Handbook M-38 — Management of Rural Delivery
Handbook M-38 — Management of Rural Delivery
� UNITED STI.lTES � POSTI.lL SERVICE ® U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Washington, DC 20260 MANAGEM ENT OF R URAL DELIVERY SERVICES Methods Handbook. Series M-38 1 Transmittal letter 1 July 1 . 1 980 EXPLANATION .1 This is a new publication developed to assist in the management of rural delivery service. The handbook includes guidelines and requirements for standard operating procedures. day-to-day supervision. administration. mail count. and inspection of rural delivery routes. . 2 In conjunction with the Methods Handbook, Series M-3"1,"(Rural Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities), this handbook provides the basis for the fficient operation of all rural delivery services. . . 3 All managers with responsibility for the supervision or administration of rural delivery service must re�iew this handbook and become thoroughly familiar with its provisions and its arrangement of instructions. 2 DISTR I BUTIO N One copy of the M-38 Handbook i s furnished for: a. b. c. 3 Postmasters Carrier Branch or Stations Managers Delivery Service Managers R EVISIONS Changes will be published as necessary. Postmasters and managers are responsible for assuring that handbooks are kept current. 4. R ECISSION The M-38 Handbook supercedes all National. Regional. and local manuals. handbooks. instructions. and bulletios that are i» conflict with it. Eugene C. Hagburg Assistant Postmaster General Delivery Services Department Preface Management of Rural Delivery Services PREFACE This handbook contains guidelines to assist management in ad ministering and supervising rural delivery services. These guide lines are directed specifically to managers. I nstructions for rural carriers are in Handbook M-37, Rural Delivery Carriers Duties and ResponsibiliTies. Managers must be familiar with the contents of both handbooks as well as other supporting regulations and instructions to properly manage their operations. Changes to the handbook will be published as necessary and mllst be entered promptly. Prepared By Rural Delivery Division Delivery Services Department Operations Group United States Postal Service M·38, TL· 1, 7· 1·80 Contents 430 Management of Rural Delivery Services TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTE R 1 AUTHO R ITY 110 120 D ELEGATI O N OF General Delegation 121 122 123 Authority of District Authority of Management Sectional Center ( M SC) Authority of Postmasters CHAPTE R 2 DAY-TO-DAY OPE R ATI O N S 210 District M anagers Management Sectional Center . Managers 323 Postmasters 32 1 322 330 331 332 333 340 Administration 216 217 220 Pay Records Carrier's Stamp Stock and Fixed Credit Saturday Clearance of Rural Carriers at Smaller Facilities Processing Rural Route Changes Supervision 344 345 350 310 320 Purpose Responsibilities M-38, TL-1, 7-1-80 General Casing Equipment and U se Labeling Loading Vehicles Delivery Carrier Work M ethods-Office 35 1 Obtaining Mail 352 Withdrawing Mail 353 Casing Methods 354 Preparing for Delivery 360 221 General 222 M aintaining Daily Schedules 223 Delivery Requirement 224 Vehicle Equipment 225 Intermediate Offices 226 Roads and Approaches to Mailboxes 227 N on-Conforming Boxes 228 Daily Operations 229 Discipline CHAPTE R 3 STA N DARD OPERATI N G PROCE D U R ES General Scheduling Utilization of Work Area and Equipment Carrier's Basic Work Methods 34 1 342 343 211 General 212 Type of Routes 213 File Folders 214 Completion and Review of Time and 215 Office Management Procedures Carrier Work Methods-Route 361 General 362 Loading 363 Mail Setup 364 Serving Boxes from the Vehicle 365 Dismount Deliveries 366 Ordinary Parcel Post 367 Special Services Mail 368 Collection of Mail CHAPTER 4 ROUTES 410 420 430 General Criteria Roads EXTE N S I O N S OF RURAL Management of Rural Delivery Services Contenta431 43 1 432 433 434 440 620 443 General Extensions to M obile Home Sub divisions,' Parks, and Trailer Courts Request for Extension Processing Requests for Extensions 45 1 452 453 454 Procedures 62 1 622 623 624 625 Extensions 44 1 442 450 General Private Roads or Lanes Private Driveways Turnarounds Measurement and Remeasurement Length of Route is U nchanged Length of Route is Changed Length of Route in Dispute Action to Correct Route Length C H APTE R 7 LO CKED PO U C H ALLOWA N C E S 71 0 720 Postmasters Delegated Authority to Approve Extensions Postmasters Not Delegated Authority to Approve Extensions Sectional Center Review of Form 4003 Submission to the Data Centers Definitions Compensation 72 1 722 723 724 72S General Determining the Appropriate Allowance Weight Change Discontinuance of Locked Pouch Authority CHAPT E R 5 ROUTE .I N SPECTI ONS AND M A I L COU NTS C H APTE R 8 R O UTES 61 0 81 0 Annual Inspection of Routes 51 1 512 513 SI4 S1 5 516 517 520 Definition Frequency I nspection Report Official Route Travel Obtaining Data Count of Families Reviewing Route 523 524 525 526 527 Introduction Special Instructions-Annual Count or Special Count Purpose and Def inition of Count Annual Count-Coverage and Count Period Responsibility Conducting the Annual Count Special Mail Counts CHAPT E R 6 MEAS U R EMENT OF R URAL R O UTES 610 R equirement 61 1 612 Initial Measurement Remeasurements Criteria Growth Areas Permanent R elief 82 1 Types 822 Methods of Providing Relief 823 Providing Relief 824 Procedures for Providing Relief Annual and Special Counts 52 1 522 General 81 I 8I 2 820 R EL I E F OF R U R AL 830 Temporary Relief (Auxiliary Assistance) 83 1 832 833 834 840 Authorization Determining Type of Assistance Determining Need Discontinuance Consolidation of Rural R outes 84 1 842 843 844 845 846 General Rural Consolidation Survey Consolidation Involving Two District Areas or Two MSC Areas Action by District Manager Action by MSC Manager Time Limit for Conducting Pre liminary Study and Field Survey M .-38. TL- 1 , 7- 1 - 80 Management of Rural Delivery Services 847 Conversion to Highway Contract Route Delivery CHAPTER 9 D E LIVERY 920 CONVERSION OF HIGHWAY CO NTRACT DEUVERY TO RU RAL DELIVERY SERVICE H I G HWAY C O NTRACT 910 SUPERSEDURE OF R U RAL DEUVERY BY CONTRACT SERVICES 91 1 912 Contents 922 Requirements Conditions M-38. TL- 1 . 7-1-80 92 1 922 Requirements Exceptions Contents 1 23 Management of Rural Delivery Services CO NTENTS-Cha pter 1 D ELEGATION OF AUTHO R ITY 110 GEN ERAL M·38. TL- 1 . 7-1-80 '20 DELEGATION Authority of District Authority of Management Sectional Center ( MSC) 123 Authority of Postmasters 121 122 1 23 Management of R ura' Delivery Services CHAPTER 1 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY 1 1 0 G E N E R AL The following authorities have been delegated for the administration of rural delivery services. except w h e re specifically reserved b y Re g i o n a l Headq uarters. 1 20 121 D ELEGATI O N AUTHOR ITY OF DISTRICT 121.1 Approve the: a. Establishment of rural delivery service at a post office not having such service. b. Elimination of a rural route by consolidation. c. Transfer of territory between post offices or the serving of customers of another office. ' d. Transfer or relocation of a rural route from one post office to another. 121.2 a. Resolve: b. Cases involving the waiver of current requirements for rural route extensions, including hardship cases. 122 AUTHOR ITY OF MANAG EM ENT S ECTIONAL CENTER (MSC) Approve: a. Extensions. deletions. changes to routes. d. A driver or helper, at the expense of the carrier. under the conditions established in Article 29. Section 5, of the USPS-N RLCA National Agreement. 122.2 Process all actions relating to seasonal rural routes. 122.3 Assure that accurate measuring devices are used in recording rural route mileage. 122.4 Delegate authority to approve extensions, deletions, and route remeasurement changes to offices where it has been demonstrated that the postmaster can properly handle the processing of all related papers and has sufficient expertise in managing rural services. 123 Boundary disputes between two or more offices. 122.1 c. The permanent withdrawal of rural delivery ser vice in accordance with parts 631.3 and 636.4 of the Postal Operations Manual (POM). and remeasurement b. Relief of overburdened routes. auxiliary assis tance, and establishment of new regular and/or auxiliary routes. Note: Regional approval is required for relief actions that include the conversion of any portion of rural territory to city delivery service. AUTHORITY OF POSTMASTERS Approve: a. And require the use of street names and house numbers, instead of rural box and route numbers in accordance with Part 636 .2 ( PO M) and Part 156.52 ( D M M). b. The temporary withdrawal of rural delivery service. in accordance with Parts 631 .3 and 636 .4 (PO M). c: The use of a relay box at junction points of two or more routes as a means of allowing the exchange of mail between carriers. or a collection box where conditions and mail volumes to be collected warrant such service. (The installation of relay or collection boxes must in all instances be preceded by a careful review of the situation and the benefits likely to accrue.) 1 23 d. The use of separations at the distribution case for "direct mail" for customers who receive sufficient quantities of mail to justify this procedure. Management of Rural Delivery Services e. And certify temporary deviations. M-38, TL-1, 7-1-80 Contents 228 Management of Rural Delivery Services CONTENTS-Chapter 2 DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS 210 ADM INISTRATION 211 21 2 213 21 4 215 216 General Type of Routes File Folders Completion and Review of Time and Pay Records Carrier's Stamp Stocks and Fixed Credits Saturday Clearance of Rural Carriers at Smaller Facilities M-3S. TL-1. 7-1-S0 2 17 220 Processing Rural Route Changes SUPERVISION 22 1 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 General Maintaining Daily Schedules Delivery Requirement Vehicle Equipment Intermediate Offices R oads and Approaches to Mailboxes N on-Conforming Boxes Daily Operations Discipline 213 Management of R ural Delivery Services CHAPTER 2 DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS 21 0 A DM I N I ST R AT I O N 21 1 route is not classified as mileage, heavy duty, or auxiliary. GEN ERAL 21 2.2 Managers at postal facilities with rural delivery service must be familiar with all regulations and policies pertaining to rural delivery operations. They must manage or supervise rural operations efficiently and effectively and in conformance with regulations and policy guidelines. 21 2 TYPE OF R OUTES 21 2 . 1 .1 1 Regular R ural R outes Heavy-Duty Routes A heavy duty rural route is one based on weekly workload evaluation and office and route time standards. Heavy..<futy compensation is authorized on the basis of evaluated time as determined by the office and route time standards after subtracting any relief time. There are three types of heavy..<futy routes: a. H Route regular carrier works six days a week. b. J Route other week. regular carrier has a day off every - - c. K Route week. - .12 regular carrier has a day off every Mileage Routes An auxiliary route is one which normally evaluates under 35 hours per week. and the carrier is compensated for the hours actually worked. 2 1 2.3 2 1 2.4 21 3 F I LE F OLDERS Postmasters must maintain a file folder for each rural route at their office. (This- file is separate from the carrier's official personnel file.) A slide fastener will be placed on the right side of the folder to hold material of a permanent nature. The left side of the folder is used to hold forms and correspondence of a temporary nature, which are disposed of in accordance with Part 35 1 , Administrative Support Manual (ASM). Retain the following items in the file folder: .1 3 (I) M·38. TL-1 . 7-1 -80 Tri-Weekly Route A tri-weekly route is one on which the mail volume and requirement for service warrants delivery only three days a week. a. A special route is a route where the compensation is based on route-workload evaluated hours, but the Seasonal Routes A seasonal route is a route where certain boxes are provided delivery for only a specified period of less than one year. Normally. these routes are located in resort or vacation areas. The seasonal period is defined as that period in which the carrier is required to attempt delivery and the seasonal period ends when delivery is no longer required of the carrier. Salary for rural carriers serving routes classified as mileage (M) is determined under the Rural Carrier Schedule (RCS) based on the length of the route as determined by the official measurement. Special Routes Auxiliary R outes Right Side (Retain Permanently) Forms 4003, Offical Rural Route Description and 4003 -A, Official Rural Route Description. Con tinuation Sheet, with supporting data, for exten sions. remeasurements. rearrangements. etc. (To • Management of Rural Delivery Services 214 reduce bulk. amended Forms 4003 showing only the lines changed may be removed when complete Forms 4003 are prepared that include these changes.) (2) Seasonal route data. (3) Authorizations to use street names and house numbers for mail addresses. Form 4240 must be examined at the end of each accounting period to ensure that complete, accurate. and current information (i.e. boxes. stops, route mileage. schedule. actual and cumulative work hours, etc.) is shown on the front of the form; and the form is signed by the rural carrier and the postmaster or designated supervisor. .12 (4) Authorization to renumber the route. (5) Up-to-date route map. Managers must review the form frequently to insure that the carrier will not exceed 2080 actual workhours ( Fair Labor Standards Act, Sec. 2 1 4.3) .during the guarantee period. (6) Record of collection boxes. .14 .13 b. Left Side (Temporary or Limited Time Reten tion) Managers may require carriers providing auxiliary assistance or serving an auxiliary route to use timecards and/ or time recording equipment where available. (I) Copies of memos to customers declining exten sions, requesting repairs. etc. 214.2 Form 1314. Rural Carrier Time Certificate (2) Forms 4027, Petitionfor Change in Rural De livery, for extensions not approved. .21 (3) Forms 4024, Request to Repair Road. (4) Forms 4239, Count of Mail (Rural Route). 4239-A. Rural Route Count of Boxholder Mail. 424 1 . Rural Delivery Statistics Report and 424 1 -A, Rural Route Evaluation. Managers must prepare certificates of service performed by rural carriers ( Forms 1 3 1 4) and will report all partial failures of service due to the fault of the carrier. Rural carriers must check and initial the certificate. verifying entries. unless absent from duty on the last day of the pay period. .22 Forms 4248 Rural Route-Annual Inspection Report. The completed form is submitted to the Postal Data Center where the amount of pay d ue each carrier will be computed and a check issued. (6) Communications or information pertaining to the route that is not needed on a permanent basis. 214.3 Rural Carrier Annual Workhour Projection and Review Note: Material on the left side ofthe folder is retained one year. Exceptions: Mail count forms must be retained until superseded and replaced by new counts. Route Inspections Forms 4248 are retained two years. .31 (5) , 214 COM PLETION AND R EVIEW OF TI M E AND PAY R ECO R DS 214.1 Form 4240. Rural Carrier Trip Report Managers must review the rural carriers' entries and complete Items 7 through 1 2 on Form 4240 each work day. (Use Exhibit 2 1 4. 1 1 for conversion of minutes to hundredths.) .11 .23 General In the event any regular rural carrier com pensated pursuant to Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Section 7(b)(2) is required to actually work more than 2,080 hours within the 52-consecutive week guarantee period, such carrier shall recieve overtime compensation as set forth in Article 30 the USPS-NRLCA Njitional Agreement for all hours actually worked in excess of 2.080 up to 2.240, within the guarantee period. In addition. any regular rural carrier compensated pursuant to FLSA Section 7(b)(2} shall receive overtime compensation for hours actually worked in excess of twelve ( 1 2) hours in any one work day, or in excess of fifty-six (56) hours in any work week. .311 M -38. Tl-1. 7-1-80 Management of Rural Delivery Services No regular rural carrier compensated pursuant to FLSA Section 7(b)(2) is to be allowed to actually work in excess of 2.240 hours within the guarantee period . In the event a carrier actually works more than 2.240 hours within the guarantee period. provisions of the FLSA require that the carrier be compensated at an overtime rate for all hours actually worked in excess of 40 per week. This will require that the carrier be paid overtime in addition to the compensation already received for the evaluated hours of the route. .312 For all regular carriers compensated pursuant to FLSA Section 7(b)(2). the fifty-two (52) consecutive week guarantee period shall begin the first day of the second pay period in November. and shall end the last day of the first pay period of the following November. .313 Rural delivery managers must be conversant with all provisions of Article 30 of the USPS N R LCA National Agreement. especially those sections which address the FLSA compensation requirements. 21 4.3&2 the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement are p roj ected and reviewed in accordance with Part 214.33 . b. Taking corrective action to avoid the unneces sary payment of FLSA overtime. .342 The MSC Manager is responsible for the following: a. Reviewing the Rural Carrier Projected Annual Work Hours printout (issued by Postal Data Centers for PP04 . 1O . 16 . 18 . 20 , 2 1, 22. 23 . and 24)to identify any empl oyees with potential FLSA problems. b. Contacting the postmasters of offices where potential problems exist to assure they are aware of the problem and have taken or are taking any action necessary to avoid unnecessary FLSA payment. .314 . 32 Purpose To project and analyze rural workhours to avoid the unnecessary payment of Fair Labor Standards Act ( FLSA) overtime to carriers. .321 To identify those carriers working in excess of their evaluated hours in order that corrective action be taken if warranted. .322 .33 Frequency The projection and review of rural work hours must be conducted at the completion of pay periods. 04. 10. 13. 16. 18. 20. 21. and 22. . 331 c. Supplying assistance to postmasters to help avoid these problems, if necessary. d. Notifying the district manager of any potential FLSA problems and corrective actions being taken as of PP 10 . 16. 18 . 20 . and 22. .343 The district manager is responsible for the following: a. Supplying assistance to MSC managers to avoid FLSA problems. if necessary . b. Notifying the Region of rU,ral employees ptojected to exceed 2 240 annual workhours as of P P 18 and 20 and the corrective actions being taken. c. Notifying the Region of rural employees projected to exceed 2080 annual workhours as of P P 22 and the corrective actions being taken . If a review reveals that an employee may have potential F LSA problems. a projection and review of the workl'tours of that employee must be conducted on a pay-period by pay-period basis until the problem is resolved. .351 .34 tracting the Christmas overtime worked from the total cumulative workhours to date . .332 Responsibility The postmaster is responsible for the following: .341 a. Assuring that the wor khours of all employees compensated under the provisions of Article 30 of M-38. TL-1. 7-1-80 .35 Projecting Annual Workhours (See Exhibit 214.35). .352 Determine the base workhours by sub Determine average daily workhours by dividing the base workhours (fro m Part 2 1 4 .35 1) by the number of days actually worked to date in the guarantee period. Management of Rural Delivery Services 214.313 Note: Do not include any day charged to leave of any type or any day the employee was absent without approved leave. Determine the gross projected annual work hours by multiplying the average daily workhours (from Part 2 1 4.352) by the number of workdays remaining in the guarantee period and then adding the total cumulative workhours to date to that result. Note: When computing workdays remaining in the guarantee period. credit 12 days per pay period for H. RCS. and Special Routes; II days per pay for J Routes; and IO days per pay period for K Routes; then. subtract one day for each holiday remaining in the guarantee period. .353 Determine the net annual workhours by subtracting committed or approved leave from the gross projected annual workhours. .354 Note: Subtract only that leave covered by a signed leave commitment or leave requested in writing and approved on Form 397 1 , Request for, or Notifica tion of, Absence . Do not include leave anticipated by the carrier but not yet requested in writing and approved by management. .36 Analyzing Workhour Projections and Identifying Problems .36 1 Average Daily Workhours b. After identifying the carriers who are working in excess of the evaluated hours, determine the cause(s) for the excess hours. In determining the cause(s) consider, at least. the following items: Carrier 's Schedule (a) Is the carrier's schedule realistic? (See Part 332.) (b) Is there evidence of waiting time? carrier recording lunch (a) Is the office and carrier equipment laid-out in accordance with SOP guidelines'! (See Part 350.) (b) Is the carrier using efficient loading procedures'! (See Part 334.) (e) Is the carrier performing work functions in accordance with SOP guidelines? (See Part 350.) (d) Is the carrier required to make more than one trip to acquire accountable mail? (See Part 333.22.) (e) Is the carriers parking area in accordance with Part 344? (f) Is the route layout practical and efficient'! (See Part 345.) (g) Is duplication of travel and retracing kept to a minimum? (h) Are carrier work methods on the route efficient'? (See Part 360.) (3) Carrier Work Practices (b) Does the carrier leave the work area unnecessarily? (Le.. excessive trips to throwback case. to withdraw mail. to the eM U location. to the hold mail area. to load vehicle. etc.) (c) Does the carrier engage in frequent and/ or unnecessary conversation? (d) Does the carrier make unauthorized deviations from the official line of travel? (e) Does the carrier return promptly.to the office after completing the route? (f) Does the carrier spend excessive time in the office after completing the route? (4) (c) Is the carrier reporting as scheduled? (d) Is the accurately? SOP Procedures (a) Does the carrier use wasteful or inefficient work practices? a. Compare the average daily actual workhours of the carrier (from Part 2 1 4.352) to the average daily evaluated workhours for the route to identify the carriers who are working in excess of their evaluated hours. (1) (2) breaks Route Conditions (a) Are there conditions on the route that prohibit the carrier from providing service within the evaluated time? (Le .. temporary detours. adverse M.-38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services 214.373 weather conditions, adverse road conditions, etc.) If so, can anything he done to correct these adverse conditions'! (h) Are cu stomer's mailhoxes erected and in accordance with USPS regulations? Particular attention should he given to excessive incidents of temporarily blocked or obstructed boxes which rcq uire dismount 01" exees�i\'e vehicle maneuvcring by the carrier. (I) Correct items beyond the carrier's control such office layout. route layout, scheduling, etc to the extent practical. as (2) .• Correct items within the carrier's control by: maintained .362 Gross Projected Annual Workhours a. Examine the gross projected annual workhours for each carrier (from Part 214.353) to identify the carriers projected to exceed 2080 or 2240 annual workhours. b. List those carriers projected to exceed 2080 or 2240 annual workhours and determine the cause(s) why each route is expected to exceed the FLSA limits, (e.g., carrier is working within evaluated hours, however. the total workhours necessary to complete the route will exceed 2080 annually: poor carrier performance; poor route conditions or layout; etc.) .363 (a) Discussing wasteful work practices and informing the carrier of the efficient procedures. (b) Retraining the carrier. if necessary. (c) Disciplinary action. if warranted. (See Article 16. USPS-NRLCA Nati-onal Agreement.) .372 a. The manager must contact in writing those carriers whose gross projected annual workhours exceed 2080 (or 2240) and meet with them to determine their leave plans in accordance with Article 30.I .c.6c(2) of the U SPS-NRLCA National Agreement. b. Those carriers projected to exceed 2080 (or 2240) should commit in writing sufficient annual leave to keep their actual annual workhoors under 2080 during the guarantee period. Net Projected Annual Workhours Examine the net projected annual workhours for each carrier (from Part 214.354) identify the carrit:rs who are projected to exceed 2080 or 2240 annual workhours. c. If a carrier refuses to commit sufficient annual leave 01: does not have sufficient leave to reduce the projected annual workhours below 2080, proceed as instructed in Part 214.373. .373 .37 Necessary Actions to Reduce Projected Workhours .371 Gross Projected Annual Workhours Average Daily Workhours a. Managers must take corrective action to reduce. as much as possible. the average daily workhours of carriers who exceed their evaluated daily workhours. This applies to all carriers even those whose annual projected workhours do not exceed 2080. Remember. if a carrier is allowed to exceed. unnecessarily, the evaluated hours on a route with a low evaluation, the carrier can be expected to experience FLSA problems when the route grows. b. After identifying the cause(s) for a carrier exceeding, the daily evaluated hours, the manager must: M-38, TL-1. 7-1-80 a. Net Projected Annual Workhours The manager should determine: (I) If actions taken to reduce excessive average daily workhours (see Part 214.361 and Part 214.371) are sufficient to keep the actual carrier workhours below 2080. or; (2) If it is necessary to remove the high option classification. thereby granting the carrier more relief. or; (3) If it is necessary to provide relief by adjusting the route and removing some delivery territory, or; (4) If it is not feasible to adjust the route. is it more cost effective to provide auxiliary assistance or to let the carrier work the FLSA overtime. 215 Management of Rural Delivery Services b. Once the manager has determined what action is necessary. the action must be taken promptly and the results must be monitored closely to assure that the carrier workhours do not exceed 2080 during the guarantee period. 2 1 5 CARRIER'S STAM P STOCK AND FIXED CREDIT Issuance or replenishment o( stock is ordinarily accomplished at the originating office. However, if the carrier serves customers who receive mail through other offices on , the route. the carrier will replenish the fixed credit at those offices in amounts representing sales made on the route to the customers served through such offices. 215.1 Postage stamp fixed credits will be issued to rural carriers unless they prefer to purchase stock " with their own funds. 2 1 5.2 2 1 6 SATU RDAY CLEARANCE OF RURAL CARRIERS AT S MALLER FACILITIES 2 1 6.1 Procedures At many small offices, it has been necessary to schedule clerical employees on Saturday afternoon solely for the purpose of checking in the rural carrier(s). This creates unnecessary costs; therefore. at these offices the following procedures should be adopted: a. On Saturday morning. give each rural carrier a pouch and a rotary lock. The manager must record on each rural carrier's trip report the lock and rotary number, and the rural carrier(s) must initial the entry as verification. b. When the carrier returns from the route in the afternoon, the fixed credit. any money collected, all accountable items, and undelivered mail must be secured in the pouch with the rotary lock. The carrier must secure the locked pouch in the place designated by the manager. This place must offer the maximum security available. c. If a dispatch is available from the collection box in front of the post office, the carrier will deposit prepaid outgoing mail there. If there is no dispatch available from the collection box, if necessary, the carrier will deposl mail in a pouch. lock it, and place it in the designated location. d. On the next delivery day, the carrier and the manager will check the lock and rotary number on the trip report with the lock on the pouch and, if they match, the manager will open the pouch in the presence of the carrier and give the carrier the contents. If the employee who served the route on Saturday is absent on the next delivery day. the manager must check the lock and rotary number in the presence of the replacement carrier. If they match. the manager will open the pouch, verify the contents. and give them to the carrier for disposition. ( Instructions for obtai.ning rotary locks and keys may be obtained from the Management Sectional Center.) e. In the event the number on the Form 4240 and the rotary lock do not match. open the pouch in the presence of the carrier, and: (I ) If it is determined that any of the contents are missing. notify the Postal Inspector-in-Charge immediately. (2) If it is determined that the contents have not been tampered with, make a notation of the facts on Form 4240 and proceed as described in Part 2 16. 1d. 2 1 6.2 Keys In order to implement these procedures, the rural carrier will usually be assigned a key to the post office on Saturday morning, and the key will be included in the rotary pouch with the accountable mail unless it is needed to lock the office. If it is not placed in the pouch, the key will be turned in on the next delivery day. 2 1 7 PROCES S I NG RURAL RO UTE CHANG ES 2 1 7. 1 Form 4003, Official Rursl Route Description . 1 1 Form 4003 will be prepared for the following actions: a. To extend or delete service on regular routes. b. For changes in boxes and stops because of substantial within area growth. c. Route consolidations. M,-38, TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 217.41 Management of Rural Delivery Services d. Route remeasurements. e. To authorize or discontinue salary protection. f. To establish or terminate lock pouch allowances. . 1 2 In addition. Form 4003 will be prepared with an endorsement added as indicated for the following actions: a. Relief to Overburdened Routes The form must be endorsed in the upper right-hand corner "Relief to Overburdened Route." See Exhibit 21 7. 1 2a. b. Temporary Route Detour of More Than 30 Days The forms must be endorsed in the upper right-hand corner either "Temporary Change for Duration of Detour" or "Termination of Temporary Detour." whichever is appropriate. See Exhibits 2 1 7 . 1 2b(l) and 2 1 7. 1 2b(2). c. Establishment of an Auxiliary or Regular Route The form must be endorsed either "Regular Route" or" Auxiliary Route" in the upper right-hand corner. Enter a check mark in the block labeled New Route. the evaluated hours in the Base Hour Change block, and the effective date. See Exhibits 2 1 7 . 1 2c( l ) and 2 l 7. 1 2c(2). d. Conversion of Auxiliary Route to Regular Status The form must be endorsed "Conversion of Auxiliary Route to Regular Status" in the upper right-hand corner. Enter the evaluated hours in the Base Hour Change block and the effective date. See Exhibit 2 l 7. 1 2d. e. Discontinuance of a Rural Route The form must be endorsed "Discontinuance of a Rural Route" in the upper right-hand corner. Enter the name. State. ZI P Code. and finance number of your post office. In addition. enter ··discontinued" in the space for the Name of Carrier; enter the route number in the appropriate space; enter zeros in the blocks marked Prior Length through Base Hour Change; and enter the date the route is to be discon tinued in. the Effective Date block. See Exhibit 2 1 7. l 2e. Base hour changes may be made on Form 4003 for the following actions only with endorsements as shown: .1 3 M-38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 a. Relief to Overburdened Routes. The form must be endorsed as shown in Exhibit 2 1 7. 1 2a. b. Temporary Route Deviation for More Than 30 Days . The form must be endorsed as shown in Exhibit 2 1 7. 1 2b. c. Seasonal Routes. When it is necessary to increase or decrease the evaluated hours because of the beginning or ending of the seasonal period, check Seasonal Route block. d. Route Consolidations. When it is necessary to increase or decrease evaluated hours, the forms must be endorsed in the upper right hand corner "Route Consolidation." See Exhib it 2 1 7. 1 3d. 2 1 7.2 Form 4241 . R ural Delivery Statistics Report .21 Regular Routes Complete Form 4241 as outlined in Part 526.63. .22 Auxiliary Routes Complete Form 424 1 as outlined in Part 526.633. 2 1 7.3 Memoranda Use memoranda to advise the PDC of the following actions: a. To select the high or low option at the time of an interim adjustment. b. To correct errors in rural printouts and Form 4241 -A, Rural Route Evaluation, concerning guaranteed salary, FLSA Code, option code, and leave commitment. To discontinue a rural route. The memorandum must include the reason for the discontinuance and the effective date. c. 2 1 7.4 Submissions to the Data Centers .41 Submit Forms 4003 and memoranda, if any, as outlined in Part 454. 217.42 Management of Rural Delivery Services .42 For Forms 424 1 for special counts and annual counts, see Part 526.634. Ame nded Form 424 1 or memoranda requesting changes in guaranteed salary, etc .. must be submitted to the PDC by the M SC manager or designee immediately after the irregularity or error is discovered. .43 220 221 S U P E RVISION GEN ERAL A postmaster or a designated manager must submit any special guidelines or instructions designed to promote efficiency or maintain discipline to the M SC manager for , approval prior to implementing such rules or instructions. 22 1 . 1 A manager should perform and organize work to determine any irregularity in work schedules and/or the flow of mail. and interact with other postal managers to work toward correcting all i rresuiarities. 22 1 .2 M anagers will not permit suspension or interruption of service on rural routes because of the absence of regular carriers or substitutes; rather. they will assign or employ a suitable person to perform the service temporarily. 221 .3 221 .4 M anagers may deliver mail of any class to customers of a rural route or a non-personnel rural unit who call for it when the office is open to the public. Customers of an intermediate post office may call for their mail during office hours at the post office where it is held. This practice is to be dis couraged if it seriously interferes with the work of the office or causes extensive delays in the departure of the rural carriers. A manager or designated employee will be on duty when the carriers return from their routes on all service days. (See exception Part 2 1 6.) 