Ohio Valley Region | Porsche Club of America | May 2015


Ohio Valley Region | Porsche Club of America | May 2015
Ohio Valley Region | Porsche Club of America | May 2015
Snyder Sense.
Annual Wine Tasting
Background Noise.
Autocross, Forest Fair Village
Wine Tasting.
. .
12 Board Meeting and Socializer, Uno’s in West Chester
My Porsche Moment .
. .
17 Maifest Car Show, OVR Concours #1, Germania Park
Tour of the High Country .
Psst...It's Not About The Cars.
Autocross, Forest Fair Village
. .
Board Meeting and Socializer, Uno’s in West Chester
Top Gun Challenge 2015.
April Autocross. .
20 Red Brick Reunion, OVR Concours #2, Oxford, OH
Just Dive In .
More Autocross .
April Board Meeting Minutes.
Around the Zone..
. .
14 Board Meeting and Socializer, Uno’s in West Chester
Membership .
Mid-Ohio Driver's Education
11 Arthritis Foundation Auto Show, Dublin, OH
PCA Club Race, Putnam Park
18 Autocross, Forest Fair Village
. .
. .
24-26 P2O, Granville, OH
. .
Membership Application .
Advertiser Index. .
The Mart
Board Members.
Cover photo by Nicole Dubnicay-Wellen of Robert Cox in
his 1986 Garnet Red 944.
11 Board Meeting and Socializer, Uno’s in West Chester
15 John Dixon Tribute Car Show, OVR Concours #3
Board Meeting and Socializer, Uno’s in West Chester
19 Autocross, Forest Fair Village
Check our website, http://www.ovrpca.org for updates on
all events. To contact event chairs directly, see the “Board
Members” page for contact information.
Visit our online store by going to OVRPCA.org and clicking
on the NEW ONLINE STORE link directly beneath the OVR
logo, or by going to SHOP.OVRPCA.org.
16-18 Mid-Ohio Driver's Education
Rallye Porsche Mariemont, OVR Concours #4
13 Board Meeting and Socializer, Uno’s in West Chester
Attention All OVR Members
All members are welcome to attend the
monthly Board Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday
of every month, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Socializing
starts at 6 p.m. Meet with other Porsche
owners before and after the board meeting at
Uno’s Pizza in West Chester.
Snyder Sense
Josh Snyder · Editor, Photo by Grant Karnes
I’ve had a fondness for Porsches for as
long as I can remember. I can’t pinpoint
a time or place when it first started. I can,
however, pinpoint a specific car that my
mind idolizes and associates with the
brand of Porsche. The 911 Turbo of the
1980s holds a special place in my heart,
because when I think of my formative
years in that time, I think of a guards red with black interior
Turbo. When I was younger, I never even knew someone
that owned one, but I will forever lust for that car.
lose those sweet naturally aspirated flat six engines at the
lower range of the 911 model family. At least the GT3 will
remain naturally aspirated, making it even more covetable
in my eyes.
In my mind, the 911 Turbo was the Porsche of Porsches.
It was a machine to be feared and revered. The best
part about it to my 10-year-old mind was that it seemed
attainable. Unlike a Ferrari Testarossa or Lamborghini
Countach, the Turbo was the almost everyman’s supercar.
Through hard work and perseverance, I could one day
own a Turbo and probably wave out the window as I blew
by those other supercars anyway.
Are car makers missing something here? I like to think that
turbocharged cars should be the wild child of the automotive world, especially the sports car variety. As I write this, I
keep coming back to an article Chris Harris recently wrote
on Jalopnik (http://bit.ly/1HBDbZZ). He expresses the
sentiment much more eloquently than I ever could, so do
yourself a favor and give it a read. The point is, turbo cars
are losing the very thing that made them so special, in the
name of progress.
Fast forward 25 years or so. By now, you’ve probably
heard the rumors that all 911 Carrera and Carrera S model
engines will be turbocharged with the 991 facelift coming
later this year. They will get 2.7 and 3.4 liter engines, respectively, slotting below the 3.8 liter of the current capitalT Turbo models.
I can’t help but feel a little disappointed for a couple reasons. First, it seems like the Turbo will lose a little of its
specialness. Yeah, the Turbo will still remain a cut above,
but it won’t be quite as unique as it is today. Second, we’ll
I realize Porsche is simply following down the road that
all auto manufacturers are travelling. The goal is to make
more efficient engines and meet stricter emissions guidelines and the recipe sans hybrid technology is to use
turbochargers. There’s something else going on here, too.
Everyone is trying to make turbo engines feel like naturally
aspirated engines.
Turbos have been given four-wheel drive to help put all
their power to the pavement. Their application of boost has
been smoothened to give a steady rush of thrust instead
of a swift kick in the rear. They’ve been refined into a car
that almost anyone can drive. And now, every 911 will be
a turbo of some kind. Even as the Turbo get tamed, I will
forever associate the 911 Turbo with the unruly 930 variety
(with a nod to the 964 and 993 versions) that demanded
the full attention and respect of the driver.
Background Noise
Jeff Clark - Member
Over dinner at our monthly OVR PCA meeting I’m conversing with our new secretary and editor of the Bent
Pylon, Josh Snyder. We’re talking about what the editing
job entails and the time commitment involved in making
this thing come to life. I, like many, take it for granted that
the Bent Pylon shows up each month, but fail to give any
consideration to the work involved. The editor asks for the
members to contribute to the effort. Some do, some don’t.
For those of you who haven’t met Josh Snyder, he is one
of these guys that you can’t help but like. He’s got an easy
going personality and a great sense of humor; when talking he’s animated and “on." He ordered the chicken parmesan and explained that he saves half for lunch the next
day. It’s a great idea so I stole it and ordered the same. Out
of nowhere he said we’d be getting the electronic version
of the Pylon this month, because of not enough material
We’re talking about content and stories for the Bent Pylon. contributed to produce the hard copy.
