated again for clarification, unless our prior written consent is obtained, no third party may rely on the appraisal report (even if their reliance was foreseeable). 26. The conclusions of this report are estimates based on known current trends and reasonably foreseeable future occurrences. These estimates are based partly on property information, data obtained in public records, interviews, existing trends, buyer-seller decision criteria in the current market, and research conducted by third parties, and such data are not always completely reliable. Integra Realty Resources, Inc. and the undersigned are not responsible for these and other future occurrences that could not have reasonably been foreseen on the effective date of this assignment. Furthermore, it is inevitable that some assumptions will not materialize and that unanticipated events may occur that will likely affect actual performance. While we are of the opinion that our findings are reasonable based on current market conditions, we do not represent that these estimates will actually be achieved, as they are subject to considerable risk and uncertainty. Moreover, we assume competent and effective management and marketing for the duration of the projected holding period of this property. 27. All prospective value estimates presented in this report are estimates and forecasts which are prospective in nature and are subject to considerable risk and uncertainty. In addition to the contingencies noted in the preceding paragraph, several events may occur that could substantially alter the outcome of our estimates such as, but not limited to changes in the economy, interest rates, and capitalization rates, behavior of consumers, investors and lenders, fire and other physical destruction, changes in title or conveyances of easements and deed restrictions, etc. It is assumed that conditions reasonably foreseeable at the present time are consistent or similar with the future. PAGE 47 ADDENDUM A APPRAISER QUALIFICATIONS Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS Integra Realty Resources Raleigh Experience 8382 Six Forks Road Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27615 Managing Director of Integra Realty Resources-Raleigh. Mr. Morris has been actively engaged in real estate since 1986. He joined Integra after 11 years as a Principal with Shaw Boykin & Morris. Prior to becoming Principal, he was a Staff Appraiser for 6 years with Shaw/Boykin & Associates. Before joining Shaw/Boykin & Associates, Mr. Morris worked as a Staff Appraiser and Utilities Agent for the N.C. Department of Transportation. Mr. Morris has a broad range of experience in valuation and analysis of many types of real estate. T 9198471717 F 9198471714 Professional Activities & Affiliations Member: Appraisal Institute, June 1992 Board of Director: NC Chapter Appraisal Institute, January 2008 - December 2010 Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Fellow (FRICS) , June 2012 Affiliate: International Right of Way Association, October 2010 Licenses North Carolina, State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, A266, Expires June 2013 North Carolina, State Licensed Real Estate Broker, 084603, Expires June 2013 Virginia, State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, 4001 015036, Expires August 2014 South Carolina, State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, CG 6958, Expires June 2014 Education B.A. Degrees, Economics and Organizational Behavior & Management, Brown University, Providence, RI (1984) Real Estate courses completed are as follows: Report Writing and Valuation Analysis Standards of Professional Practice Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation Capitalization Theory & Techniques, Part B Capitalization Theory & Techniques, Part A Residential Valuation Basic Valuation Procedures Real Estate Appraisal Principles Principles of Real Estate Management Commercial Real Estate Finance Commercial/Industrial Real Estate Cost Estimating Construction Methods and Materials Real Estate Brokerage Operations Real Estate Finance Real Estate Law Fundamentals