WPOA Spring 2013 Meeting
WPOA Spring 2013 Meeting
WPOA Spring 2013 Meeting 9:00am to Noon, Saturday, March 30, 2013 at the Corolla Fire and Rescue Station P.O. Box 10993, Burke, VA 22009 PRESIDENT’S THOUGHTS • Whalehead is an example of Mother Nature’s beauty. Super Storm Sandy is an example of Mother Nature’s power. Compared to our friends who live along the coast in New Jersey and New York we came thru the winter months relatively unharmed. We go into the summer season a little “nicked and bruised” but most of our properties are in good physical shape. Those properties could get quite a workout this summer. Vacationers who usually go to the Jersey and New York shoreline in the summer are finding fewer rental options because of Sandy. The outer banks could be their alternate choice. Those who choose Whalehead will find comfortable attractive houses on clean, well-maintained streets and landscaped walkways. The Whalehead boom is in its third decade. There have been some ups and downs but, thanks to participation by responsible homeowners, we are aging gracefully. Terry Ruggles – President WPOA SPRING MEETING • WPOA Spring Membership meeting Saturday, March 30th at 9:00am at the Corolla Firehouse. Coffee, tea, juice and light breakfast will be available at 8:30am. Tentative Agenda Presidents Opening Remarks Membership Report Treasurer’s Report SEAL Check Presentation Beach Responsibilities Winter Damage Assessment Update on Drainage Project New Totes Vendor Update on Website New Business Adjourn MEMBERSHIP REPORT • Our 2013 Annual Membership drive is in full swing. Please review the newsletter-mailing label. If it says “2013” or “2014” in the upper right corner, thank you very much -- your 2013 dues are paid. If it says “2012” or an earlier year, then your dues for 2013 are due. For those of you new to the Whalehead community, WPOA is a voluntary organization of property owners that works to improve the Whalehead community. Annual dues remain at a low $45 per year. To improve the Whalehead Beach community, we need your involvement and your continued support of WPOA. As part of the WPOA initiative to bring all Whalehead Beach property owners together, we are sending this newsletter to all Whalehead property owners, including WPOA members and non-members. If the mailing label says “Owner,” you are receiving a complimentary copy of the newsletter because your name is listed as a Whalehead property owner in the Currituck County real estate tax records. If you are an “Owner,” please consider joining WPOA. Just complete the Membership Information Form and send it along with your $45 check made out to WPOA to: WPOA, PO Box 10993, Burke, VA 22009. In addition, please include your Whalehead street address on your check. WPOA periodically sends out information of interest to all members who have email addresses on file. Unfortunately, some email is returned as undeliverable. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, WPOA email destined for many in the affected areas went undelivered and our mail service deleted those email addresses. Our challenge now is to ensure that the WPOA email mailing list is current and accurate. To ensure that WPOA has your correct email address, please take a moment to email the following information to [email protected]: Your Name Your Whalehead street address Email address(es) that you would like in the WPOA records If you have questions about membership, please contact Bob Powers, at WPOA, PO Box 10993, Burke, VA 22009, at 703-912-3753, or by email at [email protected]. REPORTS • Drainage: Beach Conditions and walk thrus: Construction of Phase three of the Whalehead Drainage district is well underway. The project calls for most of the subdivision cross streets be transformed into swales and walkways to improve drainage during storms and heavy rains. Herring, Mackerel and Sailfish will be transformed from roads to landscaped walkways by late spring. Tuna, Perch and Sturgeon will go from cross roads to walkways in 2014. The company that designed the service district and the general contractor for the work will be at the meeting. The county engineer will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have. Hurricane (Super Storm) Sandy did a number in Whalehead. Check the Web page (WPOA.Org) for pictures of post storm flooding. Pounding surf gobbled up beach and cut into the dune line. Mother nature will eventually replace the beach erosion and dune damage; the county will replace the walk thru stairs to the beach that were lost. Totes: The roll out/roll back trash collection program continues to get good reviews and seems to be working smoothly. This year there is a new vendor providing the service. The company is called “Clean Street.” If you have problems or questions about your trash/recycle pickup direct your calls to the county. Remember, pickup of large items like mattresses, furniture or hot tubs require a special pick. You can arrange individual “special pickup” at no charge by calling Waste management. Reassessment: The county is in the midst of reassessing property on the beach and the mainland. Most beach assessments are expected to go down. Please direct any questions you have about your property assessment to the county. Web Site: A new version of the WPOA Directory and Membership Information Form has been loaded on the web site. To access this you must be a WPOA member. To register send an email to Dennis Umberger ([email protected]) and a copy of the instructions for registering will be returned to you via email. SEAL: This summer WPOA is once again helping sponsor the SEAL (SafetyEducation and Aquatics Learning) program run by Corolla Ocean Rescue. The program is aimed at 6-12 year olds who are interested in the ocean, first aid and physical activity. The weekly two-hour sessions are held on the beach across from the lighthouse. Contact Corolla Fire and Rescue to register. There is also a Junior Lifeguard Program for kids 8-13. There are two sessions: the last week of June and the last week of July. To find out more about either program go to www.corollaoceanrescue.com. House numbers: In an effort to better find your house in times of fire or medical emergency Corolla Fire and Rescue is making reflective house numbers available. The numbers, which run vertically, should be placed near your driveway and the road on a post. The fire department is asking 20 dollars for the reflective numbers. You must provide the post. Extra vigilant cleanup: The Counties new contract with the lifeguards does not include a weekly pickup of trash on the beach. In the past lifeguards would go out on Sunday morning and pick up what inconsiderate beach goers left behind. Please remind your house guests that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep the beach clean. If you brought it to the beach please take it with you when you leave!!!! WPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Officers: President Terry Ruggles - ([email protected]) 1st Vice President Lee Foreman - ([email protected]) 2nd Vice President Jeff Lockhart - ([email protected]) Secretary Shawn Stringer - ([email protected]) Treasurer Jeff Lockhart - ([email protected]) • Board Members: Tim Bostaph - ([email protected]) Bob Campbell - ([email protected]) Dan Clements - ([email protected]) Bob Collins - ([email protected]) Richard Donica - ([email protected]) Lucy Gray - ([email protected]) Ron Harman - ([email protected]) Karen O’Brien - ([email protected]) Bob Powers - ([email protected]) Jack Riggle - ([email protected]) Dennis Umberger - ([email protected]) WHALEHEAD PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 2013 Membership Information Form Owner: Name (First and Last Names): Spouse’s Name: Home Phone #: Cell Phone #: Home Address: Home FAX #: City/State/Zip: Email Address(es): Additional Owner: Additional Owner’s Name: Home Address: City/State/Zip: Home Phone #: Email Address(es): Beach House Information: Beach House Address: House on Lot? Beach House Name: Beach House Phone #: Rental Company: Yes No Yes No Other Whalehead Properties: Property Address: House on Lot? House Name: House Phone #: Rental Company: Publish in Directory? Yes No Please mail completed form with $45 check made out to WPOA to: WPOA, PO Box 10993, Burke, VA 22009