AIDE-MEMORIE of the BANCO DE GUATEMALA 2008 AIDE-MEMORIE of the BANCO DE GUATEMALA 2008 1 LETTER FROM THE MANAGER MEMBERS FROM THE MONETARY BOARD María Antonieta Del Cid de Bonilla President Julio Roberto Suárez Guerra Vice-President TITLE MEMBERS Juan Alberto Fuentes Knight Minister of Public Finance Max Erwin Quirín Schoder Elected by the business associations of commerce, industry and agriculture Rómulo Alfredo Caballeros Otero Minister of Economy Julio César Recinos Salas Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Feeding Julio Vielman Pineda Elected by the presidents of the administration councils or boards of directors of the national private banks Miguel Angel Lira Trujillo Elected by the Superior Council of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Luis Fernando Pérez Martínez Elected by the Congress of the Republic DEPUTY MEMBERS Edgar Alfredo Balsells Conde Elected by the Congress of the Republic Sergio de la Torre Gimeno Elected by the business associations of commerce, industry and livestock Gabriel Biguria Ortega Elected by the presidents of the administration councils or boards of directors of the national private banks José Rolando Secaida Morales Elected by the Superior Council of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Note: Title members and Deputies that were holding these positions to December 31, 2008. PERMANENT CONSULTANTS Manuel Augusto Alonzo Araujo General Manager Sergio Francisco Recinos Rivera Financial Manager Johny Rubelcy Gramajo Marroquín Director of the Department of Economic Studies Oscar Roberto Monterroso Sazo Economic Manager Leonel Hipólito Moreno Mérida Legal Manager Edgar Baltazar Barquín Durán Bank Supervisor Armando Felipe García Salas Alvarado Secretary Note: Authorities and Superior Officers that held these positions to December 31, 2008. BANCO DE GUATEMALA AUTHORITIES María Antonieta Del Cid Navas de Bonilla President Julio Roberto Suárez Guerra Vice-President Manuel Augusto Alonzo Araujo General Manager Oscar Roberto Monterroso Sazo Economic Manager Sergio Francisco Recinos Rivera Financial Manager Lidya Antonieta Gutiérrez Escobar Administrative Manager Leonel Hipólito Moreno Mérida Legal Manager SUPERIOR OFFICERS Johny Rubelcy Gramajo Marroquín Director Department of Economic Studies Pablo Antonio Marroquín Fernández Sub-director Department of Banking and Financial Analysis Carlos Eduardo Castillo Maldonado Sub-director Department of Economic Studies Juan Carlos Castañeda Fuentes Director Department of Economic Research Waleska Marilú García Corzo Sub-director Department of Economic Studies Sergio Javier López Toledo Sub-director Department of Economic Research Otto René López Fernández Director of the Department of Economic Studies Romeo Eduardo Campos Sánchez Director of the Department of Communication and Institutional Relations Fernando Wladimir Danilo Estrada Pérez Sub-director Department of Economic Statistics Edgar Rolando Lemus Ramírez Director International Department Rómulo Oswaldo Divas Muñoz Director Department of Monetary Stabililzation Operations Jorge Aníbal Del Cid Aguilar Sub-director International Department Jorge Vinicio Cáceres Dávila Sub-director Department of Monetary Stabilization Operations Mynor Humberto Saravia Sánchez Director Department of Administrative and Security Services Héctor Adelso Del Cid Solórzano Director Accounting Department Mario Roberto León Ardón Sub-director Department of Administrative and Security Services Byron Leopoldo Sagastume Hernández Sub-director Accounting Department Ariel Rodas Calderón Director Department of Information and Technology Salvador Orlando Carrillo Grajeda Director Human Resources Department Byron Saúl Girón Mayén Sub-director Department of Information and Technology Erick Prado Carvajal Sub-director Human Resources Department Gerardo Noél Orozco Godínez Advisor III Legal Counseling José René Lorente Méndez Sub-director Human Resources Department César Augusto Martínez Alarcón Advisor III Legal Counseling Armando Felipe García Salas Alvarado Secretary Monetary Board Fernando Villagrán Guerra Advisor II Legal Counseling Aníbal García Ortiz Sub-secretary Monetary Board Bernardino González Leiva Internal Auditor José Fernando Ramírez Velásquez Director Erwin Roberto Camposeco Córdova Internal Sub-auditor Monetary Issue Department Note: Authorities and Superior Officers were holding said positions to December 31, 2008. INDEX Page CHAPTER I NATURE AND ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA 1. Nature 2 2. Administrative Structure 3 CHAPTER II OPERATIONS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA 1. Term Deposits 1.1 Expressed in quetzales 1.2 Expressed in US dollars 8 8 8 2. Portfolio Bonds of the Banco de Guatemala 10 3. Treasury Bonds received to cover net deficiencies 10 4. Measures to provide liquidity temporarily to the banks in the system 10 4.1 4.2 10 11 Measures to provide liquidity in national currency Liquidity giving operation in foreign currency 5. International Monetary Reserves and transactions in foreign currency 5.1 International monetary reserves 5.2 Administration of international monetary reserves 5.3 Credit letters 5.4 Issue of drafts and payment orders 11 11 12 19 19 6. Credit Portfolio 20 7. Deposits from the non-financial public sector 21 8. State Financial Agent 8.1 Operations with Treasury Bonds from the Republic of Guatemala 8.2 Administration of amortization funds 8.3 Trusts and guarantee funds 22 22 23 24 9. Savings Protection Funds 25 10. Fiduciary funds for Bank Capitalization 27 11. Payment Systems 29 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 29 30 31 34 Banking Clearing House Automated Clearing House (CCA, for its acronym in Spanish) Gross Settlement System in Real Time (LBTR, acronym in Spanish) Modernization of the payment systems 12. Bills and coins issued and amortized 36 13. Contributions by Guatemala to international financial organizations 41 14. Financial Statements 42 14.1 14.2 42 43 General Balance State of the results CHAPTER III TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNT RENDERING 1. Appearance of the President of the Banco de Guatemala before the Congress of the Republic 46 2. Disclosure of information 46 3. Communication Strategy 47 CHAPTER IV OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRAL BANK 1. Participation in international meetings on monetary aspects 50 2. Improvement of economic statistics 2.1 Economic surveys 2.2 Updating of the National Directory of Businesses and their branches (DINEL) 2.3 Progress on the implementation of the V Manual of the Payments Balance of the IMF 2.4 Progress on the implementation of the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual of the IMF 2.5 Implementation of the National Quarterly Accounts System 51 52 52 53 54 54 2.6 2.7 3. Survey of Inflation Expectations to the Panel of Private Analysts (EEI) Business Opinion Survey (EOE) 55 55 Academic events 56 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 56 57 58 3.5 "Doctor Manuel Noriega Morales" Contest Economic Journeys Higher Studies Program Publication of research papers from the Central Bank in specialized magazines Participation in the Research Networks of the Central Banks of Latin America 58 58 APPENDIXES 1. Statement of Assets, Liable and Condensed Wealth of the Savings Protection Fund 2. Financial statements of the Banco de Guatemala 3. Main resolutions issued by the Monetary Board 62 63 | 65 CHAPTER I NATURE AND ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA NATURE AND ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA 1. Nature Article 2 of the Organic Law of the Banco de Guatemala stipulates that the institution, as the Central Bank of the Republic, is a decentralized, autonomous entity, a juristic personality, with a private wealth, with the full capacity to acquire rights and to assume responsibilities, with indefinite duration and with domicile in the territorial division of Guatemala. Fundamental objective According to article 3 of the mentioned law, the Banco de Guatemala has as its fundamental objective to contribute in the creation and maintenance of the most favorable conditions for the organized development of the national economy; therefore, it will provide the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit conditions that promote the stability in the general level of prices. The Central Bank, among other functions determined by its organic law, has the following: a) To be the only issuer of the national currency; b) To try to maintain an adequate liquidity rate of the banking system, by using the instruments established in its organic law; c) To pursue the good operation of the payment system; d) To receive in deposit the banking legal reserve and the legal deposits referred to in said law; e) To administer the international monetary reserves, according with the guidelines established by the Monetary Board; and, f) To carry out the other functions compatible with its nature as a Central Bank, assigned by legal mandate. 2. Administrative Structure Clause h) of article 26 of the mentioned law establishes that the Monetary Board has the responsibility of approving or modifying the administrative structure of the Banco de Guatemala, proposed by the General Manager. Based on said decision, the Monetary Board, through resolution JM-156-2006, issued on December 20, 2006, modified the referred administrative structure, establishing what has been current since January 2007. Following is a presentation of the organizational chart, in which the administrative structure from the Banco de Guatemala is shown: Secciones Departamentos Órganos Superiores Gerencias Dependencias Staff Fideicomisos y Administración de Cartera Liquidación de Valores Secretaría del Consejo Técnico Finanzas Públicas Análisis de Mercados y Comercio Exterior Balanza de Pagos Análisis de Mercados Financieros Cuentas Nacionales Estadísticas Bancarias y Financieras Operaciones de Estabilización Monetaria Estadísticas Cambiarias Investigaciones Económicas Operaciones de Mercados Financieros Análisis Bancario y Financiero Relaciones Internacionales Análisis del Sistema Financiero Estadísticas Económicas Programación Financiera Estudios Económicos Gerencia Económica Operaciones Extranjeras Inversión de Reservas Monetarias Internacionales Internacional Registro de Reservas Monetarias Internacionales Registro de Operaciones y Estados Financieros Sistema de Pagos Contabilidad Tesorería y Operaciones con Bancos Emisión Emisión Monetaria Análisis de Riesgo de Reservas Monetarias Internacionales Gerencia Financiera GERENCIA GENERAL PRESIDENCIA JUNTA MONETARIA Divulgación Protocolo Bibliotecas Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales Auditoría Interna Secretaría del Comité de Ejecución Análisis Organizacional Centro de Capacitación, Adiestramiento y Desarrollo del Personal Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos Planificación y Relaciones Laborales Administración de Remuneraciones y Prestaciones del Personal Recursos Humanos Seguridad Seguridad Especial Investigaciones Especiales Secretaría Administrativa Mantenimiento Servicios Auxiliares Servicios Administrativos y Seguridad Gerencia Administrativa Gestión y Calidad Tecnológica Servicios Informáticos Proyectos Informáticos Infraestructura Tecnológica y Bases de Datos Tecnologías de Información Secretaría de la Junta Monetaria Asesoría Jurídica Gerencia Jurídica INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA The Institutional Strategic Plan is a joint effort of the General Manager’s office and officers of the Banco de Guatemala, which consists of the determination of the strategic objectives that allow orienting its management, through the establishment of middle and longterm actions, so that the institution can exercise the decreed in the organic law and fulfill its fundamental objective. In that sense, is its administration policy of the Central Bank to give follow up to the execution of the referred plan, as well as evaluate the results that have been reached, with the purpose of adapting the changes in the environment, to review the validity of its long-term objectives and the consistency of the strategies that have been contemplated, which allows taking into consideration the implications that said changes represent for the fulfillment of the mentioned strategic plan. A continuación se describen los principales elementos del Plan Estratégico Institucional 2008-2012, cuyo contenido fue definido y aprobado en agosto de 2007. Below are the main elements of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2008-2012, which was defined and approved in August 2007. MISSION To promote the stability in the general level of prices. VISION The Banco de Guatemala will continue promoting the stability in the general level of prices, as its fundamental contribution to society, through the full exercise of its autonomy, holding operations that are proper of a Central Bank, transparent management, account rendering, effective communication, organizational quality and optimum use of available resources, according to the best international practices. INSTITUTIONAL VALUES • • • • Spirit of service Ethical Honesty Identification • • • Leadership Respect Responsibility STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. Consolidate the scheme of inflation targeting 2. Consolidate the modernization process of the payments system. 3. Strengthen the administration of the international monetary reserves. 4. Strengthen the institutional culture of transparency, account rendering and credibility 5. Strengthen institutional management It is necessary to point out, that based on the Institutional Strategic Plan, the different offices of the Banco de Guatemala formulate and execute the respective work plans, including the projects required for their fulfillment. CHAPTER II OPERATIONS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA OPERATIONS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA 1. Term Deposits 1.1 Expressed in quetzales As part of the monetary stabilization operations that the Banco de Guatemala carries out in the execution of the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy, in 2008, the reception of term deposits continued through the different fund-raising mechanisms, for the term and interest rate as well as the maturity date and yield. In that regard, at the end of said year, the balance of said deposits was of Q16,191.5 million, amount higher by Q4,254.2 million than the one registered at the end of 2007. The fund-raising carried out through the different mechanisms was of Q156,578.1 million, as shown in the following table: TABLE 1 BANCO DE GUATEMALA MOVEMENT OF TERM DEPOSITS IN QUETZALES YEAR 2008 (Millions of quetzales) CONCEPT TOTAL Bidding per term Bidding per due date Bidding directly with public entities 1/ MEBD and stock exchange Window per term Window per due date Remunerated legal banking reserve 1/ a/ BALANCE TO FUND-RAISING 12/31/2007 BALANCE TO ABSOLUTE 12/31/2008 VARIATION MATURITIES 11,937.3 160,832.3 156,578.1 5,387.9 67.7 69.3 655.0 4,987.7 145.1 624.6 51.7 799.6 2,060.8 138,579.1 18,603.5 585.7 151.9 2,105.3 445.8 1,167.3 132,212.1 20,219.4 283.8 144.4 a/ 16,191.5 3,334.3 421.5 962.8 7,022.0 3,371.8 447.0 632.1 4,254.2 -2,053.6 353.8 893.5 6,367.0 -1,615.9 301.9 7.5 MEBD: Electronic Banking Money Table Includes Q100 million redeemed ahead of Schedule as a measure to provide liquidity in national currency to banks in the system temporarily. 