My mind goes into overdrive and I’m suddenly full of
Let’s talk to members about their Porsche religious converPulitzer winning ideas and I begin to bombard Josh with
sion. When did you first know you were hooked, the first
the wealth. “Let’s write about our members, everyone has Porsche that you saw that made you a disciple? Your first
story to tell.” Sitting next to Josh is Ed Busam, a wonderful one.
guy. His Boxster’s engine exploded and Ed literally rebuilt See Josh? Another brilliant idea.
his engine in his garage and carries with him the notes and
For a moment he was not “on.” He was getting aggravated.
pictures of the work. It’s fascinating!
It didn’t dawn on me until the drive home that evening that
See Josh? There’s a story.
perhaps I should write these articles and interviews. Josh’s
Our members are all pretty accomplished men and wom- responsibility is producing the Bent Pylon, not all the conen. Porsches are not Toyotas. Anyone up for a $300.00 oil tent.
change? I suggested we pick a few members and interSorry Josh.
view them. Find out about their businesses and personal
lives, where they go on vacation, are they leaving soon,
I will contribute something to the Bent Pylon every month,
what’s the safe combination, where they leave the spare
at least during the reign of Grant and Josh. If it stinks, you
keys. The usual stuff.
do it.
See Josh? There’s a story.
Editor's Note: As I first read Jeff's submission, I was feeling reluctant to run it in the Bent Pylon because there were
Every month the Bent Pylon is profiling a Board Member,
so many references to me. As I finished reading, I realized
asking a few questions, then Patrick McCue takes some
that Jeff actually nailed it. This publication is nothing withgreat photos of the member’s car.
out submissions from members, whether those members
Could we add a picture of the member, to put a face to a
are chairpersons or not. Jeff made good on his promise,
and totally knocked it out of the park. Keep reading on the
See Josh? Another great idea. That one’s on the house.
next page to find his Porsche Moment. Thanks Jeff!
Wine Tasting
Grant Karnes - OVR President
The 2015 OVR PCA charity wine tasting will be on Saturday, May 2 AT 6:30 pm! This event was at capacity last
year with more than 90 OVR wine tasters sampling 25 different highly rated wines and enjoying hot hors d’oeuvres.
This year will be more of the same, but space is limited so
register now! Registration is open on http://clubregistration.net at $30 per person.
wine auction at the end of the evening provides an opportunity to bring home the wines you like.
The historic Little Red Schoolhouse has a lot where you
can park with us and display your Porsche in the flattering
evening light. The location offers a picturesque, historic
setting for this event. There will be a silent auction with
several unique items to support One Way Farms and ChilWe are returning to the fabulous venue, Indian Hill Histori- dren's Tumor Foundation. There are sure to be some specal Society's "Little Red Schoolhouse" located at 8100
cial Porsches on display. The doors will be open, weather
Given Rd. (the intersection of Camargo Rd. and Given Rd.) permitting, and we hope to have a wonderful spring,
If you missed this event last year, mark your calendar and
indoor-outdoor evening enjoying fine wine and socializing
be sure to join us on Saturday, May 2. This is one of our
amidst fabulous Porsches.
few charity fundraising events for the year and our annual
My Porsche Moment
Jeff Clark - Member
Bear with me. I need this catharsis.
My father died on February 6 of this year. He was 78.
I was born in upstate New York in 1960 not far from the
place my father and his father were born. He was in his
early twenties when I arrived. I was premature, a major
issue in 1960, and my mother was told that she was young
and strong so she could have another. I wasn’t expected
to survive. But I persevered apparently. The expense of my
arrival on this planet was a costly one and my folks had to
move in with my grandparents. Knowing now the substantial political differences between my Roosevelt Democrat
grandparents and my Goldwater Republican father, I
imagine staying with them was tense. This fact would bear
itself out over dinner at nearly every holiday going forward.
If politics didn’t come up then somebody had died.
My father came from an era, like I believe most men of his
era, of rugged individualism. A trait that from my perspective is sorely missing today. The thought of hiring another
to do a job he could do for himself was unthinkable. He
was Scottish and English. If something broke, you fixed it
until you had no other choice but to replace it. My father,
by example, taught my brother and me how to fix things.
First and foremost, never be afraid to try. Second, don’t be
afraid to get your hands dirty or cut up. It’s part of being a
man. Third, have decent tools and always spend the most
money you can to get the best tools you can afford. Quality
lasts. I took to it a bit more than my brother by taking things
apart whether they worked or not and attempting to rebuild
them. Most of these experiments of course were done on
things that didn’t belong to me.
My dad loved the cars of his youth and would tell me
stories of going to Canada to see races in Ontario and
the weekends he’d spend at Watkins Glen in the 50s. He
owned an MG-TD that I think he loved. However, I believe
the automotive love of his life was a metallic blue Austin
Healy 3000 with electric overdrive. I think he still has the
original owner’s manual somewhere in the house. I found
out years later my dad had to trade the big Healy for a
Chevy 2 which was an ugly, ungainly, practical metal box,
because he was married and had a kid.
I sometimes wonder if he held a grudge. I might have.
Sometime in the early 70s a French-made Renault 10
showed up. An 1100 cc, front engine, 4 speed with a black
plastic interior and a deep green body. Not a particularly
attractive car, it was foreign and sounded foreign. My dad
worked on that car and let me watch and hand him tools.
I learned the difference between a metric tool and American, a socket and a box wrench, a Philips head screwdriver and the other one. I recall that in the rain the car
would smell of oil and plastic just enough to make a young
kid unload his stomach. Thank goodness for the lack of
Interestingly though, at this point in my life, I pine for the
smell of that car and watching my father shuttle between
the gears. Guy could drive.
Fast forward. I just finished college and the car bug which
had been strong since childhood took hold with the cashing of my first paycheck. I scoured Columbus for the object
of my desire and found her in a metal shed behind this
guy’s suburban home. A decent signal orange ’75 Porsche
914. The brakes were ok, it shifted as well as a 914 does,
the motor was clean and had no rust in the battery area.
