Term 3 Week 2


Term 3 Week 2
25 July 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back from your holidays I hope you
have had a relaxing time with your family and
friends. Wow, time flies. Can you believe it’s
Term 3? And week 2 already? My time in the
big chair has come to an end. A HUGE
welcome back to Mrs Dillon. We hope you
had a great holiday and didn’t miss us too
Thank you all for being a part of our great
little school. Every day I am reminded what a
great bunch of kids we have, great parents
w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l staff, who really do go the
extra mile all the time for your children. You
would be amazed the time and effort they
put in even though you may not see it. I love,
love, love Tacoma!!!
26 July —28July
Life Education
29 July
National Tree Day
1—5 August
2 August
School Athletics
3 August
ICAS English
4 August
NAIDOC Celebrations Day
5 August
Our Staff Development Day on Monday was
busy, busy, busy! We started off with a
combined session on grammar with teachers
from Wyong High School, Wyong Public,
Wyong Creek, Jilliby & Tuggerah.
Speaking Competition
We then continued our day with a huge focus
on Kids Matter – the social and emotional
wellbeing of our kids. We explored
Dadirri – inner, deep listening, quiet, still
awareness and tuning in to what is around
you. We talked about how it’s easy to miss
something you’re not looking for! Bring on a
term with happy spirits and happy minds for
Values Assembly 2pm
We have a busy term ahead with lots of
exciting celebrations. Healthy Harold is up
first this week with our athletics carnival to
follow. Week 3 this term is NAIDOC Week.
8 August
Ngara AECG
12 August
31 Aug—1 September
Stage 2 Zoo Snooze
19-21 October
Stage 3 Bathurst Excursion
The theme this year is Songlines- The living narrative of
our nation. Throughout the week classes will be
learning about songlines and how they connect people
to country as we celebrate the rich history and
diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
culture. On Thursday 4th August we will have a day of
rotating learning.
may be of use please send it in (they will be out in the
weather so need to be waterproof). If anyone has any
pool noodles they don’t use anymore they would be
great too. All children will be involved in this and it’s
going to be fun, fun. fun!
Week 6 is Book Week. The theme for book week is
Australia : story country. We will be having a great
week of exploring Australia through books and on
Thursday 25th August we will be having a book parade.
This year will be a book parade with a twist!! We will
be dressing up as something Australian so get your
thinking caps on and your creative ideas happening. I
can’t wait to see what our fantastic Tacomian’s will
come up with.
Remember, nothing is as contagious as enthusiasm………….your vibe attracts your tribe!
And drum roll…….. something very exciting…….this
term is CONCERT TERM!!! Our famous concert will be
held on two nights in week 9, the 13th & 14th of
September. Please put these dates on your calendar
and keep your eye open for when tickets go on sale.
They will be done online again this year. Don’t miss out
as they will sell out fast! The Countdown is on……..
(that was a little teaser in-case you missed it!!)
Logan, Vanessa, Crystal & Lani
Stephanie, Darcy, Kaylee & Stasia
Brodie, Luke, Lucy & Jai
Blake, Cohan, Koby & Tyler
Emilia, Jarod, Kye & Taylor
Brock, Evie, Mozelle & Amali
thing of all. After
a few attempts,
Lincon has the
Bluetooth in his
connected!! YIPPEEEE!!
How exciting is
that?? He is able to use the control on his chair to be
the curser on the smartboard screen and on the computer!! And there’s more…… his custom made table
has arrived. Now Lincon’s chair fits under the table
properly so he can work his little heart out!! It has certainly brought a great big smile to his face (and ours).
I am looking forward to being back in the library
continuing with cultural connections and learning
about the environment and recycling. We are entering
the council competition again this year and have big
plans! We are making some big animal signs out of
recycled materials. If you have any plastic bottles,
coloured plastic lids, old cd’s or anything you think
Thank you all again. I have had a wonderful time in the
chair…… but….. that’s it from me……..that’s a wrap!
Have a great term everyone, follow the sunshine
Mandy Shaw
Principal (Relieving)
K/1F Hannah, Filomena, Dylan & Tess
Noah, India & Lincon
Book Club
Book Club is a service provided through the school to
enable parents to buy good books at a reasonable price
for home use or as gifts. Please do not feel obligated to
purchase books. This is not a fundraising activity.
Children will bring home a flier approximately twice
each term. Orders will close one week after the leaflets
are handed out. Please send the order forms and
correct money in an envelope, with your child’s name
on it, to the class teacher.
The closing date for the current order is 1st August.
National Tree Day
This Friday, 29th July we are thrilled to have Bunnings
Tuggerah coming to our school. Bunnings have donated
plants and gardening equipment for our National Tree
Day event.
Each class will be planting various vegetables/herbs and
plants in their new garden beds. Please come and join us
this Friday and bring your gardening gloves!
Here are the times the classes will be planting:
KB - 10am
K/1F - 10.30am
1K - 11.30am
2F – 11.50am
3M – 12.20pm
4M – 12.40pm
ment’s Privacy Policy can be found at: http://
Information about the NSW Government’s privacy policies
can be found at: http://www.ipc.nsw.gov.au/
Further information about the data collection can be
found on the Australian Government Department of
Education website:
If you have any questions about the data collection
please contact the school on 4353 1154.
5S/6A- 1pm
We are now accepting enrolments for
Kindergarten 2017.
Please contact us if you
have a child who will be
starting Kindergarten in 2017
Nationally consistent collection of data on school students with additional needs/disabilities—2016
During 2016 school’s Australia wide, are participating in
the collection of nationally consistent data on school students with diagnosed and undiagnosed disabilities and
difficulties including those with additional learning, physical, sensory, behavioural and social/emotional needs.
This data collection will take place throughout 2016.
We will be collecting information already available in the
school about the support that is being provided to students with additional needs / disabilities. Better data will
help the Government plan for students with additional
needs / disabilities.
The data collection will have no direct impact on your
child and they will not be involved in any testing process.
The NSW Department of Education and Communities will
provide data to the Australian Government from all NSW
public schools in such a way that no individual student or
school will be able to be identified. In this way, we will
ensure the privacy and confidentiality of all students.
All information is protected by privacy laws which regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal
information. Information about the Australian Govern-
Captain’s Corner
Stars of the Week
Kiana & Filomena
Welcome back to Term 3! Everyone we hope that you
have had a wonderful holiday!
This week we noticed that everyone is really excited
for our spectacular school musical coming up at the
end of the term. We can’t wait to see all the great
dance moves!
Jazz & Marley
School Captains
Tacoma Public School P & C
Movie Fundraising Night
Wednesday 17th August
Greater Union Cinema
Tickets $20 each
All tickets must be booked and paid for by Friday 12th August
To purchase tickets please send money and number of tickets required into the
school office or contact Tracey on
0414 531 474
Payment for tickets can also be made by direct credit
Tacoma Public School P & C
BSB: 633000 Acc No: 127922094
Please ensure you put your full name as the reference
Please also note that payments cannot be paid via the school website
Daniel, Brandon Bryce, Koen,
Mohammed, Chelsea, Hannah, Daniel,
Simran, Soha, James,
Imogen, Ruby and
Although or school appreciates ideas and suggestions from the community on a variety of topics, please be aware that Tacoma Public School and its staff cannot endorse any unsolicited ideas or suggestions nor can we verify the accuracy of any claims contained in this newsletter. As with any unsolicited advice
please use caution and your best judgement in relation to these matters.