22 1 .6 221 .6 A manager must provide or continue training. as needed and required, for rural employees. ( See Part 360, P-23 Handbook. Orientation and Craft Skills Training.) M anagers will consult with rural carriers when significant service changes. including route remeasurements. are proposed for the carriers' 221 .7 routes. The affected carriers will be given an opportunity to submit written statements concerning the changes. (These statements must be included with management's proposals for changes if submitted for higher level approval.) 222 MAINTAINING DAILY SCHEDULES Managers will assure that carriers normally leave to serve their routes no later than 20 minutes after the scheduled departure time. (An exception will be made when preferential mail cannot be cased and strapped out by the end of the 20 minute leeway. 222. 1 Managers may delay departure of carriers when the principal receipt of mail is delayed, provided the later departure will permit the carrier to complete deliveries and still meet the regular dispatch schedule. 222 .2 Managers will consider changing the schedules of carriers when receipt and dispatch schedules are changed. (See Part 332.) 222 .3 222.4 Unless specifically exempted. collections will be returned to the office in time for dispatch on the day collected. 223 DELIVERY REQUI REM E NT 223. 1 Deliver all First-Class. newspapers. and Priority mail (received at the unit prior to the established delivery cut-off time) on the first scheduled delive'ry. 223.2 Deliver periodicals with an authorized delivery date on that date, provided such delivery does not delay First-Class Mail. Deliver other second- and third-class mail not later than second delivery day after day of receipt (day of receipt to begin at 12 M idnight unless the Regional Postmaster General approves a different time). Deliver mail received on Saturday no later than Tuesday. Deliver circulars received on a day preceding a holiday no later than the second delivery day following the holiday. 223.3 223.4 Deliver all third- and fourth-class parcels available for delivery that day. A specific cutoff time which allows for sufficient processing time should be established. M.-38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 226.1 Management of Rural Delivery Services 224 VEHI CLE EQUIPMENT 224 . 1 Managers must assure that, when required. rural carriers furnish a vehicle which is of sufficient capacity to accommodate the normal mail workload and constructed to protect mail from loss or damage. Vehicles and their equipment. as a minimum. must comply with the applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. U . S. Department of Transporta tion. and/ or applicable State codes pertaining to that vehicle. Vehicles must be maintained in a high standard of repair and mechanical operation. 224.2 Any regular rural carrier or substitute assigned to serve a rural route, who is required by management to furnish a vehicle for that route shall be paid the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for the route served. Postal Service vehicles may be furnished permanently or for emergency use. In such instances, the rural carrier will not be entitled to E M A. Long standing use of government or contract vehicles for emergency situations must be reported to the M S C for review. 224.3 Managers must assure that all rural carriers (regular, substitute, and auxiliary) have a valid State operators permit and a SF-46, U. S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card, in accordance with 2 1 4 ofthe M-52 Fleet Management 225.1 Definition An intermediate office is any post office located on the line of travel of the rural route that is included in the official route description, and at which the carrier stops (daily) to perform service. 225.2 Delivery of the Mail Provide customers of intermediate offices and community post offices with rural delivery service if they request the service and erect approved rural mailboxes along the carrier's line of travel. Deliver on th� next delivery trip any mail intended for customers residing on that part of the route already traveled , but i m properly add ressed to an intermediate office or community post office. 225.3 Supervision Resolution of irregularities, complaints, and administrative problems involving a route serving intermediate office(s) is the responsibility of the postmaster of the office from which the route emanates. 226 ROADS AND APPROACHES TO MAILBOXES Managers are required to: Handbook. 226 . 1 224.4 Managers must make periodic checks of the carrier's vehicle to assure that: a. Keep informed of road conditions on rural routes, a. No mail is being left in vehicle. b. It is adequate to accommodate the normal mail workload. c. The vehicle offers adequate protection against loss or damage to the mail including posssible damage due to adverse weather conditions. d. The daily mileage recorded from the vehicle odometer does not excessively exceed the authorized mileage of the route. Note: If excessive mileage is found. the manager must determine the reason and take appropriate corrective action. if warranted. 225 I NTE R M EDIATE OFFICES M -38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 b. Endeavor to obtain cooperation from highway officials and from customers in keeping roads passable and in good repair. and approaches to boxes open. Use Form 40 24 , Request to Repair Roads, for notification. c. Whenever necessary, inform customers through the use of Form 4056, Your Mailbox Needs Atten tion, and Notice 38 ,1 Approaches to Curbside or Rural Mailboxes, to keep the approaches to their boxes clear by promptly removing obstructions. including snow. which may make the delivery of mail di fficult or impossible. d. In areas of new construction or other problem areas. assure that customers' mailboxes are erected in accordance with current requirements and are located to promote the efficient and safe delivery of mail. Management of Rural Delivery Services 226.2 226.2 If extensive detours are necessary to effect delivery of mail, customers should. when practical. be requested to; a. Relocate their mailboxes temporarily. b. Receive their mail through other customer boxes. or c. Make some other arrangements for receiving their mail until regular service can be resumed. 227 N O N -CON FORMING BOXES Notify customers with Form 4056. Your Mailbox Needs Attention. of any irregularities requiring attention. If irregularities remain uncorrected for 1 5 days, a second notice must be provided. After an additional 1 5 days (30 days total), management may withdraw service until corrections are inade as specified in Part 63 1 .3 and Part 636.4, PO M. 228 DAILY OPERATIONS 22 8 . 1 Managers will require carriers to perform their duties properly and efficiently. taking whatever action is necessary to protect the mail and ensure proper service. 228 .2 Managers may permit carriers to assist in separating second-. third-, and fourth-class matter when it is in the best interests of the Postal Service to do so, provided it is without compensation, and is agreeable with the carrier. Cons�der the implications of the requirements and provisions of FLSA when requesting or permitting this function. 228.3 M anagers must determine cutoff time(s) for the various classes of mail and assure that all missorted or missent mail is redistributed and is taken out for delivery by carriers. 228.4 Managers should level the carriers by utilizing the proper procedures for non-preferential mail. work mail in order o� priority and receipt. workload of curtailment Identify and sequence of 228.5 Managers must assure that carriers account for and remit daily to the proper persons all Postal Service funds coming within their possession. and make proper disposition of any money entrusted to them as agents of the Postal Service. M oney order and registry business records and all reports required of the carriers must be completed before the carriers go off duty. 228.6 Managers will make periodic checks of carriers' work areas to determine: a. Is carrier's route book complete and current? (Rural carriers must maintain a roster of all customers who are not authorized street and house numbers as their official mailing address. either in their route book or in a card file, Form 4232-A. Managers will examine at least quarterly each carrier's roster of customers and determine its legibility and correctness.) b. Are the entries of forwarding orders legible and complete? c. Are rural carriers properly maintaining Form 3982, Change of Address, and Form I564-B, Orders to Box Section or Other Special Orders, as instructed in H andbook M-37? These forms should be reviewed periodically by the manager to ensure they are being utilized properly. d. Are Forms 3575, Change of Address Order, being kept in or on the rural carrier's case? These forms must be processed daily by the carrier, forwarded to the C FS/ C M U unit, or returned for filing as described in the M-37 H andbook . 228.7 Managers must evaluate the daily service rendered by the employees. Observe carriers to assure that they perform their duties as outlined in Handbook M-37, Rural Carriers Duties and Re sponsibilities. 228.8 Carriers may stop, not to exceed 30 minutes, for lunch during which time mail and equipment must be protected. Managers must assure that lunch periods are taken at approximately the same time every day, and are of the same duration, to avoid extreme schedule variations. 228.9 Managers must assure that carriers cover their routes in the most efficient manner and. so far as practical. regulate the rate of travel to reach boxes at about the same time each day. Carriers serving nonpersonnel rural units must be instructed to make every effort to arrive there at or near the same time M-38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 229.4 Management of Rural Delivery Services each day. They must remain at the unit to serve customers for such time as may be necessary but. in any event. for no less than 1 5 minutes. 229 DISCIPLI N E 2 29 . 1 In the administration o f discipline. a basic principal is that discipline should be corrective in nature, rather than p unitive. No employee may be disciplined or discharged except for just cause. The delivery manager must make a reasonable effort to correct a situation before resorting to disciplinary measures defined in A rticle 16 of the US PS-N R LCA National Agreement. 229 . 2 Managers can accomplish their mission only through the effective use of people. H ow successful a manager is in working with people will, to a great measure, determine whether or not the goals of the Postal Service are attained. Getting the j ob done through people is not an easy task, and certain basic things are required. such as: a. Let employees know what is expected of them. b. Know fully if the employees are or are not attaining expectations; do not guess. make certain with documented evidence. M -38, TL-1 , 7- 1 -80 Let the employees explain their problems; listen! If given a chance, many employees will help solve their own problems. Draw it out from them if needed. but get the whole story. C. 229.3 Managers must recognize that they have an obligation to their employees. and to the Postal Service. when problems arise to: a. Find out who. what. when. where. and why. b. Assure that all the facts are considered. c. Resolve as many problems as possible before they become grievances. d. Admit when the employee's stand has merit. and correct the situation. Make decisions; do not pass this reponsibility on to someone else. 229.4 The National Agreement is a contract that governs management and employees in their dealings with each other. H owever, it is the front-line manager who controls management's attempt to maintain an· atmosphere between employer and employee which assures mutual respect of each other's rights and responsibilities. Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 214. 1 1 T I M E CONVERS I ON TABLE ( Mi nutes Minutes to Hund red ths ) Hund red t h s M i nu t e s Hund red ths 01 02 03 04 05 02 03 05 07 08 31 32 33 34 35 52 53 55 57 58 06 07 08 09 10 10 12 13 15 17 36 37 38 39 40 60 62 63 65 67 11 12 13 14 15 18 20 22· 23 25 41 42 43 44 45 68 70 72 73 75 16 17 18 19 20 27 28 30 32 33 46 47 48 49 50 77 78 80 82 83 21 22 23 24 25 35 37 38 40 42 51 52 53 54 55 85 87 88 90 92 26 27 28 29 30 43 45 47 48 50 56 57 58 59 93 95 97 98 Exhibit 2 1 4 . 1 1 M -3S. TL-1 . 7-1 -S0 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 214.35 Step # 1 Determining Base Workhours Cumulative wo:rkhours Step #2 - 1 ,060 Minus: Christmas Overtime Hours Equals: Base workhours 10 1 ,050 Determining Average Daily Workhours Base workhours 1 ,050 N umber of days employee worked to date in guarantee period. ( Do not include any day charged to leave of any type or charged to absence without leave.) Divided by: Equals: Step #3 - Average daily workhours 1 50 7:00 Determining Gross Projected Annual Workhours Average daily workhours. 7:00 Number of work days remaining in the guarantee period. Multiplied by: Plus: Cumulative workhours (from Step I) \ ,060 Gross projected annual workhours 2, 1 31 Equals: Step #4 1 ,071 Determining Net Projected Annual Workhours Gross projected annual workhours. Minus: Committed or approved leave ( I nclude only the leave covered by a signed leave commitment or leave requested in writing and approved on Form 39 71 . Do not include leave anticipated by the carrier but not yet requested in writing and approved by management.) Equals: Net projected annual workhours 2, 1 3\ 1 20 2,0\ 1 Exhibit 21 4.35 M.-3S. TL- 1 . 7-1-S0 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 217 .1 2b(2) o SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPnON Postmaster will complete this part: POST OFFICE I Anytown NAME OF CARRIER John L . Doe I SEE INSTRucnONS STATE AND ZIP CODE 12345 USA I ROUTE NO. 01 To be completed by Management sectional Center or Post Office : SAl.AAY I , , , , , PROTECOON DATA , , , , , , I , I , , , BOXES BASE HOUR CHANGE STOPS EFFECTIVE DATE I I I I , I Overburdened Route COMPLETION on reverse 01 Part FIf\'ANyE �O I 1 I ICH�CK ONE) I , , I ,I NEW AMEND· ,I , 6 , 1 ,2 14 0 ROUTE IXl ED 0 RE· MEASURED STEP PRIOR LENGTH I NEW LENGTH 1 1 7r;AL SE'CURITY NO OS : S :6 : 0 : 0, 0: 4: 3: 5: 0 1i 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7: s i 9 o o I APPR B J�tDn hock SC , , , ,, , , , , , , , , 0 : 5 : 0 : 0 0' 4 ' 6 ' 8 4 ' 3 ' 1 ' 0 0 : 5 : o bl s; 0 I FOR Relief to >I. DATE , Aoril 15 1980 ' Exhibit 2 1 7. 1 28 o SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE Temporary Change tor OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPnON Duration of Detour Postmaster will complete this part: POST OFFICE I Anytown NAME OF CARRIER J . C . Doe I STATE AND ZIP CODE 12345 USA IROUTE NO. 02 jSTEP , , I , , ,,, , , , , ,, ,, , I BOXES BASE HOUR CHANGE STOPS EFFECTIVE DATE Flf\'ANyE �' I I I , " 01 Part 1. (CHECK ONE) NEW AMEND· RE· 0 ROUTE Iil ED 0 MEASUREO LENGTH I NEW LENGTH , 1 :tAL SECURITY NO 0 , 1 , 6 , 1 , 2, 4 PRIOR 07 0 : 3 :4 :4 : 0) 0: 4: 4: 4: 0 1: 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8: 9 To be completed by Management sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY PROTECTION DATA ' .1 SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION on reve<Se ,, ,, ,I ,, ,, ," , ,, , , , ,' ,, ,, [) :4 : 7 : 5 0' 4' 6! 2 4 ' 3' 1 ' 7 0 ' 2 ' 2 ' 3! 8' 0 APPROV E.'M\in DATE Clock SC ManaRer/Postmaster OS. 1980 February Exhibit 2 1 7 . 1 2b(1 ) o SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE OFRCIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPnON I Postmaster will complete this part: POST OFFICE I I.nytown NAME OF CARRIER .J . C . Doe 12345 rOUTE 02 NO. To be completed by Management Sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY PROTECTION DATA ,I , , , , , , , , , , ,, I , , I BOXES STOPS , , , , 0: 4: 7: 'i o! , , 4: a E BASE HOUR CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE , I , , F�.wrE �O , I ' , , ' o e!s e 01 Part 1 J I 07 0 :4 � � :O I0I :3 :4 :4 :0 1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 � : S :9 APPRO�Ib W Clock DATE sr. June Exhibit 2 1 7. 1 2b(2) M- 38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 rev (CHECK ONE) NEW AMEND· RE· ,I t6 , li 2, 4 0 ROUTE IXl EO 0 MEASURED STEP PRIOR LENGTH NEW �ENGTH I �IAL SECURITY NO , , , , , I 4 ' 1' 1 ' 7 0: 7 : 1 : 21 S: O ' Temporary Detour SEE INSTRucnONS FOR COMPLETION on STATE AND ZIP CODE USA Termination o f 23 1980 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 217.1 2c(1) o SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE I OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPTION I I I I I NAME OF CARRIER I r SEe INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPL E1 l0N on reverse of Pari 1 Postmaster will complete this part: POST OFFICE STATE AND ZIP CODE nC:: A 1 ? "Il." , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , I , I BOXES I , I P : 2 : 0 :0 A B SE HOUR CHANGE I STOPS I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I lJ I (CHECK ONE) NEW 0 AMEND· EO NEW LENGTH SOCIAL SECURITY NO I :I ;. �, , '" ?� "I I I : I I' : : : J.. I til ROUTE I I I I 0: 1:3 : 4 :5 , I o ��'ASURED I 1 I I : : : : : : i I i I SJlhn APPROVE I I d : l : 7 : 5 1 ' 71 3 1 2 0' 1' 1 '2 1 8 ' 0 I h TEP PRIOR LENGTH 04 EFFECTIVE DATE FI�AN9E �O r OUTE NO. To be completed by Management Sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY PROTECTION DATA Auxiliary Route DATE Clock SC Manall:er/Postmas t er Dec emb er 28 , 19 79 Exhibit 2 1 7 .1 2c( 1 ) o SEASONAL ROUTE U S POSTAL SERVICf • I I Postmaster will complete this part: seE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION on reverse of Pari ' h POS �T"O "'F :;: F;;: IC"' E----------T'l'O S.r. rACT T., E ArND T ,-;: I"'" ZI:; P-;: " ; C:;:: o'"' DE r-------r-..; FINANCE NO I Anytawn ' USA 12345. 0 12 I NAME OF CARRIER ISTEP PRIOR LENGTHI r ROUTE NO. I I :1 � : : : 4 • 03 I : I : : : : To be completed by Management Sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY I I I I I , PROTECTION DATA I I t I , I , I , BOXES BASE HOUR CHANGE : STOPS , I Regular Route OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPTION APPROVED BY EFFECTIVE DATE I l 'CHECK ONE) Iil �5n'TE NEW LENGTH I I I 0 :3 :7 :5 :5 I 0 � ��END ' � ASURE D SOCIAL SFCURITY NO I • I • : : : : : I I : : : John Clock SC Mana2er/Postmas ter February I I 0 11, 1980 Exhibit 2 1 7 . 1 2c(2) o SEASONAL ROUTE . . . U S. POSTAL SERVICE cbnversion of Auxiliary OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPTION RQute to Regular Status Postmaster will complete this part : I POST OFFICE I SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR GO MP L ETION on rever.e of Pm' 1 STATE AND ZIP CODE ! .. ..:!:.!�!4 L ...!:!� I USA 12345 NA"' E OF CAR :;;R;;; ,E::;; R;------ .L-- .. 'R ; OUTE NO J7.Anvtown �!;;?-:��� I I 06 To be completed by ManagemElnl Sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY PROTECTION DATA I I : : I J I I : : : : BOXES I I , 0: 4 : 5 : I STOPS I I I BASI: HOUR CHANGE I I I ' EFFECTIVE DATE 1 I I I --I :;;;E'7 �N I -------..C;:-;:K�O 'I :·;:; ;;---r No � E FINANC HE l ;;I , I • t 0: 41 2 :6 4 0 : 1 :0 0: 7 :2 16 : 8 : 0 ( 0 :1 15 : 1:2 :4 [XI �5n'Tf 0 ��END' 0 STEP PRIOR LENGTH : I : I: Ii , I NE:W LENGTH : : : 0 I 3 ' 5 I 3 I: 0 APPROVED BY Jonn DATE Cl.OCk ��'ASURED S�CIAL SECURITY NO I : :I I : I : I : I : I I I I • SC Manager/Pos tmaster July 14 , 1980 Exhibit 21 7. 1 2d M -38, TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Management of R ural Delivery Services Exhibit 217. 13d o SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESC�IPTION I Postmaster will complete this part : I POST OFFICE . Anytown NAME OF CARRIER Discontinued ' .1 0 11 1 6 1 11 21 4 �fiJ I 01 0 o l o l o : d J 0: 0: 0: 01 0 0 :0 : 0: 0: 0: 0 1 0: 0 : 0 SEe INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION 12345 I Pill I I (Clll CK ONEI ' I I , I NEW AMLNDR�· 0 ROUTE ED 0 ME.A�URED OCIAL SfCURITY NO � NEW STEP PRIOR lENGTH lEN � • I I I ' I I I I I I • FI�AN9E ':'0 , STATE AND ZIP CODE USA ROUTE NO. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BOXES I I I I I BASE HOUR CHANGE STOPS I l o !o : o :o !o ! o : o io� o : o : o I I I I I II I I 01 O! a 0l o !n!o 1 0 1 0!7 I I APPROVED BY EFFECTIVE DATE I I I I I i I I , � S� DATI: I I 0 on revm." 01 I To be completed by Management Sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY PROTECTION DATA DiscC!lntinuance o f a Rural Route I .. - John Clock �r. .Tnl v , ... ' 980 Exhibit 2 1 7 . 1.2& o SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPTION Postmaster will complete this part : I POST OFFICE Anytown NAME OF CARRIER A. P . Doe I � 0 : 1 � 4' 2 r 06 0 :2 � � ! oI 0: 3: 9 : 4 : 5 I 5: 5: 5 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 5: 5 : 5 SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ANANCE NO STATf: AND ZIP CODE USA 12345 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I SlOPS , I BASE HOUR CHANGE 07 I I I APPROVED BY EFFECTIVE DATE I I I 0: 4: 6: 1 d 3 6: 8 4 : 1: 0 : 0 0: 61 1 : , 8: 0 I I I DATE Exhibit 2 1 7.1 3d M-38, Tl- 1 , 7-1 -80 on reverse 01 Part I H�t:K ONE) 0 NE"" . .- BOXES � !Xl AMEND' 0 REo· i I I :I ROtlTE ED MEASURED TEp PRIOR LENGTH NEW L�NGTH i SocIAL SECURITY NO , ROUTE NO. To be completed by Management Sectional Center or Post Office: SAlARY PROTECTION DATA Route Consolidation • -- John Clock -SC Mana2er /: Postmaster June 2 , 1980 Management of Rural Delivery Services Contents 388 CONTENTS-Chapter 3 STAN DAR D O PE RATING PROCEDU R ES 31 0 320 PURPOSE RESPO NSIBI LITIES 32 1 322 323 330 350 District Managers Management Sectional Center Managers Postmasters Labeling Loading Vehicles Delivery CARRI E R WORK M ETHODS-OFFICE 351 3 52 353 3 54 Obtaining Mail Withdrawing Mail Casing M ethods Preparing for Delivery Office Management Procedures 33 1 332 333 340 343 344 345 General Scheduling Utilization of Work Area and Equipment CARRI ER'S BASIC WO RK METHODS 34 1 342 General Casing Equipment and Use M-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 360 CARRI E R WORK M ETHO DS-ROUTE 36 1 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 General Loading Mail Setup Serving Boxes from the Vehicle Dismount Deliveries Ordinary Parcel Post Special Services Mail Collection of Mail 332.1 Management of R ural Delivery Services CHAPTER 3 S TANDARD OPERATING · PROCEDURES 31 0 PU R PO S E Review of delivery operations indicates that even in well managed offices, many hidden inefficiencies are likely to be present. These instructions are designed to assist managers in identifying and correcting ineffective practices. They set forth practical standard operating procedures (SOP) which require the least amount of effort, time, and cost. These procedures provide sufficient flexibility for application in all rural delivery units. The manage ment responsibilities outlined in this chapter assure the immediate and continuing support of managers at all levels for the effective application of the procedures described. 320 R ES PO N S I BI LITI ES 321 D ISTR ICT MANAG ERS District managers are responsible for developing an action plan to complete the implementation of the standard operating procedures. I n addition, district office responsibility includes establishing and carrying out specific follow-up procedures which will assure continuing compliance with the SOP. and that these operating procedures and work methods are followed daily. 323.2 Deviation Authorization to deviate may be approved in writing by the MSC management after review by qualified MSC managers. 323.3 Instruction of Employees in Changed Work Methods E V E R Y M A N A G E R M U ST P RO M PTLY PROVI D E DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS AND G U I DANCE TO EM PLOYEES W H EN WORK M ET H O DS O R P ROC E D U R E S A R E CHANGED. ANY CHANGES M UST BE IN CONFOR M ANCE WITH THE NATIONAL AGREEM ENT A�D NATIONAL POLICIES AN D PROCEDU RES. EMPLOYEES M U ST COM PLETELY UNDERSTAND THE WORK M ETH O DS AND I P ROCEDU R ES TH EY ARE EXPECTED TO F9LLOW. � 330 O FFICE ANAGEMENT · PROCE D U R ES 322 MANAG EM E NT S ECTIO N AL CENTER MANAG ERS 331 MSC managers are responsible for providing the necessary support to postmasters charged with implementing these instructions, for assuring that MSC delivery and mail processing managers work together to achieve compliance with the instructions contained herein, and for overseeing onsite reviews and follow-up. I The postmaster must plan and organize all activities in the office to achieve the most effective and efficient use of the physical and human resources available. This includes planning an orderly work routine, laying out equipment, and scheduling clerks and carriers to coincide �ith both the timing of the mail flow and the customer's needs. 323 332 323 . 1 POSTMASTERS Implementation Postmasters having rural delivery service are responsible for assuring that the standard operating procedures described herein are implemented fully. M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 332 . 1 GEN ERAL SCHEDU LIING General I -" I Proper scheduling depends upon an intimate knowledge of operating concepts (e.g. mail flow) plus a comp lete awareness of the o perational Management of Rural Delivery Services 332.2 characteristics of the unit. Consideration must be given to: a. The receipt and availability o f mail, b. The time required for the carrier to case all mail and perform other office duties before leaving to serve the route, c. The time necessary for toe carrier to serve the route and return to the office in time for the dispatch of mail collected. N ote: Proper scheduling of available manpower is a major key to the cost effectiveness of the unit. 332.2 Management's Schedule The Postmaster or a designee must report sufficiently in advance of the first scheduled carrier's reporting time to insure proper coverage of each route so that the day's activities can be pl�lDned. Normally, the postmaster or designee must be on duty when the carrier returns to the office. H owever, an exception may be made on Saturday. (See Part 2 1 6.) 332 .3 Carriers' Schedule . 3 1 The carrier's reporting and work schedule should be planned to prevent lost time. The work schedule is normally determined by the office and route standards shown on the most recent Form 4241 -A, Rural Route Evaluation. Carriers should not be scheduled prior to the I first receipt of mail. Example: 1 6: 1 2 Route ' 27:25 I Total Route ' Total 43:37 Average Daily Time Office 2:42 4:34 a. If lunch is taken, the schedule must be adjusted accordingly, i.e. the returning and ending time must be extended by the time taken for lunch. b. The carrier's scheduled leaving time could vary according to the route characteristics, i.e. a route collecting a large number of parcels, money order applications. etc. could require more afternoon and less morning office time. c. Under no circumstances should a rural carrier's schedule require or allow that the carrier wait for mail to be distributed during the morning or afternoon office time. .33 Based on personal knowledge of a particular carrier or route, the responsible manager may adjust the schedule based on less than the time indicated by the route evaluation, (i.e. if the average evaluated time indicated that 2:42 office time was needed, but the carrier had been satisfactorily working within a 2:20 office schedule, and no significant changes had been made to the route, a 2:20 office schedule would be proper). This procedure is not intended to reduce the time allowed the carrier to complete the route to less than the total evaluated time of the route . .34 Carriers may be scheduled to report earlier than normal on days when the preferential mail volume is greater than normal, if it is necessary to maintain the regularly scheduled leaving time. However unless o perational needs dictate, starting times should not be prior to 0600. 332.4 Evaluated H ours as Shown on Form 424 1 -A Office Note: 7: 1 6 . 32 Daily schedules shall be established to coincide with the daily evaluation of the route and adj usted periodically as required. (Schedules should allow time for distribution of sufficient quantity of mail to the carrier prior to the scheduled reporting time.) Maintaining Schedules .41 Carriers must be trained and motivated to complete their office work so that they may leave the office on time each day. The manager responsible for carrier's schedules must be aware of the daily workload for each route. (See Part 222.) .42 Managers at all levels must take positive steps to instill in every employee a sense of importance in the need to maintain schedules daily and perform all assigned duties within the allocated time . 333 UTILIZATION OF WOR K AREA A N D EQU I PMENT 333 . 1 General M -38. Tl-1 . 7- 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services . 1 1 The workroom floor and parking and loading areas must be arranged to minimize walking and to facilitate an orderly flow of mail and equipment. Attention must also be given to selection and layout of authorized equipment which will be used by carriers at intermediate offices. . 1 2 The work area must be kept clean of extraneous materials and items. Assure that empty sacks and other equipment are placed in designated locations where they will not interfere with work activities or create safety hazards. 333.2 Workroom Floor Layout . 2 1 Central Markup (CM U) /Computerized Forward System (CFS) Where practical, locate the case or deposit point on the carrier's line of travel to the distribution case or exit. .22 Accountable Maii Cage Locate the accountable mail section near the carriers. Do not allow the carriers to make more than one stop for accountables. An optional method for use in the morning is to take all accountables to the carriers by hand transfer or by using a suitable conveyance. .23 Hold Mail Hold mail is to be placed in a central location only when space is not available at the carrier's case. .24 Equipment Used Daily Sufficient trays, straps, hampers, forms, and other equipment needed by carriers must be readily accessible. Equipment used daily, such as hampers. may be marked with the route number; except when this restricts operational effectiveness and equipment utilization. .25 Rarely Used Equipment Rarely used or temporarily surplus equipment should not be stored in prime space. M 38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 ... 342.2 1 3 340 CAR R I E R 'S BAS I C WO R K MET H O DS 341 GENERAL 341 . 1 Carriers should proceed directly to their cases, record the beginning time on Form 4240, Rural Carrier Trip Report, and begin working. 341 . 2 Carrier offite and delivery work is based upon the one bundle, modified one bundle (see Part 353.2), or the two bundle system. Note: There should be no unauthorized methods in operation that conflict with those defined in the SOP, including case layouts, mail flow, etc . 342 CAS I NG EQU I PM ENT AND USE 342 . 1 Equipment Management will decide the type of case, and the number of cases and wings needed on individual rural routes. Carrier case, Item 1 24c, has six shelves and is one type of case used on rurar routes. Wing cases, Items 1 43c and l 44c. may be used to supplement Item 1 24c as described in Part 342.2. 342. 2 .21 Use One Bundle System . 2 1 1 Cases will be set up generally with two inch separations and two deliveries per separation. Managers may vary the size of the separations and the number of deliveries per separation on specific routes d e pend i n g l u p o n the v o l u m e a n d characteristics of mail normally received b y those routes. I . 2 1 2 When the l 24� case will not accommodate all boxes or deliveries on the route. wing cases ( Items 143c and 1 44c). may !be used . .2 1 3 When the use of Items 1 43c and l 44c is necessary. continue the separations evenly into the wing case. Begin with lthe lowest shelf and extend the separations as necessary. Do this with the remaining shelves and attempt to keep the separations equal in length on all shelves pf the wing case. 342.22 .22 Management of Rural Delivery Services Modified One Bundle System The cases and wing cases are the same as for the one bundle system. (See Part 353.3.) Two Bundle System .23 I I .231 Cases will be set up generally with one inch separations for letters with t�o deliveries per letter separation. Flat separations will be approximately ten inches in width and arranged as instructed in Part 343.24. Managers may vary the size of separations and the number of deliveries per separation on specific routes depending upon the volume and characteristics of mail normally received by those routes. .232 On routes using the two bundle system. a wing case must not be used for letters unless: a. The total boxes serviced exceeds 420; or b. The average letter volume cased daily exceeds 2.500 letters. I .233 Consideration will not be given to approving more than two deliveries perl separation unless the number of boxes served on a route exceeds the maximum number developed at two per separation (to a limit of 900 per 1 24f 1 44 letter case combination). Note: U nder no circumstances should a shelf be placed on the top of a letter or flat case. I .234 Items I43c. 144c. or a portion of the letter case must be used for distribution of flat mail by carriers. Wing cases must be on the right side of the Item 1 24c case where possible. Exception: When an Item l44c case is shared by two routes. one route will. of course. have the flat case on the left side. 343 343 . 1 LABELING G eneral The postmaster or designee must assure that all cases in the unit are labeled efficiently and uniformly. 343.2 Carrier Case Labels and Separations .21 For the one bundle or modified one bundle system. separations must be labeled from left to right, beginning at the left corner ofthe top shelfand ending at the lower shelfin the right corner. Labels must be placed over the separations. .22 For the two bundle system, begin at the left corner of the lowest shelf and end at the top shelf in right corner. Labels must be placed below the separtions. .23 Labeling must be in the exact line of travel for every delivery on the rpute. Any unused space should be at the end of the route in the upper or lower right corner of the case, except as stated in part 342.2 13. . 24 The postmaster or designee may authorize removal of separators when necessary to provide wider separations to accommodate the normal mail volume received for a single delivery. . 