In time, this car was taken apart as much as I dared to and
as many parts as I could afford to replace were gleefully
ordered from my stack of Porsche parts catalogs. New
wheels, tires, sheepskin seat covers, and stereo. I had
bought a small house in Montgomery, a post-World War
two model but it had a one car garage where my 914 was
The evenings and weekends I’d spent on that car were
forgotten. The nicks and cuts on my hands meant nothing
the moment the engine turned over. Driving it in July at 10
o’clock at night with the radio going was a religious experience. I would never have had the temerity to do the work if
my father had never said “Don’t be afraid to try, don’t worry
about getting your hands torn up and always use good
Then my son arrived and the company I was working for
went under very fast. The thought of having to part with
this car was unthinkable. She was my pride and joy. It
was after Christmas in the early 90’s and I teared up the
afternoon a young guy and his girlfriend showed up with
cash and drove off in my Porsche. I was inconsolable the
next day.
Later, my marriage ended poorly. Divorce is a terrible,
destructive thing and the family made some disagreeable
choices. Several years later I married a beautiful Canadian
woman, far out of my league and frighteningly brilliant.
Twenty years later, I was still having flashbacks of my first
Porsche and it was my wife that had me search for another
and it was she who bought me a ‘72 914 in signal orange.
Canadian woman are amazing. The next 12 months, the
little car spent most of its time on jacks, brakes being taken
off and rebuilt, engine being taken apart and cleaned. A lot
of the time my young son, Ty, was in the garage with me,
often under this car getting his hands filthy.
“Who taught you to do this stuff, daddy?”
My Porsche Moment
Jeff Clark - Member
“My dad taught me to never be afraid to try to fix something, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, and always
use good tools.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever met him.”
“You haven’t.”
I was estranged from my father for the better part of 12
years. He was now in his mid-70s and his heart, after undergoing a bypass in his 50s, was not doing well. I needed
Ty to meet the man that taught me never be afraid, get
your hands dirty and use good tools. We showed up unannounced Father’s Day 2014, with a card Ty made for him.
Dad looked frail but good and after an hour or so it seemed
he was getting tired. On the drive home Ty said, “They
seemed like really nice people”. My father’s last words to
me were in an email I still have that said, “Ty looks like a
fine boy, very outgoing and friendly. Hope to see you soon.
I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. I miss him terribly.
Performance Equipment
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Porsche Club Members receive a special 10% discount on parts and labor.
Call us for an appointment and one of our Porsche Certified
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Master Porsche
Alan Partee
Mark Kidd
Your company’s ad could have been seen
this month by Porsche owners if it was in
the Bent Pylon.
Contact Advertising Chair Toni Lichvar:
[email protected]
A Tour of the High Country
Mark Simpson - Member
Editor’s Note: This tour got cancelled just as the May issue
was headed to print. However, Mark Simpson plans to
reschedule the event to a date in the fall, so I decided to
run the article anyway.
On dates to be determined, you are invited to join the West
Virginia delegation for a drive in “Almost Heaven.” West
Virginia is privileged to have some of the finest roads for
driving in the country. It has gorgeous mountains with
wide open twisty roads at breath taking elevations and
one of the finest resorts in the world, the Greenbrier. Take
a moment to Google Greenbrier Resort and you will be
of the highest highways in the East. We will continue to
Cranberry Glades, which is an area where all the vegetation is unique. The only other place to find this vegetation
is in the Arctic Tundra. The theory is this section of earth
was carried down by a glacier.
We are not done yet. We will drive down the road to Bear
Town, a most unusual group of boulders that form a cave
like environment. From there, we head back to the Greenbrier for lunch. We have several options for the afternoon.
You can stay around the resort and golf at one of 4 magnificent golf courses, swim in one of 4 pools, play tennis, ride
horses, bike, fish, raft, shoot guns or just relax. Wind down
before dinner and enjoy the mountain air. We plan to eat
in downtown Lewisburg that night in what travel magazine
called "Americas Coolest Small Town” in 2011.
Do not miss this opportunity and make sure to bring your
significant other. There is no way they will forgive you if
you don't. Contact Mark Simpson at 304-545-3298 or
[email protected]. Do not wait. The special price
on rooms is over by the end of April. If you can’t stay at the
Greenbrier there are plenty of other hotels in the Lewisburg area. See you in Almost Heaven.
Mark Simpson will be our host for what he calls "A Tour Of
The High Country ." Arrive Friday afternoon and settle in to
your room at the Greenbrier. Special rates are available on
a superior room for $339 if booked by April 30 that is normally $549. Clean up your car and make the short drive
to the Sporting Club, a private club within the Greenbrier's
12,000 acres. With only 600 members you are assured a
peaceful environment to park your car on the lawn for an
informal car show. Who knows, yours may be selected as
the people’s choice. Cocktails and dinner will follow in one
of the most beautiful places on earth. Return to your room
or hit the casino for a little black jack or dancing.
The next day we will gather for a spectacular drive through
the high country. You will visit Snowshoe resort at an altitude of 4,848 ft. then drive up to the scenic highway, one
OVR vs Cincy VW Club
Ronald McDonald House
2014 Pull Tab Challenge
OVR Name Badges
Kathie Hunter- OVR Member-at-Large
OVR now has name badges available for you to order.
The design is a metal nameplate sized 1.5” x 3.5” with a
magnetic backing. It is lightweight and with the magnet
will not cause puncture harm to your clothing. Each
badge ordered will be $10, which includes shipping, if
necessary. OVR would like to thank our former Newsletter
Editor, Richard Groot, for his work, attention to detail and
creativity on this project.
You can personalize your badge! First line in a bold text
for your first name/nickname; Second line for your given or
family name; add a touch of something you want to share
on the Third line, such as ‘Member since…’, your car make
and model, or hometown, or maybe just leave it blank-your
1. Fill in the information in the space below.
Keep saving the pull-tabs for Ronald McDonald House.
Collect for our Challenge in 2015!
Turn in at any OVR event to Kathie Hunter.
2. If mailing, enclose a check made out to OVR/PCA
for $10 per badge and send to: Kathie Hunter, 1409
Woodridge Drive, Hamilton OH 45013.
FIRST LINE:_______________________________
SECOND LINE:_____________________________
THIRD LINE:_______________________________
Please provide a mailing address:
Contact information so we may acknowledge receipt of
order and inform you of delivery:________________
Alan J. Statman, Esq.