1.2 Expressed in US dollars To December 31st, 2008, the balance of the term deposits in dollars of the United States of America that the system’s banks registered in the Banco de Guatemala as legal banking reserve was of US$11.1 million, higher in US$1.6 million than the registered at the end of 2007 (US$9.5 million). As to the balance of term deposits in US dollars, made at the window with public entities to December 31, 2008, this was at US$2.6 million; amount lower by US$44.1 million to the registered the year before (US$46.7 million). On the other hand, according to temporary resolution JM-104-2008 from the Monetary Board, between September 24 and December 31, 2008, the Banco de Guatemala gave the banks of the system, the financial stock companies and offshore entities, as long as they were legally part of a financial group, the availability of constituting term deposits expressed in US dollars. In that sense, the financial entities constituted term deposits for a total of US$58.0 million, which maturity was before December 31, 2008. Due to this, the referred term deposits did not affect the total balance of the term deposits expressed in US dollars, to December 31, 2008. In summary, at the end of 2008, the total balance of the term deposits in dollars of the United States of America was of US$13.7 million, lower by US$42.5 million to the observed to December 31st, 2007, as shown in the following table: TABLE 2 BANCO DE GUATEMALA MOVEMENT OF TERM DEPOSITS IN US DOLLARS YEAR 2008 (Millions of US dollars ) CONCEPT TOTAL Remunerated Legal banking reserve Window Financial entities (Res. JM-104-2008) 2. BALANCE TO FUNDRAISING MATURITIES 12/31/2007 56.2 9.5 46.7 0.0 68.7 8.1 2.6 58.0 BALANCE TO ABSOLUTE 12/31/2008 VARIATION 111.2 6.5 46.7 58.0 13.7 11.1 2.6 0.0 -42.5 1.6 -44.1 0.0 Portfolio Bonds of the Banco de Guatemala The balance of portfolio bonds of the Banco de Guatemala, at the end of 2008, were at Q1.6 million, made up entirely of banking bonds with mortgage guarantees acquired by the Central Bank before 1990. Said balance is lower by Q0.4 million (20.0%) regarding the observed at the end of 2007, decrease that corresponds to capital amortizations made. 3. Treasury Bonds Received to cover net deficiencies In fulfillment of the established in clause b) of article 9 of the Organic Law of the Banco de Guatemala, the State, through the Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas, on August 24th, 2008 issued Representative Certificates of the Treasury Bonds of the Republic of Guatemala of Q393.3 million in favor of the Banco de Guatemala, to cover the net deficiency of the Central Bank that corresponds to the fiscal year 2006, to a term of 30 years and an annual interest rate of 4.27%, so to December 31, 2008, the balance of the referred titles under the Central Bank rose to Q3,110.3 million. 4. Measures to temporarily provide liquidity to system banks Given the current situation of the international financial markets, characterized by a high volatility, which excercises pressure on the financial sectors of the majority of the countries worldwide and that modifies the acces to resources conditions, in terms of amount and cost, which made manifest the need to oversee the domestic conditions of liquidity to estaoblish mechanisms to take care of eventual contingencies, in order to help keep the stability in the domestic financial market, the Banco de Guatemala proceeded to implement measures to provide temporary liquidity to the system banks. 4.1 Measures to provide liquidity in national currency During the November 24-December 31, 2008 period, the Banco de Guatemala, according to the agreed by the Execution Committee, made temporary liquidity available to banking entities in national currency, through the anticipated redemption of Term Depostis constituted in the Central bank and through holding purchase operations of Treasury Bonds from the Republic of Guatemala expressed in quetzales. Regarding the anticipated redemption operations of Term Deposits, these were held with deposits orginially constituted for terms between 3 and 8 years, issued to the banks of the system and at face value. The amount of the operations held through this mechanism rose to Q100.0 million. As to the purchase operations of Treasury Bonds from the Republic of Guatemala expressed in quetzales, the same were held at nominal value for said bonds. Total operations rose to Q100.00 million. 4.2 Operations of liquidity giving in foreign currency Through resolution JM-122-2008, dated November 5, 2008, the Monetary Board authorized the Banco de Guatemala to provide liquidity in US dollars to the system Banks, through repurchase agreement operations, thorugh which the Central Bank could buy Treasury Bonds from teh Republic of Guatemala expressed in US dollars and in quetzales, as well as Term Deposit Certificates constituted in the Banco de Gautemala, in those two last cases by their equivalent in US dollars. To December 31, 2008, operations were registered with banking entiteis for a total of US$90.7 million. 5. International Monetary Reserves and transactions in foreign currency 5.1 International Monetary Reserves The level of the absolute international monetary reserves of the Banco de Guatemala, net as well as absolute, at the end of 2008 was at US$4,658.8 million, higher by US$338.5 million regarding the level observed at the end of 2007. TABLE 3 BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES ABSOLUTE AND NET YEARS 2007 - 2008 (Millions of US dollars) CONCEPT 2007 VARIATION 2008 ABSOLUTE I. Absolute reserves II. Obligations up to a year term III. Net reserves (I - II) 5.2 RELATIVE 4,320.3 4,658.8 338.5 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,320.3 4,658.8 338.5 7.8 Administration of the international monetary reserves The Monetary Board, in resolution JM-29-2004 dated April 1st, 2004, modified by resolution JM-135-2004 dated November 10th, 2004, JM-16-2006 dated February 1, 2006 and JM 68-2006 dated July 5, 2006, authorized the investment policy of the international monetary reserves of the Banco de Guatemala, so that said reserves are invested according to liquidity security and profitability criteria and established the distribution mechanism of the same, for the effect creating, the Liquidity and Portfolio tranches. In 2008, in order to strengthen and update the management ability asociated to the admnistartion of international monetary reserves from the Banco de Guatemala, based on the best practices on recognized matters as international standards, in resolution JM-15-2008, the Monetary Board authorized extending the particiaption of the Banco de Guatemala in the Reserves Advisory and Management Program, RAMP, of the World Bank for which they resolved modifying annex 6 to resolution JM-29-2004, in the sense that they added a year of activities onto said program. The Settlement tranche is directly administered by the Banco de Guatemala and its main purpose is to provide coverage to potential exits of reserves in a one year period. This tranche is made up of two sub-tranches known as Work Capital and Settlement Administration, which have as their objective: first, to cover potential exits of reserves in a one month period and, second, to give coverage to the foreign currency obligations estimated for up to a twelve month period. The investments that constitute the Settlement Tranche, per sub-tranche, to December 31st, 2008, are shown below: TABLE 4 BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES LIQUIDITY TRANCHE TO DECEMBER 31, 2008 (Millions of US dollars ) SUBTRANCHES TOTAL WORK CAPITAL Depostis at sight in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT Banco de Guatemala a/ AMOUNT 580.8 89.8 89.8 491.0 491.0 a/ Refers to the countable value of the portfolio . On their part, the Portfolio Tranche is administered by the financial institutions of recognized international prestige, specialized in portfolio management, for which effect the Monetary Board has authorized the General Management of the Banco de Guatemala to hire the services of the institutions of this nature. Said tranche is constituted by the difference between the amounts of the susceptible liquid reserves to be invested and the resources assigned to the Settlement Tranche. The distribution of the resources of the Portfolio Tranche, to December 31, 2008, is shown as follows: TABLE 5 BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES PORTFOLIO TRANCHE TO DECEMBER 31, 2008 (Millions of US dollars and percentages) ADMINISTRATOR AMOUNT TOTAL 3,869.1 UBS Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd. Allianz Global Investors Advisory GmbH JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Ltd. World Bank (RAMP) a/ 1,181.4 1,225.2 775.3 687.2 STRUCTURE a/ 100.0 30.5 31.7 20.0 17.8 Refers to the countable portfolio value. The funds that constitute the investment portfolios of the Portfolio Tranche and of the sub-tranche for Settlement Management for the Settlement Tranche are under the custody of the State Street Bank and Trust Company, entity that was hired to render technical services of global custody to the Banco de Guatemala. According to clause e) of article 4 of the Organic Law of the Banco de Guatemala and the referred investment policy of the international monetary reserves, the General Direction of the institution, during 2008, the international monetary reserves of the Banco de Guatemala were invested in repurchase agreements; in deposits immediately demandable and term deposits in international financial institutions and in first-order foreign banks; in gold deposits in specialized entities in this type of investments, in letters, notes and treasury bonds; in securities issued or guaranteed by international organizations, financial institutions or foreign governments of recognized solvency; in securities issued or guaranteed by governmental agencies with sovereign guarantee; and, in other long-term instruments. Regarding the liquidity and security of the investments, both criteria are evidenced in the qualification of the instruments in which the international monetary reserves of the Banco de Guatemala are invested. For that reason, for the short-term securities the qualifications allowed are those no lower than A -1, of Standard & Poor’s; and, P-1 de Moody’s Investors Service; whereas the qualifications allowed for the long-term securities are those not lower than AA-, of Standard & Poor’s; and, Aa3, of Moody’s Investors Service1. As to the average net profitability of the international monetary reserves investment, considering the market value of the investment portfolio of the Banco de Guatemala abroad, during 2008 was of 5.309% annually for the Settlement Tranche and of 6.476% annually for the Portfolio tranche. It is worth indicating that due to the modifications to the Investment Policy of the International Monetary Reserves of the Banco de Guatemala approved in resolution JM-162006 of the Monetary Board dated February 1, 2006, the investment of resources in the Work Capital Sub-tranche are evaluated based on the current federal funds interest rate of the United States of America, as long as the profitability of the investments of the Settlement Management sub-tranche resources, investment portfolio that previously made up the Portfolio tranche, are evaluated based on the approved benchmark by the Monetary Board for said sub-tranche. Therefore, the corresponding rendering of the Settlement Tranche is calculated as the weighted average of the yield obtained by the two sub-tranches that make it up. The following tables show the invested amounts and the profitability obtained during 2008 in the Settlement Tranche and in their sub-tranches named Work Capital and Settlement Management. 1 The referred grading in the short term define that the ability of the issued to fulfill the financial commitment is “Extremely strong”; in other words, that the same correspond to instruments of high credit quality and to a high re-payment ability, on behalf of the issuer. As to qualifications for long term., they define that the ability of the issuer to fulfill the financial commitment as “Extremely Strong” or “very strong”; in other words, that the same correspond to instruments of the same high quality credit and a low one ov very low expectation of investment risk. TABLE 6 BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES YIELD OF THE SETTLEMENT TRANCHE YEAR 2008 MONTH TOTAL ANNUAL YIELD RATE MILLIONS OF US DOLLARS 39.8 5.31% 9.9 5.2 1.6 -3.9 -1.3 2.4 2.6 3.1 4.7 5.8 6.4 3.3 19.17% 10.91% 3.17% -6.93% -1.93% 3.15% 4.02% 5.04% 8.01% 9.47% 10.61% 6.12% January February March April May June July August September October November December TABLE 6-A BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES YIELD SUB-TRANCHE WORK CAPITAL OF THE SETTLEMENT TRANCHE YEAR 2008 (Millions of US dollars ) MONTH AVERAGE AMOUNT INVESTED TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October Novimber December 109.4 106.1 132.2 159.8 305.9 350.9 194.5 151.6 144.6 152.9 167.3 149.5 YIELD ANNUAL YIELD RATE 3.0 1.67% 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.05 0.03 0.01 3.28% 2.58% 1.89% 2.12% 2.03% 2.04% 2.02% 2.02% 1.53% 0.38% 0.22% 0.06% TABLE 6-B BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES YIELD OF THE SETTLEMENT MANAGEMENT SUB-TRANCHE OF THE SETTLEMENT TRANCHE YEAR 2008 (Millions of US dollars) MONTH AMOUNT1/ TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December 1/ YIELD 36.8 531.7 486.7 488.1 484.0 482.1 593.9 596.2 599.1 603.6 609.3 505.6 508.9 9.6 5.0 1.4 -4.2 -1.8 1.8 2.3 2.9 4.5 5.7 6.3 3.3 ANNUAL YIELD RATE 6.50% 22.44% 12.72% 3.51% -9.92% -4.44% 3.80% 4.68% 5.80% 9.56% 11.75% 14.05% 7.90% Value of the market of investment portfolio at the end of each month. As to the Portfolio Tranche, in the following table are the market values of the investment portfolios at the end of each month, as well as the profitability obtained for the same during 2008. TABLE 7 BANCO DE GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES YIELD FOR THE PORTFOLIO TRANCHE YEAR 2008 (Millions of US dollars) MONTH AMOUNT 1/ YIELD ANNUAL YIELD RATE 232.9 6.48% TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December 1/ 3,583.4 3,615.8 3,625.8 3,595.0 3,583.1 3,594.5 3,810.1 3,829.1 3,853.8 3,888.1 3,939.8 3,966.6 59.8 32.3 10.0 -30.8 -11.9 11.4 15.6 19.1 24.6 34.4 41.7 26.7 22.04% 12.15% 3.41% -9.71% -3.70% 4.06% 5.06% 6.15% 8.25% 11.16% 13.97% 8.42% Investment Portfolio market value at the end of each month. To December 31, 2008 the distribution of the absolute international monetary reserves was the following: TABLE 8 BANCO DE GUATEMALA ABSOLUTE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY RESERVES TO DECEMBER 31, 2008 (Millions of US dollars) TOTAL I. 4,658.8 Investments of the Liquidity Tranche 580.8 II. Inverstments of the PortfolioTranche 3,869.1 1/ III. Operative Reserve IV. Other Assets 2/ 3.2 205.7 1/ In the following institutions: : Citibank, N.A., New York; Banco Internacional de Costa Rica, Miami; WachoviaBank, N.A., New York; DresdnerBank, AG, Frankfurt;Banca CommercialeItaliana, Milán; The Bank of New York, New York; Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto; UBS, AG, Zürich; The Bank of TokioMitsubishi, Tokio; Lloyd TSB Bank, Plc. Londres. 