of Real Estate [email protected] - 919-847-1717 x101 Integra Realty Resources, Inc. Corporate Profile Integra Realty Resources, Inc. offers the most comprehensive property valuation and counseling coverage in the United States with 61 independently owned and operated offices in 33 states. Integra was created for the purpose of combining the intimate knowledge of well-established local firms with the powerful resources and capabilities of a national company. Integra offers integrated technology, national data and information systems, as well as standardized valuation models and report formats for ease of client review and analysis. Integra’s local offices have an average of 25 years of service in the local market, and each is headed by a Managing Director who is an MAI member of the Appraisal Institute. A listing of IRR’s local offices and their Managing Directors follows: ATLANTA, GA - Sherry L. Watkins., MAI, MRICS AUSTIN, TX - Randy A. Williams, MAI, SR/WA, FRICS BALTIMORE, MD - G. Edward Kerr, MAI, MRICS BOISE, ID - Bradford T. Knipe, MAI, ARA, CCIM, CRE, FRICS BOSTON, MA - David L. Cary, MAI, MRICS CHARLOTTE, NC - Fitzhugh L. Stout, MAI, CRE, FRICS CHICAGO, IL - J. Denis Gathman, MAI, CRE, FRICS, SRA CHICAGO, IL - Eric L. Enloe, MAI, MRICS CINCINNATI, OH - Gary S. Wright, MAI, SRA, FRICS CLEVELAND, OH - Douglas P. Sloan, MAI COLUMBIA, SC - Michael B. Dodds, MAI, CCIM, MRICS COLUMBUS, OH - Bruce A. Daubner, MAI, FRICS DALLAS, TX - Mark R. Lamb, MAI, CPA, MRICS DAYTON, OH - Gary S. Wright, MAI, SRA, FRICS DENVER, CO - Brad A. Weiman, MAI, MRICS DETROIT, MI - Anthony Sanna, MAI, CRE, FRICS FORT WORTH, TX - Donald J. Sherwood, MAI, SR/WA, FRICS GREENSBORO, NC - Nancy Tritt, MAI, SRA GREENVILLE, SC - Michael B. Dodds, MAI, CCIM, MRICS HARTFORD, CT - Mark F. Bates, MAI, CRE, FRICS HOUSTON, TX - David R. Dominy, MAI, CRE, FRICS INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Michael C. Lady, MAI, SRA, CCIM, MRICS JACKSONVILLE, FL - Robert Crenshaw, MAI KANSAS CITY, MO/KS - Kenneth Jaggers, MAI, FRICS LAS VEGAS, NV - Shelli L. Lowe, MAI, SRA, MRICS LOS ANGELES, CA - John G. Ellis, MAI, CRE, FRICS LOS ANGELES, CA - Matthew J. Swanson, MAI LOUISVILLE, KY - George M. Chapman, MAI, SRA, CRE, FRICS MEMPHIS, TN - J. Walter Allen, MAI, MRICS MIAMI/PALM BEACH, FL - Scott M. Powell, MAI MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Michael Amundson, MAI, CCIM, MRICS NAPLES, FL - Carlton J. Lloyd, MAI NASHVILLE, TN - R. Paul Perutelli, MAI, SRA, MRICS NEW JERSEY COASTAL - Anthony M. Graziano, MAI, CRE, FRICS NEW JERSEY NORTHERN - Barry J. Krauser, MAI, CRE, FRICS NEW YORK, NY - Raymond T. Cirz, MAI, CRE, FRICS ORANGE COUNTY, CA - Larry D. Webb, MAI, FRICS ORLANDO, FL - Charles J. Lentz, MAI, MRICS PHILADELPHIA, PA - Joseph Pasquarella, MAI, CRE, FRICS PHOENIX, AZ - Walter Winius, Jr., MAI, CRE, FRICS PITTSBURGH, PA - Paul D. Griffith, MAI, CRE, FRICS PORTLAND, OR - Brian A. Glanville, MAI, CRE, FRICS PROVIDENCE, RI - Gerard H. McDonough, MAI RALEIGH, NC - Chris R. Morris, MAI, FRICS RICHMOND, VA - Kenneth L. Brown, MAI, CCIM, MRICS SACRAMENTO, CA - Scott Beebe, MAI, FRICS ST. LOUIS, MO - P. Ryan McDonald, MAI SALT LAKE CITY, UT - Darrin Liddell, MAI, CCIM, MRICS SAN ANTONIO, TX - Martyn C. Glen, MAI, CRE, FRICS SAN DIEGO, CA - Jeff Greenwald, MAI, SRA, FRICS SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Jan Kleczewski, MAI, FRICS SARASOTA, FL - Carlton J. Lloyd, MAI SAVANNAH, GA - J. Carl Schultz, Jr., MAI, SRA, CRE, FRICS SEATTLE, WA - Allen N. Safer, MAI, MRICS SYRACUSE, NY - William J. Kimball, MAI, FRICS TAMPA, FL - Bradford L. Johnson, MAI, MRICS TULSA, OK - Robert E. Gray, MAI, FRICS WASHINGTON, DC - Patrick C. Kerr, MAI, SRA, FRICS WILMINGTON, DE - Douglas L. Nickel, MAI, FRICS IRR de MEXICO - Oscar J. Franck Terrazas, MRICS IRR CARIBBEAN - James Andrews, MAI, FRICS Corporate Office 1133 Avenue of the Americas, 27th Floor, New York, New York 10036 Telephone: (212) 255-7858; Fax: (646) 424-1869; E-mail [email protected] Website: TIMBER HOLLOW APARTMENTS EXPANSION ADDENDUM B LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION