Boy Scouts of America - Northeast Illinois Council


Boy Scouts of America - Northeast Illinois Council
Boy Scouts of America
2015 Popcorn
Kernel Handbook
Table of Contents
Council Contacts
2015 Products
What’s New with Popcorn?
Prize Program Update
On-Line Sales
You are Important!
Council sales data
What do I tell parents?
Where does the money go?
Sales Methods Overview
Unit Kernel’s Job Description
Unit Kernel FAQ’s
Popcorn Pick-Up Procedures
Unit Financial Obligations
Super Sunday
Prize Program Details
Keller Vs. Unit Commissions
Special Contests & Incentives
Forms, Forms, Forms
The Ideal Year of Scouting
Mid Sale Rallies
How to Run a Successful BLITZ!
Popcorn Den Meeting Materials
Popcorn Manager
How to get started
Mobile Payment Options
Square Credit Card Reader
Northeast illinois Council, B.S.A.
Popcorn Calendar 2015
August 12
Council Kickoff, Baxter International
August 28
Initial Order Due
September 12
Initial Popcorn Distribution
September 29
Potawatomi District Sales Rally
September 30
North Star District Sales Rally
October 1
Aptakisic Sales Rally
November 8
Popcorn Super Sunday
Popcorn Full Case and Container Returns
Interim Popcorn Payments Due
Final Popcorn Order Due
Final Prize Order Due
Scholarship Forms Due
One Check Payable To: Northeast Illinois Council
November 18 & 19
Wed & Thurs
FINAL ORDER Distributions (9:00 AM – 4:30 PM)
November 30
(One Check Payable To: Northeast Illinois Council)
Council Popcorn Team 2015
Popcorn Central:
Council Service Center
Council & Popcorn Web Site:
2745 Skokie Valley RD
Highland Park, Illinois 60035
Fax: 847-433-2036
Trail’s End Web Site:
Popcorn Program Director:
Popcorn Associate Program Director:
Popcorn Director of Support Services:
Nick Giacchina, 847-748-9149 ([email protected])
Mary Kelly, 847-748-9168 ([email protected])
Stephanie Brooks, 616-318-5778 ([email protected])
Council Kernel:
H. Clark Federer, M.D.
FAX: 773-293-3203
E-Mail: [email protected]
Aptakisic District:
Aptakisic Kernel
Aptakisic District Director
Aptakisic District Executive
Steve Van Dyke, 847-275-0653 ([email protected])
Tiffany Bumgardner, 847-527-9626 [email protected])
Veronica Frontone, 847-527-9610 ([email protected])
North Star District:
North Star Kernel
North Star District Director
North Star District Executive
North Star District Executive
Laurie Bergst, 224-643-7248 ([email protected])
Brandon Stascak, 847-527-9532 ([email protected])
Bill Peppler, 847-527-9634 ([email protected])
Christa Sanchez, 847-527-9629 ([email protected])
Potawatomi District:
Potawatomi Kernel
Potawatomi District Director
Potawatomi District Executive
Bob Krause, 847-691-6379 ([email protected])
Dave Maudie, 573-382-6512 ([email protected])
Michael Ancheta, 224-545-2863 ([email protected])
For up to the minute information, go to
For on-line ordering popcorn or for planning your Ideal Year of Scouting, go to www.Trail'
2015 Products
Retail Price
per Case
Cases per
Layer on a
Military Donation
Military Donation
Chocolate Lover’s
Collection Tin
Sweet & Savory Collection
Cheese Lover’s Collection
Chocolatey Caramel
Caramel Corn with
Almonds & Pecans
Chocolatey Triple Delight
Product Container
Microwave Kettle Corn
18-Pack Unbelievable
Butter Microwave
18-Pack Butter Light
Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese
White Cheddar Cheese
Classic Caramel Corn
Popping Corn
What’s New with Popcorn?
Both 2014 sales and results of the kernel survey indicated that our product mix was good last year. So, we
have changed very little in 2015. The one exception, we have replaced DARK AND WHITE
We still have your other favorites from years past including CLASSIC CARAMEL CORN and the
Trail’s End research found that consumers are very concerned about the quality of foods, especially
the composition of fats and other health related factors.
After interviewing thousands of customers, Leaders, and Scouts they determined that almost 90%
prefer healthy oil alternatives. The “Unbelievable Butter” still is unbelievably better with canola oil,
which contains no “trans fat”, reduces saturated fat and is high in “healthy” fats. Trail’s End is the
only popcorn company in the country to embrace this healthier approach.
Prize Program for 2015
Our prize program focuses on encouraging every Scout to achieve $700 in sales. Last year the
number of Scouts in our council selling at this level was overwhelming and dramatically exceeded
our wildest projections at the mid-sale rallies.
This year, our Scouts can select from a variety of different prizes through the Keller Prize Program AND, for the
second consecutive year, ALL scouts selling popcorn will be invited to attend a sales rally within their district
during the week of September 28th. During these rallies, Scouts who have already reached 700+ in sales will
participate in a premium prize drawing including tablets, LEGOs and more! When the sale is over, we will
recognize our Top 100 sellers with an exciting special gift as well – a night of games, food and awesome prizes at
the Northeast Illinois Council’s first ever Spin ‘N’ Win Party. Date and time TBD. This year, our Grand Prize is 2
Blackhawks tickets for $4,000 sellers. Our top 3 NEIC Sellers will be listed on the NEW “2015 Popcorn Cup!”
Top 100 Sellers
On-Line Sales with
Trail’s End has embraced the web, and on-line sales are a reality. Every Scout who sells on-line during
the regular fall sale through will earn credit toward the regular fall prize programs as
well! The credits will automatically appear in Popcorn Manager and all regular prize systems as well as
the bonus programs and Scholarship, which will also include on-line sales.
Every Scout can and should sell on-line. From September 1st through October 31st all on-line sales will appear within
Popcorn Manager as a credit for the prize system. Also, the commission your Unit receives from on-line sales will be the
same as the regular fall sale. During the non-fall sale cycle, on-line sales will continue to be credited to your Unit
through periodic payments from Trail’s End through the Council. The council receives quarterly payments from the online sale and we in turn issue payments to you.
Please note that the on-line sales require no accounting on your part and, of course, no warehousing. However, the online sales options typically require purchase of multiple product bundles or relatively high priced items. The shipping
fees necessitate this approach. On-line sales may take several months to find their way into your Unit’s treasury.
You are Important!
As a Unit Kernel you are the most important financial Leader in your Unit.
This year, we are continuing our special campaign to emphasize the importance of your role within your Unit.
Every NEW Unit Kernel is officially recognized as a Unit Leader with his or her very own uniform shoulder patch.
Show it off! Wear it proudly! You are the key to a great year of Scouting and everyone needs to know who you
are! Returning kernels received their patch at last year’s Kickoff. You work hard to insure the financial success of
your Unit, and that success makes your Unit’s program possible. You enable your Unit, so wear your badge with
We have a special Popcorn Kernel Appreciation Party in December: Date and Location TBA.
The Nitty Gritty
Your popcorn team has studied the sale extensively, and we are constantly trying to make the sale simpler and more
productive. We know that your time is valuable so we need for you to realize several important concepts.
Regardless of your strategy, we find that there are …
Five Steps to a Successful Sale
1. Have a plan and budget
2. Set goals for your Unit and for the Scouts
3. Have a great Unit incentive plan
4. Put on a great Unit popcorn Kickoff
5. Utilize all sales methods to reach your goal
Why aren’t we selling less expensive products?
Our research has shown that selling more expensive products earns more money for your Unit in less time. In fact,
our Council’s sales data demonstrate that as we have gradually raised the price of popcorn, dollar sales have
climbed dramatically.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
For instance, when we raised the price of popcorn from 2002 through 2005, the price increases kept your profits
stable in spite of declining container volumes. The same effect on sales dollars occurred in 2008. Your dollar yield
per hour of selling actually went up even when container counts were flat. Container sales are the key indicator of
sales attempts, and unfortunately we have very clear data demonstrating a drop in containers per selling Scout over
the last 10 years. A less expensive product line would compromise your financial success.
