the boykin spaniel standard
the boykin spaniel standard
THE BOYKIN SPANIEL STANDARD The Official Newsletter of the Boykin Spaniel Club & Breeders Association of America, Inc. April Quarterly Newsletter ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 this issue PRESIDENT’S LETTER P. 1 BSCBAA HUNT TEST P. 3 News Items From the BSCBAA P. 4 Boykin Brags P. 6 CHIC & CHF Grants P. 9 Meet the Breed P. 10 AKC News Items & Updates P. 11 Texas Trace Advertisement P. 12 Boykin Spaniel New Titles P. 13 Boykin Spaniel Rescue and Reminders P. 16 AKC Information For AKC Registration visit this link: nav_area=registration Interested in a Health Care Plan for your Boykin visit this link: Featured Photo is Cazie at the March 2016 Hunt Test in Texas. Owners Roslin Copeland & Ginger Hurley. Upcoming Events Visit our website at: BSCBAA Editor’s Note For upcoming AKC Events visit: Dear BSCBAA Member, I hope everyone had a great spring spending quality time in the field with their little brown dogs. I was able to spend quite a bit of time in the field with my old boy "Chief" as well as my new puppy and full time project "Talahi". I've been reminded why I've waited 9 years between puppies. I want to thank Leslie Kern for putting together such a great breeding. This past year we have accomplished many milestones. Your clubs membership continued to increase to a new modern high.. The Club held its 4th annual hunt test event in March at Winnsboro, SC. We also held a second hunt test, for the first time in Cedar Creek, Texas. Thanks to all involved, our hunt test committee, chaired by Gregg Parker, as well as our large membership contingency in Texas. Since the last newsletter we have presented a Meet & Compete at the 3rd annual Masters Agility Championship at Westminster thanks to Jackie DeAngelo. Congratulations to all participating at Westminster. Contact Information General Business Address: PO BOX 781 Cypress, TX 77410 Club Registered Agent Service SC: Incorp, Inc. Club Email: [email protected] Newsletter Email: [email protected] Website: © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 1 BSCBAA Editor’s Note Continued We will also sponsor a Supported entry at our annual meeting May 28 at the Blue Ridge Classic Dog show in Fletcher, NC thanks to the show subcommittee and chair Beth Crocker. Thanks to Dan and Sharon Kauzlarich for providing LBD's at the Michigan Sporting Dog Association in June. Please join us on Facebook thanks again to Beth Crocker. Our News letter is looking great and continues to improve with each issue, thanks to Roslin Copeland. BSCBAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS & OFFICERS (May 1, 2015) Class of 2016 Troy Blalock—SC Jacquelin “Jackie” DeAngelo—NY Jeff Engelmann –TX Heber R. “Butch” Norckauer, Jr. –AL Dan Reel—GA Class of 2017 Beth Crocker—SC William Howard, DVM - TX Ginger Hurley—TX Your club has worked hard to place itself on solid financial ground after clearing our outstanding legal fees. We have also been working in unison with the Boykin Spaniel Society on several health issues including updating the OFA recommended health clearances for Boykins. In addition we have agreed to assist in the joint research into Von Willebrand and it's implementations with our breed. Thanks to the Health and Education Committed chaired by Dr. William Howard, DVM. Dana Weber—TX In closing, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed serving as your president this past year. I see a great future for the club. I would like to thank our executive officers who's endless support has brought many advancements to your club. Thanks, Dana Weber our VP, Ginger Hurley our Secretary, James Machala our Treasurer, Beth Crocker serving as our alternate and Butch Norckauer our Executive Administrator. Theses folks have served your club with endless devotion. I would like to thank our entire Board of Directors and would like to notice who have served their tenure and will be rotating off the board this year, Troy Blalock, Jackie DeAngelo, Jeff Engelmann and Butch Norckauer. We would like to welcome our new board members for the Class of 2019, Tim Pullian, GA, Ellen Harvill, AL, Regina Hairie, NY, David Allen, TX and Larry Lynch, GA. James Machala—TX Joshua Simmons—OK Class of 2018 Melody Bacon—TX Dan Kauzlarich—IL Leslie Kern—SC Gregg Parker—GA The Officers President - Dan Reel Vice-President - Dana Weber Secretary - Ginger