Harris &
Eyrich LLC
441 Vine Street, Suite 3700
Cincinnati, OH 45202
ajstatman @ statmanharris.com
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Multimillion Dollar Advocates Forum
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Sample Name Badge
Psst...It's Not About The Cars
Gary Nichols - Spring DE Chair
It’s 2 a.m. on an early Saturday morning in late fall 1992.
I’m riding shotgun in a white Ford Crown Victoria on southbound I-75 just north of the Kentucky River headed toward
Richmond. The 4.6 liter Ford V-8 is wailing for all its worth,
an indicated 125 on the “calibrated” speedometer. In the
words of Commander Cody, “There ain’t no more.” The
Crown Vic, a brand new one, is adorned with whip antennas, blue graphics, lots of lights, and several radios. The
driver is in a dark blue uniform with a shiny badge, wide
belt, and a Sig-Sauer 9mm on his right hip. At the helm,
my best friend, and “adopted big brother” is one Officer
Philip S. Osborne (Easy Ozzie, as he was known, for his
penchant to not write tickets with any reasonable excuse
to a violation). His is soon to enter into official retirement
from law enforcement after many years with the LexingtonFayette County Police Department.
A few months before I got the call, “Bud, I’m going to retire
on my 50th birthday in March, you and I need to go out
some time soon before that date for a night and ride along
with me on patrol.” Sign me up. Yes, the blue lights were
on for that banzai run toward the bridge (What a power trip
sitting underneath them, not in front of them for once!) Phil
really wanted to see if the new Fords could hold a candle
to the old 440 Plymouth/Dodges of his earlier years, and
no, they could not.
Phil and I met through the SCCA a number of years before, competing against each other in autocross events. A
fast friendship ensued early on that remains in place today,
even though Phil and his wife Lou Anna are in Texas, and
Rose, Caitlin and I are here in Ohio. How many miles,
memories, dinners, events, birthdays, Christmas, vacations together, road trips, car stuff have we done together
over all these years? A lot and cars started it all.
The truth is Phil and I would have never known each other
if it were not for our love of things automotive. The car club
and car infatuation initiated the friendship, and those common themes provided the opportunity for the friendship to
blossom. We, this club, this region, are soon to head up
to Mid-Ohio for our 25th anniversary event at this premier
track. That’s a lot of years under our belt, and a lot of similar friendships have come about through OVR during those
two and half decades.
I have always likened this event, other HPDE’s, as well
as those multi-state, Divisional and National Championship events in my old autocross days, and the long road
trips associated with them travelling long distances away
to the building of a small, and temporary encampment of
the faithful united for a brief time. Many who attend have
come from points afar, to gather at a common place, for
the singular enjoyment of driving their sports cars with
their comrades of the same persuasion. We arrive at the
track, some find residence in their rented garages, others
stake out their place in the paddock, and all bask in the
enjoyment of the day, to spend their limited time with those
sharing the same passion…cars.
But, the cars are nothing more than the common thread
that unites all to one theme. It is the people, the memories,
the friendships that bring it all together. They are the real
reason we keep coming back each year to do the same
“just one more time.” After three days, the small, temporary
city and encampment break down, the residents scatter to
the four winds to go back to the real world. But for a few
brief days we share our passion of driving, and the real
world stands still. In the big picture, we shall remember,
as time passes and the years blur, the camaraderie, the
social time spent during that weekend, the meeting of new
and old friends. Yes, we shall long forget the lap times we
ran on our best day at any given venue. What we will not
forget are the people, the time spent together. We head to
Mid-Ohio soon to enjoy our Porsches, driving, and enjoying that thrill to our heart's content.
It’s truly not about the cars. It’s always about the people.
Join us at Mid-Ohio. We hope to see you in June to enjoy
the driving and build some memories.
Gotta go, I need to make a call.
“Philmeister, Nicholman here. Time for a road trip. It’s been
too long since we were last together…”
Steve Nelson - Concours Chair
OVR is once again hosting a car show in conjunction with
the Maifest at Germania Park. The show will be from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 17. Awards will be presented to the top 10 cars based on popular voting. Voting ends
at 1 p.m. and awards will be presented at 2 p.m.
Last year, 50 cars participated in this event and we expect
even more this year. Join us for this celebration of the arrival of spring with a German twist. The Germania Society
will provide German food and drink for sale as well as
other activities.
Pre-registration is currently open at https://clubregistration.
net at $20 per car. Registration will also be open at the
event until noon. Germania Park is located in northwest
Cincinnati at 3529 West Kemper Road.
April Autocross
Nicole Dubnicay-Wellen - Member
OVR PCA held the first 2015 Autocross Event Saturday
April 11 at Forest Fair Village. The event was a huge success with over 30 entrants and fun had by all. Autocrossers made 6 individual timed runs through the course and
lap times kept improving through the day.
There were a variety of vehicles participating in the event
by Austin-Healey, BMW, Mazda, Mercedes, Porsche,
Scion and Volkswagen. It was a good mix of vehicle capability and driver talents ranging from the beginner to the
advanced autocrosser. By mid-day a number of spectators
stopped in to check out the action. The weather was spectacular and conditions were great for racing.
Safety was the first priority for the day, and after a successful tech inspection all cars and drivers navigated the
course safely and without any incident. The most significant wear item for the cars was tire tread as drivers managed to leave some significant rubber in the parking lot.
Unfortunately, two to three cones will not return to the next
event; we thank them for their service to the sport.
Times ranged an average of 45-55 seconds per lap.
OVR Members walk the track before the autocross.
The day started with registration, a driver’s meeting, walking the course and tech inspections. Registration began
at 8 a.m. and the drivers were lined up and ready to start
by 9am. After a short break to recalibrate timing equipment, the day was off and running. The flow of the day
was steady and everyone enjoyed the challenging course.
OVR PCA participant Michael Schweitzer said, “That was
a great, fun, well run event.”
The field was broken into two groups of racers for the day
who switched between driving and working on the course.
Drivers helped work the course in various positions of
safety, spotters, timing, scorekeeping, cone replacement,
and general assistance. Cone replacement workers were
very busy.
Autocross Chair Bill Kief drives a student through the course.