Inventory Awareness
Back in 2003, we discovered a problem. Unit Kernels were not aware of their inventory. The popcorn was subconsigned to individual families, and Unit Kernels were therefore not fully aware of what was unsold. As a result,
we were confronted with returns on Super Sunday in excess of $250,000. These returns threatened the Council’s
ability to operate the sale for you.
Our response has been to conservatively control consignment of popcorn to Units and emphasize inventory
awareness. Popcorn Manager enables you to monitor your selling and non-selling Scouts, and redistribute the stock
that you have to the Scouts that are selling the most.
Since it is clear that parents are spending less time supporting the sale, it is imperative to make every hour of your
sale count. You must keep track of which Scouts are truly selling, and get them the unsold popcorn that they need.
Can we really sell expensive products in our District?
Many people still maintain that it is only possible to sell lower priced products in certain areas of our Council.
Although we respect individual observations, in a direct comparison of individual product percentages across
Districts, geographic variance is not significant. The only real difference
between the Districts is a penchant for “Light” products in the southern
Districts and “Heavy” products in the north. As you can see, during the
sale every District actively sold every product. The greatest difference
was only about 3% from one District to another.
North Star
Small CC
Light Micro
Lite CC
Butter Micro
Gourmet CC
30 Pack
3 Way Cheese
5 Way
3 Way Choc
Your Council Popcorn Team believes we cannot continue to emphasize
site sales; the answer is to emphasize “Door-to-Door”. We say this
“Door-to-door” generates an average of 3 and up to 4 -5 times more sales per hour than site sales according to
national marketing studies. We have observed this in our own Council. Therefore, “Door-to-door” yields the
most efficient use of your parental fundraising time.
In a door-to-door setting, consumers will typically choose 3 items for purchase; at a site sale the consumer will
typically only purchase one item.
Consumer habits have changed. The widespread use of debit and credit cards has decreased cash carried by
consumers. In addition, fewer people carry checkbooks outside the home. Sales at a consumer’s home
facilitate consumer access to cash and checkbooks. This is part of the reason that site sales have become less
effective over the last few years. However, with the implementation of credit card readers for 2015, this may
When a Scout sells in his neighborhood, 63% of consumers who know the Scout will purchase a product. 91%
of those who purchase will do so again. Site sales do not generate as much personal recognition.
By selling and collecting money at the same time you avoid the extra time expenditure involved with a second
visit in a traditional “Take Order” sale. However, it is important to utilize the “Take Order” sales form before
showing the consumer your “traveling stock.” Show-N-Deliver is not a traveling site sale.
The average container sale in our Council was $18.03, up from $16.57 in 2009. If you push lower priced items
you will undercut your overall sale. We must offer more expensive items to take advantage of the sales
opportunities. There will always be consumers only able to afford a relatively low price item. However, there
are also consumers willing to pay much more. That is why the average is $18. We must meet the potential sale
with appropriate products, not undercut the potential sale with an outdated method of selling.
What do I tell the parents?
Parents want the opportunities, guidance, and unique experiences of Scouting for their children. They also want to be educated on the
return for their families’ investment in time. Show them what your Unit will do this year. Parental enthusiasm for the Popcorn Sale is
directly linked to their perception of what the sale will do for their Scout. Scouts sell more popcorn when their parents are motivated.
Scouts also learn a valuable life lesson by earning their way in Scouting – and the pride they display when they realize their
accomplishment is gratifying!
Your Unit Needs a Popcorn Kickoff Meeting!
At the Kickoff parents learn what their Scouts will get in return for participating in the popcorn sale. Scouts see
what they can earn, they learn how to do it, and they get “fired up” about it at your Kickoff.
Scouts Must Set Goals!
The Units that have solid per Scout sales encourage their Scouts to set personal sales goals. They create incentives
for the Scouts by use of Council and Trail’s End prize programs. It is also extremely helpful to create Unit special
prizes. For instance, some Units offer Scouts who meet their goals the opportunity to throw a pie at the Cub
Master at a Unit event. There isn’t a Scout alive who would turn down the offer.
Your Scouts need to see tangible rewards for their efforts. This need is fulfilled in part by our prize programs. The
other rewards come from your public recognition of their efforts. The pride resulting from recognition at a large
Unit gathering is profound and also a valuable life lesson. If your Unit uses popcorn proceeds to pay for an event,
have the Scouts stand and be recognized for “earning” the event for their parents.
Surveys show that the average Unit has four fundraisers per year. However, Units that sell popcorn commonly fund
the entire year of activities with one popcorn sale. Our Council chose Trail’s End Popcorn because it is a top quality,
competitively priced product. What also distinguishes Trail’s End is its commitment to Scouting.
Occasionally some misunderstandings or individual bias against popcorn will impede a successful sale. To help you
deal with this problem we have summarized several years of marketing research:
Only 17% of the population is asked to make a popcorn purchase. 91% said they would buy again.
Remember, if 83% of households were never asked to buy popcorn then opportunities abound. Some areas of
our Council sell more popcorn than others, and occasionally this is perceived as too much competition
between Units. We have special maps, marketing data, and other aids to make your sale educational and fun
for all the participants. If you have any questions we are waiting for your call at Popcorn Central.
95% of buyers say the higher the percentage to local Scouting, the more they are willing to spend. Well over
70% goes to Scouting and you should tell your customers.
“Scouts earning their own way” is important to customers. Consumers will spend more if they know how the
popcorn profits are being used. Consumers are “buying” Scouting. Always have the Scouts in uniform, and
have them prepared to tell customers about their Unit’s activities.
Marketing research reveals that parents and Leaders are investing less time with fundraising than ever before.
Because our product line includes high end products with high profit margins, there is a greater opportunity to
earn more money for your Unit. Test data confirms this; there is no fundraising advantage to offering an
inexpensive product.
The amount of time you invest selling several low priced items vastly exceeds the time you will spend selling a
single high priced product. We are always seeking a more efficient use of your time. Our popcorn product line
is chosen to make the best use of your time.
Where does the money go?
At your Unit Kickoff, tell parents of Scouts how their participation in the Popcorn Sale helps Scouting. Surveys
demonstrate that most parents do not know where the money goes. Last year,
38% (about $640,000) went to Units like yours for commissions and the Prize Program
30% (about $505,000) went to fund your Unit’s activities and approximately 20,000 other Scouts and their
Units in the Northeast Illinois Council.
5.0% went to Scholarships, Camping Packages, and other expenses to conduct the sale.
Overall, over 70% of sales dollars supported Scouting and the local sale.
However, beginning this year 73% of sales dollars will support scouting and the local sale.
Your Unit’s Commission assists the Unit with
Advancement and Awards
Trips and Program Expenses
Health & Accident insurance
Providing Books and Materials
Participation Fees for Activities
Blue & Gold Banquets
Courts of Honor
Registration and Boy’s Life
Day Camp at Oakarro, Cub Camps, and Scout
Summer Camp at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan
Equipment Purchase
Training Leaders
Units with older Scouts can focus on high adventure.
Philmont, Jamboree, Sea Base, Boundary Waters, Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan and other opportunities
Council commissions, combined with the Friends of Scouting Campaign, funds
Council Service Center
Administrative Support for Leaders (Records & Information)
Maintenance of 3 Distinct NEIC Camp Properties
Training of Leaders
Scout Shop
General Liability Insurance
Sales Methods Overview
There are four main methods of the sale. The most important methods are “Take Order” and “Show-N-Deliver”.
1. Take Order. This method relies on order forms that the Scouts circulate among friends, family, neighbors,
and so forth. Your final popcorn order fills the Take Order phase of the sale along with your leftovers from
your initial product delivery. This same form is also used for Show-N-Deliver.
2. Show-N-Deliver. Most successful Units encourage individual Scouts to go door-to-door with products for
sale. Typically the Scout loads his “consignment” of popcorn into a wagon or a parent’s car. The Scout goes
door-to-door under adult supervision using the “Take Order” form to show the products to each customer.
After making the sale, the Scout then offers to “deliver” the popcorn right on the spot.