2/ Mainly includes the contributions to international financial organizations: gold, special monetary holding rights for drafts, numerary, monetary clearing agreements and reciprocal y credits and special resource programs. 5.3 Credit letters To hold importation operation letters made in 2008 by the public sector and by the Banco de Guatemala, credit letters for US$4.4 million were made and settlements for US$22.6 million. As a result of the indicated operations, at the end of 2008, the balance of said credit letters grew to US$8.9 million, amount lower by US$18.2 million regarding the registered to December 31, 2007. Following is a table that illustrates the referred movement of the credit letters: TABLE 9 BANCO DE GUATEMALA CREDIT LETTER MOVEMENTS YEAR2008 MOVEMENT 5.4 AMOUNT MILLIONS OF US DOLLARS Current to 12-31-2007 72 27.1 (+) Credit letters issued 19 4.4 (-) Credit letters settled 68 22.6 Current to 12-31-2008 23 8.9 Issue of Drafts and Payment Orders During 2008 the Banco de Guatemala carried out fund transfers and payments to institutions from abroad for the amount of US$2,931.6 million, higher by US$347.1 million than that from the previous year. For that reason, it issue written drafts, as well as payment orders through the SWIFT2 system. Through said transactions the obligations acquired by the public sector and Banco de Guatemala, the foreign currency operations with the banking system and the movement of the international monetary reserves was taken care of. The following table illustrates the referred movement of drafts and payment orders: 2 Acronym of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, entity that provides electronic communications services for financial institutions around the world. TABLE 10 BANCO DE GUATEMALA ISSUE OF DRAFTS AND PAYMENT ORDERS YEARS 2007 - 2008 CONCEPT TOTAL I. Drafts II. Payment orders 6. AMOUNT OF ABSOLUTE OPERATIONS VARIATIONS 2007 2008 7,496.0 7,546.0 50.0 MILLIONS OF ABSOLUTE US DOLLARS VARIATION 2007 2008 2,584.5 2,931.6 347.1 994 809 -185 72.1 11.3 -60.8 6,502 6,737 235 2,512.4 2,920.3 407.9 Credit Portfolio Regarding credit operations of the Banco de Guatemala, during 2008 the institution did not receive any request in that regard; however, an amortization for Q1.8 million was registered on the advance for financial restructuring granted in 1999 to Banco Empresarial, Sociedad Anónima. Consequently, the balance of the credit portfolio to December 31st, 2008 was of Q455.3 million, which, while deducing the reserve for credit assets assessment of Q165.8 million, and was placed at Q289.5 million. As to the contingent credit lines granted by the Banco de Guatemala in 2001 to three banking institutions that were administratively intervened in that year3, the balance of said funding remained invariable during 2008 (Q1,597.8 million), due that there was no amortization to said credits, since they are under judicial charge. It is important to mention that on this portfolio, the Central Bank has a reserve for credit assets assessment equivalent to one hundred percent of its balance. For that reason, on December 31st, 2008, the balance of the gross credit portfolio balance with internal resources of the Banco de Guatemala was of Q2,053.1 million, while the net credit portfolio was of Q289.5 million. Therefore, it is important to mention that the difference of Q1,763.6 million registered between both sectors corresponds to the total amount of assessment reserves that were constituted on the same date of the referred gross portfolio. 3 Banco Empresarial, S. A., according to resolution JM-82-2001; Banco Metropolitano, S. A., according to resolution JM-112-2001; and, Banco Promotor, S. A., according to resolution JM-113-2001. It is worth indicating that these entities are currently subject to bankruptcy processes in the competent jurisdictional organisms. TABLE 11 BANCO DE GUATEMALA BALANCE OF THE CREDIT PORTFOLIO YEAR 2008 (Millions of quetzales) CONCEPT BALANCE TO 12/31/2008 TOTAL GROSS CREDIT PORTFOLIO 2,053.1 I. Cash advance for financial restructuring 455.3 Banco Empresarial, S. A. Banco Metropolitano, S. A. Banco Promotor, S. A. Financiera Agro Comercial, S. A. II. Contingent credit lines Banco Empresarial, S. A. Banco Metropolitano, S. A. Banco Promotor, S. A. III. Reserves for evaluation of assets On cash advances for financial restructuring On contingent credit lines TOTAL NET CREDIT PORTFOLIO (I+II-III) a/ 7. a/ 51.6 182.3 221.0 0.4 1,597.8 456.8 612.9 528.1 1,763.6 165.8 1,597.8 289.5 Due balance. Deposits of the public non-financial sector The deposits from the non-financial public sector in the Banco de Guatemala are made up by the resources that the central government and the rest of the public sector keep in the Central Bank. In this context, to December 31st, 2008, the total of deposits that the central government has in the Banco de Guatemala was of Q8,100.2 million, lower by Q1,431.8 million (15.0%) regarding the registered on the same date in 2007. It is important to indicate the drop was due, among others, to greater expense executed by the central government, which gave as a result a fiscal deficit of Q4,920.8 million (according to preliminary numbers), higher by Q1,149.2 million (30.5%) to the observed in 2007; deficit that was mainly financed with fiscal till resources. In that context, it is worth highlighting that the greater use of fiscal till was due to less resources received by net domestic financing as well as net foreign financing, which dropped by Q1,805.6 (52.6%) and Q1,287.1 million (60.3%), regarding 2007. As to the level of deposits from the rest of the non-financial public sector in the Banco de Guatemala, to December 31, 2008, this was at Q242.3 million, amount higher by Q24.5 million (11.2%) to the registered to December 31, 2007. Said increase was mainly due to the increase of deposits of the Decentralized Non-business Entities by Q49.7 million. Due to the above, the deposits from the non-financial public sector in the Banco de Guatemala at the end of 2008, was at Q8,342.5 million, amount lower by Q1,407.3 million (14.4%) regarding the registered balance in 2007. TABLE 12 DEPÓSITS OF THE NON-FINANCIAL PUBLIC SECTOR IN THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA YEARS 2007 - 2008 (Millions of quetzales) VARIATION CONCEPT TOTAL I. Central Government II. Rest of the Public Sector 8. 2007 2008 9,749.8 8,342.5 ABSOLUTE RELATIVE -1,407.3 -14.4 9,532.0 8,100.2 -1,431.8 -15.0 217.8 242.3 24.5 11.2 Financial Agent of the State During 2008 the Banco de Guatemala, according to article 53 of its organic law, made several operations, for which it is competent, in its quality of financial agent of the state, which is described as follows: 8.1 Operations with Treasury Bonds in the Republic of Guatemala To December 31, 2008, according to the order account of the accounting registries of the Banco de Guatemala, the balance of the treasury bonds in circulation expressed in quetzales are located at Q23,556.8 million. Said balance is greater by Q3,074.7 million (15.0%) to the registered to December 31, 2007, as a net result of the placements through the bidding mechanisms and of bidding for Q3,457.3 million; to deliver to the Banco de Guatemala for Q393.3 million in treasury bonds to cover its net deficiency corresponding to the 2006 fiscal year; and for amortizations for Q775.9 million. On the other hand, the balance of the treasury bonds expressed in US dollars, to December 31, 2008, was at US$1,294.2 million, amount lower by US$144.2 million to the registered on the same date of the previous year, as a result of the amortizations made during 2008. TABLE 13 OPERATIONS WITH TREASURY BONDS FROM THE REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA YEARS 2007- 2008 (Millions) CONCEPT I. TREASURY BONDS IN QUETZALES Of the Republic of Guatemala II. TREASURY BONDS IN US DOLLARS a/ 2008 2007 SALDO 20,482.1 NEGOTIATED AMORTIZED 3,850.6 20,482.1 3,850.6 a/ 1,438.4 0.0 775.9 775.9 144.2 VARIATION BALANCE 23,556.8 ABSOLUTE 3,074.7 RELATIVE 15.0 23,556.8 3,074.7 15.0 1,294.2 -144.2 -10.0 Fiscal year 1997 44.0 0.0 23.0 21.0 -23.0 -52.3 Fiscal year 1998 37.5 0.0 37.5 0.0 -37.5 -100.0 Of the Republic of Guatemala 828.7 0.0 9.7 819.0 -9.7 -1.2 Of the Republic of Guatemala-Peace Bonds- 528.2 0.0 74.0 454.2 -74.0 -14.0 Includes Q393.3 million in delivered treasury bonds to the Banco de Guatemala for net deficiency coverage corresponding to accounting year 2008. 8.2 Administration of amortization funds The amortization funds constituted in the Banco de Guatemala by the public sector to assist the service of the bonded debt of the central government and two municipalities, to December 31st, 2008, were of Q365.8 million, of which Q365.7 million correspond to the central government and Q0.1 million to the Municipalities of Guatemala and Quetzaltenango. It is important to indicate that the balance of the amortization fund of the central government, to December 31st, 2007 and the supply carried out in 2008 allowed opportunely taking care of the bonded debt service. TABLE 14 BANCO DE GUATEMALA AMORTIZATION FUNDS OF THE BONDED PUBLIC DEBT OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AND OF TWO MUNICIPALITIES YEAR 2008 (Millions of quetzales) FUNDS CONCEPT TOTAL Balance to December 31, 2007 MUNICIPALITIES 294.9 294.8 0.1 (+) Provisioning 4,725.0 4,725.0 0.0 (-) Payments 4,654.1 4,654.1 0.0 Capital 1,831.7 1,831.7 0.0 Interest and services 2,822.4 2,822.4 0.0 365.8 365.7 0.1 Balance to December 31, 2008 8.3 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Trusts and guarantee funds The state, through the Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas [Equivalent to the US Department of the Treasury.], has constituted trusts in which the Banco de Guatemala acts as trustee and has created guarantee funds which resources are adminstered by the Central Bank. To December 31st, 2008, the balance of the referred trusts and of the guarantee funds under administration was at Q825.3 million, lower by Q75.6 million to the registered the previous year (Q900.9 million). Said net variation is mainly due to the registered decrease in the trust known as: “Trust for the National Peace Fund” for Q97.3 million and “Improvement for the Small Coffee Producer” for Q6.5 million, as well as the increase registered in the trusts called “Global Credit for Micro and Small Businesses” for Q3.7 million and the “Fiduciary Banking Capitalization Funds” for Q24.5 million. TABLE 15 BANCO DE GUATEMALA TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE FUNDS TO DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2008 (Thousands of quetzales) BALANCE CONCEPT 2007 TOTAL I. TRUSTS Trust for the National Peace Fund Improvement for the Small Coffee Grower Trust for the Administration of the National Science and Technology Fund -FONACYT Specific Extraordinary Fund ifor Reconstruction Program for Community Developmen for Peace -DECOPAZGlobal Program for Credit to Micro and Small Businesses Trust Fund for Banking Capitalization II. GUARANTEE TRUSTS Guarantee Trusts for Housing III. OTHER FUNDS Funds for Reactivation of the Industry Sector l 9. VARIATION ABSOLUTE 2008 RELATIVE 900,902.4 825,288.2 -75,614.2 -8.4 900,865.1 825,255.9 -75,609.2 -8.4 109,626.8 12,303.4 -97,323.4 -88.8 77,849.4 71,344.8 -6,504.6 -8.4 30.6 30.3 -0.3 -1.0 10,366.4 10,359.6 -6.8 -0.1 27.4 27.4 0.0 0.0 91,632.2 95,392.2 3,760.0 4.1 611,332.3 635,798.2 24,465.9 4.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -100.