25 Reserve 1 5 spaces on the lower right side of the bottom shelf o f the carrier case or on the bottom shelf of the right wing case immediately adjacent to the letter case for Undeliverable-as-Addressed mail (A-Z separations, mark-up mail. etc.). .26 For routes using the two bundle system. label flat case separations to conform to the letter case. When possible, flat cases should be labeled with a flat separation corresponding to V2 of a letter shelf. Use all shelves in wing case with break points established to distribute flats equally. .27 When additional d eliveries are added to a route. they must be fitted into the case where they will conform to the delivery pattern and sequence of delivery. Except for directs. the case labels must follow the exact line of travel. .28 Periodically review the case for each route in the unit to determine if the carriers are properly maintaining them. .29 Rural carriers are required to label or relabel cases as necessary. 344 344.1 LOADI N G VEHICLES General Parking and maneuvering arrangements for rural vehicles should be designed to minimize loading time. M -38, TL-1 , 7-1 -80 Management of R ural Delivery Services 344.2 Procedures .21 Assign rural carriers parking locations near the exit from which mail is taken for loading pursuant to Article 20 of the U S PS-N RLCA National Agreement. .22 Parcels should be distributed by route into gurneys or hampers. .23 The gurneys or hampers shall be located convenient to the carriers. . 24 The carrier will place the letter and flat mail for the route in the gurney, hamper or another suitable conveyance. with the parcels, for transport to the vehicle. Every reasonable effort should be made to eliminate the need for more than one trip by the carrier to load the vehicle. .25 If the office has a ramp. the conveyance will be wheeled directly from the carrier case to the parking space. .26 During the loading process. the carrier places the parcels in sequence of delivery in the vehicle. Note: To be cost effective, loading whould require a minimum of effort and time on the carrier's part. Remember, loading must be supervised frequently and timed periodically. 345 362.1 1 360 CAR R I ER WO R K METHOD S OFFICE 35 1 3 5 1 . 1 Carriers will withdra w mail from distribution cases when the mail has not been placed on their case ledge by a clerk or mailhandler in accordance with Part 352.2 of these instructions. However, s.1l carriers, including those exempt from general mail withdrawal requirements. must make a final withdrawal of letters and preferential flats from· the designated distribution case before leaving for their routes. 35 1 . 2 Changes in withdrawal procedures for nITal routes will be made in accordance with the following: a. M anagers may change the methods, means, and / or personnel by which such operations are conducted only in those pffices having both rural and city delivery service. Note: N o change may be made on existing routes in offices having only rural delivery service. b. I mprovement in efficiency at the individual office and assurance that the withdrawal of mail (if by an employee other than the rural carrier) normally will not require the carrier to wait for mail must be supplied in writing I to the Management Sectional Center. DELIVERY c. 345 . 1 Maintain a current route map showing the official line of travel of all rural routes assigned to the office. Maps showing highways, roads, and streets can usually be obtained from the courthouse, tax assessor's office, or the county I city engineer's office. OBTAINING MAIL Assessment will i be on an office-by-office basis. d. Normally, there should be no significant schedule changes resulting from a change in the method of withdra�ing mail. 352 I WITHDRAWING MAIL 345 . 2 Review the authorized line of travel and determine if the line of travel being used is the most practical and efficient possible. When reviewing the line of travel, fuel economy must be considered. 352 . 1 Withdra�al of Mail by Other Than Rural Carrier ' 345. 3 Carriers are . required to follow the authorized line of travel out to. back from, and on the route. Deviations approved for lunch or other purposes on the route must not be counted as part of the total official route mileage. Letter mail must be I placed on the carrier case ledge, either in trays or stacked loose, no more than one row high. The mail must be facing to the right with stamps down, regardless of whether it is worked loose or worked from trays. M-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 .1 1 Letter M ail Management of Aural Delivery Services 362.12 .12 Flat M ail Flat mail must be placed on. under. or near the carrier case and stacked neatly in piles. 352 . 2 .21 Withdrawal o f Man by R ural Carriers Morning Upon reporting. the carrier will sweep the distribution cases of all letter and flat mail. No more than two additional withdraw�lls should be made in the morning, including thel final withdraw as required in Part 35 1 . . 22 Afternoon Upon returning from the route, the carrier will obtain all letter and flat mail available from the distribution case and place it on the carrier case ledge or neatly in piles beside the carrier case whichever is I appropriate. 353 CAS I N G M ETHO DS 353. 1 General The casing systems in use in the rural delivery service are divided into three genera,l categories. the one bundle system , the modified one bundle system. and the two bundle system. 353 .2 .21 One Bundle System General Under the one bundle system; the carrier will case both letter and flat mail into the letter case separations. U nder this system, the size and number of boxes per separation is determined by the postmaster or supervisor after considering the volume and mix of mail on the route. (See Part 342.22 1 .) . 22 Casing Letters .231 Flat mail and other odd size non-letter mail that will fit are cased in the same separation as letter mail. These items should generally be cased after letter size mail. However, such items may be cased before letter size mail when it would not result in a delay in the redistribution of missorted mail. Flats and other non-letter size mail that will not fit in the separations are handled separately. (See Part 354.223d for instructions.) .232 When the one bundle system is used. catalogs that cannot be cased with other mail will be cased and strapped out as a separate bundle. 353.3 Exception ( Modified One Bundle System) In some areas, if approved by management. flats or letters may be sorted and strapped out separately. using just one case. Generally letters would be sorted and strapped out first. then the flat mail would be handled. This system will be authorized only if it would not result in a delay in the redistribution and delivery of missorted preferential mail. • 353.4 Two Bundle System .41 General Under the two bundle system leiter mail is casedfirst into the letter separations. When the available letter mail has been cased. the carrier concentrates on the flat mail. Flats are cased into horizontal separations which conform to the break points of the letter separations. After flats are sorted, they are withdrawn from the horizontal separations and sequenced for delivery. Individually addressed merchandise samples which are difficult to handle when mixed with flats are handled separately. .42 Odd Pieces Any odd piece of mail mixed with the flat mail (except an obvious average size letter) are to be cased with the flat mail. The carrier should not double handle this mail by holding it out and casing it later. The carrier cases letters into the case separation. .43 .23 Casing Flats and Other Non-Letter Size Mail .43 1 The carrier sequences letters into one-inch separations with two addresses t'O a separation. The Casing Letters M.-38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Management of R ural Delivery Services 3&4.221 carrier should stand in the front center of the ledge where case labels can be read easily and any of the letter separations can be reached without moving the feet. With the left hand, the carrier picks up three to four inches of mail. With the letters loaded on the case ledge with stamps down and facing to the right, the letters are automatically in the correct reading position when picked up. tion may be necessary, but work methods are very similar. .432 The carrier reads only the essential lines necessary to sort the mail to the proper case separation. If a delivery point receives a volume of letter mail which makes sorting into the normal separation difficult, tire manager may authorize the removal of one or more vertical separators to provide a suffidently wide separation. (See Part 342.2 1 1 .) a. After all available letter mail is cased, the carrier cases the flat mail into the same separations. (See Part 354.22 1 .) . 433 The manager may authorize the carrier to sort both letters and flats to a case separation up to t o inches wide, but this procedure should b e used only in unusual situations (e.g. a delivery receiving a large volume of flats and letters). If this wide separation is justified, the carrier should handle or strap letters and flats together in a separate bundle. In these instances managers must consider firm hold-outs on the distribution case if space is available. .44 Casing Flats and Other Non-Letter Size Mail .441 When casing flats, the carrier stands directly in front of the flat separations. The carrier should hold approximately 50 pieces (6 inches) in the left arm while distributing with the right. Carriers should not work from a bundle of flats resting on the case ledge. .442 As with letter mail, the carrier should read only the essential information in the box number or street address line. . 443 Odd size non-letter mail pieces are sorted into the flat separations if they fit. If not, they are handled separately. 354 354 . 1 PREPAR I N G FOR DELIVERY General After all mail has been placed in sequence of delivery, it must' be prepared in a manner that will simplify handling on the route. Some difference in prepara- M -38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 354.2 .21 .21 1 Guidelines Letter Mail One Bundle System b. W hen it will not result in a delay in the redistribution of missorted mail, the letter mail may be cased after the flat mail, if approved by management. .21 2 Modified One Bundle System U se the same procedure outlined in Part 354.2 13. .21 3 Two Bundle System After all available letter mail is cased, the carrier pulls mail from cast( in sequence of delivery. Mail is pulled, placed in trays, or strapped out. .22 .221 Flat and Other Non Letter Size Mail One Bundle System a. After all available letter and flat mail is cased, the letters and flats are withdrawn beginning with the last delivery and ending with the first. One of the following methods �s to be used: I ( I ) If the route is equipped with a vehicle suitable for delivering mail directly from a tray, the carrier should place the qIail directly into the tray upon withdraw from the �eparation. As each tray is filled, it is placed in the haptper or gurney. The procedure is . repeated until all separations have been prepared for loading. (2) If the route is not equipped with a vehicle suitable for working mail directly from trays, the carrier should withdraw the mail from the separations and assemble it in a stack on the case ledge. When the stapk reaches a workable size bundle (8 to 1 0 inches), strap the bundle out and place it in the hamper or gurney. This procedure is repeated until all separations have been prepared for delivery. Management of Rural Delivery Services 354.222 b. Do not allow carriers to place letters between the pages or within the folds of flat mail. c. Addressed merchandise samples and odd size non-letter mail should be handled in accordance with Part 354.223d. .222 Modified One Bundle System a. After all available flat I mail is cased, it is withdrawn beginning with the last delivery and ending with the first. The method in Part 354.221 a( I) or Part 354.22 1 a(2) is to be used for preparing the flat mail for loading as appropriate. b. Addressed merchandise samples and odd-size non-letter mail should be handled in accordance with Part 354.223d. .223 Two Bundle System a. When all flats and odd size pieces are cased, one separation is pulled, placed on case ledge, and arranged in sequence of delivery. ! b. To arrange in sequence of delivery, the flats are placed to one side on the case ledge. The carrier takes the top flat and, placing it in the middle of the case ledge, sequences all the remaining flats to both sides of the first flat, in the shape of a fan. If the fan shape is not . comfortable, sequencing I can be done to both sides of the first flat in a straight line. When this method is used, after sequencing, the bottom flat (on the right) is pushed to the leftluntil all of the flats on the case ledge are stacked and I ready for strapping or tniying. Fit caseable odd size 'pieces into the bundle after sequencing is completed and flats are assembled into a stack. c. Do not return the sequenced flats back into the case separations. Strap or tray them out and put them into the hamper, gurney. container, sack. or satchel, as each is completed. This procedure is repeated until all separations have been sequenced and prepared for loading. d. Addressed merchandise samples can be handled as a separate bundle or pieces as appropriate. Unusual pieces such as odd size non-letter mail and rolls which cannot be cased with flats will be placed with the proper tray or bundle in delivery sequence. .23 Directs .231 Bundles of directs, made up by distribution clerks, should be delivered to the carrier case. These direct bundles do not require rehandling of individual pieces by the carrier. .232 H oldouts receiving a sufficient quantity of mail will be prepared and delivered to the carrier's case or designated area in sacks. This procedure requires no handling of individual pieces by the carrier. Normally, the sack should be delivered to the customer unopened and the empty sack retrieved on the following day. . 24 .241 Special Instructions Rural Route Boxholder This type of mail (letters or flats) will normally consist of one article for each box (or one for each family), and will be handled as a separate bundle or cased at the carrier's option. When more than one mailing must be delivered on the same day, they will be handled as a separate bundle or cased at the carrier's option. .242 Accountable Items a. Accountable items are those for which the carrier signs when obtaining them from the desig nated employee. b. While accountable mail handling procedures are similar nationwide, methods of delivery to the carrier and the distance of accountable mail section to and from the carrier cases vary. The accountable section should be located so carriers will not have to travel any great distance to the cage. A carrier must be able to obtain all accountable items for the route at one time and one location. c. Carriers should be called to the checkout case individually or in small groups. Use the "paddle system" or call individual routes one at a time to eliminate unnecessary waiting time. No more than one person should be in line if the operation is properly organized. d. An alternate method is to t�ke accountables to the carrier. Remember, the advantages of this M.-38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 36&.1 Management of Rural Delivery Services method are eliminated if the clerk has to · make additional trips to obtain additional accountables; therefore, all accountables must be delivered at the same time. .243 Multi-Delivery Unit Buildings/Use of Apartment House Directories a. All mail, addressed to apartments or buildings, not having an apartment or room number is entitled to directory service but not in the post office. Apartments and buildings are required to provide directories as described in Publication 1 7, Apartment House Mail Receptacles. b. Carriers are expected to case mail not bearing apartment or room numbers based on their own personal knowledge. Mail without apartment or room numbers, and unknown to the carrier, is kept separate from other mail for the apartment or building. The carrier may refer to the directory in the apartment or office building to complete delivery of mail. (See Publication 1 7, Section D. Paragraph I.) No directories are to be maintained in thepost office. . 244 Markups a. Offices with the Central Markup-Computerized Forwarding System. The undeliverable mail cased into the "A" through "Z" and CM U / CFS separa tions is to be placed in the designated location as the carrier leaves for the route. b. Offices without the Central Markup/ Comput� erized Forwarding System. The rural carrier will process all markup and undeliverable-as-addressed mail according to instructions in the Handbook M-37. 360 CAR R IER WO R K METH O DS R O UTE 361 GENERAL It is as important for the carrier's delivery methods to be as efficient and productive as the officefunctions. The delivery unit manager must determine if the carrier is following the standard operating procedures listed below. M -38, TL-1 , 7- 1 � 80 362 LOADI N G The mail must b e loaded i n the vehicle i n order of delivery,. It is essential that carriers maintain the delivery sequence of mail in the vehicle. This permits ready identification and retrieval of mail to be delivered and contributes to an efficient delivery operation. Safety is an important factor and the task of replenishing mail or obtaining the next parcel for delivery is only done when the vehicle is stopped. 363 MA� L SETU P Usually, it is most efficient to place mail in trays when withdrawn from the carrier case. Letters and flats to be delivered first must be loaded so they are readily available for delivery to the box by the carrier. Parcels must be aligned in delivery sequence in the vehicle convenient to the carrier. 364 SERVING BOXES FROM THE VEHICLE Generally. the carrier serves mailboxes without leaving the vehicle. Occasionally, it may be necessary to have the carrier dismount to serve a box temporarily blocked by snow or a parked vehicle, etc. 365 DISMOUNT DELIVER IES 365 . 1 The postmaster or designee is responsible fo r aut h o r i z i n g d i s m o u n t d e l i very. The establishment of dismount delivery should not be considered unless it serves: a. Apartment house complexes or other multiple dwelling units which use or qualify to use apartment house receptacles. b. Shopping Centers c. Nursing homes, schools, etc. d. A delivery point receiving a sack of mail and/ or parcel post daily. e. Single point delivery to a central location. f. Clustered boxes or neighborhood delivery and collection boxes. g. Individual, groups, or clusters of boxes, located behind the sidewalk. where solid sidewalks abutting 365.2 Management of Rural Delivery Services the curb prevent normal rural delivery service from the vehicle. (This type of service must be approved by the Regional Postmaster Ge�eral or his designee.) I 365. 2 A satchel should bel used for the dismount delivery portion of the route. Extra trips to and from the vehicle must be avoided unless absolutely necessary. The delivery vehicle must be closed and locked at any time the vehicle is not in full view of the carrier. 366 O R D I NARY PARCEL POST If delivery of parcels too large for the mailbox cannot be made (see Part 332 Handbook M-37). carriers must leave Form 3849-A, I Delivery Notice or Receipt, in the customer's mailbox (apartment house receptacles included), unless the customer has submitted a written statement authorizing such parcels to be left outside the mailbox. 367 SPECIAL S ERVICES MAI L Registered. special delivery, certified. numbered insured, COD, customs, and Express Mail must be delivered to the customer's residence in accordance with instructions in H andbook M-37. 368 COLLECTIO N OF MAIL 368 . 1 Carriers must collect mail from customer boxes when the flag is raised and from other approved designated collection points on the route. 368 . 2 Carriers will collect mail from designated collection boxes as scheduled. M-38. TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services CONTENTS-Chapter 4 EXTE N SIONS OF R U RAL ROUTES 41 0 GEN ERAL 420 CRITERIA 430 ROADS 43 1 432 433 434 440 General Private Roads or Lanes Private Driveways Turnarounds EXTENSIONS 441 General M -38. Tl- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Contents 45 4 4 4 2 Extensions to Mobile H ome Subdivisions, Parks, and Trailer Courts 443 Request for Extension 450 PROCES S I N G R EQU ESTS FOR EXTENSIONS 4SI 452 453 454 Postmasters Delegated Authority to Approve Extensions Postmasters N ot Delegated Authority to Approve Extensions Sectional Center Review of Form 4003 Submission to the Data Centers 441 Management of Rural Delivery Services C HAPTER 4 EXTE N S I O N S O F R U RAL R O UTES GENERAL 41 0 Rural mail delivery may be extended to: a. Customers at city delivery offices who reside outside of a 0.25 mile radius of a postal facility· and outside of city delivery service boundaries if such service is requested and the other requirements are met. b. Customers at non-city delivery offices who reside outside of a 0.25 mile radius of a postal facility* if such service is requested and the other requirements are met. c. A letter is submitted, by the person or persons responsible for maintaining the road. that includes the statement; It is understood that ifthe road is not properly maintained, rural delivery service will be withdrawn. A copy of the letter must accompany the request for an extension. Note: (1) (2) If the extension is approved, the original letter must be kept on file by the postmaster for as long as service is provided over the private road or lane. ·CA G L offices outside a .50 mile radius. d. The road or lane has no unattended gates or obstructions that would hinder the immediate access of carrier vehicles or personnel. 420 433 CRITERIA PR IVATE DRIVEWAYS Extensions should serve a n average of a t least one family per mile of additional travel including retrace. Consider other fa ctors. such as financial transactions, and type and volume of mail. 433. 1 A driveway leading directly to a customer's yard is private and should not be considered public even though maintaiAed by a municipality. 430 R OADS 433 .2 Rural service must not be extended onto private driveways. 431 G ENERAL 434 R oads generally should be public, must be maintained, and must be passable for carrier vehicles on a year-round basis. They must not be obstructed by gates that are unattended or are not automatic. Where there are streams crossing the road, they must be fordable at all seasons of the year or have suitable bridges to permit carrier vehicle travel. 432 PRIVATE ROADS OR LANES Extensions may be approved over private roads or lanes provided: a. A minimum of two families are benefited. b. All .other requirements are met, including the mileage/ family criteria as stated in Part 420. M -3S. TL- 1 . 7-1 -S0 TU R NAROU NDS W here necessary, a :suitable place that would not constitute a hazard td pedestrian, vehicular traffic, or the rural carrier mu�t be provided for the carrier to turn the vehicle around within the family and mileage criteria. I 440 441 I EXTENSIONS G ENERAL An extension should provide service to the driveway entrance for all customers making requests, provided each customer 1l)eets the average mileage requirement. Customers who do not qualify under present requirements may place boxes on the regular line of travel of a rural route and receive service. 442 Management of Rural Delivery Service. 442 EXTENSIONS TO M O B I LE HOME SUB DIVISIONS, PARKS, AND TRAILER COURTS 442 . 1 .11 Permanent Type Occupancy Single Point Delivery Delivery is made to the management office or other convenient and suitable. designated place or receptacle. Management mus� provide final delivery to each resident in such maI"!ner that will preclude persons other than the addresr!lee from having access to the mail. Notice 34, Instructions to Management Where Delivery of Mail isl to a Central Point, provides detailed information on handling and forwarding of mail. I .13 Delivery to Boxes in Clusters Approved delivery centers, neighborhood delivery and collection box units, or l clusters of approved rural type boxes may be_ used . Any Neighborhood Box Units, etc., installed must be approved by the MSC manager or designee. Note: This method is particularly suitable where patked vehicles or other conditions preclude curbline delivery. .15 Transient Type Occupancy .21 G.eneral These are developments comprlsmg recreational vehicle parks and trailer courts where lots or spaces are only rented. and where the occupants are transient. The fact that a minor portion of the occupants may reside in the park for extended periods does not qualify it as permanent type occupancy. Decision must be based upon the normal occupancy. . 22 Providing Service Service may be provided by: a. Single point delivery to the management office. b. Single point delivery to another convenient and suitable d esignated place or receptacle if there is no management office in the park or court. (See Part 442. 1 2.) I Centralized Delivery b y the Carrier Approved apartmenHype receptacles are furnished in a central mailroom or protected outdoor shelter with adequate lighting (see Publication 1 7, page 5, section B I b). .14 442.2 General These are developments c�msisting of managed mobile home parks or reside�tial mobile home sub divisions where lots are perml,lnently assigned; where the streets are public or privately maintained for public use; and where other c�nditions are similar or identical to a normal residential subdivision. Delivery options are subject to the approval of the local postmaster and are to be ;considered in the order listed. .1 2 Mailboxes will be grouped at dividing property lines to the extent practicable. Curbline Delivery Permissible where are conditions permit delivery efficiency with consideration for safety of both the residents and carrier. and where the requirements are met for curbline extension to individual residences. 443 443. 1 R EQU EST FOR EXTENSION Customers' Request Customers requesting an extension of rural delivery service should complete Form 4027, Petition for Change in Rural Delivery (Exhibit 443. 1), in accordance with the instructions on the form and submit to the postmaster. A separate Form 4027 must be submitted for each extension requested. 443.2 M anagement's Responsibility . 2 1 Upon receipt of Form 4027, management will complete the reverse side of Form 4027, prepare Form 4003, Official Rural Route Description, and a sketch of the area. .22 Form 4003 need not be prepared if the requested extension obviously does not meet the established criteria. M-3S, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -S0 Management of R ural Delivery Services 443 .3 Completing Form 4027 The postmaster or designee should complete Form 4027 in accordance with the instructions on the back of the form: a. Fill in all blocks, Items 1 thru 9. The number of boxes and vehicle stops must be shown regardless of the route classification. b. If Item 6 is answered yes, or if either Item 8 or 9 are answered no, a full explanation must be provided in I tem 10. c. If Item 7 is answered Yes, a letter must be submitted by the customer as outlined in Part 432c. d. Draw a sketch of the proposed extension in Item 10. Indicate the location of a residence and the line of travel using the color coding as prescribed on Form 4027. e. Consult with the rural carrier and attach to Form 4027 any statement the carrier desires to make. f. The postmaste1" or designee must sign the form. 443 .4 Completing Form 4003 Show the official description of the route on Form 4003, and, if a continuation sheet is necessary, ilse Form 4003-A. Completion should be as follows: a. Enter the information required at the top of the form. b. Enter the number of boxes and stops regardless of the route classification. The number of stops cannot exceed the number of boxes. c. Each line of travel should show a separate direction, including retrace, if applicable (e.g., Right 443.4 the road without deviating to serve boxes. using an automobile odometer which has been tested for accuracy or a distance measuring device if available. Measurement must be made by the postmaster or a I supervisor. e. Enter the total mileage in the line labeled Total Official Route Mileage on the last page of the official rural route description. The total mileage should also be shown in New Length section at the top of the form in five digits. For example. if the route measures 50.40. show it as 05040. f. It is not necessary to rewrite the route description to show the entire line of travel each time an extension is requested. To amend the route description, it is only necessary to: ( 1 ) Complete the applicable items portion of the form. 10 the top (2) Show the new direction and mileage for the lines to be changed only (see Exhibit 443.4f(2». I n the exhibit. the line of travel o n Line 1 0 previously read, Right on McDonald Road to Prine Road 1 .00. The extension west on Jamestown' Road .50 and retrace was made from the mid-point of the travel on McDonald Road. After the amendment. travel on McDonald Road is recorded on Lines 10 and lOb and travel on Jamestown Road is recorded on Line lOa. After traveling M cDonald Road as indicated on Line lOb. the carrier I would proceed to travel Lines II. 1 2. etc. If a line oftravel is no longer needed, enter delete on the appro priate numbered line. (3) Enter the new t�tal mileage in the total space at the bottom of the form and in the New Length space at the top portion in miles and hundredths. g. A complete revision of Form 4003 showing the entire line of travel should be prepared only when: A substantial rearrangement, realignment. or service charge is made to the route. on Kreiner Road .50 and retrace). (I) Note: The use of compass points or right, left directions on Form 4003 shall be determined by the Regional Postmaster General or his designee. (2) Five Forms 4003 have amendments to the route. d. Enter the exact mileage for each line of travel. State distance in miles and two decimals; e.g. 5.20, . 1 0. 1 .50. Measurements are made down the center of (3) An amendment is made to the route. and it has been five years since the last complete route description was made . M-38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 been issued for 450 Management of Rural Delivery Services 450 P R O CES S I N G R EQU ESTS FOR EXT E N S I O N S 45 1 P O S T M A S T E R S D E L E G AT E D AUTHORITY TO APPROVE EXTENS IONS 451 .1 Form 4027. Keep a completed Form 4027 on file for each separate change approved. 451 . 2 Map M aintain on file up-to-date map(s) showing the complete lines of travel for all rural routes and update them as changes are implemented. Prepare a new map(s) following a substantial service change or realignment of route(s). 451 .3 452 POSTMASTERS NOT DELEGATED AUTHORITY TO APPROVE EXTE NS IONS Form 4027. Postmasters must submit a separate Form 4027 to the MSC manager for each change proposed . All information requested on the form should be furnished. 452 .2 . 21 452 .3 Form 4003 .31 A Form 4003 p roviding a new and complete route description must be submitted to the M SC with the Form 4027 and a sketch or map when any of the conditions in Part 443.4g are met. .32 When none of the conditions in Part 443.4g apply. it is necessary to submit only an updated Form 4003 by completing the top portion and showing the new description and mileage for only those lines to be changed. Form 4003 Maintain a completed Forml 4003 on file for each rural route. For minor extensions or deletions, complete the top portion of Form 4003 . and show the new description and mileage for only the lines to be changed. Distribute copies of Form 4003 in accordance with instructions I on the bottom of the form. Prepare a new Form 4003 providing a complete, updated route description if any of the conditions in Part 443.4g are met. 452.1 substantial service change is involved, or when the proposed change borders rural delivery service from other post office(s). All post offices must have up-to date maps on file spowingthe complete lines of travel for all rural routes. Submission of Sketch or Map Sketch 453 SECTIONAL CENTER, REVIEW O F FORM 4003 453. 1 Regular Routes Check for completeness and accuracy. Be sure the total mileage figure it;: :'!ccurate. Add the mileage columns after tYPIng to be sure all totals are in agreement. Check the Social Security number and the carrier's pay step. All blocks in the top portion should be filled with numbers or zeros to: a. Show the finance number in six digits (e.g. 0 1 6000). b. Show the route number in two digits (e.g. 02. 03. 1 0). Show prior length and new length in five digits (e.g. show "59.40" as "054940"). c. d. Show the social security number in nine digits (e.g. 424- 1 6- 1 600 as 424 1 6 1 600). e. Show boxes and stops in four digits (e.g show "520 boxes" and "450 stops" as "0520" and "0450. " ; �spectively). .• Post office must furnish to the MSC a clear. detal' sketch of the affected portion of the route when a change or extension is proposed. .22 Map Post offices must submit an updated, well marked map of the complete route to the MSC whenever a f. Show the effective date in six digits (e.g. show "January 7. 1 979" as "0 10779"). g. If Form 4003 is completed showing only an extension. verify that five amendments have not been M -38. TL-1 . 7-1 -80 454.4 Management of Rural Delivery Services made or that it has not been five years since the last complete route description was made. 453 . 2 Auxiliary Routes Changes to auxiliary routes will be made in the same manner as those on regular routes. 453 .3 Seasonal Routes All seasonal changes must begin and end on the first day of a pay period in accordance with Article 3 0 . 1 C. 1 3 of t h e U S P S - N R L CA N a t ional Agreement. ( For example. suppose a route now has a seasonal change from Memorial Day through Labor Day. The seasonal change would be effective with the pay period beginning on or before M emorial Day and would terminate with the beginning of the pay period on or after Labor Day each year.) 453.4 Distribution of Form 4003 U pon Com pletion of the Review Distribution of copies of Form 4003 should be made by the MSC in accordance with instructions on the bottom of the form. 454 S U B M I S S I O N CENTERS TO TH E DATA 454 . 1 Forms 4003 must be submitted by the M SC or designee to arrive at the PDC not later than 10 'calendar days before the effective date of the change. M-3S. Tl- 1 . 7-1 - S0 .454.2 Requests for changes to rural routes are to be avoided during the interim period between the last day of the annual mail count and the effective date of the result of the annual count. 4 5 4 . 