For successful Show-N-Deliver Sales, please consider the following points:
It is essential that the Scout show the customer the Take Order Form, not a
wagonload of popcorn. In fact, we recommend that the wagon initially be out of the
consumer’s sight. The sale is made based on the Take Order form and, after the customer
selects products, then the customer is given the option of taking immediate delivery. Our
marketing research demonstrates that you will sell more popcorn per hour if you use this
method. This is actually more efficient with your time; it eliminates the need to make two visits for every
sale because the product is readily available for purchase.
Unit Kernels make consignments of “Show-N-Sell” popcorn to parents of Scouts in their Units. We
recommend that you allocate 50 – 75% of your last year’s sale volume to Show-N-Deliver consignments.
Obviously this should be adjusted for changes in your Unit’s membership.
The presence of the product in the Scout’s home is motivational to both parents and Scouts during the
course of the sale. Our data demonstrates that your sales per hour will be several times higher than with
site sales.
We provide a computerized estimate of what you should order at the start of the sale. This is based on
your past sale and adjusted for membership changes. If you want to appreciably order more popcorn than
we recommend, please discuss this with your District Team.
We encourage Units to organize “Blitz Days” where groups of Scouts sell to entire neighborhoods. Blitz
Days are really just group style Show-N-Deliver sales. Special support for Blitz Days will be provided
through your District Kernel if you ask for it. Please see the Blitz Day Guide at the end of this handbook.
3. An additional arm of the sale is our Corporate Sale. Scouts can approach companies and offer these products
as gifts to valued employees and customers. This is a way corporations can purchase gifts for their clients and
support the Boy Scouts. Last year, several individual orders valuing thousands of dollars were filled. Any
individual, high volume order can be handled through special arrangements with the Council office. Please
contact Popcorn Central for more information 847-748-9149.
4. This year we continue our fully integrated on-line system available
for internet credit card popcorn sales. Scouts simply Create an
Account at and Spread the Word via email to
their targeted group. Their customers will then be able to place
orders online. Scouts can check back to see what kind of activity
they are experiencing at the Trail's End website.
Each Scout must individually signup on the on-line system at When the customer
buys popcorn on-line, the individual Scout is credited for the sale in the on-line system.
Unit Leaders can sign up with the system to monitor how their Scouts are selling, but no selling can be
applied to a Unit in a general sense. However, since the funds are distributed from the Council to your
unit, then your unit controls the use of the revenue from on-line sales. It is up to each unit to establish a
policy for the use of the funds.
Periodically (usually quarterly) the Council is credited for on-line sales by Trail’s End and then the Council
assesses which Units have earned commissions and sends the checks or Scout shop credits to the Units.
Your Unit’s commission for sales on-line is the same that you earn during the fall sale.
At Council we will analyze the identities of the selling Scouts and credit each selling Scout in Popcorn
Manager for on-line sales occurring from August 1st through October 31st. The sales will be posted within
Popcorn Manager the week prior to Super Sunday. The sales credits will automatically be added to the
regular fall sales for prize selection. Unit Kernels will need to make sure that this extra prize credit is
claimed within Popcorn Manager for participating Scouts by Super Sunday.
On-line sales apply for both the regular prize system and the bonus programs including the $700 Club, Top
100 Seller Spin ‘N’ Win Event, the Scholarship program, and the $4,000 Blackhawks tickets.
On-Line sales add shipping costs to the regular sales price. In addition the on-line system often requires
multiple product package purchases or large item purchase. Not every customer will be willing to do this
so the regular fall sale is still very important.
Remember that the money does not come to you from Trail’s End, it comes through the Council and is
time delayed by several months. You will not see your Unit’s on-line sales summarized
within Popcorn Manager at all. The only notations regarding on-line sales will show up in the
prize section of Popcorn Manager. Your Unit’s commissions for on-line sales will be accounted in an
entirely different way than the fall sale.
As a Unit Kernel your job is to:
Register your Unit to sell Popcorn by signing
Attend the Council Unit Kernel Kickoff & Communicate! Make sure that we have your complete address,
daytime phone numbers, fax number and E-mail address. The right information will enable us to contact you
and relay the latest popcorn news. A valid E-mail address also enables us to reach you with “The Kernel’s
Journal”, our occasional update and reminder of what’s going on with popcorn. We encourage you to
frequently visit our web site,, for the very latest in popcorn news. The Popcorn Manager
Web interface also will display the latest popcorn headlines, and is accessible through the
website portal.
Order product for the Initial Distribution. (See calendar). You must submit an Initial order even if it is all zeros. This
can be done at training by submitting your “pink sheet” order sheet at our Council Kickoff, or directly into
Popcorn Manager. Please note that we no longer accept telephone orders, e-mails, and other non-standard
ordering approaches. Please use Popcorn Manager in order to avoid miscommunications and transcription
Your “pink sheet” shows data about your last year’s sale and recommends how much popcorn you should
order. It also helps you plan your Unit’s sale strategy.
If you want the initial order of popcorn directly delivered to your home (you don’t want to pick it up at the
warehouse) then log on to Popcorn Manager and review your initial order in the system. There is a facility for
you to select a “Kernel’s” address for the direct delivery. Shur-Way Shipping will handle this year’s direct
delivery. The cost for this service is approximately $250, but prices will vary depending on location and may be
higher if you have a very large order. Units are responsible for these fees and for certain details regarding
delivery times and dates. Please contact Popcorn Central for more information.
Work with your Unit’s Committee to establish a Unit sales goal. Consider utilizing one of our “Ideal Year of
Scouting” Planners such as the Trail’s End Ideal Year Planner. The link to the planner is at the Trail’s End
Web Site, If you find that you need more popcorn in order to support your Ideal Year
of Scouting Plan then just let us know – we are here to help you!
Choose and relay deadlines for Show-N-Deliver consignments, Take Orders, payments and prize forms for
your Unit. Remember, you have to submit everything except final payment by Super Sunday. We suggest that
you make your deadline about 1-½ weeks before the Council deadline, typically Halloween. Arrange your own
“Final Payment” deadline so you can settle with the Council by the Final Payment Deadline (see calendar).
Positively reinforce the importance of these deadlines and how it affects prize delivery.
Prepare handouts, your own Unit Popcorn Calendar, promotional posters, organizational posters, and sales
Packets for your Unit Program Kick-Off and/or Rally Night. Many of these forms are available for download
from our website. The Packets should include:
Your Calendar showing sale dates, date orders are due, time and place for pick up.
Unit goal and recommended per Scout sales goal.
Individual Scout Order & Prize forms and money envelopes.
Other sales materials you deem necessary (den tally sheets, etc.)
Your “Ideal Year of Scouting” program plan and budget report for the parents. If your Unit hasn’t done this, please
contact us and we will help you with the process as well as the tools.
Hold your Unit’s Popcorn Kickoff meeting for parents and Scouts. Insure that…
1. It's exciting! Play games; do popcorn skits; eat popcorn!
2. Parents understand how Popcorn Sales will earn programming for their Scouts for the entire year. Make sure they
understand that the popcorn sale buys Scouting for their son.
3. Set goals with your Scouts. Use the tools that you'll find at, such as the Virtual Sale Planner.
You will also find a link for an app for .99¢ called, "Popcorn Goal Tracker," designed by an Eagle Scout, where your
Scouts can watch their popper fill up as they make their sales.
4. Each parent takes on some support role within your Unit. When every parent assumes some responsibility then your
Unit will flourish.
5. Each parent and Scout understands his sales goal. Rather than using a dollar sales goal, consider dividing by $16 to
obtain a “container” sales goal. You can easily figure out your "Ideal Year of Scouting" budget by using the link at
6. Remember, all checks from customers should be made out to your Unit. You will pay for your popcorn out of your
Unit’s account to the Council later.
Coordinate with Council Team and your Unit to pick up your initial order of popcorn. You may elect to have
the popcorn delivered directly to you. To ensure credit is given to the proper Unit and avoid warehouse
confusion, make sure that all your valued helpers know your true Unit number. This number is the Council’s
tracking method to ensure correct billing is invoiced to the proper Unit. There are multiple Packs and Troops
in our Council with identical basic Unit numbers and this Unit ID enables us to distinguish these Units. For
instance, one Unit in Evanston calls itself “Pack 4”, but the true ID number is “Pack 904”. If you have any
questions, please verify this with us at Popcorn Central.