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 32.3 32.3 0.0 0.0 32.3 32.3 0.0 0.0 -100.0 Fund for Savings Protection The Savings Protection Fund regulated in Decree Number 19-2002 of the congress of the Republic, Law of Banks and Financial Groups, was created with the objective of guaranteeing the account holder in the banking system the recovery of their deposits up to an amount of Q20.0 thousand or its equivalent in foreign currency, per individual or juristic person. The resources of this fund are administrated by the Banco de Guatemala and its regulated deposits were approved by the Monetary Board in resolution JM-187-2002 dated June 1, 2002 and modified in resolution JM-54-2006 dated May 10, 2006. According to the forecast in article 86 of the Law of Banks and Financial Groups, the financing sources for the Savings Protection Fund are the following: a) The quotas that are compulsory for national banks and branches of foreign banks to pay, according with article 88 of the referred law; b) The yield of the investments of their resources, fines and interest; c) The cash that is obtained from the settlement process of the corresponding bank, regarding the subrogation of rights referred in article 91 of the same law; d) The cash obtained from the sale of assets awarded to said fund, if any, regarding the settlement process of the corresponding bank, with regard to the subrogation of rights referred in article 91; e) The contributions of the state to cover deficiencies of the fund or to broaden its coverage; and, f) Other sources that increase its resources. The resources for the Savings Protection Fund are not subject to seizure; they are not reimbursable and can only be applied for the finalities foreseen in the Law of Banks and Financial Groups. On October 29, 2008, at the request of the Technical Committee from the Fiduciary Banking Capitalization Fund, there was an anticipated payment of Q100.0 million for the financial (Q360.0 million) granted to the Savings Protection Fund in 2007 by the FCB. Due to this, on December 31, 2008 the balance of said financial support rose to Q260.00 million. It is worth remembering that referred financial support was required in 2007 by the Savings Protection Fund, in order to cover deposits of the Banco de Comercio, Sociedad Anónima, after its operations were suspended. During 2008, Q130.3 million were amortized and interest was paid for Q18.1 million, for the bilateral conventions for the strengthening of the Savings Protection Fund, subscribed in 2007 between the Banco de Guatemala, in its quality of administrator of resources for said Fund, and the banks in the system. Due to this, on December 31, 2008 the balance of the referred agreements registered Q291.0 million. The bilateral agreements referenced were subscribed according to Resolution JM-50-2007 of the Monetary Board, dated February 21, 2007. The heritage of the Savings Protection Fund to December 31, 208 (Annex 1), was at Q356.5 million, amount higher by Q220.9 million to the observed the year before (Q135.6 million). The referred balance of Q356.5 million is the net result of the registered income due to quotas made by system banks for Q484.9 million, contributions from the state in cash for Q841.8 million and in Treasury Bonds from the Republic of Guatemala (Peace Bonds) for Q540.2 million, of the transfer of the resources generated in the fulfillment of the decided in Decrees 315 and 4-2002 of the Congress of the Republic, destined to the Savings Protection Fund, for Q31.4 million; and, of the results accumulated for Q395.6 million; minus the variation registered in the exchange differentials account for Q0.5 million and of the balance of the contributions of the exclusion of assets trusts for Q1,936.9 million. It is worth mentioning that in November 2008, Corporación Financiera Nacional (CORFINA), in its quality as the Fiduciary of the Trust for the Administration and Handling of the Excluded Assets of Banco del Café, Sociedad Anònima, transferred to the Banco de Guatemala for Q35.0 million that corresponds to the first partial transfer to the balance or value remainder of the mentioned trust, which is made up of the following: a) cash for Q32.5 million and b) titles of Preferential Limited Vote Stocks, Class “A”, issued by the Embotelladora del Sur, S. A., for Q2.5 million. 10. Banking Capitalization Trust Fund The Banking Capitalization Trust Fund -FCB- [Acronym in Spanish.] was created through decree number 74-2002 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, in order to financially support the sanitation and strengthening process of the national banking system within the context of banking fusion, acquisition of assets and asset and liability exclusion processes, carried out based on the Law of Banks and Financial Groups. According to the referred decree, the resources of the FCB are administered through a trust constituted in the Banco de Guatemala, which acts as trustee of the same. The trustor is the state of Guatemala through the Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas [Roughly equivalent to the Department of the Treasury of the United States of America.] figuring as trustees the banks that are interested and that are eligible for the financing and the State of Guatemala. The superior organ of the trust is the Technical Committee integrated by two representatives of the Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas [Roughly equivalent to the Department of the Treasury of the United States of America.] and two representatives of the Central Bank, which has as part of its attributions, to issue the regulatory decisions for its operation, as well as those from the trust, which were approved in the Ministerial Agreement number 51-2004 of the Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas [Roughly equivalent to the Department of the Treasury of the United States of America.] dated September 24, 2004 and modified according by Ministerial Agreement number 48-2006 dated December 8, 2006. In said agreement the following norms were approved: a) Regulation of the Technical Committee of the Fiduciary Banking Capitalization Trust Fund; b) Regulation of Bank Eligibility to be funded by the Fiduciary Banking Capitalization Trust Fund; c) Investment policy of resources of the Fiduciary Banking Capitalization Trust Fund. The financial assistance granted to banks of the system to December 31, 2008, was for a total of Q366.9 million, amount higher by Q120.0 million to the registered the year before (Q246.9 million). Due to the suspension of the Banco de Comercio, Sociedad Anónima, FCB according to the stipulated in article 3 of Decree Number 74-2002 of the Congress of the Republic, granted financial support to the Savings Protection Fund for Q360.0 million, for a 12 year term; however, a requirement from the Technical Committee of the FCB said fund made a partial forward payment of Q100.0 million, for which to December 31, 2008, the balance of the mentioned financial support rose to Q260.0 million. The availability of resources of the FCB, to December 31, 2008, rose to Q8.8 million, which were invested in term certificates of deposit of the Banco de Guatemala. Regarding the wealth of the FCB to date, it rose to Q642.7 million, amount higher by Q25.5 million to the registered the previous year (Q617.2 million). Said wealth is integrated by Q572.6 million, corresponding to the contributions in cash made by the state to December 3, 2004 and of December 27, 2006, for Q193.5 million, equivalent to US$25.0 million and for Q379.1 million, equivalent to US$50.0 million, coming from the second and third disbursement of the BIRF-7130-GU loan, subscribed between the Republic of Guatemala and the International Reconstruction and Development Bank –BIRF [For its acronym in Spanish.]; and, for Q70.1 million corresponding to accumulated results. 11. Payment system The Banco de Guatemala, to give fulfillment to the decided in clause c) of article 4 of its organic law, as to the procurement of the good operation of the payment system, during 2008 continued exercising legal and regulatory functions corresponding to the director of the Banking Clearing House, the settler of the Automated Banking Clearing House (CCA, for its acronym in Spanish) and the administrator of the Gross Settlement System in Real Time -LBTR-; in general terms, are summarized below. 11.1 Banking Clearing House Article 70 of the Organic Law of the Banco de Guatemala stipulates that the banking legal reserve, as well as the funds deposited by the banks in the Banco de Guatemala, or in other entities that for the effect it hires, will served as a base for the check clearing system, through a clearing house. The Regulation of the Banking Clearing House was approved by the Monetary Board in resolution JM-51-2003, dated April 23, 2003 and modified in resolution JM-189-2007 dated December 12, 2007. Following is a table that contains the quantity and value of operations made in the Banking Clearing House, during 2007 and 2008. TABLE 16 BANCO DE GUATEMALA OPERATIONS OF THE BANKING CLEARING HOUSE YEARS2007 - 2008 (Millions) CONCEPT ABSOLUTE VARIATION 2007 2008 29.8 28.4 -1.4 29.4 27.8 -1.6 0.4 0.6 0.2 436,190.8 434,603.2 -1,587.6 6,545.4 8,839.0 2,293.6 QUANTITY Cleared checks In national currency In foreign currency 1/ VALUE In quetzales In US dollars 1/ The total corresponds to US dollars. SOURCE: Compensator Main, computerized , images of –ICG- . - -. As we can observe in the previous table, during 2008 the quantity of checks in national currency and in foreign currency cleared in the Banking Clearing House was of 27.8 million, for a value of Q434,603.2 million, amount lower by Q1,587.6 million registered in 2007; and, of 0.6 million, for a total value of US$8,839.0 million, amount higher by US$2,293.6 million in foreign currency to the registered in 2007, respectively. 11.2 Automated Clearing House (CCA, in Spanish) The purpose of the Automated Clearing House is to provide the automated mechanisms that, through transparent, efficient and safe processes that will allow participants to hold electronic operations, through net and deferred settlement. The Norm of the Automated Clearing House was approved by the Monetary Board in resolution JM-140-2007 dated August 1, 2007. In said house the electronic transactions are cleared for each bank or financial stock company in charge of other banks and financial stock companies, as of October 10, 2008, settling the net multilateral result through the Gross Settlement System in Real Time (LBTR, in Spanish). Following is the information of the amount and value of the operations made in the CCA, form October 10 to December 31, 2008. CUADRO 17 BANCO DE GUATEMALA OPERACIONES DE LA CÁMARA DE COMPENSACIÓN AUTOMATIZADA AÑO 2008 CANTIDAD Transacciones Débito Transacciones Crédito 22 1,664 EN QUETZALES 1,115.00 24,744,186.97 FUENTE: Operador de la Cámara de Compensación Automatizada, Imágenes Computarizadas . de Guatemala -ICG- 11.3 Gross Settlement System in Real Time –LBTR [Acronym in Spanish.] During 2008, the participating entities, according to the established in the Regulation for the Gross Settlement System in Real Time -LBTR- approved by the Monetary Board in resolution JM-166-2005, dated November 30, 2005, held the following transactions: funds transfers; payment instructions; investment payments in values titles issued by the Government of the Republic and term deposits constituted in the Banco de Guatemala; numerary withdrawal instructions; settlement results of multilateral compensations coming from the Banking Clearing House checks and the Automated Clearing House; public sector account operations; settlement of operations under the modes of payment upon delivery and payment upon payment; commissions payments for services rendered in the system; consultations and generation of files; and, make up and generation of reports and statistical information. To make and settle operations referenced, the LBTR system interacts with internal systems in the Banco de Guatemala that affect the deposit accounts constituted in the Central Bank. In that sense, the Banco de Guatemala developed the interfaces of the internal systems that interact with the LBTR system: Financial and Accounting Information System –SICOF [For its acronym in Spanish]-, Integrated System of Values Titles –SITV [For its acronym in Spanish], Till System and Till Verification System –VIC-, Banking Clearing House for checks, Automated Clearing House (CCA), the Electronic Foreign Currency Negotiation System (SINEDI), the Electronic Money Banking Table (MEBD) and the Electronic Settlement System (SEL). Additionally, the design of the operation of the LBTR system is ready to use two communications networks, a local one (BANCARED) and an international one (SWIFT). The following table presents the information regarding the quantity and value of the operations in quetzales settled in the LBTR system in 2007 and 2008. TABLE 18 BANCO DE GUATEMALA SETTLED OPERATIONS IN THE GROSS SETTLEMENT SYSTEM IN REAL TIME YEARS2007 - 2008 TOTALS I. ABSOLUTE VARIATION AMOUNT OF OPERATIONS TYPE OF OPERATIONS Made by the participants II. Made in the Banco de Guatemala III. Made by the Banking Clearing House of checks 2007 2008 49,870 52,157 2,287 ABSOLUTE VARIATION MILLIONS OF QUETZALES 2007 2008 336,689.2 354,122.0 17,432.8 34,546 36,913 2,367 194,861.7 239,036.8 44,175.1 2,117 2,619 502 5,489.9 1,684.5 -3,805.4 11,694 10,385 -1,309 47,533.2 50,566.7 3,033.5 0 497 497 0.0 22.5 22.5 1,513 1,743 230 88,804.4 62,811.5 -25,992.9 IV. Made in the Automated Clearing House 1/ V. Made by the Negotiation Systems 2/ 1/ 2/ Began operating as of October 10, 2008. Refers to the MEBD- SEL and the SINEDI . , During 2008, the amount of operations settled in the LBTR system was of 52,157 for a value of Q354,122.0 million, amount higher by Q17,432.8 million to the registered in 2007. It is worth indicating that 36,913 operations (for an amount of Q239,036.8 million) correspond to those made directly by the participants; 55.5% correspond to direct transfers between participants; 39.6% of payments of diverse services and taxes, 2.9% to cash withdrawals; 1.6% to direct investments made in the Banco de Guatemala by the participants, and 0.4% to settlement of operations in the Electronic Money Banking Table –MEBD-. Of the 2,619 operations made by the Banco de Guatemala (for an amount of Q1,684.5 million); 75.8% correspond to remunerated legal reserve investments; 7.9% to quotas of the Savings Protection Fund; 8.9% to debit operations lacking in cash deposits made by the banks of the system; 5.7% by charge of commission for services of the LBTR system; 1.7% for rent of properties of the Banco de Guatemala. The 10,385 operations (for an amount of Q50,566.7 million) made by the Banking Clearing House, are originated in the net multilateral result4 of the referred house. The Automated Clearing House, from October 10 to December 31, 2008, settleed 497 operations (for an amount of Q22.5million). Whereas the remaining 1,743 operations (for the amountof Q62,811.5 million) correspond to settled operations by the negotiation systems as follows: 70.2% come from the Electronic Money Banking Table –MEBD-; 14.2% of the Electronic Settlement System –SEL-, and 15.6% from the Electronic Foreign Currency Settlement System –SINEDI-. Following is a table that contains the quantity and value of operations made in the LBTR system in US dollars, during 2007 and 2008. TABLE 19 BANCO DE GUATEMALA OPERATIONS SETTLED IN THE GROSS SETTLEMENT SYSTEM IN REAL TIME YEARS 2007 - 2008 TYPE OF OPERATIONS TOTAL I. Made by the participants II. Made by the Banco de Guatemala III. Made by the Banking Clearing House of checks IV. Made by the Negotiation 1/ System AMOUNT OF OPERATIONS ABSOLUTE VARIATION MILLIONS OF US DÓLLOARS 2007 2008 3,809.1 5,094.7 ABSOLUTE VARIATION 2007 2008 13,444 13,114 -330 3,496 3,708 212 2,306.8 2,898.8 592.0 570 805 235 33.9 12.3 -21.6 9,378 8,330 -1,048 1,468.4 1,887.8 419.4 0 271 271 0.0 295.8 295.8 1,285.6 1/ Refers to the Electronic NEgotiation System of Foreign Currency- SINEDI-. 