3 F o r a u t h o r i z e d route exten s i o n s . temporary detours o f more than 3 0 days. or seasonal route changes effective during the period stated in Part 454.2 proceed as follows: a. If the change was included on the Form 424 1 , Rural Delivery Statistics Report, submitted for the annual count, submit a Form 4003 with the same information (boxes, mileage, etc.) and showing the base hour change and the effective date. This will provide payment to the carrier for the period between the effective date of the change and the effective date of the mail count evaluation. b. If the change was not included on the Form 424 1 submitted for the annual count. submit a Form 4003 with the new information and showing the base hour change and the effective date. Because the Form 424 1 (su bmitted for the mail count) will supercede this Form 4003. it is necessary to submit an amended Form 424 1 with the new miles. boxes, and stops for the route. For extensions with an effective date during this interim period. include a memo (Exhibit 454.3c) with the Form 4003 submitted. c. 454.4 Although it is not recommended. changes can be made on a rural route in two consecutive pay I periods. Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 443.1 : (p, 1 ) U.S. POSTAL. SERYI.:1t PETITION FOR CHANGE IN RURAL DELIVERY (TO_BE COMPI./;'TI:V BY PI:'TITWNf.'RS) I PETnlONERS NOO'E: PropoMd extenlions ornuaI routes should ordinarily serve an average of at least one family for each additional ..... of CI1MI iDc:huUDa ntnee.\ An exteDlion or anll81 route is aenetal1y not approved by the U ,S, Postal Service when the road to be CIaYeIed II prl¥ate or is DOt �taine4 and in ,GOd condition When the petition .... beetl completed it should be submitted to the postmaster of the offICe from which service is desired, (I,.cWe Oty. S"'r� tmd ZIP Code) TO: • Postmaster Flag s t a f f , AZ 1 8 6 0 01 1 I The Wldersigned request rural mail service from your post office. Petitioners not receiving mail on route should show complete _ntailinR.address inlast column to insure notification of action taken, I NO. OF NAME OF HEAD O F FAM,LY MAIL R E C E I V E !) DAII.Y I 1 Donald E i senha :t t Raymond , R""RAJ... "au". (AN_e) Wal te r Ro b i nso n Carl Johnson DISTANCIii FROM N E A R EST PIECES O F Fo ste r! N.yttWAY c;oNTRItrCr ROUTE POST O FF' IC E O F F ICE THROUGH WHICH SERVICE IS NOW ReCEIVED Flagstaff , AZ 1 2 . 25 . 75 Flag s taf f , AZ 1 . 50 Flagstaf f , AZ 3 . 35 Flagstaff , AZ I 1 .IItICP'L.Y DCSCII •• E TH E L.OCAT.O" 0,. THE' RESIDENCES On Ma r t i n Lane , .. ,.,... ...., 1919 4027 East of Kelly Road . . (Attach addmonai sheets ifneeded) Exhibit 443 . 1 (p. 1 ) M-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Exhibit 443.1 (p. 2) Management of Rural Delivery Services (TO BE COMPLETED BY POSTMASTER) INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTER: Without incurring any expense to the U.S. Postal Service, supply the information requested' below and send this form, together with amended Form 4003 , Official Rural Route Description, and any related papers, to the Management Sectional Center. USE A SEPARATE FORM 4027 FOR EACH EXTENSION OR CHANGE. Prepare a sketch of the area; indicate the change desired in red pencil and omissions in yellow pencil. Show by pencil dots the locations of the residences of families to be benefited and by cross-marks the locations of those who will be inconvenienced. Write on the sketch the local names of all comers and points Involved. See Section 1 57.22. Postal Service Manual, for instructions pertaining to box delivery highway contract route extensions. It is not necessary for this form to be circulated to obtain actual signatures of those who will benefit by the change unless the customers ve served by some other post office at present. However. you should insert all the names of the heads of the fanUlies and the other related information ,in the appropriate columns. 1. ON THE ATTACHED FORM �OO3 THE PROPOSED CHANGE IS SHOWN ON LINE(S) (Form 4003 .....tal... I...trucllo... for 00,.,.,,"' 110...) 2. NUMBER OF FAMILIES BENEFITED 4 I INCONIIEN· IENCED 0 I 3. DAI I.V MI LEAGE .ADOEO BV THIS CHANGE NOT FORMER LV 1 7. SERVED 0 S. DOES T H E REQUEST DUPLICATE SERVICE? (If 3'", GI... detan. '" I"'m 1 0) D VES 13 NO PRESENT 379 1 . 50 I �. NUMBER O F BOXES I'ROPOSED 3 81 I'RESENT 373 ARE THE ROADS TO IE TRAVELED PRIVATE ? B . ARE THE ROADS MAINTAINED AND IN G O O D CONDITION AND PASSABLE THROUGHOUT THE VEAR? (If not. -II... detan. III ''''... 101 9. DO VOU RECOMMEND THAT THI; SERVICE IE PROVIDED? (If no, Ita'" ...... .. . In ltim 101 I 5. NUl\laER OF IlEHlCU! D VES Il NO ' XJ VES D NO [Xv ES D NO SI"OI'B I'ROI'05EO 375 10. REMARKS � � l -!S �, ,"15 • .SD Ik 1JIIIt"'f"N IJilllll• • l£ • ..c � I CONSULT THE RURAL CARRIER CONCE RNING THIS PROPOSAL AND ATTACH ANY STATEMENT S UBMITTED. DATE Izr SI 9/8/79 >" TU ™ �, � ;;(''1000"�"' • D I I Flagsta f f , EXhibit 443 . 1 (p. 2) M-38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 RURAL CITY. STATE AND ZIP CODE AZ \1IOUTE NO 86001 01 Exhibit 443.4f(2) (p.1 ) o Management of Rural Delivery Services SEASONAL ROUTE U, S, POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE OESCRIPnON Postmaster will complete this pari: I , To be completed by Mlmagement Sectional Center or Post Office: SALARY PROTECTION DATA I I , , I , , I , I I , I , , , I , BOXES I I STOPS I , I , 0 : 2 1 8 : 9 0 : 2 : Eh I I I BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE trNE OF TRAVEL FROM THE POST OFFIC� AND RETURN L , = I I I , I , EFFECTIVE DATE , I I , I 0 : 5 : 1 :9: 7 : 9 L MILES )' 1 I".J...-. ....� d L "-tf? APPROVED BY-C rai � Sml. th , Manager Management Secti onal Center DATE Apr i l 2 1 . 1 97 9 SHOW ONLY ONE DIRECTION AND RETRACE ON EACH UNE TO TWO DECIMAL PLACES I N E MILES 42 3 43 1 4 44 5 6 7 45 46 47 48 8 49 9 1lt ut tI IX. 1. " 41 1 2 10 r�p Part FI�AN9E �O (CHECK ONE) I I I I AMEND4 I 0 , 8� , 8 , 0 NEW ROUTE Ul EO 0 REMEASURED P�'OR L£j'lGTH ,,\EW LE��H :iO,C'Af- S�C�RITr N? , , , 0 : 8 : 8: 2 : 0 0 :8 : 9: 2 : 4 : 2 : 1: 1 : 2 : 9 : 7: 5 : 3 I , BASE HOUR CHANGE 'J SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION on reverse 01 STATE AND ZIP CODE POST OFFICE I I Union OR 9 7 8 8 3 ROUTE NO, NAME OF CARRIER I Robert Muschamp 01 R i Ght on McDonald Rd to Jamestown Rd 1 0-A R i ght on Jamestown Rd . 50+ retrace 1 0-B R i ght on McDonald Rd to P rine Rd 50 . 50 51 1 . 00 53 52 54 . 50 55 16 56 17 57 18 58 19 59 20 60 21 61 22 62 23 63 24 64 25 65 26 66 27 67 28 68 29 69 30 70 31 71 32 7 :{ 33 73 34 74 35 75 36 76 77 37 38 39 40 1 78 79 TOTAL OFFICIAL ROUTE MILEAGE 8 9 . 2C PS �orm 4003 APR 1978 1 . COPY FOR POSTMASTER Exhibit 443 .4f(2) (p. 1 ) M.·38. TL· ' . 7·' ·80 Exhibit 443.4f(2) (p.2) Management of Rural Delivery Services INSTRUCTIONS· Show tbe official desaipriQ1l'of ..route em FOt1lt"400.l, iDit Form'4003-a, if continuation sheet .if. nec:cuary. Prepare.fonn.4OO1as. foUO!Ws: a, COl1lplet.s: alt IIPplical,lle items .Q.n thejl.PBf P.!Ift �f· .\1l� Conn b, Show entire route in the order in which it-is 5efvcd. Enter each direcrion on a separate . retrace: :: More . than ancline ' ";';';y be uied iC , numberid iine, including 'any neCessary. Sliow the distillncifrot eii:h'cm�'in the mireaae column. c:- Indie8te bighway' ftumbers and sec;ondary-road ftUmben"llS' shown on county map, section numbers, .local-DIlJIla.ot: points. ,oads, .streets, etc:. Show ditections and enet distances 'r.(;m,fJ;p..r.ne.LorJl:lt�r!l�ti"�J�":'p�xt djrCl;tjOIJ, �tatjft' pi�tances.iil milf;!l and decimal .frac: tions of ill mile: Use an automobile odOmeter, which has been tested over a known distance, tQ. mwute-distaJiccS:'Make measurements from c:eutir. of the road or normai line (,f'trave.; 'wmic:suti:leviation f�� bi5xc!S; d.-Show the totaJ-of the-columnrilr the-spac:e-pro¥ifect' attd-itt �' I,;enstlt" spacein upper •. al'pliiible' • .. .pan oCfQl'lD.. . . LimiUotal lcaaUl .u) .two..decimal. � . €ompletion-of line-of travei:-on lower- portion of' Fo;:m 4003 'will not � necessary for rurai ..routes wh�lth�J'.o11o.wiail ccwlWou.prevail: .a. D�Ii.vc:.ry.sharac:teristiQ are silnilar t<UhQse of ci!y motori;ed. rQ:VJC$; suchJl$ .t):ps of bQmes . .. . short distances between houses, and 'aty street surfaic:es; ,,: The'use of street llameS and house numben haYe. l?con authorized on the 'entire route: and c'; RO':!tes c1asSifieC:I .hellvy dilty arelesslh,ali 35 lfI'i1e$1bna. Measure thesl! routes peritRftcaUy"1o 1IStIft eorrec:t mileage has been· recorded 8.ftd it is :1Cl!ljihllt1 35-milet-. WheJl route-exc:eeds 35 ... .enter line..oC travel oa.the..bottom ..oLForm . @3. on ltnul'ftbc:n:cHine, record direc:tiOlt After rural route is-dc:sc:ribed on-Form-4003 showin,u.:h " . .sub�.duiDgCS as follows: . . �.. �o�l�te. a!,-�pplicab!e it�!.lll! the QPper p!lrt PfJl'OJ"!ll �� ... b:. l:nier new direction and mileage only for lines to.be-cQanged. If a direction entry has bee.1 eliminated without any new 'dlrection substituted" enter " delete" on appropriate numbered line. If neW description' requires a'dditionat linest draw a 1ight ·t!ne "ttltodgh the'numbers following the change' and add -letter(ll) after proper- itne-nltlll ber; i':.,", -Line :3 is'deleted and cbange..involYes. three direc:tiQDL.. T.he fust line would: be "3'�. dra.w.a light .line .through numbers !'4�' atId "i" and put in " 3fl" and." 31S" � . �:' Enter the'oew'fotal hI the space provided in '"thei bGttom of the'form as well as in '''New lengtb""sr>aci: iii uPPdr pan .of ifi� form. :: d.' Pr�pa{e � revis� Fo� 4003 showina entire route as.it I!, servt!d when: (l-)'--Il'�ubstantial-sCrvic:e Change is involveci:(2) An eltensive rearrangerruiDt is beint e.ffeeted. (3) Ther _h@ve. \?eelJ...fIVE previous changes m!ldii.to the FOute si� l.11t! �a�t l<ompl�e rOl,lte d� p��n. I . " . (4). When.lt has-been fwe year.s.since.the lastconiplete route description Dr route chanle was ' made. ' . ! • . : I When. deemed .. nec:essary by managem.illlt or when requested .by the rural � rier. remeasure rural route by using a measuring device tested for accuracy. If an odometer is used, drive " vehi.. ' 1 ele over a known distance to prove accuracy of odometer. Do not make measu�ement with ·car· rier while serving t he ro�te. Roads- must be traveled by· most' dir�ct dri�e practicable without pulling out to mail boxes. Prepare Form 4003, covering'the remeasurement and subntit it to the Milnegemeftf Sectional· Cenler indicating method used in remeasuring route. • ' Exhibit 443 .4f(2) (p. 2) M -38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 , Management of Rural Delivery Service, E,mibit 464.3c UNI TED STATE S POST OFF I CE Our Ref : Sub j e c t : To : I Ex t ens i on o f Del ivery : Rur a l Direc tor I Po s tal Data C enter U . S . Pos tal Serv i c e Th i s att ache d ' Form 4 0 0 3 i s f o r an ext ens i on o f rural Proc es s del ivery effect ive I immed i a t e ly . Approved by : (Name ) (Ti t l e) (Off � c e) At t achment : cc : Form 4 0 0 3 Po s tmas t r r Local Office MSC Mana ger Rural Cail' r i er Off i c i a l , Pers onnel F o l d e r Exhibit 454.3c M-38. TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 Contents 527 Management of R ural Delivery Services CO NTENTS-Chapter 5 ROUTE I NSPECTI O N S AN D MAIL COUNTS 51 0 Annual Inspection of R outes 51 1 512 513 514 515 516 517 Definition Frequency Inspection Report Official Route Travel Obtaining Data Count of Families Reviewing R oute M-3S. TL- 1 . 7;. 1 -SO 520 Annual and Special Counts 52 1 522 523 524 525 526 527 Introduction Special I nstructions-Annual Count or Special Count Purpose and Definition of Count Annual Count-Coverage and Count Period Responsibility Conducting the Annual Count Special Mail Counts Management of Rural Delivery Services 516.1 CHAPTER 5 ROUTE IN S PECTIONS AN D M AIL COUNTS 5 1 0 A N N UAL I N SPECTION O F R O UTES 51 1 DEFI NITIO N Inspection o f a route i s the physical observation of the condition of the route and boxes, the adequacy and quality of the service to the rural public, and the character and performance of the carrier. This inspection is to be made by the postmaster or a designee while accompanying the carrier on the route. 51 2 FREQU ENCY All routes must be inspected at least once each calendar year. An inspection must be conducted either during or immediately preceeding the annual count of mail and all special counts of mail. Additional inspections may be made at other times of the year. 51 3 INSPECTION ROUTE Form 4248, Rural Route-Annual Inspection Re porI (Exhibit 5 1 3) must be completed in duplicate for each regular and auxiliary rural route. The original of the Form 4248 will be retained in the post office file, and the duplicate copy will be forwarded to the M SC manager. 51 4 OFFICIAL ROUTE TRAVEL Use the current Form 4003, Official Rural Route Description, on the inspection trip to ensure that the line of travel being followed is correct. While the length of the route shown on the Form 4003 is measured by traveling the most direct drive practical without pulling out to serve mailboxes, make a check of the difference in odometer miles recorded in the carrier's vehicle and the offidal length shown on Form 4003. Should the two mileages vary widely, the route should be remeasured. (See Chapter 6 for remeasurement procedures.) M-38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 515 OBTAINING DATA 5 1 5. 1 Count of Boxes Count as a box all boxes currently being served and temporarily vacant dwellings, apartments, and places of business with or without a box erected which have not been vacant more than 90 days. But do not count abandoned boxes, permanently vacant buildings, dwellings, and apartments vacant more than 90 days, buildings under construction. or dwellings and businesses receiving delivery solely through general delivery or a post office box. In resort areas. transient trailer parks. and transient mobile horne parks count only the boxes being served during the inspection. 5 1 5.2 Count of Stops . 2 1 Count the minimum number of potent ial stops required to serve every box on the route. i.e. the number of times a carrier must move the vehicle in order to serve all boxes on the route as determined by the manager. .22 Where a group of boxes can be served without moving the vehicle. record one vehicle stop for that "group of boxes. .23 etc. Do not count stops for stoplights. stop signs. .24 Prepare a worksheet before beginning the inspection to facilitate tallying the boxes and stops. Such a worksheet is shown in Exhibit 5 1 5. 2a. By numbe ring the items on the front ofa PS Form 4056. Your Mailbox Needs Attention (Exhibit S I 5.2b), vou can note mailbox irregularities on the worksheet � itl1out delaying the carrier. 51 6 5 1 6. 1 COUNT OF FAM I LIES Definition For Postal Service purposes, the term "family" is considered the same as ·'household." Management of Rural Delivery Services 5 1 6 .2 516 . 2 Procedure (I ) Is it adeq uate? . 21 Count a single residence as a household co nsisti ng of only one family regardless of the n u m ber of residents or thei r relationship. (2) Is it properly maintained'? c. Accident report kit ( I tem 087- H ). . 22 I n duplex or other mul ti-uni t residential buildings, count each occupied separate unit as a household consisting of only one family. d. Carrier supply of stamps and forms . 517 e. Carrier's S . F. 46, U. S. Government MOlOr Vehicle Operator's Identification Card. R EVI EWI NG ROUTE f. 517.1 Does carrier have a valid state driv er's license? Road Conditions 517.4 .11 Observe and note road l and traffic conditi ons which hamper delivery service. Carrier Performance Review the fol lowing areas and take action to correct any deficienci es: . 12 Notify the appropriat� highway official of public roads needing attention using Form 4024, . Request to Repair Roads. a. Are the carrier's work habits and q uality of service satisfactory? .13 S end Form 4024 to the owner of private roads that need repair. b. Does the carrier properly maintai n trip reports, roster of customers. and case labels? 517.2 c. Does the carrier serve the route in accordance with the latest official descripti on? Mailbox Irregula rities . 21 Note the condition of . mailboxes d uring the route inspection for possible � rregularities. I . 22 Form 4056, Your Mailb.ox Needs Attention, is designed to notify customers of any irregularities noted. The postmaster wil l prepare a Form 4056 for each box having an irregularity. using the inspection worksheet as a basis. .23 Remind carriers of their responsibility to notify management promptly when they observe mailbox irregularities. d. If the route serves an intermediate office. is the carrier's arrival time, leavi ng time, and work performed at that offi ce satisfactory? 517.5 General I n addi tion to the above, check, verify. and/ or correct, as appropriate, the followi ng addi tional items: a. Is th e carrier's schedule proper and observed? is it .24 If the irregularities . remain uncorrected. service may be withdrawn inl accordance with Part 613 .3 and Part 636.4, POM . . b. Can travel be reduced? 517.3 c. D oes the carrier transport city carrier rel ays? Equipment Review the foll owing items and take appropriate action to correct any deficiencies: a. Casing equipment. h. V ehicle used on route: d. Does the carrier transport locked pouches and is the proper time allowance credited or monetary al10 wance paid for it? c. If collection service and/ or mail exchange is accomplished. is it warranted? M.-38. TL-1. 7-1-80 Management of Rural Delivery Services 620 A N N UAL AND SPECIAL COU NTS 521 I NTR O D U CTION These instructions provide standardized and uniform procedures in conducting the count of mail on rural routes. A careful reading and complete understanding of this material by postmasters and supervisors will ensure the accuracy of the count data, the prompt evaluat i o n , and co rrect classification of rural routes. Postmasters and supervisors must assure that mail counts are conducted properly and that data reported is accurate. 5 2 2 S PECIAL I N STR UCTIO N S-ANN UAL C O U NT OR S PECIAL COU NT At the time of the annual count, or special count, the postmaster must arrange a meeting with each eligible rural carrier to discuss requirements for election of a higher classification for which the rural carrier may qualify. The co mmitment to use sufficient annual leave to qualify for a higher classification must be made on Form 424 1 by the carrier to assure management that the actual w�rk hours will not exceed 2,080 hours during the guarantee period. The leave commitment portion of Form 424 1 must be signed by the carrier at the time of the annual . or special count. 523 PU RPOSE AND D E F I N ITION O F COUNT The count of mail is the physical counting and recording at specific times of the number of pieces of mail delivered, collected, or handled on rural routes. The count of mail is used to assemble data which provide the basis for the evaluation of the individual route. These route statistics will indicate: 523.1 a. Volume of mail handled. b. Amount of office and route time used by the carrier. c. Adequacy of service to rural customers. d. Efficiency and performance of the carrier. The evaluation of a rural route is determined by the mail volume, daily miles traveled, 523.2 M -38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 525 . 1 2 the number o f boxes Iserved. and ' fixed o r variable time allowances. (See Exhibit 523.2.) These instructions will be followed throughout the year fior the annual and all special mail counts. 523.3 524 A N N UAL C O UNT-COVERAGE AN D COUNT PERIOD Tl)e annual count of mail will be conducted on all rural routes during the last two full weeks of September. ( Exact dates are published yearly in the Postal Bulletin.) Boxholder mail only will be counted for four consecutive weeks, beginning one week prior to the start of the annual mail count (Note: During special counts. not coinciding with the annual count, boxholder mail will be recorded only for the two week count period.) 524.1 524.2 The annual count of mail will be conducted on all rural routes. Extensions approved during the count period may be made effective on the first day of a pay period beginning during the count. (Note: The mileage and boxes, etc., for these extensions must be included on Form 424 1 . See Part 454 for extensions that will be effective between the last day of the count and one pay period after the effective date of the new ·evaluation. ) I �24.4 At those offices where central markup was instituted and no mut�ally agreed rural mail count period was possible, the special count may coincide with the annual coun�. 524.3 525 525 . 1 I R ESPO N S I B I LITY Local Conferences .1 1 At least 1 5 days before the start of the count (the annual count begins with the boxholder count), postmasters will hlold j oint conferences of supervisors and rur�l carriers to discuss these proced ures and instructions. Postmasters ml,lst advise the Management Sectional Center as spon as possible, but no later than ten days before the start of the count. of any major points of disagreement concerning these instructions so they can be resolved before the count period. .1 2 Management of Rural Delivery Services 525 . 1 3 .13 Enter the date(s) of local conferences(s) in the appropriate section of Form 424 1 . . 1 4 No changes i n carrierl work methods. casing equipment. or office procedures can be made between the date of the local conference and the mail count unless these items were specifically discussed at I the confe rence. Note: a. It is proposed proposed policy or not necessary that the carriers agree to changes; it is necessary only that the changes do not : violate Postal Service the U S PS-N R LCA National Agreement. b. This section does not limit a manager's right to make operational changes at1 any time other than the period specifically stated. 525.2 Accuracy of Count . 21 Postmasters or supervisors are responjiible for the completeness of all mail l count information. the accuracy of the "Total" columns entered on the report forms. as well as the manner in which the count of mail is conducted. The carrier must be afforded · adequate time to review the completed Form 424 1 before signing it. .22 For . the Annual Count of Mail (or Special Counts coinciding with the Annual Count). the Form 424 1 will be available to the carrier in the office for review two days during the 4th week of the boxholder count. Before the carrier reviews the Form 424 1 . all columns (except Columns D and E) must be completed and totaled. Columns D and E must contain week # I through week #3 entries. By the first Tuesday after the completion of the boxholder count. the carrier must be g�ven the opportunity to review the Column 0 and E totals and sign the form in order that the completed form 424 1 can be sent to the MSC on that day. For Special Counts (not coinciding with the An nual Count) the Form 424 1 will be available to the carrier one day in the office for review and signature before the form is submitted to the MSC. This review must be completed promptly to assure that the completed Form 424 1 readies the MSC within the required four days after the 1 last day of the count. I . 23 .24 Signatures of the postmaster and carrier are considered verification of the validity of the count data . . 2 5 When the carrier disagrees with the count data. the carrier need not sign the form. H owever. the carrier must submit promptly written comments explaining in detail the reasons for objecting and the exact nature of the supposed errors or omissions. The postmaster also must include comments in writing concerning any questions raised by the ca rrier. Form 424 1 . together with the letters from the postmaster and carrier. must be forwarded to the Management Sectional Center office. ( Where the disagreement concerns the actual number of pieces counted. every effort must be made to resolve the matter immediately at the local level.) .26 A prompt written reply to the postmaster will be furnished by M SC offices advising of the decision. The carrier will be promptly informed in writing by the local management of the decision and the reasons therefore. 526 526 . 1 C O N D U CTI N G TH E A N N U A L COUNT General AU classes of mail handled by each rural carrier will bl) counted daily during the official count period. Mail must be counted at the facility where the carrier will case the mail. and before it is cased . 526 .2 Counting M ail .21 During the 1 2 days of the annual mail count on mileage ( M or R CS) routes. the carrier will count the mail eight days and the postmaster or supervisor will count four days ( picked at random). The postmaster or supervisor will also count the two additional weeks of the boxholder count. The carrier may observe and may also count. if so desired. on the days management makes the count . When in the judgment of management thc route borderlines a heavy-d uty status. the supervisor or postmaster will make the full l 2-day count and the complete box holder count. .22 .23 On routes classified heavy duty, special. or auxi liary. the postmaster or supervisor will make the M.-38. TL- 1 . 7-1·80 Management of Rural Delivery Services count on all days during the count period, including the two additional weeks of the boxholder count. (This requirement is applicable where post offices are closed on Saturday and supervisory personnel are not normally on duty.) The rural carrier may observe and may also count the mail. H owever, mail delivered and collected must be counted by the postmaster or supervisor and entered on the daily count forms. Carriers may observe, if they wish, the mail count on their reliefdays or on days they are in a leave status. (Any carrier, who observes the mail count on a relief day. or while in a leave status, must be in a non-duty status and must not participate in the office work activities.) 526.3 Control of Forms Care must be exercised by the postmaster or supervisors in controlling mail count forms in order to assure that all entries are proper. 5 2 6 .4 Casing of Mail by Carrier .41 The principle underlying the count is that the same mail flow conditions prevail during the count period that are normally in effect the rest of the year. Postmasters and supervisors must see that all mail available up to the normal morning cutoff time for distribution on the day preceding the count is delivered on that day and that all mail available up to the normal morning cutoff time on the last day of the count will be included in the count and delivered . .42 Available mail is that mail distributed and placed on carrier case ledges, in hampers, trays, or on thefloor beneath the carrier case, and that which is in distribution cases up to the cutofforfinal withdrawal time prior to departure time to serve the route. It does not include mail distributed after the scheduled cutoff or final withdrawal time. or mail received too late for distribution. as long as the requirements in Part 612. 1 , Postal Operations Manual, are met. Note: The withdrawal of mail from distribution cases by carriers or the placing of mail at or near carrier cases by another employee will be in accordance with the Nationally establis hed criteria. The withdraw... : procedure established for the count period must be the same as that which will normally be followed the remainder of the year. .43 Mail will be distributed to ensure a normal flow on the day preceding the count period and the M-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 526.53 last day of the count. All simplified address mail available at delivery lJnits will be distributed to rural carriers during the cc)unt period; except that where a commitment has been made to a mailer to deliver on a specific date other than the count period. the mailer's request must be honored. The method of handling or casing box holder mail shall be at the option of the carrier. H owever, no time allowance will be granted under Column E of Form 424 1 . .44 Carriers who normally case mail upon return to the office after completing their routes are to continue this practice on the Saturday preceding the count and during the count period. Carriers who do not case mail upon return to the office after completing their routes will not do so on the Saturday preceding the count nor during the count period . All mail is to be recorded on the Form 4239 for the day of the count on which it is cased. Therefore, mail cased on the Saturday preceding the count period will not be included in the count. H owever. mail cased after the carrier returns from serving the route on the last day of the count will be credited on the same Form 4239 used earlier in the day and will be included in the annual count. .45 5 26 . 5 Requisitioning Mail Count Forms Forms 4239. 4239-A, and 424 1 are available at supply centers and will be ordered by management sectional center post offices only. . Each management sectional center office will: .51 I a. Requisition quantities sufficient for the number of rural routes undc;r its jurisdiction and for each intermed iate office s�rved by these routes. b. Distribute forms automatically to those post offices having rural routes. I .52 Additional re � uirements will be ordered on Form 7380, Requisitionfor Supplies, during regular requisitioning cycles: Management sectional centers are cautioned not to over-order Forms 4239. 4239-A. and 424 1 . Submit req uisitions for only the amount of forms that will be required during the annual mail count period and for special countS to be conducted during the year. .53 Management of Rural Delivery Services 526.54 . 54 Forms 4239 and 4239�A will be supplied to intermediate offices having rural delivery for completion and forwarding daily to the head out office postmaster for consolidation I on Form 424 1 . Form 424 1 will not be completed by intermediate offices. (2) On mileage ( M or ReS) the Form 4239 will be completed in accordance with Part 526.2 1 and Part 526.22. 526 . 6 The worksheet must be completed in accordance with the following guidelines: Mail Count Forms-Procedures .61 Form 4239. Count Route)- Exhibit 526 . 6 1 .61 1 of Mail (R ural Description a. Form 4239 is designed to function as a com�ination daily worksheet and mail count record. This important daily record provides the basic source of mail volume and time data lwhich is transferred to Form 424 1 and consolidated for the two week period. (A separate form is used to record each day's mail count.) b. The postmaster. supervisor, or mileage route carrier responsible for making the count will prepare Form 4239 daily. The Form 4239 worksheets are to be completed as the mail is counted. After completion of the Form 4239 1 daily, the original will be retained by the postmaster. and the carbon copy will be given to the carrier. Note: When management cQmpletes the Form 4239, upon request it will be shown to the carrier before the mail is trayed or strapped out,1 to allow verification of the count data. c. The postmaster, supervisor. or carrier who makes the daily count must sign Form 4239 each day. I d. Carriers serving heavy duty. special. or auxiliary routes will not make any entlries on Form 4239. e. Form 4239 will be comipleted at intermediate offices having rural deliver)l. These forms will be forwarded daily in sealed envelopes to the headout office postmaster for consolidation on Form 424 1 . Form 424 1 will not be comipleted at intermediate offices. Note: ( I ) On presently classified heavy-duty. special. and auxiliary routes. the Form 42'39 will be completed in accordance with Part 526.23 : .61 2 a. Worksheet for Counting Column A-Letter Size Mail ( I ) All letter size mail including ordinary letters cards. newsletter type mail, and circulars 5 inches or less in width which can be cased in the letter separations of the carrier case is entered in this column. Small magazines and small catalogs 5 inches or less in width and ¥s inch or less in the thickness are included in this column. Detached address labels for sample merchandise, magazines. and catalogs are included in the letter count. • (2) Do not include newspapers, boxholders. flats. and rolls even though they may be cased with letter mail. Each direct bundle distri buted and tied out at mail distribution cases is counted as one parcel and entered in Column C. Direct bundles tied out at the carrier case are not to be counted as parcels. Registered. certified, COD. numbered insured mail. Express Mail. and other accountable mail are not inlcuded in this column. Note: For special delivery articles, see 525 .5 1 2f, Column F. b. · Column B-Papers. Flats. Other Size Mail Magazines. Catalogs. Newspapers. flats. magazines. catalogs. rolls. and other non-letter size mail which can be cased for delivery using carrier casing equipment is entered in this column. This includes catalogs cased with other mail or cased separately. This does not include odd sized articles which cannot be cased with other mail for the route and those items speficiaUy referenced in Column C. Parcels. Exceptions: Simplified address articles. including mail with detached labels. are to be counted as box holder mail ::nd entered in Column D. Each direct bundle distribted and tied out at mail distribution cases is counted as one parcel and entered in Column C. Direct bundles tied out at the carrier case are not to be counted as parcels. Registered. certified. COD. numbered insured mail. M.-38, TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services Express Mail. and other accountable mail are not counted in this column. Note: For special delivery articles. see 526. 6 1 2f. Column F. c. Column C-ParceJs ( I) Enter the number of parcels of all classes which because of their size and/ or shape cannot be cased in the letter and flat separations ( where flat separations are used). This includes articles which cannot be cased and strapped out because to do so would result in damage to the contents (Le. phonograph records. large photographs. articles marked "Do not fold or bend"). Parcels with detached labels will not be entered in this column but will be counted as boxholders in Column D. Only specifically addressed samples too large to be cased will be included in the parcel count. (2) Each direct bundle distributed and tied out at the mail distribution cases is counted as a parcel. Direct bundles tied out at the carrier's case are not counted as a parcel. (3) Registered, certified. COD, numbered insured mail. Express M ail, and other accountable mail are not counted in this column. Note: For special delivery articles, see 526. 