Hurley Treasurer - James Machala Alternate - Beth Crocker Executive Administrator Butch Norckauer Thank you, Dan R. Reel BSCBAA President The BSCBAA: “…dedicated to all the things you do with your Boykin Spaniel.” Pictures below are from BSCBAA March 2016 Hunt Tests. BSCBAA Hunt Test March 2016. The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 2 A KC S PA N I E L H U N T T E S T 2 0 1 6 REPORT ON BSCBAA HUNT TESTS We are pleased to report that both BSCBAA Hunt Test weekends that were held in March, 2016, one in South Carolina and one in Texas were very successful! We, the BSCBAA have now completed twelve successful hunt tests since the BSCBAA hosted our very first licensed AKC event, a Spaniel Hunt Test in March 2012 in South Carolina. It was a historic event which has continued as an annual event and has now expanded to four this year (two in South Carolina and two in Texas). FIFTH ANNUAL SOUTH CAROLINA AKC SPANIEL HUNT TEST WEEKEND (9TH & 10TH HUNT TESTS) The BSCBAA hosted their annual BSCBAA South Carolina AKC Spaniel Hunt Tests at Nan Richards Farms, 2055 Newberry Rd., in Winnsboro, SC on Saturday/Sunday, March 5 & 6, 2016. This was the BSCBAA’s 9th and 10th AKC Spaniel Hunt Tests. There were some great memories made and great success stories. Gregg Parker was the chair of this event along with Troy Blalock as the secretary, Dan Reel as Gun Captain and Devon Ruth as Chief Marshall. All the details for the hunt test, agreement form, directions, entry form were in the premium and in good order. The weekend went off without complication. Bought days were successful with making money for the club and passes for the dogs, handlers and owners. There were 41 entries on Saturday and 40 entries on Sunday. It was wonderful to see the Boykins in action doing what they were bred to do. The South Carolina Hunt Tests were great and you can see photos on the club’s Facebook page, also click here at snapfish and at Sonic Imagery. FOUR Hunt Tests, ONE Weekend in TEXAS (BSCBAA 11TH & 12TH HUNT TESTS) The BSCBAA also sponsored AKC Spaniel Hunt Tests Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19, 2016 in Cedar Creek, TX. These two Spaniel Hunt Tests were part of FOUR Hunt Tests that were offered over one 3-day weekend March 18, 19, & 20. The Heart of Texas Spaniel Club (HOTSC) and the Tejas Sporting Spaniel Club hosted/supported the four hunt tests in three days. The Tejas Sporting Spaniel Club hosted/supported the two BSCBAA sponsored events as facilitator, provided volunteers, arranged and organized the two events for the BSCBAA with members from both the Tejas club and the BSCBAA. The BSCBAA sponsored hunt tests March 18 and the morning of March 19. HOTSC sponsored tests the afternoon of March 19 and March 20. All four tests were open to all breeds of flushing Spaniels and Retrievers under the guidelines of the AKC Hunting Test Rules and Regulations. The weekend was great and exciting as many earned their titles. There were 26 entries on the first day and 29 entries on the second day. To view pictures of the Hunt Tests in Texas, you can click on this dropbox link. Photos above and throughout this issue of the Boykin Spaniel Standard are from the March, 2016 Hunt Test. The Boykin Spaniel Standard © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 3 BSCBAA NEWS ITEMS & UPCOMING EVENTS BSCBAA NOMINEES FOR CLASS OF 2019 BSCBAA 2016 Nominations are Tim Pullian of Georgia, Regina Hairie of New York, David Allen of Texas, Larry Lynch of Georgia and Ellen Harvill of Alabama. BSCBAA NEWS FLASH! SHOW COMMITTEE 5th SUPPORTED ENTRY SHOW Boykin Spaniel Club & Breeders Association of America invites you to be a part of our 5th Supported Entry Weekend of fun on May 27-30, 2016 at the Blue Ridge Classic Cluster in Fletcher, NC. The Supported Entry Date will be Saturday, May 28, 2016. Location is WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd., NC 28732. This is an all breed dog show featuring conformation, obedience and rally competition. Detailed information about the show site, as well as the show itself can be found here: http:// Parking will be $5.00 per day. ANNUAL MEETING 2016 BSCBAA ANNUAL MEETING The BSCBAA Annual Meeting will be held 5:30pm EST and 4:30pm CST on Friday, May 27, 2016 in the Davis Event Center at the Supported Entry show site located at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd., Fletcher, NC 28732. The annual meeting is being held in conjunction with the BSCBAA Supported Entry Show. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. If you can not be there in person, please call in at 218-895-4317 and use the password: 272222# (BSCBAA). There will be a separate call in number and password for the Board Members. MEMBERSHIP STATUS Membership status after renewals is 121. If you would like to renew click here to get a copy of a renewal form and send in your application and payment to BSCBAA, PO BOX 781, Cypress, TX 77410. Also, if you have a new member to sign up and would like to sponsor someone click on the link for a new member application. Click here to sponsor a new member. To Submit Pictures, brags, articles or advertisement to this Newsletter contact: [email protected] The next deadline for submission for newsletter is June 30, 2016 (remember date). The Boykin Spaniel Standard is a quarterly publication for January, April, July and October. Publication dates and deadline submission dates for newsletter are as follows: January is December 31 April is March 31 JUDGES EDUCATION SEMINARS July is June 30 We are thus far scheduled to present and/or host Judges Education Seminars and HandsOn Workshops: in conjunction with the supported entry in Fletcher, NC coordinated by Jackie with Beth; Greenville, SC – Jackie coordinating with Leslie Kern; and the Michigan Sporting Dog Association June 25/26, 2016 coordinated by Dan & Sharon Kauzlarich. October is September 30 Visit our website at Contact us at [email protected] Photo to right is Carson Pullian and Hud at Westminster. You can read the story on page 8 of this issue. The Boykin Spaniel Standard © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 4 BSCBAA NEWS ITEMS & UPCOMING EVENTS continued BREED STANDARD The breed standard is currently under review. The Breed Standard SubCommittee has met several times in the past and will resume its deliberations and tele-conferences meeting in the near future and will continue until the document and all comments have been considered and discussed. C & B COMMITTEE The BSCBAA Constitution & By-Laws are under review by the BSCBAA Board Members. No new details to report. PAST EVENTS Click here to view a list of our past historic events. STATUS OF COMPLAINT AND COUNTERCLAIMS The Club and one other defendant remain in the suit. No new developments to report. FACEBOOK The BSCBAA Club’s Facebook is up and running. Click on this link if you would like to join Breeder Directory Program To participate and be listed in the BDP, you can locate an application at our website at this link: Breeder Directory Program. If you have any questions, email the breeder coordinator, James Machala at [email protected] STUD BOOK There are now 853 Boykin Spaniels in the AKC Stud Book. The open Foundation Stock is extended until 1-1-2025 & approved by AKC Board. Boykin Spaniels were the 107th most registered breed in 2015, up from 108 in 2014 and 121 in 2013. That puts us in the lower half of the breeds. AKC EVENTS For additional information on upcoming AKC events in conformation, agility, obedience, rally or hunt test in your area visit the AKC website at Pictures below: Congratulations to Michle Machala and Rose for earning her Junior Hunt Advanced Title at the March, 2016 Hunt Test The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 5 B OY K I N B R A G S SHAQ BREEDER DIRECTORY LIST Congratulations to Shaq and owner/ handler Scott Stover for receiving a Senior Hunt Title in March, 2016. GODIVA Congratulation to Dan Kauzlarich and The Darker Side of Beekauz JH aka, Godiva for receiving a Junior Hunt Title in March, 2016. BUDDY Congratulations to Buddy and owners, Rick and Dana Weber for receiving Junior Hunt Title in March, 2016 Greg Copeland Texas Trace Kennels Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 979-826-3147 Leslie Kern Thornhill Kennels Phone: 843-509-1903 Email:[email protected] BRAZOS Congratulations to 8 month old Brazos and owner, Rachel Frey for earning his AKC STAR Puppy Certification, it’s his 1st step toward Canine Good Citizen certification, MORE BOYKIN BRAGS ON NEXT PAGE © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. Roy Thompson Dovewood Kennel Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 843-835-3417 The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 6 M O R E B OY K I N B R A G S INDE Pictured left is Inde and owner