Deliver your Unit’s popcorn consignment to interested parents for their Show-N-Deliver efforts. Popcorn
Manager has a special printing feature that enables you to print individual Scout SPS forms with blanks. This
way you can print your blank forms, fill them out in your garage as you distribute popcorn, and then transcribe
the data into Popcorn Manager later to keep the accounting straight.
Consider running a Unit Blitz Day where your group unites to canvas neighborhoods with door-to-door sales.
Special support for Units that want to do this is available from our Council, and a Blitz Guide is in this
Remember that during a “Show-N-Deliver” sale the inventory for your Unit is hidden from you because you
gave a lot of popcorn to the parents. Since it is in parents’ hands, Scouts that have not been selling can surprise
you with large returns at the end of your sale. If you identify a Scout that is not really selling, arrange to transfer
that Scout’s stock to another Scout that needs more popcorn. Popcorn Manager has “blast e-mail” capabilities,
and you can load your parent names and e-mail addresses into the program to facilitate communication during
your sale. Popcorn Manager now tracks your unsold popcorn on a Scout-by-Scout basis as well as shows you
what should be left in your garage. Check it out!
Monitor sale efforts from week to week. Set up an e-mail or phone list of parents in Popcorn Manager to
check up on their progress during the sale. If the number of Scouts in your Unit makes this cumbersome, rely
on your Den Leaders to report back on sale progress.
Encourage and reward sale participation at Pack and Troop meetings. Recognize active participants at meetings
and encourage seasoned Scouts to share their techniques and strategies. Consider using small prizes at meetings
to build sales enthusiasm during the sale. If you run out of popcorn in the middle of the sale, just call us at
Popcorn Central. Of course, we expect that you will have already redistributed your existing stock before you
call us in need of more popcorn. If you really need popcorn, we will figure out some way to help you.
This year we will again help you build enthusiasm at the $700 sale level with our special sales rallies.
Remind Scouts and Parents about the Trail’s End Top 100 seller Spin ‘n’ Win Party and the Trail’s End
Scholarship Award for Scouts who sell $2500 or more. Promote the sale to high performing Scouts by
offering the $4000 Chicago Blackhawks Ticket Bonus. Winners receive 2 tickets to see a Blackhawks Game!
Plus, our top 3 sellers in the NEIC will be listed on our NEW “2015 Popcorn Cup” trophy.
Before Super Sunday,
1. Compile all Scout sales and calculate your Unit’s final order. This is most efficiently accomplished by using
Kernel Jeff’s Popcorn Manager described later in this handbook. If you are absolutely cyber-averse we will
work with you, but all your accounting will end up in Popcorn Manager.
2. Utilize any remaining initial order stock to fill final orders. Any leftover product can be returned on Super
Sunday. This year we will continue to accept less than full case quantities. As always, we will replace any
damaged product. We will not take back any open product. Container boxes must be in saleable condition
with original seals. The boxes for 3-way items are “gift boxes” so please be careful!
3. Create your Prize Order. In Popcorn Manager, the prizes are selected Scout by Scout, and the system
automatically summarizes your prize order for you. The system shows you what prizes are available depending
on the Scout’s actual sales. The on-line sales will automatically appear next on the Scout’s SPS tab (“Scout
Popcorn Sales” or “Sales per Scout” tab) and in the PUR tab (“Popcorn Unit Record” tab) in Popcorn
4. Popcorn Manager also shows you when a Scout earns special high-level awards. Popcorn Manager will
automatically give the prize to the Scout. The winners of the Trail’s End Scholarship program must be
reported to us on Super Sunday. We have an agreement with Trail’s End, and a copy of the Scout’s SPS form now is
valid to document his sales with Trail’s End. We can print this for you on Super Sunday
5. Please remember that Scouts who have qualified for the Trail’s End Scholarship in prior years still earn credit this
year even if they sell less than $2500. We now have a system to track these Scouts using Popcorn Manager, as
mentioned above, but legacy winners are not obvious when you look in Popcorn Manager. Also, this can get
tricky, especially when a Cub Scout becomes a Boy Scout and transfers units. Please try to be aware of legacy
Scholarship winners just to make sure we don’t miss a deserving Scout.
On Super Sunday, first go through our warehouse
1. Return leftover popcorn that you no longer need
2. Pickup popcorn items that you need to fill orders. Most Units can actually fill their “final order” on Super
Sunday, but certain items may not be available.
3. Then, on Super Sunday, get your accounting verified and settle up your account. We will have helpers on site to
walk through all the accounting with you.
BEFORE you get to Super Sunday please run through this checklist:
1. Enter as much information as you can into your computer before Super Sunday. Enter all individual Scout
sales into Popcorn Manager and put in what prizes each Scout chooses at the bottom of his form. If you
don’t know what prizes he wants, call him. His phone number is already there on the web form for you.
2. The system knows how much popcorn you have (if any) and will deduct what the Scouts have sold from
your stock. Any popcorn you return will be entered into the O&S form in container volumes on the row
called “Returned on Super Sunday” by our staff.
3. You will not know how much popcorn you can pick up on Super Sunday until you get there. We will fill this
in for you at the warehouse. Sometimes we can fill your whole order at that time, sometimes not.
4. Popcorn Manager will automatically report your “PUR” form and “O&S” (“Order & Settlement”) forms to
us. You do not need to print them for us.
5. Popcorn Manager will automatically print your “Main Prize Program Form” for us. You do not need to print
it for us.
6. If you have Scouts who qualified in the past or in this year’s sale for the Trail’s End $2500 seller’s Scholarship
award, you must fill out the special Scholarship form out ahead of time by downloading blank forms
from and bring it with you to the warehouse on Super Sunday. The Scout’s
SPS form is printed and attached to the application forms. You must know the Scout’s mailing address in
order to fill out this form as well as his social security number. An account is created for him and he gets
mailings directly from Trail’s End each year.
7. Scouts who earn the $4000 seller’s bonus (Chicago Blackhawks Tickets) are automatically identified by
Popcorn Manager. There are no special forms, but there will be plenty of cheering at Popcorn Central!
8. Turn in your initial payment:
WAIT to fill out your check until all paperwork has been checked and verified.
Make one check payable to Northeast Illinois Council.
As shown on our calendar, about a week later pick up your final order unless you got all the popcorn you
needed on Super Sunday. Once again, you can arrange direct delivery if you like.
Deliver products to your Scout families for final Take Order Sales.
Make final payment unless you completely settled up on Super Sunday (see calendar). Make one check payable to
Northeast Illinois Council
Unit Kernel FAQ’s
Show-N-Deliver - How much do I order?
Most Units use last year’s order as a starting point and then modify numbers based on the number of Scouts
selling. Our recommendation is that you order 90% of your total sale from last year, adjusted for changes in the
number of registered Scouts in your Unit. We will provide a “pink sheet” with your Unit’s order history and our
recommendations at Unit Kernel training. If your Unit has no sales history, call your friendly District popcorn
Kernel, the Council Kernel, or popcorn central for advice. If you are executing an Ideal Year of Scouting plan that
calls for much more stock, just call us and we will support you!
I’m not going to get stuck with this stuff, right?
For your convenience, you can return unsold product on Super Sunday, including individual containers suitable for
resale. Additional product is available by trading with your fellow Kernels. Nonetheless, the most important way
to get more products to Scouts is to redistribute the popcorn within your own Unit. YOU MUST KEEP TABS
In 2003 we experienced inappropriately high returns on Super Sunday. The excess returns were worth
over $250,000. We believe the main reason this happened is a failure of Unit Kernel “Inventory
Awareness.” Some Units returned well over $25,000 worth of popcorn.
We stand by our pledge to take back what you cannot sell. However, we cannot absorb losses of this degree in the
future. The only way our Council can continue to make this pledge is if you are responsible with your order and
inventory. If you realize that you probably will have more than 5-10% of your inventory returning on Super
Sunday, please offer it to other Units using the “Trades” tab in Popcorn Manager.
What is Show-N-Deliver?
For Show-N-Deliver, individual Scout families are consigned popcorn from your Units’ inventory to use on a
door-to-door basis.