6 12f, Column F. d. Column D-Boxholders See Part S26.624c(3)(b) e. Column E-Boxholders Strapped Out See Part S26.624c(3)(c) Column F-Registered, Certified. and Special Delivery Articles, Numbered Insured Parcels, and Express Mail f. The number of such articles received daily for delivery is entered in this column. Entries in the column preclude entries for the same items in Columns A. B. C. or P. Note: . Where the carrier dismounts or leaves the line of travel to effect delivery or attempt delivery of M -38, Tl- 1 , 7- 1 -80 526.61 2(p. 1 ) special delivery mail. the number o f special delivery articles will be ente�ed in this column. Otherwise. they are entered in Columns A. B. or C as appropriate. Do not l record any articles entered in Columns A. B. or C ' in Column F. g. Column G-CODs and Customs Due Received for Delivery Enter the number of articles received daily for delivery. h. Column H-Change of Address The number of orders to change address (Form 3575. Change of Address Qrder. or Form 3546, Notice to Change Forwarding Order) received and entered during the count pc;riod in route directory or on Form 4232-A, Customer 's Name andAddress, Form 1 564-B, Orders to l!0x Section or Other Special Orders, and/ or Form 3982, Changes ofAddress, are entered in this column. Form 3546 initiated by the carrier is creditable as a forwarding order, provided it is not a duplication of previous action taken. Note: The entry of a new or additional customer's name on Form 1 564, Address Change Sheet, or Form 4232-A is not to be recorded as a change ot address order. There must be no accumulation of change of address orders at the start of the count period. i. I Column }-Marked Up I ( 1 ) The number of pieces of all classes of mail marked up is recorded in this column. Markups are mail undeliverable-as-addressed which require the carrier to endorse the mail with the new address or with the reason for non-delivery specified in DMM 159. 1) including pieces of no obvious value and indefinitely addressed mail.) This includes mail deliverable from the �ame local delivery unit or other delivery unit. Not i!ncluded are pieces for which Forms 3579, UndlUiverable 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or Controlled Circu!ati6n Matter, were prepared. Mail missorted to a rou�e must not be recorded as a markup except wherl it is deliverable from another local delivery unit, if known. in which case it must be endorsed with carrier initials and route number. Missorted and missent mail is included in the original count of mail. This ;tlso applies where routes have been adjusted, territory changed . and the mail is routed to the wrong ;carrier. Management of Rural Delivery Services 526.61 2(p. 2) Where mailing addr.esses have been changed from rural route and box nu m ber to street name and number. credit must not be: given for a markup whether on the same route or where the territory has heen transferred to another route. This is considered a handoff. and credit is given in the original count of mail. At post offices where the Central Markup/ Computerized ForWarding System is in effect. markup credits will be given for the following categories of undeliverable �ail: (2) (a) Mail sorted to the undeliverable-os-addressed separations. Credit one markup for each bundle of the following categories of mail: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) ( vi) A-Z separations. M oved, Left No Addre�s. I nsufficient Address. Attempted, Not Known. I No Such Number. U ndeliverable-as-Ad � ressed , U nable to Forward . (vii) Deceased (c) No Mail Receptacle (d) Refused The number of Forms 3579 and Forms 386! L Carrier's Clearance Receipt, completed are entered in this column. Forms 3579 must be kept current so there are none on hand on the first day of the count. No duplicate Forms 3579 will be completed or counted during the count period. Where the Central Markup/ Computerized Forwarding System is implemented. only the number of Forms 3868 completed is entered . Where the Central Markup/ Computerized Forwarding System has not been implemented, postmasters or supervisors must verify each Form 3579 claimed to ensure compliance with the provisions of D M M 1 59. 1 , Exhibit 1 59 . 1 5 1 and Part 232. 1 2 of the M-37 Handbook. k. 1. (0 bvious va�ue third-class mail addressed to Occupant appljes only to those rural Vacant routes where street and hous� numbers are used). I (g) Indefinitely addressed ",ail I (h) Undeliverable. as addr�ssed. parcel post. Do not credit as a mark-up parc�l post endorsed only to indicate that an attem pted delivery notice was left. (i) Column K-Forms 3579 and 3868 Completed Column L-Money Order Applications year, credit will be allowed. Postmasters or super visors will review each application daily. (e) Temporarily away. This endorsement is only to be used when returning mail because the retention period as requested by the S E N D E R has expired. <0 j. Be given credit for one markup. The number of money order applications received on the route is recorded in this column. If the rural carrier resides on the route he/ she serves and regularly purchases money orders throughout the N o Obvious Value. (b) (iii ) I Excess boxholders. CarFiers will: I (i) Place all excess boxholder mail into an appropriate container (sack, Ihamper, tray, etc.): I (ii) Endorse a facing slip !n excess of Requirements, initial the slip, a�d attach it to the container with t he excess box holder mail; and Column M-Letters and Flats . Collected The number of letters and flats collected on the route ' is entered in this column. If mail is received in bundles. each bundle is to be counted as one piece. Each piece in the bundle is not to be counted. Mail picked upfrom a collection box is not to be included. Actual time required to pick up mail from a collection box is to be entered under Column R. Other Suitable Allowance. Column N:"" Ordinary and Insured Parcels Collected m. ( 1) The number of ordinary and insured parcels accepted on the route is entered in this column. That is: (a) Parcels that require the carrier to weigh, rate, and affix postage to the article or; (b) Parcels weighing more than two pounds on which postage has been prepaid. M -38, Tl-1 , 7-1 -80 &26.612Ip. 3) Management of Rural Delivery Services ( 2) Do not enter obvious letter and flat size mail, inicuding film packs, etc, whether the carrier affixes postage or not. Presacked parcels on which postage has been computed are to be counted as one parcel for each sack. Parcels that are refused by the clIstomer or are undeliverable SH ALL NOT be credited as a parcel collected. n. Column O-Registers and Certified Collected The number of registered and certified articles accepted on the route is recorded in this column. Those articles returned where Form 3849-A, Delivery Notice or Receipt, or Form 3949-B, Delivery Reminder or Receipt, have been left for the customer are not included in the count. Time credit for No Response-Left Notice items is included in the time factor for delivery. o. Column P-Postage Due The number of postage due articles taken out for delivery is entered. Postage due items are not to be included in Columns A or B. p. Column Q-Loading Vehicle The time actually" used to transfer mail from the carrier's work area to the vehicle. inicuding placing it in the vehicle. This includes the time to take mail from the work area to the vehicle. and the time necessary to return the equipment used to a designated location. Postmasters or supervisors must observe the loading operation daily to assure that efficient practices are followed. The time required to place mail in gurneys or hampers will be included in loading time. In offices where the carrier does not normally withdraw all mail for the route, the required final withdraw from the designated distribution case or other eq.J.1ipment will be accomplished in conjunction with the loading operation and the actual time required included in the loading allowance. DO NOT INCLUDE THE TI M E USED FOR THIS FUNCTION IF THE CAR RIER R ECEIVES T H E WITH DRAWING A L LOWANCE. Loading time in excess of 1 5 minutes must be fully explained i n the Comments section on Form 424 1 . H owever, the loading allowance is not to be interpreted as a minimum 1 5 minutes daily. The actual time shown for loading the vehicle must not include time for arranging parcels in delivery sequence as this is included in the time allowance for those items in Column C. M -38. TL-1 . 7-1 -80 q. Column R- Other Suitable Allowance ( I ) A reasonable tiqle allowance may be claimed for unusual conditions or for other services rendered on a daily or weekly basis that are not accounted for under the normal work functions. This does not include time for vehicle breakdowns. Items for which time is claimed under this heading must be authorized by management and must be of a recurring daily or weekly nature. Where weekly recurring safety talks are conducted, actual time will be recorded in Column R. (2) At those offices where the Central Markup System or the Computerized Forwarding System is installed. actual time will be allowed in Column R for time required to place CM U / CFS mail in the designated location. (3) Where no office personnel are on duty when the carrier returns from serving the. route on Saturday. the carrier will receive actual time allowance for duties performed over and above normal functions on this day and the following work day. (This does not include time spen� counting mail or completing count forms.) (4) Where a carrier serves an apartment building with approved apartment boxes, only the actual time requit:ed to travel from the vehicle to the boxes and return to the vehicle ,is entered in Column R. The standard box time allowance is mechanically granted for each box served; therefore, time making delivery at the box location is not included. Where a carrier is authorized to dismount to deliver mail to other places (businesses" hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc.) the dismpunt time is determined by the same method as for apartment buildings. Time spent at an authorized disIiJlount must not include time spent making delivery, securing signatures for accountable mail, or 'collecting postage due. Note: Dismount time is not the total elapsed time, only the actual travel time froni the vehicle to the box location or delivery point.and the actual travel time to return to the vehicle. (5) Those carriers who serve a non-personnel rural unit receive an allowance of 1 5 minutes daily for each unit served. Boxes located in these units are not included in the route �otals for boxes on the route as entered on Form 424 11. Any additional time claimed for servicing a non-personnel unit . must be adequately justified in the Comments section. 526.62 (6) Actual time will be granted the rural carrier for dismount time to serve an intermediate office in the same ..nanner as described !above for serving an apartment house if lock pouch service is not I provided. I (7) Personal time or time used for purchasing and . checking stamp stock at the l office where the route starts is not entered; these ar� automatically granted I by mechanical means. I (8) For those rural routes using USPS owned or leased vehicles. actual time allowance will be granted for those related, recurring functions such as servicing the vehicle. where r�quired to do so, and for vehicle inspection. Actual time shall also be given for time required by the carrier to complete vehicle related forms . The postmaster or supervisor must record time under Column R. Other Suitable Allowance. Time spent waiting for vehicle repair or tow while on the route is not a recurring function and shall not be granted. lf the U S PS vehicle is removed from the route. the time granted for vehicle related functions will be deducted. : and the route will be adjusted to reflect the new evaluation. (9) All entries in Column R require justification in Comments section. r. 4239 and forwarded to the postmaster at the carrier's originating office in a sealed envelope. (3) Where a carrier purchases and checks stamp stock at an intermediate office, the actual time required to perform this function, not to exceed five minutes daily, should be shown in the Other Suitable Allowance column and explained under Comments. The normal frequency of stamp purchases at the intermediate office must be maintained during the mail count period. (4) When completing Form 4241 for the week, the postmaster at the .office from which the route begins will include in the proper Total columns the items applicable to the intermediate office and will write in above the signature line the words, Including services performed at intermediate office. The functions or services performed must be indicated on the form under Comments. u. Column Y- Weight ofLocked Pouches Carried Daily The weight carried in pounds ( rounded to the nearest whole pound) of all mail to and! or from intermediate offices is shown. Carriers serving non personnel rural units do not receive credit for a locked pouch; Column S-Counting 1ime T.he number of minutes actually used by the carrier who is serving the route to count, observe. and / or verify the count of mail. Record only the time used by the carrier. s. Management of Rural Delivery Services Column T- Waiting 1ime The number of minutes carrier spent waiting for mail after the official starting time is entered. Column X-Intermediate Offices Served Daily Services Performed at Intermediate Offices .62 Form 4239-A. Rural R oute Count of Boxholder Mail-Exhibit 526.62 .62 1 Definition Form 4239-A is designed to function as a daily worksheet and boxholder count record. The total count of boxholder mail and boxholder mail strapped out for the four-week annual count of mail period or the t\\!o-week special count period are transferred to the Form 424 1 . t. I ( I ) The number of intermediate post offices served daily is shown. Carriers who perform functions or services at intermediate qffices for which time allowances are provided wiII receive appropriate time credit for these services. (2) All functions performed or services provided at intermediate offices will be recorded daily on Form .622 Use of Form 4239-A for Annual Count a. For the annual count. boxholders and box holders strapped out will be counted for four ,:onsecutive weeks beginning one week prior to the start of the full mail count. b. The totals will be entered daily on Form 4239-A and initialed by the supervisor and rural carrier serving the route on that day. M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services 526.624 .623 Use of Form 4239-A for Special Counts (iii) Add ( at end of each week) box holders received for that week. Form 4239-A will be used for special counts except box holders and boxholders strapped out are counted only for the actual two weeks of the special count period . ( iv) ( \') .624 Rural Delivery Statistics Report. Completion Complete Form 4239-A for each route at y,o ur office. a. b. Enter in the appropriate space at the top of the form: ( I) Your Post Office, State, ZIP Code (2) The number of the route covered by the form. c. Proceed as follows for Annual Mail Counts and Special Counts coinciding with Annual Count: ( I) Begin boxholder count one week prior to the full mail count. (2) Count for four (4) consecutive weeks. (3) Enter following information as appropriate to each column: (a) Date Column Enter dates that correspond to days shown on the form. ( b) Column D-Boxholders (i) Enter daily number of boxholders taken out for delivery on route. This includes all simplified address mail, including samples with simplified address (D M M 122.4). When samples are received with detached address labels, enter the total number of samples. (See Part 526.61 2a. Column A. for recording the label count.) The number of pieces of boxholder mail must not exceed the number of families on the route for each mailing. All box holders, whether cased or not, are included in this column. (ii) Enter zero (0) if no boxholders are taken out for delivery. M -38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 Enter the total weekly box holders in the space designated on this form. Enter the total weekly boxholders in the corresponding space of Column D on Form 424 1 . (vi) Add weekly totals together at the end of the boxholder count to determine the total boxholders received. (vii) Enter the total boxholders received in the "Total Boxholders" space on this form. ( \ iii) Enter the total boxholders received in Columns 59-63 on Form 424 1 . (c) Column E-Boxholders Strapped Out (i) Enter daily the number of pieces of boxholder mail (counted in Column D) which the carrier has cased and strapped out for delivery. The method of handling or casing boxholder mail shall be at the option of the carrier. Record the data but no time allowance is granted under this column. The computer program has been changed to preclude time credits. I (ii) Enter zero (0) if no boxholde rs are cased and strapped out. II (iii) Add (at the e�d of each week) boxholders cased and strapped �ut for that week. (iv) Enter the weekly total in space designated on this form. (v) Enter the week�y total in the corresponding space of Column E on Form 424 1 . (vi) Add weekly totals together at the end of the boxholder count to dI etermine the total number of boxholders cased and strapped out. I Enter this total in the Total Boxholders Strapped Out space on this form. (vii) (viii) Enter the total boxholders strapped out in Columns 64-68 on Form 424 1 . Management of Rural Delivery Services 628.82& (d) Cross-check thefour-we�k totalfor accuracy: (i) Add totals from weeks I" 2, 3, and 4. (ii) Add 24 daily entries. (iii) Recompute form to iderhify and correct error, if the totals from i. and ii. above do not agree. (e) The postmaster or supervisor making the count must verify daily the entries on this form by initialing the Supervisor Initials column. (1) The carrier must verify daily the entries on this form and initial the Carrier Initials column. I .632 a. The totals of Columns A-V on Form 4239 are transferred daily to the proper lines on form 424 1 . The weekly totals of Columns D and E o n Form 4239-A are transferred weekly to the proper lines of Form 424 1 . This information may be made available to the carrier. Draw a circle around the day of the week when a substitute serves the route. Typing of Form 424 1 is not recommended. b. At the top of the form show the name of the MSC and its ZIP Code; the name of the post office, State, and its ZI P Code; the name and social security number of the carrier; and inclusive dates of the count period. Proceed as instructed in Part S26.622a for Special Counts not coinciding1 with the annual count of mail, except: Note: (I) (I) d. Begin boxholder count on the first day of the full mail count. (2) Count for only a two-week period. Use the week I and 2 spaces on Form 4239-A and Form 424 1 for these counts. (3) (4) Enter two-week totals in spaces marked Total Boxholders and Total Boxholders Strapped Out. (5) Transfer above figures to columns 59-63 and columns 64-68, respectively, on Form 424 1 . e . The postmaster o r supervisor must sign the form in the designated space and enter the date the form was signed. .625 Distribution a. Retain original Form 4239-A with the Forms 4239. Count of Mail (Rural �oute), for the same route and count period. b. Give duplicate to the carrier. . 63 Report ( Exhibit 526.63) . 631 For regular routes enter the assigned regular rural carrier's name and social security, regardless of whether the carrier is on extended leave or absent from the route for any reason. However, if the route is vacant, enter VA CA NT in the block provideQ for the Name of Carrier and make no entry in the block provided for the Social Security No. (2) For auxiliary routes, enter the regularly assigned auxiliary carrier's name and social security number in the appropriate blocks. c. Important: Each box or square at the top of the form and on the Total lines must be filled in with a number or a zero. Be sure the last digit of each number appears in the box farthest to the right in each column. Where you have a three digit number such as 982, and there are five blank boxes on the Total line or elsewhere on the form. use zeroes in the boxes in front of the 982. Thus, 982 would be shown as 009 82 in such a case. Be sure to: Enter numbers as far to the right of each column as possible. (I) � (2) I (4) Form 4241 , R ural D livery Statistics Definition Form 424 1 is the source document used to determine the evaluation of all rural routes. How to Use Form 4241 Enter only one number in each box . (3) Beside the signatures. show the date the form was completed . Emphasize to carriers that their signature certifies the accurcy of the count. Note: Be sure to circle the day of the week the route was served by a M.·38. TL- 1 , 7-1 ·80 526.633 Management of R ural Delivery Services substitute. including J and K days on heavy duty routes. . 633 a. Completion Complete Columns 1 -20 as follows: ( I ) Columns 1-6-Enter your Finance Number (including the State number) in 6 digits. If your State has a I -digit number, place a zero in the first box on the left, i.e. for Alabama start with 0 I and for Ohio start wth 38; then add the four digits designated for your office. dropping the last zero. (2) Columns 7-8-Enter Route N umbers in 2 digits. i.e. Route Number I would be shown as 0 1 . � nter a zero i n the first box for all routes from I t o 9. (3) Columns 9-13-The official length of the route obtained from the latest Form 4003. official Rural Route Description, must be shown to two decimal places. However, do not use the decimal point on the form. For example: A route 6 1 .38 miles in length would be shown as 06 1 38 on the form: 45.5 miles as 04550; 1 0 1 .28 miles as 1 0 1 28. Note: All route adjustments (deletions and/ or extensions) which are justified and requested shall be submitted at an appropriate date so such changes shall be effective prior to the start of the mail count. However, if approved extensions or deletions are received during the count weeks, they must be processed effective on or before t he last day of the count at the beginning of the pay period. route as determined by managment. Where a group of boxes can be served without moving the vehicle. record one vehicle stop for that group of boxes . b. Complete Columns 2 1 -44 as follows: ( I ) Columns 21-32-Carrier's Daily Time Record-Show the exact time ( not he scheduled time) the carrier reported. left. returned, ended, and the actual lunchtime, if any, in minutes for each day of the count period. The columns Office Time. Route Time (less lunch). and Net Total Time must be totaled in hours and minutes on the line Total Hours and Minutes. Convert the hours and minutes to minutes by multiplying the hours by 60 and adding to this the minutes. For example: 30 hours and 1 8 minutes would be entered as such on the Total Hours and Minutes line. On the next line, Total in Minutes, it would be entered as 1 8 1 8 (30 hours x 60 = 1 800 minutes, plus 1 8 minutes = 1 8 1 8). Note? Include both morning and afternoon office time in Columns 2 1 24. (2) Columns 33-36- ln those few instances where auxiliary assistance has been authorized pending permnent relief, enter the daily time used IN MINUTES in the A uxiliary Assistance Used column and enter the total minutes for the two weeks at the bottom of the column. (3) Columns 37-39�Enter actual time spent daily by the carrier waiting for mail and/ or counting mail in the Waiting and Counting Time column. Record the total for the two weeks in minutes at the bottom of the column. (4) Columns 14-1 7-Enter the number of mailboxes on the route as ofthe last day ofthe count; 487 boxes would be shown as 0487. Count as a box temporarily vacant dwellings. apartments, and places of business with or without a box erected which have not been vacant more than 90 days. But do not include abandoned boxes, permanently vacant buildings, dwellings, and apartments vacant more than 90 days, buildings under construction, or dwellings and businesses receiving delivery solely through general delivery of a post office box. In resort areas, transient trailer parks, and transient mobile home parks only the boxes being served during the mail count period are counted. (4) Columns 4O-42-'-Enter weight of Locked Pouch Mail. Enter the total weight in pounds (rounded to the nearest whole pound) of all classes including outside pieces transported to intermediate offices. Compute the Average Daily Weight (total + 1 2) and enter this figqre in these blocks. (5) Columns 18-20-Enter the minimum number of vehicle stops necessary to serve all boxes on the (6) Column 44-Wbere a carrier is required to deliver or collect pouch mail at intermediate offices, M-38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 I (5) Column 43-W here a carrier is authorized to withdraw all mail fro to distribution cases, enter the figure " 1 " on the Tot(li line for this column. If an employee other than the carrier daily withdraws mail and places it on the carrier's case ledge, in hampers, trays. or on the floor beneath the carrier case, enter a zero on the Total line for that column. Management of Rural Delivery Services &26.633 AN D DO ES N OT R EC E I V E A R EG U LA R I .OCK E D PO U C H A L LO W ANCE. enter the figure " ' " on the Total line for tbis column. Otherwise. enter zero. Note: If a carrieli provides locked pouch service to more than one intermediate office. or makes more than one stop for locked pouch service at a n intermediate office. sh bw the total number of offices (or stops) served da l ly in this column. For example. if a carrier deliver� a locked pouch to an intermediate office in the a. � . and picks up a locked pouch from an intermediate !office in the p.m enter the figure 2 in this column. (See Chapter 7, Locked .• Pouch Allowances.) c. I I Complete Columns 45-105 as follows: I (Note: Before totaling the entriess for the days of the count period on the Total li ne, verify that all figures transferred from Forms 4239 each day or Form 4239A each week are correct.) (I) I Columns 45-58-Enter the totals for the two weeks on the Total line under each column. Do not average these items. I (2) Columns 59-68-Enter�he totals for fo ur weeks on the total line under eBich column. DO NOT AVERAGE THESE ITEMS. (Note: (a) For special counts, not coinciding with (c) Actual time (not to exceed 5 minutes) spent in purchasing and checking stamp stock at an intermediate office. Do not include checking stamp stock at office from which route emanates. personal time. or delivered lock pouch since a flat allowance is automatically provided for these items. d. Complete Additional Information Section as follows: (I) Line A-Enter number of families served. (2) Line B-Enter number of apartment buildings served. (3) Line C-Enter the total authorized dismount deliveries. (4) Line D-REPOR T TYPE-Enter appropriate code to indicate if report is Annual = A, Special = S, Amended = C. Note: When amending an annual or special count, enter the count data as it appeared on the original Form 424 I , except enter the correct data in lieu of the erroneous entry(s). (5) Line E-Enter "A" if route is currently classified as an auxiliary or enter "S" if route is currently classified as a special route, otherwise leave blank. the regular count, enter on�y the two week totals. (b) For Columns 64-68 be sure that only those box holders cased and strapped �out are included.) (6) Line F, Tri-weekly routes-Enter .oM" if schedule is M onday-Wednesday-Friday; Enter "T" if schedule is Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday. Leave blank if the route is not a tri-weekly route. (3) Columns 69-I05-Enter the totals for the two weeks on the total line unde� each column. DO NOT AVERAGE T H E S E ITEMS. (7) Lines G-M -Check the appropriate box ( Yes or (4) Columns l OO-102-Enter the actual loading time used in minutes. I G - Is the route currently under the Central Markup System? Columns 103- 105-ln ithe space provided for Other Suitable Allowance, enter the total minutes used daily and for the I two weeks. Detailed j ustification must be shown under Comments below. H - Is the route subject to seasonal adjustment? I (5) I I Examples of Allowable Time items: (a) Collecting mail from collection boxes on routes. (b) Delivering city carrier relay(s). No) for each of the following: I - Is it a new route? (See Part 6 1 1 .) J Is this route to be discontinued? K - Is a U S PS vehicle regularly assigned to this route? Does the carrier choose to elect the higher route L classification? M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services 626.834 M - Has the carrier made the necessary annual leave commitment? (c) Use Care- Remember the importance of the data submitted. Nole: Any rural carrier. whose route may be classified in more than one heavy-duty classification. may elect the higher route classification if: (2) (a) The requirements of the U S PS-NR LCA National Agreement. Article 30. 1 .C.6 are met. and (b) Lines L and M of the Additional lriformation Section of Form 4241 is checked Yes and (c) The leave commitment statement in the Comments Section of Form 4241 is signed by the carrier. Signing this statement fulfills the requirements of Article 30. l .C.6a(2} of the U S PS N R LCA National Agreement. (8) Line N-Enter the date of the local conference. .634 4241 a. (I) Submission and Disposition of Forms (a) General-Mail the original and the first carbon copy of Form 424 1 , so they will be received at the MSC office in accordance with the schedule outlined in the Postal Bulletin' each year. Retain the second carbon copy. After the MSC office review. the first copy will be returned to you with needed corrections clearly marked. Compare it with your copy. make all necessary corrections, and promptly give one copy to the rural carrier. Retain the other in your files. (b) Signature Requirements- The postmaster normally signs Form 424 1 . H owever. in order not to delay their scheduled submission to the MSC office. any postmaster who will be absent on leave (annual. sick, convention) will designate an employee to sign the forms. When it is necessary for someone (other than an assistant or assistant to the postmaster) to sign the forms for the postmaster, it should be done in the following manner: Postmaster 's Actions John Doe, Postmaster Review of Forms 4239. 4239-A, and 4241 (a) Errors-Each year errors are detected on . the forms used for rural mail counts which reflect careless preparation of the forms. These errors result in processing delays at the MSC or PDC. and/ or improper classification of rural carriers. Particular attention should be given to Form 424 1 to assure that the entries for columns 2 1 -32 have been converted from Hours and Minutes (space above blocks) to a Total in Minutes only in the blocks provided; and also, that entries in blocks provided for columns 4042 reflect the A verage Daily Weight based on the two-week total weight entered in the space above these blocks. Postmasters must review and double check all data recorded on these forms before submission to management sectional centers. (b) Central Markup System-At offices where Central Markup System is installed. be especially alert in reviewing Columns J and K on Form 4239 and Columns 77-80 and 8 1 -83 on Form 424 1 to assure that entries only reflect markup work actually performed by carriers. Continue to record Forms 3868 in Column K. M ·38, TL- 1 , 7·1 ·80 Submission to MSC by b. (Title) Management Sectional Center Actions ( 1 ) Management Sectional Center Review ofForm 4241 Installation heads at Imanagement sectional centers are responsible for reviewing all Forms 4241 for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with instructions before ; transmitting them to the respective Postal Data Center (PDC) for processing. The following are points requiring especially careful attention: (a) Verify that all. routes have been counted. (Establish a check list.) (b) Verify the correctness of the post office finance number and route number. (c) Check for the correctness of the official length of the route. Management of Rural Delivery Services &28.834 (d) M ake sure that each bpx or square is filled in with a number or zero. Columns 1 8-20 must have the actual number of vehicle stops. I (e) Check loading entries for reasonableness in relation to mail volume, es ecially parcel post. (f) � I Disallow entries under I Other Suitable Allow ance which appear unreasonable, are insufficiently explained in the Comments Section, or are other wise provided for by automatic time allowances. Disallow all extra time 'claimed for weather, flat tires, and similar non-recurring factors. Strapping out time is automatically computed and shown on Form 4241 -A, Rural Route Evaluation. The postmaster of the office submitting the forms must be advised in writing l of the reason why any I entry was disallowed. (g) Ensure that the total tjme, hours and minutes and minutes only, are correctly shown where required. (h) Check the lockedpouch column to ensure that a time allowance is not claimed for a carrier who receives a monetary locked I pouch allowance. (See the Form 4248 covering the annual route inspection for verification.) (2) Submission of Forms 4241 to Data Centers After carefully reviewing and making all necessary corrections, the M SC manager or designee must submit one copy of Form 424 1 for the annual or special mail count coincidiflg with the annual mail count to the P OC in accordance with the schedule outlined in the Postal Bulletin each year. These counts include the 4-week boxholder count. Return one copy of the Form 424 1 to the postmaster. Forms 424 \ for special mail counts which do not coincide with the annual mail count (2�week boxholder count) must be submitted to the· P OC no later than 10 calendar days before the date the Special Mail Count is effective. c. (1) Review of Evaluation PDC Actions After the evaluation of Form 424 1 is completed. the POC will send to the MSC the following forms and listings: (a) Form 424 1 , Rural Delivery Statistics Report (b) Form 424 I-A, Rural Route (Exhibit 526.634c( I )(b». Evaluation (c) Rural Route Evaluations, Before and After Listing (d) Rural Route Evaluations, Standard-Actual Time Variation and Special Items (2) MSC Actions Upon receipt, the M SC will review carefully these forms and listings as follows: (a) Select several routes and manually evaluate the Form 4241 to ensure that the PDC evaluation on Form 4241 -A is correct. Use Rural Carrier Time Standards (Exhibit 523.2) and follow the procedure outlined in part 526.7. If any errors are noted. immediately advise the POC by memorandum. If a change in the evaluated hours results. prepare an amended Form 4241 . On Form 4241 , write Amended across the top of the form and correct the erroneous entry. Submit amended Form 424 1 to the POC immediately along with Forms 424 1-A and a memorandum. (b) Place one copy of Forms 4241 and 424 1 -A, in the rural service file for the route involved. (c) Send two copies of Form 424 1 -A t6 the postmaster from which the route emanates. Also advise the postmaster of any corrections made. (d) Send one copy of each Rural Route Evaluation Listing to the district office. (e) Make a post audit to determine the reasons for large variances (more than three hours over or under) between the evaluated route time and the actual work hours of the carrier. Request a report from each postmaster with such routes. (See Exhibit 526.634c(2)(e).) Appropriate attention must be given to ensure that corrective action is taken by postmasters where warranted. (3) Postmasters Responsibility (a) Upon receipt of Form 424 1 -A. review for accuracy. M -38, TL- 1 , 7-1 �80 Management of Rural Delivery Services 526.732 (b) Check the Form 424 I -A to determine the route classification. The classification symbol will precede the route number. The material needed is as follows: a. Exhibit 523.2 (c) If the route has changed classification, it may be necessary for the postmaster to provide reliefday(s) b. Completed Form 424 1 c. Form 424 1 -A or in some cases to eliminate relief day(s) by the effective date of the new evaluation . When relief day(s) are authorized on heavy duty routes, they will be provided on Saturday unless another day is mutually agreeable to the carrier and postmaster. Provide a substitute rural carrier to serve the route on relief day(s). (d) Notify the MSC and POC by memorandum of the relief day(s) assigned the carrier and route. The relief day will be the same day either weekly or biweekly, as appropriate, until the result of the next annual or special mail count is known. If it becomes necessary to permanently change the relief day(s) before the next mail count, notify the M SC and POc. (e) Each carrier eligible to elect a higher classification for which hel she may qualify is required by the N ational Agreement to make their selection at the time of the annual or special mail count. A change in the original option selected by the carrier as indicated on the form normally is not considered . H owever, postmasters or M S C managers may, for good and sufficient reasons, approve a carrier's option change and submit the request direct to the P OC by memo. The request must be in the P OC no later than one week after the effective date of the new evaluation. (f) Give the carrier a copy of Form 424 I-A and file one copy in the employee's folder. (g) Place the route copy of Form 424 1 -A in the official route book. .72 Verification " Verify all totals and other information on Form 424 1 .73 Completion of Form 4241 -A .731 Li nes 1 , 2, and 3 . U sing the formula o n Exhibit 523.2 compute the allowable time for each rural activity and list it in the proper column of Form 4241 -A. Figures used in this computation are those shown on the Form 424 1 in Exhibit 526.63. Allow 30 minutes each for personal time and purchasing stamps. Allow 30 minutes each for withdrawing mail and locked . pouch where applicable. To compute strapping out time. add Columns 45-49 and 50-54 of Form 424 1 . and subtract Columns 77-80. Apply the resulting figure to the formula on the revised schedule 14 for strapping out. When you have completed lines I . 