Marcus McClamrock fishing together and enjoying life without rockin’ the boat. Exclusion of Liability for Misleading Statements in Print and Advertisements "All material is copyright and may not be published without written permission" ZOE Congratulations to Zoe and owner, Melody Bacon for Best of Opposites at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2016. Melody says that it was a once in a lifetime experience and Zoe and her were so honored to be invited and represent this beautiful, intelligent and versatile breed. New Yorkers love their dogs and literally thousands of people of all ages came and cheered them all on! Finishing "Best of Opposite Sex “BOS” was a dream says Melody and one she had never thought to dream. So what's next, well she doesn’t think they'll ever top the excitement of Westminster but they’ve got lots to do and training for Agility. DIXIE Dixie and owner, Bill Howard hunting at the 10. 2 .4 Ranch in Commerce, Texas. Dixie and Bill both had a great hunt !!! BOO "The Board of Directors of the Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. (BSCBAA) (i) reserves the right to decide in its absolute discretion what material of any nature including but not limited to articles and advertisements ("material") will be published in The Boykin Spaniel Standard (BSCBAA Newsletter), (ii) reserves the right to refuse to publish any material, to edit and/or change the format of any material and to place conditions on the publication of any material and (iii) accepts no responsibility for error in the publication of any material." "The opinions expressed in any material in The Boykin Spaniel Standard are not necessarily those of the BSCBAA. The BSCBAA does not represent or warrant that the information, statements or representations contained in any material including but not limited to statements as to the condition or attributes of any dog are correct and is not to be held liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for any mis-statements or error in the information, statements or representations contained in any material." "The BSCBAA Board of Directors and Editor reserve the right to refuse advertising or submissions which are not in the best interest of the breed, the club, or dog sports. Items included in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Club, the Board, or the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit and/or verify all copy. Submissions transfer ownership and copyright to the BSCBAA. " Congratulations to Boo and owner/handler, Mike Strittmatter for receiving a Junior Hunt Title in March, 2016. The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 7 M O R E B OY K I N B R A G S JAKE Pictured above are Beth Crocker and Jake. Jake has earned his Novice Dock Diving title as of May 15, 2016 in Waynesville, NC!! So proud!!! CHASE Marie Goedtel: This is my first Boykin Spaniel, Chase, at 8 months old. Thought I would send along a photo of this very happy guy. Registered name is Beekauz You Are the One. CARSON & HUD Article published in SHOWSIGHT THE DOG SHOW MAGAZINE April, 2016, Volume 23, Number 9 The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 Written by CARL LIEPMANN VARIOUS SPORTING BREEDS It would be easy to laud the wonderful venue, the nice large rings, the quality of the exhibits and the hard work and expertise of the Westminster members. Those memories of my judging experience, at the show, are etched in my mind and I will look back on them as the years go by. However, you asked for my favorite memory and I would have to say that it would be one that brought a smile to my face. I had completed judging of several Sporting breeds and my next assignment was Boykin Spaniels with an entry of one class dog and four specials. When I marked my book I turned to see a young man, splendidly dressed in what I knew was a brand new suit and tie, with his nine -month-old puppy. Later I learned that I was looking at eight-year-old Carson Pullian and Hud. On the go around, it was pretty obvious that this was likely Hud's first time in the ring, but Carson made sure that Hud trotted along and stood properly for examination. Of course, Hud received the winners ribbon but since there were no bitch entries, and hence no Best of Winners, one would expect that he and Carson would be required to leave the ring. However in this case following the awards for Best of