The Scout shows the products to the customer using his Order form. After the customer makes a selection, he
then offers to deliver the product immediately. Popcorn is typically transported door-to-door (but initially kept
out of the consumer’s sight) in a red wagon or the supervising parent’s car. This economizes on time
committed to the sale, eliminates the need to return to the same door to complete a sale, and has been shown
to yield dramatically higher dollar sales per hour.
Role-play with the Scouts regarding questions customers may ask during the sale. “What does 73% goes to
Scouting mean?” “Where does the money go?” “What kind of activities does the Unit do?” Prior to the sale,
review the goals detailed in the “Ideal Year of Scouting”. This plan tells the Scout (and the customer) why he is
selling popcorn.
Have adults supervising at all times. Adults should be “two deep” in accordance with principles of youth
protection. The training video that describes sales methods is in your “Kickoff in a Box”.
Do I need a permit?
The Council has conferred with most communities in our area and formally notified law enforcement agencies
regarding our popcorn sale. Some communities actually require Units to register prior to selling. Please call
your District Kernel for details regarding your community. We also have filed appropriate paperwork to avoid
charging sales tax.
Are the Scouts really supposed to wear uniforms?
Popcorn is the only sales activity endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. We encourage all Scouts to proudly
wear their uniforms for popcorn sales.
What if I run out of popcorn?
You must periodically check with parents in order to keep tabs on your Units’ inventory. Before you ask for
additional popcorn, please canvas your unknown inventory first. Use e-mail, phone, or any system of your
own design. Popcorn Manager is actually set up with an e-mail messaging system to facilitate this. Show-NDeliver is the best method for efficiently selling the most popcorn, but the Unit Kernel’s empty garage is not
necessarily indicative of a successful sale.
We hold three main distributions: Initial Distribution, Super Sunday, and Final Distribution. If you run out of
product before Super Sunday, check out the “Trades” tab in Popcorn Manager. There may be a Unit near you
with just what you need.
Popcorn Pick-Up Procedures
Where’s the warehouse? How am I going to get all this popcorn to
my house?
Our popcorn distributions will take place from Shur-Way Moving and Cartage, 1943 Industrial Drive, Libertyville,
Illinois. Further information, maps, delivery times and other information are available on .
Your orders will be verified and finalized about a week prior to delivery. We post the orders and delivery times on
our website. Delivery times can be reserved at Unit Kernel Kickoff Training and special requests/changes can be
coordinated with Popcorn Central. We will accommodate all types of vehicles including trucks. In fact, we
encourage Units with large orders (anything over 200 cases) to rent or borrow trucks to pick up the products or ask
for direct delivery from Shur-Way. The delivery fee is comparable to renting a truck. However, many of the rental
agencies extend discounts to Scout groups for popcorn pickup.
Please make sure you have enough vehicles to handle your order. Use the chart to predict how many vehicles you
need. Deduct 4-5 cases from the numbers shown for each passenger (kid, dog, etc.) that comes with a driver. The
warehouse is busy and potentially dangerous. For safety reasons, please avoid bringing small children and pets.
Minivan (rear seats out)
Panel Van
Moving Truck (12 foot)
Volunteers will meet you on site and (hopefully) make the
process as quick and painless as possible. The Unit Kernel
customarily counts the order before vehicles are allowed to load
the products. If your Unit will be moving product with several
vehicles make sure the other drivers know the name and number
of your Unit to prevent confusion. When someone shows up
and tells us he’s from “Den 2” then we’re unable to help them.
If they know their Pack number and city then we can direct
them to the right place.
At the warehouse we will not permit any sorting of product by
dens or individual vehicles. This takes too much time, creates
chaos, and is simply unfair to Units waiting to get into the
warehouse. We recommend that you sort your dens at a
separate site. Most Units choose to count and distribute their
dens and patrols at a separate site.
Direct Delivery Option
Many Units enjoy the convenience of custom direct delivery of popcorn. The delivery service will directly deliver
your popcorn to your door. This service is recommended for any order in excess of 200 cases. The fee will
generally run about $225-275 depending on distance and volume. Be prepared for a higher amount if you have a
particularly large order or the delivery location is a long distance from the warehouse. In Popcorn Manager you
must indicate that you want this service and also enter the delivery address (a Unit “Kernel” defined with an
address in the system). You are responsible for all charges related to direct delivery. Approximately 24-48 hours
prior to delivery Shur-Way will contact you with an approximate delivery time. We are able to generally deliver
your popcorn on the day you request in Popcorn Manager, but we are not able to guarantee delivery times. If you
have specific issues in this regard, please discuss them with Shur-Way when they call to confirm your delivery.
Call Shur-way with any questions related to your direct delivery: 847-362-2976
Unit Financial Obligations & Special Council Policies:
Your financial responsibility:
The popcorn that is in your hands is your responsibility. If it is lost, damaged by you, stolen, or otherwise
unavailable for return to Council then you are financially responsible for the wholesale value of the product.
However, we reserve the right to examine each situation on a case-by-case basis.
Procedural Policies:
Orders for popcorn must be received by the dates on our calendar. We will not promise delivery of popcorn
except on the stated delivery dates shown on our calendar. The Council cannot staff the warehouse on a daily
basis. Unit Kernels that expect this sort of service will be recruited as next year’s warehouse volunteers!
Ordering popcorn is accomplished through our on-line system, Popcorn Manager. We will not guarantee any
other order method such as ad-hoc e-mails, telephone messages, faxes, carrier pigeons, and so forth. The
exception to this rule is that we allow you to submit your initial order on your pink sheet at our Council
popcorn Kickoff.
Prizes will be released (ordered through Trail’s End) immediately after Super Sunday if a Unit completes all its
documentary obligations and appropriate payments to Council. If you have not completed your on-line
documentation or provided the written forms required by Council then your prizes will not be released.
Returns and Final Payment:
We will allow a Unit to return unsold popcorn that was delivered at our initial delivery date. This popcorn is
consigned to your Unit, and you have the right to return it.
Units are encouraged to take the recommended amount of popcorn, but some insist on much more stock than
appears appropriate based on prior sales activity. Popcorn Central reserves the right to limit a Unit’s return
privileges on a case-by-case basis.
Super Sunday, November 8th, 2015
Location: SHUR-WAY Warehouse, 1943 Industrial Drive, Libertyville, IL 60048
10 AM – 4 PM
On Super Sunday you must do the following:
Return any unneeded product. We will accept individual unopened containers in condition suitable for
You may elect to pick up part or all of your final order if we have adequate stock. If you have questions
about how likely this may be just call us at Popcorn Central.
All of your bookkeeping must be completed with Popcorn Manager:
o We will audit all your product transactions with Council at check out. This includes popcorn you
received at the initial distribution, drop-offs and pickups on Super Sunday, and trades with other
o If you have not entered each Scout’s sales individually into Popcorn Manager then you will not be
able to easily choose prizes for your Scouts and other complications will arise. Please do these
before you arrive on Super Sunday.
o Your prize order is automatically generated by Popcorn Manager. However, you must check your
selection of prizes prior to Super Sunday in order to make sure every Scout gets what he is due.
The on-line sales credits will be automatically posted within Popcorn Manager the week prior to
Super Sunday. That additional credit in the prize system will likely require that you pick additional
prizes in the system for these Scouts.
o Pay for product you sold. Money collected from your initial sales as well as final orders that you
have filled with your extra stock is due. Please DO NOT FILL OUT YOUR CHECK until you come
to the payment area. Make one check payable to Northeast Illinois Council.
Most Units accomplish all of these tasks on Super Sunday, but if you have no need to return product you can be
done ahead of time. Many Units are able to settle up for the entire sale on Super Sunday, and subsequent
collections are simply your profits. Please remember that Super Sunday is first come, first served. A map to the site
will be posted on our website.
If you elect to engage in Unit-to-Unit trades, they are made at the Unit wholesale price, not retail sales price.
Popcorn Manager has a special function to facilitate and document trades between Units. The Unit buying the
product is making the actual sale to the customer and is therefore considered deserving of the profit.