2, and 3, you will then be ready to finalize the evaluation by completing line 4. .732 a. line 4 Standards Office Time-Add all entries in lines I and 2. divide by 60. and convert from hundredths to minutes. (1) (2) Route Time Ad d all entries in line 3, divide by 60, and convert from hundredths to minutes. - (h) If Form 4241-A indicates that the carrier's performance varied more than three hours between the standard hours and the actual hours, submit a report to the MSC manager giving the cause and the corrective action taken. 526.7 .71 Manual Evaluation of a Route Materials needed M-38, Tl-1 , 7- 1 - 80 (3) I Total Time-Add office time and route time (4) Actual Time Take from Form 424 1 . Columns 2 1 -24, 25-28, and 29-32. Divide total minutes for each by 2, and convert to hours and minutes to determine actual office time, route time. and net total time. - Management of Rural Delivery Services 526.732 b. Box Factor 527 ( I ) The box factor which aPAears on line 4 of Form 424 1 -A is the amount of time �l1owed to serve each box on a rural route for one [week. The volume of mail handled during the two week period is directly reflected in this box factor. (2) The box factor is needed 1 when additions to or deletions from a route are I being planned. The number of boxes to be added or deleted. multiplied by the box factor. equals the time to be added to or subtracted from the present �valuated hours. The mileage must then be multiplied by 12 and the time applied to the evaluated hours. as necessary. (3) To compute the box factor for the route which the Form 424 I -A in Exhibit 526.634c( I )(b} describes: 1 (a) Convert the evaluated h qurs and minutes (47:39) to minut�s 2,859.00 I (b) Subtract Mileage x 1 2 (60;35) -724.20 (c) Sub-total 2 1 34.80 (d) Subtract the total of the following: Purchasing Stamps 1 30.00 Personal Time . 1 30.00 Withdrawing Mail, if applicable . . . . . 00.00 Lock Pouch, if applicable 00.00 Time Allowed for "Other," as obtained from Form 424 1 . . . . . . . . . 8.00 TOTAL 68.00 . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . (e) • • • • . . . . . . . - TOTAL TIME (in minutes) . . . . . . 2066.80 (0 Divide the results by number of boxes on route: 2066.80 � 45 1 = 4.6 box factor. .733 Lines 5 and 6 a. Line 5 can be completed by transferring the information from corresponding entry on Form 424 1 . 1 Special Mail Counts 527 . 1 Requirements Special counts will be conducted only under the following three circumstances: a. Substantial route adjustments involving a service change of four hours or more. b. Routes changed by the addition or deletion of territory as a result of a consolidation. c. When unusual circumstances have negated the validity of the annual count (Le. implementation of CMU, etc.) Note: Prints out AAQ1 20P2 Rural Route Evalua tion . . . Forms 4241. 4003. and Changes are sent to MSC offices each pay period ( Exhibit 527. l c). This printout shows all rural transactions for the period and must be reviewed thoroughly for accuracy upon receipt. 527.2 Special Count-Coverage And Count Periods .21 Special counts will be for two weeks and will be made at the initiative of the employer or in response to a justifiable request from the carrier on the affected route. .22 The special mail count based on provisions above. must be made during the last two full weeks of the first month following the effective date of the interim adjustments except during the months of August and December. If a holiday occurs within the last two full weeks of a count month, the count shall be moved to the same period ofthe following month. .23 Special two week mail counts based on unusual circumstances will be made during the first mutually agreeable average volume period. .24 Managers will furnish all necessary forms to be used in conducting the special mail count. b. Line 6 is used to record the results of the route evaluation as it relates to carrier compensation. 527.3 c. Lines 5 and 6 contain route information only and are not necessary to manually evaluate the route. . 3 1 Special mail counts will be conducted in accordance with the instructions for the annual Special Count I nstructions M - 3B. TL-1 . 7- 1 -BO Management of Rural Delivery Service. count. For special counts not coinciding with the annual count, boxholders and box holders strapped out will be counted only for the two weeks of the full count period. .32 For special counts, other than those coinciding with the annual count, the postmaster or designee must submit the completed Form 424 1 to the M SC not later than 4 days after the last day of the special mail count, along with a memorandum indicating the effective date of the count. M -38, TL- 1 , 7 - 1 -80 627.42 527.4 Effective Date .41 The effective date of the Special Mail Count must be the beginning of the second pay period in the calendar month following the count. .42 The effective date of the special mail count must be entered in the Remarks Section of Form 424 1 . Management o f Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 513 (p. 1 1 U. S. POSTAl!. SER V I C E RURAL ROUTE - ANNUA � INSPECTION REPORT DATI POST O F FI C E (S,al'" ""d ZIP Co"") ' 21122 Pasadena . MD 02 523 ROuTt. CLA ••• I"I£O ""AVO; OUT,. f] Y ES CAIIIIII.." . 56 : 25 O NO 539 I Nickolas Ryan OJ OH l!J K 25 yrs . D YES O NO ..... Postmaster LATI.ST WEEII,.,Y itV-.L.UATION (Fa"" 4241-AJ .T"HD..IID NOU"': 512 SCf4EDULED WE",":" DAY ',. .J oa ItOuTI. ACTUAL 0 ' " ·· :5 4 : 01 I' SEA'ONAL .OuT!., SHOW "ILIlA&,. 'V SEA.ON 54 : 18 ... Saturday LENGT", 0" .'''YICE LENc;."M 0" .EIII V IC� 0.. 1III 0uTE T I A �::E� :!��L-:;:,:�I::QD�:::::�::·s���."T,.� ;:::? ('7f1'rJb:S·��'Y�:J'· Dr.SC.'.' CA. . ..: ..•. NO. '1ItHleLI. ,TO'" C.... RIER r;; .....a: A.'.' '.,PI.T,OtI 9-8-79 HO. _0_1.5 5£"vED 28 IF " Y ES'" CHECK TY PE: �" ROUTE DATA NO • •U�I1t1E'S ,taYED I Complete in dupl;,atc (or each r"llular and auxiliary ruute. Take corrective actiun on any irrCBularitirs. File "rigi",,1 and send cupy to the MSC I'ostm••ter. . . INSI'ECTION DATt; 0' _',"Oln 9-8-79 I OUT! NO. O",.ICIAL NO. r"'M'LIES LENGTH SERVED (2 d"cimalsj . of IIIISTR UCTIONS: C..... ,E . ....s. til-AT "�.SON"L "' ....ItA.A.CI KJ vES O NO 25 yrs . DOES CAR''''. NAVI. GOGD "M"SICAL CONDITt.ff. " '''.''' . AND MEA."••? 01 UNO. .. d"s",,/Hf tIi/mm') I&l Y ES O NO £ftAL. .CPUTAT'ON. III&Cii UL..... ITy 0" PEltSO ..AI. .CRVICE. AND QuAL''' ... .,. $ItRyICE Oil ROuTE. Mr . Ryan is a good employee . He is punctual and conducts himself in a businesslike manner . ""PI. 0' JIIOUTING CASI. USED (0«4 one) O ' T EM 125 - 100 SEPS. o " T EM 12.G - 201 SEPS. o WING. I T EM 140 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES • � Kl D . . iJ O/b!.;!;'l",) � . . . . . C UATE (I, '·NO. " stat. tlCtiOfl �':,hi�ft �;:'����ip,;.��j Q 7 . . D . . . ITEM t 2. D . . . ITEM ' 43 D . . . 'TEM ' 44 O O E 0 :�:::� ..::�I:�::��� :,� ::�A�!I � :O���T �::�::s rllJIJ1H.,!,s::at�c r. CO""(",;",, a("lion 10 /Hf 1""-"",) [!J YES O NO :d:�';:,.:£:,T ;'N :A;:;"::,.jTORT 011'£ •• 1'1115 CONDITION (II b [!J YES V r.HICLE (MAIU:) Chevrolet tu::/ion ,''''''' or 10 [!J YES 2 ''fI.A'., " ODT Tv"C) 1979 Stat ion Wagon /Hf 1""-_) O NO C ARFUER POSSESSES A V A L.ID MOTOR VIEHIC,LE. . O_ENATOR'S IDENTIFICATION CARD, SF '" [!] Y ES O NO O NO OFFICE WORK AND SCHEDULE AT WMAT TIME AND ""OM WM... T SOUllcEI (SR. RPO, HPO. Etr:.) I. TME PIlHIII C IM", MAIL Dut:. AT PO." 0"''':: 1. '' 0500 HCR 21011 ,«.Un eXplll1n APPIAIlANCE 0,. VI-MICLE IS Gil-.E.ALL.Y SATISP'ACTORT a/ uNO, fit �""IIIi" O NO C ARRIER MAINT AINS AN ACC'DE .... y SUPPLY KIT IN HIS V EH I C L E !Jil v ES -tvU. O NO IiJ YES AVERAGE NO. OF NAMES OR ADDRESSES PER SEpARATION to ,II. ADEQUATE SUPPL.Y OF STAMPS. MONEY ORDI:. ..S. REGISTIIt ... ANO INSURANf;E RECEIPT BOOKS, ETC. I. e ... .., ... ED AT WMAT TIME AND .Y D .....TCH MADE'! ",T WMAT TIME .RE DAILy PA"EIItS IIECI;.IY�D AT "0$1' O""U:I? 0600 D NO � Y ES 1800 HCR WMAT ROuTUIC IS TNt PRINCIPAL 21074 SCNt-DULt 0" CA".'III .�.O.TS AT; 0600 LItAYES TO SEW,VE ROUTE AT; IS THIS SCHEDULE ""OPE.? rtf ··NU, Gil YlES 'I' RETU""S YO 0930 "OST O.. ,.'CI. ... T: state cD"�iw IICtion talt.rn. } [!] Y ES O NO TR •• "I:"ORT. AND ROSiTEIt 0" CLlSTOMEfU� CUR"E ..,. "C:("'.&1E AND NItAT • � VES O NO 1450 I..NDS AT: 1500 CA"RIEIIII CA.E NtAT. LAeELID ....O ..IE .. LT . ...0 ,.REI: 0" PER.O.AL ITIMS O NO CA.lllle. ,s ...... , ... .... . 1"'''' A..O o •• I: ..ve. JltG ULATIONS ..NO SCHEDULE (II ··NO. $tGl� correctiw action ta4en.. ) 0"'" I: 'AI.. fit [!l y E' O NO PS F_ 4248 Jan. 1 978 Exhibit 5 1 3 (p. 1 ) M -38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 Exhibit 6 1 3 (p. 2, Management of Rural Delivery Services IlOUTI WORK THE "OUTe ,. naYED ,. "......A.n w,?" LAnaT orp'.'AL Due,,,,.., ,o. u.8flflctiJ:>It mp -' do",* "'11$1 "'"' it_ 0/ r,.".L) (I/ "NO," Ii", J.vitllicns -.I• ... _&) (Omy o/fici. u.mptiolJ OIl YES WI Le_ 0" Ill.Yl-O 1I0AD ON •• UTE I 48 �'LEa or �OAo o. "ouTe ALL-WCATH•• aUT NOT ""YED ..... ro_.. 40&4, ItIlQUCIT TO RIPA'. R..OI. 'Clt.. ICNT TO ROAD ,U"C."'.D'" AND ,.0 CuIToM':•• REslDINe ALO.. I TilE llOADI IIIlID ••• A,.1'«"",.", (lJ ·"Va fI" ..en tatl with ....' readt?) t!D YES D NO c ials , road repairs were made promptly. CA.. TUVI-L Ie .CDUC.CD ICeAWIE OF VACANT RIlI.DEllel:. tlO LO..,&_ (l/ ''Yss. '' sUbmit FOffIfI 40:17, -...llfli .d Fo"" 41103, ... .suppom.., fHllliIf's df/!.cribinK a.rlllilllll...' .-erukd.) "nu,•••• n"YI." 0 ....UL. AflY "IITIOW ... lOUT" •• O"" TTIO '.CAd" ... .GAO ."T.VCT IO". ... aAD C••DIY•••' On May 30 , 1979 , Form. 4024 was sent to county offi- D VES M'l,.e. ... DIR" IIOAD ON aOUTE 8 (II ''YES,'' ....t /0_ 40Zl ... ...... PooIrI 4II01. with � p.pilf'. u.m•.., v6y cr-,. ill _tiriJ"tl. ) D y ES Ii] NO , .. ACTUAL a.UTI: TIMI. VAIlIEI ..ltOM ..VALUATED 1'1...& IY MORC TtIIt.• • IIOU•• ,. ...... WillI:, aMc:t1l' .."... .1• • OVER. iJ NO MOu .a UNDER: CITY CARRIER RELAYS CA''''' ,R T••NS ".T• • 11.A"S po. CITY c.... ,,,•• D YES IiJ NO A.t: TM&Rk '"TC"WI:DIATI o""lcea ON " T•• "Oun? (l/ ''YEs;. '' lisl np, ) D vES HOW MAN" IIIELAY IIIO.MTS' INTERMEDIATE OfFICES ANM� o,.,.tC& ,., the ""&'. LItMI'\'1I.or; WO." 1JI1l1IP'.WU 10 NO ", •• ,.O_T DOla CA".I'ft " ...u ..... . to I HOW _MY ULAYa' LOCal:D Dc,...aTUIII I: TrMI ,.IItOM (I/ ''YES, '' Ii., pt>IU:h"s TO .unttVAL T.wt: the riPI.) !iJ YES D NO CA.'UI. Ra:CIIUV". LOCKED POliCH AL.L.DWAIICE'f !:l VES D NO if .".. ""....",J (I/ "YE,t II ••• COLLECTION SERVICE AND MAIL IXCHANGE "',..: TMEa, Aft' COLI.CCTIM .01:1:. 0111 THI:. ROuTlt' locatCNi') D YES (I/ ·�E.t " ..__ ROUTE AND A.OY ....' D NO [ins DOCS TME .MOUNT 0" WAH. COLLIlCT.D W••"A..T THIEUIl COIITI.UAllce" "NO. " espillin .... ..bmil to Y Ell .S "NE.I: A 1lA1I1J.-TO HAll. CaCitA"at: 0" MAIL aCTWa..:" C,.•• ,IE. 0.. TH'. D No �...dati_) (II (l/ "YEs;. " ".".1.... ,.". /0, "'""'-1/&) D No I IW:J�'t.'iR�':..�g�=.o'.t'. \':t\�i'1·tl�·'J��"tt.I'�."SC.;rREl'E�';.°J'..f.""'t.tl. . SHOWN ON .Ox. D YE:' D NO ... ,. NO" ..ve CU8TOWI•• 81:C" IIOT'P'ID or MO..C.O"FOfIMANCe. TO aTA••'" ,,"D. ay rD... 4110., D VEs D No (SItfI SectiOlll 3'3. 324 P$M.) IF I'OAM ..010. "OTIC': 'TO CU.TON'. 0" ••"I.I., ....",TY .N ItU.AL MA.l. lOX, w•• a'IIT TO cuaTOMI•• , WHIN "liD WITH WMAT RaULTa' Irregularities corrected promptly. .. DUPLICATION OF SERVICE I '" ANT RMDa .10.1: RETRACED. OR ,,. TNII""" 'S DU..... C;...TI011111 WITM COIITRACT ROuTh " OTH&II .U.AL ROUT"., CAM T,.,. ... AVO.DIltD WIT"OUT I,.PA'''M'IIT .,. u.Y,.... (1/ "yss." submil Fomt I(I)Zl, _flffli_ FOffIfI 4003 ... s:uppom.., pap",s tIt!.cribing fulfy tU:tiIm � to IIlimirunll duplict:ttilm 0/ "t..... ... . (USII bltlnlc Pf!I:PiIf' for IIIIJy IIdtiitiotltll ,.."".,..,, ) StmAe&) D'VES Ii] NO I Exhibit 5 1 3 (p. 2) M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 515.2a I Numb e r Numbe Irregularity of of Code S� o p s Boxes Br i e f D e s c r i p t i o n ( f1rom Form 4 0 0 3 ) II 2. Right on Dykes Rd 50 & Retrace 2- ..:J , 'lJU 1 'I 1111 .JII JIll II 3 . Right to Kelly Rd I .IIII .IIIf 4 . Left on Kelly Rd to Foster Lane ,7-- --!II I ..3 .IIfI .JlllJIII IS' I B. Right on Kelly Rd to Fore Way I � - .l1li JJII .lIII.JII ..." J /" -- ""'" Exhibit 6 1 6 . 28 I � tr" I "" IS'O , 'I''' �f� U JIlL/III JIll' ', I�. 1.:1 .JIll . JIll IN -..... I """ ...... " / ':t fJ ,J. f , .lilt l1li H' 7 . Right on Smith ' s Lane , & Retrace ,1/ ifJ , .JIIf III JIll III 6. Right on Kelly Rd to Smith Lane " r:L � /II 5 . Right on Foster Lane & Retrace Number .J Jd_ 1 . Right from PO to Dykes Rd ( Begin Service ) Box ,I' 't "' , '\ � - ./ /' - "' Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 61 6.2b Your Mail Box Needs Attention (D ate) M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Postal regulatio ns require customers to provide and erect at their own expense rural mail boxes which meet official standards. tion disclosed the irregularities checked below. I ).. " 4- 5 , 1 e 'I YO U R BOX IS NOT AN APPROVED BOX /0 /I THE D O O R N E E DS ATTENTION T H E SIG N A L. FL.Aw N E EDS ATT E N T I O N Y O U R BOX IS TOO N E A R T H E ROAD Y D U R BOX IS TOO F A R F R O M BOX M U ST B E LOCATED SO C A R R I E R C A N S E R V E IT W I THO UT L E AV I N G V E H I C LE 12- THE R O A D Y O U R BOX 1 5 NOT W AT E RPROO F IJ ROAO 14- Y O U R BOX S H O U LD BE R A ISED I N C H ES Y O U R BOX S HO U L.D BE I.O W E R E D I N C H ES Y O U R BOX SHO U LD B E O N T H E RIGHT-HAND S I D E O F T H E R O A D AS T R A V E I.E D B Y T H E C A R R I E R THE APPROACH TO YOUR BOX SHOULD BE FlLJ.ED AND PROPERLY GRADED Be KEPT UNOBSTRUCTED AT ALI. TIMES T H E APPROACH TO Y O U R BOX SHOULD BE K EPT CI.EAR OF SNOW . VEHICLES. AND OTHER OBJECTS IS" /1 /8 A recent inspec Y O U R BOX SHO U L.D FACE T H E YOUR BOX SHOULD 8E SECUREL.Y FAST E N E D TO ITS SUPPORT YOUR BOX SHOULD BE LEVELED. AND THE POST FIRMLY PLANTED A N EW POST F O R �O U R BOX SHO U LD BE PROV I D E D E R BOX VISIBLE TO THE CARRIER AS H E REGULARLY APPROACHES IT OR ON THE ,000 A IF THE BOXES ARE GROUPED, ��:s�';;AMNug�:�r:C ��;�� �N,.U:e S�������E Y O U R BOX S H O U L.D B E P A I N T E D TO P R E V E N T R U STING DTHER I R R E G U LA R I T I ES / '1 1 Please help your carrier provide you with better service by c:;Orrecting the 1 irregularities noted above. If the deficiencies are not corrected by .i.. delivery service will be suspended until the re uired stand ards llre met. Your cooperation in the interest of improved postal service is appreciated. � _______ I If you have any questions please see PS Form Mar. 1 979 your carrier or contact me. (Potrtmaster) 4056 Exhibit 5 1 5 . 2b I _ _ _ __ Exhibit 521.2 Management of Rural Delivery Services RURAL CARRIER TIME STANDAlWS C0!VERTED TO A liij.:EKLY ALLOWANCE FOR 6...DAY AND TRI-wEEKLY ROUTES Item 1 Official Route 2 Boxes 30 Wee carrier (b) carrier (c) Additional time granted (d) See 525 . 12 q of the M-37 Total x 1.5 Weekly Total x . 04 :i����----�---" does t recetve a locked pouch regularly withdraws own mail from distr ibution cases . under certain condi tions . Handbook. Exhibit 52 3 .2 M -38. Tl- 1 . 7- 1 -80 3: W !IO � u.s. POSTAL .. :I .. COUNT OF MA I L imtmctionsoll reverse before .... r;- ... FL.ATS, C A T A L O G S A H D A a 00 o a So ROLLS 3� 8 SI).. I �� I i N EWSPAPERS. M A G A Z I N E S LETTER S I Z E ':" ... rg :II I: !. o !!. IDb Sl.. i· / 2MARKED UP FORMS J51t AND )II. CDMPLE TED MONEV ORDE" A"�IC" T'CNS LE.TTERS AND FLATS COLLECTED L M K 8 � :r s: ;:;" U'I N C» c" ... REGISTERED A N D CERTIFiEO / 0 N / 1$ 8 ,"OSTA G E WAiTING DUES TIME SERVED DAILY o p T x o / COLLECTED R- cg I 13 B ORDINARY AND tNSu"ED P"RCELS COLLECTED o < en CD � (Ii" CD 10 o l>,.s"' �"Nr 1fT ,M1I�/t:. IPIlL 7)1I1t.bIAJ 6- I certify that the above is correct. 4239 ISOII � .. g: ; � Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 526.62 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE RURAL ROUTE COUNT OF BOXHOLDER MAil I "V;""; 2 1 80 "'OSTO""CE: V/E.NN4 8011HOLoa:JIIS DAY OAn ;; i THURSDAY 'I,/1 'J I.!" FRIDAY SATURDAY WEEK 11 TOTAL '1,'1 MONDAY i WEDNESDAY THURSDAY '/Z/ , 'JLz� FRIDAV SATURDAY WEEK IZ TOTAL tjJ� MONDAY .." .. i 9/�8 'lIz' FRIDAY SATURDAY WEEK I3 TOTAL ItJ" MONDAY ... '" tAl 3: Ill/S" IDIII �IOAY SATURDAY WEEK ,.TOTAL TOTALBOXHOLOEIIS .ENTER KIllE AND ON fOIIIM.Ql1 COL'" RlMAftf(S 0 " 0 f) 0 /42. 8 " e 41' 0 " 0 .... qS'� F () 0 47' .",,,, -. � lu� � : ..MN2 I� 0 0 0 t!':I tJ 9� (!) " 0 ! .un.r.J I� Il.MNtn ,.. I I SeGNATURE OJ P'OSl"MASTa 0fI SUPPV1SOIII �-;:;r Exhibit 526 . 62 M-3S. Tl- 1 . 7- 1 -S0 I I �L I T£ SIGNED ill/ff/7! � [0.- Ii '-- at IW fIE' lJlf W � IS' • I Ii Ii I" '"" � f'D -msIJ.YL IJ1t .. .. ...0 TOTAL 10lCHOL__ aUf lNTER H�E ANDON FORM 4241 COL ..... I CERTIFIED TO BE CORRECT A..r'7L ' JvIu") I,JmII"J I, ...IV'tIrl 0 D 4t.Bi : LJAnAn I J4t:::7 CJ (J " I� I w.s: .. ..a.t:7 t/) � a;; � lIS! I� l..wwJ 0 � � :.MU'3 � I) CARlnER INITIALS il.JAtW1 � � .MI'W:J 0 4'1' /D'3 /0 '4 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 0 0 ItI) 2 TUESDAy '5 2 1�"'•.I"'t 0 4?1. () ..ww:l. 0 4?" 91CZ' '/..r? THURSDAY 0 0 til�S' TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 0 0 4", .... 1�M'IU"'J � UI'IU':J 0 0 .... AZ2 � 0 "i 'lf. ., ,, (" 4 SUI'ERVl$OR INITIALS 0 0 91t, 9/1'1 f/:t.tJ TUESDAY .." .. 0 9J 1/ 9J 1:l. 9, /a WEONESOAY . eOXHOlDERS STRAPPED OuT 0 9J 10/7, MONDAY TUESDAY ROUTE NO Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 528.83 I . ...... , � recto I I. v:; . ' I ":,, -:.::;=1 ",,\ , lz\' \D\"" ol7 1 0 1 L 1 .1"' l o\.., \s' , 13' 10 ..... .... _ .. .... ,' - 1()/"/1'I ...." .. "., I ·� � ....... A:::.:: � !- :.::. AU......... . . " ... .. � 1 -. --. - _, 2'''1 o . :::: . . .. .. ... c•.,•....a.. ....&0..... W_. ' . . .. . . ,4ztJ ...:.. .;- 'M ....:. Ic....... "f......, . . , 0 ... . . .... . o ..... I :':' is': . .. ..,.. .... .. Mt...... . " WOO• • • .. ' .. o �= c:... ::: ....... ...�:-... l OT..." :: 0"« :::::. I ...a.ow 1 -" " ._. r!"_ 1O.... ......_ . () ! ClI '3 1 ", , 01 _ ""'.... • • ,/II ....c••• • • , .,I ' ]4IVI-1' I ...... R: .1. 1:' 'M' ,1"1 1lj ,,13 () 1'101' I .. hi,,,,.,.,,, 1J_.,an> »" ", . ..""" (tnow- FIf� 1II ''II "...r '/11 " '''''1 p,.".",.--r 1>n . ... .....D iii"''' OF eMU /ItJt,1. ,'" Ii . ..... loi I ... , M_ O..... IIIII '.. ....' " ."-'i . .... ......... .... /ll ...... '.... ....lftctU... . .... '. ... ........ . . _.... ..... ....... ... ...... -.... "' , .. ...... .. ..... ., ..... ...... _rill ..... ... wlif mit _.... ,... ..".,. .. ...... .. .., . "" Exhibit 526.63 M,-38. TL- 1 . 7· 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery SeNices MSC An�.' 194 - Count SouthRstern PA !IIO$T cw-a S''''E &toIOI'. COOl: DQ)'lestown, ! ,... "" , 1 I � .... .., 2 ,... "" 3 I :: , .101 ! :';: ; .107 ... I "" , J07 � i :,t 4 ,... ... • , ,"" � ... I ', .J07 , ... .. �lntM 31 2.88 ! 40.20 -- ! 447.38 .:n' u: L. 31 .97 ...... .."",-��rOt Duf 1�:5 1 .00 ...... u, - Trautlllc1 n :� S T��a':;ur!:��� � ' ,""re;"tb'. _ NC ....,...,. D&,l¥I!illlO lE I 3 1 . 50 ! I 3.00 - TO'AL : ... .. -- J=�)o --'."Y. 180327038 9.00 724.20 ! ! 28':321 0_' DlI.IVtIiMfS .. ;.: �. I ! 71 ! , I 1 511" i I I "-' - 141 . 75 i ....... .�H7t 'Or... . 75 30.00 "' .. .... Exhibit 626 . 634c( 1 )(b) M-3S. TL- 1 , 7-1 -S0 I " .�:.. '. '7;" ." .... I 14.60 1 5600 I ; ! 315 I I , , IIINltl"'tt'l .oc:. OOUC>4S ! 01 $Al.AM'f .l .,, ellrrent rOul, I .... IllltUCI_c J , 1 1 /09179 ... "'''''rd '' . on ll_ t 2, .nd 3 ,_...., the nu...- 01 m,nutes .IIOWlble .."., !he ""• (Se/IIcMe 14) P'O,KIIId tor • """ _k ""noel "'_ m,""'n ..... __ 'rom !he ml.l count dill on For.... 4241 W\'IICI1 you "'MlIhId the RegiOnal Office earher 1.1'" 1 and 2 C)tfIC' "1'IMt. Line 3 repreHnlf tOUtl tllne: Ind Standllrds 1011:' m Lin_ .. II the COfnpotlt. o. Lines 1 2. and 3 it . monetlry lOCked pouch altowance fa authonnd. tnf time ShOwn tOl' Lodctld PoUCh Dehvery Oft Line 3 IS not Incfudec:J �" me S.ancMrd Time snown on Lme 4.. Lift. 5 �.I .,a. IIItCt from rM Form 4241 submitted Line 6 represents ttM: carntr·. ....." ,nformaIJon, represent ! rOT� 'tW '... ....... jr.� ••"''' _.. �.A�r W"l' '' C�T USIO .J44 � ....- _.-, 4$:41 ...11 i '.. 30.00 ""'- .... ..... .. ... - , .... - thru ' .0 ........CAfICM -- 902.00 .... 12 , 20.681 ! 8 1979 06, 1979 12.00 - 1 1 . 50 �''''''' nMi .HOLII'tS MIIO -.,ft" Qf'CE """.. 18108 47�3S I \ ��" ' 0«5 �1n :�:+�::- Oct ---. � -,- .- j I .... 2.00 7.SO ! - .-.so - ..,,;.r� �: a cPTII"IfD U :42i 'I:�� I 85.68 ,- _.. ..... . " Qf I ,., rXXiI IIC'I'IIt<Q.DlfIIS S'MCWtOS ·"" ...ouq MlO¥IfIII,:'H, 0"," For PP 25- 79 1 1 - 1 7-79 41-2104 1 .00 ,...... 4.6 ..IS SCF ..... 22.50 It" ' "" Gulrln : 3.00 .•��;e.:�c I CU5;� "". _ACTO!' Effectlye U1 POSTAL SERVICE RURAL ROUTE EVALUAnON _ ............ 't.." �:�$ I .e :. ,.n' ' J07 PA 18901 Exhibit 526.634c(1)(b) Exhibit 526.634c(Z)(e) Management of Rural Delivery Service. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OUR REF: 1I&ECf: TO: Rural Route Evaluations Postma s ter Summerv i l le � PA DATE: November 6 , 1 9 7 9 1 5864 The lates t evaluat ion o f the rural routes under your management , : based on the annual ma il count , have been rece ived here . You will have or have received Forms 4 2 41A showing the new evalua t ions of those routes . Please ' pay c lose attention to the evaluated hours and If the route ciass i f icat ion on Line 6 of Form 4 2 41A. the rou te has changed .clas s i f ication , pl ease make sure that the ru al carrier is not i f ied and that rel i ef days are granted , where appropr iate . t I A rev i ew of l the actual hours used ag a inst the standard hours dur ing the annual count of ma ils indicates that the carrier i serv ing Route 1 worked four hours in excess , of the s tandard hours . Postal Operat ions Manual 6 3 3 . 234 instructs pOs tmas ters to cons ider correct ive act ion if actual weekiy t ime requ ired to serve a route consistently varies more than three hours , e i ther below or in excess o f evalua ted t ime , making some al lowance and exception for carrier $ 55 years or more of age or wi th twenty-f ive years or mo re conti nuous service. l It is reque s ted that you care ful ly examine Fo rms 4240 and 4 2 41 , and analyze the performance of the carrier serv i ng Route 1 to determine the cause for the var iance . Take correct ive act ion or prov ide re-train ing to the carrier that wil l resul t in sa tisfactory performance . At the conclus ion, make a report to this of f ic e as to the action taken . (1 /1 f1J,'d� � er Management Sec t ional Center Exhibit 526 .634c(2)(e) M-38. TL-1 . 7-1 -80 3: • � !» 1 • i Cal ;:J . ..a USPS REPORT .... I ..a I 1'-9901 RURAl ROUTE EVALUATION ...lIOPI DISTRICT - 'ST CD o S S NUHBER EHPLOYEE NAHE 99-4815 65&-&1-9778 E . F . Caub1on DESIG 71 ... POST OFFICE 99 -4 855 545-66-1297 C . J . Led1110 IUAR 17. SI' DESIS 71 m :Ie ::T iT ::;: 01 N 545-06-2802 J . G .Mart1n IUAR 17.529 DESIS 71 _ POST OFFICE 99 -4 8 35 854- 26-9528 M . P . Hunter IUD 17.S'6 DESIS 7 1 S A STEP SALARY V TX -Midwest RTE 0 V TYPE P A B O X NTE NO T e STOP ND . FloC " I L E S BASE PAY 9999& EVAL RCS HOURS �HD EquIP HR HN HRS HAINT EFFECTIVE DATE 21 .031 22 . 023 H 01 H H 01 H 241 241 145 4.5 12'.15 II' 243 4.8 1 26 . 15 12' 45 . 0 7 45 E 28 . 98 BEFORE PAID 45.59 46 E30 . 24 1 1 - 1 7 79 4241 , LATUSCO TX 9999 3 ••• 12 12· 10 . 247 20 .518 " 04 H 11 04 " 166 164 184 5 . 0 126.65 127 190 5 . 1 126 .65 117 4 2 . 40 4S.03 12 12 2 0 . 636 2 0 .907 \'1 05 " " OS " 151 141 167 4 . 5 140.50 140 158 5 . 0 140.50 140 4 2 . 0 7 41 ES2 . 20 BEFORE PAID 42 . 55 43 E 3 3 . 6 0 11-17-79 4241 T)(9999.2 ••• 258 5 . 0 122 . 15 122 262 5 . 0 122 . 15 1 2 2 47 . 24 43 E 28 . 06 BEFORE PAID 4 7 . 58 44 E29 . 28 1 1 - 1 7-79 4241 SUMMERS 12 12 1 9 . 6 98 2 0 . 681 J 01 H J 01 H 233 255 43 43 a � :II c i • • 1>. 99994 *.. PATAL 12 12 RUN ON . 7/.22/80 PAGE 945 FORItS 4141 . 4 0 0 3 AND CHANGES • tlST SECTIONAL CENTER - 793 _ POST OFFICE CUAIr1" .' -�- REHARKS o !!. i" < en �. ! E29 . 21 BEFORE PAID ESO . 48 1 1 - 1 7-79 4241 � ..a n i ! � .. «I Contents 625 Management of Rural Delivery Services CO NTE NTS-Chapter 6 M EAS U R E M ENT O F R U R AL R O UTES 610 Requirement 61 1 612 Initial Measurement Remeasurements M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 620 Procedures 62 1 622 623 624 625 Measurement and Remeasurement Length 0f Route is Unchanged Length (!)f Route is Changed Length af Route in Dispute Action to Correct Route Length Management of Rural Delivery Servicea 625 . 1 C HAPTER 6 M EAS U R E M ENT O F R U RAL. R O UTES . 61 0 R EQU I R E M ENT 61 1 INITIAL M EASU R EM ENT All newly established routes must be officially measured. New routes include any route established: an odometer is used. driv.e the vehicle over a known distance to prove the accuracy of the odometer. Do not make the measurement with the carrier while serving the route. Start and end the measurement at the authorized loading and unloading area of the route. The roads must be traveled by the most direct line practical without pulling in and out to service mailboxes. a. To serve areas where no previous delivery service b. To relieve overburdened routes. c. As a result of adjustment of routes, If i t i s determined thal the route's length before and after remeasurement is the same, place a d. By a consolidation of routes. of the measurement. the method used. and the e. By conversion of highway contract routes. was offered. 822 memorandum in the route folder indicating the date finding. 823 612 REM EASUREMENTS Existing rural routes will be remeasured when: a. Line of travel is affected. b. Adjustments are made to the rural routes of an LENGTH OF R O UTE IS U NCHANGED LENGTH OF ROUTE IS CHAN G E D I f the correct length i s longer or shorter and there is no dispute, complete Form 400 3 , Of ficial Rural Route Description. �covering the remeasurement) and a memorandum documenting the date of the remeasurement and the method used. office. 624 c. If the length ofthe route is in dispute. complete Form 4003 . and memorandum as outlined in Part 623. The mileage recorded during the inspection of a route varies with that recorded on Form 4003 , Official Rural Route Description. d. It is requested by the rural carrier. e. It is deemed necessary by management. 620 PROC E D U R ES 621 M EAS U R EMENT AN D R EMEASU R E M ENT The postmaster or designee will remeasure the rural route using a measuring device tested for accuracy. If M·38. TL·1 . 7-1 -80 LENGTH O F R OUTE I N DI SPUTE Inlcude in the memorandum an outline of the nature of the dispute. 626 ACTION TO · COR R ECT ROUTE LENGTH 626 . 1 Effective Date When the correct length has been determined. whether longer or shorter. establish the effective date on Form 4003 at the beginning of the next pay period. Process Form 4003 as outlined in Chapter 4. Extensions of Rural Routes. Management of Rural Delivery Services 625.2 625 .2 Pay Provisions If the Postal Service's recor�s are in error in the length of rural routes and these errors are not clerical, the carrier may be paid only on the basis of mileage shown on the Postal Service's records. Any correction or adjustment to the Postal Service's records on rural c� rrier mileages may not be paid retroactively. M -3S. TL-1 . 7- 1 -S0 Conlants 725 Management of Rural Delivery Services CO NTENTS-Chapter 7 LOCKED PO U C H ALLOWANCES 710 Definitions 720 Compensation 72 1 General M-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 722 723 724 725 Determining the Appropriate Allowance Weight Change Discontinuance of Locked Pouch Authority 722.31 Management of Rural Oelivery Services CHAPTER 7 LOC K E D P O U C H ALLOWA N C ES 71 0 71 1 D E FI N ITI O N S 722 DETERMINING TH E APPROPRIATE ALLOWANCE The term locked pouch a s used i n these instructions refers to that mail which a rural carrier transports either to or from a post office when providing receipt and/ or dispatch for that office. mail Pouch service does not include the transportation of equipment. supplies. empty sacks. etc. 71 2 722 . 1 General The average daily weight of pouch mail for each stop is obtained during the annual Or special counts of mail. After the results of the count are received, a determination must be made as to the type of allowance (time or monetary) that shall be granted. The term stop as used in these instructions refers to the act of providing either receipt and/ or dispatch to an office; and during the count of mail. these stops are not added to the stop count entered in Columns 1 8·20 of Form 424 1 . 722.2 Rural Carriers Paid Under the Mileage (RCS) Schedule .21 RCS carriers and their replacements are entitled to additional monetary compensation for carrying pouch mail to offices provided the average 720 721 721 . 1 C O M P E N SATIO N GEN ERAL Rural carriers who provide lock pouch service may be authorized compensation for this function. (See National Agreement. Section 30. 1 . 1.) Compensation may be either in the form of a monetary allowance or by the addition of a time allowance to the annual or special evaluation. Carriers are not to receive both a monetary and time allowance credit for the offices so served. 721 .2 Rural carriers do not have the option of choosing between monetary or time allowances. This is governed by pouch weight and / or if the carrier is serving a heavy duty or evaluated rural route. 721 .3 daily weight for each stop. including outside pieces, is 50 pounds or more. .22 If the average daily weight of pouch mail for each stop is less than 50 pounds. a five minute daily (30 minutes weekly) time allowance for each stop at an office is included in the evaluated route time. .23 If the averag� pouch weight is more than 50 pounds, the carrier is entitled to a monetary allowance for each stop (at an office) based upon the average weight of the pouch according to the schedule shown in Exhibit 722.23 1 . A memoran dum must be prepared to establish the monetary pouch allowance (Exhibit 722.232) and. if the current evaluation of the route includes 30 minutes for each stop, a base hour change should be made on Form 4003. Official Rural Route Description. reducing the evaluation 30 minules weekly for each stop. Where a rural carrier serves more than one office with a locked pouch. the mail for each stop will be weighed separately to determine the average pouch weight for the individual office. When supply and dispatch are provided at the same time, the two will be considered as one stop. M-3S. TL- 1 . 7-1 -S0 722 .3 Rural Carriers Paid Under the Heavy Duty or Special Pay Schedule .31 Heavy duty and special carriers and their replacements are entitled to a five minute daily (30 722.31 Management of Rural Delivery Services minute weekly) time allowance for each locked pouch stop at an office if the average daily weight of the pouch mail, including outside pieces, is less than SO pounds. No monetary allowance will be granted . . 32 If the average weight ofthe pouch is SO pounds time allowance change should be made on Form 4003 . If the carrier is receiving a monetary allowance, a memorandum indicating the discontinuance should be prepared according to Exhibit 722.232 and the appropriate items checked . When or more, the heavy duty carrier is entitled to either a 724.2 whichever another will or monetary provide the compensation. greater annual compensation. If the 30 minute allowance does not place the heavy duty carrier into the next pay hour. the monetary allowance should be granted for pouches averaging SO pounds or more and the base hours should be reduced accordingly. See Exhibits route, carrier is receiving a regard-less of the reason, a monetary pouch allowance. When a rural carrier is assigned to a route that has been authorized a monetary pouch allowance, a memorandum should be prepared to aq,vise the Postal Data Center of the allowance. 723 72& If the average weight of the pouch appears to have rural memorandum must be prepared discontinuing the 722.23 1 . 722.232. and 722.32. W EIGHT CHANG E ; a monetary pouch allowance and is reassigned to AUTHOR ITY MSC Managers will process locked pouch actions changed substantially, and the carrier is receiving a for their own office and for all associate offices period and adjust the allowance accordingly, using authority to selected postmasters. monetary allowance, weigh the pouch for a two-week Exhibit 722.23 1 . except where the M SC manager has delegated this 724 DISCONTI N UAN C E O F LOCKED POUCH 724. 1 If a locked pouch is discontinued and the carrier is receiving a time allowance, a base hour M -38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 ...... ... .. of ..... Dill .rw ""'111 �A8L1 'ound. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5' 60 61 62 63 6. 