Breed, Opposite, Select and Award of Merit, we had the special Reese's Peanut Butter Cup award that was presented to Carson. Later when taking photographs Carson's mom and dad, Tim and Cathy, told me that I had given him his favorite candy and thanks to the WKC there were more Reese's in the bowl and somehow they found their way to Carson. All in all it was great fun and I sincerely hope that Carson enjoyed the day and that he will remember it and continue to show his dogs. The sport of dogs that we all love depends on young people like Carson to survive and flourish. © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 8 2016 AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANTS Science is moving rapidly in this era of modern technology. While human biomedical research progresses at breakneck speed with more than $30 billion spent annually in the United States alone, our canine partners are often left behind. The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) believes in the advancement of science to meet the unmet medical needs of the dogs who are such an important part of our daily lives. For 20 years, CHF, with your support, has worked for all dogs to live longer, healthier lives by funding cutting-edge canine health research. Together, we have made progress in addressing specific health needs of dogs through disease surveillance and the development of vaccines to prevent diseases before they strike; the use of novel technologies to diagnose and treat cancer and heart disease, arthritis and epilepsy; and by studying the health and well-being of working dogs – but the needs remain great. On the following 32 page grant portfolio, we (CHF) are proud to present new and active grants, carefully selected and awarded by CHF for the betterment of all dogs. Each grant is reviewed for scientific merit, impact in the field of study, and the significance to our dogs and their people. Through defined program areas of funding, we take into account the information gathered from breeders, dog owners, veterinarians and dog clubs about the most pressing health concerns in dogs. This way, we are confident our research is doing the most good for the most dogs, and making the best use of our donors’ contributions. Please go to the CHF website to view their work. Also, click on this link to read the 2016 AKC Canine Health Foundation Research Grants Portfolio. COMMITTEES COMMUNICATIONS - Roslin Copeland Technology & Publications Roslin Copeland Gazette - Jeff Engelmann Facebook - Beth Crocker Breeder Directory - James Machala Sales - Dana Weber & Regina Hairie EDUCATION&STANDARD- Greg Copeland Breed Standard- Ginger Hurley Judges Education - Jackie DeAngelo MEMBERSHIP - Secretary, Ginger Hurley SHOW - Michle Machala HUNT & FIELD - Dan Kauzlarich HEALTH & GENETICS - William Howard, DVM CODE OF ETHICS - Board of Directors DISCIPLINARY - Board of Directors C&B - Butch Norckauer ARCHIVIST - Jeff Engelmann & Ginger Hurley AKC LIAISON - Butch Norckauer LEGISLATIVE LIAISON - Vacant FUND RAISING - Current VP, Dana Weber HALL OF FAME - Dan Kauzlarich & Gregg Parker RESCUE - Butch Norckauer The following are the CHIC requirements with new changes effective as of 11/1/15 for Boykin Spaniels to obtain a CHIC number: 1. Eye Examination by a boarded ACVO Ophthalmologist with results registered with OFA or CERF. 2. Patellar Luxation - OFA Evaluation 3. Hip Dysplasia - OFA or OVC or PennHip Evaluation 4. Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) 5. Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) Optional: 1. Congenital Cardiac Database 2. Elbow Dysplasia 3. Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) For ideas or information for the Communications Chair, Newsletter, Publications, Website Page, Facebook, or Sales contact us at [email protected] For President, other Officers or Board Members or general information/questions contact us at [email protected] For breeders list, breeder questions contact us at [email protected] If you would like to be more involved with the club through committees or other volunteer work, please contact us at [email protected] The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 9 M E E T T H E B R E E D I N N E W YO R K MEET THE BOYKIN SPANIEL IN NEW YORK CITY! The BSCBAA hosted the Boykin Spaniels at the AKC Meet the Breed this year in New York. On February 14, 2016 we headed for Manhattan, New York City. What