The fastest times of the day ware posted by Tim Viars at
39.726, and 39.882 driving a 2006 Mazda Miata MX-5,
followed by John Mauro at 40.157 in his 2012 Porsche 911
S (991 model).
Fastest times for each group were:
911 Water Cooled P3
John Mauro
Mid-Engine Water P1
Andrew Schuler
Modified Porsche M1
Vincent Kreinest
Non Porsche X1
Tim Viars
The next autocross will be held on Saturday May 9, at the
same location on the east side of the Forest Fair Village
parking lot. Registration is open at clubregistration.net.
Come join us for another fun Saturday!
Mark Fritz pulls up to the start line in his 2013 Boxster.
Autocross Pictures
Nicole Dubnicay-Wellen - Member
Top: Robert Rankin powers around
the slowest turn on the course.
Middle: Andrew Schuler flies through
the sweeping loop in his Cayman R.
Bottom: Bill Kief leads members
through a track walk before the
Right: John Mauro helps clean the
course before the autocross begins.
Just Dive In
Ben Brinker - Member
Like many of us, I grew up dreaming about Porsches and
yearning to know more. There is always more to learn and
experience in the world of Porsche. The thirst to acquire
as much knowledge as possible about the marque is a life
goal that will never be complete, and I never want it to end.
Since my high school days of being the “Porsche nerd” I
have gone to college, moved to San Francisco, worked in
a bicycle shop and received an MBA in Entrepreneurship
and Creativity from USF. I experienced many things but
one in particular still had my attention – Porsche. Moving
back to Cincinnati brought me closer to the Porsche community I know and spawned a decision to dive head first
into the Porsche world.
mission Housing (unstamped!) and real 914-6 GT Factory
Fiberglass body panels (with factory signatures still present!). You can sense the excitement. From that moment I
knew I had to pursue this dream further.
While working with parts I had the opportunity to be
involved with a 1987 Porsche 911 Turbo – a vehicle that
will always demand respect. Who hasn’t heard the widow
maker stories? I have read all about 930’s and thought I
knew all there is to know. I was wrong. From the get go
I was a student to the 930. Did you know 930’s did not
receive G50 transmissions until its last year of production
in 1989? I surely didn’t and that explains why I couldn’t find
5th gear.
Not only did the transmission provide lessons, but also the
engine. Boost is an amazing feeling – I do not think my girlfriend has ever seen a bigger smile on my face, and I have
never seen more fear on hers. That rush of boost is all fine
and dandy until something goes wrong. Being nearly 30
years old, the wastegate had gone bad. The 930 would
boost up to about 0.8 bar and then BOOM! Fuel cut off and
you are experiencing the “Kiss the Dash Syndrome.”
The wastegate allows the Turbo to keep the safest maximum boost. The wastegate essentially houses a rubber
diaphragm against a spring and reverse valve, piped to
the exhaust and intercooler. The Turbo spools and excess
boost pushes on the diaphragm, opening the valve and
releasing excess pressure while letting you keep your foot
mashed. If this valve is stuck or the rubber diaphragm is
worn out the 930 brain cuts fuel, leaving you a violent cut
off. Word to the 930 owners – exercise your wastegate!
If it does not get used the valve could get stuck and the
diaphragm will bust. Replacement isn’t bad and people sell
rebuilt wastegates for a fraction of a new unit cost.
10k VDO Tachometer - 30,000 IMP (meaning this was an
original 10k tach, not a 7k or 8k tach that was converted)
Nearly a year ago I started The New Garage LLC - looking to sell Porsche parts on consignment. I acquired a few
customers and started the teething process. The business
side was fun but the enjoyment of learning about parts and
different mechanical aspects of classic Porsches was the
true joy. Understanding part numbers and how they are
broken down and encountering rare and unique Porsche
bits was surreal.
At one point last year I was working with an array of classic
racing parts from the 70’s and 80’s. The real golden period
of monstrous Porsches. I remember leaning back in my
chair and taking in all the parts sitting in front of me – a
real 10K VDO tachometer from a 3.0 RSR, 935 Throttle
Bodies (which start with a 912 part number just to confuse
you!), BBS TurboFins (unused!), 916 Magnesium TransUnused BBS TurboFins
Just Dive In
More Autocross
Ben Brinker - [email protected]
Bill Kief - Autocross Chair
I was then involved with compiling all the nuts, bolts and
fasteners for a 1966 911 restoration project. This was not
an easy task as you are looking at the most minute data
of a vehicle. This project is a concourse build needing the
original stuff. Kamax, Verbus, etc.
The Autocross Committee hosted an autocross clinic at
Porsche of the Village on Saturday, March 28. The committee discussed topics such as autocross basics, car
control, safety and registration.
This process got me thinking. If someone was restoring a
Porsche they could come to me and I could provide every
fastener required for the restoration. Acquiring the original
bolts is very difficult but I can acquire new fasteners and
produce kits that meet factory specifications.
Obtaining the information needed to build these kits is the
real challenge. I started with the book I had most readily
available – a genuine parts catalog for 356 B’s printed in
Being able to hold and experience this book was a privilege in itself. My grandmother, an antiques dealer, taught
me to respect these classic items and to see the value of
information held within. Items like these are invaluable for
Porsche history and information.
After nearly 40 plus hours of logging information, I completed the book. I have all the fastener information for
a 356 B logged. I am now in the process of generating,
packaging and providing these kits.
Photo by Grant Karnes
For those of you who can't get enough autocross, here is
some information from other regions about their autocross
Mid-Ohio Region
All events are held at the Columbus Motor Speedway.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the fee for PCA members is $25.
May 24
July 12
September 13
Mike Tepley - [email protected]
Jim Rybak - [email protected]
935 Throttle Bodies and 3.0 RSR CDI Boxes
There are hundreds of fasteners that go into any car. I am
up for the challenge and hope to have a growing catalog of
fasteners for Porsches. If OVR members wish to request
vehicles or kits please do so. Also, the resources providing
specific fastener information (Spare Parts Catalogs, Service Catalogs and Diagrams) are scarce – please contact
me to contribute.