65 " " 68 " 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 7' 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 It '0 t1 92 n '4 ts '6 t7 98 " 100 Exhibit 722.231 OF MONETARY LOCKE D POUCH ALLOWANCES Allow.nce • 16 78 80 83 •• 86 8. It '1 93 '5 97 " 101 103 105 107 10' Ul 112 U' 116 U' 120 122 124 125 127 12' UO Ul 1 33 134 136 1 37 138 160 141 143 144 146 147 148 150 151 153 154 1 56 157 15' 100 Effec tive July 2 1 , 1978 Exhibit 722.231 M·38. TL-1 . 7·1-10 Pounds 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 ·10 9 110 111 112 113 1 14 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 1"2 3 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 14 1 142 143 14 4 145 146 147 148 149 150 Allowa nce $ 160 161 161 162 162 163 163 164 164 165 165 166 166 167 167 168 168 169 169 170 170 171 171 172 172 172 173 173 174 174 175 175 176 176 177 177 178 178 179 179 1 80 180 181 181 1 82 182 183 1 83 1 84 1 84 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 722. 232 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE DATE: OUR lIEF: -..:cT: Correct ion for Lock Pouch Al l owances 10: Director Postal Data Ce nter u . S. Postal Service San Brun o , CA 9 4 0 97 Attent ion : 9141 The information submitted on th is memorandum wil l serve as notice to affec t the foll ow i ng � pouch change : Pos t Of f ice a� m�o� e�l� A� s� S� n� � n� ; ____ Fi nance Numbe r : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ 0 5-6726 State and Z ip Code : Cali forni a 9 4 9 60 W . Spybuck Name of Carrie r : ����� ---------------2� 1� � Salary Step : Soc i al Secu r i ty Numbe r : 123-4 5-67 69 01 Rural Route Number : ----��--------------------- Purpose of Ac tion : ( Check One ) X Es tabl ish LP Al lowance a t 91 pe r annum . $ Ad j ust from $ per annum . $ to D i scontinue LP Allowance E f fective Date : Appr oved by : 1-2 5-7 6 _-6 ;;;t.;.&s!!t!:2lllL L.-,t2�;.,i.� ���'2I·�C'�4-::)� : _ Manage r , Manageme n t Se ct ional Center San Rafael , Cal ifornia *Attachme nt : cc : Form 4 0 0 3 ( Ba se Hour Change ) Pos �as ter Local Off ice MSC Manager Rural Ca rrier Of f i c ial Personnel Folder Exhibit 722 .232 M -38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services o exhibit 722.32 SEASONAL ROUTE U. S. POSTAL SERVICE I SEE INSTRUCTIONS COMPI.ETlON POST OFFICE sTATE AND ZIP 1CHECK ONE) FI� r 1 : / : 0 � :] AMEND- 0 RE· Sa n Anselmo CA 94960 ED MEASURED O 5 6 7 2 61 J LEf'IG'fH '1EW,�� I�'" AOUI� ' NAME OF CAAflIER �W,"'I . �, I O� r;� 1 0 : 5 :6 :4 : 5j I1 0: 5: 6 : 41 5 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 :7: 8:9 APPROVED 8V t:. BASE EFFECTIVE SALARV DATA PR<iTECTION BOXES STOPS CHANGE HOUR DATE 11 , DAI� d � rb 0 ' 4 '6 ' 2 4 '2' 5 '9 1 ' 2 ' 2 '9, 7' 9 1 211 3179 BRI E FLY DESCIIIB E THE LI'IE OF SHO ONLY � W MILES MILES FROM THE POST OFFICE ON EolCH LINE DIRECTION AND RETRACE � OFFICIAL RURAL ROUTE DESCRIPTION Chang�d due to LP Al l owa nce Postmaster will complete this part: FOR on _ 01 PwI 1 . CODE NO. I w. To be completed by Management Sectional Center I I I I � . or Post Office: 1iI". ... I I , I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I , I I I ' I , I I , , I I , I TRAVEL AND RETURN 1 4 5 6 7 8 I f , ' , I Ba�p hour chanaI'! onl v, Moneta rv Lockl'!d Pouch Al l owa ncl'! authori2pd i n l ieu 0 t i ml'! a l l owa n�p, L ONE TO , N E TWO DECIMAL PLACES 42 44 45 46 47 48 9 49 50 51 12 52 13 53 14 54 15 55 16 17 18 57 19 59 20 60 21 61 22 62 23 63 56 58 24 64 25 65 26 66 27 67 28 68 29 69 30 70 31 71 32 72 33 73 34 74 35 75 36 76 37 77 38 78 39 79 40 Cl'!nter 43 10 11 .. ••• I 41 2 3 I I I TOTAL OFFICIAL ROUTE MILEAGE PS Form 4003 _ '978 11> '; 4 '; 1. COpy FOR POS'rMASTER Exhibit 722.32 M -38, TL-1 , 7-1 -80 Con1lln1l M7 Management of Rural Delivery Service. CONTENTS-Chapter 8 REUEF OF R U RAL ROUTES 81 0 General 81 1 812 820 Criteria Growth Areas Permanent Relief 82 1 Types 822 Methods of Providing Relief 823 Providing Relief 824 Procedures for Providing Relief 830 Temporary Relief (Auxiliary Assistance, 83 1 832 Authorization Determining Type of Assistance M -38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 833 834 840 Determining Need Discontinuance Consolidation of Rural Routes 84 1 842 843 General Rural Consolidation Survey Consolidation Involving Two District Areas or Two MSC Areas 844 Action by L>istrict Manager 845 Action by MSC Manager 846 Time Limit for Conducting Pre liminary Study and Field Survey 847 Conversion to Highway Contract Route Delivery Management of Rural Delivery Services 822A1 CHAPTER 8 R E LI E F O F R U RAL ROUTES 81 0 G E N E RAL 81 1 C R ITE R IA Relief of rural routes shall be accomplished when: a. Management determines it is warranted, b. The evaluated hours of the route exceed 55:47, c. The regular rural carrier who is assigned to the route does not or is not expected to meet the requirement to stay within the annual guarantee (2080 workhours) for the route, or. d. The regular carrier is unable to return from the route in sufficient . time to allow for the processing and dispatch of mail collected on the route or adequate service cannot be provided because of the time of delivery. 822 822 . 1 Transfer of Territory between Existing R ural Routes Attempts should be made to transfer territory to other rural routes at the office, provided this does not result in over-burdening the other routes. Except in unusual circumstances or where the intermediate office concept can be used, transfer to rural routes emanating from other offices should be avoided to alleviate unnecessary ZIP Code changes. 822.2 G R OWTH AREAS In rapidly growing areas, relief should be afforded r o u tes t o p revent them from becoming overburdened. 820 821 P E R M AN E NT R E LI EF TYPES Permanent relief to rural routes may be provided by: a. Transfer to territory between existing rural routes. b. Establishment of new regular rural routes. c. Establishment of auxiliary rural routes. d. Conversion of rural to city delivery. e. A combination of one or more of the above. M-38. TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 Regular Rural Routes Establish additional regular routes if possible. Regular rural routes will be co�sidered if the proposed evaluation is 35 hours or more per week. Do not establish a regular route until the exact evaluation is determined by a mail count. I 822.3 812 METHO DS OF PROVIDING R E LIEF Auxiliary Rural Routes I Auxiliary routes will be established when there is insufficient work to justify a regular route. Auxiliary routes are operated in the same manner as a regular route except auxiliary rural carriers are'compensated for the hours actually worked. Payment for the vehicle will be based upon the current rate as provided for in the National Agreement. All new rural routes must b� established first as auxiliary routes until the exad evaluation is determined by a mail count. 822.4 Conversion to City Delivery .41 As a general rule. conversions from rural to city delivery shall be ' considered only to: I a. Provide relief for overburdened rural routes when all other alternatives are impractical. b. Establish clear-cut boundaries between rural and city delivery territory and eliminate overlapping and commingling of service. Management of Rural Delivery Services 822 ..1 c. Provide adequate service to highly ind ustrial areas or apartment house complexes on rurttl routes. d. Provide service to areas where city delivery service will be more cost effective. ( Regional review is required when cost is the basis for conversion.) . 42 Areas considered for conversion must meet all the basic requirements for ', an extension of city delivery and must be contiguous to existing city delivery service. However. the fact that a given area is fully developed and adjacent to city delivery does not. of itself, constitute sufficient justification for conversion. .43 All or a part of a rural route may be converted to city delivery service. 823 823 . 1 and house numbers have been assigned . If street addresses are available but not in use. this would be an appropriate time to make the change. If there is a possibility that cQunty or other local officials may plan to assign street addresses. the appropriate official should be contacted as soon as possible so that your efforts can be coordinated to assure only one change of address for customers . 823.2 Specific .21 When proposing a change on other than a vacant route, the regular rural carrier affected must be consulted and given an opportunity to comment or submit a written statement . .22 In planning the adj ustments, all justified service extensions must be included. PROVIDING R ELIEF .23 General Eliminate and avoid duplication of travel. . 1 1 When providing relief to one or more routes in an . office, all rural routes in that unit should be adjusted simultaneously. .24 Locate the new route(s) in growth areas. Try to make the new route(s) initially light enough to a b s o rb fu ture growth with out b e c o m i n g overburdened . . 1 2 When considering rural route relief in a delivery unit, every effort , should be made to eliminate relief days for all rural routes in that unit. .25 .1 3 Generally, it is desirable to retain heavy duty routes at an evaluated time no lower than 42 hours per week. H owever, in some cases this may be impractical. There is no prohiibition against reducing a route below 42 hours per . week. However, documentation must be furnished as to why it is not practical to adjust the route to 42 hours. Complete an Interim Rural Route Evaluation Worksheet for each route affected. If the compu tation results in an interim evaluation of more than 44 hours, further adjustments should be considered. . 26 All relief proposals must be documented on Form(s) 3993, Delivery Services Comparative Cost Analysis; 500, Survey of Rural Delivery Service; and 40 12, Brief of Rural Route Changes. . 1 4 Attempt to retain stable. built-up areas on existing routes. This will reduce the need for future adjustments. .27 Proposals to convert to city delivery must include a properly completed Form 697, Extension of City Delivery Service, in addition to the documenta tion required in Part 823.26. . 1 5 When possible, restrict route adjustments to routes emanating from the same delivery unit. 824 PROCEDURES FOR PROVIDING R ELIEF . 1 6 Establish definite boundaries between routes to facilitate distribution and provide a more orderly rural delivery area. 824 . 1 .17 I Keep address changes to a minimum. .1 1 a. Determining Need for Relief The MSC manager must: Review the latest MSC Pay Period Rural Route Listing. . 1 8 If it is necessary to change addresses, consider using street addresses in areas where street names b. Determine what routes are in need of relief. M -38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services c. .1 2 824.2 Additional boxes (2 t) times box factor (4.0, taken from the Form 4,24 1-A, Exhibit 824.2c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.0 minutes Establish a priority list. The postmaster must: a. Upon receiving instructions from the MSC manager, prepare a plan for adjusting routes. Note: Where a postmaster is aware of the need for rural route adjustments at an office, the postmaster should not wait for instruction from the M SC. but should start a plan immediately. b. Obtain assistance and guidance, as needed, from ' the M SC. 824.2 Developing Relief Plan In developing a plan, the postmaster and staff should take the following actions: a. Consult with the rural carriers. informing them that one or more of the routes is overburdened or that it has been determined that adjustment is necessary and that all routes will be relieved to as near 42 hours as practicable. Provide the regular rural carriers the opportunity to comment on the proposal and present their recommendations in writing. Their comments will be considered before a final decision is reached. b. On a copy of the current route description, have the carriers show, on each line of travel, the number of boxes served. c. Determine the approximate number of boxes and mileage to be removed from each rural route to reduce it to the desired evaluated time, using the following method. (This example is based on Form 424 I-A, Rural Route Evaluation, E xhibit 824.2c.) Proceed as follows: ( I ) Find the adjusted mileage, number of boxes, and evaluated hours if the route has changed since the last evaluation. For example, suppose the total evaluated time from the latest Form 424 I-A is 59:08. Extensions totaling 2.45 miles have ,been approved and 2 1 boxes have been added since this Form 424 1 A became effective. Use the following formula: Evaluation from latest Form 424 1-A (59:08) changed to minutes 3548 minutes . . . . • . • Additional daily mileage (2.45) time 12 minutes per week . . . . 29.4 minute M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 TOTAL M I N UTES 366 1.4 or 366 1 Total minutes converted into adj usted evaluated hours (366 1 + 60) . . . . . . 6 1 :0 I (2) The targeted evaluation for this route is 42:00 hours. Therefore, the route must be relieved to the extent of 1 9:0 1 hours (6 1 :0 1 42:00 = 1 9:0 1 ). (3) Arrive at a minutes per box for relief purposes by using the adjusted figures, when changes have occurred, and by dividing the evaluated hours, reduced to minutes, by the total number of boxes. For example, using tbe information from the Form 424 1 -A shown in Exhibit 824.2c the adjusted evaluated hours (61 :O!I ) converted to minutes (3661 ) divided by the adjusted box count (636) equals the minutes per box (5.76). (4) To find the approximate number of boxes needed for relief, convert the relief hours ( 1 9:0 1 ) to minutes ( 1 1 4 1 ) and divide by the minutes per box figure (5.76). The results of this computation will reveal a need for 1 98 boxes to be taken off the route to provide the necessary relief. Since the route averages slightly less than eight boxes per mile (636 boxes + · 83.80 route miles = 8 boxes per mile), it can be seen that relieving 1 98 boxes should reduce mileage by approximately 24.75. ( 198 + 8 = 24.75 .) (5) N ote fro m the w orks heet in Exhibit 824.2c(5)(a) that, on this. particular route, relief of 1 98 boxes will reduce the evaluated hours close to the 42:00 hours desired, This is because the mileage changes correspond , very closely with the average boxes per mile for the entire route as figured in the preceding example. However, this is not always the case, and in many irtstances further changes will be necessary in order to: arrive at the needed relief. For example, if a route nFeding relief has a considerable amount of deadhea4ing from the office to the first box served and/ or from the last box served to the office, consideration must be given to this fact when arriving at the minutes per box for relief purposes. Example: The route which was adjusted in the previous example ha� four miles deadheading to the first box and three miles deadheading from the last box to the office. Instead of arriving at 5.76 minutes Management of Rural Delivery Services 824.2 per box by dividing total evaluated minutes by the ' total boxes, it is necessary to reduce the evaluated minutes by the time allowed for deadheading (3 + 4 =: 7 miles x 1 2 minutes = 84 minutes) to arrive at a realistic minutes per box figure. In this instance, the 366 1 total evaluated minutesl will be reduced by the 84 minutes of deadheading fpr a new total of 3577. Divide this by the 636 boxe� for a new minutes per box figure of 5 .62. Taking the deadheading factor into account will provide rc:;sults very close to the targeted relief, as may be seen from the worksheet shown in Exhibit 824.2d(5)(b). Though the actual time difference shown between the two worksheets is only 28 minutes, it must be remembered that only seven miles deadheading were involved. Had the deadheading been 20 miles or more, the time difference would have been substantial. d. Study the consolidated map and make a physical visit to the area in question to prepare a route rearrangement that will result in routes of the proper evaluation and will minimiie the impact on mail distribution. e. Include all justified extensions at this time. ( Failure to do so will result in, inflated routes within a short period of time.) f. Rid.� the line of travel of all routes; verify the count of boxes and stops. g. The tentative plan of new routes should accomplish the relief of all overburdened routes and result in all routes operating on a six-day basis. 824.3 Submission of Relief Plan .31 Complete an INTE R I M R U R AL ROUTE EVALU ATION worksheet for each route. (Exhibit 824.3 1 ) If the resulting evaluation is not within the 42 hour guidelines, making app'ropriate adjustments if possible. .32 When the plans for adjusted routes appear satisfactory, make an overlay map with the same color code showing the line of travel of each of the adjusted and new routes. .33 Prepare Form 500 (Exhibit 824.33 1 ), and Form 40 1 2. ( Exhibit 824.332). .34 Complete a new Form 4003 for each route involved in the adj ustments including all j ustified extensions. .35 Prepare Form 4027 for each extension of rural service. .36 Complete Form 3993 (Exhibit 824.36), in all city delivery conversion cases. .37 Complete Form 697, Extension of City De· livery Service, (Exhibit 824.37), if. any conversion to city delivery is involved. .38 Send the complete file containing the map, overlays, appropriate worksheets, and completed forms to the M S C manager with a recommendation, suggested effective date. and any necessary explanation. .39 Review equipment needs and prepare Forms 7373 as necessary. 824.4 Action by the M SC .41 A postmaster may be able to provide relief for rural routes without assistance. However. if it appears that local management cannot resolve the relief problem, a member of the M SC staff should be assigned to render. assistance. .42 If, after thorough review, the recommendation of the postmaster appears appropriate, the MSC manager should consult with the postmaster and select the effective date. Be sure that necessary casing equipment will be available before the effective date of the change . . 43 Authorize the plan for relief to be placed into effect, using a memorandum such as Exhibit 824.43 1 . The m e m o r a nd u m s h ould auth orize t he establishment of any necessary auxiliary or regular routes, and require a special count of mail on any rural route which has a substantial adjustment (4 hours or more). It should advise the postmaster to notify affected customers of any box relocations needed and address changes, and to notify publishers of address changes by use of Form 3577, Co"ection of Error in Address Becawe of Postal Service Ad· justment (Exhibit 824.432). It should also order the discontinuance of auxiliary assistance. M ·38, TL· 1 , 7·1 ·80 841 .42 Management of R ural Delivery Services . 44 Relief plans containing actions converting rural deliveries to city delivery service must be approved by the Region. 833.2 Where either the actual or evaluated hours are below 57:36 per week, no auxiliary assistance is afforded. 830 TE M PO RARY R ELI E F (AUXI LIARY ASS I STAN C E ) 834 831 Discontinue auxiliary assistance on the date the relief proposals are implemented. AUTHOR IZATION On rural routes where the carrier frequently is making late deliveries, or failing to connect with dispatches. or is working excessive weekly hours. auxiliary assistance may be authorized temporarily until permanent relief can be provided. Exhibit 83 1 . 1 is an example of a memorandum which may be used for authorizing auxiliary assistance and ordering the formulation of a plan for relief of overburdened routes. Note: Immediate relief by use of auxiliary assistance must be provided a carrier when the evaluation or actual time (whichever is lower) exceeds 57:36. See Part 833. 832 DETER M INING TYPE OF ASSISTANC E Auxiliary casing and/ or route assistance may be granted the route. Preference should be given to office assistance. 833 DETE R M I N I N G N E ED When determining the need for auxiliary assistance for overburdened routes, both the actual and evaluated hours must be considered. The lesser ofthe two will be used to arrive at the amount of assistance to be authorized. Auxiliary assistance is provided for the difference between evaluated hours or actual hours (whichever is less) and 57:36. Examples: DISCONTIN UAN CE 840 C O N S O LI DATION O F R U RAL ROUTES 841 'G E N E R AL 841 . 1 Definition A consolidation of rural and/ or highway contract routes ( H C R) is the combining of territories from two or more routes which results in the elimination of one or more of those routes. 841 .2 Purpose The purpose of cons qlidation actions is to reduce the operational and administrative costs associated with rural delivery and/ or highway contract service. 841 .3 I Responsibilities .31 The Region must review proposals involving the consolidation of encumbered routes. .32 The district will make the final determination on filling a route vacancy or eliminating the vacancy by consolidation. On' encumbered routes, the district manager will transmit the entire proposal to the Region along with the district recommend�tion. a. Route I is evaluated at 65:45 but the actual hours are 62:35. The difference between 62:35 and 57:36 is five hours; auxiliary assistance may be authorized for that amount. .33 MSC managers will conduct consolidation surveys upon request of the district manager. b. Route 2 is evaluated at 62: 19 but the actual hours are 64:47. In this instance. the evaluated hours must be used in the computation. and the auxiliary assistance to be authorized is five hours (62: 19 -57:36 is 4:43). .41 M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 - 80 841 .4 i Routes El gible for Consolidation All vacant routes. .42 Encumbered rural routes evaluating to less than 32 hours per week. (See Article 30.6.c U S PS NR LCA National Agreement.) .• 841 A2 841 . 5 Ma nagement Prohibitions Routes described in Part 841 .4 cannot be consolidated if one of the following conditions would result: a. Any route involved wpuld have an interim evaluation of more than 55 hours 47 minutes weekly. Note: To assure complianc� with this feature. an interim evaluation sheet must be submitted for each route involved in a consolidation proposal. (Exhibit 84 1 .5 . ) b. Customers would be required t o change their addresses to that of a post office not located in the State in which they reside . 841 . 6 N otice of Vacancy When a rural route vacancy takes place or it is known that a vacancy will occur because of retirement. transfer. etc.. the postmaster at the office must immediately advise the M SC manager by memorandum. The MSC manager will send a memo through the district to the Region. The memo must include the date the vacancy occurred or will· occur, the reason for the vacancy, the carrier's name and the vacant route number. A list of all rural routes within the office, their evaluations, and their mileage must be included. 841 .7 R eview of Vacant and/or Substandard Routes . 71 Upon receipt of a copy hfa vacancy notice, the District Manager must make � ' preliminary study to determine whether consolidation is feasible. Forms 424 1 -A or the printout of the annual count of mails must be reviewed to help in this determination. .72 Upon receipt of the printout containing the results of the annual or a special count of mail. the district manager must conduct a review of the substandard routes to determine if any consolidation actions are feasible. This review should be conducted in conj u nction with adjacent districts as consolidation of rural route actions may extend beyond district boundaries. of Rural Delivery Service. 841 .8 Decision Not to Prepare a Con solidation Proposal .81 If the district decides that no consolidation action is feasible, the district manager will submit a report to the Regional office with an explanation of what action was considered and why it was not feasible. .82 On vacant routes where consolidation is not feasible. and there is no reason to hold a vacancy for rural carrieres) who have been surplused as a result of consolidating encumbered T(�utes. the district manager will notify the MSC manager by memorandum to fill the rural carrier vacancy in accordance with existing personnel policies and proced ures. 841 .9 Decision to Pursue Consolidation Proposal If the preliminary study referred to in Part 84 1 .7 indicates the possibility of consolidation, the district manager will advise the MSC manager by memorandum to conduct a consolidation survey. 842 R URAL CONSOLI DATION S URVEY 842 . 1 Pre-Survey Preparation . 1 1 Identify the routes to be considered for consolidation. . 1 2 Notify the postmaster(s) and carrier(s) that may be affected of the possibility of a consolidation action. . 1 3 Obtain from the postmaster or postmasters involved. a map(s) showing the rural service of their offices. Also. obtain copies of the current rural route descriptions ( Forms 4003). . 1 4 Assure that the concerned N RLCA steward is notified in writing of the U SPS intent to conduct a survey and of the possibility that the route may be consolidated and, therefore, not posted. 842 .2 .21 Conducting the Survey Study the maps and compare with Forms 4003. Give particular attention to: M-38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 842.2& Management of Rural Delivery Services a. Unnecessary travel. duplication of travel. or service by other rural routes or highway contract routes ( H CRs)-Can it be eliminated? b. Poor layout of route. .22 Inspect all routes and prepare detailed information on the box count, number of families. number of stops. and mileage for each line entry on Form 4003. .23 Consider the following items before preparing the layout of proposed service: a. When a rural route at one post office is absorbed by consolidation with a rural route or routes of another post office. will it be necessary to designate the losing post office as an intermediate post office on one of the rural routes? b. Minimizing changes in the mailing addresses of customers to the extent possible in the adjustment of rural routes incident to rural route consolidations. c. The provisions of Article 30.6.C.d of the U S PS NRLCA National Agreement. d. The time remaining for the highway contract and/ or the cost of discontinuing or modifying the contract of any H CR affected. e. If carriers are not meeting work standards (performing service within evaluated time) determine the cause and take corrective action. Most common causes are as follows: ( I ) I mproper scheduling; (2) Lack of endeavor; (3) I mproper recording of beginning. ending, and / or lunch time: (4) Route growth; (S) Physical impairment; (6) Conditions on the routes; (7) Crowded conditions in the office; (8) Inadequate or improper case equipment; (9) Too much case equipment. .24 Consolidation should be' pursued giving consideration to the following: (Note: It is not mandatory that the items be considered in the order listed.) M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 a. Consolidation of routes within an office where the vacancy exists. b. Consolidation of routes within an · office adjacent to the office with the vacancy. c. Consolidation of the route at the vacancy office with a route from an adjoining office(s) and eliminating the route at the vacancy office. d. Consolidation of rural routes between two or more offices using the intermediate office concept. if it is feasible to do so. .25 When preparing a layout of proposed service. proceed as follows: a. Postmasters and rural carriers concerned may be able to provide valuable assistance and should be requested to do so. b. Attempt to eliminate retraces. duplication, and non-productive travel whenever possible. When carriers are to be routed over roads not presently traveled . be sure the roads are passable the year round. c. Prepare the following forms: ( I ) Form 500', Survey of Rural Delivery Service ( Exhibit 842.2Sc( I ) to include: (a) Statements from the carriers and postmasters involved. or a notation that they dec,lined to furnish a statement. (b) The date(s) that the postmasters and regular carriers were consulted. (c) All other specific information required on the form. I Note: Prepare two copies for district. one copy for M SC� one copy fOIi each office involved. and one copy for each carrier. See U S PS-N RLCA National Agreement. Article 30.6.C.e. (2) Form 40 1 2. Brief of Rural Route Changes ( Exhibit 842.2Sc(2} to include: (a) Complete details concerning the number of families either benefited or inconvenienced and the reasons therefore. I Management of Rural Delivery Services 842.28 (b) Present and proposed evaluations of all routes involved. appropriate rebuttal should be offered . In addition include: (c) The proposed effective date of the consolidation under A CTION. a. Information as to whether or not the present carriers are performing service within the evaluated time, and if they are not, the reasons and actions being taken to correct the problem. (d) On encumbered routes, which carrier will be su rplused and known details concerning the carriers... intentions. (e) If it will be necessary to change customers post office address or if the intermediate office concept will be used. b. (I) (f) Any information which you feel is peninent to the case and that is not covered elsewhere on the Forms 40 1 2 and 500. Use the reverse of Form 40 1 2 if additional space is needed. (g) All other specific information required on the form. Note: (2) If transfer of a carrier is proposed, state: Distance by suitable road from: (a) Residence to present post office. (b) Residence to proposed post office. (c) Present post office to proposed post office. Whether the carrier will be required to relocate. (3) Carriers views concerning transfer. Objec tions should be clearly explained. Prepare three copies. (3) Form 3993, Delivery Services Comparative Cost Analysis (3 copies each route). (4) Form 4003, Official Rural Route Description, in their entirety for all routes involved. (No panial descriptions; complete one set for each route.) (5) Form 7373, if additional equipment is required. (State if any equipment will be surplused .) d. Prepare an interim evaluation sheet ( Exhibit 84 1 .5) for each route involved in the consolidation proposal. The latest Form 424 1 -A must be used as the source for Items I and 2 on the interim evaluation sheet (3 copies for each route). e. Prepare maps showing the delivery territory before and after the proposed consolidation. f. Prepare an overlay for each route that shows the new travel in red and omitted travel in yellow. Include notes in the �argi!n to indicate where territory is being transferred to or from. .26 Prepare a narrative description of your basic proposal, its effect on the quality of postal service in the area. and your recommendation. If carriers or postmasters object to consolidation proposal. c. If the consolidation involves encumbered routes, state whether the surplused carrier has indicated a preference for reassignment to any known regular rural route vacancy. 842.3 Submission of Report by MSC Manager .31 The MSC manager will submit a detailed report of the field study, complete with recommendation and supporting forms, to the district manager. .32 The report on the investigation must include the following: a. Form 500 (3 copies); b. Form 40 1 2 (3 copies); c. Interim Evaluation Worksheet (3 copies for each route); d. Form 3993 (3 copies for each route); e. Present and proposed Form 4003 ( 1 set for each route); f. Maps showing present and proposed lines of travel complete with overlays; M.-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services g. Narrative of action as described in Part 842.26; and h. Copy of HCR Contract, if applicable. If at any time during the survey it is determined that a consolidation is not possible, a report to this effect must be submitted to the district manager. The report must include the various consolidation proposals considered and the reason(s) for the negative recommendation. No action is to be taken by the M SC manager to fill the vacancy until advised by the district manager. . 33 843 CONSO LIDATION I NVOLVING TWO DISTR ICT AR EAS OR TWO MSC AR EAS When a consolidation is being considered involving more than one M SC area. or more than one district area, the district M anager having jurisdiction over the office with the vacancy, or in the case of encumbered routes, the larger route, will determine who will conduct the field survey. If district lines are crossed. the district manager with jurisdiction will coordinate efforts with the other manager(s) concerned. 844 ACTION BY DISTRICT MANAGER 844 . 1 General 84&. 1 b. One copy to M SC manager as authority to implement consolidation. Also, return Forms 4003, county maps, and overlays. c. One copy with Form 500 to the Regional office for statistical purposes. d. Equipment-approve Forms 7373 for any additional equipment needed. If the authority is delegated to M SC managers, return forms to the MSC with the case file. .22 Encumbered R ural R outes and Highway Contract R outes .221 When encumbered rural routes are involved, follow the procedures in Part 844.2 1 after Regional approval is received. .222 When highway contract routes are involved, the Regional Delivery Services Division must coordinate with the Regional Logistics Division. Upon concurrence, follow the procedures in Part 844.2 1 . 844.3 Notify the M SC manager by memorandum to fill the vacant position in accordance with present personnel policies and procedures. 844 .4 District Managers will approve or disapprove all proposed consolidations where a vacant route is involved. Where encumbered rural routes or highway contract routes are being recommended for consolidation, the district manager must submit the entire file to the Region with comments and recommendation. 844.2 Disapproval I Further Review If a certain item(s) needs correction or clarification, request the M SC manager to give further attention to the specific item(s) before deciding to approve or disapprove the proposal. 845 ACTION BY MSC MANAGER (UPO N R ECEIPT O F APPROVED FOR M 401 2) Approval Prepare and issue a letter of instructions to the postmaster(s) as appropriate covering the items listed below which are applicable to the consolidation: 845 . 1 .21 Vacant R outes District managers' will signify approval on Forms 4011 and make the following distribution when a vacancy is involved: a. Original to district file with Form 500 and the MSC manager's narrative report. M -38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 a. Effective date of consolidation and note route(s) to be discontinued. b. Review Forms 4003 for accuracy. Management of Rural Delivery Services 841.1 c. Each postmaster will advise affected customers of their complete new mailing address where changes are required . Include new route and box number. if appropriate. 