Prize Programs &
Special Contests
Main Prize Program
NEIC will offer Units TWO Prize Options for 2015 Popcorn: Regular Prize Program OR 5% Commission
Prize Program includes:
Keller Prizes ( for a list, or see insert in sales guides)
Patch for each selling Scout
$700 Premium Prize Drawing at District Sales Rally featuring tablets, LEGOs and
Spin to Win party incentive for top 100 sellers
$2,500 Scholarship incentive
$4,000 Blackhawk’s tickets incentive
Top 3 Council sellers will be listed on the “2015 Popcorn Cup.”
5% Commission includes:
An extra commission check for 5% of your total sales at the close of the sale
Patch for each selling Scout
$700 Premium Prize Drawing at District Sales Rally featuring tablets, LEGOs and
Spin to Win party incentive for top 100
$2,500 Scholarship incentive
$4,000 Blackhawk’s tickets incentive
Top 3 Council sellers will be listed on the “2015 Popcorn Cup.”
FAQ’s about NEIC Prizes:
Keller Prizes: You will select prizes under your individual Scouts in Popcorn Manager prior to Super
Sunday, as part of closing out your sale. Following Super Sunday, NEIC will submit your prize order to
Keller. Your prize order, in its entirety, will be shipped to the address you specify in Popcorn Manager about
two weeks after the close of the sale. Each District Kernel has three prize kits which you can check out for
your kickoff, based on availability. Check out a kit to get your Scouts excited!
Patches: One patch for each Scout who sold at least one item will be shipped to you about two weeks after
the close of the sale with the prize orders from Keller. Each Kernel has a sample patch in their Kickoff
$700 Sales Incentive: Scouts who bring their order form showing $700+in sales to sales rallies
featuring a spectacular performance from Mad Science of Chicago will be entered in a Premium Prize
Drawing for tablets, LEGOs and more! While the rallies are open to all selling scouts and their parents, only
those at the $700 level will be eligible for this special drawing, and many of them will walk away with
fabulous prizes. In order to be fair to everyone, Scouts may only choose ONE rally to attend. Choose from
the following dates: September 29 (LDS Stake Center – Wilmette), September 30, or October 2 6:00-8pm.
Locations will be confirmed soon. Please check Popcorn Manager and for updates.
Top 100 Sellers Spin ‘N’ Win Event Incentive: The NEIC and Trail’s End have partnered with Headway
Marketing to offer a unique event featuring a spinning wheel, food, and exciting prizes! Date and location to
be determined. The top 100 sellers in the Council and their families will be invited to attend and are
guaranteed to walk away with a great prize. If a scout is unable to attend, then a member of the Council staff
will spin for him and subsequently notify of his valuable prize.
$2,500 Scholarship Incentive: Scouts who sell $2500 in a single season qualify for the Trail’s End
Scholarship program. In addition, any scout who has ever sold in excess of $2500 in a single season can add
6% of whatever amount they sell in subsequent seasons. IN EACH CASE, THE SCOUT
NEIC by November 8th, Super Sunday. Forms can be found at and must be completed
before coming to the warehouse on Super Sunday. Completed Forms require council verification and an
authorized signature of the NEIC Development Director, who will forward applications on to Trail's End
for maintenance and ultimate distribution of the Scout's Scholarship.
$4,000 Blackhawk’s Tickets Incentive: $4,000 sellers will receive 2 tickets in the mail for the Sunday,
January 24th game at 6 p.m. – Blackhawks vs. St Louis Blues. A limited number of tickets with the group may
be available for purchase (typically around $70-90/ticket).
The Popcorn Cup: This year we will be celebrating our top 3 sellers with their names and sales on our
beautiful new “Popcorn Cup,” which will be on display at the Service Center. These Scouts can check the
cup out to showcase at their celebratory unit meeting or event, if desired.
Commission Checks: You will have the option to have your 5% commission check deposited in your Unit
Account at the Scout Store or mailed to the address you put in Popcorn Manager under the “prize” tab. Unit
Account deposits will be made and checks will be mailed about 2 weeks following the close of the sale.
NEIC Prize Programs are just the start! Feel free to get more creative. Every unit has incentives that make
their sale unique and even more exciting. Be sure to ask around and get ideas from other kernels at the
Kickoff or just look around on the internet. There are thousands of fun ones. Use this space to jot some
For questions about Keller prizes, visit their website, where you can find information and call/email them-it’s
really comprehensive!
For questions on any other prizes or incentives, contact your District Kernel, District Staff, or NEIC
Popcorn Staff Advisor, Nick Giacchina, at 847-748-9149.
Forms, Forms, Forms
Take Order Form
This form is given to each Scout. He writes his container sales orders for the Take Order portion of the sale on
this form. He also uses this form to log his Show-N-Deliver sales, marking each sale as “Delivered.” Hang on to
copies of these forms for next year. You will have a database of proven customers with their names, addresses and
phone numbers as a foundation for next year’s sale. Scouts can also use the Show-N-Deliver sales log information
to go back at the end of the sale for last minute sales opportunities. Remember, 91% of consumers who buy
popcorn will do it again! You must provide copies of these forms for any Scout qualifying for the Trail’s End
Scholarship Program.
Scout Popcorn Sales Tracking Sheet
When checking out popcorn to individual families for Show-N-Deliver sales, it is essential to track your inventory.
Popcorn Manager accounts for each Scout using a computerized form. The software can also print out “blank”
forms for you to use for your own documentation before you transcribe the information into Popcorn Manager.
Prize Summary Order Form
At the conclusion of the sale (before Super Sunday) you must create a list of what each Scout has
earned and selected within Popcorn Manager. You choose prizes for each Scout on the Scout’s
product sales form or you can edit your prizes using the Unit overview form on the prizes tab in
Popcorn Manager. Use Popcorn Manager to print this list out after the sale is done so that you will know what
each Scout is to receive. You do not need to print this out for us for Super Sunday. We know what you want
because it is already in the system.
Special Forms
There are a number of special forms on our website,, that Kernels find helpful to organize
their sales. They are not required, but take a look to see if they are useful for you. There is no need to reinvent the
Nifty Stuff
The Ideal Year of Scouting
The Ideal Year of Scouting (IYOS) is a process and tool for planning and producing a program of activities
for your Unit. A Unit just like yours invented IYOS and the idea has spread across the country. You plan a
whole year’s key activities and then create a budget and fund the year in a few simple steps. It works best if,
before the current school year ends, you…
Choose activities for your Unit. Think creatively. Reach for an “Ideal Year,” rich with activities
including summer camp.
Create your calendar of Scouting activities for the year. Involve your Unit’s Leadership in the choice
of activities. They must also be invested in the plan.
Create a coordinated calendar beginning with the fall emphasizing
 Recruitment Strategy
 Rally Night
 Parent Information Night
Translate the Activity Calendar into a budget.
Communicate this plan to your Leaders
Enlist parental support in the fall
 Emphasize the link of fund raising and program for their Scouts
 Communicate activity calendar & Unit budget to parents
 Reinforce role of their efforts yielding a program for their Scouts all year long.
Fund the entire year with a proven fund raising strategy: WE RECOMMEND POPCORN!
Enjoy your Ideal Year of Scouting. Concentrate on program, not fund raising.
We have several tools for you to use. Go to where you can find a useful link
to help you design your Ideal Year of Scouting.
With any tool, the budget calculations also translate your program into sales goals for each Scout. The
Scouts and their parents will literally see what their fund raising efforts accomplish in a tangible way. The
Ideal Year of Scouting software and support materials are available free of charge at Popcorn Central. If
you desire, we will even bring a laptop and the know-how of the process directly to your Unit’s Committee
meeting. All it takes is a phone call or e-mail and we will be there to help you.
Mid Sale Rallies
Energize your Unit’s sale by encouraging ALL Scouts to attend a special sales rally. If a Scout has already sold
$700, he will be entered in a Premium Prize Drawing featuring tablets, LEGOs and other great prizes. While
putting away some ice cream, Scouts will enjoy a performance by the entertaining but educational Mad Science of
We will have three different District events across the Council for our Scouts:
Tuesday, September 29
Potawatomi Sales Rally
Location TBD
Wednesday, September 30 North Star Sales Rally
Location TBD
Thursday, October 1
Aptakisic Sales Rally
Location TBD
Each Scout earns one door prize raffle ticket. Ice cream, popsicles, and water are provided for all. To
qualify for the Premium Prize Drawing a Scout must bring his Take Order Form(s) or copies documenting
at least $700 in sales.