Throughout my experiences in the last year I have been
looking for the right avenue to grow my business and my
character. Without jumping right in and grabbing onto
dreams and ideas I would not have learned the things I
have and wouldn’t have the passion to push further and
accept challenges – a lesson Porsche has taught all of us.
Northern Ohio Region
All events are held at Lakeland Community College. The
fee for PCA members is $25.
May 17
June 7
July 19
August 16
September 20
John Hulick - [email protected]
Doug Bradley - [email protected]
April Board Meeting Minutes
Josh Snyder - Secretary April 14, 2015 at Uno's Pizza, West Chester, Ohio
Board Members: Grant Karnes, Dennis Okin, Herb Beck,
Josh Snyder
Committee Chairs: Thomas Crihfield, Karah-Lyn Crihfield,
Dale Timmester, Rich Rosenberg, Brent Fagan, Gary
Nichols, Jerry Wolf, Kathie Hunter, Ted Hunter, Bill Kief
Members: Ed Busam, Tony Watkins, Mark Wilson, Larry
Lindgren, Greg Curson, Robert Wagner, Alan Coleman,
Jeff Renner, Rick Markowski, Jay Joyner, Andrew Spohr,
Jerry Piccioni, Andrew Lautz, Bill Atkins, Peter Von Meister
Executive Board Reports
President: Grant Karnes showed a 60th anniversary PCA
National poster, which he gave to Brent Fagan to display
at events. He announced that POV has agreed to a three
year sponsorship commitment and that the White-Allen
and Kings dealerships are also considering three year
sponsorships. Grant reported that Jim Briggs on the bylaws committee has circulated a couple of drafts/revisions
of the new by-laws. He also welcomed new member Peter
Von Meister.
Vice-President: No report.
Treasurer: Herb Beck reported that there was about $4500
in the checking account at the beginning of April and that
National refunded the club $3860 at the end of the year for
Committee Reports
Advertising: Josh Snyder reported that we lost two advertisers (Jaffe Jewelers and Bill Kidwell) and we gained two
new advertisters (Danny May’s Classic Auto Body and
Bruce Tittel.) Brent Fagan said the Metalkraft Coachwerks
also wanted to start advertising.
Autocross: Bill Kief announced that the first autocross was
a complete success. There were 32 paid drivers and most
people got 6 runs. The committee already has email feedback for improvements on future events.
Chief Instructor: No report.
Club Race: No report.
Concours: No report.
DE: Gary Nichols reported that the June DE is 90 percent
full. There are 18-20 slots still open.
Historian: No report.
Members at Large: Kathie Hunter reported that the club
has produced around 200 badges so far. Grant asked
about mailing a badge to all members to encourage them
to get involved in events. Karah-Lyn Crihfield will put the
membership badge graphics on the website. Kathie also
announced that Parade 2015 sold out in one day. She
urged members to contact National to express their frustration with registration. It is critical that National figures out
how to do registration.
Membership: Brent Fagan announced that there were 786
primary members and 497 associate members for a total
of 1283 members.
Newsletter: Josh announced that there will be a print issue
of the May Bent Pylon. There were some really good submissions for this month.
Past President: No report.
Rally/Tour: Josh announced that the details for the April
tour are in the electronic Bent Pylon and on the website.
Grant announced that Tom Cole needs to step down as
the Rally/Tour Chair due to work obligations. The club is
currently looking for a replacement.
Safety: Thomas Crihfield reported that the Safety Chair
position will also be open at the end of this year. He said
that Snell 2005 helmets will still be good through the end
of the year for our club.
Technical: Grant suggested a brake clinic sometime early
this year.
Website: Karah-Lyn Crihfield announced that all activity pages are updated on the website and that Concours
Chair Steve Nelson sent information to be updated.
Around the Zone
Michael Soriano - Zone 4 Representative
Greetings PCA Zone 4 Members,
With Spring upon us and many of our
region’s driving seasons about to begin,
it was once again time for us to hold
our annual Zone 4 Presidents’ and DE
Meetings. This year we were joined by
a number of VIPs including 2 members
of the Executive Council, Past President Manny Alban and Treasurer Aaron
Ambrosino, as well as Executives from
French Lick Resort. Street Survival Coordinator Randy
Faunce was also in attendance. National President Caren
Cooper felt it was important to have some of the new Zone
Reps attend another Zone’s Meetings in order for them to
observe and learn how they are run. She sent New Zone
12 Representative Dave Herndon to attend Tom Brown’s
meeting, and New Zone 3 Representative Vic Rola was
sent to attend my meeting. The meetings comprised a
weekend full of activities which began on Friday night
with a Welcome Reception hosted by French Lick Resort
followed by dinner at Forrester’s on the River. We were
given use of their private dining room and provided with a
reserved parking area for our Porsches. The next morning started bright and early with the Presidents’ Meeting. Attendees had the opportunity to win some fantastic
prizes generously donated by French Lick Resort and
were treated to lunch sponsored by the resort as well.
The spouses visited the Toledo Museum of Art Glass
Pavilion where they explored one of the country’s largest
collections of decorative glass and watched a live glass
blowing demonstration. I am pleased to announce that
many regions sent a number of members, as we filled the
ballroom at the Maumee Bay Resort. After an informative
and enlightening day of interactive discussions, many of us
went out to enjoy an evening of dinner and entertainment
in our own private VIP area at the Hollywood Casino for
some social playtime. Sunday’s meeting was dedicated to
addressing DE related questions and topics. In addition,
Zone 4 Safety Chair Chip Henderson discussed the work
he has done as part of the National Safety Committee as
well as the results from the survey he sent out to Zone 4
Presidents at the beginning of the year. A great deal was
accomplished during these meetings. Most importantly, I
wanted this weekend to be a balance of productive discussion and education as well as a chance for us to socialize and bond through fun, light hearted activities thereby
promoting my main theme for the weekend, which was
to encourage all of us to join forces and come together
in order to start working as 1 cohesive Zone thus providing even more opportunities for our members to enjoy the
camaraderie that PCA offers.
Be sure to check your local region’s website and newsletter, as well as the Zone 4 website http://zone4.pca.org for
the latest details on the many events close to you that are
being planned. Also, consider attending other regions’
events, such as:
•Northern Ohio Region’s DE at Mid-Ohio Sports Car
Course is May 1-3.