4 It is the sum of the value of all the checks in favor of each participating bank minus the sum of the value of all checks in its charge, operated or presented in the Banking Clearing House. During 2008, the quantity of operations in US dollars, settled through the LBTR was of 13, 114, for a value of US$5,094.7, amount higher by US$1,285.6 million to the registered in 2007. Of the 13,114 operations, 3,708 (for an amount of US$2,898.8 million) correspond to those made directly by the participants, of which 68.9% correspond to internal transfers between participants and 31.1% correspond to transfers with credit to deposit accounts made abroad. Of the 805 operations made by the Banco de Guatemala (for an amount of US$12.3 million), 84.8% correspond to operations made with the investment of the remunerated legal reserve; 15.2% to quotas of the Savings Protection Fund. The 8,330 operations (for an amount of US$1,887.8 million) made by the Banking Clearing House will start in the settlement of the net multilateral result of the referred house. And finally, the negotiation systems settled 271 operations (for an amount of US$295.8 million) coming from the SINEDI. Additionally, the General Manager of the Banco de Guatemala, according to the established in article 17 of the Regulation of the Gross Settlement System in Real Time –LBTR-, authorized the voluntary withdrawal of the following banks as participants from the referred system: the of Corporativo, Sociedad Anónima; del Quetzal, Sociedad Anónima; and, Uno, Sociedad Anónima, on January 22, April 23 and November 12, 2008, respectively, due to the processes of takeover mergers approved by the Monetary Board. Due to the movement observed to December 31, 2008, there were twenty-three participating entities authorized and open for operation in the LBTR system made up of nineteen banks; three financial stock companies; and, the National Stock Company, Corporation. 11.4 Modernization of the payment system Taking into account resolution JM-140-2004 dated November 17, 2004, that contains the “Modernization Matrix of the Payment System”, in 2008, the following actions were mentioned: Regarding the strengthening of the normative framework of the payment system, the General Manager of the institution, through resolutions GG-1-2008 and GG-2-2008 dated January 7, 2008, fixed the services commission that the Central Bank applied to the participants in the Gross Settlement System in Real Time (LBTR) and the commission to the State entities that participate through the mechanisms of Depositing Entities Transactions (MED), respectively, due to the operations of monetary deposits instructedby said entities in 2008, that were settled through the LBTR. Also through General Management resolutions GG-13-2008 and GG-14-2008 dated December 29, 2008, which the Banco de Guatemala decided to keep for 2009, the commission of LBTR systems services and the commission of State entities that participate through the MED, that were charged in 2008. The Central Bank, through resolution from General Management number GG-8-2008 dated August 12, 2008, approved the administrative decisions of the Automated Clearing House (CCA) called “Normative instrument of the Operator of the Automated Clearing House” and the “Norms and Procedures Manual of the Operator of the Automated Clearing House”; as well as the “Operation, Attention and Service Rendering Schedules of the Automated Clearing House”. Regarding the institutional cooperation for the modernization of the regional payments systems, the Banco de Guatemala actively participated in the modernization and harmonization project of the regional payments system promoted by the Central American Monetary Council – CMCA [For its acronym in Spanish.]. In that sense, the referred council approved the harmonized norm on the irrevocability and firmness of the payment orders in the payment system and values settlement; as well as the recommendations for the determination of the requirements and procedures to recognize the Importance of the Central American and Dominican Republic Payment System. The referred recommendations were approved in resolutions CMCA/RE-10252-08 dated June 26, 2008 and CMCA/RE-11-253-08 dated December 9, 2008. Finally, it is opportune to point out that the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, in Decree 42-2008 dated August 23, 2008, approved the Treaty on the Payment System and the Settlement of Values of Central America and the Dominican Republic, the same which was ratified by the President of the Republic of Guatemala on August 28, 2006, in representation of the Republic of Guatemala. The objective of said treaty is to promote juridical security, development and strengthening of the payment systems of the values settlement with systemic importance in the region, as well as strengthen competencies of the central banks on the payment systems of the States taking part. 12. Paper money and coins issued and amortized According to clause a) of article 4 of the Organic Law of the Banco de Guatemala and 2 of the Monetary Law, only the Banco de Guatemala can issue money in the national territory. In this context, in 2008 the Central Bank issued paper money and coins for an amount of Q5,614.7 million. Of said amount, Q5,565.8 million correspond to paper money and Q48.9 million to metallic coins. On the other hand, the Central Bank amortized paper money for Q5,090.1 million and Q0.008 million in metallic coins. CUADRO 20 Table 20 Banco DE de GUATEMALA Guatemala BANCO Bills and Metallic METÁLICA Coins BILLETES Y MONEDA Issued and Amortized EMITIDOS Y AMORTIZADOS AÑO 2008 2008 Year (Miles de quetzales) (Thousands of quetzales) DENOMINACIÓN TOTAL BILLETES 0.50 1.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 MONEDAS 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50 1.00 EMITIDOS 5,614,658.0 5,565,750.0 0.0 35,000.0 80,750.0 210,000.0 40,000.0 200,000.0 5,000,000.0 48,908.0 50.0 3,061.0 3,757.0 0.0 9,000.0 33,040.0 AMORTIZADOS 5,090,098.7 5,090,090.7 15.0 100.0 160,000.0 150,000.0 289,991.5 489,984.2 4,000,000.0 8.0 0.0 1.3 2.2 0.8 0.3 3.4 In order to take care of our numerary demand, replace deteriorated bills and have an adequate inventory for the effect, in 2008 the printing of 270.0 million bills were printed for the bank, with a total nominal value of Q11,300.0 million and the minting of 180.0 million of metallic coins for a total nominal value of Q50.0 million. The operations regarding issued and amortized numerary, including those regarding the deposits, exchanges and cash withdrawal with the banks of the system, were object of new regulations that update the different processes involved, during 2007; however, the results of their application are observed with greater clarity in 2008. In that sense, the Monetary Board, in resolution JM-97-2007 dated May 9, 2007, issued the Regulation for the Operations of Deposits and Numerary Withdrawal, in National Currency, made by the Banks of the System in the Banco de Guatemala current as of August 1, 2007; and, in resolution JM-117-2007 dated June 13, 2007, issued the Regulation for Paper Money and Coins Issue, as well as the Regulation for the Exchange, Amortization and Destruction of Paper Money and Coins. The regulations referenced, include new and modern procedures for facilitating reception, custody and delivery of bills and metallic coins and the registry of the operations in the Gross Settlement System in Real Time (LBTR), as well as the incorporation of the Bank Supervisor, in the control of processes regarding the issue and destruction of numerary. Among the effects of the application of said norms, we can mentions that the state of circulating bills has improved, due to the classification made by banks, in fulfillment of the Numerary Administration Policy. In order to strengthen the management and advance in the adoption of better international practices regarding the administration of the numerary, the General Manager of the institution on May 29, 2007 issued General Management Agreement No. 43-2007 that contains the Numerary Administration Policy in the Banco de Guatemala, which contains decisions regarding amounts to keep in stock like numerary inventories (equivalent to the demand between 24 and 36 months) and establish a matrix to observe to determinen if a bill is adequate or inadequate for circulation. In 2008, based on the samples of the Q1.00 in circulation, that was printed on polimer; a new matrix was implemented for differentiating the criteria to determine if the bill is adequate or inadequate for new circulation, according to the cotton or polimer substrate, keeping the policy on deteriorated bills. Added to this, during 2008a sample program was executed for all circulating bill denominations as a part of the implementation of alternative models to determine the useful life, average life and optimum levels of bill inventory. For the effect the Exponential Decay Model was used to determine the useful life of bills; and, the Numerary Administration Inventory System, developed by a consultatn hired by the institution basedon the Gompertz function, to determine the average or median life and optimum levels of bill inventory. It is important to highlight that both models present interesting results, however, the same are still in an evaluation phase for its implementation. Continuing with the strengthening of the management and adoption of better international practices regarding the administration of numerary, the situation of the different bill denominations and metallic coins was analyzed, whereas its efficiency as payment means and evaluating the convenience of bill issue in greater denominations, it was decided to discontinue the issue of metallic coins in lower denominations, as well as consider the issue of metallic coins to substitute bills of lower denomination, for the effect, studies were held on the relative distribution of monetary issue, historic trends and update the so-called D Metric Method. The study was heard and approved by the Monetary Board in resolution JM-17-2008 dated February 13, 2008. The main conclusions are summarized as follows: issue of two hundred quetzal bills to reduce the demand of the current highest denomination (one hundred quetzales); discontinue the issue of metallic coins of the lowest denomination (one cent of a quetzal); and, begin the study to determine the characteristics of the two quetzal coin and the five quetzal coin. The mentioned study is congruent with resolution JM-61-2005 dated March 9, 2005, through which the Monetary Board issued favorable opinion on the proposal of the main drawings of the front and the back, as well as the dominating color of the Q200, Q500 and Q1000 bills; and, authorized the Banco de Guatemala totransfer the respective file to the Legislative Branch, for the effects of the decided in clause h) of article171 from the Political Constitution of the Republic and e) of article 11 of the Monetary Law. The file was transferred to the Legistlative Branch on July13, 2005. On April 22, 2008 the Legistlative Branch issued Decree Number 26-2008, that set the main drawings of the front and back, as well as the dominating color of the indicated bills. The publication in the Official Daily Newspaper (Diario Official) was held on May 22, 2008 and it was set into effect on the same date. Based on the indicated, the Banco de Guatemala proceeded to complete the design of each one of the mentioned bills, on the front as well as the back. For the effect an official naming commission was designed on June 11, 2008. The proposal to make, included the secondary elements of the design for each denomination, including aspects of distribution, embossing and position of each case; the security measures and the technical characteristics for the mentioned bills. The analysis to select the secondary design elements considered that the contemporary bills are much more colorful according to the review that was applied to numerous bills issued recently by other central banks; and, in the same manner, that the design, with its color and elements, main as well as secondary, must reflect, in its totality, a multiple and integrated Guatemala. In that sense, numerous options were considered, like national monuments, national emblems, artistic jewels from the Banco de Guatemala and historical-cultural aspects, among others. For the proposal of security measures, last generation elements have been considered in order to prevent falsifications and give the bill an aesthetic and coherent look between design and security. Added to this, a study was held to determine the amount of bills to print, keeping in mind that the Banco de Guatemala had previously stated that the issue of higher face values is to facilitate the use of other denominations by the financial system and the public in general, which will partially substitute the Q100 bill, increasing the options to use cash, or higher denomination bills in circulation, without said issue having inflationary effects. The Banco de Guatemala, in the first weeks of 2009, will inform the Monetary Board of the file made to issue the corresponding resolution and to authorize the institution so they may hire the printing of Q200 bills, since the printing of Q500 and Q1000 bills will be requested in due time, when the studies suggest the need. With the support of an international expert in the matter, a study was held to determine the new metal alloys and incorporate the use of steel for making metallic coins. The Monetary Board, in resolution JM-18-2008 dated February 13, 2008, issued favorable opinion on the proposal that includes the modification in the tolerances and in the weights of all of all the current coins in circulation. The President of the Monetary Board and the Banco de Guatemala, in the document of what to use in the manufacturing of metallic coins, alloys of different metals to those pointed outin article 13 of the Monetary Law, as well as to introduce changes in the tolerances and in the weights referred to in articles 14, 15 and 16 of said legal body. The proposal was authorized by the Congress of the Republic through Agreement 322008 dated July 3, 2008; going into effect immediately (the notification to the Banco de Guatemala was on July 17, 2008). In that sense, there are considerations being taken into account in orderto determine the need and the amounts of metallic coins that would behired for minting. It is worth indicating that the Banco de Guatemala has enough in stock of all denominations of metallic coins to cover the demand, and to date, they are pending remittances of metallic coins due to contracts subscribed in 2008. However, it is foreseeable that in the first semeseter of 2009 there will be a new public bidding process in order to keep an adequate level of stocks, according to the current inventory policy. It is important to keep in mind that, if all quotes of the metals used in manufacturing the metallic coins have registered variations with a clear trend to drop, still remain with the considerations that led to request the modification of the alloys and other characateristics of the currency, so the production cost will be lower without modifying the design, diameter and quality of the coins. Finally, it is worth indicating that the Banco de Guatemala also issues commemorative and collection coins, so the Monetary Board, through resolution JM-169-2007 dated October 17, 2007, authorized the Banco de Guatemala to issue up to 12,000 one quetzal coins, commemorative of the VII Latin American Series titled “Latin American Countries and Olympic Sports”, program that is coordinated by the National Coin and Tax Stamp Manufacturer - Real Casa de la Moneda de España (Royal Spanish Mint) which consists in the issue and commercialization, worldwide, of collection coins for Latin America, Portugal and Spain. For the effect, a coin with an artistic composition was designed. It presents an indigenous woman in a position that reminds the observer of the “ball game”, played by the ancient Mayas, with an artistic expression that suggests throwing the ball used in the game. In the design there is also the addition of an elongation of a quetzal bird, into an Olympic flame, reaching heights with the final fragment of the National Hymn to highlight the identity of Guatemala from there. The composition of the design is complemented as well with two sports that have reached some notoriety, which are considered a preambleto the Olympics, Tae Kwon Do to the left and horseback riders on the right, both sports are joined with a central design, extending the development of the Olympic flame; and includes the texts that identify the VII Latin American Series and the face value of “one quetzal”. The coin was presented in the VIII Latin American Convention of Commemorative Coins, celebrated in the city of Antigua Guatemala from July15-17, 2008, together with other coins from the participating countries, highlighted for their artistic beauty in the composition of the design, where the coin was given first place through the voting of the representative of the Central Banks of the participating countries. 