845.2 Copies of the letter of instructions must be submitted to: a. District managers d. Advise customers about procedures for their mail. b. Postal Data Center- Manual Payroll e. the forwarding Rearrangement of box numbers. f. State revised carrier schedules. g. Reassignment and posting procedures. h. Separate substitute rural carrier. i. Update county maps; necessary. order new maps if j. Give duplicate copy of letter to all postmasters involved in consolidation. k. If applicable, take necessary action to discontinue or modify effected HCR contract(s). 846 TIME LI M IT FOR CON DUCTING PRE LI M I NARY STUDY AN D FIELD SU RVEY District offices will complete preliminary study and action within ten days after receipt of notification of a vacancy. The MSC manager will submit field survey report and recommendation to district office within 3S days following receipt ofthe authorization to conduct a survey. 847 CONVERSION TO HIGHWAY CO NTRACT R O UTE DELIVERY Where consolidation is not possible and where the vacant route serves an average of less than one family per mile, consideration must be given by the district manager to converting to box delivery highway contract route. Compare the current cost of serving the route with the projected cost of serving the route by highway contract service. (See Part 9 1 0). M-38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 3: . � It :::II III ca CD w $» -f 3 r;- ..& a MSC 2 10 Bal timore, MD � 1 '''usT OF He L � T A T E ..& Co AI.,IO ZIPCOOl 0 H't NU 1 01- 48·� ;�� : 1 l iNE. NO �L .... ' � 257 . 31 5 5 . 61 1 -_ ... ._------ 27.48 g: N n lINf NO RTE NO .--- 4 UNE NO t i 01 RTE NO r--�-r-ru ; l � T ER 10.50 I:Jlit"ANUIN:) WITH· DRAWING 30. 00 MILES CHANGES 3 . 00 I I STRAP· PING 16.3 . 90 BOXES MARK. f UPS 1 . 38 STAMPS 30 . 00 I PERSONAL TIME < (I) CD C! g' III LOCKED POUCH DELIVERY 1 . 00 1 9 76 . 20 3 l 7.50 10.00 I L iNE NO ;:t. CO N � I >'DORESS \.oU:;'lUM::J UUC O H 2 m )C :::r :D c 98-7654 21124 Craig!; , }ID 9- FINANCE NO BOx FACTOR 4.0 19 . 85 NOTE: The figures shown on lines " 2. and 3 represent the number of minutes allowable under the daily time standards (Schedule 14) projected for a one week period. These minutes were developed from the mail count data on Forms 4241 which 1 and 2 represent office time; Line 3 represents route time, and Standards 1 . 2, and 3. If a monetary locked pouch allowance is authorized, the time shown for Locked Pouch Delivery on Line 3 is not included in the Standard Time shown on Line 4. line 5 represents c u rrent route stat istics from the Form 4241 submitted. Line 6 represents the carrier's salary information. you furnished the Regional Office earlier. Lines lotal in Line 4 is the composite of Lines PS Form Mat. '919 4241-A m � iT ;:;' ; � Exhibit Management of Rural Delivery Services 824.2c(5)(a' R Du t e : 01 A d j u s t ed E va l u a t i o n • • N e c e s s a ry � e l i e f ( 6 1 : 0 1 - 4 2 : 00 ) 6 1 :01 ( 3 6 6 1 mi n . ) 19 : 0 1 (1141 min.) A d j u s t ed Boxes ( 6 1 5 , 2 1 ) 636 Ad j u s t ed mi l e s ( 8 1 . 35 + 2 . 45 ) 8 3 . 80 S . 76 H i nutes P e r B o x ( 3 6 6 1 t 6 3 6 ) B o x e s to be R e l i eved (1 1 4 1 ill f 5 . 76 ) 8 (-) Boxes P e r Mi l e ( 6 3 6 • 83 . 80 ) H i l e s t o b e R e l i eved 24.7S ( 1 98 f 8 ) 1 98 boxes x 4 . 0 b o x f a c t o r . 7 92 . 0 Ill i n . 2 4 . 7 5 mi l es x 1 2 . 0 mi n/mi l e P rDjected R e I i e f • • • • • • • • • • 1 08 7 . 0 m i n . • Ad j u s t ed E va l u a t i o n . 36 6 1 • . 1 089 Hi nus P rojected R e I i ef 2572 mi n . 42 :52 (2572 • 60) P ro j e c t ed E va l u a t i on Exhibit 824.2c(5)(a} Rout e : 01 Adju sted E va l ua t i o n • • 6 1 :01 (3661 .:....J!! Mi n u s D e a d h e a d mi n . ) mi n. 3577 min. A d j u s ted mi l es � 1 . �� 'Ii n u s Deadhead ..l.J!!1. • 7 6 . 80 Mi nutes P e r 80x (3577 t 636) Boxes to b . R e l i eved ( 11 4 1 M i l es to be R e I ieved t 5 . 62 6 ) 7 5 . �0 ) Boxes P e r M i l . ( 0 3 6 • ( 2 03 • 5 . 62 • • • • m • 8+ 11 ) ?S.38 ' 2 0 3 boxes x 4 . 0 b o x f a c t o r • 2 5 . 38 mil o s x 1 Z . O m ; n/mi l e P rojected R e l i ef • • • 3 1 ? . � <o i " . ..1Q!",� mi n . 1 1 1 6 . 6 mi n . Ad j u s t ed [ v a l u a t i o n . . 3661 l1..!l M i n u s P ro j e c t ed R e l i ef 2 5 44 mi n . P rojected E va l u a t i o n • • ( 2 544 t 6 0 ) • • • • • • 4 2 : 24 Exhibit 824.2c(5}(b} M-38. Tl- 1 . 7-1 -80 Exhibit 824.31 Management of Rural Delivery Services & Z i p Code Pos t Of f ice Ru ral Route No . Da te Prepared : INTERIM ADJUSTMENT OF RURAL ROUT E EVALUATION NOTE : Exte nd m i n u te e n tr ie s on L i ne s 1 , 2 , and 3 to two Convert L i ne 4 to the neare s t whole decimal pl ace s . numbe r before d i v id i ng by 6 0 . 1. La te s t We ekly Evalua t ion 2. M i l e age before (t ) t mi n . Change M i l e age Af ter Change D i f fe r e nce 3. mi n . x 12 ( t ) Ch ange Boxes Be fore Boxe s Af te r Change * x Box Fac to r D i f fe re nce mi n . mi n . or minus L i ne s 2 and 3 4. L i ne 1 pl us 5. I n te r im Eva l u a t ion L i ne 4 � 60 t " Be fo re" da ta for i n te r im eval uation purpose s i s tha t wh i c h e x i s ted at the t ime of the l a te s t ma i l c ou n t ( ob tai n from l a te s t Form 4 2 4 l - A ) and wh ich wa s use d in deve l op i!ng the l a te s t we ekly eva l ua tion s hown in L i ne 1 - or i f any ad d i t ions or de l e t ions we re made they mu s t be incorpora ted i n th i s l a te s t we ekly ev alua tion f ig ure . *The box fac tor to be used whe n comp u t i ng the i n te r im adj u s tme n t fo rms for rou te s hav i ng any te rri tory ( boxe s ) added i s the box fac tor of the rou te or rou tes from wh ich the te r r :L tory ( boxe s ) i s be ing remove d . Prepared by : Da te T i tl e Exhibit 824.31 M -38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 I Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 824.33 1 U.S. POSTAL. SERYIC:E. CASE NO. SURVEY OF RURAL DELIVERY SERVICE I IIDaT O fr P I C IE Lewiston RS COUNTY t L..... CAG-E Nez Perce ID TIM. OF' ."... IYAL 0'" MAIL. ''''OW R E L A T I V E .MPO .. TANCE BY SV".OLS: H - H E A V Y ; M-MEDIUM: L·LI�HTI (DIENOTE O ....... Y PAPER. BY -. A . ... POST O "' I' I C E IS .UPPL.IEO WI TH .... ,L. By rog.e, 14 :20 L n7 · t.,\ M* nA · t. ,\ T. ,.,al Truck P . ... 06 : 05 H* I S T A T E. ....... •I.e.) ZI P COOE 74501 (itollfD'" ' ._ HOUR. OP D.SP A T C H OF ,. .. INC .. ..AL "AIL 15 : 20 Heavy 16 : 25 Medium LAST NAIL DiSP A T C H E D AT 17 : 45 �.un: NO. TYPE· MILEACE OR HEAVY NOW OBSERVED DUTY 03 04 1 09 1 05*" 11*" HD HD HD Aux Aux PORTION O F YEAR CARRIERS· SCH EDUL.ES �E.IN LIEAVE LU,.CH � ETU"N ENe> a.&:C;IN LUNCH L £ A. V E : 30 5 : 30 L.i: 40 0.6 : 10 09 : 10 : 10 4 : 50 5 : 00 06: 25 09 : 15 : 1 5 .5 � 20 L5 : 30 06 : 40 0 9 : 1 5 06 ! 40 D9 � 15 08 l tO 08 : 45 5 : 40 0 ' 00 5 : 40 09 : 30 )6 : 00 09: 30 MOTOR VEHICLE CAN BE USED PROPOSED ENO "ETU"N : 30 13 : 30 : 10 13 : 40 : � 15 114 � 00 : 15 H � 35 : 00 11 0 : 00 ON EACH ROUTE 13 : 45. 13 : 0 Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire 14 ' LO 1 3 ' .5 ItO � l O PROPOSED ROUTES AND CHAHGES IN E XISTING RURAL ROUTES ROUT II' O F FICE pR liSEN T 03 04 09 05** NO. OF FAMILIES LENGTH 57 . 50 60 . 20 47 . 72 "' ..OPOSE O 11** CDS 43 . 10 49 . 00 40 . 78 23 . 54 14 , 26 2 . 85 SII'RVED P"'ESENT 637 579 588 ::S�O 423 4 11 448 366 11 6 40 B E N EFlTED 0 0 0 0 0 I NCONII IE ... I itN c: EO N O. O F Bt)XEI SERVED PRDENT 0 0 0 0 0 579 526 535 P ..O· PO SlED 385 376 408 333 STOPS P"IESEN 521 473 482 103 40 IN C .... E OF' CON .. DER".LE ItXTENSJON TO. ROUTE INCI DEN T 'to CONSOLIDA TIONS. STATE VI EWS OF' CARR.E :O��O 346 337 367 300 93 40 ROADS . ..L.L. WIEA· T H E.. All All NOT AL.L. 1 :::-" All All All All .. ...s 1'0 WHETHIILft HIE CAN P • • FO ..... IE"'F'IC'II£N r SERVICE ON PROPOSEQ EX TENSION OR C:: ONSOLI D A TION. IF' NOT, ST4TE HIS "E"'_ONa ..-uL L.. Y ** Proposed new route� 80 customers will be required to change their address . 31 customers will be required to relocate their mailboxes . WIE ... THIE PO.,... ... T .... CON.U L.TEO' DO PO. ,...... TE .... CONCU .. IN RECO_IENDA TI DN.' Yes Yes WIE"IE THE C ... .. ..,E... CON.UL.TED? I I' ..O.,....... T O 00 Yes .... 0.. C ......,ER. DO NOT CONCU... ..TE 0" SU""I1" March 11, 1980 I ., ..... C ... ....,E ..S CONCU" IN "ECO_ENDATIONSf $IIIE DET .. I L.. Yes TU.E ..NO T I T L. IE James Nas s , Manager , Delivery and Co11eciton Exhibit 824.331 M.-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Management of R ural Delivery Services Exhibit 124.332 j u . &. POSTAL .lEftVIC It C"; , o I BRIEF OF RURAL ROUTE CHANGES APP�OP�I A T E sox o E U " . '- ' SHMI:N T IE CONSO'- ' D A T 'ON POST O�"ICE. COI.lNT'Y • • T A T IE AND Zip COOl; HE"VY OUTV o "I£'-'EI' D A T E: l Qfln March 11 \ 'NI:"I£".I£ 'N ""I£QUEN C T Lewiston . Nez Perce County , ID 83501 ""UTE NO.. CI EN C U M e C R EZ O 3 �T. OF" ICE &.. EHGT ... 5 7 . 50 PRES ENT P NO. s T IE '" L.IEWGTH Lewiston Aux Aux CDS 03 04 09 12 12 9 COST 5 7 . 50 30 ;557 60 . 20 30 , 4 27 47 . 7 2 29 , 267 sT E 12 9 6 4 - EVALUATED TI M E "" ESI£NT cosT 2 3 . 5� 16250 14 . 2E 7775 2 . 8 e; 1664 - 366 116 40 - 61: 17 5 7 : 24 09 5 5 : 36 57 : 50 54 : 36 54 : 20 Aux 05 Aux 11 - CDS - - aItNE- ....���.; 423 411 448 922I6 03 04 ,,'TED NO. OF 'NCONYEN.. 'EN"''''' 5 s1965 ""ItSENT 5 79 526 535 HEAVY DUTY CLASSI F I CATION 374 408 333 103 40 - - PROPOSED 48K 48K 48K P�OPOSEO EVALUATION �:-.o,;� 355 1640 (Houra .and H, J , o r K) . 1643 STOPS HOURS A F T E � CHANGES P R ES E N T PROPOSED 42H 42H 44H 4 2 : 12 42 : 28 43 : 39 521 473 482 346 337 367 - Aux 33 : 57 - 300 - Aux 12 : 12 - : 37 - 93 40 ! NET SAVINGS: S "EMA"KS .. C Tl ON 80 customers will be required to change their addresses . 31 customers will be required to move their mailboxes . 5 customers benefited by extension of service . Recommend approval . Salary protect ion does not apply to any carrier because of this change . P RO P O S E D E F F EC T I V E DATE 5 / 17 / S0 Exhibit 824.332 M-38, TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 87 SOXIES SERVED - I NET COST: !)!I: 30 NO. 0"" ""MILlIE' 637 579 588 ACTUAL TIME 4 8K (11.1. 0''9 A C T U .... TtME SI!.RVIED PRESENT Lewiston HIlS. AUTH·D 0" HtA V V DUTY 43 . lC 21983 49 . 0C 22134 4 0 . 7 � 22410 90 , 251 ROU T E N U M BE � liD L.£NGTH IF MIEAVY \)UTY: M''-I:''GE PROPQSED 12 05 11 OF FICE o Exhibit Management of Rural Delivery Services 824.36(p. 1) u. S. "OSTAL SERVICE DE LIVERY SERVICES COMPARATIVE COST ANALYSIS ION, S P E C I A L O E U Y E FtV TOT.. L COOT co• .,. ...... D E L ' " "' '' '' 6,-__ D.,i..riU) 7= 2", (LI... 7D . --:., 19 790 . 00 'I .Qur......IIII T .....N TIEHANCIE AL LOW. N e E II 4 14 A U X I L I .. .. V .S.flTANeE 11 ,,"OC'urD .,.OUCH A L LOWANCE (HQ'II.r� Pe,. .,..... ___ • 52 . ____ ""' ''' .OX .. ".. DAY 4 . 117 . 36 3 , 642 . 60 30 486 Pr•••,aI Bou. --T'I!7'""-- ) COOT 3 , 787 . 50 Rue) TOTAL "UtlilAL COl" .. 3 , 939 . 00 (L4t. 17 . ProllO". a"zeo ) . 303 days . 36 0 . 191 49 . 00 COaT 0" ........... T (L•• 27 220 . 10 0 . 185 4 6 . 15 1111) D,p'KilENel: Exhibit 824.36(p. 1 ) M ·3B, TL· 1 , 7·' ·80 Exhibit 824.38(p. 2' Management of Rural Delivery Services INSTRUCTIONS TIIi. IoroI •••• be co.pl..... by "'. po••_...., .b.. . .....1 rou•• or poni.'>� of . ....I ...... i.o bei., "'opo.... 10. colIW.,.Io. "I city deli....,. .er.ace. I. CITY DELIVERY po Selecc a 1011111 wi•• •ilDi", c:Ilarac••ri.dc• •• me are. bei_, couid.red 10. c...... . . io•• E•••• i. tbe .pac •• provided (,1) •• 01· Ii.. . .CI... sad ZIP Code; (b) ro.... ...ber; (cJ .....k -.k lor loal •• lIOeo."'" _'•• (ti) .be.k ••rk lat ....ul.. or •••iIi•.,. _••• (e) "'e MPD Ia• •be ollice or deliv." _i. lor "'e period •• Iec.'" (:t... i.,,'...Clioou: for UNE 1 ".,_). COLUIlN A - 110 ... Li•• I. Liae 2. Selec.'" Imm ...lete .......I", I_unll", period for com· ...- (Do nor _ ,...,l1li6 J. P. 10. II or 1Z) lad mow die period number In die apace provided. Sbaw oU .mrilht 4. ....11 ... 1 ..111""1 Li.. 15. Eatet rile ••d�'" ..reel ,�.t. relay, coll.clio. a" .. 1104 O....i. fro. Fo.. 4'70 a. Fo .IId "•••r .he .....icl. boor. ..... oa "'" ro.... 101 "'• ••• ire period. i.· c.adioa ••d_ted elM 'or IMlay. collection , parcel poa, .... _ri.1 Hli...". COLUIlN 8 - a.,. Enter the Rai..1 houri, rite for .raiaht time hours 011 IiMS 1 add 1 _net the re.ional owenime 'ale on LiM l. limer lM.1 u.1 houri)' tale for ","Onlfacl vmbkie!i and/or _he "cutretll tOlte ror .ype 01 \'Chkk ,.sed 1..111_ 111' .he P"""I 0.", C._ far _1_ ..hi<I... Show .h• ••I.IY '.1 :th. ,...,,1.. cruti... if "'e ..... i. .. cI•• sili.d •• "eavy dulY. (II lb. ".."" i. _ aow '" Lille 14� dA,.. l1li4 nh!r .r Enler dae wee kly boUI of ••• istaDee au.moriaecl i& .. .p."e provid.d. Muhiply tbi. by S2 ...10• •IId ..... ,i••• the bourly a.te paid the: ,enOD: petfona.ia, dae •••i.aulC:«. LillI!' 1'_ Obtain tbe locked pouch .Uo_ace from die lalel' Fa.. 1303• Lie. 17. To••I Ii.". lo - n . Col....n A• •ad .ore• •, 17A. LiDe 18. EGlet in the spaces provided tbe preseac aad proposed a........ of be.c. a. .... rou'•. Di.id. Li •• 17 A by "'" boxes prcseDtly 00 the fORte .Dd cheD divide cbi. re.... by 303 days. E.,er .b. ....It •• 18A. Ea'.' "'. 1."8th of .he '0.... fro.. lb. lit.., Fo Ea.e, the pr.....' ..... 1 dc live.,. "0" f_ Li... 17A. COLUloIN B - P ropo .ed Li... 10. Li ... 6. Enlor lh" uniform oUOWInce build 011 perioel. Li.c 7. T0..1 U••• 1 "'ra.... $11.15 fo, I a.-doy by .he ......., 01 d.,.. i.. "'. pe.iod ..01 ft.e, che .".,... COlt of ro,ue pe, day. Li•• 7. Divid. 7C Line 8. Elue, the lIIalllbe , of posiiblc deli••ries 'ro.. For. 162l for the ,OlUe for period selected i, space ptowided, di"ide Lio. 7D by lbl'se deli"••••• , aM eililer the co•• per de li.,er, per day at 80. Liae 9. Enter Ihe ft"GI'ber 01 clcliy.tiel to be co•.,.rted i.. space prc;t.,icled • •"hiply Ih.t I"aabe, hy 80. aad eou:r Ihe daily COlt of deli ....... to he co....enecl at 9D. COLUMN E - A....I Cos. Li•• 7. Mllltipl,. 7D (A....,.. ... daily che AIl....l c;Oll •• 1E. Li•• 9. M.hiply 9D cost 01 """,e) by 303 o.d ••••, (avrra", daily cost 01 deli ....,;".. /0 "" ""'" IJf!rIfItiJ by 303 .ad .a••• the ••0•• 1 COli al d.li ••,i .. '0 be co••• ne•• EOler ia Ibe .pacee provi6ed (a) pose offace, folAle, and ZIP Code � (b) fC)",e n\l..ber, (e) c;heck ..ark U" show whetber the rou.lc II ",cael; (d) step of re,.I .r cauier ($I.tOl' ."itt." I il lhr· Mfllt!' ;$ I14CfiWJI N",rJI"ss ol lb, ..,.." ol tb, ....bst;tu' .. ....n·;"II 'h.. ,"canl IOute.) COLUMN A - P re•••• Show «be'S.lary of Ihe rCllula, cani.:or if Ihe rllral rou,.: is cl.slihed as heavy it..C)' . (ll lbe- 'UtllC' IS VClcanl. shoUl the _,unl .. , ./ury jn, SI"" LI,IIi•• 13 Uo. "' . pto.,.,.... .iI•••• nd follow .b. i.o.ru�.io•• lor ....pl... ia• •1 Li... 12A. .-n!4��.i ::- procedure ..s O\ltliaed for CO.plel., 4 LiDe 1 5 . Unle •• the propo$al will ,esuh in elimination 01 .... locked pouch .h. �o •• sho"ld be .... .... .. UA. Litle 16. DelcfmlAce" if • ••ved salary r.'Cf.' is wartu..ed. If io ......1. relet to chI' Employee Relations Divisioe. Li.« 17 • •• To••1 Li ••• 1011 .hru 15B ..h•• 00 s••ed .... il I.. I vol'fcd. Lines I2P thru 168 when sa.ed, rate i. in b. Totl. yo lved. LieI' 18. Divide Line 171:l tty «he boxes propol«,d co ".ain OD me rOue e and 'Chen diy,dle Iht:.; resuh by �O} cta,s. Eatef die resu.l t at 188. Lint' 19.. Li.. 20. Enl"" the ptoposed len.th Show the differen« belw"".. 20B o..d 21 A. If 20B is sr,.'er show Ih. diff.,en". lS .n inc,.... (+). lf 2 I A is ......e ' show Ih. diffe'Ofte. .. I d.e..... (-). Allthori••d employ•• •ompl�lin. 'he form must sil". enter lUll h.r poIlllon lill•• a"d do.e in .he sp ••• provided. I. ) MOTE: Wh... � 0" .ntir. ru,ol ou te i. p.opo .... for conYe,.ion .. ,••,,10,_ ."blnit comple.e form to the Diltrict Mona..,'. Offl.,. or Sectional C... .., Focillt,. Post_at•• I .. ac cordance with re, ionol .,.,ating procedur ••• Exhibit 824.36(p. 2 ) M ·38. TL·1 . 7-1 -80 ()( the roale. Eillcr .he .0•• 1 of /-i ••• 9E ..d 178. Line n. II. aUaAL DELIVEaY LieI' 10. E.,.r ,b. pre,CD• ••d p!Opond ....kly ..... _IIdonl bo._ in lhe .paces provided. Uae the fonaul. dev.loped 1o, projec';B, .h . ....kly ..,k .,.ad.rd bOD'•• II it i. 4••crmi.ed ,"'at .b. roure ..,iII ..ill ....nly o. Itea., du.ty, ftlet the appropriAte aDlllual •• Ia" at lOB. Liae 11. Eatet the appropriate annu.al ••lary if the rou,le i. aot 10 be cl� ..ilied .. he• ." dury. Li.. 12. , .ad CD'.'. COLUIlN D - A......, Dail,. Coo, .. 400). Li•• 19. Liae 2 1 . Multiply .b. ho••• ca,••ed i. C.I... A by "'e ••v"ral ,..... i. CoI_. B .IId ••'e, o. "'" .PPlOp.Ia•• Liae i. Col_. C. Eater tbe publ i c u...ponadon coat Or coal to Ina_poi. carrierr co anel 'rom roue fo, cadre period if . fOOl carrier rou.re i. "ICd. for eo.,.ri.oe. 12A.) Ea.e. .... .,.p ot die ........... "",,1 canier Ie dI• •_ ,...,wid.c1. Fto. lb. II•••, Fa.. 130) d.eral•• "'. 11_• 01 b.o., dacy ...dioriud aIId .Iao U "'e _. i. .. J" ••• c1.y 011 ••,," atber ...k. o. "It". 0•• da, all udI ....k. Reier to ,b" corre•• Icbedul•• 01 eiMOpea••tiOIl .IId da· lerame tile appropriate daily rate for Ihe ."b.d",... .....ti... ply "'" <I.ily ,It. by 26 days lor "J" ...,•• or '2 da,. for UK" roUles aDd enler lhe relu.h a' 13-A. COLUMN C - T...ol Lia. 5. for lSI.." L ) Li• • 12. • • H...y dUly - multiply Ih. d.Uy r••• shOWII o n lalell Form 1303. Salary Chan._ Nolie•• by 303 day. ..... enler r.1U11 al 12A. b. Non·h••vy dulY - m.ltiply .h. daily pay mil.. of Ih. route by current equipment maintenance allowance mU.... .at • •nd multiply this relUll by 303 da,.. and .nter a. 12A. (il l'flgtl/." ,..,.." ",u'" NffItIa . "''''''' dflOy equipment .U"....,.". ",,,Iltply tit" "'h! ,.,. !OJ tim. ho..... Inel.dln, I.XUIuy ..utlnce. for Ihe enllre penod (From Frmn JPf1 or I'SDS ....r.. out). lpe.W _lin" "0... lor .... ...i.. perioel. (Por p.c'" /10$1 ... "" llY ...... tlivi. lb. ....,.. 11::1" .... '"'''',,'' [lOSt -'" "" tbf! -"'" 01 foot _... tbf! ptrrc'" fIOs' _", ._J Li•• ). E.... .... _rei.. ..0.... ...... 10. "'. "••ire period. Li... Lie.. II. Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 824.37(p. " STATE AND ZIP CODE Lewiston, ID 83501 . �. MSC Manager Spokane , WA Attn : 99201 Director , Customer Services TOTAL POSSIBLE DELIVERIES BUSINESS DELIVERIES 4 36 o FOOT CAIIRIEII o MOTORIZED CARRIER 40 o PARK a LOOP VACANT loOTS 36 4 o OTHER 12 (£JqIiIII1t) 4Q •• IF AESID ENTS AAE NOWSEAVED BY RURAL DELIVERY, WII.L EXTENSION OF CITY DELIVEAY SERVICE INVOLVE CHANGE IN FlUFIAL AOUTES? (I f10, $MII""t CO""'"t, HI of"mended delCTiplion on Form 4003. O/flcilll RW'IlI Roul. Deu:rip. tion, fOl' ""ch fOul. ll/1t!Cted togeihe, wilh mtlP QT '�'tch ofthe fllldl fOUt" 01' fOUter btflOllled rMWill6 l11!'W ,,.••1 of tht .""/,,, OT 0IlI'I'ien.) 2 : 45 p . m. 11 : 0 0 a.m. Exhibit 824.37(p. ' ) M ·38, Tl- ' , 7· ' ·80 Exhibit 824.37(P. Management of R ural Delivery Services 12. ,.... �IDENT8 01' THIS TE .... ITO..V NOW ..ECEIVE MAIL .V 'fHI of11171t:rJ) 13. Rural Route :�ACENT TE ....ITO..V WITHIN DE LIVE ..V LI MITS IS S...VEC OflOOT CA .... I E .. :§MOTO.. IZ.D CA....I ... 111. CUSTOME ..' IN ADJANCENT TE .... ITO.. V .. ECEIVE DELIVE ..V IN o OTHER (Eqlldll) 1•• 300 1011:0 -IIIIIT (OoII OIIt Ollll IIDt .",..",.) LOCATED AT: o CENT ..AL ���:.':� � �� ::����x.r.��B��� I:::��I:'��:����� 17. ADDITIONAL DISTANC. TO IE T.. AVELED OAILV IV CA.. • RIERS TO IE.. VE THE NIW TE .... ITO.. V (11111,. .tn/if!lt lINt t/tI. I E I CENT THERETO. !ltrES 11. � CURB "� t_tory.' �"V DISTANCE I' ..OM NEA..UT !'OINT 01' ....E.ENT D LIMITS (If''''' 11111'",.,.,.." /JaerlptIi1iI of IImIIIIrIDIII II NqUII'IN( _ from -. mil, or boWl! bl#clr _",..,.",) 1 : 30 O NO MI LE� (C1oIt OIIt OM IIOt fl/lllJllt:tlbk SUIMIT ANV AODITIONAL PE ..TINENT DATA ..EGARDING TERRITORV. CH",RACTER. AND VOLUME 0' MAIL TO I. DELIVE"ED. ETC•• THAT WOULD BE OF VALUE IN REACHING A DECIlION. Relief of overburdened Rural Route 3 , this office. 1•• ATTACH A sHEIT SHOWING A DIAGRAM D" SKITCH 01' THE TERRITORV IN QUUTIDN OR. II' I'EAlIILE, D ..AW THI 01 011.· G ..AM.UNDER ITEM 21. INDICATE ON THE SKETCH BV DOTS C., THE HOUS.S AND IUlINEII I'LACEI TO IE IE .. VED AND SHOW TH. VACANT LOTS IV C..OIISES 'x •. ALSO, INDICAT. ON THE SKETCH, WITH COLOR.D C..AVONI. THE NEA..EST POINT 01' .... ESENT DELIVE ..V SE ..VICE AND THE " ..UENT AND I'ROI'OIED LIND 01' CAR .. IE .. TRAVEL, EXERCIIING CA..E TO SHOW NAMES OF ALL STREETS ON WHICH IT IS ....O..OSED TO EXTENDITHE SE .. VICE, AI WELL AI THE CRoaa STRIETS IN EACH INSTANCE. IN EACH CASE WHERE A HOUSE OCCUPIES MORE THAN ONE LOT THIS IHOULD .. 10 INDICATED. "AUlD, INDICATE THE HOUlE NUMBE .. ING SVSTEM THAT WILL BE USED." 20. 00 VOU "ECOMMEND THE EXTENSION? (11 -. np AlTI" II U NO MANAGEMENT aCTlONAL CENTER Cl DISA......OVED Cl A.... "OVED SIGNATURE Cl APP ..OVED SIGNATURE . DISTRICT 1�� o DISA..,.ROVED ' Cl ""'ROVED SIGNATU..E TITLE TITLE TITLE DATE DATE DATE 21. sERVICE EXTENDED ON (EJct�"Iib" mode ill .ecordGm:e with !JS2,l!J!J, Prnu.l Srlice MIfUMIlJ TO: - Postmaster Lewiston . ID I I 83501 I Exhibit 824.37(p. 2) M-38. TL- ' , 7·' ·80 _ RIGION Cl DIIA.... "OVED 2) Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 824A31 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Spokane , WA 9 0 21 0 Re l i e f of Rural Rou tes Pos tm a s te r Lew i s ton , ID 83 501 As d i scussed wi th you on Apr i l 4 , 1 9 80 , your pl a n for re l ie f of ove rburde ned rural routes has bee n approved . Please proceed to comple te Forms 4 0 0 3 for e ac h route a f fec ted and arrange to place the pl a n i n to e f fe c t on May 17 , 1 9 80 . T h i s wi l l serve as your au thor i ty to e s tab l i sh Aux i l i ary Aux i l i ary Rou te 0 3 w i l l evalu a te Rural Rou tes 0 3 and 11 . at approx ima tely 3 1 hours we eklY J Auyi l i ary Rou te 11 wi l l eval ua �e 1 2 hours weekly . Fill i ng the tw o aux i l i ary rou tes I s hould be i n accord wi th the National Agreeme n t . Please , notify all cus tome rs who wi l l be required to reloca te the ir ma ilboxe s , s t a t i ng the need for the Postal Se rv ice ad j u s tme n t . Also , cus tome rs whose addre s se s wi l l be changed should be asked to not i fy the ir correspond e n ts PS Form 3 557 s hould be prepared as soon as possible . promptly to adv i se pub l i shers of the addres s change s . E f fe c tive wi th th is ad j u s tme n t o f the rural rou te s , aux i l i ary assistance be ing prov i de d to Rou te 0 3 i s d i scontinued . All rural , routes affec ted by the change , inc lud i ng regular and aux il i ary rou te s , should receive a s pe c i al cou n t of ma il dur i ng the pe r iod June 14-2 7 , 1 9 80 . PS Forms 4 23 9 and 4 2 41 needed f o r the special count a r e e nclosed . As soon a s the spe c i al count has been comple ted , pl e ase forward Forms 4 2 41 to th is of f ice in the normal ma n ne r . If you have any further que s tions or problems inc i�e n t to the impleme ntation o f thi s pl a n , pl e ase correspond or cal l this of f ice directly . ��1I1uJ� Manageme nt Sectional Center Enclosures Exhibit 824.431 M.-38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 exhibit 8Z4AU Management of Rural Delivery Service. e_moll OF --. _ (Cill. _ .." 'ZIP CallI) Lewiston, ID TO: u • •� ..-TAL ..n.clI _01 III ADDIESS IECAUSE OF POSTAL SlIVICE ADJUSTMENIS I 83501 DAft lune 11 , 1980 • The Wall Street Journal 200 Barnett Road Chicopee , Hass 01021 Senice adjUlluaeaea at tIIia office .ake it aece••ary 0' oebe, .ailia,. coftecced pro.pdy - (..... .... Jru) •• I __ ON AIIIClI Lewiston. m Sealer. I.. E. Lewiston . m Kobus, v. M. (I._ 'ZIP CallI) B.t. 5, Box 17 . Lewiston, m 83501 83501 Rt . 5, Box 35 3, Box 253 83501 Lewiston, m 83501 Rt . 5, Box 125 Lewiston, ID 83501 83501 Rt • l!l. , Box 3 Lewiston, ID 83501 9, Box 35 Lewiston. ID 83501 Rt . 11 , Box 11 Lewiston, ID 83501 Rt. 4, Box 12 Lewiston, m Rt . Ortega. A. A. CIIo\NGa ADOIIII '10 3. Box 234 Perkins . E. R. Rt . bye tbe addleaaea oa yollt pablic.cioa 11'1 - (I"" ZIP C"""') Rt . eo iadic.ted below . 9. Box 27 Lewiston, ID Rt . Young . R. L. I I _'MAS- To " " ,s ,_ ,.,.. 1971 VA M t e ... IY ( ,.".,.;;� fM 3577 Exhibit 824.432 M-38, TL- ' , 7-' -80 ) 83501 Exhibit 831 .1 Management of Rural Delivery Services UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Spokane , WA 99210 GUll MF: DAlE: 1UNiCT: Overburdened Rural Routes Auxiliary As s is tance 10: Postmaster Lewiston , ID 83501 The following auxiliary assis tance is authorized as a temporary means of relief . Because of the limited numb er of hours authorized , thi s as sis tance should be used in the office . The as sis tance should b e used only as needed to permit the regular carrier to work within the evaluated workweek . Weekly Hours Effective Route No . 03 3 3/22/80 The workhours of the as sis tant will be recorded on PS Form 1234. If the rural substitute is us ed , pay will be at Grade 5 , Rate S chedule Code B , at his a ttained step ; a non-postal as sis tant would be paid at Grade 5- 1 . Employ the assis tant by use of PS Form 50 . Please prepare a preliminary p lan to adj ust all heavy duty routes a t your office to approximately 42 hours per week . The adj usted routes should be so organized that they can absorb growth for a sub stantial period of time without becoming overburdened . New auxili ary routes , if proposed, should be placed in the fastest growing area , leaving the more stab le area for the regular routes . Do not prepare Forms 4003 for each route until your preliminary p lans have been approved by this office . If your p lans include convers ion from rural to city delivery , please complete Forms 69 7 and 3993 (copies enclosed) . Complete only the top portion of Form 3993 , us ing the rates inserted by this offic e . Th e bottom portion of the form will be completed here . If additional , cas ing equipment will be needed as a result of this relie f , also submit a completed Form 7373 . For guidance in preparing your plan , please refer to Chapter 8 , Rural Delivery Management Handb ook . When your preliminary plan has been completed , please transmi t a summary tog.e ther wi th completed Forms 500 , 40 1 2 , 69 7 , and 3993 to this offi ce . After review , we will schedule a mee ting to dis cus s and develop your plan more ful ly . Manager Management Sectional Center Enclosures Exhibit 831 . 1 M -38. TL- 1 , 7- 1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 84 1.5 Post O f f ice & Z ip Code Rural Route No . Da te Prepared : Consol i , NJ 08888 01 May 23 , 1 9 7 9 INTERIM ADJUSTMENT OF RURAL ROUTE EVALUATION NOTE: Exte nd minute e n tr ies on L i ne s 1, 2, and 3 to two dec imal place s . Conve r t L i ne 4 to the neares t whole numbe r before d i v id i ng by 6 0 . 1. Late s t we ekly Evalua t ion t 2. Mileage be fore (I ) Change 4 8 . 00 � � M i le age Af ter Change D i f fe r e nce 3. Boxe s Be fore 1011 . 0 0 mi n . 16 : 51 6 0 3 . 0 0 min . x l2 -.!.Q.!L ( t ) Change -ill- Boxe s Af ter Change D i f ference � x Box Factor 4 . 5* 5 4 9 . 00 mi n . 4. L i ne 1 plus or minus L i nes 2 a nd 3 lill. 5. I n te r im Eval u a t ion L i ne 4 36 : 0 3 mi n . T 60 mi n . t -Before- da ta for i n te r im eval u a t ion purpose s i s that wh ich e x i s ted a t the time of the l a te s t ma il cou n t ( obtain from la te s t Form 4 24 l-A ) and wh ich was used i n deve l op i ng the la te s t weekly eval ua t ion shown in L i ne 1 - or i f any add i t ions or de l e t ions we re made they mus t be incorporated in th is late s t ---we ekly evalua tion f igure . *The box factor to be used whe n computing the inte r im ad j u s tme nt forms for routes hav i ng any te rri tory ( b oxe s ) added is the box fac tor of the rou te or routes ---from wh ich th� te rr i tory ( boxe s ) i s be ing removed . Prepared by : Date T l tle Exhibit 841 .5 M-38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Management of Rural Delivery Services Exhibit 842.25c(1) U.S. POITAL ••,.VIC'E COUNTY POST OJl'(lltI C£ I < a 3*, TlME OF ARRIV.L. OF MAIL. POliT .SHOW REL.AT'VIE IMPORTANCE (DENOTE DAILY PAPIERs BY SYMBOLS: H-HEAVY:P......M....ED.UM: L.L..IGHTJ "".'e. A. M. "OU". SURVEY OF RURAL DELIVERY SI!RVICE .. Consoli -,I IllS N.J. Date 0""1«:1£ .1 ,..,.., lINd.. .v C.SE NO. .TATE I fJ6lfffE SUPPL'ED MAIL BY OF PR.NCIPAL MAIL (RoIJI'DfMI., ..... WITH ac.. ) Star Route 08887 0,. DISPATC'H 1640 1640 0800 �A'T MAlt., D'SPATC"IED AT J 640 �UTE NO. TVPE.. MILEAGE OR H EAVV DUTV 1. 2 3 Mil . Mil . Mil . CARRI ERS' SCI'IEDUL.ES PORTION OF VEAR NOW OBSERVED PROPOSED .IEG'N L.EAVE LUNCH fRETURN END B.EGIN LEAVE LUNCH RETUIIN I<NO 0815 0815 0815 0915 0920 0920 1235 1250 1235 1245 1300 1245 0815 0915 0815 · 0915 1420 1420 1410 1410 \ MOTOR VEHICLE CAN BE USED ON EACH ROUTE All All PROPOSED ROUTES AND CHANGES IN E XISTING RURAL ROUTES O F FICE ROUTE NO. O F FAMI�IES �ENGTH SERVED P":ESENT "'''01001 P'OES£NT po"s�o .. 0 Conso1i , NJ 1 2 3 48 . 00 84 .. 35 68 . 10 98 . 25 99 . 95 - 200 : 45 198 : 20 141 234 152 527 240 287 NO. OF INCON· BENE PRO- "'''IESIEN FITED.. IENCItD ....hIENT POSED BOXES SERVED STOPS YE .... 100 193 153 - 527 446 :O':.�O 196 202 - 91 172 140 --- - -- 446 403 398 222 224 - ROADS NOT WIEALL.... I :!:-. THlEft • ..... ... All All All INPERFORM CASE OFEFf&'CONSIOERABLE ON TO ROUTE TO CONSOLI DATIII ,OIFN I,NOT,STATESTAT.:v'E OFRa;;CA""IEfli AS TO WHI:THIER HE CAN t CIEN :SERVICEEXTENSI ON PROPOSED EXTe:INCIDENT NSIC)N OR CON.OLI DATIOIJI A�OfIIIS FULLY •• HIS r DO POSTMASTERS CONCU" IN RECOMMENDATIONS' WERE THE POSTMASTER' CON.ULTED' DO CARfll:IE... CONCU" IN .n!C:OMMENDATIONS? £ THE C;:ARRIIlltRS CONSULTED! IF PO,TM.STER. OR CAIIAIERS DO HOT CONCUR. GPIll': DETAILS no yes wa .. Both carriers oppos ed . yes If the route vacancy is to be filled , he intends Postmaster objects on personal reason s . The postmaster is the only other career "erp.ployee at the to apply for the position . The rural carriers object because the longer day would result in less time for office. working their form.s . DATIE Oil' SURVEY ,S.GN4TU'Ui: AND TITLE Silmature of SCF � If ..... "p- " _tied, 11. ""'_ Exhibit 842.25c( 1 ) M-38. TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Exhibit 842.25c(2) Management of Rural Delivery Services u ....; , o .... APPROPRIATE _OX 12!1 IE.T4.LI'HM�T , � Consol i , Date , N . J . 08888 ENCUMe£Rgo . RT. NO OFFICE 1 2 3 Consol i Consoli Oonso1i iL Est . � L ST"" 1 2 1 o co..SOl.'OATION lItoa;T O""'ICII.. COUN TV • • 'fAT. AND ZIP. CODE 0 \ DATE POSTAL .C:lll vtC. J une 14 , 1 979 BRIEF OF RURAL ROUTE OtAHGES �O T E NO. 1 , E NG TH I I.ENGT" PRESENT COlT IT.,. LPGT" 1 - ROU T E N U M BE R EVALUATED TI M E jeonsoli , !consoli, )(j -,,"any �ihow ... .J o ,,,••• ,, o" "KAV " DUn - 1 2 , 243 12 , 373 ....n":.':"n" 24, 616 .ENa... II'I T&O NO. 0' ...CON.. VC.N. I "ON""''' ItOXES IERVED ....I:NT . 240 287 �..!".C:;n 201 245 100 193 153 446 527 44 6 e only �alary (Step 1) ani E&H A lowal1 lo'Ie PROPOSED 16 : 5 1 25 . 09 Mileage Mi l eage N.J. 2 29 : 4 1 31 . 36 Mileage Mileage N.J. 3 2 2 : 34 27 . 3 7 Mileage PROPOSED EVA ..UATION HOU"S AFTER CHANGES - NET SAVIN OI! NET COST: ' STOPS P R ESENT P ROPOSED 36 : 03 91 190 35 : 01 172 202 140 - ' 6 ,602 . AC TION Discontinue Route 3 by consolidation via Routes 1 and 2 . We propose to place this consolidation in effect July 2 6 , 1980 . (In selecting proposed date of consolidation allow at least 30 days after submission report to District Manager , keeping in mind that this date must be on the first day of a pay period . ) P ROPOsEO EFFEC T i v E D A T E Exhibit 842.25c(2) M -38, TL- 1 , 7-1 -80 . or" - 141 234 152 527 (110411''' .,.d H. J, 0-, lC) information you feel is pertinent o the case and not covered elsewhere on orms 4012 and 500 . The reverse side of his form may be used if addit ional space s needed . •. AUTH·D (R.I. NO. OF '"MILIIES H EAVY DUTY CL ASSI FICATION ACTUAL TIME " ACTUAL TIMI£ "", ••"N 1 F " SERVED coaT INC_••S" IN "'''"0\lCNCY 'f' KEAVY DUTY: ID 00 PRESENT Consoli , N . J . CJ ..... &P PROPOSED 48 . 00 8 , 994. 1 98 . 25 84 . 35 11,333. 1 99 . 95 68 • 1 10. 291L� 200 . 4;, 30 , 618. � 98 : 20 24,616. 6 , 002. 600 . & SL e aved 6 , 602 Route ost fig res inc1u OFF'CE " HI:AYV DUTY Management of Rural Delivery Services CONTENTS-Chapter 9 HIG HWAY CONTRACT DELIVERY 91 0 Supersedure of Rural Delivery by Contract Services 91 1 912 Requirements Conditions M -38, TL- 1 . 7- 1 -80 Contenta 922 920 Conversion of Highway Contract Delivery to R ural Delivery Service 92 1 922 Requirements Exceptions 922 Management of Rural Delivery Services CH APTER 9 HIGHWAY CONTRACT DELIVERY 91 0 S U PE R S E D U R E OF R U RAL D ELIVERY BY CO NTR ACT S ERVICES 91 1 R EQ U I REM ENTS Contract service may be established or extended to provide for delivery and collection service to postal customers served by a rural route under the following conditions: a. When a rural route becomes vacant and does not serve a minimum of one family per mile, it may be converted to contract delivery. serves less than one family per mile. The survey may be conducted either when it is learned that the route will become vacant or when it actually becomes vacant. Include in the family count all businesses which receive mail on that route but are not operated out of a family-resided residential property. 9 1 2.2 Once completed . the survey determining the actual family count must be used as a conversion . predicate within a rea sonable period of time. 9 1 2.3 Conversion of rural delivery to HeR normally will not be considered unless a cost reduction would result. b. Parts of rural routes may be converted to contract service to remove duplication of service. c. In cases where segments of rural routes become detached from the rural routes so that it is impractical for the carrier to serve these segments, the segments may be converted to contract service. Detached means a physical separation, such as the construction of a dam, separating a rural route from a portion of its territory. In these cases, delivery will be established to the detached portion of the route as determined by management. d. If it is determined to conduct a survey (See Part 9 1 2. 1 ) relative to supersedure of rural delivery by HCR service, notify the concerned N R LCA steward in writing of the U S PS intent to conduct a survey and of the possibility that the route may be superseded and, therefore, not posted. 920 CONVERSION OF H I G HWAY CO NTR ACT D E LIVERY TO R U RAL D E LIVERY S E RVICES 921 921 . 1 A contract route will not be superseded by rural delivery service during the contract period unless the contractor consents in writing or there is a worthwhile improvement in service. 921 .2 A contract route will not be superseded by rural delivery service at the end of the contract period unless there will be a worthwhile service improvement or a reasonable cost reduction. 922 91 2 R EQU I R EM ENTS EXCEPTIONS CON DITIONS 9 1 2.1 As required in Part 9 1 1a. a physical survey of the route must be made to determine if the route M -38. TL- 1 . 7-1 -80 Exceptions may be made when post offices on routes are discontinued making it impracticable to continue highway contract service. "" U . S . GOVERNMENT P R I NT I NG OFF I C E , 1 9 8 0-3 1 1 ' 6 3 8 / 5 4 7