•May 2 is Ohio Valley Region’s Charity Wine Tasting and
•Southeast Michigan Region’s Devil’s in The Details Tech
Session at Munk’s Motors is May 2
•May 8-10 Allegheny Region is holding a DE at Watkins
•Join Western Michigan Region on May 12 for their May
Dinner Drive to The Dock on Gull Lake
•Motor-Stadt Region’s Porsche People and Pizza at Spagnoulo’s in Okemos is May 12
•May 16 is the Maumee Valley Region New Member
Spring Fling
•Michiana Region is hosting an Autocross at Tire Rack in
South Bend on May 17
•Tuesday, May 19 is Rally Sport Region’s Novice Day at
Waterford Hills
•Central Indiana Region’s Tech Session and Breakfast at
Pete’s Service Center is on May 23
•On May 24, Mid-Ohio Region is hosting an Autocross at
Columbus Motor Speedway
•Join Eastern Buckeye Region members on their RIDE to
the RIVERS on May 30
I look forward to having the opportunity of meeting each
and every one of you as I visit each region throughout the
year. If you have any questions or comments please feel
free to contact me at [email protected]
Brent Fagan · Membership Chair, OVR PCA
End of January, 2015 OVR/PCA Membership Totals
20 Years – Joined May, 1995
Primary Members: 786
John K. Brady
Luke Bruggeman
Total membership:
John S. McKean
Bellbrook, OH
James G. Powell
Cincinnati, OH
Who Joined the OVR PCA in March, 2015:
15 Years – Joined May, 2000
BarberLoveland, OH
2006 911 Carrera 4S Coupe Black
Gary J.
KlineCincinnati, OH
Thomas Coyner
2008 Boxster S Silver
Mason, OH
10 Years – Joined May, 2005
Vickie L. Dixon
1997 911 Turbo
Dayton, OH
Drew Everhart
2001 911 Carrera
Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Murrells Inlet, SC
Samuel E. Rogers
Richard C. Bieser
Burlington, KY
Cincinnati, OH
5-Years - Joined May, 2010
Erik R. Callaway
Donald E. Gillis
Cincinnati, OH
Loveland, OH
Brian Hamilton
Cincinnati, OH
1988 944 Turbo Nautic Blue Metallic
E. LordCharleston, WV
Tom Mullaney
2007 911 Turbo Coupe, Silver
Please welcome our Transfer-In New Members:
Cincinnati, OH
Richard Porter
Cincinnati, OH
1989 911/930 Turbo G.P. White
Donald Powell
Hamilton OH
1991 944 S2 Cabriolet, Gaurds Red
Matthew Smith
2009 Cayman S Silver
Villa Hills, KY
John Stroup
2013 911 Carrera 4 White
Lawrenceburg, IN
Dean Wallace
Cincinnati, OH
2012 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet, Silver
John YoungBatavia, OH
2003 Boxster S Black
May 2015 OVR Membership Anniversaries:
25 Years or More
John K. Andrews
Cincinnati, OH 5/1/1974
Stephen C. James
Miami, FL
Dana K. Bateman
Cincinnati, OH 5/1/1983
Albert W. Vontz III
Cincinnati, OH 5/1/1985
Michael J. Verrilli
Loveland, OH 5/1/1986
Jerome J. Siegel
Cincinnati, OH 5/1/1987
Ray Fiedler Cincinnati, OH 5/1/1988
Harold Linville
Tripp City, OH 5/1/1990
Jesse F. Nye
Jonathan P. & Nicole Henry
2006 Cayenne Gray
Plain City, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Transfer From: Northern Ohio (NOO)
Albert J. Merrifield
2008 911 Carrera S Silver
Covington, KY
Transfer From: Hill Country (HCT)
**To change your registration information**
PCA members may update their contact or registration
information on-line at www.pca.org. PCA will process
the change and will update the national database.
That database is used by PCA National and by the
Local Region to send informative emails announcing
local, regional, national, and international events.
Updating contact or registration information may also
be accomplished by calling the PCA National Office at
410-381-0911, or by mailing changes to, PCA National
Headquarters, P.O. Box 6400, Columbia, MD 21045. If
you have any questions feel free to contact the Ohio
Valley Region Membership Chairman, Brent Fagan, at
[email protected].
**To log-on to PCA.ORG**
Your initial PCA log-in ID is: your first initial, last name,
and the last 4-digits of your membership number, i.e.
Sonny Jurgensen member number 196400009 would be:
The Mart
1998 Porsche Boxster
Blue Point Ratchet Set
Silver with gray interior. 53,000 miles. 60,000 mile service
complete. Excellent condition. New tires. Well maintained.
Just purchased 911. Need garage space. Jay Joyner
[email protected]. 513-780-0802. (05/15)
Unused Blue Point BLPGSSC155, General Service Set, 1/4"
and 3/8" 155 pieces, unused, Snap-On Truck Price: 449.95
plus tax, For Sale @ $ 350. Contact: Brent Fagan, 812-3692260, [email protected]. (03/15)
Type 4 - 2 Liter Vintage Mahle Piston & Cylinder Set
I have a vintage set of Euro spec pistons & cylinders for
sale. I got this P/C set when I purchased my 912E 16 years
ago This set is brand new and unused. Perfect for someone rebuilding a 912E or 914 2 liter motor. This set is Euro
spec. I am asking $600 for the set. Please contact me if you
are interested. Thanks! Tony Scheurer (513)-404-0903
[email protected] (04/14)
Ads for The Mart are provided as a courtesy to any Porsche Club
member. Ads should be submitted along with your membership
number to the Editor at ovrbentpylon@ gmail.com or by mail to 6031
Belleview Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45242. Ads will run for 3 months.