Please note that every Scout signs into the rally on a sign-in sheet with Scout names preprinted by Unit. We
track final sales for each Scout in Popcorn Manager to verify the prize awards. In order to be fair to
everyone, each selling Scout is only allowed to attend one rally, but may attend another district’s rally if he is
unable to attend his own.
Blitz Day Planning
To maximize your Show-N-Deliver potential we recommend that every Unit conduct a Unit Blitz Day.
Councils all over the country have successfully used Blitz Days to dramatically boost their popcorn sales. By
organizing Scouts into teams that cover entire neighborhoods you will accomplish several goals:
Scouts who might otherwise not participate will feel that they are part of their Unit.
Scouts who are inhibited by the social challenge of going door-to door can be paired with friends
who will help them overcome this hurdle
Parental time otherwise allocated for less efficient site sales can be redirected into Blitz Day
Blitz Days culminate in a Unit gathering with awards and (usually) some sort of picnic or cookout.
This becomes a memorable Unit event, and not simply a fundraiser.
All of the inherent advantages regarding Show-N-Deliver sales techniques are encompassed during a
Blitz Day.
Steps for Planning a Blitz Day:
1. Work with your Unit’s Leaders to pick a day for the event. We recommend a Saturday. The event is
best culminated in a picnic or Unit cookout where awards are given and the Scouts and parents can
also enjoy fellowship. It is imperative that the Unit regards the Blitz Day as a true Unit event, not just
an optional popcorn sale day.
2. Distribute fliers and other communications to parents regarding the event. Contact each Scout family
to determine how many Scouts will be attending the event.
3. Insure that 2 parents or Leaders are available to lead a group of 4 Scouts. Each team needs at least one
vehicle. Vehicles will be used for storing the traveling stock of popcorn.
4. Before the day of the Blitz, plan your Unit coverage of the targeted geographic area using a map. is a useful source, and multiple copies of your map can be made. Using highlighter
pens color a targeted map area for each individual team so that there is no overlap of their target areas.
Teams are most efficient when working both sides of a street simultaneously. The vehicle moves
down the street as the Scout teams go door-to-door.
5. Budget approximately 15 minutes per block, and assume that the Scouts will be selling for 2-3 hours.
It is always best to map out more territory per team than the time allotment allows.
6. The morning of the event assemble donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate for the Scouts at 8 AM. When
you meet as a group you or the Unit Leader must develop enthusiasm to carry the Scouts through the
sale day. Please discuss your targeted area with your District Kernel.
Show the Trail’s End popcorn sale video for the Scouts at the start of your rally time. This
video reviews many details about how to conduct the sale, and emphasizes courtesy. You
can find this video at
Have an adult role play a “bad” Scout going door-to-door. Have that adult put on a
neckerchief sideways, and “ham it up” to be the “bad” example of how to NOT sell
popcorn. The video will inspire the adult performance.
Then, have two older Scouts repeat the role play in front of the group, demonstrating how
to do it “right”.
Make sure every Scout has an order sheet and a working pen or pencil. Every Scout should
be in uniform.
Show the Unit’s special prizes as well as the standard prizes to the Scouts. We recommend
that you purchase flashlights, personal “walkman” stereos, pocketknives, etc. for the Scouts
as special Blitz Day prizes.
7. Stock each team vehicle with an assortment of popcorn from your Show-N-Deliver stock.
8. Send each team out for the allotted time.
9. Prepare a hot dog cookout lunch or your preferred “victory” picnic while the Scouts are out selling.
10. When the Scouts come back have a Leader gather the order sheets and account for all money and
popcorn stock. They should identify their team total sale as well as the highest selling Scout. Make sure
that all popcorn delivered is clearly marked as such on the take order forms. Use a colored indelible
pen, or some other consistent marking method. If there is any confusion later you may get a huge
bookkeeping headache. This is essential for record keeping.
11. The best plan is to return the order sheet to each Scout as he leaves. This demonstrates to the Scout
how much work he has already done, and provides documentation of sales effort to gain the Scout entry
to the Mid-Sale Rallies.
12. Popcorn Manager has a special Group Sales section to help allocate sales credit to the Scouts. The
system logs the specific popcorn products sold, and then allows you to enter how many hours each
Scout participated. By following this approach each Scout is allocated dollar sales in an equitable
fashion for the final prize system. Each Scout’s individual final SPS form shows his group sales credit on
the bottom of the sheet. This automatically is added in for the prize system credit to the Scout.
13. When everyone finishes eating, hand out prizes to the highest selling Scouts and/or teams. Also,
emphasize what the total sale was for the day to everyone in attendance.
Den Meeting Kit
On the following pages are handout planners for Cub Scout den meetings.
Additional popcorn videos and tools are available at
Popcorn & Information Technology
Each year we continue to attempt to make popcorn easier for you with computers. Many details about these
systems are evolving over time and not described by this handbook. However, we have been able to analyze the
tools in some depth and our recommendations follow.
Every new system -- computerized or otherwise, necessitates flexibility and a positive attitude in users. We are
committed to supporting you through this process. If you can’t get it to work, don’t beat your head against the
wall. Call us. E-mail us. We are in this with you.
The Web
The popcorn sale involves two main web sites:
o Meet us on the web at for information about the sale. We post the latest information,
reminders about deadlines, helpful hints, and photos from the sale. If you have shortcuts in your
browser for our old information site you will automatically be forwarded to the new pages.
o Numerous downloads including word processing documents (like this manual), special forms, and
helpful hints as well.
o Links to our on-line accounting system, Popcorn Manager, are easily accessed on
o This is our popcorn distributor’s site. There is extensive information about the products and
numerous sales aids and videos are available.
This is the access point for selling popcorn on-line by using the site linked to Trail’s
End. Individual Scouts can sign-up for this system on line through the “Scouts” section of the Trail’s End
website. Scouts under the age of 13 must have a parent authenticate his account with a valid email
Popcorn Cyber-Kernel Jeff’s
Popcorn Manager
Web based management for your Popcorn Sale
This is the best way for you to run your popcorn sale. The system manages your sale
over the Internet and automatically eliminates many redundant forms. Best of all, if
there is something about the system you would like to change, just let us know. Our Council “CyberKernel,” Jeff Bush, is eagerly awaiting your feedback.
After you sign up to sell popcorn using our on-line link
you will receive log on instructions for the system by direct e-mail. Once you are logged on, there is context
sensitive “help” that answers most questions. Just hover your mouse over an area you
are confused about and an explanation will appear by your pointer.
When you first log on you encounter headline news from
the sale. You also may have messages waiting for you.
Just click on the messages link or the tab at the top.
Leaders and parents (at your option) can be given access to the system by using
the Users tab. Thereafter you can “blitz” e-mail them with your own updates.
The message system allows you to send messages through the system alone, or
you can choose to also have the message sent by e-mail as well. And share your
e-mail broadcasts with your District Kernel – it may help another Unit!
Click on the SPS (Scout Popcorn Sales) tab and then click on a Scout name. All
of your registered Scouts are already loaded into the system for you. Their phone
numbers are there as well. The individual Scout SPS form tracks the popcorn
that the Scout sells and also tracks consignments of popcorn that you give to
the Scout and his family. Each time you have a transaction a new line forms to
help track accounting with each Scout.
As the Scout has sales attributed to his SPS form, the prize system automatically unfolds below. The system
automatically calculates what prizes he qualifies for, and you can keep adding selections until he meets his
entire sales level. The special programs ($700 and Top 100 seller Spin to Win, Scholarship at $2,500, and
Chicago Blackhawks Tickets at $4,000) all appear when the thresholds are reached. You can edit a Scout’s
prize selection here on his SPS form, or you can also edit his selections in the prize group view option on
the prizes tab. The on-line sales that occur during the fall sale period will automatically appear here the
week before Super Sunday. The extra prize credit will automatically be added for you.