13. Contributions of Guatemala to international financial organizations The contributions made by international financial organisms was made according to the international conventions subscribed by the government of the Repulic of Guatemala. Due to the above, to December 31st, 2008 the balance of the contributions in national and foreign currency to international financial organizations was of Q334.8 million5 and US$118.9 million, respectively, as is shown in the following graph. TABLE 21 BANCO DE GUATEMALA CONTRIBUTIONS BY INTERNARIONAL FINANCIAL ORGANISMS YEAR2008 (Millions) ORGANISM BALANCE TO 12/31/2007 Q. TOTALS 6 Q. US$ Q. US$ -6.2 -1.8 334.8 118.9 -6.2 -1.8 28.5 24.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.5 24.1 0.0 0.0 254.8 77.0 0.0 0.0 -6.2 -1.8 248.6 75.2 -6.2 -1.8 Central American Economic Integration Bank 46.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 International Reconstruction And Development Bank 11.2 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.2 1.2 0.0 0.0 International Development Association 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 Inter American Investment Corporation 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 International Financial Corporation 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 a/ b/ Corresponds to adjustments through keepingvalue by variation in the exchangerate of Special Drawing Rights- DEG- Regarding the USdollar and its regard to the quetzal . Corresponds to the fluctuation of the DEG regarding the. US dollar. Refers to the Central AmericanFund for Monetary Stabilization. . Financial Statements6 14.1 5 Fluctuation in M/E 0.0 Others 14. Keeping the M/N value 0.0 1/ 1/ US$ ABSOLUTE VARIATION 120.7 International Monetary Fund b/ Q. BALANCE TO 12/31/2008 341.0 Inter American Development Bank a/ US$ ADJUSTMENTS CONTRIBUTIONS General Balance The contributions in quetzales are subject to adjustments to keep the value. The explanatory notes of the financial statements and the description of accounts that make up the general balance of the institution can be Lockheed up on the Internet site of the Banco de Guatemala ( To December 31, 2008, the assets of the Banco de Guatemala rose to Q64,276.3 million, amount that is integrated to the balance of the following accounts: Foreign Securities Investments, for Q34,657.3 million; Estate Restorations for Uncollected Credit to the State, for Q17,739.5 million; Contributions to International Financial Organizations, for Q3,530.1 million; Treasury Bonds from the Republic of Guatemala Received to cover Net Deficiencies, for Q3,110.4 million; Other Assets, for Q1,995.8 million; Monetary Gold, for Q1, 486.2 million; Investments for Q919.6 million; Treasury Bonds from the Republic of Guatemala Acquired from the Saving Protection Fund according to resolution JM-123-2006, for Q467.7 million; Domestic Credit, for Q289.4 million; and, the sum of the balances of other asset accounts, for Q80.3 million. As to Liable, these were at Q58,708.7 million, amount that is integrated by the balance of the following accounts: National Numerary, for Q19,666.0 million; Titles of the Central Bank, for Q16,453.8 million; Monetary Deposits, for Q8,372.1 million; General Government Deposits, for Q8,358.9 million; Obligations with the International Financial Organisms, for Q2,893.5 million; Near monetary Liable, for Q1,606.0 million; and, Other Liable, for Q1,358.4 million. Therefore, the estate of the institution to date was at Q5,567.6 (Annex 2). It is important to indicate that of the Q17,739.5 million, registered in the Estate Restorations for Uncollected Credit to the State, Q16,834.2 million, correspond to the cost of the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy in which the Central Bank incurred during the 1989-2001 period; and Q905.3 million correspond to the net deficiencies in the 2002 fiscal year. On the other hand, the balance of Q3,110.4 million registered in the Treasury Bonds account of the Republic of Guatemala Received to cover Net Deficiencies, is made up of the net deficiencies of the 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 fiscal years for Q963.7 million and for Q1,159.5 million, for Q593.8 million and Q393.4 million respectively, which were restituted by the State, through the delivery of Treasury Bonds to the Republic of Guatemala. As to the balance of Q467.7 million, registered in the Treasury Bonds account of the Republic of Guatemala Acquired from the Savings Protection Fund, according to resolution JM123-2006, corresponds to Treasury Bonds (Peace Bonds), acquired directly from said fund. 14.2 Results Status During the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2008, the Results Status of the Banco de Guatemala shows that the sector of financial products was of Q2,365.1 million, while the financial expenditures were of Q170.7 million; whereas, the financial result was of Q2,194.4 million. While adding to this amount Q19.5 million that correspond to the rectification of the results of previous years and deducting Q455.5milllion, correspoding to administrative expenses, showing an operational result of Q1,758.4 million. On the other hand, the inspection quota of the Banks Superintendence rose to Q92.0 million and the cost of the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy of Q1,028.0 million; therefore, the Banco de Guatemala at the end of the 2008 fiscal year registered a net excess of Q638.4 million. CHAPTER III TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNT RENDERING Reserva de Transparency and Account Rendering 1. Appearance of the President of the Banco de Guatemala before the Congress of the Republic In fulfillment with the stipulated in article 60 of the Organic Law of the Banco de Guatemala, in January and July, 2008, the President of the institution appeared before the Congress of the Republic: in January, to render a detailed report regarding the acts and policies of the Central Bank in 2007, as well as to explain the objectives and policies foreseen for 2008; and, in July, to render account regarding the execution of the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy in the current fiscal year. 2. Publication of information The main reports and publications of the Banco de Guatemala during 2008 were the following: REPORT OR PUBLISHED ARTICLE Circumstantial summary of the actions of the Monetary Board regarding the issue of resolution JM-211-2007, for the determination of the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit policy for 2008. MONTH OR PUBLISHING PERIODICITY January Income and Expenditure Budget of the Banco de Guatemala that correspond to 2008. January Financial Statements in analytical form to December 31, 2007, verified by an independent auditor. April Aide-memorie of the Banco de Guatemala 2007. Reports of the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy, • Report to March • Report to June May May September Study of the National Economy 2007. December Evaluation of the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit Policy to November 2008. December Economic Perspectives for 2009-2010 and Proposal for the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit Policy for 2009. December REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS MONTH OR PERIODICITY OF PUBLISHING Acts of the Execution Committee of the Banco de Guatemala. Weekly Summary of the arguments that the MOnetary Board take into account in the determination of the level of the leading interest rate. Monthly Publication on the management of the international monetary reserves of the Banco de Guatemala. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Statistics and macroeconomic indicators of the real, external, monetary, financial and fiscal sectors of the economy. General Balance of the Banco de Guatemala. 3. Quarterly PERIODICITY Daily, weekly and monthly Monthly Communication strategy The Banco de Guatemala, as per the guidelines of the Institutional Strategic Plan 20082012, in June 2008 updated the Communication Strategy for the 2008-2010 period, which objective in the referred framework, in communication matters, must observe the institutional level to coopearte in the understanding, by the population, regarding the actions of the Banco de Guatemala in order to achieve its fundamental objective. The Communication Strategy contemplates the following action areas: I. II. Strengthening of the institutional communication framework. Strengthening of the publishing and educational program. III. Strengthening of the Image and Institutional Identification Program. IV. Organizational strengthening of the Communication and Institutional Relations Department. Based on the referred strategy, the Banco de Guatemala, during 2008 convened the communication media on several occasions to report on the execution of the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy at press conferences and interviews granted by the institutional authorities. Added to this, they held informative meetings with columnists, representatives of research centers, universities and editors of financial sections of the main written media, in January, March, June, July, October, November and December. In September there was a course on how to take advantage of the way the information was published on the webpage of the Banco de Guatemala. In the referred course there was the participation of editors and reporters of the different communication media. The actions from the Institutional Communication Strategy have as their objective to consolidate their communication model to cooperate in the understanding and acceptance of the actions of the Banco de Guatemala, as well as strengthening its image and credibility, fundamental pillars for the effectiveness of the monetary policy based on a model of explicit inflation targeting. CHAPTER IV OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRAL BANK OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRAL BANK 1. Participation in international meetings on monetary aspects The Banco de Guatemala participated in April and October 2008 in the joint meetings of the International Monetary Fund -IMF- and World Bank -WB-, including the meetings with the Inter-governmental Group of Twenty-Four for International Monetary Affairs and of Development (G24), of which Guatemala is a member. Among the topics there was global economy and the financial markets, its perspectives, risks and policy responses; the structural reform of the IMF, that covers the increase in the quota adn voice of the member countries with smaller economies; the overcoming of poverty in the poorer countries, particularly in Africa; the achievement of the Millenium Development Objectives; the growth strategies; and, the situation of the fragility of the Post-conflic states. As Alternate Governor before the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the President of the Bank participated in the consult meetingof Governors for the Central American Isthmus and the Domincican Republic with the admiistration of that organism, held during March 5-7, 2008 in the city of La Romana, Dominican Republic. At that time, they talked about economic challenge and regional social topics; the work plan of the IDB regarding the new business model and risk management during natural disasters in the region. The Finance Ministers and the Presidents of the Central Banks covered remittances, capital flow and monetary management topics; the costs and vulnerabilites facing the current world changes; and, the exclusion of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Central Bank also participated in annual meetingsof the Governor’s Assemblies of the IDB and of the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), celebrated in April, 2008, in the city of Miami, Florida, United States of America. In said meetings, added to the administrative topics, they also included initiatives on sustainable energy and climate change, water and santitation, opportunities for the majorities and integral managemetn of natural disaster risks. Last, regarding the IDB, the Central Bank participated in the meeting of the Latin American central banks network and ministers of public finance celebrated on May 8-9, 2008, in Washington, D.C., USA. In that meeting, with the participation of the Economic Managers of the Central Banks, they talked about the implications in world markets and on the emerging economies of the credit and banking crisis of the United States of America, the monetary policy and inflation in Latin America and the Caribbean, the role of the qualifying agencies, and their added value, as well as the price of products. At regional level, in February, June and December 2008, the Banco de Guatemala participated in meetings with the Central American Monetary Council (CMCA, for its acronym in Spanish), in which they spoke of macroeconomic policy in 2007, and its perspectives for 2008 and 2009, the implementation and ratificaction of the payments systems in Central America and the Dominican Republic and the facilities of short term liquidity, the role of the Central Banks as last instance lender, the accounts standardization proposal of the payments systems and the techincal assistance from the IMF to the harmonization program of the public debt domestic markets. They also participated in the VII Regional Annual Conference on Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic, where they spoke of aspects related to the world food price crisis, the increase in the price of oil, the deceleration of the US economy, international banking in Central America and the tax structures. Finally, in May and October 2008, the Banco de Guatemala participated in the meetings of the Government Board of the Latin American Monetary Studies Center (CEMLA, for its acronym in Spanish), of the IMF-WB Governors of Latin America, Spain and the Philippines, as well as the Governors of the central banks of Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Among the main topics covered are the governability of the World Bank, the challenges faced and their role in the moments of financial turbulence, the review of the IMF financial instruments, the price of products, the infaltionary pressures and the dilemmas of the monetary policy, as well as the challenges to ensure the effectiveness of the anti-inflationary policies. 