better place to be in February! The AKC Meet the Breeds in New York City in conjunction of the Westminster Dog Show was a great hit especially the Boykin Spaniels. Droves and droves of spectators viewed our delightful breed. Special thanks to our new member, Rodger Tucker and his Boykin Spaniel Blaze. A cameo appearance by Melody and Zoe made it a smash! Again thanks to my fiancé, Rob we made it safely there and were set up in time for the crowd. Then he proceeded to the airport to pick up our Texas connection. They arrived at the Piers just in time to give the other dogs a break. Thanks Zoe and Melody. This year spectators came to see the booth with lots of interest in the breed. Many people were well educated about the breed and asked a plethora of great questions. Luckily we were prepared with pamphlets and other information to send them on their way. We also were able to give the public a nice sample of our breed. They were able to view two puppies, an adult male and two adult females. The crowd was impressed by the temperament and of course loved their eyes. We are looking forward to representing the Boykin Spaniel at the Meet the Breeds 2017. Come join us! I promise it will be an experience you’ll never forget. Submitted by, Jacquelin DeAngelo Top Gun Boykin Spaniels The Boykin Spaniel Standard © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 10 AKC NEWS AND UPDATES April 21, 2016 The United States Department of Agriculture today released an updated version of its online course for dog breeders. This course provides the latest information on the federal Animal Welfare Act regulations and licensing requirements. The program includes information on the pre-licensing process, and guidelines and suggestions to help breeders be in compliance. The course can be viewed online here. The AKC continues to work with APHIS and federal lawmakers to help ensure the Animal Welfare Act is reasonable and fair for responsible dog breeders. For more information on the Animal Welfare Act and whether it impacts you, read AKC’s handout on the current regulations. Event Operations is taking this opportunity to notify clubs of recent changes approved by the Board of Directors that will have an impact on your club. Special Attractions added to Standing Written Approval List The following Special Attractions have been added to the list of those with standing written approval and do not require an application to be submitted for inclusion in the premium list: Best in Sweepstakes Guide Dog Demonstrations Breed characteristic evaluations & demonstrations held by parent clubs in accordance with the AKC mission, AKC policies, and AKC procedures. Event Scheduling While each event is unique and the scheduling of the day is left to the individual club in concert with their show secretary/ superintendent, the AKC Conformation Executive Field Staff has developed a list of helpful reminders. These are tips that have been sent to clubs over the years and are used by many clubs. Upcoming Show Committee Seminars Current seminars can be found on our website. To find Show Committee Seminars select “Seminar Type” then search by “Show Chairman.” The following seminars date and locations have been set: West Friendship, MD July 8th Binghamton, NY July 30th Greeley, CO August 20th Helena, MT September 22nd The Boykin Spaniel Standard © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 11 Paid Advertisement Website: Phone: 979-826-3147 Location: Hempstead, Texas HOME OF THE First AKC Best in Show Boykin Spaniel Owner -Handled First AKC Grand Champion Boykin Spaniel First Westminster Boykin Spaniel Female Best of Breed First Westminster Boykin Spaniel Best of Opposite First AKC Bronze GCH Boykin Spaniel Female First AKC Silver GCH Boykin Spaniel Female First AKC Boykin Preferred Agility Championship “PACH” Celebrating TWENTY-FOUR CHAMPIONS Celebrating TWELVE GRAND CHAMPIONS Multiple Sporting Group Placements Multiple Titles in Spaniel Hunter, Retriever, Agility, Rally Designed by ShowSight Magazine 12 AKC BOYKIN SPANIEL TITLES 2016 JANUARY THROUGH APRIL Dog's Full Titled Name COMPANION & PERFORMANCE Sex Title Date Owner(s) PACH Texas Trace Magnolia NA AXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP7 MJPS PAX NF OFP T2BP3 F MJP7 18-Jan-16 Jeffrey M Engelmann Kj Just24k Of Royal Au Nuggets CGCA CGCU F CGCA 8-Oct-15 Mrs. Cindy S-H Klosowski Sir Royal Whit-Kin CGCA CGCU