Porsche Collectibles
I have a collection of die-cast Porsches (mostly 1/18th scale)
and collectible Porsche hardbound books for sale. I also
have a large collection of Ferrari die-cast models (in 1/8th,
1/12th and 1/18th scale), collectible hardbound Ferrari books
and Ferrari periodicals. [email protected] or by cell phone
513-404-0903. Tony Scheurer (04/14)
OVR Board of Directors
Vice President
Grant Karnes
(513) 533-4144
[email protected]
Dennis Okin
(513) 300-5076
[email protected]
Josh Snyder
(513) 602-7807
[email protected]
Herb Beck
(513) 398-5078
[email protected]
Committee Chairs
Members at Large
Volunteer Opportunities
Toni Lichvar
(513) 207-2891
[email protected]
Ted & Kathie Hunter
(513) 896-6895
[email protected]
Donna Spells Wilson
(864) 907-9091
[email protected]
Mike Valentine
[email protected]
Looking to help out and
meet new people at an OVR
event? Well, here are some
Bill Kief
(513) 910-9594
[email protected]
Norm Goldrich
[email protected]
Chief Instructors
Jerry Wolf
(513) 777-7911
[email protected]
Dale Timmester
(513) 858-3099
[email protected]
Brent Fagan
[email protected]
Mark Kosobud
(513) 469-3573
[email protected]
Rich Rosenberg
(513) 530-9090
[email protected]
Karah-Lyn Crihfield
(937) 733-8351
[email protected]
Zone 4 Representative
Josh Snyder
(513) 602-7807
[email protected]
Michael Soriano
Zone 4 Representative
2135 Old Mill Road
Toledo, OH 43615
(419) 843-2070
C. Steve Nelson
[email protected]
Public Relations
Drivers’ Education
Gary Nichols · Chair
(513) 732-3352
[email protected]
Dick Weiss
(513) 232-0485
[email protected]
Tom Cole
(513) 274-8547
[email protected]
Club Race
Bill Altvater
[email protected]
Past President
John Meyer
(513) 325-8071
[email protected]
Thomas Crihfield
(937) 533-3767
[email protected]
Dennis & Susan Okin
(513) 300-5076
[email protected]
Event Planning: Contact any
Board member to volunteer
your ideas for your club!
Create a new event, volunteer for an annual event or
come to a board meeting.
Creating family-friendly
events is important to the
Board. If you have an idea
for an event that is family
friendly, please bring it
to the board.
Monthly Board Meetings
OVR Monthly meetings are
held on the second Tuesday
of the month. Open to all!
Uno’s Pizza in West Chester
at 7:00 p.m.
Would you like to receive
email notifications for event
changes, updates, etc.?
Please contact the President
or Membership Chair.
Update your information
now on the national data
Membership Application
Porsche Car Information (required)
Year/Model/Body Type
License Plate # License Plate State
Car Use:
You must own (co-own) or lease a
Porsche and must be 18 years of age
or over to apply for membership.
Average number of miles driven annually:
Payment Information
Full Name
Mailing Address
Note: If you own more than one Porsche you can attach additional
pages with your car information.
Term of Membership:
1 year ($46) 2 years ($90) 3 years ($132)
Overseas (+$30) Check Enclosed
American Express
Card Number
Expiration Date
Country (if not US)
Name as it Appears on Card
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
For Overseas Members: Expedited mail delivery of your
Porsche Panorama is available for an additional $30 per
year. Please check box if you wish to use this service and
add $30 to your payment.
How did you learn about PCA?
Home Phone
Region Choice
Some regions also require additional membership fees/applications fees these are assessed directly by the regions.
Region will be assigned based on where you live, however
you can specifically designate to belong to any one of our
PCA regions.
Member Demographics (optional)
Birth date
Marital Status
Spouses Name
Names & age(s) of children
Family or Affiliate Member
You can designate a family or affiliate member as part of your
membership. This person must be 18 years or older.
I am interested in learning more about PCA’s Register Groups:
912 & 912E
Jagdwagen (Type 597)
Porsche-Diesel Tractor
944 Turbo S/1989
944 Turbo
911 Carrera (1974-1975)
914 & 914/6
911T (1969-1973)
924/931 (1976-1982)
D’leteren Roadster
RS America
911 Speedster Register
Cayenne Register
Please send your check made out to ‘PCA’ to:
Brent Fagan, 25 Hickory Lane, Batesville, IN 47006
Family Member Name
The information collected on this application is used exclusively by
the PCA and its regions for conduct of its activities. PCA does not
release any individual membership information to any one or any
organization outside of PCA and its regions.
Relationship to Member
Region Officer Name
Affiliate Member Name
6031 Belleview Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45242
The Bent Pylon is a publication of the Ohio Valley Region,
Porsche Club of America, published at 6031 Belleview Ave.,
Cincinnati, OH 45242 and printed by American Printing.
Permission to reprint any material published is granted
providing full credit is given to Bent Pylon and the author and
providing copyright is not involved.
Advertiser Index
Bent Pylon 2014 Advertisement Rate
Bruce Tittel .......................................................................... 9
Danny May's Classic Auto Body ....................................... 21
Diehl Insurance ................................................................... 9
European Auto Specialists Ltd. ........................................... 9
Forgeline.............................................................................. 8
The Garaj............................................................................. 9
Joseph Porsche of Kings Automall...................................... 7
Porsche of the Village.......................................................... 2
SCR Porsche......................................................................11
Statman, Harris & Eyrich, Attorneys at Law.......................11
White Allen European Auto Group...................................... 8
Wright Motorsports............................................................ 13
Eighth Page
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
Support our Advertisers as they support us!
All ads are pre-paid!
Contact [email protected] for specifications. Services offered in the
Bent Pylon do not necessarily imply endorsement or approval by the Bent
Pylon or the Ohio Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America. Advertisement rates are paid in support of the Ohio Valley Region Porsche Club
of America and will appear as timely as possible. The Bent Pylon cannot
guarantee services performed. Members experiencing difficulty or unsatisfactory service should contact the advertiser directly and, failing to receive
adequate response, should contact the local Better Business Bureau, notifying the advertiser of such action. Caveat Emptor.
The Bent Pylon gladly accepts all articles for publication. If you would like to
submit any length article for the Bent Pylon, please feel free to do so. All articles and ads must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication.
Mart ads and articles can be e-mailed to the editor at ovrbentpylon@gmail.
com or by mail to: 6031 Belleview Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45242. Region information is also available on the web at http://www.ovrpca.org.