2. Economic Statistics Improvements In 2008, the National Program of Improvement for Economic Statistics –PRONAME (for its acronym in Spanish)- continued, which is developed together between the Banco de Guatemala and the National Statistics Institute –INE (for its acronym in Spanish)-, and which main objective is making annual economic and quarterly surveys to collect the basic statistics required for the write up of the national accounts of the country in the framework of the System of National Accounts 1993 -SCN93-, and, on the other hand, updating the National Directory of Businesses and Locations, DINEL (for its acronym in Spanish)-. On the other hand, there was continued progress in the implementation processes of the Fifth Manual of the Payment Balance and the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual, 2000 edition, both from the IMF. 2.1 Economic Surveys In order to obtain economic-accounting information per branch of economic activity and per institutional sector of the variables that constitute the accounts foreseen by the SCN93, in 2008 there was a Sixth Continuous Economic Survey in order to gather information that corresponds to 2007. For that reason, according to the corresponding sample analysis, found 1,280 companies that integrate the DINEL were surveyed. They also carried out quarterly surveys for the commercial, industrial and services activities, necessary for the evaluation of the behavior of the economic activity, having surveyed an average of 662 businesses in 2008. Also in 2008, a Fourth Survey of the External Sector was made, with a sample of 1,014 businesses and institutions that have relations abroad, the information obtained will be used in the implementation process of the Fifth Manual of the Payment Balance of the IMF. 2.2 Updating of the DINEL In 2008, the results of the DINEL updating process were presented to the authorities at national level. For the effect information was obtained from businesses located in 170 municipiums of the country, having surveyed 195,220 businesses located in 2,728 cartographic sectors. 2.3 Progress in the implementation of the Fifth Manual of the Payments Balance of the IMF During 2008, they continued with concrete actions to improve the generation, gathering and publishing of statistics of the external sector, whereas the Banco de Guatemala is in the final implementation stage of the Fifth Manual of the Payment Balance. Among the progress made along these lines it is worth highlighting that they continued implementing the program of business and institutional surveys, so during the period between June 9 and September 5, there was Fourth Foreign Sector Survey –ENCSE4- [For its acronym in Spanish]). This survey allowed gathering economic and financial information corresponding to 2007 for the following entities: a) direct foreign investment businesses; b) foreign and national international transportation businesses and shipping agents; c) donations to institutions received from abroad; d) international organisms that operate in the country; and, e) businesses that make transactions for other services abroad. There was a compilation of the annual International Investment Position (PII) for 2006 and 2007. Added to this, as of August 2008, they began making a Payroll of Reserves and Liquidity in Foreign Currency, as well as a conciliation chart amongthe relative numbers to the international monetary reserves of the Banco de Guatemala made according to the guidelines of the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual of the IMF and the numbers of the mentioned payroll. They also continued with the project of the new forms regarding the registry of exchange statistics on income and expenditure of foreign currency and to the daily movement of foreign currency, which will allow improving statistical registry of the exchange nature. Finally, it is worth indicating that in the publishing process of foreign statistcs, they used a congruent calendarization with the Special Data Publishing Norms from the International Monetary Fund. The referred calendarization contemplates the publishing of the quarterly payments balance, the reserves payroll and foreign currency liquidity and the PII with quarterly, a month and six months delays, respectively. In such a way that, to December 31, 2008, they will publish the information corresponding to the Payments Balance in an annual version for the 2001-2007 period and quarterly for the period between the first quarter of 2004 up to the third quarter of 2008; of the PII for 2006 and 2007; and, monthly for the reserves payroll and liquidity in Foregin Currency for the period between August and November 2008 on the webpage of the Banco de Guatemala. 2.4 Progress in the implementation of the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual of the IMF In 2008, they concluded the project of the Manual of Monetary and Financial Statistics MEMF- [Acronym in Spanish.], 2000 IMF edition, with which the monetary and financial statistics gathered under this methodological framework will incorporate international best practices in this matter. In that sense, it is convenient to indicate that the efforts made during 2008 allowed improving the statistical information, in financial institutions coverage as well as in the quality of the sectorization of the financial instruments. In 2008 it was possible to incorporate information from other financial stock companies (insurance companies, warranty, bonded warehouses and exchange houses), which would allow making a financial scenario to analyze credit aggregates and broader liquidity. It is also worth highlighting that during 2008 they had significant results in matters of harmonization of monetary and financial statistics in Central America, Dominican Republic and Panama. In effect, due to the joint effort between the International Monetary Fund, the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Monetary Council and the countries in the region, the Harmonization Project of Monetary and Financial Statistics, which results are materialized in a set of statistical charts that correspond to uniform criteria of classification of financial instruments and of sectorization, which comply with the standards of international statistics. This harmonization allows an adequate comparison of statistics at a regional level and the information is available to the public on each of their internet pages of the central banks, as well as on the page of the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Monetary Council. 2.5 Implementation of the Quarterly National Accounts System As part of the improvement process of the national economic statistics and within the conceptual framework of the SCN93, in 2008, progress was made in the implementation of the Manual of Quarterly National Accounts, that include the analysis and selection of value indicators, volume and prices for the different economic activities, with the objective of making estimations for the Gross Domestic Product –GDP-, every quarter, measured by origin of production as well as expense destination, to current prices and constant prices from 2001. In that sense, during 2008 progress was made in the integration of the GDP estimations of the four quarters of 2007, as well as the first, second and third quarters of 2008, with which a preliminary series of thirty one quarters was completed, that are between the first of 2001 and the third of 2008. 2.6 Survey of Inflation Expectations of the Private Analysts Panel–EEI [Acronym in Spanish.] In the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit Policy for 2008, it included the forecast of the Inflation Expectations of the Panel of Private Analysts –EEI (For its acronym in Spanish)- in order to obtain a measure of said expectations. In that context, the referred monthly survey was made, with the objective of knowing opinion of national and international analysts of the panel, knowledgeable of operative procedures of the monetary policy, regarding the inflation expectations of inflation of the country and of the factors that could explain it. In said survey, the opinion of the mentioned panel on the expected behavior of the exchange rate; the growth expectations of the GDP and the factors that could explain said behavior; as well as the trust level that is perceived of the economic activity in general was obtained. 2.7 Survey of Business Opinion –EOE [Acronym in Spanish.] The EOE obtains qualitative information regarding the variations in the production volume, sales volume in the domestic and foreign markets, stock of finalized products, price of the national and imported raw materials, salaries, investment in machinery, occupation rate and use of the installed capacity. In the mentioned context, in 2008 two business opinion surveys were carried out addressed to about 400 industrial institutions located in the territorial division of Guatemala. The first survey was carried out in February and March, evaluating the performance of the industrial activity in 2007 and the expectations for the first semester of 2008. The second survey was carried out between August and September, evaluating the performance of the industrial activity during the first semester of 2008 and the expectations for the second semester of that same year. 3. Academic events As to the academic activities regarding economic topics the Banco de Guatemala centered its interest regarding the monetary, foreign exchange rate and credit policy. Particularly, the following activities are highlighted: 3.1 “Doctor Manuel Noriega Morales” Contest The Banco de Guatemala promotes the Permanent Investigation Contest on Topics of Interest for the Central Bank “Doctor Manuel Noriega Morales”, which main purpose is to stimulate and promote scientific investigation in areas regarding the competency ambit, especially in monetary, exchange rate, credit, banking, administrative and juristic fields. According to the bases of the contest, the Central Bank granted the prizes to the first three places. Notwithstanding, given the demanding level the works must comply with, in 2008 the members of the jury7 agreed to grant first place to the work titled: “Predicting inflation in Guatemala: ¿is the information contained in the infaltoin expectations survey useful?” (Prediciendo la inflación en Guatemala ¿es útil la información contenida en la encuesta de expectativas de inflación?”), by Gustavo Antonio Leyva Jiménez, a Peruvian. Second place was declared deserted and third place was given to “Contagio, correlaciones y topología. Análisis de la dinámica cambiaria en los mercados latinoamericanos” (Imfection, correlations and topology. Analysis of hte Exchange Dynamics in Latin American Markets)”, made by Juan Gabriel Brida, Uruguayan-Italian descent and David Matesanz Gómez, Spanich; and Wiston Adrián Risso Charquero, Uruguayan. 3.2 Economic Journeys The Banco de Guatemala continues with its purpose of holding cycles of economic journeys annually. For this purpose, said event is held especially for researchers, professionals and academics involved in economical and financial areas, for which the Banco de Guatemala invites distinguished internationally renowned academics, officers from international organizations, public officials and persons from the financial and economic fields, who, not only share their experience in the economic and financial fields, they also develop important conferences regarding topics of worldwide interest, in this manner contributing to increase the amount of experience and knowledge of professionals, students and persons interested that participate in said event. Accordingly, on June 19th and 20th, 2008 the XVII Cycle of Economic Journeys8 was held. At that time, the central topics were: a) Monetary Policy in a globalized world; and, b) Integration and economic growth. The presentationofhte topics mentioned were by important reasearchers and recognized international experts. The first topic was covered by Rodrigo Cárcamo, Economic Matters Official for the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Commission (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)) and the Project Network Coordinator for Macroeconomic Dialogue (Proyecto Red de Diálogo Macroeconómico (Redima)) of the three sub-regions of Latin America; Adrián Armas Rivas, General Manager of Economic Studies of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru; Dardo Curti Curtti, Advisor for the 7 8 They jury was made up by: Vicente Tuesta Reátegui, from the Central Reserve Bank of Perú; Ligia García, from the Rafael Landívar University; and, Jorge Madrigal, from the Central Bank of Costa Rica. The presentations of this event can be consulted on the web site of the Banco de Guatemala ( Directorship of the Central Bank of Urugua in monetary policy and in supervision matters for financial intermediation institutions; Zenón Quispe Misaico, Chief of the Department for the Monetary Program for the Central Reserve Bank of Peru; and Juan Pablo Nicolini, Dean of the Universidad Torcuato di Tella, from the Republic of Argentina; whereas the second topic was presented by Mr. Alfred Schipke, Resident Regional Representative of the International Monetary Fund and Commerce and International Finance Professor in Harvard University, United States of America. 