The SPS form tracks BOTH the popcorn that you consign to the Scout, and also his
actual sales. Unit Kernels, just like you, requested this feature. As the Scout
demonstrates actual sales, his “inventory” is automatically reduced. The form will
show you if you owe him more popcorn to match his sales, and it will also show if he
is holding on to popcorn that he hasn’t sold. An overview of all actual sales is shown
on your PUR (Popcorn Unit Record) form, and the PUR form has an option to create
an overview of “inventory” status as well. You can see who has unsold popcorn,
check on how much popcorn should be in your garage, and see who needs the popcorn.
When you run a Unit Blitz or other group sale, click the group sales tab and create the group sale. The
group sale popcorn products sold are entered into the group sale page. This then automatically shows as a
group sale on your PUR form for accounting purposes. You can indicate how much time each Scout spent
on the group sale and the sale credit then carries over to the Scout’s individual SPS form. This way he gets
credit for the prize system.
The Prize and PUR tabs are essentially report functions of the system. As you enter individual Scout sales
the PUR form automatically summarizes the sales for you. PUR also can show you where your unsold
inventory is located. Just click on the view you prefer at the left of the form.
The prizes selected by the Scout are also summarized on the Prizes tab. You can edit prizes in this view as
well as on the individual Scout’s SPS form. If the Scout has additional prize credit, you will see this
graphically on this overview form. Scout on-line sales are
automatically credited for the prizes within Popcorn Manager.
Popcorn Manager automatically validates your final prize order
on Super Sunday. Make sure that you have indicated which
user is to receive the prizes on the Prize tab. The contact
information entered into the system is used to mail the prizes to
O&S (Order and Settlement) is the summary page that shows
what products you were consigned, what you returned, relates
this to the Scout sales you have logged, and calculates your final order.
The first thing you will want to do in the O&S form is check your initial order for accuracy. Just go the
O&S tab and then click the link on the left side that says, “View/Place Orders.” Initially at the start of the
sale you will see something like this. Based on your last year’s total sale, we have recommended your initial
order for you. This recommendation is based on 90% of your Unit’s total sales from last
year, and it is adjusted to reflect known changes in your number of registered Scouts. If
you have more Scouts registered this year than last, then we will automatically
recommend that you get more popcorn. Your recommended order is on your “Pink
Sheet” given to you at our Council Kickoff. If you handed in your pink sheet we will
enter your order for you into Popcorn Manager, but it’s a good idea to check our work.
You can also change the order up until Council approves it. The example here doesn’t
show recommendations because this Unit didn’t sell popcorn last year. This Unit needs
to contact its District Kernel for help with this task.
Now, if you see a recommended order that is more or less than what you think you need, just enter the
amounts you want and click “Place Order” when you are done. Please note that this initial order is rounded
up to full case amounts. Remember, we are working with containers, NOT cases when we initially order
popcorn. The only reason this is rounded up is for simplification of our initial delivery to you. At
subsequent deliveries you can get individual containers. The rounding up only applies to the initial order.
At Popcorn Central your District team will review your order. If they agree with your order they will
“Approve” the order and then it can’t be changed, except by a Council user. If they don’t agree with your
order, then you will be hearing from them. The smart thing to do is talk to your District Kernel before you
elect to vary your order in a significant way. If you think you need more popcorn than we suggest then
that’s great. We will support you. But you are going to have to convince your District team that you
deserve all that extra popcorn. If you can’t sell it, we have to take it back.
You should sign up for an initial delivery time at our Council Kickoff. If you don’t sign up, we will assign a
delivery time to your Unit. The delivery times will be posted on our website,
After the sale is underway, when you click on the “View/Place Orders” link you will end
up with a view that looks kind of like this example. Each of your orders has three separate
steps. There is what you submitted, what we approved, and what you actually picked up at
the warehouse. Sometimes those entries are the same (like it’s supposed to be) and
sometimes not. That’s the real world of popcorn!
If we made an error please let us know. We work from paper receipts generated in the
warehouse. If someone’s handwriting is still stuck in kindergarten, or maybe we
miscounted the cases then let us know and we will fix it.
At the bottom of the form is a place to order more popcorn. This exists for SPECIAL circumstances.
Don’t try to order more in the middle of the sale or before Super Sunday. It won’t work unless you work
out a “special deal” with Popcorn Central. This version expects you to enter containers, and there is no
rounding up. Again, DO NOT use this ordering area for Super Sunday. Super Sunday is handled
differently (see below).
The trades tab enables you to advertise if you have too much popcorn and permits other Unit Kernels to get
it from you. Just click on the link on the left to create your listings. You can
advertise that you want popcorn or that you are offering popcorn. Of course, if you
need popcorn, the logical first step is to check the listings. That’s the view that you
first encounter when you click on the tab (example at right).
If you want popcorn that another Unit Kernel is advertising, you
can click next to the offer and take all or part of the offer. Obviously, it is important to
communicate with the other Unit Kernel. You can click on their name and send e-mail, or
give them a call. Both Unit Kernels have to agree that a modification of the offer is
acceptable. The final version of what happened is displayed on your “my trades” view of the trades tab.
Please note that “trading” is a multistep process in which both Kernels declare their intentions to trade, and
then sign off that the trade has occurred. If you fail to follow through on the process spelled out in the
system, then your final accounting will be in error. Since it is very difficult to find the Kernel you swapped
with to fix the error later (on Super Sunday) we strongly recommend that you verify the accuracy and
completion of all trading between Units.
On Super Sunday the main O&S form reviews your product
transactions with the Council. You pay for the popcorn that results
from product transactions (inventory) with Council, not based on what
you have documented at a Scout sales level. Do not enter any
numbers into the adjustments line – that’s for later. When you return
product to the warehouse we will generate a receipt and also another
receipt for popcorn that you receive that day. Those numbers are
transcribed into the system after you pass through the warehouse.
You won’t know how much popcorn you are picking up on Super Sunday until it’s done, so leave those
spaces blank. Our ability to fill your final needs will vary with what other Kernels bring back.
Again, your bill is based on actual inventory transactions with the Council. Everyone “loses” or
mysteriously “gains” products from the Unit Kernel’s garage. That’s just the way it goes. Don’t feel bad
about it. Very few Kernels get the numbers to line up perfectly.
We compare these two sets of numbers on Super Sunday (the lower section), but we recognize that they
frequently are different. We will enter “Adjustments” to your O&S form on Super Sunday, so the best
approach is to NOT enter adjustments until then. Again, “Adjustments” do not affect what you owe
Council. However, we later audit “Adjustments” as a method of validating that your prize orders reflect
your actual sales.
Mobile Payment Options
You can enhance your Site and Show and Deliver Sales by utilizing a Mobile Payment Device. Many of our
Units had success using Square and other mobile options and claim to have had a significant leap in sales.
You may have already had success with another company. If so, please let us know so that we can add it to
our list.
At the Door
Sage Mobile
Special features
3 percent of the credit-card
transaction. Card reader costs $10
plus shipping, but until the end of
the year, charities can get a $10
Works only with
Plugs directly into the
iPad's 30-pin
connector, instead of
the audio jack, to speed
up credit-card
Two alternatives are available. For
the pay-as-you-go option, the
company charges 2.4 percent per
credit-card swipe but 3.4 percent if
the credit-card number is typed into
the device, with a transaction fee of
.25¢. The monthly option is $19.95
per month plus 1.75 percent of the
transaction fee, or 3.15 percent if the
number is keyed in, with a
transaction fee of .25¢. Card reader is
Works with
Android devices,
iPads, and
Can deposit donors'
money into the
charity's bank account
or to a Visa card that
the company provides.
Works with Intuit's
QuickBooks so
charities can record
donations later.
2.7 percent per transaction. Card
reader is free. 3.5 percent plus .15 per
transaction for manual transactions.
Works with
Android devices
and iPhones and
can be used with a
charity's PayPal
Can scan in checks and
accept PayPal
payments. Product is
due to be released later
this spring.
Varies by organization. Demands a
higher fee to process American
Express cards and to type in creditcard information rather than swiping
the card. Card reader is free.
Works with
Android devices,
iPads, and
Check out the special promotion with
our Trail’s End Scout rate on the
following page.
Works with
Android devices,
iPads, and
Donors can sign on the
smartphone screen
with their fingers and
receive those receipts
in an e-mail.