M CGCA 8-Oct-15 Cindy Klosowski Kj Just24k Of Royal Au Nuggets CGCA CGCU F CGCU 8-Oct-15 Mrs. Cindy S-H Klosowski Sir Royal Whit-Kin CGCU M CGCU 8-Oct-15 Cindy Klosowski Larley's Luke Skywalker BN RE M RE 13-Feb-16 Sue Riegerix & Paisley Stevens Knudsen Otm Who's Your Daddy JH M JH 21-Feb-16 Jeff Dolce Pocotaligo's Go Big Red MH M MH 20-Feb-16 Brian Schmidt & Kim Parkman Kj Just Spice It Up RN JHR AX AXJ F AX 21-Feb-16 Linda Lowy Dovewoods Pippa CGC F CGC 11-Feb-16 Dr. Wiliam McNulty Kj Just24k Of Royal Au Nuggets BN RN CGCA CGCU F BN 27-Mar-16 Mrs. Cindy S-H Klosowski Kj Just24k Of Royal Au Nuggets RN CGCA CGCU F RN 25-Mar-16 Mrs. Cindy S-H Klosowski Larley's Great Ranger RN M RN 27-Mar-16 Linda Satterfield Sunseeker Too Hot Too Handle CDX RA M RA 12-Mar-16 Tracey Serpi & Gina Plott Dovewood's Weber's Buddy JH M JH 20-Mar-16 Rick Weber & Dana Weber Texas Trace Hudson Bend JH M JH 6-Mar-16 Greg & Michelle Copeland & Ginger Hurley & Roslin Copeland GCH CH Texas Trace Kelley's Chamizal Treaty JH F JH 20-Mar-16 Roslin Copeland & Ginger Hurley & Greg & Michelle Copeland Texas Trace Mineola JH F JH 19-Mar-16 Greg & Michelle Copeland & Ginger Hurley & Roslin Copeland Texas Trace Tahoka Chief JH M JH 19-Mar-16 Greg & Michelle Copeland & Ginger Hurley & Roslin Copeland The Darker Side Of Beekauz JH F JH 19-Mar-16 Dan & Sharon Kauzlarich & Katie Kauzlarich Wildbriers Lawman Reverend Brown JH M JH 18-Mar-16 Mike Strittmatter GCHS CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose CD BN RN JHA CGCA F JHA 20-Mar-16 Michle Machala & Ginger Hurley Thornhill's Broadriver Buster Brown JHR M JHR 20-Feb-16 Gregg Parker Hollow Creek's Back To School Benji SH M SH 6-Mar-16 John Troy Blalock & Patricia L Watts Hunters Rest Artemis SH F SH 20-Mar-16 Howard Nichol Just Ducky's Chocolate Martini SH M SH 5-Mar-16 William Todd Jr. & Pamela Kadlec Kj Just Use Enough Gun SH JHR M SH 19-Mar-16 Aron Smudy & Jeffrey Ruth Texas Trace Shaq Diesel SH JHR M SH 19-Mar-16 Scott Stover & Greg Copeland Show-Me Jeb Stuart MH JHR M MH 6-Mar-16 Donald Thompson Shady Acres Carolina Wren AX AXJ F AX 25-Mar-16 Karen Gilliam Ruger's Prairie Willow CD BN RN CGC F CD 2-Apr-16 Betsy Staton Catalpa Acres Pure Panache RN F RN 13-Apr-16 Debi Odom & Derrick Odom Cayce Rae JH F JH 24-Apr-16 Kerry J Vail Sr. Chugger Everett JHR M JHR 9-Apr-16 Clinton Everett CH Texas Trace Destino's Cazadora SH CGC F SH 3-Apr-16 Ginger Hurley & Roslin Copeland J&L's Kona Waves Wyatt MH CGC M MH 30-Apr-16 Lyne Rabern Ruger's Prairie Willow BN RN CGC F CGC 17-Jan-16 Betsy Staton Thompson's Low Country Cooper CGC M CGC 26-Apr-16 Mr. Ray M Thompson GCH CH Larley's Keeper Of The Code THD CGCA M THD 19-Apr-16 Dennis Deloatch & Nancy Deloatch Dog's Full Titled Name CH Texas Trace Hudson Bend JH Sex M CONFORMATION Title Date CH © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. 30-Apr-16 Owner(s) Greg & Michelle Copeland & Ginger Hurley & Roslin Copeland The Boykin Spaniel Standard ISSUE 21 April, 2016 13 BOYKIN SPANIEL RESCUE AND BSCBAA REMINDERS . REMINDERS Boykin Spaniel Rescue Please remember to renew your membership by clicking here. Do you have friends to If you are interested in saving a Boykin, visit the Boykin Spaniel Rescue - link is below: Or email [email protected] To Submit Advertisement to this Newsletter contact: [email protected] Visit our health education website page Contact us at [email protected] join BSCBAA membership click here for application. In coming months, the BSCBAA will be hosting several events—get involved now and volunteer! Also, don’t forget to make your voice heard on any AKC Government Relations Issues by emailing [email protected]. Enter your Boykin in an AKC event: conformation, obedience, hunt test, agility, rally or tracking—check them out and check out our website page for additional upcoming Events. Remember enjoy your little brown dog! We are proud to be apart of the Purina Pro Plan Club. Please send in your weight circles. It’s $ for the Club! General Business Address: PO BOX 781 Cypress, TX 77410 Club Registered Agent Service SC: Incorp, Inc. Club Email: [email protected] Newsletter Email: [email protected] Breeder Directory Email: [email protected] Website: The Boykin Spaniel Standard © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America, Inc. ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 14
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