3.3 Higher Studies Program The Banco de Guatemala has been offering the Higher Studies Program, which objective is to provide solid academic training on economic and financial topics of interest for the Central Bank, in response to the need of specialization in this kind of topics and to help in the professional development of the Banco de Guatemala, of employees of the Latin American central banks and professionals in economic sciences and in other related professions, graduated from the different universities of the country. In 2008, the mentioned program was held under the following: a) “Quantitative Methods”, which purpose is to form specialized human resources in the formulation and solutionof quanitative models applied to the economy and finance, as well a in economic and financial research in general; b) “Updating”, with the objective of providing analytical tools of recent development and high potential of applicationin institutional tasks, for personnel of the Banco de Guatemala that have received high quality training; and, c) “English Language”, that follows the objective of providing the necessary knowledge to prefect the English language, with a high potential of application in institutional work, and facilitate the admission and development of post-graduate scholarship programs abroad. 3.4 Publication of Research Works of the Central Bank in specialized magazines For several years now, the personnel of the Banco de Guatemala has participated in international forums, with research projects that mainly cover the related topics with the monetary policy, finance and financial economy. Some of the works presented in said forums are selected to be published in different magazines edited by the organizing institutions. Of that account in 2008 in Money Affairs magazine from Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (Latin American Monetary Studies Center), (CEMLA), published the research project titled: “Emigrant remittances and the real exchange rate in Guatemala: an adjustmentcosts story”, made by officials from the Economic Research Department. 3.5 Participation in the Research network of the Latin American Central Banks From November 5 to 7, 2008, the XIII Meeting of the Research Network of the Latin American Central Banks was held in the city of Mexico D.F., Mexico organized by the Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos-CEMLA- (Latin American Monetary Studies Center). Said event has as its fundamental objective to provide a link that facilitates the exchange of ideas among researchers of the region’s central banks that are interested in the analysis of topics associated with the macroeconomic, monetary, banking and financial sectors. Since 2002, the Banco de Guatemala been a part of the Committee of Directors of said network and one of the activities of said meeting was a round table with the Directors Committee, in which an official from the Economic Research Department of the Banco de Guatemala presented the conference titled: “Crisis internacional: efectos, opciones de política y posibilidades de coordinación” (“International Crisis: effects, policy options and possibilities for coordination”). APPENDIXES Appendix 1 APPENDIX 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BANCO DE GUATEMALA A. General Balance 63 67 B. Results Balance 68 Appendix 3 MAIN RESOLUTIONS ISSUED BY THE MONETARY BOARD 1. Resolution JM-1-2008 dated January 2, 2008. Revoked authorization for operation of the Banco del Café, Sociedad Anónima. 2. Resolution JM-2-2008 dated January 2, 2008. Instructed the Supervisory to request that the First Instance Civil Branch Court would declare the Banco del Café, Sociedad Anónima in bankruptcy. 3. Resolution JM-3-2008 dated January 9, 2008. Approved the financial statements of the Banco de Guatemala corresponding to the accounting excercise from January 1 to December 31, 2007. 4. Resolution JM-4-2008 dated January 9, 2008. Authorized the distribution of net excess due to the operations of the Banco de Guatemala, corresponding to the 2007 tax year. 5. Resolution JM-5-2008 dated January 9, 2008. Determined the interest rate for tax effects, referred to in article 58 of the Tax Code, that would regulate the first semester of 2008. 6. Resolution JM-9-2008 dated January 16, 2008. Approved the modification of the Tax Instructions Manual for Entities Subject to Surveillance and Supervision by the Bank Supervisor. 7. Resolution JM-15-2008 dated January 30, 2008. Authorized the participation of the Banco de Guatemala for one more year in the Reserves Advisory and Management Program, (RAMP) of the World Bank. 8. Resolution JM-17-2008 dated February 13, 2008. Authorized the Banco de Guatemala to keep the structure of monetary kind current, with the exception of the metallic coin of a centavo de quetzal, which, when the inventory in warehouse runs out; it will no longer be issued. 9. Resolution JM-18-2008 dated February 13, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on the proposal regarding usage of different metallic alloys to the pointed out in article 13 of the Monetary Law in the manufacturing of metallic coins, as well as introduce changes of the tolerance and weights referred to in article 14, 15 and 16 of said legal body. 10. Resolution JM-21-2008 dated February 27, 2008. Authorized the merge by take-over of Banco Uno, Sociedad Anónima, by Banco Cuscatlán de Guatemala, Sociedad Anónima, and the change in its name to Banco Citibank de Guatemala, Sociedad Anónima. 11. Resolution JM-22-2008 dated February 27, 2008. Modified the Regulation of the Exclusion Board of Assets and Liables. 12. Resolution JM-30-2008 dated March 12, 2008. Approved the minting of forty million quetzales in metallic coins of one quetzal; six million quetzales in metallic coin of ten centavos of a quetzal; and, four million quetzales in metallic coin of the five centavos of a quetzal denomination. 13. Resolution JM-31-2008 dated March 12, 2008. Approved the printing on cotton of ten billion quetzales of one hundred quetzal bills; six hundred million quetzales in twenty quetzal bills; four hundred million quetzales in ten quetzal bills; and, two hundred fifty thousand quetzales in five quetzal bills; and on polimer, fifty million quetzales of one quetzal bills. 14. Resolution JM-34-2008 dated March 17, 2008. Authorized the separation of Banco Uno, S. A., Centro Único de Crédito, S. A., and Unibolsa, S. A. entities from the Grupo Financiero Uno and the dissolution of said group; the incorporation of the mentioned entities and of Citivalores, S. A., Citinversiones, S. A., and MV, S. A., to the Grupo Financiero Cuscatlán Guatemala and the modification of its organizational structure; and, the change in name from Grupo Financiero Cuscatlán Guatemala to Grupo Financiero Citibank de Guatemala. 15. Resolution JM-37-2008 dated March 26, 2008. The Exclusion Board of Assets and Liables ceased to operate in the case of the Banco de Comercio, Sociedad Anónima. 16. Resolution JM-41-2008 dated April 2, 2008. Modified the Regulation for the determination of the minimum amount of wealth required for risk exposure, applicable to Banks and Financial Stock Companies. 17. Resolution JM-42-2008 dated April 9, 2008. Revoked the authorization of the new “Grupo Financiero Banquetzal” and of its organizational structure. 18. Resolution JM-43-2008 dated April 9, 2008. Cancelled the authorization of the Investment & Commerce Bank Limited, to operate in Guatemala as an off shore entity. 19. Resolution JM-46-2008 dated April 23, 2008. Fixed the real quotas for the sustainability of the Banks Supervisory in 2008 that the institutions that are subject to inspection and surveillance must pay. 20. Resolution JM-51-2008 dated May 14, 2008. Issued favorable decree for the global investment plans of the technical and mathematical reserves of insurance and bonds companies that operate in the country, accumulated to December 31, 2007. 21. Resolution JM-52-2008 dated May 16, 2008. Modified the Monetary and Fiscal Program for 2008, contained in appendix 1 of Resolution JM-211-2007 and modified point II, literal B, clauses 5, 6 and 7 of Resolution JM-211-2007. 22. Resolution JM-58-2008 dated June 4, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on the 1905/OC-GU loan to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), up to US$30.0 million, destined to finance the “Support for the Penal Justice System Program”. 23. Resolution JM-60-2008 dated June 11, 2008. Modified the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit Policy for 2008, as to which the Participation Regulation of the Banco de Guatemala in the Institutional Foreign Currency Market refers. 24. Resolution JM-77-2008 dated July 9, 2008. Determined the interest rate for tax effects, referred to in Article 58 of the Tax Code that will regulate the second semester of 2008. 25. Resolution JM-78-2008 dated July 9, 2008. The Exclusion Board of Assets and Liables ceased to operate in the case of the Banco del Café, Sociedad Anónima. 26. Resolution JM-87-2008 dated August 13, 2008. Approved the Accounting Instructions Manual for the Insured Mortgage Promotion Institute. 27. Resolution JM-88-2008 dated August 20, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on the 1950 loan to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), up to US$74.0 million, called “Financing for Budgetary Support to the Communications, Infrastructure and Housing Ministry”. 28. Resolution JM-95-2008 dated September 12, 2008. Modified the Monetary and Fiscal Program for 2008, contained in appendix 1 of Resolution JM-211-2007 and modified point II, literal B, clauses 5, 6 and 7 of Resolution JM-211-2007. 29. Resolution JM-96-2008 dated September 17, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on the No. 2008/OC-GU loan to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), up to US$400.0 million, destined to finance the “Public Finance Strengthening Program”. 30. Resolution JM-99-2008 dated September 24, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on loan 7522-GU to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), for up to US$20.0 million, known as “Additional Financing for the Third Project of Technical Assistance for Integrated Financial Administration.” 31. Resolution JM-103-2008 dated September 24, 2008. Modified the integration of the Grupo Financiero Agromercantil and its organizational structure. 32. Resolution JM-104-2008 dated September 24, 2008. Temporarily authorized the Banco de Guatemala and up to December 31, 2008, to make available the possibility of the banks in the system, financial stock companies and offshore entities to deposit US dollars in the United States of America when these would be a part of financial groups in the country. 33. Resolution JM-116-2008 dated October 22, 2008. Authorized the Banco de los Trabajadores to acquire 1,047,117 stocks of the Banco de la República, Sociedad Anónima, for an amount of Q159,952,000.00, in order to take over the Banco de la República, Sociedad Anónima. 34. Resolution JM-118-2008 dated October 29, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on loans 2020/OC-GU for US$139.0 million and 2021/BL-GU for up to US$61.0 million to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), both for financing the “Human Capital Investment Program”. 35. Resolution JM-119-2008 dated October 29, 2008 Issued favorable opinion on loan 7590-GU to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), for up to US$200.0 million, known as “First Programatic Loan for Tax Policy and Institutional Development”. 36. Resolution JM-122-2008 dated November 5, 2008. Temporarily authorized the Banco de Guatemala, and up to January 31, 2009 to provide liquidity in US dollars to the Banks of the system, through repurchase agreement operations for up to US$275.0 million. 37. Resolution JM-126-2008 dated November 5, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on loan 2018/OC-GU for up to US$150.0 million to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), both for financing the “Mi Escuela Progresa Program (My School Progresses program).” 38. Resolution JM-130-2008 dated November 12, 2008. Cancelled the authorization for the operation of The Oxxy Bank, Ltd. as an offshore entity in Guatemala, and revoked authorization to the Grupo Financiero de la República and its organizational structure. 39. Resolution JM-140-2008 dated November 26, 2008. Authorized a mechanism to moderately and temporarily compute the banking legal reserve more flexibly. 40. Resolution JM-145-2008 dated December 3, 2008. As a complement to Resolution JM-46-2008, approved the quota for maintaining the surveillance and inspection entity in 2008, to be paid by Citinversiones, Sociedad Anónima, Citivalores, Sociedad Anónima, and MV, Sociedad Anónima. 41. Resolution JM-161-2008 dated December 23, 2008. Resolved to have the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit Policy of 2008 as evaluated and the Monetary, Foreign Exchange Rate and Credit Policy of 2009 as determined. 42. Resolution JM-165-2008 dated December 30, 2008. Issued favorable opinion on loans 2050/OC-GU for US$8.5 million to be signed between the Republic of Guatemala and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), for partially financing the “Support Program for the Modernization of the Public Finance Ministry”. 43. Resolution JM-167-2008 dated December 30, 2008. Modified the Regulation for the Administration of Risk Credit. 44. Resolution JM-168-2008 dated December 30, 2008. Modified the Manual de Instrucciones Contables para Entidades Sujetas a la Vigilancia e Inspección of the Bank Supervisor. (Manual for Accounting Instructions for Entities Subject to Surveillance and Inspection). Aide Memorie of the Banco de Guatemala 2008 BANCO DE GUATEMALA Dirección: 7a. avenida, 22-01, zona 1, ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala Apartado Postal: 365 Teléfonos: PBX (502) 2429 6000 (502) 2485 6000 BIC SWIFT: BAGUGTGC Fax: (502) 2238 0500 (502) 2253 4035 Sitio de internet: Consultas favor dirigirse a: [email protected]; [email protected] o [email protected]. The present Aide Memorie of the Banco de Guatemala 2008 was approved by the Monetary Board in Resolution JM- -2008 dated 2009. 73